ft PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, BY W. R. DUNN. DUlce In Knox's Build lrg, Elm, Street. TERMS,$2.00 A YEAR. TCo Subscription received, for a shorter period than three months. Correspondence, solicited from nil parts of tii country. No notion will be taken of annonymous communications. Marriages and Death notices Inserted gratis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. tionksVa LODGE, NO. 477, I. Q. C3-. T. fcTeets every Wednesday evening, at 8 111 o'clock. W. n. DUNN, W. C. T. M. W. TATE, W. 8. . 1HWTON PETTIS. Ml UK. W. TATE. PKTTIS A TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ! Street, TIOSESTA, FA. Isaac Ash, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Oil City, ra. A. Will practice in the various Courts of forest county. Ait Dusiness enirusieu to Alt care will receive prompt atteutkn. 19 ly W. E. Latriy, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICI TOR IN BANKRTPTCY, Ttonesta, Forest Co., Pa., will practice In Clarion, Vonnngo and Warren Cottntlos. Otlice on r.lm Street, two doors abovo Lawrence's grocery store, tf. W. W. Mason. ATTOUNEY AT I.A W. OHIcetin Elm Street, above Walnut, Tlonesta, Pa. C. W. Gilfllian, ArrOIlNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve nango Co., Pa. tf. N. ti Smiley, A T10HNEY aT I.W. Petroleum Cen fx tre. Pa. Will practice iu tho several Courts or i' ureal county. o-iy Holmes House, HMONESTA, PA., opposite tho Pcni 1 C. I). Mahio, Proprietor. Good Si ot. Wins; connected with the house. tf. Jos. Y. Saul, 11RACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad JL dler. Three doors north of Holme. House. Tlonesta. Pa, All work Is war ranted, tf. Syracuse House, TMDIOUTt-. Pa.. J.itl) Maork. Propie 1 torn. The house has been thoroughly refitted and in now in the tirst-clms order, with the best of accommodations. Any nformutlon concerning Oil Territory a( this point will be choernuiv inruiHiieii. ly J. AD. MAG EE Exchange Hotel, T OWKR TIDIOUTE. Pa.. D. S. Rams XJ rKKi. A Son Prop's. This house having beenr.nteti la now me inosiuesiraiuestop t'ing place in Tidioute. A good Billiard Koo.u attaeJiod. 4-ly National Hotel, TRVINETON. PA. W. A. Hullenbacfc, Proprietor. This hotel is Nkw, and is ,)w open as a first class house, situate at rt Junction of the Oil Creek A. Alleghony sliver and Philailelpliia A Erie Railroads, pKHite tho Depot. Parties having to lay ver trams will hnd linn the most couven nit hotel in town, with first-class accom modations and reasonable charges, tf. Tiffl Sons 4 Co. 'a N EW ENGINES. Theundcrslgnedhave forsalo and will receive orders for the hove Engine. Messrs. TilVt Sons A Co. are now sendimr to this market their 12- Horse Power Engine with 14-Horao Power Hotter peculiarly adapted to deep wells. OKrii'F.s at Duncan & Chalfant's, dealers in Well Fixtures, Hardware;, Ac, Main St, next door to Chase House, Plcasautvllle, and at Mansion House, Titusville. tf. K. BRETT A SON, Agents, Jolr K. Hallock, K TTORNEY AT LAW und Solicitor of l Patents.No. 5ti." French sti-eet(opixsito Reeil House) Erie, Pa. Will practice in thesovcral State Courts and the United States Courts. Special attention given to soliciting patenU for Inventors ; Infrinire xnonts, re-issue and extension of patents .M'-etullYatb-iKtcU to. licterenecs: jmn J amea Campbell, Clarion; Hon. John S. McCalmont. Friinkliu; 11. L. A A. It, Richmond. Meadvlllo; W. E. Lathy. Ti oncsto. 27 Dr. J. L.'Acoirb, OHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has I had rifteon years' experience in a largo and successful practice, will attend till Professional Calls. Office In his Drug and Grocery Store, located iu lidioute, near Tidioute House. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco. Chrars. Htationerv. Glass, l'aints. il. Cutlery, and tine Ciroceries, all of tho liost quality, and will be sold at reasonable rai es. II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drug liistfrom New York, has chance of the More All prescriptions put up accurately u. "W. P. Mercilllott, Attorney at Law JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, HEAL ESTATE AO EXT TIONESTA, TA. S7-tf JOHN A. DALE, PHU T. OHN A. PSOPIR, VICtPStST. A. H. STEELS, CASHR TIOITESTA SAVINGS BANK, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. This Bank transacts a General Banking, Collecting and lCxelnue.ro Business. 1 halts on the I'rincipai cities oi ine United States and Europe bought and sold. Uold and Silver Coin and Government iucurities bought and sold. 7-30 Bonds i cnvoruxl on the most favorable terms. 1 merest allowed on time deposits. Mar. 4, tf. It'OTICE. yR. J. N. BOLARD. of Tidioute, has returnsd to his practice alter an ab- tiice of four months, Kpent in the llo. pi .. Is of New York, w here l will attoud . .lis in his profession. oitiee iu Eureka Drug Store, 31 door lore the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4: ill' 7ANTED Land in 'enr.svlvania for t csh and good stoc ks. Townscud nrfi, ma'ta lotWd eta Pblia. i'l -ft sl ir " Lot us have Faith VOL. Ill; NO. 44. GREAT EXCITFMENT I ; at th;Storo of S. KNOX, & CO, Elm St., ionesta Fa. We are in daily receipt oi tht argMtand MOST COMPLETE stock and FIIOYISIOXS, EVER BROUG HT TO THIS MARKET BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR TUB MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prices. AND House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Macliino tools, Agricultural Implements, c, Ac,, Ac, which we offer at greatly ro duccd prices. - FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! - of all kinds, PARLOR SUITN, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, 8PRIN BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and soe, 7-tI D. S. KNOX, A CO. A GF.NTS WANTKD FOR TUB f LIBRARY OF POETRY AND SONG. The handsomest and eheiipest work extent. It has something in it of tlie best ftr everv one. for tho old. tho mtd- dlo-itged and the young and must become universally popular. Excepting tho Bible this will bo the bonk most loved and tiic incst frequently referred to in the family. Every page ha passed under tho critical eye ot the -Teat poet. YM. I'ULhliS U1IIA.M', Bare chance for best agents. Tho only book of its kind ever sold bv subscription. Send ot onco for circulars, Ac, to CEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 30-4t 71'J Sunsoiu St., Philadelphia, Pa. SEASON OF 1870-71. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. Important Improvements. Patent Juno 21st and August 23d, 1S70. REDUCTION OF PRICES. Tho Mason A Hamlin Oriran Co., have the pleasure of announcing important im provements in their Cabinet Organs, lor which Patents were granted them in June and August last. Tlieso are not merely meretricious attachments, but enhance tho substantial excellence of the instruments. They ro also enabled by increased facil ities a large new manufactory, they hope hereafter lobupply all oruors promptly. 1 ho Cabinet organs mane nv th s com ,.,.1. .... I I -..,t..t :.., onlv throughout 'America, bin alao in Ku- rope, that tew will ueed assurance ot their superiority. They now oiler Four Octavo Cabinet Or gans, ill quite plain cases, but equal accord ing to theircapaeity to anything they make for .") each. The kuiiio, Doub'o Reed, ft",. Five Oc tave Double Reed Organs, Five Stops, with Knee swed and Tremulant, in vlciraut caso with several of the Mason and Hamlin improvements, ?125. Tho siuno Extra with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell etc., iiiiO. Five Octaves, three sets Reeds, seven stops with Euphoue; a splendid in struments, A new illustrated catalogue with full information, and repuced prices, is now read v. and will be sent li eu, w ,tli a testi monial circular, presenting a great mass of evidence as iu the superiority oi inese ln htruments, to any one sending his address to MASON A HAMLIN Out. AN CO., lil Trctnont Street, Boston, os DUO Broadway, N. Y. 30--H 4.(i0 P. M. Froight unJ Aeeouiui Uation daily. By Rev. T. lis Witt Tai-maok, The most Pnpulur Preacher in America, Agents vvai.'.i d evei vw here, imilo or ft" male, to sell this irrcat work, is better than Mark Twain, und no trouble to nib Big I'rolits. Send for terms and Illustrated 1 page circular, Evans, Stoddart iV Co.,Pub iiahers, No. 710 bunsom St., Philadflnhia. m that Right makes Might ; and nr TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1871. an adventure on the plains It vas a pleasant event in my life when I Kin thrown into the company of UriiMinn. I was on my way toC'al- fornin, and liiul taken tlic overland route iu preference to any other. It was on my journey across the pliiins that I made lua acquaintance. Our party overtook a iii"lo wngon. It cotituincd a solitary man. Tho hoises were dead, and the man nearly no. This man was Grlgnoti. I paid tht utmost attention to his wants. I'.cing medical man, I pave hnn all the bcneGt of ray ekHl ntid care. As he recovered, ho naturally entertained a strung friendship for me. His wagon had fallen behind tho train to which he bcknged, and they had been com pe.lcd by their own necessities to de sert him. The conjurer, however, was destined for a fur more glorious fate than to die miserably iu the desolate American desert. He was to become an aston- isher to the natives (Indians), a savior to civilized lives, and a lion iu Califor nia. We resumed our journey. We had started, however like many others in in those days, with insufficient prepar ations. As soon as we found out our mistake we hd to be very economical m our provisions, we killed mmaiocs whenever we found tlietn, and always replenished our water casks at every stream. At length, however, we came to a dry and patched waste, where I hero was scarcely a drop of water, scarcely a blade of grass, and not a single living auimal of any descrip tion. And now began the trouble of our journey. We had came into the conn- try ot the wrnko Indians, and thev were not slow to acquaint us of the fact. Every day they prowled around us in great nuuiiicrs, threatening and insulting: us. Occasionally they used tosnat'jh up something and dart uvny on their horses. We did all that wc could to be friendly, and determined to avoid an open rupture as far as pos. siblc. lor there were only twcivo on our side, ani on their side apparently twelve hundred. Every day, however ,ouly made mat ters worse. In spitu of our precau tious, the Indians grew more, and more abusive and insulting. We became watchful, and tried to be more for bearing, but our forbearance wa3 taken for cowardice, and tho savages began to think they could do anything with us. We held a council of war, and de termined to bring matters to a crisis at once. Tho crisis soou canio. One day a big Indian came ridin alnn by us. He began talking in contemptuous way, and gesticulating furiously. At last he asked oue of our men for his gun. The man refused. The Indian repeated his question, and attempted to take tho run from hi hand. The mau drew back. The In dian sprang forward, flourishing his kuifo aud threatening. At this the man calmly leveled his pieco and shot the Indian through the heart. As the wretch loll shrekitig fronihia horse, the plain seemed to be alive with other Indians. From behind every clump of trees, every hillock, every rock, and every rising ground, thev poured forth in countless numbers. Wc had never before seen so many asseui bled together as now. And now our companion, the eoiiiu ror, came out conspicuously, lie had been once in the French army, he said and understood all its admirable dis cipline. A few words of warning and a short explanation sufficed to make us form a circle of the wagous, and draw up behind them, with baggage heaped up for breastworks. There we waited for the savages. Hut they did nut come just then. With loud whoops and screams' they gathered upon the plain at a distance from us. J'he wretched cowards, as soan as they saw our slight prepara tions, were actually afraid to attack. They wailed till nitiht. I till I LUIIIU. JW IIVIVUI TVB wuo Niffht came. Our defences 1 1... ,1.).,.. te.svt.i made. Our wagons were arranged closely, and the burracadu of baggage was uiado higher, deep, and more effective. Iu the center were cat tle. Uehiud this little fortification we awaited our f'oi. Shortly after dusk the tramp oi thousands of hoofs i-liook the lilaiu. Down upctl us thundered the Indians. Shouts and yells burst around. Cm they came nearer and still near er. Wo waited for them in breathless suspense. At last our volley burst iu thuuder upon them. Shrieks arose from amidst the ploom. We saw not what ihe effect of our shots had been, but could only conjec ture that it had been deadly. There was a wild uproar the con fused sound of trampling horses, the noise of men culling to one another, intermingled with groans and cries of pain, without giving mem iimo to recover from their contusion we poured in another, loading as lapidly as wo could, and firing revolvers where we had them. The effect was terrible. Many nius t have been wounded or killed, judging1 EPXJ in that Faith let us to tho end, daro do our duty as we understand by the uproar that arose. For a flW there was a confused hubub of sounds. Horses were trampling ; men calling; groans were mingled with cries of r?ge. During all this time wc tired at tnler. vals whenever we hard a sound, hus banding our ammunition, and not w ill ing to waste a shot. At hist there nrosc a wild tramp ot horses, the sound moving from us, and seeming to show that our enemies had retired bnflled from the assault. Yet we were afraid of some plot. Orignon mnde us keep our watch, and all that night wo lay on our arms, ex- i up to the Iudtatis. Id their amaze pecting every moment to hear the In-. nient eight bullets were in his hat. Hint, veils which niinoucc the assau t of . the savaces, After along night, which seemed in . . . ... ... terminable, m irning dawned. As the light illumined the wide plain we look ed around anxiously for our enemies, but saw none w hatever. Y e took a hasty breakfast, and then deliberated on what we ought to do, whether to take advantage of this respite and move on, or wait a while. Most of thought we had better hurry on : but (.irignon gave it as his opinion that tho Indians were not iu the neighborhood and w ere waiting to attack us on tho march. He thought that we had better wait at least another day. We nil yielded to his opinion, and waited as best we could. We did not have to wait long. After a few hours, at about 10 o'clock, teu or a dozen horsemen np- peared aver a hillock in tho dntauce, riding slow lv toward us. They wish to have a parley," said Orignon. 'Some of you step forward and see wat thev want. I wish to have a word to say, but will wait." One of our men was selected, and went outside of our enclosure to meet them. Meanwhile Grignon lifted a trunk out of the wagon which belonged to him, drew it outside, and busied him self coolly in arranging aud turning over the things. We all thought this was done for tho purpose of ussuming nn uirof indiffer ence. So none of us noticed him par ticularly. Our representative stood outside wait ing for ihe Indians. Ten of them dis mounted, and walked towards us in a friendly manner, while the rest l.c-ld the horses. One of thrm addressed our men iu broken English. The Indians, he said, did not want our lives. They wanted powder. If we would give them what we had. they would let us go in safely, and protect us from other tribes till we got beyond the plains. Give them our powder! A plensnnt request. It scarcely needed debate. We refused. Well, then, would we give them our bullets? They were very much in want of bullets. One of us said in a low voice that bullets were the only thhigthcy would get from us, but the Indians did not hear him. Our representative refused very mildly. The Indians now stood talking with ono another. Grignon advanced to ward theur. He whisspered something iu a low voieo to our representative, who immediately withdrew. Grignon then stood facing the In dians. "Are you captain?" said the spokes man of the Indians suddenly, as he no ticed Grignon. "No, I'm the niedicino man ; you can't shoot these men or these horses. I save I hem." The Indian transl .ted this to bis companions, who burst into roars of laughter. Grignon advanced more closely. He was looking steadily at tho Iniiiau, and we noticed that the latter appear ed to be uncomfortable under his gaze. "See," said Grignon ; "you can't shoot me. Here" und ho drew u pis tol from his pocket, u revolver "lire al mo." The Indian smiled. "You don't want me to kill you?" said ho scornfully. "You can't." The Indian's eyes flashed. "Shoot," cried Urignou, folding his arms. The Indian hesitated a moment. He looked at us suspiciously. Then he looked at his companions, and said something in their language. They all responded vehemently. The Indian took uilil. "You tell me to shoot," said ho. "Shoot," said Grignon again. Tho Indian fired. Grignon smiled, and, walking for ward to the Indian, lie hauded him a bullet. The Indians looked paralyzed. Grignon showed him how to fire it again. The Indian fired the other five shots. Grignon caught each bullet, some times seeming to catch it from iiis breast, sometimes from his face and each time ho handed it to the Indian. , Tho other Indians were now in u state oi wnu exeuciueui. "They may all shoot If they choose," said Grignon, and saying this, ho went to his trunk, drew out tiine pistols, and, coming up to thenr, proceeded to load each oue. He toook the powder aud put it in, then the wadd'nig and bttllct, BLXCAN Bnd the Indians saw him do it. He I prise mo so much as it did may coin handed a pistol to each on loading it. panimis and the other Indians. Suddenly, one of those fellows took ) Orignon simply sood at a distance, aim and fired. Gricnon, without seem- j waving his arms at times, and giving nig to have noticed buy, raised in ; hand and seemed to ratch a bullet from his forehead. He tossed this to ward the Indian, who picked it up with nn air of stupefaction. Then ho stood, and told all the rest to fire. Eight reports sounded in rapid suc cession. Grignnn took off his hat und walked Each man took, one and looked it in wond r. "Dj you want to fire again ?" asked Grignon. 1 hey nil expressed a wished a wish to do so. "Well hand me the pistols." The their amazement tho pistols were gone. They looked at one another in won der. "You see," said Grignon, "they fired the pistols at me, too, aud I swallowed them." "Swallowed them!" faltered the In dian, and he told this to his astonished companions. "Yes; do you want them?" The Indian nodded. Whereupon Grignon opened his mouth, and, rolling back his ryes, he inserted his finger and drew a pistol apparently from his throat. Another followed. Then ho drew forth a third then a fourth, and so on until he had drawn f. rth the eight pistols from his throat, while the Indians stood looking on in utter bewilderment. And no wonder, for we ourselves felt no less as tonishment. We could no account for it ; we were as much stupefied as the Indians. After this Grignon col inly drew forth six more pistols, them a number of cartridges, and finally a carbine. "I'm the medicine man," said he sol emnly. Ihe Indians said not a word. "Do you want to fire again?" said he, and he offered pistols to the In 1 in 08. They all shrunk back in horror. Grignon tosssed the pistols, cart ridges, and carbine over to us, ami smiled bcnigtiantly oil tho astonished savages. lie then shook his hand. A knife fell out of the palm. An other followed and another. He shook three more out of his hand, and drew a score or so out of his ears. 'Terhars you would liko something to drink ?" said he smilingly to the In dian who spoke English. Tho savage looked ot him suspi ciously. "What'll our have? Hum, brandy, gin.whisky, ale, porter, wine or cider?" The Indian brightened tip, and spoke to his fellows. They all prefer red whisky. Grignon asked the Indian to lend him a loose b'anket which he wore. The Indian took it off doubtfully. Grignon shook it ; a bottle rolled out. He shook it again ; a glass rolled out. llo shook it a third time; nine more tumblers fell nut. llo shook it up again; a corkscrew tumbled tiown. "Will you take it raw or with wa ter?" asked Grignon, ns he proceeded to unscrew tae crok. The Indian said nothing. "Isn't that good whisky?" asked Grignon, as he poured out a glass. Tho Iudian smelt it suspiciously. Then ho tasted it. The taste was enough. He drank it all off, smacked his lips looked around triumphantly on his companions, and then held out his glass fur more. At this all the other Indians, encouraged by this ex periment clamored for some. Gr'gnon poured away from his bottle. Each oue drank and wanted more. Grignon was quite willing to pour. He wits not forgetful, however, of the duties of hospitality. He walked off to the In dians who were holding the horscs,who had been watching the scene in stupe faction, mid offered some to them. The smell of the whisky was enough for them. They drank and wanted more. lint Grignon shook his head. "Not now," he said to tho spokes man. "I'll give you a bottle apiece to carry home with you." And going up to the blanket, he shook out u doz en bottles of the, same kind as at last. 11 y this time tho Indians were iu the jolliest mood conceivable. "Before I give you any more," suid hf. "let mo make you so that you will not get drunk." He walked up to the first Indian, and took each of his hands iu his, and looked at him steadfastly iu the eyes for soiue time. Then he stroked his brows and left him ; this ho did to each. The Indians had nil got over their suspi cions, and merely expected that some thing good was comii.g. So they al lowed him to do as he chose. Grignon then stood of a little dis tance, and in a loud voice o tiered them all to look at him. Whether they understood or not madj no diller enee. They certainly all did look at him. 1 had seen plenty of experiments be fore in inesiuerisui and electro-biology, 0 that the proeont scene did nM fur if--LINCOLN. S2 PER ANNUM. worns oi conimauu. ivcry worn whs obeyed. First they all began to dance. Then they all knelt down. Then they touched hands, and could not sever themselves from one anoth er's contact. Olio Indian suddchlv nished wildly around, with the others nil joined to him, try to free 1 lioni se! ves, but utterly unable, yelling and howling like wild beasts. At last, a shout from Grignon, and tho charm was dispelled. They sprang back from one another, nnd stood mo tionless, like so many statues. Suddenly they all besan to shiver as though they were suffering fr .in in tense cold. They gathered their blank ets closely around them, their teeth chattering and every limb trembling. In nu instant thay were panting ns though with extreme heat, drawing dif ficult breaths, grasping and flinging off those blankets which but a moment before they had wrapping so tightly about them. This then passed. They began to bark like dogs. They went down on all 'burs, and evidently imcgined that thev veto of the canine species. Then they tried to imitate tho mo tion and croaking of frogs. After this they went through performances too numerous to mention. At one time thev became rigid, anil arranged them selves like the stakes of a tent heads together, feet outward. Then four ot them knelt down and tried to run about with four others on their hacks; then they all jumped wildly up in the air, and began to flap their hands. At lust they made a furious onset upon one another with fists, nails and teeth, and if they had not left their weapons behind, they certainly done some frightful inpirv. The two Indians who held the liorses looked on iu horror, bewildered nnd stupefied; not knowing what to do. They would have fled in thrir flight, but dared not leave their companions behind.. Grignon stood calm with frowni ig brows, watching the uproar, himself the presiding spirit of the scene. My companions we e confor.nd e 1. Even some of them, as they after wards told me, thought that Grignon was the devil. At last Grignon gave a loud shout. The Indians fell flat on the ground. They lay there for some time ns if dead. Then Grignon waved his arms, nnd they rose their feet. All looked be wildered and frightened.- With terri fied glance they regarded first Grig non and then one another. The Indian is superstitious, like all savages; in fact like all human be ings. These men saw in Grignon a ter rible demon, who could exert over them any power which he chose. He advanced toward them. They recoiled. He walked up nearer. They turned aud ran toward their horses. Grignon ran after them. Away they went. They urged their horses at the top of their speed. Grignon followed them a short dis tance. Then he turned back and came Into our enclosure. "Gather up these bottles," said ho. "Tackle up ihe cattle, und let us be marching." Instantly our men rose nnd obeyed. Grignon took a heavy glass of whis ky, and then lay down iu one of the wagons, utterly exhausted. Wc traveled all that day, and the next night unmolested. Grignon slept long and soundly. After resting a long time, we pushed on our teams, so as to get as far beyond ihe hostile In dians as possible. We saw nothing moro of them. "They won't dare to pursue us," said Grignon, confidently. "They'll go back and tell such a story as will be tho wonder of the savages for many a long yeiir." Grignon vns right. Not only did they not pursue us, but for all the re mainder of the year, ntid for the next, no travelers on that route were molest ed. "I don't see," said I, "how you man aged to do those tricks on tho open ground without any table." Grignon smiled. "Onlv clumsy performers use ta bles," said he. "1 could have dune far more wonderful things, but they would have been thrown away on those sav ages. I'll reservo my good tricks for Sun Francisco." And so he did ; for, of all the wu a.Js, magicians, and conjurors that have visited the Golden States, none have won such fitiue, or excited such wonder, as my, friend Grignou. A mail stopped at a hotel at Tike's Peak, and on settling bin bill tho land lord charged him $7 a day for five days. "Didn't you make a mistake?"suid the guest. "No," said the landlord. "You did," retorted tho wiry looking fellow:' "von thought voii trot all the money I had, but you arc mistaken; 1 have a whulo purtO full in anotl.er pocket." Rates of Advertising. One Square (I Inch,) one. Insertion. One S' iitM-0 " one month OncHipiaro " three months One Square - " 0110 year Two Squares, one year QunrtorCol. ' Half " " One " " . ! . a c .'n i ; , 10 'M . 1 l! . H-i I . "1 fin . 10 i l.J Business Cards, not exceeding one inch in length, 810 per year. l egal notices nt cslalilislied l. tes. These rates nre low, end no deviation vill tio made, or discr niinatiott iii'i'ing l airons. The rales otti red are such, is w ill make it to the advantage ot men doi f business in the limits i f tho circulation of the paper to advertise libenillv. A most heart-rending child mur der occurred last Monday in the totvi: ship f Wnyland, Allegany rou.iiy, Michigan. A desperate character, named Joseph Wheiitnti, lost his vi:o aoul. six years ago, who left him a la y one year old, wnicii no gave n-'.iy legaf'y to a Mr. Buird. This farirly kept liim unmolested ui'iu nisi lau, since which time Whcaton l as sti.Un the child three times, nnd IrslMopd r', having the child again in his pou r, he whipped it to death because it wni:!d not stay with him. The exeiteme' t in the vicinity is very great, nnd tbi, people hnve turned out en masse wi.ii urtus, and tire hunting for the murder er. Every man must sleep according to his temperament. Eight hours is ti c average. If he requires, a Hub moro or a little less, he will find it out for himself. Whoever by work, pleasure, sorrow, or by any other cause, is regu larly diminishing his sleep, is destroy ing "his life. A man may holdout for a time, but Nature keeps close ac counts, and uo man can deceive her. As there is more brain-work than ever, so more sleep is required now thi'ii in the time with our forefathers. 'Ihe want of sleep is f'renquently tho cauoo of insanity. "Is that the prisoner?" said one spectator to another, during a trial for manslaughter. "Yes," was the reply. "Ah, indeed? What a dreadlul bad look lie has, especially about the i-vcs. But. who is that respectable looking young man next to him, in the green vest?" -"In ti e green vest? Why tl a''s the prisoner himself. The other is his lawyer!" The opening chapter of a Western novel contains the following : "All of a stid.len the fair gifl continued to sit upon the sand, gazing upon the briny deep, on whose licaving bosom the tall ships went merrily by freighted ah ! who crn tell with much joy aud sorrow, and pain, nnd lumber, and cinigraut3 and hopes and salt fih 1" His said that a case has been decided by the Supremo Court, that if a person puts his arm out of a mov ing railroad train, and the am: isstrnck by a projecting rock or any other object on the side of tho road the passenger cannot recover damages, because ho has been negligent and has uot taken proper caro of himself. A man at Green Eay Wis., had a pet bear whic h used to sleep in the same bed with him. The other moru ing the doctor called and said the man could not live without a lot new intes tines. The bear is not allowed to sleep with anybody now, unless he cuts Lis nails. A boy at Indianapolis asked liis father for twenty shillings to enable him to take his girl to a dance, but the father refused, whereupon the bi7 took a pitchfork, pinned the old man to the side of the barn nnd held him there until he shelled out. A married friend of ours says if he desires to see his w ife look handsome, to have a crimson mantled cheek, cyo of fire, flow of speech, he gets the pho tograph of a female, 6ticks it iu nn envelope, and lets it "lie around loose" untill she sees it. A voung lady In Montreal, wl.0 has both legs cut oil' above her kucc, has received over a dozen oilers of marriage within a year aud refused them all. Girls who are pining for an oner should have ther legs cuteff. They tell of a spring iu Michigan so strongly magnetic that a mau who had druiili from it and went into a blacksmith shop, found the anvil on which he sat, stuck fast to him and hud to have it amputated. A hen killed at Belmont, Wiscon sin, a few days ago, was found to h ive $15 iu gold iu her gizzard. Which shows that the old superstition about tho goose that laid the golden egg was a bit' mistake. Tho regular yearly mau who cleans, out his chimney with gun powder, is now a resident of a Quincy, llliuois, grave yard. They are build ingaskatingrink where the house stood. Mayor Wilson, of Corry, Pa., went deer hunting, nud at the first shot brought down a fc:i00 colt, llo paid the owner but owned tho carcass. It is dear meat to him, but it is not venison. Smelt aro now being caught iu the Pawtuekct river. This is ivmakable early iu Ithodo Island, but Chicago river has smelt all winter, says the Chicago Jlui7. A.. ..1.1 J. .....no t.i .,d ,t,rt lii-tf u-ntr . V il uhi miiui i cij a it'u ..... for a city chap who wants to becoma un agriulttirist is to hira out to a far mer, fur a couple of years, uud then marry his daughter. Mr. John Glitz, of New Jersey, made about a hundred nnd fitly lbs of f xcilleiit nniire meat the otuer morn ing, by walking oil a railroad track. A young fellow, fond of talking, re marked, "1 am uo prophet." "True," said his lady, "uo profit to yourself or to any one t-ise. Cincinnati boasts of a remarkable 1 lunatic, one ,1. N. Free vhe is j there us li.e Geo.-jc- l iuuwii 'I is I I l . !'. ruin uf j tbe West.