The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 22, 1870, Image 1
1. ''' rUMrlffrlED KVKIlY. TtEADAY;BY 5fflc In Kno' Building. Kln Street. TF.ltMS, 2.00 YKAlt. No RuhicrliiUorvf Rfloived for a shorter period tlmn three month, i C irrespouiUiuca moHnJlinl from llrvj-ta id'lhe eoinirf,.v:iWrtc'leHk"jur t 'nnniiyinoii'o'nniiiuniitioiis. M.rriiiii mt 'POflrHi'TmttcM Inserted lirtttis. BUSINESS DIHECTORY. s .Tl ON E ST A LODGE, NO. 477, l Teet every We.lnosdaT evening, at 8 V1 ,"1"",k- W.-.AtfW.O.T.. M. W. TATK, W. rt. M-WKWTOlf PBTTIIl. ' W. TAT. . T O .i . . - - . PETTIS 4 TATE, ' ATT0nnET3AT LAW. . Xre't, riOXhXTA, PA. Isaac Ash, a irrrvivttY AT LAW. oil Cltr. V VV Wi 1 tr t:ce ;-l"rln? Courts of .rrr-l 'ftri'-l"" Alt nffR-m eiitrwtixl lit ctre will recoivo i.riupt atteutl n. .... niri . Lea ijava Faith tn'it iibtmakii Mfebtllnd in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as wo understand understand it."--L7NCOLW. $2 MR 'ANNOM. . W. lIOWUASn, AI.KX. MewWKI.L ., J. W. HOWLAND & CO ,'. lilERCiUHTrT AILO RS . .-": "il- Jt. ' ' , , AMU OKAI-tll I CJciiU' Furulalilug (aoodM. Anil AjyMitu for tliil t:i-l(lirunt Orofor it ; riiikcf Siiw'in Mm iiliif. ' LIDERTY HTRKIiTl NKAIt IOU ; ' ' FTlANitLlN.. PiHN'A. ,v 2 28 tf.. : . . W AL Li L I S V W. K. t.ay, ATTdKVf.Y ATI. AW ,NI SnLTCI TOIl IN IWkNKItn'TCY, Tlono-tn, Vorcst I'., will (iiiii'tico In ClarlDii, ' Vfinimr" :il rt'nrren (uinttp. DOW on K'm s;re't, two ilo'iim eto'WOilwrvwii , n i.ry more. - " tf. VTTOltNKY H'f ii'XW. ' mc An Klin Klroct, nl.vp Wnlniit, Tlonwtn, I'll. V - C. W. Gilflllap, TroltNKY AT LAAV," Vranktin," Ve- l ,Holinc Wousf, 'IIONT-STA, I'A., oi'V'wito tlie. PrfK.t. 1 t'. I. Miilii", l'rir'.i't'r. tiood Sl tlhn itniin-if(1 wi'li ttiolrutw.-'.i " tf. T M 1' it'.' O V IV I) M. A ('' I 0 !( 1 .1 IMPROVED MAGIC I-'- : , , ; ' Rachel' Ordeal. r ' It'uliol Bower' whs fur' from he.' ing liappy, nuil.yct was roislnsa of one of the grandest ni(in!iori!, bihI one of t!io liucPt iwtiiica, in Miilillcnox. As far ns die could ic8 the lntid was hers, wi'li tlio bi'aiit'iful alopes, tlio sliady doll-s llie nuvnilinx m.t'ndows, and .the distnnt liedgo of thn nUl .forest trees. Mistre? of tlic ninnsiou, nrid mistrtps of Uie hroml domain, oho, sat in her chair mid wns HiiTiai'py. And she was uuliuopy bevutiM r-. In rh other yenn, ' when she was oluiu IUdul StuvtiiH, ht-r father and her mother had been tlio Ucr;r of (Jakvfuoif, ns the f.Ht was oallt d.nnd ulic lmd jdnyed, a happy child oo the velvety laH. In those years Uukwood H had bcloiigld to Cpt.iJai,mtby How a era, who oviivd'sliii'and'H:u:!t'il t'J"!"' I C J..:.. Y. &ul, l)ItAf"n'L lliuiifsH MHkcr ami Srl I illcr. Tluvi- (l 'rti noi-th of Holmes 'ihhumIil I'd. . All work, la 'r- r-oi'f !. tf. 15 j ; . riMIUoUT ,P..J. l M aokk, Tropio- I t.-r. Tli li'Mii lin'i lf"ii Hioroii'lilv r!iti'l hiiiIiii w m Hi" lirit-rla onler, Willi t!i lirst of m;pi)iini"iliiliiiM. Any lf'ii-iii-nioii iic'riiiii4 Territory ul TIiImi) iini will be cheerfully fiirniHliP'l. .lv J. iV I). M AUKK, ' Vxiliu(te Hotc, T mv.rn Tlhlol'TK. Vn.! t. R. ItAMs- 'I J num. A Sos I'ropV-. TliiHliouwImviiur 'v li.eiire!lte lNii'"V tlio ni.stileir:iM,'J" n ; w'o In Tiaioute. A guuil '' 4 'X vni iittnrlied. '. j 7 T- . v N.itstr W. A. UallenlMiek, XHVlVlVn"Nii hotel i Xkw, Hii'l W I'ropritiloi tlrt i-Iush houHn, nituatc at , i oien Coftiio tlil t'riH'k Allegheny if hnie ihiU.lolilii, A. Ki ie Kailruwla, "''Tie the leMil. I'arliPH liavlnjr to lay ' ' 'Ttrniim will tinil thin llm m-Mtl convon flit liolel in t wn, Willi ilrM-eln.H mniim ; ,iiuliiii'Mi" ami rertoolile linrirw. tf. 'BALMI-' W. II. rKUKJNS: CO,, Sule Propri rtor. Fnuiklin. l'a.. . JOU S3 HOUSE ? , CLAU10N, PEXS'A. ' v t t ' " ' ; S. S. JONES - - ? Prornetor. Tifft Sons'A Co.'a . : , . rTK.W KXHIXKS. Tliennil 'rxlirned liuve S formile ami will piwvh onlent for tlie liive Kiuine.;ll Son A I'o. nrn now Miinliou to thin' nmrket their l'J ll.i p Town- Kninn w.h I l-llorse Power Huiier iMviiliniiv :iiiii)le(l to ileei wpIIh. liKKlrKsat iniiii-iin . f'lmlfaut'a, dealer In Well fixture, llurdwure.Ae., MainSU next dMr ti t'lmso ll nise, I'leieiantvillo, and at Mansion tl. ne. TitnSY'Ui v i. Jotn K. H;illocU, TT(iI!NKY AT l,AV anfl Solieltor of l'aleiitM.No. Sll'i l-'rencli sireet'oiioKi'e Iteed ll n-e4 I'.iiv. I'a. V'ill irni'0 in tlieweveVB' Kin'e Court and the United lhet I'onrtj'. Kpeeia' attention iriven to aoii.-iti- .-natentH for Inventora ; infrlniro-lO'Mit-.. ,-e-ix'ie and exteiiKion of patenta . di-efully a'fc-oiled to.- lte'.eremtoh: ilini. jaoiex t'Hinpliell, flni'lo.i; Hon. John S. M.-C.llmi:t, VrHiiklin i II. lu A A. 1. Hii hinonJ, Meadvillej; W. K. J-atliy. Ti oneHta. i J "7 STILL AHEAD. '"TouuhtttiArtflRTOW DOLLAR STORE! We want -rood rcllnlrtn a renf In every piwi, il. Hi" eonntry. j nyt'injdoylmr your tune to irtnn,i I:ihs iui-1 srndiii t lis onlors, voit ran ota ii tliemut l.lierul HininiifK ions either in i.'ah or JleVLljauJise. all uikhIs M-nt by us will lie as run".' 0,sl and we puaiantie r-ntNlwtln" ". , dealing witUonr hou"i ifnt from pv . Aitentsl.oul.i- lorwnrd to u In nd erv eusto-i'i"si-rltivo lists of tlio pmds Tim holders -of the Cheeks, liavo the eliivks.hivt tlH priv'ilPL'O of either iur ehasina tin" (iTliee.i hereon die.rihd, or ol exirliutiifinsr tor any urtielo mentioned on oor ea'iiloMne. nuiiila-rin-i o'er Mdl diller Pnt artfide.'. not rinrt of wlneh ean bo lnr elnit.ed in the usual laumu r (Vir. tlio mime money. ' Tl ,ndvn'aw if lirMt aendmtr the MuN-k are thene: Wo are eonstantly buy. iTWunuilllotsorvery vuiuuoiejsixi is.i iin-ii are not on nnr eiitnlomi", au I for whieli we IsNiie ehei ks uiilil all are Mild! be'ldes ill evervelub wo nut ehe'-ks Ulr Watches, q.uiiu. iWiuikuLiviJ' tihiiJ.'ttUema, or aonie other urticle of "iual viilue. ; We do not olfer a wiiif-de article of mer chandise that ean lie sold by reiruliir ileal ersatour riee. ,Wo..b) not ask r roil to l.nv.uiiixl-i of iis iinlesa we can iI. them cheaper than voti obta:n tliem in any oth er way-Twhili"tlie greater part oi our good tire wild at ulxiut ; One Half tit ICrgulnr Hates ! .Our stock coiiHlnts in part, of tuo lollow Intr uoods : . i -Shawls, lthinkMs, (JiiUts, Cottons. f.lnar Iiaiiis, ItreKs tiiMids. Table l.ineu. Towels. Houcrv. ;loves. Skirts. Corsets, Vc Ac. Sihir-rtate 1 Wave, Sjioous I'lateil on yickel Silver. Dessert forks, Five-Botllc fined 'Castors: liri'.tann.a Wans Uhiss Ware, TabU nud l'ockot Cutloiy, in jsreal variety.- I-'.leurunt . ..'French lir. J I" iktnb i "A M Y Kl " I A N A N H SI ' Hi I VK, who ha's 101,1 k;'''tl'co years- cxpcr-ciicein s i vtr 'if prwiice, will !' tend mil 'M.i.'.iitp ll.nise. , . I N II Is s'i'i n 1.- in..' HI'- FOUND A TmII aiNortiiioic .f Medicines, IJqilor. ',.i,.. ...... Sta'i'Mierv. !ass. fitinta. iTs 'Cnt'ii-.'' "nd line iirocei-ie;, all of the best'iiiMiity, and will be solil at roasonabto isles. . :i it. K. Ul'HUKSS. an experienced Drii ' 1 1st from New York, has ehai'ire. of tlio store. All proscrii.tlOnK imt npa-curatrtiy. tl. " " ' - - fru'ueroRS tlio ocean.- . C' pt. Jjitrnahy" owned the estate, and he hired Jusuii Stevens and Lis wife JlutiUhi, to take euro of it. , JanoB and MaUllu . luid Jlot bcn married untl well advanced inSit'e (they had met first upon,, tin? estate, and Kachel was their only child ; and ivhen Kac-hd .catiie tojiei vunteen her pivr en ts had pusaetl luto" the ".-'eiir and'yet-, low leaf.", At th'.s time dipt. JJarna by Bower? guve up the seit'I ul 'come to nettle in Oakwo ul. lie had money enough, and he had rcsolvi J that he would fict himself with btijjjj j,ow. more. An cxperictieed, tllat i,ia cll. ever, cotjig out that be wasgrow .V'i'old before his time cither from some inherited dista?e,nr from come ail ment incurred during bis years of la bor and exposure. But dipt. Bamaby Bower came home. lie was fifty, nnd not ill-looking. He wits very .kind to Jason Stev en and his wile; und particularly was he kind to Rachel. Sho was the sun light of the mansion a bright eyed, happy faced, beautiful girl, with the parity of a soul that knew to guile htamped in celestial brigl ttiess upon every lineament of hei lovely feature.-. A year passed, and during a part of tho limo Cupt. Bower was sick, and he would have no nurse but lUehel. As for Jason and Matilda, they were like two i'miijly relies, held for the as sociations with the past, but of little present value. They had become too old to labor much, and the captain gave tliem a home just as bo would have given it to two little children. All this mado Uuchel. very grateful. The vear naised, and dipt. Barna- tdr.; J.. ,Ol ." . . . As she had lored icr enilor boy she could never love nncther. But Could sho lovoCVpt. I'armby nt nil." She i-eiripnihered bbw 'nuCh tshe owed to bun bow V e badleen tho creature of hia bounty since JiA was botn-r-and always been Terr pmil and klinl to her. But, abdv'o all, 'was lie.duiy sho owed to her piiient. T'i!V were ild utid decrepit,, Sho now lad it in her pow er to give them ft hone, and sho re solved to do it! -' 1 So Undid itmfKei witb'Capt. Bar naby Bowers. She jobt bint frankly that she did rot Ioc hint ns a wife should 1 love a busbmd, but tbat hhe J'athor.ieft ifflbe ilitt) Xif nu-obodient child.. People shoo! their Jic'ls, and said it jWa wron, Cld, liamsby Bow7 ers to inavry. with It.cliel Stevens, ami she only eighteen 1 jkime said it was 11 1' i' ... . 1 : 1 I i'neu aUi Jew mere were who blaniL-vI KutiiC. ' l y tailed her mer cenary, aiid-caiii shdittd siiij .herself for Barnaby Bowes '.grent wealth. But those that said t is were cruel and wicked icdeed. Tie v only thotrght whieli the girl had given to theweuhh of Oak wood was of .ilw iHiu'ne whtcli would be afforded her (aroits. In marryiujj with the owner, tbc ijj' rather with the obcdietie th.Mi with ttti.Yjeh'el lived as the wi. enough f but had he borne her ima only child ; and I know that she w iil in his heart as she had borne his? lie be blessed, niJecil, when she ene me said lie lmd, and believed him. lie settled down, peaceful and content, jui lingered, and could not go nway with- . iliore. And now, I.ii hcl, if I promise out telling his love. you that your father ami mother may Rachel awoke as from n blissful 1 hohl tho home a daughter's love has dream when Arthur told her t.' .he given them, may I not dare to hope?" loved her that ha !ad loved her ever since that bright childhood's time and that ho should love her while ho lived. And d hen he would havefpokeii further ho put up her hands and mo tioned for hitu to stop. She was pal 4 ami fniityivil.nd ho feared, he bad uH'clidcd. o : ' f : "-No, no," sj c said. " me go now. Say no more., lift mo think." '! And thus speaking' she uped awoy'to her own chamber, where o!o sat d.iwn ana reflet'lC:?; and'siio was n.St bnppy. She loved Arthur! Leo, and she knew fall well that he loved her. "Bui it hat must be the result if they married?" Arthur 'bad"coiil'es?cd that Tie bad no hon e of his-.uwn. True, brave, gener ous tid able to ;arve bis own way in tho' face of' u?? 't(, yct lie m,! .u" homo..: If sho jnariif J bim sho murf . 1 ... .','. wi flC ive up OuiwiMid give, un- i! .,,Av ... 'V0 up alt tho lioiuu Blic inir.-c. , ;.ntl see another come 111 to '.aia it. For licrc!f she w-onld not liave hesitated an instant; but what was to lieeome of her ngt tl jiaroiu.s? 1,i.1,l ct.o .1.. . .,. - 1 , . .4 cm. j;ic i.iL-m us a earu upon ,-iirimiiv jiii'i. vu iu wvi3 o t 1P iimwU 11F Art , . Ijv wii ketl out atrain : ami out in me lina tieriiiuii rnnc i - I'liotoirraph Alliums hKju one luv, in one of the grapery TMllitU'l'll . ... .a Is. Hl.lLUtilol the newest an. cio.cesi uiyio in .Moiueeu, ... , , , ,. . nrrtrrt H-wttwr.. bowers, he aked Lachel to be lii wife, W. P, Mertillioft, , ry t A I i o r u v y n( La w . ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ' ' AMI iSil r. 1 1. K STiT B I A 6 E'T. Tl 0 X EST A, FA:': 27 -tf . . ' , v - . jr. i i i ' , JOHN 4. OAL, PIUT. OHN A, PRIWR, VIC PR.rf. . H.CTEELC, CASHR, " Tr'oisrzfiiST-A. . . , SAVINGS tl A K" It , Tinucxli'i, Forest Co., Ta. T'lls I!:inU"'tniiis,... a lenen l Banking, (V! 'ectimr and I7xclminre ItiiKiucas. Diatls on the l'iilKi).nl Cities of the I'nited States ;oid l-'tiropc biiliulit and sold. lioldiiitd Silver ( iin and (iovcriimcBt Securiiies liiili'il.l and sold. 7-1)0 Honda eonveriiMl on the n.ost t'avnr:i!j?e tcpus. j IiiU'i'cst iilinwed tiu lima ik'ponits. - Mar. 4, If. tinldaiid I'lalcd Jtwclry of tliO newest stvles. . . , 'We liavf nJso pi i'' arranfem.Dt Yll'it ontKif t!i) b-id'.n J HU.X-'i'a!cst mi l Ktand wJl tni:ibbi-fK')iil.ii- authors at nbontou, MAfi the i-oiMiiiir price : Vncli ni Jlvroii .Vtoore, lliirns, MiIuhI. anil Tinnvsou's WoiksJii J'nll ti.U .apil.Clotli .l.t.uJLinu-s, anil iiH!iuitM'.s..oi owicrs. xiiCMsaiKi uvcjy tlilnar eWe lor ; v DliEnDLlft-i FtS E1CH fiRTICiE. '-.In every v'd T ui:tnilntiilr . to ovor f."i(i. aiMMinp niied by tlie.'caslt, the a-it-nt limy retain f; aud ni evoiv nrder ovi i tfliM. ?l.oo nmv bo retained to l'AY FXt'lttSS C11A11H;:S 1 commission to ac;i:nts. For an order of t; 0 from acluti of thirty we .'ill pay the Afrent as commission yarda bloiurheil or brown shiH'tiinr, tiood dress pattern, nil wool pant.i liattorri, or t3 Mi ib cash. " For tin iwIit of fli:t. from a club of sixty we will pav tlio Aent lift yards, brown o'r bleached Hliectitcr, l.iiiitiiij case wurcli, all wool h all. or $7 .no in eivh. Fornn orilor of $icO. from a club of loo we will pay the. aticnt ltJ vaid .lward wiHl. sheetiii.', Kplciidid sewing machine orfcltravh. '" i SKXD MNKY IIY Hi:(lSTKItKIt.KT TFIf. For fur'.tier particulara bend lor catalog uts." Address. 7 1 Geo. A,' I'lu mmcr & Co., k,i (Sticf-csSor to lluiria A riiiinuicr,) 80 and 40 Hanover St-ttosuin, Mass i H 1 v. v b trtsico tious w rlioiit p.iois. Si ml 10 conta forCireular to F. SAUK, Cromwell, LVnn. --4t . I' ' INSUHANCK CO. OF NORTH AMERICA. No. -Ml Waoitrt St 1'hila. ' Incorporateil 1704. Charter Perpetual Assets Jan; I. 18.10, id.Hls.Si3.H0 .'o,(i 0JKI i.s-es i iiiil since its organiza tion. W.M. Hl'lIM:it, Ccntiui .Aneoit, llarrisliiirjr, I'a. . - I MILKS TATi:, Agent in Ti oucHta, i'oic.t fcVjuut;, "Til. ' ' J ATKWSi'AI'KU I New Hook of l-.H pan livnia.l. AIVi:!;TlSlNii. A I'l ice !0 cts. .Vmericao News Co., N. Y. -i U uud he gave lier loor-aiid-tweiity hours . . ...-ifLi' no mutter. , i .i.,,ivouki uehis wile, Inr pi cuts should have a homo while they livcu, bud Le Would tieat her tenderly. . At first Rachel was shocked ; but iu timu sho was able to reuso'u calmly. She knew that sho could never love t'apt. Bowers. She could respect him, but as for love, sho could not even give him a brother's' place. ' Siio fancied that she knew what luvo .was. Had she told her fancy t another, she would have been laughed at. It was siiuply that of a child a fancy reaching back into the years when sho had romped and played upon tho lawn with Barna by Bowers' cubin-boy, Arthur Lee. She icmembered Arthur Lee very well a strong, bold, venturesome lad her a huhtuid proved not so kind asC'iipt Bower as a bachelor friend and pat ron. He became pe'tibint and exact ing ; and moreover, in the end be be came jealous. "At first be invited young people to his mansion (o make his wile happy ; mid when he saw- that their presence gave her pleasure which his companionship could not afford, bo drove them away. Thus for two years.and then, Barna by Bowers died, and wafc'buiied. His, will was read, mid it was found ta be very simple. By it ho left everything of which he might die possessed to his 'beloved wife lUehel," for her use wile she remained sigle; und in the eveutof her marrying again, the whole property, without reservation of any kind, was to go to his sister rruueuce, and through her to her heirs. At iirst Bachel cared not for this. She did not think she would ever wish to marry ugain. Sho was able now to give her tged parents a home; uud with the gieat wealth at her command sho fe:t tiiat hhe cuuld employ herself in doing good among tho poor and needy around her. fche 'remembered (Japt. Bariinhy'u sister, Mrs.l'rudetice Marshall, lis a tall, gaunt woman, well advanced in life, who had visited Oak wood several times in the other years, but wli" iiniiy-ouucs, iii'it ilistanl state, hud prevented her presence since her brother's marriage. - She believed, however, that Mrs, i'rudenee was now a v idow, with one or two grown up daughters on hands. Capt. Barnaby had been dead a year, when one pleasant day in June, a gentleman called at Oak wood to sec him. The stranger was a young man not more than Cve-and-twenty tall, robust, and handsome his garb and his bronzed features giving token ol life upon the sen, though the quality ot the gatb, us well us the bearing of the wearer, bespoke the niati of command rather than tho bearer of service, lie had not heard of ('apt. Bowers' death. He hud known h'rin in other limes, and had come far out of his way to see hur? She dared tint. vhl she take from tliem the home lit was- now ilicirj while-she had noi.e Oil It to give them ? hi v:s thus iliut T'lwdif.l oil i 'air, 1(j waj( uum,py( as wo sa-lt j(1 the begj,iUf J( wiw t,.H (.)Mit!i(;t ,)0. iween b ",juty ,ie ,uurt,s ,, . est, holiest . .. , .. , . . , ' ,'e, and the deeiDion that love must bi t , icritieed, that gave her tiitrctt and tru, . t., , , ' i 'utioHv Slie would ex- plaiuail toAils , . .-. , . and he would uuder- . . I'l be frank, and tell hitu evcrythuiL , , , , . :id perhaps per haps ho would wan 1 When evening eauit. , .i . i ?y niet again. Arthur saw that llact . , una oeen ml, an I weeping, Ui.d he took hci spoke to her tenderly. "Rachel, I tueaut not to w, Pardon rae if I allowed my gre- ' ' to lead me astray. I. had hopeif ' I nail 10UIKI 111 your licaii sonic iui And Ilnehel's trial was over. : What One Girl Did. ' About seven year ngo I became ac- piainted In Ohio V.i'h a young (fill whi possessed none of this world's fcoods except the clothes she w.'-re. She whs iirt strong in body, and y;t she was obliged lo tarn her living In "working Mil'' in kitvhciis.trlwre there was always much haul work to be done. " ; ; ' ' The ono great desire of her heart . was to ODiain an education, for one ..w ho was so poor.this seemed utterly im possioie. --Her out-look in lue wus dreary enough, but s'-e JiuJ tl brave heart. . .' ' ,- .incr earning clothing enough to last her one term, the went to' O u wcrk for her board uud go to school. She soon began to show considerable !:ill i: penmanship; Her teacher ob serving tiiirJ, VSfy kiiidiy gave' her ex tra lemons iu liiij bi.'K'h of bttidy. .S::ruh began to hope that with o;.'.1' pen she might yet earu muro than with i a broom or a mop. She left school in a few mouths end went into a country fthool dif'trkt u try am! get up a writing e!as3. It was hard v.'oik enough, but she "still kept up her courage. Finally, t;ho obtain . i .. ,i . . . a uo,;un pupils, aim turned more thuu sho would have d..oo iu a kitchen. Then nil' she went to another' district visited from house to house, and she had a dozen pupils fjr another course of lessons. After a few months she was able to return to school again. About that time I bit Ohio, tind for years I keardiu more of Surah. Tho past summer I'A isited the town where I became acquainted with her. Much pleased was 1 to learn how succesful she bud been. She 1ms become an intelligent, use ful woman. For several years she bus been in the postoffice iu the city of C . She does the writing for th . Uitos of A IwiUiaing. ; One Srpiare (I Inch,) one lnsortion $1 One H'ii;n ' one nt., 8 " One S piaro " tiirro tu n'h--.. A CO One Sq lure u "nc yea ....... 10 Ott Two H year... I .lu.l-0 Hiar.erCol. " 30 r Half " - " ,...v -rs-00 one ' .lOtf 00 . JluslnrM rttrtH not rxccodiiiK tne Inoli in leiiKth, f 10 per year. :' l.ciral notice established rit".' ' These rates afo low, and no rlcviatb a vllf bo made, or diHeriinmation ainon imtroti. The. rate olforod are .neh, i will make It to tho advantage ot meiidoL business in the limit of tho circulation of tne paper to advertise liberally, . .' A Rhenish Legend. ; .A . Zurich corrtepoiidcut of tho Et) fyouis li'uiiicm, writing of (tl.e towu of SliMfT'luizeu, Sw'tzer'ni d, says : . Tliere is a fine old cathedral there, . dating f lllj; a castle, or -foxlresj come ,ng the town . which, dote from iiiu 1 4 i It century. It was renew ed during the great famine of 15fi.l in order to afford support to the indigent. Like all old castles, it. litis its b-genda. One of tiie moat interesting counectcil with this old cathedral I will relate, The legend Siiith, that during tho Crusud.s the. lord of tU castle Wfnt over. to the holy war, leaving behind him a young wife lo whom 1 a fas but recently wed. After a long tia:e ho returned. He arrived ono very dark night precisely at 0 oclock on tho bank of tho Rhine opposite his cu;-t!e. Impatient to behold tho wife from whom he bad been so long absent, ,bo could not brook the delay of the boat or daylight, but plunged into the rap id wrficr, attempted to swim avrou, and was lost.'- . .' j The diiconfolai'J-ai.'b had an im mense bell of silver no etc, .li hf: " tb c sum wi Id support ft perJi1;. na ir7 great tower, and.ect apart a bii-e of nioniy, t hC-T, V.'rWlV-''- w:1'i''tl Wl should be to riif'V il fC V r3- o.;iy for that alfectiou which I hud treasil t;,reign mail, for whiel. ' . ed up for so many years." 'xty live dullars per nioiiendtrijue has Sbeput p l.r ..and a, p?Wkr wlueh she him. She had resolved that she ... . r ... ..... .. . a sir ..,, . live, tell ibe whole truin, ami trust tne n.Mpe suit to Frovideiice. A brief pause, and she spoke. She told him frankly of her love idio .told how she had never forgotten him since first she knew him. And tlion she told how she hud married with Capt. Bowers how bhu hud yiol-lci the obiMllelieo of it child, and secured a home for her parents. And then she told of the will, und how her niari'i.ige would turn her futber and mother hoiueltss upmi the world. "If your parents had the assurance of tl comfortable, hnppy homo while they lived, v -uld you be my wife?''": "Ves. Arthur." "And give up Oakwood V "I would give "p all else for your true love." j j "Kachel," ho said, when jiehud tak en a seul by her side, ''thus far I find you huvo loved und trusttd me not mowing who I am. I think Capt. Barnaby never to.. t you?" .'"J neveraoked him," replied Rachel, looking up suriirisc. ' lu t lie oili er lime he only spoke i f you us his 'Boy Arty,' whom lie seemed to love uud cure for. In the latter time he litis not iiicnlitdied your nume, SiVo on the oceua ou nluu be told mo of your supposed loss ut sea." "And so, Ituciicl, y oil did hot know that I wus C'a,ii. JJ.ii ini'iy's own bcpliew the sou of Ins oivu sister?' "Iluw? ' cried the Km lied wuiuaii. "Ills sioter'f ' "iFs IVudcnce. II j has other and never bad." SUh. support her. a -A Miss Session ttmg OH beau ideal of the sailor bo-., am! of him. . THE. BOOT AtJD SHOE . ., -STOBB. fFYOUWANTafiir'ectiit mid a imo.1 artiolo of Hoots and Shoes, o: the tiuosi workuiaimhii, o Ui . II. I Mvt'AXC irS, SIlCKNTHF. STftlJMT, oil. CITY, I'A. Sr-Satisiaction uuaran ted. -.13 If. somv l'.vl'KK lie I inverse. . A i ono ill ill lie to every sulwiii. ) . . Send fclajun liir , 'I the hero. Sho remembered how she hud cried -when he went awnv'; und sho reiuemheted how tho chill ot a great agony feh upon her heart when dipt. Bowers came home during the follow ing ycari and told how Anhur Lee hud been lost ut sea. This was Rachel's dream of love a child's (Ileum ; but, ueverthe lcs:, one from which till future tin lights of love were to take direction.' The gleaming of tho love light had been very brief. The sailor boy hud flashed upon her, coming, she knew not wtheiice, only uud in a very few days Rat In I knew thut she was bound to Capt. Bowers that the love of other days had not he hud mado bright and joyoos a few died out. If the bright eyed, laughter-1 brief weeks and then he had gone loving, sailor buy bad been dear to from, and she 1 bad seen hitu no j hf r iu the day of childhood, how more; out his iuutge had imt boeu ef faced she fell lhal il never could be. Her heart may have been a childish e other veurs, biit impres- niiide upon it were very ilecn, tit V 0 duck, in c- sad event which iS1"' that hdbr, und liH it hiipp-.."eu four or five or fix hundred years ago, wo know the time to be exact. ' After1 this loud expression of her grief shu' retired to a convent for life, thereby seating widows u very exemplary el ample. In the courso of time tho French Jstormed the castle, and very ungnliantly incited this bell for mer cenary purposes. It was replaced by one of baser metal, which is rung for fifeen minutes, beginning at n.'n'o o'clock every night, and will bobv '1.0 conscientious Shall' huusitca m .1 tho ' a succssfiil end of time. The pesent ,:U U an old man, who to'-' e he 1"lJ ocrlnrmed this duty lncte. n years. Specimen of tho W Dono '' Oqp f my fricnus ft very earnest, lirewd man, w ho always seems to know how to do the best, thing at the ribt time. One day he w9 passing u giu shop in Manchester, . when he saw a drunken man lyin on tho ground. -Vbtc icllow had evidently been mi t nrove will i. ii. .1. . i,.iit'l ever marry-, i-.w. i ll 6iio u" : l , a . r.. ,i... . ii f..r and dot was cone. In a moment my Inttnl .... - - - - i. . i . - , lofVed out of doors when ail his money husband to ''iisvi'nc, is other a young lady of pluck night she was awakened, near o'clock, by a noiso as of some ouo at work ut tho doors und windows. She examined tho house, but finding noth ing wrong returned to lieu. In u short lime she heard some ono at her bed room window. She raised the curtain and confronted a heavy chested man, with dark hair uud whiskers. Clup ping her hands together, making tin explosive nobe, she excluimed, "clear out, you devil !" He left ; whether bo c.iu.scshc culled him a tiauhty nume, or because he did'ut like tho slap ol her hands, he has nut yet returned to inform. liiiscivd ucross the street, and, entered tt growv'4 smtp, tuldrcning tho masLcr, said : ; . "Will All oblipe mi) with tho larg- vst sheet oi.mpi;r yOU iiave J i. r i . 4. . . .... . . - u uui io.,v ij.,elui, Yliat s the 'Mei?" 1 voush. lin Rachel went down,- nnd met the stranger in tho drawing-room; uud she met cue raised from tho dead. It wus Arthur Lee. He had not been drowned, lie had caught u limiting spar nud hud been pit ked - up by u Dutch trader; and hud been taken in Australia; uud bud goue thence to Holland; and had .inully come to command a ship in the employ of llns Dutch Fast India Company. And Anhur 10, finding Rachel "-5u ltl' baino i nt the sumo us clad to sen him. Molined ut Iblcumul Votll. c - ii I "NuJ but it WiU o;i.e. ll.Cf fust boshac.d was Harry Lee, u huid uud tlmhing sudor, who vias lost .at mu, wtlhiu two yeurs after their marriage. I was ihcii- ouly child'. Al'lerward she married with Mr; Marshall. So, you sec,"1 am the sisier's heir ; uud when A Francisco uinii saiuratcd a rat with kerosene oil, und t lieu set fire to him and let him loose, thinking he would convey certain valuable in formation to other rats, and thn they would leave the premises. The lire department were promptly on the r .uud, but could not savu the house. The limn says it occurred to him what a mistake he had ma. e a soon as he saw the fire coining up the crack in the floor. two. 1 , let ere in a minuto or -i i i sheet you h.we. 0 uie vcr' ,ar1 "Now, will jou lei ehul kT" eaid tny a I,,cca of "Why, what arc you g "You shall see presently. to do?" J ie i . ' u.x ""L" ' and some of thfiii were stumpod upeu . -i-i-iwti, iuhb-her, , ,, ... , , . ' , I ...... I va UoleU which only death tuu 6bt-1 much more did her heart f o imt to ward the bravo und gallant yot th wlni bud now come to her- in the bright you loose Oak wood it must cuiue to inn. niorning of his nianuoous healthful. Tlie two dutigliiers, of whom you have flush and vigor! . : spukcti are not, my mother's children. Aud how wus it with.' Arthur Lee ? They were lliv. chUdrcti of .U, - Mar That hq loved BacLcl . ?tui evident I elutH'e first 'wfeT T - --A yoiiu'j lady having called cut an ug'y gciiilemiin to .lam e with her, he wis astonished at the eond. secnlion, inn! believed that she was in love with him, desired to knnv. why she had .-c-b'clcd him from the rest of the compa ny. "B 'cuu.'i.', sir," replied the lady, "my husband commanded me to s. led such a aether us should not give bim cause for jealousy." ' A young lady went to a music store and a-ked tha clerk if he hud "Ioving Kyes," (the song.) He re plied, "I'm lold so by the girls." ' Tin then nuicklv minted ill . , j t tcrs, "Specimen of tho work do ,el" side." ' He then fastened tho paper rig. over the drunken man and retired a short distance., Iua lew moments sev eral pnsscrshy stopped uud read uloud, "Specimen of tho work done inside." In a very short time a crowd usicni bled, and llie publican, hearing the noisu and laughter uiit.ide, cumo out to see what It was ull about. He ea gerly bent down und r-ntd tho iturrip lion on tho paper, and thou demuudei!, in un uugry voice, "Who did that?" ''Which asked r.-y friend, ulinnw joined the.erowd. 'Tf you mean whi.t i on 'he piper, 1 did thai ; but if you mean the in. in, you did that ! Thi. morniifg when he urns, ho wu'i sober wl on he will Led down the street on Iim way to work he was sober when, he weal into your gin-shop, ho was so ber, and trow, ho is you mado him. Is he not a 'rut specimeu rf tho work donu inside?" 7iVi'. tVif. Cur- rat. John was thought to bo very atu. pid. He wut" sent to a mill one day, uud the miller suid : "John, sonu peo ple say you are u tool !' Now' tell ine what yot do know, aud wl at you don't know. "Wei I," replied John,"! know that the miller's hi i-s are fat." '"Yes, 1 that's well, John ! ,oW what don't yon know?'' I Jju'i kuow whose coru iaia