The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 28, 1871, Image 2

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The Republican County Commit
tee met last evening ns per announce
ment. J. B. Agnew, was appointed
Representative dclegnte to the Slate
Convention, subject to the action of
Clearfield and Elk Counties. The
Committee expressed themselves in fa
vor of a change in the mode of elect
ing the Slate Treasurer, believing thnt
he should be elected by the ballots of
the people instead of the present mode.
The Philadelphia Pre, of Satur
day, rather laconically remarks:
"Every county in IYnsylvania, save
Forest, has by this time, we believe,
presented its candidate for Auditor
General. Although somewhat dimin
utive in territory, and boasting but a
very meagre poll list, Forest should
not allow her modesty to overcome her
native worth, and thus lose her right.
Let her be heard from."
Do you hear that Bro. Dunn T now
is the time to name your niau. Clear
field Journal.
We havo in vain tried to get any
of our citizens to say the wanted the
office. We don't believe.bowever that,
the seeming modesty of Forest is hold
ing her back, but think she is layitig
off for larger offices.
Last summer a party of gipsies, con
sisting of two men, two women, and a
girl aped about eleven years, passed
through the village of Blmore, Craw
foid county, going west. Shortly after
passing throuch the place a mau en
gaged in hauling logs came across a
little girl aged about four years, which
Imd been left in the road on the route
which the gipsies had just passed over.
The man picked tip the child and took
it to his home. The little thing could
give no account of itself, nor never yet
has lias conveyed any idea who its pa
rents are. The general impression is
that the child did Dot belong to the
gipsies, and they stole it from some
iaraily and becoming tired of it, left
it in the road as above stated. There
way be somewhere a mourning father
and mother whom the publication of
tthis item may lead to the recovery of
their lost chifd. Will our exehauges
give it currency as widely as possible T
The above item has been going the
rounds of our exchanges for some time.
We thought in had been quashed by
the Meadyilie Republican, which last
week wanted to know where "Bel more"
was. The editor of said paper and
oureelf have passed many peaceful
summers in Cawford county, and have
both to learn where the hamlet of
"Bolmore" is situated. Change the
name of the place, or else stop the pub
lication of the item. j
Foster On, Territory. The oil
territory at Foster Station promises to
come prominently before the public
the coming spring. Three are now
upwards of twelve wells completed in
Chat vicinity, but. two of which are
pumping over fifty barrels per day,
the balance aggerate from ten to tweu-ty-five
barrels of oil daily. The aver
age depth of the wells is between 1,150
and 1,350 feet. A good many new
wells are in various stages of comple
tion, and many more are talked of.
The theory of an oil belt was advocat
ed by many, ami a direct line was sur
veyed through from Foster Station to
the Scrubgrass oil territory, a distance
of four miles. This theorv, however,
was exploded by a "dry hole" located
directly u the surveyed belt. Anoth
er well was put down some distance
from the dry hole ofl' the be't which
is now pumping twenty-five barrels
per day. Must of the territory there
abouts is owned by Messrs. Angeil.
Prantice & Whitney. The Central
Petroleum Company of this place, are
the owuers of a farm located a short
distance from Foster, and have a well
going down at present. As many of
our citizens are inieiested in tins ter
ritory, we shall endeavor to keep our
readers posted as developments pro
gress. Pet. Centre Pecord.
ATTkMPTr.D Suicide. Mrs. Minoi
Hatch residing, uiih her husband, in
th? boarding limine over Dr. Bailey's
otfi.-e on Pine street, and working in
llic -u'at ily of conk at said boarding
hous", ntr -uijit-'d to mm to it suicide, on
1'u'ndny nijjbt, by deliberately swal
lowing a tni.'jiooiilul of phosphoric rut
jHiisor.. The on tlmt evening
v( in to Abbot & Allen's drug store
aunt rtf0feil the ilerk to sell her some
arsenic, which vun refuted. She then
ct.itcd lii. it ho requited the poison to
kill ruts, mid finally 'inohue.'l a box
nf ''Collar's Rut Ex terminator," which
she took home and made ue of in the
milliner above mentioned. Dr. Dunn
was immediately summoned and an
emetic administered j als. , an antidote,
which hud the tiled of preserving her
li(o until lal evening, when she re
mained delirious. It is supposed thut
some deep trouble preys upon her
mind. She hud been married twice
before, and al'terwurds went to reside
iu New York, where something occur
red which is the cause of her present
determination to get rid of herself.
She has beeu married to her present
husband, who if a lalw rer on the rail
road, only six months. He is not a
strictly tcmcrat6 man, and has been
out of employment for some time. The
atteudiug physician thin! 8 it possible
Ue nwv recover. TUu le Herald,
r. R. DUNX
The following from the Vctiai'o
The latest dose of sickly sentimen
tal song is "Give My String of Buttons
to Joeie," by a Louisville composer.
The same author is at work on "Lend
My Chewing Gum to Gertie."
Miss Eva Clark, daughter of James
Clark, Esq., of Venango, Crawford
county, while having some teeth ex
tracted on last Monday afternoon, was
seized with an attack of syncope and
died in a few moments. The young
lady was 21 years old.
Another Bto St nncF A new well,
known as Surprise No. 2,Was struck on
Patchell Run on last Sunday. The
first day she yielded one hundred and
fifty barrels of heavy il, but has set
tled down to 75 barrels per day. The
working interest is owned by M. Goss,
R. Thomas, J. Carle, Thos. Moore and
J. C. McKinney, the owners of the
first big well struck on this lease. W.
T. Baum, Esq., of this city, is the lucky
owner of a clear quarter royalty in this
teritory, and we are glad to record his
luck. Patchell Run is looming up as
oil territory, and we look for brisk
times there in the spring.
The latest revenge of a servant girl
came to pass in this city last week.
The employer objected to his servant's
using his parlor constantly for enter
taining her Jeeines. This was a piece
of tyranny "help," objected to. The
girl left her situation shortly ; the em
ployer found ilver spoons twisted to
the shape of patent clothes pin springs,
besides a sugnr-bowl reduced to an ar
ticle of junk by being submitted to
the melting influences of a red-hot
stove. The unfortunate citizen is hav
ing his da innged silver ware made in
to a call-bell for the use of the next
servant girl, who he is now in search of.
She can have unlimited uscof the par.
lar. References given, if required.
We take the following from the
Conncautvillo Courier:
Three of the four Republican papers
of our county, the Meadville lie.
publican and Journal and the Cour
ier, are 5n favor of the Crav fold Coun
ty System of making nominations,
and theTitusville Herald agniust.
One evening lart week, a decrowned
by Mr. J. A. Power, of this place,
jumped through the glass door into
Ilammon's store doing no damage ex
cept braking the glass. Mr. Power
was inside the store, the deer seeing
him through the glass, went iu to keep
him company.
An old native of the sod was in
town ou Monday trying to dispose of
a load of "pratees," for whi :h he
insisted on having "siventy cints a
bushel, divil a cint less, d'ye mind."
Failing to secure the price demanded,
somebody raised the old man's ire by
offering him fifty cents a bushel, when
he burst out with : "Fifty cints, d'ye
say T before 111 sell 'em ler that 111
stay up nijfl ts an ate 'em!" lie took the
load buck home.
The Brooklyn (Iowa") Journal says:
"One of the most charmingly pleasaut
incidents that have occurred in the
history of Bear Creek, transpired in a
district school the other day. while
hearing a recitation, the lady teacher
casun ly looked around the room ai d
observed an incipient sovereign of six
or eight glorious summers leaning non
chalantly back in his seat with a navy
six shooter resting on the desk before
him and aimed point blank at herself.
It was not a good place to faint ; so,
mustering up good courage, she made
a slight detour to the left, flanked the
batterv and asked him "if that nasty,
dreadful thing was loaded?" "Yes em."
An unconditional surrender was de
manded in the name of the United
States and the euoerintendent of
Public Instruction, w hich was acceded
to by the youngster, and the piece of
artillery is now in the hands of the
A portrait of President Wooleey,
drawn on paper by a blackened poker,
is edifying the Isew Haveners. The
name of the artist is not given, but he
is evidently an adept at draw poker.
Xew Advertisement.
James P. Slprfjins, Treasurer of Forest
County in account with the Common
weal th of Ten nvl van la, from Jan. 3d,
187U, to Jan. 81t, 187 1. lr.
To ain't of State Tax. lf-70 $i'69 f2
" ' Ten day assessment 11 41
" " mercantile appriiisem't 163 50
" " tavern Pi onsea oil no eo
" " pamphlet laws 1870 12 00
" " credit ou Co. account 108 41
$710 -ii
Bv balance due last settlement J 1 12 22
Bv Stale Treas. reo't dated Jan. 81
1' 1 02 88
By Ktnte Treas. rec't dated Oct. 4,
IN' K5 D8
By Stat Troas. roc't dated Oct. 4,
1H" 101 50
Ily H'a'e Treas. roc't dated Oct. 4,
170 95 50
By peroentagoon J.".! 16 at 6 per
cent, 29 10
$740 28
Jaitina P. KllfirillR. Tl-Anwtlrni nf Virtt
Coiuity, in account viih tlio 1'uiuls of
am ouniv, ironi Jan. jm,
81h, 1871.
To am t due laat aettloment
" aeiiteil taxca 1S70
" iiidi.'ment, Unl ami
" Int. on " " "
M.-:i7 51
Hioo lii
1 'M 00
lit 25
t 88 85
64 37
200 CO
10 25
11 INI
76 Mi
8 0.
16 7T
04'l SO
11 115
fto C.i.
To rw d l'r m J. W. Miller, Ex
Treasurer To a-seasing Millstone Tp., from
I lk Co.
To county maps
' " ten day aawssment
' " rent of county lands
' " iMi'ance aiv t Of A. H. Knot
" ledcmi'tiiiii eiiunty lamia
" road tax, Kx-Trea. Miller
: " militia ' " "
I " couiiljr ordura
n.'i a;
1 l-V.l 41
17H 40
K1 72
lotu 41
By county orders redeemed
" coupons oountv boml "
" exonerations
" nent"it Minis returned
" lands sold to oountv
" ain't r harped on istiito aeo't
DM 41
" duplirnte road school orders SKI 74
" road suit school orders lSirt.7 1 81
Percentage on JiWtW H8 aehool orders MH 53
" " 421(7 4S road " iort 01
" " 1711 M " com. " 107 70
" " 3717 M hip level " 223 05
" 1078 40 coupons 6170
" ' R2aM4 rod t'n fund l!l t
" ' 14501 41 Co. orders 873 68
$-:nw 21
Ity am't charged to balance B'.U 35
Harnett Township.
To lail.mce due on lat settlement 5"8 48
llj orders redeemed otW 48
Hows Township.
To balance due last settlement 319 12
Ily orders redeemed 310 84
By Treas. Sctloy'a receipt 8 28
81! 12
Tlarmonv Township.
To bal due last settlement 219 74
" seated lands returned 1809 230 CO
449 74
Hy orders redeemed
' Trea. setley's recoipt
417 81
41 no
4 19 74
Jenks Townshin.
To bal.dno last settlement 1274 02
" seated lands rt. l(W-07 00 73
" am't rec. from Kx-Treas
Miller 10 S3
1315 68
By orders redeemed 1210 87
' seated orders " 1808-67 80 73
" cx-Treas. Miller's orders
redeomed 2 78
" Treas. Setley's receipt 41 20
1313 58
Hickory Township.
To balance due laat settlement 600 80
Hy orders redeemed 278 85
'' error last lettlement 228 01
500 80
Millstone Township.
To bal. due last settlement 1542 31
" seated rands rot. 1HS 3 95
1540 2G
Hy orders redeemed
" Treaa, Setley's roc't
1512 60
3 (kl
1546 20
Klnorslov Townshin.
To bal due last settlement 03 f8
" seated lands ret. not ch'd 44 74
728 P2
By orders redeemed 728 U2
Tionesta Township.
To balance due last settlement 1127 32
Uy orders redeemed 1127 82
Tionesta Borough.
To balance due laat settlement 67 83
By orders redeemed 07 83
Burnett Township.
To balance due la-st acttlciuont 2C0 08
Bv orders redoenied 241 11
Treas. Setley's receipt 18 V4
260 03
TIowo Township.
To balance due last settlement 1009 07
By ordera redeemed 1O00 41
" Treas. Setley's receipt V 50
1009 P7
89 95
89 115
Ilnrmnnv TownshiD.
To Imlanee duo laat settlement
By Treas. Setley's receipt
Hickory Township.
To ba'anee duo last settlement
By orders redeemed 262 70
" error in cliarKe 216 00
" Treas. fSetloy s roecipt 2 00
479 70
479 70
Jcuks Townshin.
To bal. due last settlement 965 55
" am't rce'd t'roiu ex-Treaa.
Miller 4 22
" am't seated tax 1807 'li 81
10 2 58
Bv orders redeomed
050 02
22 81
48 85
" seated orders " 1867
" Treas. Setley's receipt
1022 58
Kimrslev Townshin
To balance due last settlement 640 61
By orders redeemed 640 04
Millstone Townshin.
To bal. due last settlement 772 93
" ree'd from ex-Tr. Miller 21 65
794 OS
By orders redeemed
" Troas, Setley'B receipt
T72 93
21 05
794 58
Tlonesta Borough.
To balance due last settlement 6 82
By orders redeemed 6 t)2
Tionesta Township.
To balance due last sottlenicut 1205 23
By ordera redeemed 1205 21
Barnott Township.
To bal. doe last settlement 109 78
" ree'd of exTr. Miller 22 07
132 45
Bv orders redeemed
' Treas. Setley's receipt
P2 03
80 42
132 45
IfnU'A Tnwuuliin
To bal. duo laat settlement 700 79
" ree d of cx-Tr. Miller 80 79
797 58
By orders redeemed
" Treas. Setley's receipt
700 79
30 79
797 58
Jenks TownshiD.
To bal. due last settlement 702 86
" ree'd of ex-Tr. Miller V&
703 78
Bv ordera redeemod
,l Treas. Setley's roeeipt
702 86
703 78
Millstone Township.
To balance due last scllleinent
By orders redeemed
280 59
20 oU
Howe Township.
To bal. due laat settlement 1959 85
" ree'd of ex-Tr. Miller 1 70
11161 65
By orders redeemed
" Tioas. Setley'a roeeipt
1959 85
1 10
1961 55
Jenks Township.
To balance due last sotticiiiuut 1757 71
By ordera redeemed 1757 71
To am't roe'd from ex-Treas. Miller 69 95
By Treas, Setley a receipt 69 95
E. I.. Davis, High Sherlll', Jan. 1, 1x70, to
Jan. 1, 1871, in account with Forest Co.
To am I of Fees HW 40
liy Iocs uud services 1118 40
J. B. Agnew, Prolhonotary, from Jan. 1st,
1870, to Jan. 1st, 1871, 111 ut comit with
Forest County.
To am't of fees 6155
Ity I'uca and service 64
W. W. Mason, District Attorney, Jan. 1st,
1870, to Jan. 1st, 1h71, iu account w ith
Foril County.
To amount of feoa ' 20 00
By toes and aerv ico ' 20 00
County Commissi'. ners, in account w ith
Forest County from Jan. h, 1870, to Jan.
7lh, 1871.
A. II. Boot, to am't ordr drawn 809 91
Hy baL due pnr nlmot 33 4
" ain't due Sif (jinn
5 I " fit davs service i u S3
" UI2 milei travel
" cxpins.'S t Frank I in
" ex p. elin-rfu on li -ok
" cash ntiiit 1 leas, biggins
M) til
N. P. Wheeler, to Co. orders
drawn 0 10
To credit to ba'ancs . 18 IK)
2!9 00
By 1m1. due as per settlement 87 80
" Z (lavs' set vice l.MI 00
" 612 miles travel 54 20
" expenses 1 00
299 00
18 00
Balance duo
Benjamin I-'lliott, to County
orders drawn 635 00
To auit er. to balanco 77 73
By bal. due last settlement 01 00
" 141 davs' servh-o 4j:l Oil
" K2 miles travel 8.1 20
" expenses paid out 43 65
612 75
77 73
Balance dun
Jacob Mcreilliott, to County
orders drawn
To am't cr. to balance
77 00
24 40
101 40
Bv 23 davs' service
" 324 miles travel
63 00
82 40
101 40
24 40
Balance due
We tho undersigned Auditors of Forest
County, do certify that we met at the Com
missioners' oill-e at the Court House in
Tlonesta borough, and did audit, nettle and
adjust the account of tho Treasurer, Sher
1U. I'rothonotary, District Attorney and
Commissioners of said County, and find
tho same as set forth in tlio foregoing re
port. In testimony whereof we have hereunto
set our hands this 30th day of January.
A. D. 1871. "'
KM HOI.KMAX, . . ...
STATE M F.NT of Expenditures of Forest
County, A. 1). 1S70.
County Commissioners 1242 00
" Clerk 379 50
" Auditors and " 107 00
New Court House 3055 57
Furniture " 2109 21
.Sheritt's house and Jail 217 63
Wild cat and Fox bounty 97 60
Jurytwa 13.-V5 46
Assessors' services 246 22
Printiiur 6'M 70
Council fees lii.-, 85
Constables' services lilo 40
Jurv Commissioners 41 62
Court crier 7.-, 00
Road views 118 00
Fuel ' 129 68
Klei-tiona 213 70
Coinmcnwealth costs 49 45
Honk-and stationery 119 11
Court auditor 15 00
Court house rent 79 20
House of refuse 65106
Kcjristry exuensea 75 55
Wotern I'a. Ilospilal 124 11
Itepairinur bridir, Ma lo Creek 1J9 no
New brldjre, Claringtou 1700 64
Corouor'M fees 17 44
Hherilt's lees Jii8 40
1'rothonotary's fees 01 65
District Att'irney'a lees 20 00
Expenses to HaVrisburgH 75 00
Statementof Finances of Forest County for
t: o year ending Jan. EOih, 1871.
To ain't of county loiui 25000 00
" Co. ortiors ouUtund
Ing 4..09 32
To am't " for Claring-
ton Bridge 288't S3
To am't due J. P. Stains 691 32
" int. due ou coupons 1028 00
$:541U 87
By unseated tax, 18T0 4fi.Vi 12
seated hinds returned 10s3 02
" due from D. Black, ex-Tr. 809 18
Co5 ft!
Pursuant to law, we the Commissioners
of Forest Count , publish the foretroing ex
hibit of the receipts and expenditures of
said County for the year 1870.
In testimony whereof we hereunto set our
hamls the V.0.I1 day of.Tuut.a.y, 1671.
N. P. WHKKf'.F.n, )
BEN.F. EI,l.lOTT. Commisaioners.
BY VI RTUE of sundry writs of A emit
lioni Exponas, and L"vari Facias, ic
sued out of the ourt of C -mmon Fleas
of Forest. County, and to me directed,
there will be exposed to sale by public
vendue or outcry ut tlio Court House iu
Ti.i.e.-t.i, on
Monday, Feb. 27th,, 1871,
at 2 oeloek P. M., the following described
real estate, to-wit:
tieorgo S. Ixing vs. the Cherry and Trout
Run Oil and Miniug Co., al. veil. ex. No.
22 February Term, l71 Mason All do
leii'lant's right, title, interest and claim of
in and to a certain pioco or parcel nf land
situate in the township of Harmony, cow il
ly of Forest ( formerly Venango) and State
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as lollow.i, to-wit: Beginning at a post,
thence south ciuhty-niiie decrees east one
hundred and seventy-four p relies to a
post, thence south one-half dourec rt et one
hundred and tweni.v.twoand liiree-leiitlis
iicrchcs to a post, tlienee by laud of James
I uling north eighty-nine degree west one
hundred an I seven y-iour pcrehox to a
white oak, thence north one degree east
one hundred and twenty-two and three
tenths pei ches to a post, the place of begin
ning, containing one hundred and ninety
three acres of laud more or less, being the
same piece of land convoyed to the Cherry
and Trout Bun oilaud Mining Co., record
ed In Charters Book No. 2, pago 112, in
Venango county. Taken in execution and
to be sold as tho property of the Cherry
and Trout K1111 Oil and Mining Company
at tho suit of Cicorge S. Long,
Ralph R. Rolierts va tho Tjiko Erie Pe
troleum Company, levari Facias E. 1). No.
21 t-eb. Term 1S71 Tate All defendant's
right, title interest and claim of in and to
all that tract and pui-cel of land situate
ill the township of Kinasley. coun
ty of Forest, Stale of Pennsylvania, being
part of lot No. 6193 deserilied a follows:
Beginning at the northern corner of said
tract, No. 6193 running thence southerly
along mul tract 221 3-10 ierches to a black
:uk tree, tiieneo south 42i east 32perchoH
to a black onk tree, thence north 44, along
thetrart line l-i'i 1 -10 perches, thence north
42j we-t uy a lino parallel to the north
easterly b juuIh ol said tract No. 51! 3 one
liumlied pcrehes thence north forty-four
and a halt decrees east 08 2-10 perches to the
trai't line, thence northerly aiorg said tract
line 2-0 percliea to the plai-e of beginning,
conlaining 4oo acres more or Itws.
Also All that certain other tract or par
cel of luiul situate iu Kingsley township in
said county, deserilied as follows: Begin
ning at a hemlock tree, corner of said lot
theme running north 4ii0 west 141 3-10
pen-lies to a w.l..i hn'.cl thence south 44
west 87 iost, Iheiico south 43
east 1415-11 perches to a sUme corner,
thence north 41 cast ninety-four perches
to the plueo of beginning, containing hO
acres, being the aauio premises uonveyod
by deed fiom ll.iliiillon Stowe and others
toiieorge Hiibendorf, bearing date Aug. 7
18Ti7,aiiilail) i.ninglhe firstdnscrihed irem
isua on the faoulherlv side thereof mid the
BKine conveyed, by Ralph R. Roberts to I
the Lake Erie Petroleum Company and
part of lot No. 6194. ,
Alio A 1 that oUieroortninploce of land !
situate In the township nf Tlonesta In said
county, and is part of lot No. 5 1 Ml. and is
docri!od as follows, to-wit : lU'innnlngon
the east line of said tract .No. 6192 liltv rods
northerly from the sotithenst enrner tln re
of, running northerly along said east due
75 rials, theme northwesterly piraiel to
the westerly line of said tract t cnccsimth
wosiorly on sa d last mentioned line 73
rods thenee southeasterly parallel to the
southwest lino of said trail to tho place of
iM'ginnlng. conlaining 15 acres, Ih the same
more or less, being the same premises con
veyed to the Ijtke Erie Petroleum Com
pany by deed from Ralph H. Roberts.""
Aijio All that certain other pleeeof land
situate in the township of Hickory, count v
of Forest, State of Pennsylvania, and Is the
same piece conveyed bv'dood from Ralph
R. Roberta to the Ijtke Erie Petroleum
Company, and Is bounded on (he northerly
side by land formerly owned by the Phil
adelphia Oil Company, on the easterly side
by the East II iekorv Creek, on the south
by land of the Oil Citv Company, and on
tho west by the Allegheny River.' Contain
ing 6 acres and 24 rods.
A r .so All that certain other pleeeof land
situate In the samo township ami on tho
southerly side of the East Hickory Creek,
and is the same pioco conveyed b'y Ralph
R. Roberta and his wife to tho Iiko Erie
Petroleum Company, and Is bounded on
tho south by the Plank road, and contains
one and 8-10 acres of land, reference being
had tnsaid conveyance from Italph R. Rob
erts and wifo for'a more particular descrip-
Taken In execution and to be sold as tho
property of the Ijike Erio Petroleum Com
pany at the suit of Ralph R. Roberta.
C. F. Olllesple vs. John Mondv ot. al.
Ijcvari Facias No. 14 Feb. Term 1871 Tate
All defendant's right, tillo. Interest and
claim of In and to all that certain piece or
parcel of land situate In K liursley township
eonnty of Venango and Stalo ot' Pennsyl
vania, liounded and described thus! Be
ginning at a hemlock tree, running thence
north forty-six denreea west one hundred
icrehea to a birch tree along the line of
lands owned by Oeorge Babenilrotf, thence
north forty four degrees cast one hundred
and sixty-two perches to a post along the
line of lands owned hy B. 1-. I.acy, thence
south forty-three degrees east one hundred
pen-lies to a chestnut oak tree along the
lands of H. Stow it Co., thence south forty
four degrees weft one hundred and llft'v
aeven perches along lands o' II, Stow t
Co., to place of beginning. ont lining ono
hundred acres, strict measur , bithesaiuo
more or less, and being part of a larger
tract of land No. 5194, tho almve described
lands being the same convoyed bvlho said
party of the second part to the said partios
hereunto of the first irt bv deed Is'itring
date the 22d day of March A. I). 1865, being
given to secure a part of tho consideration
thereon assessed. Taken in execution and
to Im sold as the prncrtv of John Moody
et. al, at the suit of C. F. Oillespie.
James fiodfroy vs. Anna R. Rolau ts and
Samuel Roberts, levari Facias No. 27 Feb.
Term ls71 Brown All defendant's right,
title. Interest and claim of iu and to al' that
certain tract or parcel of land situate in
Tioi.nta township, county of Forest and
State of Pennsylvania on the Tionesta
creek and adjoining the county line of For
est on the north, described aa'follows: Be
ginning at a hemlock on tho county line
north one hundred nnd forty-one p'rrehi-s
west from Tionesta Creek," thence south
two hundred and seventy-four perches to
a hemlock, thence east live hundred and
forty-tive perches to a post, thence north
two hundred and seventy-four lurches to
a post, thence west livo hundred and I'orty
tlvo perches to the place of licginning, ho
lme hounded on the north by the division
lino of Forest and Warren counties, on the
cost by lot numbered twenty-nine hundred
and sixty (2 Kill) on the sou'th by lot twenty-eight
hundred and twelve (2812) on the
west by lot twenty-seven hundred and
thirty-tive !2735l conlaining eight hundred
and tillysix acres and forty-two perches
he the same more or less, being a tract of
land conveyed by James Oodl'rey to Anna
R. Rola-rta by deed dated twenty-seventh
day of March, A. D, ono thousand eight
hundred and sixty-five. Taken in execu
l nn and to bo sold as the property of Anna
R. Roberts and Samuel Roberts at thesu.t
of James Uodfrcy,
W. W. Rose vs. The Emnlro Citv Petro
leum Company, Veil. Ex. No. 35, Feb. T.
1871 Spencer -Defendant's right, title, In
terest and claim of in and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land lying in Hick
ory township, County of Venango, and
Stato of Pennsylvania, (now County of
Forest) bounded and described aa follows,
to wit: Beginning at tho south corner of
lands contracted to Morris Purely, thence
west 46 degrees east, along said lauds con
tracted to ssid Purdy H3 perches to a post
thence south 44 degree east 44 perches to
a corner, thence south 40 degrees went 16
perches to a corner, thence south 44 east
60 perches to a corner, thence south 46 de
grees w 147 perches to a post, thence north
44 degrees west 101 porches to the place of
beginning, conlaining 94 acres and allow
ances of six per e -lit for roads, etc., being
part of a large tract of laud warranted iu
the name of Thomas Struthers by
the Commonwealth by warrant dated
Sept. 20 A. D. Is3i. embracing In the ro
turua of survey 400 acres and 10 perches,
and granted to said Struthers bv patent
from the Com 111011 wealth hearingdate May
21, A, D. 1839 reserving however ono aero
which wasconvovod by said party of the
lirst part to tiio school district of ilickory
towunhip by deed.
Aum) That certain piece or parcel of
land situate in iickory township Venan
go county (now Forest eonnty) Slain of
Pennsylvania being a part of tract
surveyed on warrant number 3093, com
mencing at a white oak stump at the corner
of Luther I arnes land, thence west 46 de
grees east by lands contracted to C. H.
Church 163 perches to tho north east boun
dary of a tract of laud of 402 acres and 7
peri-lieu conveyed, by F. W. Allen to J. C.
Dayton, trustee, Ihenee south 44 degrees
east 82 lurches to a corner, thence south
16 degrees west 103 perches to a corner,
thence north 41 degrees west 82 perche to
the place of U-giuning, containing 78 acres
with allowances. Taken in execution and
to lioaold aa the property of The Empire
City Petroleum Company, at the butt of
W. V. Rose.
F. N. Fuller vs. Bennett Dobbs al. fi.
fa. No. 3 Feb. T. 171 Tate All deiend
an''s right, tule, interest and claim, of, in
and to a certain piece or parcel of land, sit
uate in Jenks township. Forest county. Fa.
ile-er.bod as follows, to-wit : Part of war
rant No. 5141. subdivision No. 0, contain
ing ono hundred and twenty -seven acres
more or less.
A1.H0. Dci'endant'a right, title, interest
and claim of In and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land sitimtein Howe township
Forest county. Pa., bounded and described
aa follows, to-wit: l'art of warrant No.
295 subdivision No. 43, bounded on the
north by warrant No. 2M2, on the east by
subdivision No. 44, on tho south by subdi
vision No. 48, and 01 tlio west by subdivis
ion No. 42, subdivision numbers being
part of tract No. 2995 hereinbefore men
tioned, containing one hundred acres, more
or Iosm.
Also All defendant's right, title, inter
est and claim, of in and to all that certain
tractor piece of laud situate in the town
ship of Jenks, county of Forest, and State
of Pennsylvania, vis: Part of warrant No.
513K, bounded and described aa follows, to.
wit: tin the northwest by No. 6129, on tho
north by No. 6173, on the northeast by tri
ungle, on soutbuant by No. SI 39, ou the
southwest by No. Sliiil on county map,
conlaining tiiree Hundred and hi icon aeies
more or less.
Taken i 1 execution and to bo sold as the
properly of Bunnell Dobbs. ut Ui suit of
F.N. Fuller.
Terms Caali. !
E. L. DAVIS, 8heriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tionesta, Pa., Feb. 7, '71.
S -riubaob for the Rkidhi.h aw, the bes
ns-wspaper In iho r oonty.
i February Term, ls71 1
Mrs. L. Waiwamnn, IL'cl, Harmony
Fred. Nc tH, Hotel, Trunkryvlllo.
Fublic Notiis? la hereby Liven that Nan
cy Dawson. Executrix ot John Dawson,
doeeascd, has tiled In the Register's Olllce
in and for the County of Forest, at Tiones
ta, Pa., her Dual account as Executrix un
der the last will of the said John Dawson,
deceased, and that tho snmo will ho pre
sented to the Orphans' Court of said coun
ty for confirmation and allowanco on tho
27th day of February next, at tho Court
House at Tionesta in the County aforesaid.
42 4t. J. U. AUNEW, 'K.-glatcr.
Jan 17, 1871.
Publio Notice is hereby given that Ram
del I). Irwin, Administrator of theestateof
S. S. II Hi nigs, deceased, has tiled In the
Register's Oliico in and for the County of
Forest at Tionesta, Pa., his tiual account as
administrator or the said S. H. Hillings,
deceased, and that tho same will bo pre
sented to the Orphans' Court or said Coun
ty for confirmation and allowanco on the
27th day ot February next at the Court
House at Tlonesta In the county aforesaid.
42-41. . J. B. AUNEW 'Register.
Jan. 19, 1871.
Public Notice Is hereby given that David
S. Eltlridge ai d William Wrav, adminis
trators of tho estato of James Eldridge,
deceased, has Med in tlio Register's Oillee
the limit account as administrators of tlio
estate of said James Eldridge, dee'd, and
tiiat tho same will bo presented to tho Or
phan's Court of said county for con lir ma
lion and allowi nco on tho 27th day of
February next, at tho Court 1 louse in
tho borough of Tionesta, In tho county
aforesaid. J. 11 Ati N EV,
Jan. 19, 1871, 42 4t Reglstor.
ON AND AFTER Saturday January 28,
Trains will run as follows s
STATIONS. No. 2. No. 4.
OleopobH, 2.flo p ni 9.41 a 111
Bennett, 3.08 " 0.MI "
Woods 3.17 " 10.00 "
Prathers Mill 3 ai 10.I8 "
Pilhoio City 3.40 10.3J "
STATIONS. No. 1. No. 3.
PitholoClty, 8.00 am 1.09 p in
Prathers Mill 8.13 " 1.13 '
Woods 8,23 ' 1.23 "
Bennett 8.30 " 1.80 "
Oleopclls 8.-I0 " 1.40 "
Aii Extra Traill leaves Pithola City 011
Saturdays at 6 20 p. m. making close 'con
nect inn at I "loopolis with Trains on tho Oil
Creek At Allegheny River Railway forCor
ry mid intermediate points.
Return Train leaves OlcopnljH at 7.20 p.
m., arriving at Pithnle Citv at 7.55.
All other Trains make close connections
at Olcopolis with trains on tho Oil Creek t
Allegheny River Railway, North and
Train No, 2 makes close connection at
Oil City with Fast Line on Allegheny Val
ley Railway fur Pittsburgh and intermedi
ate points.
Two Lines of Stages run daily laMween
PilholoCity, Miller Farm and Plcasant
vlllo, inukl'ij: connection witharrivingand
departing Trains. J. T. BLAIR,
FID. BISHOP, nup't.
Tickot Agent, Pithole City, Piu
Manufacturers of
Ac, sire, Ac,
12, 10, 8 ieoiisj: rOTVEIt,
21, 11, 12 and 10 II. P.
40, 2G, 22, and 18 II. !.,
Room No. 2, Cliuio Jt Stewart's BI00K,
Wonderful developments among tho
ariatocraev. Married Women excised,
Vo., if-e.. Price Tlio best book to sell
publiahed. The bet terms to agonuj over
giveu. Address, N. Y. Hook Co., 145
Nassau St., N. V. S(j.4t
N. . CI, A It It,
An,d Dealer in
Repairing done in a workmanlike
manner and warranted to give satis
faction. 4.1 v
100,000 Agents Wanted for
and other beat books in tho market
KcKinnev A Martin, 150s CheMuut Streett
lti'llolfhia. w
Is th motto of
wlio Lava oparu-d a
In tho old Court Houm building, adjoining
th Holmes Ilouao,
where they will be happy; to aupply th
wanfs of thii community, with an
Entire Fresh Atisortuieii
fall thajiorelUea ia th
which have boon aoleetod with great car.
As to prices, we challenge all competitors.
It has long beeu the donlr of th popl,
of this community, to hay a ator in th r
midst where can bo found everythlnr;.
erally kept in a find-class storo.and wU.e
It could bo purchased at living prices. To
satisfy this want, we have com in ycv.r
midst, and hope by proper attention tu
business and to th wants of the people, 'k,
sesuro their patrouago.
Oar stock of
Is second to none In
Western Pennsylvania,
and ware determined not to bo under
rfld. Thes goods embrac all th
and wo feel asaured that th citizens of ti-'
county will not hav to go to ailjoiniivj
towns to purchase DltESS GOODS In t!i .
Our stock of
is superior, both in quality and atyle. u
any over befor offered in this soetioii, an 1
wo trust thut all will call and examine otr
stock before purchasing eUowhcre. Wa
having an exporioneed outtor, woc.:i ut.
iafy tho most fastidious ; and as v hnvo
our own muuufactury Iu rhUadelpMa, wu
thereby have the advantagevor all m! rr
'dealera lu this section.
in endloaa variety, at prices to kuit thy
Boots & Shoes
of-evory style and quality, which w.j ro
prepared to sell at New York pri-t ir
Call and.Examine our Stec'-..
T"-! IT. HILUTtrw vry
4 w '