HULL'S MUSIC STORE. - ' : r :Y"'- w - o- : .V " vr c . " iy :t : . '-7" r - - - - (Sticopwt to HULL A WHITNEY,) No, 107 Water Mrcrt, EYIEADVILLE, PA. Is tlio place to buy all of the First Class PIANO FORTES, IT GREATLY REDUCEI'IPRICES. Organs & Melodeons ! Having tlic exclusive Agoncy for Craw forp, Venango aixl Mercer Counties for the following celebrated makes of PIANO FORTES: Win. Bradbury, Steinwny A Sons, ('bickering A Sons, C. Kurtzman's W. P. Emerson, Grovcbteen, Fuller A Co AND Whltncyand Slayton's United States ORGANS AND MELODEONS ! Anil having constantly in my store, from Twelve to Eighteen Pianos. Parlies wishing to purchase, will find it greatly to tlieir interest to purchase direct from ino and (ret aguarautco with each in strument lor live years. These Organs and Melodeons are consid ered by good judges to lie the best Heed Instrument liiado. Should other makes be prefcred. I will furnish them as low as can bo bought from any one. IS TOOLS SPREAD1 AND ALL, KINDS or Hinging and Iutruction Rooks. 011TAHS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, FLCTF8, FIKKS AND DIU'MS. BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. FURNISHED TO BAN IIS VERY LOW. A good stock of GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS Alwavs on hand. Dealers furnished at New York prices. ft-iSr-All orders or coin- luunicalions promptly attended to. 4 tf Jr C. HULL. THgeiab'e Sicilian Hair Renewer Hug utood the test of ncven years It ttt' ft lift ilts? riHttiIiilt J-Jijf im ill'j' 1 2.1 m .... in li'i" VP l.lTt rvtiTf T l iT iic(i Hciottiic Aittcovery, eomhhi iitrf man i of the mont powerful and real oral ire frffentn in the VEGET ABLE KINGDOM. It restores CREY f!Ali? TO IT3 ORIGINAL YOUTH t UL CCLCR. It mtiKen the ncnft ivhitc and clean; eiiren dcitdnif tntd Ittnnor, and lit!ls;if out of llio Iiair; ami will intiKt; It (row upon bald heads, except in very tif red persons, as it furnishes the tntii'ltiec principle oh which the hair is nourished and supported, it make t'te hair, moist, soft, and f.'osst, a)t2 is unsurpassed as a II A I II 1)R 7i Stiltt O. It is the t.hwjvst. preparation ever offered to tint public, as one bottle will ae rompllilt more and last longer than three boitlca of any other prcparr.lir.H. It, Is recommended and used hy the First Mtlieal Authority. The Wotidei ul results produced hi our Sicilian tlair licnewer have induced manif to manufacture preparations for the Jlair, under various names; and, in order to induce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they hare resorted fo falsehood, by claintinf they were former part tiers, or had some connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara lion was similar to ours. l)o not be dece.i red by them, l'urchase the orlyinal: it has never yet been enuulled. Our Treatise on the Hair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that each bottle has our private Ilcvenue Stamp over the top of the bottle. All others are imitations, R. P. Hall ii Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H, Solil lj all Drurgitti and Dtalert in Htdicim. J. C. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TI3DIOTJTE, ZP.A.. First Door above Exchan IloUI. AY, DELAPIERRES ELECTRIC SOAP. Warranted bolter awl cheaper than nnv other, lor halo in riiilutlcliihia, Pitts burgh Ac., hy Janney it Andrews, T. Con row Co Jloelheh V Molnn, Barton t Hon Jturnu & Siniieker Jteitr & Hurvr Waterman Young, u (iraxe ThouiMui d- MorriH, J. U, Krauw' W aiiiwright d- Co. KoherU Co Waterman, Son d- Co. 8. J. Jluiimhrv Ioriuon, JJoar A Co. Jf, J. Hotlhcr' Myers A Co. J, s. Morgan K. Kbyd Vo. lloiiifh A Co. T. liarnos, v. J. Kiik, Jiovd t- Co. i tfden tSc Cu. Arbuekles 1 Co. of Pitthlnirh, and nianv cuhora. au-lt. T ANTED AO KNTS evorvuhero to V canvass for John H. C. Abhutt'H fortli coming bmk, 'PruHMa and Uio lraneo rruHHian War." A live sul.jert I'ora wide awake canvasser. Addict li. li. ItCS MCLL, Boston, Mass. 311-11 'MALL'S' xmta MsKch' b:scoycby Dr. WAlElliS LUOItNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds cf Hear t -'Hwr-Y li tti'!r Wo:.i".cr 1..I Cuitivo l.fl.lU. 211 E a TltTT At!!t yoT A m.s FANCY DRINK. Pi; t tladoof rcr Knm, Whisker, Proof ZirU end Rctuno Uannrs doctored. spiced mil Lirccfr to r'casotho taetc, called Tonlc,M" Appctlt crV ' Ecitorcrc," c, that lead tbe tlpr-lcr on to drenkencen acd roln.bnt ara a trn Medicine, mada from tVc Xttlvo Roctaiuid Ilcrbiof Callforala, free f'rTi a; 1 1 Airt!:i'l!o fitmttlnntK They are the (ittlAT JIMXM rt'HIl IkSJt end A LIFE C.1Y:M; 1 liItiri.Kapirrtc Innovator and Invlcorntytcf t;c 3;tcm, carryliij off all polsonona uiattor uud n.tcrLnf; Ua llc od to a hcuHLy condition. opurvoa ccutr.l:o thoao lilt t era according todiroo lion c.'d rcTTicin lor.g unwell. ffcltO :Ubc tlvcnforao InrurcblocRfe.r-roYlded tte Lo:i' rj ret deofroyed by mlocraJ polcon or ether ecaue, nudlho Tiul crjaaa westod beyond the pntr.t ofrrilr. For InHttmr Jtlcry nntl Chronic Rfcenoifi t!m nod Ccwtt lij irrtn nr lndlcestloo. iUm, K-u:k!trt cud If.iertulttent Fevcrn Klprnacn r.t iki Htood Mrrr, Utdnryn, and U la (liter, tcta llinns Lara boen moet snoccca- fnl. tsach I)irnfca aro cmscd by Vltlntrd Clood. which la frcncrally rrocedtr dcranffcmcct of t lie Uicrmiro Oi trnita. DVsvr.rsiA vit inrioestion, noad ncne, rain in tho &ho?ldcn, Congha, Tiflitac of tbo Giot, JDiiiliiPM, 6onr Emctatlont of the BtoxnacTi, Tad tcstu In tho Month, P.tioct Attaclis, ralrltatlon of tho Itcart, iLflamniatlcn cf the Lncgs, ruin In the region of tlio Kidney, and a hundred other painful Bjrr.j tom, trc the oCcrr'cse of TJyspcpsia. Th' y Inyigorato the Stomach and tlmulato the tor pid liver and bowils, which render them of nnqualled ciUcncyln clcanaJng the blood of nil impurities, and fmptrtlny new life end tlyor to tho whole aj-stcm. l'OIl HttlN 1)1 A SES, Eruptlcnn, Tetter, Suit, tlotchcs, foots, Fln.plce. FurtulcB, Colls, Cciv bnnch, lUcn-Worma, Seal d-ii cad, 6ore Kycs.EryMp clft9,!tch, Ccurfl, Dlacolorettons of the Skin, Humors and 1 J. atones of the bkln, of whatOTcr name or nature, &ra literally dng up and carried oat of the syetcin In f Hon timo hy tlic uio of these Biitcrs. One bottle In such enpes wilt convince the most Iccrcdclous of tliclr cr.rntive eficct. Cleanse the VitlMcd Clood whenever yon find Its liv.puiitlct bnrctliis through tlio ctla In rimplcs, r.rap tlcna or Frcs ; cleanse It when yon find it obstructed ar.d '.cepifeh tn tho veins ccanso It when It Is foul, and rt-nr feolisgs wl'l tc'.l yon when. Keep tUe tloo. pure rvr.d the health of the system will follow. 11 , TA I'E and cthor WORMS, Inrhlng tn Uie syctcm cf so many thounands,.ard effectually destroy od and removed. For full directions, raad carefully tho circular around each bottlo, priated in four lan fc-nosva EcglliU,Ourinan, French and 6panath. J. VT ALU Ell, rroprictor. It. U. HcDOK AU A CO Drugylsts and Gen. Agents, Fan Franclseo, Cal and 83 and U Commeroo Street, hew York. jy BOLD BT ALL DUUGQISTS A27D DEALERS, GROVER & BAKER'S SE1VINO IA1J Ii:S T jo following are selected from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the urcfer . " ."Tiko the Grover A Baker M clime, in Die tirnt place, liecauso if I had any other, I should still vant a Grover A liaker i and liavin a Grover A Ilakor it answers the purpose of all the rest. It does a greater variety of work and iseasier to learn than any other," Mrs. J. C. Cro ly (Jcuny Juno) iij nnve i,n(1 gcvcrnj yCar,. pxpe. riencewith a Grover fc liaker Machine, which han iriven me preat satisfaction. I think tho Grover A liaker Machine is more easily managed, and loss liable to pet out of order. I prefer the Grover & Itaker de cidedly." Mrs. Dr. Watw, New York. "I have had one in wv family for some two years; and fjom what I know of its workings, and from the testimony of many of my friends wiio use the same, I can hardly see howanythinjrco.ild be more complete or pivo bettor satisfaction." ulrs. Uen. Grant. j Relieve it to be the best, all things eonsidored,of an v that I have known It is very simplo and easily learned j tho sewinp lrom the ordinary spools is a preat advantage; tho stitch is entirely reliable: it does ornamental work beautifully; it is not liable to pet out of order. Mrs. A. M Spooner, 36 Bond St. Brooklyn. "I am acquainted with tho work of the principal machines, and I prefer tho Grover A Baker to them all, because I con sider tlio stitch more elastic. I have work in the house which was done nine years ago which is still pood." Mrs, Dr. Mo C'ready, No. 43 liast 23d Btroct, N. Y. "More than two-thirds of all the sewing done in my family for the last two years has been done bv Grover A Baker's Machine, and I never had a parmont rip or neod mending, except those rents which frolicsome boys will make in whole cloth. It is, in my opinion, by far the most valu ableof any I have tried." Mrs. Henrv Ward Boechor. ' "The Grover A Baker Sewing Ma chine has rendered in every respect, the most perfect satisfaction. It combines so many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy in price that it is a no cosity in every household." Mrs. Gover nor Geary, llarrisburg, Pa. "I have had tho Grover A Baker Ma chine for ton or twelve yeara in constant use in my house. I have seen and known every kind of family sowing, both per sonal and household, accomplished upon the Grover A Baker Machino, to tho entire satislaction ofull concerned, Ho v. Stephen "I find tho Grover A Baker Stitch will wear as long as the garments do outwear the garment in tact. The stitch will not break on bias scams, whon strutchwL tts others do ; and neither does it draw the work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twenty-fourth street, N. Y. Tho Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company manufacture both tho Elliptic and Lock Stitch Machines, and offer tlio public a choice of the best machines of both kinds, at their establishments in all the largo cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout the country, l'rico liets and sample of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to Grovor A Baker S. M, Co., 127 Wood Street, Pitts burgh, Pa. A .'' ?S antkd per month by 7, . 8"-U Knitting Machine Co., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 2U.3ui 100,000 Agents Wanted for HOW WOMEN CAN MAKE MONEY, and other best books in the market. EcKinney A Martin, im Chestnut (street. Philadelphia. 30-it i. p. v ! i2 it$ WHAT ARE TKEY? fer 1 F m m .11 1 twKs.-? 52 Hi vf U HAVELER S 9 11 Ot.tKK AND ACCIDENT INSl It- I I "ANCB COMPANY, of Unrtfi.r.1. Conn. Cash Assets, fl.MMI.OoO. GranN 1.1 EK nnd ENIHIW MENT Policies of all approved tortus. Ample security, low nt.a dun ,.i....'l A . M DENTS causing deatli or total Usability. Policies written by the vear or mouth. Has paid $700 per day lor Six Years In bonctlu) to policy-holders. 30-4t ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizes cashed and information furnished by UEOUUU UP1IAM, Providence, It. I. 30-41 WANTED Aoexts To sell tho Octa gon Sewing Machine. It is L' sensed. makes the "Elastic lock Siitch" and is warranted for 6 years. Price $15. All other machines with an under-feed sold for 51a or less are infringements. Address Oftngnn Sewing Machino Co., St, Iouis, mo., i nicngo, in., i'litsourgii, i-a., or Bos ton, Mass. 133m i - I"? "'i"0!,l"t,ntirclyncw and O 1 t honorable. Liberal inducements Descriptive .circulars free Address .1 C Hand A Co., Biddoi'ord, Mo 13 3m IOTtTCXES offered to live men. Kare Chance. Send Stamp. Dimond K. Co., Washington, Del. 23-3m. THE highest Cash Trice paid for tho old State Bank Currency i Bank of Craw ford County, Venango Bank, Oil City Bank Petroleum' Bank, or any of the old State Bank issues ; also, for mutilated Scrip of nil issues. A. II. STEELE. Cashier. 48 2 Tioncsta Savings Bank. A WATCH, pair cf Hlankets, Quilt or Shawl, for Ono Dollar, appears almost Impossible, but such may be had, and hun dreds of other useful articles, bv patronir. IngGEO. A. rLl'MMER A CO.'S "ONE DOLLAR SALE.'' Their system of doing business has boon examined by the authorities, and a Decis ion rendered from the Internal Hevenue Depaitment, at Washington, dated Nov. 4th, lsfiS, declaring their business perfect ly fair and legitimate, and entirely differ ent r:im the different gift enterprises. Of course all donot get watches, blankets, Ac., for Ono Dollar, but in every large club, ono of these articles aro sold for Ono Dollar, as an extra inducement, and some member of the club has tho chance of obtaining it. A new featuro introduced by this enter prising lirm, is to pay their agents in eith er ctsli or merchandise, and to prepay the express cnarges. io neuer opportunity can beoll'ered to cither ladies nr gentlemen having leisure time, to form clubs tor this urm. Head their advertisement in another col limn, and send for catalogue. Till: 31.1jII C O.UIi. Will change any colored hair pr braid to a permanent black or brown. It con tains no poison. Any one can use it. One sent bv mail for $1. Address, MAGIC uimu w., springueui, Aiass, a- am TI3DIOTJTE TEA STORE! The place to buy every variety of the VERY BEST TEAS X TU15 , is . at the extensive Tea Store of II. T. CHAFFEY, where you can always find a largo assort ment ol the best Teas at Now York prices, A larg assortment of Groceries and Provisions, unequalod In quality and cheapness byany uiuiT nuiro m v arrcn county, always on hand. The people of Forest county will save money by purchasing their supplies ul nun iiiiuu. Best brands of FA MIL T FL 0 VR, delivered at any depot on the lino of the H, It. (ppn. Store on Main St. near tho Depot PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Water Street, ADJOINING THE II0LME3 HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, ... Proprietor. Pictures taken tn nil Ihn 1.tnc c - - . j L J" i irfl ul the art, 2li-tr READ ! READ The subscribers having re-ronted tho IIOIMi; lilt I xt mils, Would say to thoir old customers, and the com iiumtr generally, that tliev liimn constautiy on baud a largo stock of FAMILY FLOUR pf all grades, Chop Feed, Shorts, Bran, Oats and torn. With our facilities for do- nig ousiness, wo purpose, not to bo under s;lJ by any establishment in this section of the country, and would sav totiie lum bermen and dealers of Eorest county, thut they can bo SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. Immediato attention giveu to nil orders from a distauco, K. JONES A CO. LOTS FOR SALE ! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., Now York City. S'ubbcribo for the Hepi'blk.vm, the best i newspaper in the county. in t A ERIE RAILWAY ! 1,400 Miles under ono management. fltlO Miles without change of Coaches, HIE BROAD GUAGE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE. BKTWEIiJt Tni ATLANTICCITIES AND Tim WEST AND SOUTHWEST ! Till RAILWAT KXTKND9 FROM Cincinnati to New York RAO Miles Clcvoland to New York 625 Miles Dunkirk to w York 4il0 Miles Bufl'alo to New York 423 Miles Hochosterto New York 8s6 Milos And is from 22 to 27 miles the short est route. New and improved coaches aro run from Cincinnati. Dayton, L'rbaua, Marian, Gallon, Mansfield, Ashland, Akron, Cleveland, Warren, Mcadvillc.Dunkirk, Buffalo and Hochester to New York, without change, only one changoto Bos ton. On and after Monday, June 13th, 1870, Trains will leave COKHY at tho following hours, vis : GOING WEST 1 12.3!) A. M. Day Express, dally, Mondays excepted, for Cleveland Cincinnati, and the west and south ; connects at Meadvillo for Franklin and Oil City; nt Clarksville for Sharon, New Castle and Pittsburg ; at Lov ittsburg, Sundays excepted, for Youngs town; Cleveland with Lake Shore H. H. for west and northwest; at Kavena with Cleve land A Pittsburgh for Alliance and Pitts burgh; at Akron for Orrvillo and Millers burg; at V'rbana with Pittsburgh, Cincin nati and St. Louis ltailway for Indianapo lis, and at Cincinnati with the Ohio A Mis sissippi Railway for tho south and south west, a sleeping car is attached to this train at Hornullsvillo, running through to Clovolaud. 12.35 p. m. Night Express, daily for Cleveland, Cincinnati and the west and southwest ; connect at Mcadville.Sundavs excepted, for Franklin and Oil City; at Lcavittsburg.Sunday excepted for Youngs town; at Cleveland with Lake Shore Hail way for the west and northwest, and at Cin cinnati with the Ohio A Mississippi Hail way forthe south and southwest. A sleep ing ear is attached to this train at N. York running through to Cineiimatti. 7.05 A.M. Express Mail, Mondays except ed, for Cleveland and the iVost; connects at Meadvillo, for Franklin and Oil Citv; nt Clarksvillo with ErieA Pittsburgh Ka"il road, tor Sharon, New Castle and Pitts burgh, and at Cleveland with Lake Shoro Railroad for tho West and north-west. A sleeping car is attached to this train at New lork running through to Meadville. 0.33 P. M. Freight and Accommodation, uany, 6 0.37 F. M . Freight and Accoinmadition daily gunclays excepted. 1.50 P. M.WayFrcight.Snndays xeept- ed GOING EAST : 4.17 A. M. New York Day Exnress. dal ly Sundays excepted; connects at Great licna with I'elawaro, J Jickawanna A Wes tern Railway, for Scranton. and at N. York with mmmgiit express train of New Jer scy Railroad for Philadelphia. A sleeping car it attached to tills train at C,lMUyA juuuton. thf,vw, ,1 -CiMwfiT'ar- un.-ui.-u, i uiiuiug inrougn to Now York. 4 1.00 P. M. Lightning Express, eonnoct ing daily at Elmira with Northern Central 41. !.,-.' .".,r " uiiamsport, ilarrisburp, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and at New York for Boston and Now England cities A sleeping coach Is attached to this train ' vuiciimau running tnrougli toN. York 0. 37, P. St. Cincinnati, Express daily, Sundaysexceptcd, cnunoctiugatBingham ton tor Albany and tho celebrated sum mer resort Sharon Springs, and at New i mi mmoii ana an 4ow England cit ies. A sleeping car is attached to this train York running through to New 4.17 b m .1 a .i . nu Accommo dation Sundays exceptod. 5.4") n. m. Trlilif nn.l a -,j.h li 10.9Ji a. 111. "V'jv l.v;.rj, o 1 copied. ' ' Boston nnrf Vw T-..T i .. 1,1 .1 "B'"'i I'anscilgors, w ith their Baggage aro transferred froe of The best ventilated and most luxurious Sleeping coaches .-in tho Worldts?. ac company all night trains on this railway. S. The Erio Railway Company has o !onud a new Forry from their Jersey City Depot to tho foot of 23d Street, thus ena bling Possengors to reach thoupper portion ance ot a stroet car or omnibus transfor. rs- The scenery olong the entire route or the Erie Railway is of tho most pictur 680,110 and liouutiful character. Admirers ot nature's beauties, in a daylight journey over this Lino, will tind in its ever chang ing landscapes subject of continual ad miration and interest. HA. U UK VllKVKED TIIRO VQII, and Faro as Low as by any other route. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA ERIE R'Y. Which can Iia nbfn!1 at all ..t i pnl Tlokvt OUIwm in tho Wrat nr South- el. WJ . ii. IIA7MJ L. D. Rt-CKKn. Ocn'l Pass'r Ag:t. Gon'l Hupt. 0 ANDREWS & CO., Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS a-A.sTi:tsj'os. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALElts IN EC .A. le, ID "W IS, EI , A., A-c, Ac., TIDIOUTE, PA., JOHN ANDUEWS. 6-tf II. FISHER, lOICHIHI.i; !-I sutferred with - Catarrh lliiriv i-uu , -- -- nun cured . 1.1 1 . , - luinciiv, UU11 Will send the rebel pt , postage free, to all attlct ed. i. J. Mui.t, lhawcr 17U, Syracuse, N. 30-it rEAi,Fn in PIANOS ORGANS, iTECCEC AND Mas fl InMramrnls of MI Dcttrrlptloiis, PIANO & ORGAN STOOLS, SPREADS, Ac. Old and second hand Instruments taken In exchango for new ones and full value allowed. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED. editor Street .... Oil City, Ta. Nov. 11, tf. JACOR SIIItlYKit. Having Gttod up a first class PLANING MILL, Are preparod tn furnish to order all kinds of manufactured lumber such as FLOORING, SIDIXO, SUIt FACE DRESSED L VMUER. SASir, DOORS, RLIXDS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF TLA IX A ND FAN CY MOULDINGS. Dealers will find it to thoir advantage to CONSULT OUR PRICES, Before purchasing elsewhere, as our loca tion In the heart ot the lumber region gives us superior advantages tn the purchase ol lumber that will enable us to undersoil those loss favorably situated. Address Mar. 4, tf. JACOB SHRIVER, Tionesta, Pa Why h it that Dr. lloback's Stom ach Jiittcvs increaso in sale every year ? Because Tlicy nre the best combina-' lion ever made. Why Do the Druggists recom mend Dr. lloback's Bitters to their customers? Because After years of experience . and trial they liavo bt;en proven to bo a sure cure for DvfU"M"nsi:i. nrwl TmliWa. Wrhy .Is it that Physicians use and rfceominend Dr. llo back's Sugar-coated Dlood Pills? Because They know tho ingredients of which they aro made. Wliy "Aro Dr. Robaek's Blood Purifier and Blood Pills tho best remedies taken to gether for tho cure of all diseases of tho blood ? Because Tho Blood Purifier is tho only article in tho market whichcontains the celebrated costly Drugs imported ex pressly from Sweden for its manufacture, and tho Pills contain tho active principle of Podophyllum (Mandrake lloot,) and i3 a substitute for Mercury. Why Arc Dr. C. W. Robaek's Stomach Bitters, Blood Pu riiler and Blood Pills tho threo greatest remedies tlio vorld has ever known? Because After eleven years' experi ence and trial tho sales have increased each and every year, and thousands of let ters (unsolicited) of tho re markable cures they havo performed bear witness. Read tho letters in Local Column of cures by those medicines. VENTURE HOTEL. ADJOINING THE DEl'OT, WUITE OAK, Fored Counly, Pa. IIUMMASON, BRO'S, Tropr's. rpiTIS house is new and fitted up In first - . un ni.viii, aim is neaiKiuarters for all persons visiting the great oil field of Hick ory. The bar im fiiriiiwlnwl urlil. i . niui 1 1 113 1, H L or liquors. 'I he proprietors will snare no i.inao ,,, ino most uesiraule stop ping plare is the oil lejpom. 12 J r. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER II P. P. Sunday May 1, 1H70, Truln.arrlve at and loaVo tho Union Depot, corner of Washinton and ijioerty street, as follows) ARRIVE, Mall Train. 1.30 ami" Fast Line. 12.12 a m ; Well's accommodation No. l,H.'20am; jinnion accommodation No 1, T.fiO a in; Wall's accommodation No 2. fi.fiSa m :Cln- clnnatl express (!. in ; Johnstown ac commodation 10.50 am; Ilraddock'a ao commodation No 1, 7.00 p m; Pittsburgh express 1.30 p m; Pacillc express I.N) p in ; ..tun nccoiiiinooaiion jio a, x.jwi p m ; Homewood aceommiKlatlon No 1,0.55 pm; Wall's accommodation No 4, 6.50 p m ; iruuou acoommiKiaiion ISO 4, 1.1U p in Way Passenger 10.!i0 pm. DEPART. Sonthern "express 6.20"a m i raelflo ex- rrcss 2.40 a m ; Wall's scconiniodatlon No , 6.30a in ; Mail Train 8.10 a in ; Brinton s accommodation 13.20 am; Braddock's ac- comnKMlation No 1,5.10 p mj Cincinnati express 12.3i"i n m I Wall's accommiHlation N 2, 11.51 s in ; Johnstown accommodation 4.05pm; Homewood accommodation No i, s.mi p m ; 1'lilladelpliia express 8.50 p m; all accommodation No 3.3.05 d m: Wall's si'conimodation No 4, .a"i p m ; Fast Lino p nil vt au s jon, 11.00 p m. Tho Church Trains leavo Wall's Station every Sunday at,i.05 a. in., reaching Pitts nurgn at io.o.'a. m. Keturninu leave r Kfs burgli at 12.50 p. m., and arrivo at Wail's nun ion atz.iup. ill. - Cincinnati express leaves dally. South ern express daily except Moiulay. Ail otlv or Trains daily, except Sunday. For further Information aplyto W. H'BECKWITH, Agent. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any Risk for Baggage ex oept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponsihillty to One Hundred Dollai s val ue. All baggage exceivling that a ount In Value will Ihi at the risk of tlio nor, A. J. CASS.M General Superintendent, Altooua Pa, BOOKS.tSTATIONERY WALL JP IPEI, DAVIS & E 3 HOLS, (Nearthe Co ,-t House,) FRJANKLIN, PENN'A. Have a general assortment of School Books, Law B.siks, Histories, Bibles and icsiamenis, jiymn IliMiks, Music Books Blank Books. Kiivoloiw. V.... i cap writing papers, Pens, Ink,' Slates and ROOK STA TIOXER Y R USINESS All or u-l.l..l. d,,. (r... . i, ., SALE OR RETAIL, at lowest cash prit-es! DAVIS A ECHOLS, Franklin, Pa. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to tako out Letters i m.-ui nre iki vised io counsel with Mum and Company, editors of the Sclentitl American, who have prosecuted claim before tho Patent Olllco for over Twcnt' l ours I heir American and Euroneaii Patent agency Is the most extensive in the iii-iii i. narges less man any other relink bio agency A pamphlet containing full instructions to inventors Is sent gratis ,.. M UNN A CO., 37 Park How, 13tr New York COAL! COAL! CT.S. EYERHABT TS rreparcil to deliver the l- -v iwo or at TioiuJstaiiidVS'i'i'ty tr ? C"ta IHr 23 CENTS PER BUSHEL Ho always has a large supply on hand, Now is tho lime to lay in a largo supply Orders promptly attended to 29 JMoiioiignhvla Valley INSURANCE AGENCY, ESTABLISHED MAY 1853. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK POLICIES, ISSUED IN FIRSTCLASSCOMPANIES. LOSSES PKOlirUY ADJUSTED A.D PAID. A. C. SAMPSON, Ccn. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil City, Ag't for Venango Co., Pa, Applications roceived and Information III m lulicwl Im a ir li .... &vi ,, orssLs, at Tionesta .,uun.. apltr. TIDIOUTE EMPOHIUMj M. P. GETCHELL, Dealer lit DRY GOODS Xotions, Boots & HUovh, HATS Sc CAPS, Ac, fcc., CORXER MAIN DErOT STS., TIDIOUTE, PA. Has the Largest and most Complote Stock now on hand, of any storo in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. o Havintr rurehosoi mv Ktnr.t the (Treat deelinn in Hrilil T ... o..ll Y ...... A VII DCII poods cheaper- than any Drv Goods 1 f , , : .. ii. r-1 ii . "u" i" me wu jicgions. l ersons purchasing gooda of me will save 25 percent. M. P. GETCHELL Tidioute, April 11, 1870. 4-6m rOB WORK neatly exocutod at thisoflice 1 at reasonable rales. TYR. 3. N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, has XJ returnsd to his prai:tiee after an ab sence of lour months, spent in the Hospi tals of New lork, where h will attoiid calls inhis nrofessioii OJlil'O 111 l.'lll-.lbia 1 t'l n. . Bhovo Iho bank, TidioutIV ' MW 111 Creek & Allegheny River Ry WARREN A FRANKLIN, FARMERS A OIL CHEBK RAILROADS CONSOL IDATED New and Most Dlreot Toute to the Oil Jrtcgioiis. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and After MONDAY MAY 30TH,'70 trains will run as follows i i.kavk conn: fl.OO A. M. EXPRI'XH-Sparlansliitrg 0.2.S; Tryonville t Hydctown 7.11; Tl (usvilKi nrrl-o 7.20 depart 7.27) Miller Farin7,ft0t I'loneer s.u? ; i-eiroieiim evil- re srr. 8.15. lvs. K.17. Columbia s.X'l, 'I'arr Farm 8.25. Rynd Farm , Rousevlllo 8.3M; Oil Citv 8.55 lvs 11.(10. Hock wood Walnut bend OlioM)lis 0.20, connect- ing with train for Plthole ;) Henry's lte:id i .. i. rl.t ... flin. . i!.agin ivih'k, j unit-sin, iih'h- ory White oaks m..ii, arr. i utiouia arrives 10 5t, lv. I0..V1, Thompson's arriving at Irvlngton at ll,.Va. ml II. S.H A. Ai. JM A 1 1 Npariinisnurg ll.l.n. Centreville, 12.7 p. m. Trvnnville Hydctown I J. Kl, in rives at Titusviil 12.10,. lvs. 12.45, Miller Farm l.lil, Pioneer 1.17, arr. Pet. Centre 1,25, lvs 1.27, Orliimhiii 1.33, Tarr Farm !.:(, Hvnd Farm Houseville 1.47, arr. Oil City 2.05, lvs. 2.11, RiH-kwoodj , Walnut llc'nd Olcopo Ils 2.4li(c(innect with train for Pilhole) Henry's Bcnil . Eagle Hock .Tlon- esta3.Hl, Hickory , White Oaks 3,4if, arr. Tldiouto 4.i, lvs, 4.07, Thompson's arrives ai irvnieioii .nu p. in, n.05 I'M ACCOM MOD A'N.Wpartahsbnrff .3rt, fVntrcville 7.IW, Tr'onvlllo at, Mvdelown 7.i, arr Titnsvillo 7.3.) lvs 7.45, Miller Farm 8.05, Pioneer 8.20, arr Bt Pet. Centre 8.2H, lvs 8.:w, Columbia 8.41, 'I'arr' Farm 8.44, Hvnd Farm .HousevilloS.M', I.KAVK.S lUVINKTOIf, 11.45 A. M. MAI!, Thompson's arr. Tldiouto 12.30 lvs 12.38, W hite Oaks I2.53; Hickory, , Tionesta 1.20, Eagle Rock .Henry's Bend Oleopolls 2.05 (eon-4 nocts with tmin for Plthole) Walnut Beml' , Hoekwood , arr Oil City 2..W lvs 2.42, Rousoville 2.58, Rvnd Farm Tarr Farm 3.10 arr nt' Pet. Centre S.20' lvs. 3.2.1, Pinneer 3.30, Miller Farm 3.45,. arr. Titnsvillo 4 04, lvs 4 14 Hydctown' 4.24 p. m., Tryonvlllo Centreville' 4.5H, Spartansburg 5.14, arr at Corry 0.45' p. in. 5.00 P. M. EXPRESS-ThompsonH st arr atTidioiite 5.50,levs 5.52,White--oaks 0.07. Hickory , Tioncsta H.3Tv Eaglo RM-k , llenrv's Bend OIm oHilis7.l3, Walnut llcnd Hockwond' arr Oil City 7.40 Ive 7.47, Rniisevillo R.03, Rynd Farm 'I'arr Farm 8,15, Col umbia 8.18, arr Pet. Centre 8.25 lv 8.1M, Pi oneer 8.35. Miller Farm 8.45, arr. Titnsvillo' 11.10. lvs 0.15, Hydctown Ii.l'3, Trvon villo' .Spartansburg, 10.7, arr nt Corry 10.3 p. m. l.KAVR Oil, CITV. 7.00 A.M. ACCOMMODATION Rouso villo 7.15, Rynd Farm , Tarr Farm 7.25 Columia 7.20, arr Pet. Cent re 7.35 Ive 7.3i, Pioneer 7.45, Miller Farm 8.00, arr. Titns villo 8.18, lvs.8.1'3, Hydctown 8.31, Trvon rillo Centervillo 8.50, Spartausliiirg It. 10, arr, Corry 0.35 a in, All trains connect nt Corry with trains on Phlla. A Erie Railroad mid A. A G. W. East and West for New York, Philadel phia, llarrisburg, Erie A Cleveland, ami with Buffalo, Corry A Pittsburgh Railway for Bultaloand all xiliiton thoN, Y. Cen tral Railway. At Oil City with trains on Allegheny Valley Railroad, and Ftfnklin Branch A. A G. W. At lrvineton with trains on Phila. A E. Railroad east and west. C. J. HEPP.l'RX JNO. riTCAIRN. Sitcriiitcnient. Gen'l Manager. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAIL RGAD I GREAT THROUGH ROUTE FROM iru. nn n t... t ji..i.i. THE EAST AND THE WEST I SLEEriXO CARS On all night trains. Passengers nnd bag c1?Aut'Sr0rra 011 Ci,)'' 1'"K" or Trains mako direct connection with all follows7,,lerinintU'lt'i!y Rml lovo Day Express leave Oil Citv at.... 1030a in All vesat Pittsburgh....: 530pm Night Express Leave Oil City.... P30.m Arrives at Pittsburgh - 00 I i Kittnuiiing Ace. leave Emlenton pm xn.'i " arr. Kittiuining V.oOp m Mixed way Leaves Oil-City...... 7 00 !, i Arr at WestPenn Junction 7 05 pin Day Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 15 a 111 Arrr.veant Oil City at f.... i 55 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh b 00 pm Arrives at Oil Citv f eooi 1 I'arkcr Ace. leaves Kittamiing at 7. m0 u m n , Arrives at Parker at 0. 55 a m Mixed way lvs WestPenn June. '00 a , Arrives at Oil City at 0 0'j p ,, Possengors travelling by this Route will find better accommodations and make bet ter time , than by any other road from the Oil Regions to Pittsburgh. J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen. Supt. ERIE & PITTSBURQH R. r rn 1 and after Monday, Nov. 15, ism yj trains will run on this road as follow: LEAVE EIUE-SOUTmVARD. 11:,55 A. M. AtvoMMonATiox T.oarr UlZZm. a"U ttrr'VCii ttt b Jta 10:25 A. M.. riTTsntinoii kx., stops at all stations, and arrives at A. A G. W. R li Iransler at 1:50 p. in., at Newcastle at Yl5 p. in., and at Pittsburgh at 0:00 p. m. 6:05 A. M., AOOOMMoiiATiON, from Janis town arrives at A. A G. W. R. 11. Tran(e:r at 5:40 a. 111., at Newcastle at 7:05 a 111 xn.l Pittsburgh at 10:00 a. 111. m, Iul 8:00 l. r fl.i,l T-:.. 1 . . - ---i --imiii lunves j!.rie lor SrriteMr?1.1 '"tormedtato points O H V.1V U, Jl 1. LEAVE PITTSIIURail-NORTWARD. . 7:15 A. M., ERIE EXrmcss, leaves New. ' Mff.J?- M- A'0" W' ' ans ler at 11:20 a. m., and arrives at Eiat"-30 P. 111., making closo coiinei-tion for Buiiu lo and Niagara Falls. " 3:35 p. M. Anrnvunniinu 1 castlo at fi:30 p. m , A. A G "v. it li" Transfer at 7:55 n ... ....i t... " u u.'in . ""v uuiiicsiown lit 8.30 a. m., connects with mixod trains that arrives in Erie at 1:55 a. 111. ' ' 6:30 p. 11.. Miini T....I-. 1 r.i Erh, arriving i uUSVt in' and Lno at ti:obu. m. TraiiiH rvtinfrtr ni t..i 1 .... Wheelingand aihd We'ViTgSlm, , , . .....,.,, K jiaiiuuoro and W'mkIi- With dev. land Zn . O" " " " "'""' r... ..1.:..... . . ,7.". ' - limns westward i.-Yt V"4' 1 U'V ""'!-'", and all ,K.its in ioui'111: iMiuroad tur iuH..i.i i... . . . ' Falls and New York Cit v. ' Niagara l' N. FINNEY, General Sup't A r: W'i'u r a v., ..r. y. TIIPliilii,,, .1 i r'f'.1."1'.' y. 11 ""'.V the Jews." by 1..11K. , - jusiorv of a 1 reliu-ioiis lwi Christian ,.1".'.V f sorcntusr:;!.:""- " 1-11,K'