TT. R. DUNN ..... EDITOR. TUESDAY MOANING, FEB. 14. Tlie members of the Republican County Committee will meet at tlio Frothonotary's office on Monday, Fob. 27th, 1871, nt 7 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of selecting Delegates to the Union Republican State Convention, and for the transaction of other busi ness. A full attendance is desired. J. B. Aonf.w, Chairman. A RAILROAD HORROR. Disaster on the Hudson River Rail, road. On Monday night 6th inst,, at about 10.20, an oil train ran into an express train on Wapingeis bridge near New Ilatuburg station. The bridge broke down precipitating the locomotive of the express train, and two passenger cars into the stream beuealh. The sleeping car 'contained eighteen per sons, all of whom were burned to death or drowned. The engineer and con ductor of the sleeping car were among the lost Nineteen bodies have been recovered. We have not room to give their names. It has been stated that some of the corpses were robbed while they were being removed. Gen. Harrison Allen. The York, Pa., Republican, in re viewing the candidates for nomination for the office of Auditor GeneJal, thus speaks of Gen. Allen : The name of Gen. Harrison Allen, of Warrea, will be presented to the Convention, which will meet nt liar rislnrrg on the 10th of March, :is a candidate for Auditor Geueral. Gen. Allen is now serving his second year in the Senate, to which place he was elected in 1869. He is a staunch republican, a man of irreproachable character, popular not only in his own district, but all over Western Penn sylvania and will make a good stan dard benrer to lead n tn viotnnr in the Det campaign. Gen. Allen took nn actWe and prominent part in the war of the rebellion, and raised the first company of troops recruited in Warren County. He went out as a Cap tain in the 10th Pennsylvania Re serves, and wa soon promoted to Major. After several mouths service be was compelled to resign his position in consequence of sickness and returned home. After a severe illness of several months, he recovered, and as soon as be was able to travel he began raising troops jerparatory to going out a second time. He went out in 18G3 as the Colonel of the 151st Pensylvania volunteers, and served out the period of his enlistment. Ho participated in the battles of Drainsville and Chancellorsville, in both of which actions he distinguished himself by bis barvery. Gen. Allen was elected tj the House in 18G6, and returned in m 1867, and was chosen Senator l'rom the 28th Senatorial district in 1869. His career, in the Legis lature has been marked by consistency fiJelity and uprightness, and his name is uiisullied, and his Imuor unimpeach ed. Such a record as he has made, is alike creditable to himself and his con st ituents, as it has been serviceable to the State. As a legislator he has been entirely above suspicion, and his rec ord a consistent one throughout. Gen. Allen isaself-mademan.and has made his way to his present position by his own unaided exertions. - He has been remarkably successful in all his uuder takings.and has never met with a single defeat in any of his contests. Ho was a supporter of our good President Liucolo in 1860,and was a delegate to the convention of 1868, which placed in nomination Geu.Grant. All cir cumstanceg considered, Gen. Allen is inmost available caudiduto for Auditor General. ' The following named persons are spoken of as candidates for the Re publican nomination of Auditor Gen era 1 : Gen. D. B. McCreary, of Erie; Citj.t. Wm. H. Patterson, 'of Juniata ; Col. Frank C. Heati.n. of Chelsea: Dr. Da iid Stanton, Beaver; Gen. J. A. Leaver, of Centre ; Gen. J. T. Owen, of Philadelphia; Gen. Harry Allen, of Warren ; Gen. James L. Stl fridge, of Northampton; Senator Billingfelt, of Lancaster. I or Surveyor General, Gen. J. M. Caupbell, of Cambria; Oil. W. P. V' i,iwi, of Centre; Col. It. B. Heath, of cUuylkill, and Col. R. A. McCoy, of L'iuubria, are spoken of. "Is our civilization a failure? Or is the Caucasian played out?" asks Bret Harte for less cause than we have for quoting him : The other day ,i very seedy specimen of the genus .Irrui-beat approached one of ourxtaid (;1J citizens, saying, "Say, mister, lend me two cents?" "What for?" asked l!.e citizen, sourly surveying the brassy l. ;- ur of coppers. "To buy a drink if whiskey," wa the business like oi.s .ur. ,"No, sir !" was the indignant n ply of the staid old gentleman. "Yiu have the impudence of the ti uil, a big liealthy fellow like you, itskiu r fur two cents, and tlictl openly it vowing tbatyou want to buy whisky I No, sir? not a cent." "Iook-a-here, mister," said the loafer, shoving bis Land down into the recesses f bis trousers pocket, "Here's eight cents. J'lu-y ain't adambit of use Ut me 'I Mkr costs ten cents!" Spectator, We take the following from the Clarion Ikmocrat : y John Seaton of Fnrtiiinglort town ship had his leg broken while hauling logs, one uay nisi ween. William Helm, of Ashland town, ship, was hauling timber in Farming. ton township, where he had his lee ,...ii :..!.. .i t... ... j.... tliu not learn particulars. As wo go to press, on Thursday even ing, the court is empallheilinjf a jury try James Austin, charged with man slaughter the killing of Walters, the colored barbar at Last Brady, a few weeks ago. The house of John G ruber, Sr., at Gruber's mill, on Millcreek. was burn ed on Monday morning of last week. Nothing was saved except a few articles in the lower story. It is supposed the fire caught from a stove-pipe. Mr. Gruber is an industrious man and a good citizen, and has the sympathy of the community in this and other losses he has lately sustained. The following items are from the Brookville Republican : We learn that Mr. N. B. L.iine,who underwent the scvero ordeal of an am putation of a limb some ten days ago, is doing as well ns could be expected. Drs. Brown and Karuey, of Brock way ville, are in constant attendance, and lively hoe is entertained that they will be able to have him about iu'a short time. On Thursday night, the 2d inst,, the residence ot Mr. L. K. Kline, of Brockwayville Was destroyed by fire. The family were wakened from" sleep by the cry of fire, and were only saved through the exertions of Mr. Kline, who was severely burned, but not fatal ly. The building with all its contents. as well as the clothing of the family were ucstrnven. George Wilson of Brookville, while engaged I at Lathrop's Mill, iu II nth uhlading logs from tbccnr employed ta bring them info the mill, met with an accident by which his leg was broken in two places. It appears that a number of logs had become f.o sen together upon the car, and in en deavoring to remove thfm, the entile load was rolled on", and by somo acci dent caught and rolled upon him. Dr. Garver was called and reduced the fracture. Frightful Accident. The up train last evening, train No. 1, which is due here at 8:0.", brought the intelligence, that a man had ground to atoms by the ears at McClintock ville, when our reporter, accompanied by a large delegation of citiz-uis, re paired to the spot, where they learned the harrowing fact as revealed by clots of blood and shreds of flesh which were strung along the track for twenty rods, that the roport was more than sustained. It. C. Beveredge, acting Coroner, was summoned, and the pnr ties present, after procuring a box, proceeded to gather such portions of the mangled flesh as could be distin guished from clods of earth along the track. Esq. Beveredge, having sum moned a jury to view the remains, ad journed until 9 o'clock this morning, when the following facts were elicited : The man's name was Geo. W. Ho vis. He had been to Oil City to collect a small sura of money lived near the scene of the disaster was in the habit of drinking pretty freely had a fami ly of nine small children depandent upon his earnings for a livinsr, who are now left destitute. The is the ver dict of the jury : "George W. llovis come to his death on the evening of Feb. 6th, 1871, hv being run over by train No. 20, on the O. C. A A. R. R. No blame is attached to the engineer." The Railroad Companv, we are inform ed, will defray fnneral expenses. The remains were brought to this place last night on a hand car and were viewed by a great number of our citizens. They presented a most sick euing sight. A heel was found in one place, the heart in another ; a thumb was phked up here, a portion of the shull bone there. The skin of the face was pulled down in such a way as tn render recognition impossible. House ville Bulletin, Feb. 7. X&to Advertisement. AUDITOR'S REPORT. Xsniffl P. SiKin", Treasurer of FnrcBt County in account with liio Uoinmoii- (Til ill of Pennsylvania, from Jan. 3d, 1870, to Jan. :ilt.t, 1871. Dr. To atu't of State Tax. 1S70 Jl'OO 12 " " Ten day awesmont 114". " " mercantile appniisemt KM 0 " " tavern licciiHes (H) 11') (0 44 " pamphlet lawn 1870 12 00 " " credit on Co. account ViH 41 $740 26 I'r. By balance due Bcttloment fll2 22 By htate Tread, rec't dated Jan. 31 1K71 Ofr, gf, Ily Slate. Treas. rec't datod Oct. 4, 1H70 15 Kg By State Treas. rec't dated Oct , 170 104 50 By Stato Treas. rec't dated Oct. 4. l7u 05 fiO Ily percentage, on 10 at A per cent. 29 90 $740 2H James P. Sijrprlns, Treasurer of Forcxt County, in account with the J-'umls.ol vaid Nmnty, l'rom Jan. M, 1870 to Jan. 31st, 1H71. llr. To am't due last nottMiiwit $!.V17 M " Heated taxes 170 t(tR) !Kt " judgment, U.iul and Maze 01 00 " int. on " " " lit i" " eonta and exp. of Auditors M So To hill eokts J''oret Co vs. Vcoau- Ui Co. 54 37 To nv'd l'rom J. W. Miller, Ex- Treamirer 'J0O 01) To fu-wiiniiiK MillMone Ti., from fclk Co. Is Si To county iuu S 8 ti " ten luv aHse.HKinent 7ii ftn " rrntiif county lands 8lti " Ui!aiK ace."t of A. 11. Hoot Hi 77 " redcnii tinit uouniy lands CiU :to " road tax, Kx -Treas. Miller 12 OS " militia ' " -.12 2 " reiint;' orders 4H 77 O.'l :i5 J-W)9 i;i Cr. tly county ordern redcetnoil " coupolln eountv bonils ' fllfril 41 1078 40 filll (H) JO-O 72 " exmicinlinnn " seated Unds returned " laiuls wild to cnilntv " nm't charged on (State aec't llXl!-, 4 I'M 41 uupliente road achonl onlerg a) 74 roa.i and sell. Mil orders l.HiU-7 1(1 Xt Penntnfje on f.80S (is m-hrnil orders 1118 M " " 4MT 4S road 04 " " 1711 ns com. " lo7 70 ' " .t717 6rt big level " aja 05 " 1078 40 coupons 04 70 " " S24 !H red t n fund 114 HI " 145H1 41 Co. ordors 873 08 ILW.Sf) 21 Ily am't rharired to bnlnneo O'.il U5 SCII Kl'j Kt'NPS. llarnett Township. To bnlanoe due on last settlement 5'W 48 Uy orders redeemed WW 48 llewre Township. To balance duo last settlement S19 12 By orders rodeeniod 810 S4 By Treas. Setley'a receipt 8 29 S19 12 ITnrmonv Towwilvln To bnl duo last settlement lllfl 74 " seated lands retu.ncd 1869 2-0 CO 440 74 By orders radefeined " Treas. cetley's receipt 7 K 41 CO 449 71 Jenks Township. To bal.due last sett'.eniont 1274 02 seated lands rt. lfitl-7 ao Ti " ain't reo. from Kx-Treas Millor io fS 1315 58 By orders redeemed 1210 87 " seated orders 1806-67 U0 73 ex-Treas. Miller's orders redeemed 2 78 Treas. Sctlcy's receipt 41 20 1315 08 Hickory Township. To balance due last settlement 606 86 By orders redeemed 278 85 " error last lettleinout 228 1)1 506 86 1 lllatonn Tnnsltin To tial. due last settlement 12 SI seiueu ranas ret. 1809 3 95 1546 26 By orders redeemed " Treas. Setley's rec't 1546 20 ICinirslev Townshin. To bal due last settlement 083 PS " seated lauds ret. lot cU'd 44 74 728 P2 728 92 ll'J7 M 11L7 82 67 83 67 83 By orders redeemed Tioiipsta Township. To balance duo last settlement By orders redeemed Tionesta Borough. To balance due last settlement bv oraers redeemed ROAl) FUNDS. Tlnriintf Tnu.i..l.ln To balance due last settlement 260 08 lT oruors reaeeineu 241 14 'l Treas. Setley's receipt 18 94 200 08 TTnu-A Tnnnu)iln To balance due last settlement 1069 97 By orders redeemed 1080 41 " lreaa. iSetley'a receipt 9 66 1009 97 89 95 89 95 Ifarmonv Townsldn To bnlaneo duo last'heit'.emciit By Treas. Setley's receipt Jlicliory Township. To balancA duo last settlement 479 70 HV orders redeemed ain't duo Sipgins 262 70 215 00 2 00 i. 965 55 34 22 21 HI 1 950 92 22 M 4 S 85 " error in charge. " Treas. lietley's receipt 479 70 To bal. duo last settlement " ain't ree'd from ex-'t'reas. Miller " ain't seated tax 1307 10 2 58 Bv orders redeemed " seated orders ' 1S67 " Treas. Setley's receipt 1022 58 Kinuslpv Townsldn. Tn bnlaneo due last settlement 540 64 540 64 By orders redeemed Millstnnn Towiiuliln To bal. duo settlement 772 9.1 rec. d irom ex-Tr. Miller 21 05 794 58 Bv orders redeemed 772 P3 " Treas, Setley's receipt 21 05 794 68 Tionesta Boron ph. To balance due hist settlement 6 82 By orders redeemed 6 s2 Tionesta Township. To balance duo last settlemeut J 205 23 By ordi:rs redeemed 1205 i KOAI) COMMrfsSIOX FUND. Harnett Township. To bal. doe last sett'einent 10! 78 " ree'd of oxTr. Miller 22 07 132 45 By orders redeemed " Treas. Setley's receipt 12 03 80 42 132 45 Howe Townsldn. ' To bal. due last sctt'emrnt 760 79 " ree'd of ex-Tr. Miller 30 79 797 58 Bv orders redoemed 7 " Treas. Setley's receipt 30 79 Jnnkn Townuliln 797 58 To bal. due last settlement 702 86 " roo d of ex-Tr. Miller 92 703 78 By orders redeemed " Treas. Sotioy'a receipt 702 84 92 703 78 Millstone Township. To balance due last settlement 0o on By orders redeemed 2M) M BI; LEVKL STATIC KO.iD FCXDS. Ilot Townsliip, To bal. d" l"t seltlemcnt K59 85 " ec d of ex-Tr. Millor 1 70 lr.ei 65 By ordors redeemed " Treas. Setley's roceipt 1!).".9 M 1 70 1901 6.' Jenks Tlivnshtn To balance due last setlleiueut By ordors redi eincd 1757 71 1757 71 RKMKP FUND. To ain't roo'd from ex-Trea. Miller 59 95 By Treas, Sctley s receijit 59 yj li I.. I'avis, lliiili Sheriff, Jan. 1, 1S70, to Jan. 1, 1871, in account with forest Co. To am t of Fees 40 Ily let and services Kid 40 J. B. Anew, I'rollionotary, from Jan. 1st, ls70, to Jan. 1st, 1871, iu account with l'orest i 'ouuty. To ain't of fees " (it r,r, By lees and services a 55 W. W. Mason, UisirN't Attorney, Jan. 1st, 1W0, to Jan. It, 1871, iu account with Korest County. To autouui of fees 20 00 By fees and services ) 00 County IVniimissiviicrs, in account with forest County from Jan. 5th, 1870, to Jan. ' t 111, in.i. A. It. Root, to am't orders drawn 309 1)1 ily bal. due mm jwr setUeuieut 33 44 " 0! dnvs services 06 S.J " 012 nides travel " exMnses to Franklin " e.. elmr.'es on b nik " cash paid Tivas. Sin(riim J. P. M'heeler, to Co. orders drawn To credit to balance 309 HI i!0 10 18 tO 99 00 Bv bal. due as per settlement 87 80 " iVt days' serviisj m 00 " 512 miles travel 64 20 " expenses 1 00 Balance due Benjamin Elliott, to County vxders drawn 835 00 To awit er. to bnlaneo 77 75 299 00 18 00 612 75 B v bal. dn last settlement t In) " 141 davs' servico 421 Oc) " 852 miles travel 20 " expenss paid out 4:) 53 612 75 77 75 Balance due Jacob MerciP.iott, to County orders drawn 77 on 10 am r er. to balance 24 40 101 40 By 23 dnvs1 sorvlee ' 324 miles travel 69 00 32 40 101 40 24 40 Bnlaneo duo FOREST mi'XTY, . We the undersigned Auditors of Forest County, do certify Hint we met nt the Com missioners' office at the Court Houso in Tionesta bomiiRh. and did midit, settle nnd adjust the nee units of the Trensurer, Shcr Itf, Prothonotnry, District Attorney and Commissioners of said County, and lind tho same as set forth In the forojtoinir re port. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 30th day of January, A. D. 1K71. ELI 1IOI.KMAX, 1 , WILLIAM CLAKK, J Aud""- STATEM EXT or Expenditures of Forost County, A. D. 1879. County Commissioners 1242 00 " " Clerk 379 56 " Auditors and " 107 00 New Court House 31155 57 Furniture " 2109 21 Slierill 's house and (nil 217 lit Wild eat and Fox bounty 97 00 Jury fees i:s 4,1 Assessors' serviees 24tl 22 Printinit 5:i; 70 Council fees id", 85 ConstabU' wrvices ltio 40 Jurv Commissioners 44 62 Court crier 75 00 Uoad views 118 00 t'uel 129 68 Elections 213 70 Commonwealth costs 49 45 Itmk and stationery 119 11 Court Btiditor 1.1 00 Court houso rent 79 20 House orrcr"o .. 651 (16 Regisii V Cx;cnscs 75 M Western Tn. Hospi'al 1-4 H Kenairinir brlihre. Ma do Creek l'-"9 00 New bridge, Chulii(,'ton 1 'HI 64 Coroner's lees 17 i '. Sheriff's lees Jtio Prot honorary 's fees 01 55 District Attorney's fees 20 00 Expenses to liarrisburgh 73 00 Statement of Finances of Forest County for 1. e year cim.nir Jan. . 0 11, 1871. I "B tlKHrrriN'KMM. To ain't ofeountv loan 25093 00 " Co. oroers outstand imr 4.S09 32 To ain't " for Clarlng- ton Bridge 2SS3 C8 To am't due J. P. Sinpins liiil 32 ' int. due oil c nipuns 1028 00 $.34111 87 A .UTT1 D By unseated tax, 1870 4636 12 " seated lands returned losj 02 " duo from D. Black, ex-Tr. 809 18 6528 92 FOREST COUNTY, rs. Pursuant to law, we tho Commissioners of Forest County, publish the lorefioinircx hibit of the receipts and expenditures of said Count v for tho vear H70. In testimony whereof we hereunto set our hands the '30th day of Jam a -y, 1871. N. P. W11EK1.KR, ) BENJ. ELLIOTT, Commissioners. J. MKItCILLIOTT, j SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of A onrll tioui Kxin.iu s. and Levari Facias, is sued out of the ilirt of C inniciii Pleas of l'orest County, mid to 1110 directed, there will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry at tho Court House in Tionesta, 011, Feb. 27tli 1871, at 2 oclock P. M., the following di scribed real estate, to-wit: George S. Ionjr vs. tho Cherry and Trout Run Oil and Miniiift Co., al. veil. ex. No. 22 February Term, 11-71 Main All do lendant's right, title, inter 'M and cla'ui of in and to a certain piwe or parcel of land situate iu the township of Harmony, coun ty of Forest (formerly Venango) and Stale of Pennsylvania, hounded and doscrilicd as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post, thence south eighty-nine decrees east one hundred and seventy-four perches to a mist, thence south one-half degree west one hundred and twenty. two and threo-tenths perches to a lKist, thence by land of James Iluiing north eiglity-idno degrees west one hundred and seveu'y-four perehos to a white oak, thence north one degree cat one hundred ami t ent y-tw o and three tenths perches to a post, the place of begin ning, containing one hundred and iiinety tln te acres of land more or less, being the same piece of land conveyed to the Cliorry and Trout Bun Oil and Mining Co., record ed in Charters Hook No. 2, page 112, in Venango county. Taken iu execution and to lie sold as the property of tlia cherry and Trout Hun Oil and Mining Company at the suit of George S. Long. ALSO Ralph R. ltoberts va the Tjiko Erie Pe troleum Coinpmiv, Levari Facias 10. 1). No. 21 Feb. Term 1871 Tate All defendant's right, title interest and claim of in and to all that tract nnd pan el of laud sit utile iu the townsliip of Kingidey, coun ty of Forest. State of i'enusvl vauia, being part of lot No. 5193 deserihed an follows: Beginning at the northern corner of said tract. No. 5193 running theuee southerly along said tract 221 8-10 icrchc to a black sik tri e, south 42j east 320 perches to a black oak tree, thence north 44 0 along the tract line 1.' 3 i-lo perches, thence north 42i went by a lino parallel lo tlio north easterly bounds of s:ud tract No. 5i:.3 one hundred perches thence north forty-four anil a half degree eiut i;82-l(l perches to tho tract lino, thuuew northerly alorg said tract lino 2J) perches to tho plai n of beginning, containing 4oo acres more or less. All that certain oilier tract or par cel of land situate in Kiugsley township in said county, described a,s follows: Beg'n ning at a hemlock tree, corner of said" lot Ihcnco running north 4ii" west 141 8-10 perches to a wileli hazel tlienco south 4f west 87 peri'ehs to a post, thence south 43 east 141 5-1.1 perches to a stono corner, thence north 41 east ninety-four perches to the place of beginning, containing M) acres, lieiug the same, premises conveyed by deed fiom Haiiiilton Slowe and others to lioorge Baheiidorf, liearing dale Aug. 7 lh.'7,aiidiidjoiiiingthe tirst deserihed prein ises cju the southerly side thereof and tlio Miiinu conveyed by'ttulph It. Roberts to the Ijiko Krio Petroleum Company and part of lot No. 5194. A uxt A 11 that other certain piors; of lnn1 sitim'o in the township of Tionestn In said county, nnd Is part of lot No, 5IU2, nnd is descrllsMl as follows, to-wit 1 Heu-tnnlngon the esst line of unld tract No. fil!i2 fifty roils northerly from the southeast corner 'there of, running northerly along said east lino 75 rods, thence northwesterly parallel to the westerly line of said tract t nnersenlli. westerly on nail last mentioned lino 75 rods, theneo snntheisterlv immllel to II. n south went line of snld tract b tho plnce of ocginiitng. eonlnining 15 acres, be the same more or less, lieing the same premises eon Vyd to tlte Ike Erin Petroleum Com pany by deed from Ralph R. Roberts. A Mo All that certain other piece of land situate in the township ,,f Hickory, enmity of Forest, Statu of Pennsylvania, and Is the same pieif conveyed hv 'deed from Ralph R. Roberts to II. Lake Erie Petroleum Company, and Is bounded on (he northerly side by land formerly owned by tho Phil adelphia Oil Company, on the easterly side by the East Hickory' Creek, on the south by land of the Oil City Company, and on tho west by the Allegheny River.' Contain ing 6 acres and 24 rods. A i.ho All that certain other piece of land situate in the nuiuo township and nn the southerly side ofthe East Hickory Creek, nnd is the saine piece conveyed liv Ralph R. Roberts nnd his wife to the Ike Krio Petroleum Company, and is bounded on the south by the Plank road, nnd contains one and 8-10 acres of land, reference Itoing had to said conveyance from linlph R. Rob erts nnd wife for'a more particular descrip tion. Taken In execution nnd to bo. sold ns the proerty ofthe Lake Erie Petroleum Com pany nt the suit of Ralph It. Roberta. ALSO C. F. Gillespie vs. John Moodv ct. nl. levari Facias No. 14 Feb. Term 1871 Tate All defendant's riifht. title, interest nnd claim of 111 and to till that certnin piece or parcel of land situate in Kimrslev township county of Vennngo and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and descrilicd thus; Be ginning nt a hemlock tree, running thence north forty-six dc-rees west one hundred perehos to a birch tron along the lino of lands owned by Oeorge llnliendrotr, tlienco north forty four degrees enst 0110 hundred and sixty-two perches ton post along the line of lands owned by B. F. Lacv, thence south forty-three degrees oast one hundred perehos to n chestnut oak tree along tho lands of II. Stow A Co., tlienco south forty four degrees west one hundred and flft'v neven perches along lands of H, Stow' Co., to place of beginning, containing one hundred acres, strut measure, lie the same more or less, and being part of n Inrger tract of land No, Sim, tho nlsivo drscriU'd lands being the saino conveyed bv tho said fmrty ofthe second part to tho said parties lereunto ofthe tirst part liy deed bearing date tho 22d day of March A. I). INW, being given to secure a part of tlio consideration thereon assessed. Taken in execution and to lie sold as the property of John Moody et, al, nt tho suit of C. F. Gillespie. ALSO James Oodfroy va. Anna R. Roliortn nnd Samuel Roln-rts, Levari Facias No. 27 Fob. Term ls7l Brown All defendant's right, title, interest and claim of in and toal' that certain tract or parcel of land situate In Tioi.ta township, county of Forest nnd State of Pennsylvania on the Tionesta creek and adjoining tho conntv lino of For est on the north, described as 'follows! Be ginning at a homloos on the conntv line north one hundred and forty-one perches west from Tionesta Creek," thence nouth two hundred and seventy-four perches to a iiciiiiock, ineiice east live hundred and forty-live perches to a post, tlienco noith two "I:"ndred and seventy-four perches to a posi.theu" wes 'Ivo hundred nnd forty, rive perches to ti'.rplaco of beginning, lie Ing b'.undodou the noi'Jh by tho division line of Forest nnd Wnrren eol'iities, on the oust by lot n h inhered twentv-ntnei.undred and sixty (2uoo, on tho smith bv lot twenty-eight hundred and twelve (2812) on the west by lot twenty-seven hundred mid thtrtv-tivo 12735) containing eight hundred and tllty-aix acres and lorty-two perches bo the same moro or loss, I icing a tract or land conveyed by James WiMll'roy to Anna R. Roberts by deed datoil twent'v-seventh day of March, A. I, one tlioiis'nnd eight hundred and sixtv-tivo. Taken In exetu t on ami to be sold as the propertj of Anna R. Rolierts and Samuel Roberts at the suit of James (iodfrey, ALSO W. W. Rose vs. The Empire Citv Petro leum Company, Veil. Ex. No, 35, Feb. T. 1871 Spencer -Defendant's right, title, in t crest and claim of in and to nil that cei tain piece or parcel of land lving in Hick ory township. County of Venango, and Slnto of Pennsylvania, (now County of Forest) bounded and descrilied as follows, to wit: Beginning at the south corner of lands contracted to Morris Purdy, tlienco west 40 degrees east, along said lands con tracted to snid Purdy 103 porches to a post thence south 44 degrees east 44 perches to a corner, thence south 4ti degrees wv,t 10 perches to a corner, thence south 44 east 61) porches to a corner, thence south 40 do preea w 147 porches to a post, thence north 44 degrees west 104 perches to tho place ol beginning, containing 94 acres and allow ances of six per e -nt for roads, etc., being fiart ora largo tract of land warranted in the name of Thomas strtilhers by tlio Commonwealth bv warrant dated Sept. 2l A. D. ISMI. embracing in the re turns of survey 400 acres and 1.0 perches, ami granted to said Struthers by patent from the Commonwealth hearingdate May 21, A. D. 1839 reserving however one acre which was conveyed by snid party of the first part to tho school district of Hickory township by deed. Also That certain piece or parcel of laud situate in ickory township Venan go count r i now Forost county) Slate of Pennsylvania beinu a part of tract surveyed on warrant number 3093, com mencing at a w hite oak st uiiii) at the corner of Luther Parties luntl, thence wet 46 de grees east by lauds contracted to C. H. Church 163 perches to tho north east boun dary of a tract of land of 4o2 acres and 7 perches conveyed, by F. W. Allen to J. C. Dayton, trustee, tlienco south 44 degrees east 82 perches to a corner, thence south 46 degrees west ln3 perehos to a corner, tlienco north 44 degrees west 82 perches to tho plaeoof beginning, containing 78) acres with allowances. Taken in execution and to hesold as tho property of The Empire City Petroleum Company, at tho suit of W, W, Rose. A f -SO F. N. Fuller vs. Dennett Dobbs al. fl. fa. No. 3 Feb. T. 1871 Tate All dolend un.'s right, title, Interest and claim, of, in and to a cerium piece or parcel 01 land, sit uate in Jenks township, Forost county, Pa. doscr.bod as follows, to-wit ! Part of war rant No. 5141. subdivision No. 6, contain ing one hundred and twonty -sevou acres more or less. Also. Defendant's riirht, title, Interest and cla.m of iu and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate 111 How e township Forest county. Pa., bounded and described ns follows, to-wit: Part of warrant No. 21)5 subdivision No, 43, bounded on the north by warrant No, 28)2, 011 the east by subdivision No. 44, on tho south by subdi vision No. 48, and o i tho west by subdivis ion Xo. 42, subdivision numbers being part of tract No. 2995 hereinbefore men tioned, containing one hundred acres, more or less. Also All defendant's right, title, inter est and claim, of iu and to ail that certain tractor piece of land situate in the town ship of Jenks, county of Forest, and State of Pennsylvania, viz: Part of warrant No. 513S, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the noilhwestby No. 5129, on tlio north by No. 6173, on the by tri angle., 011 southeast by No. 5139, on tho southwest by No. 61:16 011 county map, containing three hundred and fifteen acres more or less. Taken i t execution and to be sold as tho property of Bennett Dobbs, at the suit of F. N. Fuller. Terms Cash, E. I DAVIS. Sheriff. Sheriff's OlBoe, Tionestu, Pa., Feb. 7, '71. 43-3t. Oubscrieb for the Kepuulicak, the bvat t - nYppr In "he vmiim-. APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE, for February Term, 1871 I Mrs. L, Woiigntnnn, Jlo'el, llnrimmy Tp. Fred. Nestle, Hotel, Trunkcyvlllo. REGISTEllS NOTICES. Public Notice Is hereby given that Nan cy Dnwson. Executrix of John Dnwson, deceased, hns tiled in the Register's Olllce In nnd for the County of Forest, nt Tiones ta, Pa., her tlnnl account a Kxecutrix un der the last will ofthe said John Dawson, deceased, and that the sumo will be pre sented to the Orphans' Court of said coun ty for confirmation and allowance on tlio 27th day of February next, nt the Court House lit Tionestn in the Conntv aforesaid. 42 4t. J. It. AUN'EW.'R.gister. Jnn I", 1871. Public Notice in hereby given that Snm ucl D. Irwin, Administrator of the estate of S. S. Hilling, deceased, has tiled In tho Register's Oliice in and for the County of Forest nt Tionestn, I'll,, his llluil account ns administrator of the snid M, S. Hillings, deceased, and that tho same will bo pre sented to Hie Orphans' Court of said Coun ty for con 11 mint 1011 nnd allowance on tho 2i'th day ot February next nt tho Court House at Tionestn in the conntv nforesaid. 42 41. J. 11, AUNEW, Register. Jan. 19, 1S7I. Public Notice Is hereby given that David S. Eldridgc al d William Winy, adminis trators of the estate of James Eldridgc, deceased, has tiled iu the Register's Olllco the tlnal account ns administrators ofthe estate of said Jitiucn Kldridge, dis 'd, (ill 1 that the same will lie presented to the Or phan's Court of said county for cnntlrinn tiou nnd allowance on tho 27th day of February next, nt tho Court House In tho iHiriingh 4 Tionestn, in the county aforesaid. J. B AH NEW, Jnn. 19, 1871, 42 4t Register. PITH OLE VALLEY Il'Y. O N AND AFTER Saturday January 28, irains win run as loiiown: TRAINS NORTHWARD. stations. No. 2. No. 4. Oleopolts, 2..i() p m 9.41am Bennett, 3.08 " 9.V.I " Woods 8.17 " llUMI " Prat hern Mill 3 29 " 10.18 " Pilhole City 3.40 ' 10.3.1 " Til A I NS SOUTH WA 11 D. stations. No. 1. No. 3. Pitholo Citv, H.lMinm 1. Oil p m rYnthors Mill 8.13 " 1,13 ' Woods 8.23 " 1.23 " Bennett 8.30 " 1.30 " Oloopelis 8.40 " l.'O " An Extra Train lenvos Pitholo City on Snturdays nt 6.20 p. in. making rinse 'con nection at ilcopoli wltli Trains on the I il Creek .V Allegheny River Railway for Cur ry and intermediate points. Return Train leaves Oleopolis nt 7.20 p. m., nrriviuu nt Pitholo Citv al 7.55. A II other Trains innko close connections nt Oleopolis with trains nn the Oil Creek ,t Allegheny River Hail way, North nnd South. Train No. 2 makes close connection al Oil Cit v with Fnst Lino on Allegheny Vnl ley Railway for Pittsburgh nnd intermedi ate mints. Two Lines of Stages run daily between Pitholo City, Miller harm nmf l'lcie-anl-ville, makiugeoniiection witlinrrlvingaud departing Trains. J. T. BLAIR, FID. BISHOP, Sup t. Ticket Agent, Pithole City, Pa. TKV WKLIJi CABOLIC TABLETS An unfailing remedy for nil Bronchial Dif- Ll'Ullies, (oughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Asthma, Pipthorin, Dryness of tho Throat or Hind Pi pi- and nil Catarrhal diseases. Tlio wonderful moiit rn discovery of Car bolio Acid, is destined to becomo otio of tho greatest blessimrs to mankind In Its application to disease of the throat and its great curative qualities in all alhx-tiona of the Chest and Lungs. Dr. Well' I'urbolle Tablet, besides the great remedial agont Carlsilio Acid contains other ingedients universally recommended, which chemieallv com bine producing a Tablet inure hiirhlv medicin al and I otter adapted for diseases of the throat than any preparation ever before of torod to the public. V. 1 'J1 get Wells' CariHil- ic tablets; don't let other goods be palmed off on vou in their place. FOR COCO IIS AND COLDS, Wells' Carbolic Tablets are a SURE CURE. Try Them. Sold by Druggists. 4i-4t ANDREWS & CO., Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS OF CASTIiTQS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN h:r,:d-w-A.:r,:e, le., &e., Ac., TIDIOUTE, PA., JOHN AKDBEWS, 5-tf H. FISHER. G. W. TIFFT SONS t COT, ENGINES, 12, IO, 8 1IOKSI? POWEK, WITH OR WITHOUT LINK AND GOVERNOR. :-o-: BOILERS, 21, 11, 13 uiul 10 II. p. LOCOMOTIVE STYLE. IO, 28, 22, aucl 18 II. p., STATIONARY TUBULAR K. BRETT i SON, AC TS. Room No. 2, Chaao & Stewart's Ulock, 3-3m TiTLSVII.LE, PA. AGENTS 100 v k -m pe, HULU 13 f cent and SJ.-,t(it in eLh M, A i- i C pri.c&. Information ale 4 Ffl'iale. ) 'frve. Address Ainer" rau Rook Co., 63 William St., N. Y, Sf-lt GLORIOUS NEWS I wt-r. 1 TIIK PEOPLE REJOICING f ;o: :o: "LIVE AXD LET LIVE Is the tuotto ot , EIILBRONNER & CO. itbo liars cpsned MA1IHOTH ST.0 C K' OF 1HY CiOOD4, MILLINARY GOODS, CLOTinNO, EATS, CAPS, CARPETS, BOOTS & SHOES, NOTIONS, CUTLERY C.. in the old Court Housebuilding, adjoiuinj the Holmes House, TJOZLnTEST-A. whoro they will be happy, to supply the wants of this community, with an Entire Fresh Aaortnieut fall the novelties io the . DRY GOODS LINE. which hnve boon selected with great cars.. As to prices, we challenge all competitors. It has kng been the desire of the people of this community, to have a store in their midst where can be found everything gn orally kept in a lirst-class store.and where It could be purchased at living prices. To satisfy this want, we have come In yonr midst, and hope by proper attention t buslnoss and to the wants of the people, t secure their patronage. Our stock ef DRESS GOODS Is second to none in Western Pennsylvania, and we are determined not to be under SJld. These goods embrace all the L 1 TEST STYLES, nnd we feel assured thatthecitisensof this eouuty will not have to go to adjoining towni to purchase DRESS GOODS tn the future. Our stock of o Tj o t umiisr Gh is superior, both In quality and style to any ever before oflerd in this section, and wo trust that all will call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. . We also, MAKE CL0THIN3 TO ORDER; having . ex porioncod cutter, w. can aaU U'fy the most fasttdiou, ; and as we hav our own manufactory in Philadelphia, we thereby have the advantage.over all other dealers in this section. CAHPETS, OIL CLOTH, &C In endless variety, at price, to suit U times. Boots & Sho es of every atyle and quality, which w. .re, prepared to aell at New York prices. Callartd.Examine our Stock. eP13-S4F, KIUiRONVKRoy