r -4- - She ovcst 2vcpuMicnn. TU-iSDAY MtMNIN'I, JAN. 10- bohoUjh OFKICEHS. 7m-ffM-lI. H. MAV. VMin7wicii In 'o!!ShriviT,.?.n.Htroiip. W. W, D m md.H. It, Ili-lel, I. Wtnans. Jat ires fic iVncc V. I'. Mcreilliott, I). S. Knox. Onnslahle .1. N.Tcitswmth. JSViO'if Oieerlnrs J. Wman-, .1. A. Dale, J. A. Proper, Jii'nl) Shnver, D. S. Knox, b, I), Irwin. : FOnr.ST COUNTY OKFIGEIS. p.-ev.lmt 7n 'r-.lxlt CaMimii:!.!.. A-altr Judyes-A. A. Pliullilt, AN IiliKW Took. 6'ici'i'.' I-.. I.. Davis, ltiirl .Itloiiiiy W. W.MAaon. jVwIITfS. SKII.KV. 1'i-olhmuHanj, Iti-imlcr Jt Recorder, ice. - J. 11. AOMAV.' (tm.M'Vifrj-N. P. MKKi.un, I.kxj. Kt.uorr, Purwi Mkucii.i.iott. Cjuntt Niipri-ni'i'iKlnit-H. I'. lt1Illi:n. Jki v 't,iiHminnouer Jas. Oili'IM-ian, VM I'MtKlHHN, Ujmh'V .Sii''.'"'- f.l. IKWIX. (Winner-Jo-iaii Win asm. . Vl.Mlirv .Imbrorl-L. L. HACKI2TT, I-.I.I llol.KMAN, W.M Cl-Allli. ,, ... Member v (.VntfrcM I'.'Ji X)wfric-U. A . Scoriui.u iVifc .Vantr V. A. 'W ali-ack. Assembly John h. Mali.. O. C. A A. I K. TIMETABLE, UOINCI MOUTH. Arrive-. Depart. 1.2') p. in. U.4U p. 111. Depart. 1(1.(1" il. ill. 'iXti p. in. Mill..-, txprmt l.:0 p.m. (I.a7. in. OOINO HOCT1I. Arrivo. 10.01 a. ni. il.Ul p, in IE x press. Mail LOCAL ANH MISCELLANEOUS. Rev. Burton wi'l occupy tho pul pit of the Presbyterian church at this jiliicc next Sii'-bulh. Wc nre under obligntions to tlio Htiito SiiperiiPendent of Common Schools for his Allium Report f.ir 1870. In the rase of Dale & Henry, vs. Wilkin?, which was decided by rbi trillion, judgement whs given in favor of the plaintill's. The case is tu bo hurried up by the defendant. Our County Auditors are now in session buliincing thu books and preparing- a report. They nrc men who will report thin;:' ns they ure.tind in whom tint people can entrust their business w ith confidence. A man was mistaken for n deer, near President, on tho oOth ult , mid rlmt by a hunter. The ball entered his chin und lodged in his neck, uud has not yet been extracted. His condition is is mid to be critical. His name is Dlai'.cscr. W. F. Ovei lander, a son of Jacob Ovtrlnndcr, living-up the creek, near Morgan's Mills, died tho latter part of .last veek, und was buried in the 'iio iiesta Cemetery on Saturday. lie was ubout 17 year old, and had been tick for about three mouths. The cause ot bis death was chronic, meningitis. Wu receive tho Oil City Daily Register, published by W. R. Johns. E.-IJ., wlikh eoui...enccd publication Jan. 1st. It is u live-column paper und is well gotten up. Wo hope the publisher may make this oft-tried en lerpriso in Ud City, u success. We lire now turning out job work which we need not hiu.-h tor. Any one who wishes anything in our line w ill b shown samples on application to this ollke. Work done when prom ised und at lutes as reasonable us can bo had ut uny ollico in Murlli-wesleru Pa. Prof. A. C. Porter, now Principal of tho Doroiigh Schools here, is about to start a nev paper at Kmleiiton, to be called The Hieing Hun. It is to be a six-column weekly paper indepen dent in politics, and will appear in about a month. May she rise glorious ly, shine brightly, uud set only when the newspapers are .upcrcceded by some greater invention. -School re opened on Monday, 2d iust. Whooping-cough has bad its . day, and most of our juvenile members of society uro again enjoying reasona bly good health. Wo uiideiataud, how ever, that the attendance is iiotusg .od as it was before the vacation, uud be lieve the reason is that the parents are afraid their little ones will catch the mump, but where ihcy uro to procure t lie in we don't know, as we have heard of uo cases in town. . A man named llccso Clark, a brotlier-iu-law of Judge Proper of this place, nut with an ueident on the'Jtfih Ult., which resulted in his deulh. 1J,. was earring logs to the miil, and one I ot the logs on the car rolled olf und threw him down, craushing his skull UliJoubledly causing hi instant death. Ho was ulone when killed, uud was was discovered by ins comrades by whom he was missed. lie was a mini uboul twenty. nine yuirs of age, und leaves a wife und two children. Fivj: D(u.i..(t:s in C(ii.i), IKre is a (hanciito gobble a live dollar g, ! r-ece easily. U is oileled to the per son reading the best essay mi "Matri mony, ut our coming Teacheis" Iiisti- tute, which istocojumei dice on lticsiiae. i -Hi I. :. . Ml- . --.!." 'J' . lOl.lllllC, .-l((l ,v in'. ' -l:h l.st. lh.si.v.onhalitile'thilds.p.opii,,,,. ,. ,. cllort. and we cxn.ct to I,,.,.,. I: , 1 U,B 'r77'r. it We visited Colibs' Mill ., four miles aliove Lucytown, recently, in company with Dr. AVhmiiH. Mr. Cobb is running j two mills this winter, tho other cmo brill'' ut Tom's Hun, in Clarion county. ; lie employs sixty-eight teams, unit about one hundred and twenty men. lie is rushing husiucs this winter. On thu way there our cutter Hlruvk u stump in tho road, throwing us up about three feet.aml binding u against the Doctor, who assumed a horizontal position in the snow. Forttltl.itely the the horses slopped immediately, und uo one was hurt. Tho Dr. ventured to .iy when we were agnin Boated, "Dunn, why in something didn't you stay on your own side?" Wc ask ed, "Dr. why didn't you keep yi.ur scat?" Then we compromised. Com ing homo we crossed the creek at La cytown, the horses breaking through at every step; but tho Dr. using the whip uud his powerful voice w ith great effect, wo gut over without being drowned. We thought we were having a hair breiuith escape, and were very much disgusted when wo heard that it was the thin ice oil back water r..hi it ".lni;h," that we had been riding over'. Tho healer says our eyes stuck out like peeled unions, and we know his dul. Ayoung man, in Forest county, whoso name shall be nameless, happen ing to arise one morning, recently, be fore the rest of the faiifily, went to runnimgingubout a enpboaru w here bot tles of medicine ttc., were kept, run! accidentally stumbled upon a little of liquid poison known as "old rye," and proceeded to poison himself. lie tn joyed it so much that he arose again next iiiornii'g bclore daybreak and imbibed some More of said poison. Hut, alas' the liquid had been medi cated, und acted us a very forcible physic, uud now he lets all the bottles in that house strictly alone. MoitAi.. Look not upon bottles in dark places nor put their contents down thy neck for they bite like nerpeuis, Isting like adders, und iomelimes loosen like castor il. Wc have received a notice of n marriage at White Oak, purporting to have been solemnized by Itev. P. P. Pin ncy. Merely the notice came to us, with no signature whereby we cau tell wither it is a true bill or a hoax. It is important that we shold know where these notices couie from in order to protect ui selves from publishing coiin-torK-it marriages. We will publish this notii e next week if we hear from the parties interested. On the 21th ult., Jerry Potts, liv ing near porker's coal bank, this Co., went home in the evening intoxicated, and laid down on the floor. Sometime in the night his wife we..t to seo how he was getting along and found him dead. (,'fii'iivi'lc Argil. Several of tie sanio kind of cases arc daily oecui ring, and yet benzino is in good demand, hero us well ns else where. M i:. Editor : The statement in one of tiio late issiK'3 of the Forat JW.3, that Iloracu Wiikins, Est., donated the sum of 701) to the Methodist Church in Tioiieta, is incorrect. Mr. Wiikins very kindly loaned us this sum for one year, and I make this cor rection in order to facilitate the collec tion, ui' the funds subscribed. M. W. Tate, Treas. M. E. Church. Somclx.dy left some shirts at this oilice, uud v.e cannot find the owner. Wc coiiM.ler this a tirst-dass tempta tion. We lost our extra shirt at Oil City, (.tiring the holidays, and coming back, find a lot of shirts waiting for us in our i-fiicc. We have resisted the tcmoiation to wear them thus far, but if they arc not soon taken away from here, wo will ornament our person wuh a clean shirt once every fortnight. Wo are informed that some parties wire recently lined SoO in Meadville for exposing venisou fiir sale after the expiration of time ns per game laws, although the ileus had been killed previous to the expiration of said lime. Let our huntci'j book sharp, or they will fi ml themselver minus id' their ex tra greenbacks. We have received the Ahline for I January, It is a beautiful number, ' " l,:t 1 .1 ' numt.. r, i!lllr-tlilli"lw cannot be beat. uc w"llu "u 1 1 ,,,""'r a"l " eircumstanccs. It costs 2."i0 u year, und every subscriber receives a hi auti. ful oil chroino. Address James Sutton (V '.''j Li.x rty street. N. Y. ircrinnn Hloom, one of our oldest and most respi c-d'd citizens has remov ed to a (crmaii eminence styled Dutcli Hill, I'apt. Knox has rented h s louse, and w ill fix it l for an nfiVe in which to dispense the law' tf u'l who may need his services. Wc have leei.iveil lli.' Public r,l...... ai . . .. ic 0iir..uta;u!,:'.,-'"l'''ii..'u.: . t-v. . .I'JC!t Oljill During tire past two weeks much sleiejiing luw liccn indulged in I); our yniiiijr people. Eticytown, Dutcli Hill, West Hickory, Mini Tvli-rslm rli wo believo arc .uvorite pointd With Hie sleigh-riders. Some of our citizens attended Miss Kellogg's concert in Titusville on Friday evening last. They came back with tun opinion fearlessly ex pressed, that Kellogg Co u Id sing. W. W. Dimond put one hundred and seventy-five shoes on the h, rses of his customers between Christinas and New Years, beside attending to ether work which came in. Will is "old business." A Book of Uaiu: Ixiicuisr. We can hardly conceive of inoreentertain ing reading for tho long winter even ings than the new book, of JJcldcn: The While Chief. It reminds one of Hobison C.usoe, but is certainly More valuable reading, ns it presents facts and not fiction. Published by A. II, Hubbard, Philadelphia, Pa., and sold only by subscription. For Sale. I have for sale one yoke of wnriung oxen, weighing ubout 2,000 or 2,700, no pair of 3 year old colls, will soil one or the pair. II. E. IIor;.x, 39 Gt Stewart's Pun P. O. Teaches' Aaiiudl Institute. Tho fourth annual Institute of For", est county will be held at Tione-ta. commencing on Tuesday.January 21th, at 10 o'clock A. M., and continue in ses.-ioti four full days. T achers are requested to make nil necessary arrangements to leave their sch'iols ut the time, and give full and prompt attendance. The law requires you to do so, and it is hoped that every teacher in the county, n:ul those intend ing to become teachers, will attend the institute during its entire session. Thursday I'm 2G;h will bo called "Directors' D iy," set opart for discus sions and questions appertaining to their interest. Directors and friends of education, wo cordially invite you to favor us with your presence and aid. Instructors ami lecturers will be em ployed, and neecessary apparatus pro vided, to make the institute, it is hop ed, both beiiefic'ml to teachers, uud in viting to the public. S. F. HoniiEii, Dec. 17, 1S70. County Sunt. 33-41. A. Savin II. Sri:i:i,i:, Cashier Tionesta s Hank, has been appointed agent lor tiie celeorate t "Ionian Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any person desirous of going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with nil the information required. Sotivo, I havo this day sold to J. J. Fisher, my entire sloik of goods, wares ami merchandise, in Tiouesta borough. All persons indebted to me for goods, or otherwise will call and settle immedi ately and save costs. W. II. Hf Ti.t:i:. Tiouesta, Pa., Nov. 2", 1S70. 3G-Ct. Foil S.LK. A superior Iiifle, silver mounted, and well calculated for game found in this county. The price of this gun is 830. Cull on, or address V. D. Thomas, Tionesta, Pa. FlT.siTur.E bought of me will be de livcred, freight paid, to any station de sired on theO. V. & A. R. II, Gi:o. II. Aiirimi, Jr.., 4 tf Tkiiuute, Pa M. E. Sabbath School every Sab bath ut 9 o'clock in the morning. All are invited. S. S. Hlkton, Pastor. Foil Sam:. The house und lands known us the "Christie Propeny," lo 'a ted nl Irvinton, Warren County Pa., are for sale. Terms cash or approved security. Apply to John A. Dale. President Tiouesta Savings Hunk, Tiouesta, Pa. AfTl.KSDlD variety of Furniture llt Ahcrns' new Waic'rooms, Empire Motel Pudding, Tidioute, Pu. 4 Foit Sam:. At thin office, a schol arship in thu Iron City Commercial College. Must ho used by nil Individ uul living in Foroi County. Will be sold ut u discount. 22 tf. Vol can buy your Furniture, cr and better at Ahrc-ns' new Furn'i ture Wurerooms, Tidioute, Pa., than auy where e!.-e in this tectioii. Trv it. I -E. L. Davis will g,. at private ' " " six ir.,od wo k horses. ' , 'JaviJ Hay lliey etui po 0Cn H . ' FREE TO EVERYBODY. It costs nothing to trv "SLEEP Elt'S COMPOUND A II NIC A LINI MENT." If it does not benefit you ths ngeiit will refund your money. It is the wonder of the nineteenth centu ry, nnd when used for rheumatism, neuralgia, lameness, and pain in any part of the body, its magical effects astonishes everybody. Pain cannot exist where it is used. Ask for it, and take nothing else. Sold by nil drug gist?. Price oO cents and 81 per bot tle. 1). S. KNOX, & CO., agent, E. H. SLEEFKK, Proprietor, Watcrford, Erie Co., Pa. Wiiom-xw.k. Age nth. Hall nnd Wnrfcl, ErV, Pa. Calender & Co.. Meudvdlc, Pu. Spencer & Htillyiiiore, 155 Main street, Hulfai'''. '.. Y. Camm:ntkm, Blacksmiths, Saw mill meti, Oil men, nnd other citizens ot Forest county, w ho nre in want of air; t!i:::g in the Hardware Hno, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery nnd Saw mill castings at short notice 4 tf. Foil Sam:. 150 acres ot fund No. 31-12, in Kingsley township, Forest county. A try person wishing to pur chase, will please address the under signed, stipulating the jiricc tlicy will live. Ja:,;e3 Hi.eaklf.y, Franklin, Pa. WAS i lti:H OK DKAl-NKSS AND CATAltUll lie a simple remedy and will K'iiil the reenipt In e. .Mrs. J. V. LKiiiiKl'T, Jersey City, X.J. :! hv C'fiO I'-l-K pnM n ;ents, male or le OOV iiuilc, in a new nianuirir ur.iej: nisim-M-i ut liMiue, No nqiiiiil rcnjiircil. Aililiess .Nnvn.'iv Co., Sasn, Me. 3'j-4w IJVK A'iKNTS WANTED KOK woxxix or jew voita. OR SOCIAL LIFE IN THE GTIAT CITY. Wonilcrful (levclonirn"t nni inp; the ansloeniey. Murrlcl Women exposed, A-e ttv.. f riee SaiV Tlio lo-t Hook to sell uli!islie(1. The liewt terms to B ieuts ever uiven. Aililress, .N. Y, Hook Co.. If N.'i-aii St.. N. Y. Sl-lt AGENT;-! WA.VTKt) KOIl r 1 1 k i . i u 1 1 t o k t n n wo n m . llonlainiiitf le"!woo(t'H "Life of chr.Kt," iitel "Lives of the Al ;les, lOiiviinj-elisIs nod Martyrs," Jlotlrtridue "Kviilenees ol (In 1st unity ;" "I I istory of the Jew s," by .losephus; ' Tjst,,rv n( ft;l rcljoidnj, iioiiiiniitiiiiiH," w iih treatise ami luHht re-latinj-to events coiinected willi llililo His ..rv, nolniiiin? many tine eiisiiiviiifn. '1'lie wholct'iiin ii'.' a eio'lelB lie isui'V ol Christian Kiiow-teds. V, 1-' LINT, i;4 S. Seventh St., l'hi'ii. Wl 4t 3Inoy (slickly Jiurtc liyjietlo men and women (rettim.- suh-scripti.-ns fir the jrront reliitious and lit eraiy weekly The Christian L'nion, ed ited hy JII'NnY WAJtD IlKKCIIKR. Having in its cnp-H of Coiitrihiiiers the ablest taient of tlio land. A cliurmin ser.ul story by the world-I'mnoim iilllle.r esM of -fnrle T m's Ciibin," just lieixun. KvervHiilj-.ei-ilu.rfor 1S71 rceeivesho piii'r for eifrht weeks, and tlio pcoplu'B luvonle, Marsnall n Washington, (alone worth to,) lieo. Tliisni'w and iiueiitii:ied eombina tiou i takinit like w ild lire. All are do imt well, many making from SIO lo &;o a day. Now Id the harvest lime; net w isely and quickly. Therein positively nothing that will ) oi v you so well. Copy of Jepcr, t-dntpler ofstcirv nnd i nre terms free, uil dress A. II. 11 L:E11A1U, -UK) Chestnut St., l'hiiadeipliiu. 3'J-lw WANTf.L AfiKNTS To sell our new illiislrateU tl-ook of Tr.iveln ASIA. ItyCol. Titomas W. Kn-ox. A compre liinsivo Hud vain -i til i exposflion of the cuntiies . f Ala-Ui; Silx riii. Cl.iim nd Knss'a s they hi-h to-dav. Nntehino: our ltii lifod-i n's "lievonil t lift Missix-ippi," nnd Murk Twnin's "Inilocf nU Abroad" in slvle. A-. Send for cireuiur und see our extra term. Addn-ss AMl'lllCAN l'L EMSIIINO CO., U '-Iw" Hartford, Conn. INSURANCE CO. OF KORTH AMERICA, No. 2Zi Wul nut St l'hila. Incorporated 1704. Charter Perpetual niriE,IMA:;DFIREiriSUfiC Assets Jau; 1, lS!i:i, fJ,Si8."i'3",9 f 2n,()i o.ih 0 l'ses pnii since its orminlxn hou. W.M. HL'lU.fclU, Central A&fu;, llarrishiirjr, I'a. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti mcsta. Forest Countv, Pa. Slim W. '. i' I, A IJ H , TIDIOUTE, 1?J. WATCH MAKER a JEWELER, And Dealer in watches, .h:wfli:y. and m us ica l i ns n ; u m i:nts. Pi-piiirinjf done in a woi kmanlike m.-iniicr and warrai;ted to i ive Miti faction. 41 mJlPURnt utUTFiiC SOAP V:irr:lntcd tictL r :knl he.iocr 1 1 at. hiiv o'her. I'or Sale in l'lii I il I .! i A I h- i.lelphia, P.tts- .Iiiuii' v t" Audrnwx, Ho tli'cli A Mo an, lioins ,f- Sniueki r Wa i riiiun J- V illus, TliuiiiM'ii (' M'M riM, Wuinu r.jfiit it Co Waterin"- ". ," ...i. Son .C- Co. ..orinon, Hoar oV Cu. Myers .v Co, i-b.v if- Co. T. iiiii ne., Ilovd d- C . Ai lmelih s A Co. of l'itt,I other. T. onrnw.f Cr,. I'- n' on it- Sim, Itedf a- lt:irvy. W. 1,. i - ..UVIT, J. II. kr.iu-e, Itiibcrls ,f- (',,. N. .1. Hum' ;,, K. .1. 11.,'ilner' .1. N. Mor-ari llon-h .V Co. W. J. Kirk, O-den A Co. 'iir-h, noil many 'M i . " T Hejniljlican O.'lica 9 ADDRESS To tho Norvoous AND ID EBILITAT E JD . w HOSr:su(Ti'rin!rs hvo boon protrnrt- Kl from Hidden muses, and who-e cases rcquiro prompt treatment to render existence desirable; If you are sorferinf-, or hnvo Buffered from involuntary disctiArgM, what f-fiect does it produi o on your g ineral hea'.th? l)o you feel weak, (lebilllated, easily tired? Does a litt'.o extra exertion produce pal pitation of the heart? Does your live r, or urinary orgnns, or your kidneys, frequent ly pot out of order ? Is yonr urina some times thick, milky or Hooky, or Is it ropy on settling? Or dooa a thick skum rise to tho top? Or is a sediment nt tlio bottom af ter It has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathinjr or disprpslu?' Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fraiiitlntr, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory impared? Is your m'.nd constantly dwelling on this subject? Doyoufccl dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or lj!e? Do you wish to be left alone, away from everybody ? Docs any little tiling m:ko you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or re-tlcss? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business w ith the same cnery ? Do you feel as much confidence in yousolf? Are your spirits dull and Hag. King, given to lits of melancholy ? If so, do not lay it lo your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless night? Your back weak, your knees weak, und have but iit tlo appetite, and you attribute this to dys pejviia or livcr-coni plaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, rcnereal diH cascg badly cured, and sexual excesses, are nil capable of produciii'- a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of genera tion, when in perfect health, ninke the man Did you ever think that those bold, deli mit, energetic, persoverhig, successful business-men are always those whose gener live organs are in perfect health 7 You never hear such men complain of boing melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They aro never afraid they cannot succeed in busino-n j they don't be come sad nnd discouraged ; they areuhvays polite und pleasant in the company of la dies, and look yon and them right in tlio face none of your downcast looks or any meunnnss about them. I do nut loeun thoso who keep tho organs inllatod by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also tuoso they do business with or for. How insny men, from badly cured dis ease", from tlio effects of self-abuse and excc-ic, hTe bnught abi ut that stato of w eakness in those organs that has reduced the genual system so much as to produco a'most every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, .suicide, and al most every other form of disease which Immunity in hair to, and tiio real cause of tho troublo careely ctlT suspected and havo doctored for all but the riyht one. Diseases of these organs roqulro the uso of a Diuretic. II KI.M lloI.DX FLUID KXTltACT 11UCIIU is the greuf Diuretic, and is a ccriuin cure for discuses of the Hladdcr, Kidneys, Oravttl, Dropsy, Orgun-l ic . cuknusK, 1-emiilu Coiup. units, (inner al Debity, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Mulo or Fe male, from whatovor cause originating, and uo muttor of how long ktanding. If no treatment Is submitted to, Con sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh nnd blood ae supported from tho-e our-es, and the health ami happiness, ad that of 1'osterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remojy. Hi'liiibold's t'xfract Duchu, established upward of It) .a"..s, prepared by II. T. nV'AWrt.l Druggist, ;ul r.roudway. New York, and 104 Ssnlh lo;h Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pun k-i l 'r bottle or U bottle for $1.50, delivered to any ad dress, Sold by all Driifc-gests every where. Ant: or.NriNT. vsi- i liiiNhi IP IN isil-.l. LNO ..sS .AVI' t Wrapper, Ike r.ni! of my C . , . , ..eu.i. at warn- house, in.dki-nisl U. 1 fcW ..UKUMktoLD. ASSi: Wva Years rWiiil IiteFiaiii!! THE I. IFF, Ol- OKoll it: I". ItliLUF.N. whoiorm n love of wild ii'lvctiiere mid a thirst for k now IcdiM' of tiie ind.ims the Customs, s ports, I radit.ons, Wins, On at Dull'alo Jlunts, Ac., left a home of plenty in Ohio, jiiincl the Indians, adopt ed their mode m li r, iinirricd il,,. biunti ful aslcel hi. I,e a'ee a ( ireat Warrior, Milliter en I l iiim of Ml Lodges, was iii po.nli 1 i.,eiit"ii:int in tiie I . S. lb-gii ar Army,' tin nieritorirnts nrvii-e Willi Ins ltav(S agaiiiM l'"-ii'c ludciu. A book .; tiie moM t:nill, iia intcn si, a reality wci; aull en'e a""d. :'r'it;i -tiaiu er Ihim lieti .n Miper:.y ilr.istiair.l. VO en:: rav.lus. itn porlra.t of lie io.it nor, in lull iroutier i tume. Price low. sirudd oiit-cil any boox eta: t. ScMila' '-ir e lor ibu-tralr-i e r. e. lar, table of eoici nts, sample p;i ri s and terms. A. II. Ill lUIA l(l, PiiblUior. ieu Clieslnutst , I'hiladelphiii, I'a. XK-il. cYlAS. iirSHEPAItD, OKNKIIAI. IirAI.tR It DRY GOODS, KOTIOfiS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, !i;E?i:MWA3tK. NEW YORK STORE, (,'eutre Street, OIL CITY PA. $1,000 TO $2,000 SALARY WE GUARANTEE TO PAY TO BOOK AOENTS of experience; or a Inr'.-er eonimission than is nllfired by any other Publisliers. AScnts are nmkiicr fi(l to M00 per week canva-tsinu: for our new Illustrated hooks. We guarantee Aireuts a salary or a large commission, with a fljoiec of tv new and "opu'.ar books and exel usi ve territory. We olt"r a i mi 'hance to energetin men and women to make nionev. Secure vour a jenev direct from the publishers. " J. K. HI" It It X CO., .o-H llartibrd, Com. lioiuck's Stom ach J liters, unlike (ill clher Hitlers in the viitrktl, jvoxxexs iiitiinnia Merit, ( Moxt Hitters, so called, are vwrelu wishbeashu stuff, sold its a beverage. Dr. llobavk's Bitters are not a beverage in any anise of the word, bid contain the mo.it e.rjieiiKiee drugs known lo science for the radical cure of Imlifenlion and Dyxiiepsia, and for all cases where a lonio and I el i inula nl are j required. Thru j restore the vital ! forces in a re- markaule degree, and give tone to the system. It is now eleven iears since Dr. llobavk, the rel ebrated Swedish ihisician, from Stockholm, Sice den, came to thin country and iutroiluced the Scan dinavian lUood l'urijier; since which time thoiisauils have been cured, by its use, of Scrofula and other blood diseases. It contains, besides the Iodide of 1'otanxti and Syrun of Slillingin, drugs import ed from Swetlen for its express maiinjucture, unknown and not kept by apothe caries in this Mini r y . A gle trial will convince the most skejilu al of its wondei ful value. Dr. llolaclis r.lood Pills are unsurpassed by auy Pill manu factured for a similar purpose. One trial inva riably establishes them, as favorites with all who use them, Tlte reasons why Dr. Jlohack's Blood- nils should be kept in ev ery family are: Because they can be employed in all cases where a "family physic" is reouired, and are perfectit safe in their admin- israion at all times; Because they are made both with and without suyar coating, thus adapting them lo the use of every body; Because I hey can be pur chased at any drug store al the extremely low price of twenty lice cents per box. ib For Sfflo bu Driifoists and Dcertei-s in J'atent Medicine everuwher. ' WALLLIS I I "M p i: M P u o v i) D M A (I IMPROVED o i v Y. M A (J I C V ID .A- L 1 I W.lI.PI-RKlNitCO.,SJoP y i- i.i: ix. ropn- HACK'S STQBIACH BITTERS BLOOD BLOOD FILLS 1 ft tt JJf. V!v-:';,: S 1 'i i-!i--';c;'i'y-'.-:r. - r .,v ; r-..--V Ti't 2 r V v.. r.v-. : ZA .. o V-'!l': v,V-.q i .-:;: f . ' 1 Zi ;y ; KV ' j - L'l r" Li .l.r: .:!! . V- 83-it 1 1 Arrn': w lit ht'-' il. v. n ,t : I , . in ei ' ev i in ; V. !;c. in he I ' r;-. to ' nova-" : r S d.s. r.i,. " I il'1 ''' !' 'IT .M V.'ol;. I,, ' i m n' P.voi . i-ei I Fi".r-r-in : i-i m : -1 1 i " vrrv vn! seiib.-.-. i-'r- in i i Slii.fii.i f';.rl be e ii!'v mi' g. A IllJI liil C.C-il I' l!llllb- S.'iid s.aiop for peeinw o a 'I'hir. AiiUi -kis, Jan.cj 1(. Md.i SI 4.. 1DJR,. TT3 I-XA-LlLi'S CELEBRATED GOUCM REMEDY IT AS limn used dnriiiit th last HO, r 11 years by thoi sands of p,s pic !or the speedy i urn' of iln-.at and Inter di. ease-. It has been thor-malilv tr.-trd 'lie v coo', the press and the pmpJe I .ve r-ini'W 1 their verdict bv pionouie-m r i' a S I I" SPICK I 'V, TIIUIK t'i 1 1 and I.I FliCl f AL HKMI'.DV-the be-t Medicine kr.own lor curing Luna oniplaim. I-.vprv t r s in of every aire nlllieted with ritlier o' the lollowing diseases, should use Ibis pleas ant remedy without dclnv, and ihe.r voii e-i w ill soon m ng1e with hosts of oiii ers in i ei inniendinit its eliicaey to their atllii'ed Hi'ilIiI ois aiitl Ir.euiis. Use Hall's L'ovijh JUiiiedy it cures Colds. esTi'sc Hall's Cough Rcmtdy it cure Croup or Buttles. tH" "I'se Hills ( 'uiii'i Remedy it cures A.illuwi and Phthisic. Hall's Cough Bcmedy for O-f- tarrh. :.iy Use Hall's Coujh Remedy it etreng--then Ihe lung: . fci!" Use Halls Cough Remedy for Bw chit in. Puj" Use Hall's Cough Remedy for ITi.arenrs.t, tar Hall's Cough Remedy it streng then ihe voire. BGX,. Use Halt's C ovgh Remedy j'r.r Whooping couth. It will greatly modify the violence o( this disease anil shorien its tedious course one half lioni in ordinary duration. P.ew ii' e of eouinerli it s mi l base initia tions, cad for Dr. P. Mali's i c'ebinfrd Con jli Itemedy and see ilia' h s written chrnature is upon the wrapper and d.rej-tiim-, sr.noxa ricsrrMox y. Wo tho undersigned citizen nt F.rieCiij and vie.nity, have u-ed lr. P. Hull Ce eijia'.od Couuh lieinedy Willi great success, in cur. n J diseasee of liieTiir- at ami l.ui gs and t alio .lea-ureln rei' inmicpid nj cm u.-m 10 the nlllie'eil as a spiedy ami I'llri' remedy, fully worthy of public cnnnoem v. James Thompson ltoticin Cocinan Joliii Mcihorn fcir Daniel bear John A Tracy J Hobist n John W Mei.auo W T iliad rn. c!.t John W Hays P K iiiirtou John It Coe'irau Ahius iii Sherwood John 11 Imioais W 11 Cooper John M Warren Joseph Diemer JohllS lirowu lienj i.lai.t S 1, l-or-ter Lucius A II ill J W Hull ' h. s M li. . orviee Sinilh W Mdal aehor C Iiuiiiars ( has W Kelio Ho ....(, n I' Kn ia IIMson K ng, 1) Shirk I'.imel M.nor, Liel.ard fteos ( li Wi e. i t J T ( as,. Malih.oi Hamilton Daniel Haver J W Kv ,u c K Uiblet J M i-v M Mav T I W i nl w r J L Long " i i II Mav J Lobiuson 2d A M i n I a 1 S las II F.neU 11 A lli'iol. :t C U UoweU J Salsburv s kii in nmroM.vrY p. hall. Manu.ae or r a'i.1 so e roprietor, Hi. Is New lloildiii., Stalest. PKlCiC :17. CS. 1'1'ill llo'l' I LI'.. M.id l y D. S. KNOX "v I O., Tiouesta, Pa., and by aenis i'i cr. lv. .t :tni CLARIOX, PENN'A. S. S. JONES . - Proprietor. ESTRAY. CI A M 1 1 Ihe premises of tho tatlceribrr, ' ill (ii-cn township, six niiii h seiti.ei-t of 'llonesiii. mi Miiiiilav.Nov.ilst.il Pauk ItliiMU.K III i t. about two ve ir-i eld. with a s it in the led i ar. 'I he owner is iei;uir e l to come torward, rove r ipei ti , i ay charges und take him awae, or l o will Lt di -posod of aeooniimr to law. 1'LTlilt VOl'XOK. 84-ift. ebiaiika, Pa. .K. .TS WANTKD Idlt Sexual Scienc illeUlliill. .'.HO O ,, U .OO.l.OI ,.ni Hod heir mutual m. cm lat mi., L-ve, its ias, power, ,Vir., by Proi. u. S. I'owlcr. send Utr c.ri"il-o'' and sp. cinnn ( a s. Address, .NATIONAL PC IILISI 1 1NU fi., I'll la 1 I'oia. Pa. Hi It rHPNT "iUited r..r Headlev'e NfT. HCtH IO l-i-,.', lit n K -suer'.l Hero, and Martis." Wiitlcn in the Antler a hajipies' stv e, and snriass in? Ii a termer oi k, winch have so'd by the InOiuti. Willi niieinal steel' Ih giavings fr. m oe higns by i, in- Ami wini las spin, l.'.ns years in llibie Land-. 'I lie Clergy aed Ihe I', ess are loud Hi I's p,,l.se. AlcIIs ioe making moi,..v !.- i.b.,1'. li. Tim. it Co., Duo's tjj ; ,;uav, N. V. ; 0 TAli M E Zl'S HELPER . " Shows how to double tic profit of the iarni and how lai uu'i s and li. cir boi.4 van ia. U main) !0 IVr Jioiilh. !n winter. lu,i,eii'i ivr, ill ln lua'diii In ( to lai inei s. S ,,,( ,,i,i,i,i i, mi .. loiicsi lo Zll-.lji l.l-.lt .' I' ii , I' hi I niell'h a, i'a. " ' -wr !s,,,,'d,,.n',1'iiy.--;';:'; Cull on I . xi.oo"-, '1 ' . ,. ,;l i,r .".ii els th il re.ail. a-i' ''" 1.- W -l.s.ii, 1-1 CI ii'hrui so., N. ' - ' J1 OO.OCO Aqc'tJ Wanted lor hovj mix cvi kv. mm. nnd i I'.ei' b nrl'k - ,l; .,,.. .V Ma', on, i I'hihnl.'lpti-u. , i I. us. mi' su-u 1 lull WlHtli n all. em- " ? , rsiiwV iv. ... 1 ih.h iritl.Sft '.:V no el i jt... Il'loweil. Prize Cir. Iloiiton, !