HULL'S MUSIC STORE. (Successor to HULL WHITNEY,) tfo, 107 Wafer Street, MEADVILLE, PA. Is the place to buy all of the First Class PIANO FORTES, T GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. A MO Organs & Melodeonst Having tho exclusive Agency for Craw forp, Venango and Mercer Counties for the following celebrated make? of PIANO FOKTES: Wm. Bradbury, fltclnway A Sons, (bickering A Sons, C. Kurtiman's W. P. Emerson, Groveateen, Fuller Co AND . M'hltney'and Slayton'a United States ORGANS AND MELODEONS ! A ml having constantly in my store from Twelve to Eighteen Pianos. Parties wishing to purchase, will find It v -eatly to their interest to purchase direct :i m me and pet a guarantee with each In strument for tire years. These Organs and Melodenns are consid ered by pood judges to be the best IU ed Instrument made. Should other makes i e prefered. I will furnish them aa lew c can be bought from any one. STOOLS AND SPREADS AND ALL KINDS OF t Singing and Iutruction Books. UITARS, BANjdB, VIOLINS, VLl'TFS, FIFES AND rni Jis. BRASS BIND INSTRUMENTS. TTRNISHED TO BANDS VERY LOW. A good stock of GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS Always on hand. Dealers furnished at New York prices. -All orders or com munications promptly attended to. -tf J. C. HULL. BAll'S Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer ITas stood the test of tieven years before the public ; and no prepar ation for the Hair has yet been die covered that will protlnce the Hams benejleial retults. Jt is an entirely new scientific discovery, combin ing man i of the most powerful and restorative agent in the VEGET ABLE KINGDOM. It restore CREY HAIR TO ITS OF5ICIUAL YOUTH FUL COLOR. It wake the scalp white and clean; care dandruff and humor, and fulling; out of the Iinir; and vll make it grow upon bald head. , except in vera t!'cd person, a it furnishes tlte nutritive principle ha which the hair i nourished and suptorted. 11 make the hair moist, soft, and gfo.tsy, rnd i unsurpassed a a JiAtlt ItllllSSlNG. It is the rhrupt-st preparation ever offered to the public, t:s one bottle will ac complish more and last longer titan three bottles of any oilier preparation. It i recommended and ned by the First MscUe:il Authority. The It'onderlul reu!l iinlnced by our Sicilian Halt' Hctinrrr hare induced many to wi an fart a re preparation for the Hair, mult-r rariou namts; and, in ta-il-r to induce the a,ml the pubUr to purchase their eomtouud.:. thin hare resorteil to falsehood, ! claiming they tee re former part ners, or had some connection ant fl our Mrfllall, and their prepara tion was similar to oars. Do not be deceived by them. Purchase the original: it has never yet been equalled. Our Treatise on the llair, with certificate, sent free by mail. See that each bottle has our private Ilevenue Stamp over the top of the bottle. All others are imitations. R. P. Hall & Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. Svlil by all Drurjgiitt and Dmlen is Mlicint. J. C. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Pealer in HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIDIOTJTE, 3P.A-. First Door above F.xchange Hotel. 4-lj DEtLAPIERRE'S ELECTRIC SGAP. Warranted lottcr and cheaper than any other, l or bale In I'liUaUeiplim, i'ltta burgn c, by Janney t A ndrews, T. Conrow dt Co. Ifoeilich A Molan, Baruin t Km, Kiiriis dt Sinucker Itcitf llarvy, W'a ennan it Young, W. L. liraver, 'I'lioiiiHon it Morris, J. H. Krause, Wainwright t Co. Kotrt d- Co. Waterman, Hon it Co. 8. J. Humphry, lloriaon, Hoar A Co. H. J. Hollner M vers 4 Co. J. H. Morgan K. Kby it Co. Jlough A Co. T. lliiriies, W. J. Kirk, itnvd Co. OgdciiACo. ArbucklMt t Co. of PitUburgh, and many others. 30ft. Salesmen Wanted. Musinesa henorable. No competition, lib 1 av axvsn. . W. KKNNKDY. ) t' 8 6. 41 U HM I'hila. A CHEAT MEDICAL DISCGYEBT Dr. WALKER'S C" LIFOUNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands Tcr.T Ar.E roT a v.lj ' ..FANCY D R I f J K . P H ' V:; 't Toot Rum, Whisker. Vmuf 3.lrlt T.;uso l.tskra Aootorcd. scd.xc t 1 ' - vta1"1 tantc. celled "Tonict.''" App.tls. i ," ' .Jctont,- ., tbt Had tta tlppltr to (vjUstincft and ral3, but mro s trvo kicdJctno, mads r.-u I o 1 i.t.. rooit and Ucrb. of Callforala. frc l;n::i Alrehilto Hilmalnais. Vbeysrs tha any.w it loch rrniFisit ad a life filVIXJ It IM iri.Kainrtoct TnoT.iur and l:iv lfor&Ior cl ertcm. our trf o!T all pouonoos n:stlcr and roitorlnf 1.10 Llood to a hultti j eondltMa. o pcraoa can taka tboaa Bl'.tcxs acoordlEg to dmo tlon and rraitn long anrl. t 1 ( 0 villlM cItcr for as lararabl eaas, prorkled tin bo net sro Lot dostrored by mlaeral polaos or other nrtu, ar.d tha Tital onjana waited jond tba pointer repair. I nr InOatuu ulcrr aail Ckroslo Kiia. tiara a ad Uocu D)WPln, r ladtgoMlsa. Bllloss, KcaililCMt and Intermittent FsTcrs KlxiiiMif the Itl.od. LlT.r, Kldaera, and 1 lndiler, thesa nit lets Lots ooan aio.1 raeecas. ftl. bach Disease ara caued tf Tlltatca rtlood. whioh Is (enarally prodoocd ty doraadcmcat of tlie lla-rlo Oraaas. DY80EPSIA OR 1NDIGKSTION, Ileal acho, I bis la tha BboBldan, Concha, Tlghtnent of tha CUot, DUUhm, Eonr Ernetatlona of tha Stomach, od taatc In tha Month, BUlons Attacks, ralplutloa of the neart, iLnammatlos of tha Lnnra, Pain la tha rrfloni of tba Kldnryi, and a huncrod other pamna y mptoma, are tha otripriniaof Sjipapala. Th- T lBTl(orats tha ttomash sad aumnlata tha tor pid Urer and bowcU, which rendcruumoranaq.nallcd aacaey In eleanclnf the blood of all Impurities, and Impartlnr new life ait rigor to tha whole iratcm. ruitSKI!) lIHEA8E8,Eniptloaa,Tettor.Eatt r.hccm, Dlotchea, Epota, rutplea, FnitBlca.Bolla. Ccr. banclee, Ring-Worms, Scald Hcad. Bora Ejea, Kryilp. elat, Itch, fienrfa, DleooloraUona of the Skin, Hnaors and Dlacaaea of tba bkla, of wbatarer name or aatnro, ara literally dog op sad carried ont of the system la a hop time by tha ee of these Bitten. One bottle la each eaeci will coBTlaoo the Bwet lacrtdalooj of their earaUre effect. Cteenee tho Vitiated Blood wh trier or yon find Its tir.pnrltlcs banting throsgh the skis In Pimples, Crop. tlom or Bane t cleanse it when yoa and It obstructed and iloririih In the reins t elcaneo It when It la fool, and yoar feelings will tell yon when. Keep the bloc, pnre and the health of the ystem will follow. PIN, TA P and other WOKM8, larking Is the yitem of so many thonaanda, are effcctoally destroy od and rumored. For roll direction, nad carefully the circular around each bottle, printed fn four laa ruagoe English, Gorman, French and Bpaniah. J. WALKER, Proprietor. C. II. MCDONALD CO., DrugzUU and Oen. Agents, Baa rranclsco, CaL, and SJ and St Commerce Street, New York. t SOLD BT ALL DECQQtBTi AND DEALERg. GROVER & BAKER'S ElVIXG MA( III.i:s T je following are selected from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the prefer ence of the Groveri Daker Machines over all others. "Hike the Grovor A Baker Ma chine, in the flrtrt place, liccause if I had any other, I should still want a Grover A Maker ; and having a Grover A Baker it answers the purpose of all the rest. It does a greater variety of work and is easier to iearn than any other," Al rs. J. c. Cro ly (Jenny June) "I have had several years' expe rience with a Grover A Baker Machine, which has given me great satisfaction. I think the Grover A Baker Machine is more easily managed, and less liable to get out of order. I prefer the Grover A Baker de cidedly." Mrs. Dr. Watt, New York. "I have had one in my family for some two years ; and fjom what I know of its workings, and from tho testimony of many of my friends who use the same, I can hardly soehowanythingcould be more complete or give better satisfaction." Mrs. Gen. Grant. "I believe It to lie the best, all things considered.ofany that I have known It is very simple and easil learned; the ;-'-.viii(f from the ordinary Spools is a grent ;i'h u.tiigoi thestitch is 'eniirclv reliable; ii iloca ornamental work beautifully; it is not ! i idle to get out of order. Mrs. A. M ner, 30 Bond St. Brooklyn. ' "I am acquainted with the work of the principal machines, and I prefer the tiroverA linker to them all. because I con sider the stiich more elastic I have work In the house which was done nino years mio which is still good.' Mrs, Ir.' Io Cready, No. 43 Kast d street, N. Y. "More than two-thirds of all the aewlngdone in my family for the last two years has been done bvlirover A Baker's Machine, and I never had a garment rip or need mending, except those rents which frolicsome boys will make in whole cloth. It is, in my opinion, by far the most valu ahleof any I hsve tried." Mrs. Henry Ward Beechcr. "The Grover A Baker Sewing Ma chine has rendered in every riwpect. the most perfect satisfaction. It combines so many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy in price that it is a ne- eeauv in every household." Mrs. Gover nor Geary, Harrisburg, Pa. "I have had the Grover A Baker Ma chine for ten or twelve years in constant use in my house. I have seen and known every kind of Family sewing, both per sonal and household, accomplished upon the Grover A linker Machine, to the entire naiimuciion 01 an concerned, nev.nteimeii 11. Tvng. "I tind the Grover A Baker Stitch will wear an long as the garments do outwear me garment in tact. The stitch will not break on bias seams, when stretched, as others do ; and neither does it draw the work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East tweu- ly-iourm street, ai. 1, Tha Grover and Bakor Sewing Machine Company manufacture lxth the Klastip and Lock Stitch Machines, and oiler the public a choice of the best machines of both kinds, at their establishments in all the large cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout the country. Price lists and samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to Grover A Baker S. M, Co., 127 Wood Street, Pitta burgh. Pa. A WeekNalury!- Young men wanted as local and travel ling salesmen.. Adress (with stamp) K. II Walmkh, 34 I'aik How, N. Y. 3o-4t IJOItltlltLKI-I Butil-rred with Catarrh thirty years, and was cured in six weeks by aHimple remedy, and will send (he reiwipt , postage free, to all atllct ed. T. J. Mmv, Drawer 176, Syracuse. N. Y. 3'J-4t 44 Z, Bctr trttmy to tht TToaflcr. i R tr Hi WHAT ARE THEY? c III "S i ft THE BOOT AND SHOE STOBB. TF YOU WANT a perfect fit and good L article of Hoota and Khoes, of the flnost workmanship, go to if. i jicCAxcirs, 8fl CENTRE STREET, OIL CITY, TA. MrSatisfhction srusranteeil. 2-33 tf. R 0 Y A LH A V A N A LOTTERY. cash el and InfnrniRtlon furnished bv OEOHUK UPIIAM, I'rovidonce, R. I. " ."l?-41. WANTEI) AiiKTtTR To sell the Zeta gon Sewing Machine. It is Licensed, makes the "Elastic Lock StiU-h'' and is warranted for 6 years. Price flS. All other machines with an umler-l'eeil sold for f 15 or less are infringements. Address Octagon Sewing Machine Co., St. Ixinis, Mo.. Chicago. 111.. Pittsburgh. Pa., or s- lon, mass. l3ni (Mft A Pnv Ttuslnessentirelvnewand wlU honorable. I.ileral imfuceinenta Iescrlptive circulars free Address J C hakd a i o., riiaueroru. Me 13 3m T70RTUNKS offered to Hvo men. Rare i. Chance. Bend Htamp. Dimond K. Co., WaHhington, Del. 23-3m. UXCXRIIEXT 9IOXEY. THE highest Cash Price paid for the old State Bank Currency : Bank of Craw ford County, Venango liank, Oil City Bank Petroleum Bank, orany of the old State Bank issues ; also, for mutilated Scrip of II issues. A. II. 8TKELK, Cashier. 48 2 Tionesta Savings Bank. A WATCH, pair of Blankets, Quilt or Shawl, for One Dollar, appears almost impossible, but such may be bad, and hun dreds of other useful articles, by patron! IngGKO. A. PLUMMEIt A CO.'S "ONE DOLLAR SALE.'' Thotr system of doing business has been examined by the authorities, and a Decis ion rendered from the Internal Revenue Depaitment, at Washington, dated Nov. 4th, 1868, declaring their business perfect ly fair and legitimate, and entirely differ ent from the different gift enterprises. Of course all donot get watches, blankets, Ac, lor One Dollar, but in every large club, one cf these articles are sold for One Dollar, as an extra inducement, and some member of the club has the chance of obtaining it, A new feature Introduced by this enter prising firm, is to pay their agents In eith er cash or merchandise, and to prepay the express charges. No better opportunity can be offered to either ladies or gentlemen having leisure time, to form clubs for this Grin. Read their advertisement in another col umn, and send for catalogue. T1IU MAGIC COmi. Will changeany colored hair or beard to a permanent black or brown. It con tains no poison. Any one can use it. One sent bv mail for Jl. Address, MAGIC COMB" CO., Springfield, Mass, 3- 3m TIDIOUTE TEA STORE! The place to buy every variety of tha VERY BEST TEAS AT TUB L 0 WEST PRICES, is at the extensive Tea Store of II. T. CHAFFEY, where yon can always find a large assort ment of tho best Teas at New York prices. A lurg assortment of Groceries and Provisions, un;ualed In quality and cheapness byany other store in Warren county, always on hand. The people of Forest county will save money by purchasing their supplies at this place. Boat brands of FA MIL r FLO UR, delivered at any depot on the line of the R. u. iree. Store on Main St. near the Depot. PHOTOGRAPIJ GALLERY! Water Street, ADJOINING THE HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Fa., M. CARPENTER, - - - Proprietor. Pictures taken In all tho latest styles of the art. liti-tf READ ! READ ' The subscribers having rc-rcnted the IIIVIXK UIMHT MIXI,N. Would say to their old customers, and the community generally, that they keep constantly on naim a large sioca 01 FAMILY FLOUR of all grades, Chop Feed, Shorts, Bran, ...., .....1 li'f.l. .1 . . iwii nun iui 11, vi 1111 uur iwtiuuus lor uu1 ing business, we purpose not to be under sold by any establishment in this suction of the country, and would say to the lum bermen and dealers of Forest oouuty, that mey can ue SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other HJint. immediate attention, giveu to all oruers irom a uisiuiiee, E. JONES A CO, LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, T9, Nassau St., New York City, IOubacribe for the I O ixev spjper iu the Republican, the best connry. ERIE RAILWAY ! 1,400 M iles under one management. 800 Miles without change of Coaches, HIE BROAD GUAGE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE, BKTWF.KS THB ATLANTICCITIES AND TUB (VEST AND SOUTHWEST ! THI HAII.WAT KXTEUDS FRO Cincinnati to New York KflO Miles Cleveland to New York 6'il Mlloa Dunkirk t New York 410 Miles HutVnlo to New York 423 M ilea Rochester to New York nttt Miles JKtr- And Is from 22 to 27 miles the short est route. New and Improved coaches are run from Cincinnati, Dayton, Urbana, Marian, Gallon, Mansfield, Ashland, Akron, Cleveland, Warren, Meadvillc.Dunkirk, Buffalo and Rochester to New York, without change, only one change to Bos ton. On and after Monday, Juno 13th, 1R70, Trains will leave CORKY at the following hours, via ; GOING WEST 1 12.30 A. M. Day Express, dally, Mondays excepted, for Cleveland Cincinnati. and the west and south ; connects at Meadville for Franklin and Oil City; at Clarksville for Sharon, New Castle and Pittsburg ; at Iv ittsburg, Sundays excepted, for Younga town; Cleveland with Ike Shore R.R. for west and northwest: at Bavena with Cleve land A Pittsburgh for Alliance and Pitta burgh ; at Akron for Orrville and Millers burg ; at Urbana with Pittsburgh, Cincin nati and St. Louis Railway for Indianapo lis, and at Cincinnati with the Ohio A Mis sisslppl Railway for the south and south' west. A sleeping car Is attached to this train at HoruellsvUlo, running through to Cleveland. 3 12.35 p. m. Night Express, dally for Cleveland, Cincinnati and the west and southwest ; connects at Meadville,Sundavs excepted, for Franklin and Oil City ; "at Ixavittahurg,Siinday excepted for Yo'unga town ; ct Cleveland with Lake Shore Rail way for the west and northwest, and at Cin cinnati with the Ohio A Mississippi Rail way for the south and southwest. A sleep ing car is attached to tills train at N. York running through to Cincinnatti. 2 7.05 A.M. Express Mall, Mondays except ed, for Cleveland and the West; connects at Meadville, for Franklin and Oil City; at Clarksvillo with Erie A Pittsburgh Kail road, tor Sharon, New Castle and Pitta burgh, and at Cleveland with I jke Shore Railroad for the West and north-west. A sleeping car is attached to this train at New York running through to Meadville. 6.33 P. M. Freight and Accommodation, daily. o (1.37 P. M. Freight and Accommaditlon daily Sundays excepted. 1.50 P. M.Way Freight.Sundaya exeept- ed GOING EAST : 4.17 A. M. New York Day Express, dal ly Sundays excepted; connects at Great Bend with Delawaro, Lackawanna A Wes tern Railway, for Scranton.and at N. York with midnight eYPress train i.f New Jer sey Railroad for Philadelphia. A sleeping car it attached to this train at Cleveland running through to Hornolls ville connecting with train having new and Improved Drawing Room Coaches at tached, running through to New York. 1.00 P. M. Lightning Express, connect ing daily at Eluiira with Northern Central Railway, for WilliaiiiNport, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and at New York for Boston and New England cities. A sleeping coach is attached to tills train at Cincinnati running through toN. York. G B. 37. P. M. Cincinnati. Express daily. Sundaysexcepted, connecting at Binghaiii ton for Albany and the celebrated sum mer resort Sharon Springs, and at New York for Boston and all New England cit ies. A sleeping car is attached to tiiis train at Meadville running through to New iorK. 4.17 a. m. Stock freight and Accommo dation Sundays excepted. 5.45 n. in. Fright and Accommodation. Sundays excepted. 10.25 a. m. Way Freight. Sundava ex cepted. Boston and Aew England' passengers. with their Baggage are transferred free of charge iu JVew York, The best ventilated and most luxurious Sleeping coaches flrin the World's- ac company all night trains on this railway. V-Thr Erie Railway Company has o peued anew Ferry from their Jersey City Depot to the foot of 23d Street, thus ena bling Passengers to reach the upper portion to flie city without the expense and annoy ance of a street car or omnibus transfer. &B- The scenery along the entire route of the Erie Railway is of the most pictur esque and beautiful character. Admirers of nature's beauties, in a daylight journey over this Line, will tind iu its ever chang ing landscapes subjects of continual ad miration and interest. HAUUAUt: CJMUKED TIISOVOIT, and Fare as Low as by any other route. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA ERIE R'Y. Which can be obtained at all the princi pal Ticket Otlicew in the West or South west. WM. B. BAKR, L. D. RtTCKEB, Geu'l Pasa'r Ag't. Gun'l Supt. ANDREWS & CO., Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS a-A-STIlTO-S. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN' Ac, Ac, At., TIDIOUTE, rA H. risnn, JOHN ANDREWS. 6-tf A WATCH FREE for everybody and -TV $:Ul per day sure. Busines light and honorable. No Uift enterprise. Nchum bug. A ddrers,lt. Monro. Kenedy, Pitts burgh, Pa. 'OT-lt 0. a. braoq IXt.HAM A nitAUf., PUBISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, and Stationers, WBOLESALR AND RKTAIL DEALERS IN all kinds of School, Miscellaneous, Law, Medical AND MUSIC BOOKS. Depository of tho Bible Society, Sunday School, and all Roligioua Publishing So cieties, NO. 52 CnFSTNITT ST., MEADVILLE, 4A., NO. 101 SCPKRIOa ST., CLEVELAND, O Jllll. 1. 15 JAC'OIl BlIUIYlUt. Having fitted up a first class PLANING MILL. Are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of manutactured lumber auch aa FLOOR I SO, SIDIXO, SVItFACE DRKSSED L VMBER, SASH, DOORS, DLINDS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN AND FAN CY MOULDINGS. Dealers will find it to their advantage to CONSULT OUR PRICES, Before purchasing elsewhere, aa our loca tion in the heart ot the lumbar region gives ns suierior advantage in tiie purchase of lumber inai win euaiiie us to undersoil those less favorably situated. Address Mar. 4, tf. JACOB SHRIVER, Tionesta, Pa. Why s it that Dr. Uoback's Stom ach Hitters increase in Bale every year ? Because They arc the best combina tion ever made. Why Do tho Druggists recom mend Dr. Roback'a Ditters to their customers? Because After years of experience and trial they have been proven to bo ft sure, cure for Dyspepsia and Indiges tion. Why Is it that Physicians use and recommend Dr. Uo back's Sugar-coated Dlood Tills? Because They know tho ingredients of which they are made. Why Aro Dr. Koback's Blood Pinner nnd Dlood Pills tho best remedies taken to gether for tho euro of all diseases of tho blood ? Because Tho Blood Purifier is tho only articlo in tho market which contains the celebrated costly Drugs imported ex pressly from Sweden for its manufacture, and tho Pills contain the active principle of Podophyllum (Mandrake Pioot,) and is a substitute for Mercury. Why Arc Dr. C. W. Robaok's Stomach Bitters, Blood Pu rifier and Blood Pills tho three greatest remedies tho world has ever known? Because After eleven years' experi ence and trial tho sales have increased each and every year, nnd thousands of let ters (unsolicited) of tho re markable cures they have performed bear witness, itead the letters in Local Column of cures by these medicines. VENTURE HOTEL. ADJOINiNO TUB DEPOT, WHITE OAK, Forett County, Fa, IIUMMASON, PRO'S, Propr's. THIS house is new and fitted up in first class style, and is headquarters for all persons visiting the great oil field of Hick ory, The liar is furnished with the best of' liquors. The proprietors will spare 110 pains to make it the most desirable slop ping place ia the oH regions. 12-ly. AGENTS Wantku $25 per month by the American Knitting Machine Co., Boston, M;i-iM.,or St. Louis, Mo. 2rt 3ra W. A. INGHAM, PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May 1, 1870, Trains arrivo at and leave the Vnion Depot, corner of Waakintoii and uoerty street, aa follows 1 ARRIVE. Mall Train, 1.30 a m I Fast Line. 12.12 a in 1 Well's accommodation No. 1, H.20 a m 1 Brinton accommodation No 1, T.ftO a m; Wull'a rin.nitiiiuliil !... Ma ) Q r.K. ... " ...rx.t..i.r,, 1. v. a, n.inin in 111- einnatl express 9.20 a m Johnstown ac commodation io.ftu ami Brmldock's ac commodation No 1, 7.IH p m i Pittsburgh express 1.30 p mj Pacillc express 1.A0 p In s " "ii 11 w-imiiiiiHlimnn 11 o , p m; llnmcwood accommodation No 1, p.lw p m; Wall's accommodation No 4, 6.fi0 p in) Brinton accommodation No 2, 1.10 p ui Way Passenger 10.20 p 111. DEPART. Southern express (1.20 a m : Pacific ex press 2.40 a tn 1 Wall's accommodation No 1, fl.SOa m 1 Mall Train H.I0 a 111 ; Hrinton'a accommodation 1 1.20 a m BraddiM'k'a ac commodation Not, fi.10 p 1111 Cincinnati express 12..V) p 111 j Wall's accommodation N 2, 11.61 a 111 Johnstown accommodation 4.05 pin 1 Homcwood accommodation Jio I, n.rsi p m ; riiihtilclpliia express 3..t(i p in; Wall accommodation N o :t.:i.0" i m; W all's accommodation No 4, ti.OA p 111 ; Fast Lino 7.40 p 111 j Wall's No 5, 11.00 p 111. The Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at 11.05 a. in., reaching Pitta- mirgn at iu.iv a. m. ltcturning leave Pitts burgh at 12.ft0p, m., and arrive at Wail's Station at 2.10 p. 111. Cincinnati express leaves daily. South ern express daily except Monday. All oth er Trains daily, oxcept Sunday." For further Information aply to W. II. BECKWITII, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any Risk for Baggage ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponsibllity to One Hundred Dolla' s val ue. All laggage exceeding that a mint in value will lie at the risk of the ,ner unless taken by Socll'eontract. ' A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altoona Pa. BOOKS, STATIONERY, "WVAOLXj IP VIFEIIR,. DAVIS & E3H0LS, (Near the Co ,-t House,) F IVAN KLIN, PENN'A. Have general assortment of School Books, Ijiw Books, Histories, Bibles and Testaments, Hymn Books, Music Books, Blank Hooks, F.iivclopcs. Note. Letter and cap writing papers, Pens, Ink, Slates and everything in tho HOOK tf ST A TIONERY li IS I NESS. All of which thev offer to sell WHOLl' SALE OK RKTAiL, at lowest cash prices. DAVIS A F.CHOLS, Franklin, Pa. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take out Letters lfll.tllt n en alr;un.l ....... I . Wl dllWI Willi .11UI1I1 and Company, editors of the Scientific .....v.. ,,. lu.mcvuieu CUIIIIIS betoro the Patent Otllee for over Twenty Years Their American and Kiiropea'n Patent agency is the most extensive in tho world Charges less than any other relia ble agency A aniphlct containing full lltulVll.lti.n.a 4 ... 1. t - 1 MCNN A CO., 37 Park Row, 13tf New York COAL! COAL! J".S. EVERHART TS Prepared to deliver the best quality o A Ual at the old lCvcrhart Bank, two miles from Newman ville for 7 cents per v ,niiL-au,aiiu tieiiiuy lor 2j cents per bu.siiel. He always has a large supply on hand, Now Is the time to lay in a large supplj Orders promptly attended to 2 9 Moiioiigalifla Valley in8ur;an:ce agency, ESTABLISHED MAY 1853. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK POLICIES, ISSUED IN FIRSTCLASS COMPANIES. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJISTED AXD PAID A. C. SAMPSON, ten. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil City, Ag't for Venango Co., Pa, Applications received and Information furnished by A. II, Ktkklk, at Tionesta Savings Bank. apltf. TIDIOUTE EMPORIUM M. P. GETCHELL, Dealer in DRY GOODS XotloiiN, Hoots aV Shoes HATS &c CAPS, Ac, CORNER MAIN it DEPOT STS., TIDIOUTE, PA. Has the Largest and most Complete Stock now on hand, of any store in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Having purchased my Btock since the great decline in Gold, I ran sell poods cheaper than any Dry Goods House iu the Oil Regions. Persons purchasing good a of 111 e will save 25 percent. M. P. GETCHELL. Tidioute, April 11, 1870. 4-6m AGENTS WANTED FOR Hon. Win. SEWARD'S GRAND TOTR of Auxico. Adventure and Sight -aeeing iu "Our Sitter Repuqlic." Is a work of rare merit profusely illustra ted. Send for ei ivu !ars to Columbian lliwik Company, Hartford, Ct. SU BSC RIB Ef. r i urVoiot liepubuUru It will pay. Oil Creek & Allegheny River It j WARRKN A FRAVRMy. FARMERS AOIL CREEK RAILROADS CONSOL IDATICD New nnd Most Direct IouU to Ue Oil Regions. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and After MONDAY MAY 30TII,'70 trains will run aa follows 1 i.kavk conn ! 6.00 A. M. KXPRKSS Hnartnnshnnr (1.2Hi Tryonville Hydctown 7.11: Tl- tusviiio arrive 7.M1, depart 7.27) Miller Farm7,n0: Pioneer 8.07 Petroleum fVn trearr., lvs. 8.17, Columbia 14.28, Tarr Farm .2", Rvnd Farm , Ronsevills ,:! Oil City B.u.'ilvalUlO. Rcs kwood W alnut bend OIihumiIIs II.20. connrH't- Ing with train for Pithole ;) llenrv s ltcnd . Eagle RMk, Tionesta lO.lH. Hick ory White Oaks 10.84, arr. Ttdioute arrives 10 54, Iv. 10.50, Thompson's arriving at Irvlngton at 11. .Via. m'. 11.20 A. M. MAIL Spaitniislnirg 11.45, Centrcvillc, 12.7 p. m. Tryonville lly.letown I2.:i0, arrives at Titusvill 12.4(1, lvs. 12.45, Miller Farm 1.04, I'lolieer J.17, arr. ret. Centre I.2., lvs 1.1.7. Columbia- 1.3:1, Tarr Farm 1.30, Rvnd Farm . HoiiHeville 1.47. arr. Oil City 2.06. Irs. 2A'.t Rockwood , Walnut IW'iid Olenpos lis 2.40(connect with train for Pithole)' Henry's Bend , Kngle Itoek .Tion--esta.'l.lO, Hickory , White Oak 8,4rt, arr. Ttdioute 4.02, lvs. 4.07. Thorn tMir,s' arrives at Irvincton 4.f.0 p. m. fl.05 PM ACCOM MOUA'N.SiiartanBburg: n.:l, (ntrcvllle 7.Ki, Trvoiivlllo s llvilctown 7.2A, arr Titusvllle 7..V1 lvs 7.4", Miller Farm W.Oo. Pioneer 8.20. arr at Pet. Centre 8.28, lvs 8.3f, Columbia 8.41, Tarr Farm 8.44, Rynd Farm .RouscvlUe 8.5i arrives at Oil City 9.10 p. m. I. K A V KM IllVIJIKTOlf. 11.45 A. M. MAII, Thompson- arr. Tidloute 12.;W lvs 12.38, W'hite Oaks 12.53 Hickory, , Tionesta 1.20, Kagie ltock (Henry's Bend Olenpolia 2.0S (con nects witli train for Pithole) Walnut Bend , Rockwood , arr Oil Cltv 2.:UI lvs 2.42, Rouseville 2.58, Rvnd Farm Tarr Farm 3.10 arr at' Pet. Centra S.20 lvs. 3.23, Pioneer 3.30, Miller Farm 8.45, arr. Titusvillo 4 04, lvs 4 14 Hydctown 4.24 p. 111., Tryonville Ce'ntrcville 4.50, Spartauaburg 5.14, arr at Corry 6.4i p. m. 0.00 P.M. EXPRESS-Thompson's at arr atTldioute fi.50,levs 5.52,Whlte oaks 0.07. Hickory , Tionesta 0.37, Eagle Rix'k , Henry's Bend Olo opolis 7J3, Walnut Bend Rockwood air Oil City 7.40 Ive 7.47, Rouseville 8.03, Rynd Farm Tarr Farm 8,15, Col. umliiiiS.lH, arr Pet. Centre 8.25 lv 8.28, Pi oneer 8.35, Miller Farm 8.45, arr. Tituavilla I). 10. lvs 11.15, Hydctown 11.23, Trvonvllls Spartansburg, 10.7, arr at Cofry 10.35 p. m. I.KAVK on, CTY. 7.00 A.M. ACCOM MODATION Rouse ville 7.15. Rvnd Farm , Tarr Farm 7.25 Columia 7.2U, arr Pet. Centre 7.35 Ive 7.30, rioncer 7.45, Miller Farm 8.00, arr. TitUK Ville8.18, lvs. 8.23, Hvdetown 8.31, Trvon ville Centerville 8.S0, SpartansLuifr 11,10, arr, Corry 0.35 a 111, All trains ciiuneet at Corry with trains 011 Plilla. A Erie Railroad and A. AG. V4 ' East and West for New York, Philadel phia, I larrishurg, Erie A Cleveland, and with Biitlalo, Corry A Pittsburgh Railway for Ittillaloanil ail points on theN.Y. Cen tral Railway. At Oil City with trains on Allegheny Valley Railroad, and Franklin Branch A. A G. W. At Irvlneton Willi trains on Plilla. A E. ltailroad east and west, C. J. II EPBl'RN JXO. PITCAIIIN, SiipcrinteiKlent, Geu'l Manager. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD! GREAT THROUGH ROUTE FIIOM The Oil Regions lo Pittsburgh, THE EAST AND THE WEST 1 SLEEPING CARS On all night trains. Passengers md bag gage transferred at Oil City, Fiikk or ClIAItdKl Trains niiike direct connection with all Roads centering at Oil City, and leave aa follows: Day Express leave Oil City at.... 10 30 a nt Ariivesat Pittsliiirgh ft.tOpiu Night Express Uavo Oil City.... 30pin Arrives al l'ittsliurgh...' 1 7 00 a m Kittaniiing Acc. leave Emlcnton H.lOpnt " arr. Kittanning d.OOput Mixed way leaves Oil city 7 00 a m Arr at W estl'enn Junction 7 05pm Day Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 15am Arrrivesat Oil City at 1 fop m Night Express Leaves Pittsburgh 8 00 pm Arrives at Oil City . 6 00am Parker Ace. leaves Kitlannins'at 7. -J0 a lit " " Arrives at Paikcr at 0. Mi a in Mixed way lvs West Peun June, 7ii0ani Arrives at Oil City at OOOp lit Passenger travelling by thld P.outo will 11 nd lielter aa'coiiimodatioiis anvl make bet ter timo than by an v other road from the Oil Regions to Pittsburgh. J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen. Supt. ERIE & PITTSBURGH R. R. On and after Monday, Nov. IS, 1SG9 trains will run on this road as follows: LEAVE ERIE SOUTHWARD. 11:55 A. M. aopommohatiox Leaves Nowcastla at 7:05 and arrives at Pittsburgh 10:00 a. 111. 10:25 A. M., PiTTKntTRoit ex., ships at all stations, and arrives at A. A (i. W. R. R. Transfer at 1:VI p. m., at Neweustle at 8:lj p. ni., and at Httsburgh at U:00 p. 111. 6:05 A. M., AOt'OM.MonATioN, from James town, arrives at A. A (1. W. R. R. Transfer at 5:40 a. m., at Newcastle at 7;0i a. in., and Pittsburgh al 10:00 a. m. 5:00 p. M., Mixed Traid leaves Erio for Sharon, stopping at all intermediate points and arriving at 10:15 a. 111. LEAVE PITTSBURGH NORTWARD. 7:15 A. M., f.rie exprkss, leaves New castle at 10:00a. m A. A O. W. It. R. Trans fer at 11:20 a. m., and arrives at Erie at2:.T0 p. ui., making close connection for Buna lo and Niagara Fails. 3:35 p. M. accommodation, IcavS New. castle at 6:80 p. in , A. A . W. R. R Transfer at 7:55 p. 111., and Jauiestowa at :S0 a. 111., connects with mixud trains that arrives in Erie at 1:55 a. 111. 6:80 p. M.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for Erie, and arriving at Wirard at 12:30 a. m. and Erie at 6:05 a. iu . Trains eon noet at Rochester with train for V heeling and all Hiinls in West Vir-'inia and al Pittsburgh connections for Philadel phia, HarriNhiirgh, Baltimore and Wash ington via lJennsylvania Central Railroad. Erie Express North, connects at tiirard with Cleveland nnd Erie trains Westward for t leveland, l liieago, and all points in the W est ; at Erie with Philadelphia Erie Ra Iroad for Corry, Warren, Irvlngton, lidiouto, Ac, and with Butlalo A Erio Rai road for Butlalo, Dunkirk, Niagara rails and New York City. F. N. FINNEY, General Sup't AGENTS WANTED FOR " THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Bontaining Fleetwood's "Life of Christ " x!''Vie" M',e ,A,M,M,U'"' "vangelis'ta a id K lie vru i' lliu 1 . . ... in.-..: 1. . " j . -poxnes, I'.nvaiigelista nnd Martyrs," Doddridgea "Evidences of hristianity ;" "History of the Jews." bv Josenhus: '-Ili.tirv ..t uii -..11..:....'. y I . ' . i. mutiuniiiM X'U- nominations," with treatise and tallica re luting to events connected with Bible His tory, cniitajninir many fle engravings. 1 he whole loiiuingucouiplele treasurv oj C liristiuii 1 Knowledge. W, FLINT, 2i K. Seventh St., Phils. 4(