She owjst gcpuWcrra. TU fi 50 AY MOANING, JAN. 31- BOROUGH OFFICERS. J1urgeM. IT. Mat. CbriiiPt'incii Jacob Slirivcr, J. Il.Ntronp, W. W, Dimond.N. II, Haslet, J. Winans. Justice of the Jterwe W. I. Morcilliott, D. S. Knox. (bnxtablc .1. N. Tells worth. .SWtmiJ Director J. Winans J. A. Dale, J. A. Proper, Jacob Sliriver, D. S. Knox, ti. 1). Irwin. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. I-esitent Jmlfje Jamus Campbell. Mocfaito Judges i.K. .1'iiopkb, As rntw Cook. fihrritrK. Ti. DAVI. I tint rid AttornrvW. W. SUson, lVcMurrrS. Krrrl.KY. I'rothomitnry, ItcgiMcr Jb Jtecordcr, etc. J. R. Aunkw. OmiOTiwioiicru X. P. WilF.KLEn, 15ENJ. Kt.LloTT, 1'KTEHlMKncIl.MOTT. Count i Superintendents. F. Roll ftER. J ant 'Coinininioner3 Jam. Uim"IM.i.vx, Wm.'Patteiison. (btmfi Surveyor S.T. TnwiN. Ou'oner Josiah Winans. Cbuniy -rf uditor L. L. IlACKKTT, EM IIor.KMAN, W, Cl.AllK. Member of Congress Wh Vistnct-Q. W. ScoKlM.O. .V((i .S'mare W. A. Wallace. Atsewbty Johh O. Hall. O. C 4 A. R R. TIMETABLE, aoixa kobtii. Arrive Popart. . l.i0 p,m. 1.2p. m. Express d:S7p. ill. 6.40 p. m. O0INO SOUTH. Arrivo. Depart. Kxpress 10.04 a. in. Mail 3.10 p, in. r.iMp.m. Y6cSTandmiscella M. P. Jenks, Jeweller, of Mead ville, Fa., is selling watches of all timls 20 nor ceut. below prices. Now is tho time for bargain". When aro we to havo another bridge meeting? Hon. G. W. Scofield has our thanks for a complcto set of the Con gressional Clobe for 2d session of 41st Congresd. C. F. Gillespie, of Whig Hill, dropped in on us tho other day. Chris is good company, and we as-o always glad to seo tho toes of his boots point ing in at our door. We aro credibly informed that the Western Union Telegraph Compa ny are making arrangements to open a telegraph oflice at this place, at early day. A much needed improvement. We publish on tho first page of to day's paper, an essay read during tho Institute, by S, Irwin, Esq. b. JJ., being a School Director of this bor ough, of courso knows whereof he peaks. We understand that the enterprise iug managers of tho O. C. & A. 11. R. and A. V. Ky. Go's., propose building a largo union depot and hotel at Oil City, during the coming summer. We hope so. . Rev. Virtue, of Emlcnton, will oc cupy tho pulpit of tho Presbyterian Church in this placo next feabbath Wo are informed that he is a most ex cellent preacher, aud we have no doubt but ho will bo greeted by a large cou giegation. That puff which wo incidently mentioned last week as forthcoming, brought passs over the Fitholo Valley Kail Road. We would threaten sever al other officers of other railroads i we thought it would have the desired effect. Teachers and others attending the Institute expresed their apprecia- tiou of the music dealt by Prof. Web er aud others. Supt. Eolirer just let him play right on, and never asked thecougregatiou to "pay no attention to .liis squawking," and rather appeared to liko it than otherwise. T. B. Cobb favored us with a s'.iort call on Saturduy of last week, and gave us a short account of the business . his firm was doing. He haa gotten nearly ell his lumber out, on Coon Creek, and has now sixty teams em ployed ou Tom's Run. He seemed hopeful, at that time that we would have four or fivo weeks of sleighing yot, but the prospects now are rather dubious. Several small riols have taken place in our quiet and peaceful bor , ough during the past week, and are occurring as we go to press. They have become of so little interest now that folks don't expect to see any ac .count of them in the papers. We mere y learn that the last flight closed with oueof the parties receiving a sounder ,ou the countenance, causing a severe beramorage of the snoot. We have not been obliged to thrash any one yet .and don't wish to bo obliged to. A wrestling match has been agreed upon between J. II. McLaugh Jin, of Titusville, and Nathan L. Dor ranee, of Chicago. Tiio Herald say the match will come off in Titusville on Saturday evening next. Coriuthiau Hull has been engaged and we have no doubts or fcais but that the Major can and will retain tho belt and the chain liionship which ho has won, aud retained in so many severe athletic contests. Ho may, however, like other heroes of other arenas, experience in lusown case tho truth pi the adage "th race is not always to the swift nor the battlo to tho strong. Captain Knox grumblosbocause our press rumbles ; and the more the press rumbles, tho more the Cap. grum bles. He says that the shaking sots all his bones aching, and, sleccping or waking, the noise we are making just keeps him a quaking, for fear wo aro breaking his glass with our shaking; ho hopes we'll be making more cash by forsaking tho confounded shaking our ob press keeps making. We feel for tho Capt'in, but tho cash must be snapped in, for all our press rumbles, and all the Cup. grumbles, and all tho hard shaking we havo to be making to to pay our.expcnsos, (and, you know 'how high rents is!") and keep tho prc.s moving, our pockets improving. So, Cap., please excuso us, and do not abuse us, for you seo it just "doo's us," if e'er you refuse us tho loan of your up-stairs, where dwelleth tho muses. An immense deal of rowdyism and drunkenness has been observable in our place during tho past week, and if we do not soon put a stop to it will get our name up. Too late for last week's issue we heard of Sheriff Davis having to be called on to quell a disturbance caused by bottled light ning. We suggest to our honorable Town Council that they enact a law imprisoning or fining, or both, all those found intoxicated in our bor ough. "Touch the pocket, touch tho heart." We think a few "touches" of this character would decrease tho amount of beastliness (we crave par don of allj quadrupeds) which is be coming rather monotonous in this sec tion. It seems that we were mistaken last week in regard to oil operations having ceased at Ross Run, and that wells are now being put down there with as good a show for the crude as can be found. A complete outfit for a new well weut up last week, and the confidence of the operators is,;still un shaken, If tho oil has 'not heretofore mado its appearance, the operators have strong faith. that it will yet prove first-class oil territory. WewercBhown some of the sand from one of the wells now going down, and we must confess that wo never saw a better oil sand dnring our existence. We have only to say iu extenuation that we were mis taken. Ross Run forever Murder at Titusville. Mr. James S. Wisner, of Titusville, formerly of Ithica, N. Y., was fouud at half past one o'clock, on Saturday morning, on the Franklin street bridge, murdered. His head, neck and body were full of cuts, as from a pointed weapon. Itis supposed that ho was mis taken for some othcr'person, as he was a poor man, and his appearance would so indicate. He was not known to have any enemies. The whole adiir is enveloped in mystery as yet, and the people of Titusville are much excited over the matter. The following otllcers were elected at the last meeting of Tionesta Lodge No. 487, I. O. G. T., for the ensuing term : W. C. T., W. R. Dunn, W. V. T., Mn. M. Haslet, W. S., Jiles W. Tate, W. F. S., Mrs. E. L. Davis, . W. T., Laura C. Winans, W. M. Mrs. Rath burn, W. C, Rev. 8. S. Burton, W. I. G., Afary Teitsworth, W. O. G., A, Henagc. Installation of the above officers will take place on to-morrow (Wednesday) evening. A full atteu dance of members is desired. Fire at President. The house of M. Ilonry, at Presi dent, was destroyed by fire on Friday last at about 2 o'clock, iu the after noon. Tho fire caught iu the upper story from the stove-pipe. Part of his furniture, and all his papers were saved. He feels compartively well over saving his papers. His loss is about $2,000. Insured for $1,000. We take the following compli mentary notice of one of our citizen, from the Pittsburgh Gazetteoi the 27th inst: Miles W. Tato, Esq., of Tionesta, is oue ui Lite most, promising young law yers of the Commonwealth. He was a law studeut with II. Bucher Swope, and is about the same style of a pro gressive, go-ahead-ativo and enterpris in'' gentleman. Persons having busi uess iu Forest County cannot select a more attentive aud paius-tuking attor ney than Mr. late. A prominent citizen of that viilage ot moral ideas, Kouseville, was yester day held to bail in the sum of $700, by Justice Reynolds of this place on a charge ot lornicatiou and bastardy. 1'ct. Centre Record. A man at Homer, N. Y., mortgag liiu fnrm in nflv pxttrpsa rhfirrrpH on puckage of counterfeit money and when ho found sawdust in the box, sued ex press company to get his money back The unsympathizing brethren instead of helping him iu his honr of need, . i I . I ; . e .1 . l I iat oi turning mm out ti taocr.ur A terrible accident occurred at Sharon, Pa., on tho morning of Jan. 23, at about half past six o'clock. As the miners at tho old bank of J. W. Ormsby & Co., three miles eastof this place, were entering the shall, the rope which siisnpnilecl tlin rnirn in which they were being lowered, broke, letting the cage lull a distance ot one hundred and ten feet. There were five miners in the cnge at the time, four of whom wero killed instantly and the other bndly injured. The names of the kill ed are Wm. Crawford, John Shedden, i rank atkins and M. McDonald; of tho wounded ninn, Wm. Maltishcr, hopes of his recovery are yet enter tained. No blame at present seems to rest upon the opcratiors, as tho ropo and all machinery connected with the works were considered perfectly safe. 1 UUburgh Loinmereutl. Six young man, boarders at a Chicago boarding house, collected sev eral hundred bed bugs, pinned them on a sheet ot paper in divisions and regi ments, and labelled the paper, "Opera tions on the Uhine,"and left the seat of war to bo studied by tho landlady. DEDICATION OF M. E. CHURCH. Ed. Fokest RoruuLicAN : riease notico thnt tho New M. E. Churoh in Tionesta will be dedicated on the 10th day of February next. All Ministers and others are invitod to attend. Rev. George Loomis, I). D., and Rev. O. L. Mead will officiate. S..S. Burton, Tnstor. Corry, Franklin, Titusville, Oil City and Clarion papers pleaso copy. Please announce in your paper, in connection with the above notice, that all persons who have subscribed to the building of the M. E. Church, in Tio nesta, Pa., will confer a favor by call ing upon Miles W. Tate, Esq., who is Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, and settling up before dedication day. tf. S. S. Burton. To Contractors. Proposals will be received up to the 15th day of February, 1871, fcr laying 1,500,000 brick on the Venango Poor House, materials furnished on the ground. For further information ad dress Dewees & Simmons, Contractors, Franklin, Pa., P. O. Box 19. 40-tf. Book Binding. We are agent for as good a book bindery as there is anywhere. We are prepared to do all the binding which may be brought to us, at low rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ssmples can be seen at this office. For Sale. I have for sale one yoke of working oxen, weighing about 2,600 or 2,700, one pair of 3 year old colts, will sell one or tho pair. II. L. IIouan, 39 6t Stewart's Run P. O. A. II. Steele, Cashier Tionesta Savings Bank, has been appointed agent for the celebrated " Iuman Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any person desirous of going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will do'well to call ou Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with all the information required. Furniture bought of me will he de livered, freight paid, to any station de sired on the O. C. & A. R. II., Geo. II. Ahrenu, Jr., 4-tf Tidioute, Pa For Sale. Tho house aud lands known as the "Christie Propeny," lo catcd at Irvinton, Warren County Pu., are for sale. Teriru cash or approved security. Apply to John A. Dale. President Tionesta Savings Bank, Tiouesta, Pa. For Sale. At this office, a schol arship in the Iron City Commercial College. Must be used by an individ ual living in Forest County. Will be sold at a discount. 32-tf. FREE TO EVERYBODY. It costs nothing to try "SLEEP ER'S COMPOUND ARNICA LINI MENT." If it does not benefit you the agent will refund your money. It is the wonder of the nineteenth centu ry, and when used for rheumatism, ucuralgia, lameness, aud pain in any part of the body, its magical effects astouishes everybody. Pain cannot exist where it is used. Ask for it, and take nothing else. Sold by all drug gists. Price 50 cents and $1 per bot tle. D. S. KNOX, & CO., agent. E. B. SLEEPER, Proprietor, Watcrfurd, Erie Co., Pa. Wholesale Agents. Hall and .Warfcl, Erie, Pa. Calender & Co., Mcadvillo, Pa. Spencer & Bullyniore, 155 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. You can buy your Furniture, cheap er and better at Ahrens new Furni ture Warerooms, Tidioute, Pa., than any where else in this section. Try it. CAitPEXTF.ns, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest county, who are in want of any thing in the Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. For Sale. 150 acres of land No. 3142, in Kingsley township, Forest county. Any person wishing to pur chase, will pleaso address the under signed, stipulating tho price' they will give. James Bleakley, Franklin, Pa. A stlf.ndid variety of Furniture at Ahcrns' new Warerooms, Empire Hotel Building, Tidioute, Pa. 4-tf IWAS f'UKKI) OF DKAFNKHS AND OATARK11 by a ximple rcmoily and will "iid the recoi pt frpp. Mrs. J. C. LKUOHTT, Jersey City, N.J. 3-4w A WEEK paid R'jonts, initio or fe O" " mnle, in a new inanufrcturiiiK dusinoHS at homo. No capital requireiC Addresit Novelty Co., Hiiho, Me. 30-4 w LIVE AGENTS WANTED FOR WOJIE. OF SEW YOICH, Oil SOCIAL LIFE IN THE GRAT CITY. Wonderful developments among the aristocracy. Married Women exposed, ill"., t'e., I'riee .1.2". Tho best Hook to sell publinlicd. Tho best terms to nirents ever given. Addreot, N. Y. liook Co., 145 iMtasitu t., i. 1. 3lf-4t A GENTS WANTED I'OIt IX TUB LIGHT OK THE WORLD, ilontiiininir Fleetwood's "Life of Christ." nnd 'Lives of tho Apostles, Envanulists and Mnrtvrs ' Doddrides "Evidences of Christianity; "History of the Jews," bv JoRephus; '-Historv of all religions Io nominations," with treatise and tables re- lntinir to events connected with lliblo His tory, eontaininjf many lino engravings. The whole forming a coinpleto treasury ol l nrisimn Knowledge. W, H UM, 'M n Seventh St., Philit. 3(i-4t Money Quickly MjmIc byjaetivomen and women getting sub scriptions for the great religious and lit erary weekly 'iho Christian Union, ed ited by HENRY WARD REECHER. Having 'in its corps of Contributors the ablest taient of tho land. A ('harming serial siory ny tno worm-lanious author ess of ' I'ncle Tom's Cabin." fust begun. Every subscriber for 1H71 roceives.the paper ior eigni weeks, anil tno people h lavorite, Mursimll'H Washington, (alono worth $5,) free. This hew and unequalled combina tion is taking like, wild lire. All aro do ing well, niiiiiy making from 10 to f:!0 a day. Now Is the harvest time; act wisely and quickly. There is positively nothing that will pay you so well. Copy of paper, ghaptor of storv and rare terms free, ad dress A. H. II UHUAU1), 400 Chestnut Ht., Philadelphia. 3U-4w WANTEL AGENTS To sell our now illustrated ifook of Travele OYKIIL.4AI) TIIHOUGII ASIA. hinflive and viilunhlo exposition of tho nnll Itt l'lnu i if A ItluL-i Mi Imrin Pl.lnn nt.,1 lti.NNin as they aro to-day. Notehmp: our KirhiinlNoii's "Hoyotul tho MiKKissippi Hflll Mil l-lr Tt-;iii riiiiru.niitu A i.i nlyio, Ac. Koiul for oirvuiur and seo our nvi.i f. mn .. 1.1.1. cu in iim. s win tvtn AMERICAN I'LRLISIIINO CO., 30-4v Hartford, Conn, INSURANCE CO. OF WORTH AMERICA, No. 2H2 Walnut StFliila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual RUR!KE,l!SUNOFIP.EIKSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, 1800, $2,348.32339 $20,000,000 losses paid since Its organiza tion. WM. HL'HLElt, Ceutral Agent, Harrisburg, Fa. JULES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. 8 0m H. V. CLARK, TIZDIOTTTIE, IP.A.. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, And Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing done in a workmanlike manner and warranted to give satis laction. 4-y OEUPIERRE'S ELECTRIC SOAP Warranted better and cheaper than any oilier, lor bale in I'lutauciphm, 1'ittn burgh Ve., by Jiinnc'v cC- Andrews, T. Conrowif Co, Hoctlich A Molan, lUirUm Son, IIiii iim tt Smucker Koitl' fc Harvy, Waterman it' Young, W. L. Graver, Thomson if Morris, J. II, Kratise, Wainwright tt Co. Itohcrls it Co. Wuterinan, Hon C Co. 8. J. Humphry, iiorison, Hour x to. ji. J. iii.uner Myers A Co. J. H. Morgan E. Kby C Co. Hough it Co, T. Lames, W. J. Kirk, Hovd it Co. Oi?den A Ar buckles it Co. of Pittsburgh, und many tuner. du-4i. WALLLIS I M P 11 () V E D M A (i I O M I R O V E IMPROVED 1) MAGIC M A C BALM! W. II. PERKINS A CO., Sole Propri arsra, Franklin, Pa. 44 ADDRESS To tho Nerveous AND ID EBILITAT ZE3 3D . ITOSKsufTorincs have been protraet- eases require prompt treatment to rendor existence dcsirublo; If you are suffering, or havo suffered from involuntary discharges, what cd'oct does it product on your gonoral health T Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Docs a little extra exertion produco pal pitation of tho heart felloes your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent ly get out of order T Is your urine some times thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick skum rise to the top ? Or is a sediment at the bottom af ter it has stood awhile? Do you havo spells of short brcathlngor dispepsla? Aro your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fralnting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory impared ? Is your mind constantly dwelling ou this Subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or life T Do you wish tobe left alone, away from everybody? Does any liltle, thing nmke you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or rontloss? Is the lustra of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself In society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same energy ?' Do you feel as much confidence in youself ? Ar your spirits dull and flag, ging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and havo but lit- tlo appetite, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-oomplaiut ? Now, reader, self-abuse venereal dis eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, aro all capable of producing a weakness of tho generative organs. The organs of genera- tion.whon in'perfect health, make tho man Did you ever think that those bold, dofi ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus iness-men are always those whose genera tive organs are in perfect health? You never hear such men complain of boing melancholy, oi norvousness, of palpitation of the heart. They aro never afraid they cannot succcod in business j they don't bo conie sad and discouraged ; they areal ways polito and pleasant In tho company of In dies, aud4look you and them right in tho face nono of your downcast looks or any meanness about; them. I do nut mean thoso who keep the organs Inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also theso they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured dis eases, from the effects of self-abuse and excess, hare brought about that ntute of weakness in those organs that has reduced the geneal system so ninch as to produce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al most every other form of disease which humanity is lmir to, and the real caimo of tho trouble acurculy ever suspected and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require tho uso of a Diuretic. II ELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT UUCIIU is the great Diuretic, and isu certain curo'for diseases of the ISladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Eeuiale Complaints, Gener al Debity, and oil discuses of the I'rinnry Organs, whether existing iu Male or I'o nialo, from whatever cuusu oilginuting, and no matter of how long ktandiug. If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption' or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh aud blood are supported from these sources, and the health anil happiness, asd that of I'ostority, depends upou prompt uso of a reliablo romody. Ilclmbold'a Extract Buchu, established upward of 19. A curs, prepared by H. T. II ELM HOLD, Druggist, MH Hroadway. New York, and 104 Ksuth 10th Street, Philadelphia, la. I'liU'K fl.Sj per bottle or 0 bottles for $i).50, delivered to any ad dress. Sold by ull Driiagesbiovery where. NONE AIM-' GFVt'INK IN LESS DONE TI IN KIEL KNGKAVE1) Wrapper, fao-sniilo of my Chemical Ware house, and signed II. T. HELM ISOLD. Salesmen Wanted. Euiiii' ss hi norable. No rninpcf i'.lon, lib- end pay given. S. W. KENNEDY, 3-4t" 8 H. 4th St., I'll il n. gQf Energctir t'armcrt Wanted. Front f .too to ?I00 enn bo made dnring tho Idle winter months. Business pleasant and honorable. For further particulars of this c. .-.. -.1 ... . tr ft.. i. SCl-f(f CIllllll-C HUtHI'Ha HI UI1CU l. II. I 1 II 11" bnrd, I'liila, I'n. 3!-4t THE HAND IN HAND MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. want a number of good agents, also 8 good General Agent for Western i'a, also a good general Agent for the German counties of I'a. Address Hand in Hand olllee, No. 112 South 4th St., I'hila. !l!t-4t $-5 to 820 pOrJdiiy and no risk. Do you want n situation as salesman at or near home, to Introduce our new 7 strand White Wire Clothis Lines to lust forever. Don't miss the chance. Samplo free. Address lliutMin Hirer Wire II or.?, ,s W in St. N. Y or 10 Dearborn St. Chicago, III. -4w CIIAS. IL SHEPAED, OEXEItAt, DKAl.tlR IN DRY GOODS5 NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, IL'EKXSWAWK. NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. $1,000 TO $2,000 SALARY WE GUARANTEE TO PAY TO BOOK AGENTS of experience; or a larger commission than in oll'ered lit any other Publishers. Agents are making foo m j'jou per week canvassing fmuiur new Illustrated books. We guarantee Agents a salary or a large commission, with a choice of tsvc new and nonular books and exclusive territory. A o oiler a rare chance to energetic men and women to make money, secure your agcucv direct from uie piiDusuors. j. v. jh; Kit A CO., -0-4t Hartford, Corn. JURUBEB A Free to Book Agents. We will send o handsomo Prospectus of our .M-ie j iiitKtrairutca f amily Jiititc con taining over 200 lino scripture Illustra- irauons io any liook Agent tree of charge Address National Publishing Co. Phila delphia, Pa. 4l-4t 7ANTED AGENTS, $!0 per duv) to sell the celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Has the under leeo, makes tho 'dock stitch" (aliko on both Rides) mid Is fullv licensed. Tho ana cheapest lamily Sewing Machino in uie liuirKei. Address Johnson, I'lark it Co.. Hoston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chi eago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. 4l-4t GENEItAL AGENTS WANTED for Oroesbcck's Calculating Machine, ran- id, aecura'e, reliable, simple, easily o(w ruted chenp and beautiful. Giving install taueous additions or subtractions, taking from one to live columns of liguros at it a time, carrying and Iwirrotvmg its own tens, hundreds, etc., without tho least thought on the part of the operator. Ad dress ZEIGLKK McCUKDY, 41-4t Philadelphia, I'a. REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM Tt) REDUCTION OF DUTIES XREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. HY GETTING L P CLUHS. S-ft. Send for our new Prico List and a Club Form will accompunv it, containing lii i 1 directions making a large saving to consumer miu remunerative cluu organ izers The Ciircnt American Ten Company, 81 & 33 VESEY STREET, P. O. Pox 504:1. MiW YoltK. 41-4t AGENTS WAN'lE ?2J5 tt-inonthl by the Amkuic'n Knittinci Machinb Co., Hoston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 41-4 AGENTS WANTED, for Abott'a PRUSSIA and tho FRANCO-PRl'SSIAN WAR, in German and English, witli tine Bteel engravings, maps, etc. Agents aro getting from lii to 60 subscribers per day. Ono agent reports KW orders the lirst two days. Now is tho timo to secure an Agen ey for this and other works desirable for Agents. Address Quaker City publishing uouse z-u ana ziv iuiuco be, I'luiiuiel phiu, Pa. 41-4t AGENTS WANTED FOR FREE LOVE, A NO T 'not . . . . i . . . . . . ii t -1 1 r . . mi ijn omricn, uy ir. jiiii i. jmiih. i iiu most startling book of modern times. The wholo subject laid harcjaud its hidoousness exposeu to uniwrsai execration, tt mien ill the interests of t'iviliziitiini, Christiani ty aud Public Morality. Send for circulars and terms. V. S. Publishing Co., 411 Hrooine St., N. Y. 41-lt Issued Jan. 1st 1871. "lOO Cliolco selections No. 3." con taining the best new tilings for Declama tion, Recitation, etc. llrilliiiiit Oratory, Thrilling sentiment, and Sparkling Hu mor, ISO pages, paper 80 cts. cloth ". cents. Ask your books.iller for it, or send prico to P.'Gurrctl d- Co. Phllii, Pa. .'I'.Mt THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF THE SEASON. AQEOTS Wtttid tot Twelrc Years gz Wild Indians Plains. THE LIFE OF GEORGE P. 11ELDEN, who lorui a love of wild adveii'uro and a thirst for knowledge of the Indians the Customs, Suirts, Traditions, Wars, Great Uullulo Hunts, ifc, iVc, left it homo of plenty in Ohio, joined the Indians, adopt ed their mode of life, married tho beauti ful Waslitclia, because a Great Warrior, Hunter and Chief of UN) Iidgcs, wits ap pointed Lieutenant ill the I', S, Regular Army, for meritorious service Willi his braves against hostile Indians. A book of the most thrilling interest, a reality well authenticated. Truth stranger than fiction Superbly illustrated. "0 engravings, with (sirtritit of the author, in full frontier cos tume. Price low. Should outsell any book extant. Send at once for illustrated" circu lar, table of contents, sample paces und terms. A. 11. Ill lilt A RD, l'ubli&hcr, loo Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pit. 41-4t. J. W. IIOWI.AMI, AI.KX. MeDOWKl, J. W. ROWLAND & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND DKAI.KRd IX ent Furnlshlu"; JooIw, And Agents for tho Ctlubrated Gruvor A linker Sewing Machine. LIHERTY STREET, NEAR DOB. FrtANKXIN,. PENN'A. CMtf. WMtmm lies FUBttblV. 3 rs 5 P3 9 JDtt. TP. HALL'S CELEBRATED COUGH REMEDY HASboen used duriuH the last fifteen years bv thousands of tieoolo for the speedy euro of throat nnd lung diseases. It lias iieen tliorouglily tested the voicoot the jiress and the people havo rendered their verdict bv pronouncing it n SAFE, SI'EEIIY, THOItOl GH and EFFECTC A j REM ELY the best Medicine known for curing Lung Complaints. Every per son of every age afllicted with either of tho following diseases, should uso this pleas ant remedy without delay, nnd thoir voices will noon mingle with hosts of oth ers in reci iiiiiicmling its elllcucy to their atllictcd neighbors an I friends. 3r Vte HaH't Couijh Jicmechj it cure Cohl. 3T Ue Hair i Cough Remedy il curt Croup or Unities. ?-te Hall's Cough Remedy if aires Ail It ma and I'hthinic. Uso Hall's Covgh Remedy for Ca tarrh. l&Ue Hall's Cough Remedy itstTtr,; then the lung. Kir Use Hairs Cough Remedy for Bron chitis. t&-Ue Hall's Covgh Remedy for Hoarseness. ttSS Use Hall's Cough Remedy it streng thens the voice. BSSute Halts Cough Remedy for Whooping-cough. It will greatly modify the violence of tbia disease nnd shorten its' tedious course oue half from its ordinary duration. Hewaro of counterfeits and base imita tions, call for Dr. P Hall's Celebratod Cough Remedy and seo that his written signature is upon tho wrapper and direc tions. J , . . ' STUOXO TESTIMONY. We tho undersigned citizens of Erie Citr nnd vicinity,-havo used Dr. P. Hall's Cel ebrated Cough Remedy with great success, in curing diseasee of the Throat and Lung and take pleasure in recommending its uk to the afflicted as a speedy and effectual remedy, fully worthy of public contidouco. James Thompson Uobern Cochran John Melhoru Sr Daniel Hear John A Tracy J Robison John W McLane W F Rindcrnecht John W Hays P E Burton John R Cochran Alanson Sherwood John R Dumais W H Cooper John M Warren Joseph Deemsr John S Ilrowu Itenj Grant S I, Forstcr Lucius A Hull J W Hull Thos M'Kee Orvico Smith W M Gallaghor C Duinars lints W Kelso Ho Root, DP Ensign K'ilson King, D Shirk Daniel Minor, Richard Reel C 1! Wright J T Case. Matthew Hamilton Daniel Huver J W Ryau C K Riblet J Mooney M Mayor J W Culver J Ij Long Wm H May J Robinson 2d A M Tarball Silas II Finch E A Dennett C G Howell J Sulsburv SOLD I'N ERIE ONLY HY P. HA LL, Manufacturer and solo proprietor, Hull's New Ruilding, State St. PRICE 871 CTS. PER DOTTLE. Sold by D. S. KNOX it CO., Tionesta, I'a., nnd by agents general-. ly. oj-am JONES HOUSE, CLARION, TENN'A. S. S. JONES - - Frocrietor. UfJFNT'w vvantod for Headlev's Nerr, HULI1 I O Fresh HOOK "Sacrid Herora nnd Martvs." Wrjtton in tho Author's happiest style, and surpassing his former work, which havo sold by tho lOOJHlO. With Originul Steel; Engravings from do signsbyour Artist who has spent three years in Hiblo ljuids. The Clergv and the Press are loud iu its praise. Agents aro making money rapldlv, K. II. Treat Co., Hub's 054 U'dway, Y. 30-4vv FARMER'S HELPER. hhows how to double the profits of tho furm and how farmers und their s sous can eavh uuko 100 ler Jlonlli. In winter. 100,000 copies will be mailed free to farmers. Send name and address to Z1EGLER it MeCU DDY, Philudol ph ia, I'a. 86-4w 10 MADE FROM 50 CTS- Siimelhing urgently needed by every body Call aud examine, or sun. pies sent pistug paid'for uO cts Hint retail easily for 10. R. L- Wolcott, 1S1 Chalhrui Si'., Y. 3ti-4t WANTED Af ents fot tho history of COD'SCHURCH Ily Prof. Enoeli Pond, l. D. From Adam to the present day. Light business lor men aud liulies everywhere. Good pay, send for circular. 8U 4t y.ElGLEH ,1: McCUREY, Phia.'I'a. 8 O'CLOCK. v.-u 'PHlSlSNOIICMia'CI Or X ll.VHtiiding fJJCENTH with ago, hiffht, oolor of eves and hair, you will receive, by return inuil, a cornet picture of your lutiuo tins I .ami or wile, with mime and date of marriage. Address W. F., P. O. Drawer No. 31, Filltou ville, N. Y. :i!i--lt TATCM FREE, ami ftiO ii dav siiroand no huinbiig. Address LATTA d t'e Pittsburgh, Pu. yy-it Will changoany colored hair or beard to a permanent black or brown. It con tains no poison. Any oue can use it. Ono sent by mail for fi. IH-alcrs huppluvl at reduced rates. Address Wm. Putton, Treus. Springlicld, Mass, :w-4t THEA-NECTAR IS A PC RE Itlili'Ii TIT.i tvitli tlie Green Tea Flavor WuiTituled to suit ail tastes. For ulo every- here, For sale w hol'e oniv bv thutirt-at Atl.intio nud Paeitlc YorK. P. O. Ten Co., H fliut.-h .St. New liox 63o.5. Smiil for Thea- NocUtr circular. an it GENTS W.vTKirii: per month l y XV Uie Atuericun Kniltiiig Ma-'lune Co., Bo'jn, Ma.,T St. Louie, Mn. fre.