rrr: TUESDAY MORNfNG, DEC e. BOROUGH OFFICERS. jtargrMl), H. Knox. . (tmncHmrn Jacob Shrlvor, Jacob Wcnk t. W. Clark, Goo. VV. Sawyer,.'. R.Stroup. JuMicr of the' Yrcre Vv. P. Mercilllolt, tvntat)lA J. N.Toltsworth. Nrhonl lHrrctmnJ. Winans, W. F. Tlun tr, D. U. Knox, J. A. Proper, Jacob bhriver. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. - President Jutlffif Jamks CAMrBF.t.r Amoeiate Judyet W. It. Coon, J. A. Proper. Sheriff T.. L. DAVIS. ' llhitrict Attorney W. W. Masoii. Treasurer J. I. Stool N. Prothonotary, Register t Recorder, fc J. R. AoNKW. Onnmistinnem A. B. KooT, Bekj. EL LIOTT, N. P. WMKRI.Itn. f Vnn(.v Mupcrtntendent--H. F. KonRER, fury Cbtitoner Jaw. Uilfilliam, A. Cook. funtt .Viirreyor S.D. Irwin. ( kroner Jomi a It Wi n A N h? Cbtmf.y A uditors II. II. SrowK, L. I 1?ACKKTT, KM UoLKMAN. Member of Oongrta Mh ZHAtriclQ.W. tk-oKici.n. Mate .SVnare W. A. Wallace. . - AtttwVly John O. Hall. O. C X. I R." TIME TABLE, 001 NO NOUTir. Arrive Depart. Mall 1.20 p.m. l.!2.r p. m. Express... 0.37p, m. 0.40 p. ni. UOINU SOl'TH. Arrlvo. Depart. F.XDP0SS... Mull ..10.U4n.ni. 10.07 a.m. .. a. 10 p, in. 3.20 p. ni. ii. 10.07 ft. m LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Notice Special. tlila paper lias censed, and ho has no authority to collect any monies due tho institution. Advertisers nnd all others iudobted, will make a nolo of ' this fact. -The Herald and Courier, of Titus villa have ono nnother by tho enrs. The Herald ha the longed hold. Travel hns become immense on the O. C. & A. R. Ry. Every train seems crowded with oil seekers. W. II. Stcffcc hits disposed of his stock iu tho Acomb building to Mr. Lloyd, who will continue the business. Prosby torian services will bo held in the 'hureh in Tioncsta, on Sunday, Dec. 18. We notice by our exchanges that horse thieves are unusually active all over tho country, and many valuable horses aro reported to havo been stolen. There will bo an adjourned Treas. urer'g Sale of lands nt the Court .House, on Thursday, Doc. 8th, at 10 o'clock A. m. All lands remaining unsold will be purchased by the Coun ty immediately after said sale. We wish to call attention to the card of N. B. Smiley, Attorney nt Law, at Fetroleum Centre. He will prac tice iu the several courts of Venango and Forest. Business entrusted to him will bo nttended to promptly. We accredited an article in regard to "A Deer in Town" recently, to tho Elk Advocate. We should have given the Elk Democrat credit ior the article. We make tho correction with apologies for our mistake. We just had a call from Prof. Weber, who assures us that a ilrst- clas home concert is only a matter of time, in Tionesta. Tho first meeting of the "Weber Leidertafel" will take place this evening, at J. B. Agnew's. The Courts deciilo r.hnl nil rail. road tickets are good until used, tho condition "good for this day only" be ing ot no value according to Judicial decisions. Conductors will please take notice of this. Mrs. Ema Himes, of West Tike lanu, Chester county, accomplished the feat cf swallowing a solid silver tea spoon, some time since, nnd received a u badly lacerated throat. She was slightly deranged at the time, and the spoon was used to give her medicine. Franklin hasn't had a big fire since last summer, and in consequence her fire department is pronounced by the Citizen as "about played out, the engine out of service for repairs, and nothing to be depended upon but buck ets." The information must be cheer ing to property owucrs there. A man named Sparts bus been ar rested at Purker's Lauding, charged with setting fire to his own house in order to secure the insurance money , upon it, ami Iroui w hich the recent dis. nstrous fire at that place had its origin, He was bound over in the sum of $5, 000 to antwer, and failing to secure bail was committed to jail at Kittan iiing. During the past week we have purchased a first-class Job Press, and u large amount of Jobbing materials, " and expect to receive all this week. Wo will also have on hand an exten sive assortment of Stationery, such as Letter-Heads, Note-Heads, Bill-Heads, Cap Paper, Cards of all sizes and grades, Envelopes, tie, iu short, we expect to be able to do any job that we are called upon to do after this '".eck. Our readors will excuse our lack of local this week, as we have been away from home ever since the day before our last issuo. -'Trains on the Jamestown A Franklin railroad now arrive and de part' from the Union Depot at Oil City.' Capt. Knox is building a ware house, for furniture, agricultural im plements &c, on his lot immediately back of his store. The work is pro gressing rapidly, and by tho time our materials come in, Cap. will be ready to vacate his rooms up stairs, and we shall take possession. We will then have an office to be proud of, and we have no doubt that we will puton a few extra airs over it. . Fetal Accident. A young man in the employ of the A. & O. W. R'y, by the name of John Mack, fell Yrom a train of cars, at Levitteburg, and was run over by the caboose and killed, lie was formerly from Brooklyn, N. Y., but had been living in this place for some time, and was brought here to be buried. Crawford Journal. U. A T. R. R. Tho grading on the now road is very nearly completed, and the track is laid from Union to Ricc ville. Last night the construction train reached Riceville. The track laying will bo pushed forward as rapiuly as possi ble, and it is believed the whistle of the locomctivo will add to tho general jubilation of "Merry Christmas" in Titusville. Herald. Accidentally Killed. Ir. Wm. B. Hess, of Erie, in attempting to get on the cars, thile in motion, at Shar on, on Saturday slipped and fell on tho track, the cars passing over both of his legs, severing them at the knees. He died on Sunday. Deceased was about forty years of oge and leaves a wifo and ono child. Greenville Argus. TniEP Akrf.otf.d. A man named Samuel Paul, came to the residence of John Mendcnhall, iu Beaver township, about three weeks ago, begging, and stayed to work awhile. Last Sunday night, he took a notion to take a trip to Canada, or some other seaport, and thinking a little filthy lucre would be an advantage, went to Mr. Menden hall's private desk or drawer, nnd drew out $300, a watch and a pistol. Ho was pursued the next morning by Reu ben Kline, Constabloof Ashland town ship, nnd others, who arrested him nearMimm'8 hotel, after a desperate resistance, in which all parties display ed their muscular powers. The stolen properly all but 800 was found on his person, and he confessed his guilt freely. He wns lodged in the Clarion jail on Monday evening, nnd stands a fair chance for a trip to Allegheny, after court, noxt week. Clarion Dem ocrat. John M. Sackett, alias Amy, alias Rogers, and M. O. Sackett, alias Wright, alias Amy, arrested for rob bing Wilhelm's clothingstore.attempt ed to escape from the Sheriff while being taken from the jail to the court room. Just as the prisoners got out side the door of the jail they started on the run, taking two different direc tions, Sheriff Herpst following one end catching him near the A. & G. W. depot, and Deputy Herpst catching the other near the J. fc F. depot. The prisoners were then, taken to court, pleaded guilty to the charge of rob bing Wilhelm'n store, and were re manded to jail to await sentence and trial for a chnrge of larceny commit ted at the City Hotel. Venango Spec tator. For Sale. 150 acres of land No. 3142, in Kiugsley township, Forest county. Any person wishing to pur chase, will pleaso address the under signed, stipulating the price they will give. James Bleakley, Franklin, Pa. For Sale. At this office, a schol arship in the Iron City Commercial College. Must be used by an individ ual living in Forest County. Will be sold at a discount. 32-tf. Dentistry. A. J. Stiles, Dentist, Tidioute, Pa., has the reputation of being ono of the most expert Dentists in this section. He uses all the mod ern appliances for extracting teeth without pain, such as Chloroform, Ether Nitrous Gas, or the new method of Freezing the Oums with Spray. The most delicate and difficult operations of fJlling the teeth with gold skillfully performed. He also uses a new-preparation, "Os Artificiel," which sup plies the bone lost by decay, and is applied without pain. A long expe rience in the business, and the' large patrouage given Mr. Stiles, is suffic ient evidence that hisawork gives sat isfaction. Office over Acomb's Drug Store, TiJivulc. 17 J v. ' For Sale. The house and lands known as the "Christie Property," lo cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa., are for sale. Terms cash or approved security. Apply to John A. Dale, President Tionesta Savings Bank, Tioncsta, To. A splendid variety of Furniture at Aherns new Warcrootns, Empire Hotel Building, Tidioute, Pa. 4-tl . M. E. Sabbath School every Sab bath at 9 o'clock in the morning. - All are invited. S. S. Burton, Pastor. Hall's Vegetable Sicillian Hair Reuewcr will positively restore gray hair to its original color. Give it a trial. You can' buy your Furniture, cheap er and better at AhrensV new Furni ture Warerooms, Tidioute, Pa., than any where else in this section. Try it. Those people whose hair is turning gray should use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rcnewer to restore it to its natural color and vigor. Furniture bought of me will be de livered, freight paid, to any station de sired on the O. C. & A. R. Ii., Geo. II. Aureus, Jr., 4 tf Tidioute, Pa ' Pianos at Great Bargains. J. C. Hull, of Mendville, Pa., is offering to sell tho Stcinway, Chickering, Bradbury and some other makes, at greatly reduced prices. Also Organs and Melodcons. 21 tf Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest county, who are in want of any thing in tho Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4 tf. Aonew & Biggins have just receiv ed a large stock of boots and shoes, ot every description, which they are sell ing at prices that defy competition. They have also on hand a fres'i sup ply of coffee, teas, sugars, tobacco, cigars, rice, dried fruit?, canned fruits, spices, mess pork, ham, fish, flour, crackers, beans, peas, soap, candles, nails, cpucensware, glassware, notions, &c, &c, which they are selling ns low as the lowest, here or elsewhere, nnd are determined not to be under sold. FREE TO EVERYBODY. It costs nothing to try "SLEEP ER'S COMPOUND ARNICA LINI MENT.". If it does not benefit you the agent will refund your money. It is the wonder of the nineteenth centu ry, and when used for rheumatism, neuralgia, lameness, and pain in any part of the body, its magical effects astonishes everybody. Pain cannot exist where it is used. Ask for it, and take nothing else. Sold by all drug gists. Price 50 cents and (1 per bot tle. D. S. KNOX, A CO., agent. E. B. SLEEPER, Proprietor, Wnterford, Erie Co., Pa. Wiiolesale Agents. Hall and Warfel, Erie, Pa. Calender . & Co.. Meadville, Pa. Spencer & Bullymorc, 155 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. N. B. Smiley, ATTORNEY aT LAW, Petroleum Cen tre, Pa. AVill prat'lico in the several Courts of Forest County. S5-ly REGISTER'S NOTICE. Public Notice Is hereby irlven thnt Ma t'lda Hiibb, Administratrix of the estuto of Ditiuni Kolib, doc d, haM tiled in tho Regis ter's Otlice in and for the County of Forest her tinnl account hm Adininmtratrix of the estate of tho said Daniel Robb, doe'd, and thnt the Hume will be presented to the Or phan's Court of said county for continua tion and allowance on the fourth Monday of December next, at the Court Houae ill tho borough of Tionesta, in the county aforesaid. J. B. AGNKW, Nov. 1, 1870, 31-4t KogiMlor. SHERIFF'S SALES. . IT Y VIRTUE of sundry writs of Vendl. U tioui Kx punas. Alias Fieri Facias, and Fieri Facian, issued out of the Court of Common I'lens or 1-orest County, and a Testatum Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Venango Coun ty, and to me directed, there will be ex nosed to Rale bv nublin vendue or inrv at the Court iiouse, in the Borough of Tioncsta on MONDAY, DEC, 26th, 1870, at 2 o'clock p. in., the following described reul estate, lo-wit: J. 8. Hood, vs. U. A. Burt, alias Fi. Fa. No. ID Deo. Term 1871 J. . Hood vs. H. A. Hurt and J. . Dale alias Fi. Fa, No, 18 Doc. Term, 1870, and Gilbert McKinlcy vs. H. A. Hurt, Test. Fi. Fa. No. 25 Juii. Term 1871 MuCulmot A Usnter All the dofondan'a' right, title, interest and claim of, in and to a certain traet of laud situate in Harmony township. Forest coiinty.ra., bounded on the north by the county line and Fagundus, on the east by John Lamb, on th3 west by Dunlap. and on the south by J. Fleming. Continuing 402 aeres more or less, about 60 acres of which are im proved, with one large frame house and tiiree tenant houses, one saw mill, two large barns, oil derricks, engine houses, ttc, thereon erected, and an orchard thcre oii growing. AUsO All that certain piece or parrel of land situate in the Borough of Tioncsta, Forest county, Fa., bounded on the north by land of (i. U. Hickles. on the west by the Allegheny river, on the south by lanil of J. B, A unow, and on tho east by land of James Dawson dee'd. Containing one fyuilU vC ail ac it, more or. lor"., vitU one frame dwelling house about 21 by !UI foot, two storloa hiph, and outbuildings thoreon erected. Aum All that certain plena or parrel of land situate in Klngiiley township Forest county, Fa., txninded on the cast by lands of Wheeler A Duscnnnrv, and on tho north by lands of Wheeler A Dusonbury, and on the south by lands of H'hoeler it uson btiry,and on the west by lands of Wheclor A 7uscnbury. Containing 105 acres, more or less, being parts ot. Warrants Nos. 61U4 and fil!7. Taken in execution nnd to lie sold as tho property of H. A. Hurt nt tho nulls of J. B, Hood and Clilbert McKinlcy. AUSO E. F". Jones, vs. M. T. Babbitt, and K. MeHill Yen. Ex. No. 4 Itec. Term, 1870 IjHthy All the defendants' right, title, In terest and claim of, In and to, a rertnin piece or parcel of landwlttinto in Harmony township, Forest county, l'a., beginning nt a white Oak vn the bank of the Alleghe ny river a short distance above the mouth of Jones run, thence west by lands war ranted in the naino of Samuel Talbot to the centre of Jones run valley, thence up tho valley of snld run to the "north lino of tho lot, then-o east by Innds of 7enry Bazar to a post on the bank of the Allegheny riv er, thence down said river to tho place of beginning. Containing one hundred acres more or less, being the enstcrn part of n lot of ground surveyed on a warrant grant ed to William Bazar 7eccmler 25 1713 and patented to Alexai dor McCalmont. Taken in execution nnd to te sold as the property of M. T. Babi.ut anil K. McOill, at the suit of K. F. Jones. Ali ) A. Tf. Steelo, Cashier iu trust for the Tio nesta Savings Bnnk vs. Bennett ilobbs nnd J. A. Mlo, Fi. Fa. No. : IMx'. Term, 1870 Mercillott All tho defendants' right, title, Interest and claim of, In and ton cer tain piece or parcel of land situate in Jenkg township, Forest county Pa., described as follows, to-wit: Fart of tract warrant No. 5141, subdivision No. 5. Containing ono hundred nnd twenty-seven acres of land, more or less. Also All the defendants' rittht, title, Interest ami claim of, in and to a certain pieco or parcel of land situato in Howe township, F orest county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit : Partof tract warrant No. 2!H'S, subdivision No. 4:1, bounded on the north by warrant No. 2812, on tho enst by subdivision .No. 41, on the south by subdivision No. 48, and on tho west by subdivision 42 subdivision num bers being part of tract No. 2iXi5 heretofore mentioned. Containing ono hundred acres, more or less. Taken in execution and to bo sold as tl.e property of Bennett Jobbs. nt the suit of A. II. Steele, Cashier iu trnst for the Tionesta Saviugs Bank. AUSQ James Painter vs. K. I. Blood Ft. Fa. No. 24, Dec. Term, 1870 Tnte All defend ant's right, title, interest and claim, of, in and to a certain pieco or parcel of land sit uate in Jenks township, Forest county, Pa., dcscrilicd as follows, to-wit: On the east by londs of tho Blood heirs, south by land of J. J. Parsons, west by lands of It. Dodge, north by lands of Blood heirs, be ing east part of' Warrnnt No. 810'., known as the McClatchoy lt. Tnken in execu tion and to bo sold as the property of K. L. B.ood, nt tho suit of James Painter. Terms Cash. E. L. DAVIS, Sheriff. SherllT's Office, Tionesta, Pa., Dee. 3, '70. 35-3t. SEASON OF 1870-71. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. Important Improvements. Patent June 21st nnd August 23d, 1S70. REDUCTION OF PRICES. The Mason A Tlamlin Organ Co., have tho pleasure of announcing important Im provement in their Cabinet Organs, for which Patents were granted them in Juno nnd August last. These aro not merely meretricious attachments, but enhance tli'o substantial excellence of tho instruments. They aro also enabled bv increased facil ities n Inrgo new manufactory, they hope iierrnner io supply aji orners promptly. Tue Cabinet Organs made bv this Com pany aro of such universal reputation, not oniy inrougnoui America, out also in r.u rope, thnt few will need assurance of their superiority. They now offer Four Octave Cabinet Or gans, in quite plain cases.hut equal accord ing to their capacity to anything they make ior cv raen. The same, Donb'e Reed, ffJ5. Fivo Oc tave Double Reed Organs. Fivo Stuns. with Knee swell and Tremulant, In elegant case wiiu several oi ine mason ana llamlin improvements, $1:S. Tho siuno Extra with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell otc, $150. Fivo Octaves, throo sets Reeds. seven stops with Euphone; a splendid iu- Hiruiueius, A new illustrated catalomio with full information, and repuced prices, is now reiull And will )m utut frait i&'itli a t.it 1- monlal circular, presenting a great mass of evidence as 10 mo superiority or these in struments, to any one sending his address to MASOS X HAMLIN OKUAN CO., 151 Tremont Street, Boston, os 6iHJ Broadway, . x o-4( "Unquestionably the Best Sustained Work or the Kind In the World." H ARPERS M ACAZINE ! notices of the press. No more delightful travels aro printed iu me i-ngiisu language man appear per petually in Haiu'kr's Maoazimis Tho aro read with equal interest and satisfac tion by boys of every grade, from eighteen to eightj . Its scientific papers, while suf ticicutly profound to demand the attention of tho learned, aro yet admirublv adapted to the popular understanding, niid design ed as much to dilfuse correct information concerning current scientiiio discovery as it could bo if it was tho organ of tho "Soci ety lor the Dili union of Useful Knowl edge." The great design of Harper's is to give correct information and rational amusement to the great masses of tho peo ple. Thero are few intelligent American families in which Harper's Magazine would not lie an appreciated and highly welcome guest. Thero is no monthly Mugaziuo an intelligent reading family can loss alford to ho without. Many magazines are accum ulated. Harper's is edited. There is not a magazine that is printed which shows more intelligent pains expended on its ar ticles and mechanical execution. Therais not a cheaper magazine published. There is not, ooni'ossedlv, a more popular maga zine in tho world". New England lioine sU ad. It is one of the wonders of Journalism the editorial management of Harper's. The Nation. SUBSCRIPTIONS 1871. TERMS: IlAurjtH'H Maoaximk, one year H 00 An Extra Copy of either tho Magazine, Weekly, and Buzar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers, atf 1 00 each, in one remittance s or Six Copies for $-0 00, without extra copv. Subscriptions to Harer's Magazine, Weekly and Bazar to one address for ono ycar.KlO.OU j or two of Harper's 1'eriodicala to one address for 7 00. Back numbers cuu bo supplied at any time. A complete set of Harper's Magazine, now comprising 41 Volumes, in tieut cloth binding, will be sent bv express, freight at expense of purchaser, for 2por vol 'line, hingio volumes by mail jHstpaid, (O0 Cloth casoa for binding, 68 ccuts, by until, post) mid. The "tage on IIarHr'a Mugaziuo is 24 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscrilier's post olllce. Address It.Uil r,H A UKOTHFRS, New York. A D DRESS To tho Nervoous" AND 3D BBILITATBD . WHOSE suffering have been ..protract ed from hidden muses, and whose rases require prompt treatment to render existence dosirable ; If you are suffering, or have suffered from Involuntary discharges, what effect docs It produce on your goncral health t Do you feel weak, dobilitated, easily tlredf Docs a little extra exertion produce pal pitation of the heart T Docs your liver, or urinary organs, or your k ldneys, frequent ly get out of order? Is your urino some times thick, milky or flocky, or Is it ropy on settling T Or does a thick skum rise to the top T Or is a sediment at the bottom af ter R has stood awhile T Do you have spells of short breathing or dlHpopsin? Are your bowels eonstlpatodf Do you hnve spells of fraintlng, or rushes of blood t the head T Is your memory imparcd 7 Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Doyoufoel dull, listless, moping, tired of cpmpnny, or lifo? Do you wish to be left alone, away from everybody ? Doos any little thing make you start or Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you onjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do you fool ns much confidence in yousclf? Arc your spirits dull and flag, ging, given to fits of melancholy? If so, do not lny it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your bock weak, your knees weak, nnd hnvo but lit tlo appetite, and you ottributo this to dys pepsia or Hver-com plaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal dis eases badly cured, nnd scxuul excesses, are all capable of producimr a weakness of tho generative organs. Tho organs of genera tion, when in perfect health, moke tho man Did you over think that those lold, dofl ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus-iness-mon aro always those whoso genera tive organs aro In perfect health? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot sueocod in businoss ; Hiey don't bo como sad nnd discouraged ; they aronl ways polito and pleasant in tho company of la dies, andtlook you and them right in tho faco none of your downcast looks or any mennnoss about thorn. I do nnt mean those who keep the organs intlntod by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured dis eases, from tho effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought about that state of weakness in thoso organs that has reduced tho geneal system so mnch as to produco almost every other disease Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al most every other form of disonso which humanity is heir to, nnd tho real causo of the trouble scarcely ever suspected and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseuses'of theso organs require the uso of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD S FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU Is the great Diuretic, and is a certain euro 'for diseases of tho Bladder, Kidneys, (1 ravel, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Femule Complaints, (Inner nl Dobity, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Malo or Fo male, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumptiou'or Insanity may ensuo. Our flesh and blood are supiorted from those sources, and the health and happiness, asd that of Postority, depend upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. llelmbold's Extract Buchu, established upward of 10 Acurs, prepared by H. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist, 5U1 Broudway. New York, and 104 Ssulh 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pkick $1.25 ier bottle or (J bottles for $0.30, delivered to any ad dress, bold by all Druggi sts ovory where. NONE 'A UK GENUINE UNLESS DONE TP IN STF.L ENtl RAVED Wrapper, fac-smilo of my Chemical Ware house and signed 11. T. IIKLMUOLD. 2? 1 y Ncfiool Tax Xotlcc. NOTICE Is lirreby given that the School Duplicate of Tioncsta Borough, of tax of 1870, have been placed In my hands for collection. In accordance witli the Act of Assembly, in such coso mndo anil provid ed, I hereby give notice that I will attend at my storo, In Tionesta Borough, Pa.,for the purpose of receiving said tax, for two months from date. It is under Act of 21st A pril, 1801), that all persons who shall ! fore the expiration of two months from the date of this notice, pay their tax shall bo entitled to a deduction of live per cent. D. S. KNOX, Treas'r Tionesta Boro. S. D. Dated Sept. 12, 1870. 24-3t. AGENTS WANTED FOR FREE LOVE. AND ITS Votaries, by Dr. Jno- B. Ellis. Tho most startling book of modern times. The whole subject laid barcand its hideousncss exposed to universal execration. Written in the Interests of Civilization. Christiani ty and Public Morality. Send for circulars and torms. U. S. Publishing Co., N. Y.. Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, 28-:it BOOKS J-Q, .SUIT EVERYC0DY. Great Fortune Teller, SOets. Courtship made I'.a-.y. iiii-ls. Correct Etiquette, 2Vts. Bridal Etiqtictto. 2Vts.- How to win a Swcctheort or Lover, fiOcts. BOO Puzzles, AOiMs. I'.'UO Conniiiidriims, SOcts. Correct letter Writer, Wf ts. A mateur Theatricals, fslcts. Bwik of Mysterious Disclosures, fiOets. Boxing and Wrestling made Easy, 25ets. True Marriage Gulilo nnd Re.k "t Nature. AOcts. Books sent postaue paiii h.v return mail, Address, W. Courtney, 3 As- tor PlaeeN. Y. :W-4t AOEOTS Vtitid for TffelTB Years "zs Wild Indians Plains, THE LIFE Ot GEORGE P. BELDtN. who lorin a love of wild adven'ure nnd a thirst for knowledge of tho Indians tho Customs, Sports, Traditions, Wars, Great Buffalo Hunts, ,fe., Ac, left a homo of plenty in Ohio, joined tho Indians, adopt ed their mode of life, married tho beauti ful Washtella, because a Great Warrior, Hunter and Chief of 100 Lodges, w as ap pointed Lieutenant in the U. S. Regular Army, for meritorious service witli his braves against hostile Indians. A book of the most thrilling interest, a reality well authenticated. Truthstranger than'lietimi Suiierbly illustrated. 70 engravings, with portrait of the author, in full frontier cos tume Price low. Should outsell nny book extant. Send at onco for illustrated circu lar, tabjeof contents, sample pages and terms. A. 11. HUBBARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 28-4t. Salesmen Wanted. Business henorable. oral pay given. S. 80-41 No competition, lib W. KENNEDY, 8 S. 4th St., Thila. AGENTS WANTED FOR "LADIES OF THE WHITE HOUSE." Standard and official biographien of every mistress of tho President's mansion from Washington to Grant. Superbly illustra ted on steel. For circulars and terms ad dress U. 8. Publishing Co., New Yojk. 32-4t Albert (. Burr, Lyman Howard nnd Robert C. Boocli, vs. Samuel T, Neill. J. W. Fleming, and all persons whom it may Concern. In Common Pleas, of Forest County, No. I, Dec. Term, 1870. Bill in Equity to perpetuate testimony. The Plaintiffs iu the aliove bill say. That they aro tho owners in fee of one hundred and titt y acres of Land,ortherealinuts,sitti ato in Harmony Township.in said County, described ax follows : Being part of tho Tract known astheGitchcl Survey, bound ed on tho north by laud of George Dun lap, east by laud now or formerly of J. ComstiH'k, south by land now or formerly owned by J. Johnston and J. D. Neill. and West by tho Alcorn farm, which is part of me same nurvoy. That the said tract of land wns settled nnd improved by ono Ezra Gitchcl, who liccnme too owner thereot ly application thcrofor, and warrant nnd survey duly made and returned to the laud olllce in 1837, and tho settlement due fully com pleted thereon. That the said Gitchcl, on tho 1Mb. day of T 1 1... !.l ..!- jnniiHT, low, oy wriiing uuiy execut ed and delivered, sold and conveyed all his light, titlo and intetest in the land afore said to ono Benonio C. Scott, from whom by sundry conveyances tho title has be come vested in tlio Plaintiffs, and pravs the Court That they may bo at liberty "to examine their witnesses, and make prno oi several manors ana tilings Herein lo fore mentionod, and particularly with rciert-ut-e to tue mailers auegisi in tno zu and 3th pruragruphs of this bill. d. '1 hut tin y may bo nt liberty at, and upon all future occusions' to road an I make use of the said testimony as. they may bo adv'scd. VhereuMu the Court order and ibv ref, That an appearance be entered by said J. W. Fleming and all persons whom t mat concern on or lioloro tho 4th Monday of December, A. D. 1870, and that a copy of this or.ie.- and a.stil'citicnt of thosuiiMaiicc and objects of tiio Bill bo published in tho Forest Republican for three weeks the last of which publication shall bo ut least ten days before tho said fourth Monday of Dec, 1870. BV THE COURT. Attest : J. B. Aqnkw, Pro. CIIAS. II. SHEPAItD, GKNKItAI. DKALHH IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, tti:r.xjVAi:. NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. $1,000 TO $2,000 SALARY WE GUARANTEE TO PAY TO BOOK AGENTS of experience ; or a larger commission than is ollered by any other Publishers. AUciits aro making $10 to $200 per week canvassing for our new Illustrated Immiks. We guarantee Agcuta a salary or a large commission, with a choice of tWL now and popular books and oxelusivo territory. e oil'.T a rare chance to energetic men and women to make money. Secure your agency direct from the publishers. J. E. Bl'Rlt it CO., -0-4tr Hurllbrd, Coi.n. AG EN 'IN WANTED Felt THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Bontaining Fleetwood's "Ijl'e of Christ," and -Lives of the Axstles, Envaugelists and Martyrs," Distdridgcs "Evidences of Christianity;" "History of the Jews," by Josephus j ' ' History of all religious De nominations," with treatise and tables re lating to events connected with Bible His tory, containing many lino engravings. Tho whole forming a complete treasury ot Christian Knowledge, W. FLINT. SI H. !"! entri vt,, rhitn. Vl 41" C. S. KIIMI1 P IBlSHEfS, E0( KSELLEPS, and Stationers, WrtOI.FSALB AND URTAIL DF.ALKR9 IX 'all kinds of School, Mscerianeonr Law,' Medical axd' jVCXJSIO books. Depository of tho Biblo Society, Snndny School, and all Roligious Publishing Ho cjies, NO. 52 CHESTNUT ST., MEADVILL Tin, KO. 101 SLTF.nion ST., CLEVELAND, O. Jun. to. l.t WANTED. Land cash and good Pros., irt! S"i!'!- Thir in fcnusylvnnla for stocks. ' Townsond l't., 1'hlia. 1M-41 CO flaw. 33-41 THY WELLS' CABOLIC TABLETS An unfailing remedy for nil Bronchial D'-f ticultles, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Asthma. Dipthcria, Dryness of the Throat or H ind Pipe and all 'Catarrhal disease. Tho wondcrfnl modern discovery of Car bolic Acid, is destined to become one of tho greatest blessings to mankind in its application to disease of the throat and its great curative qualities in all nUectiona of tho Chest and Lungs. Ir. Wells' Carbolic Tablets), besides tho great remedial ngent Carbolic Acid contains other ingedieuts universally recommended, which choruieally combine producing n Tablet more highly medicin al nnd t etter adapted for diseases of the throat than any preparation ever boforo of fered to tho public. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS, Wells' Carbolic Tablets aro a SURE CURE. Try Them. Sold by Druggists. 33-4t 8 O'CLOCK. 33-41 Local Agents Wanted. ' want a Ixcal Agent In every own and Village in tho Coun--y, to canvass for Subscribers Vitl Jf 'agnlHcont $5.00 Promium uii' I 'eel Engrvlng is sent nratix to very subscriber. From $1.00 J $10.00 can be easily mado in A liberal cash commission is allowed. Send stamp for Specimen and Prize Circular. Address, James R. Elliott, Boston, Moss. 33-4t' CELEBRATED COUGH REMEDY HAS been used dtirlnii tho lost fifteen years by thousands of peoplo for. the speedy euro" of throat nnd lung disease. It has been thoroughly tested the voice of the press and the peoplo havo rendered their verdict bv pronouncing it a S.FI'. SPEEDY, THOROUGH and EFFECTU AL REMEDY the best Moilicino known for curing Lung Complaints. Every per son of every ago atllicted with either of ih lollowiug diseases, should use this plci.--ant remedy without delay, nud ih.'.r voices will soon mingle witli hosts of oth ers in ree nimending its ofllcacy to their ulllicted neighlsirs and friends. Xttso" Ue Hall's Cough licmedy xl cure Cold. S&'Use HalFs Cough ltemtdy it aw Crovp or liattle. Hair Use HaWt Cough Retnedy it c !;v.t Aithma and VhthUie. SSirUiie 1MV Cough Remedy for i i, tarrh. IfcSr Use HalVt Cough Remedy it ttrrr 7 tliena the lung. frirUiie Hall's Cough Remedy for L a. i chili. Syfne Hair Cough Remedy Honrsenens. hi Ute llall't Cough Remedy it tire- thi'un the voice. v-a-(m! Hall Couyn licmedy j Wltihipingcough. It will ureal ly modify the violence of u.s disease, and shorten its tedious course' 01 ' half Irom its ordinary duration. Beware of counterfeits and base Imit , lions, call for Dr. P. Hall's CclebrnW Cough Remedy ami see that his vri;t signature is upon the wrapper and U.r'j tlous. &TIIOXO TESTIMOXY. Wo tho undersigned clti7.ensof-Erie Ci: -and vicinity, have used Dr. 1. Hall's Co. diluted Coiigh Remedy with great suec In curing diseasee of the Throat and 1. 11 and take pleasure iu recommending its 1. to the ulllicted as a speedy and etlec!... remedy, fully worthy of public confide : .lames Thompson Robern Cochran John Mclliom Sr Daniel Bear John A Tracy J Roblson) John W Mc l.aiia W F Rinderuocht John W Hays 1' E Burton John R Coenran ' Alanson Sherwood John R Diiuiars W 11 Cooper John M Wurreu Joseph Dcemer John S Brown Bcnj Grant S L Forstcr Lucius A Hull J W Hull Thus M'Kee Orviee Smith W M Gallagher C Dumura Chits W KcUo 11 ) R.sit, I) I' Ensign Wilson King, D Shirk Daniel Minor, Richard Keen C B Wright J T Cose Matthttw Hamilton Daniel Hover J W Ryan C K Rihlct J MiHiney M Mayor J W Culver J L Inig Win II May J Robinson 2d A M Tailwll Silas II Finch E A llciinelt C G Howell J Sulsburv St .1.11 IN ERI E ON LY BY P. HA LL, Manufacturer and sole proprietor. Ha, New Building, State St. PRICE 7i Cit-. PER BOTTLE. Sold by D. S. KNOX .v CO., Tionesta, Pa., and by agents genera -lv. Xi-Sui AGENTS Wantki$ per month )y the American Knitting Machine c '. Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. gtt-So.. A WATCH FREE for evervtsMly 1. ft:toncrdav sure. Itil-in.u, li..lil . honorable. No Gift enterprise. No!:. W. . t NO 11 AM. 3 Aw bug. Addra-s.R. Monroe keundv, l . biirvh, Pa. f t8-4k
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