The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 17, 1871, Image 2

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    Ihc forest 'fpuMknn.
Great Disaster.
Jnt ns wo nre nliout to pro to pre1:?
new pomes to na of the hiirnins of tlie
Monmor "T. L. MoGill," from St. Lou
h fnrNewOrlenns.wIiicli was burned nt
Memphis on Pntnrrlay rvcninjt last.
Thirty person wore lost inrliielinz
four women nml three children. Tlie
Captain nml Clerk of the vessel lost
tlieir lives in tlio emlcavor to save tlie
lives of tlio passencers.
Rev. Alex. Sinclair, pastor of the
Prestyterian society at Titnsville, was
presented with a complete set of Ap
pleton's Cyclopedia, nml WeliMerV
Dictionary, valued nt $150, and a SL
OW greenback, liy the members of bis
Congregation, recently.
We see by our exchanges tlint
BeUen: The mte Chief, which we
liave several times commended in our
readers, is having an immense sale, at
which wo arc not surprised, for the
book is worthy. We arc informed
that a full regiment of agents n thous
and strong is already engaged in its
sale, and that the work bids fair to be
the great literary success of the day.
A. II. Hubbard, Philadelphia, Fa., is
the lucky publisher. ,
At the head of our pure delights
Bfands Jcllersnn'a "Rip." Ex.
Query. Who was Jcl'lrson, and
where- was his "rip."
Lury Rushton has turned up at
We clipped the above, and intended
to make some remarks upon it, but
words fail i;.
A man named Jessup, in Doston,
tflaims to be the iuventer of chewing
It would have been a blessing to
humanity if Jessup had been held in
the water jes up about two feet above
his head before he iuvcutcJ this jaw
breaking nuisance.
The Hartford Post suggests that
this is a good time to collect auto
graphs of your creditors.
We are in the autograph business
ecmewhat, and there arc about seven
hundred and ninety-two of our cred
itors whose autographs we are very
amous to get on a paper commencing,
'For value received I promise to pay,"
Johnson (Andy of coursed says,
by way of warning to Grant, "There's
no use trying bo nominated for a
tfeeond term."
Andy speaks from experience. He
might have been nominated a
time, but the Democratic party could
"see more" chances, of success in an
other man.
A young man at La Crosse, Wis.,
looked through the key-hole of a girl's
bed-room, and ever since the doctors
have been trying to get a knitting
needle out ol the place where his eye
used to be.
In other words, he "risked ouo eye"
and lott it. He won't have to much
curiosity hereafter, nor so many eyes
to dot.
Win. Strausscr, of Catawissa, is in
the Columbiu county jui', on a charge
of attempting to poison bis mother-in-law.
It seems that the same peculiarity is
remarkable about the mother-in-law
business that Josh Billings says there
is about the mosquito business "the
supply exceeds the demand."
Ou Sunday nicht two voting men
named Scott Planner an .1 Will Filson
.had a difficulty at Charleston, Missis
(sippi, during which', the former cut the
latter's throat, severing the jugular
vein, then tied.
In this as ill many other cases, pay
ing cli'So attention to the jug, means
wide severance of the juggular. "Who
tiain wound!) without canto? They
they that tarry long at the wine they
who go to seek mixed drinks."
Rich widows in Brooklyn aro re
ported as "thick as blackberries," Lut
much harder to pluck.
When we formerly mailed our let
ters from Tionestu, there were tixteen
widow in tlie town, but they differed
from the above in that they were 'thin'
'ihiek'and 'middling.' However, they
are not lis plenty now as ihey formerly
were, and con-e'pieatly we don't have
us l'.vvly times.
Tlie Chit-ago Republican is out
iga ins', the custom i.f general kissing
of a bride at wedding, and calls it a
"relic d' b'trburibm."
Well, what next? What kind of a
ilrivl up old caricature on humanity
is this Chicago Republican loan? A
"relic of harbai i-m," indeed ! If this
b barbarism, why, let us all become
barbarian at once. This is about the
only real fair chance bachelors ever
yet to Us'.etLj wc U. s of ripe young I
feiutiaLe lips, ajid hero s a man whoj
vuutsthe curtom abolL-lu-d. He do-.
'-VV( j '
Ijtl ' .
! t-
.I'.ll hv
The Press on Iho Governoi 'i Mcssarjo.
It is nn elaborate nnd exhaustive
document, touching on every topic in
which our people can have any interest,
ami contains a vast fund of informa
tion for thf-. public. Piltuburgh Gazelle.
The message s a voluminous nnd in
tcresting document. At the outset we
have a highly satisfactory statement of
the State's finances. Sineo January,
l.K(7, the public debt has been reduced
Sii,r)!l2,747.87 or at the rate of $1,04:.,
107 a year. During the year ending
November 30, 1S70. the reduction was
fl.70'2,S70,0,"). The present State In-drbtcdno-s
of every description is fill,
lll.7lil.00. To meet obligations fall
ing due, the Governor recommends that
the legislature authorize the Commis
sioner of the Sinking Fund to sell
"all the assets that may be in tlieir
possession, amount to $9,o00,00(). This
apolied to to its liquidation, the debt
would be 821. 500,000, to liquidate the
whole of which at the present rate
would require only eight years. The
Governor wisely suggests that this rate
may ho considered too rapid as well as
unnecessary, if not oppressive; that
taxation to such an extent, which is
mainly borne by our corporations and
tho manufacturing industries, tuny
have an injurious effect, nnd the opin
ion is expensed that it can be safely
eased off, so as to reduce the debt at
the rate of 81,000,000 a vear.
As a whole, it is a document of
marked ability, and eveen boldness,
extremely well written, nnd cannot
full of arresting, to an unusual degree,
the attention of those who take an in
terest in public affairs. Pittsburgh
The remarkable passage in the mes
sage of Governor Geary of Pennsylva
nia, on the subject of the employment
of troops r.t elections, is mainly re
markable for its resemblance to the
kindred utterances nt Governor Hoff
man. That the presence of troops is
desirable nobody claims. That it was
desirable in Philadelphia, was, per
haps, a subject for consultation be
tween tho Governor and tho President
hardly for discussion in this message.
X. Y. Trilune.
The message is well adapted to pro
duce a favorable impression both in
the State and country. Tho Governor
has been fortunate in avoiding ex
tremes, and success in taking n gener
ally popular view of subjects treated
upon. liven Democrats will find it
hard, wt think, to severely criticise the
views, whether local or rational, do
mestic or political, of the message,
There are questions raised which might
have been more throughly treated, but
inasmuch as the chief aim of a Slate
paper is to commend various topics to
the attention of those to whom it is
addressed, perhaps a brief expression
of sentiment, without elaborate nrgu-
Mr. Fish end Mr. Motley.
Hie Ftate papers relating to the re
moval of Mr. Motley from the Court,
of St. James are very long, and the
controversy between the Minister to
England and the. Secretary of State
is decidedly bitter. Mr. Motley
charges that manner of his recall was
peremptory, unprecedented, discourte.
nus, without just cause, and intimates
that he wa removed in order to punish
his friend Senator Sunnier for opposing
tlie ban Domingo question. Mr. t ish
declares that Mr. Motly exceeded his
instructions, and, indeed, directly vio
lated them. His positive instructions
were these :
First. "Ho was directed to say to
Lord Clarendon that this Government,
in rejecting tho recent c invention,
ebaudoued neither its own claims nor
those of its citizens, nor the hope of
an easy, satisfactory and fnemlly bet
tlcnient of the questions pending be
tween the two Governments.
Secojvl. Ho was further instructed
that in hi private anil social inter
course, as well as in his oflicial conver
sations, when it should become neces
sary, he should place the cause of griev
ance of the United States against Great
Brilian, not so much upon her issuance
of tho recognition of the insurgents
state of war as upon her conduct un
der and subsequent to such recognition.
It was left to his discieticn to touch
upon other points. He is then accused
of threatening England, of instructing
Furl Clarendon iu bis duties of mak
ing grave diplomatic blunders, of re
ujinjj id return when invited, of mis
representing the President's views, ami
using language in his correspondence
with the Britiyh Government lending
to make hostile feeling between the two
It is too soon for thoso who have no
partasianship in this unfortunate quar
rel to niako decision iu the case II is
plain that Mr. Motley devoted himself
to bis difficult mis-ion with energy and
intalligcnce, and that he had but one
purpose that to properly serve his
country. Of Mr. Frsh's foreign po'ic-y
we have never had a hih opinion, and
therefore are inclined to believe that
Mr. Motley will not lose the confidence
of tlie public. But, however this may
be, the question is not who was sub
stantially rijjit ; it is whether Mr. Mot
ley obeyed his instructions, and cur
ried out the weak policy of Mr. Fih
with the proper degree of timidity. If
he did not, if he allowed his own judg
ment to govern his actions, it may
have been perfectly proper for the Ad
ministration to remove him. That
subject the Senate will examine, and
Iho oilier question is already pretty
veil settled hv public opin'uii. J'u'ht
defjd.ia VoA. '
, o
Mrs. Nevins, a laJy re.-iding on
Church Run, on Saturday iiceidei.Uy
fell on the fcidewjilk i'l T!t'.vi:'.. and
Yry her am.
We clip tho following items from
the Oil City Time :
Mr. Samuel A. Glenn, nn employee
at Hill eV. Tliumm's refinery was run
over by the cars near the round houc,
on Saturday ultcrnooii, and killed, lie
was walking on the track of the O. C.
A: A. R. It., in company with Mr. J.
Kilgore, nnd to avoid an engine com
ing toward them stepped over the A. it
W. track, within a few feet of a loco
motive engaged in making up n freight
train, when the engineer opened the
cylinder cocks ami the cloud of steam
prcV"iited their seeing a train of cars
being pushed towards them. Mr. Glenn
was so seriously injured that ho died
in about two hours. Mr.. Kilgore es
caped with slight injuries.
On Saturday morning Inst, while
S. W. Updike, stilliiiau at Ilinkley tt
Alien's refinery, Titusvil le, was engag
ed i.i taking IF (he sideplate of one
of the st'lls, nficr drawing the tar, the
gas issuing from tho stills took fire,
burning Mr Updike Severely about lis
face and neck.
About seven o'clock Monday morn
ing Henry Hopkins, a well known col
ored man, of Titnsville, was severely
stabbed with a hunting knife in the
left eye, by Win Prim, a colored boy
14 years of age, residing in the same
On Saturday evening last the shingle,
lath a d saw mills, owned by A. S.
Wilson, and nituated on tho Lake
branch of Sugar Creek, four miles
from Cooperstown, were totally des
troyed by fire. Mr. Wilson's loss is
8(5,000. No insurance.
On Thursday l.r;t A. N. Spanlding
shot a catamount back the Tarr Farm,
Venango county. It measured four
feet from tip of nose to tip of tail, and
weighed over twenty-five pounds.
Pr.r.iovs Accidf.nt. We learn that
Mr. Joseph Hurley, of Union tow nship,
met w ith a serious, if not fatal, acci
dent, on Monday, December "Olh,
1370. He was engaged in shilling logs
at the landing on Anderson's (.'reek,
where he was found lying in an insen
sible condition by tho teamster. No
one being present, it is mere conjecture
as to how tlie accident occurred. From
the surroundings it is inferred that he
was lifting a long w ith a canthook, that
the log sudddonly slipped and caused
tho canthook to fly and strike hint on
the head, inflicting injuries to such an
en extent that his recovery is consider
ed doubtful.
Also, Mr. J. Sankcy, aged about 18
years, a son of Wm. 8. Sankev, of
Karthaus township, was killed on Fri
day, December, 30th, while, engaged
in felling a tree for timber, Thctallirj;
tree lodged on another, nnd the butt
broke, from the stump, swung around
and struck Mr. S., on the head, break
intr his neck nnd dislnentinjj hia shoul
der. He died instantly. Jlcftman'i
New 100 lAt:iu-.L Well on tiik
McCray Fa km. The well located on
the J. S. McCray farm, and owned by
Blood Bros, J. A. Steward and John
Bell, was completed and tubed last
night. Pumping commenced nt an
early hour this morning nnd it is now
yielding fully one hundred barrels per
day, and said to lie rapidly increasing.
This well has 40 feet of 'third or oil
bearing sand rock, and a strong vol
ume of gas. Pctrokum Centre liceord
Jan. 12.
Bold Robukiiy. A bold highway
robbery was committed on Thursday
of last week, near Wild Cat, in Madi
son township. Mr. Peter Fidle, of this
place, a notion peddler, was passing
along the road, w ith his horse and wag
on, in the evening, when he was halted
by two ruffians, with revolvers, who
compelled him to deliver up his pocket
book, containing 8127. After taking
out the moiney the rogues banded Mr.
Fidle back the pocket book, remarking
that they hoped it would be fpeedily
replenished Clurion Democrat.
Hon. John CovoJe, member of
Congress for the Twenty-First District
of Pennsylvania, died of bean disease
at Harrieburg, Thursday morning.
Lover of "genuine Havana"
cigars will be glad to bear that the
cabbage crop of Connecticut is very
pro nising tins season.
The Corry Republican says: If
Erie, isn't a first-class one horso town
it would liko to see one. Its editor
needn't go fur lo be gratified; but
climb onu of tho heiuljuk Ltumpa nl
his front door and guze around him,
Erie Republican.
Tho torn crop of the Union is
unprecedented!' large. From Cincin
nati to St. Louis the whole country is
almest literally one great corn field.
Added to the extraordinary crop in
the old producing States, hundreds of
thousands of bushels have been market
ed from Kansas and ether States west
of the Mississippi, which nave never
before cultivated beyond their owu ca
pacity fur consumption.
The recent failure of two or three
prominent insurance companies is
bringing out some ugly statements.
Ono company in Cincinnati is charged
with having paid out ten thousand dol
lars for managing fifteen thousand dol
lars of premiums. A list of New York
companies is also published in which
the ratio of expenses to receipts is by
no means calculated to inspire an in
surer with confidence. An Ohio com
pany, with a groos income of 8187.203,
contrived, to get l id of 881,217 in ex
penses besides what risks it paid. The
Great Western is the lust of tho life
insurance companies to become insol
vent. Connecticut and New York,
the States which have ahvajs watched
the insurance business closely, have
already fi-rud ti e virl of ii!l grra.Hr
The Monarch of Advertisers.
HcmSold's big sleigh was out in the
Park the other duv, with a load of i
Judges nnd Generals. A Sun man,
meeting the Doctor, asked him how
much the bells cost.
"They're gold plated. There are
G78 of them. Cost me 8070," answer
ed the little giant of the medical world.
On further inquiry the reporter
learned that tho harness cost nearly
84,000 and tho buffalo robes 81,820.
Thinking that a man with such a
turnout to be worth something, the re
porter camo down town and hunted up
the Doctor's assets. Ho found tlie.n
lo be ns follows:
Five story lirown s'oncstore, oVi
Itromiwny. f'joo.o 0
Stock in Mora HM,o;h
rnvute resilience flo.ooi)
l-'urnitui-o in privnlo rosldeneo '.5,00D
Slalilo UU.CHHI
Horse, earrhiircR, sleitrhs, Imr
nrs, rolies noil iho finest turn-
out in the world rn.coo
Stoles nt lontt llrnneh iHi.iiCO
Hotels ut LoiiK llinneli M.OiiO
C'ol Ingres at I.ontr llnttich ."t.iMKt
Furniture in t'oltam s lO.non
Land in l.onii Urnueli l'
Slock in his I'hiln. laboratory l.m.oou
Total Js t.-,(M 0
Tho reporter learned that the Doc
tor owns, in addition to the above, sev
eral lots on Madison and Fifth avenue,
and some on the Boulevards. The re
porter was assured that there was not
a pencil mark against all this proprie
ty. The Doctor's business isinimense.
The orders have rent-bed 8:50,000 and
810,000 in a single day. Seven yenrs
ago be came to this city with 820,000
in his po ;ket. Now ho is worth his
millions, and spends as much money
as an man in the city.
"How did he make his money 5'' ask
ed the reporter of the Doctor's agent.
' ihroiigli tnlvvrti-Mug liberally in
tho newspapers," was the reply, "same
as Bonner, Smith it Street, Aver, and
The Doctor is advertising in 0.150
newspapers. He buys his own mer
chandise1, and contracts for his ndver
tising in such a manner that ho is pre
pared to discount af seven per cent,
per annum any obligation that may be
presented. Tho Doctor is emphatical
ly a self-made man.
Ho has a special fondness for
yachts, nnd is speuding largo sums of
money in procuring models of the
Dauntless. Ho proposes to decorate
his drug store with these models.
The argument of Victoria C.
Woodhu'l, claiming the right of suf
frage of women, under tlie Fifteenth
Amendment, was heard on Wednesday
morning by the House Judiciary Com
J V II A Ij j F 1 JS ' N' S Y 1...N A X I A .
In cntcrinffupon n new year the C'om
mi:uciai. has no fresh promises or new
professions to make. It is b it that Its es
tablished character is its bi'st ijiiaraoty for
the future. As an independent Kopiibli
can journal its useluln.'ss nnd inlluenep
are conceded, ns well by its foes as its
friend '., As a newspaper it stands in the
very front rani;, (.'iviiii; its readers ihe ben
efit of new elloi ts nnel ineivusiinr means of
improvement even in this respect. To at
quire this posilion tho LYtnniierciat has ex
pended lai ire amounts ; to maintain it, it
lavs under coiilribiiiion Iho telegraph, of
w hich it is one of the mort liberal custom
ers iu the country, and every regular and
special means known to tho incst advanced
type, of journalism. Its market reports,
embracing every department, are recog
nized by tho business community ns the
btandard for Iho Pittsburgh trade. ' To this
new features have been added, tho design
bcinji to leave) nothing to be desired by any
branch ol business, cither buyer or seller.
In tho lieid of political discussion, tho
Commercial has u character which is its
(rreatest Ktrenutli, Supporting without
reservation Republican principles, it is to
tally independent in nil else. Wliiln of
Iteiiublicaii principles it is nnd will bo n
sleadlast advocate, it will support neither
men nor measures that will con diet with
tho simple rule, which Is conceived to bo
tho only proper oio of lit men fairly nom
nated for olliee, nnd honesty nnd economy
in tlio iiiiiiiiiiri inent of public nfl'airs. Jn
Ibis respect iho desire is that tho Voinmer
rif may bo know n ns conservative as well
as perfectly iiinependent, reserving to its
elf tho riirht as it is conceived to be its duty
to criticise whatever Is fairly open to criti
cism in tho Republican party ns f.- inkle ns
in any other; and for this it lays special
claims to tlie support and conlieloncc- of Iho
Tho times nre full of Interest. The year
before us'will be full of stirring events nil
over tho world. To keep fully up wilhth
ri fpiirements of the duv in tho broad held
of journalism w ill bo tho steady purposeof
tie Cvtnmrrciiil. Its appointments, to
which, ns occasion requires, additions w ill
bo inad , w ere never inoro complete, nor
lis means more ample; and sincerely jrrale
fulfortho liberal a' l online iveii them,
and Iho marked coulidenee ol' Iho public,
manifested ill many wjivs, tho Vmnmcreiul
asks lor the continuance ol the sanie, prom
ising lo omit nothing w ilhiu its puv.ur lo
merit it.
SIiirIo copy, 5 eis.
Delivered by curriers, (per week) 5i5cl.
Subscriber by mail, per year. d'l.lW.
Per your, 52 issues, fc-'.co.
In clubs of twenty, jd.fn.i.
Ono copy gratis to tho getter up of tho
The. mvm i must attntya accnmpaini the.
order, ami in ho instance ran tl.rse tu rns Lc
Ufiateit fl-uht.
.?.'' Postmasters aro requested to act as
AOF.NTS Vantj:i ?j; .er iiionlii by
tho American Knitlini' Machine Co'..
Itoslon. Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 1M iim
Salesmen Wanted,
Business hcnoiuMe. No eomiielition, lib
em! pay givcu. S. W. KI.NNF.HY,
3j-4t 8S. -lib St., Phila.
tQQ Knerjutie furmcra lioiei. From
fc.iu) to $ 100 can bo made during tho idle
winier months, llnsiness pleasant and
honorable. For further paiticularsof this
fytreial chance address al om o A. II. II ub
hurd, Phila, Pa. 3:'-lt
wunts a number of liood agents, also a
good Oener.d Agent lor Western .'a, also
a good general Agent lor tlieOcriuan
counties ol I'll. Address ilimd in llau.l
oliicc. No ll'J South 4ihst., i'bihi. :;:-Jt
.) to ''() 1" r day and no risk. Do j on
want u situation us salesman at or near
boine, t.i ioliodiiet' our new 7 slrancl While
Wire Clothis Lines to lust forever. Don't
miss the chance. Mm pic free. Address
''.'.;( Hirer Wire H'ork.i, 7j YV'iii St. N.
Y "T t-'i Tn-.irin.m St. ( bica ;u. I'l. .-,:- v.
AHPNT n week M r-or
"ULIl I O f ,.,.( ml v ..-, , o. in i-jwIi
ale g female. ) !,-,.. Adilresn Ameri
can Hook (.'., t2 William St., N. Y. !t!i-4t
ltY UF.TTINU V. il,liss.
'Jin. Send lor onr new Trier. List nnd n
('lob Form will iieeompaiiv it. eonliiinina
I'll il dlnvtioiiM making u liirete saving lo
consumer and remunerative club organ
izer The rcai mrricati Tea
P. O. r.ox "iiU t. nkw voiiK. .:: 4t
rpilIS IS NO IHMl'.l'il ! K
1 Itysetulinir O MC'KNTS
with nee, Mk'bt, color ol' eye. nnd hnlr,
you w ill reel ive, !y return mini, a correct
picture-of your future- husband or wile,
with onine'ioul (lateofiiiiu rimie. Address
V. FoX, P. O. Di-nwcr No. 31, Fulton
vllle N. Y. :W -It
yAT'il FUK, F.Tiiei f an n ilnv ire a"nl
V no liuinl.ujr. AihiresM I.AT'J'A A Co
I'it'.sbuijih, Pa. :ti)-lt
TRY Yi'IlI-H.K''
An iinfniliii" remedy for nil Hronehial Pif
lieultiei, C'ouuhs, Cold, 1 lonrsenesM,
Asthma. Diptherin, tlryness of the Throul
or H'ind Pipe mid nil C'hIiii i linl disensoM.
The wonderful modern discovery of Car
bolic Acid, is destined to become ono of
tho nrratest blrsiiii;s totimnkind in its
npptication to disease1 of the Ibrout nml its
irrent curative finalities in all nlieetions ol
tho Client and l.un;.'K.
ESe Wells' Carbolic Tabids,
besides the treat renicdinl nsr.nt Carbolic
Aeid contains other iinrdicnts universally
rceomtiicuided, which chemically combine)
produeiiu: h Tablet more hiirhly medicin
al nnd i eller adapted for (lisei'mos of Iho
ibroat tlmn any preparation ever before of
fered to the public.
le Tablet ; don't let other goods be palinod
often vim in their place.
i'Oll CCH'CillS A XI) COI.PS,
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
me n Sl'ltK CVIIE. Try Them.
Sole! by Pnijifvists. 5(1 -u
Tii s: i thv Vo ?t it.
V.'i'l c'lnn-renny colored l;:or or licaid
lo n permanent black or brown. It eon
tainx no poison. An v one can use iU One
Bent by until for ti. Dealers Mipolied
at red need ralet". Address Win, Pulton,
Treiw. Springfield, Mass, H!)-lt
w ith thctireen Tea Flavor
Warranted to suit all
Pastes. For sale every
where, For sale whofe
oniv by the Great Atlantic
alio Pacilh' Tea Co., 8 Chuta h S!. New
Y'orK. P. O. ltox Mo3. Hood for Thea
Nec'.ar circular, aft
Book Agents Vr anted.
Tin-: U.VH ou wACHi-d M Yt'TKItY or
Tho J'.ibio Head In tlio liuht of its own
Scenery, Hew W, L, iin;ro's now book is
now leady. Prlnied on. tinted iaper, is
sued in be.iutiiol stylo. Contains '1M Su
perb Fngravbigs, and is ono of tho most
aluable liiblical books ever issuod. In
eve ry family wherctho Ibblo Is lobolound
and there in e millions of them, there can
this work bo sold. Agents w ill rppreciato
this. Wo want agents also for
Prof. Stowe's "Silf-Intcrpreliig Fam
ily Bible."
Iho grandest hook ever issued, being his
crowning life work pronounced by critics
Iho finest and most complete liiblo'oxtant,
now having a larger sale than nny other
tlireo Itibles combined, Splendidly illus
trated contains a dictionary ot the. llible
with U0O engravings, n history of each
book, el1., and enables any reader lo ferm
his own commentary on tho Scriptures as
ho studies them. Any agent or person
who reads this this, ciid w ho desires tho
most profitable and honorable business,
send for circulars w ith full inlcrniation.
30--R Hartford, Conn.
wash ix fii maim: jUAKY.
I am now soliciting orders for tho ctle.
fail nt Knox it Co.'i Store, sco n Ma
chine and leave your order.
37 A, J. MAI1SII. Ag't.
12, io, h ni:m: rowi'i:,
21, II, 12 tiud IO II. 1
40, 20, 22, and IS II. !.,
K. BPiETT a son,
P.ooiu Xo. 2, Chase ft Stc-warl's liloe!:,
SC-.lm TiTUSVII.I.i:, PA.
J. W. l:oWI.ANt, A I.KX. MenowKL
AXO M'Al.lT.S l.N-
Ciii(S I'tirui'ihiiio; Cou(N,
And Ai;eiit-s lor lu- (.'elibni'i'd lj rover it
JS.iki r Sewing Machine,
niANKU"', pr.:r;v.
J -Js It.
Recommended ni:d Endorsed by over
Seven Ilnndred Doctors.
co.MPofKii ri.riD cxin.vcT or
Not a Pecrct Quack Medicine For
mula Aromul tlie F t tie.
riir.rAr.rn sot.rt.v by
Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic
K O S K () O
.vraA'.vs .i r rnr. hoot 0 fs.M.v;:
llFsTOIMVn TUB I.tVF.n and Kipyrr TO A
l.KAI.IHV ACI'loN, A M lNVIOOIlA- hit: M iivur.j avs
Ti:.M. Tlii? is tli c Secret "of its Wciulerful
Succcsi in Curing
CoHsumjilion in it tiarcr, i-enfu.
la, fiphili, Jiciciit. Liver
L'ompbiiiil, ( 'iircnia
Xeural'in, Xcrrovx A frclinv, Eruption
of of lite'ii, Ilttmir. Lot vf
Vigor, Ih'e.uT (ft'io
Kin (';;
ami L'ndilcr, ohi! all Jti.eane Ci:vl1 hi
n Lwl iihde if the JHuod.
It thoroughly eradicate every kind of
Ilumoriiiid Hail mini, and restores tho en
tire system lo u healthy condition.
It is bevond epae.stioii tho l'lMr ToNIc
IN Til K VOUI.l).
Thoir an. Is have boon ehanpi by iho use
of this medicine lr. ni wcnlc, sielily, snlier
inj; eri-atures, to sirony;, healthy, and h ip
y men and women.
Invalids cannot, l esitato to pivo It a trial.
No medicine has obtained such a prcai
reputation as this Justly celebrated com
From Physicians, l.'mlnent Divine, TMI
tors, Di Uir-istM, Merchiuits, I've., soo A't.V
KUO .ti..1.l-Y.IC.or this veil.-.
i on SAi.n r.v
The. Principal Drxigght ff the U,-,ii,-d
(S'l.tfcn niif? JJriiiah America.
Manufacturers of
H!:.w.i:r.s in
&., At., &c.t
JOHN AXniil'.V. 'rt. H. HSIIKIt.
OV TIIK issun OF
$1,500,00 0
iiY Tim
In denominations of l,0'i0 nml $".rO, oou
pon or roixislere l, wi;h int.ircst nt IMirht
percent, per iiiiiiiiin, payable l.Mh I'ebru
ary and August, ill HULK free of I
States taxes, Iu Now York or Kuropo. 'i ho
bonds luivo thirty years to run, payable in
New York in ;oLl. Trustees. 1 -'armors1
Loan and Trust t'oinpaiiv of New York.
Tho mortago which secures these bonds
is at tlie rato of M.l.iiii) jer mile j covers
a eoniiUlud road lor ovm v bond iMied,
and is a tiivt an.l t'N' LY nir.vta.e. This
lino, connect i n ? St. Joseph with Port
Kearney, will make u hliort unci through
route to Coliforuia.
J'ho Company have n (Vpilal
Stock of - - - - Jl'0C0,Oi0
And a itrant of Land from
'onirress, of l,i;:io,i,(i.) Aon-i
valued, at the lowest esti
mate, at - - - -Pirst
Mortjrajro P.oiuls, -, - -
Total lent;lh of road. 271 miles' distaneo
Included in this Mortgage, 111 miles ; price
hT) ami ae-oriic-d interost IN CI. J KK.NCY'.
Can bo ubtaiuod from tho iindersined.
Also, pamphlets, maps and inlorin.itiou
relating hereto. These bonds, beiiij so
wop! secured and yielding a larci income,
aro desirablo to parties seekiiin safe anil
lucrative investments. Wo lueouiuiend
them with entire conlideuce.
v. p. co.NVKHsi: ico
No. H Pino .Street, N. Y.
T ANN Lit (O.,
I-'ISCAI. Aoknts,
N. to Wall .Street, New York.
Fiitl'crreil with
1 Catarrh thirty yi am, i
and was cured
111 six weeks hv aMinpht reined v, and will
send the ri'bcipt, poslao tree, to all alllct
ed. T. J. Mi.iti, Drauiir J 7ei, .Syra.aise. N.
Y. :;- t
I'rrt1 to liook Af;oiJs.
We will M-nd a hands . mo prospectus of
our A i ie J IhiAtrul. il l n..,i:l IS.I'lc con
taiuin over .JO lino .Setipt lire iiluslia
lions lo any ln)k audit free of chai se.
Ailili r--s :, ,t r,n ii-!i n-i , . J'h'in.,
i 'n. :.i II
In tho motto of
Tilo h'xre opercil it
iiammotu a o c n
in tho old Court lloinjcliaildinr;, dj'jii.inj
I'.ih IiohiKS lleo.-e,
w'..c:ro IhffV will bo happy to n:pp!y tlio !' ilii C'liiununity, w oil i
y.utivc C'i'caIi AsNertmeiit
! i.ll tto .. 'valllos in Ui
DliY C03D3 L1P.-C.
which Lave be. u Hclected with gri a' c;u o.
As to prices, wo ehalioniro nil eonipetit nr.
It has long been tho clfs'.ro of tha people
of this community, to hare a !t.r in '.l.eir
midi-.t whers cr.n b? found cvcrvthtnjrer.
C rally kept in a lirst-class tt re,and v he. f
it ceuld bo purchased at living prices. To
satisfy this want, wo liava ef ine in vera
midst, and hopo )iy proper attiulion to
busiuess and to tU wants of lb people, '
KOeuire their patronagn.
Our ktock vt
is Kor-nnd to non in
Western Pennsylvania,
and wo aro determined nut t be under
sold.' 'i'hc;o ;tods einbraeo nil Lia
and we feel assure J that tho citizens of thin
county will not bay to go to adjoining'
towns to pui'e!:as DKKSS COOPS In th
Our ttock ot
O L O 0? EC linSTc O-
is Ruperior, both in quality and slylo t o
any ever bol'oro offered in thU section, and
we trust thut ull will call and examine our
stock beforo pureliasiiijf t-lscu hero. V,"o
bavins an experienced culler, wo e:-.n nit-
isfy Iho most fastidious j and us wo havu
our own manufactory in Philadelphia, w e
thereby havo t' 0 advuntauovcr ull other
Uuitlern in tiiia scctiou.
in eudleii variety, at prices to suit tj
Boots & Shoes
of every style und'.ly, whicli wc aro
prepare J n - i ll nt Ne w York priecoi.
Call art) Examine our Steele.
-rd ' -i ;..
i; i i.i ;;. n , !-.;: . i.