C. BULLOCK, No. i WATER ST. ,k 4 CHESTNUT ST., PIEADVILLE, FENN'A, Offer fci the Wholesale and Retail Trade the Lsr. est. Richest 'ami Most K plelc Htock of Full Ooods In.WoHloMi Pcnn'a. Imprrlol Press floods tn nil the latest Styles at. c-bullocks. Itln.tt Silks, Stripe Silks, Plain and Fan cy Silk, ' f hi own Importation, for sale at Popular Prices nt c. BULLOCK'S. Cloth. Flannels, Scklngs,Water Froo! a fuU liucHt C. Bullock's. In Bleached nnd Brown Sheeting. Tn We Llnrns, Napkins, nnd Towols, I have thu 1-argest Stock in tli! rit v. C BULLOCK. Bo Yon Want II ? The best Black Alpnow.it is Doublo Warp Royal Standard. " uu will nnd a full lino at tho t.piro Store, only C BULLOCK. Tho Last Sensation X I the Arab Lor.g Shnwl. One Hun dred Just opened nt C. BULLCCK S FIFTY ROLLS Brussels nnd Ingrain CARPETS, jukt received, nil new stylist " C, IJl-llook's., Oil Cloths, Mattings, Stair and Hemp Carpets, Rugs Ac. C. Eullock's. Taratan Plaids, Plain and Twilled for Children, at y. BvllociCs. Plain and Striped Satin, Puchene, new aud elogant fur suit, at C. Bullock 'a, In presenting this list I would offer spec ial inducements to the wholesale trado, and only ak all to an examination of my Main moth Stork to satisfy them that I can sell goods for loss iiii.ncy' than any other Jtouboin Western 1 u, C. BULLOCK. Una stood the test of seven jfcara before the public; and no prepar ation for ttc hair litis yet been dis covered that will produce the name benrjlelal result. It in an entirely new scientific discovery, combin ing man ii of llienio.it powerful ami restorative nacnts in the VEGET ABLE KINCD3M. It restores ORSY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTH FUL COLGrt. It makes the sculp white ami clean; vitrei dandrttif and humors, and lulling out of tho hair; ami will make it yroio nptn bald heads, except in vera until persons, as it furnishes the nutritive principle I'll which the hair is nourished ami supported. It makes the hair moist, soft, ami alossfi, and is ttnsiirjmssed as a J 1 .1 1 11 J It i: SSI NO. It Is the Iiciipc'st preparation ever offered to the public, an ono bottle wiil ae coiiiplixlt more and last loiiaer than three bottles of any other preparation. - It is recommended and used by the. First ftlrilic il A lit liority. The li'ondcrjul results produced by our Sicilian Hair llcncirer hare induced many to manufacture preparations for the Hair, untler various names: and. in order to induce Ihe trade and the public to uurchuso their compounds, they 'tare resorted to t'alsehooil. bu cl:innni(i tiirij were former part ners, or had some connection tvitli mirMr. Hal!, and their preyara tion was s 'utilar to ours. 1o net be deceived by them. I'urchuse. the vriyinal: it hits never yet berth equalled. Our Treatise on the Hair, with certificates, sent free by mail. Sec that each bottle has our nrli'ato llevemte Stamp over the i'.tp of the bottle. All other a are Imitations. R. P. Hail & Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. SJJ lj all UiiHigiAt and Deidcvt in Mcdicim. fi. V. V I. A. IE Ii , TIDIOTJTE, 1?. WATCH MAKER a JEWELER, And Dealer in WATCHES, JKWI'LUY, ASD 31 US I C A L IN ST UU MENTS. Kenuirinff douo in a workinnnliko wmiiu aud warranted to ive tntisi factiou. 4-ly "11 J ANTED." Land in IVniiKylvniiiu fur W ca--h uihI fiou'i fcloikM, TowiiKind UrjK., l.il Swath TJ'ird St., 1'Uia. li-il Oubscribo fr the Jt:Hi:iiLiCAW, tha bet 4 WALL'S foetaMs Sicilian Hair Renswer A GnEAT Mf DICAL DISCOVER)' Dr. WAtKEn-a LIFOI5.NIA VINEGAR BITTERS s i Hnndrcdi of Thousands S j i Bear "fimniTtMi'ir Wonder- a Ci 03 rui im.tivs baocis. i WHAT ARE THEY? Of a TITE7 AHE NOT A VT1.K t iiFANCY DRINK. PU Uftdoof Toor Tf nm, W'htkor Provf O.trlrt Kuil Url'imo I.tfinursdoctonU, plccd andLWccV ened to plcttethe u.to, tailed "Tonic('tM Appctla cre," Re;orcr, c, Ititt lcd U; tippler cn to dmnkonrcrts and ruin, but are a Into Mc&clno. mado from t:.a 2.'nt!Ts Iloctt and Kerb of Callforoia, frc from nil Alcfihrllo if mlnntu Tbcyaro the EAT iI.OO! riltlHEi: and A MFC CIV1NU l'KINClKl.KaptT.Vct Renovator aud Xnlgor;Uor t,f tiio f j-htctn, carrylr g off all po'aonoct inatmr aud rcfctorln tt.o Mood to a hcaHy conlitioa. Kopcr&c-n ctvtita). tUcso Eli tor according todlrco tion ad rcra!n long hiivlU. felt;0 w.llbo givmforan inrnraMeca2etproTl3ed tl:e boats an not dvntroyed by miooral poiaon or other mcai.st a-d tho vital organs waited beyond tba point cf repair. Fr Iuflra n ntcry nnd C'hronle IttiriimA ttnm nnd lout. Dyepcpnla ?r Ind!cctloo nillocxt Ucnititrut end IntcrmittcDi Fevers Dlacnuca of the lUoed l.lrer liiduoa. and Elnducr. thcpe liittcia 1;&t been mott anocces ful. buth iaraMt uo cccFcd ty YItlntcd Blood, wlilch In grQcrolly f rodaccd by Ccraiifitmcnt oltuc liiprstive Oi ft ana DV'MJ'MA I'll INDIGESTION. Head ache, 1 aiD In tho Elioolicrt , Cocpfia, 1 :l:tacaa of Uia CiC-t, DUainosi, fcour Eructations cf ttio i'tomacn, tad tcatu tu ttio Mnath, liaioca Attacks, ra'.piUUcn of Uie Heart, iLfiwiitcation of tl-.t Lnr.gs, TatalutLo region of do Lldneys, andabundrcd otber painiul ajG-pionif.crc t!io t t.vrinccf Eyvpcpsla. 1U ytuviorats UieBtomacbandSilLaulato t!io tor pi J liver and borels, vlilch rcn Jcr ttcm of anoqnai'.cd ccacyla clcanslns tba blood of alllzcvrrltka, ad Impcrttnr new life and T'.gor to tlio Trholo system. X'OU SK1X UIsSUASIIfcs rrt:ptlnCP,T.;tttr.ralt UietU3, Bioiclitt, totb, Hl. pica. 1 nMutcf .Boi'ia, Co tncclL. King-TV orTrs. Ecald-Iicad, Sora Eyta, Erysip elas, Itch. &curft, UlBColorctloLi of the EUu, Ilnnicra and Dlaasca of the tliln, of vbatever ntme or nature, arc literally dug cp and carried ont of the system in a abort tmo by the vae of those C:ttera. Cne bottle la sncli eosoa will ccnvUxco tbo meet incredulous of their curative fleet. Clcar.so tba Vil'.&tcd Blood whencrer you tUd Us Ixpuritlcs liarf line throng the skin In rim pies, limp tic ns or BlTusi clconte U vben yon and it obstruct; a and slucpsh tn tho reins t e'eanao it ulion It laf.ni, and yonr fecllnvt will tjll yon when. Keep Cio blOA'. pare and tho b altti of the system will follow. riX, TArCaadotlicr WO It MS. lurtatiff In t!ie rystcm of so many thousands, are cffccttary dectrcy ei and rt-moTed. Tor full directions, Tud caKf .r.y the circular arc cud each bottle, printed fa four icu gaarfes English, Geruian, Trench aud Bpaniah. J.WALKE2. I roprictor. R. IX. UcPONAXD dt CO., DruglBts asA Gen. Agents. Esn I" roue 1 sec, Cil and 83 and 84 Commorce Btroet, Kct York. tOU BY ALL PBUG GISTS A2CD DF.Al.rL8. GROVER & BAKER'S Tjo following' aro Beleeted from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the prefer ence of tho GrovcrA Baker Machines over all others. "Hike the drover .t linker Ma chine, in tho'lirst place, because if I had any other, I should still want a G rover v liaker ; nnd bavins; a ( rover tt Baker it answers the purpose of all the rest. It does a prreater varietv of work and iseasier to iearn than any other," .Mrs. J. C. C10- ly (jenny June) "I have had several vears' exne- rienee with a drover t ll.ik'. r Ma. hi e, which has Kiven mo crcat satisfaction. I think the i rover it Baker Machine in more easily iiiaimued, and less liable to iret out of order. I prefer tho ti rover A Btiker de cidedly." M is. Dr. Watts, Now York. "I have had one in r.iv faniilv for sojne two years: and fjom what I know ot Us worlvinjrs, and from the testimony of maillot 10 v Ineiiils who use the s tine, I can hardly see how anythinif could be more coiupleto or itivo better Batisl'action." Mrs. (ien. riuit. "I lielicvn it to be the best, all thinirseonsiderr-d.ofnuy tliat I have known It is very simple anil easily learned; the iiewinpr from the ordinary spools is a lu'reat advanUice: the stitch is 'entirely rebiililo! it does ornainental work beautifully; it is not liable to cet out of order. Mis. A. M Spooner, 30 Bond St. Brooklyn. "I am acquainted with the work of the principal machines, and I prefer tho tirover .V liaker to them all,b cause I con sider tbo stiich more elastic. I have work in the house which was dune nino years turn which is still piod." Mrs, Dr.' Me Cready, No. 43 Last a3d street, N. Y". "More than two-thirds of all the sewinilt.no in my family for the last two years has been done by tirover & Baker's Machine, aud I never hud a garment rip or need mending, exeept those rents which Imlicsoine boys will make in whole 'cloth. It is, in my opinion, by far the most valu alilcof nnv I have tried." Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher. "The (.rover A- Baker Sewing Ma chine has rendered in every respect, the most perfect catistaction. It einniiiues so many advantages wiih beauty ot execu tion and economy in price that it is a ne resity in every h-nisoiioid." Mrs. liovcr-' nor (eary, liarr.isburg, l'a. 'I have had the fl rover .t Baker Ma chine for ten or twelve yeirs in constant use 111 my house. I have i-eeu ami know 11 every kind of Family sewim both per sonal and household, lire ompiishod upon the tirover it Baker Machine, to the entire siiisi'action of ail com ernud, Be v. Stephen 11 'i - 4 "1 imd the G rover A- Baker Stitch will wearaslonas the varmi nts do outwear the cui me nl in (act. The stitch will not break on bias seams, when ttretelied, as others do ; :.nil in-ubcr does it draw the woik." Mrs. Dr. Whitinj.', 4 Lat twi.a-ty-lourih fctrut't, N. Y, The tirover and Baker Sewiii.tr Maeliine Company luanulni'liiie both tho Klustie and Lock Slitcli Maciiines. and oiler tho public a choice of the best maciiines of both l;iiids, at tin ir establish 'm nts in all tlie laro cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout tlio eountry. l'rice lists and samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to t-i rover it liaker S. M, Co., 17 Wood Street, l'ilts bui'e;h, l'a. AGLNTS Wam i n 22& per month by the American Knittini; Machine Co., Boston, Mass., or .St. Louis, .Mo. 2o.iiin I will Hcnd tlio receipt by which I was cured of Catarrh and Deaf ness free. Ad dress Mrs. M. V, leygnlt, llobokeu, N. J IIAVELKK S ,T V H A N D V ( 'C t n I : N T I N s C U VNCK COMlNY.of lU.ttord, iVnn. CmmIi Asa,'tn, 00,0 . (iriints LIKH nnd KNIhiW- MKVT l'olit'ies nf all npiirovod lorm. Ampio sooiii'itv. liw i 1 ntjt. Alwiinmirosn.rnint ACCl hua) DKNTM causing death or total .-. i.i.tj . Foiioips written by the year or nmth. tf:xs paid per itav for xix oars in lionpflM to p licv-holdor. S(Mt 10YAL HAVANA LOTTERY. "ri7.es nslie 1 and information fiirnUlit-d y UICOUUH Ul'll.VM, rrov.doncc, It. 1. 30-tt A HA Y:-40 now nr'ivlivi forn'rnts ? t Samples free. II. It. SAIIW, Al o l Mo. ' L7-4t 0 Cents to 8" pai" Eonin-j. at Home We are prepared to furnish prolilalile nipioyment to M.11 a'id Women nl their ..-hum. Ono person in each loeahtv iinninhont tho t'nited Slates, rnnae this business a! reat wajres. Wn send. ukk, full imrtietiiars ami a vabiable sani le, whieh will do to eoiumenec work on. Vny person seoinjr this notice, who wants roiitable, permanet work, should send us neir auitress, witlioiit delay. K. C. AL LKN it Co., Augusta, Muiiie. A DAY FUU ALL. JStemvl Tool VI sjunples mailed free. A.J. Ktilluin, 43 Broadway, N. Y. 2T-4t nniDK AND mUDKtlUOOM. i:snys lor Youiitr Men, tree, in Sealed envel p. IIOWAHD Asso,-iiii,n. Box I, 17 4t I'hihulelphia, Fa. Ur.VNTKD ActKvrs To sell the h-ta iron ttt'Wintr Marlilne. It is 1 .iimsril ' nakes the -Klatie Loek Stitch" and is warranted for 5 years. Price ?1.". All jt'uer machines with nn under-teed solil or 1 or less aiv intVinftenients. Address .'t;unn Sewini; MiU'hine Co., St. Louis, Mo., chimp), 111., lY.Uburjjh, l'a., or lios 011, Mass. l:t;hn OI ( -V. Day Hiisinossentirelvnewnnd 1 v honorable. Liberal ini(uee:nents !'Piiptivo cireuhua free Address .1 C itAND A Co., iii.ldei'ord, Mo ia;'.m agents want;:d r.VT. OU FF. MA LP) I OH T.Ii; rhisical Lito of IVcman. BY (1KO. II. NKl'in:YS, M. D. This brave, pure biek is the creat sue ess of tlio year. l."i.O"il have already biHn soi l, it still tells with : rap'ditv qniie unprecedented. Aiicnt'eil airreeti'iat they make, juonev faster el!io;r it il.iv.i nnv oilnr. Mucli lii-st-i'inss 'eirit irv is s'id open. Se)id a onr-p fur pnmphlet A". Ad dress, U l'.O. Mi'LHAN, l'ubbslier, l'hila., New York and Boston. li'Mt. til'. iTNU Ul Cl.l'HS. GRE5T U'T-G TO CrNSUfnERS. l'arties enquire how to net up elubv. Our answer i--, send for l'rice List, and a Ciuh lorui will aeisini)nny it with full di rections, making a iar-e sarimr to-eon sumers and remunerative to club organiz ors. The irc.it AmcrJcaiiTen Co sit pa ti v, . ill it 33 VKSF.Y STUICKT, P. O. Box o(14;t. xi;w viiiik. Sl-4t lOltTUNKS offered to live men. lturc 1 Chance. Send Stamp. Dimond K. Co., Washington, Del. 21-3m. TI1K highest Cash Price paid for tho old S'ate Bank Currency ; iiank or Craw ford County, Vcnamro liank. Oil City Bank Petroleum Bank, or any of the old State Hank issues ; also. Ibr 'mutilated Serin oi ull issues. A. II. STKKLK, Cashier. 2 Tionosta Savings Bank. A WATCH, pair of Mlrmkets, Quilt or Shaw l, for Ono Dollar, appears almost impossible, but such may be hai',and hun dreds of other useful articles, by patroniz-iiv-rGLO. A. FLUMMIUl & CO.'S -'ONE DOLLAR SALF." Their sy.-tem of do'ntr business has been examined uy tin-authorities, and a Docis iou rendered from tho Internal Revenue Depaitmcnt, at V.'a:.hin-t;in, dated Nov. 4lh, ljs, iloclarlnjt their business perfect ly fair and legitimate, and entirely diti'er ei.t from tho different sift cntci prises. Oi course all donot get-watches, blauketM, tte., for Ono Dollar, but in every largeelub.one of these articles are sold for One Dollar, as an extra inducement, and some member ol the club has the, chance of obtaining it. A new ft aturo introduced by this enter prising tii 111, is , pay their agents in eith er cisti or merchandise, uud to prepay the express chalVes. No belter opixii lunitv CJlll hoH.O-.l lil'nitlil.rl..,lmLA......,M. having leisure tune, to form cluba lor this briii. Bead their advertisement in another col umn, and send for catalogue. AOKNTS WANTFD TO SHL1. i. CHAM ItKH I. M Law L'ook for Business Hen. Tho best Subscription lusib out tlress O. D. CASK tW CO., llai tford, Conn. TIS Si 52 ACilC COM It. Will ehnngp any colored hair or beaid to a permanent black or brow n. It con tains no poison. Any one can iisp it. One sent by mail for 1. Address, MAGIC COMB CO., Spriimlield, Mass, 3-3m P II ICE n EDUCED. TUB EKST IX TUB COUNTRY. UCVJ YCr? K OBSERVER, f ! PHIt ANN I'M. Ore Monti) Free oi Trial. SIDNKY E. MOUSE, J It , , it CO., S7 Pa 1111 I'o v. Nkw Youk. 2I-4t CJAXO.V (iltCI'.N O Is Brii'htcr, will not fade, costs 1. ess 111101 an v oincr necause it will jiaint twice as"niuch surface. CuT' .SO LI) U Y ALL DEALERS jy MISTS. J. 1L WKF.'CS ,f- (!., Manii'a. turers, -4 4t 122 North lt:i street, Phiiada. lliO.OOO in six months can he made bv a shrewd and re':able man in a sure, sine business. Air investment of jii w in return a clear juoiit oi I7... For par ticulars 1 all or ie Il 1 ess tho North A inei i I can Picture Co., No, t5 Nassau Street, .)i'W 1111K, 4-41 (If If I !0r v,'ar expenees uar 0v))v loit.'ed to all ambitious men nnd women Helling our wtirld renowntHl I'a'ent S lver Mould Wire ( lothes Lines. For full particulars address the Girard vt ire M.lls, l'hila. l'a. 2J-4t 1 SYCIlMANCY, Fascination or Soui J. cliarmiii.. UK) pgcs; cloth. This wonderful Isn.k has full instructions toens able Ihe render to fascinate either khx, or any annual, at will, Mesineri.m, Spirit ualism, and buniiio. other curious ex. perimciits. It can be oolained by send. 111! uililress. with lllcciUt. nostiern t. 'I' I II'. (, a- Co., No. 41 So. Eighth ., I Philadelphia, pi. ':i n m ERIE RAILWAY ! 1,400 Miles under ono management. WiO Miles without changts of Coaches, HIE BROAT) GUAGE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE, BKTWRKSI Till ATLANTICCITIE3 , . AND TUB WEST AND SUTHWESM tilt KAtl.WAX EXTENDS FltOII . Cincinnati to New York WW M'dps Cleve and to New York tiii Miles Dunkirk t New Y'ork .4H0 Miles Biilhilo U) New York 4'J.l Miles BiH'hestur to New Y'ork Hj Mties A- And Is from 22 to 27 miles tlie short est route. New and Improvml poaches nro run from Cincinnati. Dayton, I rbnna, Marian, Gallon, Manslield, Ashland, Akron, Cleveland, Warren, Menilville, Dunkirk, Buffalo and Rochester to New York, without change, only one change to Bos ton. On and after Monday, June 1.1th, 1S70, Trains will leave CORHY at tlio following hours, via : GOING WEST I 12-tn A. M. Day Express, dally, Mondays excepted, for Cleveland Cincinnati. nnd t'he west and south ; connects at Meadville for Franklin and Oil City; nt Clnrksville for Sharon, New Cnstle and Pittsburg; nt I.ev ittsbnrg, Sunday excepted, for Youngs town; Cleveland with Ijike Shorp It.H. for west and northwest; nt KavenawiOi Cleve land it Pittsburgh for Allinneo and Pitts burgh ; at Akron for Orrvillo nnd Millers burg; at I'rbana with Pittsburgh, Cincin nati and St. Louis Railway for Indianapo lis, nnd nt Cincinnati with tho Ohio it IkliH sissippi Railway for tho south and south west, a steeping car la attached to this train nt llornollsviilo, running through to Cleveland. 3 12.35 p. m. Xighf Fxpress, tfallv for Cleveland, Cincinnati ami tho west and southwest ; connects at Mead villi', Sundays excepted, for Franklin and Oil City; nt l.eavittburg,8untlay excepted for Y' tilings town ;r.t Cleveland with UikoShoro Rail way lor the west nnd northwest, and nt Cin cinnati with tho Ohio it Mississippi Rail way for the south and southwest. A sleep ing car is attached to this train ut N. York running through to Cinciimatli. 7.0." A.M. Express Mail. Mondays except ed, fi r Cleveland nnd tho West! connects at Meadville, tor Franklin and Oil City; at ClnrkHville with I'.rip.V Pittsburgh Rail road, tor Sharon, New Castle nnd Pitts iiurirh, nud at Cleveland with Lako Shore Itailroad for tho West nnd north-west. A keeping car is attached to this train at New York-running through to Meadville. fi.MP. M. Freight and Accommodation, daily. G 0..17 P. M. Freight ami Aeeommaditlon tlaily Sundays excepted. 1 1.30 P. M.WayFrcight,Sunday exeppt- GOING EAST : 1 4.17 A. M. New "York Dnv Prnfiwo rlrtl !y Sundays excepted; connects at Great liend with Delaware, Lackawanna & Wes tern Railway, for Kcranton.and at N. York Willi til iillli irlit nvnrn.-ii I..i!n . f X... I sey Railroad for Philadelphia. A sleeping t ar it attached to this trnin nt Cleveland running through to Hornells villo eonnrcling with tiain having new and Improved Drawing Room Coaches at tached, running through to Now York. 4 1.00 P. M. Liirhtnliior Ftnrrai nttnnoct. inir daily nt F.hnira with Northern Central Kail way, for Williamsport, liarrisburg, Philadeiohia and Itnllini'ro an.l nt vu... Ynik for Boston nnd New England cities. A sieeitin-r coach is athichnil to thiu tt-nin at Cincinnati running through toN. Y'ork. G 0. 37, P. M. Cincinnati. Express daily. Sundaysexcepted, conneciingal llmgiiaii'i ton for Albany nnd the celebrated mini- iner resort Miaron Springs, nnd at New York for lioston nnd all New England cit ies. A sleeping car is attached to this train at Meadville running through lo New 1 OIK. ' 4.17 a. T)). Str.t.- fi'oiirlit OM.1 Ans.m. . ... . . - f . . . u.i. ni.wiiiiiiu' dation Suudays excepled. 5 6.45 p. m. Fright and AecoiunioJation, Suudava excepted. 10.25 a. ni, Way Freiglit, Sundays ex cepted. Boston and -Vow Eneland' passengers, With tllflir ltairiril.ra Mm triinutV1rn.1l t'l'..., rti' ehargo in -Yew Y'ork, Tho best ventilated and most luxurious Sleeping cohcIios sTiu tho World-O- ne eomjiany ull night trains on this railw ay. S. Tlir Erio Railway CViinpnnv has ft pencil a new Ferry from their Jersey Citv Depot to the foot of 2:id Strwt.. thtis ena bling Passengers to reach theupper portion to tiie city without tho expense and annoy unee of a street car or omnibus transfer. Xlsa The seenerv nlooir tlm atilim ...itn of the Erio Railway is of tlie most pictur- i.s.uii uuii ucaiiiiiui cnaracier. Aunnrers of nature's beauties, in a da; light journey over this Line, will lind in its ever chang ing landscapes subjocU bf continual ad miration and interest. JJA (JVA UK CJ1KVKKD TfliO UGH, and Fare as Low as by uny other route. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA ERIE R'Y. Which can bo obtained at all the princi pal Ticket Ollicos in the West or South west. WM. B. BARR, L. D. Ritckkr, Geu'l Pass'r Ag't. Cicn'l Sujit. ANDREWS &C67, Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UKALl-.il. IN H-APuDWABE, Ac., &oM Ac, TIDIOUTE, PA., JOHN ANDIIKWS. u, FISUKR, 5-tf AVOID QUACKS. A victim of earlj indiscretion, causing nervous tlehilitjt premature ueeav ve.. Having tried ill vail every advc rlisml rcmedv, has a siinplt means of self-cure which be will send fret to bis fellow-sufferers. Address J. If. Tl'TTLE, 7 Nassau A., New Y'ork. 87-4 1 1ST. El. SICIXTTH, DF.AI.bll IN 1 r I L.sT- ta rrx xn 1"". -5 PIANOS ORGANS, IUCCEC t AND Mtis rnl Instrnmeitts of all Drsrrlpllonn, , PIANO & ORGAN STOOLS, SPREADS, &o. Old and second hand instruments taken In exchange for new ones and full value allowed. FA BRY IN'tmtUMKNT WARRANTKD. Center Street .... on Cltj, l'a. Nov. 11, tf. JAt'Oll NIIItlVKIl. Having nttctl up a Orst class PLANING MILL, Are preparetl to furnish to order all kinds 01 luatiutaclureU lumber such aa rLoonixa, SIDING, SVItFAClC DH1C&SKD t VMItEIt, SA UU, DOOI2S, ISLIXDS, AXD EVEIIY DEscn irrwx ofpla is a xd fa x cy MovLiiixos. i Dealers will lind it to their advantage to CONSL'LT OUU TRICES, ' . 1 Before purchasing plscwherp. as our loca tion in the heart ot the lumber region gfvos us superior advantages in tho purchase ol lumber that will enable us to undersell ihoso less luvorahlv situated. Address Mar. 4, tf. JACOB SHR1VER. Tionestn, Pa. Why Is it that Dr. Koback's Stom ach fitters incrcaso in Bale every year ? Because Thoy nro the host combina tion, ever made. Why Do tlio Drusrgists recom mend Dr. Hob-nek's Bitters to their customers? Because After years of experience ami trial they havo been proven to bo a suro cure for Dyspepsia and Indiges tion. Why Is it that Physic'ans use and recommend Dr. llo back's Sugar-coated Blood Tills? Because They know tho iiigrodients of which they are made. Why Arc Dr. Itoback's Blood Purifier and Blood Pills tho best remedies taken to gether for tho euro of all diseases of tho blood ? Because Tho Blood Purifier is tho only articlo in tho market wlucheontains the celebrated costly Drugs imported ex pressly from Sweden for its manufacture, and tho Pills contain tho activo principle of Podophyllum' ('Mandrake Hoot,) and is a substitute for Mercury. Why Arc Dr. C. W. Itoback's Stomach Bitters, Blood Pu rifier and Blood Pills tho three greatest remedies tho world has ever known? Because After eleven years experi ence and trial tho sales havo increased ' each and every year, and thousands of let ters (unsolicited) of tho re markable cure3 they have performed bear witness, llead tho letters in Local Column of cures by these medicines. VENTURE -HOTEL. ADJOINING TII K li K COT, WHITE OAK, Fored County, Pa. IIUMMASON, BRO S, ProprV rpiIIS house is new and fitted up in first J. class st le. and is heathiiiHrters for all persons visiting the great oil Held of Hick ory. The bar is furnished with tlie best of liquors. Tho proprietors will spuro no pains to iiuiKe 11 inn most tiosirahlo slop in(f place in the oil region.. 12-ly PENNSYLVANIA CH TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Similar Mtv 1, 1H70, Trains arrive at and leave the ........ ,..., ,,, ,TmimiOI nmi Liberty street, as follows; ARRIVE. Mall Tritln. I.Vft n m 1 T7..t T f.. - t n m ; Well's ateoininndation No, 1, ll'.VO a 111 ; iTiiiion aeooinmoiiatlon INo 1, 7.W n in; Wall's accommodation No 2, H.r,r, tn ;Cin einnntl pt nrci. o 00 . 1 -.11 , WWlllI7llOI.il U- eommodnlion tt.M inn ; Braddoek's n:-- comtnoiiatton An 1, 7.1K) p m ; Pittsburgh exprpss 1..10 p in: Pneillc pxpress l.fid p in ; an a Rcconimisialion No 8, 2.:to )) in; Homewootl accommodation No 1,9.55 pin: ;'- uiiuiuiiiiiion o.4 0.,'si p m ; Jtrinlon aeeommoilaUon No 2, 1.10 p in; Way Passenger 10.20 p in. DEPART. Southern express 5.20Ja mi Pacific ex- press 2.4(1 a 111 ; Wall s accommodation No 1 It :tlln ,11 Mull TV..I.1 u 111 i..;..i..- -- - , .mil r,,,r t , , OII S accommodation 1 1.20 n tn ; Bradtlock a bo- ci.iMiiioiiiiuoii ioi,.-.io p ni; I'inetnnati exprpss I2.:v p in ; Wall's accommodation N 2. 11.51 nm t .lolmstoM-n ....wntit.....!.,!-!.... 4.115 pm; Hoinewood accommodation No 1, cv.hi i in; rmiiKieiptiia express S.fiO p 111; Wnll necoinmodntimi No3,.H.0."p ni; Willi's accommodation Mo i a n- I. in . ii'.i.,i T in. 7.40 p m 1 Wall's No 5, i 1,00 p m. Tho Church Trains leav. Wall's Station every Sunday nt.ti.05 a. 111.. reaching Pilts- bllrirh St ItltlAn 111 ll..i.v.,l.. In..,., T.I.I.. buri n at 12.511 p. in'., and arrive at Wall's Cincinnati exiiress leaves dally. South ern exorpsN iliiilv moii.t Mi.n.i.ii. Ail ..11.- er Trains daily, except Sunday. " lor further Inforiuationjaply to W. If. BECKWITII, Agent. The Pennsylvania Rallrond' Company will not assume nny Risk for Baugage ex" ecpt for Wearing Apparel and limit their rsponsibilily to Ono llnndred Dollit' . val ue. -All baggage exiietMling .that a ount In value will bo nt ,lu risk or tho nor unless taken lypocial contract. 1 A'. J. CAsSaI General Superintendent, Almoin. pn. BOOKS.ISTATIONERY AND "vVALL 3? 1PEB. DAVIS & CUOLS, ' (Neur'tlin Co ,-t House,) FRANKLIN, TENN'A. Hnve a general assortment of School Books, Law Books, Histories, Bibles and Testaments, Hymn Books, Music Hooks, Blank Hooks. .'rivcloii.iu v..t.. r 1 I cop w riling paHrs, Pens', Ink,' Slates and ui cr iiiiug 111 inn HOOK ,t 8TA TIOXKR Y It PsiSESS. All of which thevolfer to soli WHOLE SALE OR RETAI L, at lowest cash prices. DAVIS it ECHOLS, Franklin, Pa, PATENTS. Inventors who wish to tako out letters Patent are advised to'cnunsel with Munn anil Company, editors of the .Scientific American, who have prosecuted claims be tore tlie Patent Ollice for ovor Twenty Years Their American and European I'a'ent agency is the most extensive in the world Charges-loss than any other relia ble agency A pamphlet contuiniuI lull Instructions to inventors is sent gratis Ml'N.N it CO., ;i7 Park Row, I"tf New York COAL! COAL! vT.S. EYBRHAET IS Prepared to deliver thphpst quality f tuil at the old Everhart , Hank, two miles from Newmanvil'n for locnlsoei or ut Tinnasta and vicinity for ' 2.1 CENTS PER BUSHEL, lie always has a large supply on hand, Now is tlio time to lay In a largo supplj Orders promptly attended to -20 JIouongaliclA Valley INSURANCE AGENCY, ESTABLISHED MAY 1V.3. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK rOLICIEi, ISSUED IN FIRSTCLASS COMPANIES. LOSSES PK0.MPILY ADJl'STED AND PAID. A. C. SAMPSON, it n. Agcut. . J. 1). HENRY, Oil City, Ag't for Venango Co., l'a. Applications received and Information furnished bv A H. Srut i.t- ut 'l',......o. Savings Baiik. npltf. TIDIOUTE EMPORIUM . M. P. GETCHELL, Dealtr in DRY GOODS Actions, RqoIs A Shoes, HATS &c CAPS, Ac, &c, &c., COItXEf! 31 A IX VEVOT tlT.1., TIDIOUTE, PA. Has the largest and most Comjilete Stock now 011 band, of any fctuie in , WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. lluvlnpf ptirt'linncil my Btock fcincp. tlie preat tlecline in Golil, I can Fell poods cheaper than any Dry CiooJs House in the Oil Regions. 'Persona purchasing goods of me will s.ive 2; percent. M. P. ( 5 ETCH ELL. Tulioute, April 11, 1870. 4 t-j.i OH WORK neatly executed at thlnollicc 1 at reasonable rates. A CHANCE seldom ottered! town In tcrtwt in ono of tho best Silver Mines of tlie day, developing, etc., nor fleorce town. Col. Can satily you of its undoubt ed valueasa goisl investment uud a avlng one. Best of references given. I wl-h to sell one-liulf of it very c cap for cah. Address my att'ys, Townsend Bros, 131 South I'hird striMrt. phila. Pa. 24 it. Gi'vi'vt AH'iiViyltlv;'.' fty WAur.r.N a fi:an::liv. kakmlrsi ,tOlLMlEEH RAILROADS CONStH I DATED New and Most Direct loule to tle Oil Iloglons. vi'lNTril ARRANGEMENT. On nud Alter MONDAY" MA Y aoni,'70 trains will run as ioIHiwh : ik.ivr co it tt ; fl.OO A. M. l;.l'lFJs,H-Rpar(nnsl,urg 0. 2s; Tryonvillo ; ll vtletow u 7.11; Tl t'.isville arrive 7.20, tlepnrt 7.-7; Miller Farm 7,.'.l ; I'loneer t.07 ; Petroleum fVn trearr. 8.1."), Ivs. K.17, Colutnhin H.ii.l, Tarr Farm 8.21, Kvnd Farm ., Bo sevillo H,:is Oilt' t.V H.ofl Ivs Ji.ro, Rockwood Walnut liend Oleopnlis 11.2.1, connect ing with tram for Pilholetl Henrv's l'.e:ul , Eagle Keck, Tlonesta lO.i-4, Hick ory White Oaks lo.lll, arr. '1 idiotite. arrives 10 51, I v. JK.iMI, ThompHon's arriving at rrvingtmi at 11. .'Via. 111 1 1 . - Ai M. M AIL Spnrtniisbiirg ll.4.i,j Centreville, 12.7 p. in. Tryoin ille Hytle'own I'i.MI, nrrlves a! Titusvill 12.01,. Ivs. 12.4"), Miller Farm 1.01, Pioneer 1.17, nrr. Pet. Centra 1.2ft, Ivs 1.27, Coiuinbln 1. a:l, Tnrr Farm 1.30, Rvnti Farm Rousevlllel.47, arr. Oil city .tt.",, Vs. 2.11, Rockwood , Walnut Bend Olenpo lis 2.40einnect with train for PrMiolot Henry's Bend . liaj-le Uisk .'1 'loti- ' estnll.l'l, Hickory , White Oaks 3,40,' arr. Tidiooto 4.C2, Ivs. 4.1(7, Thompson' 1 arrives nl Irvlnt ton 4. .Ml p. in. 0.05-PM ACCOM Mod A'N, Sjurtnnsburg' fl.lttl. 'iitrevllle 7.H0, Trvonvilio al ll vtletowu 7.Ji", srrTitusvllle 7.:.'i Ivs 7.4;"., Miller Farm 8,ti.'i, Pioneer 8.2U, nrr at Pet. Centre K.2H, ivs N..'!ft, Coluiubiii 8.41. Tarr Farm 8.44, Hynd Farm .Rottsovillob.WJ arrives at Oil City II. 10 p. 111. I.KAVKS IHVtNMItlN. 11.45 A. M. M A I L ThoiMison's arr. Tidiouto 12.l Ivs I2.:i,8, White Oaks I2.f-:l Hickory, , Tlonesta 1.20, Emtio Rts-k .Heme's Bend 0ppxlia 2.05 (con nects with train for Pithole) Walnut Bend , Bo, k wood , nrr till Ci'v 2.30 Ivs 2.42. Housev ille 2..1.S, R vnd Farm Tarr Farm 3.10 arr at' Pi t. Centre 3.20 Ivs. 3.23, Pioneer 3.3D, Miller Farm a. 4.-, nrr. Titusviile 4 01. Ivs 4 14 llvdetowti 4.21 )i. 111., Tryniivillo Ceiitrevilln 4.1I0, Sparta11sb11rgfl.il, arr at Corry H.ii p. in. O.oo P. M. EXrRFSS-ThompHoirs at nrr at Tidiouto fi.3il,levs ,1.,"i2,AVhite oaks 0.07. Hickory , Tlonestn (t.S7, Eagle Rock , Henry's Rend Ole opnlis 7.13, Walnut Bend Rockwood arr Oil City 7,-tt) 1 v 7.47, Rouse villa 8.03, Rynd Fnrm Tnrr Farm 8,b"i, CoU uiiibins,lt, arr Pet. Centre 8.2'i Iv 8.28, Pi oneer 8.3.1, Miller Farni8. tr,, arr. Titusviile 0.10. Ivs i.l", Hytletow 11 11.23, Tryonvilla Spai iansbtirg, lu.7, arr ut Corry 10.3j p. in. l.mi-K 011, riTV. 7.00 A.M. ACOl MMoDATIt)N Rouse ville 7.1,"., It vnd I-'.ti in , 'I'arr i'ariii 7.2 Columia 7. '-'.1, arr Pet. Cent re 7.:1T h e 7.;t, Pioneer 7.4.1, Miller Farm K.txi, nrr. Titus ville8.18, lvs.s.23. Hydetown s.31, Trvoii villo Centerville 8.5ti, NpartHiisiiurg- 0,10, arr, Corry VM a in. All trains eonnis-t at Corry with trains on l'hila. it Erie Railroad atid A. it 1. W. East and West for New York, Philadel phia, HarrisbnrL', Erie .t Cleveland, nnd with Biitlalo, Corry .t Pittsburgh Railway for l!n Halo and all x tints on the N, Y. Cen tral Itailway. At Oil Citv with trains on.. Allegheny Valley Bnilroad, and Franklin ItranchA. it i. W. At lrvineton with trains on l'liila. ,t E. Railroad east and west. C. .L HEPBI'RN' J NO. PITCAIUN, Siiperiiitendent. Oeu'l Mamurer. . ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAIL RCAOT CJREATTHROUtill ROUTE KltOJI The Oil Regions lo Pitlsbursh, . THE EAST AND THE WEST1 NLEEPIXU VAILS On nil night trains. Passengers nnd bag ira :e Iranslerred nt Oil Citv, Fhhb or lit Aim i.l Trains make direct tsinnection with all Koads centering at Oil City, and ltao us follows: Day Express leave Oik City nt....1or,0a m Anivesat Piltsbiirgli b.'tnpui Night Express Irf-ave Oil City II 30 p 111 Arrives at PittsburLdi 7 (H a 111 Kittaiuiing Ace. leave Enib uton 11.1:1 pni '' " arr. KiUaiiuiiii; It.onpiii Mixed way Leaves oil city 7 mi u , Arr at WcstPenn Junction Tti.ipni Day Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 Km 111 A rrrives at oil 'ily at I .1ft p m Night Express I eaves Pittsburgh 8 ik pm Arrives at Oil City OlHtani Parker Ace. leaves K Htiinnin.j a: 7. 20 am " " Arrives ut i'urkei' at II. f.ft a 111 Mixed way Ivs West Pcnn Juuu. 7iKam Arrives ai Oil City nt OO'lpm Passengeis travelling by this Routo will lliul better accommodations and make bet- -Uir time than bv any oilier road from the Oil Regions to Pillsliiirgh. -L J. LAWRENCE. Oen. Supt. ERIE & PITTSBURGH R, R 0 n ntitl after Monday, Nov. 1.1, 1800 iiums win run on una road as follows: - LEAVE ERIE-SOUTHWARD. 11:, IS a. M. accommodation Lenves Newcastle at 7:05 andarrives at Pittsburgh 10;00 a. 111. B 10:2.1 a. jr., piTTsnt'ltOH ex., stops at nil stations, and arrives at A. A (i. W. R. R. Transfer at :-,o p. at Newcastle at 3:15 p.m., and at I'ittsburgh at 0:00 p. ni. 6:05 a. m., AtfOMMonATio.v, from James tow 11, arrives at A. .t U. . R. R. Transfer at .u;40 a. m., at Neweastlo at 7:05 a. m., ami I'ittsburgh at 1(1:00 a. m. Mm p. M., Mixed Train leaves Erie for Sharon, stopping nt all interinediiito points ami arriving at 10:15 a. in. I.tiAVE PITTSHURtlll NORTWARD. 7:15 A. M.. HitiK Kxritrss. leaves New castle nt lll:(Kla. 111.. A. AO. W. R. It. Trims. ter at ll:2Ua. m ami arrives at Erie at 2:H0 n. m., making close eonnection for liulia lo and Niagara Falls. 3:35 I. M. At.'i'OMMonATION, leav 3 New castle at 0:30 j). in , A. ,t ii. W. R R Transfer ni 7:.'5 p. m.,and Jamestow n st 8: si a. m., connects with mixed trains that arrives in Eric at 1:55 a. in. (i: "0 p. m.. Mixed Train IcaveSharon for l.ne nnd arriving at W.rard at 12::t0 a. in., and Erie at 0:55 a. 111. ' Trninseonnoct at Rochester with train for V heeliiiar and all points in West Virginia' and at Pittsburgh connections for Philadel Jilua, Ilarrisbiirgh, Baltimore and Wash- " iijgton via Pennsylvania Central Railroad. l-.rie Express North, connects nt. Oirard' vtltn Cleveland mid Erie trains Westward ! ,!,,v.l'1'1...'"i,,n"".ntl all points in i' 1, , ' ,Ut l':'.''0 wiUl '''"'"'leil'l'la it lCrio. I road tor Corry, Warren. Irvington, li loute ite. and with Ilullalo .t Erio K.-i road lor Bultil,,, Dunkirk, Niagara l ulls and New Yor.i. City. h F.N.FINNEY, General Sup't A OLNTS WANTED FOR Tile 1 t. ' 1 1 ' ..... .... Ii7.,t.; i'i' ' " l.1"'- M)ltl.I). ...iiK , iitdhhiii s i. tie or (irist " anitl.ivesoftlie Apostles, Eiivangelista and Martyrs," Doddrid-es "Evidcn.-os of (Uirist.anity "HisUiry of the Jews," by Josephus; ' History of ad religious D nonunatioiis," w ith treatise and tables re Utmg to events coimecU-d wllh ilible Hi, lory, ctuiia.ulng ni:iny linn cinrraviiigs. 1 10 w hiileloriniiig ttcoinpleto treasury ot ( hristinii know ledge, W, FLINT, 2t S ' SovoutJi St., pl,ia. Vii