X s HULL'S KUSIC STORE. (Suecebsor to HULL A WHITNEY,) Vo, 1C? Watrr WwrJ, r.SEADVILLE, PA. I the place to buy a.l of the First Class PIA'JO FORTES, IT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ALSO Organs & Melodeons ! Having the exclusive Aeenoy for Crnw forp, Venango ami Mon-rr Counties for tho following celebrated makes of riANO FORTES: Wm. Bradbury, Stelnwny A Sons, Cliirkerinirt Sons, C. Kurtzman's W. P. Emerson, Grove-,tocn, Fuller A Co AND WhiUiey Bud Slay ton's United Slates ORGANS AND MELODEONS ! And having constantly In my storo from Twelve to Eighteen FiaEOS. Parties wishing to pnrclinse, will find It pretly to their interest to purchase direct from me and get a guarantee with each in Uuinuut lor live yours. Tliee Organs nod Molorleons are consid ered hr good Judsrcs to le the best Hi oil lixrtrtiment made. Should other makes I pie.ercd. 1 w ill furnish them as low cm c:i be bought from any one. STOOLS AND tVrKEABN AND ALL KINDS OP Singing nnd Intruction Hooks. rUlTAKS, HANJ0S, VIOI IXS, TLf Trs, FITES AND M'.VMs. ETJ.SS CiuD IESTKUKEHTS. FLI'.NI.SJIEDTO RANDS VERY LOW. A grod stock of GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS Alwavs n band. Dealers furnished at Si'W York prices, r e All outers oreoui uiuuieaiiou 1 rompUy alleiiucd to. 4 If J. f. HULL. h rsA w K' r VojelaMe Siciaii Half Renewei Iran ittoo.l the test of seren years before Hie pithlle; and tio prepare niion for the hair ha act been (lis corned that wilt produce the name lencjtcial result. It tit an entirely m il' scientific diacorerif, combhi ii:rj mil ti if of tfiemont powerful mid re dorn'ire aacnt in t'e VlXST- Ati'-E lit (CO-JM. It restores CRZY HMD TO IT3 ORIGINAL YOUTH FUL COi.Cc!. it i:iahen the Hi-alp t.'.-is'o and cleans cure dandrujf n i l humors, ami f.iHiirj mt of t't; l::tr; ami will muhe it yrrm) if, , i b ihl heiulit. i.rri 'tt in rrrif I'.rj'il nervous, a a it fiirui.ihen the tilt! i il prir.t i;'i; irliirii the i.-iir ii iiuiri-hc.l timl mijjort l. If i o ; ttir huir ttin'.st. unit, ami 'C! :. f..!(f t Illtlltr.'HISm-l 4 ft a a i it i i; i:s s i .v a, it in tiic. V.m ;,v-. ( i!-ji'irii.'i')it erer vjfrreU i ::i vue Irttile wi:l ae- ...;.;'. mure if ml lust loruer than ,'hrre butilva of aiij vtUcr I! ('. i;-i:oniMt mlcl aii'l iiHcilby f.'ir :ts-lit".l Authority. T.a- It ii'ir'rrj iti remit fs ftnufiiccil ' f mi yihUUtn Hair Item-trer hare .. ' ".'.'? ". .7 (a Jifiintf trtttro lrc:'i ra1 -oiii for the ilair, tirntrr i-i r. -in H iiKcMt ami, hi unlrr to i' r';:.v the ira-.lis ami the fin'tlie, tit ,;ff ., their compound, then I)',:: ft-!: fa JulsehiHHl, b;f c .'';.:?.( t.'i'-;f wrj former iiirt j . or ii-!'t humc cimii ciinn. with, r,:;r .!. Jla'f, ami i':cir ireiara tion ti'.-at niiiii tr t osfi'jt. Do m t be ucc':. -e l U;f tueiu, I'ui e'i 'ic the ori;:iiu!s it ban fcrer yet been e-jaitlie'l. Q.ir Ticiiiixe on the Hair, with ier!ilcaten, sent free b;i muit. See. V.ittl txieh bottle hat our ijiijat) lieeeniie Stamp orer the t'tp of the bottle. All others tire Suiiiaiioiin. R. P, Hail k Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. SJJ by ull Drupjutt and Dtulm$ i Xlt'iclue. J. C. LOfJG, Wbolesalo and Retail Doaler In HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIIDIOTTTE, J?J. First Door alxvo Exclmngo Ilotul. 4-y WALLLIS I M I n o v E i M A ; I c v ii o V 1) 1) :i A a r iMrnovED MAGIC 33 .A. Xi h I w. ii. r ::;:: ins Am, I'royr il A CF.EAT Ull'Ul D!SSGVt?.Y Tr. WALKER'S C ' LTrorJTI A VINEG-AR BITTERS ITunilrctb cf Thor.far.d.i ? Pa! t t.iut.vc U- cn, t Wh'AT ARC TKCVT g TIITT ARK KOT A Vtl.3 FANCY D R I li IC . E 65 TftCcnf i coi l:;ti), V.'liiakcr rr0..f w, Irftfl t ;.l j:t ii .! I CH-ttrl,'ii:ca nr.U-Trcct (n.j i. t. il... t::i.', .c:tc..M'r.:cs,MM App.t.1-trL-," " : a:- -'. rr, dr., i!.ci Uel tl I pi Icr ca to L:i.:.;:.v:. i l-.J r.,i :. r.: t j.:? trua 5f t"..i'int, uia-Io f.ru:l tt.t'o trm.takr.d L.rljsof CuMrt.tala, fr l.it:. ii Ai.i !;i'!.t! Si in: uluute. 7 lacy re lliO av :.:.(?: n;i:m.c nmi a i.ifc T ci t. KyiUt.tCMrv.cjcI all poisonous H-'itur u:.J rcitc; hit t'..o i V c l io a hccll!:y condttica. hup.'Trou ru;i u:.c ilic.a l-LUti CLCordi:. toilirco lieu or.ti riiiain l( ;s a: w-Jl. blrO v .Ha c.c:if.ion inrortlle Caw, provided t.? c.;r3 rj lit t do'lroycd by uilacral poison or c:h?r r.cc f,'-' H.j -iUl t?i;u w&UU beyond tbo rvi.-.t;; re: Tnf luHuittu u'.ctt hiitl Cltrcntfl tliinmft- r.iiwi.F, Ktn.ia i:t tn U 1 iiit-i mil it at Fsvcrs ;U.-i.iHtil ilie Klocd l.iTrr, Kitluc nnd i:iftltr. Unto l.itit'is lvo bcrn uiort kuccclo f.::. buth lUtK. tro ecrecci Ly Itlntrd TMoml. wlcli in 4.-ei:c Tilly .roduccd ly tforanKcmctt UV'II'SIA iU lXDICrSTJTOX, Tcmd ar?:?, I r'i t.i ibj ti oUilm, .cLj;li,i;g; tci of t!it C:.u't, Ii.::.ib, tccr rn:ctotior cf th Stom&ch, 1 ;u'. usi,. i.;o ilnnili, raiout Attacks, ratpit&ti: a cf ti:fcKccrt, lfiMumittiioa of Utc Lngs. Ta nlnC-.s rrglona cf ilm I.lcln and a hundred oiLcr painiul u:i:V.'n.8, crc Uio cfijriLraof Djfpopulft. y invinrtj the tinach ai.d siiiaulata the tcp jl.'.i.crt:;d towtlp, Uoli rcdurtlirm cf a:if q-a'.l-d cluCcy In tlcaMi.iijc tlx Mood tf til iirparitlc, atij, irii irtitif new Utc a .J vijTor to tins wli'c Pi steni. I OIL lUs'l'-Al-ei, r.rii' tlon Tott.r, ri!l LUt-nLlLiclna, frpoti, 1 in Uc. 1 c: tnU,rci!f, Cujw biucl.i, lU:'K-Voin s, iciilM-aa,lrorc 1 yc, K;ysip clui, ltd., fccur.rf, riacolor&ttoi of tlio kiu, Uiu-.x a;-. I L.j- J cf tl;0 bk!n, of uatcTG ncmc orLotur r : j i.truliy tU.R cp .macarrUtl out cf fie eytci:i lu a oli t1 t.n.j ! 7 lUcse of theso Titicra. Cuo bcttlo in c-.h ?: fwv.i:i conviiicc Utu mittiicrcduluua of Culr cr.vr.; . : cf ,:vX. C..j:.cj t:ic Y.t'ctf J Tlord irlirr.cvcr yott CJ lis p'.u.t.o litrst, tliruh tho aUia la riciplcs, Err. (i. us i r Jf ; fclc-iii'o ki h.n you find it cturacttu r." l tlugi.:fc;i U the Tclna ; oU anso It wl.en it Is fci::, i uar iViJli-if will tell yean i.cu. Kocp t'iO Uov p .rc C.ii: l.u hia'.tli of t!io fystr-r.i will follnw. TAriitnd oilier HMR3IS, lurUnglaUi fyLt.incI1 ay is.iny tlionrandr. cr effectually destroy er oir b; red. Tor f:.ll tIiri'fUt:D, rAtl carcr-l'.y t:,e clrcGuix owurd eth bettlw, prliitMfafourliii--a l'n'Jjli,Li'ni)tV, rr.actiaud Epaslth. J. VT-U-Hr;:, rr.riacr. II. H. XtcDOXAlD CO., r . rxd Ccn. Aznts, au rrr.nctce, Cal jaU Si 84 C:muii:co Street, 2W York. ' -r'0:.D AiX DKUGGTS AND DE ALE 123, GRQVER & BAKER'S SEWISli MAIIIMIS. Tjo following are selected from thous ands of testimonialx of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the prefer ence of the ti rover it Ilaker Machines ovei all others. . "Iliko tho firovor .t Itaker Ma chine, in the tirst plai-e, biH-ause if I had any other, I should still want a (irover A Itaker; and havim; a (irover A- Haker i' answers the purpose of nil the rest. It does a ureater variety of work and isessier to loam than any other," Mrs. J. C. Cro ly (Jenny June) "I have had several years' expe rience witli a (trover A' Laker Ma.-hiro vhieh has ejiven mo trrcat satisfaction. Il think the (irover A Haker Machine is more easily tnanavrcd, and less liable to pet out of order. I prefer the ( irover A- Raker de cidedly." M ra. Dr. Watts, Now Y'ork. "I have had one in my family for some two y ars; and fiom what I know of its workings, and from tho testimony of many of my friends who use the s ine. I can hardly see how any tiling con Id be more complete' or jrivo butter satisluetiun." M i s. (it'll, til ant. "I believe it t bo the best, aM th intra considered. ol :m y that I have known It is very simple and easily learned; the sewinir from the ordinary spools is u irreat advantaire ; the stitch is 'entirely reliable; it docs ornamental work beautifully; it is not liable to itet out of order. Mrs. A. M SjMMjner, 311 Houd SU Rrooklyn. "I am acquainted with tho work of the principal machines, and I prefer the (irover .V taker to tlicin a! I, because I con sider tho stitcli more elastic. I have work in the house which m done ninfl years !io which is slid irood." Mrs, Dr." Mo Cready, No. 43 Eut -Id street, N. Y, "More than two-thirds of all the sewinirdone in my family for the lust two years has been done by (irover A Maker's Machine, and I nover liail a tiariiient rip or need iiicudiuu, exci'pt those rents which trolicsonie liovs will iimkn in whole cloth. It is, in my opinion, by far tho most valn ableof any I have tried." Mrs. Henry Ward Roechor. "The (trover & Raker Sewincr Ma chine, has rendered in every respect, the most perfect snfisiuction. It combines ho many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy in price that it is a ne cosiiv in every household." Mrs. Liuver nor (ieary, ll'arrisburg, Pa. "I havo hail tho firover t Raker Ma chine for ten or twelve years in constant use in my house. I Itava'sccn and known every kind of Family sewinir, both per sonal and household, accomplished upon the (irover A' linker .Machine, lo the entire satisfaction ol all concerned, ltev.btcpben II. Tvmr. "I lind tho Orover & Raker Stitch will wearasloniras tho garments do out v cur the L'lirmeiit in Set, The stitch will not break on bias warns, when strutched, as others do ; anil neilher does it draw tho work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, i East twou-ty-lourth btruut, N, Y'. Tho (irover and Raker Sewinjr Machine Conipaiiv manuttK ture both tho Elastic and Is k Stitch Machines, and oiler the public a choice of tho bct machines of both kinds, at their establishments in all thelarire cities, ami through a :c ncics in nearly all tow ns throughout tho country. Price lists und samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to (irover A Raker S. M, Co., L.7 Wood Street, Pitts burgh, Pa, 9;) r. A Wi t hS:i!iirj men wanP il in o, ai I Young ami travcl- lior Ka'c-nicii. A dress Wai.ki:r, ill Park How, li stainii) it. II, N. Y. M U TYi Rt-j ul-lican Otiice K1 EFPS I'oiisi n iv op band a lai'.ro as- iinei, el I: auk I ( o Is, Mortca'jcs, Milij o'o:i, arrsiiita, buuuiioiis, Ac, to be solii iMtp for tntt. tf. i. S Ji m THE BOOT AND GHOE STOBE. TF Y'1' W.V NT n pcrf'eW lit nnd n irood I. m ticliMit KooiN and Slioen, ol tlio tini'st workiimiiMliip, o to II. JI-'AXC"i:S, n't CENTRi: STKIiKT, OIL CITY, PA. ;j:-Siiilr:iciion iMiarairiTil. 2-:.t tf. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY; Pri s i'!ilic I nod in 'ormation fiirnlshoil bv (ii:oUiii; L'PIIAM, Providoiifo. It. I. ;to -H ItfANTKI A auxin To soil tf!o etn tron Sr -i i i r Miu'ldno. It N Licensed, ni;ikr tlin "l".l:ili,. lM k St-ti-h" nnl is warranted fr 5 vers. Priee $!.. All other lnai'hinos with nn under-feed sold for M.i or iess are iiilVinuremeiitx, Ad.'ress Oetaon Sewinir Maehiln Co., St. i ..;:;-!, Mo., ('hieujio, lil., Pittslurjh, Pa., or I'.os ton, Mass. l.t.hn Q 1 ( A Day Rtisinesscntirelvnew nnd O I " honofable. Eiberal imbieements Descriptive circulars free Address .1 C Rand A Co., Riddeiord, Mo 13!lni I 7OUTl'NES ottered to llvo men. Rare Chance. Send Stamp. Dimoiid K. Co., Washington, Del. :l-:!m. I'.M'lKHllST 3IOX KY. nHK. hiyhest Cash Price paid for tho old A State Rank Cerreni-v ; Rim k of Craw ford County. Vennnoro Rank, Oil City Rank Petroleum Hank, ornny of the old State Rank issues ; also, for 'mutilated Scrip of nil issues. A. II. STEELE, Cashier. IS 2 Tionesta Savings Hank. A -WATCH, pair of Ulaokels. (Joilt or Shawl, for One Dollar, ajipears almost impossible, but such maybe hat', ami hun dreds of other useful articles, by pnlroniz iniOEO. A. PLUMMEU A CO.'S '(.)' K DOLLAR SALE." Their system of doing business has been examined by the authorities, and a Decis ion rendered from tho Internal Revenue Dcpaitnient, at Washington, dated Nov. 4th, lMtiS, declaring their business perfect ly fair and legitimate, and entirely dill'er- eut from the different gifl enterprises. Of course all donot ret watches, blankets, Ac., for One Dollar, but in every lartieelub.ono of these articles are sold for One Dollar, as an extra inducement, and some member of the club lias tho chance of obtaining '. A new feature introduced by this cut prisina fn in, is to pay their a.rcnts in cit t r c vsli or niciehandise, and lo prepay tin express chaises. No better opportunity can be ollcrcd to either ladies orc.cntlcmcii haviiii; leisure tune, to form clubs for this tirm. Read their advertisement in another col nmn, and sen J for catalogue. TIDIOUTE TEA STORE! The place to buy every variety of the VERY DEST TEA3 AT TUB L 0 WES T PRICES, is at tho extensivo Tea Store of . II. T. CIIAFrEY, whero you can always find a lanre assort ment o'l the liest Tciis at New York prices. A larg assor'.ment of Groceries and Provisions, unequaled in quality and cheapness byany other store in Warren county, always on hand. Tho peoplo of Forest county will save money by purchasing their supplies at this place. Rest brands of FA MIL I FL 0 Ult, delivered at any depoton the lino of tho R. It. free. Store on Main St. near tho Depot. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! Water Street, ADJOINING THE HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, . - - Proprietor. l'Wr-i'"''' : Pictures taken ill a'l tho latest styles of the art. Lti-tf READ ! READ ' The subscribers havinj; re-ronted the istvi.i: c; 1:1 st miAM. Wonhl say to their old customers, and tho coiiiiuunit'.' generally, thai they keep eoiislantly oh bund a large stock ot FAMILY TLOTJR of all prades, Chop Feed, Shorts, Rran, Oats and ( Urn. With our facilities for do ing business, wo purpose not to be under sold by any establishment in this section of the country, and would t-uy to the lum bermen and dealers of Forest county, that they can bo SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. liiimcUntM attention given to ull orders from a distance, E. JONES : CO. WATCH FREK for evervlodv and A g 111 per.dav t-urc. Riisiucs iit;lit ami honorable. No (tilt enterprise. Nobuui- img. .vi lro ts,n. .Monroe ivciicily. ruts burgh, Pa. ';J.I-tt LOTS FOR SALE! IX THE BOROUGH OF TIOMESTA. Apj'ly to GEO. G. SICKLES, "II, Nassau St., New Y'ork City. (";l'NTS W'AMi n ? ' tier liw lOli l.vr J tlio American K 11 tting Muchii e . Co"., iioston, iiahs.,r m. t.ouut, mo, 'jn am ERIE RAILWAY ! l,4iM) Miles under 0110 maniistement. Mill Miles wilhoutchaii(Oof loaches, 1 HE BROAD GUAGE DOUULK TRACK ROUTE. RKTWKKM TUB ATLANTIC CITIE3 ti ST ANO SGUTHWEST ! Till nAII.WAt EXTENDS t'HOM Cincinnati to N'.-w York WW Miles Cleveland to New York. 8!.i Miles Dunkirk t Nov, York 4e0 Miles RntValo to New York ,4'J:t Miles Rochester to Now Yolk as,-, Miles ,t. ft- And is from 22 to miles toe short est route. New and improved conches nro run from Cincinnati, Dayton, Crlmim, Marian, (lalion, Manslielil, Ashland, Akron, Cleveland, Warren, Meadville.Dunkii k, Rullaln and Rochester to New York, without elianue, only 0110 change to Ros- ion. On and after Monday, Dec. "ith, 1S70, Trains will leave CORKY at the following hours, via : GOING WEST I..12 A. M. Day Express, daily, Mondays excepted, for Cleve'nnd Cincinnati, nnd the west a-. south ; connects at McadviUc lor Franklin and Oil City; at Clarksville for Sharon, New Castle ami Pittsburir; nt Lev ittsburtf, Sundays excepted, tor Youngs town; Cleveland with Lake Shore U.K. for west and northwest; at ItavenawilhCleve Innd A" Pittsburgh for Alliance and Pitts burgh; nt Akron for Orrvillo nnd Millers burg; nt I'rbana with Pittsburgh, Cincin nati and St. Louis H-iilwnv for Indianapo lis, and nt Cincinnati with the Ohio A Mm sissippi Railw ay for tho south and south west, A sleeping ear is attaclKsl to this train at llornolLsvillo, running through to Cleveland, ' 12.35 p. m. Night Express, daily for Cleveland, Cincinnati anil the west nnd southw est ; connects at M'n,lvillo,Sundays excepted, for Franklin and Oil Ciiy;'nt Lca ittslmrg.Sunday excepted for Yountrs town;;;! Cleveland with Luke Shorn Rail way for the west and northwest, anil nt Cin cinnati with the oliio A Mississippi lliul way fortliesoiilluind southwest. A sleep ing car is attached tothis train at N. York runnieg thr ugli to Cincinnati!. T.'-'.l A.M. Express Mail. Mondays except ed, for Cleveland and the West: connects at McadviUc, for Franklin and Oil City; at Clarksville with Erie A- Pittsburgh Rail road, tor Sharon, N'.w Castle and Pitts burgh, mid at Cleveland with Lake Shore Railroad for the West and north-wist. A slecpiuv car is nUachcd tothis train at New York running throuch lo McadviUc. 1W P.M. Freight and Aecoiniiiadltion daily stiintlays excepted. (.."! P. M. Frei'.tht and Acconimodauon, Sundays excepted. 2.3iP. M. Way Freight,Sund.iys execpt- ed GOING EAST : 3.4fl A. M. New York Day Express, dal ly Sundays excepted; connects at (ircnt Rend w ith Delaware, Lackawanna A Wes tern Railway, for Sernnton.and at N. York with midnight express train i.f New Jer sey Railrond for Philadelphia. A sleeping car il attached to this train at Cleveland running through to llornclls villo connecting with train having new and Improved Drawing Room Coaches at tached, running through to New York. 1.00 P. M. Lightning Express, connect ing daily at Elmira witli Northern. Central Railwav, for Williamsport, 1 laVrisburg, Philadelphia and Raltimoi ,, and at New York for llostou nnd New England cities. A sleeping coach is attached lo this train at Cincinnati running through toN. York, 7..T P. AL, Cincinnati, Express daily, Sunda) sexcepted, connect meat lliughaiii ton for Albany and the celebrated suin inor resort Sharon Spi ings, ami at New York for Itosloii und all New England lil ies. A sloopiiigcar isattiu lied to tins train at Mcndviilo running through lo New York. 4X0 n. 111. Stock freight and Accommo dation Sundays excepted, 4.1"i p. m. Fright and Accommodation, Sundays excepted. O.lo a. 111, Way Freight, Sundays ex cepted. Roston and AW Enuland passengers, with their 1 luggage lire transferred free of chargo in .Yew York, Thn best ventilated and most luxurious Sleeping coaches yvr-iu tho World 'tys: ac company all night trains on tliis railway. .-Si. Th' Erie Railway Company lias i pened a new l-Yrry froin their Jci-sev Citv Depot to the foot of it.l Mrcct. thus ena bling Passenger to reach the upper portion to liiecity without the expense and annoy ance of a street ear or omnibus ti anster. 3. The scenery nlon.f the entire route of tlie Erie Railway is of the most pictur esitie and bcaiililti'l character. Admirers of nature s beauties, 111 a daylight jouriiev over this Line, will tind in its ever chang ing huidacupi'S subjects of continual ad miration and interest. HA (. ir'.l UJ-J VU IX KE1) TUItO VOII, and Fare as Low its bv any other route. ASK r OR TICKETS Vift ERIE R'Y. Whicli can be obtained at all tho princi pal Ticket Uilicts in tho West or South west. WM. II. HA Hit, L. D. RfcKEU, Uc-n'l Puss'r Ag't. ilenT Supt. ocioit i;n, isgo. J.& P. COATS' BEST SIX-COBD IS NOW TUB O IT L Y Thread put 11 1 for the American marker which is SIX-CORD IN ALL Nl'MBERS, From No. to No. 100 Inclusive. For Ham nitl Mnfliiiip. Hook Ap-fiittt Make fso (o i:ii) per Month by selling GREAT FORTUNES. AM) How III IV It'KIIK MAPI.-. Hr J. D. Mel alio, Jr. New fresh and riL'iual. Pro liiwly illustrated aid beautitully bound. It shows how u poor school-master made il,0i '0,1.00; I. on a poor haif-Pbnd sailor be cuiiic a great banker, a butcher's iippicn tu e the wcal'hicst man m Aincricu, an un known mechanic a millionaire in seven Veins, with many more such examples; ' iw enciey, talent, and patient industry ive always met with success when pro ?rly exerted ; how 1111 ncv can be made micstly and without sacr.licu of pr.1111 al. Send for Circular, etc.. an nonce 1 y extra terms (ico, Maclean Publisher, 71' Saiisoiu M , i hiladclphia. a;l-4t 100,000 AgCiit3 Vautea lor now ivrjtfEN m hike nc?:EY, and other best books in the market. EcUinncv A Martin, lies Chestnut street Philadelphia. Ui-ll AGENTS V ?lli a week Kl 1 er nt and S.'.'i.i 0 in ca-h 1... 1 ............ .... Pa!o & Female. ' v. Addre-s Ai'nci, can Rook Co., r.J W iani St., N. Y. :it-4t Oiibscrieli for the ItKi-i ui.it-AN, the bes O newiaper in the rountj-. W. A INU1IAM. (.'. K. 1,WIO IMJIIAjI A- Itlt M.U, FLTLISKCr.S, BOOKSELLERS, nnd Stationers, WHOl.ESAI.K AO IlCTAll. PKAI.KI1S I SJ nil kinds of Sclicol, Ilisoollaneoiis, Law, Mcdlctl AXD MUSIC BOOKS. Depository of the Riblo Society, Sunday School, and all Religious .Publishing So cieties, NO. 52 CI1I.STXVT KT., MF.ADVH.l.K, TA., 0. Wl stTI'ltloll ST., Ct,KVKI.ANP, O. J 15 j 11 oit siiitivi:K. Having fitted up a first class PLAHirJC HILL, Are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of manufactured lumber such mi Fi.oonixa, SIDIXO, iSVUFACE- pi esski i, van En, .?. 1 sir, VOOItS, I1L1X1W, AXD EVERY r End! 1 r tiox o f vr. aix a xd fax cr Morr.pixdf!. Dealefs will Hint It to their advantage to CONSL'LTOUU PRICl-, Refore purchasing elsewhere, as our loca tion In the heart o the lnmli- region gives us superior advnntmres In the ptircliasu ot lumiirr that win enahle us to uiiilcrscll those less favorably situated. Address Mar. 4. tf. JACOHSTIRIVF.n. Tionesta, Pa. Recommendrd and Endorsed by over Seven Hundred' Doctors. DR. LAWKENCFS COMrol'M) K1.11D KXTltACT OP KOSKOOI THE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER ! Not a Secret Quack Medicine For mula Around the Bottle. MlEPAnED BOl.Et.Y BT Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic Chemist. K0SK00 STRIKE A T THE ROOT of DISEASE BY PURIFYING THE BLOOD, iu-jcronlNrt the i.ivku am kidneys to a llKAl.ritV ACTIOS, AM IXVKIOItA II. NO TIIU NKllVOl S SYS TEM. This is the Secret of its Wonderful Success in Curing Connmft'on hi it eirhj nt'ty, Srrifu. la, ,Sitph!lig, Dypcjithi. Lii-er L'oiiijiliiint, Vhronlo li'lienmnti'mn, Xeurnhjia, A'crroipt Affect ion, F.rujitiont f of the, iS7. ii, llumur, Lott of Y't'jor, DiKrunes of the . in lift' ami Iiliultler, ami ul! DUeaum ettmedby a Mail tiUitc oj lite Uloud. It thoroughly era licntes every kind of Ihinioraud Had Pent, and restores tha en tire system to a healthy condition. It is beyond ipicstioii the Finest Tonic in the W0111.11. Tliousaiids havo been changed by the uso of this medicne li-oiu weak, sickly, suffer ing creatures, to strong, healthy, and hap py men and women. I nvaliils eaniioi hesitate, to give it a trial. No mcdiciiio has obtained such a great reputation as this justiy celebrated com pound. FOR TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Edi tors, Dnitftrisls, Merchants, Ac, see KUS KOO ALMAXAV for this year. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. FonSALEBV Tlie Principal DrugrjiMt of the United Shite and Jiriiidh America. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, . No. 2:!2 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1704. Charter Perpetual mmi, liiLAo'D FIHEiXSURAKCE Assets Jan; I, 110, f,3K,H2339 $),ti';n,iKO losses pai,l since Its organiza tion. WM. llCll LEU, Central Agent, I lai'i'i.shurg, Pa, MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. Ei 'i Ult E HOTEL. APJOIN.NJ THE DEl'OT, WJUTK OAK, Fured County, Pa. IIUMMASON, BRO S, Prnjir's. rpilIS li aise is new and lifted up in first X class stvlc. anil is licatl'piartci's tor all persons visiting the trrcat oil liebl of Hick ory. The bar is Punished witli tho best of liipiors. Tho proprietors will spare no pains t make it the m .-t ilusiiuliie stop iing place in the oil regions. 12 ly. IJ OR WORK neatly exuuutvd at thisotllce at wuxoiiubiu niton. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER II P. P. Sunday May I, lNVn, Trains 111 rive at and le.ivo the I nion Depot, corner of Wilshiiitnii mid Liberty street, as billows; ARI1IYK. Mail Train. 1.X0 n m ; l'nst Line. 12.12 tf tn ; Well'saeconiiiiodation No. 1, it.-.'O a in ; liriiitou accommoilat ion .No 1, 7. 11 a m; Wall s accoinniiHlation No s.."..a 111 :t 111- cliinatl exprcs t'.vn a m ; .lolin .iown nc eoniuioihi ion I L..0 am; bra hloek h nc eonituodi'mn No 1, ".en pin; Pitlsbtiruli express 1..-IU i ni; PiclHe cxpresa l.fiii p in ; nulls accommodation .No a, i.. p m; Home Wood aceointnoilril ion No i , . p in: Walls aceoin modal ion No I, fi..j p in; Rrinton iicceininoilal ion No 2, l.iOp 111; Way Passenger M.'JO p in. DEPART. Pnntliern ex pros l.'.O a in 1 Pacific ex- Iiress a.4ti n m ; nil s neeommodalion No , (l.:lna in 1 Mail Train s.h n m 1 '.trillion's accoininoilation 1 i.d a 111; Ilraddock s ac commodation No I. '..lo p m; Cincinnati express Ivi.a p in ; Wall's neconiuiodii'inn N 2, 1 1..M a m ; .lohnstow n acisiinn odatiou 4.n."i p in ; llomewooil ncconimodation No 1. 8. .'ill p in; I'hilaile'phia express a..Mlp tn; Wall nccominodiitioii No :l,:l.0."i p in; idl s nccoiuiuiMlnlton No 4, (l.tl'i p m ; Fast Line 7.40 p 111 ; 'iill's Noo, ll.t'U p 111. The Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at U.oa a. in., reaching Pitts burgh nt lO.e.'i a. ni. Returning lono Pitts burg hut I .'..mi p. in., and arrivo at Wall's Station at 2.10 p. m. Cincinnati express leaves daily. South ern ex press daily except Monday. All oth er Trains daily, except Sunday." For further iiil'orniiilioii aply to W. II. RECKWITII, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will ivt assume any Risk lor Itinrunuc ex cept lor Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponsibility to One Hundred Dolla' val ue. All bmrirago exceeding that a onnt in value will bo at the risk of tho fner, unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASmaI General Superintendent, Alloonn Pa. B 3 0 KS, ST AT I OH E H If, DAVIS 1 ECHOLS, (Near tlie Co ,-t I louse, 1 F R A N K L I N , P E N N ' A . Have a general assortment of s-ho.-l Rooks, I,aw- i: os, llitoricM, liibics an 1 T siaincnts, 1 1 vmn Hooks, Music It io.s, lllanl. Hooks, Envconc, Note, Leth-raud cap writing papers, I'n.s, Ink, Slices mi l eveiytiniig in ilm .vif-iV .r .vy.i vo.v.v.T ;r.v.v.v. All of which tbcv oiler to sell WHO Lf. SALl'Olt RETAIL, a! low c.t ca-ii pia c lbVVIS A ECIIiU.s, Frank 'in. Pn. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent :ir ulvi 1 d to c .un e! witli Munn and Company, editors of the Seientir.i! American, w 1.0 hue pr. scented claims be.'oi-e the Patent Olhce for over Twcnt, Years Their A niericr.n mnl European Patent agency is the most extensive in tho world Charges less than any oilier l-ciia-ble agency A pamphlet containing full instructions to inventors Is sent giatis JICNN A CO., U7 Park Row, PUf New York COAL! COAL! CT.S. EYEBHABT IS Prepared to deliver the best nualitv o Coal at the old Everhart Rank, iwo miles from New 1111111 villi) for 7 cents per or at Tionesta and vicinity for 23 CENTS PER DUSIIEL. llo id ways has a largo supply on hand, Now is tho time to lay In a largo supply Orders promptly nltended to 2 0 Jlwituitguiiela Vallt-j' INSURANCE AGENCY, ESTA RUSHER MAY 1S:,;1. LIFE, TIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK rCLKIES, ISSUE!) IN F1HSTCLAS.-4 COMPANIES. i.ossiis n;o:iirriY adjistku wo v.wx A. C. SAMPSON, Ccii. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil City, A.i't for Venango Co., Pn. Applications received and Information furnished by A. H. is rut lk, at Tiom-sUi Savings Rank. Bplif. TJDIO'JTS EMP:niUM M. P. GETCIIELL, Dealer in DRY GOODS HATS &c CAPS, &.c, &.c, Ac, CORXER MAIX it DETOT STS., TIDIOUTE, PA. lias the Largest and most Complete Stock now 011 band, of any sloio in WESrEH FE?!NSYLVSH!A. Ilaviiij: purchased my stock since the great .decline, in Gold, I enn si 11 froods cheaper than nnv Dry (iniids House in tlm Oil Hcgions. lN rsons purcliiisino- goods of me will save ' percent. M. V. GETCIIELL Tidioute, April 11, LsTO. 4-dm AGENTS WANTED FOR Hon. Win. SEWARD'S GRAND TOTH of .1cxl'jo. Aip, cnuio and s;:;!it em"' ill 15 "Our S' jfe- Rcpt rjlio." Is a work of rare merit' pr Vus-lv (f,K.r.,. led. Send iorcireii ni s to Columbian l!oo Ci inpany, Hartford, Ct. L.s-:t is I'HSCIlIliEforibo Foi-Ui,t Ib-puhliurU (Jillrcci.&AlJeshenyliiuTR WAKKEN .t FR N K I. IN, FARMER A Ol L (It I iEK It A I LRO.V DM Ci'NSOl. I DATED Now nnd Most tx.vrt finale to tJy C' Uctpo-is. winter arr m:-:MF' r. On and il r Mc V MA V Jl'l!,'; I ti a us -, dl 1 1111 a i iollo'vs : I i t- vvt- ' ottu ; I C.e.i . M. h; PKF.-sS --fipnrlnfislitn-.- ; 0.2-; TryoiM dc ; livo- (,wii V. 1 1 ; 'IV : to-v.l ' ar e V.-1. .:.; :'i'. 7.UT ; Milh " I a l l 7, 0: I nun s i), j Pctrnic uiu fi li tre hit. rt.l.'i, In, s.17, Coliiniliia h.i:,), Tar Faun S.'J , l!n I I ni 111 , Hie tevid" s,.'.S; Oil C'.t v ' S..'.."i lvsti.t'0. Lock wood Walnut bcpll Oleopolis li.2:, coiini . t ing w ith 'rain 'or Pitboie ; I Hem v's pc.i i . Eagle ihek, Tionesla Ki.ef, Ilii 1.- my Wl-.il - Oaks I. nrr. Tnliouio arrives 10 A I, lv. la. .Ml, Thompson's nrrivin.' nt livnicroti 111 II.. .111. t l II. -.0 A. M. M A I (.-Spin tan-dmr;.; 11.45. Ccnlrevillc, 12.7 J. m. Trvonville ll.vdctown I'.'.MH, arrives lit Titusvlll 12.10, Ivs. 12.1.1, Miller Farm I.P4, Pioneer 1.1', nrr. Pet. Centre I. .'.', Ivs 1.27, Coluinbi i .H:t, Tnrr 1 arm l.ltil, Rvnd Fnrni Ron, eville 1.17, nrr. Oil city 2,0."i, Ivs. 2.11, Rockwooil , W alnut Rend Oleopo lis 2.4Hicoiinect with train for Pitlmlc) Henry's Rend , Eagle Rock ,'l lon esla.'l'.IO, Hickory , White Oaks 3,4d. arr. Tidioute 4.oi, Ivs, 4.07, Thonipsun'i! ' arrives at Irvlncfon 4..'0 p, III. O.Oa I'M ACCOMMODA'N.SpnilanNblll . O.llii, (Vntrcvillo 7."0, Trvonville si. Ilrdetowu 7.2.r, ai r Titusville 7.!l. Ivs 7.4.., Miller Farm HA'b, Pioneer H.20, nrr at Pi t. Centre H.-JX. Ivs H.M.., Columbia H.4I, Tnrr Farm ft . - 4 . Rvnd Farm , Rouse villob.M arrives at ( il City 11.10 p. in. I. i:vi-s ItiVINETON. II. la A. M.MAI L Thompson's arr. Tidioute 1J..MI ls Il'.:;s, W hile Oaks Hickory, .Tionesla 1.20, laurlo Hix-k .Henry's Rend (Moopolis if. o." (con nects w ith train lor Pilholei Walnut Rend , Rock wood , nrr Oil City liii Ivs 2.12, Roiiseville 2.5s, Hvnd Eiiriu Tail l ie 10 :.iimr at pet. Centre 3.2"1 Ivs. H 2t, Pio'ieer a. VI, M d!ei 1'ni 01 ,"..4 , nrr. T.ttisviilc 401. Ivs 4 14 ll.vdctown 121 p. in.. Trv. iiviiic ( cutrcvibe 4. '", Npai tausliurg ii.l i; ai-r at Ci.rry fi.4.1 p. in. o.oti P.M. T: I'Kl'.'S -Tlirrni . ii's nt o r at 'fiilionte f.,Vi,lev fv.'ij. White oaks (t 11;. Iliil.oiy , Ti , ne-iii .:;7. i:.e le lh" k , Mc'irv's Rend Oip opolis 7.1.1. V'niiiiit p. nd Roekwoo-.l it 1 r ti,! 7. in lee 7. '7. lio::seviiie s.Ot, ; p. 1 Farm 'l arr I arm S.I 5. Co! tllllh II--.IS. ,ui- I1, t. C,.i; -e s.- , ,, ;;s pj . 01 lee r .-.;!. '.I .i'l-r 1 a i' ; 1 1 s, i '1, a 1 r, Ti ; 1 m :ii '..it. t - !i.b'.. 1 !.. u I .-., iiv.ii S;.:u ::in -i .lire, I'.r, a' 1 at Coiry p p.m. X e. 01:. en v. 'M.MoDA'l ION-P. ai- ... ' 1 in , T'.i 1 IV.. in v '' P.-'. C, 11 re 7.: .' l.e .:i ., ,-.e , .p-i. ;;.: ". il" ! 11 .;ll. '1 1 v.-i-1 le s.jt , S4..i: tuj-..'.t,:'K I'.: ) a ! 1, p . 1 Ht 1 orry with trai ls il l droivl and A. A !. 'A', r New York, Ph!i:u! ! 1. E. ie A l 'Icvclil'id. an 1 : r. , 1. 1 c.l. 1'e 1 1 VI C !.h avr. Corrv A d trains coo on l'iiha. ,'.- fin Fat and West p.-i.a. ! 1. 11 i-i. wi.h Ru.'i'.lo, CorryA Pii'sburirh Railway lor 1 .111,. ilo ami all pomts on the N, Y. Cen tral ! in.. y. A: OiiCity wi:h trains on AMeelienv Valley R lilis.ail, mi I Franklin branch A. A (i. W. At Irvinel m will trains on Phila. A E. Railroad ca.t and west. C. J. HEPRFRN JNO. PITCAIRN, Sitrintciident. t i i I Manager. ERIE & PIT TSB URGli R. K". On and aller Monday, Nov. 1.',, 145-1 trains w ill run 011 this road as follow: LE.VVK ERIE-SOUTHWARD. 11 :-"." a. t. Aivo.MMoriA'rniN Leaves Newcnstle at 7:03 and arrives at l'ittsbiirgii loam a. m. " l:2t a. M.. riTTsm-niiii ex., stops at all stations, nnd arrives at A. A-(1. W. H. R. Transfer at :-,o (. m- at 'Niui citslle nt 3:15 p. m., and at I ittsburgii at CKtm p, ni. f:".- A. m ai-co.m mopation. from James town, arrives nt A. A (i. W. R. R. Transfer nt o: lh a. in., at Newcastle at 7:03 o. ni., and Pittsburgh at plan) a. m. .'.:. p. m.. Mixed Train leaves Erie for Sharon, stopping nt all intermediate points and arriving at HI: If, a. 1,1, LEA V E PI'lTSKV Ri i 1 1-NORTWA P.D ":" A. M 11:11: i:sii'.i-s. leaves New ctisiicat in 11.. a. 1,1.. A A :. w, II. Ufri ns. Icr at I l:2o .1. in., and 11111M s nt l ine .,1 . III., lo io iiu.t N l!..ll ' I' o'.;. c,.toi,ie'i,.o li.f il.il,,,- '.'ina Fail- 11::).. 1 M. aiv oj: iiiiti.iriiiv. Inn. ' v. ill-Hi' at 1 ... . ...- 111 . A. A (i. W. 1! It 'I ran fer at 7 p. in., and J.-uoe.-lov nut ::: a. 10., connects wi i. upxe.l tiain 1 hat ill rives 111 l-.rie at I: Vi n. m. 0: "0 P. M.. Mixed rra n leave Sharon for In.' and arnv.ug at Crai u to. 1J;;a-a. 11:.. and i.ne at h: j a. 111 Ti.-iii!seon,...t at lbs-bestcr with train for W hci-ng and a 1 ;.i,p,: W... t V;;v ni '.' i,! P.-.tshc.i'.ii .!!- ns ! I'!, J'li a, 1, am 0 .,: -(,, li l t i pioit. ;,.ld W. i.h- '",-.'." a 1 ci.i... :va :.a C. uti.i. i;u.-, oad. 1 I 1 1 I . X '1 os ; N ,, i at Willi I It ( 'a., I 1 , I I ' ,.; ,. ;iar. I v.-a-il for l'ic, (",i-:rr'.. ;.., 'ail .,.;'; ine ee a' i.r c v.i:;. I ;.,.tvl, p .;,v 1: h-io ';. 0.1 1 i.,r Lorry, '. .! -i ,v. Ii . ,., nUlo,,-,., .t,.., ,,, 15,...,;,,,, j.-, .01, :;".';"". J-'""'-b), l'nnkiik, iNia,-aia l'u.is laid New ur City. F.'n. FINNEY, Geniul Sup't ALLCGHZ'iV IULLEY RAIL ROAD F GREAT TIir.OUGII ROUTE raoM The Oil Regions (0 Pittsburgh, THE CAST AND THE WEST ! SLEEriXO CARS On all night trains. Passengers and bag-gai-e transferred at Oil City, Fuek oV I II ARKK I ' Trains make direct connection with aH mihlw.,:el'tU,'ini- ai OU CUy- ua lev Day Express lenve Oil Cityat.... 2?0am r An Ives at Pittsburgh. ...1. no,,, Night Express Leave ol fit .... 020 o 10 Arrives lit .Pittsburgh i V 25 i m Mail Irani leaves oil City.... ().-, u ... Arrives 111 PitilliurgU 5 p w Day Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 20 a m Arri-ivesat OilCiiyiit f.... 2 lf. p ,,! Night Express Leaves Pittsburgh Mo pin Arrives ut Oil Citv . e I,.,,,, Way Passi.iif,,r i.vos Put.,bui"rh 11 15 a 111 Arr.vcsutcn f.ty 7 it, p 1"! asscnircis travelling by this Route will tn 1. heiter accoinmodiiiions i makebet tei tone thai, bv nuy ..;hcr load from f,. Oil Regions.,, Pittsl,,,,...!,. ' J-J- VV.' LK.'.VK, (;,,. sunt. l ( otic S ., ,,,.i1.i. p.,H, (,;,. oil crxy, lEiifWA. !l:.VLi:i:i IS rcnncN a:tu domestic. rD.lY GOODfJ, Villus UOOLS, CAIUFTIXQ Oil ( 7. : v ns. 1: o o jy ct- SU0LS 0 ua 'i,; & c. 1 v. 'miMMisca NCI'. IONS. l.VC, ETC. It,. 1 ... t Cur all inss, poenlial 1 1 ' '