The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 27, 1870, Image 1
j. i ii. i "!'"ivi'iia t'. Rates of One Square (1 lnoli,) one Insertion f I OT OnaHquar ."- -one month 00 One Square " throe months. 09 One Square " one year 10 00 Two .Squared, one year li'VO Quarter Col. " SO 08 Half " " W 00 ' Ono " . " , 100 00 rinsiness Cards, hot exceeding on iaak In length, $10 per year, -Legal notlcesat ostablllied rats.. -These rates aro low, and no deviation , ivill be made, or diserimination among patrons. Tho rates offered are such, s will mitl? it to tlie ndrnntnireof niondnt. i business in the limits of the eirculation of tlie lnier to advertise liberally. Wl "TT. nri rN m II llTBt.tsnED EVERT TCK3DAT, BY w. n: tr n n . Offlca In Krox' Buildlrg, Elm. Street epub: ,1'CAN. TEHMS, $2.00 A "YE All. 7So Subscriptions rwflved for a ahorter period than three montliH. Correspondence solicited from all part nf the country. No notice will be taken of fcnnony nious'com in un icat ions. ' M-irrinjros and Death notices inserted gratis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. i M Let us hayo Faith that Right makes Might ; and in that Faith let us to tho end, dare do our duty as we understand it."--LINCOLN, VOL. III. NO. 38. TIONESTA,. PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1870. $2 PER ANNUM. TIONKSTA LODGE, NO. 477, I. o. a-. T. :. M eot overy Wednesday evonlng, at 8 O ClOCK. J. n INAKS, W. C. T. M. CLAT11C, W. S. H.JIWl'OM fKTTIS. MILKS W. TATB. PETTIS A TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, jtlm. Ilrett, TfoSICSTA, FA. Isaac Ash, t A TTOUN'EY AT LAW, Oil rity. Pa. . Will nratlra I . tllO Vni-lflll f?llirta lf Forest t'ounty. All business cntmstod to lit rnre will irocoivo iroinpt attention. JD IT W. E. Lath,y, TTOTtNEY AT l,AW AND SOMCI V TOK IN HAN K HTPTL'Y, Tionesta, Korcst Co., Pa., will practice in Clarion, Venamrn and Warren Counties. Olllcoon . r.lui Street, two door above Lawrence's .grocery store. tf. ' " . W. W. Mason, TTOirXKY AT?,AW. Offlne on Klin A Street, afcotre Walnut, Tionesta, Pa. C W.-Gllfillan, .ATTOnNKY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve j nnf Co., Pa. tf. N. D, Smiley, A'1 TJ OKNEY aT LAW, Petroleum Cen- tre. Pa. Will pnipticc iu llio several Courts of l'orcst County. .w-iy Holmes House, nMOKnSTA, PA?, opposite tlie TVnot. " L V. U. Mabie, Proprietor. Good N:a bllng.connecte(t with .the bouse. tf. Jos. Y. Saul, 1"nACTirAI Ilarncw Maker and Sad dler.Vnireo doors north of Holmes llouke, flonosta, l'a. All work is war ) aitvl. ' tf. Syracuse House, rpini)VTfPA., J. A 1 Maori:, Propie l tors. " Th bouse bus been thoroughly refilled and IsuoW In the Hrst-dass order, a. Ilm Iwr rr Hi'OnUimouillloils. viiv .. i.. ...,..,.,,lii,r () II Territory at his joSwt will be iboei .Ully r",81Svr, Exchange Hotel, t owp.n Tinmi'TE, r., ivs. iums- Ij hkki. A iSoN Prop's. This house having been relited is now tbe most desirable stop rni. nines in Tidioute. A good llilllara itoo.n attached. 4-ly National Hotel, rRVINIVrON', PA. W. A. Halleubacl.', Proprietor. This hotel is Nkw, and is .)w open as a first class bouse, situate at ne (unction of the Oil Creek Allegheny stiver and Philadelphia A i'.rio llailroads, pposite tho lppot. Parties having to lay er trains will lind tills tbe most conven cnt hotel in town, with llrst-class aeconi- moilations and reasonable pbaruos. tf. TilTt Sons 4 Co.'s TVTI-W l-.XOIXKS. The underslcned have i for sale and will receive orders for the Messrs. TilU Soivs A Co. :irs now sendinir to this market their Pi ll, irse power Engine with H-Hoine Power J'.-iler peculinrlv adapted to deep wells. ui-KK-rs at Duncan A Cluiltimt's, dealers in Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac., Main St. imit door to Clinso House, Pleasuntvillo, .uid at Mansion House, Titusville. If. K. I1KETT A HON. Agenta. Joh,r K. Hallock, TTORN EY AT LAW and Sollnltor of Patent a. No. 5( Freneli streotiopiiosito lted Housei Erie. l'a. Will practice in i In-several State Courts and the United Sh'iii Courts. (Special attention given to .;;. -iti-j patents lor Inventors ; inl'rintio uii'ii' ,, re-issue and extension of patents nil v attended to. Kefirenees: Hon. .i -imps ('iimpliell, Clarion: Hon. John S. !.( iilmnnt. Franklin; H. L. A A. 11. Jticbmoiid, Meadvillej W. E. Lathy. Ti-m-.tK. 2 7 Dr. J. L. Acoixb, pil VSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has t I. a. I t'ltccn years' experience in a largo mkI Mic-essfnf practice, will attend till l'ri:i's-ioiial Calls. OI'" in nis Irng and rv Ntor-t iooatv'd iu Tidioute, near ' .U"""?P TIousO. 1 N HIM STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors co. Cigars, Stationery, Glass, Paints, ii Cutlery, and lino Groceries, all of tho best 'nuiility, and will be sold at reasonable ate-.. " Jl. R. lil'RGF.SS, an experienced Drug . -t 0,. in New York, has eliargo of the All prescriptions put up accurately, ti. W. Mercllliott, Attorney at low. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, iZKHi EST AT 13 AGKXT. TIONESTA, TA. i:-tf JOHN . DALE, PRCI'T. OMSA. CIlOPeR, VICEPRtST A. H. STEELE, CASHR, 3AVJNGS BANK, J'ionefta, Forest Co., l'a. This Hank tjwiwu W a C.Vneral Banking, t i !'. cling aud Exchange J Uismcss, I ii .. Ml Priiu-iLiill Cities Cities of tbe ti.ii. .1 fc.iitt.Mj u i it I 1 '.ii mint honulitand sold in, Ul ami Silver Coin and iiovcinment -icitriiie bought ami sold. 7-M Bonds , niivciU d on tiie misit iavorabie terms. 1 1, i crest allowed ou lime deposits. Mar. 4, tf. D'l. .1. X. BOLARO, ft Tidioute, lias rctimisd U bin practice otter an ali ( nee of four monlbs, s)eut in the Hoapl taU of Sow York, whure " will attend i mU in his profession. , Mlice iu Eureka lrng SU.ir9, ud door a'.ove tlie bank, Tidioate, l'a. Ji'M 1 ('ANTED.-Land in JVnnsylvaiiia fo- Ht-h and good tURks. Tt naeud rsnlr tldri ri-itJa. M t GREAT EXCITFMENT ! at tbe'Storo of D. S. KNOX, & CO., Elm St., ionesta Pa. We are In dally receipt o, Ihtl argtat and MOST COMPLETE atock and riiovisiox.s, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MAR.KET BOOTS & SHOES ! ron tiik MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prieea. AND House Furnikhing Goods, Iron, Kails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ac Ac, which we offer at greatly re duced prices. FURNITURE! FURNITURE 1 1 of all kinds, PA IlLOrt SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, 6rRI9 BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac., Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tf D. 8. KNOX, A CO. AtiENTS WANTED FOR THE LIBRARY OK POETRY AND SONG. The handsomest and cheapest work extent. It has so..iethinir In it of the lsst for every one, for the old, tho niid-dlo-iijjed and the young and must become universally popular. Excepting tho Bible this will lie tho book most loved and tho most fren nontiv referred to in the family. Every page lias passed under tho critical eve ot tbe jreat poet. WM. CU ijll-.-N IIKVA.M. Bare chance for best agents. Tho only book of its kind ever sold by subscription. send at once lor circulars, Ac, to GEO MACLEAN, Publisher, 30-lt "1 "tinsoiu St., Philadelphia, Pa. INSURANCE OF NORTH AMERICA, CO. No. 2.12 Walnut StPhila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, 1800, e2,S48.32330 JJO 000,000 losses paid since its organiza tion. WM. BUHLEH, Central Agent, Harrisburg, l'a. MILE3 W. TATE, Ageut In Tl- onesta, Forest County, l'a. 8 0m H. J. J 1a All K, TIDIOUTE, FJ. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, And Dealer In WATCHES, JEWELRY, ANE' MUSICAL INSTKUMENTS. Repairing done in a workmanlike maimer and warranted to give satis faction. 4-ly ESTRAY. CAME to the premises of tlie subscriber, in Green township, six miles southeast of Tionesta, on Monday. Nov. 21st, a Dakk Bhinulk Bull about two years old, with a a it in tlie left ear. Tbe owner is requir ed to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or lie will be disposed of according to law. 1'E'l'EK YOUNGK, 64-3t. Nebraska, Pa. mm Bv Bkv. T. De Witt Talmaok, The most Popular Preacher iu America. Agents wanted everywhere, male or fe male, to sell this great work, is better than Mark Twain, and no trouble to soil. Big I'm ou. Send for terms and illustrated, li age circular, r.vaus, buxiiiari io.,ruu- in-ft HI A PASTORAL. The following poem is by A.J. M umby. not only natural mid eaav In Its flow, but it Is a marvel in the way of versilicat ion. Observe tbe ingenious 'manner in which certain words of the llrst stanza are mado to rhyme with tho corresponding words in the second, and so on in tho third and fourth, Ac. : I sat with Doris, tbe Shepherd maiden ; Her crook was laden with wreathed flow ers I sat and wood her through sunlight wheeling, And shadows stealing for hours and hours. And she, my Doris, whoso lap encloses Wild Summer roses of faint perfume, The while I sued her, kept hushed and hearkened Till shades had darkened from gloss to. glooir. She touched my shuolder with fiarful linger; She said. ,-We linger, we must not stay ; My flock's In danger, my sheep will wan der : Bohold them yonder, how far they stray 1" I answered boldly, "Nay, lot me hear you, And still be near you, and still adore ! No wolf nor stranger will touch one year-ling- Ahlstny, my darling, a moment more !" She wbisporod, sighing, "Tliero will bo sorrow Beyond to-morrow, if I lose to-day j My fold unguarded, my flock unfolded I shall be scolded and sent away 1" Said I replying, " If they do miss yon, They ought to kiss you wbon you get home ; And well rewardod by friend and neighbor, Should bi the labor from which you come. "They might romembor,' alio answered meekly, "That lambs are weekly and sheep are wild ; But if they love me its none so fervent I am a servant and not a child." Then each hot ember glowed quick with in me, iind love did win me to swift reply; "Ah 1 do not prove me, and nono shall bind you, Nor I fray, nor tind you, until I die 1" She blushod and started, and stood wait ing, As if debating in dreams divine ; not I did bravo them I told ber nlainlv. She doubted vainly, sbo must be nuiiu. So we twin-hearted, from all tho valley Did rouse and rally her nibbling ewes ; And homeward drove them we two togeth er, . Through blooming heather and gleaming dews. That simple duty from grace did lend her, My Doris tender, my Doris trite ; That I her warder did always bless hor, And often press her to tako her due. And now in beauty sbo fills my dwelling With lovo excelling, and underllod; And love doth guard her, both last and fervent. ' No more a servant, nor j et a child. An Indian Village. "One can liave no appreciative idea of an Indiau village, unless he has been permitted to come across the prai rie through a hot summer's buu and suddenly discovers one nestled under the broad Bhade trees, beside a clear rumii:; stream, in a green valley. How pleasant the grass then looks; how refreshing the bright waters, and how cosy the tall lodges, with their shaded verandahs of thickly interwov en boughs. All day long wc liad toiled over the scorching plain, through clouds of grasshoppers that often struck us iu the face with sufficient force to make the skin smart for several minutes. Once we had seen a mirage of a beau tiful lake, fringed with trees and sur rounded by green pastures, which in vited us to pursue its fleeting shadows, but we well knew all about these de ceptions by sad esperienccs.and pushed steadily on over the buruiui; sauds. The mirages often deceive the weary traveler of the desert. Suddenly the horeseman sees a river or lake, appar ently, iust ahead of him, and he rides on and on, hoping to come up to it. For hours it lies before his eyes, and then in a moment disappears, leaving him miles and miles out of his way,, g.. . , 1(t of th0 jesert ganJs. i.aiuiib armed tO,., n ,i.. ' . C"Vi.ifuI river just before "lle then at uight turn back to , il-ll till UU Dllll ItlU IU nlou their weary way to where they Lad started from in tii raornmg. These mirages often lead to death both man and Tiorsc. Tho mirage we had seen was most delightful, representing a clear lake, with fees, meadows aud villages nest ling on it shores, but lUcarcely equal led the reality of the scene when, lute in the afternoon we ascen&td a rise in the prairie, and saw below jis a wide stream lined w ith green tre and un its banks a large fudiau encampment. The ponies pricked up their ears and neighed with pleasure as they smelt the water, and our own duligH was unbounded. We halted for a mo ment to admire the beautiful prospect. Through the majestic trees, slanting on the grass. -Faraway, winding like a huge silver-serpent, ran the river, while near by iu a shady grove, stood the villiage the children fit play oil tl green lawns, not made by bands. Tlio wliitc sides of the teepees phono in the sitting simlicht, and the smoke curled lnzily upward from their dingy JP.S lnglH ribbons ami red gross looking like streamers on a ship, flut tered irom tho lodge-poles, and gaudily-dressed squaws and warrors walked about, or sat on the green sod under tho trees. There were maidens, as beautiful as Hiawatha, or as graceful as Minnr.haha.waiulcring hand in hand, along the stream, or listening under the shade of some wide-spreading tree to words ot love, as soft and tender as ever were poured into woman's eat. Near tho village were hundreds of horses aud ponies, with bright feathers flaunting in their mnncs and tails as they croppod the rich grass of the val ley. A group of noisy children were play ing at a game much resembling teu pins; gome boys were shooting at mark with arrows, and up the stream sever al youths were returning home with rod and line, and fine strings of speck led trout. Scores of men and women were swim ming about in the river, now diving, and then dousing each other, amid screams of laughter from the bystand ers on the shore, ilere and there a young girl darted about like a fish.her blacK hair streaming behind her in the water. While we looked, the little children suddenly censed from playing end ran into tbe lodges ; mounted men sur rounded the herd, and tho swimmers and promenadcrs hastened toward the villnge. We had been perceived by tlie villagers, and the unexpected arri val of strange horsemen at an Indian encampmeut always creates great ex citement. They may be friends, but thoy are more ofteu eucmies, so the villagers are always prepared for ft uur prise. Some men were seen running to and fro with guns aud bows, and iu a few minutes, some mounted warrors left the encampment and rode toward us, going first to the top of the highest mound to see if they could dircover other horsemen in the rear, or to the right or lelt ot us. No sooner did thev ascertain there were but three in the party, than they rode bo'dly up and asked us our busi- where we were from, upon wTncfi tlicy cordially invited us to the village. As we approached, men women and children poured out of the encamp ment to look at the strangers, and hav ing satisfied their curiosity, the sports aud amusements of the evening were renewed. I asked permission to camp of no one, for I needed none, ns this was God's land, Hnd not owned by reven ous and dinhonest speculator. So I inarched right down to the center of the village, and finding a vacant space, pitched my lodge. It was not neces sary to purchase u town-lot here, for no one, save Him who owns all, held real estate. A few Santee women gathered about my squuws and chatted with them, unxous to learn the news from down the river. Seeing that they were in terfering with the unpacking of the ponies and the erecting of the lodge, I unceremoniously ordered them to be gone, and they went quietly away. The lodge was soon up ; the ponies unpack ed and nut out to craze. Having sect) things put in order for the night, I sauntered out through the village to learn the news. I was agreeably surprised, when I learned there was a white man in the village, who had been sent out to the Indians as a missionary. All the sav ages spoke of him as a kind-hearted, good man, who was a great Friend of the Great Spirit, and of the Big Fath er at Washington. I mado hasto to pay my respects to my white brother, and found hiai in deed a good Christian gentlemau. He lAil A u-bitn u'.tV find child mid lie and tUuy were livinjr comfortably hiiJ pleasantly with these wild children of tho desert. 1 talked mora than an hour with tho good man ; it was so de lightful to see and speak with one of my own blood and color. When I left him, I promised I would return the next day and dine with him, which I did. It may sound strange to hear one talk of "dining out" in an Indian camp, but I can assure my civilized readers the meal was none the less wholesome or abundant on account of the place in which it was Berved. A hen I returned to my lodge, I found it surrounded by a crowd of dirty squaws aud children, who were intent upon examining everything we had. I ordered them on, aud could not help laughing when I compared the curiosity of these rude Indian wo men with thai I had seen exhibited at church, in the Btates, by white women. Ihere they go to cliucli, not to hear the Gospel, but to see w hat their neigh bors bavc to wear, aud these Indian women had come to my lodge w ith the tame laudable object. I am not cer tain that human nature is the same everywhere, but I am quite cit taiu woman nature is the satue all the world over. From Beldcn: Tho White Chief, published by A. II. Hubbard, l'liilu dclphia, IV, and sold only by sub-rcriptioB. Useful Information. UOW TO LAY OFF A SQUARE ACRK OF GROUNIJ. Measure 209 feet each side, and you will have a square acre, within an inch. CONTESTS OP AW ACRE. An acre contains 4,840 square yards. A square mile contains 640 acres. LAND MEASURE. 144 square inches, 1 square foot. ' 9 square feet, in square yard. 30 square yards, 1 square rod. 40 square rods, 1 square acre. G40 square acres, 1 square mile. MEASURES OF DISTANCES. A mile is 5,280 feet or 17U0 yards in length. A fathom is 6 feet. A league is 3 miles. A "Sabbath day's journey" is 1,155 yards (this is 18 yards less than two thirds of a mile.) A "day's journey" is 33 miles. A cubit is 2 feet. A great cubit is 11 feet. A hand (horsa measure) is 4 inches. A palm is 3 inchis. A span is 10 7-8 iuches. A pace is 3 feet. BARREL MEASURE. A barrel of flour weighs 190 lbs. A barrel of pork, 200 lbs. A barrel of rice, 240 lbs. A keg of powder, 25 lbs. A firkin of butter, 100 lbs. A tub of butter, 50 lbs. A keg of butter, CO lb. BUSHEL MEASURE. The following are sold by weight per bushel. Wheat, beans,, potatoes and clover seed, 60 pounds to the bushel. Corn, rye and flaxseed, 56 lbs. Buckwheat, 52 lbs. Barley, 48 lbs. Oats, 32 lbs. Brau, 20 lbs. Timothy-seed, 45 lbs. Coarse salt, 85 lbs. A ton of coal is 2,240 pounds ; but in Philadelphia the retailers give only 2,000. A ton of round timber is 40 feet ; of squared timber, 54 cubic feet. A commercial bale of cotton is 400 pounds. A pack of wood is 240 jiounds. A Bcction of Government land is 640 acres (1 mile.) A box 16 by 16 j inches, and 3 inch es deep, contains 1 bushel. QUOTATIONS OF COI. Wheu gold is quoted at $1,10, a pa per dollars is worth 91 cents nearly. When gold is quoted at 1.15, a pa per dollar is worth 87 cents. Wheu gold is quoted at $1.20, a pa per dollar is worth 83 cents. When gold is quoted at $1.25, a pa per dollar is worth 80 cents. When gold is quoted at $1.30, a pa per dollar is worth 77 cents nearly. When gold is quoted at $1.35, a pa per dollar is worth 74 cents. When gold is quotea at a pa per dollar is worth 71 cents. 1 .... ... 1 . - 1 I A .If. When gold is quoted at -.'-'( r per dollar is worth 69 cents. When gold is quoted at $1.50, a pa per dollar ir worth 621 cents. Why Some Young Men Fail. That so many young men fail to so care lucrative positions or having ob tained them, lull to retain them, is their own fault, nine times out of ten. Thev imagine that it is their mistor- tune that they do not possess a -ousi-ness turn," or do not have an aptitude K.r .lie duties ofi'eillllu pooitiona or that their employers carelessly distrut t them. But if they had the courage to go to the bottom of the matter, they would discover that they themselves are to blame. As a general rule, this class of shiftless youths, who find it so hard to retain positions, are not so anxious to draw employment as to draw a salary ; they do not like to work and they will not take a lively iutercst in their duties If they are fortunate, throuirh their own efforts, or through the assistance of friends, to secure a satisfactory place, they try only to do just enough not to I owe it. Tiiey do not seek to muke themselves indispcnsible in it, withthcircye stead- ily fixed oil a still higher position to which th"y will certainly be promoted iu due timo. They du their wort Ian guidly aud throw it off their minds the moment business hours are over, to think of it no more till the next day, when the task begins again. There can bo no success lu this conduct, l'ni- ployers are sharp-eyed, and rarely fuil to delect merit in thuse whom they em ploy. If one of their assistants is useful to them, they are not willing to do without hiiu ; they are ready to pay him what wages he is worth, aud tliey are not anxious for him to reach that point w hen they can confide a share their own responsibilities and cares his hands. The woret of micees to young men lies in tlie homely virtues of diligence, industry, vigilcnce and honesty. V lib these attributes, even not when reinforced by native talent and education, no young man need fail of constant and lucrative employ ment. They are the open nemme to his employer's confidcuce and friend ship. They are valuable properties in any business, and are as certain to command a good salary as prime wheat is to bring a good price. Those young men who possess them succeed ; those who do not possess them fail. Elopement Extraordinary. Another case of elopement enme to an untimely end in Boston lately. The intending delinquent is a young lady of great beauty, well connected, is heiress in her own right to a splendid fortune, and is only eightcci. lie.' admirer, a dashing young f llow o the city is not favorably looked up'O by her father, consequently their op portunity for exchanging their sweet vows of love were limited. Love, however, laughs at locksmiths, and rather than bear the thraldom longer they resolved to defy the parental au thority, and rivet the chains of lovo with Hymen's lock without his consent. Last evening everything was prepared, the back was in readiness, the swain eager, the hour had struck, and ex pectations was on tip toe. Bui, alas, for blighted hones, papa got wind of the a Hair, and locked his daughter up, and prevailed upon the housemaid to take her place. Biddy was in no ways loth, so wrapping her shawl about her form and covering her face well up, for Luna shone bright upon the scene,she tripped nimbly into tho street. A soft and whispered hush greeted young Brown as he gently pressed tho fair girl to his heart, and hurrying her to Hie hack gavedirections to Cambridge. On the way he indulged in those, little billings and cooings which lovers de light iu. Biddy, unused to such dem onstrations, took them ail iu good part, resolving to carry out the affair to the end, a denotement which oc curred sooner than cither expected. ''What an infernal smell of whisky where the deuce does it come from, l.w.o.julcr JI'.Atyd Brown, as the fumes gan. "Faith and sure I dunno." "Eh, what? why, Emily, you seem to have mastered tho Irish dialogue to perfection ejaculated Brown, not a lit tle astonished at tho peculiar accent. But his suspicions were confirmed when tho soft ends of Biddy's mous tache tickled the aforesaid organ, und tho mystery of tho whisky ot the same time cleared up. Seeing he had been sold, and without waitiux to step the hack, he dashed open the dor and springing out he was up St. Charles ?treet is less than no time. Biddy ordered the hackman to drive to Boyls- ton street, where old II xth'-' name is suppressed for obvious rea sons) bestowed upon her a five dollar bill. Miss II feels bad, but has not the slightest suspicion of tho part Biddy played in the little drama. Ballet-Dancing as a Profession. Olive Logan, speaking of the ballet girls, and their truducers, says that dancing is an art, ? well as painting or scuk'turc, and that actresses or bal let-girls nro no more immoral than other women, in proportion to their number, and that she cau mention as many actresses who are virtuous, as any man can w ho are not. Principles of decency and virtue are implanted in their hearts when pure to the end. In regard to their salary, she says that in New York city they get from eight to fifteen dollars a week, according to their facility for dancing, which is the only qualification requisite. Hie, in common with all honorable people, hones for the time when onun, in all branches of all professions and tiades, will be less liable to misrepresentation. of their motives; aud when, it a girl desires to bo n ballet-girl or a cigar shop tender, it will be jierfectly under stood that she does so to cum a livelihood, and not from other mo tives. Away up in Maine, whero it was to bo supposed tho follies and crimes : of fashion had not yet been introduced, j it is charged that women even in tho ! smallest towns and villages have ' adopted the practice of arsenic eating. This is a Europeuu custom which lias ' obtained a pretty strong hold in some of our large cities, but which wo had presumed was interdicted in tho rural - districts where the cosmetics ot nature, 4V..uli nii nml oYpreisn flbollllil nil PveTV hand. Its object, us most of our read ers must know, is to give w hiteness and clearness to the complexion, and for imparling, in the language of the ad- . v. i i .. .i I..,..:.... vertiser, "a beautiful and everlasting rose-tint to the cheeks ot the lair. The only argumeuts against its general use are, that iu a short time it gives a deadly pallor to the couiitenaure of its victims aud an unuiiturul brilliancy lo the eyes, that it is impossible to givo of up the practice when ouce commenced, to and that it will eat up tbe vital power quicker than alcohol nropiutn. John Allen, tho "wickedest man" in New York, is outdone by the "wick edest woman" in New York, who has felt the sins of her way and changed them. Annie Htisscll, keeper of the most disorderly place in the miserable Fourth ward, having repented, has caused all the ftimituro of her Water street bagnio to bo literally "broken up" with axes, and it is now to bo used as a place of worship. This conver sation results from nttendance at the "Home for Women," at John Allen's old place, whero noon-day prayer meetings have been held every day since its establishment. A bit of in struction is contained in her statement that in 1866, she had left Waterstree4, as she confidently believed never to re turn, and had removed to a quiet lo cality up-towu. Here for some months she lived in quiet and was at first treated kindly by her neighbors. Sho furnished her house neatly anil all the past appeared forgotten. But Tom Norton, unwilling to loso tho rent of the house on Water street, began sys tematically the work of driving her hack to her old place and occupation. He talked with tho frequenters of tho bar-room in the vicinity and others until her former history was known by all her new found friends. Sho did not hear of his actions for some time, but noticed that she was shunned, aud she became so miserable that she sought her old abode on Water street to drown her agony. She says it was a cruel alternative, but she felt com pelled to chose it. All who have seen and talked with her at this time aro encouraged to believe iu the sincerity of her conversation. Sho says she has paid tho rent upon tho houso which she lately occupied up to Janu ary 1st, and that ns long as she can rent the house it will bo used as a chappel room. She prays very frc quently to herself and all her wretched sisters in Water street. It has been ascertained that she has considerable raonpy aud owns several houses up town. She has placed the work oi collecting the rent entirely in the hands of the missionary of the Home, and intends to devote the rest of lit r lifo to saving of fallen women. The best assurance of her sincerity is'tho utter hatred which sho has for tho. nnrjinr." ch'1 cotenYi"(MS,"vl..UK. JiJ cast off a massive gold ring, saying that "it was the wages of sin, and she never wanted to see it again." In a small city.not far distant from the "Hub. resides a dentist n Brown. lie received an order from his beloved pastor for a set of false teeth. The work was executed promptly, and the pet shepherd of lii pet tlock called in at ino appoinieu time to receive them. Brown fixed them in tho reverend customer's mouth, when tho latter, stepping to tho glass to see the tflect, said slowly and distinctly : "Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ 1" Now Brown is more noted for his quickness of temper and profanity than for his piety ; and hearing his customer speak in such a manner, his ire was quickly aroused. "Blast it!" he exclaimed, "if you don't like tho teeth, ytm needn't take them, but there is iiiiTW.!, ii i for vour sweurinc about it. "My dear sir, he said, I was u swearing about the teeth ; but fur ten years I have not been able to pro- ii i c :...... ... uouuco my ocioveu ctviw uuiu distinctly ! I was only trying your teeth." We heard a gentleman, who lias been in position in our Lancaster courts during the last forty-eight years, relating an incident the other day with in his own recollection, where two per sons living iu this county, had a suit about the payment of the value of two bushels of liine, valued at the time 11 cents per bushel. Tho result was, that after being in litigation fur four or live years, going to tho Supremo Court, etc., it was finally decided to divide the costs between them, which amounted to nearly $")(!() each, whilo tho original sum equally divided, would have atnoutcd to but i ivi ctnU each. Moral Never havo recourse to tho arbitrament of law of petty cases.and never for any case if you can possiblo avoid it. LuncueUr i'jrpress. A good story is told of a man w ho having, after a long utrugglo, worked himself into good society bv means ot tho aristocratic alliance of (fis daugh ter, gave a grand din.icr party to his newly-acquired circle, lie didn't in vito his own litolher, for the reason that "society is gelling so mixed ouo must draw a lino somewhere." Said Sidney tmith tofomo ladirs when he was told that one of tho giraffes ut tho Zoological Garden had caught cold, fitucy "a giralfo with two yards of sore throat." One sixth of tho femulo pop ulation of Englaud work out of doors. Tho doubtful him. way lo neat a man credit is to tako uoto The Germans hope to hang up. their Christmas tokins in I'm -a. tm of cf 7