The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 13, 1870, Image 1

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    4 - - -
W. It. DUNN".
ymok. in Kn.ox'1 Building, Street.
No Subscription received fi)rhorter
period than three month.
Corrondenc Solicited from all part
of tho country. No notice will be taken of
aiinonymoua communications.
Marriages and Death notices Inserted
x. o. a-, t.
J Teets every Wednesday even
nt 8
If A o'
1. wiiAnia, VV.t.. 1.
Alm Strtrt, . TIOXESTA, PA.
Isaac Ash,
Will practice 'n the various Courts of
Forest Countv. All buaineu entruated to
ill cara will roceiv prompt attention,
W. E. Latty,
Ki ret Co., Pa., will practice In Clarion,
Veiiunim and Warreu Counties. Ollloe on
Elm Htreet. two doore above Lawrence's
grocery store.
" v . . ; W. W. Masotx,
tftreet, above Walnut, Tioneata, Pa.
C W. Glinilan,
TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve-
j i nango Co.
N. B. Smiley,
A TTORNEY aT LAW, Petroleum Con-
XI. tre, Pa. Will practice in llio aeverai
('hurts of Forest County. Bft-ly
Holmes House,
rpiONF-NTA, FA.,
1 0- l. Mable, Pr
bllltK eonnected with
opposite the Depot,
oprietor. Uood Hta-
the house, tf.
Jos. Y. Saul,
PRACTICAL Hnrnoaa Maker and Rad
d!or. Three doors north of Holmes
lfm-se. Tloueata. I'm. All work is war-
ranted. tf.
Syracuse House,
TIDIOUTK.Pa., J. A U Maokk, Prople
tors. The houae has Wn thoroughly
relitted and is uow In the lirMt-claHs order,
with tho best of accommodations. Any
nforumtion cmu'eniing Oil Territory at
Hit point will bo eiioorfdUy rurniHiicej.
-ly J. A I). MAliEK,
Exchange Hotel,
1j KKKt. How Prop'. This houae having
1 it ri 1if : I is now the most desirable stop
ping plaiM) in Tidioule. A good Millard
Koo.n attached. s-ly
National Hotel,
TRVINETON. PA. W. A. Hallenback,
1'roprietor. This hotel is Nkw, and is
.tw onen as a first cUhs house, situate at
n junction of tho Oil Crock Allegheny
.tivi riiiid lMiiladclDlila A Erie RailroadH,
ppoHite tho Depot. Parties having to lay
vcr trains will tind this the most eonven
cut lioti-Lin town, with first-class aecom-
modatidfTs and Teasonable nf.argea. tf.
Tifl't Sons A Co.'s
fEW ENGINES. Thoundcrslgned Have
fKSWiilo and will receive nrdors for the
nliovo J.Imino. MosHrs. TilltWons A to.
are in' sending to this nuirket their 12
IIore Power F.nginn with It-Homo Power
lloiter peculiarly adaxl'-fi r. .loop wens.
'Vt l '!'.! ' lll'l"illl ( i , I ! II 1 1 1
in W ell Fixture., l! ir 1 . a;v, .1
next door to CIik-i: tl m-v, 1)
and at Mansion il ! -. l'.i"
tf. K. l:Hi:vi A y.-.j.-i
.. Main l.
.i-nr. Hi -',
joim i-t. Hi,
VatentM.No. 6I.) French
Iteed Houne) Erie, Pa. Will
)hosveral Slate Courts and tho iTu :
StaU a Courts. Special attention uiveu
iuont-4, re-lnsuo and extension or patents
,-urefully atlendod to. References: Hon.
.lames Campbell, Clarion; Hon. John S.
Mi-Cnlmniit, Franklin) H. L. A A. R.
Richmond, Moadvilie; W. E. Lathy. Ti
oncHla. 2 7
Dr. J. L. Acorrb,
1 had fifteen years' experience in laoro
nnd Hiicceiwful practice, will attend all
ProfcHxional Calls. Oftlce In hla lrun and
tlrocory Utoro, locidod in Tidiouto, near
Tidioule House.
A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
Tobacco, CiRars, Stationery, lilawt, Paints,
oil. Cutlery, and lino Groceries, all of the
hell quality, and will be sold at reasonable
11. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drufr
1 1st from New York, has chance of the
lors. All prescriptions put up accurately.
W. P. Mercilliott,
Attorney at Lw,
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.
This Bank transact) a General Banking,
'olluetinir and Kxchanire llUHineaa.
Drafts on the Principal Cities of the
l'niterl State and Europe bouuht and Bold
Uold and Silver Coin and Government
Securities bouuht and sold. 7-30 Honda
converted on the moat favorable terms.
I ntereHt allowed on time depouiu.
Mar. 4, tf.
DR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, has
returned to his practice after an ab
aence of four months, spout In the Hospi
tals of New York, where will attend
calls iu hit profeHHion,
Ollice in Eureka Drug Store, 3d door
above ui nana, i lUioute, I'm. pJii
TOB WORK neatly executed at thisottioa
O at reatoiubls rates.
" Let us have Faith
VOL. III. NO. 36.
JiraBAtil? OF THE
Washington, D. C, December 5.
The following is the President a Mes
sage :
Tiilhe Senate and House of Representative:
A vearof Dtace and general pros
perity to this nation has passed since
the last assembling of Congress. We
have, through a kind Providence, been
blessed with abundant crops, and been
spared from complication and war
itu foreign nations, in our miim
comparative harmony bat been re
stored. It is to bo regretted, however,
that a free exercise of the elective
franchise has been denied to citizens in
exceptional cases, in several of the
States lately in rebellion, and the ver
dict of the people nas thereby nccn re
versed. The Slates of Virginia, Miss
issippi and Texas have been restored
to representation in our national coun
cils. Georgia, the only State now with
out representation, may be confidently
to take ner place aiso ai me ucgiouiug
of the new year, and then let us hope
will be completed the work of recou
struction. With an acquiesence on the part of
the whole people in the national obli
gation to pay tho public debt, created
as the price of our Union, the pensions
to our disabled soldiers aud sailors and
their widows and orphans, and in the
changes to the Constitution which have
been made necessary by a great rebel
lion, there is no reason why we should
not advance in material prosperity
aud happiuess as no other nation ever
din after so protracted ana uevasta
ting a war.
Soon after the existing war broke
out in Europe, the protection of the
United States Minister in Paris was in
voted iu favor of the North Germaus
domiciled iu French territory. In
structions were issued to irraiit the pro
taction. This has been followed by an
extension of American protection to
citizens of Saxony, Gatha, Hesse, i.d
Suxe-Cobure. Colombia, Port
Uraguay, the Dominican Republic,
Ecuador. Chili, Paraguay, aud Ven
ezuela in Paris. The charge was an
onerous one. requiring constant and
severe labor as well as the exercise of
patience, prudence and good judgment.
It has been performed to the entire
satisfaction of this government; and
as I am officially informed, equally so
to the satisfaction of the government
of North Germany.
LIC. As soon m I learned that a republic
I l.:id been prot'luiincd at Puris, and that
i lie people oi l' ruui'v mi'i sicqiesceu iu
c cIiuiil'O, the Minister .f llio United
tatcs was direciid i y telegraph to
recognize it, and teuoVr tiiy vougratu
lations and those of the people of the
United The re-entaiilisluueiit
n Frunce of a system ( e,,vi liinicnt
desconnected with the dvuustic traui-
tioaa of Europe, appeared to be a
proper subject for the felicitation of
Americans, biiouid the prcseut strug
gle result in attaching the hearts ci
the r reach to our simpler tortus ot
representative government, it will be a
subject of still further satisfaction to
our people. While we make no effort
to impose our institution upon the in
habitants of other countries, and while
we adhere to our traditional neutrality
in civil contests elsewhere, we cannot
be indifferent to the spread of Ameri
can political ideas iu a great and high
ly civilized country like France.
We were asked by the new govern
ment to use our good ofhees jointly
with those of the European powers in
the interest of peace. Answer was
made that the established policy and
the true interests of the United States
forbade them to interfere in the Euro'
pean questions jointly with European
powers. 1 ascertained lntormaiiy aua
unofficially that the government of
North uermauv was not then disposed
to listeu to such representations from
auv powers, and thoiiLrli earnestly wislv
lug to see the blessings ot peace restored
to the belligereuU, with all of whom
the United States are on terms of
friendship, I declined on the part of
this government to take a step which
could only result in injury to our true
interests without advancing the object
fur which our intervention was invok
ed. Should the time come when the
action of the United States can hasten
the return of peace by a single hour,
that action will be heartily taken.
I deemed it prudent, in view of the
number of persons of German and
French birth living in the United
States, to issue, soou after oflicial no
tice of a state of war had been receiv
ed from both belligerents, a proclama
tion defining the duties of the United
States as a neutral, aud the obligations
of persons residing within the territory
that Right makes Might ; and
to observe their laws and laws of na
tions. The proclamation was followed
by others as circumstances seemed to
call for them. The people, thus ac
qainted in advance of their duties and
obligations, have assisted in preventing
violations of the neutrality of the
Uuitcd States.
It is not understood that the condi
tion of the insurrection of Cuba has
materially changed since the close of
the last session of Congress. Iu an
early stage of the contest, the authori
ties of Spain inaugurated a system of
arbitrary arrests, ot close confinement,
of military trial and execution of per
sons suspected of complicity with the
insurgents, and of summary embargo
of their properties and requisitions of
their revenues by executive warrant.
Such proceedings, as far as they affected
the nersons or nroDertv of citizens of
the United States, were in violation of
the treaty of 1795, between the United
States and Spain. Representations of
injuries resulting to several persons
claiming to be citizens of the United
States, bv reason of such violations,
were made to the Spanish government.
From April, 1869, to June last, the
Spanish Minister at Washington had
been clothed with a limited power to
aid in redressing such wrongs. That
power was found to be withdrawn, in
view, as it was said, of the favorable
situation in which the island of Cuba
then was, which however, did not lead
to revolution or suspension of the ex
traordinary and arbitrary functions
exercised bv the executive power in
Cuba; and wo were obi iced to make
our complaint at Madrid. In the ne
srotiations thus opened, and still pend
ing there, the United States only claim
ed that for the future the rights secur
ed to their citizons by treaty should be
respected in C'uba, and that as to the
f ast a joint tribunal should be cstab
ished in the United States, with full
jurisdiction over all such claims. Be'
fore such an impartial tribunal each
claimant would be required to prove
his case. On the other hand, bpain
would be at liberty to traverse every
materal fact, and thus complete equity
would be done.
A case which at one time threatened
seriously to affect the relations be
tween the United States and Spain has
already been deposed of in this way.
The claim of Col. Loyd Aspiuwall, for
the illegal seizure aud detention of his
vessel, was referred to arbitration by
mutual consent, and has resulted in
an award to the United States for the
owner of the sum of nineteen thousand
seven hundred and two dollars and fif
ty cents iu gold. Another and long
pending claim of like nature that of
the whale-6hip Canada has ben dis
posed of by friendly arbitration during
the present year. It was rcierred, by
the joint consent of Brazill antl the
United States, to the decision of Sir
Edward Thornton, Her Britannic
Majesty's minister at Washington, who
kindly undertook the laborious task
of examining the voluminous mass of
correspondence and testimony submit'
ted by the two governments, and ai
lowinir to the United States the sum o
one hundred thousand seven hundred
nd forty dollars and nine cents in
old, w hich has since been paid by the
mperial Governmeut. These recent
examples snow that me ruoue wiucn
tho United States have proposed to
Spaiu for adjusting the pending claims
is jusi a ltd icasiuie, uuu mui ib way ue
agreed to by either nation without dis
honor. It is to be hoped that this mod
erate demand may be acceded, to by
Spain without further delay. Should
the pending negotiations unfortunately
and unexpectedly be without result, it
will then become my duty to commu
nicate that fact to Congress aud invite
its action on the subject.
The long-defered peace conferenee
between Spain and the allied South
American Republic has been inaugu
rated iu Washington under the au
spices of tne United States. Pursuant
to the recommendation contained in
the resolution of the House of Repre
sentatives of the 17th of December,
18CG, the Executive Department of the
Government offered its friendly offices
for the promotion of peace and harmo
ny between Spaiu anil the allied Re
publics. Hesitations and obstacles oc
curred to the acceptance of the offer.
Ultimately, however, a conference was
arranged, and was opeued in this city
on the 29th of October last, at which
I authorized
the Secretary of State
preside. It was attended by the
inisters of Spain, Peru, Chili and
Ecuador. In consequence of the ab-
senve of representative from Bolivia,
the conference was adjourned Until the
attendance oi a plenipotentiary irotn
that Republic could be secured, or oth
er measures could be adopted towards
compassing its object. The allied and
other Republics of Spanish origin on
this continent may see in this fact a
new proof of our sincere interest in
their welfare, our desire to see them
blessed with good governments, capa
ble of maiutaiuing order aud preserv
ing their respective territorial integri
ty, and of sincere wish to extend our
own commercial aud social relations
with them. The time is not probably
in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty M we understand
far distant when in the natural course
of events the European political con
nection with this conferenc will cease.
Our polirp should be shaped in view
of this probability, so as to ally the
commercial interests or the Spanish
American States more closely to our
own, and thus give the United States
all the prominence and all the advan
tages which Mr. Monroe, Mr. Adams
and Mr. Clay contemplated when they
proposed to join to the Congress of
Dunne the last session of Congress
a treaty for the annexation of the Re
public ot baa llomineo to the United
States failed tq receive the requisite
two-thirds vote of the Senate. I was
thoroughly convinced then that the
best interests of the country, commer-
ceally and materially, demanded its
ratification. Time has ouly confirmed
me in this view. I now firmly believe
that the moment it is known that the
United States of America have entirely
abaudoned the subject of accepting as
a part of its territory the island of San
Domingo, a tree port will be negotiated
for by European nations. In the Bay
of Samana ft large commercial city will
spring up, to which we will be tributary
without receiving corresponding bene
fits. The Government of San Domin
go has voluntarily sought th;s annexa
tion. It is a weak power, numbering
probably less than one hundred and
twenty thousand souls, and yet possess
ing one of the richest localities under
the sun, capable of supporting a popu
lation of 10,000,000 of people in luxu
ry. The people of San Domingo are
not capable of maintaining themselves
in their present condition, and must
look for outside support. They yearn
for tho protection of our free institu
tions and laws, our progress and civil-
izetiou. Shall we refuse them? The
acquisition of Sou Domingo is desirable
because ot its geographical position.
It commands the entrance to the Car
ibbean Sea and the isthmus transit of
commerce. It possesses the richest
soil, best and most capacious harbors,
most salubrious climate, and the most
valuable products of the forest, mine
and soil of any of the West India is
lands. Its possession by the United
States will iu a tew years build up a
coast raise commerce of immense
magnitude, which will go far towards
restoring to us our lost merchant ma
rines. It will give to us those articles
which we consume largely and do not
produce, thus equalizing our exports
and impoits. In case of foreign war
it will give us command of all the is
lands referred to, and thus prevent an
enemy from again possessing himself of
a rendezvous upon our coast. At pres
ent our coast trade between the S .ales
bordering on the Atlantic and those
b 'rd.-ring on the Gulf of Mexico is by
the Bahamas and the Antilles Twice
we must, as it were, pass through for
eign countries to get by from Georgia
to the east coast of Florida. Sao Do
mingo, with a stable Government, un
der which her immense resources can
be developed, will give remunerative
wages to 10,000 laborers not now upon
the island. 1 his labor will take ad
vantage of every available means of
transportation to abandon the adjacent
islands and seek the blessings of free
dom and its sequence, each inhabitant
seeking the rewards of its own labor.
Porto Rico and Cuba will have to
abolish slavery as a measure of self
preservation to retain their laborers.
Sail Domingo will become a large con
sumer o; the products ol northern larms
and manufactories. The cheap rates
at which her citizens cud be furnished
with food, and the introduction in the
island of improved machinery will
make it necessary that contiguous is
lands should have the same advanta
ges in order to compete with her in the
production of sugar, coffee, tobacco,
tropical fruits, Ac. This will open to
us a wider market for our products.
The production of our own supply of
these articles will cut on over one hun
dred millions of our annual imports,
besides increasing our exports. With
such a picture it is easy to see how our
large debt abroad is ultimately to be
extinguished. With a balance of traJe
against us, including interest of bonds
held by foreigners, and money spent
by our citizens traveling in foreign
lands equal to the entire yield of the
previous metals in this country, it is
not so easy to see how this result is to
be otherwise accomplished. The ac
quisition ofSan Domingo is an ad he
sion to the Monroe doctrine, aad is a
measure ot national protection. It is
asserting our just claim to a controlling
influence over the great commercial
traffic soon to flow from west to east by
j way of the Isth.uus of Darien ; it is to
' build up our merchant marine ; it is to
furnish new markets for the products
of our farms, shops and manufactories;
il is to make slavery insupportable in
Cuba aud Porto Rico at once, aud ul
timately so in Brazil ; is is to settle the
unhappy condition of Cuba and eud an
exterminating conflict ; it is to provide
the honest means of paying our honest
debts without overtaking the people;
it is to furuish our citizens with the
necessities of everyday life at cheaper
rates than ever before, and it is in fine
a rapid stride toward that greatness
which the intelligence, ludustrr and
enterprise of the cttir.ens of the Unitoii
States entitle this country to assume
among the nations. In view of the im
portance of this question, I earnestly
urge upon Congress early action ex
pressive of its views as to the best
means of acquiring San Domingo. My
suggestion is that by a joint resolution
of the two Houses of Congress, the Ex
ecutive be authorized to appoint ft com
mission to negotiate for ft treaty with
the authorities of San Domingo for the
acquisition of that island, and that an
appropriation be made to aeiray tne
expenses of such commission. The
question may then be determined by
the action of the two Houses of Con
gress upon a resolution of annexation,
as in the case of the acquisition of Tex
as. So convinced am I of the advan
tages to flow from the acquisition of
San Domingo, and of the great disad
vantages, 1 might almost say calami
ties, to flow from its non-acquisition,
that I believe the subject has only to
be investigated to be approved.
It is to be regretted that our repre
sentations in regard to the injurious
effects, especially upon the revenues of
the United States, ot the policy ot the
Mexican government in exempting
from import duties ft large tract of land
on our borders, have not only been
fruitless, but that it is even proposed
in that country to extend the limits
within which the privilege adverted to
has hitherto been enjoyed, lhe expe
diency of taking into your serious con
sideration the proper means of coun-
tervaniiig tne policy reicrrea 10, win,
it is presumed engage your earliest at
tention. It is the obvious interest, es
pecially of the neighboring nation?, to
provide against injury to those who
may have committed high crimes with
in their borders, and who may have
sought refuge abroad. For this pur
pose extradition treaties have been
concluded with several of the Central
American Republics, and others are in
1 he sense of Congress is desired as
early as may be convenient upon the
proceedingsof the commission on claims
against Venezuela and commented on
in the messages of March 4, 1869,
March 1st, 1870. and March 31, 1870
It has not been deemed advisable to
distribute any of the money which has
been received from that Government
until Congress shall have acted upou
the subject
The massacre of French and Russian
residents at Tieu Tsin, under circum
stances ot great barbarity, were sup
posed by some to have been liremedita
ted, and to indicate ft purpose among
the populace to exterminate foreigners
in the Chinese Empire. The evidence
fails to establish such a suppos.tiou,
but shews a complicity by the local
authorities and the mob. iheOovern
ment at Pekin, however, seems to have
been disposed to fulfil its treaty obli
gations, so far as it was able to do so.
Unfortiiuatcly the news of the war be-
t tween the German States and France
reached Uhina soon atter the massacre.
It would appear that the popular miud
became possessed with the idea that
this contest extending to Chinese wa
ters, would neutralize the Christian
influence and power, and that the time
was coming when the superstitious
mass might expel all foreigners and re
store maudariu influence. Anticipat
ing trouble from this cause, I invited
France and North Germany to make
an authorized suspension of hostilities
in the east, where they were tempora
rily suspended by act of the command
ers, to act together for the future pro
tection in China of the lives and prop
erty of Americans and Europeans.
Since the adjournment, of Congress
the ratification of the treaty with Great
Britain tor abolishing the mixed courts
for the suppression ot the Blave trade
have been exchanged. It is believed
that the slave trade is now confined to
the eastern coasts of Africa, whence
the slaves are taken to Arabian mar
kets. The ratification of the naturali
zation Convention between Great Brit
ain aud the United States have also
been exchanged during the recess, and
thus a long standing dispute between
the two governments has been settled
in accordance with the principles al
ways contended for by the United
In April last, while engaged in lo
cating a military reservation near
Pembina, a corps of engineers discov
ered that the commonly received boun
dary line between the United States
and the British possessions at that
place is about fifty-seveu hundred feet
south of the true position of the zenith
parallel, and that the line, wheu run
on what is now supposed to be the true
position of that parallel, would leave
the fort of the Hudson Bay Company
at Pembina within the territory of the
United States. This information being
communicated to the British Govern
ment, I was requested to consent, aud
did couseut that British occupation of
the fort of the Hudson Bay Company
should continue for the present. I
deem it important, however, that this
part of tho boundary line should be
definitely fixed by a joint commission
of the governments, and submit here
with estimates of the expense of such a
commission on the part of the United
Siatw, and recommend that an appro
priation for that purpose be made. The
(and boundary is already fixed and
marked from the summit of the Rocky
Mountains to the Georgian Bay. It
should now be in like manner marked
from the Lake of the Woods to the
summit of the Rocky Mountains.
I regret to say no conclusion has
been reached for the adjustment of the
claims against Great Britain, growing
out of the course adopted by that gov
ernment during the rebellion. The
Cabinet of London, so far as its views
have been expressed, does not appeal
to be willing to concede that Her Maj
esty's Government was guilty of negli
gence, or permitted any act during the
war by which the United btates has
any just cause of complaint. Our firm
aua unaiterame convictions are direct
ly the reverse, and therefore recom
mend to Uongress to authorize the ap
pointment ot a commission to take
proof of the amounts and the owner
ship of their claims on notice to the
representative of Her Majesty at
Washington, and that authority be
tven for the settleraontot these claims
y the United States, so that the Gov
ernment shall have the ownership of
the private claims, as well as the re
sponsible control of all the demands
against Great lintain. It cannot be
necessary to add that whenever tier
Majesty's Government shall entertaiu
a desire for ft full and friendly adjust
ment of these claims, the United btates
will enter upon their consideration
with an earnest desire for ft conclusion
consistent with the honor and dignity
of both nations.
The course pursued by the Canadian
authorities towards the fishermen of
the United States during the past sea
son, has not been marked by a friendly
feeling. By the first article of the
convention of 1818, between Great
Britain and the United States, it was
agreed that the inhabitants of the
United States should have forever, in
common with British subjects the right
of taking fish in certain waters therein
de.ined. In the waters not included in
the limits of the convention within
three miles of ports of the British coast
it lias been the custom for many years
to give to intruding fishermen of tho
Uuited States a reasonable warning of
their violation of the technical rights
of Great Britain. The Imperial Gov
ernment is understood to have delega
ted the wh de or a share of its jurisdic
tion or control of theie inshore fishery
grounds to the colonial authority known
as the Dominion of Canada, and this
semi-independent but irresponsible
agent has exercised its delegated power
in an unfriendly way. Vessels have
been seized without uotice or warning,
in violation of the custom generally
prevailing, and have been taken iuto
colonial ports, thrir voyages broken
up and the vessels condemned. There
is reasou to believe that this unfriendly
ana vexatious treatment was designed
to bear harshly upon the hardy fiblier
men of the United States, with a view
to political effect upon this govern
ment. The statutes of the Dominion
of Canada assume a still broader and
more untenable jurisdiction over tne
vessels of the United States. They
authorize officers or persons to bring
vessels hovering within three marine
miles of any of the coasts, bays, creeks
or harbors of Canada into port, to
search the cargo, to examine the Mas
ter on oath touching the cavgo and
voyage, and to inflict upou bim a heavy
pecuniary penalty if true answers are
not given ; and it such a vessel is found
preparing to fish withiu three mariue
miles of any such coast, bays, creeks or
harbors without a license, or after the
expiration of the period named iu the
last license granted to it, they provide
that the vessel with her tackle, &c,
Ac, shall be forfeited. It is not known
that any condemnations have been
made uuder this statute, should the
authorities of Canada attempt to cu
force it, it will become my duty to take
such steps as may be necessary to pre
fect the rights of the citizens of the
United States. It has been claimed
by Her Majesty's ctticcrs that fishing
vessels of the Uuited States have no
right to enter the opeu ports of the
British possessions in North Atner
ica, except for the purposes of
shelter aud repairing damages, or
of purchasing wood and obtaining
water; that they have no right
to enter at the British Custom Houae,
or to trade, except the purchase of
wood and water, and that they must
depart within twenty four hours after
uotice to leave. It is not known that
auy seizure of a fishing vessel carrying
the nagot the Uuited Mates has beeu
made under this claim. So tar as tiie
claim is founded on any alleged con
struction of the convention of 1818, it
cannot be acquiesced iu bv the Uuited
States. It is hoped that it will not be
insisted upou by iler Majesty s Govern
nieut. Duriug the conferences which
preceded the negotiation of the con
vention of 1818, the British Coinmis
! sioners proposed to expressly exclude
V-1. "!!J '.J-..IJ
Hates of Advertising. ,
One Square (1 Inch,) one lrtsfrtlim....t"W
One Square " one month 8 00-
One N'iiare " three month. 00
One rlqnara one year.... ....10 00
Two Square, one year ...IS 00
Quarter Col. ' 80 Ot
Half " " WOO
One M -100 00
- Bualnem Card,. not exceeding one lnoh
In length, $10 per year.
Ixgl notices at established rates.
These rates are low, and no deviation
vill be tnade, or discrimination amona;
patrons. The rates offered are such, a
will make it to the advantage of men dol. X
business In the limits of the circulation of
the paper to advertise llberallr.
the fishermen of the United States
from the privilege of carrying on trade
with any of Her Bnttai.nic Majesty a
subjects residing within the limits as
signed for their use, and also that it
should not be lawful for the vessels of
the United States engaged in such fish
ing to have on board any goods, warts
or merchandise whatever except such
as mav be necessary for the prosecution
of their voyages to and from said fish
ing grounds ; and any vessel oi the
United States which shall contravene
this regulation may be seized .condemn'
ed and confiscated with their cargoes.
This proposition, which is identical
with the construction now put upon the
language of the convention, was em
phatically rejected by the American
commissioners, and thereupon - was
abandoned by the British plenipoten
tiaries, and article one as it stands in
the Convention was substituted. If,
however, it be said that this claim is
founded on provincial or colonial stat
utes, and not Upon the Convention, this
government cannot but regard them
as unfriendly and in contravention of
the spirit of the treaty, for the faith
ful execution of which tho Imperial
Government is alone responsible. An
ticipating that an attempt may possi
bly be made by the Canadian authori
ties in the coming season to repent
their unneighborly act toward our fish
ermen, I recommend you tj confer up
on the Executive the power to suspend
by proclamation tho operation of the
laws authorizing the transit of goods,
wares and merchandise in bond across
the territory of the United States to
Canada ; and further, should such an
extreme measure become necessary, to
suspend, the operations of any laws
whereby the vessels of the Dominion
of Canada are permitted to enter wa
ters of tho United States.
RENCE. , . .
A like unfriendly disposition has
been manifested on the part of Canada
in the maintenance of a claim of the
right to exclude the citizens . of the
United States from the navigation of
the St. Lawrence. The river consti
tutes a natural highway to the ocean.
With an aggregate population of about
17,000,000, inhabitants, and with an
aggregate tonnage of 661,367 tons up
on the waters which discharge into it,
the foreign commcrco of our port on
these waters is open to British compe
tition, and the major part of it done
in British bottoms. If the American
seamen be excluded from this natural
avenue to the ocean the monopoly of
the direct commerce of the lake ports
with the Atlantic would be in foreigu
hands, their vessels on trans-Atlantic
yoyages having an access tu our lake
ports, which would be denied to Amer
ican vessels on similar voyages. To
state such a proposition is to refute its
justice. During the administration of
Mr. John Quincy Adams, Mr. Clay
unquestionably, demonstrates the nat
ural right of the citizens of the United
States to the navigation of this river
claiming that tho act of the Congress
of Vienna, in opening the Rhine and
other rivers to all nations, showed the
judgement of European jurists and
statesmen to be that the inhabitants ot
a country through' which a navigable
river passes have a natural right to en
joy the navigation of that river to and
into the sea, even tnougn passing
the territory of auother power. Thin
right does not exclude the coequal
right of the sovereign possessing the
territory through which the river
debouches into the sea to make suck
ragulatious relative to the policy of
the navigation as may be reason
ably necessary ; but those reg
ulations should be framed in a
liberal spirit of comity, and should
not impose needless burdens upon the
commerce which has the right of tran
sit. It has been found in practice more
advantageous to arrange these regula
tions by. mutual agreement. The
United States are ready to make any
reasonable arrangement as to the po
lice of the St. Lawrence, which
may be suggested by Great Brit
ain. If the claim by Mr. Clay
was just when the population of the
States bordering on the shores of tho
lakes was only 3,400,000, it now de
rives greater force and equity from the
increased population, wealth, produc
tion, and tonnage of the States on the
Canadian frontier. Since Mr. Clay
advanced his. argument iu behalf of
our right, the principle for which 1 e
contended has been frequently and by
various nations recognized by law or
by treaty, has been extended to several
other great rivers. By the treaty con
cluded at Mayeuce in 1831, theRhiue
was declared free from the point where
it is first navigable into the era. By
the convention between Spaiu aud
Portugal, concluded in 1835, the nav le
gation of the Douro throughout its
whole extent was made free for thsub-
jects of both crow us. Iu thq
Argeuliue Coitf'cderaliou, by treaty,,
threw opeu the free navigation of the
Parana aud Uruguay to the merchant,
vessels of all nntiuim. Iu 1856 the
Crimean war was closed by a treaty
which provided for tlse free navigaliou
of tin Paiiube. In 1858 Bolfvia, by
treaty,, declaared that it regarded the.
rivvi Jkiuazou aud La Plata, iu ac-
cordtiHce with fixed principles of Na
tional law, as highwava or cbauueJa