HLHIJ.I. Jl . .' '.V.1T.. " ' ..&!ic forest 3ftcpMI(iw. TUESDAY MONINT,, JAN. 17 nOHOUG II OFFICERS. ' Purjers. II. Mat. CVmi ifthitrn laeoh Sh ri ver, .1. K. St roll p. W. V. lliinond.S. II. Haslet. .1. Winnn. JuAticmof the J'cacc W. 1'. Moroillintt, 11. S. Kivnx. fyat stall ,T. X. Tel t wort li . AVion IHrertnr .1. Winans, J. A. Tnlo, J. A. Proper, Jacob Shriver, 1). S. Knox, S. D. Irwin. -mi ' ,F0E3T COUNTY OFFICERS. Jrident .JWr Jamts Camppkix. .Cmoci.ic Juifscii. A. Pnortit, Ax- XiKKW CooK. Sheritrli. L. Davis. jHntiict .1 ttnrnri- . W . M AffOn. IV'I'HICC-S. KUTLEV. l'rotlior,t(iry, Heyistcr it iJrcordir, if c.--J. n. Aon kv. t"ommM,iOMrril N. P. W IIKIt.En, IJKNJ. ICi.tlovr, r Kris n Mi:ncii.i.ioiT. Vuiiri Superintendent H. 1'. Itoiiuim. J it, ii 'Vommiionrra-Jas. jIiaii.ua:, Vm. Patterson. C'jimfy .SMifcior S.D. Inwix. f ..... . .. W.w . vu TT , . T LM . V VI f'T.AIllv. irmberut Cunnrts VMh DMricl-ii. W. . ftiroFiELl), - Slntc Senate W. A. W'AtLlts. Aeaeu-blj Joust). Hall. C & A. I R. TIMETABLE, OOINCl NOItTII. Arrive. L'-'O p.m. Depart. l.-"i p. in. 0.V) l. in. Depart. 1(1.07 . in. 3.-0 p. in. Moil.... ' fcxpross G.37p. in. UOINU fiOL'Tn. Arrive 10.04 n. in. 3.10 p, in 1' press Mall.... LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. . ' Nominations Air officers for the -mailing torm, for tlio I. O. G. T., will he made at their regular meeting to "morrow (Wednesday), evening. A j;ootl turn-out is desired. On Wednesday last the County Auditors adjourned to the 30tH inst., when they wi'.l again meet to finish their report. S. II. nnd Geo. Haslet and some liny were out hunting small gnmo on "Saturday, nnd bagged a nuinoer of i-quirrels and a ely old coon. We be lieve squirrels arc quite jdeiity iu this section. , Wc havo received a very neatly printed paper entitled Our Dumb Ani malt, published nt Boston. Mass. Its aim is a humane education of the peo plo and to secure the passage of laws to prevent cruelty to animals. It is a jjood work, and wc wish the publishers nieces. ' T. li. Cobb spent last Sunday in town. He was down warming his house to prepare for Mrs. Cobb and the rest of the family who will move into town this week, if the roads are not too bad. Mrs. Cobb lias been ill for about a month past, but her many friends will be glad to know that her health is im proving. Rev. A. Virtue, Presbyterian, of Kmlenton, will occupy the pulpit of .of the Presbyterian Church on the Erst Sunday of February. We arc inform ed by those who have heard him preach, thut he is an excellent preach er, and we have no doubt thai, he will le greeted with a full house. . I. Ilill'uronner, senior member of the firm of I. Ililbronncr & Co., has been in town for a week past, looking after the business here. He seems well satisfied with the amount of trade the establishment lias been doing, and nl , tributes it all to keeping up a good dock, Belling low, and advertising in the Republican. Rev. Burton lias made arrange ments with Revs. Roberts and Lloyd, to have services every sabbath morning and evening, hereafter. Such an ar ragemcnt has been needed for some time, and wc havo no doubt thut wc .tl'.a'.l havo better attendance at church , hereafter. Turn out all that can pos sibly come. We havo received a copy of the New York Observer Year Book and Almanac for 1871. It is printed on good, clear type and tinted paper, and contains besides the usual nslrouomi cal calander a variety of valuable sta tical iuformutiau. An entire imprint .of the first directory of New York, pub lished in 178(3, also apjears in this vol ume, which until now was so rare that a, tingle copy brought 100. All sub scribers to the Observer for one year, fash in advance, will receive the year book free. Published by Sidney E. Morse, Jr. & Co., 37 Park Row, N. Y. Last week wo published a pro . portion of some of our tow nsmen to give a premium of five dollars iu gold to the person reading the best essay on the subject of matrimony, to bo heard during the Tl.eachcrs' Institute, to be held in this place next week, com mencing on Tuesday, 24th iust. We are uow informed that three bachelors x of this place will compete for the prize, and if either nf them pulls iu the prize, ho will divide it up into live pre miums of one dollar each, to be given to five persons reading the best essays on any subject. Wo would, therefore recommend tbut all our teachers let themselves out l:vh' on c?"v diirhig t': if t'i'Uf. Tho danro which was to have como off at Forest Hall on Friday oi last week, diil not proceed on account of the non-attendance of daneists. Geo. Turner nnd Francis Brown, who havo been on trial for the murder of Rowland Kightlingcr.at Hydetown, in December last wcro acquitted. Wc have received tho American Newspaper Reporter and Advertiser's Gazette, published by Geo. P. Rowel 1 & Co., New York. It is a valuable paper for cither advertisers or publish ers. We learn that John T. Bolo, while engaged iu rafting logs at tho month of Mill Creek sn Monday last, had his leg broken below tho kneo by a log rolling on it. Clarion Republican. J. P. Siggins, late county Treasur er, informs us that ho is going to put Uown somo wjalla niiposi to. this place, about three miles back from the river, We wish him as much success ns he I anticipate?. Mr. John Shrccve, formerly of this place, but now living in liolvidere, 111., paid this placo a visit last week, with his family. lie was enthusiasti cally received by our citizens, and we judge that ho must have been a popu lar man iu the placo when ho lived hero. Our job office has taken so much of our attention for the past week that wc havo not had time to circulate much iu search of locals. Wo are turning out a vast amoutof job work now and our customers seem pretty well satisfied with our work. Bring i. along. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tho Conncautvillc Courier comes to us enlarged and with a newheadin and entire new dress. We wish the proprietors that success in tho future which tncy have been having iu the past, which is wishing them wcl enou'di. We should have noticed the impiovmcut last week, only tho Cour ier failed to put iu an appearance at this ofiice. Magu ire's Opera House in San Francisco announces iu its advertise, ments: "Perpjrmai'ccs every Sunday ni;:ht." Sunday night seems to be a favorite timo for performances here, judging by the time some of our young men put in an appearance at their homes ou that evening, and the amount of chttira that Parti idgc lias to fix on Monday. We have received IJuUvu's .Liga sine for February. Itcontaius an in structive illustrated article ou Russia, treating that nation in a most compre hensive manner, showing its manners and customs, strength and weakness, all of which is very interesting just at this timo. The remainder of its con tents consisting of poems, stories, Ac., all of which are very interesting. Terms CI. 50 a year, or 13 cents a sin gle copy. Address, Thomes it Talbot, Boston, Mass. The ico went out of the river on Sunday morning last, commencing at about 2 o'clock. It went out without much fuss, but piled tho beach on both sides of the river with large chunks of ice, which were carried away by the high water on Sunday night. The creek broke up about 11 o'clock on Sunday nitiht, and flooded tho shores on both sides to a considerable extent. To day, Monday, tho "Arubs"are reap ing quito a rich harvest by pulling in lumber which has escape, from the mills above. The river is about bank high, and is over tho roud in some places. It requires quito an amount nerve nnd sou.e muscle to cross it at this state. We believo no damage has been done along tho river. And now, we feel tho want of a bridge again Tidioi te R R. Com tan v. The annual meeting for the election of ofii cors of this company took place on Tuesday with tha follow ing result : President James Parshal. Directors B. D. Benson, D. II Mitchell, R. H. Ilopkius, Geo. W, Allen. Secretary R. E. Hopkins. Treasurer D. A. Mitchell. Every &tlurJuy romc-s to us regu larly. Wo consider it one of tho best illustrated papers published. The last number contains a portrait of F. Bret Harte, author of the famous "Heath en Chinee," who, besides being a very interesting writer is about as good look ing as men average. Wo believe that James R. Osgood & Co., havo engaged this gentleman to write for their pub lications exclusively, which will be an additional inducement to subscribers. Tho paper also contains a minuter of other superior engravings, and contains 21 pages of interesting reading matter and line engravings. Mr. Fields has retired from the firm. Terms of livery Saturday, fco.OO per annum. Address tho publishers, Boston, Mas. Mark Twain receives 82,100 a year for bein:: i".-i-d?? foi."v iu The Woman t Journal, edited by Marv A. Livermore and somo other masculine women, has reached us. It is devoted to woman's rights, i. c. wo men mid'. age. We havo circulated somo little about this glorious Union, and have interviewed a great many la dies on the subject of woman sullVage and have yet to fiod a real intelligent woman w ho w ishes the ballot, and con sequently don't feel like forcing it up on them. Wc therefore are not what you might call a woman's rights man. Bret Hartc, according to a San Francisco letter, is to take up hi? resi dence in Boston, and write exclusively for tho Atlantic Monthly. 1 he National Farmer and Horti cultural J'cjiMr has been sent to us from the publishers, Brinkloeit Marot, Philadelphia. It is to bo published weekly at $1.00 per annum. To Contractors. Proposals will bo received up to the loth day of February, 1871, fi.r laying 1,500,000 brick on the Venango Poor House, materials furnished on the ground. For further information ad dress Dkwkis & SlMMON'9, Contractors, Franklin, Pa., P. O. Box 19. 40-tf. Bcok Binding. Wc arc ogent for as good a book bindery as there is anywhere. We are prepared to do all tho binding which may be brought to us, at low rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ssmplcs oan bo seen at this office. For Sale. I havo for sale one yoke of working oxen, weighing about 2.G00 or 2,700, olio pair of 3 year old colts, will soil one or the pair. II. L. IIogan, 39 Ct Stewart's Run P. O. Teacher Annual Institute. Tho fourth annual Institute of For est county will bo held at Tionesta, commgieing on Tuesday .January 24th, at 10 o'clock A. M., and contiuuo in session four full days. T. achers are requested to make all necessary arrangements to leavo their schools at tho time, and give full and prompt attendance. The law requires you to do so, and it is hoped that every teacher in tho county, and those intrud ing to become teachers, will attend the institute during its entire session. Thursday tho 20:h will bo called "Directors' Day," set apart for discus sions and questions appertaining to their interest. Directors and friends of education, wo cordially invite you to favor us with your presenco and aid. Instructors and lecturers will be em ployed, and ncccessary apparatus pro vided, to make the institute, it is hop ed, both beneficial to teachers, and in viting to the public. S. F. Ronnrn, Dee. 17, 1870. County Supt. 33-4 1. A. II. Steele, Cashier Tionesta Savings Bank, has been nppointcd agent for tho celebrated " Inman Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any person desirous of going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them w ith all tho information required. Fon Sale. A superior Rifle, sliver mounted, and well calculated for game found in this county. The price of this gun is 30. (.'all on, or address P. D. Thomas, Tionesta, Pa. Furniture bought of me will bo do livered, freight paid, to any station de sired on tho O. C. & A. R, II, Geo. II. Aiiittwa, Jn., 4 tf Tidioute, Pa M. K. Sabbath School every Sab bath at 9 o'clock in the morning. All aro invited. S. S. Euh'-on, Pastor. Foil Sale. The bouso and lauds known as tho "Christie Propeny," lo cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa., aro for sale. Term cash or approved security. Apply to John A. Dale. President Tionesta Savings Bank, Tionesta, Pa. A KI'LEXUID variety of Furniture at Aherns' new Watcrooms, L'mpire Hotel Building, Tidioute, Pa. 4 tl FokSalk. At this office, a schol arship iu tho Iron City Commercial College. Must bo used by tin individ ual livimr in Forest County. Will be sold at a discount. 32 tf. Yuu can buy your Furniture, clicaji cr and better at Ahrciis' new Furui turo Warerootu?, Tidioute, Pa., than j uivv whrrr rl- in tliis ect'n. Try. it. FREE TO EVERYBODY. It cots nothing to try "SLKEP KR S COMPOUND ARNICA LINI MENT." If it does not benefit you tho agent will refund your money. It is the wonder of the nineteenth centu ry, and when used for rheumatism, neuralgia, lameness, and pain in any part of tho body, its magical cficcts astonishes everybody. Pain cannot exist where it is lued. Ask for it, nnd tako nothing else. Sold by all drug gists. Price 50 cents and SI per bot tle. D. S. KNOX, & CO., agent. E. B. SLEEPER, Proprietor, Wuterford, Eric Co., Pa. Wholesale Aue.sts. Hall and Warfel, Erie, Pa. Calender & Co.. Meadville, Pa. Spencer & Bnllymoie, 155 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. CaIU'ESTKIW, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest county, w ho nrc in want of any thing in the Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioutc. They havo the largest stock iu this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery nnd Saw mill castings at short notice 4-lf. Foil Sale. 150 acres of land No. 3142, in Kingsley township, Forest county. Any person wishing to pur chase, will plcaso address the under signed, stipulating the price they will give. James Bi.eaklev, Franklin, Pa. E. L. Davis will sell at private sale, cheap, six good wo k horses. They cau be seen at David Hay's stables. i was rrnnn ok dkafnkss and C'ATAItUH by n simple rumcily nnd will send the reeoipt free. Mm. .1. '. l.liOUETT, Jersey City, N.J. 3 -hv A WEEK imiil tt'jents, iimlo or fo JiJwv mnlo, in a new inuiiufrcturina diisincss at homo. No capital required. Address Novki.ty Co., Siiso, Mo. ai(-4w LIVH AGENTS WASTED FOll WOJJKX OF SEW YOIIU. OR SOCIAL LIFE IN THE GRAT CITY. Wonderful developments among Hi" nritttiM-nicy. Married Women exposed. Ac, ('C, Trier !?!.i". Tiio best Hook to seil published. The bet terms to audita ever liivon. Address, N. Y. liook Co., 11! Nuxsmi St.. N. Y. 3;-4t GENTS WAN'TKT) I OU i. TUB LIiiMT OF THE WOK Ml. llnntalniiiir Fleetwood's "Life of Christ," and Iivt,, of I tin A pontics, K.nvanfrelists nnd Martyrs," Doddridnos "K idem es of Christianity;" "History of the Jewa," by Josephiis; '-Ili-ilory ol nil religious lo iioniiiiiuions," willi'treatisp nnd lables re lating to event connected with Iliblo His tory, coiilniniiifr many lino ennrnvlnpa. The whole 'i,riiiiii; u complete; treasury ol Christian Knowledge. W, FLINT, S. Hevonth St., I'hila. :i0-4t KSouey Juilily Pintle by Jnrtive men and women getting sub scriptions for the great religious and Jil rrnrv weekly Tho Christian I'nioii, ed ited by hlnuy waiid T!i:i:cni:n. Having in its corps of Contributors tho ablest laieiit of tlni land. A charming serial story by tho world-famous author ess of '-I'lido Tom's Cabin," just begun. Kvcrysiibscriberfor 1S71 rceeives,lhe paper for eight weeks, and tho people's tavorito, Marsni'll s Waiiiupton, (alono worth f-'i,) free. This new .and unequalled combina tion is taking liko wild lire. All aro do ing well, many making from $10 to f-10 a dav. Now Is the harvest time: act wisolv and quickly. Then. is positively nothing that will pay you so well. Copy ol paper, ghapter of storv and rare terms free, ud drcNS A. II. II CinsAKD, -10U Chestnut St., Philadelphia. - 3i)-4w 7 ANTKL ACiKNTS To soil our now V illustrated liook of Travulo OVEKL15D ASIA. Ily d l. Thomas W. Knot. A conipro liinsivo mid valunbh) exposition of the countries f Alaski; Siberia. China nnd Itussia as they nre to-dav. Natching our lticlmrdson's ''lloyond tlio MisMissifipi," and Mark Twain's "Innocents Abroad" in slvle, Ac. Send for circular and seo our extra terms. Address AMUIUCAN rUIJLISHINfJ CO., 3i-4w iiai tford, Conn. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St I'hila. Incorporated 1791. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND I FIP.EIHSURAaCF Assets Jan; 1, 1S03. Zfi 1S.:123 Vi $jo,0!)0 'oses paid since its organiza lion. WM. liL'Ul.LH, Central A:,tn!, llarrisburg, J'a. MILE.5 W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. Ktiltl TITDIOTJTE, J?J. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, An.d Dealer in WATCHES, JEWFLIIY, AND MU.SICA L INSTRUM ENTS. Repairing done in a workmanlike manner and warranted to give satis faction. 4-ly DELAPIERRE'S ELECTRIC SOAP Warranted heller and clu nper llian any other. 1'or ISalo ill Philadelphia, I'iU.-i-biirgh iVc, by Jiinnev C Andrews, T. Conrowif' Co. lloelli'chA' Molaii, llarl n it Son, llurns if-Siniicker ltcill' ,t llarv v, Wu ernian ,C Vouiil', W. L. lir.iver, 'rhoiiison di' Mortis, .1. 11, Krausc, W'niiiM i il'IiI it Co. Koh'rt -i it Co. Waiermiio, Son it Co. H. .1. Hiniiihry, lloi tsou, Hoar .v. Co. Ji. J. liutluer M vers tie Co. '. S. Mni-jini li.' liliv it Co. llou-h A Co, T. lliirnes, W. J. K Irk, H..V.I rt Co. igloo .V Co. Arlmckl A C il J'rf.s1 in r-.-! aiei liuinv i oilier? ADDRESS To tho Ncrveous AND T BBILITAT IE X) . VtTIIOSr Min"iTiii2S liavo boon proirvt- ed from hidden noses, nnd whose rnso require prompt treatment to render cxisleneo dosiraKo ; If you nrc auffcrinf, or lmvo Buffered from involuntary dis hnr;;es, what effect does it produce on your gonernl health? Do yon feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? lloe a little extra exertion produeo pal pitation of the heart? Does your liv r, or urinary organ, or your kidneys, frequent ly tfct out of order ? Is your urine some times thick, milky or flock-, or Is 11 ropy on nettling? Or does a thick sknm rise to tho top? Or is a sediment at the bottom nf ter it hns a!o id aw hile? Do yon have spells of short breathing or di;;pcpsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you havo spoils of friunting, or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory impnred? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do you foci dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or lile? Do you wish to bo left alone, away from everybody ? Does any little tliinir mi'ko you start or jump? Is your Bleep broken or restless? Is tho lustre of your eye na brilliant? The bloom on your ehcek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with tlie same energy? Do you feel as much confidence in yousclf ? Are your spirits dull and lla. gitif?, given to tits of melancholy ? If no, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia, Have you restless nights? Your bark weak, your knees weak, and have but lit tie appetite, and you attribute this to dys prpsia or liver-complaint ? Now, reader, Bclf-abiisp, Tcnereal din cases badly cured, nnd sexual excesses, aro nil capable of tiroducinu a weakness of the generative orgnns. The organs of genera- tion.when in porfcet health, mako the man Did you ever think that those bold, dc!l nut. energetic, persevering, successful bus iness-nicn arc always those whoso genera tive orgnns are in perfect health? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of tho heart. They aro never afraid they cannot succeed in business j they don't be come sad nnd discouraged; they nrealways polito and pleasant in the company of la dies, and .look you nnd them right in the face none of your downcast looks or any meanness nboul. them. I do nat mean thoso who keep tlio orgunn inflated by running to cxcits. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also thoso they do business w iih or for. How many men, from badiy cured dls eases, from tho effects of BoH'-abuso nnd excess, havo brought about that stato of weakness in those organs that has reduced tho gencal system so mnch as to produei almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal ufuvtions, suicide, and al most every other form of disease which humanity is huir to, and the real cuuso of tho troublo scarcely over suspected and havo doetoied forull but tha right one. Diseases of theso organs roquiro tho uso of Diuretic II KLM HOLDS FLI ID F.XTIIAC'T liCCHU is the great Diuretic, and Is a certain cure lor uiseases oi me j Uladdor, Kidnoys, (Iravel, Dropsy, Or;;an- ' ic Weakmiss, Fuutula CvtiiVil'-ilnls, '.ioner ul Debity, and a1', diseases H10 Urinary V.'uniis. whi'ther elsliii' In Male or I'm. Cl , mnlc, fioiu whutover cuusu origaiutinir, and no matter of how long ktaudiug. If no treatment Is submitted to, Con sumption or Iicunity limy enuc Our lleshaud blood aro supported from these sour s-s, and the health anil happiness, usd that of Posterity, depends upon prompt uso of a reliable remedy. Ilolinbol'i's Lxtract Iiueliu, upward of 1! Ai ars, prepared HLLMliOLIi, Druggist, O'M Droadway. New York, and lol Ssiuli lot Ii Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Piiu h- tl li-i per bottle or B bottles lor ii.50, deliveied to uny ad dress, hold by ult I lrn;r;ests every here. Ni in i : a 1 1 1 : DONI: TP IN PN-l'INi: I'NI.IisS SILL LN'lilt.VVl.l) Wrapper, I'a-'-.siuili of my Cheiul -at Warc hoiis,.. -.iriic,l II. T. HI'l.MWuT.D I v Au i'J.-:lil;Tat!li::?.i Trade! f:r 1.im 1 Jill" IImi -iT Twelve Years ag iaiiStSiFiaiss. tiik I, h i: ok ;i-.ou.k v. hkldkn. who lorm n love "1 won n .vcii'iir. no. h thirst lor knowl :l :e n.' tin liil o.-. 1,,. ; I'liNtntns, Kpor's, 'l'raKt i"iiJ, War, Ore.! ! Jiiillulo Hunts, Ac. l.-ft n Im mo ' plenty in Ohio, Jo'ned tli" Indians, mtnpi- , ed their m"1' of ii e, lnirr;el the li -.'.uii fill Washieha, I.im nu.-r a 'Ircat Wain r. Hunter and hid' of pin Lodecs, , .: rp- I pointed Lienti unnt in the t s, IV-gulur Army, for meritorious service vi h ! s braves airainst hostile In Huns. A b"i s f i tlui most tluillinp: intort u reaiity well J authenticated. Trntlist ranker Ihen t'. '.i u I Noticriilv illil-itiHtod. i) liiionivHiv.. v. 1' h ti portrait of tho author, in full frontier "- tunic l'rice low. "should outveil iniv bo- k ; I xtunt. f;' ml at once f,..- ilhtsLra' "1 crdi- ! l:ir, table nf i-'iTi'cn, '!n"o '...-s r-',l terms. A. II. IllT.llA lt!," I'ubii; her. '. V Chestnut St., riiiladel.ihin, Ta. is-it. CnAS. II. BHEFAUD, tiENHRAL IiHALlT. I:t DRY GOODS, KOTIOKS. CARPETS, HATS, CAP, AM) ftllOE.i, NEW YORK STORE, Ccntro .Street, OIL CITY PA. SI.G00 TO $2,000 SALARY WE GUARANTEE TO PAY TO BOOK AfiKXTS of exporience; or n larurcr cominiHsion tliau is ollbrod b nny other Publishers. Ahe its are makiii SOli to IfJiOper week canvass m; for oar nev lliusiriiioil O'lOit'i. iv o cu i oii,.o .e.Tin sn arv or a lama eonrnnsion. wi ill i choice of live now and po j.il ir books an exclusive terntorv. o llliiriirareehaii to enorgotio men mid wo uen ti m.iU inonev. Secure your a iic v direct lroi the publishers. J. II. itUitU & CO., .1 C li. fi l':,',-,.v. l.y J )ut j:;u.t. : s erJli l, arc merely i.-.'.'-'. ''.'. '(.', ..'; (is it bx rert'W J; Bit Irrii are nut . ivc.-r in an j .vi.i:c r.j 1,'ic word, i'td i''i.'i!.!i';i it r.";- eir-lre ('ci'vi ..',"n I) ! o.-.VJi.V ..; (lie. ,-iii', -( r;:,-V rf ' Lidi'itMioH i:n( !:' ; , :rd ,: tt'l C.t'rj K'.'.i.'t if ! a".'i hti nail'! hi nre --- ' rerjuirvd. Ti"t restore t.'.e r ;' '..'(. x in e i.riii,V decree, , mid yiee i.'ue Iv t'.ie Wftleiti. it i.-t note e'eren (' ;' iV Vf. 7:-.i,(c., the eel- ibrtdcd Swcdudi ill: l, r.-'li',!, "'illll S'.'.c.iL.vi, '.t,tre i.'i n, fiaii' Ij tli'm !;nr.;l the iS'li- Vi'.'.f'i ; blare I ;y'-: 1 . v i t k - it:.-.: ,j ! coin. ley mid in'r i d::t:ii o'li iiii) 'd irhleJi tii:. f lOiiwrm. luirc been earn', trj i:x n.;e, oi ' oilier blond dixrase. -i:jj'iu t a ltd fjidnniH, bexideii the Iodide of I'vUiumI and Syeiijt of SHI! iff Ut, di ii'js import ! ed ji oiu Sieei'i ii for its express I nut mi fuel art. uiibiowu tnut not kvt ill (lii')the- nets in I lit 1 it ii .. A .;. trial trit tl of it i (':(' xl;n: lec.ldi lr. lu.back's Hlvod 1'iHn are unfit riwxed by any I'lll uitnui l';eliad for a lit.tilttr nuniose. J. t O.ie tri.il niva- ritibhj rsltd,ii,',t'.i them a favorites villi all who K.vf them. The re-uiuu why Dr. I'vlacVt IXood J'dU uli'udd be kept in ev '"'.' fi'iidy are: JiWttuse. they can be employed it all ctrs ifher ,j " family phyjij" is iet"-lred, and hire pnft.Hy sjF: .',.,. aJMiH. 'ixfraiivi, ui ,y timci; y,vai( L" y a-.e made '.va'ft with and . without m(;i tr ie on tiny, thitf adaptiiiy them to the nee. of every body; Jieeaiue BL003 thry can be pur ha.ted at any deity store at the extrenely low price of twenty tive cents v,r box. - J'oi Sale by J)rujjlstn and Headers in, l'itent ' Metllelnen fvern-vher. Issued Jan. 1st 1871. -t nO Choice sd lions No. 3." con taining 1 1 in best now thm-j-s for Iieiliuna- i i . i ..i,.i,lisl,e,l I ''oil, ltocilaliim, etc. I i ii I limit Oratory, tMa"n sm " Thrill,,,-sentiment, and Sparkling llu by H. T. inor, l-supago., paper .in ets. clotli 7.' cents. Ask vour books.illi r lor it, or send prico lo P.'lJai relt it Co. i'hilu, i'n. It'.'- U UJ A N T I-: D A( i 1-iN'l's, (-? 0 per dav) lo sell the celebrated 1IO.M K SlIt'TTI.K SI-iWINii MACIIIM:. Has tin under Iced, luiikes tho ' lock stdch" tabko "li both sales) and is fully lic' iisod. The and chcaprnt family Sowing Machino in tho marks".. A l.lii'ss Johnson, Clark it Co.. llosU n, Mass., Pittsburgh, i'a., Chi cago, III., in ii. Louis, Mo. :!:J-lt 100,000 Agonta Wantocl i'cr HOW WOMEN CAN WAKE fiiCfiEY, nnd i-i!i'-r I V.. I.in; V ,V f: ! h'-', i. .--t bo.il.s In h i lilar'tot. -I mil M re. t ii II l. 1 , I I, ' Ml ('I -J . I i 11 I . . v. I ? ''Sl,:.5f:HaiS:.lA w.li-,Mf-'-1f ti-r-t Loral Acu',5 V.Tar.,i:. T wnv.'. :i I.""1,! A .' n'. ;n oe-y I'own air.l Vi!!a." 1:1 tbo C mn rv, t. ratf.-as-i i'r S iu-.cr.fn r.i ' tii -i -1 , n '.Vol;!.;. A T ;i rn i '.- ). 01 Pri'iiii-im lie.'1, lie: ii: t Hl'l.t 1 'Vf ' i "t t very n:l .n!ier. Kr.nn S!.'r ii'j.v ( e;.i bo casiiy ni-i hi in r. A liberal oa-!i eonimis:iio'i i Sen.l Ht.-inm f-r Speciiiio! no ) alar. A:!di -i.r:, J.'.:i.. m !!. Kliiotl, nll'iwcd. fli.'I'i IJ..:tcn, Mr CELEBRATED COUCH REMEDY HAS been uel dilrinS tho last t'.f.c.-n years by thousands of pcoplo for the spoeilv cure of throat and lung disease. It has been thoroinhly teste I tin voice ot the press nnd tlio pi upto havo ivnd re I tlieir verdict l-v H onoiiiicinr it a SAr'r", Sl'lilillY. THbKOt't.H mi l I-:i riXTt' AI. IILMI'.DY the best Modiitine known for curing Lmv-' Compl lints, l .vei y per son of everv mo aillieiv.l with eitlier ot lb following diseases, should uso lliis pleas ant reinii'ly without deiav, and their voices will soon minirl' with los'.s of oth ers in rz::: i:ii.i:ii".lin.4r its e!li-acy to their allliu'.ed neiiihbors and friends. H-U-c Jldi's Cuiiyh Jlc.nedit it caret Colds. iuT da Hair s Covyh Remedy it curt Cr:v:p or Jlattla. ' ' Cvot.sJ Hxliit t'uuah Ilc-.ncd'j it caret Asthma and J'hthinic. taT Uxs Hdl's Covjh Umeihj foe Ca itrrh. (STL'; IItir Covjh liemedy it ttrtn; Iticiii the lunys. pyls? Ji.''o Comjh Remedy fr llrort- (hit i. t-SrUec Hdl's Cott'jh Remedy fir Ifftr.'cnes. tr,y L'ss Hall' Coiirh Remedy if ttrniy- them thi vol". t-3 .V.ie Hdl's Cough Rcmchj for Whooping covgh. It will greatly modify tho violence of this dis"a? and shorten its tedious eour.so one half li'.mi its ordinary duration. i:.w.iio of omn'cri'cits an I base imi'T '.loli'; ci'l for Dr. P. Hall's Ce'iebrai" I Con ;!i 'to'ii- I v an I si til l h's wri!ou "ina'.ive li upon tho wrapper and dir lion i. .vrnoxir Ti:sri.vo.vy. We tho uudorsigned citizens of HrioCitr and vicinity, havo used Dr. P. Hall s Cut .'braltid Coiinh Kcmedy with groat sueccs-, in cii,-;tt' disea .eo of ttioTiiroa! and lamgs iind tlko ploasurj ill rc'ioiniiieiubn j iu i n ti the itlli"ted as a spooily and rllectu.it remodv. fullv worthy "f tuililic coulido.icc lainos Thomp.s ui lohn M..'lh'irri Sr .lohu A Tracy It iborn Cochran Daniel Hear" J 11 ibisvinj W I' Uimleniocat P I: Pari on Alan -ii in Shorwo il W 11 Coopor .l.wcjili Hi'cni". li Mij 1 1 rant Lucius A II ill Til s M iv"t.i V M ii iba,-lier Chas W K 'Isj D P l'.llsi,'!! ..' li Shirk Ki liar I lJi .1 T ( ' is bihn W .Mul.aua loliuWHays lolm U Coehr.in lohn K Immiis lohu M W i ; u lohn S lirov. a S L 1'orster I W Hull i irvicu STn'i.h ' ' Puiu'irs It O I'.DOt, in ikiiu, ii.miel M.ii;r, 11 Wri -!,t d it!!i:iv Hamilton D niel lluvur, ' .1 VV it,- :i ' '" '!-V.'i. f l looey M Mayor I W Cnlvr J L Loiu A in II M-iV .1 llobinson 21 V M I'.n-ba'l Hilas II l-'in.li H U .mi, tt, V el Howell .1 Salshnrv Si 11.11 I'M F.KIK ONLY RY P. II A LL, M iniilivtur ir and solo proprietor, 11 itl' .Vow liailliii r. Slate St, PltlCKitri CIS. i'i:it iioriL!-:. AiidiiyD.s. icnox 4 'O., Tioiieita, Pa., and by Hgeut'i g.nieial lv. -13-3111 JOfJEB HOJ3E, CLARION", PENN'A.; IS. JOXE3 - Proprietor. E3TRAY. CI M I, to tho promts s of iho nuliicrilicr, 'in li recti township, sir miles sunt boast, M'Tioncsln, on Monday. Nov. Hist, a Dauk ItatMU.i: liri.r. aboii1 two years old, with 1 s it hi tho liil ear. Tho (iwner is roquir O I to ",),,., I ,r r-i'vrtv. n-iv cliarges and tako biui iiiinv, or ho will b disposed of uoesirding to law. PET-UK YOUNG K CI 31. NobruHku, Pa. ttK.NTS WASTED FOR Sexual Scienc inclui'.in - Maiih,).l, Womanhood and their mound interrelations, Live, lis laws, power, Ac, by Prof. O. S. 1 owlcr. Send lor eiicul.ir-i and apiimen a "s. Address, NATIONAL P U IILISII I NU CO., I'hila I ' p i i. l'a- 1 1 " BfCaJTC "anted for Hcaolcy's NeT, ttUtil I O Krc.li houK "acred Hero and Mart vs." Wri'.U'ii In tlio Author' haiM'icst stvlo, and surp issiiu.' h.s en on, work, which havo sold by tho HM.UUO. With Original Steci; l'.u-'iiviugi from di -si-us bv our Ariisl woo I. is spent inro.i vcar-i iu ISiblo I.a:i Is. In t 1 tho Press am loud in its pre- are nei!citl,r in )'1'V r lt d V. K c A i iits II. T- .t t.l i-e Co., liulisOil ll'ilwic. N Y. FARMER'S IILl'j2xt. Shows how todoubii) I he prjiiuui' tlio .'a.ui an 1 how lUrm.'isu-td llie.i- -j:is cm t-.l i.i.iki In winter. IW,U0J copies will ho mailed li-co to farmers. Son I nam ' an I a I ir s lodlliiLKUi McCt Dl) Y, Piul.i I '"'i a, Pa. '" 10 MAiiU Filo.M s-iiuiitliing urnoul'.y n 'o l.' 1 by evciyb-dv Call i id it.uiiii!, or s I i.oioi seat p .i;J (ia:d I i- :.o "N tin, rc'a.l -i nlv for il '. K. L- W l '. t -l Ci, . iir n N ' ' " WANTED A 'i ll' I l' l tiie l.M'orV ot OD'SCHUHOH !tv I'l.n. liiii. h l'.,:it, I'. !'. Pi on All', lo' the pi i -i in it-V 1 ...!'! b.i ii'). 10 1 SC 2 nc so ri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers