KDITOK. tUSDAY MOANING, JAN. 31. mixuti:s of TnE 4th annual mektinu ok the Forest Co. Teachers' Institute, Held at Tioncsta, Jan. 24th, 2oth, '2G(h, and 27th, 1871. Meeting opentd at 11 o'clock A. M. by the County SepeimteiiuYnt, Itolirer, who occupied the chair. Prayer by Key. S. S. Burton, of Tioncsta. Ad dress by Supt. Kolirer to the Teachers, reply by Kev. S. S. Burton. Ilenwrks by J. M.Kirkhind, on the construction of, aud proper ventilation, of School Houses, Ac. Tlio president then made the following appointments : Secretary, Miss Alice O. Dimond, Assistant Sec retary, J. M. Kirkland. Executive Committee, A. C. Torter, Chairman, Mita Emma E. Arner, Leslie M. Stew Art The hours of meeting were 9 A. M., 1:45 and 7 P. M. Institute ad journed to meet at 1:4.5 P. M., Afternoon Slssion. Institute, met according to adjournment 1:43 Roll call. Question for discussion, "What are the prominent causes of failure in teaching?" A motion to limit the speakers' time to five minutes was offered by Miss Anna D. Gibson. Motion carried. Discussion opened by A. C. Tortcr, followed by L. M. Stewart, P. M. Clark, Anna Gibson, J. M. Kirkland, Emma Arner, Rev. S. S, Burton, S. D. Irwin and C. II. Dale. The causes given by the discussionists were as follows: 1st, Incompetency; 2d, want of government dislike for the work and looking ahead for salary; 4th, a want of co-operating with teachers by parents; 5th, improper school houses, &c, &c. Recess. Class drill in orthography, by Prof. C. II. Dale, after which various i methods of teaching spelling were sug- gested and corresponding examples given. The following committee was npponted to procure subscription to Pennsylvania School Journal: P. M. Clark, Miss M. II. McCurdy and Anna Steele. The reading of the programme for the evening, by the President. The Institute adjourned. Evening Session, 7 o'clock P. M. Institute met at 7 o'clock. Meeting called to order by President. Roll call. Response by sentiment. Lec t ure by Rev. S. S. Burton, Subject, "Make Your Mark." Select reading by Alice G. Dimond, Subject, "The House by the liolling River." Select eading by Anna D. Gibson, Subject, 'Darius Green and his Flying Ma chine." Select reading by S. I). Irwin, Subject, "Lochiel's Warning." Select reading by J. M. Kirkland, Subject, "Casabiauca," which wa3 lead in two ways to demonstrate the common de fects in reading. The decussiou for the evening was upon the question, ' 'what are the best methods of securing the co-operation of Parents and Direc tors. A motion to limit the speakers to five minutes was adopted. The dis cussion was opened by J. M. Kirkland, followed by is. D. Irwin, for whom the time was extended, which was improv ed by him in making some spicy re. marks and reading and Essay on the "Model Director." Remarks were made by Rev. S. S. Burton, A. 0. Por ter, D. Hays, W. P. Mercilliott, Miss A. D. Gibson aud Miss M. II. McCur dy. Discussion closed. The following resolution was offered aud adopted: Resolved, That as teachers of Forest county, we feel the need of the hearty Co operation of the Parents and Direc tors. The minutes of day were read and approved. Programme read by the President, for Wednesday session. In stitute adjourned to meet on WedneS' day. Wednesday Session, Jan. 25. In stitutc met at 9 o'clock A. M. Prayer by Prof. C. Dale. Class drill on arith metic by Prof. C. II. Dale. The fob lowing committeon resolutions was op' pointed : Leslie M. Stewart, Chair man, Anna D. Gibson, Emma X. Ar ncr. The following resolution ofl'ered by Rev. S. S. Burton, was adopted : Resolveb, That no persons except members of the Institute, bo allowed to speak in -our general discussions un less culled upon ly the chair. Insti tute adjourned. Afternoon Session. Institute met lit 1:45 P. M. Culled to order by the President. A general discussion was t-ugaged in by the teaeli&rs, opened by J. W. Siggins, on tlio variaus methods of teaching arithmetic. Discussion closed by vote. Lessons on -com position was conducted bv Prof. Dale. Rectus of five minutes. A Lecture on the method of teach ini spelling was rend by A. C. Torter u. pink - . The Program mo was read by the Pres dent, for the evening, and the Institute adjoured at half past four P. M. Evening Session. Institute met at o clock. Roll call, response by sentiment. Music. Iccture by Prof. C. II. Dale, on recitations in the school room. Essay by Miss M. 11. McCurdy, Sllbiert. "Lfthnr." K.inn- hv XeMin ' . j Hunter. Select reading, by P. M. Clark, Subject, "Parhasius." Lecturo on Elementary Orthocraphv. bv D. Hays. Essay, by Miss Emma N. Ar ner, Subject. "Cultivate Kindness." A medley song, by J. I Siggins and Prof. Weber. Essay by Mary Har rington, Subject, "How should we train our Scholars?" Relmersal by Miss Anna Gibson, Subject, "The Irish Woman's Letter." Music. Recitation by L. M. Stewart, Subject, "Sheridan's Ride." Select reading, by J. V. Sig gins, Subject, "Bachelors' Soliloquies." Music. Declamation by P. M. Clark, Subject, "Rienzies address to the Ro mans." Violin Solo, by Tiof. Weber. Institute adjourned to meet on Thurs day at y A. M. Thursday Session. Institute met, at 9 o'clock A. M. IYayer, by Prof. C. II. Dale. Roll call. Instruction in Elementary Reading, by Prof. C. H. Dale. Lecture on Penmanship, by S. D. Irwin. Recces. Astronomy explain ed, by Supt. Rohrer and C. II. Dale. Institute adjourned. Afternoon Session Institute met at l:4o r. m. Roll call, by assistant Sec'y. Lesson in Astronomy continued by Supt. Rohrer, to which remarks and suggestions were made by Prof. C. II. Dale. Lecture on Elocution by Rev. S. S. Burton. Recess. Instruction in giving Object lessons, by Prof. Dale. Meeting adjourned at 5 o'clock. Evening Session. Meeting con vened at 7 o'clock, r. m. Roll call, response by sentiment. Est-ay by A. C. Porter, Subject, "Successful Medi ocrity." Music, by Prof. Weber and J. P. Siggins. Address, by Rev. R. R. Roberts. Select reading, by ML b Ad- aline Benoit, Subject, ' Maud Muller, Essay, by Mies Lizzie Kerr, Subject "Education." Song, by Miss Nettie Hunter. Rehearsal, by Alico G. Dimond, Subject,"Abou, Ben Adhem." Song, by Mr. Wilkins, "Pat Maloy." Select reading, by Miss M. II. McCur dy, Subject, "Song of the Shirt." Mu sic, by band. Select reading, by L. M. Stewart, Subject, "Pyramus aud Thisby. Song, by Alice and Minnie Walcott, "The Golden Bowl." Comic song, by J. P. Siggins. Instrumental music. Meeting adjourned to meet on Friday at 9 a. m. Friday Session. Institute met at 9 A. m. Opeued with prayer by Rev. S. S. Burton. Lecture on Geometry as should be taught in Primary schools, by Rev. S. S. Burton to which an illus tration was added by S. D. Irwin, Esq. Reading lesson, by Prof. C. II. Dale. Closing address to the teachers by Trof. C. II. Dale. A vote of thanks was tendered to Trot'. C. II. Dale, in consideration of Lis able services as an instructor. Remarks by Rev. S. S. Burton, on "Thorough Training." Institute a'ljourued to meet at 1:45 P. M. Afternoon Session. Institute met at 1:45 v. m. Roll call by assistant y., repouse by sentiments. Coiir mittee on Resolutions reported, the resolutions were read by Aesist, Sec'y. aud adopted by the Institute. A lec ture on Penmanship by J. M. Kirk land. Lecture by Rev. S. S. Burton, ou Schools, Recess. A Lecturo on School Dicipiine, by A. C. Porter. Select reading by Miss Anna D. Gibson, Subject "The Raven." A vote of thanks was tendered by the Institute to Supt. Rohrer, for the able and scholarly manner in which ho has Presided over the Institute, during its sittings. The minutes of the Institute were read and approved. Closing nd drc-a by Supt. Rohrer. lustitute ud- jourued at 4 o'clock p. m., sine die. Alice G. Dimond, Se'cy. J. M. Kirkland, Ass't. Sec'y Resolutions passed and adopted at the 4th annual Teachers' Institute, held at Tiouesta, Jan. 24th, 1871. v uereas, 1 lie 4th annual session oi me leathers institute, lias now been held in the County of rorest, it seems proper that we recognize the results of the former sessions as having been highly bcucficiul to those con cerued therein, as well to the teachers present as to the Public. Resolved, That the practice of teach ers boarding, or being compelled to bourd around with the scholars is in direct opposition to the will, or wishes of the people, and should be abolished The same beiug injurious to the health of the teachers, aud also to the b.'st in terests of the school. Resolved, I hut we hereby express our thanks to lk-v. S. S. Burton, 8. D, Irwin and other citizens of Tiouesta as well as directors and friends of ed ucation, who have manifested nn inter est in our proceedings and wcllfure. Resolved, That a voto of thanks be tendered to Prof. Chas. II. Dale, Supt. of Veuango county, for the nblo and practical methods of teaching the Ele mentary system of education ho litis adopted and explained, and to which wo havejistcued with pleasure and profit. Resolved, That toTrof. A. Weber, J. P. Siggius, Esq'r., Miss Nettie Hun tcr, and Miss Alice and Minnie Wol cott, the thanks of this Institute arc tendered, for the excellent music fur nished by them during the session. Resolved, That in our County Supt. S. F. Rohror.wo recognize tlio untiring educator, and consider the progressive state in which our schools Maud, are iu a great measure duo to his efforts. Resolved, That we recommend in the future, a still greater co-operation be tween teachers and directors, and also call the attention of directors to that portion of the school laws which en joins tlm frequent visiting of the schools by them, believing that such visits are highly beneficial. Resolved, That we as teachers of Forest county, in order that our labor may be crowned with success, do rely ou the Divino Being for aid and strength. Resolved, finally, That n full copy of these resolutions be handed to the ed itors of the Forest Republican and Forest Press for publication. L. M. Stewart, i Miss Annie D. Girson, Committee. Miss Emma E. Arner, ) List of actual members present at the 4th annual Institute. S. F. Rohrer, Co. Supt., Marion. J. M. Kirklnnd, Neillsburg. A. C. Torter, Tioncsta. Jenuie Bixby, Newtown. Anna D. Gibson, Panther Rock, Emma Arner, Nebraska, Sadie N. Arner, Nebraska, Leslie M. Stewart, Clarington, P. M. Clark, Tioncsta, Adline Benoit, West Hickory, Mary II. McCurdy, Stewart's Run, Nannie Steele, Jamiesons, Louisa Barns, Fagundns, Alice Shriver, T.onesta, W. Siggins, Washington, Matilda Powncll, Hickory, Jennie Knight, Jamiesons, Emetine Jones, Tidioute, Anna Trusall, Tioncsta, Mary Herrington, Ross Run, Anna Myers, Hickory, Lissie Kerr, Newmanville, Ruth Knowlton, Tioncsta, Eva White, Newton, Alice G. Dimond, Newtown, Bill for a Constitutional Convention Reported. Harrisburo, Pa., Jan. 20, Mr. Mann, from the Committee on Constitutional Reform repcrted a bill ....... 1 .. ior a .onsiiiutioniii convention, pro viding for an election on the second Tuesday of June next for or against a convention ; the people nt the time to elect delegates. The convention is to be held on the first Tuesday of Sep- j tcmbcr, nt Hurrisburg. Forty dele gates at large are to be chosen, each elector to vote for twenty. One hun dred and three ure to be chosen from the Senatorial districts, each single district to elect three ; and each voter to vote for two. In doublo districts each elector is to vote for four. The six highest candidates ore to be de clared elected. The w hole Convention is to consist of 143 members. Their pay is fixed at twelve dollars per day day for two hundred days, and five dollars for every day in excess. The bill was ordered to be printed. Starved to Death. Tho Cou- ncautville Courier of lust week iu speaking of the death of Gilbert Cut ler, proprietor of the Cutler House, at Crossingville, Crawford county, says: The particulars of bis death from a case of particularity distressing inter est, he having literally died of starva tion. He had been ailing for several months, from stricture of the a.-sopha-gus, and was only to partake of liquid food, the quantity growing smaller with each succeeding day, until at length ho was unable to swallow a sin gle drop. For thirteen days previous to his death not the slightest particle of food or drink reached his stomach, and death to him was a welcome vis itor. The disease was simply the grad ual closing of the tube through w hich food is conveyed to the stomach, and the best mcdicul skill failed in afford ing relief. Sad Accident. In Sharon a few days ago a child aged about two years, daughter of a Mr. Jones, who resides near the E. & P. R. R. depot in that place, was fatally scalded by pulling a pitcher of boiling hot water from a table standing near, the water coming agaiust the child's face aud rushing down its neck and breast. Medical aid was not called until the next day, which was too late to save its life, Greenville A rgut Peace in Europe. Paris has capitulated ; just before we go to press news conies to tn that the war in Europe is over. This end of tho war has been looked for ns cer tain for somo time. All should rejoice that tho flow of blood is stopped nt last, and that peace is onco more prev alent. Who have merely time to give some of the morcjimportnnl dispatches : eusaii.lks, January 27. Tim capitulation of Taris has been signed. 'PI 1 A I. I .1 i ne terms are me surrender 01 llie garrison and the summoning of a na tional assembly. lhe terms of capitulation of Paris provide for tho possession of the lorts around Paris by the Germnns, but no occupation of the city by them. The I mice imperial to be tuturo i.mperor, with the Empress as Regent. A large lorce will bo immediately dispatched in pursuit of Chanzy. ersaili.es, Jan. 25. Tho terms of peueo offered by Kismuck to the .trench nation are as follows: First, tho cession of tho Province of of Alsace and that part of tho Prov- ince oi ijorraino Known as ucrman Lorraine. Second, a money indemnity of !. 000,000,000 francs. Third, forty war shins from the French fleet. Fourth, one of tho colonies now held by France, which I cannot learn. Tho money indemnity must be guar anteed by municipalities. If this guar antee is refused, the rronertv of rich individuals will be held possession of until ncquicsanco is obtained. London, January 29. Bismarck. alluding to the reported negotiations between Napoleon and the Prussian Government, says the Emperor refers everything to the regency. Bismarck denies that he has ever negotiated for the restoration of the Bonapartes, or that he intends to interfere in the do mestic concerns of France. Versailles, Sunday, Jan. 29. The German troops occupied the forts around Paris at ten o'clock this morn ing, and the entire garrison of Paris, except the National Guard, will sur render their arms. The armistico ex pires on the 19th of Februry. Another Disaster X Explosion of the W. R. Arthur ! SIXTY LIVES LOST ! Chicago, January 28. Intelligence reached this city this afternoon that the steamer W. R. Arthur, one of the fitiest ou the Nississippi river, esploded her boiler nt one o'clock this morning, near Island No. 40. Sixty lives are reported lost. The captain, his wifi four engineers, the pilot, carpenter aud steward, were all severely burned. We clip the following items from the Venango Ciliten : Lecture on Thursday Evening. On this evening, Hon. James Parton, of New York, will lecture iu the Court House, under the auspices of the Franklin Lecture Association. Mr. Parton has a national reputation as lecturer he stands in the front ranks of those appearing to American audi ences. His subject, "One Hundred Yeats Ago," is a pleasing one, and we doubt not a rare treat is in store for all attending. Capt. W. C. Howe, formerly of Pit hole, connected with the firm of Mc Cullum & Wagner, coal dealers, has purchased a lot opposite the Exchange hotel and intends erecting thereon residence in the spring. We welcome the Captain to the "Nursery," and are glad that ho is determined to make this city bis home. He is known throughout the oil regions as a first class, go-anead business men, and we hail the advent of such persons in our midst ns indicative ot the luture pros penty ot irnnklin, An affair which came near resulting seriously, is reported to have occurred a few eveniiiiB since at the residence of Mrs. Orton, near Parker's Landin Our readers will remember tho receut trial and conviction of Greenwood, at the last terra of court in Kiltauuing, it will be remembered, was tried for the murder of Fleming, who rasalleg ed to have been upon intimate terms with Mrs. Orton, a sister of the mur dcrcr. Since thut time it is alleged that a young mag, residing iu the vi ciuity of Parker's Landing, hns been the habit of calling upon Mrs. Orton trequcntly. Another man, who was also upon very friendly terms with her called a few evenings since, and a quar rel sprang up between the two, when one of them placed tho muzzle of a re volver close to tho other's head un pulled the trigger. Fortunately the pistol missed fire, and the parties were separated be fur anything more serious resulted, An information for assault with intent to kill was mudo before 'Squire Scott, but withdrawn before the case came up for hearing. We take the following from the Oil City Times: 'lhe consecrution of Christ Church Venango City, took place oi. Wednes day. Bishop Kerfoot, of Pittsburgh ofiieiated, assisted by ten clergymen. The new Kpiscopal church at Rouse vine was dedicated to divine service on Sunduy hist. CJen. Carey lectured at the Metlm dist Church Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, on "Temperance," wild the "Dignity of Labor." The lectures were able and intercst'n ', and call forth the heartiest congratulations oi all present. An empty tank car, bekngin'' to Messrs. Vnndcrprift it For.-Mnnn .. ... destroyed by fire Thursday night Tho steamboat Briliant arrived from ttsburgh on tho 19lh, making tho trip ) in ii. nours. Tr. W. J. Brundred.of this city bus u i lied a Patent, no n ilevien f.ir ilia. M obt charging oil from tunks. The rroRsinrr nf flin Tl . T TJ Tf 5 Titusvillc was practically effected on no l " UIU -Oil. Mr. Wm. Hill, nssistnnt vard mnster at the depot of tho Lake Shore and Michigan .Southern Railroad slipped and fell off tho platform of a carlues day noon. Both his legs were crushed in a horrid manner. Drs. Seys nnd Arter attended the unfortunate man, but ho was so seiously injured that death ensued iu about nine hours. Mr. Hill was unmarried and fronicrly resided at Conn, Ohio. A new well was struck on the Fagundus Farm.opp .sito tho McKin ney House, Fagundus City, on Smidny last, and is now pumping nt the rate of lou barrels daily. It is owned by the Fagundus Farm Oil Company. Well No. 8, on tho Baker Farm ownCd by JC. K. Clnpp, was torpedoed about il week since, and was increased from nn eight barrel well to 175 barrels lily. Conner. Sew Artri'i-tlDemcnt, APPLICATIONS FOR LK'U.N'SK, lor Kebrunry Term, 1S71 t Mrs. L. Wauiniman. IXotol. Ilurmonv TP. REGISTERS' NOTICES. Fublic Notice Is heroliy trivpn thnt Nnn- py Dawson, l'.xoeutrix of John I'iiwboii, lUH-cttMod, 1mm tiled In the ltcuistf r' Ollleo in nnd lor tho County of Forest, nt Tlonps t, 1'n., her liiml account us Kxnvtitrix un der the hvst w ill of the said John Dawson, deceased, anil that tho mime will be pre sented to tho Orphans' Court of said coun ty iifi t-oiiiiriiimioii mm allowance on nip th day ol 1-ebriiary next, nt tho Court House ut Tioncsta in tho County nt'orcsuid. 4-4t, J. 11. AUNliW, Uegintor. Jan 17, 1871. Public Notice Is hereby iri von that Sam uel 1). Irw in, Administrator ol the estate of M. luilinirs. deceased. Iins tiled in tho Hejrister'M tlnlce in and for tlio County of orest nt I lonestn, I'a.. Ins final account ns administrator ol tlio said S. H. tlulinirs, deceased, nnd that tho same will ho pre sented to the Orphans' t'ourt of said Coun ty toreoiillriunlioii mm allowance on the liTtli day ol February next ut tho Court House nt lionesta in the county aforesaid. 4S--U. J. Is. AGNKYV, Register. Jan. 19, 1871. Public Notice is hereby iri veil that Invld S. KUlridjro hi d William Wrny, adminis trators of tlio pstato of James Kldridnc, deeenspd, has tiled in tho Hefristor's Olliee the final account as administrators of tho estate of mud James Kldridjro, dee'd, au.l mat tno snine will lie presented to tho Or- iian w i ouri oi hiiki county tor conlirnia- tion nnd allowance on tho -Ttli day of February next, nt the Court House in the borough of Tiouesta, in the county uloresnid. J. U.AUNKW, Jan. li, 1S71, 42-4t Jlegiter. PITH OLE VALLEY R'Y. OV AND AFTKU Saturday January 28, Trains will run ns follows : TRAINS NOHTIIWAUD. STATIONS. No. '2. 2.50 p m a.tw " 8.17 " a.at " 3.40 ' No. 4. Oleopolis, (Ml n m isennett. tl.fill 1 KUk) Irt.lS 10.3 J ' Woods Frathers Mill Fitholo City TKAIN3 SOUTHWARD. STATIONS. No. 1. No. 3. ritlnilo City, 8.00 a m 1.00 p m i-rainers juiu fi.i.'i " 1.1.1 Woods 8.2:1 " l.'J.l ' ISennett 8.30 " 1.30 Oleopelis 8.40 " MO 1 An i-.xtra Tram leaves I'ltiiolo City on saiiiruavs nt o.zup. 111. lunKing close eon nectlon at Oleopolia villi Trains on tho Oil Creek fe Allegheny River Railway forCor- ry nnn inierinoiuato pniuis. Jluturn Train leaves lileopons nt 7.2U p. ni.. nrri vim? at l'ilholo Citv nt 7. .".". A II other TraiiiH muko closo eoniipetioiiB nt Oleopolis with trains 011 the Oil Creek A Allegheny River Uailwny, North and South. Train No. 2 makes close connection at Oil Citv with Fast Line 011 Allegheny Val ley itaiiway lor I'lilsuurgliauo. lnleriueul ute points. I wo Lines of stages run daily between FitholoCity, Miller Fnrni nnd Pleasant- villo, niakingeniiiicctiou wHliiirrivingand departing 1 rains. J. 1. UIAIK, I ID. lUSHOl', Sup t Ticket Agent, Pithole City, Pa. THY WELLS' CABOLIC TABLETS An unfailing remedy for nil Rrnnehial Dif ficulties, loughs, cuius, Hoarseness. Asthma, Dipthcritt, Dryness of tho Throat or 11 nut ripe and nil (. auirrliul diseases, I he woiidorlul modern discovery ot 1 ar bolio Acid, is destined to becoiuo one of tho greatest blessings to mankind 111 its application to disease of the throat nnd Its great curative qualities in all uHuutious of tho Chest and LJings. lr. Well' Cnrbolic Tablet besides tho great remedial agent Carbolic Acid contains other ingedients universally recommended, which clieinicull.r oonmine producing a Inblet more Invrhly mudiciii al and I etter adapted for diseases of the throat than any preparation ever beiore ot tered to tho public. CAUTION Ro Hiiro that you net Wells' t 'nrbol ie Tablets ; don't let other goods be palmed 011 un you in incir piucc. l'Olt COLlillrt AND COLDS, WelUi' Dirbolic Tablets nre a SURE CL'KE. Try Them Sold by Druggists. 41-4t Book Agents Wanted. THE LAS I) OU SACRED MYSTERY or The Rihlo Read in the light of its own Scenery, Rev. W, L. (iage's new Issik is now ready. I'rtmed 011. tinted paper, is sued in beautiful stvle. Contains 2iK) Su perb Engravings, and is one of the most valuable liiblical books ever issued. In every family w herelho Hilile is to be found and there arc millions of them, tiiure can this work be sold. Agents will rpprociate lam. u v want agents also lor Prof. Stowe's 'Self-Irterpretiig Fam ily Bible." tho grandest book ovor Issued, being his crowning 1110 work pronounced hycritio the tinesl und moMt uomplele liiblu'exlaur now having a larger salo ihun any othei three llibles combined, Splendidly illus trated contains a dictiouai v ot the Liblo- with 200 engravings, a history ol cac book, etc., aud enables any leader to fcriu his own commentary 011 the Scriptures as ho studies tlx m. Any ic-'cnt or person who reads this this, and who desires the most prohtahlo and honorable business send lor circulars Willi lull liitcrnialion, WOliTllIN TON, DCSTIN CO. 30-It Hartford, C'oiin, Recommended and Endorsed by ovor Seven Ilunilrcd Doctors. DK. LAWRENCE'S COJIPOVNU KI.VIO KSTtlACT OT KOSKOOI THE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER ! Not a Secret Quack Medicine For mula Around the Bottle. rBEPAPEl) BOLRI.T BT Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic Chemist. KOSKOO STRIKES A T TllK HOOT of DISEASE n y PURIFYING THE BLOOD, RKsToniXO THIS MVKR AND KlnNEVs TO A 11 HA 1. Ill y ACTION, AMI INVIIIOIt.V UNCJ TIIK NKUVOCS BV TKM. This is the Secretof its Wonderful Success in Curing Consumption in its early stages, Seroiu ut, oyjmuis, Jjyjepsia. Liver Complaint, Chronic liheuinatijitn. Neuralgia, Nervous Affection, Eruptions oj oj me rktn, J minors, imss oj Vigor, Diseases of the Kindens and Bladder, and all Diseases caused by a Had Mate oj Vie ISlood. It thoroughly eradicates every kind nt Humor nnd Had taint, nnd restores tho en tire system to a healthy condition. It is lievond question tho Finbst Toxic is tiik Woni.n. 1 hoiiNiiuds Imvplioen chniljrpd by tlio uso of this medicine from weak, sickly, siiffor- mir creaiures, io wrong, lieullliy, mid liaji py men nod women. Invalids cannot hesibdo to givo It a trial. No medicine has obtained such n irreat reposition as tlus justly celebrated com pound. FOR TESTIMONIALS From rhysieinns. Kminent Divines. l-MI- tors. Druggists, Mcrclinnts, ,Vc, hcq JCOH- auu J A v lor tins ycur. PRICB ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. yon sai.k bt The Principal Druggists of the United . States and llriiish America. 34-ly. ANDREWS & CO., Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SKALKRS IN EE J.JElilD "W" A H! , Ac, Ac, Ac, TIDIOUTE, PA., JOHN ANDREWS. II. HSUEII, 5-tf G. VV. TIFFT SONS S CO, ENGINES, 12, IO, 8 HOUSE rOWI.St, WITH OR WITHOUT LINK AND COVERNOR. BOILERS, SI, 11, 12 and IO II. l LOCOMOTIVE STYLE. Ai 00 ici ir it STATIONARY TUBUL R K. BRETT S SOil, HG'TS. Room No. 2, Chase A Stewart's lilock, SG-Sni TiTUSVILLE, PA. TTORKIKT,!-:! I enflerred with Catarrh thirty years, and was cured in six weeks by a simple remedy, and will send tho rebeipt , postage tree, hi all alllct ed. T. J. Mkah, Draw er ITli, Syracuse, N. :io-4t Free to Ituolc Agent-1. Wo will send a handsome prospectus of our A w J lluxti ott il ViwiVy JUble. con taining over 200 lino . Scripture illustra- ons to uny book agent free of charge, ddress National 1'iiblUlilng Co. l'hiltt. f"- au-4t, WANIIIXU MAIM; 1L1SY. I urn now soliciting orders for tho celo . bratcd YANKEE WASHING MACHINE. Call at Knox A Co.'f Store, seo a Ma chine and leave your order. 7 A. J. MARSH. Ag t. GLORIOUS NEWS! PEOPLE REJOICING ! :o: :oi "LI YE AND LET LI VE ! Is ths motto of HILJ3RONNER 5c CO. Tbo hare opsned a m a;m m o t n stock OF 1)V UOODH, MILLINARY GOODS, ' CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, CARPETS, BOOTS & SHOES, NOTIONS, CUTLERY 4C, In the old Court House building, sdjolulof tha Holmes House, txohstesiuv :p.a.. where they will be happy; to supply Ui wants of this community, with sd Entire Fresh Assortment ef all ths norslties in Ihs DRY GOODS LINE. 1 .. which have been selected with great cars. As to prices, we challenge all couipsluorii. It has long beeu ths deslr of ths people of this community, to hare a stors in their midst whore can be found everything gvn- erally kept in a iimt-claas store, and wur It could be purchasod at H?ing prices. To satisfy this want, we bare come in vour midst, aud hopo by propor attention to business and to the wants of the people, to socure their patronage. Our stook ef DRESS GOODS Is second to none in Western Pennsylvania, and we are determined not to be nuder sold. These goods embrace all the LATEST STYLES, and we feel assured that the citizens of this county will not have to go to adjoining towns to purobase DKES3 GOOl'3 lu thu future. Our stock of CLOTH ISIsTdO r is superior, both in fiuality and siyle to any eTor before offered In this section, and we trust that all will call and examine our stock beforo purchasing elsewhere. 'We, also, MAKE CLOTHING TO. ORDER, having an experienced cutter, we cr.a ta!-. laty the most fastidious j7 and aswa have our own munufautury In Philadelphia, we thereby have the advantajfe'over all oi'utr dealers iu this section. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, &C' lu endless variety, at prices to tuit the times. B OOTS HCES of every stylo audi quality, which we are prepared to sell at New York pri. c-i. Call and.Exatnine our Sfct k. sepii -2i-i) Mli,.un.oy vtch y c