The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 10, 1871, Image 3

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    illu Republican.
Wo have recciveil I tie Governor'.
Message, whit h is a rather pom I il.xu
meiit, but two lung for u to uhlM.
a? il wouiii exclude till oilier rcnilinj.
Wo tttke t lie tollnwin;; from tin
llk 0 mm v Giuclte which is good,
aquare sound souse. It fits our cas.
H.iiii vliiitly, unit therefore wo ivt om
rentiers the hctielit of it: "S2.U0 i i
small Hiiiouiit ; lint there are a jrroii
iiumy 'two' on our books whirl,
would makea luii'lsome sum if all vn
sent in. We ilii not intend this lis v
'suiiplii'iitinn ;" hut nan notice that wi
wish our puhtferihera to heed their in
dehtedness if lx;y want a paper. J:
they do not want it, let I hem settle up
what thev owe, und they will he nl
pence t liberty to tpiit at once. vVi
ask no one to continue a subscriber,
agaiiuit his will; neither will we per
mit uny one t.) renin in on our books,
who does not think the paper worth
paying lbr. When we arrive at that
stage of proverly which demands that
we shull puhlifh a paper tor nothing
and live on its glory, we will duly an
nounce the fact."
Our friends have been urging Jus
to run for Assemblyman next lull, und
of the district is Democratic,
we would stand a beautiful chance ol
.being elected. We perut-ed the follow
ing ironi the Greenville Argus, and
concluded we wouldn't he a candidate:
J. T. Chase, Esij., United States
Revenue Collector at Titusvillo, .s un
able hi give a satisfactory account of
some Sj.OOO of the Government's
treasurer, and for this resou is to be
prosecuted ns a defaulter. Suit will
be brought agaiifet him at Erie, belore
the United Sti tes District Court now
iu session in that city. Mr. Chase was
at olio timu I'rolhoiiotary of Craw ford
county. lie was alto at one time a
member of the legislature from the
nunc county. 1'ievious to his going to
Harrishurgh he was comparatively a
decent man. Ever since then, however,
Jhe lias been going to ruin. Some one
1 .'liiiB remarked "See Naples and die."
AV'e say See UarrisliLrgh and be eter
nally ruined o man except he has
more than (he ordinary ing.edieuts of
human nature in him can jiass through
that school .if corruption without be
ing rnjucd for ever. Air. Chase is only
. otic among a dozen that we know who
went to IlarrUhurgh decent men, but
returned dripping w ith corruption, and
with their uutuie hiii'thicd against
every honorable imp-he of tliehuuiuu
A lew weeks ago some gentleman
iu Mvutlvillo wrote a letter to the
Republican, debouncing lhe defamers
of Johnny Sitele. The editor ii.dorscd
the sentiment and puhliidied the com
munication. The subject of the letter
wiles as lollows to the ltepulliean :
Kousi.vii.u-:, Jan. "2, 1871.
Meadiillc Hcpullican :
Dkai: Sin: Please permit me,
through your iuteivst'u.g and valuable
jiaper, to return my humble and heart
felt thanks tu your correspondent, lor
his remarks in regard tu me und my
unfortunate career. He is the first
aud only .mail who ever attempted tu
Mate, iu pulJie print, anything but the
lowest, scull's nud slurs in regard to liie.
Auv mini of reason knows what evils
Whet me at the lime the possesion ol
the property became vested iu inc.
Money was no object to any one, and
I was set upon by vultun s of nl i -pcr-iuasions,
anil on all pretences. I was
a minor and har.liy knew what tu do.
I tried to have a guardian appointed,
but, under the excitement lit that time,
tile bail demanded was bibulous, and 1
tailed. Every i lie 1 met had advice
tor imc, aud, in the end, wanted to. or
did borrow money. I could get no
peace at home for lions for projects of
every description. 1 never handled
any amount of money. 15etixt my
agents on the farm, and a host ol sell
constituted agents, tnv share was small.
.Some of your townsmen assisted faith.
Julli'Xu rid me of money and properly.
i should have thought all would be
satisfied, wlk'll they got all I possessed,
hut it appears that ome miserable
satrap of now' paper 'orrespoiidciis,
cither disappointed ut not getting n
share, or prompted by theirevil nature,
still try to keep up a t ry of ihe tabu,
loos amount I "pent, and in such nb
biird ways. 1 have since, as before,
tried to ea I n an honest living, whiih
I t now is umre than many of my de
tainers do.
Should your correspondeiit he in
litis section, I shall be very happy to
liaye him stop and see me, when I shah
tell lilui sin h facts in regard to ion
"Rise i.n4 Fall" as may interest bin.
And corroborate his remarks in regcro
to me, und great deal more. 15y giv
ing this ii place iu vuvii' apt r, you w ill
receive the ll auks .if
Your Humble Servant,
Jons W. Sj
Deck Li iding.
We urj agm h.r as good a book
hii.dery as tl cm is anywhcic. We sm
prrjurod : do a'i ll e binding whicl
jiiav be hjwtigi.t it' h.w r.i:s.
&im1 satisfaction y a!:in!0-:d. .Ssinplc
U nn st lh: i ffocu.
Court P.ocecdings.
Monday, Dec. 2G, 1870. Court
net at 10 a. m.
Present Hon. Jns. Campbell, I'rrsi
!cutJul"o, and Hons. J. A. Proiier
.ml A. Cook, Associates.
Commission of A. Cook read.
Constables called and sworn.
Grand Jury sworn and charged.
W. W. Masjti, Esq., District? Attor
ney elect, sworn in open court.
Case of Jseill it Wilson vs. .Jane E.
tiilhei Noil) fur pl'll's, Guthrie
or ilef'ts, verdict tor pl'll's for the
'and described in the writ to be releas
ed on the payment of $.3,42S.(0.
Mowris vs. Slater et. nl. Tate for
pl'lf, R. Brown for def'ts. continued.
Strain for use Uiihronner vs. Crispin,
two coses, Lathy for pl'lf", Mason and
Je.iks for deft, judgment confessed
by delendcnt.
NcFurlund & Brn. vs. A. Benn. Ir
win for pl'll's, Lathy for deft., verdict
for pl'lls for $135.70.
Fns'cr it Co. vs. Taylor & Whiting.
Irwin fcr pi 'tis, jui'gtuent by default
for pl'll's.
S(enrne., Clark & Co. for use of
vs. Taylor & Wl it'mg. Irwin for pl'll's.
judgment by default lor pl'll's.
McQunig vs. Miller. Irwin for
pl'lf. judgement confessed for pl'fl'., as
per writing filed.
Df-CKMukk, '27, lc70 Da'o
Tionestn Boro. Reid, Tettis and Tate
for pl'tf. La by for deft verdict for
pl'lf for $220.00
Gill vs. James Green ct. nl. ndinr's.
f Jos. Green dee'J. Mason for pI'fT.
Irwin it 11. Brown for def'ts., con
tinued. McQuaig vs. IVoeht. Lathy & Ir
i:i for pl'f!'., Reid & Mechling for
deft., verdict for pl'lf fbr 8309.10.
McQtaig vs, Brecht. Irwin and La
thy for pl'lf, Reid and Mechling for
deft., verdict for del" t for $348.00.
Randall vs. ltcouadolpli ct. al.
Mechling for pi ft'. Mason for defen
dant, verdict for plaintiff for S93.03.
ri;i:si:NTMKVis of ghami juuy.
. Commonwealth vs. John Fiiguudus,
indicimeiii larceny, not a true hill.
C inmouwtalth vs. Lewis Null is in
dictment assault, a true bill. Deft
plesds not guilty. Case settled uy the
parties. Deft pays all costs, aud en
ters into recognisance to keep the
peace fer one year.
December, 28, 1870. Glenn vs.
Hickory Farm Oil Co. Lathy for pl'lf,
Tate lbr deft. Continued.
Whitman vs. freig worth ct al. eject
ment. Mason for plaintiff, Corhett for
defendant. Plaintiff takes nonsuit.
Pittsburgh t& Stewarts' Bun Oil Co.
vs. John Herbert ct. al. ejectment.
Blakcly nud Mechling for plaintiff,
Brown and Tate for defendant. Plain
tiff takes a nonsuit.
Win. . ray vs. Baruett Township
School District. Lathy and Lathy for
plaintiff, Keid aud Jeiiks for defen
dant. -Verdict for plaintiff for 230.47.
December, 2l, 170. vs.
Boolmer. Lathy for plaintiff, Mason
for rk'fendaut. Judgu ent confessed by
defendant for 8120 aud costs.
Sheriff's ntid Treasurer's deeds ac
knowledge.!. Argument list taken up, and dispos
ed of.
After disposing of various matters
of business, Court adjourned without
il.l V.
' We clip the foiling items from the
Oil City Dailv JU-rU'er :
The Venango City Skating Kink is
well patronized.
Win. B Key nolds broke his arm by
fallii g upon the ice, on Monday last.
The Cunning well, on Sunday, is
now reported as producing 40 bbls.
per day. A material increase.
Vandergrift & Forintin have made
all the in rifiigeiuelils for laying an oi!
pipe to the Sandy oil field.
The tools are fat in tl e McLawu
well, on Sandy. Hope tu get theni
out in a tew days.
The big well at Kelio has ceased tu
produce, and will he drilled deeper. It
nun only three lect iu the third sand.
A live preparations fer the erection
of u large intuitu r of buildings in this
locality ns soon us the Spring opes, ie
being made.
Jacob Shirk, Em., is the fortunate
wner of a new
f a new 2.",0 barrel well near
I'agundus Ciiy. llestill on spuikiiigi
erins with his le.-s fortunate la.i.,. :
Kcv. J. G Coady, of St Joseph
Church in (his place, was the iceepienl
f a purse containing 4 1 00. fn ni lhe
netiibcrs ol his congregation, on
urdi.y, Dec. 21th.
The inplovces of our fellow citizen,
L. D. Kellug, Lmi., recently pres. nted
.ill! w ith u veiy fine gold headed cane,
compliment worihily bestowed.
A little child of James Yilcox, of
Veont.'o Citv. was I ndlv burned by
..moving tl.V chimney from Ironi
'amp in 'he room, where the child had
ceil left alone, on Tuesday hut, and
: .... .1: 1
as si-re Hint.
We are. 1111,
Jacob M. Cain I
.-r ol i; nti. m to lion.
I.dl, for hi; Annual
lie on .a -Syi vcyur (iti.eta! of I'j. lor
The Fire and Falling of tho Suspen-j
sion Bridge A Los of Life end
Several Wounded.
On the morning of December 30th,
l . 11 ..'..I ....I. .. ! I I . ... I
uuoni 1 1 o i loi n, uuro oroke inn 111 1
tho buildng known as the Mashall j
i i .... i . i . . i
i louse, at ino siOi.mooui tainting, on
the lower side of the suspension bridge j
across the Allegheny river. The house,
in tho days of steamboating, was used :
USA liolel, but lit the timt tit t lie lire
was .iccupied by Mr. S. II. Marshall !
us a dwelling. The fire was lirst dis-!
covered by Mrs. Marshall, who was in
toe sitting room on the second Hour,
with two ch'idrcn. Mrs. Marshall saw
a light volume of smoko nsceiidiug
from the floor, and supecled fire in the
building, proceeded to investigate the
matter hv tearing olf the tin covering
of an old stovepipe hole in the Iloor.
L'non removing the tin it flame of lire
darted up from below, the vent fanning
the fire and hasttiitng tho destruction
that followed. In a moment Mrs.
Marshall had seized her'babe, taken tho
hand of the other child, and conduct
ed them tu a neighboring house a tew
rods oil, g'ving the amrm as she fled.
Returning to the burning structure in
stantly she found the fhmies had made
sikIi rapid headway us to preclude an
entrance. Almost instantaneously after
the first alarm was given the whole
building was enveloped iu flames and
the fire hud communicated with the
toll house of the bridge company on
the opposite side of the street. Imme
diately upon a knuwlege of theii dan
ger the occupants of tho toll-house,
Mrs. Mary Mdntyre, her two daugh
ters Sarah and Mary, ami her son
George, a cripple, ussisted by a few
who came to tho rescue upon the first
sound of the alarm, proceeded to save
the h liisehold goods by carrying them
to the bridge lbr safety- Li less time
than it takes to rein' tho foregoing
both buildings were afire from top to
bottom, t browing an intense heat around
the suspension wires of the bridge,
which were anchored a few feet from
the houses, ami passed directly over or
near the buildings in their course from
anchorage to the towers of tle bridge,
and those assisting in saving the furni
ture about til'ieen iu number wee
cut olf by the intense heat from all re
treat save by the bridge or running
down the steps of the abutment and
leaping to the ground. So sudden w as
the breaking out of the fire that a few
neighbors were all that witnessed the
destruction of tho dwelling!. While
the flames were raging and the men
aud women, unconscious of all danger,
were carrying out the furniture of the
toll house, one of the suspension wires
on the lower side of the bridged snap
ped from the effect of the heat. The
structure tottered perceptibly, an alam
ing shout was heard from the specta
tors ou the shore, and all was confu
sion aud consternation. The unfonu-
uate one on the first beeom-1
ing awaro of their awful danger, ran
further out on the bridge, of sought
salety by flight toward the shore anil
down the abutment nt the risk of a
roust or the danger of a lenp to the
ground, a distance of 8 or 10 feet. As
noar as we can learn about eight per
sons escaped death or untitling hv the
leap. Another wire snapped, and the
bridge gave warning to its occupants
of its fate by another and more forci
ble wrench. Another ami nnother
wire snapped ; the wholo support nt
lower side was gone. Tho first spun
sank to an angle of about 45 degrees,
precipitating some of the persons on
that part of the bridge on the ice be
low, and in another moment it was
hanging liko a pendulum. The re
maining support broke, ami it fell with
a crash, burying its victims in the ru
ins. The other span followed, but fell
easier, the strain of the timbers and
wires of lhe first span on the remain
der breaking tho fall. Immediately
upon the fall of the stucture the peo
ple on the shore ran out on the ice or
took skills and rescued the sufferers
from the wreck.
On tho first span were Mrs. Mcln
tyre, Mr. Win. F. Ncal, Miss Surah
Mdntyre, and Mr. Wilfbrd Kilgore,
all of whom went down with the w reck.
Mr- Neal and Mrs. Mdntyre were ter
ribly bruised and cut by the falling
timbers. Mr Neal lived about an
hour. lie was 4(! years old nnd leaves
a wife and onild. Mis. Mdntyre lived
until Monday morning. She was a
widow and aged Go years. Sara!' Me
Intyro was severely injured, hut ai
the present writing is still alive, and
Ktroiit! hopes of ier recovery nre en
tertained. These three were taken
out of the wreck in a few moment
after, but young Kilgore could not be
found until Monday afternoon, when
he was discovered lightly wedged be
tween the ruins of the bridg mid the
iee. Ho was twenty-three years old,
the Ron of a widowed mother, and time
of lhe accident was employed in the
freight oflico of fhe A. V.'li. K. He
i """" mve "Pi " '"'"
Uil ,he second spun, between (he
ht und second piers, were John Hi n-
ninger, Alex. iMeV artney, Warren
Leonard. Geo. Mdntre, Mary Me-
I ut y ro. Thus. Connors, John MeCarty '
and Henry Met. arty.
riii'fc all cs
raped with a few bruises or a cold
bulb. Koine of them were taken out
on the ict nud others j it skills. All
on this span were lirst precipitated into
; the water or on the iccund saved them-
j selves by catching hold of the timbers
J of the bridge and clinging there until
rescued by the by standers
I " lhe other end H the bridge were
! Jam-s I' lool, Mrs. I lionms ( 'miners,
;' I,,l,':lt'"".'.1 a alnt lb years,
-t. J. K. M.h s, and ( has. 15aker.
1 1 100.1 ntin ii"n nun iiiu nivcn, pun
. . ......
laming some severe injuries. loiini;
Johnson l aped into tho water nnd
swam Uhhoic, where he was taken
t hurje id' a: d soon rceovuied from tho
, ficczing effects of his swim. Mrs. Con-
r, .'j td CUa. Ikkor 11
csrnprd by clinging to some of the
timbers of the hut span which did not
IP' ,1"w" wil tho wreck. Tiny all I
got safely to shoro w ithout any inju-
ries whatever.
The origin of the fire is not know n
. ........
to a certainty, tun it is supposed a
loose brick in tho chimney, that ran
.. ... .. .
Ironi the lirst iloor up, was tbo cause,
and that the fire had been underway
an hour or two between tho ceiling of
tho lirst floor and the floor of tho
second storv before it wns iliseovnl hv
Mrs. Mashall. It is certain that the
(ire caught between the ceiling tiud the
The Marshall House was owned by
Mr P. McGoitgh, was valued at 84,000
and hud '82.000 insurance on il nt the
time of the lire. Mr. McGutigh was
also a stockholder iu the bridge. Mr.
S. 11. Marshall, the occupant of the
house, lost all his household furniture
and all the clothing and cllects of the
family not an urticlu being saved
from tho building.
The toll-house belonged to the bridge
company and was a small loss itself.
The Mdntyre family lost nearly all
their household fui;, a si wing
machine, we believe,,, . boiujj ttie most
valuable article saved. . .
This is lhe second time tho bridge
across the river hero has been destroy
ed. It was burned on tho morning of
tlx. 13th of May, 1803, tho lire being
communicated to the bridge by a bulk
boat full of bunrniug oil that hud float
ed down the river lrcin the great oil
fire at Oil City. Tho bridge is 720 feet
long, and originally cost in the days
of cheap labor and material about
64),000 After the dcit ruciion in 1803
(he company built the suspension
bridge.using the pi-rs first built, they
being (injured by 'he fire of 1803, nt
a cost of over 8 20,000.
The fire department was on the
ground promptly, but, so rapid 'ind
been the destruction, it was of' no Use.
Tho number of casualties, the sud
denness of the deaths mid injuiiiig ol
the victims, for the bridge had co ne
down wild a crush and buried its vic
tims uluiost before any of our citizens
heard the alarm of lire makes ibis
calamity the most appalling that has
ever visited our city. It cast a gloom
over the town, and the sulferers have
the heartfelt sympathies of tho whole
community. I cnunyo Spectator.
We learn from the Sharon Herald
that on Monday morning, Doc. 20th,
Poter Bonneher, residing on Main St.,
in that place, met with an accident
winch caused his death in a few nun
utes. He, in cjinpaiiy with some of
Ins f riends bad been at the house of his
son in the upper part of town, al a
christening, and on his way home, on
the morning of the 20th, w hen near the
resilience of K. McFurlund. Esq., slip
P"d and fell upon the point of a lead
pencil, which entered his side, penetra
ting his heart and causine his death.
Alsj, on Saturday evening Dee. 31st,
a man whose name we have been un:v
hie to learn, but who resided at Smith's
bank, in walking across the Sheuuugo,
between Wheatland and Middlesex,
slipped and fell through tho tics slrik
ing the ice some fifteen feet below, und
injuring him to such an extent that he
died the following day.
MiT.DKP.ors Attack. On New-
Year's night, a notorious character
Dick Broke attempted to Ibrce his way
into a douse ol had repute in l'ctro
lentil Centre, and failing his effort, he
attacked Mattio Davis the proprie
tress, with some murderous weapon,
producing n severe, of not a dangerous
wound, or. her lace, nnd then lied. A
warrant was issued for his urrcst
T.vkt Kii'i'Kii t"n Jan. 1st. 1S71. liv
IV'v. J. A. UiiiiK-, Mr. John (1. 'l'att to Miss
K izabeth Killer, boch of Hickory Tp..
i' u. est i o., i-.-i.
AliKNT.S Wan ri D $-S per mouth l.y
tho American kit Mini; Machine Co".,
jioswii. mows., or St. iconic, Mo. zu.uin
Salesmen Wanted.
Iluslno-s honorable. No competition, lib-
em pay given. . w. kI'..n khy,
3LI-4t. 8 S. 4th St., l'hiln.
KQQ Rnnrrelie ttr inert Wanted. From
f li 0 to $100 can bo mmlo dnrinat tho idle
winter months. Ihisinesx pleasant nnd
honorable. For 'ui ther partie tilarsof this
Snrrmi chance aililrcHs at onco A. ll. I! no-
hard, I'liihi, I'll. 3!Mt
wants a number of irond iin ntR, also
(.Md (ieneral Auciit for Wei-toi n 'a, also
a ;'Ood general A cent for the Herman
coiii'l 'S of I'a. Address IJand in Hand
oillce. No 1!' Mouth -ItiiSt., I'hila. KIMt
8") to 820 lpr l!--'.v n r'1;- 1,0 J'""
want a situation as .'alesnmn at or near
h'linc, to iiitr.Miieeoiirne''7tiaiKl White
Wire flothis Lines to hist fo'ever. ""n't
miss tln i-haneo. fMininlo fiee. Add reus
nullum Hirer Wire H"i A'.s. 7,i Win St. N
V or h! I'cailioin St. CliieaLfo, III. W-iw
Fret' Iu Book AgvutK.
Wo w ill send a handsome prospeetil of
our Ami 7 llnKtetilnl Family mine eon
tuiiiiiiir ovi r ii''0 lino Scripture illustru
tiims to auv book a -it-lit free of charge.
Address National 1'iiblistiiiij; t-'o. I'hila.,
I'a. a'.'-H
Issued Jan. 1st 1871.
'-) C)() t'hoh o selections No. 3 " eon-
i ,u"""-,".'st 1cw "''"" for I'eeliuoa-
llllll, Hl-l lllll'-'tl, l-H. IN lltl.llll V'HII"IJ
Tin iilin sentiment, nnd Sparkling Hu
mor. 1II naires. intiier ets. eloth 7 cents,
Ask voui lio'iks.Uer lor .t. or send prico
to I, (larre't it- Co. rtnla, I'a. S'.-4t
r A N T F 1 ) A 1 1 : N TS, 11 0 per day) to
I the eeL' (I IIIIMKSIIL 111. I
KKWlNli MAt'lllNK. lias tho under
i'L-ed, niiikes tho '-Lek Mit.-h" (alike on
holli hides) and is fully licenced. Tho
and cheapest lainilv Sewing Ma hine iu
tho nun kel. Address Johnson, Clark it
Co.. llo-ton, Mass., I'.ttsluiiKh, I'a., Chi
cago, 111., or SI. I Amis, Mo. ;ltl-4t
Ai'enU foi tho history of
Hy I'liil. Knoeli I'oud, I), i. l-'nuu Adam
tu U10 H(Keiit tU.v. i.iuiit biihiiubi lur
nit 11 mi I l.k'lit't u very Wiiui'o, Ooui luyt
w v hkluckh Uif URKY, rtii r.
hi-rni iir riicuiitr.
") $100 n w eek -
cent nnd J J."i,t 11 Int.
' J .roc. Addles"
CO per
,MH in eu-li
Ml b r 1 V I" inionniu.rll
ale g peinale. ) .,.,.0. Addres Ameri
can liook Co., OS William St.. N. Y. il!i-4t
IS Q. Send lor our new Trieo l.lst and A
('lull Form w ill ne.-ompanv it, containing
foil dlre.iioiiN miikiiut h inrun Kiiv uiit tu
ennsunicr- nnd remunerntivo club ormui
i.em Tho Ureal American Ton
;tl iV .'!8 VKSKT STHI.I'.T,
P. O. llox 5IH3. NUW YOUK. ;'.)-4t
rpillS IS NO HFM Ht'l) I
I HvRcndinsr O e'f'KS'TS
with nee. lilRht, color of eves nnd hair,
you will re.five, by roturn inail, a correct
pi. -tine of your tntiirn hiilmod or wife,
w ith nnino'nnd dliteof inurriitue. Addl es
VV. FOX. P. O. Drawer No. 31. Fulton.
vlllo N. V. ,Hll 4t
A AT A TO if Fit I'.K, niid $.'!0 a day s.iro'aii.l
V no IouoImiit. Adili-osn I.ATTA f Co
l'ittsburvh, I'a. S'.l-U
An iinlailini! rcmody for nil Bronchial Dif
lieliltios, Couirlis, CohN, HonrsenesH,
Asthuia. Piplhcria, Dryness of I ho 'ihriHit
or Hind l'lpe and Ml C'ltnrrhal disease.
Tho woiiderlul modei-n discovery of Car
bolie Acid, is destined to becomo omo of
tho creates! Iilessinirn to mankind In tu
npplieiiljon to disenso of Hip throat mid its
ui eat curative qualities in 11 alleetions of
tho Chestand l.imus.
r. IVclK Carbolic Tahit i,
besides tlio irrest romcdinl rtsjnt Citrliollo
Aeid contains otlier iniredienlH universjtlly
rtH'oinmcnded, which chemienllv comhino
prodoelnir n Tablet more hiidil.v mediein
id nud etter adapU'd for discuses of th
throat thnn any repnrution ever boiore of
(el'cd to the public.
ic Tablets ; don't let other Roods be palmed
oil on vim in their place.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
iiroRSritKClMtE. Try Theui.
Sold by Druitsisln. S0-41
Till HAUIC (Ollll.
Will chanunny colored hair or braid
ton permanent black or brow n. It con
tains no poison. An v 0110 can use it. One
sent by mail for (fi. Dcaleis unpolled
at reduced rates. Address Win. I'atton,
Trims. Sprinnlield. Mass, . 3-4t
KI, il'Si ti:a
w ith the I ireen Ten Flavor
Wnrranttd to suit nil
lasten. F'or sale every
where. For alo whole
oniv bv thoOro it Atlantic
nnd I'neinV Ton Co., 8 Cluiteh St. New
York. 1". O. llox 55o5. Send for Then
Nectar circular. a'.4t
Book Agents Wanted.
The Iliblo Iteud iu the lirht of its own
Scenery, Kcv. W, h. (iilL-e's now liook is
now ready. I'rtniiHl on. tinted paper, ia
sued in bcnutiful style, Contains U'K) Su
perb FiiMravinirs, and in one of the most
valuable iiihlieal books ever issued. In
every taiudy whorotho Hilda istobelound
and there are mill. 011s of them, there 11111
this work Ih sold. Agents will rppreeiato
this. AYo want a.-ents atso for
Prof. Stowe's Self-Irterpretirg Fam
ily Bible."
tho grandest book ever Issued, beim? his
crow niiiK lite w ork pronoun. -cd by critics
tho linest and most complete iiiblo exiaut,
now hnvini; it larger salo than any otlier
throe Ilibles combined. Splendidly illus
trated coiitaius a dictionary ol the. liible
w ith LOO ennr iviniiM, a history of each
book, etc., and enables any reader tu fcr 111
Inn ow n comiintury on the Scriptures ns
ho studio Iheni. Any nenl or pt inon
w ho reads this this, mid w ho desires tho
most proliitible und honorable business,
scud lor circiiiitr. ith full inlcrnialion.
39-1 1 Jlortford, Conn.
VASUL 9IAI1 i:asv,
I nm now solieitlnp: orders for tho celo.
Call al Knox A Co.'f Store, soo a
chiiiu und leuve your order.
37 , A. J.MAKSII. Aft't.
12, 10, h noitss: B'01Vi:i8,
31," II, 12 anil 19 II. 1
lO, SO, 22, niul IS II. !.,
Hoom No. 2, Chaso it Stewart's Illoek,
M-3n TiTUaVII.LK, 1A.
J . W. HOW I AM,
dents Furnishing fiooils.
And Agents for thu Celebrated Grover A
liakcr Sewing Machine.
libickty strfkt, ni:au doe
franklin, penn'a-
8 V.
Rocimmenilrd and Endorsed by over
Seven Iluinlreil Doctors
cOiiroi'Nn FLt:itj kxtiiaot or
Not a Secret Qunck Medicine For
mula Around the Dottle.
Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic
11X11 Til K N I. llVOl d bV
11. M.
This is the Secret,' of its Wonderful
Success, in Curing
Consumption in its early stages, Scrcfu.
la, Hiphilis, ltpeiii. Liver
Complaint, Cirouio
y.'ic timali"m,
Xeuralyia, Xcrvous Affection, Eruptions
of of the iSl. in, Humors, Loss of
Vigor, I filiates of the
and Bladder, nnd ail Diseases caused ly
a Had Mate of the Lluod.
It thoroughly eradicate every kind of
llumornnd linil liioit, nod restores the en
tire ftVNtrm to a healthy condition.
It is bevond iicstiou the Finest Tonic
in Tun Uoui.n.
Th.uisiuids have been uhanired bv tho use
rifthis medicine from weak, sickly, h till or
itur creatures, to stroiiy, heailhy, iind hap
ly men nud w omen.
1 nvitlids cannot hcsiinto to pivo it a trial.
No medicine lias ohiaiucd rii.-Ii n rrciit
repiit.itioii ivs tliis justly celebrated com
1'rom Physicians. Kmlnent Divine, Edi
tors. Uruvridsts, Men-hunts, Ac., mo KOS
KOO ALU A .V.l C lor this year.
The Principal Lrtrggists of ihe United
M ites and iriiish America.
:i4 iv.
Manufacturers of
1r J. 1Z JD "W J.HZjJH,
Ac, Sro., Ac,
.tohx AKpnirvvs. ji. pimicn.
l ight icr 'i'ut. Gold
$1,500,00 0
In denomination of f l.oro nnd fc'OO. con
poll or registered, with interest nt Fiirht
per cent, per annum, payable 1 .".Hi l-'ebru-lo
v and A uirosi. in ' .1 i.l free of I'
Slates taxes, in New York or Europe. '1 ho nave iiiiri v years to run, pavaiilo in
New York in ;iil,'l. Trustee. Fanners'
Loan and Trust Company of New York.
Tho niort;ra;;o which .secures these bonds
is at the nil o of fl'l.rii tl per mile ; covers
n completed road fur every l.ond issued,
and is a lir-t and ONLY ntm-timc. This
lino, connict iif? St. Joseph with Fori
Kearney, will mako a short and through
route to Colil'ornia.
I'ho ( oinpany have a Capital
Stock of
And a jriant of Land from
C'oii'resa, of 1. (ill .1,00.1 Acres
valued, at tho lowest csti
lualo, at - - - -
First Mortgage llondst, - -
Total, - -
Total lonirth of road, 271 miles' di.stanco
included in this M.irl;.k'c, 1 1 1 miles ; pri.-o
H7i and accrued inleiMst, I N I'L' UKKNC Y.
Can bo uhtained Ironi tho uudei'sirued.
Also, pamphlets, map and ina.riua'.iou
relating hereto. These bonds, beiiiK no
wel Heeiired and yielding a laro ineonio,
uro ilcsirablo to parlies heekin hatu and
incrativn inveslnu'iils. Wo rocouiineiij
theui with eutiro eonlideuee,
W. I'. CON V U KS E A CO.,
No. r.t I'ine Street, N. Y.
T A N M- I! f ('. ,
Fiscal Agents,
N. 40 Wall Street, Now York.
TI02tKI15!.i:!-I sull'erreil with
Ca'ar h tli rty y ars, and was cured
in tdx witi'm by asimpio remedy, and will
Ki nd Hie ro'n i t , pusia -e free, to ali atll -t-e
l. T. J. Utiu, Iirawor 17U, Syra.!Use N.
Y. 30 4t
A WATCH Fit EE f"r everybody and
f pi nlav si.r". Eusiuea 1 i I it and
liiiiiorable. No i ill enterprise. No hum
buir. Ad Ire a,tv. Muuroo Kuucdy. I'itti
hi V.
Ii tl; motto of
Lo hT oplltl A
DRY OOBS, -' :v '
In tho old Court Iloune building, nljoii.iug
the IIoluios Ilouie,
whrr they will be happy h. (upply tho
want of this community, with eu
Ha I! re Fnsh Awtrtrarut
ef all the norele in the
which h.-iroboon tclertod with Ert cre.
As to prices, we challenge all competitors.
It has tons been the des:re of the people
of tins community, to hare Btore In their
mki ,i where can be found everything ten.
ernlly kf pt In a Ih btore.aiHl whare
it could be pnr.-lmsod at living price. To
satisry this want, we have come in your
inldat, and hope by proper attruiion to
business and to the wants of the people, to
B03ure their patrona-e.
Our stock of
la second to none in
Western ronnsylvania,
and we are determined not to he under
sold. Those good embrace aU the
and we feel assured that lb citizen of this
county will not hnve to go to adjoiniug
towns to purchase DUES dUODS la the
Our stock of
is superior, both in quality and stylo to
any ever bot'ero cflor"d in this koc. n.ond
v.o trust that all will call and examine cur
stock before purchasing elaewhere. We
having an exporionccd cutter, we can sat
isfy tho most fastidious ; and as we have
our own nianulin tnry in riiiladrlphln, we
thereby have t'.e advantage over all other
dcaiei H lu Ibis section.
in endless variety, at prices to suit tbs
& S
of every style and qu iUty, which we axe
prepared to sell ut New Y(rk prices.
Call tnd Examine ottr Stcck.