V -s V?- HULL'S MUSIC STORE. V" sg"y.y sa?r?;, 'r-'-t(.' : J (Successor to HULL A WHITNEY,) Ao, 1G7 Wnlcr Street, MEADVILLE, PA. Is the place to buy nil of tho First Class PIANO FORTES, kT OKEATLY K EDUCED TRICES. ALSO Organs & Melodeons ! Having the exclusive Agency fur Craw fnrp, Venango nnd Mercer Counties for the following celebrated makes of PIANO FORTES: Wm. Rrnillmry, Rteinway A Sns, Chlckoring A Sons, C. Kurtf.man's W. P. Emerson, (3rovetcen, Fuller A Co AND Whitney and Slay ton's United States ORGANS AND MELODEONS ! And having constantly in my store from Twelve to Eighteen Pianos. Parties wishing to purchase, will find it greatly to their Interest to purchase direct trom me and ret a guaranlco with each in strumeut for live years. These Ortratis and Mclodeonsnroeonsid ercd bv stood ludgcs to ho the best K-ed Instrument made. Should other nmkes be prefered. 1 will furnish them as low as can be bought from any one. STOOLS AXI SPREADS AND ALL KINPS OP i Singing and Intraetion Books. GUITARS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, FLl'T.VS, FIFES AND ORVMS. BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. FURNISHED TO HANDS VERY LOW. A good stock of GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS Alwavs on hand. Dealers furnished ot New York prices. .-All orders or com munications promptly attended to. tf J. C. HULL. teclable Sicilian Hair Renew Has stood the fcsl of rven yeara before the public; and no prepar ationfor the lttiirlnin yet bctn dia rnvrrcrf that will produca the mime benrjlciiil remits. It in an entirety new acirutiie dineoveri, contbin iurj man i of the viont powerful a d re'(ortfive tifjruts iit the VECET ABLCKItiCDOM. It rentore.n GREY II.MH TO ITS ORICINAL YOUTH I UL COLOR. It vt'ihe the ttcalt white and clean; cure dandmtf and humors, and lUlliiifr out ol' t!io Iiiiir:. and will maLa it row upon bald head, crcepi in. vera tujrd pemon. as it furnishes the tint lit ire principle ba which the litilr is uonrltihed and supiiorted. tl makes the huir moixt, soft, and alossii, and is ansnrnasHcil as a Jl A I It D It J: SSI -V O. It is the clicuiirst prciu ration ever offered ti the public, as one bottle will ac compli! more and last lonner thsH .'.rc; bottles , of any other prcpnrtttioif, Jt is recommended and used by the. First MotUcnl Authority. The U'oiulerJiU results produced b;t our Sicilian Hair Ilcnewer hare induced inn i if to manufacture preparations for the Hair, tinder variouj names; and, in order to induce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, then hare resorted to falsehood, bif clalmiitft they were former juirt tiers, or had name connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours. Do not be deceived In them. J'urrhase tho vriyinalt it' has never yet been cinidJlud. Our Treatise on the ilulr, with certificates, sent free bn mail. See that each bottle hat our private lieveuue Stamp over the tup of the Uotllc. Alt othert are imitations. R. P. Hall & Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. SJd li uil Dmjjif al Win SltMcine. J. C. LONG, Wholesale and Hotall Dealer In HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIDIOUTE, IF.A.. llrst Poor above Kuchansc. llutel. 4-ly "WALLLIS I I M r K () V U D M A G I C M P It O V K D M A O I c iMrnovED MAGIC BALM! W. II. PKKKINS & CO., .Sole Propri mmmk etor., Fran kJ in, l'a. 44 A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVER Dr. WAUvEIlS CUTO?JriA VINEGAR BITTERS $i lTnnJretls cf Thoneanda Is i A is 2 5 I 111 umtUo I.ll'TU. Hi WHAT ARE THEY 1 y r 5 C i;- b-Ifahcy drink, is ItSL'crf I'ocr liein, Wliihkcy, Trour Z.lrltt l:tt Krf nao l.iqiura tlocl-.rtd. rplii and .v.ct- envd - ilns-tiio t.'.rto, t:.!!LU"Tor.;i,M" AvpcLl' cic," lACtcivn,'' i.c, i;.ut ittd 11 o tlpikr ca to ini!;ci:r. -s tril r.ilj, br.t cro a ireo ?Icu,cine, r"..irla f.-.n :.t t.-.o i.c-c;3tr.i llti'cscf CUlfcn.ia, Ircc lVntii 1,11 AKnUfll.1 Nllipl.lnms. 'ihcr ' (i;;i:.T l;l,t)0i ri ITU ni.it A MI li (;ilNO rillNCU'IXaptri-ct Ilcnovutor trd L:v!jcratr cf Liv 6yt::::, carrylrj off all pejaooocs c-.a'.L-r u:id rc.l-:ll:i.' two 1 Lc4 u u hL&'U.y cccCitloa. Sop:rrua ctn t-:.x tlura ElUcrt Lccorule lo direc tion at.d rviyn:n lorg tti.Tr.ll. V100 irtlla f.vcrforcu lacorftlilo cat, proThlcl t'.e tones ard net dtroyed tr uUacrat potaon or cLlur fecs,ar.dt!i4 A.iUcrjiasT.uud beroedths rs.r.toircttir. l'nr Infli;n:::;i.tr.rr r.cil thrcilo Tbcuma. tin nud (unt, L) rpri r'.ti, ur lailicrMloo, Uillcua, llemlili'Hi u nil inicrBilncDt tcrcra UlMfttoot tlie 111 cod, LlTtr, Kiduoa, ceil Llatiuvr. tlicta I'.tucis lava been mou niccua fcl. bucU IMmctia tio cckicU ly Villi.lcd rinsd. rl;;clil3i,-3-crc:'.r rrcSuccaty CJianetucst UYa'.'U'iilA Oil IXClCrSTIOTN', Head BCUc, l'aia la tliu Ci.ov.Ult. taCf'us.Tiklcea of 11. o l!iat, uur L'tuctcucna cf tlio Etoiroch, Lid Ullio -Momu, p Uou Altr.cis, rslplttl.a cf the l.cs. t, !U.-.um;at.cii of i'.:t Lunge, Fain In tlio rcc-o cf Hiu Uidncy3, ar.J a i.unici ctLcr a.nlul i-xptoicfi, are Uio f.spr.ccaof L)i:cps:o. ?U. j LiTlearctj tl.cblciu&cltandKtiiu&lat3 t!:a tor ptJllTcran(lbovcla,iTliUrt reader t!:em cfuncqucl'.td lCccc; la cleansing U.o bloca of nil ln;icrltlca, c-d uiipartlny neve Ui'c a4 vltfor to ll.c rliclc y3tcin. rH tKIN lISCASi;S,Er:'.rt!onii,Tottur,Cclt rUi.'cr2,lllctclica,fepotitI I'.u pics, I vtuU,Co'.l3. f ciw toncV.t, l:ii ;-V,oiu;ii, fccalci-I.'cad, foro Fyca, Krjt!? clos, ltrli, Icurfi, UUcolorutlonacf tho Cln, Uun.c:a aud l.c.asc6 cf tl.c Lln, cf vhatCTSj cqo or nature, tro literal!; tx-s r.p andearild out cf Uic tyeteni In a Lor t.cc It 11ms v.n of thetc Elt-.cra. Oco bottto Is' ciuli cttc'j vlll convince tuo meet lcrci'.ulcs or their Clctntj tho Vitiated tlood f tiencrer rou fljd lit tu p-r;t.cs buntltis: throni;b tlmalils hirimploi, Lrup tlcns crtlcma; cleanse It vhen you find It obetracud and il'i-irish la the vulna t elennso U when It la fci, and your fcclinra vlll tell yon vuca. Keep luq ktov. pure cud tho health of tho aysU-m 'dl follow. TIN, TArUaEdotacrWOItSIf. lJrtinctntho ystun cf to niMSy thoniaidi, oro ccctu&lly d-jctrcy. odan-J rv moved. For fall dirocilona. rad rnrcfUly Ilia circular arouud each Uatilo, prlutcd fa four li-t-uaats lijifiliBU, German, French and bpualuU. J. W.LIiEr.. I'ropilctor. r..n.J!cI10SAIJ A CO, BmctrtatB and Can. Accnta, Can rranctaco, CaL, aad and &i Coinuicrca Btrect, Kew York. IXrtOLD CV ALL Pr.UGOlSTS AND DZAIXK8. GROVER & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES. T !io following are "selected from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for tlio prefer ence of the O rover Jt Dakcr Muchinos over J all others. "Hike the Drover .V. Itaker Ma chine, In tiie first place, because if I had any other, I should still want a drover A" linker ; and liavins a tirover v linker it answers the purposo of ail the rest. It does a creator variety of work and iseasier to icarn than any other," M rs. J. C. Cro- lv (Jennv June) "I have had eeveral years' expor rienco Willi it Orover it linker Machino. which lias (liven mo irrcat satisfaction. think tlio t trover iV linker Macliine is more easily manaitod, and loss liable to (ret nut of order, 1 prefer the tirover it Tinker de cidedly." Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York. "I havo had one in mv family for some two years; and f.uun what I know of its work in s", ami from the testimony of muiiy of my friends who use tlio an mo. I can linrdly eo how any thin;r could be more complete or nivo littler batisfaction." Mrs. Ucn. Oruut. "I believe it to bo tho best, nil things considered, of any that I have known It is very simple and easily learned: tlio sewing Irom tlio ordinary (oo1h is a treat advantage; tlie stitch is entirely reliable; it does ornamental work beautifully j it is not liable to net out of order. Mrs. A. M bpooner, oii lioudst, lii'ouklyu. "I am acquainted with the work of the principal machines, and I prefer tho (trover it linker to them all, because I con sider the Ktitcli more elastic. 1 nave worn in the house feiiicu was dono nine years tt'jo which is still uood." Mrs, Dr. Me Cready, No. 43 Kust -J:id street, N. Y'. "More than two-thirds of all tho Rovviniiiluiio in my family for tlio last two vears has been done by tirover iV. Haker's Machine, and I never hatl a irarmeut rip or need meiulinr, except those rents which trolicKoine laiys will iiiakn in whole cloth. It is, in my opinion, by far tiie mobt valu abloof any I hove tried." Mrs. llonry Ward IJee'cher. "The Grover it Tlaker Sewinp; Ma chine 1ms rendered in every respect, tlio most perfect satisfaction. It combines so many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy in price Unit it is a lie resity in every household." Mrs. (Jover nor 6'eary, Harrisbiuir, l'a. "I liavo had the fSrover ct Raker Ma chino for ten or twelve years in consliint use in my house. I have seen and known every kind of Family sewin j, both per sonal and household, accomplished upun tho Grover A linker Machine, to the entire mtistaction ol ull concerned, ltev.!5lop!ien II. Tviur. "I iiud the Orovcr A Ttaker Stitch will wearaslouicas the garment do outwear the (."armeiil in fact. The stitch will not break on bias scions, whn stretched, as others do ; and neither doc it draw tiie work." Mrs. Dr. W hiting, 4 Last twenty-fourth street, N. Y, The G rover und,Ilaker Sewing Machine Company iniuiulactiiro both tlio l'lastic and Li.ck Stitch Machines, and oiler the pul. lie a choice of the best machines of both kinds, at their establishments in ull thehirtro cities, uud throunh agencies In nearly all towns throughout tlio country. Price lists and samples of sewing in both fctitches furnished on application to (irover A ISaUer H. M, Co., LI7 Wood, Street, Pitia liurfrli, Pa. COS A VTfi'Ii Salary ! Young e ' men wanted as local and travel ling salesmen. Adres.s (wi li litumpl 1!. II. WAjLKtn, U Park itusv, N. Y. ao-4l Tii Hepublicaa Office KKKPS constantly on hand a largo bm biii'lincntol Uluiik iiceds, Mort.;aes, fciibpanus, Warrants, Buwiuous, to be sold vuetafi for muii. tf. w km si zH ?&zs$&?&4 ts-g 5 THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. IF YOU WANT a perfect lit and a good article of Hoots and Shws, of tho finest workmanship, goto II. I,. 5IC 1XCI7S, 3!t CENT II K STHEICT, OIL CITY, l'A. Sff-Sntisfaetion iruarantoed. 2-33 tf. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizes cashed and Information furnished bv UEOKUE CPIIAM, Providence, It. I. ho 4t "II T A N T E I )"" A ill' M To sell 'the Ootai V gon Sewing Machine. It is Licensed, makes the "Elastic. I H-k Stitch" and is warranted fur 5 years. Trice tl . .All other machines with an under-feed sold for 15 or less arc Infringements, Address Octagon Sewing Machino Co., St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, HI., Pittsburgh, l'a., or Bos ton, Mass." 13 3m (JjlO A Pay Ilusinessentirelvnew and V 1 v honoraHle. Lilieral iinlucenients Descriptive lirculars free Address .1 C 1Um S Co., itidrielord, Mo 1311m IUTl'NKS otfered to live men. Kara Chanen. Send .stamp. Diiiiond K. Co., Washington, Iel. . 2 t-,lm. lX:i'Ki:5iT JIOM'.Y. Till' hipliest Cash Price paid for tho old State Hank Currency : Itank of Craw ford County, Venango Itank, Oil City Itank Petroleum' Hank, orany of the old Stale Itank issues ; nlso. for mutilated Scrip of ull Issues. A. If. STKKLH, Cashier. 4i 2 Tionesta Saviniis itank. A WATCH, pair of Klnukets, Q'liltor Shawl, for One Dollar, appears almost impossihlo, hut such may he haoand hun dreds of other useful articles, ly patronis intiKO. A. TLl'MMKU ct CO.'S "ONE DOLLA15 SALIC." Tlieir system of dolnr? husiness has been examined by tlieauthoritles, and b Decis ion rendered from tlio Internal Kevcnun Pepiuunent, at 'Wasliinirton, dated Nov. 4th, lSliS, declai inif their business perfect ly fair and leitimnte, nnd entirely differ cut ri-oni the ditlerent irifl enterprises. Of course all donot act watches, blankets, cVe, for One Dollar, but in every hirjieelub, one of theso articles arc sold for One l'olhir, ns an extra inducciuont, and somo !iiember of the club has tlio chance of obtaining ' A new feature introduced by this cut . nrisinrr tirm, is to pav their aients in eit er eish or merchandise, ami to prenav tin express elianjes. No better nportiinity can 00 oitcrou 10 eitiicriaoics orueiiucmeu having leisure time, to form clubs for this firm. Head their advertisement in auothor col umn, and send for catalogue. TEA STORE! Tho place to buy every variety of the VERY BEST TEA3 AT TUB L 0 WEST PRICES, is at tlio extensive Tea Storo of II. T. CHAFTEY, where von can always find a larpo assort ment ol the best Teas at New York prices. A larg assortment of Groceries and Pro visions, uncqualed in qnalityand cheapness byany other store in Warren county, always on l.aod. The oeoolo of Forest county w ill save money by purchasing their supplies at this place. lijst h runds of FA IflL Y FL 0 UR, delivered at any depot on the lineof tho It. Jt. free. Store on Main St. near the Depot. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! Water Street, ADJOINING T1IK HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., M. CAEPENTER, - - - Proprietor. Piefures taken in all tho lutost styles of the art, -ti-tf READ ! READ ' The subscribers having re-rented tho lltVIXE Call I. ST MIL.1LS. Would say to their old customers, and tho community generally, that they keep constantly on hand u large stock ul FAMILY FLOUR of all crrndes. Chop Feed, Shorts, I.ran Oats and Urn. Willi our facilities for do ing business, we purposo not to be under Bold by any establishment in this section of the country, ami would say to tho lum bermen and dealers of Forest county, thut they can bo SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point, immeiliato aileiiuou given lo uil orders lroui a distance, K. JONF.S ft CO. WATCH FKEI'l for everybody and XV fciOpcrdav sure. Busines 1 i ' 1 1 1 und honorable. No tiift enterprise. Nobom bug. Addro s, it. Monroe Kenedy, i'ltls burgh, Pa. 311 It LOTS FOR SALE! IN TIIE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., New Y'ork City. AOENTS Wanted -23 per mouth by tho American Knitting Machine Co,, Bovron, MasH.,or St. Jxmia, Mot 2& 9m ERIE RAILWAY 1 1,400 Miles under one management, 800 Miles without change of Coaches, HIE BROAD GUAGE i Dornn: TRACK ROUT BKTWKK! TI1K ATLANTIC CITIES f. A5I THK ESJ and' SOUTHWEST ! Till JcAll.WAY EXTKNP8 FROM Clnciiiuati to New York 8(10 Miles flevelfeid to New York BJo Miles Dunkirk t New York -Ml Mile Itullalo to New York 4J3 M iles lbK-liester to New York :W3 Miles ,r And is from "2 to '17 miles tiie short est route. New nud improved coaches are run from Cincinnati, Davlon, I'rbaim, Marian, l.tiiioil, Mansllcld, Ashland, Akron, Cleveland, Warren, Mcadville.Dnnkirk, liultalo and His'hesler to New York, without change, only ono change to Bos ton. On and after Monday. Dec. f.th. 1870. Trains will leave COltlt Y at tlio following Hours, via : GOING WEST 1.32 A. M. Day Kx press, daily. Mondays excepted, tor Cleveland Cincinnati. nnd the wosi anil soniii ; connects at .Meaitvillo lor Franklin nml Oil City: at Clarksvllle for Sharon, Ncw Castle and Pittsburg; at IjCV itlsliurir, Sundiivs excepted, for lounirs towii; Clevelanil with Lake Shore U. 15. for west nnd northwest; at ltavenuwithClevo lanii , Pittsburgh for Allianco and Pitts burgh i at Akron for Orrvillo und Millers burg ; at I'll una with Pittsburgh, Cincin nati ond St. Louis ltailway for Indianapo lis, and at Cincinnati with tho Ohioifc Mis sissippi lbiilwoy tor the Mouth and south west. A sleeping car is attached to this train at I loruelisvilie, running through to i:ieveianu. i'2.3.") p. ni. Ni-rht Express, daily for Cleveland, Cincinnati ami tho wist end southwest ; connects at Meich ille, Sundays excepted, for Franklin mid Oil City; at Leavittsburg,Siiiv.lny excepted for Youngs townji'.t Cleveland with Lake Shore Hall way l"r the west anil northwest, and at Cin cinnati with the Ohio fc Mississippi Had wny for the south anil southwest. A Bleep ing ear is attached to this train at N. York running thr .ugh to Cincininilli. 7. "5 A.M. Express Mail, Mondays, except ed, for Cleveland and the West: connects at Slcadville. for Franklin nnd Oil City; at Clarksville with FriciV Pittsburgh Hail road, tor Sharon, New Castle and Pitts burgh, and at Cleveland Willi Lake Shore Hailroad for tiie West and north-west. A sleeping cur is attached to this train at New York running through to Meailville. H.H4 P. M. I weight and Aeconimadition daily Sundays excepted. ti."i5 P. M. Fieieht and Accommodation, Sundays excepted. !.3iP. M. Way I'reight.Sundays except ed GOING EAST : 3.40 A. M. New York Tav Expres", dai ly Sundays excepted; connects, at tireat Itemi W illi iieiuware, irficKawaiinacK cs- Icrn Hitilwav, for Scranton. and at N. York with midnight express train i f New Jer sey ltailrnml lor I lilladelpliia. A sleeping car it attached lo thin train at Cleveland running through to Hornells- villo eonneetinir with train having new and Improved Drawing Kooni Coaches at- lactied, luniiiug tlirouii lo .u ioik. . 1.00 P.M. Liuhtulng Express, conmvt- ing daily at Elniira with Northern Central Hail way, lor llliamsport, 1 larrlsburg, Philailelliia and llaltiinore, and at New York for Boston nud New F.nuland cities. A sleeping coach is attached to this train at Cincinnati running through toN. York. i" P. AL. Cincinnati. Exprtss daily. Similiiys excepted, eoimeclingat Itingliaui- lon lor Allitmy anil tlio celeniaioii siini uicr resort Sharon Springs, and at New York lor Boston and all New England cit ies. A s cciiiii'jrcar lsntta -lied to tins train at Mcudvillu running thiomrh lo New York. 4.1 0 a. m. Stock freight and Accommo dation Sundays excepted. 4.1 .1 ft. m. Fright and Accommodation, Sundays excepted. 0.15 a. in, Wav Freight, Sundays ex eepted. Boston and Aew England passengers. with their Bagiinge are transferred free of charge in Aew York, The best ventilated and most luxurious Slot-ping coaches irfe-iii thu Wiirhl-ti? nu- oenipuny ull night trams on this railway St:. Thr Erie Railway Oininanv hos o enedaiKiw Ferry from their Jersey City nepot to tno loot ol i ill fsli iH't. thus eini' tiling Passengers lo reach the upper portion to flic city w I lliout tho expense und annoy ance ol a street ear or oiumuus translcr, 3; ti. The scenery along the entire route of tiie Erie llaiiwav is of tlio most pic.tur i S'liie uud beautilul elntraclcr. Ailmiiers of nature s beauties, in a day light journey over this i.ino, w ill luiil m its ever etiang ing landscapes Milijccts of cuoliliUiU ud- niuation and interest. J1AUUA UK CHECKED TllIiOUGH, und Faro as Low us bv un v other route. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA ERIE R'Y. Which can be obtained ut all tho prinei pal Ticket Otlices in the West or South west. WM. B. BAKU, L. D. RrcK F.n, Ueu'l Puss'r Ag't, Cien'l built. OtTOUKH, l!S(iO. J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX-COHD IS SOW TUB OITLY Thread put up for the American marker winch is SIX-CORD IN ALL Nl'MBEHS, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclusive. I'or Ilantl nml 5Ia4'Iiliio. J-0 to $3:0 per Month bv selliivr GREAT rORTUIJES. Anii How They II'eek Make. By .1. 1). MoCuuo, Jr. New freh and original. Pro liisely iiliisii'atcd uud bcaum'tilly lioiind. It shows how a poor scliool-nm-ier nni'.e S 10,01 Ki.diiO ; how a pn:r half-Id: ml bailor hc canii; a ercitt banker, a liiitcher's nppi( n tice thu wcaliliicst man in America, an un known mechanic a millionaire in seven veins, witli many more such examples; iw energy, talent, and patient industry ive always met with success when pro ?rly exei ted ; bo'.v money can be made Siicstly and wilhoiit im I'itiee of princi , ul. Send for Circular, etc., 1111' notice 1 y extra terms ( co, M ie lean Publisher, Tlosaiisom bt., t liiiadeipliia. ;'.;t-4i T xjO,000 Xgont3 W ant od 1'jF HOW WOMEN Cftn MAKE RI0I.EY, and other best Ih.o1;s in tho market. Fclsinney A Martin, lot's Chestnut Street l'llil lilelplliu. .' (I ll AGENTS & . ,-. iv (.0 per e u! and ! (K in cash Hillc g Female. ) iy e. Aihb ks Ameri can Hook Co., Will " 1 f .. .' . Y. 30-41 1 OB WOHK nrotly cjiceuted at this ollie I J at reawiiiubb, rotca, INOItAM. C. a. KRAW) IX. HAM A mi uu, FlEtTSIJEnS, BOOKSELLERS, mi dXS Jat loners, W HOl.flSAl.K AND ItETAIL DKAI.KHS I If nil kinds of School, Miscellaneous, Law, Medical AMD IvfUSIO BOOKS. tteposltory of the Hiblo Society, Sundiiy School, and all Keligiotls Publishing Set eicties, XO. 52 CnESTNTT ST., MKAnYILl.E, PA., oTl'.ll SfPEIllOR ST., CI.MVr.I.ANP, O. 1 JACOK NUllIYKIl. Having fitted up a first class PLANING MILL, Are prepared to furnish to ordor all of manufactured lumber such as kinda Fi.oonixa, S1DIXO, SUJif'ACi: DUKSSED L VSWER, SASIT, noons, jhltxps, axd every DESCRli'TIOX OFTT.A IXAFD FA X- CY MO UT.DIXGR. Dealers will llnd It to their advantago to CONSCLTOUIt riUCES, Before tmrchioilng elsewhere, as our loca tion in the heart ot the 1 1 1 1 1 i I - r region give- us superior advantages in the purchase ol lumber that will enable us to undersell those less favorably situated. Address JACOB SI1HIVF.H, Tionesta, Pa. Mar. 4. tf. Recommended and Endorsed by over Seven HuntlreJ Doctors. DR. LAWRENCE'S COSirOi:SD t'LVID EXTRACT Or K OS K O O ! TIIE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER ! Not a Secret Quack Medicine For mula Around the Bottle. FRErAIIKO SOLELY BY Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, . Orat.io Chemist. K OSK 0 O .STRIKES A T THE HOOT nf DISEASE OY PURIFYING THE BLOOD, HKSToItlNO THR I.IVUlt AMI KIPNEVS TO A HEAI.rilY ACTION, AND INVKIOR.V T1.M1 Tllil NKHVOI B lVS 11.51. This is the Secret of its Wontlciful Success in Curing Consumj.tion in Us enrly tsiacjra. Scrofu la, Syphilis, Lhjtcpmt. Liver t'omjthiiid, Chronie Jihcumatimn, Xcurafgia, Nervous Affection, Eruptions of of the .Still, Humors, Loss of J "ijor, Diseares of the Kinileij and madder, and all Diseases caused by a Bad State of the lilovd. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of llumorand Hail taint, and restores the en tire system to a healthy condition. it is beyond question tho Finest Tonic in Tim Would. Thousands have lieen changed by the use of tins medicine from weak, sickly, sulfer ing creatures, to strong, healthy, and hap py men and women. "Invalids cannot hesitate to give it a trial. No medicine has obtuined such a great reputation us this Justly celebrated com pound. FOR TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Edi tors, Druggists, Merchants, Ac., see KOS- KOO 4Z.A.1A-1C lor tilts year. fRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. I'O It SALE BY Tiie rrincijjul Drugyitts of the United States and Jlriiish America. U4-ly, INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Iiicorpoi'iiteil 1794. Charter Perpetual tmm, ISLftfJD l FIPiE IHSL'RANCE Assets Jan; 1, 1800, $2,318.3233;) $20 OcO.OiiO losses paid since its organiza tion, WM. Ill llLEH, Central Ayent, llariisbiirg, l'a. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. V Eli TDIt E HOTEL. ADJOISiN.1 111 R DEI'OT, WHITE OAK, Fored County, l'a. I1UMMASON, PRO'S, Piopi's. rPHI.S house is new and fitted up in first L class style, and is headipiarters for all IK rsons visiting the great oil held of Hick ory. The bar is tiiinished with tlio best of liquors. Tint proprietors will spare 110 pain.-. 10 iiiaKfl it tlio most (lesiruuio stop ping plate in tiie oil regions. 12-ly. CJubseiicb for the Kei'iuilican, tho bet ncwpupw in tiie f"m(ia-. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD 0 AND A FTEK II 1'. P. Sunday May 1H70, Trains arrive at and leave the I'nloii Depot, comer of Wiishlnton nnd Liberty street, as follows; AlUHVE. Mail Train, 1.:10 a m ; l'nst Line, 12.13 a m ; Woll'sncooinmndatioii No. I, It. V!0 a m ; Hrinton accommodation No 1. 7.'0 n m; Wall s lus'oinmodatiiiii No H.""ui m it'in einnatl ex press i'.io a in j Johnstown ac comnioilalmii 1".."(1 am; Itraddoek's ac romtncibitloli Nn I, ".mi pin; Pittslmrgh cxprws I .,'10 p mi Paeilic express 1.50 p in ; Walls accommodation No II, LV.'i p in; Momcwood iK'eomniodution No l,0.5"i pin; Wall's ais-oiiiiuodation No 4, fi,."i p in; Itrintou neeominoihitloti No 2, 1.10 p in; Way Passenger lo.vt) p in. Di:PAHT. Soullieril express Ti'O a lit ; I'aeifin ex- Iiress a. 40 a m ; Wall's iiecoinniodatlon No . 0.30a m I Mail Train S.10 n in : llrinton's accommodation I i.ui a m: Braddock's ac commodation Nn I, M0 p in; Cincinnati express l'J.iWi p in; Wall's accommodation J, II. 1I a 111 ; jouusiown aci-oni'i ooauon 4.(1") p in ; llomewood aeisiiniiKslatlon No 1. H.so p in; I'liiliiilelpliia express ,i.. o p m; Wall acconimodation No:t,:l.0p m; Wall's aeeominislnlion No 4, II. 0 p m ; F'ast Line 40 p m ; Wall s No , 11.( 0 p in. Tho Church Trains leave Wall's Sttt'lon everv Sunday at 0.0-t a. m.. reaching Pitts burgh at lO.c'ia. in. Itcttirnlng leave 1'ilts-bnru-li at l.'.'-op. in., nnd nrrivo at Wail's Stutiou at '.'.!') p. III. Cincinnati express leaves daily. South ern express (tally except Monday. AH oth er Trains daily, except Sunday." For further Information aply to W. II. llECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Hailroud Coiuimny will not assume any Risk for Baggage ex cept for Wcarinir Apparel, and limit their rsHinsibility to ( Hie hundred itolln' va ue. All barrage exceeding tltat a mint in value will bit e.t the risk of tho ;ncr, unless taken by apodal contract. A. J. CASS.M General Superintendent, Altoona Pn. BOORS, STATIONERY," DAVIS & ECHOLS, (Near the Co .1 House,) F R A N K LIN, P E N N ' A . Have a general assortment of School Books, Law Honks, Histories, Bibles and Testaments, Hymn Hooks, Millie Books, Blank Hooks, Envelopes, Note, Letter and cup writing papers, Pens, Ink, Slates uud everything in tiie HOOK if- ST A TIOXER Y IlfSt.XEKS. All of which (hey offer to sell WHOLE SALE Oil BETA 1 1 at lowest cosh prices. DAVIS A ECHOLS, Franklin, Pa. PATENTS. Invent:'!' who wish to take out Leltcri Patent ar t advi.-rd to counsel with M mm nnd Company, editors of tint Sdeutiiic American, woo have prosecuted cliiiins bolbro the Patent Oilice for over Twenty Yenr.i Their American and European Patent agency Is the most extensivo in the world Charges less than any other relia ble agency A pamphlet containing lull Instructions to inventors is sent grutis ML'NN ..V CO., ar Park How. I3tf New York COAL! COAL! CT.S. EYEBHABT IS Prepared to deliver the best quality o (lull nt tho old Evcrlmrt Bank, two miles from Newmanvillo for 7 cents per or nt Tionesta und vicinity for 2.5 CENTS PER BUSHEL. Ho always has a largo supply on hand, Now Is tho time to lay in a large supply Orders promptly attended to 2 0 iTlouuiiahvIa ValU'j INSUHIANC:. AGENCY, ESTABLISHED MAY 1S51. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE .STOCK POLICIES, ISSUED IN FIHSTCLASSCOMPANIES. LOSSES rttOMl'TLY AUJISTEB VXD PAIU. A. C. SAMPSON, Ccn.Asont. J. D. II EN it Y, Oil City, Ag't for Venango Co., Pa. Applications received and Information furnished by A. H. Steele, ut Tionmt.i Savings Bank. . apltf. TIDI0JTE EMPORIUM M. P. GETCHELL, Iealer in DRY GOODS HATS &c, CAPS, CORXER J.4-V X DEI'OT UTS., T I D I O U T E, PA. Has the Largest and most Complete Stock now 011 hand, of any store in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Il.ivm? purchased my stock since the great decline in Ciolil, 1 cun sell rroixls cheaper than any Dry Goovls Ilmiso in the Oil Regions. Persons jitireha-ino; gomU of inn will cave 25 percent. M. P. GETCHELL. Tiiliimte. April 11, 1870. 4-Cm AGENTS WANTED FOP. Hon. Wm. SEWAHDS ORAM) TOTH of .Vcxico. Adcii.uro ttud Siglit-soeliig in "Our Sisier RepLqlic." Is a work of rare oier't' profusely illu'-'trn-ted. .Send for ei rcu 'am to Coluiiibian Biiok Company, llu.'llord, Ct. 2S-3t SriiSl HIBElurtbo Foreht ltepuUicru It will psv. Gil Creek & Alh-ghniyiUvcr Ry WAlirtEN FltANKLIN, FATtMK.rtl A OIL ctlEHK HAlLIlOArSCONSOI I DATED New and Most Direct Touto to tlo Oil Heglons. WINTEU A nil A NCI EM ENT. On and Alter MONDAY MAY' UOTH.'TO trains will run as follows 1 I.kavk conn ! (t.t)O A. . EXPHESS Spnrlansburtf fi.'is; Trvonvillo ! Hvdelown 7.11 tTi tiisillc' arrive 7.20, depart 7. "7; Miller Farm T.eOi I'ionci-r K.n; ; Pelroboim ( n tieai i'. H.t't, Ivs. s.17, Columbia Ki.l, Tnrr 1'iiiin M.2.1, Hvnd Kami , Itoosevlbe s,:ts; -.ty " .r5 Ivs P.( 0. Hockwexsl Walnut benll Oleopolis O.ao, connect ing with train for l'ithole;) Henrv's He:.. I . Euule Hock, Tionesta 10.04, Hick ory While Oaks lii.lt 1, arr. Tidioule arrives 10 61, Iv. Itl.uH, Thompson'a urrivintr Bt Irviriutmi at ll.it.ia. mi 11. Ul A. M. MA1I-Spartansbnrgll.4.i, Centreville, I'J. 7 p. in. Trvonvillo llvdetowil lL'.nO, arrives at Titusvlll 12.10, Ivs. K'.4."i, Miller Farm 1.04, Pioneer 1.17, nir. Pet. Centre l.'J't, Ivs 1.U7, Co'.umblsi I. ill, Tarr Fnrm l.lltl, Hvnd Farm' P.otisevillel.l", nrr. Oil city H.0.r., Ivs. 2.11, Hoekwood , Walnut Bend Oleopo lis n.HM'onnocl with train for I'iiIk Id) Henry's Bend , Eilgle Hock .Tion esta 11.10, Hickory , Wliite Oaks ,4ti. air. Tidioiitn 4.1".'. Ivs. 4.07, Thompson V arrives at Irvlneton 4.t0 p. III, 0.0.) I'M ACCO.MMolJA'N,.spiirtansburg tl.nl, (t'litrevillo (.10, Trvmn ill" .lit ll dctewn 7.'i", arr Titiisville 7.3 '1 Ivs 7 4,i, M iller I'nnii K.CS, Pioneer K.'Jn, urr at Pet. Centre x.uh, Ivs H.:i.". Columbia s.41, Tarr Farm K.44, ltyud Farm , Uousoviilub.no arrives ut Oil City 0.10 p. 111. leaves mviNEToy. 11.15 A. M. MAIL Thompson's nrr. Tidiouto l-.;;tl Ivs 12."S, White Onks IL' Ml Hickory, , Tionesla 1.20, ltigle Hock .Henry's Bend Oleopolis 2.0. (con nects wlili train for rithole) Walnut Bend , Hoekwood , arr Oil City 2.3U Ivs S.42, Houscville 2.rs, Hynd l arni Tarr Farm .'1.10 air at Pet. Centre 3.20 Ivs. ,V.t, Pioneer H.ltO, Miller Farm .1.4 , arr. Titusi:h 4 HI, Ivs 4 li llydetown 4 21 p. 111.. Trvonvillo Ceiit.-cvilio 4..'o, Si'iirtansbui'i; 6.1 1, ai r at Corry 0.4S ''"slw") I M. r,I'i;rsSTliomi Son's nt urr ul Tidioule u.5J,levs ,'j.;)2,Wliite naks li.07. Hickory , Tionesla 0..17, F.a.'ln Hock , Henry's Bend Ole opoiis 7. Ill, Walnut Itcml Hoekwood arr Oil Cit v 7.10 Ive 7-.I7, P.ouscvblo K.OH, Hynd Farm Tarr Farm S, 1 .. Col. uiiihia s.ls, ai r Pet. Centre K.2'i I v S.V.S, Pi oncer Ml', M iller Fin in M.l.'i, arr. Titiisvli 'e t1. 10. Ivs 0.1 "1, llydctown O.'-M, Tryonvii'o' Spai't;'.nsl)tirg, 10.7, arr at Corry lO.Sj p. m. LEAVE OIL f'lTY. 7.W A M. ACCOM. MODA'I ION-nnuse-vilte 7.1 1. Hynd Farm , Tin r Farm 7.2.1 Coliimin 7.20, arr Pet. Centre 7..'!5 Ive 7.:pl, Pioneer 7. I. Miller Farm 8.00. arr. Titus. villoti.lM, ls. .'.:, llydeiown 8"1, Tryon il!e Ccnteiille f.b.l, .SparttiUKimrg ii,le, arr, Cony !'"' 111. All trains connect ut Corry with trains on l'liila. ,v. Erin Hailroud atid A. .V H. IV. l'.a-t and West for New York, Philadel phia, llarrisbnr.r, Erie iV Cleveland, and W illi ltnUahi, Corry A- Pittsburgh Huilw.iy lor Bullalo and all points un the N, Y, Cen tral Hiiilwey. At Oil City w ith trains on Allegheny Valley Hailroad, and Franklin branch A. .V li. W. At Irvlneton with 1111:11s oil l'liila. A E. Huilroa J cost und west. C. .L HEPIU'KX JNO. PITCAIHN, Sii;erinteuilcut, (ieii'l Manager, EIUE & PITrt7RGirii; JX. On nnd ntler Monday, Nov. i l.l9 trains will run un this road as follow ti LEAVE EHlE-SOLTinVAHD. Ill.Vl A. M. ACCOM MODATIOX leaves New castle at 7:05 and arrives ut Pittsburgh. 10.1)0 a. in. lOlJi A. M IMTTsnt'KOII EX., stops at nil stations, and arrives at A. A 11. W. H. H. Translcr at l:0 p. 111., at New castle at Mi p. in., and ut I It tslmi gh at 0:00 p, m. liiti") a. M., accommoiiation, from James town, arrives at A, A .. W. H. H.Tianstcr at ."nil) a. in., at Newcastle at 7;0a a. 111., and Pitt.siiiirgl, ut lilino 11. 111. S:00 r. i.. Mixed Train leaves Erie for Sinn-mi, stopping at all intci intdiiue points and 111 riving at 10:15 a, 111. L E A V 1 : P ITTS BC 1 1 1 i H-N O HT W A n D. 7:15 A. M.. EiilE iixrni'.ss, leaves New castle at 10:01 a. 111., A. AO. W. H. It. Trims, fer nt 1 1:2' 1 it. in., und arrives at Erie at 2;:!0 It, 111., niakiii f elo-e connection lor Ilutla lo and Niagaiu Fulli. .'!:?,") p, m. accommodation-, leav'J New enstie at (iiltii p. m , A. A li. W. it. It. Transfer at7::'5 p. in., und Jamestown at 8.30 a. in., connects with mixed truius that arrives in Eric at l:."ia a. in. fiii'O f. M.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for Erie, nml arriving at oirard ut 12:30 u. 111., and Erie ut ti:,.& a. 111 . Trainseoiinect at P.ochesterwith train for Wbeeliu1.-and all points in West Vintiniii, and at Piii-burithconnivtionsfor Philndul. j hia, Harrisburgh, Baltimore and Wn-li-ingtcii via Pennsylvania Central liallrond. Erie Express North, coiiueets at (iirurd w ilh Cleveland and Erie trains Westwaui for Cieveland, Chicago, and all points in llio West ; at Erie Willi Pliiladelpliia A Erie i.ui'roaii ior t orry, vt arren, irvmgton. Tidioitte, Ac, anil with liiiihdo A Er.o Haiinad for Bullalo. Dunkirk, Niagara Fulls and New Yor.t City. F. N. FINNEY, General Sup't ' "AUEMENnALLEniliLRdAdr CHEAT THItOUail UOUTE rnox TIicCIl Regions to Pittsburgh, THE EAST AND THE WEST ! SLEETIXO C.lfl.J On all night trains. I'nssenaers and bag gago transferred at Oil City, FltEK ui ('it. Mill 111 Trains make direct connection with all lvouds centering ut Oil City, uud leave 3 follow s : Pay Express leavo Oil Cityut 2f0ani Ariivesat Pittsburgh DO.Ipni Night Express Leave Oil City 1'20pm Arnvesut Pittsburgh " i 2A a in Mail Train leaves Oil City.... 0 " a tu Arr.vesut Pittlburgli 5 LO p in Day Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 20 a m Arrrives ut Oil City at 2 l p 111 Night Fx press Leaves Pittsburgh 8 40 pm A i i ive at Oil City 0 1 "iu lit Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 0 15 a in Arrives ut oil City 7 :a p m Passengeis travelling by this Itoule will find better accommodations and makebet tcr time than by any other loud from the on hc'ioiim in rutstiiiruli. J. J. LAWHENCE, Oen. Rupt. R E Yli 0 L DS,B S 0 A D H E AD & C0 1 Centre St., opposite Post Oilice, OIL CITY, PENTFA. DIJAI.KIiH IS! FOrtEICN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS, CARl'ETLXG, OIL CLOTHS. BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS& CARS, TRimilXGS NOTIONS. ETC., ETC. Dn. Law iiexce's Woman's I'iheno Cures ull Di,:m(s peenliur to I'noslcs. i.ut