II PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY, BY W. It. DUNN. Xnom In Knox's Building, Eln Street. TERMS, $2.00 A YEAR. Ho Subscriptions received for shorter period tlinii throe months. Correspondence solicited from nil parts of the country. No notice will ho taken of anonymous communications. Marrlagos and Death notices inserted gratis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONXSTA LODGE, NO. 477. I. O. Gk T. 11 Teste every Wednesday evening;, at 11 o'clock. W. R. DUNN, W. C. T. M. W. TATE, W. 8. a, ji a wto if rams, milks w. tatb. PKTTIS TATS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A h Sir ft, TIOXESTA , PA . Isaac Ash, ATTORNEY AT I.. AW, Oil City, Pa. Will practice In the various Courts of Forest County. All business entrusted to lt rare will receive prompt attention, lo ly W. K. Latly, ATTORNEY AT IAW AND SOLICI TOR IN BANKHTPTCY, Tionosta, forest Co., Pa., will practice in Clarion, Venango and Warren Counties. Ofllce on Elm Htreet, two doors above Lawrence's reeery store. tf. W. W. Mason. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlcton Elm N(reet, above Walnut, Tlonesta, Pa. C W. GUflllan, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Te nango Co., Pa. tf. N. B, Smiley, ATTORNEY aT LAW, Petroleum Cen tre, l'a. Will practice in the several Courts of Forest County. 85-ly Holmes House, qnONESTA, PA., opposite the Pepot. 1 C. I). Mahle, Proprietor. Good Sta bling connected with the house. tf. Jos. Y. Saul, rRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad -I dler. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tionesta, Pa. All work is war ranted. tf. Syracuse House, T1DIOUTF, Pa., J. A I) Maoii, Trople tors. The house has been thoroughly refitted and Is now in the lirst-class order, with the best of accomnnxla'ions. Any ntbrmatlon concerning Oil Torritory at this point will be choornuiv nirnisiioti. -iy J. AD. MAO KB, Exchange Hotel, IOWKR TIDIOUTE, Pa., D.S. Rams J Dim, A 8o! Prop's. This house having been rented is now the most desirable stop ping place in Tidioute. A good Billiard Koona attached. 4-ly National Hotel, TRVINETON. PA. W. A. ITallenback. . Proprietor. This hotel is Nw, and Is ,.9w open as a first class house, situate at eejunction of the Oil Creek Allegheny .liver and Philadelphia Erie Railroads, eposite the Depot. Parties having to lay ver trains will Und this the most conveu nt hotel in town, with first-class aocom- ciods lions and reasonable charges, tr. TifTt Sons Sl Co.' NEW ENGINES. The undersigned have forsale and will receive orders for the above Kmrlno. Mossrs. Tint sons x Co. are now sending to this market their 12 Horse Power Kngine with 14-Horse Power Boiler Deculiaiiv adapted to doep wells. OrricKH at Duncan A Chalfanl's, dealers In Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, MainSU next door to Chase House, .Pleasautville, and at Mansion House, Titusvilln. tf. K. DUETT A SON, Agents. Jolr K. Hal'.ock, A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of A Pat itB.No. 505 t ronch streot(opposito lteerl House) r.rio, I a, win nnun in the several Slide Courts and the United States Courts. Special attention given to soliciting patents ror inventors j lnirmgo ments, re-issue and extension of patents carefully attended to. References: Hon, James Campboll, Clarion ; Hon. John H. Met almont. Franklin; II. L. A A. H. Richmond, MeadviUot W. E. Lathy. Ti onesta. S 7 Dr. J. L. Acorrb, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has had fifteen years' experience in a large and suecossfuf practice, will attend all Professional Calls. Otlice in his Drug and Orocery tstoro, locatod ia Tidioute, noar Tidioute House. IN IIIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, Gloss, Paints, Oils, Cutlery, and fine Groceries, all of the best quality, and will be sold at reasonable rates. 11. It. BURGESS, an experienced Drug gist from New York, has charge of the Store. All prescriptions put up accurately. W. PMercilliott, Attorney at JL w . AND HE. 4 Li ESTATE AG EXT. TIONESTA, PA. -tf JOHN A. DALE, PREI'T. OHNA. PROPER, VICtPREST. A. H.STEELE, CASHR, TIOHSTEST-A. SAVINGS BANK, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. This Bank transact a General Banking, I 'nlliwtlnir anrl KxchanirO ISusinOSS. Drults on the Principal Cities of the United Stutes and Europo bought and sold. Gold and Silver Coin and Government Securities bought and sold. 7-30 Bonds converted on Hie most fuvoruble terms. Interest allowed outline deposits. Mar. 4, tf. NOTICE. TAR. J. N. MOLARD, of Tidioute, has XJ ruturnsd to his practice utlrr an ab sence of four months, spent in the J lo.-pi-UlsofNew York, whore will attend calls in his profession. Olliee in Eureka Drug Store, 3d door abovo the hunk, Tidioute, Pa. 4'Jtf $10 MADE l'UOM 50 G TS. Something urgently needod by everybody Cull and examine, or Biin.ples fcont postage pjid (or 50 els that retail easilv for $10. R. 1. WiVort, 11 CVithrm ;q., V, Y. IB ft Forest M Let us have Faith VOL. III. NO. 48. GREAT EXCI TFMENT ! at thelStore of D. S. KNOX, & CO., Elm St., ionesta P. We are In dally receipt 01 the argestend MOST COMPLETE stock GnoccniDi and PROVISIONS, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET BOOTS & SHOES ! TOR THB MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prices. AND House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ac,, Ac, which we offer at groatly re duced prices. :o: FURNITURE I FURNITURE I ! of all kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, 8PRIN8 BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tf D. 8. KNOX, A CO. GENTS WANTKD FOR TIIK XX LIBRARY OK POETRY AND SONG. The handsomest and cheapest work extent. It has something In it of the best for everv one, for tlio old, tho middle-aged and the young and must boenme unlverKaily popular. Excepting the Bible this will bo the book most loved and tho nicst frequently referred to in the family Every page has passod under tho critical eye of the reat poet, WM. CULLEX BRYANT. Rare chance for best agents. Tho onlv book of its kind cvor sold by subscription. Send at once for circulars, Ac, to GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher. S6-4t TlDSansom St., Piiiladelphia, Pa. SEASON OF 1870-71. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. Important Improvemens. Patent June 21st and August 23d, 1S70. REDUCTION OFPRrCES. The Mason A Hamlin Orran Co., have the pleusure of announcing important im provements in their Cabinet Organs, forT which Putents were granted them in June and August lust. These are not merely meretricious attachments, butonhance the substantial excellence of the instruments. They are also enabled by increased facil ities a largo new manufactory, they hopo hereafter to supply all orders promptly. The Cabinet Organs made hy tins Coin pany are of such universal reputation, not only throughout America, but also in Eu - rope, that few will need assuranoe of thoir superiority. Th ey nowoirer f our uciavo caninei ur- esns, in quite plum eases.init equal accord ing to thoircapaclty to au tiling they make for $00 each. The same, Doub'e Reed, Ifla. Five Oc tave Double Reed Organs, Five Stops, with Knee swell and Tremulant, in elegimt ease with several of tho Mason and Hamlin improvements, fli'i. The same Extra with new Vox Humana, Automatic Kwdl etc., $150. Five Octaves, three sets Heeds, seven stops with Euphoue; a splendid in struments, A now illustrated catalogue with full Information, and repuced prices, is now readv, and will be sent free, w.th a testi monial circular, presenting a great muss of evidence as to the superiority of these in struments, to any one sending his address toMA.SO.NA HAMLIN tlUHAN CO., 151 Tremout Street, Boston, os 5'jO liroadway, N. Y. 30 -H 4.00 P. M. Freight and Accommodation daily. - iilllii Hy Kev. T. Dk Witt Talmaok, The most Popular Preacher in Americn; Agents wanted everywhere, mnle or fe male, to sell this great work, is belter thau Murk Twain, and no trouble to sell. Dig I'rotits. Keud tor terms and illustrated i fiago circular, Evans, Stod.lai t C'o.,l'ub ishers, No. 710 tt;usrm St., Philadelphia. ill-' that Right makos Might ; and TIONESTA, Love and a Farm. Quito a number of odd and amus ing scenes frequently occur with par ties who visit the Clerk's office for the purpose of securing the necessary doc ument to legalize their marriage. Hut the other day, a young man, about twenty-one, accompanied by one ofi the opposite sex, equally as young, as cended the main steps of the court house, and then, on being directed to the Clerk's office, took up the line of march for its hallowed precincts. Reaching, he refused to enter. lhe rustic maiden, who was ex tremely anxious to see the marriage prolamine carried to a successful is sue, looked upon him with pleading eyes, and then taking him by the hand, in the most tender manner, beseeched him to go to the court and obtain the license. "Oh ! came along, Jake ; what's the use backin out?" l'cll in dulcet tones up Jacob's ear. ".Melindv, 1 can t. lhe old man will give mo fits if I marry you." Have nt you tola mo a thousand times that you would marry me in spite of the old man ?" "iesl yes! but there is "Is what?" "Why, the farm." "Plague take the farm." "Yes. but. Melindv." reasoned her lover, "hadn't we better wait till the old man dies, and then I'll have the farm, sure? "Dod rot his old sonl, he'll live fif teen years yet; there's no die in him. Come along now and git that ere H ceuse; I ain't a-going to bo put CfT any more." "I'll tell ycu what I'll do, Melindy, dear." "Well, spit her out." "If the old man holds out agin my having you till Christmas I'll marry you then, farm or no farm." Sure?" "As sure as my name is Jacob." "Well, lt her go then till Christ mas, but if you back out then, Jake, look sharp. "I'll toe the scratch then, by jingo, if the old man turns me olf the iiirm with a double-barrel shotgun.certaiu," and Jake looked as if he would. "Well, let's bind the bargain with a kiss or two and go home ; but look mi if ynn nut it iH" any loncer thau Christinas. "I won't back out any more', darned if I do." Thus re-assurcd on being married by Christmas, Meliudy drew off with her Jake. Detecting Counterfeit Notes. Many of the women engaged in the redemption bureau, at Washington, become exceedingly expert in detect ing counterfeits, matching fragments of notes, and counting currency. The ends of their fingers are educated to such a degree of sensitiveness that they discover counterfeits by simply feeling. A gentleman who, I think, must have been slightly jealous of this competi tion in the labor market, said: "JNo wonder they count money rapidly.they are so light-fingered." But their super ior officers bear witness to the iiict, not only that lightness of fingers enables thein to count money rapidly, but that they possess a quickness of preceptiou by 'which they count with lewer mis takes than men. It seems hard,though no doubt necessary, that if, in spite of their carefulness, a counterfeit docs es cape their facile fingers, or an error occur iu their reckoning, they are obliged to make up the loss from their own pockets. New clerks often lose considerable sums in cousequenco of such mistakes. A Rockingham Girl. The man who gets one of our best Rockingham girls for a wife, savs the Register of that place, does a splendid business for himself. No portion of the country that we have ever seen or heard of can furnish more enterprising womcn than ours A widower in Clark I Ar . , .. ... . county, a., liml the good fortune to get one oi our uockingnam gins, who, from hor poultry alone, t'ie past sea son, made almost enough to support a small family. This lady raised, from five turkey hens, seventy-five turkeys. In addition to these she raised between 300 and 400 chickens. She sent forly niuo of her turkeys to Washington the week before Christmas, and ob tained tor them tweuty cents per pound, the lot bringing C'Jl.10. Mie has sold $111.10 worth of poultry this fall and winter. In one month she gathered and sold fifty-two dozen of eggs, llns ludy is a young housekecp er, too, and 1ms the care ot a growing family upon her hands. The Elmira Gazette is responsible for the truth of tho following: Young men who go to see girls have adopted a new way of obtaining- k.sses. They assert, on authority of scientific writers that tho concussion produced by a kiss will cause, the flame of a gas jet to llicker, and easily luduce tno girl to experiment in the interest of science. The first kis or two the parties watch the flame to sec it flicker it it wants to -J TTrrWTTTftX T iXLaJT in that Faith lot ua to tho end, Li PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1871. A Solemn Old Joke. Judge Winans, who is ordinarily as grave as a grave stone, kept the House laughing, the other day, while attempt ing to get the Speaker's eye, and so oh tain the floor. "Mr. Speaker," f' tho Judge to Mr. Dawes, who wa . the chair. Speaker The gentleman is not in order. Winans I'd like to be told, Mr. Speaker, how you know that before I say what I want. Laughter. fcpeaker llio gentleman will take his neat. Winans Is there anything in the rules that requires me to be seated be fore I have said a word ? Speaker The gentleman is not in order, and the Speaker cannot proceed with the business until order is restored. Winans Would it be straining a point of order for me to address the Chair? Loud laughter. Voices from over the House, "Mr. Speaker!" "Mr. Speaker." Speaker Gentlemen will resume their scats. Cox Does that include the gentle man from Ohio? Speaker The Speaker has not yet recognized the gentleman from Ohio. Winans I thought as much. I have here, Mr. Speaker, a pair of spectacles of great magnifying power. Shall I show them to the Chair, so that I may be seen? Roars of laughter all over the House. Speaker The gentleman is out of ordor. Winans I rise to a point of order. Speaker The gentleman from Ohio will state his point. Winans That a motion to adjourn is always in order. Great laughter. Speaker Does the gentleman from Ohio move to adjourn ? Winans That was my wish when the Speaker invited me to be seated. Laughter. Speaker Does the gentleman from Ohio move to adjourn ? Winans No ; got over my hurry. And so the Judge sat down with im mense gravity, and the House fairly convulsed. What a Traveler Thinks of the Erie Road. To tne etraor vine aunr' " Sir : The simple justice which ever characterizes your straightforward pa per i3 not more opparcnt in anything than in its references to matters con cerning the Erie Road. Ilaviucr passed over a portion of its length recently, I took particular care to notico the manner iu which officials aud em ployees discharged their duty, the con dition of track and rolling stock, sys tem of night signals, running recula tious, tc, and I can only say, that all that human loresight can accomplish to attain absolute safety, is done. I had no predilections for the road or any of its officers ; but I was charm ed, aud cannot now wonder that, with Us broad gauge, quick tune, smooth track, ana elegant coaches, it is rapid ly becoming the favorite line, as the increased facilities required for passen ger traffic plainly show. It is time that falsehood and misrepresentation should be rebuked, ami the truth knowu. Let the people know where their wishes are consulted, and they will nut be long in showing their ap pieciation of it. Lever. It is well known that, in different parts of the world, there are people who eat earth ; among them are some of the natives of Java, who eat a red kind of earth as a luxury. This earth, which is soft and smooth to the touch, has been analyzed hy a German chem ist, who finds it very rich in iron, with a small quantity of potassa and soda. Some tribes cat eartlk to stay the pangs of hunger by filling their stomachs, and because at times they can get nothicg better; but the people in Java cut their earth baked iu thin cakes, as an agreeable variety in their general diet. Tho cakes, when slightly mois tened, are rich and unctuous, and the enjoyment in eating is supposed to consist in the sensation produced by a fatty substance. It is a curious fact iu the history of human habits. It is singular how the seemingly most important things will slip a man's mind unless he is constantly reminded of them. A Minnesota man, after living there a year or two and enjoying himself, had got all ready to get mar ried; when one day he received a let ter from Maine, and on opening it found it was from wife, asking for money to support the children. All that time the fact of his having a w ife aud children had slipped his mind. A team of reindeer is driven this winter through tho streets of Copen hagen by too Danish King. These reindeer were presented to Christian IV., of Denmark, by his bruther-in-law, Churks XV., of Sweden. A Philadelphia paper maliciously accuses a cottiuporary ttf cutting off the whiskers iu a picture which once did service as a portrait of Dickens, and publishing it as a true portrait of Hanlon, the murderer. U JDJU1 dare do our duty as we understand it."-LINCOLN. A Bitter Sarcasm. In the Golden City, a gentleman by the name of Jones recounts his experi ence of juries, lie lived in the small 'own of Bloodandthundcrvillc, where oo saw a man brought in "not guilty" of murder because he had shot the se ducer of his wife. This gave him an idea. He remembered that in by-gone days, one Mr. McMichael had horse v hipped him with impunity. Thirst ing for revenge, Jones went ofT and shot McMi'jhnel ; he was brought to trial, and told the iury that he once had a wife who loved hi in till the spoiler came, and that spoiler's name was AIcMichacl. Instantly the jury roared out "not guilty." Then he shot a man who pulled his nose in days of yore. When the twelve heard hira sob, "I bad a sister once who ," they mndly yelled "not guilty. lhen he killed a man who had caned him. "Ah, gentlemen." said be to the quo decemviri, "have you mothers-in-law? 1 had one once, but this viper, this asp, this corba di capnlln, this anacondn, this boa-constrictor, the deceased "not guilty, they yelled in chorus. Mr. Jones had another enemy who had cowhided him. He murdered him also, but by this time all his dssolute rela tives had been used up, and when he sobbed, "Ah, gentlemen, I had a cat," the jury absurdly refused to render a verdict of "not guilty," and so his lawyer had to get a new triul fi.r him, which he did, and thus cleared him. lie is now afraid to do bloody deeds. Formation of Character. If you ever watched an icicle as it formed, you would have noticed how it froze, or.e single drop at a time, un til it was foot long or more. If the water was clean, the icicle remained, and sparkled iu the sun ; but if the water was slightly muddy, the icicle looked foul, and its rare beauty was spoiled. Juit so our characters are formed. One little thought or feeling at a time adds its influence. If every thoulit. he pure and right, the soul will l e bright and lovely, and will sparkle with happiness; but if there be many thoughts or feelings impure and wrong, the mind will be soiled, the character depraved and darkened, aud there will be final deformity and wretchedness. How important, fneu, inui, u eiiuum be on our guard against every evil nil pulse and desire, and hear not to the voice ot the wicked. The Dandy. The effeminate man is a weak poultice. He is a cross be tween root beer and ginger-pop, with the cork left out; a fresh-water mer maid found in a cow pasture with hands filled with dandelions, lie is a teacup full of syllabub; a kitten in panta lettes; a sick monkey with a blondo mustache. He is a vine without any tendril ; a Hy drowned in oil ; a paper kite in a dead calm, lie lives like butterfly nobody can tell why. He is as harmless as a cent's worth of spruce gum, and as a shirt button with out a hole. He is as lnzv as a bread pill, and has no more hope than a lust year grasshopper, lie goes through life on' tiptoes, und dies like cologne water spilt over tho ground. Ohio is bragging over a man with a wonderful memory. Ho is fifty-three vears of age illiterate and nearly blind. but he remembers the occurrences of every day since January 1, 1828, when he was tune years old. Mention any date to him in the last forty-four years and he tells instantly what day of the week it was, what sort of weather pre vailed, and whut he was working at and conversed about. A gentleman who proposed a test provided himself with a journal for forty-fivo years, and after several severe cross-examinations, proved the Ohioan to be correct inva riably. An exchango gives the statistics of tho Good lemplars. I heir lodges number 5,480, with a membership very nearly ot 33o,2o0. lhe Hntibh Amer ican provinces have 4G7 lodges with 20,753 members, aud Scotland has 22 lodges ami 3,400 members. r.ew lork leads the list with 914 lodges and 7.J, 000 members. The principles of lhe Order are rigid, total abstinence lor life, and no compromise in any respect witli liquor selling or liquor using as a beverage. On the occasion of the assumption of the imperial dignity by the King, tho Crown Prince wore the Order of the Garter, which was not, however, very conspicuous, being partially hid den by the high boots forming part of the military costume. Ho wore it not merely for display, but (he said) in tho hope that the insignia' of the highest order of chivalry m l.ngland would bring luck, peace and prosperity to the future empire aud the ralheriaiid A young lady explained to a prin ter tne other day the distinction ue tween printiug and publishing, and at tho conclusion ot her remarks, by way of illustration, she said: "lou may print a kiss on my cheeks, but you must uot publish it. lie took her at her word, and then went immediately and ordered a suit of clothing for hi wedding. CAN $2 PER ANNUM. Bliss of Ignorance. Mr. Charles Lnplace is old he is verging on three score find ten ; but he sometimes looks back along the aisle of lime and sees dimly outlined in the distance some beautiful flower that he loved when passing that way, and recalls the pleasure that it gave him. Sitting by his lonely fireside, he often indulges in these reflections, and one night recently they came trooping around him like old friends, and the old man shut his eyes that his mental vision might become more clear. Just then soft warm lips were pressed lov ingly on his brow. It sent a thrill through him like fire. If it was a de lusion, he throught it tho sweetest he had ever known. For fear that the Bensation would vanish if he opened his eyes, he persistently closed them, and ever and anon the soft warmth of those fresh, sweet lips would caress his face, brow and neck. It was electrical. Surely, he had a fairy visitant, for he heard no footstep, not even the rustle of a tiress. But the tuspense at last became intolerable, and he opened his eyes to see the fair floffef that memo ry and love had conjured up. it was his Maltese cat ! N. 0. Pit. A man has just been dismissed out of the workhouse of Gratz, Austria, who prides himself on having received more lashes and blows with a cane than any man living, lie has publicly been whipped 20 times, both by civ il and military authortics. lhe exact number of blows that have come into contact with the rear part of his body can not be accurately given, but the man hi nisei 1 states that he knows lor certain that ho received, for deserting from the army five times, twelve thous and six hundred and twenty-one stripes. As this number has been ap plied to linn at five dillerci.t punish ments, we can guess at the nuge num ber he must have received at the other twenty-ono occasions. "It is said," reports the Boston Hct- ahl, "that some four or five years ago the clerks employed in one ot the banks that has recently suffered from lelalciition, applied to the directors lor an increase ot salaries, ine re quest was not granted, but the cleiks were told if they needed more money they must earn it outside. acter iu Denver, read in the columns .x -K Hutnliinfl an u-iwnrriArhar. of a paper he detested that he could not live, and, though expected to dio every hour, he determined to recover to spite the scoundrel of au editor.and to prove him an infernal liar. And he did. Anger iu many cases is better than medicine. A citizen of New Orleans w rites to the papers au inquiry whether strych nine given by tho police, to dogs is "pizen," and if so whether "it won't pizen the human being after sassengers is made." This pertinent inquiry has becun an interesting scieutinc discus' siou iu the Crescent City. A jeweller of Saest, in Prussia, as' a New Year's present, sent to the Crown Prince of Prussia a gold watcli-ciiain in which portraits of the leaders of the German armies and of the most prominent battle-fields are worked in a most ingenious manner. In the election campaign now going on iu Burlington. Vt., one candidate charges another aspirant with buyin soup bones at the market and sticking a pair of turkeys' legs through the top of the busket to "make a show in the street." A lady in London got the idea into her heal that the devil was iu her, and hung herself. If women go hanging themselves for a little thing like that, they are going to be mighty scarce, that is all. "Why," asks an enthusiastic gush er, "why, oh, why is love like a can al boat? ami knowing that conundrums are not intended to be guetsed,he replies to his owu question, "because it is an internal tiauisport." A San Francisco wife applied for a divorce from her husband on the ground that ho was a "confounded fool." As the husband coutesled the suit, it is generally believed the cbargo she makes against him is well-founded. If a citizen of Boston w ants a glass of lager beer he cau go right down stairs and get one, the whole city beiug undermined by a continuous succession of lager beer saloous. A German iu Richmond, Ind., spoke in German to a French lady who, not understanding.thought his remark insulting and went for him with a club. Ho buy his arnica, by tho barrel. Mrs. Field, of Fenton, Mich., lost her power of speech, aud after remain ing a mute four years, has suddeuly recovered it. The best short hand re porter can't keep up with her now. Chicago enterprise i almost cijual to that of New York iu every particu lar. It has even its row of buildings fulling and crushiug people to death with metropolitan regularity. Boston dances more than any other city in tho country. It it also famous for it tih ball. Rateiof Advertising. One Squared inch,) one Insertion $1 One Square " one month S 0 One Square " three months... fl 00 One Square " ono year .10 00 Two Squares, ono year 15 ''O Quarter Col. " . ( Half " " 50 00 One " " r 100 110 Business Cards, not exceeding one Inch in length, $10 per year. Legal notices at established rates. These rates are low, and no deviation ill bo made, or discrimination anion patrons. The rates offered are such, will mnke it to the advantage of men dol. g business in the limits of the circulation of the paper to advertiso liberally. . Cider Topers. When the Massachusetts Legislature under temperance pressure, passed a stringent Anti-Liquor law, they, they saved the cider of the good deacons, and so kept their frcendship. The Ger man was deprived of his beer, but tho cider of the Deacon was sacred from the unmannerly attack of the staute. Already, the effect of general cider drinking is showing itself in the rurnl districts, and the lioston Iraveler, the organ of the Temperance crusader?, after confessing that the faces and the manners ot the cider drinkers exhibit the eflectof their free potations, quotes medical paaiphlct, published nearly a century ago m Lngland, in which sickness in Uevonslure was charged to the use of cider. Such person, it is said, have the colic, and upon this gout supervenes. They take in "such a quantity of crudo gross tartar," that the blood becomes acrid ; the bile is rendered acid, and produces much mis-, chief, bringing on pains, anxieties and spasms. bach is the retribution the Massachusetts deacons bring on themselves for their unjust discrimina tions'. As the Traveller very justly re marks, "People who have lived in places where cider is freely drank, need not be told that the 'cider topers' are tho most uniortunato class ot drukards." There is a way to reach the heai t, even of the most hardened. . A yourtg widow in Berlin, returning home after a short absence, found this note lay. ing on her table: "Madam: X came here with the inten tion of robbing you,but the sight of tho little room decorated with religous pictures and two sweet little child rem quietly sleeping in their bed, touched my heart, lhe small amount ot money ly ing in your drawer I leave untouched, and take the liberty of leaving fifty dollars besides. A correspondent informs us that Abington. Illinois, has a woman kickist who could discount a mule. The merchants in that town have a fashion of filling the sidewalks with their goods. The lady in question, funding a barrel of salt in her way in' front of a grocery store.promptly lifted her No. 3 boot and kicked the bar rel into the Btreets. It took two men to put it back. At ft gntnerrf uecticut, a few days ago, a request was made that the four front seats be va cated by ladies over twenty, to make room for those under that tender nge. A malignant reporter says: "It is unnecessary to add that there was some rattling among tho false teeth after the service was over." A good old lady in Maine who oncd' commissioned her grocer to buy for her, among other things, a nutmeg iu Boston, paid him the money before he started. As it happened he forgot tho nutmeg, and when he returned home the old lady demanded interest on her money, a demand which tho trader satisfied by giving her a needle. A Boston lady, 'who has been there," says that, in view of tho awkwardness which men aid a lady iu rising from the sidewalk, she would rather remain in that position than have such assis tance. The gallants must not be so gingerly, but tuko hold with both arms lift uea'tly and firmly, and not disen." gage themselves too soon. A St. Paul girl got a pistol in a hotel and weut up stairs and drove everybody out iuto the snow, aud then" weut to an upper wiud jw and opened it and nsked the crowd, "How is this for high ?" They set a dog on her and treed her up the chimney. Those Western girls are full of humor. A Bridegroom in Monroe, Wis., dis charged a gun into a crowd of boys who had come to serenade him and his bride, and learned the next morning that htj instantly killed one of his new brothers-in-law, besides seriously wounding two other persons. An Irishman brought the following advertisement into pilliffss(ssiSs other day : "Lost, between this audi don't know where, an empty sack with a cheese in it; the letter G. P. were on the outside, but so completely worn off as uot to be readable. ' It is said that the height of ambition with a Piuto Indian is to marry a wo man who has laid in a good supply of dried grasshoppers for tho winter. A postmaster in Wieonsiu does not know what to do with a letter addressed to "tho most honest wheat buyer in Ber lin." A paper has this advertisement: "Two sisters want washing." We fear that millions of brothers are in tho same predicament. About six thousand women so fur signed the memorials toC'ongrcss,askinj that suffrage should not be extended to their sex. A Western editor represents money as"cloee," but uot close enough for him to reach. Soft soap, iu some Bha.plcases all ; generally speaking, the more ly you' put in the better