TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 20. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Purgt D. B. Knox. Omci7mri Jacob Shrlver, Jacob Wank ' t. W. Clark, Oeo. V. Sawvcr, J. R.Stroup. Justice of the. fVrtre V. P. Morcllliott, Constable J. N.TcIt worth. Vetiool Director .1. W Ilium, W. F. Hun ter, I. S. Kuox, J. A. Frupor, Jacob Kbrivcr. as 1 i FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. President Jml'e James C'AufDEi.t.. Mofiafe JutdgcaXV. It. Coon, J. A. TiiorEn. " HherifT E. L. Davis. lUttrict Attorney V. W. MAson. yviif J. P.Siooins. lrothonotary, Jlegistcrik litcorder, ite. J. B. Aunkw. Oimiin'i'ncr A. B. Root, ISKNJ. EL Wott, N. P. Wheki.br. Count.! Superintendent H. t . KOHRKII. Vury "tbmmiiotcr Jas. Uiliillian, A. Cook. Cbimfv Surtvior S.D, Ibwiw. . Oit-oHcr JoHiAn Wikans. County Auditor l. H. Stowk, Ii. L. UaCKETT, F.I.I Hot.EMAW. Member of Congress 1U(A Dnric U. W . Bcofield. ,Mre Senate W. A. Wallace. Assnebly John ). Hall. O. C. A A. Ft R. TIMETABLE, . ' ,' " aotNO MOUTH. Arrive. Depart. Mail.....'. .....l.ao p.m. l.!Mp. m. Express, 6.H7p. IU. 6.40 p. in. , ' . aoixa south. ' "' Arrive. Depart. Kxnrwi 10.04 a. tit. 10.07 a. m. Mail 8.18p, in.. 8.20 p; m LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Notice Special. R. J. MeOjtillen'g connection with this paper has ceased, and -he has no authority to collect any monies due-4 the institution. Advertisers and all others indebted, will make a note of this fact , Wo a.'e doing job work, now, and , we are doing it in good shape. Hon. S. Newtiti Pettis, of Mead ville, was k towi. on Saturday. . A young deer was killed on Sun ' 7 day last, near this place by some of our sportsmen. ?o o A ball will bo held in Forest Hall on Friday evening of this week, Mc Dertuott's'Iiand, of Franklin yll fur nisli the music. The river, at present writing is 1 , ... 1 I . I .1 r ! milieu witn siusn ice, ami me icrrying is rather bud. The rafting season will not be a success this year. . A fnir trial ony is needed to con vince tho most skeptical, that Hall i Vegetable Kieilinnllair 'Kcucwcr will . nocnmnlisli nfl Dint, is claimed for it. E. E. Clapp, .Esq., of President looked in upon us yesterday and paid ttis suhscrirttion fur 1871. He is about us "square" a man as they get up. Charles, the oldest child of Mrs. Kiddlo of this place died on Tuesda last of dipthcria. 'lhis is the' third child that died in this place last week Rev. Mr. Lowes preached in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last, morning and evcuing to appreciative audiences. Services will be held a week from next Sabbath by Mr. Bur- f,n oft.t wn weeks after hv Rev. Mr. Virtuo. -. t . 'fliis week we publish tho correct ed Timo Tables of the Erie Railroad, and of the Allegheny Valley R. R. They will be found on the inside of the racer. Those ou tho outside had not been corrected, and the outside had been struck off before wo noticed the error. Stephenson's well on Tosey Field, Ross Run is to be put down 90 or 100 feet further. He struck a "stray third" Inst week, and began to test, hut found no oil. He is now going dowu to the regular third sand, and we have no doubt that he will get a good well. Tho Borough Schools closed ou Wednesday lust on the account of sick ness among the children. A mujority of the children attending school had the 'whooping cough, and numbers of them had to bo kept at home a great deal of the time. The school will commence again the first week in Jan uary.' Next week is court week, also ITnliilnw iroolr Tt in niip iiunnl rllAtnm to miss an issue during that week, but circumstances render it more conven ient for us to issue on that week and miss an issue on the week following. Therefore our subscribers will receive the Republican on Holiday week. L. II Simpson & Co., of President Jiave about 9000 acres of oil territory to dispose of, which they propose to sell in plots of 50 acres to actual op erators. Two or three wells are now going down on the property, with good indications. Wo were shown some of thd sand rock from one of the veils going dowu, which old oil opera tors prououuee as good as can be found ny here. This has been good tcrritvy, and we have no doubt that it will bo again. Persons wishing to know more about the laud can receive full iuforuiat.uu by addressing L. H. Hiinpson &, Co., President, Yeuango ouofv, Pa. Winter lias commenced, nt last we havo been having a little snow, and quite on amount of cold weather. The roads have been very heavy for soino timeaud everybody is very anx ious to see good sleighing. A great many families in town are entirely out of coal, and cannot get any until sleighing comes. Tho enterprising management of the A. & O. W. Railway have put two express trains each way on the Franklin . branch, leaving Meadville at 0.45 and 11.55 A. M., arriving at Oil City at 8.30 A. m. and 1.55 p. m. Leaving Oil City at 9.15 A. M. and 4.15 r. m. This is a great importance to the traveling public and we doubt not their enterprise wiil be well rewarded. Tho wrestling match between J. II. McLaughlin, of Titusvillc, and J. J. BenjamiD, of Washington, for $500 a side and the chnmpi in belt of Amer ica, came off at Titusville ou Tuesday evening of last week, resulting in a victory for McLaughlin, he throwing his opponent on the first and third rounds, and being himself thrown on the second. The Petroleum Centre Record says, there is a paper in circulation here to raise money to aid in tho liberation of August Rhiel, who it will be remember ed was sent to tho Penitentiary for the murder of David Tate. It is said Rhiel is very low with the consump- tiop,aud cannot possibly survive but a short timo longer. The wife of the unfortunate man is also in town mak ing efforts to secure his release." Gas at Last. After many vexa tious delays the Franklin Gas Com pa n y tunica gas into tho mams on Wednesday. The city lamp post bur ners were lit in the c veiling. Having no lamps on them, and the gas escap ing to the full capacity of the pipes, the streets were brilliantly illuminated, except when the gusts of w ind almost "dorscd the glims." Venango Spccta tor. Tho Spectator soys the Canning well, on the II. J. Saycrs trwet, report ed las week as a ten barrel well is do ing about tweuty barrels. Three wells in tho vicinity of this new one are in process of drilling, and the rigs for two more are erecting. On tho Lloyd Oil Company's tract, adjoining Say crs's, there is a well 950 feet deep ready for Usting, When you go into a printing office keep your hands off tho type, whether Rook Nntir-e. I WAS CURED OF DEAFNESS AND i j nivii ny n Pimpie remedy miu win amifl Mill rniwili.t (V .ui Our Young Folks, published by Mrs. J. c. LEUULTT, Jersey City, N. J. T.'iol.U n. 1 x, rv Tt..,n Hfo. jww is received and appreciated. It is an llustrated Magazine for boys and girls, and is one of tho best publications that comes to this office. Terms, $2 a year. An extra copy for five subscriptions. Address the publishcis as above. Harper's Magazine i ou onr ta- blo. It is considered the best illustra ted Magazine published. The His tory of Frederick the Great, now be ing published, is alone worth the price of subscription. Price $4 per annum. Address Harper Bros., Frank lin Square, New York. We this week publish thepro.apec tus of "The AMine." It is the most beautiful paper we have ever seen. The price of this paper is $2.50 per year. We will send the Republican and Al- dine to any person wishing them for (3.75 iu advance paper can be seen at this office, The Little Corporal comes to us this week with lively contents. It is first-class juvenile publication and would be a blessing in any family where there are children. Terms $1.50 per annum. Sewell & Miller, publish ers, Chicago, 111. Ballou's Magazine for January. ?fin A WKKK paid -cntH, male or fo ip' III male, In n now miuiufretiiriiiff (TusinoH nt Iioiiip. No capital rciuirpl. Addrexa KovKLTV Co., Snso, Mo. 30-4 w Salesmen Wanted. No competition, lib W. KENNEDY, 8 H. 4th St., I'hila. liuninoHB honorable. eral pay given. 8. i'l"il 10 MADE FROM 50 C ITS. Homctliinjr urgently needed by everybody l nil ana examine, orantr.pim sent pusiaRo pnid tor f0 eta tlint rotail eiiHilv for 10. H. L- Wolcott, 181 Chathrm Hil.'N. Y. 30-11 100,000 Agents Wanted for HOW WOMEN CAN IMKE MONEY, and other beat books In the mnrket. EcKinnev A Martin, 1008 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 3Mt STENTS WANTED FOR Sexual Scienc A COPY of this I Incluuiiitf Mmih.HMl, Womanhood and lawn, power, Ac, by Prof. O. 8. Fowler. Mend for rirculnra and specimen pairca. Addrfm, NATIONAL PUIJLISIIINU CO., Phlladolpnin, Pa. aii-Jt ADDRESS To the Nerveous AND 3D EBILITAT IE JD . UPCMTC wanted for Headley- Nov.-. HULI1 I O Fresh HOOK "Sacred Hcro nnd Mnrtva." Written in the Author's linppieHtatvIo, andsitrpaAHinft hut lorincr work, which hav ld by the 100.000. With Original Stwi; Enravins from de Rittna by our Artist who has apont three veurs in Hilda Iiftiids. The Clorcy and the Preas are loud in ibv praise. Afrenta Tho January' number of Ballou's are making money rapidly, E. B. Treat tt j i . Co., Hub'a 051 D'dwav, N. V. 30-4w Magazino is already issued, and a ! ! splendid number it is iu every respect. I AitMiilt o t.lJULit'Xjli,. The engravings are numerous and well shows bow to double the proiitaof the farm executed, and the stories are of the best quulity, and of such variety that even the most fastiuious must be suit ed with three or four. 15 cents single copy, or $1.50 per year. Thomes & Tulbot, 63 Congress Street, Boston, are tho publishers, but the Magazine can be found at any periodical depot iu tho country. Lecture courses are announced in and how farmers and their sous can each make $100 rer Month. In winter. 100,000 copies will be mniled free to farmers. Send name and address to ZIEULElt & McCUDDY, Philadelphia, rn. au-iw 8 O'CLOCK 30-4t MIlS IS NO UUMBUO I Hvsendinar OtCENTS with acre, hlalit. color of eyes and hair. YUU Will ructjl VH. Itv iriuni iiim.i.b v". . uFfirnl nf nur no! o-lirmri ricr cities, for iilctura of vour future husband or wife. . . . , , ... , with name and date of marriniie. Address the winter, iitusvuie nas now Dineu, w vox. P. o. Drawer No. 34, Fulton W IX Milhurn .Tnl.ll Tt flnnfrh Vllle. N. Y. UO George VandcnhofT, Hon. Win. Par- LIVE AGENTS WANTED FOR sons, Miss Lillian S. Edgarton, for hrONO OF SEW YORK, lectures and the Mendelssohn Quin tctte Club of Boston for vocal and in strumental concert, in t rankim the c.n : l,o... I A Wonderful developmente amone the 'u"u"' "6 e-""'-'"""' aristocracy. Married Women exposed to deliver lectures in that city durinsl Ac. rfc. Price S.V25. The best Hook to sel . t- i i n-t t . . I I'blislied. Tlie bwt terms to agents ever the winter: V andenhotr.Jamcs Porter, Lriven. Ad.ircss. x. Hook Co.. 14.5 AVndoIl Pl.illina. Wm. Pnraons. Olive t., N. Y. 30-4t Losran. James K Murdock. Charles a gents wanted for c.. u..,..A t,: . TI,o THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. lists of by WHOSE annVrlnea have been protract ed front hidden causes, and whoso cases requiro prompt treatment to render existence dosirablo; If you ore suffer in, or have suffered from involuntary discharges, what effect does it prodttce on your gonerat health T Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra exertion produce pal pitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent ly got out of order ? Im your urine some times thick, milky or floeky, or is It ropy on settling? Or does a thick akum rise to the top? Or is a sediment at the bottom af ter it uns stood awhilo? Do you havo apells of short breathw. or dispopsia? Arc. your bowels constipated? Do j. tinve spells of frainting, or rushes of blood to tho head? Is your memory Imparod? Is our mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Doyoufeel dull, listless, moping, ired of company, or lite? Do you wish to bo left alone, awny from everybody ? Does any little thing make you start or Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursuo your businoss with tho same energy ? Do you feci as much confidence In youself ? Are your spirits dull and flag, ging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so, do not lay it to your Uvor or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your book weak, your knees weak, and havo but lit tle appetite, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-complaint? on SOCIAL LIFE IN THE GRAT CITY. I Iliinl hntu-ppn h rnnee anrt liermanv. anil -Lives ot tne Apostles, r.nvnnure it is in ruses, on a eallev oreven on the 1 ....... . I nnd Martvrs." Doddridircs "Evidences .. . v rankim about three weeKS OgO. Christianity ;" "History of the Jews," uuuuiiiiuiuumujiu,.. ...vvvt- .lViMe we believe is to have a Josophus; 'History or all religion le hooks to see what is to CO in tho J ' 1 ', Deneve, is io oavo a nolllllmtioii," with treatise and tables re nooks vo see wiiuns iu bo in mo,, D i q lL.cture8 ty8 winter also. haing to events connected with Hiblo His issue : don t carry on paper j S4 S c I -, torv. containing many fine engravings K 3B o ? c H t fcrchandise, iu Tioncsta borough. All ersous indebted to me for goods, or itherwiso will call and settlo imracdi- itely and save costs. W. II. Butler. Tiouesta, Ta., Nov. 25, 1870. 36-3t. ers. Fob Sale. A superior Rifle, silver Company, mounted, aud well calculated forgauie found in this county. The price of this erun is $30. Call on, or address P. D. Thomas, Tiouesta, Pa. Furniture bought of mo will be ue permission j keep your na t Police. manuscripts w i.utc-ver, , , . ? , - gM j j it may be; ask quesf c g c m) anJ tmf tiinL-n ihnni er T XT I J .... J U V U taW Vtivm member, let Journal. -Mr.,' this side White O urday th. .... highly colored with oil. cott dipped up a pint of the water just as it en mo from the well, and on settling, an inch of oil was found on the top of the water. Ho is pretty confident now that he will have a good well, and then look out for stirring times. Holiday Goods of all kinds for sale at Ililbrouncr's. Will bo Bold cheap for cash. Also a large amount of Fashionable Jewelry, bought close, direct from manufacturers, will be sold at astonishingly low prices. Now is the lime for bargains. Don't fail to call aud examine these goods. Wo would call attention to the advertisement of K. Brett & Son, which oppcars in this issue. They are agents lor Tiift, Sons & Co.'s engines, and have been in the business for about three years, and we havo no doubt but that they are able to furnish a first class engine at reasonable figures. Try Tho whole forming a complete treasury of Christian Knowledge w, i 1.12s r, s, Seventh St., Phila. 38-4t GETTING UP CLUHS. GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. Parties enquire how to get tin clubs, Our answer is, send for rnce List, anu i Club form will aceoinpnny it with full di rectlons, making a largo savins to eon sinners and remunerative to club organU The Great American Tea 31 it 33 VESE Y STREET. P. O. Dox 5043. NEW voitK. 3U-4t Money Quickly Made by Jaetive men and women getting sub' sci'iptiims for the great religious and lit orarv weekly llio Christian union, eu lieu uy HENRY WARD BEECIIEK. If tin Tan tp fill Mans am. THE LIKE Of 1EDK.E P. Hr.LluvV. who form a love of wild adven'uro and a thirst for knowledge nt the Indians the Customs, SjHirts, Traditions, Wars, (irint llntlUlo Hunts, rfc, Ac, left a homo of plenty in Ohio, joined tho Indians, adopt ed their mode oflile, married the tMsiKk fnl Washtclla, because a (ircnt WuMot, Hunter and Chief of liKI Ixiilgcs, was trp pointcd Lieutenant In tho U. M. ltcgnlKr Army, for merilorioiis servlco with his braves against hostile Indians. A book of (lie most thrilling interest, a reality woll authenticated. TrutliMtrnngcr tlmn'tictinn Superbly illustrated. 70 engravings, with portrait of the author, In full frontier cos tume. Price low. Should outsell any book extant. Send at once for illustrated circu lar, table of contents, sample psires and terms. A. H. Hl'llllA RD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. i!8-4t. CHAS. II. SHEPARD, GENERAL PEALHR 15 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, QlTEHX.SWAItE. NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. SI.GGO TO $2,n00 HA LA 11 Y WE GUARANTEE TO PAY TO B" la'rwi' coV;?f . e.r;v.r,cnrc ; or a anv other Publishers:1 ti,.,,." !s ,',k,rn 1,v $110 to JaiO per week I'ati vitssinft".." ". ; Illustrated dooks. v e guarantee Agv-i..". salary or a large conimission, with a choice of twt new and popular books and exclusive territory. A e otter a rare chance to energotio men and women to tuake monev. weeuroyour agencv curoct ironi tho publishers. J. E. HE Rlt CO., .o-M iiuriioru, toun. mi M i PURkCHiM5i IA s a en O 01 r H m n fi Sft-Ct THY CABOLIC TABLETS An nnfmiiuir remedy for all Bronchial Dif ficulties, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Asthma. Dipthcria, Dryness of the Throat or Wind Pipe and nil 'Catarrhal disease. The wonderful modern discovery of Car bolic AcW, is destined to become one of tho greatest blessinifs to mankind in its application to disease of the throat ami its great curative fiialitios ill all affections of tho Chest and Lungs. Ir. WcllV Carbolic TnMet, besides the great remedial agent Carbolic Acid contains other ingivlients universally recommended, which chemically combine producing a Tablet more highly medicin al and l etter adapted fur diseases of the thront limit any preparation cvor before ot fored to the public. FOlt t'OUUttS AND COLDS, WelV Carbolic Tablets are a SURE CURE. Try Them. Sold hr Druggists. S)-Jt 5 SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Vendi tioni Exponas. Alias Fieri Facias, and Fieri Facias. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, nnd a Testatum Fieri Facias issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Venango Coun ty, and to me directed, there will be ex posed to sale by public vendue or outcry Tiouesta on at the Court House, In tho Borough of 4 tf livered. freicht naid. to anv Station do- Having in its corps of Contributes th . . - -, . a T T, I aoiesi, uiiem oi mu lauu. -v ciiaruii-K Bireu on me j. v. x a. i. a, Bt,rjul Btol.v ))V tllo WOrld-fanious autior- rirn TT A n .Tn . ess of Uncle Tom's Cabin." lust b-ttun. Vi P. Evervsubscriberfor ls7l roi-eives.tlif paper 1IUIOUIC, 1 a f j- . , w,,kH. u,ui ,ile ne.n.lo a ttvorito, . . . . . . I Marsiiiill'B WsNliinirton. lulolie vortll M. hi. babbath school every bab- freCt This new and unoqualled.ni ulna bath at 9 o'clock in the morning. All "n i taking like wild lire. Alj are do- B . ing woll, nianv making from to a are invited. S. S. JJURTOX. rinv. Now Is the harvest time act wisely Pnator and quicklv. There is positively nothing 1 uslor- that will pay you so well. Cpy of piter, t c Ti i TTT ..A ghapter of story and rare tenon free, ad- For Sale. The house and lands firess A. H. hCbuard, 400Chetnut St., tnM..n na f Ii a "t Ml ri at I HmnprlV." In- 1'llllUcll'I Dllltt. ou-tw kuunu no uw wj.w.j, i . cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa., are for sale. Terms cash or approved security. Apply to John A. Dale. President Tiouesta Savings Uauk, Tiouesta, Pa. IT J A NTEIj AU ENTS To sell our now illustrated Aook of Travele oi;hmm THItOViII ASIA. Rv Col. Thomas W. Knox. A compre- hiusive and valuable exposition oi the eomilries f A ask : Siberia. Cliina ana Russia iy r lo-lav. Natchmg our A splendid variety of Furniture . iunMn w.T.T -m I'-tin'i ............ at Aherns new Wareroome, Jnipire Hichardson's "Heynd Minsppi. ir . i Ti i i:.. T-i-.i- t A.tt and Mark Twain's 'Innocents Abroad ' ill Uotol ItmlJiug, Tdioute, 1 a. 4-u s( ylei A(( 8onl ftjr circuil4r UIld our Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal dis eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of produelna a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of genera' tion,whon in porfect health, make the man Did you ever think that those bold, deft ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus lnvss-mcn are always those whose genera tive org tiro In perfect health T You never hear such u.n complain of boing melancholy, of nervousness, x palpitation of the heart. They uro nover oftuid they cannot succeed in business j they don't bO' come sad and discouraged j they arealways polite and pleasant in tho company of la dles, andjook you and them right in 'lie face none of your downcast looks rt any meanness about them. I do p't mean those who keep the organs .nflutod by running to excess. Those 1 not only ruin their ponatitutlona but also thsse they do business With 'f1 fo'i How mv men, from badly cured dis eases, f"m the effects of self-abuse and exc" liave brought about that state of W-Aess in those organs that has rcducod .he geneal system so much as to produce almost every otliordlseasaliluvy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicldo, ana-i most every other form of disease which humanity la heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspoctod and have doctored for all but the right ono. Diseases'of those organs require the use of Diuretic. HELM BOLD fLllu EXTRACT BUCHU is the groat Diuretic, and is a certain curejfor diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Female Complaints, Gener al Debity, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether oxlstinn i or Fe male, from whatever cause originating, and ro matter of how long tiUndtng. Don't fail to call and see tho Yan kee Washing Machine. 1 here is no branch of domestic labor that needs improvement as much as washing. If the drudecrv aud terror of "wash day1' can be removed by this machine by all means get one. If one half that is claimed (or this is true, every household should have a machiue. We see no reason why it is not a per fect success. See advertisement iu an other column. We in vite tho attcution of our read ers to the advertisement of E. L. Da vis, iu another column, headed "Public Sale." This is a splendid chance for every ono to lay iu a winter supply of clothing. Everything will uudonl' ly go cheap, ire also has for sale six work horses, which ho will sell cheap for cash, or on four mouths time, with approved security. Now is the time to secure a good horse cheap. The horses can bo seen at David Hays' barn. You can buy your Furniture, cheap er and better at Ahrens' new Furni ture Warerooms, Tidioute, Pa., than any where else in this section. Try it. FREE TO EVERYBODY. It costs nothing to try "SLEEP. ER'S COMPOUND ARNICA LINI MENT." If it docs not benefit you the agent will refund your money. It is tho wonder of the nineteenth centu ry, and when used for rheumatism, neuralgia, lameness, and pain in any part of the body, its magical effects astonishes everybody. Pain cannot exist w here it is used. Ask for it, aud take nothing else. Sold by all drua gloia. rtice otr cents and $1 per bot tle. D. S. KNOX, & CO., ageut. E. B. SLEEPER, Proprietor, Waterford, Erie Co., Pa. Wholesale Agents. Hall and Warfel, Erie, Pa. Calender & Co.. Meadville, Pa. Spencer & Uullyiuorc, 155 Main etreet, HurTaio, N. Y. extra terms. Address AMERICAN PCBLISHINti CO., 3(S-4w Hartford, Conn. local Agents Wanted. "nut a Local Agent In every ''m :uil Ylllase in tho Courl v, 1 1 canvas for Subscribers tho Wimhi'N Wori.u. A H'rniliccnt S00 Premium eel I-.iigrt im; is sent yratt to very Mil)i.cnlor. From $l.UQ f lu.ou can be easily made iu ind rtai'iltl ''onimlssioti Is Prize Circular. AddresrJP.V,,.I.,,"...a,.,:, Boston, Mass. M-'it allowed. GEN'TS WANTED FOR TUB S LIBRARY OF POETRY AND SON'IJ. The handsomest and elieaiwst work extent. It has something In itol Die best for everv one, tor the old, tne mid-die-aged and the young aiul must become universally popular. Excepting the Uible this will lie the Isiok miwt loved and the mcst frequently referred to in the family. Every page has pastud under the critical eye of the reat poor, WM. CUIXEN BRYANT. Bare chance for best agents. The only lsK)k of iu kimf ever sold by subscription. Send at once ir circulars, Ac, to GEO MACLEAN, Publisher, 3fl-4t 71JI Sansoiii St., Philadelphia, Pa. "Insurance CO, OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND & FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jaiii 1, 18G9, ,M8,32339 1.10,000,000 losses paiil since Its organiza tion. WM. HUHLER, Ceutfal Ageut, llarrisburg, Pa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti- onesta, Forest CouDtv, Pa, Sflm If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption r Insanity may ensue. Our flosh and blood are supported from these souries, and the health ana happiness, asd that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. MONDAY. DEC. 20lh. 1870. at 2 o'clock p. nt., tho following describod real esuite, to-wit: J. S. Hood, vs. II. A. Burt, alias FI. Fa. No. IU Dec. Term 1879 J. S. Hood vs. H. A. Hurt and J. 4. Dalo alias Fi. Fa, No. 18 Dec. Term, ISiO, and ilbcrt Mckinley vs. II. A. Burt. Test. Fl. Fa. No. iiT Jaii. Term 1871 Mcf'idmot A Usnior All the dofondan's' right, title, interest and claim of, in and to a certain tract of land situate in Harmony township. Forest eounty.Pa., bounded oii tho north by tho county lino and Fairundus. on tho east by John Lamb. on tha west by Duiilap. and on tho south by J, Fleming. Containing 402 acres more or less, about 60 acres of which aro im proved, with ono large framo houso and three tenant houses, ono saw mill, two larire barns, oil UcrrlcKs, engine houses. ifc, thereon erected, and an orchard there on growing. Also All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, in i no iiorougii or rionesta, Forest county, Pa., bounded on tho north bv land of G G. Sickles, on the west bv t)i- ii-i-Jraiiy river, on tho south by laud or j. ii, Agnow, and on tho east bv land oi james Hawson doc d. Containing one' louiiu of an acre, moro or less, with one iraiuu uwuiiuitr house about m bv M feet, two stories high, o.. outbuildings thereon erected. Also AU that certain piece ir parcel of mini suiiaio in ivingMoy townsmp 1' orost county, Pa., bounded on tho east by lands of Wheeler it Dusenuury, and on tho north bv lands ot W heeler & Dusenburv, and ou the south by lands of H'hoelcr d- usen biiry.and on tho west by hinds of Wheeler A yiusenbury. Containing 100 acres, more or less, Doing parts ot airiuits Nos. 5l'J4 ail" Oivi. Tuken In execution and to bo sold as the property of II. A. Burt at the sui's of J y. Ilood and Gilbert MeKlnloy. -ALoO- E. F. Jones, vs. M. T. Bun'oUt. and It. McGill Ven. Ex. No. .14 V-k-o. Term, 1870 Ijithy All tho defendants' right, title, in terest and claim of, in and to, a certain pieco or parcel of land situate 111 Harmony township, Forest county, Pa., beginning at a white Oak on the bank of tho Alleghe ny river a short distance above tho mouth of Jones run, thence west by lauds war ranted in ihe naino of Samuel Talbot to tiie centre of Jones run valley, thence up tho valley of said run to the north lino of the thence rust y """V . " T. ! :.- to a post o.. . i,ank of tne aih'ku , v - j er, thence down suiu river to the place ot beginning. Containing oiib hundred acres more or less, being the eastern part of a lot of gro-.md surveyed on a warrant grant ed to William Bazar leceinher 2.) IT'JUand patented to Aloxat dor MeCalmont. Taken in execution and to bo sold as the prope-tv of M. T. ltab. ut and R. McGill, at tlio siiit of E. F. Jones. ALSO A. . Stcole, Cashier iu trust for theTio. nestu Savings Hank vs. Bennett VAibbs and J. A. 7ii.e, Fi. Ka. No. 32 lm Term, jn70 M rcilloit- All the defendants' ri'lit, title, inlcro.st an. I claim of, inaudtos ci:--t,.,., ,uu iKirci'lul' land situatoiii Jniiks " f- ., .,.....,..,.! ... tOWUSIlip. I'l.rUBl COUIIl.V Ufi-. i..Mo I,. Hows, to-wit I Part of tract warrant No. 5141, subdivision No. 6. Containing one hu lulled ana twenij -sovuu m.- oi ,uiu, nioro or less. AiJ All tho defendant' right, title, ,,lot oii.i ciniin nt, in and to a certain piece or parcwl itiiat in Ji..- Uiwnshlp, Forest county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit i Purl of lrai-t warrant No. attii, Miilsllvislon No. 4:1, boundtd on the north by warrant No. 212, on the cast bv subdivision No. 44, on the south bv subdivision No. 48, and on tho west by"sulli islon 42 subdivision num bers being part of tract No. 2!iti5 heretofore mentioned. Coiiluiiiiiig one hundred acres, moreor le: s. Tak.cn In exwutlon and to bo sold as tre property of lieuiictt yoblw, at tho suit of A. 1. Steele, Cashier ill trust for the Tiouesta Savings Bunk. Terms Cash. E. L. DAVIS, Sheriff, Sheriff'! OUlce, Tiouesta, Paiec.3, '70. Holmbold's Extract Buchu, established upward of 19 ieara, prepared by II. T. II ELM BOLD, Druggist, 594 Broadway. Now York, and 104 Ssutn lOlh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Puk e tl.25 ier bottle or 6 bottles for Jti.80, delivered to any ad dress. Sold by all Druggosts everywhere. TVTONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS i DONE TP IN ST EL ENGRAVED Wrapper, fac-smile of my Chemical Ware house, ami signed H.T. 1IELMKOLD. T-El. T. HALT .'! CELEBRATED COUCH REMEDV HAS been used during the lost fifteen years by thousands of people for the speedy euro of throat nd lung diseases. It has been thoroughly tented the voice of tho press and the people tve rendered their verdict bv pronouncing K a SAFE, SPEEDY, THOROUGH and EFFECTU AL REMEDY tho best Medicine known for curing Lung Complaints. Every per son of every ago atllicted with either of the following diseases, should use thrs pleas ant remedy without delay, and their voices will soon mingle with hosts of oth ers in rcecmmendiiig its etlicacy to their atllicted neighbors and friends. Szy Use Uall'i Cough Remedy it cure Colds. 4S L'i)e Halts Cough Remedy it cure Croup or Rattles. 8a5 Ue Hall's Cough Remedy it cures Asthma and Rhthinic. ffa?" Use Hall's Cough Remedy for Ca tarrh. Swy Use Halts Cough Remedy it streng thens the lungs. S&'Use Halts Cough Remedy for Bron chitis. tayUse Halts Cough Remedy for Hoarscnet. taf Use Halts Cough Remedy it streng thens the voice. VUse Halts Cough Remedy for Whoopina-couah. It will irreatlv modify tho violence of disease and shorten its tedious courap one Uair.v,,!,, (H ordinary duration. S llowaro of oiintericlts and bae imita tions, call for Dr. V. Hall Celebrated Cough Remedy and soo ttyt his written signature is upou the wrapper and direc tions. STfiOXO TKSTIMOXY. We the undersigned eitizms of Erie City and vicinity, have used Dr. P. Hall's Cel ebrated Coiigli Remedy witj great success, in curing diseasee of tlieTlroat and Lung and take pleasure in roooniiiondiiigits use to the atllicted as a spewy and effectual remedy, fully worthy of ubliucoiitidouce. James Thompson Rolern Cochran. John Melhoin Sr Daiiel Bear John A Tracy J Rjbisonl John W McLano W V Rindernocht John W Havs John R Cochran John R Dumars John M Warr John S Ur " Orvlee Millth C Dumars II O Root, ll'ilson King, Daniel Minor, C H Wright Matthew Hamilton J W Ryan J Mooiicy J W Culver Win II May A .M Turl.all E A Bennett J Salsburv rswi.D 1 ERIEONLYBY P. HALL, Vaiiiiluctiii'i r and sole proprietor, Uall'a New l'.i.iMio;:. Slate St. PRICE 871 CTS. PER DOTTLE. Sold by D. S. KNOX CO., T.u..e.-.u, Pa., and by agents general ly, 33 3ia P K Kurtou . Alaimin Sherwood Y H 0..,pcr Josonli L-jemer roA u---.t IjIiuiimi A i . Tl.. .' ec W M Halluga Clms W Kelso D P Ensign D Shirk Richard Reea J T Citse Daniel lluver C K Riblet M Mayor J L Iong J Robinson Set Silas II Finch. C G Howell WALLLIS I M P 11 O V E D M A G I C IMPROVED MAGIC I M r R () V E D M A (1 I C Hook A go sit ."Hake tint to $2(10 per MontU ley Hilling GREAT FORTUNES. Asn 'Inw'l'HKY H'kuk M.vlK. By J. 1. MiCalie, Jr. New fresh and original. Pro fusely illustrated and beautifully bound. It shows how a poor school-master innoo till is 10,000 j how aHior half-blind sailor be caiiui a greut bunker, a butcher's appren tice the wealthiest man in Americu, uu un known mcchan.c a iiiMlionuire iu sevou years, with many more such examples; how energy, talent, aud patient industry have always met with success when pro perly exerted ; how money can be mode honestly and w ithout socritlce of princi pal. Send for Circular, etc., an I notice in v extra terms Geo. Madcau Publisher, 7 ill Sausoui SU, Philadelphia. 33-4t OUT OH I It, 1U. B AL 2vl ! W. II. PERKINS & CO., Sole Propri etor, Franklin, P. 41 J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX -CO BD IS NOW Till ONLY Thread put tin for the American marker which is SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclusive. for Iluutl wild Jlaohiiie. JONES HOUSE, CLARION. PJSXX'A. S. a JONES - - Proprietor.