The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 07, 1871, Image 3

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Tlio momlim of tlie Republican
County Committee will meet at tho
Frotlinnotary' office on Mnnrlay, Feb.
27th, 1871, nt 7 o'clock, P. M., fir the
purpose of selecting Delegates to the
Union Republican State Convention,
and for the transaction of other bust
new. A full attendance is desired.
J..B. Agskw, Chairman.
The officers of the Republican
vBtatft Committee of Pennsylvania glee
notice that "in pursunuce of the reso
lution of tlio Republican State Central
Oimmittee, adapted at Altoona, Aug.
16, 1870,f State Convention, composed
of delegates fnim each Senatorial and
Representative district of the iiuiuuer
to which each district is entitled in
the Legislature, will meet in the hall
of the House of Representatives, at
HarrUburg at twelve o'clock, noon,
on the 10th day of March, A. D. 1871,
to nominate candidates for Auditor
General and Surveyor General, and
to take action ujrfin the question of
Constitutional Reform, and for the
transaction of such other business as
may be brought before it." This con
vention has a duty to preform which
will be closely scrutinized by the in
telligent voters of the Keystone Stale.
The folly of trying to poke all sorts of
men upon the people was demonstrated
last full, in several sections if our
State, an ! one instance is so near us
that we are all ns well acquaiuted with
it as though it had happened among
us. We refer to the catastrophe in
the 20ih District. Cor
ruption had become .n open and shame
less, that a lessou was deemed necessa
ry by the people to the would-be lead
ers of the party, and it was given in a
very emphatic manner. Let us see to
it that we send men to this convention
who have no axes of their own to
grind, and whose vote can not be in
fluenced by money or prejudice,, and
who will do their whole duty by their
constituents and tlio party at large,
and when they select men for the above
positions we have no fear but that we
will elect them. But don't try to
muko tin swallow men whose , record
will not stand a close e xamination.
Wc find a biographical sketch- of
Wtn. A. Wallace, Senator from this
district, and Speaker of the State Sen
ate, in the February iinmber of leis
ure llourt. Among other very hand
some compliments paid Mr. Wallace,
occurs the following : "Mr. Wallace's
political record is without a blur, blot
or blemish." We do not understand,
perhaps, what constitutes a "blur, blot
or blemish," amoug Democratic politi
cians,but judge from the foregoing that
furnishing corfce-staiued naturalization
papers to all foreigners who wish to
vote the Democratic ticket, whether
they have been in the country live years
or five minutes, and inciting armed re
sistance to the draft, and all thut sort
of thing it rather considered nn hon
or than otherwise. If coflee-pM Wal
lace belonged to the Republican party r
we hoal4 consider him badly "blem
ished." We clip the following from, the
Titus villc Courier:
On Tuesday afternoon Chief of Po
lice Rouse and policeman Dougherty
arrested Pat Kelley, an old offcuder in
this section, aud two of his associates.
The two associates were subsequently
released, and yesterday Kelley was
brought before Justice Strotisc on a
charge of having, on the I8th of Sep
tember last, entered the house of Leon
Duptunti at two o'clock in the morn
ing, aud chloroformed his wife for the
purpose of relieving her of 8200 which
she had in her possession. Kelley is
a boiler-maker, und at tliu time of the
attempted robbery hud just returned
from Meudvillo, where he had been
spending too summer on account ol
stripping a clothesline of very valua
blo linen. A few duvs alter he made
this bold attempt he tied the country,
aud had only returned on Tuesday,
aud was "gobbled" on sight. After u
short examination he was remanded to
jitil to await trial.
A new well was struck on the R. L.
Shaw Farm on Thursday last, which
w now producinj at the rate of forty
barrels ilaily. It is owned by V. P.
Mclntyre, t Poughkecpsie, N. Y., lo
cated on hi lease of nix nercs, on
Shaw farm. Mr. M. ha leased a con
siderable ant-unit f territory iu the
vicinity of RoimcviITu, and has another
well in process-nt drilling. The terri
locv is all valuable, and its owner Ins
u neh harvest before him. He purchas
ed it about three months since, and
MBnipdiutely commenced putting down
t well with the above result.
III. W'ilmu ha been iu the Senate
To ni M:uacliH3 tu sixUeii consecu
tive yeaM, uh.1 Mt, Snuuier twenty,
i'he longest consecutive nu-uiber of uuy
titer Senator from that Stato tva nine
.oars by Nuthanial SiUbce. Duuiel
i'e'otitor was aUo iu t!iu St'liate uiue
uars, but at ilnlcreiit times,
! A son of Mr. Wm. N. Emery,
about ten years old, was run over liy
the cars at the Jamestown A Franklin
Depot on Wednesday. One truck
passed over his left ankle, and the leg
had to be amputated just below the
knee. He was playing on top of a
train of freight cars and fell under the
wheels of a passing train. Spectator.
The ice bridge still holds on j and
As the wenther hus turned cold it is
believed the rise of water from the late
rain, will not bo sufficient to carry out
the ice. Warren Ledger.
-According to a correspondent,
Parker's Landing and Lawrenccburg
must be hard places to reside in. He
writes thus:
This part of the oil region contains
Sfluie desperate charactors. Yesterday
I saw a voting man in Lnwfeitcehurg
with a baud kerchief tied around his
hand, ami when asked what the trouble
was, replied with perfect nochalance,
' I lo.t a finger last night. V He was
then told that he ought to stop fight
ing. Says he, "yes I know it is
bud business, but the hound laughed
at mo when I had the handcuff on
last week, and, him, I took one
of his eyes out." Pet. Centre liecord.
From- the Greenville Argnt we
learn that a firo broke out In Lnird's
Block in thut place between 12 and 1
o'clock, Wednesday morniug resulting
in a great loss of property.
The block owned by William Larid,
and occupied by IL & A. Manhciiuer,
wholesale liquor dealers; 11. .Rook,
shoe store; L. Wusser, market ; .S. P.
Johnson & Co., dry goods, and groce
ries; J. Richard, bakery Wm. Max
well, law office, and E. K. Miller, har
ness shop, was entirely destroyed. To
tal InM, $30,000; insured fir ?1G,500.
Also, B. Henliti's fine brick hlnck was
partially deserved. Loss, 83,000; ful
ly insured. The stores of S. W. Man
heimer, Mrs. Gil!:eson and Masonic
Hall were damaged by fired und water.
Probable loss, 84,000; all fullv insur
ed. Also, the stores of J. E. Hull A
S. Hull, E Kouev and W. L. Pheloti.
Loss, about $3,000.
TlIB CHAMBF.RI.At Bkquest.
From the Meadville JiepMiean we
learn that the important Chamberlain
will case, pending in New York courts
for some two years has beeu decided in
favor of the appellants, by the Court
of Appeals, the court of last resort in
that State. This gives to Allegheny
College, in aceordunc? with the wiilof
the late Judge Chamberlain1, of Chau
tauqua county, N. Y., about 8100.000.
We are sure our citizens generally will
be clad to Irarn that justice has' been
done, and the benevolent intentions of
a good mnuareto bo curried out. there
is uo appeal from this decision.
The following from the Titusville
Herald :
Fatal Raim!Oat Accident at Pi
osekji. On Wednesday evening the
flown train on the U. V. & A. li. 11.
ran over n man at Pioneer. The train
had proceeded about one hundred rods
below I lie water tank, when the cnjri
necr discovered a man lying across the
track. It wr.s impossible to check the
train before three cars had pasged over
Ins bodv, cutting ttcntirely intwo.and
otherwise lasccrating it in it horrible
manner. The unfortunate man was
identified as James Hough, who had
been in thb employ of tho railroad
company as a sectiou man. lie i sup
posed to have been in the statu of help
less iutoxicatiou, ulthougb there was
also a suspicion that he had been foul
ly dealt with and then luid across the
track. 1 he remains were placed in
charge of railroad employes tor inter
lent. Miss Anna Dickenson will lecture
at Rouseville on the third of April
next. The gentleman engaging her
to come, and who is repotisible for the
expenses of tho lecture, gives the sur
plus to the Presbyterian, Episcopation
and Methodist Suhbath Schools of that
Miss D. will lecture in this city iu
the regular course "April 4lb.
It is customary for all business
men, to render a statement to custom
ers yearly, requesting a settlement of
account. This is so common that we
thought all undt-rstood it. P.ut occu
sionly we find a man w ho considersit rii
offence or insult to have a bill sent to
him. No reasonable man has any eau.e
for resentment in such a case, but on
the other hand should consoler it an
nccomniodatnii to be furnished wilh a
statement of bis account. Merchants
and most husiucfs men send bills - the
first of evey month and require pay
ment immeiliutly or at in thirty
days If not paid, interest is charged,
and the account sent for collection.
We see no reason why one should be
offended because a printer semis bills
... v . i , ! . I .
in hi in. i..i..i-n iiwb.c i luinili-e l and seven y-tour pcrchux lo a
Why should editors allow tliiiiistiiils of j whito oak, tlicnee noVth one degn e cat
dollars to acciimiihito on their books on Imudied and twenty-two and three
... . i i n i i- b-ntlis peii ln s to a post, the place ot Ih'uiii-
without sending lulls and making tin ! ninciitaining one hundred and ninety
effort to collect it? Ami why should throe acres ol land more or less, being the
foiled it? Ami why should throe acres ol land more or less, being the
xpect his particular" name to ; aiiie pier e of Imid rH.nveyerl to ihe Cherry
i .. i.. i :n . !,.,:., , and Trout Huiilriland Mining Co., r.s-ord-cd
when billsare being sent n, ( llul.tL,rB lUmU Su. 2, pago 112, in
Hurion Vewoe-rat. Vcuauo euuntv. Taken in execution and
anv one ex
be excepti
to all? flu
Vashin;ton, D. C.l'uli. 2. 1S71.
The following are tlio Postal change
in I'eutir-ylvunia :
Line Lexition, Montgomery coun
ty Ilenrv Iloliiiison. vice C. L.
JenWilii. suivrcerlcd 1V cluillL'e oi Site
from the railroad station to Ihe village,
i,. ,r
Establish Sri Jenkins. Montgomery
Ci).,ut recent biteof Line Ixxili'toll and
appoint C. L. Jenkins postmaster.
'f; i
IVorway, thester county ly. li.
Sai'liligtoli, jHint muster, nil Wilmington
nnd lUllimore '-illroaf
ami oaiiiiuore j..oiron.r.
(treen Lane, I,lonte;i:iiicry fvuoty
Johl) II- rStfltl, JX)stmutler,
'Pi.- r .11.....:...- r. a. I
a iiu joiiiMTiny iivms arv Hum mu
Venango Citiieii I
CoKRtciJATios.- The new Episco
pal Church at Oil City" Vas consecrat
ed on Wednesday of hist week, by tho
lit. Rev. John lb Kerfoot, D. D., Uish
op of Pittsburgh. There were also
preset aud took part in tho ceremo
nies the liev. Messrs. Byllcxby, Pur
don, Ratter, Tollman, Spaulding,
Getz, Hilton, Tayloi aud Scarborough.
The consecration sermon was preach sd
by the Rev, John Scarborough, Rector
of Trinity Church Pittcbnrgh, from
the words, "The palace is not for man,
but for the Lord God."
For a considerable length of time a
young man named W. J. Henderson,
of Sanilycret-k tjwnship, has lid defi
ance to the law, and been a terror to
good citizens, living in that portion of
the county. A short time ago he stole
a horse from his father, for which act
a warrant was issued and placed iu the
hands of Censtahle Foster, of Clinton
township. Foster soon found out the
w hereabouts of Henderson and went,
to arrest him, but Henderson offered
violent resistance, nnd after n tiVht
succeeded in escaping. Foster then I
1 .
hail another warrant isseil Tor Hender
son on the charge of resisting an offi
rer. ' This was placed in the hands of
C'instable Sutton of Sandycreck, aud
having learned that Henderson was at
tending m eting at the Lyons church,
he proceeded there to arrest him. Hen
derson, however, knew what he was af
ter, and as Sutton approached him, he
struck biin a terrible blow with a
slung shot, knocking hint down. The
memhersor the congregotton emne to
the assistance of the ofliccr, and cfler
a severe struggle the young desperado
was securely bound, hand and foot.
He was brought to this city, and placed
in jail. Henderson had often sad
that no officer could nrrest him, but
we presume he will now have consid
erable time to himself to thiuk over
his past course, and the folly of
attempting to violate all law, and the
peace ot cominuuity, with impunity.
A young lady stepped into one of
the street cars the other day, and drop
ped her hnndkerehiefinton vacant sent
as much as to sav, "taken," while she
advaccd tojhe other end of the car to
deposit her fare. Meantime a nicely
dressed young man jumped iu and sat
down on the huudkerchief, without
observing it. Tho young lady, after
paying her fare, turned buck, discover
ed to her chagrin her heat was occuped,
and sat down opposite, ladies making
room fir her. But she did not desire
to lose her handkerchief, so she looked
iutentlv toward the place where she
had left it, hesitating whether to ask
for it or not. Discovering the dircctiou
of herlooks.all eyes on the opposite side
of the car were soon bent on the young
man. Finding himself the object of so
much attention, he himsc'f looked and
discovered to his horror something
wtiue on wnicn nesat, the end pecpini;
nut. He mistook its character. To
cover it with his hand aud to tuck it
nieely awav, was the work of a few
moments. None in tho enr but the
young' lady knew that the "something
white was a handkerchief, aud I esitat
itig still more to ask him, she lost it.
J. Farrer, Lessee of tho Tan-
nerdtilu Coal Mines, is mininir nnd
shipping Bituminous Coal of superior
quality. The mines are located near
the town of St. Mary's, -Elk County,
Pa., on tho lina of the Philadelphia
and Erie Railroad, 127 miles fr. m Erie
from which place the coal can be ship
ped to all Western ports at lowest
rates of freight, und can till all orders
and contracts promp'lv. The coal is
believed to have superior qualities tor
Uus as well as hteam und manufactur
ing purposes. The special attention of
Gas Compauis is solicited to this Coal
beliviug that is hus unusually valuable
gas producing qualities. St. Mury
yew Advert iement.
ruary Term, 171 t
L. Wauaman, llo'el, Harmony
Frerl. Nestle, Hotel, Trunkcy villo.
BV VIRTUEof sundry w KU of Vendi
tioni Kxtx'iias, and Levari Facias, is
sued out of the Court of C hiiimoii pleas
of Forest County, nnd to mo rlirected,
there will bo exposi-d to sab) by public
vendue or outcry at the Cotut IIouho iu
Tionesta, on
Monday, Feb. 22d, 1871,
at 2 ocloek P. M., tho follow ing dr scribed
real estate, to-wit:
tJeorgo S. Long vs. the Cherry and Trout
Run Oil and Mining Co., al. von, ex. No.
22 Kebmary Term, 171 Mason Ail de
leudaut's right, tllle, interest and elicm of
in and to a certain piece, or parcel of land
situate In thetownshipof llariuony.ei-.uii-ly
of Forest 1 formerly Venango; and State
of Pennsylvania, bounded unit tlescriberi
as follows, to wit: Itcginniig at a iost,
tlicnee smith eiuhty-iiliie decrees r ast one
hiimlriil and seventy-four isic1m tn a
post thence south one-half del reo wot one
hundred Hint twenty. two mid three-tenths
i perches to a Kst, tl.ence by hind of Jnntos
I -t J unng nui in eivio.v-iiliit' orgririN w cm one
to be sold hh tho properly of thu t berry
ami Jt'oui nun on una .Mining l ouipuuy
ul tim tuil of Gcoryo !S. Lout;.
Pu'ph R. Rrdrerts v the I nko Ki le Pe
troleum Coinpiinv, Levari Far ias F. i. Nn.
L'l Feb. Term 1S71 TaU All ilefcndaufs
rigid, title interest und eluiiu of iu unrl to
, nil that truet mid parcel of land situate
j" 'T Tll,'1,1 r"l Ki"f-T1"-Vt
tv of Forest, HUtta of Peiinsvl vuuia, being
,;ur, , llt No. ;m described as follows:
Itr'iuiniiiiig at Ihe nonheni corner of said
-Nl.'-1 ,lu',"ce ,'",",!'!'rlv
ulong suul tract 2J1 8-lu to a li'ack
,k tr(i. thence south 4'Jt tast alio iH-rebes
to u b'ur-k rmk tnc, thr iir eutiiih-i4..Julr ng
thetiu, t lino l.",S i-lll peiclus, I In nee north
y ( ljno miM U) lhe ,,,,.
,us.,.rJv bonie's oi said tim-t No. ilt.3 i.uu
Uundrtsl perelu's thtiieu ugitb forly-four
Boil a half decrees cast R8 2-10 perches to Hie
trai t I. tie, tlti-nce northerly alm-p; said trm-l
lino iJO perches to tlio plait of hcgmiiiiii;,
contniniim m acres more or less. All that eortitlti other tr.M-t or par
col Ol limd situate in KinKicy township in
mil. I r unity, described at follow i Itc n
niiit; at a hemlock tree, c rrner of audi lot
theme running north wm-t I4t 3-HI
perches to n witch hnl thence south 44
went l7 pcret lis to a ixint, thence south 4:1
east 141 o-l'i lM-rehesi to n otono corner,
thence north 41 ea-t ninety-four pen-he
to the. place of hejinninir rontninin hi
acres, heiuir the SHiue preiniseit citiveyed
ly deeil fioin tlannlinn Mtowo nnd otliers
to tfeorjte ltnlicndorf. licnr.oif Onto Aur. 7
l!t"7,nii(lad,jn.iiiiithetii'Ktil'.crilil preiu
tse.i on Hie Mintlierly Hide Ihercol'nnd the
snnie eonveyeil hy' Itnlpli It. KohcrtK to
tho ImUo lirim Petroleum Company and
part of lot So. Sin.
A I Mt A II thm odirreertnin piece of land
sltuaio In thu towiiMliip of T.oncHtrt In mid
county, and In part of lot No. .M'.U, and is
de-ribed ns lollown, to-wit : Hctfinnicon
the cant lino of Mild tract No. M'.u titty rods
nortiierly frtnn the ootlie-i corner there
n!', riinnoic nortiierly nlonx KMid enst ioo
7.r tikIh, tlieneo iiorttiweKtefiv para.lnl to
tho westerly line of said tract t ciu pm utli
weMtcrly on sa d laxt mentioned line 75
roN, til coco noiitb4Hterly arallol to tho
sotithwcHt lino of Ntiit tract to the place of
Utli"'nin. eontniiiiim l- ncm, heilittMame
more or lesn, boiiiK tlio Kaine premim-s con
veyed to tli lako JCrie Petiolutim Com
pany hy (iced trout htilph U. Huberts.
aimi rtti iiiiueoruuii oilier piccoot land
si,lUHtc "M'"' township of Hickory, county
nr Unrest. HNOt of lMiitivlv,oi,t 1.. ti,n
of h crest, Htate of l'eniisyiviiiiia, iinil is tlio
same piece conveyed by 'deed from Ralph
It. Roberts to tlio Jjiko Krio Petroleum
Company, and is bounded on ilie iiortocn v
side by lHiut formerly owned by the Phil
adelphia IMI t.'oiupiioy. on tins easterly side
by tlie Kn-t Hickory Cri-ek, on the south
by Innd of the tlil City Company, and on
tlie west by the Allegheny Itiver.' Contain
In II acres and -4 rods.
A mo A 11 that certain oilier piece of land
situate in the sauio township and on tho
southerly side ol tho lust Hickory Creek,
aim is me same piece conveyed ny ltatpli
IV. loittTMHOU IIIH Wl.O VI HIV U4Ktt l'.l l
Petroleum Company, and Is bounded on
tiic south by 'An Plank rend, and contains
one and 8-10 acres of land, reference Imin
had tosnid conveyance from tialphlt. Uoh
ert.i and wife for a more particular descrip
't aken in execution and to be wold as the
prop. rty of the Uike Kne Petroleum Com
pany ul the suit of Kaiph It. Roberta.
0. F. ClUesfie vs. John Morlev el. nl.
Levari Facias No. 14 Feb. Term IS71 Tnte
Alt defendant's r'eht. tllle. interest nnd
claim of In and to nil that eer'aiti piece or
parcel of land situate ill K in xslcv township
county of VenaiiKo and suite of Pennsyl
vania, immi'.led nuct rtenoribej thn: Ito-
trlmiing at a hemlock tree, minimi; thence
nortii loiy-ix decrees west one hundred In a birch tree nloii(r the line ol
lands owned by ;eore llnbendrotT, tlicnee
north lorty tour deirreos ea-.t one hundred
and sixty-two perches to a post along the
line ol hinds owned by H. l". I.acv. tbeiiee
south forty-three degrees ea-t one hundred
perches to a chestnut oak tree along the
latins of U. stow ,V Co.. tlien'-e vortth forty
lour degrees west one hnndred and llfty
iuven perches ulin-i liuiria of M, Stow'
Co.. to place of beginning cui'iimim ouo
hiindrud acros, Mri t measure, be the same
more or less, and lining part of a larger
tract of land No. f.lfM. the above described
lands lKi ng the Mime conveyed by the said
eurty of the second mrt to the said pn'Vos
hereunto o'' the tiist wrt bv d-ed beiiring
date the L2d day ol March A. 1. ISSS. being
riven to secure a part of the consideration
thereon assi-s-od. Taken ill execution nnd
to le sold ns the property of John Morely
et. al, at the suit of C. K. 'Oillosple.
.Tames fiodfrey vs. Anna U. Roberts and
Samuel Roberts, lvail l-'nc as No. V7 Feb.'
Term ls7Iirown All defendant' a right,
tillo. interest and claim ol in and to al1 that
riTiain tract or parcel of hind hituatc iu
Tionesta township, county of Forot and
State of Pennsvlvanla c'n the Tknesla
cnek mill adjoining the county line of For
est on the north, rle-cribed ns follow s : l!o
ginning nt a h iiiloc'. en the county line
north one hundred nnd forty-one perches
west from T.onetn Creek," thence south
two hundred and seventy-four pen-hen lo
a hemlock, thence cast live hundred and
torty-live porches to a post, thence north
two hundred and seventy-four iiorehes to
a post, tlicnee west "vo Itundrcdiiiid forty
five perches to the place of beginning, lio
ing Is ii'iilcdon the north by the division
lino of Forest anil Warren counties, on the
east by lot numbered twenty-nine hundred
and sixty CtuRi: on the noiith by lot tvven-ly-eiglit'hiindred
and twelve cisliii on tlie
west by lot twenty -seven hundred and
thlrty-hvo"CI7:iri) containing hundred
and llilv-six acres anil lorty-two jicrelies
lie the same more or loss, being a tract of
land conveyed by Jamos Oodfrcy to Anna
R. Roberta by tlrod dated twenty-seven! li
day of March, A. H, one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-live. Taken in execu
tion and to lie sold us the property of Anna
K. Roberts mill Samuel Roberts at tlieuii.t
of James tjodlrey,
W. W. Hose vs. Tho luiipiio City Petro
leum Company, Veil. lix. Nil, HI, Feb. T.
1871 Spencer'-Defendani'a rluht, title. In
terest und elaini of in and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land lvlng In Hick
ory township. County of Venango, and
State of Pennsylvania, (now County of
Forest) bounded and described as follows,
to wit: Reuinning at the south corner of
lands contracted to Morria Purely, thenco
west tt ilegiees ea-it, along said lands con
tracted to said Purdy Hi3 perches to a post
thence south 44 degri'Os east 44 porches to
a coiner, thence uili 40 degrees weit HI
perches to a corner, tlicnee win III 44 east
00 perches to a corner, thence south 4tt de
grees w 147 )ci'chen to a pot-t, thence north
44 tk-gre;"!, wcot 104 perches to the placo of
begn liinj;, uontiiiniiig H4 a -res and allow
ances oi six per c -nt for roads, etc., being
purt ofa large tract of land warranted in
tho name of Thomas Mrulhcru by
Hie Cnininnnwea.tli by warrant t'attrl
Hept. A. U. IKiii. einliracing In tho re
turns of survey -ioO acres and 10 perches,
and craimd to said Struthr r-! bv patent
i'roin Ihe Coiinnon wealth Ixaringtbite May
i'l, A. li. lNI'.l roMcrvlnu liowever ono m're
whi'h was conveyed by mill jiartv of tlio
til st part in the tchool district of llickory
tuwii-lini by deed.
Aijo That r-i rhiin plei-o or parr-el of
land situn'.e in 7ickory township Venan
go count, (now Forest county i Slate of
Pennsylvania being a nrt of tract
Mirvcvcil on wiii raiit iiiuiiIm r lilil'3, ci in-liii-ni'i'ng
ut a whiteoak Hlnnipat the corner
of Luther I ami's land, thence wo.-t -!ii de
grees east by lands contracted to C. 11.
Church Ki.'t perr-hes to the iicrih east Ikiiiii
dary of a tract of land of 402 acres and 7
iicrches conveyed. by F. W. Alien to J. C.
in;, ton, trustee, llicnce south 44 degree
east K'2 perches to a corner, thence south
40 degrees west H 3 perches to a corner,
thence north 44 (ley reus west S2 pen-lies to
the place ol bcuiuiiing. contaiiiingTsl acres
w ith allowances, 'Ink en in execution nnd
to lie sold ns the property of Tne Kiupire
it v Petroleum Company, ut the suit of
W, W. Roue.
F. N. Fuller vs. Rennrtt Dol
fa. No. 8 Feb. T. 1S71 Tute-All delcnrl
iinr's right, title, interest and claim, of, in
ami to a certain piece or parcel of laud, sit
uate in Jcuks tow i 1 1. Forc' l c Mint v, Pa.
rlei-cr bed as follows, to-wit : Part of war
rant No. fl41. siiliil. vision No, ti, contain
ing ono hundred and twenty-seven uores
more or It ss. Dr-temlunt's rluht, title, interest
anil claim of in and to ull that, certain piece
r r pil reel of land situate in Howe township
Forest county. Pa., bounded and de.tcrihed
in follows, to-wit: Part of warrant No.
12"V5 HiihiliviMiin No, 4". bouurlerl on the
noiili by warrant No. L'k'li, on the ea-t by
subdivision No. 44, on the soiilh by snbrli
visinn No. 4s, and on tlie west bv subdix is-
ion No. -i, siilidivisioii numbers lieing
purt of tror4 No. avi lieroiuls-fore m n -
Honed, containing one hundred a -res, more
or le..
Also All dnfcmlKol'n rlht, title, Inter
est ami elit.m, of in nrfil to all Hint certain
tractor piece o: hind situate in Hie town
snip of JcnKs, eoutilyl' I ori.t, and Stalo
ol Pen ns.v ! vim in, vl: Part orwnrruiit No.
ft HIS, liiHindeil and described as follows, to
north by Mo. 61711, on tin! tinrlheiiRt lv tri
wn ; viii me nortnwest oy no. tii'ju. on tho
initio, on miiitlicnst hy IV). Cl:i!l, on tho
soutliwoxt by No. ftl lil on county limp,
coutjtiiiinir tiiree hundred and liliccn acres
more or lett. - -
Taken 1 execution nnd to lie sold as the
properly of Itoiinott LKihhs, at the suit of
r . r uiier.
Terms dish. ' ' '
IS T. fl I Via cliAwtir
Sheriff's Ollleo, Tioncstii, Pa"l'eli. 7, '71.
Public Noth-e is hereby irlven Hint N'sn.
rv Hawson. Kxwntrlx of John Hawson,
tleeeased. has tiled in tho Register's Ollleo
in ami lor mo coituiy of Korest, atTioiiea
ta. Pa., her linal aci-ount ns Kxis-utrix un
der tlie lol will of the said John Dawson,
deceased, nnd that the same will lie pro
sontod to the Orphans' Court of said coun
ty for continuation nnd allowance on the
27th day of February next, at the Court
House ut Tionesta In tlie Count v nlbresntd.
4t. J. R. AUNEWR.-glster.
Jail 17, 1871.
TitliHe' Xotice Is hereby given that Sam
uel I. Irwin, Administrator ol the estate of
S. S. llulingv, deceased, has tiled in the
Register's Ollleo In and for tho Comity of
Forest nt Tioiionta, Pa., his final account as
administrator ol tlie said M. M. Hillings,
deceased, and that the sumo will bo pre-M-nted
lo tho Orphans' Court of said Coun
ty lor confirmation and allowance on the
271 li dny ot February next at tlio Court
i louse at Tionesta in the cuiitr nforosnid.
42-41. J. li. AUXKW, Register.
Jun. 19.1S71. .
Public Notice Is hereby given that David
8. F.ldndge at d William Wray, adminis
trators nt the estate of James Kldridge,
deceased, has filed in the Register's Olllce
the final account as administrators of the
estate of s.iid James F.ldridge, dee'd, nu t
that the name will I mi presented to the Or
phan k Court of said county for continua
tion an, I allowance on the -7th day nl
February next, at the Court House In
Hie borough of Tionesta, in tho county
aforia!d. J. U AUXF.W,
Jan. lt, 1M71, 424t RegisUr.
T le following are selected from thous
ands of testimonial of similar character,
as expressing tho reasons for tho prefer
ence of the GmverA linker Machines over
all others.
"I like the Orover A Raker Ma
chine, In the lirst ploco, because If I hud
any other, I should still want a (Irovcr A
Raker; and hnvin-r a (imver .V linker it
answers tlio puri.e of all the n'st. It
doc a greater variety of wr rk and isensler
to lenrn than any other," Mrs. J. C. Uni
ty (Jenny June)
"I have had several years' expe-riom-e
with a Orover Raker Machh-o.
which has given mo grent satisfaction. I
think the Umvnr Hakor Machine is more
easily managed, and loss liable to get out
of order. I prefer the Orover iV Raker de
cidedly." Mrs. Dr. Watts, Now York.
"I have had ono in mv family for
omo two years; anil tioiii what I know
of it workings, soil from the testimony of
many of m v friends who uso the s--mo. I
can hardly woe howniiythiiigeoiild be more
complete or give hotter satisfaction."
Mrs. lien. Urant.
"I llieve it to 1k tho best, all
things considered, ol auv Hint I have known
It is very simple nnd easily learned; the
sewing from the ordinary spools is a great
advantage: the stitch is entirely reliable:
it rloes ornamental work benutiliilly ; It is
not liable to get not of order. Mrs. A. M
Sp'Kiner, 3U Jiond St, Brooklyn.
"I am acquainted with tho work of
mo principal machines, anil i prclcr the
Orover V linker to them all, brs-auso I con
sider tno stitch inoro elastic, j have work
jn the house which was done nine years
agowiiicii is still gcMMi. .it rs, or, iic
Crenrly, No. 43 Fast 2:kl street, N. Y.
' "More than two-thirds of all tho
sewing, lone In my family for the last two
years has been done by Orover A Raker's
Machine, and I never hail a garment rip
or need mending, except those renin which
IrnlieMoine Ihivh w ill make in whole chilli.
It is, la my opinion, by far the most valu-
anieof any 1 have tried. Mrs. Jlonry
ara Jteeclier.
"Tho Orover A Raker Sewing Ma
chine has rendered in every resiioct, the
most perfect satisfaction. It combines ho
many ail vantages with Isiauty of execu
tiou and ccrmnuiv In price thut it Is a no-
eesity in every household." Mrs. Oover-
nor Geary, llarrisburg, Pa.
"I have hnrl thn Orover A Raker Ma
cliino for ten or twelve ye-'in In constant
uso iu mv house I have seen and known
every kind of l-auuly sewing, both per
sonal nnil houselirilil, ar-cninplisheil upon
tho I irovcr A Raker Mar bine, to the entiro
satisfaction of all concerned, lvov.Stophen
II. i vng.
"I find tha Orover Raker Stitch will
wear as long as the garments di outwear
the garment in fact. Tlio stitch w ill not
break on bias scums, when stretched, ns
others do ; anil neither does it draw the
work." Mrs. Dr. W hiting, 4 Fast twen
ty-fourth street, N. Y.
Tho Orover and Raker Hewing Machine
Company manufacture both the F.lastio
and Lrs-k Stitch Machines, nnd offer the
public a choice of tho best machines of
both hinds, ut their establishments in all
the largo cities, and through iigcncics in
nearly all towns throughout tho, country
Price lists and samples of sewing In both
stitches furnished on application to Orover
linker S. M, Co., L.7 Wood Street, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
A WATCH. Iair of IHs.ikets. Ouiltor
X iSluiwl. for Ono Hollar, tippcurs almost
impossible, but such may be liar', and hun
dreds of other useful articles, by patroni.
IngOFO. A. PLC MM Fit it CO.'S ONE
Their system of doing business has been
examined by the authorities, nnd a Decis
ion rendered from tho Internal Revenue
Deputtnient, nt Washington, duled Nov.
4th, isri8, dor-luring their business perfect.
j ly fair and legitiinato, and entirely dill'er'
out from the different gift enterprises. Of
course ull do not get watches, bhmkets, Arc,
for One Dollar, but in every lltrge club, one
of these articles are sold for One Dollar,' as
an extra inducement, and soiuo nieinber'
of tho club ha tho chance of obtaining
A new feature, introduced by tUis cut
prising firm, Is to pay their agents iu eit
er essh or inerehuiidiso, and to prepay tlu
express charges. No lietter opsirtunity
r an lie ottered to either ludies orgeullenieu
liaving leisure time, to furin clubs fur this
Read their advertisement in another col
umn, unit send for catalogue.
Til K highest Cash l'rice puirl for tlio old
Stale Rank Currency : Rank of Craw
ford County, Venango Hunk, Oil City Rank
Petroleum 'Hunk, or any of the old State
Rank issues j also, for 'mutilated Mr-rip of
vll issues,
1 4 'i
. II. STL Kb. 10, Caslner.
Tionvkta Ktt-itn,' bank.
ON AND At'TKK Snltirdnv January !M,
Trains will fun nn Inliown:
f No. a.
1 a. 50
No. A,
VAX a in
fl. .Ml '
p in
" Hum "
" 10.18 "
No. 8.
rnthcrs Jlill
1'itholo City
PlthoIeCitv, 8.00 am
Prnthers Mill H.1S "
Worn In . 8.L'1 -"
1.P0 p m
1.1.1 '
l.'.l "
lirnni'lt 8.110 "
Oloopella 8.10 "
ah i-.xira i rnin leaves I'lthole t ity on
Sattinlavs at O.iJfl i. in. ninking close con
nection iit ileoimlts with Trains oil the tlil
took .V Allegheny lttver Railway lorUor-
ry and intermedinto Miints.
uciuni rinin lenves oienmiim nl 7.V0 n.
In., nrrivinir nt P. t hole City at 7. "'".
All other Trains make clise connecilotis
at Oleopolin with trains on the Oil Creek A
Allegbenv River Railway, North and
South. ,
Train No. 2 ninkes close connection nt
Oil City with Fast Line on Allegheny Val
ley Railway for Pittsburgh aud intermedi
ate ixilnts.
I wo Lines of stages run daily between
Vlthole City, Miller I nrm ami Pleasnnt
vllle, inaki'iucoiiuoction wilharriviugnnd
dcimrting I rains. J. T. U LA I It,
t ill. HIMIOP, Mup t.
Ticket Agent, ntholo City, Pa.
An unfailing remedy for nil Rronr'hinl Dif
ficulties, Coughs, " Colrls, Hoarseness,
Asthma. Iiiptherin, Dryness of the 'I hrost
or II mil Pipe nml nil Catarrhal rlisenses,
The wonrlerfui inoctei n discovery of Cur-
lsilio Acid, is destined to become ono of
the greatest blessing to mankind in its
application to disease of the throat nnd lis
grent curative qualities In all affections of
tho Chestanrl Lungs.'
lr. Well' Carbolic Tablet k,
Inside the great remedial agent Carlmlio
Acid contains other Imrerlieiiis universally
recommended, which chemically combine,
producing a Tablet more highly mnrlicn
ul and i etter adapted for disease of the
thront than any preparation ever before of-
icrcn w me pniiiic.
Re sure that von
get Wells' t'ariinl-
ic Tablets; ilon't let othergiMsls be palmed
off on von in their place.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
are aSl'RK CURE. Try Them.
Sold by Druggists. 4Mt
Beck Agents Wanted.
Ihe Riblo Read in the lit; lit of its own
Scenery, Rev. W, L. Gage's new Umk is
now rear I v. Prtnied on. tinted tinner. Is
sued in beautiful stylo. Contains Hon Su
perb l'.iumviiigs, nml is one ol the uiivit
uluable llihllcal b-siks ever IsMicd. In
every liini'lv whereihe Itible is to be tounrl
n.i.l ll.aiA nn. , ..f,l.A... l. .......
this wnrk bo sold. Agents will rppreclute
tins, it o wiiiu agenis uiso lor
Prof. Stowe's "Self-Interpreting Fam
ily Bible."
the grandest lsiok over issued, lielng bis
cniw ning life work pronounced by critics
toe iiiicsi nun most complete iiinse extant.
now having n larger sale than any other
three liibles combined. Splendidly illus
trated isintalns a dictionary nt the Rible
with HIS) engravings, n history of each
lsik,cU, and enables nnv rendi-r to fcrni
his own rsiminjiitnry on I ho Scriptures ns
ho studies them. Any agent or person
w uo rcai is mm uns, ami w ho uesires tlio
most profitable nnd IiimioiiIiIo business.
senil lor r-ireulars wilh full iofciinatlon.
3!l-4t Hurtt'ord, Conn.
Manufacturers of
Ac dr., Ac,
is, io, s house: power,
21, 11, 12 ami IO 11. 1
IO, 20, 22, aitrt 18 IX. !.,
I'oom No. 2, Chaso it Stewart's ISloek,
TrOICBtIESLE:!-I sullerrotl with
I'aturrh thirl y veal's, und was eured
ill six weeks by usiinplu remedy, uud will
send the rohcii't , poslu te free, to all Billet
ed, T. .1. Mi:aii. Drawer 17U, Syracuse. N.
Y. 80-4t
Free to Kuok At;eiilM.
We will send a handsome prosiM-clus of
ur Xew I llaxlroteil 1'timiln liihle. con
inlii' over 1!K lino (Scripture illustra
ons to any bonk a reut free of chari1.
d li'e-s N.ition:il Piiblihiut Co. 1'liila.
I'u. 8IMt,
X 'AS 1 1 IX 432 A I iSI3 AS Y.
I am now solieltimr ordurs for tho cclo
b i ate. I
Call at Knox A Co.'i Store, foe a Mu
chinu uii't h ave your order.
B7 A. J. M.VP.SU. Ajj't.
li the motto ot
who have optneil a . ',.
21 A M MIO T II S.TO C fc-
op '
121Y C.OODS,
in tho old Court Hons, building, uljoii.iuj
the Holmes House,
where they will be happy to supply the
wants of thit community, wilh an
Entire Fresh Atwortiucut
f all the no?elti la Uie
which have been selected with great care-..
Aa to prices, wo challcngo "all competitors.
It has long been tlio desiro of the peoj-la-of
thla community, to have a (tore Int'.iefr
midst w hero can ho found everything
erally kept in a first-class atore.and where
it could be purchased at living prices. To
Hir.isiy tins want, wo have come in vonr-
midvt, and hope by proper attention to-
t k r . . ' .'
business and to tbo wants of tho people, tc
secure their patronage.
Our atook uf
Is second to none in
Western Pennsylvania,
nnd wearo determined uot to bo uuuor
sold. Those goods omkraco all tho
and we feel assured that tho citizens of this
county will uot have to go to adjoining
towns to purchase DUESS (JOOD3 in the
Our stock of
cloth: hit a-
is superior, both in quality and stylo to.
any ever before ottered in this section, and
we trust that all will cull and oxauiine our
stock before purc.liu.siug elsewhere. We
also, . ; . h
having an experienced cutter, wo can sat
isfy the most fastidious ; and aa we hsvo
our own n run u fact u ry in Philadelphia, we
thereby have the advantageover all other
dea'.ora lu this section.
iu endless vaiiety, at prir os to suit the-
& s
of every style-and quality, which we an
prcpurod to sell ut New York prices.
Cell end. Examine our Stock.
cpl:t-5it-l7. M!,imoNN12U CO.