1 I v i I- r ' S&t trot gJcpubltain." TUESDAY MORNING, FEB. 7. BOROUGH OFFICERS. JtHrpesslt. IT. Mat, fAtniirifmrn JaeohShrlver, J. Tl. Stroup, W. W, Dimond. S. H, llaslot, .1. Wlnan. Jusliees of the Jacc W. 1. Morcilllott, D. H. Knox. Omtable. N.Teltswnrth. tk-hool IHrertor J.Winans. J. A. Dale, J. A. Prnpor, Jacob tshrlver, 1. H, Knox, 8. D. Irwin. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. President JndrtJ AMR CAiiraKI.I.. A mortal Judges J. A. FnorBR, AK rbw Cook. Sheriff E. Ij. Davis. lHntrict .4 tlornrif W. W. Masod. Trramrer H. Skti.kv. frothonnlary, lteginterA Reeordtr,te. J. R. Aonrw. am..iMnsrnt N. P. Wnrnt.rn, Tlr.xi. Elliott, PitTitn MenoiM.nvrr. (Vanry .YfiperislViioVMf H. F. Ilontir.R. yuru (bmniuMioiierj Ja. Uilvu.lia:, Try. FATTRSO!. (bus'y m'yor S.T. Irwin. Cbroar Jomiak WlXANB. Mmnf.V .4 nditnrs L. 1 HACStETT, KM TIoi.icmas, Wm. Clark. Member of Vongress VMh Distriet-Q. W. 'BcnriKLD. rr SenatV. A. Wali.ac. jtutubly John i. Hall. a c A. 1 R. TIME TABLE, ooimo xomi. Arrive. Depart. .....l.'-'O p,m. l.Zfp. m, (I.S7. III. 6.40 p. in, aOIKO ROl'TH. vn JKxpress. A rrlve, Depart. 10.07 a. m 3Cx press 10.04 a. m. Mall 3.14 p, n. S.20 p. m. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. If the ground-bog was out on the 21 inst.,aud took pains to look around, lie must have seen his shadow, be' cause Old Sol. was on the shine right lively that day about here. We hear that Judge Proper and C. D. Mabie have each agreed to be come responsible for one third of the cost of a bridge to be commenced as oon as possible. We think the other third could lie very easily raised. It'i merely a little matter of nerve. Mr. Porter closed his school last Wednesday morning, for a few days, ji account of having received a tele ram that hit mother was dangerously ill. He began school yesterday again His mother is better. He informs us that the Ruing Sun will come out next Saturday. Lewis Widnier, of Farmington tp., Clarion Co., met with an accident, on Thursday last, which resulted in the loss of one of his legs. He was ft-llicg trecs,and oue had lodged. Wid rner was trying to dislodge it, when it flew back, and crushed bis legs render ing amputation neccceary. The opera tion was performed by Pr. Ross of Clarion. The leg was amputated be tween the knee and thigh. Rev. Virtue favored us with a call "on Wednesday UsU We find him a very interesting and agreeable gen tleman, as well as a good preacher. He gave out appointments for Presby terian preaching on tho last Sabbath of this mouth, by Rev. Elder, and by himself on the 3d or 4th Sabbath of March. Presbyterian Services are always well attended here. We present to-day, for the perusal of our readers, some sales to take place uudcr the auspices of Sheriff Davis. As reading nuuter they are not as interesting as they might be, especially to those whose property is thus to be disposed of, but the receipts from the publication thereof causvth the printer's pocket to bulge out with greenbacks, and his heart to leap with joy. We did not not ice until we were h1 jiost ready for press last week, that ihere was no mention made iu the minutes of the Teachers' Insiitue of the matri monial contest, which took flaee during the session. We do not understand the cause of tho omission. I'rof. Porter of this place took the prize, he apearing to kuow more nhoot matrimony than I'm .ingle con lition really wai rants. Something dreadful is going to I vppen over at Clearfiald soon, now t-ee if there ain't. For some time wo. have been in the habit of dipping any where from two to half a dozen acci. nts from the Clearfiuld Journal, but ir the last to weeks, not au accident Us been chronicled in it columns. We don't know wbat to make of it, but we'll just bet there's a big disaster g" njr to hapjieii over there soon. On Wednesday and Thursday even. ": of t'1" eek, the popular Cantata of the Haymakers will be renderod at he Parshall Opera House, Tit usville, the Phil-harmonic society of Mead- iile. We had the pleasure of hear '"(,' this Cantata at Meadvillo one vvung during Holiday week, and we h.ii's all from our section who can i ' in the time and funds should iri.it iitisvillo on one of the evenings of 'jiuinr performance. -The salary of the Postmaster at 'lea. vule i 83.000; at Erie $.',100; i , City 2,C00; at Franklin 82,800 ' Wry 83,800; at Titusville $3,400; t irren $2,000; at Petroleum Ceu $2.600 ; at Pleasautvilla $2,800; t Iwuacvilhi $1,W)0. We never remember Laving heard any oue say that Rev. Burton was not a gnol preacher, but wo speak from actual observation when we ar that he is not a good iliilifit down hill. We saw hira try it, "which is why we re mark" as above. On Friday last our attention was attracted by seeing the reverend gentleman going up the hill "furninst" our office, tawing a diminu tive sled. We wondered if he was re ally going to try a "slide." lie soon convinced us, however, (hat such was his intention, aud getting on the sled all right, he started square. But alas ! the ministerial geutlemancouldti'tsteer worth a snap. Before he got to the bottom of the hill the sled had it all its own Hy, and went to cutting capers with the preacher, and at length dumped him near the bottom of the hill, and rolled him over a couple of times. lie was not in a humor to be fooled with, however, and to tried it again, and went through the same fig ure again with variations, litis seemed to satisfy him, for he went oft" shaking his head, as though he thought he could not steer wonh a nything. A warning take from thin horo talc, Don't altdo In winter drear, Though all may make good deck-kinds, some Will never learn to steer. Fir at Hickory. On Thursday evening last, about six o'clock in the evening, the R. R. Sta tion at Hickory was bn.-ued down.with all its contents. Mr. Glenn, the agont, was at his supper, ana when hu came back the station was enveloped in flames. It is supposed the fire caught from a lamp which was left hurting in the oillce. II. II. Stowe had freight in the depot to the amount of 8638, and T. D. Collins, about $200 worth. Ten barrels uf flour, belong to some other paitict was among the freight burned. The agent, J. D. Glenn, lost all his books and papers, aud also tools and materials for gunsraithing, which he carried on in addition to the railroad business. We suppose the losses of those having freight burned will be made up by the li. R. Company, but do not know. The station houso was iiuilt by the citizens of Hickory. Oo Monday of lat week, Rtv. S. J. M. Eaton, D. I)., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Franklin, left that city for a tour in tho Holy Land. He cxptct to be absent oue year. Previous to his leaviug, his congrega tion granted h.m leave of absence and continued his salary for that time, be sides presenting him with a purse of $770. Mr. Eaton has been the pastor of the same church for something over twenty years, aud his parishioners are very much attached to him, aud will probably miss him more than they an ticipate. The Citizen ami the Spectator, both published at Franklin, apjicar to have very different opinions of matters and things aside from politics. In the last issue of the Spectator, a minstrel troupe which had a short tinto previously giv en a exhibition in FrauLliu, was shown up in a very repulsive way, and with surface indicatious of truthfulness. On the other hand the Citizen puffs the same troupe iu a very flattering man ner, which smacks strongly of green backs. We would like to know, any way, which the oL-tiiitcreated chronicler of the business. The Clarion Democrat of last week says: The ball at Judge Cook's, in Forest county, on Friday night of last week was a gay and festive occasiou. Some of our Clarion county men up there were so attracted by the blushing belles of the forest that they "wisboil they were not married." We must give "some of our Clarion county men" credit for good taste anyway. Aud Mr. Democrat just say to your young men over there, that when you ruu out of "blushiug belles" iu Clarion county, why Forest county is the place to look for them. You'd just ought to have beeu 'iero during cur iutitute! More n'ce i.ls than you could shake a stick at in a week. Notice is hereby given, that the Conmiistiioucrs of Forest County will hold a Court of Appeal at the follow ing places ou the days specified : Tuesday, Feb. 28, Tionesta Borough and Township, at Court IIoikc. Wednesday, March 1st, Harmony T-twnship, Allender School House. Thursday, March 2d, Harmony Tovriihliip, Allender School House. Friday, March 3d, Hickory Town ship, John Siggins Store. . Saturday, March 4t.ii, Kingsley Township, Wheeler t Deukeubury's Store. Tuesday. March, 7th, jeuks Town ship, old Court House. llu rs jov.Martb Dili, Barnett Town ship,.CIuringtoii. Saturday, March lllh, Green Tow n ship, Nebraska. N. P. Whkklkk,") Bknj. Elliott, Commifiocers. J. Mebculuott, J A destructive tiro occcurred in Jamestown, N. Y., on Wednesday morning, burning two stores on Main stiect, the printing offieo of the Cliau lauqua Democrat aud other plaqcs of business. The Journal estimates the total loss at $30,000, on which there was an insurance of $33,000. The Mail and Ledger, of Warren, arc having a wordy discussion just now, and they don't appear to be at all particular about courtesy, calling each other hard names in the easiest possible mnnnar. Throwing dirt is the natural forte of some newspaper editors, and we find that the easiest way of getting rid of their filth is just to Jet them alone. Thos. Black, a brother of Daniel Black, of this place, was killed on Thursday of last week.at Spring Creek, Elk county. He was working on a lumber job, and while watching a tree full a limb was knocked off another tree, striking him on the bend and csushing his skull, killing him instant ly. Tho limb was about six inches in diameter iu the largest place. Mr. Black was about 25 years of age, and leaves no family. A man named Rice had his leg broken on Thursday of last week, in Clarion county. He was hauling logs aud the a log rolled on his leg, break ing it. It was set and the patient is now doing well. This is three acci dents we chronicle this week, all hav ing taken place on the same day. More accidents have happened among lumbermen in t hi" section this winter than in any previous one for a number of years. Our Young Folks, for February contains the fallowing interesting mat ter: Jack Hazard and his Fortunes; Earthquakes and Volcanoes; Crack ing nuts; Kitty's Letter; The story of a French Doll; The Janes; Meeting a"Lucivce"; Dtb.; The Children's Choice; Weeds and Words; Our Young Contributor: The Evening Lamp ; Our Letter Box. Terms $2.00 a year. James R. Osgood fc Co., pub lishers, Boston, Mass. DEDICATION OF M. E. CHURCH. Ed. FonrsT Rdpcblican : Please notice that the New M". E. Churoh in Tionesta will be dedicated oil the 19th day of February next. AH Minisffrs nnd others are invitod to attend. Rev. George Loo mis, D. D., aud Rev. O. L. Mead will officiate. ' S. S. Bi rtov, Tnstor. Corry. Franklin. Titusville, Oil City and Clarion papers please copy. Please announce in your paper, in connection with the above notice, that all persons who have subscribed to the building of the M. E. Church, in Tio nesta, Pa., will confer a favor by call; ing upon Miles W. Tate, Esq., who is Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, and settling up before dedication day. tf. S. S. Burton. To Contractor. ; Proposals will be received up to the 15th day of February, 1871, ft-r laying 1,600,000 brick on the Venango Poor IIoUHC, materials furnished on the ground. For further information ad dress Dewkks & Simmons, Contractors, Franklin, Pa., P. O. Box 19. 40-tf. Book Binding. We are agt;it for as good a book bindery as there is auy where. We are prepared to do all the binding which may be brought to us, at low rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples can be seen at this office. For Sate. I have for sale one yoke of working oxen, weighing about 2,600 or 2,700, ono pair of 3 year old colts, will sell one or the pair. H. L. IIooan, S9 Ct Stewart's Run P. O. A. H. Steele, Cashier Tionesta Savings Bank, has been appointed agent for the celebrate I "In man Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. Auy person desirous of going to Europe or bringing fricuds to this country, will do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with all the information required. FfitNiTCiiE bought of me wij h de livercd, freight paid, to any station do sired on the O. C A, A. R. Geo, II. AiiRLfld. Ja., 4 tf Tidiuutc, Pa FouSale. At this office, a schol urwl.ip.iu the Iron City Commercial College. Must be used by on individ ual living iu Forest County. Will be ok 4 dnKtunt. G'i-lC You can buy yourFurniturpchcap cr and better at Alirens' new Furni ture Warerooms, Tidioute, Pa., than any whero else in this section. "Try it. Carpenter", Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest county, who are in want of any thing in the Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4 tf. For Sale. 150 acres of land No. 3142, in Kingsley township, Forest county. Any person wishing to pur chase, will please address the under signed, stipulating the price they will give. James Bi.eakley, Franklin, Pa. A splendid variety of Furniture at Aherns' new Warerooma, Empire Hotel Building, Tidioute, Pa. 4 tf FREE TO EVERYBODY. It costs nothing to try "SLEEP ER'S COMPOUND ARNICA LINI MENT." If it does not benefit you the agent will refund your money. It is the wonder of tho nineteenth centu ry, and when used for rheumatism, neuralgia, lameness, and pain in any part of the body, its magical effects astonishes everybody. Pain cannot exist where it is used. Ask for it, and take nothing else. Sold by all drug gists. Price 50 cents and $1 per bot tle. D. S. KNOX, & CO., agent. E. B. SLEEPER, Proprietor, Waterford, Eric Co., Pa. Wholesale Agents. Hall and Warfel, Eric, Pa. Calender & Co.. Meadville, Pa. Spencer & Bullymore, 155 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. For Sale. The house and lands known as the "Christie Property," lo cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa., are for sale. Terms cash or approved security. Apply to John A. Dale, President Tionesta Savings Bank, Tionesta, Pa. IWA8 (THF.II OF IEAFX KSS AN'M C'ATAItKH by noimple remedy and will amid the rei-oi jt freo. Mrs. J. C. LKUUETT, Jersey City, N. J. l U.'l.'l.'U' nol.l ...onto ...aU n. A. male, in a new nmn.itretiirliiir inimnesM at home. o enpitnl required. Addresn Novkltt Co., Sio, Me. Mw LIVK AGENTS WANTED i'OH OF XEW YOUIi. on SOCIAL lifr IN THE GHAT CITY. Wonderful developments among the arititrteinev. Mlirr'.cd Women export. Ac.. -e., Triee The best Hook to e!l published. The het ter to acontsever tilvwu Address, N. Y. 'ItC '-i 18 Kassau St., N. Y. 3Mt AGENTS WANTED KOK T 1 1 k m i 1 1 r o v t 1 1 k won r.t. ItontainliiK Fleetwood' "Llfo of Christ," and -Iives of thy Aivwtles, EnvatifjreliMtx and Martyrs," Ilocldridres "Kvldnueea of Christianity;" "History of th Jews," by JoHehu; '-History of all religious lo noiiiinittioiiH," v iih 'trout iK and la'ile ro latmg to evenN connected with lliblo His tory, coiilaminfr many tine ptiffrnvingM. TIib w hole form, ni; n complete ti-ensurv ol Christian Knowledge. W, FLINT, 26 S. Seventh St., 1'kiln. M Al Money nl'kly Made byjaetivo men and women getting: siib senptioiis for tho great religions and lit erary weekly The Christian Union, ed ited by 1IENUY WARD BEKCtlER. ITavinir in it corp of Coiitr:bu:ers the ablest tiilent of the hind. A ehai-inlntr serial Ktory by the world-famous author ess of '-l.'nele" Tool's Cabin," just begun. Every subscriber for 1S71 reeoives.the. paper forciirht weeks, and tho people's li.vor.te, Marsnall a Washington, (alone worth j,i free. This new mid unequalled eombina t.on Is taking like wilj lire. All are do inif well, many making from ?I0 to t 'O a day. Now la the harvest time; aet wisely and quickly. There la positively nothing that will pay you so well. Copy of paper, glutpler ofatorv and rare lorms free, ad livN A. II. IIL'ltllAKI, 400 Chestnut St., 1'hihulelphia. 3-4w WANTHL AOEXTS To ell our now illustrated ifcook of Travelo ovi:ki.ai TlHtOKiH ASIA. lly Col. Thomas W. Kno. A coinprn liinsive and valuiiblo exp isitii-it of the eountriea f Alaski; Siberia. China it '"J Knssia aa they are to-day. Niitehing our ttii.hiirdsn's "lioyoiid the Mississippi," and Mark Twain's "Innis-eots Abroad ' in lvle, .Ve. Send lor circular and aee our extra terms. Addrms AMERICAN fL'UMSHINO CO., 3'Mw Hartford, Conn. H. t. CLAUK, TIXDIOTJTE, PA. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, And Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairiug done in a workmanlike manner and warranted to give satis faction. 4-ly DELAPIERRE'S ELECTRIC SOAP War inn tod better and eheiter than any other. For Mulo in 1'hiladelpliia, 1'itU burgh Ac, by Jiinncv it Andrews, T. Conrowf Co. Jloclliclw Molau, Hnrton iC Sou, llnniH Hinuckcr lieilf it Harvy, Wa eriuau t' Young, W. It i raver, Thomsoii it Morris, J. H, Krausc, Waiuwright U' Co. Itul,ts it i'.i. Wat'rmuu, Hon t(- Co. H. J. Humphry, Hoiison, Hoar A Co, 11. J. lloifuei- Mycrs iV Co. J. S. Moryuu K. Kliy if Co. Hough V Co, T. Jtarues, W. J. Kill , llovd it Co. Ogdeil di Vai. Arhuckh A Co, of l'ittburgh, and uiany ADDRESS To the Nerveous AND 3D EBILITAT El ID . WHOSE sufforinra hav been pro'rnrt ed from hidden eaifseS, and whose raaea require prompt treatment to reader existence deairable; If yon are luffcrtng, or have suffered from Involuntary discharges, what effect does it produce on your general health? IK you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? IJoea a little extra exertion produeo pal pltution of the heart? Does yonrtiyer, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent ly get out of order? Ia your urine some time thick, milky or fioeky, or is it ropy on settling? Or docs a thick skiim rise to the top ? Or is a sediment at tho Ixiltom af ter it has stood awhile? Do yon have spells of short breathing or disprpsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fralntlng, or rushes of trfissl to tho head? Is your memory impnred? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Doyou feel dull, listless, moping, tirod of company, or lite? Do you winli to be left alone, away from everybody ? Does any little thing make you start or Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Ia the lustre of your eye aa brilliant? The bloonlon your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself In soeiety as well ? Do you pursue your business wih the same energy ? Do you feci as mueh confidence in youself? Are your spirits dull and flag, ging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Y'our back weak, your knee weak, and have but lit tle appetite, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal dis eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of genera tion, when in perfeet health, make the man Did you ever think that those hold, defi ant, energetic, persevering, successful business-men are always those whose genera tive organs are in perfect health? You never hear such men complain of boing melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't be come sod and discouraged ; they arcal ways polite and pleasant in the company of la dies, and look you and them right in tho face none of your downcast looks or any meanness about them. I do nat mean thoso who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitution!, hut also thsse they do business with or for. ITow many mn, from badly cured dis eases, from the effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought about that state of weakness In those organs that has reduced the geneal system so lunch as to produce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy,, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al most every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of tho trouble scarcely eyer suspected and have doctored for all but the rluht one. Disease of these organs require tho use of a Diuretic. HELMIJOLD'8 FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU is the great Diuretic, and ia a certain cure for disease of tiie Bladder, Kidneys, I ravel, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Female Complaints, Gener al Deblty, and all diseases of tho Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe male, from what over cause originating, and no matter of how loug .landing. If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, asd that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliablo riucdy. Hclmbold's Extract Tltiehu, established upward of 19 .Ceara, prepared by II. T. HKl.MllOI.D, Druggist, KU llroadway. New York, and 1"4 Ssuih 10th Street, Philadelphia, la. I'r.icK ?1.2i per bottle or 6 bottles for ti.50, delivered to any ad dress. Sold by all Drufgests every where. N ONI? ARE GENUINE UNLESS DON K Tl IN IS 1 i.L ENli KA VKII Wrapper, fac-siuilo of my Ciiomical Ware house, aud.ignod U.T. II ELM MOLD. 7 Salesmen - Wan ted. Hus!nw henorable. No competition, lib eral pay rren. 8. W. K KN N EKY. ;i'.i-4t . 4tn t., i una. gQQ Kncrff'tie Farmers Wanfed. From $f.o to )00 ran lie mndo dnring tho idle winter months, lifcmncs pleasant nnd honorable. For further particulars of this Kprrittl chance address at once A. II. Hub bard, I'ldla, 1'a. 3!Mt th; iiANJJ in Hand MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. want a nninlr of good agents, also a good Ocneral Agent for Western 'a, also a good general A cent for the !cfman counties of I's. Address Hand in Hand office, No 1 12 South 4th St., Phila. 3!-4t $5 to 820 per day and no risk. Do yott want a situation as salesman at or near lurtne, to iotrodneeournow7trand While Wire Clot his Lines to lost forever. lon't miss the chance. Sample free. Address Jlndmn Hirer Wire H'oi ,7A Win St. N. Y or HI DcarlKirn SU Chicago, 111. 3lMw CHAS. IL SHEPARD, OEXERAI. tlEAI.Dn IW DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, QUE KXS WARE. NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. $1,000 TO $2,000 SALARY WE GUARANTEE TO PAY TO BOOK AGENTS of experience,' or a larger commission than Is ottered by any other I'ulrfishers. A lients are making ffH) to fciOOiwr werk canvassing forotir new illustrated books. We guarantee Agents a salary or a largo commission, with a choiee of tw new and popular book and exclusive territory. c oiler a rare chance to energetin men nnd women to make monev. Secure your ngencv direct from the publishers, J. E. JtCkK A CO., .0-4t Hartford, Coi n. JURUBEBA: Fre& to B ook Agents. We will send o handsome Prospectus of our AVic 111 'ant 'rat ruled Family liifrlr -on-taining over 200 tine scripture lllustra trations to any LSook Agent free of charge. Atldrcss National Publishing Co. Phila delphia, Pa. 4l"4i J A NTEII A (IK N TsT $ TpeFd v7"im V sell the celebrated UuM K SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Has the under feed, makes the '-lock stitch" (alike on Isith sides) and is fully licensed. Tho and cheapest family Sewing Machine in the market. Address Johnson, Clurk f Co.. lloston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chi cago, 111., or SI. Louis, Mo. 41-4t GENERAL AGENTS WANTED for GroeslHH-k's Calculating Machine, rap id, acciira'e, reliable, simple, easily ope rated cheap and beautiful. Giving install tnnenus additions or subtractions, taking from one to tlve columns of figures at a a time, carrying and borrowing its own tens, hundreds, e.c, wilhout the least thought on the part of the operator. Ad dress ZE1GLER A- McCUMIlY, 4l-4t Philadelphia, Pa. REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY GETTING UP CLUD8. m. Send for otir new Price List and a Club Form will accompany it, containing foil directions making a large- siring to consumer-, and remunerative club organ -ly-ers Tiie Great American Tea Company, 81 dt 33 VKSEY STIIEET, P. O. BoX&WJ. MCW YOIIK. 41-4t A- OKNTS WANT EM:8 a Inolith by theAMKiuc'N Knitting Macuinx Co., lios'.on, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 41-4 AGENTS WANTED, for A bolt's PRUSSIA and the FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR, in Oorman ami English, with hue steel engravimrs, maps. etc. Agents arc getting from L'5 to So subscribers per day. tlno agent roMrts 10'! orders tlio llrst two days. Now is the time to secure an Agen cy fortius and other works desirable for A'.-ents. Address QunkerCitv publishing House 247 aud 2.0 Quince St., Philadel phia, Pa. 41-4t aOENTS WANTED FOR FREE LOVE, A NO ITS Votaries, by Dr. J no' B. Ellis. The most startling Iwxik of mralern times. The u hole subject laid harcand its hidiHiusness ex pi mod to universal execration. Written in the interests of Civilization, Christiani ty and Public Morality. Send for circulars and terms. U. S. Publishing Co., 411 Uroome St., X. Y. 41-41 Issued Jan. 1st 1871. JQQ Choice selections No. 3." con taining tiie best now things for Declama tion, Recitation, etc. brilliant Oratory, Thrilling sentiment, and Sparkling Hu mor, sO pagi-s, paper :(() eta. cloth 7a cents. Ask vour liooks.iltcr for it. or send price to P.'liarrett d- Co. Philo, Pa. .'MMt THE UltKATEST SCt ci--SS OF THE SI'AS'IN. Tutll (ot MT6 Years "ss:8 Wild Indians 5i Flains. 1 HE LIFE OF OEtllt.il.. 1. HlXliEN. who lorm a love of wild adven'ure and a 'hirst for knowledge of the Indians the I'uston!", SMrts, Traditions, Wars, (ireat llutl'alo limits, A".t Ac., left a home of plenty iu Ohio, joined the Indians, adopt tsl their iikhIc of Ii:e, married the Is'iinli t Ht Wasli'.ella, localise a treat Warrior, Hunter and t hief of Iihj Uslges, was flp Hiinted Lieutenant in the U. S. Regular Army, for meritorious service with his braves against hostile Indians. A Issik of the most thrilling interest, a reality well authenticated. Truthslraiiger than' fiction SuM-rbly illustrated. 70 engravings, with is.i trait of the author, in full frontier cos tume. Prieo low. should outsell any lusik extant. Send at once lor illustrated circu lar, table of contents, sample pieces and terms. A. II. Ill IlllAKK, Publisher, 40 Chestnut St., Philadelihia, Pa. 4l-4t. J. W. ItOWI.AND, AI.KX. MOOOWtl. J. W. ROWLAND & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND PKAI.F.IIS IN CseulM FtiiiiUhln CJoods And Agents for the Celebrated Orover A Raker Sewing Machine. LII1ERTY STREET, NEAR DOIJ FKANKbIN, PKNN'A. tutt SaTu r 2 2 mh k ip I 8fl-r.t CELEBRATED COUCH REMEDY HAS le nscfl dnrlnH the last liflee n ymirs by thousamls of people for the speedy enfw tif throat and lung diseases. It has been thoroughly tested the voice o the press and thff people have rendered their verdict bv rrrttinniiclna it a SAKE, SPEEDY, THORfUOlI nnd EFFECTU AL REMEDY the lcs4 MtHlicinc known for curing Lung CoinpliiiMs, "Every per son of every age afflicted ttifti etther ol the following diseases, should use this pleas ant remedy without delav, and l.ieir voices will soon mingle with hosts of oth ers in rcc uimcnding its ttllcocy to their alHicted neighlsirs and friends. SAT Vte Hall's Cough liemedy it eur Colds. 465" Use Halts Cough Lemidy it cum Croup or Hatiles. tOT LTe Hull's Cough Remedy it curst Atthma and I'lithisic. tST Ve HaWs Cough Remedy for Ca tarrh. tW Use JlalT t Cough Remedy it streng thens the lung. t&" Use Hall's Cough Remedy for Bron chitis. ttt-Ute HaWs Cough Remedy for Hoarseness. S&" Use Hall's Cough Remedy ii streng thens the voire. WK-Use Hall's Cough Remedy for Whooping-cough. It will greatly modify the violence ol this disease and shorten its tedious course our half from VU ordinary duration. Dcwarcof counterfeits and base imita tions, call tor Dr. P. Hull's Celebrated Couuh Remedy and see that his written signature is upon tho wrapper and direc tiuns, - STItOXQ TlCSTrMOXY. We the undersigned citizens of Erie Cltv -and vicinity, have used Dr. P. Hall's Cel ebrated Cough Remedy with great success, in curing diseasee of tiie Throat and Lungs and take pleasure in recommending its use to the atllieled as a speedy and effectual remedy, fully worthy of public confidence. James Thompson Robern Cochrsu John Mel horn Sr Daniel Rear John A Tracy J Roblsonl John W McLano W F Rinderneeht John W Hays P E Hurtor John R CiK-hrun Alanson Sherwood John R Kumars W H Cooper John M Warren Joseph Deemer John S lirown Rcnj Urant H L Forster Lucius A Hull J W Hull Thos M'Kca Orviee Smith W M Oallagher V Dunuirs Chas W Kelso Ho Hoot. DP Ensign H'ilsow King, D Shirk Daniel Minor, Richard Ree CU Wright i T Case Matthew Hamilton: Daniel Iluver J W Ryan C K Riblet J Moonev M Muvor J W CnlVer J L U'mg Wm II May J Robinson 2d A M Tarball Silas 11 Finch E A llennctt f ii Howell J Salsburv SuLI IN ERIE ONLY BY P.nAIX, Sltinufacturcr and sole proprietor, Hall's New Kuilding, State St. PRICE 37J CIS. PER DOTTLE. Sold by I). S, KNOX Sc CO., Tionesta, Pa., and by agents general Jj 33-3m JONES HOUSE, CLARION, FENN'A, a S. JONES Proprietor. AflFNTC " anted for Headlev's Nevr, HUUll 10 Fresh IKMtlv "Sa;-rel If ero and Marts." Written in t Jvn Aoth'T's lia ipiest sty:e, and surpassing his former work, which have soid by the lOO.COO. Wi'h Original Steel Engravings from do signs by otir ArtUt w ho has spent three years in Iti'lile Lands. 1 ho Clergy ond the Press are loud in its pra'se. Agents are milking monev rapidlv, E. 11. Treat dt Co., Hub's (io li'ilwav, N. Y. 3ti-4v FARMEIiVSIELPER. 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Address LATTA if Co l'ittsburgli. Pa. at'-lt " tii k ma i i i : cT "ih Yiiu Will i-hiMiiceany ilirel huir or bsaid to a permanent blick or brown. c con tains no poison. Any ne inn use it. Ono scut by mail for tl. licalcis supplied at reduced rates. Address Wm, Pattou, Trcus. Nrilig!ield, Mass, 3;i-4t AAVVa Itr.lt K TIM ' in-.. "villi tlieHrwn Tea l-'lavor Win rant. I to suit all .ii.ii.u l-'ni- x.'iIh mnri'.' jMf hi"ie, For mix w Ii- le oniv brtlieiire.it Ath""- e and fuel tic Tc. C.. Chuteh St. New York, P.O. Ix 3.'km. Scud for '1 a Ni'oiar clrciil ir. 3' Atil'.NTS Wam .n- srJ.i per iiiomh by the American l 11111114 Mui'iiiiie Co., llnsten, MassnrHi, Lotus, Mo. L 81