The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 10, 1871, Image 1

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W. It. DUNN.
310m la Krvox's Building. Elm, Street.
If o Subscription rccolved for shortor
period than threo months.
Correspondence solicited from all parts
of tho country. No notice will be taken of
nnonymous'eoni munications.
Marriages and Death notices Inserted
I. O. GK T.
Toeterery Wednesday vening, at 6
lX o clock.
3. WIXAX9, W. C. T.
'ttbmStrtrt, r0-NXST.4,-P.l.
Isaac Ah,
ATTORNEY AT T..WV. Oil Citv. Pa.
Will practice in tho variom Onrts of
Forest Countr. All busloe-s entruitinl to
lii ertre will recoive prompt atienti n.
Corest Co., Pa., will praetioe In Clarion,
Vpnaniro and Warren Counties. Office on
Klin Street, two doors above Lawrence's
grocery store. tf.
W. W. Mason,
Street, above Walnut, Tlonesta, Pa.
C W. GUQiian,
natiKo Co., Pa. . tf.
N. D. Smiley,,
ATTORNEY T LAW, Petroleum Cen
tre, Pa. Will practice in the several
Courts of Forest County. 3C-ly
Holmes House,
HMONKSTA, PA., opposite the Tiepnt.
-I C. 1). Mable, Proprietor. Oood Sta
bling connected with the house. If.
Jos. Y. Saul,
PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad
dler. Threo doors north of Holmes
House, Tiouosta, Pa. All work is war
ranted, tf.
Syracuse House,
Jl tors. Tho house has been thoroughly
retittod and is now in the lirst-class order,
with tho best of accommodations. Any
nformaiion concerning oil Territory at
this point will be choerfullv furnished.
ly J. A O. MAUEK,
Exchange Hotel,
DKKi. A Sox I'rop's. This house having
btwn rclited is now the moot desirable stop.
rill j place in Tidioute. A good Hillinrd
loom attached. 4 ly
National Hotel,
TRVINETON, PA. W. A. Hallenback,
Proprietor. This hotel is Kkw, and is
ilw open as a first class house, sit unto at
ne junction of the Oil Creek it Allegheny
.liver and Philadelphia Erie Railroads,
pposite the Depot. Parties having to lay
ver trains will tind this tho most conven
ed! hotel in town, with first-class accom
modations und reasonable --hames. tf.
TifTt Sons & Co.'s
EW ENC5INES. The undersigned have
lor sale and will receivo orders for the
above Engine. Messrs. Titrt Sons A Co.
are now sendinir to this market their 12
1 lorse I'owor Hngine with H-Horse Power
Holler peculiarly adapted to deep wells.
Oi'Meus at Duncan A Chalfant's, dealers
in Well Fixtures, llardwure, Ac., Main St.
next door to Chase House, Pleasantvillu,
and at Mansion House, Titusville.
tf. K. MIE'JT A SOX, Agent.
John K. Hallock,
TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicllor of
1 ratents.No. 5i r rench street! opposite
Hoe. I House) Erie. Pa. Will practice in
.,. N'veral State Courts and tho I'nited
Hs Courts. Special attention (riven to
' ' " " i t i .patents for Inventors ; iiifringo
.... ., ro-insue and extension of patents
i. mm!v attended t. leirrenecs: lion.
im'm 1 m, obeli, cluri'i i; Hon. John 8.
M '.tii-.i.i. i-i.,rk'i. IT. L. A A. H.
'tl -lot. M. ,.!!.!;; V. F. I.Utl.V. Ti
fnesu. " 2 7
Z. J. I- V.r.-.b,
PHYSICIAN AN'' -!,'-..i:N,wljolia
lu'.il lllti-cll yea's . -,-rH'lu I- Ml a lltre
kilI suc-ces.-.t'ul i.i.;..t;, will ariend all
Professional t Oi've 'j h. Drun and
Orocery store, loeavd m Ti.linute, niur
Tidioute House,
A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
Tobncco, Cigars, Stationery, lilacs, l'uints,
oily Cutlery, and tine tiroccrh h, all 01'tho
best quality, and will be sold at reasonable
II. I!. IICRn ESS, an experienced Prnir
. isi liom New York, has charge of the
i . All prescriptions put up accurately.
W, P. Mercilliott,
Attorney at Lair,
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.
This I'.ank transiit-i., a General Ranking,
ColitM'titie: and Exchange Husiness.
Diaiis on the Principal Cities of the
Fluted States and Europe bought and sold.
tiold and Silver Coin and tiovernment
Securitiea bouuht and sold. 7-30 bonds
converted on the most favorable terms.
I nterest allowed on tiino depouita.
Mar. 4. tf.
DR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, has
rctiirnsd to lus practice alter an ab
sence of tour months, spent in the Ho. pi
laisol'N'ew York, where will altoiid
calls in his profession.
Utile in Eureka Imifr Store, Sd door
aljove the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4f
7 ANTED. Land in Pennsylvania lor
cwsh and cood ktotis. TowusenJ
wsv rut
' Let us have Faith
VOL. III. NO. 39.
t tba'Stor of
D. S. KNOX, Sc CO.,
Elm St., ioneeta P.
Ws art in dally receipt Oi ih arfurtand
which w are determined to sell regardles
of prices.
Home Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails,
Machine tools, Agricultural Implements,
Ac, Ac,, tc, which we offer at greatly re
duced prices.
of all kinds,
Britlji TtEDS,
ES, Ac, Ac, Ac,
In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see,
MNU. Tho handsomest and cheapest
work extent. It has so..,etbin in itof the
best for every one, for the old, the inid-dle-Rfed
and the voting and must become
universally popular. Excepting llto Bible
this will be the book most loved and the
meat frequently referred to In the family.
Every jingo has passed under tho critical
eyo of the jreat poet,
Bare chance for best aurents. Tho only
hook ol its kind ever sold by subscription.
Scud ut orw.- lit circulars, tV, to
GEO. MACl.K.VN, Publisher,
S0-4t Tl'.a'i-om St., I'hiia U-!ph!a. Ta.
SEASON OF 1810-71.
Important Improvements.
Patent Juno 121st and August 2.W, 1H70.
The Mason Hamlin Oriran Co., have
the pleasure of announcing important im
provements in their t'abinot Organs, for
which Patents were granted thein in June
and August last. Tin-no are not merely
meretricious attachments, hutouhance the
substantial excellence of the instruments.
They are also enabled bv increased facil
ities a lurpo new manufactory, they hope
hereafter to supply all orders promptly.
The Cabinet Organs made bv this Com
pany are of such universal reputation, not
only throimliout America, but also in Ku
rope, that few will need assurance of their
They now offer Four Octave Cabinet Or
gans, in quite plain cases, but equal accord
ing to their capacity toanythinythcy make
for fo0 each.
The same, Doub e Reed, $t5. Five Oc
tave Double Reed Organs, Five Stops, with
Knee swell and Tremulant, in elegant ease
with several of the Mason and Hamlin
improvements, flJ5, The sumo Kxtra
with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell
etc., gl;0. five Octaves, three sets Reeds,
seven stops with Kuphone; a splendid in
struments, S-o.
A new illustrated catalogue with full
information, and repuced prices, is now
ready, und wijl be sent tree, With a testi
monial circular, presenting a great mass of
evidence as to liio superiority of these in
struments, to anv one sending his address
Tremont Street, Boston, os 5W6 Broadway.
N. V. SCMt
4.00 P. M. Freight and Accommodation
hv Rev. T. 1e Witt Talmaok,
The most Popular Preacher iu America.
Agents wanted evi-rywlmre, male or fe
male, to sell this great work, is butter than
Mark Twain, and no trouble to sell, iiig
Prolits. Send tor terms und illustrated l3
page circulur, Kvuus, AUaldurt Co.,Pub
j Uibor, feo. 710 tkuu UU, PbibKhjljhia,
that Right make3 Might ; and
A Thrilling Adventure.
We qtiection whellier in the history
oi the "hair breadth escapes,
allel to the following can be
a imr- i
The story waj told by an old and val
ued frieud, now residing in Ohio, but
whoso early days were spent near the
scene of the .tragic adventure here re
lated. We give the story as related
in the words of the hero :
"It was about the year of 1796, that
I settled in Virginia"; near the fall of
the Kanavha. The country at that
time was an unbroken wilderness. But
few settlements had been made then
by the whites and they were so far
apart as to render vain alt hope of
assistance in case of an attack from
the hostile Indians numbers of whom
still infested the neighborhood.
"I lived there alone with my wife
for several months unmolested, and by
dint of perseverance, being young and
hardy, had succeeded in making quite
a large clearing in the forest, which I
had planted with corn, and which
promised an abundant yield.
"One morning after we had dis
patched our humble meal, and I had
just prepared to venture fourth on my
regular routiue ol labor, my attention
was arrested by the tinkling of a cow
bell in the con-field.
"There," said my wife, "the cow is
iu the corn-field."
"But the ear of the buck woodsman
becomes, by education, very acute, es
pecially so from the fact that his safe
ty oftoii depea;!; "pon the ni?e calcu
lation of that sense. I was not e..?ily
deceived. I listened th sound was
repeated. 'That,' said I to my wife,
"was not the tinkle of a bell upon the
neck of a cow. It is a decoy from
some Indians who wish to draw me in
to ambush."
"Believing this to be the case, I took
down my old musket, and seeing that
it was properlv loaded. I stole cau
tiously around" the field to the point
from which the sound rcemcd to pro
ceed. As I suspected, there in a clus
ter of. bushes, crouched an Indian
wailing for me to appear in answer to
his decoy bell that he might send the
faithful bullet to my heart. Iapproach
ed without, discovering myself to him
lintel within shooting distance, then
raised my piece ami tired. Tiij bullet
sped true to its mark, vud the Indian
fell dead.
"Fearing that he might be accom
panied by others, I returned with all
speed to the cabin, and having firmly
barracaded the door, I watched all day
from the port holes in anticipation of
an attack from the companions of the
Indian I had killed. To add to the
seeming -helplessness of situation, I
discovered that I had but one charge
of powder left. I could make but one
shot, and if attacked by numbers, I
should bo entirely in their power. De
termined to do the best with what I hud,
I poured out the last charge of pow
der and put it iu my musket aud then
waited the approach of night, feeling
confident of an attack. Right came
at last a beautiful moonlight night it
was, too, and this favored me greatly,
as 1 would thereby he able to wnich
tbe movements of the enemy us they
approached my cabin. It was Home
two hott i s after nightfall and yet I hud
neither heard nor seen any sig"s of the
Indians, when suddenly I was startled
by the baying of my dog at the stable,
which stood a little west of the cabin,
and between the two was a pitch of
of ground upon which the height cf
tbe full moou fell unobstructed. Judg
IVom the noise at the stubles that they
would advance from that direction, I
posted myself at the port hole on that
eide of the cabin.
I had previously placed my wife on
the cross pole in the chimney, so that
in case our enemies el Ice ted an en
trance in the cabin she might climb
out through the low chimney and efleet
her escape. For myself I entertained
no hope; but I resolved to sell my lite
"With breathless anxiety I watched
at the port hole. At length I saw
them emerge from the shadow of the
stable aud advance across the vacant
ground towaril my cabin. One two
three gieat heaven! six stalwart
Indiums armed to thu teeth, aud urged
on by the hope of revenge, and I alone
to oppose them, with but one charge
of powder. My case was desperate
indeed. With quick, yet steady step
in close, siugle tile they upproached,
aud were already wilhing a few yards
of the house, when a slight change in
movement of the forward Indian
changed the position of the entire six
so that a portion of tho left side of
each was uncovered.
"They were all in range one aim
would have covered all. Quick as
thought I aimtd aud tired. As the
smoke cleared away, I could hardly
credit what my senses showed luc as
the result of "my shot. The llfteen
slugs with which I had loaded my
musket had done their work well. Five
of the i-ix Indians lay dead upon the
ground, and the sixth had disappeared.
"Although no enemy was in sight, I
did not venture forth until morning.
Securing the arms of the fulleu In
dians, I followed up the missing one
until I reached the river, beyond which
place I could discover uo trace what
eveT. t rom
the amount of blood
in that Faith lot us to tho end,
which marked the trail, together with
the unmistakable evidence that he had
nicked his war with difficult?. T wns
- lead to believe he was mortally
wounded, and in oruer to prevent his
body from falling into the hands of his
white foe he had groped his way to
the river, and thrown himself into the
current which bore him away.
"The Indians had killed my ow,
and that you may be assured was no
trifling loss, yet in my gratitude for
my escape from the merciless savages
I would have been entirely willing to
have made greater sacrifices. I was
well provided, (by means of the arms
and amunition taken from the six In
dians) in case of a second attack, but
this fortunately, proved to my last ad
venture with the savages. Rot one of
the band had escaped to tell the tale
to incite his bretheren to revenge the
death of his comrades.
"Ah I" exclaimed the old man, while
the tears gushed from his eves at the
n"-nory of that eventful night, "that
was a glorious shot the best I ever
The hero of this adventure lived t
see his rude wilderness, win re he had
pitched his homely cabin transformed
into smiling fields and peopled by har
dy and enterprising pale-laces among
whom his last days were passed in
peace and plenty, undisturbed by the
presence of his old time foes.
Mufnajle's Elephant.
Mr. Ilufnngle purchased an elephant
in India, and brought him home under
the care of a native keeper. The de
mn was to teach him to d farm work.
When the animal arrived it wns as
certained that he could not, or would
not, do suidi labor, and so he was put
in the stable of a country hotel, near
New Hope, where he consumed enough
sustenance to bankrupt a man of ordi
nary wealth.
Uue day his kejeper died suddenly,
and, as nobody else knew how to man
age the elepha:it, it was found impossi
ble to get him out of the stable. The
landlord raved, and swore, and tore his
hair about it, but t lire re, that elephant
stuck, witli the manifest intention ot
staying till the day of judgment, and
of battering down the stable unless he
was ted.
At last the landlord said that the
elephant must be got rid of somehow
or other, if he had to blown through
the roof with gunpoder. So an elibrt
was made to Gull him, ami a menagerie
man was induced to buy him for two
thousand dollars. This man ftctci min
ed to bring that elephant right along
with strategy. He got a ear on tho
railroad track near by, and after fixing
a bridge to it, he lined the floor with
a bushel or two of apple, gingerbread,
oranges, etc. Then he made a regular
pathway of tipples and cake all the
way from the stable to the car. It cost
him two hundred dollars tor bait. Th
elephant following the trail slowly,
eating it up clean us ho went up on
the piatlorm over tne bridge, and got
his fine feet in the car, with his hind
f 'ef,'3 "till " the bridge, and he gorging
hiniKeU all the lime. 1 lie tnena-ene
stood there, expecting every minute he
wiiulo go clear into the car and finish
the thing up; but instead ol this, the
miserable beust stood still, and with
his trunk reached all over the cur, aud
ate every solitary thing in it. Then
he turned and swooped down the road
at the rate cf twelve miles an hour.
The landlord, meanwhile, was so glad
to get rid of the beast, that he hud
asked all bauds in to take something
in honor of tli3 event. The party were
just putting their glasses to their lips,
when a smash was heard at the barn
yard gate, and a thundering crash in
dicated that the stable door was knock
ed inte diminutive Hinders. The crowd
rushed out, and there was that very
same elephant in the very same old
Thu landlord was so mad that he
couldn't swear with sufficient vigor to
satisfy his feelings. Ner.t morning
Hufnagle's elephant was found dead,
and there was thought to be some con
nection between this circumstance aud
the fact that the landlord was seen
rolling a barrel of rat-poison up an
adjacent hill upon the previous even
ing. A dealer in agricultural tools out
in Iowa, and a German by birth, went
to Futherland, last spring, taking along
a reaper and mower of the most ap
proved pattern, and put it to practical
use at once. The old aud voting guth
by hundreds to see it work, for they
have only the (ld-fashioned clumsy
scythe, aud the old wood mold-bourd
plow. But when they saw twenty
acres of grass cut in seventeen hours,
they were completely astonished, ami
confessed such a machine run with a
litttle oil was completely ahead of
their tools backed by unlimited sup
plies of 'ager.
A Youth cleaning up a Han Fran
cisco printing oflice found a keg of
black sand. Anothor boy bet him the
spruce gum that it vas powder, and
he took thu bt t. A coal of tire was
gently but fiijnly dropped into the keg.
There was uonsurance on the building.
I he two experimental youths are sup'
lKised to have gone into the
I looking for th spruce gum.
mm lllfil Ilia r-ollntrv
dare do our duty as we understand it."--LINCOLN.
Tho Wanderer's Prayer.
On a cold dreary evening in autumn,
a small boy, poorly clad, yet clean ami
tidy, with a pack on his back, knock
ed at the door of an old Quaker, in
the towu of S , anil inquired :
"Is Mr. Laumaa at home?"
The boy wished te see him, and wn.
speedily ushered into the host's pree
Friend Lanman was one of the
wealthiest men in the country, and
president of the railroaJ. He said he
was an orphan his mother had been
dead only two months, and he wns
homeless wanderer. But the lad was
too small for the filling of any pi c
withiu the Quaker's gift, and he wa
forced to deny him. Still he liked the
looks of the boy, and said :
"Thee may slop in my house to
night, and on the morrow I will give
thee names of two or three men in
Philadelphia, to whom thee may apply
with the assurance of a kind reception
at least. I am sorry that I have no
employment tor thee."
Later in the evening the old Quaker
weut the rounds of his spacious man--ion
lantern in hand, as was his wont,
to see that all was safe before retiriiii.
for the night. As he passed the door
of the little chamber where the poor
wandering orphan had been placed to
sleep, he heard a voice. He stopped
and listened, aud distinguished tlx
notes of a simple, earnest prayer. He
bent his ear nearer, and beard these
words from the boy's lips:
"O good Faiher iu heaven, help me
to help myself. Watch over me ns 1
watch over my conduct, and help me
as my deeds merit! Bless the good
Minn in whose house I am sheltered lor
'lie night, and spare him long, that lit
may continue his bounty to other suf
fering ones. Atneti."
And the Quaker heart responded
another amen as he moved on ; and as
In- went he meditated. The boy had a
true id itHS to the duties of lite, aud
possessed a warm, grateful heart.
"I verily think the lud will be a
treasure to his employer," was the con
cluding reflection.
When the morning came the old
Quaker changed bis mind concerning
answer to tho boy's application. -
"Who learned you to pray?" in
quired Frieud Liiniuau.
"My mother, sir," was the soft reply.
And the rich brown eyes grew moist.
"And thee will not forget thy moth
er's counsels?"
"I cannot, for I know my success iu
life is dependent upon them."
"My boy, thee niayest stay hero in
my house aud very soon I. will take
thee into my oflice. Go now, und get
thy breakfast."
Friend L. wns gathered to the spir
itual harvest shortly after the breaking
out of the war of the rebellion ; but he
lived to see tho buy he had adopted
rise step by step until he finally assum
ed the responsible office which the tail
ing guardian could no longer held.
Aud to-day there is no man more, hon
ored and respected by his friends, and
none more feared by gamblers and
speculators in irresponsible stock, than
is the once poor wanderer now presi
dent of ono of the best manage i and
most productive railways iu the United
Fun Among the Generals.
The soldiers had a jolly good time
at their lute meeting iu Cleveland.
General Garfield, being called up, out
of order, for a speech, well represented
the spirit of the occasion in these
amusing points: "I am in the same fix
that a detachment of cavalry was that
General hliennaii once met. He
thought they were not going fust
enough, and told the commanding offi
cer to gallop. -'But where shall I gal
lop to V said he. ' Why, gallop ! Gal
lop auvwhere, but d n it gallop !'
Great laughter. I will tell you a
little story about Chattanooga. One
day, when we were all ImrJ at work
building fortifiications, General Ivose.
trunz cutiiu riding along the lines,
making short speeches to the men.
There was a tall, lank fellow, with the
fat all worn vlf by hard campaigning,
sitting upon a log, eating soup out ol a
confiscated domestic utensil. As
"liosy" rode by, alter n, akiug a little
speech, I heard the fellow exclaim,
'Iess blowing and more the techni
cal army word for swine S flesh would
suit me a durued bight better!" How
we all felt as we saw General Hooker
hobbling along, unable to walk with
out assistance! May it be many years
before he goes up higher among the
clouds thuu he did at lookout Moun
tain ! Tremendous Appluuse.) ,V
are all titutl here, as General l'aliner
has said. We know each other by our
first names, and we call them as wo
used to iu the army, "Bill" Sherman
I a voice, "Tecumseh !"J and "Joe"
looker, and "Tommy" Woud, aud
"Bob" Granger !
In Indianapolis.a chariuingyoung
lady physician was called to adminis
ter to a gentleman down down with a
fever. "Vou need good nursing," said
the lady. "Nurse me for li'e," replied
the patient. "I will" as the fofl answer.
Bret Harte's "Heathen Chinee."
A correspondent inquires whrthc
Mr. Nye, the Nevada Senator, W the
Bill Nye who was taken in and done
for by a heathen Chinee, as described
by Bret Harte in his well known
p em. By the way, our friend insi-d
that tne poem has been misunderstood
and badly garbled by some stupid
printer. Johu Chinaman is represent
ed in the current version of the story us
haviug seercted twenty-four packs of
cards in his sleeve. This is a.isurd, he
sides being a physical impossihimx
'1 he game was euchre, in which the
knave is the best card in the pack.
Harte wrote jucks.aud the things mipht
have been done , a sleeve full of jacks,
skillfully handled would have insured
the discomfiture of Bi.lNve. and filled
the pocket of the heatlieu Chiiiee. But
the Nevada Senator is not the man ai
all. His name is Jim Nye, and the
pagan who picks him up iu hope of
winning his mouey is likely to make
a bad business of it. Iu the good old
Barnburner days, when Jno. Van Bu
ren split the Democratic party in
twaiu aud defeated Gen. Gass, Nvc, at
Tt ...... ' - '
mat lime judge ot lundison count1,
and a warm sympathizer with Van
Buren, laid a wager of three hundred
dollars that the Barnburner electorial
ticket would receive more votes in the
county than the Hunker. As election
day approached, the judge, having
made a careful canvass, discovered
that it was a close thing, and became
alarmed about the result. The sum
at stake was n large amount for Nye
in those days, and he cast about for
the means of winning the bet. At the
September term of bis court two men
were indicted f,r an offence in which
-i i ... i . i
nicy nan oeen jimmy engaged. 1 hey
couvieted, und oue of ihelii, a Burn
burner was sentenced to twenty days'
imprisonment, tvhilu the other, a
Hunker, was ordered to be shut up for
thir;y days. As the Sheriff was inking
the prisoners to jail, tho unfortunate
Cuss man exclaimed: "Ten days extra
lor being a Hunker und it curries me
over the election." "That's so," re
plied the sherill'; "and curse you, what
business have you to bo a Hunker?"
Nye won bis bet by two votes; and
our friend inquires w hether a man ol
such resources would be likely to lose
his money through the tricks of any
heathen Chinee.
A Family Riddle.
A New York correspondent of the
St. Louis Republican tells the follow
ing: Among the audinre of the second
representation of "As you like it," 1
saw a couple to whoso pi st there at
taches a string of incidents that would
appear unnatural in a yellow covered
novel. This gentleman is gray -haired
50 and fatherly. The lady is a swar
thy little brunette of 18 or 19. She
is the wile of the gentleman, und, yet
she is his daughter. As she is the gen
tli mail's daughter his child must be
In-r liter. But the child is also her
child, nnd in consequence her husband
is her daughter's grandfather. It is a
beautiful little cii.-c for he eudman to
propound us a first class conundrum
to the middle-mutt of a minstrel show.
But this its solution. A young aad
beautiful Jeweso, a Mr. Peyser's wife,
15 years ago, fell in love with a taker
of daguerrotypes, a Mr. Gage. The
conseqenco of love is often trouble; so
it was in this instance. A divorce en
sued. The lady kept ono ehild.a daugh
ter, married Mr. G., bore him two or
three boys; the Jewish half sister gut
ting on nicely with her little Christian
brothers. But the heart ol man is
fickle. Mr. G. looked upon his wife's
daughter, und behold sue found favor
iu his sijjit. Mis A. budded into
womanhood, Mrs. G. faded into age.
A fearful domestic catastroph ensued,
a divorce was obtained by the wife, the
daughter married the step father, and
added the title of grandfather to the
honors he already bore. The elderly
lady murried for the third time, visits
he daughter and her former husband,
(with whom re-ide her own boys,) and
every thing is serene aud satislactory.
Cau you beat this in St. Louis?
"Where the Woodbine Twineth."
Don Piaft tells the following story
to the Cincinnati ( uimnerciul :
By-the-by, my genial friend, Ihe
, Hon. S. S. Cox, tells mo of the origin
of that mysterious, but somewhat fa
nous, expression.
! "What the devil, Jim," he asked
one day, "did you mean by that place
'where the wonilhino twineih
1 "Well, I'll tell vu. Colonel. You
see I was before that leu rued and dig
nified hodv, the Committee on Bank
ing and Currreney, and when Garfield
aske I mo whe the money got by tor
bin went to, I could not make a vol
gar reply and (ay up a spout, but ob
serving, while ed-lliiig through New
Kuglaud, thut every spout of house
and cottage had a woodbine twining
about it, 1 suid, naturally enough,
wheio tho woodbine twineth. That is
all. It seems the Congresiional cheese
waxes diii'not understand my dslicacy
I wiv delimr sllnsien."
Rates of A ivrtivtinar.
0 e Square (1 Inch,) One Insertion ....Jl W
One Square " ono month S 00
OtieS piaro " throe months... fl 00
One S'l1""'" " "n : fu ih
Two Hiuaro?,one year...! IS to
O'ln'l. ! I. i tfl
Hair " " M no
One " " 100 00
Rusincss Card, not esceoding out in ok
In length, $10 per year.
I.otml notices at established rates.
These rates are low, and no dovistlon
tvill be made, or discrimination among
patrons. Tho rates offered are such,
will make it to the advantage ol men dol
business in the limits of (he circulation "f
tne paper to advertise liberallv.
Week of Prayer.
The Executive Committee of the
Evangelical Alliance of ihoToit'd
States have caused to be prepared and
issued the ioiintving pioiMniiie or
the annual Week of Prayer, beginning
with Sunday, New Year's Lay, Jan
uary, 1, 1871 :
Sunday, Jan. 1. Sermons Si.h.icc-!:
Inspiration of the Holy scr.pu i- ;
their suflicient y and s -b- authuiity )or
religious faith and practice.
Monday, .Ian. 2 1'iayi-r:
review of the psn-tj in'iln.i' f
ed confidence ulnl
; i, no, ,u i , of thu w
of church, and for national
r renew-
rit votvd-
i MllMlCrS
sins pro-
yoking Divine judgments.
Tuesday, Jan. 3. Pruvtr : For
tions, for King and all 'l - is in n-
thority; for soldiers and sailors; for
a.l who have suffered iu recent wars;
to. the blessings of pence, and lit--God
would graciously bring good out
of the recent calamities.
Wednesday, Jan. 4. Prayer: Ft
the chi'dren of Chri-t'a parents; for
a hies; ing on home influence und on a.l
tea uters; lor early dedication inln ri ;
ami Jtor more laborers in Christ s ser
vice. i'hersdav, Jan. 5 Pr-ivr : F-o tie
baptism of the Holy Spirit on all who
profess and call lhemelves Cbrisi'iHiif ;
fir the increase of charily of affection
ate communion and co opcrut.i n
imoug all in every land w'- ioe me
Lord Jems Christ in sincerity.
t nduy, dan. o. rruyn : ror the
circulation of the word ol God ; lor tho
increase of faithful emb issudors fof
Christ for an end of religious persecu
tion ; and tor the removal of nil bin
ilcrance to the spread of ihe gospel.
Saturday, Jan. 7. Prayer: For
Christian missions; for the conversion
if the .lews: for the better observance
of the Lord's day ; for a blessing on
Christian Literature; and for ihe glo
rious appearauce of our Lord Jesus
Christ. . i
Sunday, Jan. 8. Sermons Sul ject:
Faiih, Hope and Love essential wit
nesses tor the truth.
Rail. oad Water Troughs.' '
' At Derry and near Jamestown, on
the line ol the reunsvlvauia Central
a mechanical arrangement bus been in
troduced by which locomotives cau be
suppl ed with water while under way.
It consists of troughs eighteen inclus
wide, six inches deeji and fifteen hun
dred feet lining. These receptacles
are kept full of water, and the fireman
when approaching them lets down a
spout communicating with thu tender,
which draws up the water for the uso
of the boiler at the ratu nf two thous
and two hundred gal. ons for each
trough. The object of ihe introduc
tion of tins ingenious contrivance is
to save time, intention being to run all
the faster trains from Pittsburgh to
llarrisburg with but one stop (ut Al
lium.!. ) Tho place ut which these
troughs have been introduced are lo
cated west of Altooua. Additional
ones will be .stationed on other portions
of the road as tin yean be constructed.
This auxiliary to expeditious railroad
ing has b -en f lly tested in England,
hIicio trains run hundreds of milts
without stopping. The Hudson Bivi r
railroad, iu this country, has also
adopted iuand found it advantageous.
The census-takers in some por
tions of the west have as funny exper
ience as those in the large cities of this
section. One has discovered . lady in
Illlll.lll.l ttllll id, III .1,1.1 ... .11 t I ...1
in the name of June Juliette Isaline
Araniinta Musudnru Peeks; and iu
Ohio a farmer has been found where
the first sou is name Imprimis, the
second Finis, and the three other Ap
pendix, Addendum, and Erratum!
A Dubuque grocer having had
an unprecedented demand for vinegar
tor several days, bottle, mugs, jugs,
basins, teapots, aud other pots, having
been constunily coming fcr a supply
of the acid fluid, was tempted to try
its quality for him.-elf, found hu had
tapped the wrong cask, and sold a bar
rel of old Bourbou whisky uttenceuts
a quart.
Waterfall curls are becoming so
fashionable that gentleman friend of
our bus adopted the style. II found
a curl attached to the bottom of tha
side of his cap afer taking an evening
ride recently with a young lady.
An exchange, alluding to P. T.
liariiiini's coining show, says: "He
is the gentleman that recently 'entered
lain" out West by falling into a prairie-dog
bole. The hole will bo exhibit
ed among the curiosities."
The Ecmi-annual statement of the
reported marriage of Wliitclw Iicid,
of the New York Tribune, and Miss
Anuu Dickinson, of the oratorical
tiibure. is now iu season, aud bus
commenced its stilted tour.
Iu Connecticut, they have started
"Leather weddings.'' Leather cf
course furnished by thu "twosjlei with
but a single thought."
A veteran store keeper ays that
although his clerks aro very tu.'kutsTj
during the day, they art always ready,
ttt hni Of st htjht. " ji