The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 21, 1871, Image 2

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    Zht forest grpuMifan.
w. k. duxn . - . . . editor.
TKo mrmhen of tlio Republican
onty (committee will meet nt the
IVotWiotary's office on Morality, Feb.
2?th, l8tl, at 7 o'clock, I M., for the
)ur,poso of selecting Delegate, to the
Union Republican State Convention,
and for the transaction of other busi
ness A full attendance is desired.
J. ft. Aonkw, Chairman.
retrolcum V. Nashy" (D. R.
iocke) will deliver a lecture in Koxoop
Hall, on Wednesday evening of next
weeK, tnexiM insL Suliect,"Ia Search
vf the Man of Sin." The proceeds of
this lecture will be for the benefit of
the loung Mens Christian Associa
tion, under whose auspice the lectur
er conies. Nasby has a world wide
reputation.and will be enthusiastically
wclc lined. Warren ledger.
We hail with joy the evidences of
reconstruction which the Ledger dis
plays in the above. When Nasby first
began to lecture, every democratic pa
per in the land was defaming him, and
piling epithets mountain high upon
his devoted head. Now he is "enthusi
astically welcomed" by at least one of
them. We wonder if the publication
of the Sheriff's Sales by the above pa
per did not contribute its share to
wards smoothing down the editor's
Standard Weight. 'lhe Legisla
ture of Pennsylvania recently fixed
the following figures as the standard
weight per bushel iu this State for the
.following articles named :
Wheat, 60 pounds ; rye, 56 ; shelled
rn,56; cob corn, 70 j corn meal, 40;
coarse salt, 70; ground salt, 02; fiue
alt, 47; barley, 47; oats, 32; buck
wheat, 50; clover seed, 54; timothy
feed, 43 ; turnips, 55 ; onions, 4C ; peas,
50; malt, 37; unslacked lime, 80;
anthracite coal, 80; bituminous coal.
76 ; coke, 40 ; potatoes, 50 ; sweet po
tatoes, 54; flax seed, 50; bran, J20;
beans, 56; dried apples, 25; peaches,
The following from the Greenville
Mercer county has more Farmers'
Clubs than any other county in the
cutie jne nas less.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin of
wicakiyviIJe this county, celebrated the
4iim anniversary 0i their wedding Uav.
n Tk.ii...!.... i. t.u : .
vm nu.fluuj , tuU I ill 1USU
There is a mau living near this place
worth two hundred thousand dollars,
wno was -once a boot-black in San
Francisco, Colifornia. Boys, think
ot that!
Tl. 1 I . 1 .
liiwkiss oy me various insurance
companies having risks in this town
during the latt fire, was $25,000.
ti...:.. .l- i-.i .i :. .
"" nisi inree vears tneir
tosses here have aggregated 800,000.
So says an insurance agent.
twenty-four largo furnace and tix
largo rolling mills. These furnaces
yield some six hundred tons per day.
Tk. A 1 .r
u.u uouy oi an miant was
foil ml a few days since, in a.i out-house
of theWhistler Hotel, Mercer. Its
mother's name is said to be Mary
Hunter, and it is supposed that this
unnatural creature placed her babe
mere to perish.
On the 8th inst, while David and
Bruutou Smith, miners at Piert cos I
shaft, were at work in the mine, a piece
ui me roonug uirectiy over their heads
suddenly fell, striking David on the
Jiack, seriously brusing and cutting his
back, face, and breast. Bruntou es
caped without injury.
froni Oil City
A meeting of the Oil Producers of
est Hickory and the vicinity of Fa
gundus, was recently held, and a com
mittee appointed to take action for
the protection of producers from ex
orbitant c'larges for the transportation
of oil on the part of pipe line compa
nies. A 75 barrel well was struck Tues
day on the Wilkins tract at Fagundus.
Another well in the same locality, es
timated at between 30 and 40 barrels,
was strnck on Monday. The latter is
owned by Augus McFarlaud.
The grand social re-union of the
Odd Fellows of Veuango and adjoin
ing counties, will take place on the
22d-Vashintou's birthday-at White's
Opera House Iiouseville. It promises
to be a very enjoyable affair.
On Saturday last, Major General
JCilpatriek was presented, by E. M.
' lukill Emi., of Iiouseville, with the
lie chestnut trotting horse, "Itnyal
Icorge." The animal is valued at
; 2,000.
Captain Travis is making arrange
' flit for a shooting tournament to be
'hi at Tiiusville Driving Park in the
ring, it i expected some of the
i t pistol and ride shot in the coun-
will be prueent to compete lor
The Corrv Ilrjfublican states that
i lain parties from Titusville are
ut to kink an experimental well at
rry, having leased the territory and
jf-d ji contract for that purpose.
m mini iweoiy-iwo miles along th
r:.i ... . ..
iv a uuiuurgn ivauroau.inciudiii
X ....'.. ... I 1 1LM ... .
v,aenu auu onarpsvilie. there i
We take the following from the
litusvillo Herald
The Union and Titusville Railroad
Co. takes out seventeen tank cars load
ed with oil this morning. All the
freight trains have a caboose attached
for the accommodation of pnssc!igers,
but no regular trains are yet running,
as the naosengcr coaches have not yet
The net well of Briggs& Andrews,
on the Mnguire farm, has created no
little, excitement among the operators,
opening un as it does a lnrea amount
of territory heretofore considered of
no value, and large bonuses have been
paid for lease on the farm. Out of
compliment to Mr. K. II. Bush, of
UiiHhIo, the well is called the "Medoc
Well," Mr. Bush having presented the
gentlemen with an elegant (lag for it,
decorated with a horse, representing
the famous "Medec," one of the win
ners of the double team race at Bulla,
lo, two years since.
Thursday morning about two
o'clock, Mr. James Mullet, clerk at the
Empire House, was awakened by some
person or persons attempting to break
into the room in which he sleeps on the
first floor of the house. Cooly taking
up a revolver lying by the side of his
bed, he blazed away in the direction
of the noise, but unfortunately the vil
lain was shorter than he had counted
on and the ball passed over his head
and through the window, lodging in a
wall, the burglar making his escape.
Ever since the attempt at burlary
made last summer on the Empire
House, Mr. Mullet has been prepared
to give the villains a warm reception,
and be has the will to do it. We would
suggest however, that when gunning
tor game ot this description he lower
ins aim, lor the aim that will reach a
short man will prove just a effective
on a tall one. terry lelegraph.
Anotiikb Horrible Cascalty.
About half-past nina o'clock yesterdav
morning, au accident resulting in the
instant lien in oi a uraKeman named
Charles Boone, occuned ou the Oil
Creek Railroad at Rousevillc. It an
pears that the up train, a second-class
one, due at that places at 9:37 a. m.,
had just arrived but not stonoed. when
the brakeman leaving a brake that he
had set on the forward end of a coal
car, was thrown off his feet by an un
expected start of the locomotive.which
at the same instant broke the coupling,
and the cars parting, he fell between
them and was run over and terribly
mutilated ; in fact nearly cut in two
by several of the remaining cars of the
train. He was pulled out before the
train stopped, but Hied instantly. The
case appears to be a purely accidently
cue iiiuihc vwnrter, reo. i-t.
Tho following from the East Bra
dy Independent :
The Little Georgie well on the Camp
bell, Hart & Agell tract, on Bear
ureek, owned by the Campbell larm
Co., Is 1,170 feet deep, and doing 40
barrels per day. It was drilled by
our friend J. M. Lambing, Esq.,
inrougn big casing, it anords us
much pleasure to record the continued
good luck of Mr. Lambing.
The Blair Well. Capt Jim
Keatly informs us that the Bluir well
one mile from the mouth of the Clar
ion river, ond owned by Mr. Blair, is
doing twenty-five barrels per day.
The BulTulo Courier says: We
have known of person serving their
own private spites by giving titlse or
libellous information to the nrcss.
Such persons are now informed that
they are liable to prosecution for so do
ing. At Cincinnati. Judco Cox has
so decided, in the case of a man who
falsely informed a local reporter that
a neighbor of his had committed sui
cide. The item was published, and
the informer, not the newspaper had to
pay the damages.
Dorcas Patterson, an old woman
upwards of 70, and for a number of
years a subject of charity, has been de
clared insane by a commission of Dhv-
sicians appointed to examine her, and
seut to Uixmont. Dorcas Patterson
has resided in Franklin the ereater
part of her life, and is well known to
our old citizens. Spectator.
A'eiv AdverUttementa.
Jamea P. SiKorins. Treaauror fit Vnrivit
County In u. oount with the Common-
wealth or renny 1 vania, from jan 3j
1870, to Jan. aist, 1871
To ain't of Slnte Tux. 1870
209 02
11 4.i
108 50
110 00
12 00
18 41
Ten uuv axexn)ent
mvrcuutilo apiuuUem't
tavern lic-orinc Hi)
aiiipiilet laws 1870
crodit ou Cu. aovouut
V4Q 28
$112 22
202 88
105 28
104 SO
05 SO
29 00
J740 28
Hy balance due lot settlement
My KtuUj Trem. rec't dated Jan. 31
By SUito Treas. rec't dated Oct. 4.
170 '
By Statu Treaa. rec't dated Oct. 4.
By Slate Treaa. rec't dated Oct. 4.
By per!eutage on foil 18 at 5 per
James P. Niurelna. Treaxurer of
County, in account with the Kuuda ol'
mid Souuty from Jun. 3d, 1870 to Jan.
Slat. 1871. li,.
To aiu't duo last Bettlement !t.V!7 51
ma ted tuxin 1K70 KtKiO IK)
jiulKUient, Uaul and Maze 21)4 00
Int. on " " " " )6 25
coHta and ezn. of Auditira an
To bill posta Forest Co vs. Venan-
no Co. Si 97
To ree'd from J. W. MiUar, Ex-
lroasurcr "An no
To aHKeHHiiig MillMtone Tp., from
Klk Co. J9 05
To crunty nuif.a 8 oo
ten Hay aNM-asmcnt 7fl so
u rent of county lunda 8 00
" Uilam e acc't'of A. . Root 10 77
" rodoinptton coimtv lamia C4'. SO
" r.iad tax, Kx-Trcas. Miller .1-' On
" militia " " "i
" ronnty ordvra iift 77
601 3A
faooso 21
By mnnty orders redecmeil
' coupons countv bonda '
fl -Iflfil 41
1078 40
01(1 WO
" exonerations
" wntcd UikIh returned
' lands sold to conntv
" ain't rlinrfnxt on Stiito aec't
" duplicate road A nchool orders
lOfki 41
18 41
2!) 74
road and (x h.x.l orders 18m-7
111 81
Percentage on .V8 88 nchool orders 348 M
42H7 48 romt
S8 04
1711 m " com.
3717 58 blR level "
1078 40 eonitona
8248 W reil'fn fund
14501 41 Co. orders
107 70
2-.3 05
64 70
V.H 81
873 (18
f-IKWl 21
By am't rlmrffed to balance
6U1 S5
Bnrnett Township.
To balance due on liwt settlement
By orders redeemed
Howo Township,
To balance due last settlement
nfl 48
6!8 48
Sill l'J
By orders redeemed 810 84
By Treaa. Hetley's receipt 8 28
310 12
llarmonv Township.
To bal due lant settfement 210 74
" seated lauds returned I860 10 00
449 74
By orders redeemed
' Treaa. Metloy'a receipt
407 84
41 HO
449 74
Jenks Township.
To bal. due lant settlement 1274 02
" seated lands rt 1800-67 30 73
" ain't roc from Kx-Treas
Miller 10 83
1315 68
By orders redeemed 1240 87
" seated orders ' 1866-67 30 73
" ex-Tress. Miller's orders
redeemed 2 78
M Treas. hetley's receipt 41 20
1315 58
Illckorv TownMliln.
To balanco duo laxt settlement
606 80
lly orders redeemed 278 85
' error last lettloment 228 oi
SOU 86
Millstone Townshln.
To bal. duo last settlement lo42 81
" Mated rands ret. 1809 s 5
1546 20
By orders redeemed
" Treaa. Sotley s rec't
1512 60
33 ft)
1546 20
Kimrsley Townshln.
To bal due Inst wttlcniont 683 08
" seated lands ret. not cli'd 44 74
728 02
728 12
1127 32
1127 32
67 83
67 83
By orders redeemed
Tioiiusta Township.
To balance duo last settlement
By orders redeemed
Tionosta Boroujrh.
To balance due last settlement
By orders redeemed
Barnett Township.
To balance duo laRt settlement 260 08
By orders redeemed 241 14
,l Treaa. Hetley's receipt 18 4
260 08
Howe Township.
To balance due last settlement loij'i 7
By orders redeemed 10U0 41
" Treas. Setley's receipt 9 56
1069 97
80 03
89 95
Ilarnionv Townshln.
To balance due last'settlemcnt
By Treaa. Setley's recoipt
Hickory Township.
To balance due last settlement
By orders redeemed 262 70
" error in eharfca - - 215 00
" Troas. Setley's receipt 2 00
479 70
479 70
Jenks Townshio.
To bal. due last settlement 965 65
am t r3 d from ex-Treaa.
84 22
22 81
am't seated tax 1867
10.2 58
By orders redeemed
" seuUnl orders " 1867
" Treas. Setley's receipt
1022 58
540 64
640 64
Kimmlcv Townshln.
To balance duo lust settlement
By orders redeemed
Millstone Township,
To hnl. due last settlement 772 1)3
" ree'd from cx-Tr. Miller 21 65
704 68
By orders rsdttemed
" Troas, Setley's recoipt
772 03
21 65
74 58
Tionesta Borough.
To balance duo last settlement
By orders redeemed
Tionesta Township.
To balance due last setilomeut
By orders redeemed
A 82
6 82
1205 23
1205 23
Harnett Townshln.
To bal. due last settlement' 109 78
" rec d ofexsTr. Miller t 22 67
132 45
By orders redeemed
" Treas. Setley's recoipt
62 03
80 42
132 45
Howe Townshln.
To bal. due last settlement 760 79
recdofex-Tr. Miller 30 79
797 68
By orders redeemed
a Treaa. Setley's receipt
760 79
36 79
797 68
Jenks Townshln.
T" I 1 .1 1 .
aii inti. uuu lusi seuiemoui
" roe U of ex-Tr. Miller
703 78
By orders redeemed
u Treas. Setley's receipt
703 78
Millstone Townsliip.
To balance Due last settlement
By orders redeemed
280 59
280 69
Howe Township.
To bal. due last settlement 11159 85
" recdofex-Tr. Miller 1 70
19U1 65
By orders redeemed
" Treas. Setley's receipt
19.-0 85
1 70
1961 65
1757 71
1757 71
Jenks Township.
To balance due last scttlemeut
By orders redeemed
To am't rec.'d from ex-Treas. Miller 69 05
By Treus, Setley's receijit fty 115
E. L. Davis, Hi)jh Sheriff, Jan. 1, 1870, to
Jan. 1, 1871, in account with Forest 'o.
To am't of Fees i8 40
By fees and services itjg 40
J. B. Aft-new, Prothonotarr, from Jan. 1st
1N70, to Jan. 1st, 1871, iu account with
Forest County.
To am't of fees 64 55
By foes and services 04 65
W. W. Mason, District Attorney, Jan. 1st,
1870, to Jan. 1st, 1871, iu account with
Forest County.
To amount of fees 20 00
By tees and services 0
County CoininissUners, in aciount with
Ffa-iwt ( 'ouuty from Jan. 6tii, 1870, to J an
7th, 1871.
A. B. Root, to ain't orders drawn 309 VI
By ll. due s pw senlement 83 44
" ain't due Slggin!!
" 63 davs services (a 3
" 642 miles travel
" exienes to Franklin
" exp. clmrtre on Ixx.ks
" cash paid Treas. Siggius
3W 01
N. P. Wheclor, to Co. orders
To credit to balance
299 00
By bal. duo as per settlement 87 80
52 days sorvlce 156 00
" 612 miles travel 54 20
" expenses 1 OO
209 00
Balance duo
Benjamin Klllott, to County
orders drawn
To nmt er. to balance
18 00
635 00
77 73
612 75
By bal. due lost settlement 61 00
41 141 days' service 4-i'l 00
" 852 miles travel 85 20
" expenses paid out 43 65
012 75
77 76
Balance duo
Jacob Mercllliott, to County
orders drawn 77 00
To ain't cr. to balance 24 40
101 40
By 23 days service (19 00
" 324 miles travel 82 40
, 101 40
Balance duo 24 40
We the undersigned Auditors of Forest
s-mimy. no crrt'ty that we met at tho Com
missioners' nfllen at the Court House in
Tionesta borough, and did audit, settle snd
al)ust tho accounts of the Treasurer. Sher
iff, Prothonotary District Attorney and
Commissioners of said Countv, and tind
tho same as set forth in the foregoing re-
In testimony whereof we have hereunto
sei our hands this 30th day of January,
A. D. 1871. '
KLI HOT.F.MAN, ) . ...
WILLIAM CLARK, ) Auditors,
STATEM ENT of Expenditures of Forest
loumy, a. u. isio.
Comity Cominissloucrs
" Auditors and "
New Court House
Furniture "
Sherill 's house and Jail
Wild cat and Fox bounty
Jury fees
Assessors' services
Council fees
Constables' services
Jury Commissioners
Court crior
Road views
1242 00
379 56
107 00
K05S 67
2109 21
217 63
97 60
1335 4)1
246 2!
6 70
165 K
160 40
44 62
75 00
118 (Ml
129 58
213 70
49 45
Commonwealth costs
Books and stationery
Court auditor
Court house rent
House of refuse
Registry exienses
Western Pa. Hospital
Kejiairing bridge, Ma;le Creek
New bridge, Clarington
Coroner's fees
Sheritt's lees
Prothonntary's fees
District Attorney's fees
Expenses to Ilarrisburgh
119 II
15 00
79 20
651 116
75 55
124 II
129 00
1760 61
17 44
1(18 40
64 55
20 no
75 00
Statement of Finances of Forest County for
.. j-nu- cooing .ian. awn, ja, 1,
To am't of county loan 25000 00
" Co. orders outstand
ing 41OO 33
Toamt " forClarlng-
ton Brldire 288:1
To am't due 3. P. Siggins 691 32
int. duo on coupons 1028 00
31U1 87
By unsestml tax, 1870 4636 13
" senu-d lauus rem mod 1083 62
" due from 1). Black, ex-Tr. 809 18
6528 02
Pursuant to law. we the Commissioners
of Forest Countv. miUish the foreirninien-
hihit of tho receipts and expenditures of
sam c ounty lor tnc year 1870.
In testimony whereof we hereunto set our
nanus me Jiotn day ol January, 1871.
N. P. WHEEI.EIt, )
BENJ. ELLIOTT, Commissioners.
BY VIRTUE .indry wrlU of cndl
tlonl Exixiit. . and Levari Facias, is.
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Forest County, and to me directed,
there will be exposed to sale by public
vnndue or outcry at the Court House in
Tioncia, on
Monday, Feb. 27th,, I87I,
at 2 ocloek P. M.. the following described
real estate, to-wit 1
George 8. Ixuig vs. the Cherry and Trout
itun un and Alining Co., al. ven. ex. No,
22 February Term, 1871 Mason All de
fendant s right, title, interest and claim of
in ana to a iterlain piece or parcel of laud
situate in tho tow nship of Harmony, coun
ty of Forest (formerly Venango) aiid State
of Pennsylvania, bounded and descrilied
as follows, to-wit: Beginning at post,
thence south eighty-nine decrees east one
hundred and seventy-four perches to a
post, thence south one-half degree west one
hundred and twenty.two and three-tenths
perches to a post, thence by laud of James
Huling north eighty-ninoUegiwos west one
hundred and seventy-four oerches lo a
white oak, thence north one degree cast
ououreu ana iwomy-iwo and three-
pen-ues 10 a post, the place of begin
liiug. containing one hundred and nlnair
three acres of land more or less, lotiig the
same piece of land conveyed to the Cherry
and Trout Run Oil and M ining Co., record-
iu uiariers uook xo. z, page 112, in
Venango county. Taken in execution and
to Is? wild as the property of the Cherry
and Trout Hun Oil and Mining Company
Ralph R. Rolierts vs the I.ake Erlo Pe
troleum t:ompny, Levari Facias E. D. No,
21 Feb. Term 1X71 Tate All defendant'.
right, title interest and claim of in and to
all that tract and parcel of land situate
in the township of KiugKler, coun
ty of Forest, State of Pennsylvania, boing
part of lot No. 51U3 described as follows :
ucgiiinlug at the northern corner of said
tract, No. 5193 running thence southerly
along said tract 221 8-10 perches to a lilaek
nak tree, thence south 42j east 320 perches
to a block oak tree, thence north 44 J along
the trai t lino 153 1-10 jierchcM, thence north
42) west by a line parallel to the north
easterly bounds of said tract No. 6103 0110
hundred perches thence north forty-four
and s half degrees east 68 2-10 perches to the
truct line, thence uortlierlvalor.gsaid tract
lino 21 pen lies to the place of beginning,
eon'. lining 400 acres more or less.
Also All that certain other tract or par
cel of land situute in Kingsley township in
said county, descrilied as toliows : Begin
ning at a hemlock tree, corner of said lot
thence runuiug north 4IJ west 141 8-10
perches to a witch hazel thence south 44
west 87 pcrcclm to a (lost, thence south 43
east 141 6-lu perches to a stone corner,
thence north 44 ea' t ninety-four perches
to the place of beiriuniini. lu.i.iuii.i..,. kji
acres, being the saino premls( oonveved
by deed fioni Hainilton Stows and others
to (iuorgo liuluindorf, bearing date Aug. 7
lN57,andadjoiniiig the first ihworiheil prem
ises on tho southerly side thereof and the
same convoyed by Ralph li. Rolierts to
the 1-ake Frio Petroleum Coniiiany and
part of lot No. 5104.
A14KV-AU thai Mhrnartilnpl()of kmd '
sltunle In the township of Tionesta in snld
county, and Is part or lot No. 6lr2, and is
descrilied as follows, to-w It 1 Bcginnlngon
the east line of ssid tract No, 6112 fitly risls
northerly from the southeast corner there
of, running northerly along snid east line
75 rods, thence northwesterly parallel to
the westerly lino of said tract tl'cnec south
westerly on sa d last mentioned line 75
rods thence southeasterly parallel to the
southwest line of said tract to the placo of
Ix-glnning. containing 15 acres, lie lliesamo
more or less, being tho same premises eon
veyed to the lke Erie Petroleum Coni'
lianv by deed from Kalnh It. Rolierts. All that certain other piece of land
situate In tho tow nship of Hickory, county
of Forest, State of Pennsylvania, and is the
same piece conveyed liv deed from Kali
K. Kolwrts to tho Ijike Erie Petroleum
l oinnany, and is bounded on the northcrh
side by land furmorly owned hv the. l'hlt.
adelnhia t)il Company, on the easterly side
by the East Hickory Creek, on the south
ny isnii oi me (in city Company, and on
urn wesi oy me Aiiegnony River. Contain
ing B acres ami 24 rods.
Aljtrt All that certain other niece of land
sltusto In the same township anil on the
miiimcriy sine 01 me -al Illckorv 'neK
and is the same piece conveyed liy Rail
K. Rolierts and his wile to the Ijake Erie
relrolouni Company, and Is bouudel on
the south by the Plank road, and contains
one and 8-10 acres of land, reference Iming
had to said conveyance from Ralph It. Rob
erts ana wue lor a more particular ilescrlp
Taken In execution ami to be sold as tho
property of the Ijiks Erie Petroleum Com
ny at the suit of Ralph R. Roberta.
C. F. Gillespie vs. John Moodv et. al
levari Facias No. 14 Feh.Torm 1871 Tato
All defendant rluht. titlo. interest and
claim or in and to all that certain piece or
parcel of land situate in Kingsley township
....... , . , ... 1. .. .
inning 111 t enniiKo mill ntaio Ol I'Ollllsvi.
vania. iKinnded and descrilied thus! Ro.
ginning at hemlock tree, running thence
north forty-six degrees west one hundred
lierches lo a birch tree nlong the lino of
isniis ownen iiyueorgeiianendnut, thence
north forty four degree east one hundred
and sixty-two perches to a post along the
lino of land owned y 11. F. Ijicy, thence
south forty-three degrees east one hunilred
lierches to a chestnut oak tree along the
lauus or 11. Ntow K Co., thence south forty
four degrees west one hundred and fitly
seven perches along lands or If. Stow
Co., to placo of beginning, cont lining ono
hundred acres, strict nicnsur , bithesaiiie
more or less, and being part of a larger
iraci 01 land .o. 111114, tne auove descrilied
lands Ileum the same eonvevnd bvthn ul,l
narty of the second part to the said partios
hereunto of the first part liv deed hearing
date the 22d day of March A. D. 1865, lieing
given io soi'iiro a pari 01 1110 consideration
thereon assessed. Taken in execution and
to be sold as tho property of John Moody
i-i. hi, 111 me sun. ui 1 . r. Muiespic.
James Godfrey vs. Anna R. Rolierts and
ixamuei Kolicrt, levari Facias No. 27 Feb,
Term 1871 Ilrowil All H..l'niirlnt rl.rl.l
title, interest and clnimof in and to al' that
certain tract or parcel of hunt situate in
I lot.ista township, county of Forest and
stato of Pennsylvania on the Tionesta
crcen ami adjoining the countv line of For
est on the north, described as 'follows: Bo.
ginning at a hemlock on the county line
north one hunilred and forty-one iorchcs
west from Tionesta Creek," thence south
two hundred and soventv-four perches to
a uoiiiiocK, ineiice east nve Hundred anil
forty-five perches to a post, thence north
two hundred and seventy-four lierches to
a post, thence west five hundred and forty
tive perches to the place of lieglnnlng, lie-
mg bounded on the north by tho division
line or forest anil Warren counties, on the
oast hv lot niimliered twenty-nine hundred
ana sixty 2Ki) on tho south by lot twen
ty-elght hundred and twelve (2812) on the
west by lot twentv-seveu hiiuilreil and
thlrtv-tivn l'T.'l.M ..m.i,.I.I.,,, l.,....l.l
and ftny-six acres and forty-two porches
lie the same more or less, being a tract of
ami conveyed by James Godfrey to Anna
R, Rolierts by deed dated twenty-seventh
day of March, A. D, ono thousand eight
hundred and sixty-five. Taken In execu
tion and to be sold as the priert,t of Anna
it. uouens anil namuel itooerta at tiiesu it
or James Uodfrey,
W. W. Rose VS. Thn Klnnlrn PKv lWrn.
lemn Company, Ven. Ex. No. 3-5, Feb. T.
1871 Spencer Defendant's right, title, in
terest ami ciaim oi in and to all that cer
tain piece or narcel of land lvimr In
ory township, County of Venango, am
niaio or t cnnsylvanlii, (now County of
forest) bounded and described as follows.
to wit: Beginning at the south corner of
lands contracted to Morris Purdv, thence
west 4" degrees east, along said lands con
tracted to said Purdy 163 ierchoa to a iost
thenco south 44 degrees east 44 lierches to
a comer. Mienee south 46 decrees wot 111
perches to a corner, them south 44 east
uu perciies to a comer, thence south 46 de
grees w 147 IMireho to a Host, thenco north
44 degrees west 104 perches to tho place of
uvg.iiiiuiK, coninimng ih acres and allow
ances ofsix percent for roads, etc.. beinn
!"' mrgo tract oi lauri warranted in
tho name of Thomas Struthcrs bv
the Commonwealth by warrant dateil
ocpt. M A. li. I8.sf embracing in the re
turns of survey 400 acres and IK) perches,
ana granted to said struthcrs bv patent
iro.J loeiommonweaiin ocaringuale Alay
21, A. u. iv reserving nowever one acre
which was conveyed by said party of the
irsi pari io sciiuoi uisirivi oi iiicKory
township by deed.
Aijo rliat certain piece or parcel of
land situate in ickory township Venan
go county (now Forest county; Slate of
j runny ivauia oeing a part or tract
surveyed on warrant number 3693, com
mencing at a white oak stumpattiie corner
of Luther Barnes laud, thence west 46 de
crees east by lands contracted to C. H.
Church 163 wrclie to the north east boun
dary ol'a tract of land of 402 acres and 7
Krches couveyed.hy F. W. Allen to J. C.
ivton, trustee, thence south 44 degrees
east 82 perches to a corner, thence south
10 degrees west 163 perches to a corner,
thence north 44 degrees west 82 perches to
the place of beginning, containing 78) acres
with allowances. Taken in execution and
to be sold as the projierty of The Empire
I ity I'etroleuiu Company, at the suit of
v. iv. none.
F. N. Fuller vs. Bennett Pobha al. fl.
fa. No. 3 Feb. T. 1871 Tate All dolend
aut's right, title, interest and claim, of, in
and to a certain piece or parcel of land, sit
uate in Jenks township. Forest county, Pa.
descrilied as follows, to-wit : Part of war
rant No. 5141. subdivision No. 6, contain
ing ono hundred and twenty-seven acres
more or less. Defendant's right, title, intorest
and claim of iu and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land situutoin Howe township
Forest county. Pa., bounded and dscrilHl
as follows, to-wit: Part of warrant No.
2U5 subdivision No. 43, bounded on tho
north by warrant No. 2812, on the east by
subdivision No. 44, on the south by subdi
vision No. 48, and on the west by subdivis
ion No. 42, sulidivision num'liers being
art of tract No. 2905 liereinl.eloro men
tioned, containing one hundred acres, more
or less.
Also All defendant's right, title, Inter
est and claim, of in and to all that certain
tractor piece of laud situate in the town-
sliip of
Jenks, county of Forest, and State
of Pennsylvania, via : Part of warrant No.
ui.v, ununited and described as follows, to
wit : Un the northwest by No, 5129, on the
north by No. 6173, on the northuast by tri
angle, on southeast by No. 6139, on the
southwest bv Ko. fti:til mi rami... .......
containing three hundred and litteeu acres
mol e or less.
1 liken l i execution and to be sold as the
roperty of Bennett Dobbs, at the suit of
'. N. Fuller.
Terms Cash,
E. L. DAVIS. SherifT
SUprlff's Offloe, Tionesta, Pa., Fob. 7, '71.
JOB WORK neatly executed at this otllcs
as rsasswrstssj itrtaau
February Term, 1871 1
Mrs. L, Waugaman, Hotel, Harmony
Fred. Nestle, Hotel, TrtiiiVeyvllIp.
Public Notice Is hereby given that Nan
cy Dawson. Executrix of John Dawson,
deceased, has filed In the Register's (mice
In and for tho County of Forest, at Tiones
ta, Pa., her final account as Executrix un
der the hist will of the snid John Dawson,
dceoascd, and Hint the same will be pre
sented to tho Orphans' Court of said coun
ty for contirinntlon and allnwanco on the
27th day of February next, at the Court
House at Tionesta In the County aforesaid.
42-4t. J. B. Atj N EW, 'Reglstor.
Jan 17, 1871.
Public Notice Is hereby given that Sam
uel D. Irwin, Administrator of the estate of
S. S. Hillings, deceased, has filed In the
Register's Olllco In anil for tho County or
Forest at Tionesta, Pa., his final account as
administrator of the said S. H, Hillings,
ins-ensco, ami mm mo same will lie pre
sented to the Orphans' Court of said Coun
ty for confirmation and allowance on the
Ziinnay oi February next at the Conn
House at Tionesta in the county aforesaid
J. U, AUatiW. Register,
Jan. 19,1871.
Public Notice Is hereby given that Davl
S. Lldridge at d William Wray. adminis
tratora of the estate of James Eldridge,
uwTiwni, nas men in tne negister Ollle
the final account as administrators of th
"""i" s"i sanies r.uiriiign. Hoc d, am
that the same will lie presented to the Or
pnan s i-ouri oi sunt county for conlirnia
mm and allowance on the 27th day t
February noxt, at the Court House I
the borough of Tionesta, in the county
......t win. j, u. A.-r.v ,
Jan. 19, 1871, 42-4t Register,
ON AND AFTER Saturday January 28,
Trains will run as follows:
Prathcra Mill
No. 2.
2.50 p III
3.17 "
8.40 '
No. 4.
9.41 a til
PllhoJo City
Plthole City,
Prnthers Mill
No. 1.
8.oo a m
8.13 "
8.23 "
8.30 "
No. 3.
l.oo p m
in r.xira i rain leaves l'itholo City on
Saturdays at 8.20 n. in. making close 'con
nection at OicoMiIis with Trains on the Oil
" reek iV Allegheny River Railway forCor
ijr nun iiiierinisiiaie Hlims.
Riturn Train leaves Oleopolis at 7.20 ti
til., arrivinirat lMthnle fitv at 7..V.
All other Trains make close connection
at Oleopolis with trains on tho Oil Creek
Allegheny River Hail way, North and
Train No. 2 makes close connection at
oil City with Fast Lino on Allegheny Val
ley Railway for Pittsburgh and intermedi
ate lMiinta.
Two Lines of Stages run daily between
Plthole Citv. Miller Farm and Pleassnl..
ville, maki'igoonnoction withsrrlvlngand
ne i win m g i rains. J. T. 11LAIK.
Ticket Agent, Plthole City, Pu.
An unfailing remedy for all Bronchial Dif
ficulties. Comrlis. I' ILuin....
Asthma. Diptheria, Dryness of the Throat
or ii imi J'ipoaiidall Catarrhal diseases.
Tho womlernil mix I ern ,1 iui.v...i- nfcj..
bollo Acid, is destined to become ono of
tne greatest blessings to mankind in its
application to disease of the throat and its
great curative qualities in all affections of
tue i nesi anil Lungs,
Dr. Wells' C arbolic Tablet
Isoldes the great remedial agout Carbolic
Acid contains other ingndients universally
recommended which chemically omiihins
producing a J ablet more n,,
al and better adapted for diseases of the
throat than any preparation ever before of-
fcred to tho '
p untie
Be sure that von
get ells' Carbol
1c Tablets: don't let other goods be palmed
ot! on you in their place.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
are a SURE CURE. Try Thsm
boiu Dy Druggists. , 4nt
Manufacturers of
A., Ac, d(
11, 12 and 10 II. 1
40, 20, 22, ana 18 II. p..
Room No. 2, Chaso A Stewart's Block,
Th.'J Republican Ofrlco""
'EEPS constantly on hnml a lrKe a.
V sortiiientoflihink Dcmlu m. ....... JT
uhprcuaH. Warrants. ,......':". .?"v
la tbs motto of
Lo bar opened a
In the old Court lloussbullding , sdjolniotf
the Holmes House,
where they will be happy; to supply th
wants of this coiuainnlty, with
Entire Fresh AMrtmtnt
fall thsjooyslties la ih
which hays been Mleeted with great ear.
As to prices, w ehallenje all competitora.
It has long been the desire of the peopls
of this community, to have a store In tbetr
midst where can b found everything BB.
rally kept In a first-class store.and wh.r.
It could be pun-hased at living prices. To
tlsfy this want, w. hare come In year
midst, and bop by proper attentioa t
busiuess and to the wants of the people, to
secure their patronage.
Our ttoekf
Is second to none In
Western Pennsylvania,
end we are determined not to be ander
sold. These Roods mhrw tl i.s
and we feol assured thattheettlzeneof tkie
county will not hare to go to adjoining
towns to purchase DRESS GOODS In the
Our stock of
O Xj O T H OlllTia-
le euperlor, both In quality and style t
ny eyer before offered in this section, and
we trust that .11 will call and examlu. onr
stock before purchasing elsewhere. M'a
hevli.ft an experienced cutter, we can .
fy the most fastidious ni M. hT
our own maiiufactury In Philadelphia, w
thereby have th. adv.nt.g.;oTer all other
dealer in this section.
lu endless variety, at price, to suit th. ,
Boots & S
of eve
"y Htyle.nd quality, which w. are.
prepared to sell at New York prices. .
Call and.Examine our Stock.
pt a tr. Hii.y Rfv te
as w't