The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 07, 1871, Image 1

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liatos of Advertising.
One Square (1 Inch,) one Insertion 91 W
OneSiare " one month let
One Rqnare " three months. 00
OneHiiare - " one year 1" '
Two Squares, one year 15jiO
Quarter Col. ' so Ot
Half " " M
One " " 100 l- .
Business Cards, not exceeding one In oh ,
In length, $10 per year.
Legal notices at established rate.
These rates are low, and no deviation
will be made, or discrimination amon
patrons. The rates o Hi red are such, v
will make it to the advantage of men dot. f
buainess in the limits of the circulation ot
the paper to advertise liberally.
W. It. DUNN.
SOBce la Knox's Building, Kln Street.
No Subscriptions received for a shorter
period than three months,
Cirespondenne solicited from nil part
of the country. Ka notice will bo tukun of
aanonymotm eoinuuinleaUoa.
Marrlagos and Death notice inserted
Let us have Faith that Right makes Might ; and in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty ad we understand iL"--LLNC0LN.
VOL. III. NO. 43.
I. O. Gh T.
M eeU every Wednesday evening, at
W. CLARK, wfs.WIJiANS'W--T-'
t kbwtoi rams.
Alm9tn,l, TIONESTA, TA.
' laaao Ash,
Will practice in the various Court of
Forest County. All business entrusted to
kit rare will receive prompt attention,
lfl ly
W. K. Lathy,
Forest Co., Pa., will practice in Clarion,
Venaniroand Warren Counties. Olltee on
Elm Street, two doors above Lawrence's
grocery store. tf.
W. W. Mason,
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflloe on Elm
Street, above Walnut, Tlonesta, Pa.
C W. GUfillan,
nango Co., Pa. tf.
N. D. Smiley,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Petroleum Cen
tre, Pa. Will practice in the several
Courts of Forest County. 36-ly
Holmes House,
HMONESTA, PA., opposite the Depot.
C. D. Msnln, Proprietor. Good Sta
bling connected with the house. tf.
Jos. T. Saul,
PRACTICAL Harneas Maker and Bad
dler. Three doors north of Holmes
House, Tlonesta, Pa. All work la war
ranted. tf.
Syracuse House,
T1DIOUTK, Pa., J. A 1 Maobb, Prople
tors. The house baa boon thorotiKlilv
refitted and is now In the first-clase order,
with the best of accommodations. Any
nfortnation concerning Oil Territory at
this point will be cheerfullv furnished.
'7- J. AD. MA(JKR,
Exchange Hotel,
Bast. A So:? Prop's. This house having
been rellted Is how the most desirable stop
ping place In Tldloute. A good Billiard
Hooin attached.. 4-)y
National Hotel,
TRVINETON, PA. W. A. HallenbacV,
Proprietor. This hotel la Nw, and la
ow open aa a firet rlass house, situate at
re Junction of the Oil Creek A Allegheny
stiver and Philadelphia Erie Railroads,
pposite the Depot. Partiea having to lav
ver tralna will lind this the most conveni
ent hotel In town, with Qrst-claas acnoiu-
ainds lions and reasonable nhargea. tf.
Tifrt Sons 4 Co.'s
NEW ENGINES. The undersigned have
for sale and-will receive orders for the
above Engine. Messrs. Tint Sons A Co.
re now sending to this market their 12
llorse Power Engine with 14-Horae Power
lloiler peculiarly adapted to deep wells.
Orm-m at Duncan A ChalfantV deBlera
In Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, Main St.
next door to Chatto House, l'lciwnntville,
and at Mansion House, Titusville.
tf. K. BKETT A SON. Agents.
Joln K. Hallock,
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of
Patenta.No. 60S French etreet(opposite
Reed House) Erie, Pa. Will practice tn
the several Slate Courts and the United
States Courts. Special attention given to
olicitiivr patents for Inventors ; Tnfriuge
uienti, re-lsaue and extension of patciita
twefully attended to. . References: Hon.
James Campbell, Clarion: Hon. John H.
MoCalmont, Franklin) II. L. A A. B.
Richmond, MeadviUe; W. E. Lathv. Tl
onesta. '27
Dr. J. L. Aconb,
had fifteen years' experience In a largo
and suoccMsful practice, will attend all
Professional Calls. Otllce in his Drug and
Grocery Store, located in Tidiouto, near
Tidioule House.
A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
Tobacco. Cigars, Stationery, ) lass, Painta,
Oils, Cutlery, and fine Groceries, all of the
best quality, aud will be sold at reasonable
H. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drug
gist from New York, has charge of the
Store. AU prescriptions put up accurately.
W. P. Mercllllott,
Attorney at Law.
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.
This Bank transact a General Banking,
Collecting nd Exchange liuHiness.
Drafts on the Principal Cities of the
United Suites and Europe bought and sold.
Gold and Silver Coin and Government
Securities bought and sold. 7-30 Bonds
converted on the most favorable terms.
Interest allowed ou time deposit.
Mar. 4, tf.
DR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tldloute, has
returned to his practice alter an ab
sence of four months, spent iuthe Ho. pi
talsofNew York, where lie willatumd
calls in his profession.
Olllce in Eureka Drug Store, 3d door
above the bank, Tidioule, Pa. 4Utf
"WANTED. Land in Pennsylvania fr
w cash aud good stocks. Townaend
jwwh, we sent mir bee r1Ue
at theJJtore of
D. S. KNOX, c CO.,
Elm St., ionesta Ta.
We are In dally receipt Oi the argaatsad
' movisioxs,
which we are determined to sell regardless
of prices.
House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails,
Machine tools, Agricultural Implements,
Ac, Ac,, 4c, which we offer at greatly re
duced prices.
f all kinds,
ES, Ac, Ac, Ac,
In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see,
D. 8. KNOX, A CO.
KONG. The handsomest and cheapest
work extent. It has something in it of the
best for every one, for the old, the middle-aged
and the young and must become
universally Kipular. Excepting the Bible
tills will be the book most loved and the
most frequently referred to in thefHinlly.
Every page has passed under the critical
eye of the .Treat poet,
Bare chance for beat agents. The only
book of its kind ever sold bv subscription.
Bend at once for circulars, Ac, to
GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher,
36-4t 7 19 Sansom, St., Phi ladel phia. Pa.
SEASON OF 1870-71.
Important Improvements.
Patent June 21st and August 2:ld, 1870.
The Mason A Hamlin Organ Co., have
the pleasure of announcing important im
provements in their Cabinet Organs, for
which Patents were granted them In June
and August last. These are not merely
meretricious attachments, but enhance the
substantial excellence of the Instruments.
They are also enabled by increased facil
ities a large new manufactory, they hope
hereafter to supply all orders promptly.
The Cabinet Organs made by this Com
pany are of such universal reputation, not
only throughout-America, but also in Eu
rope, that low will need assurance of their
They now offer Four Octave Cabinet Or
gans, In quite plain casea.but equal accord
ing to tlieir capacity to anything they make
for 50 each.
The same, Doub'e Reed, f. Five Oc
tave Double Reed Organs, Five Stops,wlth
Knee swell and Tremulant, In elegant case
with several of the llnwn and Hamlin
Improvements, fl. The same Extra
with new Vox Humana. Automatlo Swell
etc., 150. Five Octaves, three seta Jteeds,
seven stops wan .upuoue; a splendid In
strument, tSJA.
A new illustrated catalogue with full
Information, and repueed prices, ia now
ready, aud wil be sent free, With a testi
monial circular, presenting a great mass of
evidence as to the superiority of these in
struments, to any one sending his address
Tremont Street, Boston, oa 6'jo Broadway.
N. Y. 3Mt
4.00 P. M. Froight and Accommodation
By Hkv. T. Db Witt Talmaob,
The most Popular Preacher in America.
Agents wanted everywhere, male or to
male, to sell this great work, is butter tluin
Mark Twain, and no trouble to sell. Big
Prollls. (Send for terms and illustrated 12
page circular, Evans, istoddart A Co.,l'ub-
liikUtrs, no. 70 bausoui bi., ruilarielphia.
A Nova Scotia genius has invented
a stove pipe damper tliat regulates
itself by the thermometer.
The people of Peoria complain that
they have much difficulty ia digging
wells, on account of the immense gold
mine that underlies that city.
A New Year's Address, cleverly
adapted from "Paradise Lost," was re
jected by a Western editor as "misera
ble trash."
The deepest excavation in the Unit
ed State is said to be a copper mine
near Lake Superior. It is. 1,200 feet
Milwaukee was completely snowed
under last Saturday and Sunday. Well,
good night, old friend we'll wake you
up in the Spring, by thunder aud
lightning t
Sound! Gov. Hoffman says: "If
the Government redeemed the Natinn
tional Currency in specie, a dollar
greenback would be worth as much as
a dollar in gold."
The Baltimore police have taken a
census that makes the city's population
283,070, and they think it correct. The
second Government census found 267,-
354 people.
Miss Ella Brown, of Boston, Mass.,
is in England trying to get that prop
erty of her relative, Charles F. Brown,
"Artemus Ward," which the executors
have never accounted for.
A Mr. Chikon, of Tennessee, hat
settled near Live Oak, Florida. He
hroiielit. with him nnlv eleven of his
sons. The others will be along after
a while.
The peculiar relip-Inus seat known
as Dunkards have been opposed to
college education, but having got over
that, have just established a college
at Bourbon.
A Coriune judge proposes to solve
the Mormon problem by starting a
grand gift lottery for some library,
and put in all the extra wives of poly'
gamy as prizes. The trouble is that
nobody would want tickets.
Two newspapers in - Halifax, the
Clironicle and the Recorder, favor the
American side of the fishery question,
and fail to see the justice of the pro
tection eiven to toe Canadian tislier
men by the Imperial and Dominion
Washington countyTennessee, is ex
cited over the trail left in the snow by
a serpent of paleontologies! magnitude.
It can't be the great original serpent,
however, for he only showed himself
before the tall, whilst this one mani
fests a preference for winter, probably
to avoid summary destruction.
Smith, the colored West Point cadet,
is said by a disloyal person to have
such long heels as to cause his next
neighbor to step on them and this is
the cause of all the recent Court-martial.
The Government can't afford to
have its cadets riding arounj on
Smith's heels.
Senator Conkling must be a wag, as
well as an orator. The other day he
congratulated a member of the House
who had just concluded one of his
great efforts, thus : "A great speech
the best tpeech I ever heard delivered
by a man who kuew so little about bis
A writer in tho National Standard
gives a pitiable accouut of the squalid
oovertv nrevailiiicr anions manv i the
blacks of Washington. Thousands of
them, it seems, are there without em
ployment, and the writer calculates
that it would require a million dollars
annually to relive the wauls of the in
digent colored people.
The manufacture of beet sugar,
which was commenced about a year
ngo at Sacramento, and from which
much money was to be made, hug been
suspended. . The cause of this is said
to be the incompetency of the super
intendent to make the businteg a pay
ing one. The sugar produced from 3,
000 tons of beets would, under the
present system sell for $4G,800; but it
would cobt $76,000 to produce it.
For more than a year two colored
compositors in the government priut
ing office at Washington have applied
to the Typographical Union for ad.
mission as members. On Satur
day night the question came up aguin,
and admission as refused. It is said
that au appeal will be mudc Congress
asking for au act to prohibit the Gov
ernment Printer from employing mem
bers of the Uuion.
A lady traveling East to join her
husband on the Pun Handle Uoad, iu
the express train which left Columbus
the other night, unexpectedly gave
birth to a bouncing girl, aud a few
moments after and jurt as tho train
crossed the Ohio line, the same mother
gave birth to a fine boy. Twins cer
tainly commented life under extraoi
diuary circumstances. Born on a taut
going Pacific train, the one in Ohio
and the other iu West Virginia, it is
safe to promise they will be a reasona
bly fast young couplo. The mother is
represented as a most estimable lady,
but not given to study ilraauacs.
A young lady of Terre Haute, is
about to write a book on "What I know
about Courtship,"
In the Sandwich Inlands it Is death
for a man's mother-in-law to visit him
without permission.
A Richmond woman asks for a di
vorce, saying that she has not seen her
husband since he murdered her father.
Waste-paper dealers vill be inter
ested to know that the "Patent Office
Report" is going through the press at
"Father, won't yow brty me a flsb
pnle?" said a pious boy. "You know
the Bible sas, 'Spare the rod aud spoil
the child."
A Chicago widow gave a druggist
$1,800 worth of real estate to marry
her. He took the property but refused
to wed, and she sues him for his hand
or money.
A Bostonian visiting England, a
short time ago, was inquired of in
London, "if the Indians in Boston
worshiped at the same churches a3 the
white residents."
Catskill has got the laziest man yet
discovered. He got up the other morn
ing with one ear frozen, because he was
too lazy to turn over ou the pillow to
warm it.
A Boston papa the other evening
gave his daughter in marriage, and
threw in a matter of $200,000 in bonds
and a house in New York city ; all of
wnicn was good to take.
A citizen of Newburg recently died
penniless, who atone time lit his cigars
with a five dollar note. If the the bill
wasn't a counterfeit his subsequent des
titution was richly deserved.
A convention was held in Oregon
lately to devise means for elevating
the Indians of the PaciCic coast. Ou
the eastern reservations whiskey is
found to be very elective.
him in
did Joseph's brethren put
the pitr asked a Sunday
l Tl l r
school teacher. The reply was, "Be
cause there was no room for him in the
family circle,"
The approaching wedding of Wm.
Sprague Hoyt, of the firm of Spragne,
lioyt & Co., of New York, with the
youngest daughter of Chief Justice
Chase, is announced.
Still at. other way of killing a cat
has been found. One died recently In
New Ycrk from lickiug the face ot a
lady who had just dressed herself for
the street and had improved her com
plexion The St. Louis Republican is a Dem
ocratic paper, and the St, Louis Dem
ocrat is a Renublican rtancr. Itwomd
be a great relief to the news editors of
tue country ii tney would swap names.
A certain editor wrote an editorial
under the caption, "Shelling Paris."
When the paper came out, and he saw
his editorial headed "Shelling Peas,"
he was real mad.
Wendell Phillips says it is a mistake
to teach the boy at school that there
are are thirty-seven States iu this
Uuion ; there are thirty-six States and
a railroad the Caradeu and Amboy.
A deacon, who became rich in a
grocery, iu a New England city, used
to boast how much he had done for
the cause of temperance by mixing at
least u gallon of pure water with every
gallon of liquor lie sold.
Logansport ladies amuse themselves
by stuffing suits of men's clothi.igtud
placing them partly visible, under tho
beds ot bachelor friends, thus creat
ing a panic and a well grounded im
pression that there are burglars about.
The double babrs, born three months
since in Morrow county, Ohio, aro
hereafter to be known as the "Ohio
double bubes." Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Fiulay, the parents of the babes, bave
commenced a tour of exhibition.
The Boston Advertiter says : "Last
night must have been the coldest of
the season. A thermometer wag get
oulside a window in this office, when
the mercury instantly full four stories,
carrying the entire thermometer with
There is in a Western State a wo
man so cleanly that she rubs the dirt
off the fire-woud before she puts it in
the stove. Another woman tries to
beat this by pulling the growing beets
out every moruiug and washing the
dirt off them.
The Indiauapolis Daily Journal ac
cuses the Legislative Speaker aud cer
tain members of gross obscenity and
blucLguurdisiu iu their oiliciul places,
aud promiiies to prove it by verbatim
reports. The indignant House last
week ceusured the equally indigant
Journal, aud the end is not yet.
A few days since some boys in Chi
cago dropped an anvil weighing two
huudred pounds out of a fourth story
window on the head of an African
who was passing, aud he had them ar
rested, lie said he was willing for
the hoys to have fun, but when they
jammed a "gemmanV hat down over
his eyes aud spoiled it in that way, the
civil rights law must take its course.
Early in life, Peter Cooper broke
down in three different kinds ef busi
ness, and then tried the manufacture
of glue. That stuck.
A traveling piano player undertook
to whip an Illinois editor, and when
he got thrbugh, the piano pounder had
only one ear for music.
The Columbia, S. C, Union com
plains that "a set of beardless, half-
grown boys" have stolen the doors of
of a meeting bouse in that town. Ibis
it calls "pure cussedness."
Talk about propy editorials. The
London Timet for Dec. 1st, 1870, had
for its leader an article ten columns in
length, containing over 13,000 words,
mostly about the French war.
Mrs. Alice Coolcy, of Natchez, is at
work on a life-sized bust of the late
General Lee. Here's a chance for
Gov. Geary to protest against the com
petition of Cooly labor.
Mr. Arp, of Iowa, took home a can
of the non-explosive kind the other
day. Uncorking the gpout led to the
usual result. The dealer said he
wouldu't have it Arpcn for a dollar.
See to what woman's rights are
bringing us. A man tried to commit
suicide in Chicago because his wife
wouldn't give him twenty-five cents so
that ho could play a game of billiards.
Haldeman, the member from York,
has hopefully reformed since the fit of
dclcrium tremens in which, last month,
he so shamefully abused his wife, a
daughter of Senator Cameron.
When Governor Merrell, of Iowa,
visited the State Penitentiary and com
menced a speech to the prisoners by
remarking that he "Was glud tn see
so many there 1" the was no applause,
and he modified the sentiment.
Putting a stick of long wood in a
short stove, then taking it out aud
placing it in a wood box and piling
shavings on top of it, was the reason a
New Albany man had to rent a house
the next day.
Mr. Colfax lias been presented with
a mallet made from wood cut upon the
Mount of Olives. If the waving of
that olive branch does not maintain
peace in the Senate, let him bring
I 1' .jl IT 1 1
uown ins otner oiive orancn.
A colored pensioner of the war of
the American revolution, named John
Badn,died lost week in Canada at the
age of 105, having been on the pen
sion list for more thau eighty years.
He fought on what was the "loyal"
iue oi tne period.
Indiana "cussedness" can go no fur
ther. Some wretch has stolen the on
ly pair of boots owned by a Crawford
county editor, thus obnfining him to
the house till the opening of the bare
toot soason.
It took two or three hundred men
two days to open one of the Chicago
street car lines, after the great storm.
The ice hugged the havement most
persistently, and the ax and pick were
the only implements that could make
any impression.
That man out West who is alwavs
doing surprising things, recently seiit
an order to uintago lor a piano, and
soon after wrote to the dealers that he
and his wife couldn't find the place to
wind it up, and they wanted to be told
at once how to make the thing go.
The testimony of the Salt Lake
Tribune is that liberal sentiments are
rapidly spreading in Utah. On s thing
is certain that if many silver discover
ies are made in Utah, and railroads
traverse the territory, it will no longer
be Brigham Young's "pocket-borough."
A Rochester bill-poster, unable to
get his money from a firm in that city,
stationed himself in front of their
store with a placard on which was
printed, "Pav your debts." Having
thus collected a crowd (but not the
money) he was arrested, fined $10,
aud told not to do so again.
The Nathan's assassin, aud the Rog
ers' murderer having been discovered
by the newspapers! it is pretly cer
tain that the inhuman wretch "who
struck Billy Patterson," will be driven J
lroui his long hiding place! 1 lie out
rage upon "Billy" is as old as tho hills, ;
but his friends are now more numerous
than when the indignity wag put upon
him, and "they are eager for thery "
What do farmers persist in uiakiDg
manv fences for? Thev little reulizu
the fact the fences of the United States
have cost more thau the houses, cities
included ; more than the ships, boats
and vessels, of every deseiption, which
sail the ocean, lakes and rivers; more
than any one class of property, aside
from real estate, except, it may be, the
railroads of our country.
A hotel at Elleuville, N. Y.. has
one of its features, a "drunk room."
hen a transient customer becomes
so much intoxicated that he is unable
to take care of himself, he is put iuto
this room aud kept there until he is
able to uaviate. This is certainly a
round in the ladder of proves.', lluw
long will it be before every hotel with
a bar in it has iu suug and cosy
"drunk-roonj f"
Paradoxial as it may appear, to be
come round it U necessary to eat square
The shrinkage in the value of Pa
cific Railroad securities, within the
last two weeks, is twenty seven million
A medical journal estimates that the
people of tho United States pay $125,
000,000 yearly for physicians' services
and for medicines, but they gpent a
good deal more than that for liquors
aud other things to make them sick.
For many years popular opinion has
declared that New York was the heav
iest taxed city in the United States.
Figures, however, show that the taxes
of Boston, considering the relative
amount of population, are greater than
those of New York.
The Nation is responsible for the
statement that "a story has been long
current, and is tolerably well authen
ticated, that antipathy to and distrust
of Mr. Motley were first roused in the
President's breast by seeing that he
parted bis hair in the middle.
Dr. M. S. Latham, of Laramie,
Wyoming, has arranged to inaugurate
sheen raising on the Laramie river, on
the Uuion Pacific Railroad, on a acale
that may enable the New England
men who are in tho enterprise in a few
years to regulate the price of the wool
market of the world.
Dr. Hammond advances the novel
idea that Spiritualism is a disease, hys
terical and cataleptic in its nature.
He professes to be able to cure the
worse case of medium by a treatment
of iron and strychnine. The efficacy
of the latter if taken in sufficient
doses, may be safely warranted.
A sad instance of how much many
people suffer, who are supposed by the
world at large to be in comfortable cir-
cumstauces, was seen in Jersey City on
Sunday. A young lawyer, supposed
to be doing a good business and who
had many friends, was discovered to
be insane, the cause being that for four
davs he had not taated food.
The Leader published at Wamnun,
Wis., has a subscriber who has been
promising for years to pay his subscrip
tion in wood, and the editor, getting
tried of waiting, has investigated the
case, and found the Dearest he has got
to paying is to plant an acorn. When
the tall oak grows up that editor is
going tn have all the wood he wants,
The Elmira Advertiser says : A
young couple were married at Catta
raugus last week. The bride's shoes
hurt her feet so bad that she had to sit
down while the minister was performing
the ceremony. She said sho wouldn't
postpone the wedding, but would get
married that night if she had to go to
bed to do it.
The statement thnt the buffalo are de
serting the plains is prouounced a fie
tion. They cover the pluins for miles
and miles. The railroad track bothers
them They consider it a snare and
will not cross it. They run along by
the side of the track for miles and when
they come to a culvert dive under.
The census taker has brought to light
the best living specimen ot a man en
tirely without curiosity. The phenom
enon resides in Indiana, and although
ho has been married five years, he don't
know yet what his wife's name happens
to be. He has felt satisfied to call her
"Say" ever since he has known her.
Boxford, Conn., is a quaint old Pu
ritan town not a glass of ale sold in
this place. It borders ou eight towns,
is eleven miles long and six miles
wide, and has a population of eight
hundred and fifty souls, about the
same as one hundred years ago. Appro,
priately enough, the chief industry of
the town is the manufacture of boxes
for shoes and matches.
There i a paper in New Orleans
that is strong on coincidences, aud its
latest is this: A child was stolen recent
ly while the bells were ring for a tire
in a certain building. The evening
the child wat lound another tire occur
ed in the same building. An on Thurs
day moring last, when the trial of the
abductors ot the child was begun iu
the criminal court, the same building
took lire a third time and was burued
down. .
The other evening Mattie Patterson
delivered au excellent temperance lec
ture iu l'oiighkeepsie.bef'orea good au
dience. Tho Chief of Police of the
city, in looking over some photographs
scut to him to aid iu making arrests,
found the likeness of Miss Pattersou
in the collection. It was soon ascer
tained that she was a runaway wife,
who had taken to lecturing to pay her
hotel bills.
The third son of the Czar will come
to this country next rpriug. He is
twenty-one years of age, and has the
rank of captain of the fleet and aid-de-camp
to the Emperor. He will be
accompanied by Admiral Poisele, who
superintends his studies. Prince Alexis
has already been on a tour through
Europe aud Asia, and will travel
throughout the Uuited States. He
will take a trip down the Mississippi
and perhaps vieit California.
The tools with which editors hew out
their fortunes the ' ads."
Why is the sun like a good loaf?
Because it's light when it rises.
What State is round on both end'
and high in the middle? Ohio.
Tho nearest the Parisians can now
come to mutton is a little raw weather
An African in a dress circle was th
cause of a rumpus in Richmond
Theatre lately.
The National Land Company, of
Colorado have disposed of 84,000 aires
of land since April.
A Cincinnati thief stole an Episco
pal minister's black silk robe, desiring
the same for a masquerade costume.
Wolves enter the churches in Du
luth. One weighing 100 lbs. was re
cently shet in the Second Presbyterian
A Buffulo man aggravates his wif
by wearing five bauds of crape on hi.
hat, which constantly reminds her tha
she is the sixth sharer of his affections
It was cold, in Ottawa, Canada, on
Sunday night. One of the papers says
that water left in kettlea on the stove,
with a good fire, froze solid.
The Chicago Times in chronicling
the fact that a man married to get ou'
of jail, remarked that "some chap-,
have a queer idea of liberty."
Josh Billings observes : "Sekrets ar
kussed poor property, enny how; i.'
you circulate them yu looze them, anc
if yu keep them yu looze the interest or.
the investment."
Daughter: "Well, to tell the truth.
I do not! think much of the close of th.
sermon." Father: "Probably yo .
were thinking of the close of the con
gregation," A good deal of the consolation o
fered iu the world is about as consoling
as the assurance of the man to his wilV
when the fell into the river: "You'l.
find ground at tho bottom."
Olive Logan, in her advocacy :
women suffrage, remarked to her maid
auditory, "that they had swallowed th:'
negro, and." she added, "I think it t
prett7 hard, indeed, if you can't go tL.
white woman as far at your Hps."
A Chicago hackman made a ttran '
ger, from whom he bad taken a sever
dollar fare, believe that a policeman
who stood near was the "boss," and h ;
would be mad if he heard about carry
ing passengers so cheap.
Near Seneca Falls in New York, on
George Harper made seven attempts
tn commit suicide, and failing in all ?'
them, he went to Waterloo and gt :
married, lie must regard wedlock cu
the last refuge of desperate minds.
The Chicago Post says : "McKeu
Buchanan has been struck with paral
ysis, but, sad to relate, will prooabi.;
recover. We speak in the interest o
the noble histrionic art. He is the
best poker player and the poorest acU t
in the world."
In Galveston, Texas, there are thre
newspaper men named Jones, who a' .
constantly getting into trouble on ea
other't account. Week before last o.
of them was assaulted on the street t :
writing an abusive article he bad ne
er seen. And a few dars before, tl.
wrong Jones was accused of desertir
his second wife, though he had ney. .
been married. The three Jones' .
threaten, after the Milesian fashion, t.
exterminate one another to establi-!
their identity.
A physician, who was something :
a wag, called on a colored Bapti '.
minister, and propounded a few du.
zling questions: "Why is It," said h
"that you are n t able to do the san.
mrracles that the apostles did ? Tlx
were protected against poisons and r- '.
kinds of perils. How is it that y
arc not protected in the tame way'.
The colored brother responded promp.
ly: "Don't know about that, doctc.
I specs I is. I have tooken a might
sight of strong medicines from you
doctor, and I is alive yet."
The niau who does not admire beaut;
in woman it not properly constitutes
There is something wrong somewher.
His heart cannot be in the right placi
For ourselves we often time our walk
so as to meet the troops of young girl,
on their way to or from school. Th.
sight of them does us good. The flea
complexions, bright eyes, red lips in
dicate health and happiness. N
cosmetics there I They have not y-.
arrived at that stage. The powden
beauty may be more dUtingut than tl.
young girl whose cheeks are paintr.'
by nature, but she lacks the ineffabh
charm of freshness which men find S(
fascinating. In our opinion do lad
adds to her beauty by the use i:
cosmetics. She may make herself nioi -
brilliant hutclear rich blood that come.
aud goes iu the cheeks of the rust'
beauty is infinitely preferable. V
know that the weary belle is strongi-
tempted the day after a ball when si
expects her gentlemen friends to ea'!,
to borrow the bloom dissipation ht
robbed her of. We advise her, how
ever, to let cosmetics alone. Let hi
be natural and she will please all wL
are worth pleang.