1 1 1 iunx -at' CU1I v. n ht at ro be 1U in rc, Al H, Ft lt)i ri til ' "fl It Vl JI il tit ro ill i J th. t l;i iiu 1r on.' in. yu tin cl: tie tio be vr. l;i OH tin ar R. w. w; i nai fact w l;io - KDITor, .TUESDAY MOANING, NOV 22..' Tho war news this week is about the samo ts usual, c.xeor tl,nf Ktt.ssin seem dispscil to trend on the tail of En'andicimt. Ouo contradiction af ter another is all. that is looked for now. A Hecejion of small skirmisl en term ta ho going about Paris, but this is all. - '; Constitutional Refo-m-Lettcr frtm ' Hon. A. 0. Curtin. k IlARRtPFr;en. Ta., xrov. 18,' 1870. A private letter from Governor Cur tin has just been received lure, con taining the following, relative to the proposed revision of our State Conoti ttition. After stating that he has lif t participated in political discussions since be hua been in Russia, the Gov ernor ays : ' "Kut I cannnt refrain' from encour aging you in the important reform you treat so fully und forcibly in your last letter. I am rejoiced to learn tUt nn earnest effort is about to he made to secure a general revision of the Con stitution, of Ptntuvluunia by calling upon the people ni' the State to eser Breise their sovereign ' pover through tho 'channel of a reform convention. Purely. such a movement must meet with tho cordial approval and enV.dt te positive efforts of the-sV men of both parties, fl.r tlieessity of thor .ugh reflirm i painfully apparent to oil. It not ! onY.Si'nse a qiiction of piwrt.v poiii.c?.-, .5,ouid ,w pro. -erven d.. win nP m T-n ,ia'f. 'o ; L-n reviriinii nt tlu flings, Safi v a great Common- J "lJ t.H14, fill,. I lli," . t -., . i n ceniurv, embrac vr. K. dcnn ing a decade of inntehless progress, is a work of no common magnitude. It ' is most vital to our vat and varied material interests, and equally so to anr future honor and advancement, that the people should lie enabled to A- . . .1 - ,i . , , .. . T-erjcci uieso saoiv nene-i reiorms in rinlrii " . , . ... . . I audelop- the most unluusied and dispassionate maiiuer, and, therefore, h-i'ial eh-c-' Mtio:iB, n far removed ns possible from the ; annual jmlitical struggles, should be held, not nitty for the election f n'5, -rates to the convention, but also Jor .hfc-tifioatii'ii or rejection, of the cmen.l;ne!i -..... niav i1Q matured and .ropostI. ;,., n convention iit tlotimo ...l.l nt ,.Ji:1 ,l,,.,, b character of ''..islatimi a :d t re deem our-poliilWf sy-r,.m freni many of the-debauehiog inflnem-e which 5 have become to closely interwoven it- It wool, I enforce a just deiViHfe' to popular, will in tho niietnient of Jaws, and the'extrcise of all delegated powe.-s, and v.he I lie will of the pie is respected t lie good nw., I i i '-v " -u.Uiiiour.c.iu.-..irji pw........ , ."T The Me-i.sv.11.1 Journal doubtaston goi oirby tlia "'"vjlle Herald, and it tolls tho t..r a,5t' gets doubts us f.,llos : i o fft - 'IV. Ml r tsr.f Sufn wmi't ina iiiusviiio jj-'f.ut- ' . gives binh to a "Tliri"" l,) - ',. Oil llfgioiis," in u!iJ .4 a in iik-" .ne rtil- one foot fast in a . . , ., . .-1 -tI'hi-v about five . n.c (1II.0ie t extricate 'cars a'' n"V.,.,-nts from ihe time it, as in a jf it M8S g 8Wollen lie g-it h Ul)t be t3k,.u friin, i'ie that it hoof. An approaching train '?ro frightened man desperate, for "."'Switch connected with the main Jck, iin-l lie thought he was about to ue crushed to death. At this critical , juncture "Jatues Hathaway glanced . down atthe imprisoned member, and a thought struck him. - He began to whirl violently, and just as the cow-catcher reached him he hopped lightly tq one side. ' It was bis 'game leg' that had become fast, an I unscrewing it lui had ejcaed bis threatened fate." How a "cork leg" could bo attached ! a pedal ap 42udage which would swell jo enor , xnotialy in the short space of ten miu : ute, is iiiL'oncdivnblo at this distance The story will not be credited here un lets we can be assured, upon good au . thority, that tho eork foot, like the . man, wasi:ih t water during ilm whole period of its switch imprisonment. , 'O , In a re.-ciit neb,' Long John . AYeutwortii declared his opponents had liurloi ut him every enithet iu. the la iguage but one. . "They have called ine a liar, u liiit-f, a ilnii.kunl, u bcuiiii drd, a villain, u rascal, a hog. und an old ass; but gentleman, they never culled me a fool." " EcAK fiior. Our friend James Jlomsoa eliot a bear cub, in tho "green woads," "eck lieioi o la-t. .He was a iiit nhop w as bured on, und l e hud re litllo follow. 0rjuiii Journal. , tursd to HjHi vicinity. Ind&jtiuiini. Monday, beott, ol : township, met Villi an necUlenvj J that proved fntal. In the raornuip et .1 !.. t. ...ii . i.l unit u;, iiv wnunui, uuim Kill IICHIIU and vijror, to War dtnva-ni old- log h.im. While UnimlTorl ill -.irk lia fi.ll from the too of the huil.limr t the prond, a distanca of about, 21 feet, -j lie was quickly carried into the house, when, upon examination, it was iV-und that .K -l,..u 'r .1.- f...i was pnralyten. Proper ni-diial attend nlliA U Q rtll-d.1 1i!b !n!iirw,a M-Ar ri , , . i- of such a character that no relief could tie administered. Notwithstanding he had lost all sen sation in the affected parts, his mental faculties were in full vigor for upwards of 24 hours lie fuffered little or no pain, und breathed his last about 5 o'clock on Wednesday morning, the 9th, aged 45 years. . The deceased was a native of England, lived in this country about twenty years, and had the reputation of au honest, 'upright, frugal and industrious citizen. He leaves a bereaved wife, and several brothers and sisters, to mourn his loss, while all his neighbors and acquaint ances deeply regret his sudden death. Ctearfeld Journal. PwOBBEKT IN VENANGO ClTY. Thurslay morning about half past 1 o'clock, Mrs. I let ter's mil linary store, in cnaugo City, was robbed of. ftne twenty dollars' wortlj toats and oth er goods. niiknov narties. ilrs. Leeker3 was sleeping in the vr n the time, and was awakened by acrah of broken glass. She immediately procured a light, and on going dowu staiis dii covered hgr loss and the brok en window through which the robber had . access to the 'oods. She heard one man running away fn in the build ing, but could not see him on accouut of the darkness. ljist week an unsuccessful attempt was made to break into Lew Ppangler's meat market, and, week before last an attempt was made upon the residence of T. II. Williams, with the same re sult. The same parties Vere probably engaged in each ease, and from the bungling manner in which tlu-y went to work, and their intimate knowledge of the premises, it may he fairly pre sumed that they arc residents of the Fatai.' Arctr.EST. On November 7th, Mr. Matthew place. . . The officers on both sides of the riv it are wiitchi'ig su-ipicious characters, bv.tasuo clue has been left by the robbers that could lead to their detec tion, there is Vint liltie chalice for their capture. Oil City limes. Which we wish to remark, and our language is plain; that for ways that are dark, the true lVnnsylvan ian cannot be over-matched. A man in with t'lUi iy'"'nl9 'mve discov ercuHVi i.,'t4 ,'le "f motive power to nnswer aJr1e:V)'iiTln..I' peo - Is " ui sit i " o- water, dorse, etc. . I ig-i., , ' V-Lu"1 " "'o us ITornce Wilkinset al L '"n'lroii m,....: . . Ut l" !'Ve I r A Company vs T W Taylor et al Tl i, . . IH 1(3 w"h a ranin - 'r-'iB 01 aeveloping a start io.--"' ...mi ox lour liiiudivd .'creuse ''-v f"n,f iiiomi-id pounds ot ,ts capacity to one.' declare that be worki.g poweand tl .at he intends to U ..t iJ(mitler hn.xU beui.e Co.,- "? t.c v.cxt region, nith tho view " .M i,,.; ,i, ,...t, ,M;.. ;,ilf e ... ....... f, ... v ......... V . V . erty in the invention securred to hit! heirs, administrators and assigns. Jlcadci'ie UepuLlican. Accident in Vkmaxco City. A boy, aged about nine years, a sou '. Phillip Smothers, ot Vfii nngo' Ciiy, was' caught between tl e cars and se riously injured this morn'mir, about half past-10 o'clock. The ii juries he sustained were, a severe cut on the leg, below tho knee, his right hand crushed und lascerated, ami left shoulder bad ly bruited. It appears that he was gathering coal close by a car that was being unloaded, when ahoy called out to him. He thinking that a lump of coal was falling, jumped in betwen the i urn, which immediately began to move. Alarm was given and the train stop pid, when bis injuries were found to be as above stated. It was a marvel that he was not instantly killed. Oil City Times. a St'DbKN Diuth. ing last a very .-ud. On Sunday morn ii death occurred in HiiiJy 1'e'i 1. It appears that on t!io morning named Mr. L. I.i -my unite about 4 o'clock to get a drink o. water. ' He bad something of a cough jin. I was su til-ring with ah attaea oV ijiiiucy, . Ho took a diiuk and wa reaching for aiinlhcr. wl.eu a siuhlct. lit of coughing scici him,, nud stag geriiig forward, belell to tl floor o'euii. The diys'ciaii gave it ta. ht opinioi that death was cuuwid in coiiwipieiici of the bun-ling of a blood vessel in the iicik. Mrv IaTh)' has long btni s resident of the lioiid, but hud recently ! loiaud rt I'iVfke:-, ulurj his jewel r At BlairviHe, a young IVuseinu j , beauty took the premium by d riukinir twenty-seven glatwc of Wr without I looseniug her cornet!", in honor of thJ , ..i -a . ... .. J IISUJO (H iilltll. , Oil fSetlan - tary hnhits too, ! I'M- . We leant that James M 'Caramon, ? . Ml" 5 !n'n'P. w '"''"'j ! VU . "ne nf ihn, Tk' hJ I Ut't nira.le I h chopping wood with Mm, I itritf iiiiv ! tit ll.rt ....I ?..TT . . ' D""'f ainii ill llic OMIC 1M 111 lill'I i a severe and dntigerous wound. We are without full particulars. Cbirien i ... ' 1 Mr. J. A. Juiitzer, saloon keeper, on Federal Hill, was cleaning a cider barrel a lew days ago, with water and lime, and was rolling it about on Hie pavement when it blew up, tearing it to pieces, the head being thrown on topi)f Jantier's brick Wilding. Mr Jantier was floored, ami hurt consider ably. Had he stood in range of the barrel bead it would undoubtedly have killed biui. Erie Dinjaich. MARRIED. Coor.E-ZBNT. Nov. Iflth, H70. the Hrv. S. H. llurtoii, Mr. John Cnle, ot Kidxinazqo, Mivh,,' to Mis Mxry Jiuie Zent, of Hnesta, KldhidoeScott. On tlieth inU Um residence of ttiH itev. Solui K-illl.to, Mr. Georite I. VnOridge to Annie Isab-lta, rtaNufhtor of James A. Scott, Ksq., a'l fl ' Junk Township, Korcwt County. Pa. STRAY COW. CME to the Mihrt-rloer Noveio'vr 10th a Dark Hrimlle Cow. al;nut ten years 11- jM1' atthe u'n hor!-. sawed off; the two ..nm m. an.t ie'l foro foot u-klto. tu.. en"ei",n !ive 'e same by provlotr prop- Nov 1C, !PT0.-i L; A N A, a. PROCLAMATION- AVhkhkas Tho Honorable .Tallica Camp . . . . - . . . .... ....' bell. President J iiilito of tho Court of Com tnon Piens and narter Sessions In and for the county of t-'orcat, lia issued hiw pre cept for holdinir a (Viurt of otonion Plea ami (quarter sessions. ., at. i.onesia, ior tho tuntly ot l''erc!t, to eomntenee on to rourth Momiay or ioe. next, iieitia ir Jiilli day ol lice;, l.-wO. Notice is theref' iriven l the Coroner, Justices of the I' '.J; and CoiiKtalilea of vaid county, that th tlicn and tlieio in their proper perti," ' ten o'clock, . SI. ol sain day, if records, iiuiuisitions, exaiiiinui't. other remembrances, to do ,llfl0,oiii which to their ollh-es appe.rttiii), , ' and to those who are bound in VH tlutt ar to prosecute a:r.unst the Pr,'u,,tv, that or shall I in tl.e juil ot l'r(luiw . they he tnen and there to ,. undvf them as shall be nist. x-nv ii hand and seal this lflh d. v,o Jh'.r ' ISO. . lUh, ' 7aiALLISTFCfiCEW'R TCf?rit.o. ,141 . ,rA-ort.uKli of 'I lonesta. John A Palo vs ? y wUU lau Proper rt- t eck ii,, U(, r ot !.ei la to Si.oiniis McCloskv ct al Ford A- l-a-v.t J '.Viiwra vs June il Uil v in T Ncill bert et aris vs William Slater et id I homiw 3 The Hickory Kiirm oil Co J li iticivN Jaini's (iret'ii ot -ii adior s liavid lmi L lliibruner vh Win Crispin M StriiNo , llilbrimei vs Win Crispin M NU M. iiuai vs Michiei Ilio. ht MiUtt M. tjuaij vs liuiiel Itreciil et al Mai W hitiuau v Solomon isoigworth et A M-Karl and et al v A R-n le l'ittsburub and htoivurt'u Run nn fn vs John Herbert et al y raott Township udiool it - .r'r ttr" A ht' nrnNct al vs T W Tavloret al "i",VVMah.m McOnni r v -I..I... vt.ll...- V Kaiid.ill vh V V. Keisdoiph et al Wilbur Wul:.nii vsCo-u-iro Ittilioer 'oryt County vs Jolm O Ilrnudon, late Treasurer ol Forest County FOi-cltb lot. J vs R McClikV et al J. It. AOMiff, 1-rotb'y. TtoNii.si A. Xov. 17, 1S70. 3t 3t A WATCH Kit K K lor hvi.i,u.if mnA $0 per (! v Hire. Ilus net li-ht ai:l honorable. J'o (iilt enterprise. Nol iini bin;. A.l lre s, It. Monroe Kcnody, I'itts uurish, l'a. :J3-4t 0 O' CLOC K. 33-lt Local Agents Wanted. nut a l,ocai Ain lit in every . n and Villn-.-e in the C.nin '. to cair ass t r Kul.scr.la r he We tkhn W oi l. ii. a s.-nitlcciit ?ri.00 1 reniiiini -cl KnirrvlUT is wi1 gra'i to -rv subscriber. Kioin ai.lCi tlO (XI can bn easily mado in A liberal cash roniniission a .i.iowoi. Send h:amp tor fcpee'mei! aid I'liasef.'ireiiliir, Address, James H. Dliott, Boston. Mass. Ai it TOY Wlil.LV CA33LIC TABLETS An unfiiiiin.t remedy for all Ui-oichlsl rif ticiiltios, Couiriis, tolds, HoarseuusH. Asthmii. Dipiheria. lirynesol the Throat or ll'ind P'pe and ali Cn'arrhul diaeHsuK. The wonder.ul modern discovery of Cur bolio Aeid. is ilest-ned to besiiin one ol he ftreatoKt bhws'n-x to .nsnkind in lis applieati'in to diseaso of tlie ihroat and its Treat curative (piiditios ill ail alteetions ol the Chest and I.iiuv;. Ir. 1 Veils' Vurholtv Tablets, liesidru the rest reniclinl ap;jnt Carbolic cid eonta'iis other immilientM imiverKiilly ree 111:1, coded, which ele'inicuPy c.-ioliinc orodueiit'. u 'Inb'et in -re hivhly nitdicin al and e'.ter adapted f r diseases of the 'lireat ihan my pi'-paratlon ever before o!' ered t Ihe public. ld!5 CiiL'ulIS AND COLDS, "Wells' Carbolic Tahh t are a Sl'Itll OKKE. Try Them. Id b" Il-lJl'ldst, M41 rvi i-A f :x TELLERS' COAL BANK , AO Altf JN QraiATION ! Tili1 nANH I" Wo.Yln Washington I WM a girl tit f.wosut hare,iKa'g.itl an eaporioncwd j '! uW' r, MnKk hmtt Wirtiams. 1.1 ouor ifo -T- ."T ""'". "von Hrieaimm im fu.i Him winicr; ami am pre- pared to furnish nil my old customers, and j SrSLmiJfl with goixl eoel nt 7 eenu per bu-ho! a! ihn luuik, or '22 cents detv- red nt Tinnnvij, I M1 positive tluU t iu ne antimwtmH to u, ana ri nouul.j ak. asharo of llie pub lic patronn;i. V. FKLLKIts. h k r '. C, 1 A 11 Jfc-, i TIZDIOTJTE, PA. VATCU MAKER & JEWELER, Arvft Dealer In WATCH KB, .1KWFLUY, AND MUSICAL IKSTiUJMKNTS. Repairing don in n workmanlike manner, and warranted to give satis faction. GETTING UP Cl.Uns. GREftT SAVIMGTOCOJUSUWERS. I'arlieit etiiiirn ow to et uii ehiba. riiir answer Is. sent for Priee t,Nt. and a Onl) torin will auonnpativ it with full di rrction. iiiakin I lniuo Raving to -o. sunttir and tcmttmrntive to i-hib orumiis ors. i The ft rent American Te Company, i .11 A SJi'KSKV STUEF.T, 1. O. 11o NH-i. f NKW YORK. i it I.IVK AJ KNTS WASTK1 VtK nvanvxs oFxiivr yoiih. ' OH KOAL LIFH '' IN THE oIKAT CITY. Wr.nderfnl dcvii.ni.-tB anen (he ariatnerwr. MarrjxV Women expoaiNl, Ae.. (:, I rlee J;f.i The best IJ'Kik to published. The bet ternm to aseuta uver riven. Aililrew, Y, Jlook Co., lift Nassau Mt.. X v I "3Mt 1Y 1B v. T. DWitt Talm.vob, Tho most PVJiiJr J'reiu hor in America. A'iits w i ti everywhere, mine or te inal,", to nl Ills urint work, is better than Murk I '. " no troulilt, to hell. Km Prolits. Nfiid for terms und illustrated 11' - ps'-'e V!,Uri.1::vJ,,,M N'r"l'lrt Co.,Puli- ' Till Cnn.ni.1 W Ul.:i...l-I. I.:. llooK ..1-4t GREAT TOUT U ASD HOW IHKY H K1IK Mint 11 Jr. McCabe, Jr. .New fresh and iTirinal. I'ro ftKCly l!liisti'iited and beautifully lxMind. It shows leuv a poor ehi"ol-mvier made ;o,0no,i (0; liowapmr Iih.I'-I.I.ikI sailor he eanie a irrent banker, a butcher's appren tice ihe vi aliliiost iin.it m Aniei ien, an un known iiKs-hanie a iiillhoniiirp in seven yean", with many inoie sueli exiimples; how eoer.'v, tuicnl, and pii'ient in.lustrx liave n.wiiys met widi success w-'ien pro perly exerted ; lio-.v money can be made honest 'y and without suentlce l pr iiei itl. Serrl liir- 'ireiilar, etc.. nil notice my extra terms tico. .iaelean l'ubislier, .Sansom St , hiiiidi'lpliia. lU-t IDE;. 1?. XlXXjXJS -C'ELEIiRATKD COUCH REMEDY HAKboen used during the last fifteen ars by thousands of poop lor the speedy euro of throat and lnii d'senses. It has boon thorouuldy ihm,s1 th voice ot iho press und the pe-ip e have rendered their verdict bv p. oootmcin f i! a MAKK Sl'KRDY, TlioIiUi H and KH KKC'l I '. AL KKMKDY the best .Mslicine known lor cnniiif Lunjr :oiiiplauil. Kvory lair )n of every a;o alllicted wi'h either ol ti lotlow injf diseases, shonld mo this 'plea ant. remedy witiiout delav, and then voices will soon m nrr w;tj, hosta ol otli rs in rru iiiuiAtHiiiiK its eftieacv to Ihoii atUicied neichlsirs an I ireuda. l'e Jluis Couch Jlenedu it cvre4 Colds. cS" Use null s Cough Remedy it cure Crovp or liatllef. ttar Cue Hall ': Cuiirjli Remedy it cvret Aitthmit and J'liliific. Bar Use Hall s Cough Remedy fur Ca turih. Pa?" Use HaWs Cough Remedy it streng then thehinlj:; a" Vte Unlit C'aufih Remedy for liron- .J..'lia. V&'Use Hall's Cough Remedy for HnnmrMeJ-it. G& Use I alfs Cough Remedy it streng thens the voire. tp?;. Use Hall's C augh Remedy for Whooping-cough. It wilt u;really modify the violence of this disease ami slior en its tcJ.ons a urae one half from it-onPnary duration. Ht wa e of eoimter'- iw and l.ae iniPa- tious, call for Dr. P. Hall's t e'etraUs' C-iu'.'h Itemed v and see that h s wr-'tei siunaturo Is upon tho wrspp-er and itlroe tions. &TIlfXO TKSTISIOXY. We tho iin.lersi;ned e'tizeiisof KrieCitv and vicinity, have use. I Hr. I'. Hall's Cef ebiaied Oiutrh Iteinedy with ireatHi;eecs, in eur'ii diseaseaoi' the Throat and Lun and bike pleaurnin roeoiniiieud'in; I'.s use i the ailllcled as a speotl.v and eftoemal -einoJv, fully worthy of public eon tiduuee. lames Thompson K'lls-ru CH'hrau John Meihorn Sr Joint A Tracy J li 11 W .Mil. an a John W Hays John It Cochran John 11 Diuiiara John M W aneil John H Brown S L Fon-ter J W Hull orvioe .Smith (' Duinars H O Uo.it. IKlson K'ng. lmmcl M:n r, C II Wright Matthew Hamilton .1 W ltyan J Mooney J W Culver m II May A M lai l.Hll K A Itciillett J Salsbiirv 1'itniel Hear .1 Kobiwn W V Kiiideruecht I K Uurton ' A'aos. 11 Siherwood W 11 Ciss-r Joseph Deemcr lielij lirant Lucius A Hull Th 'B M Kee AV M (ialiauher ( has W Kelno Ii I Lmijja JiHIdrk Hiehar.l Jlces J 'i' I use iMoiel llnver " K Kibict M M iv r J I. l)iig J I :! t n hi 2d S.!as II Finch C U Howell S. 1KI1 IX F.HIF.ONLY liY 1. HALL. Maniitacurer ami a:e pr Miriet. .r, linll k New Ibiildin.', StateSi. PiilCK 37: CIS. I'l'H UoTI'Li;. Sold hy Ii. M. KNOX A CO., TioiiesUi, l'a., and bv ugciitt geneia -. ly. ' " S3 Sm THE BOOT AND SHOE 2 1 STORE. 3 pi" YOU WANT a pcrf.N-tnt and a irood 1 article of iloota and Shoes,pl' iho tiiiost taj workmanship, goto as. it, jv ,1.111,-n, :J E'TRI STK):i;i, OIL CITY, l'A. JCirSafirfjLtlon HiOfMUfSVi. t-$tt flight I"cr Cent. JoiU nilST MOkTOAQE B0ND3 ' or rut Uhvk fa $1, 5 0 0V0 0 0 BY THE ST. JOSEPn DENVER CITY, It AILTIOAD COMPANY. In tlonoa'iinktions of t),(k and fCOO, cou pon or registered, with interest at Kluht per cent. jer annum pavahlo lHh I'ebru ary and AiiKiist, In 'loLli frp or Vnltod Ntates Uxea, in New York or Lump. The bonds have thirty voara to run, pavahlo in New York in nol.li. Trustees, farmers' loan and Trust Com pan r of New York. The inortKatfo which secures thrso bonds la at the rale ol SU.fSiO per mile covers etinipleteii road tor everv Ismd lsHiied, and is a hrt and OXI, inortK'iorc This line, conneetiiiit Sit. Joseph wltli Kort Kearney, will mako a short and through r.iuw ,o v oinornia. The Coniuiiy have a Capital nKK'K o. , . . And a itrnnt of Ijind frtim ConKresN. of 1 .dOi.oiM Acres valued, at the lowest esti mate, at - - . Kirst Mortra)o Bonds, - fio.aoo.O'.'O 4,0"0,00(l l,S,OC0 Total, flS.riO-V 00 Total length ol" road, 271 miles' distance Included iu tills .Mortpure. Ill miles ; price j r-. i wiTuim lnicr.wi, l t. KH ' Can bo obtained ironi - undersigned. Al psuipl.'-i., niH and imormation relnt.n, i hereto. These bonds lieing bo wefl sec ured and yielding a large Income, are desirable ti parties seeking sale ami lucrative investment. We rocununoiul them with entire uonlidcnee, W. P. COfeVKUSK A CO., CONMKROlAt. AOKNTH, 'o. M Kino Streot, Y, UfMl. t . , Fiscal Aoicsts, N. 49 Wall Stroct, New York. I0-6m. GREAT EXCITFfflENT! at;th 8tor of 1 . - D. S. KNOX, & CO., Elm St., ionesta Ta. 1 .... , , "Tin daily receipt 01 thelarjrestand , "K siia k o atoi:i:ii:s nikI rnuvisEo.vs. EVErt miGUCHTTC TMISMAPVK 4 BOOTS & K0E3 ! - FOR, THE MILLIONS! f . which we are determined to sell resr Jlue o: prices. AND House Furnishing Uoods, Iron, Naili.. Mwhine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac., m t. ., nhteh we oner v B... . dtu-ed prices. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! of ail kinds, P A It LOU uriTX, CIT AMBKR SF.TS, LOUXtiEH, WHATNOTSI,' Sl'llINO HEDH, MATIIKSSF.H, LOOKING CLASS KS, Ac., r Ac In EN D LKS VAUIKTY. ( all and see, 7-tl D. K. KNOX, A CO. AOF.NTS WAN I'KD FOR Hon. Win. SKWAKDS CltASD TOTK of Auxlco. Advemure and St(;ht-8eeliig in "0 -r Site- Reptqtio." Is a work of rare merit' pro'"uselv ll'nstra Td. Send for ein-u'ars to Columbian Hook Cm.iauy, llart.oid, Ct. li-:lt A. V A It I . A Clergymiui. whim resi.liii'T 'n S'-u!li A'ueri- a a.a mis .io.mry, disc rve.l a a!c slid simple remedy lor the Cure of Ner vous Weakness, Kailv Iss-av, lii-eae- of Hie I'rinnrv and Keinlna' Orirans, and the wli-ile train of disorders l)ioit.'.ht on bv ba ief'd and vle'nua habl'a. ireat nuin lrs ii.iV" Jsv ii cured hy this nobh, ivine dv. Pi-oiuii wl by a itesire t lei est the ahl ctcl and unforliinate, 1 will e'td til" rocii-'lor preparing and usii'g ibis ino li ebi.i. in aca e l eiivulopc. to 411V one w ho needs it, fr 'eol eliMr.-e. .to ireii T. Inma station D, iii bio llutie, N. Y. City.. 30 -it J 0 iX A lVfek Salnrj-1- Yming V - men wanted as liv-a. and travel ling alesinen. Adress 'Wi;hUiiip It. II. Wai kkb. 34 Park Row, N. Y. .) 4t . Tre Republican .Office KF.EFS constantly on hand a lartre as aortuieni 01 H ank Deeds, Mortgages, Siihpnjnas, Warrants, bojnmoiw, Au., to he eeM etiaitf) for otioh. rt, O i T O Ii lJ It , 1800. J.& P. "coats' HE3T SIJC-C0HD t y' lm MOW TUB lliread put up for the American inarkur which Is HlX-COItD IX AM. NUMBERS, I'mni No. 8 to No. 100 Inclusive. Forllanil anil Ulnrhinr. 'yuU i& NVin7SBti'Q7? r l Hy sondintf OtiT,NTS, with uge heiuht, color of oyrnand hair veu will ro-elve by return mail, a eorraet pTe ture of your future husband or wi.e with name and date of marring. W. FOX. I. o. Drawer No. '.'41 F"ultori-llle N. Y.ja-4t 'f Mb t-hACf ICAL FARMER The A levliou; Agricultural Monthly of tHe Vnited suites; containing 21 quarto pages: la r coin mem rod to larroera evervwhero as a thoroughly rel'nbleand well illustrnt el Agneulturnl oud llorTloulter.il Journal. It Is largely made up of original matter, and dev tislto stock llalsinir, (ialn (Grow ing, the Dairy, Orchard, Vegetablo and Market Oarileuinv, Orazing, ltear nn; and Fattening An tuals. a A'etennary Depart. inent, e. 1'r.ee I..1O por anin in. Sample copies supplied on application. Liberal funs to Auenis and Canva-cr. w.th show -bills furnished 011 application to Pas ciiai.i. Mounts, Fddor and 1'ropiUUor. is North 13 h sireet, l'lihi.h!pliia. 30-K UOMCS, HEALTH, HAPPINESS. How to be Obtained f-r Five Dol larsl Plantations. Farms, Villa Sites and Town l..ts, at The Oreal Picin'uni Ijind Sale, Aiken, s. C. The ''Saratoga of the silh." 4 hours from N. Y. The most delichtful climate in the world. Free from tho rluors of North- rn winters, exempt from Throat diseases. Vinyards at d or chards In foil iHMiring. For descriptive iwmphlet, address, with stamp, .1, c. I'KKHY, Augusta, (5a, 3-Mt iii L::iiTu7ie7r7Tw"iih A 1 Caiarrh tler.y y-. ars. and was cured In six weeks hy h simple remedy, and wil! send the rebel pt , postage free, hi all atllct ed. T. J. Mkat, JrawcrlTi, Syracuse N. Y. J SO 4t A yijNtery Nolvrd. Fifteen Minutes' Private Conversation with Married l.ud:o by one of their number. Sent free for two Htamps. bv Mrs. .11. MKTZUKR, lUnever, P.t. 30-4t 10 MAMD15 Ft) 1 5) Sonteihing urgently neeiled l.y eveiyb ily .an aim cxaonue, or sail. pies sent p tage a d lor -HI eta that retail easily eiau easnv ior f in, 1;. hr-.. V Y JN-lt . L- W hs-tt. I si c'h Molxirk' Stom ach Hitlers, unlike till other Hitlers in the murkti, posxrss intrinsic tneril. Mot Jiilttrs. so I so'ifLnre Marly toislmeashy stuff, J Bitters tt'rfrrugt. Dr. Rolmvk' J rji.r of Ihe irorul'Verage in city j most ' erpenxive drug kltl'm fit j srirife for Vie rtidivul cure ' ' lnil'ujrslion und Iysjiejia, aiul .for ull eases where a tonie mid stimulant tirt rnyi fr. !7irj(i restore Ihe vital 1 forers in a e- mnrlmble decree, und (ire lone to the system. Vf is now eleven years since Dr. Iloback. the cel ebrated. Swedish physician, from Stockholm, fiice- it'JI. entne in thlm country and iiitrodiieeil the Scan dinavian Rloml Purifier; since vhich time thousands hart been enrel, by H use, of Scrofula and other blood diseases. It contains, bcxides Ihe Iodide of Potastui and Syrup of SiiUlni!'ui,di ufH im.oi t from Sieetlett for its express manufacture, unknoirn und nol Kept l,y ajiolfie estrks in I his xttnlry. A oiiriice Wt .r.:" skept'n at of Us Human fitl value. Or. Roback't Rload Pills arx unsurpassed by any Pill niani factnred for a similar purkxe. isire irnu ,,1 ,'0. riably establishes them as favorites xcith all who' use them. Tw reasons why Dr. Rohack'i IXcod Pills should be kept in ev ent familti are: Reams thru en be employed in all cases where a " (..,, j.,.;" . .;...j j are perfectly safe in their admin istration at all times; Because they are made both with and without sit'ar eoating, thus adapting them to the use of every body; Because they can be pur chased at any drug store at the extremely low pries of twenty, five tents pT box. Jtor St, to by Mrufglste ami Dolcra in Patent ' Medicine everywhere. RYN0LDS,8R0aDHADaC0 1 Cr-i.-.ro Sr.,r.ppoaitePoKtOllL-o. OIL CITY, PEIIN'A LiKAI.fclia is FORriCM AT7D DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. . DRhSS GfJOVS, CARPETING on. cloths, norm & shoes HATS CAPS, rRMVL(.ii ' SOT IONe KTCi, ETC, HQBACK'S STOMACH BITTEfiS nil flu BLOOfi PILLS GLORIOUS :: u.NEWSf .. . t . Tfffc s rropix nrioxciN ar 1 ; "U7K AND LET LITE t" ' la the motto of iril -JJR0NNER & CO. . i vkoxiar opanad a - MAMM 0 T n'.g T 0 C it . . or DBY GOODS, KILLINAST GO0D3, CXOTIITNO, HATS, CATS, CAnrsTs, BOOTS A SHOES, NOTIONS, CUTLERY &C. la the old Court llouae building, adjoli.inj. tlit Holiuos House, where they wUl be happy to enpply IL wanu of this eoniiuunity, w ith an lax I ire Fresh AuoHtn..t W af U the.novolt:ci Iu Uie DRY GC0DS LIKE. which have been .elected with (Treat care. An to prl. ea, we challenge all eomoet tors. It hat long been the de,;ro of the people mld.t mun-, (o hare ,l re in tl. rally kept 1 a tiT atl wrrtlitajrn- , . . , t''ro,n,id whare It could be purchased at l'.x . . 1 pricea.' To- natiufy this want, we havoec n. ... 'a vor midst, and hope by pr.rer att. n;it. baalaee. .nd to the ai.U of the people,. aeurt their patronage. , Oor stock of DRESS GOODS t aoeond ta none in Wostern PencEylvania, i an4 we are determined not to be nnder Jld. Tlese goods embrace all U.e- I A TEST K.TILIIS,, t and we fee! ,oure(j tim lJu) cUns S pounty will not have ts v " aiJoin:ns 'l pnrcuw w. vnrm tn th future ' Oar stock of OLOTHIHQ la anperlor, both In quality tiu j vie to any ever befcre offered in this stvtion, and w trust that all willeali and examine cur took betbre purchases el.ewui.ia. . Wa also, i MAKK CLOTHING TO CRDER, having an experienced cutler, we can ea Ufy the most fastidious ; and as w e have our own manufactury lo Philadelphia, we .heroby have tho advantage ovor a'-t other dralera iu tbis section. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, &C 'n tndlesa variety, at pricos to suit t!i time. Bdots & Shoes- of every atyle and a,Qlity, which we r, prepared to tell at New Ytrk pricea. Call irrd ExarnifleourtStcok. V J-St ly lUIKONJCBa y.. i l V i. Cletj "v''1 ' y" f'eiin 'enn Mill ticinn. mlojit ' lone i c ; tcniuy hi(jt '. town v 'ol. re Jlotls,: le exn, Tli day ,,' i '"tf in things " t tlia aiil he , l ufsci i'resjjiee ""J prai aic'rcl8j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers