The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 29, 1870, Image 3

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    Tuesday moaning, nov. 29.
. nonoUGH officers.
limijriix D. S. Knox.
''niinrilmrn Jacob Shrlver, Jacob Wonk
J. V. Clin k, Hon. V. Sawyer, J. R.Stroup.
Justice of the I'raeeVi', V. Mercilliolt,
I ntitlle .1. N. Tcitsworth.
AVA' hiieetnr 1. Winiins, W. F. Hun-(i-r,
1. S. Knox, .1. A. Proper, Jacob
k6rest county -officers.
Pi-exiiletit Jiulyc Jamki CAMPnRl.r..
Amr!ite JmitfMYf, It. Coon, J. A.
Nherifl'K. L. Davis.
Iimtrir4 Attorney W. XV. Mason.
"1'renxtirrr J. I. Snioivs.
Wrnthiiiintary, Jtei) inter it Recorder, cC'c.
.1. II. Aonkw. '
nnniKninrr -A. 11. Horn, llENJ. Et.-
". uti Sitieriiitmiilent-r-H. F. RoiinKii. '
Jury 'Xnini.nners Jam.,
A, Cook.
fntmiy SurrcyorH.T). Inwix.
(niier Johiaii Winanh.
f biuii Auditors II. It. Stowe, Ij. I
f,tinlirr tnrrcM 1U(A District Q. W.
' ,yftfc .v. Mor.' W. A. Wallace.
AsxrwtityJoiiti O. II am..
O. C.
I .U." p. III.
0.40 p. in.
10.(17 . m.
3.1:0 p. in.
'ail l.-.'o p,m.
Express.. (I.:i7p. III.
(inixii soi'Tir.
M.iil r.
t,X HCXS 1(1.01 . 111.
. .1.10 p, III
Notice Special.
U. J. McQuillcn's connection with
tli is paper litis ccnPetl, and lu; lias no
a (itlinrity to collect nny monies no "
tin? institution. Advertisers nod r.l
others itiilelitctl, will make a note of
4h fact.
' "i'on Pali:. At this olliec, a scliol
nrhi.p in tlio . Iron - City Commercial
College. Must Ik used hy an individ
t U living in Forest County. Will be
cold nt a discount. 32-tf.
J. X. Teits'.vorth had n, stick run
into his cyo lust V.ojk, and ns a conse
quence has a very dark optic.
l?pv. S R Rnrtnll nrehchnil fi Apr.
linn to a fair congregation on Tliunkd
giving evening, vliicli was well appro
ri itv'd by liU licnrcrs.
A Tidiouto lady has adopted the
cliitd liicd) was left at tho Duncan
Ilottrdiri OU'City a few weeks ago, of
whirl wo made notice.
A dance was held on Thanksgiv
ing evening in Forest Hall. We hear
that there was rather a Email attend
unco, but that it was an enjoyablo af
l.iir. piiTccViio roancctod with the Soldiers'
Orphnns School, of Titusville, was in
town on a visit to her friends. Sho
returned yesterday.
"IJrick" Pomeroy, the noted Democratic-editor
is tii lecture in Meadville
on the Cih of December, beforo tho
Ancient Order of United Workmen of
that place. Subject "Success."
Two men wcro hurried alivo by
the caving in of a Band bank, in which
they were working, yesterday, one
mile from Titusville. We havo not
time for particulars.
1IIB Ull V.llJ nines Ul k.iituiuujr
contains an "aching void" of five col
umns, with a lino iu each one announc
ing that"advertisements are wanted for
this column." Wo hope it may get 'em.
Asocial gathering was held at the
residence of A. II. I'arlridge, on Fri
day evening of last wee!:. All present
t-eemcil to enjoy themselves hugely.
This sort of thing is not as frequent in
Tiuncsta as wo wish it were.
A wagon load of dead dcers pass
ed through town yesterday. They
were outwardly calm, and expressed
no emotion. As hunting deer with
hounds is against the law, wo presume
theso wero shot on the sly.
For Sale. The house and lands
known ns the "Christie Properly," lo
ei.tid at Irvinton, Warren County Pa.,
nr. for sale. Term 3 cafch or approved
security. Apply to
John A. Dal
President' Tionesta Savings liank,
Tionestn, Pa,
We neglected last week to notice,'
r .'".tonally, tho advertisement of P.
Hall's Cough Remedy, which will bo
found in another column. It is for
r-alo by D. S. Knox & Co. ,It is recom
mended by a large number of citizens
of Erie and vicinity, and wo have no
doubt that it is an exeellont ron eJ.
At this time of tho year, nearly every
body is troubled more or less with
coughs, colds, &c, and a sure remedy
ii dciii abb;. Let our readers try it.
Tho Vulletf Ettyle, published at
Middlesex, Mercer County, has hand
ed iu its Checks, owini: to a want of
patronage. It launches a farewell shot
at its "supporters," calls the village
'old stick-in-the-mud," and wants to
write a few obituary notices before
leaving. It should. bo accommodated.
It was a paper well gotten up, and the
citizens of that vicinity are blamei.ble
for letting it die. The material of the
oli'u e is n r.v oliercd for sale.
Conductor O. E. Gleanon lias pur
chased n fine brick residence on Wash
ington street, Corry, of H. M. Johnson,
Ksq., and has taken possession. So'
fays tlio Corry RrpuLlicmi.
" Railroad Mektinu. At a meeting
of tho purchasers of tho Oil City it
Pit Hole Branch Railway, held at the
Mellcnry House on Tuesday, a new
company was organized under tho
narno of tho 'Tit. Hole Valley Rail
way Company," ond the following per
sons were duly elected Directors:
S. I,.M. Parlow, New York j C.
Day, New York ; David Jones, Raven
na, Ohio ; Joseph O. Dale, Tionesta,
Pa. ; Samuel Ilea, Pittsburgh, Pa, ; J.
McQueen Woods, Pittsburgh, Ta. '
Tho Directors elcctod the following
officers :
A. II. Steele, President; C. Day,
Secretary ; J. A. Dale, Treasurer ; Jas.
T. Blair, Superintendent; S. Newton
Pettis, Attorney.
The general offc:s of1 the Company
are at Pit Hole city Pa. .
A couple ofsports from Rouscville
had a naval engagement on the ferry
boat, on Friday evening last. They
had been hunting, and were on the
boat crossing the river to take the sis
o'clock train. It appears that one of
them had borrowed the other's over
coat, and had lost it. When asked
where it was, ho' replied that ho did
not know. Words, such as aro never
n:'cd in first-class society, arose, and at
length the irresponsible borrower shed
his coat and delivered his right bower
square on tho other's jaw. Tho rccip
ent replied by rappiu the other chap
on the cocoa-nut, whereupon he nssum
cd a horizontal position upon the star
board deck. IIo aroso with dignified
bravery, and departed on the train, a
sadder and sorer man. The champion
camo back to look for his overcoat.
Whether he found it or not we are not
in a condition to say. Both had on a
cargo of benzine.
At Waterford, on Friday last,
died Col. JamcsM. M'Kay.aged eighty
two. IIo was born in Northumberland
County, this State, on the 12th day of
October, 1788, and came to Waterford
in 1810, whero ho resided up to the
time of his death. Ho was one of tho
veterans of tho war of 1812, distin
guishing himself in that memoriablo
campaign. Politically, ho was a Dem
ocrat, unt'l the breaking out of the re
bellion, when ho turned about to go
supporter, fl'goA-er'ahieAlt; aflOHrtls
on advocate of carrying on tho war.
Ho was universally respected, and his
remains were followed to tho grave by
a very "largo number of neighbors and
acquaintances. 1 yieo lo Ins ashes.
Erie Diphch,
The deceased was tho father of Jas.
McKay of this place.
A verdict for damages was award
ed to Wm. Stitt against A. & F. Hui
dekopcr, of Meadville, in tho U. S.
Supremo Court nt Pittsburgh, last
Wednesday morning. Tho case had
been on trial since the 15th inst. The
case, as wo get it, is as follows : Stitt
had tho refusal of ceitain oil land of
Iluidekopcrs, for a certain number of
days. Time ran out; Huidekopers
leased land to other parties. Stitt af
terward leased it to operators ; found
it had been leased by Huidekopers, and
tued for damages. Upon the opening
of the Court, on Wednesday morning,
the jury returned a verdict in favor of
the defendant for the sum of nine thou
sand dollars. Tho last time tho case
was tried, the jury awarded tho plain
tiff eighteen thousand dollars. A mo
tion for a new trial and reasons were
filed by plaintiff's counsel.
We learn from the Titusville Her
aut, -that a well on tho Hill tract,
owned hy T. C. Joy and others, of En-terpi.-o,
which had lie u pumping
about six barrels per day for ten days
previous, was torpedoed on Wednesday
since which timo wo are reliably in
formed, it produced at tho rate of 150
barrels per day. This well U about
three miles from Enterprise, on the
lino of the proposed Titusville aud
Tidiouto Railroad, and opens up a new
and valuable territory.
The LittU Corporal Magazine for
December closes the eleventh volume
of that brilliant juvenilo. The maga
ziu has now been published five years
and a half, aud has attained an un
precedented popularity aud cireula
tion. It is now enlarged, improved,
and beautifully illustrated. The No
vember and December nu rubers of 1870
are offered free to all who subscribe
now for tho next year. Don't fail
give your children this sterling juve
nilo magasiue. It in puohshed 111 Chi
cago, Illinois, by Sewell & Miller, at
one dollar aud a half a year, 15 cents
for a single copy. Beautiful and gen
erous premiums arc given for clubs.
Tho following notices of ho At
lantic Monthly and Harper Mngazine
wo clip from tho Meadvillo Journal.
They express our MMititiicnt?, and save
us the labor of 'vriting them:
Tho Atlantic for Doccmbcr.has mrulo
its welcome appearance. It contains
ft number of excellent articles, first
among which, to our thinking, is Hen
ry I. Tinkcrman's "Plea To? Science."
Sinco a man's wit is popularly gauged
hy his volubility, it is pleasant to seen
man of Mr. Tinkcrman's culture come
to the aid of the silent ones. Tho num
ber opens with an aiticlo cntitled'Con
fessions of a Patent Medicine Man," by
Ralph Kcelcr. "Joseph and his Friend"
is concluded, as is also "Travelling
Companions," by Henry James Jr.
The other articles are: Tho Prayer
Seeker, by John O. Whitticr; Old
town Fireside Stories, by Harriet
BeechcrStowe ; Resemblances between
the Buddhist and Roman Catholic Re
ligions, by L. Maria Child ; A Strip of
Blue, by Lucy Larcom ; Black Christ
mas, at Dix Cove ; Afoot on Colorado
Desert, by Stephen Powers; Father
Blumhardt's Prayerful Hotel; Ru
dolph, a Monograph, by Barnet Phil
lips; Indian Summer, by Frances Lcc
Pratt ; Tho Miracle Play of 1870, in
Bethlehem, New II. II. ;
Flitting, by W. I). Howells ;"a Vir
ginian in New England Thirty-five
Years ago ; John Bull at Feed, by W.
J. Stillman, and Reviews and Litera
ry Notices. Published by Fields, Os
good & Co., Boston.
With the December number 7r
pcrs' Magazine commences its forty
setond volume, and wo can truly say
that like wine, it improves with age.
One would have to go far to fiind a bet
ter magazine for popular reading, and
popularity is, after all, tho one thing
most sought after. The list of con
tents is as follows: The Brooklyn Na
vy Yard ; Pio Nono and his Council
ors ; Kifc in Brittany ; A Vigil ; Fred
crick tho Great; Tho Bock of the
Legion of Honor ; Tho Statue ; Bom
bay and tho Parsus; Pong of Fire;
Inveigling Nature into a Disclosure of
her Secrets; Auteros; Tho Snered
Flora; Under the Rose ; Collected by
a Valetudinarian ; Blockade Running;
What did Miss Darrington See?
Matches ; Orango Blossoms and Night
Shade; Anno Furness and the Easy
Chair, etc. Published by Harper &
Brjthsrs, N. Y.
Pittsburgh Female College.
this item '13 so widely and favorably
known that it is almost superfluous to
call attention to it. As many aro pre send their daughters
to school during the winter, and as the
selection of a suitable school is 0110 of
tho most difficult and important ques
tions challenging tho attention of pa
rents, we take this opportunity to di
rect their attention to the Pittsburgh
Female College. It has almost every
thing to recommend it. While it has
the many advantages offered by cities
only, its admirable location gives the
quiet aud retirement of ft country vil
lage. Tho buildings aro models of
good taste, and aro fitted up iu good
style, and with special reference to the
comfort of the pupils. Better even
than its excellent accommodations, are
the ample arrangements for tho educa
tion of tho pupils. No one depart
ment is sacr.ficed to another. The
large number of teachers employed
twenty -threo enables the trustees not
only to havo full departments in the
literary course, but special departments
for all tho ornamental branches. As
an illustration we may Biato tho fact
that there are four teachers w ho devote
their entire time to Music. Added to
all this the charges are not intended to
dazzle dunces, aud make them believe
that tho school is good because they
pay treblo rates, but such as commend
themselves to right-thinking men. All
who have daughters to educato are
most earnestly urged to call and make
themselves acquainted with the facili
ties and advantages afforded. Tho
wiuter term will opon December 12th
Scud to Rev. I. C. Pershing, D. D.,
Pittsburgh, Pa., for a catalogue.
Dentistry. A. J. Stiles, Dentist,
Tidioute, Pa., has the reputation of
beiug one of the most expert Dentist
in this section. He uses all the mod
ern appliances for extracting teeth
without pain, such as Chloroform, Ether
Nitrous Gas, or1 tho new method of
Freezing the Gums with Spray. The
most delicate and difficult operations
of filling the teeth with gold skillfully
performed. He also uses a new prep
aration, "Os Artificiel," which sup-
to plies the bone lost by decay, and is
e-' applied without pain. A long expe
rience in tho business, aud the largo
patronage given Mr. Stiles, is suffic
ient evidence that his work gives sat
isfaction. Office over Acomb'a Drug
Store, Tidioute. ' 17 1)-.
It costs nothing to try "SLEEP
MENT." If it docs not benefit you
tho agent will refund your money. It
is the wonder of tho nineteenth centu
ry, and when used for rheumatism,
neuralgia, lameness, and pain in any
part of tho body, its magical effects
astonishes1 everybody. Pain cannot
exist where it is used. Ask for it, and
take nothing else Sold by all drug
gists. . Prico 50 cents and $1 per bot
tle. D. S. KNOX, & CO, agent. E.
B. SLEEPER, Proprietor, Waterford,
Erie Co., Pa.
Wholesale Acjent.?. Hall ond
Warfel, Erie, Pa. Calender & Co.,
Meadville, Pa. Spencer & Bullymorc,
153 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y.
M. E. Sabbath Schoo every Sab
bath at 9 o'clock iu the morning. All
are invited. S. S. Burton,
Those people whoso hair is turning
gray should use. Hall's Vegetable
Sicilian Hair Renewer to restore it to
its natural color and viror.
A. II. Steele, Cashier Tionesta
Savings Bank, has been appointed
agent for tho celebrated " Inraan Line
Ocean Steamers," at tiro place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furnish them with all the information
You can buy your Furniture, cheap
er and better at Ahrens new Furni
turo Warerooms, Tidioute, Pa., than
any whero else in this section. Try it.
A erLENDiD variety of Furniture
bit Ahcrns' new Warerooms, Empire
Hotel Building, Tidioute, Pa. 4-tf
Acxew &' Siggins have just receiv
ed a large stock of boots and shoes, ol
every description, which they are sell
ing at prices that defy competition.
They have also on hand a fresh sup
ply of coffee, teas, sugars, tobacco,
cigars, rice, dried fruits, canjied fruits,
spices, mess pork, ham, lisli, flour.
crackers, beans, peas, soap, candles,
nails, queensware, glassware, notions,
&c, &c., which they are selling ns low
as tho lowest, here or elsewhere, and
aro determined not to be under sold.
G'AnrEXTEns, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men. Uil men. and otlier citizens or
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest stock in this section
of the country. They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf.
Tiaxos at Great Baroaiss. J.
C. Hull, of Meadville, Ta., is offering
to sell the Stcinway, Chickcring,
Bradbury and some other makes, at
greatly" reduced prices. Also Organs
aud Melodoons. 21 tf
Furniture bought of me will be de
livered, freight paid, to any station do
sired on the O. C. & A. R. li.,
Geo. H. AnnuNB, Jr.,
4 If Tidiouto, Pa
SEASON OF 1870-71.
Important Improvements.
Fatcnt Juno 21st nnd August 23d, 1S70.
Tlio Mason ft Hamlin Organ Co., lmve
tho pleiiMiro of nnnounuiiiff importune im
proveinonts in tlieir Cabinet Ormm, fo;
which 1'nU'nts wcro irnuited thorn in Juni
and Auirust last. These nro not merely
meretricious ultachmontH, buUmhaiice tlio
substantial excellence, ot tlio instruments.
Thev are also enabled nv ineroiiHoa laeil
itie u large, now manufactory, they hope
herealier 10 supply an order promptly.
Tlio Cabinet Ornans mndu by this Coin
pany are of such universal reputation, not
only throughout America, but also in Ku
rop'o, that low will need ussuruneo of thoir
tuiooiiorit v.
They now offer Four Octavo Cabinet Or
pins, in quite plain eases.btit equal aeoord
iii to thclrcapuctty to anything they make
lor r-iu ciicn.
Tim mime, noub'o Tteod. ti'tS. Five Oc
tavo IMtiblo Heed Orpinx, Five Stopn.with
Kneo swell uml Tremulant, In elegant ease
with several of tho Mason and Hamlin
Imnrnvcuipiitx. 81-.. Tho saiiio l-.xtra
with new S'ox Humana, Automatic, Swell
etc., tfir0. Five OcIiivom, throo sets Heeds,
seven stops with Kuphonej a splendid In
A new illustrated catalogtio with full
Information, and repueed prices, is now
rcailv. and will bo sent froo. with ft tosti-
inouVal circular, presenting a frrcut mass of
eviilenco as 10 tnu :iiiicrioi-iiy ui un-w in
struments, to an v one sending his address
Tn inont Street, Boston, os jyti Hroodway
TMil.lic Notice is hereby given that Ma
tilda Itiibb, Adininislralrix of the twtuto of
Daniel Kohli, dec .1, lias I lied 111 inn Regis
ter's Ollico ill and for tho County of Forest
her final account as Administratrix of tlio
estate of the :jid Daniel Itobh, dee'd, and
that the samo will be presented to tho or
nlmii's Court of said county for conlirmu
tion and allowance on tlio fourth Monday
of December next, at tho Court IIouso in
the borough, of Tionesta, ill the county
uf.rciid. J. U AliM-.w,
.Nov. I, 1S70, Bi nt Kegister.
I ANTICIl AtlKNTS everywhere to
cauvoxs lor .iuiiu.-. v.Auiwumiuiui
coining book, "I'iiimsiu ami the 1 rains -l'l-iisMiuii
War." A live Miojccl for a widt -nuuko
canvasser. Address IS. 15. KI'.S
Slvl.l., iioolon, M:l. !!)-lt
To the Norvootis
VlflTONKimrrprincK havo been protrnet
VV cd from hidden ihusoh, and whoso
cose reqftire prompt treatment to render
cxlntcrfca desifabloj
If you are Buffering, or havo Buffered
from involuntary discharges, what effect
does it produce an yonr froncrnl health?
Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired?
Does a little extra exertion produce pl
pitntion of tho heart? Does your liVof, or
urinary organ, or your kidneys, frequent
ly got out of order? Is your urine some
times thick, milky or floeky, or is it ropy
on settling? Or does a thick aknm riso to
tho top? Or is a sediment at tho bottom af
ter It hni stood awhile? Do 3-011 have
spells of short breathing or diwpcpsia? Are
your bowels constipated? Do you havo
spells of frainting, or rushes of blood to
tlio head? Is your memory impared? Is
your mind constantly (.'welling on this
ubjeet? Doyoufeel dull, listless, moping,
tired of company, or lilo? Do you wish
to bo left alono, away from everybody ?
Docs any If tlio thing moke you start or
jump? Is your sleep broken or rcatloss?
Is tho lustre of your cyo as brilliant?
Tho bloom on your check as bright? Do
you onjoy yourself in soeioty as well ? Do
you pursue your business with tho same
energy lDo you feel ns much confideuee
in yousolf ? Are your spirits dull and flag,
ging, given to flu of melancholy ? If so,
do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia.
Havo you restless nights? Your back
weak, your knees weak, and have, but iit-
tlo appetite, and you uttribulo this to dys
pepsia or livor-oomplaint ?
Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal dis
eases badly cured, and sexual cxecsscs, are
ull capahlo of produeine a weakness of the
generative organs. Tho organs of genera
tion hen in porfoet health, make the man
Did you ever think that those bold, deft-
ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus
iness-men are always tlioso whoso genera
tive organs are in perfect health? You
never hear such men complain of being
cannot succeed in business j they don't bo
come sad and discouraged ; they arealways
polite and pleasant in tho company of la
dies, andjook you and thorn right in the
face none of your downcast looks or nny
meanness about' them. I do nut menu
thoso who keep tho organs in Hated by
running to excess. Thoso will not only
ruin thoir constitutions, but oIho thoso
they do business with or for.
How many men, from badly cured dis
eases, from tlio eiiecis 01 scii-aouno anu
excess, have brought about that state of
weakness in those organs that has reduced
tlio geneal system so mneh as to produce
almost ovory other dixeaso Idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and at
most every othor form of disease which
humanity is heir to, and tho real cause of
tho troublo scarcely ever suspoetod and
havo doctored forall but the right ono.
Discases'of theso organs requiro tlio use
of a Diuretic. HELM HOLD 8 FLU1JJ
KXTRACT BUCIIU 1 the great Diuretic,
and is a certain curofor diseases of tho
Rlttddor, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orgun
ie Weakness, Fenialo Complaints, Gener
al Debity, und all disonsos of tho Urinary
Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe
male, from whatever cuttse originating,
and no mutter of how long t..ulii.lj.
If no treatment Is submitted to, Con-
Hiimption'or Insanity may ensuo. Our
flosh and blood aro supported from those
sources, and tho health and happiness,
asd that of Posterity, depends upon
prompt uso of a reliable remedy.
Ilelmbold's Fxtraet Buchu, established
upward of 19 .Cears, prepared by H.
HKLMROLD, Druggist, Mil Broadway
New York, and 1H Ssuth 10th Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Puii k 1.2.' per bottle
or 0 bottles for R50, delivered to any ad
dross, bold by all Druggosts everywhere.
DON E TP IN Si EL liXtill.Utu
Wrapper, fais-smilo of my Chemical Ware
house, und eigned II. T. II ELM BOLD.
J8-1 y
Ncliool Tx Xollrc
NOTICF, Is hereby given that tlio School
Duplicate of Tionesta llorouuh, of tax
of 1M70, have been placed in my hands for
collection. In accordance with tho Act of
Assembly, In such cae made and provid
ed, I hereby give notice that I will attend
at my store", In Tionesta Ilorotigh, Fa., lor
tho purpiwo of receiving said tax, forttro
month from date. It Is under Act of 21ft
April, isim, that nil person who shall be
fore tho expiration of two months from
llio date of tlrls notice, pay their tax sh-ill
bo entitled to a deduction' of five pr cent.
Tfensr Tionesta Doro. 8. D.
Dated Rept. 12, 1870. i!4-3t.
ITS Votaries, by Dr. Jmv U. Ellis. Tho
most startling book of modern times. The
whole subject laid bareland Its hideousucss
exposed to universal execration. Written
in the interests of Civilization, Christiani
ty niul Public Morality. Send for circulars
nnd terms. U. S. Publishing Co., N. Y
Cincinnati. Chicago nnd St. Ixmls. !il-;)t
Orent Fortuncr Teller, f0ets. Courtship
made FkkV. ZVts. Correct Ktiqtiette, 2"ets.
Ktiqtietto, U5ctN. How to win a
W t'rnt lino ft rW I ywnc
l'-fH, BOO 1'I7.7.I0S,
Wets. I'JKIII Connundrufns, Vlctx, Correct
I,ttor Writer, aftcts. AniRteitrTlientricals,
r0cts. Hook of Mvsterious Disclosures,
fiOeta. lloxinir and Wrestling mailo ICasy,
2"icts. True Mnrringo nnd Rook 'of
Nature, fiOctn, Jlookssent postage pnid by
return mail. Address, W. Courtnev, .1 Asi
tor Place, N. Y. ao-lt
Wtntit for
Twelre Years Wild Indians & Plains,
who form a love of wild adven'uro and a
thirst for knowledge of tho Indians tho
Custom. Sport, Tradition, Wurs, (Jreat
Rull'alo Hunts, f,c, ftc., left a homo of
plenty in Ohio, Joined tho Indians, adopt
ed their modo of life, married tho beauti
ful Washtelia, because a Oreat Warrior,
Hunter and Chief of 100 Ivwlges, was ap
pointed Lieutenant iu tho U. 8. Regular
Army, for meritorious servico with his
braves against hostilo Indian. A book of
the most thrilling interest, a reality well
authenticated. Triithstranger than' fiction
Superbly illustrated. 70 engravings, with
portrait of tlio author, in full frontier cos
tume. Prico low. Should oubscll any book
extant. Send at oneo.for illuStrutod' circu
lar, table of contents, samplo pages and
terms. A. II. HUHRARD, Publisher, 4U0
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Fa. l:K-4t.
Salesmen Wanted.
Business honorable. NoVompetition, lib
eral pay given. S. W. KKNNKDY,
J-4t 8 S. 4th St., Pliila.
Standard and official biographic of every
mistress of tlio President' mansion from
Washington to tirant. Superbly illustra
ted on steel. For circulars and terms ad
dress U. M. Publishing Co., Ziiw Yojk.
SUBSCRinKforthe Forest Republicru
It will pay.
lcr, erl, makes the -lrl,l- ti,-',' J .u ?
tjfi or.ivi.u mm niAr.,
I 111 X . .1 v rr.
loth sides) and is fulh
lv licensed. -Tinfwm
and cheapest familv Sowing Machine in
tliomarkot. Address JOHNSON. Clark
ft Co., Ronton, Mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa.,
Chicago, 111., or St. liouis, Mo. at-4t
Albert J. Burr. Lyman Howard nnd
Robert C. Beach, vs. Samuel T, Neill. J.
W. Fleming, and all persons w hom it may
In Common Tleas, of l-orest County,
No. 1, Dee. Term, lh70. Rill in Lquity to
perpotuato testimony.
Tho Plaintiff in the abovo bill say. That
they nro tho owners in fee of ono hundred
nnd fifty acres ot l,ud,ortlieroniouis,situ
ato in Harmony said County,
described a follow: Jicing pnn or mo
Tract known astheUitchel Survey, bound
ed on tho north by land of Oeorgo Dun
lap, east bv laud' now or formerly of J.
Comstoek, south by land now or formerly
owned liy J. jonnsiou ami .i. ir. rtuui, aim
West by the Aloorn larm, which is part ol
tho same Survey.
That tho said tract, or land was seiiieu
and improved by ono K.ra Gitchel, who
hccaino tlie owner inereot oy application
therefor, and warrant and survey duly
made and returned to tho laud olllco in
W, and tho Botlleinciit dues fully com
pleted thorcon.
Tl.l llin eni4 nil..1.l nil tlinOlll of
December. lio. br writing duly execut
ed and delivered, sold and conveyed ull his
right, title and intetost in the lund ntoro.
said to ono Benonio C. Scott, from whom
by sundry conveyances tho title ha be
eoino vested In tlio Plaintiffs, and prays
tlio Court That they may bo at liberty lo
examine thoir witnesses, and iiiulco proo
of several matters and thing herein Ixi
foro inentioiiod, and particularly with
reference to the matters alleged in tlio xu
und 3th praragruphs ot this bill.
lid. That they may bo at liberty at, and
Hxii all tuturo occasions- m read ana.
mako uso of tho said testimony as they
mav bo adv'sed.
Whcreunon tho Court order and decree.
That a. appearance bo entered by said J.
W. Flemiiigand all persons wtiom it may
concern on or la-tore the 4th Monday of
December, A. D. 1N.0, und Unit a copy ot
thisorder uml u statement of tho Hulisluueo
and ol' Hie Hill be iniMlslicil In
Forest Keimhlicun lor llirco weeas mo
nt' u lilcli niiblicittioii shall bo at least ten
i nv helore tlio bald loiirui .imnimv m
Dee., 1870. it Y T 11 K CO U 11 1'.
Attest : J. R. Aonkw, l'ro.
NEW YOIIK STORE, Centre Street,
$1,000 TO $2,000
BOOK AGENTS of experience: or a
larger commission than is otlered by
any other Publishers. Alti ntareniaking
SOU lo ''uu nor week canvassing for our new
Illustrated bonk. We guunuiteo Agent
a salary or u largo commission, with a!
choice of twe now uml popular books and
exclusive territory. e oll-r a rareeluinco
to energetio men and women lo maKu
inoiuiy. Secure your agency diieet from
tlio publishers. J. 1'. HI. Hit A CO.,
.0- It. Hartford, t'oi:n.
a n (1 Stationers,
all kiutiVof
School, Misceilaneoas, Law, Mcdisal
Depository of tho Itililn Socletv, Sunday
School, and all Religious Publishing tni
cieties, TO. 52 CriESTNtT 61., MEADVIttK, PA.,
KO. 101 srrKflTCTCsf., CLEVELAND, O.
Jim. in. ir,
WANTKD. Lund in Pennsylvania for
cash and good stocks. " Townsend
Pirns., 114 Sn.nb IMrri st., Phlia. i:4-4t
An ttnfniling remedy for nil Bronchial Dif
ficulties, Coughs, " Colds, Hoarseness,
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The wonderful modern discovery of Car
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Ir. WrlN' nrbolie Tabids,
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Acid contain other ingedients universally
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al and l etter adapter for diseases of tlio
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Wells' Carbolic Tablets
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Sold by Druggists. 33-4t
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A $.10 per day sure.
Busines lie-lit and
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burgh, Fa. S3-4t
Local Agents Wanted.
r want a Local Agent in every
I'own and Villago in the Couri
ry, to ennvass for Subscribers
.) the Westkrn Wow.n. A
lagnitlcent fJo.OO Premium
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ivery subscriber. From tl.0'
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in. vt.....g. A liberal cash commission i '
allowed. Send stamp for Specimen and
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HAS been useit durin8 tho last flftnen
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Bz3 Use llall't Cough Jlemedy it eurr
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We the iiiwlaisl.. r!.-'7T ? "Ti.n-"
and vicinity, have used Dr. 1'. Hall s iul
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in curing diMcasceof tboTliroat and Lung
and take pleasure in recommending its uh
to the atlllcted a a speedy and eltoctual
remedy, fully worthy of public confidence.
James Thompson
John Mel horn Sr
John A Tracy
John W McLuno
John W Hays
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Rohorn Cochran
Daniel Hear
J Itobison!
W F Kindcrnecht
P E Burton
Alansi.n Sherwood
W 11 Cooper
Joseph Dceinor
llciij Grant
Lucius A Hull
Tims M'Kco
W M Gallagher
I'has W Kelso
D I' Ensign
D Shirk
Richard Rees
J T t 'use
John R Dumars
John M Warren
John S Brown
S L Forstcr
J W Hull
Orvice Smith
(' I Hi mars
II o KiH.t,
H'ilsoii King,
Daniel Minor,
C it Wright
MitUhcw Hamilton
J W Ryan
J Mooncy
J W Culver
Daniel lluver
C K Riblet
M Mayor
J L Long
J Robinson 2d
Silas 11 Finch
C G Howell
Wm It May
A M Turball
E A Bennett
J Salsburv
sol. II IN Kill K ONLY BY P. HALL,
Maiiufiu-lurcr ami sole pronrietor, Hall's
New Building. Stalest. I'lUCE :t7 C IS.
PEIt ItoTTLE. Sold by D. S. KNOX t
CO.. Tionesw, Pa., and by agents general
ly, ' 33-3111
VliKXTS Wan i ki- j per month by
tlio American Knitting Machine Co.,
Boston, Mass., or St. Lotus, Mo. 'ti.Siu