r i. i U forest gttpufcton. TUESDAY MOANING, FED. ;4. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Iturirtm II. II. Mat. Oouneilmrn Jacob Shrlver, J. II. Rtronp, 'W. W, Dlmond. N. II, Haslet, .f. Winans. Juttiee the intact W. P. Mercilliott, D. S. Knox. 1 . ...... f t . 1 1. ixmflrarnr J . n . 1 unsworn,, I &.-HooUHrect j. winans. J. A. Dale, 3. A. Proper, Jacob Shriver, D. S, Kuox, b. D, Irwin. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Preiident Ju ihie Jam its Campbell. Aitoeittt Jmiijtii. A. .pRorKR, An drew Cook. tjherifT K. I.. Davis. IHttrirt Attorney V. W. MAion. JVtaiiurer S. Hkti.ev. Prothonotnry, UegiiterJt Recorder, die. J, n. ammkw. Vommuniontr N. I. Whkrle, Bkwj. Elliott, Farm Mkucili.iott. Count v Nnperintentlcnt&. F. HonnER. Jury VomtniMioner Ja. UlLriLLIAN, "Wii. Patterson. fbKiify Surveyor S.D. Iawilt. County Auditor 1 I Uackktt, Eli Coroner josiak v isaih. Hiimvik. Wm. 1'i.ark. Member of Vongrtt 1PIA District Q. W. TcoriEl.i. Stat Senate W. A. Wallace. AlteubtyJuux U. HALL. O. C A A. R. R. TIMETABLE, OOINO KORTIT. Arrive. Mali 1-20 p.m. Express 8.37 p. ni. oixa soL'Tn. Arrive. T.xprese I0-M a. m. Mad 3.10 p, in, Depart. 1.2A p. m. 0.40 p. ni. Depart. 10.0, a. m. S.'JO p. m. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. The Steamer Tennessee, the vessel tiled by the Ban Domingo Commission has lot been heard ofsiuce it started ,nd much fear is felt that she is lost, We this week present the Auditors' "Report. It is worthwhile for our tax- navers to neruse it that thev may know what becomes of their money. We itbink it has been expended we'll. The woodcliuck seems to have known his business. Saturday night and Sunday snow fell about here to ,v..,w. .:,.Ut inrW AH ,.a ... ,;. .ri...,LrW h VTV IAU W iru-w J J lumbermen. The manly art of self-defence is being accumulated by some of our young' men. A set of boxing-gloves Las been purchased, and net to know now w puncn mugs now, iu uu. . t a v. i or the fashion, lime I Apctition can be seen and signod J at Capt. Knox's store, to the effect that we pray our Legislature te pass a law leaving it to a popular vote to aay who shall and who shall not have " i: . . -.11 ltA...v iiccwacB iu cii nuvi. I An extraordiuary revival of re- lipion is now iroinz on in the M. 11 Church at Uuion, Erie county, of I U " I which Rev. A. J. Merchant is pastor. Large numbers have been received iu to the church as probationers. Capt. Clark, one of our Auditors, stepped in the other day and paid us two years in advance for the Republi cam. We enjoy that kind 01 ousiuess, and will welcome any one else that (will act in the same manner. A social gathering was had at the Holmes House on Thursday evening last, which was rather an enjoyable affair. Parties were present from President, Petroleum Centre and Tidi ioute. A good time was had by all in attendance. - A ball will beheld in Forest Hall on the anniversary of the birth of Washington, W ednesday 22d inst., lor the benefit of the Forest Brass Band. Good music will be in attendance, and we have no doubt but the Brass Band will reap a large benefit. I he Uood templars ldee is flourishing here in spite of the many back-aets it has had. We make this statement that our neighboring lodges may know that we are doing something - for the cause. The time of meeting is on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. A paper is iu circulation to raise money to secure Presbyterian preach ing regularly here. The paper is in the hands of S. D. Irwin Esq., and all who feel interested in the cause can put down their names opposite any Jtiuount by calling on him. Remember the church dedication next Sabbath. Don't make vny other arrangements. There will be enough 6t interest there to engage all our at tanlinn for iVint rlnv AVa bono mill ,nt to P a lar number of oer- f o I We passed Ross Run the other day.andnoticedthatworkwasgoingon briskly. e had not time to stop.but understand that they are bound to get "Oil or China. e hear that three wells are to be put down soon, higher up on the hill. We wish the operat- ors and owners success. A Temple of Honor is being organ- ized in this place by some of our Tern perance citizens. It will soon be in running order, and then we will have more recruits to help in the war against druukenness and rowdyism. We belive it is to use the Good Tem pi srs Mall fvr it plar nf mating. Last week we accompanied Ni P Wheeler, Fq.,lo hit Mills at Newtown, mid had a very pleasant time. We found busincfs brink in that section, and lumber piling up for the summer's sawing, in a manner that was astonish ing to us. The firm hns about 2,500, 000 feet of seasoned lumber to raft in the spring, and several hundred thous ... ., . .1 IS i - and lath to pile on top of the raits lor . i . A ,;h OrillllUCUlUl puipo.-n. ji ....... at Newtown and Ross Run.Whecler & Dusenbury have put in about 2,000, 000 feet of logs this winter, and if the snow lays for six weeks, according to the ground hog s prophecy they will put in half as many more. It is very refreshing to go out to our mills about here and see business rushed as they all rush it. Wo wish them all a good market in the spring. Xenia, Ohio, cirls have a pleasant habit of kissing strnngcrs in the street, and then wildly exclaiming "Uh, my ' I thought it was cousin Charlie I This reminds us of an incident which once happened us when we were on our way to the front, during the war. A girl, a real little durling, caught us by the arm, and gave us just about as close a call to an embrace as we have ever experienced. Unfortu nntely she discovered before she kiss ed us that wo weren't her brother. She begged our pardon, and we granted it, but we shall always be sorry that s'le discovered her mistake so soon. New wells are to be put down im mediately on the Jamison Farm and the Sowers place. e believe Messrs Wolcott, Groves, Siggius, J. W. Stroup and others of our townsmen are each interested in one if not both of the farms. This was, we believe at one time good producing territory but was abandoned because they could not get i"g wells which wou d produce 500 to 1000 barrels per day Their md we wishes are more moderate now, and we believe oil will be found on both farms n paying quantities, We havo long felt the need of a A limlienl scholar in our nlare. . . . d;gcovcrod tlie man. He " ..... . , . n rartri(ie cMefi Ai rrl,w A mnntr thousands of other articles to le purchased at the store o Knox and Co., drugs can be had in Uny quautity. The other day we hap eecl t0 be near wheu Al. was dealing ou some manna to a customer. "Here I. t, - i i .v . . . .. rr .1. .1.. OOVS, S.lia lie, is I no biuu inni 111c ravens brought to Elijah, when he was fastine in the wilderness!" We bowed our head ana wept. Wra. Burgett, employed in getting in logs at Newtown Mills, had his foot badly Waised on Friday of last week by letting a log roll upon it. It thought that some of the bones are broken, but no operation has been per formed ooit yet. From the indica tions now, we will hear of a go d many more of this kind of accidents soon, as we have now good sleighing again. This winter seeui productive of aocideuts. The citizens of Kiugsley townsh havo went quietly to work and spent $1,000 on a new road on the hill this side of Ross Run, and have now one Q tj,e i,egt roads we hav traveled over iu this section. This kind of thing is commendable, an Kingsley township deserves a great deal of credit for thus improving the highway. A few more such expendi tures will put our roads in a very passa ble condition. Dr. Winner, we hear, thinks of try ing a torpedo on his well, on the Jami son farm. It will be remembered that this is the well we spoke of iu the fall, as having been cleaned out by the Dr and producing five barrels per day. We believe the well has not decreased in production much, but the Dr. wants a better well. We hope he'll get it. M. P. Jenks, Jeweller, Meadville, Pa., is selling Watches, Jewelry, Chains, Diamonds Ac, at 20 per cent, below marked prices. Several of our I ... i c''DS aTe pairom-u mm, auu u.... in ni "square. uive nun a can. ms establishment is on the corner of Wa- tcr nd Chestnut Sts., in Cullum block I We have received of Messrs Phelps & Reynolds, Rochester, N. Y., their Beautifully Illustrated "Floral Guide and Gardener's Manual for 1871." Containing full page cute of Aquilegia, Canary Flower, Pansy, Stock, Gludiolus and Tritoma, besides beautiful cuts of Asters, Balsam Cobea, Gourds, Hollyhock, Double Rose, Portulaca, Ziuuia, Cabbages, Melons, Squash, Ac, &c, giviag plain direc tions for the culture of more than 1000 varieties of flowers and vegetables. Sent post-paid in paper cover, 5c. Full Bound, with your name in gilt, 50c. Address, Phelps & Reynolds, Roches ter, V. Y. Th Aldine, for February, con tains eight elegant illustrations, nsfol- ows : "Dante at the tho River, D.irc; Hon. George Opdyke j" "As a Hen Gathoreth her Chickens under her Wings;" "AWaterfull in Norway," Larson; "'lhe Stolen Child," H. W. Schlesingerj "Somnolence, Icrouxj Christine Nilsonj" "The Modem Joshau," Frank Beard. The popular ity of The Aldine, with all classes and n every section of the country, tan be readily appreciated by all w ho scan its magnificent pages. We are rejoiced to learn that the necessity for a second edition of the January number, to sup ply the rapidly increasing demand, is already assured. The high tone of its itcrary contents, and the incompara ble beauty of its illustrations, togeth er with the liberal offer of an elegant oil-chromo ("Ducks") to every yearly subscriber, seem to attrct subscriptions wherever it is shown. The chromo is no cheap, colored print, but a splendid copy of an oil-painting by an eminent Diifweldorf artist, fully equal, for its size (8x12 inches), to any chromo ever published. The numbers of 2 he Al dine, preserved and bcund, will make most superb volume, containing plates of the highest artistio excel lence, and worth many times the price charged (to say nothing of the chro mo). Terms : $2.50 per year, with chromo "Ducks;" specimen copies, by mail, post-paid, 25 c :nts. Special prospectus and circular to those wishing to canvass or get up clubs will be mailed on application to the publishers, James Suttton & Co., 23 Liberty Street, New York. The following is a list of contents for the March number, of Ballou s Magazine: Public Soup Houses; Chineso Scenes and 1 lungs; bhak- srieares ocven Ages; oieiguiug Song; A Leap in the Dark; Fide et Amore by Faith and Love ; A fetan Officer's Story ; A Night'e Adventure in Chili; Witchcraft; Mrs. Dacres Tactics: Haunted: Brave Miss Ur- quhart : What Man dou't Know, by B. P. Shillaber; A Day's Shooting in California, and what came of it; Guess, or, The Son of a Politician, by C. A. Stephens; Maid Brindlo'a Debt; A White-Faced Bear, by Kit Carson Jr. : Curious Matters : The House keeper ; Facts and Fancies ; The Snow Slide. Humorous Illustrations, lhe terms for this excellent magazine are only $1.50 per year, or 15 ceute single copies. For sale at all the periodical depots iu the country. Thomes & Tal boL 63 Congress St.. Boston, are the publishers. TlOSESTA AND CLARION RAILWAY, A meetinir of the President and di rectors of the above company was held in Sheffield on Friday last. It was re solved to lift the charter at once, and an assessment on the stockholders was made to defray the expense. The di rectors are sanguine of obtaining means to go on with the work next season Confidence was expressed in the feasi bility of the route. The largo wilder nesa that will be made productive, the valuable timber and mineral resources which its completion will put into mar ket, are certainly convincing reasons why the road should be built. II ur ren Ledger. Notice is hereby Eiven, that the Commissioners of Forest County will hold a Court of Appeal at the follow ing places on the days specified : Tuesday, Feb. 28, Tionesta Borough and Township, at Court Hoiue. Wednesday, March 1st, Harmony Tiwnship, Allender School House. Thursdny, March 2d, Harmony Township, Allender School House. Friday, March 3d, Hickory Town ship, John Siggins Store. Saturday, March 4th, Kiugsley Township, Wheeler & Deusenbury Store. Tuesday, March, 7th, Jenks Town ship, old Court House. Thura.'av,March 9th, Barnett Town ship, Clarmeton. Saturday, March 11th, Green Town ship, Nebraska. N. P. WlIEELEU.1 Benj. Elliott, Commissioners, J. Mercilliott, ) DEDICATION OF M. E. CHURCH Ed. Forest RoruuLiCAX : Please notice that the New M. E. Cliuroh Tionesta will be dedicated on the 19th day of February uest. All Ministers and others are invitod to attend. Hev. George Loomis, D. D., and Rev. O. L. Mead will officiate. S. S. Bukton, Pnstor. Corry. Franklin, Titusvillc, Oil City and Clarion papers please copy. Please announce in your paper, in connection with the above notice, that all persons who have subscribed to the building of the M. K. Church, in Tio nesta, Pa., will confer a favor by call ing upon Miles W. Tate, Esq., who is Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, and settling up before dedication day. tf. B. P. BrnTx. To Contractor. Proposals will be received up to the 15th day of February, 1871, for laying 1.600,000 brick on the Venango Poor House, materials furnished on the round. For further information ad rcss Deweku & Simmons, Contractors, Franklin, Pa., P. O. Box 19. 40 tf. Book Binding. We are agent for as good a book- indery as there is anywhere, e are repared to do all the binding which may be brought to us, at low rates, lid satisfaction guaranteed. Ssinples can be seen at this office. For Sale. I have for sale one yoke of working oxen, weighing about 2,600 or 2,700, one pair of 3 year old colts, will sell one or the pair. II. L. Hooan, 9 6t Stewart's Run P. O. A. II. Steele, Cashier Tionesta Savings Bank, has been appointed gent for the celebrated " Iniuan Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any person desirous of going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with all the information required. Fukxiture bought of me will be de ivered, freight paid, to any station do- ired on the O. C. & A. R. IL, Geo. II. AnREFB. Ju., 4 tf Tidioute, Pa For Sale. At this office, a schol arship in the Iron City Commercial College. Must be used by an individ ual living in Forest County. ill be sold at a discount. 32-tf. You can buy your Furniture, cheap er and better at Ahrens new Furni ture Warerooras, Tidioute, Ta., than any where else in this section. Try it. Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Uii men, anu oiner citizens oi Forest county, who are in want of any thing in the Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. For Sale. 150 acres of land No. 3142, in Kingsley township, Forest county. Any person wishing to pur chase, will please- address the under- sicrned. stipulating the price they will give. James Bleakley, Franklin, Pa. A splendid variety of Furniture at Aherns' new Warerooms, Empire Hotel Buildinir. Tidioute. Ta. 4-tf FREE TO EVERYBODY. It costs nothing to try "SLEEP ER'S COMPOUND ARNICA LINI MENT." If it does not benefit you the agent will refund your money. It is the wonder of the nineteenth centu ry, and wheu used for rheumatism, neuralgia, lameness, and pain in any part of the body, its magical effects astonishes everybody. Pain cannot exist where it is used. Ask for it, and take uothing else. Sold by all drug gists. Price 50 cents and 81 per hot tie. D. S. KNOX, & CO., agent. E. B. SLEEPER, Proprietor, Waterford Erie Co., Ta. Wholesale Agents. Hall and Warful, Erie, Ta. Calender & Co Meadville, Pa. Spencer & Bullymorc, 155 Main street, Buffaio, N. Y. For Sale. The house and lands known as the "Christie Propeny," lo cated at Irvinton, Warren Couuty Pa are for sale. Terms cash or approved security. Apply to John A. Dale. President Tionesta Savings Bauk Tionesta, Pa. I WAS CL'KKI) OF DKAKNKSS AND C'ATAKUH by a simple remedy and will solid the receipt tree. Mr. J. C. L.UUUliTT. Jersey City, N.J 3'MW A WEKK paid ajents, mule or fe o")J male, in a new muniilrcturini diiHineus at home. No chijiimI required Address Novklty Co., Suso, Mo. 3il-4w LIVK AtiENTS WASTED KOR WOMKX OF SEW 'OItI On SOCIAL LIFE IN TIIE GRAT CITY. Wonderful development among the aristocracy. Married Women exiiowd Ac., fo.t Criee &l.- . Tho bot iwnik to so published. The bext term to agents eve uivvn. Address. N. Y. Hook Co., 11 Naau St.. N. Y. 3ii-H H. C i'LAKK, TIIDIOTTTim, PA. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER Aid Dealer in WATCHES. JEWFLRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing done in a wnrkmanlik manner and warranted to give sat faction. 4-ly TOO WORK neatly axenrrtod a UiiaoRloe . as ADDRESS To tho Nervcous AND 3D EBILITAT IE 3D . WHOSE utiflrrimrfi have bpen protract ed from hidden raiise, and whoio ranc require prompt treatment to rendor exiten- desirable ; If yon are suffering, or have suffered from Involuntary diwharfres, what effect docs it produce on your g.mcrnl health T Do you feel weak, debilitated, eiwily tiredT Does a little extra exertion produce pal pitation of the heart T Doos your liver, or urinary organs, or your k idneys, frequent ly get out of order T Is your urine some times thick, milky or flock y, or is it ropy on settling T Or does a thick skum rise to tho top f Or is a sediment at the bottom af ter It lias stood awhile T Do you have spells of Hhort breathing or dispermia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of frainting, or rushes of blood to the head T Is your memory impared t Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subjoctT Doyoufoel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or lile? Do you wish to bo left alone, away from everybody T Does any little thing mpke you start or Jump 7 Is your sleep broken or re-itless? Is tho lustre of your eye as brlllinntT The bloom on your check as bright T Do you enjoy yourself in society as well? Do you pursue your business with the same energy T Do you feel as much confidence in yousclfT Are your spirits dull and flag. ging. given to fits of nielnncholy T If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights T Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but lit tle appetite, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-complaint f Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal dia eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producinn a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of genera tion, when In perfect health, make the man Did you ever think that those bold, defi ant, energetic, persevering, successful business-men are always those whose genera tive organs are In perfect health? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed In business j they don't be come sad and discouraged ; they arealways polite and pleasant in the company of la dies, ami look you and them right in tho face none of yourdowncait looks or any meanness about them. I do nat mean those who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also these they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured dis eases, from tho effects of self-abuse anu excess, hare brought alii nt that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the geneal system so in noli as to produce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal stlVx tions, suicide, and al most every other form of disease which humanity is hair t, and tho real cause of the troublo scarcely ever suspected and have doctored forall but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a Diuretic. HELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ- la Weakness, Female Complaints, Goner al Pebity, and all diseases of the Urinary Orpins, whether existing in Male or Fe male, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our llesh and blood arc supported from these sour-es, and tho health aim happiness, asd that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. Holmbold's I'xtract Buchu, established upward of 19 Xears, prepared by II. T. HKLMBOLD, Druggist, 594 Broadway. Ne York, and 104 Ssuth lOlli Street, Philadelphia, I'a. PrickI 1.23 per bottle or 6 bottles for fl.50, delivered to any ad dress, bold by all Pruggosts every whore. NONE ARE (;ENI'1NE UNLESS DONE TP IN ST EL ENGRAVED Wrapper, fac-amile of my Chemical Ware house, and signed II. T. II ELM BOLD. Salesmen Wanted. ltnsinexs hetioralile. No competition, lib er! pny given. 8. W. K KXS K1Y, iW-4l n n. liu m., i huh. gQO I'.nrrgrtir. farmer Wanted. From tmt to $100 enn lie runde dnring tho Kin winter nrin'hs. jnnMnens piraxnm una honorable. Kor further partieulHrsof this Knrrial elinnce address at onco A. II. Hub bard, I'hila, Pa. 8!Mt TH W HAND IN HAND MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. wants a number of good siren l, also a good ienerl Agent for Western 'a, also a good genernl Aiteiit for the ticrmnn counties ot Pn. Aildrps llnnd in Hand otlice. No; 112 South 4thSt., Vhilit. 3-4t 83 to 820 per day and no risk. Do you want a situation as salesman at or near home, to introduce our new 7 strand While Wire (-Intlils Lines to lust frevirf. lor)'t miss the chance, niniilo free. Address lludunn Hirer Wire HV.i ,7'i W m St. X. Y or 111 Dearliorn St. Chicago, III. fti-lw CIIAS. IL SHEPARD, GF.XERAL PKAI.PH 1 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, QUEItfiHWAIlI?. NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. $1,000 TO S2.000 SALARY WE GUARANTEE TO PAY TO "OOOK AG-ENTS of exieriencei or Jj lamer commission than is ottered by but oilier Publishers. Agents are mnking K) to '-l!0 per week canvassing for our new lllustratcit DooKs. r o truaraniew jrems salary or a laree commission, will) choice of twi new and popular hook Bnd exclusive territory. o oiler a rare chance to encruetic men and women to make monev. Mecureyour ncnev airoti lrum the publishers. J. E. BU RR A CO., o-4t j-iariiom, v-orn JURUBEB A! Free to Book Agents. We will send o handsome Prospectus of our -.Vein IlluHtratrnted f amily mote con taining over 200 tine scripture lllustra- trations to any liook Agent lreo or charge. Address National Publishing Co. Phila delphia, I'a. 41-lt WANT ED AGENTS, (fM per dav) to V sell the celebrated HOM K SH UTTLK SEWING MACHINE. Has the under feed, makes the 'dock stitch" (alike on both sides) and is fully licensed. The and cheapest family Sewing Machine in too market. Aoilrcss jonnson, .iarK Co.. Boston. Mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa.. Chi cajjo. HI., or St. Louis, Mo. 41-4t GENERAL AUENTS WANTED for Groesbeck's Calculating Machine, rap id, acenra'e, reliable, simple, easily ope rated cheap and beautiful. Giving install taneous additions or subtractions,, taking from one to live columns ot figures at a time, carrying and borrowing its own tens, hundreds, e'.e.. without the least thntnrht on the part of the operator. Ad dress ZE1GLER McCl'KDY, 41-U Philadelphia, Pa, REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY GETTING. UP CLUBS. Send for our new Price List and Club Form will nccompany it, containing full directions making a Targe saving to consumer- and remunerative eiuu organ izers The Great American Teu Company, 81 A 33 VESEY STREET. P. O. Box B43. hew YORK. 41-4t "A GENTS WAN I E ?2i5 a month! n bv the Ambkic'n Rnittiso Macuix Co., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 41 AGENTS WANTED, for Abott PRUSSIA and the FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. in German and Kmrlisli. with tin steel engravings, maps. etc. Agents aro gotting from lift to on subscribe per day, t ino agoiu reports ip uniera mi? mat mi davs. Now is the timo to swore an Agen pv fortius and other works Uesirame U Agents. Address yuaker City publishing House 1M7 ana ZV umnoe bi., i-iiiiauei phia, Pa. t- AGENTS WANTED FOR FREE LOVE. AND ITS Votaries, by Dr. Jno- B. Ellis. The most startling book of modern times. Tho whole subject luid bareland its hideoiisncss exposeit to universal excraiion. mien in tiin interest oi Civilization. Christiani ty and Public Morality. Mend lor circulars and terms. U. . Publishing ,., si Kroonie St.. N. Y. Issued Jan. 1st 1871 M"1 OO Choice acloctions No. 3." con tainimr the best new things for Declama tion, Recitation, etc. Brilliant Oratory, Thrilling sentiment, ami Sparkling Hu mor, ISO psges, mier Ml cts. cloth 7S -ents, Ask vour lHMks.iller for it, or send price to P. Garrett I- Co. Plnla, i'a. SlMt THE GREATEST Stt cESS OK TH SEASON. AGSOTS sOlliilHSill TwelTB Years tz Will Mm Tllninn tunoiiu, THE LIFE OF GEUKGK. P. BELU1.N. who tor in a love of wild adveu'uro and a thirxt for kimwlcdgo of the Indiuns the Customs, Sports, Traditions, Wurs, Great Buffalo Hunts, dc, Ac, lull a homo of plenty iu Ohio, Joined the Indians, adopt ed their iikmIo of lile, married tlie beauti ful Waslilelltt, IsH-ause a Greut Wurrior, 11 untcr and Chief of liO Lmlges, was ap pointed Lieutenant in the C. S. Reguiar Army, for meritorious service with his braves against hostile Indians. A book of the most thrilling interest, a reality well authenticated. Trutlistianger than fiction Superblv illustrated. 7U envrravinKs, with portrait of the author, in full frontier cos tume. I'riee low. Should outsell any book extant. Seudiit once tor illustrated circu lar, utble of contents, sample pages and term. A. 11. Ill liltA l(l, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St , Piiiludelphiii, Pa. 41-41. 1. W. KOWLASIl, Al.KX. MClloWtL. J. W. ROWLAND & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND PKAt.EHS IN CJcntft' FuniKlilntf (aootls, And Agents for the Celebrated Grover A Baker Sewing Machine. LIBERTY STREET, NEAR DOB FRANKLIN, PENN'A. 117 ANTKL AOFNTS- To sell cur now illustrated took of Travel OVl.UL.VM Til UO Kill ASIA. By Col. Thomas XV. Ksrox. A crmpr.-- msive and vnlunbla exposition of tint untries "f Alnski; Siimria, China and Hussia as thov sro to-day. Jiatctiiiig our hnrdson's "llevond the MIssIkmpiiI." and Mark Twain's "Innocents Abroad'' in Ivle, Ac. Send for circular and M our extra terms. Address AMKHICAN rL BIIIlIN CO., 3Q-4w Hartford, Conn. DR. IF. H-AXjX re i O CELEBRATED COUCH REMEDY IAS been used durinSI the last tiftern vcars bv thousands of people for the speedy cure of throat and lung diseases. it lias neen iiiorougiuy icsieii me voice 01 tiie press and the people have rendered llieir verdict bv pronouncing it a SAFE, SPEEDY. THOROUGH and EFFECTU AL REMEDY the best Medicine known for curing Lung Complaints. Every per son of every age afflicted with either ot the following diseases, s-liouiauMe tins picas- ant remedy without delnvr and their voices will soon mingle with hosts of oth ers in recommending y. emi-acy to ineir nlllicled nciKlibors and friends. ftstT- Vie iltili Cough Remedy tt cures Cold. tST Use IlalTi Cough Remedy it ettre Vroup or liatile. t&- Uee Half Cough Remedy it curt Asthma and I hthme. HaT" Vie Hall Cough Remedy for Ca tarrh. SiaT" V Hair Cough Remedy it freny- then the lung. tSrUtc HaW Cough Remedy for Lror- chiiii. S&"Ve HaW Cough Remedy for Hoar seme. tST Ue HalT Cough Remedy it itrcng- Hit in the voice. SfflulVe HalV Cough Remedy for Whooping-cough. It will irreutlv modify the violoncoof this disease and shorten its tedious course one half from its ordinary duration. Beware of counterfeits and base imita tions, call lor Dr. P. Hall's Celebrated Couirh Remedy and see that his written siirmiture Is upon the wrapper and direc tions, i STROXO TESTIMONY. We the undersigned citizens of Erie Cir and vicinity, have used Dr. P. Hall's Coi ebrnted I'miuIi Remedy with great success, in euring disease of tlie Throat and Lungs snd take pleasure in recommending its use to the nil! u-led as a speedy and effectual remedy, fully worthy of public contideiu e. James Thompson Robem Cochran. John Melliorn br John A Tracy Daniel Bear J Robfsonf W F Rindornecht P E Burton Alanson Sherwood W II Cooper Joseph Deemer Benj Grant Lucius A Hull Thos M'Kca W M Gallaeher Chas W Kelso D P Ensign D Shirk Richard Rest J T Case Jolm w Mcljine John W Hays Jolin R Cochran John R Dumars John M Warren John S Brown S L Forter J W Hull Orvice Smith C Dumars H O Root. H'dson King, Daniel Minor,. C B Wriirht Matthew Hamilton Daniel Huvsr J W Ryan J Mooney J W Culver Wm H May A M Tarboll E A Bennett C K Riblet M Mayor J L Long J Robinson 2d Silas II Finch C G Howell J Salsbnrv Si LD IN E.tlE ONLY BY P. HALL, Manufacturer and solo proprietor, Hull's New Building, State St. PRICE 37i C I S. PER BOTTLE. Sold by D. 8. KNOX A CO., Tionesta, Pa., and by agents general ly. 33-Sm JONES HOUSE, CLARION, PENN'A. S. S. JONES ' ' " Proprietor. RPrMTC vv anted for Headlev'a Nerr, MUUn I O Fresh BOOK "Sacred Heroes and Martvs." Written in the Author's htppiest style, and surpassing his former work, which have sold by tho 100.000. With Original SteelJ Engravings from de signs by our Artist who has spent three years in Bible Ijinds. The Clergy and the Press aro loud in its praise. Agents aro making money rapidly, E. B. Treat lc Co., Bub s (151 U'dwav, K. Y. 3U-4W FARMER'S HELPER. Shows how to double the profits of the farm and how farmers and their sons can ach make $10O Per Month. In winter. 100,000 copies will be mailed free to limners. Send name and address to .IEGLfcli & Met C ll) Y, Philadelphia, I'a. 3-4w 10 MATE FROM 50 C 'TS. Soniothin'S urgently needed by every boI.r Call and examine, or samples sent pitae paid for fiO ots that retail easily for fit). R. L- Wolcott, ll Chathrm H., N. Y. ik-4t WANTED Aranta for the history of COD'SCHURCH By Prof. Enoch Pond, D. D. From Adam to the present day. Light business lor Iiieu uud ludies everywhere. Good pay, send for circular. M 4t ZEIGLER A McCUREY, Phla.'Pa. 8 O'CLOCK. 3W-H rpillSlSNOHUMBLUI i K. 1 By atindiug OUCKSTH with aire, hight, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture of your future husliund or wile, with mime mid dato of marriage. Address W. FOX. P. O. Drawer No. 34, Fult.m Ville. N. Y. 3tl-4t W" AT ' 1 1 FREEaiid" fiOada.v sure and no humbug. Address LATTA it Co Pittsburgh, Pa. 3U-4t Tin: .n.Kiif io.un. Will change any eolorcl hair or bcaid to a periiianent black or brown. It con tains no poison. Any one can use it. One sent by mail for $i. lH'iilers supplied at reduced rates. Address Wm. I'attoit, TieiiH. Springlield, Moss, J'.i-H THEA-NECTAR IS A PC BE ltl, A li. TIM with the lireen Tea Flavor Warranted to suit all tastes. For hale every where, For sale wholn oniv bv the Grout Atlantic and Pacitle Tea Co., H I'liutoli St. New Yora. P.O. Box fiooo. Solid ftr Thea-N.s-ur circular. Stf 4t AGENTS Wast D-i-- per month ly tho Americuu Kn;Uiug Machine Co., MM.,rt IoiiN, Mn. . f