The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 07, 1871, Image 1

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    ti runLisrtKD iveut ftfEsbAt, by
3m In Knox's Bulldlrg. Kim.' Street
TERMS, 12.00 A YEAR.
No SnWrlptinns received for a shorter
period than throe months.
Correspondence solicited from all parts
of the country. No notice will betaken of
annonymous communication.
Marriages and Douth notice Inserted
I. O. O-. T.
K Teet every Wednesday evening, at 8
ll o'clock.
W. R, DUNN, W. C. T.
M. W. TATK, W. H.
a. wawTow rami. milks w. tat.
Attorneys at law,
Aim Strtrt, TIOXKSTA, PA.
Isaao Ash,
A TTORNFY AT I. AW, Oil Cltr. Pa.
-iY, Will practice In the various Court of
Forest County. All business entrusted to
til rare will receive prompt attention.
l ly
W. E. Lathy,
Forest Co., Pa., will practi-o in Clarion,
Venango and Warron Counties. Olllce on
Kim Street, two door above Lawronce's
reccry a tore. tf.
W. W. Mason,
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Elm
Street, above Walnut, Tionosta, Pa.
C. W. Gilflllan,
nango Co., Pa. tf. '
N. B, Smiley,
ATTORNEY aT LAW, Petroleum Cen
tre, Pa, Will practice in the several
Courts of Forest County, Si-ly
Holmes House,
n 'ION EST A, PA., opposite the Depot.
I C D. Mabio, Proprietor. Oood Hta
UIIiik connected with the house. tf.
Jos. Y. Saul,
PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad
dler. Three doors north of Holmes
House, Tlonettta, Pa. All work is war
ranted, tf.
Syracuse House,
TMDIOUTI-,Pa.. J. A D Maokk, Prople
A tors. The house lias been thoroughly
refitted nnd is now in the tlrst-class order,
vith the best of accommodations. Any
nformaiion concerning Oil Territory at
'hi poiut will be cheerfully furnished,
ly J. A D. MAUEE,
Exchange Hotel,
LOWER TIDIOUTE, Pa., D. 8. Rajhs
dkklAHok Prop's. This house having
been rellted is now the most desirable stop-
?ing place in Tidioute. A good Uilllard
tooin attached. 4-ly
National Hotel,
TRVINETON, PA. W. A. Hallenbark,
Proprietor. This hotel la New, and is
ow oen as a first class houso, situate at
exjunction of the Oil Crock A Allegheny
itivrrand Philadelphia A Erie Railroads,
pposite the lcxt. Parties having to lay
ver trains will find this the most oonvoii
int hotel in town, with lirNt-clons accom
modations and reasonable "bargca. tf.
TifTt Sons A Co.'i
NEW ENGINES. The undersigned have
forsalo and will receive orders for the
alstve P.uginc. MesHi-s. Tillt Hons A Co.
are now sending to this market their 12
lforse Power Engine with 14-Horse Power
Jtoiler peculiarly adapted to deep wells.
OKricrs at Diincan A Chalfitnt s.dealers
in Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, Main St.
nsxt door to Chase Houho, l'lcusantville,
and at Mansion House, Titiisvilla.
tf. K. BRETT SON, Agents.
Joh,r K. Hallock,
A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of
A fatenta,No. M. French streotfopposite
Reed House) Erie, Pa. Will practice in
thusoveral Htute Courts and the United
Htatea Court. Special attention given to
solieltlr j patents for Inventors ; Infrlnge
v fuents, re-Issue and extension of patents
cwefully attended to. References: Hon.
Sanies Campbell, Clarion t Hon. John S.
McCalmont, Franklin ) H. L. A A. H.
Richmond, Meadvillej W. E. Lathy. Tl
.tiHosta. 2 7
Or. J. L. Acorrb,
1 had tifteen years' experience in a large
ana euccesHiul practice, will attend all
Professional Culls. Ottk-e in his Drug and
(irocery Store, located In Tidioute, near
iiaiouie i louse.
A full assortment of Medicines. Llnuors
Tobacco, Cigars. Stationery, tilasa. Paiuta.
Oils, Cutlery, and tine Groceries, all of the
bust quality, and will be sold at seasonable
II. R. BUROESS, an experienced Drug
gist from New York, has charge of the
rftors. ah prescriptions put up accurately
W. P. MerciUiott,
Attorney at Law.
Tlouesta, Forest Co., Pa.
Tliia Bank transatUi a General Banking,
'..llAfltlitn u.iil It' ila.ll-A 11 II til It MUt
Ullll Mlip Mliva ' - ' " - " .
Drafts on the Principal Cities of the
' - .. . , 1 1.' l.
unueu ruiiuw min r.iiniin wmm im
;,.!, I mill Milvitr Coin unil Government
Kecuritics bought and sold. 7-oU Honda
converted on the most favorable terms. allowed on time deposits.
Mar. 4, tf.
DR. J. N. BO LARD, of Tidiouto, has
returnsd to his practice after an ab
sence of lour monllis, spein in inn im.ui
tulsofNew York, where will atUoid
aaII. In liiii nrofession.
Olhee in Eureka Dmg $kra, door
above the bank, Tinioule, ra. uu
Something urgently needed by everybody
Call and examine, or sun. pies sent piwtuue
m il lor iA CIS mat retail easily lor iu. i
) Wnlrvt, 11 'hhrai r...V. Y,
" Lot us have Faith
VOL. III. NO. 47.
t UteStors of
D. S. KNOX, & CO.,
Elm St., ionesta Pa.
Ws are la dally receipt o, the argsstand
which we are determined to sell regsrdless
of prices.
House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails,
Machine tools, Agricultural Implements,
Ac, Ac,, Ac, which we offer at greatly re
duced prices.
of all kinds,
ES, Ac, Ac, Ac,
In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see,
SONG. The handsomest and cheapest
work extent. It has something In it of the
tiest for every one. for the old. tho mid
dle-aged and the young and must become
universally popular. Excepting the Bible
this will be the book most loved and the
meat frequently referred to In the family.
eye of the jreat poet.
r.verv page lias passed under Uie critical
Bare chance for best agents. The only
book of its kind ever sold bv subscription.
Kond at once for circulars, Ac., to
ur;u. mai'lka.x. furnisher.
30-4t 710 Sanaom ISt,, Philadelphia, Pa.
SEASON OF 1870-71.
Important Improvement
Patent Juno 21st and August 23d, 1870.
The Mason A Hamlin Oman Co.. have
the pleasure of announcing important im
provements in their Cabinet Organs, for
which Patents were granted them in June
and August last. Tlieso are not merely
meretricious attachments, but enhance the
sulwtautial excellence of the iustruments.
They are also enabled by increased facil
ities a large new manufactory, they hope
hereafter to supply all orders promptly.
The Cabinet Organs made by this Com
pany are of such uulversul reputation, not I
only ttirougnoui America, uui aiso in r.u-
rope, trial lew win neeu assurauue oi uieir
They now offer Four Octave Cabinet Or
gana. In quite plain cases.buteqnal accord
ing to their capacity to anything they make
for t-M) each.
The same, Donb e Recti, Five Oc
tave Double Reed Organs, Five Stops, with
Knoeswelland Tremulant, in elegant case
with several of the Mason and Hamlin
Improvements, $1Z5. The same Extra
with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell
etc., IliiO. Five Octaves, three acts Heeds,
seven stops with Eupuoue; a splendid in
struments, f2.
A new illustrated catalogue with full
Information, and repueed prices, is now
ready, and wijl be sent free, With a testi
monial circular, presenting a great mass of
evidence as to the suriority of these In
struments, to any one sending his address
Tremont Street, Boston, os !'J0 Broadway,
N. Y. 3"-at
4.110 P. M. Freight and Accommodation
1 1 it . 'I h- Wi-i Tn u i fi u
The most Popular Preacher in America.
Agents wanted everywhere, male or fe-
i.. ... n.;u ..ri.n ufirlc in twitter tliuik
maje, v.i bvii viii - -----
Mark Twain, and no trouble U sell. Big
Profit, bund tor Uiuwi and illustrated ii
r.age circular, ftvana, ovouuari. a. vu.,
isber, No. IVi Sansoui St., Philadelphia.
that Right makeg Might ; and
In January last, says the Leaven
worth Commercial, John Wilson, a lad
about sixteen years of age, left his
home on Musquito Bottom, in compa
ny with his father and two neighbors,
for the purpose of hunting buflalo on
the upper Arkansas. The weather was
all that could be wished, game was
found in abundance, and the hunters
secured as much as their teams were
able to haul - back so long a distance,
and on the morning of the 10th pre
parations were made for a return
Not so, however, with young Wilsr-n
who had become enchanted with the
wild scenes and wilder sports. Tollim
it was a newlife of which he had often
read, but had now become a living ac
tor in its fascinations. To the left of
the river.aud beyond the skirt of tim
ber in which the hunters were encump
stretched the unbroken plain,on which,
within range of vision, quietly grazed
a small herd of bufluln, aud here and
there scattered groups of antelopes.
At this sight our young hunter became
excited, and only "one more shot" be
fore departing was agreed upon. Shoul
dering his gun, he started out, and was
soou lost to view as he picked his way
quietly along the river bat-k and tim
ber. Nothing further was thought of the
young man's whim by the father and
his companions who were cooking ra
tions for the return trip and peaceful
ly smoking their pipes.
Young Wildon found the distance to
the game much further than he antici
pated, but on getting within long range
shot, his presence was discovered, and
a general scamper was the result. Noth
ing daunted, he continued the chase,
fully determined on the last shot and
a dead buflalo. Onward he went over
the plain, through wood and thi iket,
regarless of all impediments; but four
legs could wander' farther than two,
aud he was left far in the rear. Time
elapsed, unheeded by him ; night was
upon him ; for the first time he realiz
ed that he was alone upon the vast
plain, his game beyond hut reach, and
companions he knew not whether. His
reckoning was lost, and he stood be
wildered. To add to his misery, one
of those fierce winds, go common in
that section, came up, and with it a
driving, blinding sleet, transforming
him into a walking icicle.
Cold aud benumbed he started, as
he supposed, for the wood along the
ravine, but instead, traveled from it
now hastening now slackening his pace
as the cold affected him. At length
he came upon a small clump of bushes,
under which he took shelter, sat down,
and was soou ahcep and lost to his
lonely position.
The boy not returning in a reasona
ble time to the camp, his father and
companions became uneasy, and set in
search of him. Guns were fired, In
dian whoops and yells indulged in to
the full extent of their lungs, but no
answer came in response. The same
was continued throughout the night,
and large fires were kindled on the
hig'iest eminences in hope of attract
ing his attention, but all in vaiu.
Morning came, yet with it no boy.
The day elapsed in fruitless search,
followed by auother night of demon
strations similar to those of the first.
The angu'.sh of the parent in this ex
tremity was almost unbearable. To
go buck without his sou be could not,
for there, too, was an anxious mother
fouudly awaiting their return from the
On the third day, after fully deliber
ating on it, the party concluded to re
turn home, form compauics of their
neighbors, and make a grand search
for the boy on the pains.
Awakening from his sleep, through
a feeling ot coldness, young Wilrjuii
looked out upon the dreary waste be
froe him. The wind still bowled, but
the sleet had subsided. His irozeu
clothes cla'uked about his body as he
arose and picked up his gun. He now
fUlly comprehended his situation, aud
bis first thoughu were of his friends
and something to eat. To choose hit
course puzzled him, yet no time was to
lost. lie plucked from one of the
bushes a twig, sat it on eud, and iu his
bovUl) way resolved 00 going l'e dire&
tiou it might fall. As the result will
'show it fall in tb oppositr direction
in that Faith 1st us to the end,
PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1871.
from which his friends were, and he
wandered farther and farther away.
For procuring food, his gun was now
his only reliance, aud as he trudged
along, a sharp look-out was kept up
for game. The first day out, nothing
in the game line presented itself, but
on the econd a small herd of buffalo,
on which he fire(l,passed him. His shot
was wide of the mark, and they were
soon away. So passed the third and
fourth days. Weaken 'd by hunger
and fatigue, he nevertheless, kept up
good courage, and hoped that if he
did not find friend?, he at least might
fall in with other hunters or Indians,
frieudly or otherwise, he did not care
much which, so long as his scalp was
safe and a prospect of replenishment
of his vacaut stomach offered.
On the morning of the fifth day he
came to a small stream, skirted by a
a few scattering trees. Here he gather
ed up some broken limbs, and pulled
out from beneath the roots, dry grass
enough to start a fire. This he did by
firing off his gun and blowing the wad
into a blaze, which soon grew into a
warming fire, by which his frozen
clothes were thawed out and himself
warmed. By this time he was too
hungry and worn out to proceed much
further, and he resolved on keeping
up his fire through the day and night.
While so engaged, late in the evening,
he was suddenly startled by a gruff
"How 1" and a big dirty Indian stood
before him, with a gun on his back and
the hind quarters of an antelope.
"Bully!" replied Wilson, as he
sprang to his feet and rifle, "how your
self!" and he gazed in .tbtonitdiment at
the intruder. TTie Indian comprehend
ed the situation, proffered him a por
tion of his meat, and they sat down
together, roasted and ate raveneusly
of it. The heat and food livened him
up, and he soon ascertained that a band
of friendly Indians wets encamped a
few miles below. To this camp the two
repaired, and Wilson waa welcomed
kind'y and fed for three days, when
enough provision was given him to
reach the settlements. His course was
pointed out,, and he started on his
homeward jotrrney. He traveled three
days, when he fell in with his futher
and his friends, who were returning to
renew, the search for him. The meet
ing was a joyous one, and young Wil
son is content with "onlv one more
shot 1"
A Nice Point.
A fellow earned Donks was lately
tried at Yuba, California, fur entering
a miuer's tent aud stealing a batr of
gold-dust valued ut $84. The testimo
ny showed that he had once been em
ployed there, and knew exactly where
he kept hi& dust; that on the night
specified he cut aslit iu the tent.reach-
in, took the bag, and ran off. The
principal witness testified that ho saw
the hole cut, saw the mau reach in,
end heard him run away. "I rushed
after him at once," continued the wit
ness, "but when I caught him I didn't
find Bill's bag, but found it al'tei wards
where he had thrown it." "How far
did he get when he took the dust?" in
quired the counsel, "Well, he was
stoopin over half way iu, I should
say, replied the witness. ".May it
please your honor," interposed the
counsel, "the indictment is t'i sustained
and I shall demand an acquittal on di
rection of the court. The prisoner is
on trial for entering a dwlling iu the
uight time, with inteut to steal. The
testimony is clear that l e made an
opening through which h protruded
himself about half way and stretched
out his arms and committed the theft.
But the indictment charges that he act
ully entered the tent or dwelling. Now
your Honor, can a man euter a house
when only one-half of his body is in
and the other half out?" "I shall
leave the whole matter to the jury.
They must judge of the law, and the
fact is proved," replied the judge. The
jury brought in a verdict of "guilty as
to one-half of his body, and not guilty
as to the other half." The judge sen
tenced the guilty purl to two yeurs'
imprisonment, having it to the prison
er's option to have the innocent part
cut off, or to take it aloug with him.
The Pennsylvania Stale Journal
says that apples are rotting so fast in
some parts of the rural dislricU, that
the farmers are feed.iug their cattle
upou them.
dare do our duty as We understand it"--LINCOLN.
One Touch of Nature.
There are certain profound and nor
mal elements in human nature, which
become crystalized in poetry or fable,
and are thus found, iu slightly differ
ing shape, scattered through all peri
ods of history and all strata of society.
Every one has heard of Sir Philip
Sydney refusing the draught of fair-water
in favor of a wounded soldier, and
williin a few days we have heard the
story of a dying naval commander
who, in the inid?t of his agony, thought
to seud an order for a blanket to a
seaman in place of the one hastily
snatched for his pillow of pain. The
following extract, from the Courtier
du Bat-lihin (.through the medium of
its American name-sake), gives the
same theme in a new but very touch
lug shape. It does not greatly con
cern us to inquire into the historical
accuracy of this or of its companion
anecdotes. The Itallians have a pro
verb, Se non e vero e ben trovato, which
might be freely translated : "If it is
not true it deserves to be." So with
the present extract, the beauty and es
sential truth of the scnt.ment may well
close our eyes to the investigation of
its merely literal verisimilitude. It
would be unkind as well as unphiloso
phic to question that such incidents
may have happened, and probably,still
happen, whether at Metz in the year of
grace 1780 or no. Neither is its pub
lication open to the charge of F anco
mania. Tro Tyriugve; the feeling in
volved is humanitarian, not local, and
will awake a responsive throb under
the blue tunic of the Landicehrmann
as under the green frock of the chasseur
d Afrique. But to the story.
"On the 8th of October the chloro
form began to give nut at Metz. A
few local druggists had tried to make
it; but the product was not fit for use,
and the real article was scarce. At
ho temporary hospital of the polygon
reu ul), where I was on duly, we had
hardly a litre and a half left. As we
did not known how long the siege might
yet last, it was our urgent duty to be
sparing with it. On the morning after
the fight, at Ladonchamps, there was a
terrible influx of wouuded, and we had
our hands full.
"A chasseur of the guard is brought
into the operating room, with his hand
badly shattered. It is found necessary
to take off the bone to which the little
finger is attached the fifth metacar
pal. The mun comes in ou foot, still
holding fust his gun, which he carries
slung over his back.
'Well, my good friend, we shall have
to have a bit of an operation.'
'I know it, major ; that's what I'm
here for.'
'Would you like to be made inseusi
bler 'Oh, dear, yes. I'vesuffcied so much
all night that I don't think I could
stand it.'
. 'Are you particular about hV
'Why, is it very scarce uow that
stuff that puts you to sleep V
'We have scarcely any left.'
The chasseur reflected a moment iu
silenee, then, suddenly
'Well, keep "it for those who have
lost legs or arms ; but be quick.'
He put his poor blue cravat, still
bloody, in his mouth, lay down, and
held out his hand.
The operation over
Did it hurt you much?'
'ies, init what can you duT Wo
poor fellows must help one another.' "
27ie Aldine, for February.
The Cincinnati Oatette "rises to ex
plain" its views about a popular poem,
aud the duties of the mouern news
papers there unto, in the following
laguage: "We throught we were
going to get through the Winter
without having a call for the poem
enlitled the 'Beuutiful Snow,' but the
falling flakes yesoirday brought out
' a 'Lady Subscriber' who desired to see
' it in print once more. It is a wonder
ful poem one of those distilled to
j live for her and occupy a warm
corner in the heart cf ajl womeukiud.
i We have published it twice every
winter fBr the past ten years, but must
decline this winter. We don't wish to
wear it MtU It & beautiful poem.
It was written by Major Sigouruey,
Charles Faxon Dora Shaw, and a
man Darned Watson. One or two
other persons may have assisted, but
they are not worthy vf wtentUo.
Tho End of a Demi-Monde.
Mabel Grey has died of consump
tion, and London mic-es a celebrity
better known than the thousands of
virtuous and titled women who passed
her carriage on Rotten Row with avert
ed head, and whose appearance was
as attractive to the multitude as that
of the Princess Alexandria herself
Her portrait in the shop windows
claimed precedence of that of the
Bishop of Oxford. She had a dozen
Peers in her train, at one lime was en
gaged to marry the heir of one of
England's oldestdukedoms, aud num.
bered the naughty Prince of Wales
among her admirers. For three or
for years Mabel Grey has held undis
puted sway as queen of the demi
monde, a long reign for the sovereign
of that unstable kingdom, the glory of
tho concert hall, the unapproachable
deity of all tho cads of London, the
favorite affectation of the golden youth.
How well she played her part is shown
by the fact that only a liberal annuity
sufficed to buy her off from the pur
suit of a young and foolish nobleman
of high -rank, who had promised to
marry her. The good mothers will
feel easier now that she is finally re
moved from her wicked conquests, but
the poor to whom she was as generous
as if she had been virtuous, and more
so, will be the only mourners of Mabel
John Beaty is a lover. He bows be
fore the schrine of bright ey is and ro
sy lips ; but being subject to the paren
tal lnterdict.his interviews a1 e clandes
tine. A few evenings since he was
paying court to his uulcinea. She had
smuggled him into the parlor, and the
darkness only served to conceal her
blushes while John told the story of his
love. The muttered words reached the
parental ear, and coming suddeuly in
to the roorn he demanded to know of
Mary who it was she had with ber.
"It's the cat, sir," was the numbling re
ply, "Drive it out of here," thunderd
paterfamilias. "Scat ("screamed Mary
and then sollo voce: ("John, growl a
little,") John set up a woful yowl.
"That cat's got a cold" remarked the
parent. John yowled louder than ever.
"Confound it bring a light, and scare
the thing out." This was too much,
and John made a leap for the window,
carrying glass and frame with him.
"Thunder! what a cat?" said the pa
rent, contemplating the ruin after the
light was brought : "I never saw any
thing like it, and confound it, its tail
is made out of broadcloth," as he
viewed a ilutteiing rcmnaut hanging
from the wind.
One of the London Timet' cor
respondence relates au incident illus
trating the utter demoralized con
dition of Chanzy's army. Two dra
goons found themselves surrounded
aud about to be taken prisoners by
some thirty Mobiles. One of them
talked a little French, and one of the
French soldiers was an Alautiau who
could speak German ; there was thus
no difficulty iu communicating. The
dragoons refused to surrender on an
entirely new aud original ground. "If
we go with you," said they, "we shall
shate your discomfort; but if you
come with us you will share our com
fort and escape all the danger and
hardships oi uie war. uu too nuu.s
you will gain more by letting us take
you than by making prisoners of us."
This reasoning proved irreisstible,
two dragoons rodo back to their reg
meut wkh their thirty Mobiles follow
ing them like sheep. The Grand Duke
was so much pleased with the readiucss
thev had displayed upou the occasion,
that he made each of them a baud
some present, which one of them was
not distiiied long to enjoy, for he was
shot dead a few hours later.
When Horace Greeley traveled in
Europe he was impressed with the
valuo of drainage,, and immediately
got up an antethelical agricultural
nroverb to the effect that if a man
didn't drain bis farm, his farm would
dran him. Then Horace went to Lorn
bardy, where he witnessed the fructify
ing influence of Irrigation by means of
dams; whereupon he added another
proverb to his store of terse sayiugs:
"If a mau don't dtun-his farm, bis farm
will 4 him."-
; Rates of Advertising.
One 8quans(t Inch,) one Insertion 1
OneSipiarw ' ' one mouth 3
One .Square ' three mouths... 1 K
One Hi.inre "" ' ono Jk-iW- . . 10 W)
Two fiMw,one year li i-o
(ilflrter Col. " SO ()
Half " " (A m
One " "" ". 100 t)0
Iluslncx Cards, not exceeding on Inch
In length, (10 per year.
Legal notices at established rates.
These rates are low, and no deviation -A
ill bo made, or discrimination among'
I Ht rons. The rates ottered are such, a
will make it to the advantageof mendoi
business in the limits of tne circulation of
tho paper to advertise liberally.
One-headed girls are going out of
Motly has mashed potatoes at every
Beau Brummcl declined to wed a
girl who consumed cabbage.
Few of the woman's rights shriekcrs
darn their own hosiery.
Letters from Florida speak of ripe
oranges, open windows and a temper
ature of seventy-seven degrees.
Henery King, of Lake county, O.,
owns a cow, whose milk fur seven
days yielded fifteen pounds and seven
and a half ounces of butter.
In Rome there ia a regularly organ
ized and established Amrican club,
patronized by the nobility, and the
rendezvous of all Yankees aboard.
An act imposing not less than thirty
one years' imprisonment for injury to
graves, trees, shrubbery, etc., in cem
eteries, has been introduced into the
State Legislature-. It should become
a law.
Mr. Jacobs, it is said, received, with
in twenty-fonr hours after the terrible
accident on the Hudson River Rail
road, hundreds of letters and telegrams
congratulating him on his safety. One
of these telegrams cost him four dof
John P. Hale, our late Minister to
Spain, is in Washington. He is the
mere shadow of his former self, and
can only walk slowly and painfully. In
spite of his illness, however, he can
hardly fail to enjoy the society of his
old poltical and personal friends.
The Sixth Congressional District of
Michigan embraces a territory larger
than Massachusetts and Rhode Island
or the Duchy of Baden and the
Kingdom of Saxony. The Fourth Con
gressionol Distrit emberces a territory
more extensive than Connecticut and
Delaware, or the Kingdom of Wurteni
bnrg. . "
Senator Revels, at the close of his
official term, is to be a locturing agent
of the Congress Temperance Society
at the South. It is not every Senator
of the United States who is qualified
for so useful a vocation, though
some of them got might around with
Revels, as "awful examples," to
general satisfaction.
A Hoosier on a western steamboat,
when a passenger, laid down with
his boots on. The steward seeing
this, angrily said: &ir, you have laid
down with your boots on.' Mr.
Hoosier calmly raised his head, and
looking down at his boots, innocently
replied, 'Oh it wont hurt them; they
are not tho best pair.'
An irascable old gentleraar woe taken
with sneezing in the cars lately. After
sneezing in a most spasmodio way
eight or ten times, he arrested the par
oxysm for a time, and extracting, his
handkerchief, he thus indiguantly ad
dressed hie nasal organ: "Oh! go on
goon ; you'll blow your infernal
brains out presently 1"
When Thackeray was in Boston, he
asked the proprietor of a hotel on Sun
day morning where Theodore Parker
preached, and wben the man of smiles
and bows said he did not know, he, ex
claimed in his most astonished tones:
"Don't know? Why, sir, we've heard
his voice away across the Atlantic. He
is the greatest preacher in America.
GmA iti.n fiml lifp linertihirhlf if
they cannot lay wageTS"."TrtI ijJllip i
hamton a favorite mode of winning
tho drinks is for a sharper to bet with
a yokel that he can stand an egg on
eud "right out on the flour," and he
can't brake it with a half-bushel
measure. The bet is taken the fiend in
human shape puts tho egg precisely
in the corner, aud if you wish to know
huw it is yourself you would do well to
try the experiment,.
A couple of weeks ago, Anna Dick
inson and Lillian S. Edgartoa met
for the first time at Aun Arbor Mich.,
a reliable account says they rushed in
to eatb other's anus; "the superb
bloudo, opened her arms, and the
small brunette nestled within them,
purring like a little brown kitten.
Henceforth they would be as sisters
and the last that was sceu of them was
a tableau of the brunetto sitting oa
the bloude's kuee, while both sipped
from the same tumbler a liquid which
the ingenious hotel clerk called a hot
lemonade 'with a frioj.' "