The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 08, 1870, Image 2

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Col. J. W. II. ReUingcr took
possession of tlic Meadville Republican
as Editor, Publisher and Proprietor,
on trie 2d inst. Col. Ileiainger is well
known in Uio 19th and 20th District,
fti a writer of great clenrnew mid
force. IIo needs no puffing from us,
M our renders are all acquainted with
him, and will join with us in congatu
lating the Republicans of Crawford
County upon securing liia pen and in
fluence for their interests liencoforth.
As to the retiring editor, R. Lyle
"White, we will make
TheBe words occur in Lis obituary,
"It has often been my lot to meet the
censure of many."
This is true, and as fur as heard
from it is about the only truth Mr.
. "White has ever been guilty of telling
. in regard to himself. If ever a man
was hated, despised and loathed, White
is that man. Ho has made himself
ofl'cupivein the nostrils of every decent
. man in the 20th District, and bis
editorial decapitation is hailed with
joy by all who knew him. He has
been tho death of several newspapers
. dragging down with him all wlio have
ever had the misfortune to be connect
. cd with his publications. , IIo is per
- eon ally one of the most cowardly,
mean, overbearing, , contemptible
skunks it has ever been our miefor
tune tj meet, aud the sooner he dies
nnd rots tho soouer will the .moral av
erage of humanity be elevated.
A Contradiction.
' ' "We find the following communica
tion in regard to an item published in
this paper recently, in the Tittisville
Il&ald. We are always ready to make
correction When any tiling gets into our
". columns which is incorrect :
Tipiovte, Oct. 31, 18T0.
Editors Morning Herald ;
Gentlemen : We observe In a
number of the 25th inst., an item ac
credited to the Forest Couxtt Ke
ruBLiCAX, to tho effect "that one of
the proprietors of the Fagundus Farm
was arrested and held to bail upon a
charge of stealing a trunk from ons
Scott Ilnminason."
Certuinly the position and character
cf the owners of said tract are suffi
ciently well known by yourselves and
tho public to protect them against any
euch charge, and a journal of the
high standing of tho Herald should
not admit to its columns an item in
iUelf damaging to tho character of
one who is beyond ropronch unless
well satisfied of it correctness.
Tho facts were simply that the trunk
was taken by error from tho railroad
depot to the Fagundas F.iriri as the
property of a laborer on the premises.
Mr. Fagundus was at the time eoufiu
ed the houee witli sickness, and in his
absence I instructed the teamster to
return it to the depot, and supposing
it had been done, dismissed the matter
from my miud. The present suit was
evidently instituted against Mr. F. as
a species of black ninil, which of course.
lie does not' propose to submit to.
Adsaii Neyhart.
From TitUBvlllo Herald.)
Shooting Affray at -Shamburg-Particulars.
A shooting affray occurred atShati
burg on .Wednesday evei.lng lost at
about 8 o'clock. We give full and re
liable particulars ,pf the occurrence,
the escape of one. of the guilty parties,
the committal of the other by Justice
Toor, together with a card by Dr. L.
C. Head, of Shamburg, descriptive of
the nature of the wounds, Drs. Head
nd "Williams, assisted by Dr. Wynne
of this city, having been called to at
tend tho injured men. The affair ere
etes great excitement in Shamburg.
ine lacts, as wo learn them trom an
unquestionable source, are as follows
It appears that a contractor named
Jame McCart had during the afternoon
of Wednesday imbibed rather to free
ly of the murderous whiskey retailed
there, and in consequence -was very
much intoxicated, in the evening
about pine o'olock, when he met one
Dennis Maley and others, all more or
less drunk. A dispute uroso between
McCart aud Maley about the payment
of some money, which finally resulted
in a fight between the two. Maley got
McCart down, when Thomas Farrell,
ono of the bystanders, interfered and
separated thein.
McCart followed Maley to where he
had seated himself upon a flour barrel,
in frout of Currie's store, and the two
were abusing each other, when Pat
McPhillips, a brother-in-law of Mc
Cwt. taino up, caught hold of Maley
aud faid to him vwlh, an oath, "You ,
tlou'J fij;nt wiih a man who i dm." j
W. R. DUNN -
George II. Lehman, who was standing
near, looking on, then came and took
hold of McPhillips, or pushed him
bnck, saying : "Lot Maley alone, they
won't fight if you lot him alone." Mo-
Phillips turned hpon him savagely and
. re .
linnn him ll'.a I. nil fabini nfl.tot in I
.'j'v.a ujiii, iiiv unit &nn,tig iiiuv
Lehman's left breast, passing through
the upper portion of the left lung and
lodging withiu half an inch of the sur
face, between the shoulder blades.
Mcrhillps' uephew (Ed. Kirk) was
at this moment standing a few feet dis
tant upon the steps of tlus store. After
Mcrhillips fired, Kirk jumped off the
steps, ran out into the street, turned
round and fired, the ball taking effect
in the shonlder of Thomas Farrell ; he
then started and ran off, has not since
bocn heard from. The wounded men
were conveyed to the office of Dr. Read
who extracted the bullet from Leh
man's back, and did what he could to
alleviate his suffering, which was very
severe, owing to internal Leinorage.
The bullet in Farrel's shoulder could
not bo found ; bis wound though severe
and painful, is not considered danger
Officer Sergent was notified of tho
occurrence, and promptly proceeded
to the vicinity of the affray, where he
arrested McPhillips in bis own bouse,
and held him in custody until yester
day, when be had a bearing before
Justice Poor, wbo com mi ted him to
jail at Franklin to await bis trial. All
efforts to apprehend Kirk have ended
in failuro. The most seriously wound
ed man, Geo. H. Lehman, is a young
man about 26 years of age, ami un
married, lie has the reputation of
being one of the most quiet persons, is
industrious and temperate. The prig
oner, Mcl'hillips, is an Irishman, ap
parently about 30 years of age. lie
has a wife and two small children
aged respectively one and a half and
throe years. lie has the' reputation of
possessing an ungovernable ' temper,
and is addicted to the use of intoxica
ting drink. ' The following is
r. read's certificate.
Shammuro, Nov. 2, 1670.
Messrs. Ferrell and Lehman came
to my office about 81 o'clock, o.Jm.
Said they wpre shot and wonted me tu
dress their wounds.- On examination I
found that Mr. Lehman had received
a shot iu tho left breast, the bull pass
ing between the socond and third ribs
and lodging between the shoulder
blades, iiubcded about ono half inch
beneath the skin. I proceeded to ex
tract the bullet, the patient suffering a
g iod deal of pain from internal hem-
orage, the ball passing through the an
terior and. superior portion of the left
lung. Lehman told me he paw Pat
rick McPhillips when he shot him.
Mr. Farrell has suffered a good deal
of pain from his wound in the shoul
der, and all examinations of the wound
by myself and Drs. Williams and
Wynne, do not reveal the location of
the ball. L. C. Read, M. D.
A destructive fire occurred at Par
ker's Lauding, on Friday afternoon last,
destroying about half the towu. The
origin of the fire is -unknown. The en
tire town was composed of wooden
buildings, and it was only by severe
exertions that the remainder of the
town was saved. The following buil
dings and places of business, according
to the Titusville Ilerald, were des
troyed :
George Stull, grocery and dry-goods
II. Leroy, jewelry store.
Johnson & Horns, restaurant'
Fuller House, (occupied by private
Brock's billiard rooms.
"Westheimer, clothing store.
Parker House, occupied bj Falls
Henry Thomas, boot and shoe store.
Huston & Co., grocery and meat
Eckert House.
O. S. Goldrick's oil office.
Weaver & Rous, Monitor Saloon.
Ullinan & Spatts, clothing store.
Morrison's grocery and liquor store,
and several private dwellings, owners
not known.
Upon tho south side of the street
tbtre were burned :
Smullcii's law office,
Graham & C'o.'s law office.
Chus. Spencer's saloon uuj restau
rant. Oil Exchange Hotel.
Dugau's news rooms.
Sheriff Scott's offic e.
Cora Phillips, dwelling,
Goodwin's oil office.
D. D. Iierbet, oil broker.
P. Flock's barber shop.
Boot and shoe store.
The '.'Old PitUlirgh ilpon."
Several otlatr email private dwell-
ings were also destroyed, the owners of
which were not ascertained. But a
comparatively small portion of tho
property destroyed was insured.
' The War.
The daily dispatches with which the
orean cable is burdened seem to vary
o little from day to day that an anx
ious public is about tired reading theso
daily repetitions. By Paris baloon news
we have every day that the city is well
provisioned and is starving ; that fre
quent riots occur, and that the citizens
preserve the strictest order ; that Gen.
Trochu hat the confidence of all class-
, and that the Reds are expected
daily to revolt against his authority.
Millions of men are rushing to enroll
themselves under the flag of the Repub
lic, and hundreds of cannon and thous
ands of small arms are being manufac
tured at the antenals of Franco. Then
we have the thrilling daily procla
mations of Minister Gumbetta (a regu
lar George Francia Train) calling on
the French people to come forward
and get shot for tho good of their
When tho war broke out the public
sentiment of this country was with the
Prussians ; not because we hated the
French people, but because we hated
the tyrant who ruled them, and we
prayed for his overthrow. Toward
both the French aud Gorman people
we had nothing but the best wishes. It
was a war of King William against
Napoleon, and when the latter went
down at Sedan, we hoped to soe the in
vasion cease. This might have been
accomplished bad the new Govern
ment of Frauce possessed tho proper
leaders. Had they accepted tho terms
of the Prussiaus, they might have dono
so with honor and obtained a peace
which they could have occupied iu
establishing their new government on
a firm foundation, if such a thing be
possible. That they did not dp so tho
civilized world deeply deplores, and
while they look on with pity at a brave
people being slaughtered by thousands,
and a beautiful country dcvosled, they
can only deplore without, being able
to render tho least rcrUtance. It, is
not within human Jtcu to foresee the
the end. ' Tho final full of Paris docs
not admit of a doubt; but the fiite of
France thereeftcr is but a matter of
conjecture. Meadville Republican.
The Petroleum Ccutro Record any
on Friday a gang of ruffians rescued a
prisoner from the hands of the officer
in that town, but two of them were af
terwards arrested aud sent 'to Frauk
liu, in default of $1000 bail.
The Meadville Journal says :
"A gay old buck, which was running
free in the wilds of Forest county n
week ago, was hanging to a hook in
Walster's Washington Market on
Wednesday. He weighed nearly 200
lbs. and was a sight worth seeing.
The Titusville Courier gives this
as a sample of book-keeping at Red
Hot in Venango county :
'Jim Wilson commenced boarding
here the day the big tree fell, Tom
Horner one week alter. Received
of Jim Wilson" (5) dollars, tho day
Jack got diunk. Paid his whole bill
the day Smith's well was torpedoed."
That may be called "red hot" book
keeping, and no mistake.
A singular accident occurred in a
spoke factory in West Chester, iii-tliis
State, one day last week. A - httcl
bad been laid upon the table of small
circular sa w, aud the jarring of the ta
ble brought the hatchet in contact with
the saw, when it was thrown with great
force across the mill, strikincr in its
way, a colored man named Henry
Robinsou, who was working about the
mill, iu the breast, breaking the skiu
and knocking him 4own and then half
burying itself iu he ground. The
man "was not seriously injured, but tho
hatchet was thrown. ..with such force
that bad the edgo struck him, lie
would probably have been seriously
The Oil City Times comes it raib
er strong on the subject of the popula
tion of that place, as the following
will tell:
Oil City is reported as having only
2,351 inhabitants, when in point of
fact tho population of tho district.
which is known as Oil City, abroad
has a population of nearly nine thous
and. This arises from the fuet that
the Tioro. is very small in territory
uud that some of our most thickly poj.
pulated suburbs lio in the adjoining
townships. And then ncross the river
is the IJoro. of Venango City, with its
(now)2,000iuhubitants. The above fucti
show another necessity for a city o
about three miles square at this point,
which would include a larcc portion of
what is now set down as t lie popula
tion of Cornplantcr township, Venango
City, a Email part of Crauberry town
hip and Oil City TVro.
Killed in Tow. On
Friday afternoon of last week, as the
employees in tho saw mill of Hydo,
hitmore & Co., wore at' work, their
attention waa arrested by a noise in
t r.3 race in front of the mill, and to
their astonishment they behold a fine
young buck struggling in the water
between tne logs. A rush wns imme
diately mado for the spot, amf $' few-
well directed blows from a cant-hook
soon dispatched his lordship, lie was
splendid specimen of the fleet-footed
tribe, being iu tip-top condition. It is
supposed he was driven into town . by
nnunas, ana in his endeavor to cross
the raco he was caught in the trap bo-
. .11 i l i i i-
twocn the Jogs, which ended IU Jus
death. iJitfyvtiy Advocate.
R r, 1
oJ Feritor who kecr tho Temnemncn I
V t 1 J . , lemreraUte
NlIuOll on Cross St.. r rnlnv mormncr
for some cause best known to himself,
wenv out on tne railroad track near
tho Empire House, and fired two shots
from his revolver. One of tho balls
hit the window of the bar room of the
Emnira llouee on Cross Street nassintr
, , , ' , e I
llirougn and embedding ItSClf 111 the
nll It .in.elr tnct l.;K .J
1 " '"" "
have hit a man's breast had he becu in
,. ,. i .
range, and as there were numbers prea-
cut at the time their esenne is trulv
A Duer
miraculous. Such work is reprehen- Kreeswost32) perche tolandof F. W. Al
siblo to snv the least of it. We learn n.! " H land west 29 iH-rches
that Feriter macnanimousl v sent over 1
In Me tVr nrn.;imn in !
.. - - i .,....
pane ot glass. He may consider him-
8olf lucky iu not having to answer for
a humau 1 ife. Cotry Telegraph. "
" y r
Teacher Examl nation.
riHE regular Fall Kxnminations in For-
-i- est County will be held as follows
Tuesday. November 1, at Clarington.
Thursduy " S, at ebra.ska
4, at Tionesta.
Monday ..
7, at Ncillshurg.
K, at 1.. Hickory,
10, nt Newtown
ii, at Maricn.
Exercises commence at U o'clock A. M.
ApplitvntM will piease coiuo supplod with
pencil and paper. Directors anil friends of
education are respective in vitiHl to bo pros-
cm. n, r . nun libit, l ouniv Miipt.
Oct. 5, 1S70. "i-td
OCT Oil UK, I860.
J. & P. COATS'
is sow' TnF '
Threa.l put up for tho American marker
wiucn is
From No. 8 to No. 100 Inclusive
For IlaiKi and Jlnolilne.
By sending OtiC'KNTS.
with ago height, color of eves nnd hair you
will receive, by return mail, a correct pic
ture oi your tuture nusuanu or wiiewitu
nni:io and date of marriage. W. FOX, 1.
O. Drawer No. 5M8 Fultonvitle N. Y. 30-4t
leading Agricultural Monthly of the
uniUHl Mates ; coiiuilolim -4 quarto pages:
is recommended to Farmers everywhere
us a thoroughly reliable and well illustrat
ed Agricultural and Horticultural Journal.
It Is largely mado up of original matter.
and devoted to Stock liaising, Grain Grow
ing, the I'airy, Orchard, Vegetable and
mantel Hardening. Grazing, Hearing nnil
rattening AnomitX a Veterinary Depart
ment, c. Frice L.V) per annum. Sample
copies supplied on application, liberal
terms to Agcnis ana canvassers, with
show-bills furnished on application to 1'ah-
cicai.i. Mohki.i. Kditor and Proprietor. 18
-orui utn street, I'hilmloiptiia. so-4t
HOW to bo Obtained for Fivo
larsl Flautations, FaruiH, Villa Sites and
lown Ijots. at The Ureal l'rciiuum IjoiU I
alo. AiKen. c, 'i ne "aaiatoga oi the
(Sooth. 4s Hours from J . . Tho most
delightful climate In tho world. Free from
the ri'jora.of Northern w inters, exempt I
from Throat diseases. Vineyards and or-1
chards iu full bearing. For descriptive
pamphlet, address, with stamp, J. C.
IJKKHV, Augusta, Go. i?(,rL ! I suiierred with
A Catarrh thirty years, and.was cured
in six weeks by asimplo remedy, and will
send the rebeip't , postage free, to all afih-t-cd.
T. J. Mkau, Drawor 17(i,Syraouso. N.
Y. S0-4t
A Mystery Nolvod. Fifteen
Minutes' 1'iivHto Conversation with
Married Ladies bv ono of their number.
Sent free for two stamps, bv Mrs. 11.
M KTZGEK, Hanevor. Va. bO-it
Something urgently needed by cyeiybo
Call and exniuino, orsnn.ples sent posts
paid-tor 60 cts that retull easily for 10.
T,- Wolcott, 181 Chathrm 8q., N. Y. 2i-3t
1- O utre St., opposite Pot Olllco,
11 T ANTED Aokn
($0 per day) To
V sell llie celebrated
iUr fmt, uiaKOs the "tork t'Meh'' (ulike on
both suioii) and in fully licensed. Tho
and cheapest family Sewing Mie hir.e in
tiio market. Addrcxs JOilNSON. Cluri
iv. Co., HoMton, Mnt-s., J'iitsburgh, J a.,
Cliicago, 111., or St. Jxjuis, Mo. 31-4C
Warranted better and cheaper than any
other. l or Sulo Iu l'uUuaclplua, 1 uuv
burgh Ac., by
Jauiicy ,t Andrews. T. Conrowd' Co.
Hocllicli A Molan, Itii. lon it Son,
minis it biimcker Konr l liurvy
ut enuuii tt' l oung, W. lj.iravor,
ThciiiM n d-Sr'rris, J. 11, JCrause,
Wainwrightil Co. lt-.iiei ta i(- Co.
NValermun, Son Jt Co. (S. .1. Humphry,
jionson, Jioiirai o. 11. .1. i:jnner
Myers A Co. J. S. Morgan
K. Kby tt Co. 1 lough A Co.
T. Plmics, W. J. Kirk,
Ilovil it- Co, Dgden A Co.
Arbiicktcs A Co. of Pittsburgh, and many
01 htir. SO-ir,
BY VtRTUK of snndry writs of Vendl.
K issued nut of the Court of Com
mon Plens of Kortt Courtly, and to mc di
rected, tbrro w ill bo eiposcd to mtln bv
puhlio vendue or outcry, at tho Court I
House In tho Boroitph of Tionosta, on
.MOXDAY .NOV., 7TII, 1870, .
atSo'lork, P. M., tho following doscrib-I
od real estate, to-wlt t
James H. Vfthnm.Tn. .T. C. MfrierTVen.
Kx. No. S. Dor. Term. 1870.-.KcovoAll
tlercmlanta, rtKnl, title, interest ami elanm,
of, In nnd to, a certain piece or parcel of
mim situuto in tho I owtmiiip or Harmony,
Onnnty of KoroHt. (formerly Venaniro) niiil
Slnlo of I'einvlvaiiia ! ltoundixl and
described as follow, to-wlt: Ileslnntnir at
a pot, tlipnco south eighty ntno dnrK'
cunt one hundred and seventy-four ncrehoii
i a post) inrnoe aomn ono-imii dORree.
west ono nuniirrci ami iwcntv-lwo aim
Innd of .lame tlulinirs, north eighty-nine
decrees, west ono hundred and sevent v- I
r,lr perches to a white oak t thence north I
three tenths perrhe to a post ; theneo by
one (icarce cast, one hundred and twenty- I
fwnaiwi thrctMerithN iMrfltes ts a mist, tho 1
lillicu OI ifCinmilK , CUIIIKHIIIIK one null- I
,red and ninety-three acres of land more
... t! I
or less, bring the same piece of land eon-1
veved to tho Cherry and Trout n Oil
anil MlnliuiiWinnv vnliwl In I'lmrl. l
llooK no. a, page lli, in venaiiKO ouniy,
Taken in execution sort to bo sold as tne
propertv or J. V. Miller, at the suit ol
James 1. AVitlmm.
Charles ITavs.vs. 1 ho Iron Sides Petolo-
nm Company, cii. Kx. No, 5, Dec. Term.
iMthcy All that certain piece or
parcel of hind situate in Harmony Town-
ship. Forest County, l'o. Hounded and
dootcribed u follow ., to-wlt : HoKlnnlng
he centre of the roal leading from
Tionosta to l'lca.antvllle, at the lino of
of Jm-ob Kange. running thence bv
said land NO perches to a post, at line of
1(BllU.i mcCuho. leceaseir thence souHi
te"-lies to a post, at line of land late of
U'l linm UnU'lii i.r . 4 l,...,,w ..,.,11. o.l A--
thence along said centre lino to road north
to tne centre oi roao nereiotore inentioneii:
8SJ dcgreoa went 40 perches ! thonco along
.B,a c.ntro in8 Ilortn 40 degrees west 30
porches to the placo of beginning ; con-
taining twonty acres more or less.
in ioll",;n j:'1'1 tho
proiK-rty of The Iron Hides I'etroleuui
Comrany, at the suit of Charles liavs.
Sheriff's Olllco, Oct, 17, 1870.
-ai t., ua. v is, ssn n.
at tbe Store of
D. S. KNOX, lc CO.,
Elm St.; ionesta Ta.
We are in daily receipt oi tht largest and
MOST COMP1.ETK stork o
which we are determined to sell regardless
of prices.
House Furnithing Ooads, Iron, Kails,
Machine tools, Agricultural Implements,
Jte., Ac,, Ac, which wo offor at groat'y re
duced prices.
of all kinds,
ES, Ac, Ac., Ac,
In EN DLES3 VARIETY. Call an J soe,
7-tf D.S.KNOX. A CO.
of Mexico. Adventure and Sight-sociug
'Our Sister Repuqlic."
T A work of rnrfl merit. itrohiHiOv H'iml.rn
ted. Send I'oroiivuliu to ColmuLiau book
Compiniy, Hartford, C't. iH-il
A C A 11 I .
A Clnrg.vmnn, whilo residing In South
America iuin inlstioiiarv, aisoorveu a sa:o
and hinipla rcniody tor tho Curo of Ner
vous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases
or the l nnary anil Seminal organs, and
the whole train ot disorders lioii;,!it 011
by baneful and vicious liulm. Great limn-
lrs have been cured by this noble reme
dy, l'romptud by a desire to beneiil the
ui'lietcii au '. uij:".irtunate, I w ill send the
recipe lor preparing and usin this 11 10. i 1-.-,
in asuu'.eil cuvalope, to anv 0110 w ho
needs it. free of charge. JosKru T. Inman.
Station D, liible Hou e, N. Y. Cily. ao-4t
QC) r. A W'evK Salary ! Young
t,rrm:tJ men wanted 113 local and travel
lliigndosiuen. Adrcss (with Htamp) I!. If.
WALKKil. 34 Park Hew, N. Y. -4t
tpty Cm
ISsrvcxsaJ N&uradgjLa.
hstfhrti Ira
tt Is an ITnOillinir Tlnmixtr In all easnaof
Kt-uralcia Facialis, often eiTwtinn a per
fect cure In loss than 24 hours, from Umuwe
of no more than Two or Three l'ills.
No other form of Neuralgia or Nervous
Disease has failed to yield to thla Wonder
ful Kcmedlal Agent
iwen In the severest eases oi Chronic
Nournlirls aud general nervous doratiirn-
meiitM, of many years standliifr atYectins
the entire system, its use for a lew days,
or a few weeks at the utmost, always af-
fords the moat astonishing relief, and very
rarely lulls to produce a couirucleiinu ncr-
nianent euro.
u i . . i ... ...i . i .-1.1-
vMiwiiin iv wi uhs or vm'r uimronin
In the sliKhtest dea-ree lnjurlons, ven to
tho most dollcate system, and can Blwaya
be od with porftt safety.
It ha lotiir hoan Ln mnatunt linn hv manv
oi our mmi eminent pnysiciun, who riv
Jt ineir unanimnua ana unquannea appro-
vni. ino ioiiowin(r, among mail vol our
best citizens testify to its Wondorl'ul EUt
caey i
Ilavlmr used Dr. Tnrner'a Tic-Toul-
eurmx or Vnivrrtat A'enmlam Pilt.uid
in numerous instances recommended it to
patients sutlerltig with neuralgia I have
found it, without an ICxception, to accom
plish all the proprietors have claimed.
J. It. DILI. INGHAM, lVntlst.
12 Winter St., Uoaton, Feb. 18, 1807. " '
Mr. J. M. It. Story, for many yeara an
nMtheeary in this city, and for three year
miring tne war, in the iiospiiai Depart
ment under tho U. B. Govornuient, thus
speaks or It I
" 1 have known Ir. Turner's Tic-roul
our mix or Universal Neuralgia Fill for 20
vears. 1 have sold It and used It personal
ly, and 1 have never known or a aso
where it did not give relief. Customers
have told tne they would not be without it
if each pill cost ten dollars. I think It the
most reliable and valuable remedy for
nournlgia and nervous diseases la tho
world. "
Messrs. Turner f Co.!
For a long time a member of my family
liassull'ured severely with Neuralgia. The
pain was almost unendurable. We tried
various medicines without success. A few
months since, wo legan the use of your
11 1 1. it has proved rerlectly riuccesslul.
and no traces of the disease remain. I can
gladly recommend your remedy to all
autlurere from Neuralgia.
KespecinUly yenra
F. W. PfcLTON.
Boston, Mar. 25, '07 Comb or at Law.
Sent by mail on receipt of prloo and pos
Ono package, - - . f 1 - loatage 6 cents.
Six packages, - A " 1.7 "
v. !.. . i i ii i j .i i
ilia kuiu iiv ail umii'i.1 in ui uji ipu
medicines aud bv TL'HNKK CO.,
Sole Proprietors, l'JO Trcmont St.,
llOHTGN, MASS. 3 17 4w.
Eobaek't Stom
ach Bitten,
unlike all other
Bitter in the
market, possess
inlrintie merit.
Most Bitters, to
called, are merely vnshiwahy etvff,
told at a beverage. Dr. Roback's
B liters are not a beverage in any
tense of the word, but contain the
most .expensive druot known to
ct7u or, Vie radical cure pj
Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and
for all cases wliere a tonio and
stimulant are
required. They
restore the vital
forcee in a tt-
mar table degree,
awl give tone to
the system.
It is now eleven
years since Dr.
Roback, the eel'
ebrated Swedish
physician, from
Stockholm, Swe
den, came to tht
country and introduced the Scan
dinavian Blood Purifier; since
which time thousands have been
cured, by Us of Scrofula and
oilier blood diseases. It contains,
besides the Iodide of Polassa and
byrup of SlilUnqta, drugs import
ed frovi Sieedcn for its exprest
manufacture, unknown and not
kept by apothe
caries in this
gle trial will
I r ji .
.Ami-mce uie mosi
skeptu-al of its
wondeiful value.
Dr. Roback's
Blood Wis are
unsurpassed by
any IHU manu
factured for a
similar purposi
One trial tnwx
riably establishes them at favorites
wtffi all who use them.
The reasons why Dr. ItobacV,
Biood Pills should be kept in ev
ery family are: Because they can
be employed tn all cases where a
"family physio" is reguired, and
are perfectly safe tn their admin
istration at all times; Because
they are made
both with and
without tugar
coating, thus
adapting them to
the 'ise of every
body; Because
they can be pur
chased at any
drug store at the
extremely low
price of twenty
jive eentt per
oox. 0)
For Sale by Druggist
atul Dealers in Tatent
Medicines every-tclier.
Tto Republican Ofllca
KEEPS constantly on hand a large as
sortment of lilauk Deeds, Mortgage,
ISuhptcuiiH, Warrants, Sunuaoits, At'., to
te sold cheap tm rsh. tf.
-:o: :o:
Is the motto of
wlio bavo opened
In the old Court House bu!ldiug,adjolulug.
the Holmes House,
where they will be liappy! to .supply the
wanta of this community, with au
Entire Irnli Auorf
of all the novcltivs in the
which have been selected with reat esr.
An to prlcex, we cliullengo nil oonipet;tor.
It has long Iktii tho desire of the pr-i !o
of this community, to Uve n store In their
midst where con be found everything-gen
erally kept In a ilrst-clus Ktoi c.and wliera
it could be purchased at living prices. To
atuify tliia tsnnt, wo have como in jour
midst, and hope by proper attention to
business and to the wauls of the poopls, to
secure their patruiiuse.
Our stock of
is cociiid to none in
Western ronri3ylvania,
and we are determined not to be utider
old. Tlieae goMU embrace oil tho
Is A T K M T ti'XY Ij jt. S
and we feel assured thattherilizcnsof thia
county will not have to g.i to adjoining
towns to purchase DKESS GOODS in tho
future. Our stock of
ia superior, both In quality and u'.yle to
any ever beforo offered in this vection, and
we trust that all will call and examine our
stock before purchasing rlsewltcro. We
having aa expiiencej cntier, wecan pnt
isfy the most fastidious 1 a-id as we have
our own mnnufactury iu Phi'adt'lhla, w e
theroby Iwve tlio advantngo ever all o'.her
doalera in this r.outkin.
la cndloss variety, at prices ta tu'.t tb
Boots & Shoe3
of every s'.j loand ijuality, wh:ch na are
iroparod to aell at New York prices.
Cll griil Cs.smino'0'.ir Stock.
ejdS.J4-Jy. li!LBK"NKFR ,Ki,