HULL'S MUSIC STORE. 2 i'-K k v in- !T ; (Successor to HUM, A WHITNEY,) o, 10? Water Sired, MEADVILLE, PA. 1 the place to buy nil of tho First Class PIANO FORTES, KT CiHKATLY REDUCED PRICES. ALSO Organs & Melodeons ! Having flip exclusive Agency for Craw forp, Venango nmi Mniwr Counties for the following celebrated makes of PIANO FORTES: Wm, Bradbury, Stoinwny A Sons, ChickeringA Sons, C. Knrtzninn's W. 1. Emerson, (Jrovcttccn, Fuller A Co AND Vhitney and Slay ton's United Plates ORGANS AND MELODEONS ! And having constantly In my storo frcm Twelve to Eighteen Pianos. Parties wishing to purchnso, will find it irreatly to their interest to purchase direct from nie and pet ngunrnntce with each in strument for live years. These Organs and Melodeons are consid ered by good Judges to bo the best Ricd Instrument made. Should other makes bo prefered. I will furnish them us low bs can be boupht from any one. KTOOI.S AXI) SPKEAIJS AND AM. KINDS OF tinging nnJ Iutruction. Pocks. CITAItS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, KLl'Tf s, FIFES AND HIU'MS. BRASS C&ND TnSTR'JmENTS. FURNISHED TO HANDS VERY LOW. A gnod stock of GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS Always on hand. Dealers furnished nt Now York prices, it-All orders or com liiuiiiculioiis promptly attended to. -tf J. C. HULL. Vcgelab'e Slci'iai Hair Benewei JTas stood the test of seven years before the public ; find tio prepar atioil foe the hair has yet been dis covered that irifl produce filename benejielnl result. It is an entirely new ficicntijie discovery, combin ing inn n if of the most powerful and t eitorative ayents in the VEGET ABLE KINGDOM. It restores CREY HAITI TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTH l UL COLOR. J makes the scalp white and clean; cures ilandnijf mid humors, and lUUins t of i'ics 1i:tH ; and will miti.a it frow uKt buld heads, except in- eery i -j:d persons, as it furnishes the t; it frit ire principle by which the hair is tionriltcd and supported. It iini.'.es the hair moist, soft, and (iri 's, and is annryassed a a i I A i I! in i:s S I A O. It is the i !ic";est preparation ever offered I i the public, us one bottle will ac complish, more anil lat lonyer i.'ian ihreo Ostites of any other ;rcp.iralioil. It is recommended and used by fie I'ii-t Medical Authority. The H'onitcrJ ulrcsalls produced l:i our Sicilian Hair lienewer hare iiidare.d inttuy to via nit facta re ji.wptirations for the Hair, under trioits names; and. in order to induct; the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, thru hare resorted to falsehood, by ctnini'.ny they were former part tiers, or hail some connection with, oar Mr. Hall, and their prepara Hon was nimllar to ours. Do net be deceived by them, l'archase the vriyinal t it has never yet been t:-iiaile:l. Our Treatise on the itair, with eertijicates, sent free by mail. Sea that each bottle has our private Ileveniie Stamp over the top of the bottle. All othere are imitations. P. P. Hall & Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. SiJJ hy till DrurjgiiXt av.d Dtalm in .Vllia'tie. J. C. LONG, Vholesalo and Retail Dealer in HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIDIOUTE, 2?J. First Door above Exchange Hotel. 4-y "W ALLLIS I ft p it o v K D hi A Ci I C IMPROVED o v E MAGIC M A C BALM! W.J I. PERKINS .v CO., Sole IVupri !(, 1'rtiiiLlin, 1'a. 4i HI A LtS A CHEAT PEBICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S OJLUFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS s S Hundreds cf Thousands ? a H Dear tHflnnT t th'r WonCor- i fi bt Oo fulCurulivo UilticM. tj' If :j WHAT ARE THEY? Kb; m lm tit - s : - C' 'f- --y Hi TCrT ARE JfOT A VTL3 FANCY DRINK. 5 TTa.:orf rcor T?nr7, Wtilnkrr, Trr 3, Irf r K Ii.m.t Utjuuvri uocurvtl, Pii.'Cd antlwcct- trr," -i'littortTt,' t c, tl.r.t c::l tl.a t'nrltr od to i ri.ii!.n. tn c.J vr.Vt ;;t arc a trro MwMcliie, mnOo f. :.i..t ::;.tvo 1 tot: unil JTtKt cf CillTomla, frro t 't:M r.'l A !- icli! h t iiiiiilnnrn. Viicycre tiio ;:ir.v i;:.(kji rrr:i;-ir:u nmi a mfb ( K I Nt I I' a f erf. ct Ucaovatcr id l;.v.r;cir.iur t( yi Uxt, caviylny off allpolcooou lr.r.tijr l-;! r.:tv.;lnt: Co Ilotl to n lica!tl:y condition, l.op i::ca ta:i o llitfo X'.Uicra cccorwizg to tlirco i"jr:.ri lor j unwell. I H-0 v...Io nt:fcru3 InmruLlacnBo.provlJcd bom s cro uct Ccr trowed ty mineral poison or cai-.r iVca-;, a-:d tg MUlcrtad waiUd bcjordtlto folr.t el malr. I nr Iiiflari:r.;i.!c;rT r.r.d ChronSo r.hrnmn t:i.n r.utt iout I? nrrpiii, ttr Initiuenttoo, liilior.w, Kcu.lttciit nit 4 Lituriuittcst 1'CTcra IUrcnscs tl' itc Ktuod, Uvrr, Kidney pi and lUnddtr tlitr UittciB 1 avo been mott cncccta fa'.. buch cro exceed tj Vltlntcd CI cod. whiyitcacrilly i-roJuccdby dcruicctc(.nt e I tin. D!ftto Or-rnnn. I)VM"L1,MA Oil IXDlCEfTIOX Head ftclio. Tain U the Clionltlcre, Coughs, T!t;htsc cf tlio Client, UizincM, Eour Frcctatlor.s o( tho etomach, IadtcsU UU;o I'.nuth, LMIoua Attacks, rclpltntlca cf the Heart, luflcmmatloa of IUcLui.8. Tola In tho tcglo: cf Co Uldneys, and a hundred oLUcr paauul syrcLtoms, wo tlio oCttjriccsof Dyspepsia. 'Ill yiarigorcto tho Stomach nnd stlmnlato tho tor rU'livcrorid bowels, wLIch render them of unequalled cCcacy In cleansing Vac blood of nil fmpcrUtcs, tad impurtir? new life ar.d viper to the whelo syBtcm. I (iU (SKIN J3ISEASLS,Ernptlcn3, Totter, CtU T.Ik in., Ulotchcs, Spots, rimplcs. 1 uttuii. Boils. Cci boiiclos, mng-V. orrcs, Ecild-Hcad, Sore Eyes,Eryslp clas , Itch, Scorfe, Itscolorctlons of tbo Skin, Humors aai I Is-ftscs of tto Lkin, of wUntoTcr nemo or nature, nro literally ring up and carried out of tho system In a shor ly tho use of thceo Bitters. One bottle In tnrh esses will convince tho most Incredulous of their cura:irc erect. Clcacco tho Vitiated Blood whor.cvcr you Had Its Ii: pirlt c burctinp tl:rou;h tho skin In rimplcs, Ern ti u cr Scrcj; ; cluansc it when you find It obstructed anl fclaKh In tho veins j ciuanso H when U is foni, a::d your feelings will toll yon whoa. Keep tlio blot pure attd the hralth of tho system will follow. ri, TATE and other YVGltMri, larking In tto ayft.m of so many thousands, nxo cfTcctually destroy- lm pn i r. moved. I or run directions, rad carnuly ;h3 clrrulir aroend caxih hottlo, printed fa four Ku hruui,vir-bgl.3li,Ccru:an, Trench ai.d puUtU. J. WALTER, Trcpriaor. Ii. n. McDOXAiD & CO., Di-utictt t:id Gcu. Aj;ent, tan Francisco, Cal and S3 &uu 54 Commerce Street, Kcw York. SOLD BV ALL DSUGCrSTS AIID DEALT RH. GROVER & BAKER'S SEWIJTO MACHINES, Tjo following aro selected from thous ands of testimonial of similar character, as expressing tho reasons for the prefer ence of tho G rover A Uaker Machines over all others. "Hike the Grover A raker Ma hine, in tho first place, because if I had any other, 1 should still want a Grover A ISaker ; and having a Grover A linker it answers tho purpose of all tho rest. It does a greater variety of work and iseusier to icaiii than any other," Mrs. J. C. Cro ly (Jenny June)" "I have had several vears' exno- rience with a Grover A Uaker Machine, which has gfVen me great satisfaction. I think the Grover A linker Machine is more easily managed, and less liulile to irct out of order. I prefer the Grover A linker Ue- euleilly. ' Mrs. Dr. Watts, New ork. "I have had one in mv family for somo two years; and f.ioin what I know of its workings, and from the testimony of many ot my friends who use tho sumo. I can hardly see how auythingcould be more, complete or give better satisfaction." airs. uen. liraut. "I believe It to bo the best, nil things eonsidered.ofany that 1 have known it is very simple and easily learned; the sewing from tho ordinary spools is a great advantage; the stitch is entirely reliable; it does ornamental work leautihill.v ; it is not liable to get out of order. Mrs. A. M Spooner, 3(j liondst. lirooklyn. "I mo aiTillnitltnd with tlio wnvl- rf the principal machines, hihI 1 prefer the Grover A (taker to them all, because I con sider the stitch more clastic. 1 have work in tho ftouso which was doim nine years ago which is still good." Mrs, Dr. Mo Cready, No. 43 East Jd street, N. Y. "More than two-thirds of nil the sowingdono in my family for the last two years has been done by Grover A linker's Machine, ami I never 'had a garment rip or neoj mending, except those rents which iroiicsome boys will make in whole cloth. It is. in my o'ninion. by far tho most valu- nbleof any 1 have tried." Mrs. Henry m u licecncr. "The Grover A Uaker Sewlncr Ma chine has rendered in every resct, the most perfect mtisfnetion. It combines so many advantages with beauty of execu tion ami economy in lu iccthnt it is a ne- eesit y In every household." Mrs. Gover nor Geary, ilarrisbtirg, Fa. "I have had tho Grover A linker Ma chine for ten or twelve yours in constant use in my house. 1 have seen anil known every kind of Family sewimr, boili per sonal and household, accomplished upon theGrovejA linker Machine, to tho entire fcatistnetion ofull concerned, Kcv. Stephen ji. i.vng. "1 tiud the Grover A linker Stitch will wear ashing as the garments do outwear the garment in fact. Tho stitch will not break on bias scums, when stretched, as others (io ; und neither (Iocs it draw the work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twenty-fourth street, N. Y. The Grover and linker Hewing Machine Company manufacture both tho Elastic ami Lock Btiti-U Machines, und olfur the public, a choice of tho best machines of lxjth kinds, at their eMublishincnU ill all the large cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout the country. Price lists and samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to Grover A linker S. M, Co., 1S7 Wood Street, Fills burgh, Fa. 5 A Week .Salary ! Young men wanted as local and travcl- lingsalcsiueii. Adress (with Uiuipl It. 11. Walk lh, 31 l'ai k Row, N. Y. U0-4t Tl9 Republican Ofllce TKEi'S constantly on hand a large as IV sortiuunt of Bluiik Deeds, Mortgag, Nuhniciins, Warrants Kuuuuous, Ac, to be bu!d cljeufi t' t cash. It THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. IF YOU WANT n perfect lit and n cood I nrtieloof Hoots and Shoes, of tho llnext workmanship, k to II. Ii. JI-IACHS, 39 CENTUM STUEET, OIL C ITY, FA. Satisfaction iruatantecl. 2-:t3 tf. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY! Prizes cashed and Information furnished by KEOKUK L I'IIAM, Providence, K. I. :to-4t WANTKIV'AoVnts tosell the Octa iron ISewinit Machine. It is Licensed, makes the "Klastic Lin k Stitch" and is warranted for Si years, l'rlco 1. All other machines with an undcr-l'ccd sold for Slo or less are infi-inircinonts. Address Octagon Sewimr Marhimi ("() St. louis, Mo., ("hicafco, 111., FUUsburgh, Fa., or Itos ton, Mass. . j;j, Q1 f A Day Uuslnessentirelvnewnnd vlu honorable. Liberal in(lucements IVscriptive circulars free VUdress .1 C Kaxd A Co., liidileford, Mo 13 3m I oriTUXF-S offered to live men. U.ire Chance. Send Stamp. Dim. mil K. Co., Washington, Del. i!-.'tm. uxcr in: ilt siox ix THE hinhnst Cash Trice pnid for the old Stato Hank lUirrencv : Jiatik of Craw ford County, Vennniro Iiank, Oil Cltv Bank Fetrolcum Hank, ornnv of the old Stato Hank issues; also, for mutilated Scrip of un issues. j. 11. 1 I-. I', ii',, ( asiner. 48 2 Tionesta Savinfrs Hank. A WATCH, pair of Hlr.iikets, Quilt or Shawl, for One Dollar, appears almost Impossible, but such may be had.and hun dreds of other useful articles, by patroniz ing GEO. A. n.VMMEIt A CO. S "ONE DOLLAK SALE.- Their system of doinp; bnsiness has been examined by the authorities, and a Decis ion rendered from tho Internal Kcvenuo Depaitment, at Washington, dated Nov. Mi, 1NJS, declaring their business perfect ly fair and legitimate, and entirely differ ent from the dill'erent gift enterprises. Of course all do not get watches, blankets, Ac., for One Dollar, but In every largo club, one of these articles arc sold for Ono Dollar, as an extra inducement, and some member of the club has tho chance of obtaining it. A new fcaturo introduced by this enter prising linn, is to pay their agents in eith er cash or merchandise, and to prepay the express charges. No better opportunity can hp offered to either ladies or gentlemen having leisure time, to form clubs for this tirm. ltead their advertisement in another col umn, and send for catalogue. a?IJJIOTJTEl TEA STORE! Tho place to buy every variety of the VERY BEST TEAS AT TUB L 0 WES T rRICES, Is at the extensive Tea Store of II. T. CIIAFrEY, where you can always find a large assort ment ol the best Teas at New York prices. A larg assortment of Groceries anil Provisions, unequnlod in quality and cheapness byanv other store in Warren county, ulwava oo hand. The people of Forest county will save money by purchasing their supplies at this place, lijst brands of FA MIL Y FL 0 U It , delivered at any depot on the line of tho R. K. free. Storo on Main St. near tho Depot. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Water Street, ADJOINING THE HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, . - - Proprietor. Pictures taken in all tho latest styles of the art. iili-tf READ I READ T The subscribers having ro-rcnted tho IKYIXE JIIIST Millie. Would say to their old customers, and the community generally, that they keep constantly on hand a largo block of FAMILY TLOUIt of nil grades, Chop Feed, Shorts, Bran, Outs and (An n. With our facilities for do ing business, we purpose not to bo under sold by any establishment in this section of the country, and would sav to tlio lum bermen and dealers of Forest county, that mey can Do SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. IniincdiaU nueiitioii given to a:l orders from a distance, E. JONES A CO. WATCH FREE for everybody and 810 per day Hire. Busines liL'ht and honorable. No Gift enterprise. No hum bug. Aildrosa,U. Monroe Kenedy, Pitts burgh, Fa. &i-4t LOTS FOR SALE! IX THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Aj.ply to GEO. G. BICKLES, 7'J, Numkuu St., New York City. AGENTS Wantkii per month by the A iiici ii an K nittinj Machine Co, i!osoli M.iss.jorMt. Louis, Mo, 'i oin ERIE RAILWAY ! 1,400 Miles under ono management. 80 Miles without change of Coaches, HIE BROAD GUAGE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE. I1KTWKKM TUB ATLANTIC CITIES AND TUB . WST AND SOUTHWEST ! Till RAILWAY EXTKNPS FltOM Cincinnati tn New York NSO Miles Cleveland to New York 0i" Miles Dunkirk to New York 4S0 Miles HullnlotoNcw York 4- Miles Rochester to New York :W6 Miles And is from 22 to 27 miles the short est route. New nnd improved conches aro run from Cincinnati, Dayton, Crbanu, Marian, Gallon, Mnnslield, Ashland, Akron, Cleveland, Warren, Meadvillc.Dunkirk, F.uHulo and Rochester to New York, without change, only ono change to Bos ton. On and after Monday, Dec. nth, 1870, Trains will leave COKUY nt the following hours, viz : GOING WEST t 1) ft t 1. . .. 1.0- s. .ii. i 'ay express, uailv, Mondays excepted, for Cleveland Cincinnati. nn.i the west and south ; connects nt Meadvillo for Franklin nd oil CHv; nt Clnrkwtn for Sharon, NcwCastloand Pittsburg; at Lev- lusiiiirir, Mitiunvs exeeptiM, fur Youngs town; Cleveland with I jike Shore U.K. for west and northwest; nt Havena with Cleve land A l'ittsburgh for Alliance nnd Fitts hiirgh ; nt Akron for Orrvillo nnd burg; at Frbann with Fittsburgh, Cincin nati ami ri. i.oins Kailwav for Indiannpo. lis, nnd at Cincinnati with'the Ohio A Mis. sissippi Unilwnr for tho south and south. west. A sleeping ear in attached to this train nt Hornellsville, running through to v i- 1l.lllu, 12.r.."( p. in. Night Express, lnilv for Cleveland. Cincinnati nnd the west nmi southwest ; connects nt Meadville.Sundavs excepted, for Franklin and Oil City ; 'at Leavittslmrg.Sundav excepted for Youngs town;.-.t Cleveland with Lake Shore Uail- way ioriiie west and northwest, nnd nt Cin cinnati with the Ohio A Mississippi Rail way for the south and southwest. A sleep ing ear is attached to this train utN. York running through to Cincinnatti. 7.2." A.M. Express Mail, Mondays except ed, for Cleveland and tho West: connects nt Meadvillo, lor Franklin and Oil City; nt Cinrksvillo with Erie A Fittsburgh Rail road, tor Sharon, New Castle and Pitts burgh, and at Cleveland with Lake Shore linilroad for the West ami north-west. A sleeping car is attached to this train nt New York running through to Meadvillo. !'.C5 I'.M. Freight niul Accommadition daily Kundays excepted. F. M. Freight und Accommodation, Sundays excepted. 2.3j F. M. Wny Freight.Sundayg except ed GOING EAST ; H. 4ii A. M. New York Day Expres, dai ly Sundays excepted; connects at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna A Wes tern Railway, for Scranton, and at N. York with midnight express train .f New Jer sey Railroad for l'hiladelphia. A sleeping car it attached to this train at Cleveland running through to llornells villo connecting witli train having new and Improved Drawing Room Conches at tuuhed, running through to New York. I. 00 P. M. Lightning Express, connect ing Maily at Elmira with Northern Central Railway, for Willinmsport, llarrisbnrg, l'hiladelphia nnd Ilnltiniore, nnd at New lork for Boston and New England cities. A sleeping coach is attached to this train at Cincinnati running through toN. Y'ork. 7.5."i P. M., Cincinnati, Express daily, Suiidaysoxceptod, connoctingut Rimrhaiu ton lor Albany and tho celebrated siiin mor resort Sharon Springs, and at New York for Boston and all New England cit ies. A sleeping ear is attached to this train nt Meadvillo running through to Kow York. 4.00 a. m. Stock freight nnd Accommo dation Sundays excepted. 4.1") p. m. Fright and Accommodation, Sundays excepted. 0.4,i a. m. Way Freight. Sundays ex cepted. Boston and jVew England pnssengers, with their Baggaire are transferred free of charge in .Yew York, Tho best ventilated and most luxurious Sleeping coaches ,if-in the World-tit ac compuny all night trains on this railway. 1. The Erio Railway Oimpanv has ft pened anew Forry froin their Jersey City Depot to the footoI'23d Street, thus ena bling Passengers to reach the upper portion to Hie city without the expense and annoy ance of a street car or omnibus transfer. C Tho scenery along tho cntiro route of the Erie Railway is of the most pictur esque and beautiful character. Admirers of nature's beauties, in a daylight journey over this Line, will lind in its ever chang ing landscapes subjects of continual ud niiration and interest. UAUU.IUE CHECKED TJIItOUGJT, and Fare as Low as by any other route. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA ERIE R'Y. Which can be obtained at all the princi pal Ticket Oiliceu in the West or South west. W.M. It. BARK, L. D. Ri'-F.n, Uen'l I'uss'r Ag't. Gen'l Supt. J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX-COP.D IS NOW THE OITL Y Thread put up for tho American marker which is SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclusive. For Hand nuil 3Inc-IiIuc. Itook Agent Make ?0 to $200 per Month by selling GREAT FORTUNES. Ami How Til ky II'khk Madk. By J. I). Metabe, Jr. New tresh and original. Fro. fusely illustrated and beautifully bound It shows how a poor i-chool-iiiaster mailo felO.000 ,ooo ; liow u poor half-blind sailor be- cumo a great banker, a butcher's appren tice mo weaitnicsi man in America, un un known mechanic a millionaire in seven vears, with many more such examples; ; :iw eni Fgv, talent, und patient industry I ive always met with success when pro ?rly exerted ; how money .can be inado : onestly and without sacrifice of princi ( al. Send for Circular, etc., and notice i ly exlru terms Geo. Maclean Publisher, "I'JSniisom Ku, l'hiladelphia. 33-4t i6o76'o6 AiSs'Wantod'jfoF HOVJ V;0mEfi CAN MAKE MOKEY, and other beitt books In tho market. EcKinney A Martin, 130S C'hestuitt Street Philadelphia. Ho-It AGENTS )rt:J ho per 00 in cash . . . , I print' ji. liilormation HilO & Female. 1 free. Address Ameri can Book Co., 1)2 Williuni SI., N. Y. 3'J-4t "JOB WOHK m atly executed ut this dike ." Ht reu-ouablv r.i'e. W. A . 1 NO 11 AM. C. B, 11I1AUH IXsIIA?I V i:iIAjj, utintrs, COOKSELLERS, and Stationers, WUOt.KSAI.K AM) ItKTAlfc D1CALKIIS IX nil kinds of Ecliool, Miscellaneous, Law, Modical AND ncusio books. Depository of tho Bible Soch'tv, Suiulny School, nnd nil Religious Publishing So cieties, B KO. 52 CIll-HTSUT ST., meadvili.e, ta., NO. 101 SlTElUon ST., CLEVKLANP, O. J 15 JACOIS MIIIllVi:it. Having fitted up a fli-st class PLATJiC MILL, Aro prepared to furnish to order all kinds of manufactured lumber such as FLOOItlXG, SID1XU, SC11FAC1C TI1ES,SXI) h CM tt Ell, s.isir, DOORS, 11LIXDS, AXD EVEliV DEsciiimoxoFrLA ixaxd fax- CY MO UL D IXGS. Dealers will llnd it to their advnntago to CONSULT OUU TRICES, Before purchasing elsewhere, as our loca tion in tlio heart ol the lumb"rregion gives us superior nd vantages lir the purchase of lumber that will enable us to undersell those less favorably situated. Address Mar. 4, tf. JACOB SHRIYEU, Tionesta, Pa.. Why U it th.'ii Dr. Uobaek's Stom ach iittci-s increase in sale every year? Because They nro the best combina tiuii over made. Why Do Uie Druggists recom mend Dr. ltoback's Bitters to their customers? Because After years of experience and trial they have been proven to bo a sure cure for Dyspepsia and Indiges tion. Why Is it that Physicians use and recommend Dr. Uo baek's Sugar-coated Dlood Tills? Because They know tho ingredients of which they nro made. Why Aro Dr. Uobaek's Blood Purifier and Blood Pills the best remedies taken to gether for tho cure of all diseases of tho blood ? Because The Blood Purifier is the only article in the market which contains the celebrated costly Drugs imported ex pressly from Sweden for its manufacture, and tho Pills contain the active principle of Podophyllum (Mandrake Hoot,) and is a substitute fur Mercury. Why Are Dr. C. W. Robatk's Stomach Bitters, Blood Pu rifier and Blood Pills tho three greatest remedies tho world has ever known? Because After eleven years' experi ence and trial the sales have increased each and every year, and thousands of let ters (unsolicited) of tho re markable cures they have performed bear witness. Head tho letters ia Local Column of cures by these medicines. VENTURE HOTEL. APJOINiNJ THK DKI-OT, WHITE OAK, Forest County, Pa. IIUMMASON, BRO'?, Propr's. a Ml IS house Is new und fitted up In ilrst class style, and is headquarters for all persons visiting the great oil field of Hick ory. Tho bur is furnished with the best of liquors. The proprietors will spare "no puius to make it the most desirablo slop ping piao ik me o:i regions, J-iy, Oubscribo for the Republican, the best new pnpcr in lue county. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD o N AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May 1. 1N7H. Trains arrive at nnd Innvn the Union Depot, corner ftf Washintoii and Liberty street, ns follows; AJUtlVE. Mull Train, 1. HO a in Fast Line, 12.12 a m ; Wcll'Hnccominodirtlon No. 1, (1.20 a in ; Hrinlon n ininioihition ,N i, 7.r,o H m. Wall's ncinmiuodtitioihNo 2, Khun in ;Cln clnnatl express 0.2(1 a m ; Johnstown ac commodation lO.fiO a in ; Braildock s nc coinniodalioii No 1,7.00 pin; Piltsburgh express I.:10 p m; Pacitle express l.fiO p m ; Wall's nccommodnlion No :i, 2.X p in; Homewood accommodation N() 1,0.5 , p Wall's accommodation No 4, f).."i(l p in ; Hrinton nccoinmoilaiion No 2, l.lOp m; Way Passenger 10.20 p in. DEPART. Southern express fi.20 a III ; PnciHe ex press 2.40 a in ; Wall's necnmmod::tioii No 1, ()..i0a ill ; Mail Train 8.10 a in ; Hrinton s nccoininoiliition l l.aia nt; Hruddock's ac commodation No 1, fi.lo p ui; Cincinnati express I2.:i.ip m; Wall's iiccoiunioiliition N 2, ll.fil a in ; Johnstown nccoiuiendutlon 4.H.) p m ; Honicwood iicconimodnlioii No 1. KM p m ; Philadelphia express ll.aO ii in; AVnll accommodation Nnll.ll.o.'i p in; all's accommodation No 4, 0.0.) p in ; Fast Lino 7.40 p m ; Wall's No 5, 1 1.( 0 p in. Tho Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at !'.0 ) a. in., reaching Pitts burgh at lO.IWa, in. Uetiiriiing leave l'itls buruh al 12..')0p. in., mid arrive at Wall's Station nt 2. 1(1 p. in. Cincinnati express leaves daily. South ern express dailyexcept Monday. All oth er Trains daily, except Sunday. For further Information nply to W. II. I1ECKW1T1I, Agent, The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any Risk for Baggage ex cept for Wearing Apparel, nnd limit their rsponsibility to Ono hundred Dollai val ue. All bau-giigo exceeding that a mint in value will be al the risk of tho fner unless taken by special contract. ' A. J. CASSAI General Superintendent, Altoona Fn. BOOKS, STATIONERY, AM) WALL IP 1PEB. DAVIS & ECHOLS, (Near tho Co .4 House,) FRANKLIN, l'ENN'A, Have a general assortment of School Books, Law Books, Histories, Bibles nnd Testaments, Hymn Books, Music Hooks, Blank Hooks, Envelopes, Note, Letter ami cap writing papers, Pens, Ink, Slates and everything iiitho -BOO A" r STA TIOXEIl 1'ni'SIXE.Vt. All of which they oiler to sell WHOLE S A LE OR R ETA 1 L, at lowest cash prices. DAYIS A ECHOLS, Franklin, Pa. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are advised to counsel with Mtinn and Company, editors of the Scientitic American, who have prosecuted chums bel'oro the Patent Olllce for over Twenty Years Their American nnd European Patent agency is the most extensive in tho world Charges less than any other relin blo ngeney A pamphlet containing lull instructions to inventors is sent gratis ML'NN A CO., 37 l ark Row, tf New York COAL! COAL! CT.S- EYEBHAET IS Prepared to deliver tho best quality o Hull at tho old. Everhart Bank, two miles from Newmanville for 7 cents per or ut Tionesta and vicinity for 23 CENTS TER BUSHEL. Ho alwnys has a largo supply on hand, Now is tho time to lay in a largo supply Orders promptly attended to 2 9 3Ioiioiigahcln Yalley I N S U n:A N C E . A C E N C Y, ESTABLISHED MAY 1S.VJ. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK POLICIES, ISSUED IX FIRSTCLASSCOMPANIF-S. LOSSES njOMPTLI ADJUSTED AXD PAID. A. C. SAMPSON, Gen. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil City, Ag't for Vouaugo Co., Pa. Annlicntlons received nnd Tnfnrtnuttnn furnished by A. II. Kthkiv nt 'ri,,i,,.ji, Savings Bank. upltf. T1D19UTE EMPORIUM 'M. P. GETCHELL, Dealer ii DRY GOODS Xollons, Ituois & Hhovs, HATS &c CAPS, Sc., &c, &c, COS X Ell 31 A IX 0 DEPOT AZVS'., TIDIOUTE, PA. Has the Largest and most Complete Stock now on hand, of any store in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Having purchasei my stock since tho crent Jeclino in (iolil. 1 ran sell poods cheaper thnn any Dry Ciooda Houso in tho Oil Regions. Persona purchnsing goods of uio will euve 20 per cent. JI. 1'. GETCHELL. Tidioute, April 11, 1870. 4-Cm AGENTS WANTED FOR Hon. Wm. SEWARD'S lj RAN D TOTH of .Vexico. Adventure and Sight seeing in "Our Sister Rspuqlio." Is a work of rare merit' profusely illustra ted. Send for circulars to Columbian Book Company, Hartford, Ct. 2-;it 'CHSCRII1E for tho Forest Republki u ' It will pay. (ill (ink A AU( nhniy F.Iver y WARREN A FRANKLIN, FARM KIU A OIL CREEIv RAILROADS C0NSOL 1 DATED New nnd Most Direct Touto to tlo Oil Regions. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On ami After MONDAY MAY aoTII,'70 trains will run ns follows: i.kavb conn ! 0.00 A. M. EM'ltFSS-.Spnrlnnsbur'r fl.2; Tryonvilln t ll.vdctown 7.11; Tl tusville' arrive 7.20, depart 7.27; Miller l'arni 7,"i0 : Pioneer 8.07 ; Petroleum fWi trenrr. s.l.'i, I vs. S. 1 7, Columbia K.u:', Tarr Kami s.2, Rvnd Farm , l(o"Fevillo N.:W; Oil Citv'W.fio Ivs 11.(0. Rockwooil Walnut bend Oleopnlis !l 2.1, coimect ing with train for Pithole ;) Henry's l!e:el . Eagle b'ock, Tionesta Ill.o , Hick ory White Oaks 10.114, ai r. 'ildioute nriives 10 M, I v. I0..VI, 'I'liompson's arriving nt Irvinuton nt ll.:i."iii. m; 11.20 A. M. MAIIi SpartntiHhiirg 11.43, Cenlrcville, 12.7 l. in. 'J'rvoiivillo llvih'town I2.:I0, iirrivc at Tiliisvill 12.10, lvs. 12.4i, Miller l'nrin J.iii, Pioneer 1.17, nrr. Pet. Centre l.L'.i, lvs 1.27, Columbia l.:il, 'I'arr Farm l.l, Rvnd l'arm Rousevillel.47, nrr. Oil ( ilv 'J.Of,, lvs. 2.11, Rockwooil; , Walnut lle'nd Oleopo lis 2. 10(coniiect with train for Pitholc) Henry's Bend , Eagle Rock , Tion esta ,1.10, Hickory , While Oaks 3,4(1, arr. Tidioute 4.0:, lvs, 4.07, Tlioiuiisuu'a arrives nt IrviOCton 4. SO p. in. (1.05 I'M ACCOMMOl)A'N,S artansbnrg e.Ilil, ('iitrevillo 7.eo, Trvonvillo at Hytlclowii 7.2.", nrr Titusvilln 7.:t) lvs 7.45, Miller Farm N.oft, Pioneer K.2o, nrr nt Pet. Centre 8.28, lvs W.;i5, Columbia 8.41, Tarr l.'..... a j.i D.-...1 t.-..-... i. .. -- ....... ... ..... ,,,, ,,,1111 ,ioiisevuiee.0d arrives nt Oil City 0.10 p. m. l.EAVK.S IRVINKTOX. 11.45 A. M. MAIL Thompson's arr. Tidioute 12.:l lvs 12.118, While Oaks 12.5a Hickory, , Tionesta 1.V0, Eaithr Ruck .Henry's Bend Oleopolis 2.05 (con nects with train for Plthole) Walnut Bend .Rockwooil , arr Oil City 2.:W lvs 2.42, Rousevlllo2.5-, Rvnd Farm Tarr Farm it, 10 arr at" Pet. Centre 8.20 lvs. H.2.I. Pioneer B.30, Miller Kami a.4: air. Titusvilln 4 01, Iva 4 11 llydetowti 4.21 j). in., Trvonvillo C,oiitrevlll 4.50, Spnruiusburg 6.1 1, arr nt Corry 6.45 p. in. 6.00 P.M. irxPRESS-Thompsoirs at nrr at Tidiouto 6.50,levs ft.52,Whito onks (1.07, Hickory , Tionesta M.:7, Englo Rock , llonrv's Bend Ole opolis 7.1.'l, Walnut Pen. 1 Rockwooil nrr Oil City 7.40 Ivo 7.47, Rousevillo 8.0:1, Ryiul Farm Tarr Farm 8,15, Col. Uinbiu8.18, nrr Pet. Centre 8.25 lv s.s, Pi oneer 8.a.", Miller Farm 8.45, nrr. Titusville 0.10. lvs 0.15, llydetowti 0.21, Trvonvillo Spurluusburg, 10.7, arr ut Corry IO.Sj p. in. J.KAVK OIL CITYV 7.00 A.M. ACCOMMODATION Konne ville 7.15, Rvnd Farm , Tarr I'nrni 7.25 Columia 7.20, nrr Pet. Centre ".lift Ivo 7.:ii, Pioneer 7.45, Miller Farm 8.00, nrr. Titus ville 8.18, lvs. 8.2.1, ll.vdctown 8.31. Tryen villo Cenlervillo 8.itl, SpurtansLiirg 9.10, nrr, Corry 0.:i5 a in, All trains connect nt Corrv with trulna on Phila. A Erie Railrond ainl A. A(i. W. r.ast, nnil vt est lor New York, Philadel phia, 1 larrisburg, Erie A Cleveland, and with Bitllulo, Corry A Pittsburgh Railway ior mimuo nun an imiiiiisou thoN, Y. Cen tral Railway. At Oill'itv with trains on Allegheny Valley Railroad, and Franklin Branch A. A U. W.' At lrvineton witti trains on l'hila. A E. Railroad cost and west. C. J. IIEPBFRN JNO. P1TCAIUN, Superintendent. tlen'l Manierer. Erie & WTTSBurtair" it k". On nnd afler Monday, Nov. 15, 189 trains. will run on this mini i',,lliiw.; LEAVE ERIE-SOUTHWARD. 11:55 A. M, ACCOMMODATION 11VM Nowcnstlo nt 7:05 and arrives at Pittsbnri.1. 10:00 a. in. 10:25 A. M.. l'lTTsnflioii kx.. stnns nt nil stations, hiiiI arrives at A. A (i. W. R. R. Transfer nt 1: VI p. m., at Newcastle at 8:15 p. in., anu at I'litsburgh ut 0:00 p. in. 0:11.) A. M., Accommodation, from Jmncft- town, arrives at A. A (J. W. R. It. Transfer at 5: 10 a. in., ut Newcastle at 7:05 a. in., and Pittsburgh at 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p. m.. Mixed Train lenves Erin fnr Sharon, stopping at nil intermediate points und arriving at 10:15 a. m. LEAVE PITTSBURGH NORTWARD. 7:15 A. M.. FRIR leaves Now. castle at lO.Ollu. in., A. AO. W. R. It. Trans- ier at 11:20 a. in., and arrives at Erie at 2;:i0 ). in., making close connection, lor Bullu o and Niagara Full. 3:35 P. M. accommodation, leav 3 New castle nt (1:30 p. in , A. A (1. W. R. R. Transfer at 7:55 p. m., and Jamestown at 8:30 a. m., connects with mixed trains that arrives in Erie at 1:55 a. in. (1:30 p. m Mixod Train leave Sharon for nut, i , ul ,iihiu ui x:uu a. ui., und Erie at 0:56 a. ui. Trains connect at Rochester with (ruin fl.r Wheeling and all points in West Virgini i, and at Pittsburgh connections for Philadc'.- ptna, llarrisinirgli. Baltimore and Was:i- inglon via PeniiKvIvnniu Central Ruilroe. l. l'.xnress North, connects at (iirai.l with Cleveland and Erie trains West win i lor ('lovelunil, Chicago, ami nil points in the West ; at Erie with Philadelphia A Er:e Railroad lor Corry, Warren, Irvington, Tidioute, Ac., and with Bullijo A Ei .i Railroad for BuMulo, Duukirk, Nlaga.a Falls and New Yor.c City. y. N. FINNEY, General Sup't ft LLE G H EN Y V ALLE Y RA I L R 0 A Q ! G1KJAT THROUGH ROUTE ' The Oil Eoglonsio Pittsburgh, THE EAST AND THE WEST ! SEEEriXG CAES On all night trains. Passengers and bag gage transferred ut Oil City, Fkkb uf ChabokI Trains make direct connection with all Roads centering at Oil Citv, and leave a follows; Day Express leave Oil City at 2 SO a in Arrives ut Pittsburgh bOOpm Night Express Leave Oil City 0 20pm Arrivesut Pittsburgh 0 25 a in Mail Train leaves Oil City 0 05 am Arrivesut PilUburgli 6 CO p lit Day Express Leaves PitUsburgli at 7 20 a m Arrrivesat Oil City at 2 15 p in Night Express Leaves Pittsburgh 840 (.in Arrives ut Oil City 6 15 am Way Passenger leuves Pittsburgh 0 15 a m Arrives ut Oil City 7 35 p ni Pussengois travelling by this Roitto will find better accommodations und inakebet ter time than by any other road from the Oil Regions to Piltsburgh. J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen. Supt. "RMorDS,MolDHEAF& 1 Cent.-o St., opposito Post Olllce, OIL CITY, PENN'A. UEAI.K10J Itf FOREItN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. VliESS GOODS, VAlil'LTIXG, OIL CLOTHS. BOOTS & SHOES', HATS A CAPS, TfiUDIIXGS NOTION.!. ETC., ETC. On. Lawui-.xck's Woman's FnnoiTo I on - all Di..-i-.s pculiin t.i Fcmuh s. diu