editor. TUESDAY MOANING, NOV. 29. A Mercer constable named Miller who recently glide! away from tlmt place, with quite nn nniount of money belonging to tlic borough, leaving his liail to settle up things, was arrested a few days ago nt' Dayton Ohio, and fetched hack to Mercer. Democratic papers in this portion of the State arc very anxious to liavo it known that ho was a Republican official. Well, they can make the nu.st of it, for such cases arc rare in tho Republican ranks. Hut let our Democratic papers inquire into the politics of the inmates of all our j.iils, prisons, inebnato asylums, &c, and if they don't find ten Demo' crats to every Republican, wo don't waut a cent. And if that don't satis iy them, let them make, a visit to Democratic Five Points, of New York, tho abode of murderers, thieves, cut throats, and villians jrenora'.'v, nod come back wt.i a report o! t'i" moral.? and polities of this interesting vicinity Wo findXlie following complimen tary notice of our fellow townsman, A. II. Steele, Esq., in tho Meadvillo Pc publican : It will bo seen front a notice in our Lieal columns, to-day, that A. II. Steelo, Esq!, of tho. Tionesta Savings Bank, has been elected President of tho "Pitholo Valley Railroad Com pany." Wc'aro glad to record the success of Mr. Steele, not only because, ho is a Meadvillo man, but because his pres imt position has been gained by his in domitable perseverance. Mr. Steele, has a high reputation for energy and business tact, for a young man, and bis' friend.) will regard this, his first ef fort, as a Railroad man, an earnest of future success. Police Matters. George Vander walker, whose dwelling was burnt out at tho Refinery fire yesterday morning, in place of attending to tho wants of bis young family of seven cildren, and taking care of bis furniture, weiit on a spree before breakfast, and assaulted officer Miller. Tho officer proceeded to arrest him, but George resisted, and bis friends assisted him and attempted a rescue, In the midst of tho scuffle, officer Miller's wife eamo upon the scene, and was assaulted by Vandcr- hcr. A general fight was imminent, Miller received a black eye, and in order further to protect himself, he knocked Yandcrwalkcr senseless to the ground with his '-locust," nnd in this condition conveyed him to the lockup. Xor was this all ; Mrs. George Van derwalker, mother of tho seven afore said, bearing of her husband's arrest also went on a fprce, leaving her furni ture on two wagons, and her babes in a vacant room belonging to a neigh bor. Sho was found about 1 o'clock in a state of helpless intoxication at the foot of Franklin street, having, mean while, lost all her money, some $350 in gold, silver, drafts, and currency. Chief Rouse carried her in a wagon to the lockup, and deposited her beside her husband. Justice Strouse, with tlio humanity that always characterizes him, when ho learned tho particulars went in search of tho seven helpless children, the oldest of which is not over ten, and found them in tl.o house ,f Mrs. McGerl, on Frank I'm ttrect. He to!d this lady to see that they wero jroperly' fed and cared for, and he would be responsible. Tho mother " released last evening. TUturilk Hi-rald. Fatal Accident. About four o'tlotk on Sunday afternoon, while si ringing tho bell-ropo ou a freight train, near the Freight depot, a brakes man, named Ed. Roche, stumbled and fell from tho top of a car across the 'rack, and nearly tho entire train pas sing over him, litevally cutting him in two near the hips. Young Rocho was "torn near Cochranton, this county. lie was sober, industrious and anxious t i secure a prominent position in the falling ho had chosen, and his wishes -temed nearly realized when ono mis. step terminated bis earthly career. Meudvile Journal. ActiUENTs John Moroney, fell off 'j ravel engine, east, at Shawinut last week ; the engine passed over his left baud, crushing tho fingers, and ren. leriug amputation necessary. Philip Fisher.actitig dispatcher at this station, lost tho middlo linger of the li ft hand, while making up Local West. Two other fintiers wero iniured. ! 1 tit not dangerously. Tho accident happened while coupling. 't, Marys (liizcitc, v. n. lit' xx Faixfci. Accident. On Tuesday last a man named Stephen Woodbury, employed in tho planing mill of Mess. Wilson it Robinson met with a pain, ful Occident by being caught in the cogs of the planer, which resulted in the serious mangling of ono of his feet, involving the loss of two of bis toes. His overalls wero quite wido in the legs, and iff going about bis duties, were caught in the cogs and quickly drew his foot into tho machinery. The accident will prevent him from work ing for some timo to come. Sharon Herald. The Titusville Herald says that Fire Co. No. 1, after a laborious nnd faithful night's work at the Refinery fires were invited by Mr. Van yekel to tako some refreshments at tho Me chanic saloon, where they were set up on and badly abused by a party of drunken loafers, some of whom be longed to another fire company, but in stead of giving assistance at tho fire, got drunk and disorderly. Sceno at tho upper end of town P.ad whisky; high words; blows; four men pull revolver at each other; tab leau ; all afraid to firo fear of hurting one another. Don't be backward next time, boys, for no one will mourn for you if you do get "new pockets in your vests." Petroleum Centre Peeord. The following, from tho Conneaut- ville Record and Courier, shows that thoso who are so very short in evading laws, arc sometimes bit. We hope to bear of several thousand instances of the same kind soon : A seedy-looking individual dropped into an establishment and called for a drink of whisky-straight. "We don't sell liquor," said tho law-abiding pro prietor, "tho prohibitory law in force here don't allow us to, but we will give you a glass, and then if you want to buy a cracker, we'll sell it to you for ten cents." "Very wcll," said the thirs ty customer,"hand down tho decanter." The good creature was brought down, and our hero took a stiff horn. When taming round to depart, the unsuspect ing dealer in "wet groceries" banded him the plate of crackers. "You'll buyacrackerr "Wall, no, I guess not ; you sell 'em too dear. I can get lots of em, five or six for a cent, any where else." Cyrry must be a lively littlo place, if we are to judge from reports of vil lainny, great and small which come from there. The following arorart ol iiwm ,n-, viiiuu tvu cup iroiu the Telegrajth of last week : While playing with his brother ycS' terday morning, a son of Mr. Wra, Mofiitt, living on Spring St., threw a stick, which came in contact with tho eye of his little brother, destroying the the eight instantly. Mrs. McCuckston, aged fifty-five, be ing short of stamps, interviewed a num ber of our citizens, and succeeded in begging from them two or three dol lars, with which she got illigently drunk Thursday. The result was she found herself before Justice Gay this morning, and on paying the costs which had accrued against her, was permitted to tako the train for Union Mills. A private littlo set-to took place Friday cvo between two persons well known in , this community. Neither wero badly punished, as friends inter fered to prevent a further efluiion of blood. Only this, and nothing more. Milt. Young, whoso unruly career we iuive ou several creations', made public, Tuesday eve entered the.oon ' . .... i' i 1 1 m. ourvis, uuuer iroov s Jjii.ck, and bcomin disorderlv i,,j uv..omin0 aiboracny was ordered ".I. iiuiusing 10 vacate the premises, he was takeii hold of by tho proprie tor, w ncn no made a most desperate resistance, and fought with a valor worthy a better cause. Ho tcro the coat of Mr. Jervia and otherwise injur ed Jam, aud it was only after a hard struggle, and assistance being render ed by the bystander, that he was in duced to vamoose the rancho. A war rant was issued for hie arrest, and oa ednesday he was brought befro Jus tice Gay, who, in default of $24 line and costs, feutenced him (o city prison lor twenty days. . On Thursday a drunken fellew hail ing iiom .Buffalo named L. Mclntire, a laborer, made himself very obno ious by iusulting ladies in tho waiting room at the depot. Officer Ira Lewis, ordered him away, but he refused to go. Mr. Lewis then took hold of him and hustled him out, the fellow resist ing all the while. As he declared bin intention of whipping the whole police generally, and his captor particularly, it was thought best to allow him time for considering the matter rationally, sn he was locked up until Friday morning, when Justice Gay discharged him on the rayn'ont of $ 5 fine and cost.' Wednesday morning a man crossed the railroad nt tho I it. Avenue cross- ing in such close proximity to the train, that Mr. Smith tbrf flagman, at that point called out to him that ho was foolish to thus endanger bis life.' In tho evening, about six o'clock, tho same man returned and walked up to Mr. Smith attacked him in a violent manner. hmilh resisted as well as he was able, but tho man proved too much for him aud only desisted when other parties interfered. A lawsuit will probably grow out of tho assault. Friday I L. Whito was brought be fore Esquire Chet. Wilson, to answer' to the charge of having comittcd an assault and battery on Mr. Smith, of which mention was made in Thursday's Blade. Numerous witnesses were ex amined, and after quite a lengtliy hear- ing White was found guilty, aud fined $) and costs of suit. Lawyer Raker ennilurteil tho nrosrention. nnd While defended himself. C. A. Wheeler, an Oil City sport, made us a visit on Saturday, and while going rotaid seeing the sights, imbibed too much tangle-foot. Tho result cf this indiscretion was he found the side walks .too slippery for locomotion. In an unforutnato moment he reached a spot more slippery thau tho rest, and ho very singularly fell into tho arms of ofiiccrs Henry Ringo and Morgan Magraw, who fearing he might hurt himself on the sidewalk by his ccccn trie movements took him to the Hotel Do West which proved a harbor of safety for him during Sunday. This morning for the privilege thus accorded him he paid to Justice Gay tho little bill of 67, which had accumulated against him, and to ik his departure. inc loilowing trom tho Uorry Ac- ,,,., publican is after the same sort : Thomas Fullcn, of Reaver Dam, paid Corry a visit Thursday. Although 44 years of age and the nominal head of a largo family in pinched circum . . , , , . ., , v iiu ubbi.ik,ii iji-juiiu until ill; onmA mm thn pnniltttroi lMrnllir l.i. I scribed as drunk and disorderly He T.AB fv Trti: T..-: i" - . . " iiiiuu u l-blivu lie!. morning, and presented such a forlorn and hopeless appearanco that ho was let off on paymeut of costs, rat. Shcan resides in New York doubtless in some classic precinct of that moral city. At any rate upon his arrival in Corry ho so far foil from grace as-to becomo exceedingly drunk, and considerably disorderly. Police man Gear arrested him. and when to depart upon the payment of three dollars fino nnd costs. He complied with tho conditions, aud Corry will probably know him no more. ESTRAY. f VMR to tho premlsos of tho subscriber, V J" township, six miles southeast of Tionesta, on Monday. Xov. Hist, a Uauk HniNin.B I5t?i.i. about two years old, villi a s it in the left oar. Tho owner is requir ed to come forward, provo propei tv, pay charges and take him awnv, or lie will b'o Uistiosed ol'aceordinit to law. i'i;tf.u younok, Nebraska, Pa. Cl-3t. STRAY COW. AME to tho stibrcribor No ombcr 10th, W a Dark llrindlo Cow, about ton veins old ; tip ol the loft horn sawod off; the two hind loot nnd loft foro foot whito. Tho i ncr can nave mo same by proviuir prop, ci ty and paying charges. V. I. ITANNA, oyjl(5, 1870. 33 West Hickory, Fa. PROCLAMATION. W IIKhras, ThenonornbloJaniosCamn bull, l'rcsident J udgo of tlic Court of Coin moil Tleas and (Juartor Sessions in and for tho county of Forest, has issued his pro cept for holding n Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, &e., at Tionesta, for tho County of Forost, to comnienco on tlio fourth Monday of Dee. next, being the JUth day ol Dec, 1870. Notice is therefore given to the Coroner, Justices of tho I'eaco ! KdTiitoSKy'lh"ttltfyta f", ,erein tn.L,r. proper persons at I " " . i. ui.tum oay, witii their I ior,;'s. nii""!J-'0!t8, exan.'.nations and other remembrances, to do those things which to their otlices annertalu to be done. and to those who are hound in recognizar:? io prosecute against the prisoncra that are or shall bo in tho Jail of Forest Cbuniv, that they bo then and there toprosecuto against ilium us snau no just, liiven under my iitum nuu seal mis I'.Kliitay of Nov., A. D. TRIAL LIST FOR DECEMB'R TERM 18T0. John A Dale vs Tho Ilnrnuirl 1 fit TIitnAwtti Proper t Heck vs Jos Y Saul, with clause oi -i in 10 n if irwin, adin r Ford it l.acy vs Thomas AleCiosky et al Win T Neill and J Wilson vs Juno K Gil bert et al Tiiouijja.Mowiis vs William slater et al' J D ;!-. ;,7 tWfullickory Farm Oil Co David (j . , a tireeh et al admr's M Mrar. f 1 lz-iTilbniner vs Win Crispin M Straii a llilbriiucr vs Win Crispin Malconi a imig vs MichK'l llrecht Malcoin "S jjpmig vs Daniel llroeht et al Keldou oilman vs Solomon Seigworth et T A McFarland et al vs A firan Tlie Pittsbiirgli and Stewart's Run Oil Co vs John Herbert et al Win Wray vs Harnett Township School District Joseph (1 Dalo us Horace Wilkinset al Foster A Company vs T W Taylor et al IMwaid A Stearnset al vs T W" Taylor etal Malcoin MeQuaig vs John Miller l W Kaiidall vs F F. Ileisdolph et al Wilbur Walling vsOeorgo ISulmer Forest County vs John ti Itiaudon, late J'l easurcr of Forest 'omit v Ford A Idicy vs 11 McCloskoy et al J. II. Ati.NKW, I'roth'v. Tionkkta, Nov. 17, 1S70. a'3-8t 100,000 Agents Wanted for HOW WOMEN CAN MAKE MONEY, and other best books in tho mnrkot. FVkiiiiu.y t Martin, 10J8 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, iO-it Recommended aud Endorsed by over Seven Hundred Doctors. DR. LAWRENCE'S coMrorsn Fi.rm kxthact op K O S K O OI THE GREAT ' HEALTH RESTORER ! Not a Secret Quack Medicine For- inula Around tho Bottle. ritKr.nKi soi.ki.y nv J. LAWRENCE, Chemist. Dr. J. Organic K O S K O O strikes AT THE ItouT of DISEASE PURIFYING THE BLOOD, nKsTomxn thk I.IVKR AND K1DNKVS TO a IIKAI.TIIY ACTION, A N l 1 N V KIO HA TING THK NKUVOfl HW TKM. This is the Sccrct'of its Wonderful Success in Curing Coiuumption in it early stage, Scrofu la, typhi!, lhjxpcpsia. Liver Complaint, Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Affection, Eruptions of of Ihenkin, Humor, Jjossvf Vigor, Diseases of the Kindcus ' "' Bladder, and all Diseases caused by , y It thoroughly eradicates every kind of I IlllUH'l imiii ..III. inuiin II1U fil tiro system to n healthy condition. It Ih 1pvO!hI nilPMtum thn Kimkmt Tnvir iv i-ii i.' V11111.n. Thousands hnvo boon clituijrpd liv tho uso of tins nioiliemo trom wpak, xicklv, xudcr inn creatures, to strong, healthy, nnd Imp nv nipn mid women. Invalids cannot hesitnto to Rive it n trial. No medicine has obtained Mich n grpat I re niiiiuujii ib mm jiniiv ccLCUrun;u colli' I poUtVt. F0Ii TESTIMONIALS I 1 1)1...., : ..t ...... T?...l. A TM..I T7-.1 I I rutin ii !n-Hiiir. jJiiitiiciii imyiiii'. r.wi torH i),.ll(friHtH,MorchantH,Vo., o A'O. auo AiMAAVwr turn year. FRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTILE. FOR 8AI.E 11 V Hie Principal Druggists of the United States and Priihh America. :H-Gm I)n. Lawhenck'm Woman's FniiiNn Cures nil Illnesses peculiar to Females. Oui H ARPERS yACAZINE NOTICES OP THE TRESS. No moro d lightful travels oro printed in tho Kngbs i language tlian appear iier petuidly ii Haki-kii'm Maoazikk. Thej are lead with equal Interest and salisfac tion by boys of every grade, from eighteen to eitiUU . Its scientilic papers, whilo suf ticieutly profound to demand the attention ot tho learned, mo yet admirably adapted to tho popular understanding, and dosi-n-ed as much to diifuse correct infotnmtTon eoneei riing current scientilic discovery ns it could bo if it w as the organ of the '-JSoci-etv for tho Ditlusioif of I reful Knowl edso." J'lio great design of Harper's is to glo correct iul'ormation ami rational amusement to the great masses of the peo ple. There aro lew intelligent American laniilies in which lIiirHr'n Magazine would not bo un appreciated and highly weleoino guest. Thero is no monthly MamiyJiin an liitolligent rending family ci'in loss ntlonl to 10 without. Many magazines ni-fc nccuiil- fiarpur s is edited. There is ik t n magazino tlmt is printed which hhows more intelligent pains expended on itu ar ticles aud mechanical execution. There is not a cheaper magazino published. There , miiiusseiuv, a more popuhrr niica Eino in tho world. New Kngland llome st ad. . . It is ono of the wonders of jonrnalisni it? el!',t"1.''i'1 mamigenient of Ilarjr's. SUBSC'IllPTIOXS 1871. TERMS: IlATtr mi's Maoa.isk, ono year $4 03. An Kxtra Copy of either tho Mairazine. lleekly, nml liuzar will. lie suimlixl for every Club of Fivo Subscribers, nt& 00 each, in one remittance ; or Six Copies, for c-u no, iiuoui extra ropy. Subscriptions to Harper's M'agazine Weekly and Hazar to ono address for ono car,blO.OU; or two of Harper's i'eliodiciils lo on; uaiircss ior $1 w. Uack mini hers can bo. supplied at any time. A completo set of Harper's M'agazlito, now comprising 41 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent bv ex(rsi, freightat expense of purcliawr, for 25 per yoluine. fsingle volumes bv mail postpaid, 83 03 Cloth coses for binding, iS cents, by mail, postpaid. ' . ino poHtago on Harper's Magazine is 24 cents a year, which must bo paid at the """""""" posv muce. Address HAKPKK & UKdTHFltS. New York liV JlKV, T. DK Wil l' Tai.maok, Tho most Popular Preaeiier in America. Agents wanted everywhere, male or fe male, to sell this great work, is better than Mark Twain, and no trouble to sell. Jlig Profits. Send for terms nnii illustrated 12 liago circular, Evans, Stoddart A ( 'o., Pub lishers, No. 7-W Sansoni St., Philadelphia. 88-4t Hook AgviiiN JMnkc (N) to 200 per Month bv selling GREAT FORTUNES. AM How Tijky H'kiik Madk. Uf J. D. McCabe, Jr. New fresh and oriL'Ina'l. Pro. fiiscly illustrated and beautifully liound. It shows how a poor school-master made 10,oi:0,000 : how u poor half-blind sailor Im. came a great banker, a butcher's uiipren- nee tne weuiiiuest man in America, an un known mechanic a millionaire in seven years, .with many more such examples! how eneruv. talent, anil nniienl in.ln.irv Jiave always met with success when pro- 11-1 i y cxurieu ; now money eau 00 mudo lonestly and without sae'rilicn of pal. Send for C-iroular, lite., nnd uotieo my extra terms (ieo. Maclean Publisher, 710 Sunsoin St,, Philadelphia. I'.j-lt mmmm JKigltt Per Cent. Cold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OFTl'llI IdSUE OH i . $1,5 00,00 0 I1Y THE ST. JOSEril & DENVER CITY RAILROAD COMPANY. In denominations of $1,000 and f."00, cou pon or registered, with interest nt Eight lor rent, per annum, .payable I'iIIi Febru ary Hint August, in UolA) free of Unil.xl I States taxes, in Now York or Europe. The sinus, novo tinny your K rnn, pnvaimi in Sow York in HOLD. Trustees. Fawners' lionn Riul Tract Coinprtiiv of New York. Tho mortgage wliioh secures theso Isinds 18 nt tho rale of?i:v00 or mile j cover a completed rond for every lsnd issued, nnd is a tirst and ON LY mortgage. TIiIh lino, politicising Nt. JoMoph with Fort Kpnrnor, will mnko a Hliort nuu through route to Colifornio. 1'ho Company hnvo n Cnpltnl sioca ui - - - - - f 1W,UOU,OOU And a grant of Tind from Congress, of 1,1100,000 Acres valued, At tha lowest estl mnto, nt - - - . - 4,000,000 First Mortgage llonds, - - 1,500,000 Total, - - 15.000,000 Total lonutli of road, 2T1 milos' distance tnclmlrd in this Mortgage, HI inilos j price H7J and aocruoil intorst,lN CUKHKNCY. Can bo O 'talnod from the undersigned. Also, nunphlpt, . ninpn unit intormation rolatiii)!! hereto, 1'hcso Imnds, being so wol secured nnd yielding n largo Income, nra desirable to parties xockinn sal'o nnd tncrativo HivoHtnicntH. o recommend them with entire conlidonoo. W. P. CONVEItSE t CO., COMMKnCIAI. Aokxts, No. 64 Pino Street, N. Y. TANNIC 11 CO., FlKPAI. AOKNTS, X. 49 Wall Street, Now Y'ork. 10-Cm. GREAT EXCITFMENT ! attho Store of D. S. KNOX, tc CO., Elm St., ioncsta Ta. We aro in daily receipt o, the largest and MOST COMPLKTE stock o OISOCEIUIIS nml PROVISIONS EVER BROUGHT TOTHIS MARKET BOOTS & SHOES ! MILLIONS! which we aro determined to sell regardless of prices. . AND IIouso Furnishing (ioods, Iron, Nails, Machino tools. Agricultural Implements, Ac., Ac,, Ac., which wo otrer at greatly re duced prices, FURNITURE ! FURNITURE I ! of all kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, VIIATNOTS, SntlNa BEDS, MATRESSES, 1,00 K I NQ GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see. 7-tf n. 8. KKOV A- en (HOTTING UP CLUBS. GREAT SflVrNGTOCONSUMERS. Parties enquire how Ut get up clulis. Our answer is, send for Trice List, Hnd a Club form will accompany it with full di- "" """,-nuiKing aiurgesuvmg to con Riiniers and remunerative to club organiz ers. 0 TI10 rrat Aiuerioau T- iwnipiiiiy, HI A 33 VKSEY STREET, - P. O. Box .Si4i. NKW YOllK. M it LIVE AGENTS WANTE'tilt M-oni-r of xuw yukk, Oil SOl'IALLIFH IN THE GRAT CITY. AYonderl'iil develoiinients ampng tho arlstis-i-ucy. Married Women cxsspl Ac., Uc, Price l.ai The host Hook to sell published. Tho best terms to agents ever elvciu Addriiss N. Yr. Hook Co., 145 Nassau St., N. Y . 3 l-4t JOB WORK neatly executed at thisollice at reasonable rates. DRrt J. N. BOLARI). of Ti.liontn Im, retiirnsd to his practice uller 1111 rI- sence of four mouths, spout in tho ix-pi-tuls of New Y'ork. where, calls iii his profession. uinco 111 tureka Drug Store. 3.1 door aVove tlio bank, Tidioule. Pa, ictf TOIli'.It. IHIIO. J. & P. COATS' BEST SLX-COBD IS NOW TI1R ONLY Thread put tip for the American marker which Is NlX-COni IN AM, NUMHKKS, From No. S to Nt), 100 Inclusive. Fop IIniil nnd Ulnolilnr. riMUS ISKtl HUSlBro !- ij K 1. y sending O) CENTS, with ago height, color ot eves nnd hair you 111 receive, bv rotui-n mail, n eornt plo- turo of your futuro liuslmiul or wife with name nnd dato of marriage. VV. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 2-18 Fultonvillo N. Y.a()-4t THE" PRACTICAL FARMERT The - . leading Agricultural Monthly of the nitod States ; containing iU quarto pages; Im roi in n in ended to Farmers evorvwhoro a thoroiiirhlv reliable and well II lust nit ed Agricultural and Hortieultoral Journal. It is largely made up of original matter, nnd devote'dto NUek HaiKinn,.irain tirow- ing, tho Dairy, Orchard, Vcgelablo nnd Market l.ardenliiit. lirazing, uonringnnu Fnttonliig Anoninls. a Veterinary Depart ment. Ac. Price l.fiO per annum. Nainple ponies sumliO(1 on application. I.ihcral tonus to Ageius and vanvassors, wuu slW-billsfnrniHhod fin application to Pam- i iiai.i. M. nuns. I'ntorniMi rropiMtor, is North i:ttb street, l'hiludclphiii. SO 41 f lOMES. HEALTH. HAPPINESS AA HOW to be Obtsitipd for Flvo D'l- larst l'lantatious, Farms, A" 1 1 1 n Sites nnd Town lots, at The Ureal Premium IjiihI Sale. Aiken. H. C. Tho "Saratoga of the South." 4H honi-s from N. Y. Thn niot deliifhtful climate in tho world. Free from tho rlitors ot .-Noriiiern winiers, exenipr from Throat diseases. Vineyards ard or chards in full hearing. For descriptive ramphlet, nddress, with stamp, .1. I iKKISY, Augustn, tin. 3iMt AHIjulery Nlv'd. Fifteen Minutes' Private Conversation with Married Ladies bv ono of their number. Sent free lor two stamps, bv Mrs. II M F.TZUFH, Hanover, Pa. 0-4t MAM DK F.t ).t fj Q"- Something urgently needed by everybody Call nnd examine, orsair.ples sent postage paid: for ii! els that retail easily tor iu. 1! L- Woleott, 1S1 l linlhrni Nc N. Y. !is-.tt Pubiwh'h Stom ach i:itter, unlil.e all other Hitlers in the, market, poxxcxs intrinsic- merit. Most JUltci-s, KO called, are merely irixliiirnxh i xliijt', sold as a beeeri'ie. Dr. 1,'olitivi's Billet s are not it lierernoe in anu . ' urMfr of the tcortl, but eonliiiu the vioxt crpensire iru;s known lo -. i science for the radical cure of j Indiicstinn and I hitjiepniu; and for idl cases tchere a tonic and 'stimulant, are rcrpircil. restore the Theii rititl forces in a r t marhiible dr rre, mid iire tone to the sistem. fiillMU iruivifi'ii !ieeaixh iiiixiriaii, from StwLholin, .Vice-, ', f .'r.Mf lo Ihm Mliltli-y ami inti ue iUd tin ooi..-. .liniiriiin Hond . Pnriier ; s'nre which lime tlioiixmiils hare been cured, by its 11.se, of Si-rifiiln and other blond dixeaxes. ft cinilniiis, besides the Imliile of i'vtusxii ami Synni of Slilliniit, ilruts import- ' ed from Strcdcn for its expresn I maiiiifttrfitrc, unknown itr.d noli kept liy apotlic- I'ttllCS in this 'im try.- A ;te trial will iiu ince the most I -;. .. wondci i'iiI value. Ih; Holnuk's lllonil PilU it.-e iins!tri)acil by any I ill mann- e . 1 iiiciurca or a xlmibtr vnrnoxe. One trial iiira- .riably establishes t.'iem rr favorites t with all. who itxc l.'iem. s The reasons why f)r. Hvbnek's Wood Pills should be kepi in ev . trij family are: Because they can be employed in alt cases ivhere a family physic." i reouircd, and j "rf P''feily safe in their admin lislraiun at all times; Because thru are made ho'h with and Without sniar- eoatinti, thus adaptiny them lo the use of every body; Because they can be pur chased at any drug store at the extremely low pries of twenty five cents per box. .2 PILLS j Tor Sale by VrugyUta and Dealer a in Tatcnt Medicine evertl'U'here. REYNOLDS, BROADHEAD& CO 1 1 eniro St., opposite Post Otlioo, OIL CITY, PENN'A. DfUI-EIiU IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. DItESS GOODS, CAUPET1NG, OIL CLOTHS. BOOTS & SHOES. HA TS t- CAPS, TRIMMINGS NOTIONS, ETC.. ETC. Tle Republican Office TTT.EPS constantly on hand a large as IV sortment of Blank Ile,.,l, im, .,?..,..., Bubp.enas, Warrants, Summons, Ac" to IlQMCn STOMACH is noic eli rm , BLOOD i PMI.HE3 BLOOD GLORIOUS NEWS! -:o: :o TIIIJ PEOPLE REJOICING t "LIVE AND LET LIVE!" Is tho motto of IIILBRONNEIt & CO. wlio liaro opened a MAMMOTH STOCK OF . , DRY GOODS, MILLINARY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CATS, CARPETS, BOOTS A SHOES, NOTIONS, CUTLERY AC, in tho old Court House building, adjoining the Holmes House, TIONESTA, 3?A. where they will bo happy; to npply the wants of this community, with an Hnllrc FrrNji Atsor (incut of all tho novelties In the DRY GOODS LINE. which have licon seletol with great rtire. to prices, wo challenge all competitors. It has long boon tlio desire of tho peoplo of this com m unity, to have a store in their midst where can be found everything gen. erally kept in a tirst-class storo.und whero it could be purehased at living prices. To mm: m T,7,r0 muw:i- buslness d to tho wants of the people, to secure their patronngo. , Our stock of , DRESS GOODS is second to none in Western Pennsylvania, aud we are determined not to bo under sold. These gvods enibraeo all the iatust styi,i.:s, and wo feel assured that tho eitiwnsof Ibis county will not have to go to adjoining towns to purchaso DRESS (iOODS in tlio future.- Our stock of OLOTHiira is fiupoiior, both in finality and stylo to any ever before offered in this section, and w o trust that all w ill call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Wo "o, , a. t MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER, having an experienced cutter, we eau sat isfy tho most fastidious ;' ami; as; wo havo our 6wn manufactory in Philadelphia, 'wo thereby havo tlio udvanuigovor all.other dealers In thin section. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, &X in endless variety, at prices, to suit tha. times, Boots & Shoes of every stylo and quality, w hich wo uro prepared to sell at New York pricos. Call andEcmincJourStock. opP!-;.ly. HILIiRONNER CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers