The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 08, 1870, Image 1
V i ? If 4' ) ; 1 s . v- a 13 l'l'rl.imiUO EVERY TUESDAY, BT w. hJdujtk, DfTloo In Krox's Building, Elrry Street, TERMS, fiOO A YEAR, No S'ibsc-rlptlons roeolved for shorter period limn tnroo intuitu. Corrcspondomoo solicltod froni all parts of Uio country. No nonce will bo token of niioiiyiiious communications, i Murriajos and Death notices insortod gratis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONKSTA LODGE, NO, ,477, X. o. a-. T. ' ' ' Tret every Wednesday evening, at 8 ll i llicit. XV. R. LATIlV.W. C. T. i M. W. TATK, W. S. I . HWTOI PKTTlH. v MILKS W. TATK. PETTIS St TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW-s- A I Xltvtt, TIOXESTA , PA. Isaac Aah, ATTORXF.Y AT T.AW, Oil City, Pa. Will practlco In the various Courts of Forest County. All business entrusted to lii carp will recoivo prompt attoutb n. I'ily W. K. Lntny, TTOnXF.Y AT T.AW AND SOMCt t TDK IN HANKRTPTOY, Tloncsta, Forest Co., I'll., will practice In Clarion, Vciiumo mid vi'arTcn Counties. Ollleo on F.lm Street, two Uxors -nljovo Laurence's riH-ti v store, tf. ' W. V. M.ison- TTORNI'Y AT T.AW. onicoon l'.lin k Street, above Walnut, Tionestu, lu. C. W. Giirillan, .. A TTORNF.Y AT LAW, Franklin, Ve- iiiino Co., I'a. II. r Holmes House, TIONKSTA. PA., opposite the TVpot. t'. I. J.lubic, Proprietor. Uood Sta bling connected with the house, tf., Joa. Y. Saul, nit A.TT'A f, Harm's Maker and Sad i 1Iit. 'I'ii iff doors north of Holmes House, Tiuiuwtii, Fa. All work la war ranted, tf. , Syracuso House,. piIUOUT'-, P.., .T. ,V 1 Maokk, Tropin .1 tor. -Tln house has boon thoroughly rurtlled titnl is now in the tirst-cluss oritur, with the best of iicromniodatUns. Any in'ormaiinn cnnceruinir i 1 Territory lit this point will lie cheerful) v furnished, -ly J.A1). MAUKK, Kxchnngo Ilote, T OWF.R Ttniol TK, P:i., n.'S. Ramh- J ti:t:t. A Son Prop's. This house having li.'en retited lit now tlio most desirable stop- iniir i in miiouio. A good Uilliunl Room attached. 4 ly National Hold, JRVINF.TON, I'A. XV. A. Ilallonhnel;, Proprietor. This hotel is Ni:w, unit is . vv open usaYir.d class hnuso, Hitnato nt nr Junction oftiie Oil Creek ; Allegheny Itiveranil 1'liiliulelpliia V Krin Kailroails, I'posite t!i li-pt. 1'iirties liuviiiR to lay ver liviins will Unit tills the most conveii Mit lintel in town, with Urst-eliisa iiceoiu- iiiihlutions ami i t iusiiiiaiiln elinriieM. If. Till't Sons & Cp.'s ,TKW KNtilNPS. Tlioiimlersl-nedlmve i.1 1i i r ";ilo mid. will native orders for tlio aliova l'irjiiie. Messrs. Tiilt Sons A, Vn. are now M inlinir to this market their lli I torso Power Kiiiino with H-ltorse I'ower lloiler peeiiliiirly inlaitil to deep wells. Opkii'Vh at liinenn A t'lmlliiiit's, dealors In Well 1'ixtures, llHrdwarp, ., Slaiu St. next dHvr to ('huso House, I'leasantville, and at Mansion llmise, Titusvillo. , If. K. ItUirrr & SON, Agents. JoVin K. Haliock, A TTORNKY AT LAW and Solicitor of A t'atents.Xo. ,rt) Kreneh slreettopposito .ltood II onset Kiie, I'a. Will practice, in tlieseveia! State Courts and tlio United Htiites Courts. Special attention piven to Kolieltl",: patents for Invenlora j infriniio t'lent:.. r-issuo and extension of patenta ifefullv attended to. ltet'erenees: lion. James t'aiiijilicil. Clarion : Hon. John S. McCalmimt, Franklin; II. L. tr A. H. Kiclimoud, Meudville; W.'K. Lulhy. Ti enestiu .'2 7 Dr. J. L. Aconli, piIYSICIAN AXItSUKU KO X, who liaa I had t'.i'teen years' experience in larjro and miccpssfuf irnetieu, will attend all J'rofessionn! Calls. Ollleo in his lrun and isroi-ory Store, located in Tidioute, near , Tidiouto House. IX HIS STOK15 WILL UK FOUXD A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Toliaeeu, Cinurs, Stationery, Olass, Tuints, Oils, Cutlery, and lino Urocerics, all of tlio l. st quality, and will ho aold ut rcasonal.lo raU'K, , . It. It. nrilOKSS, an oxperi'eneed Pm; l ist from New York, has ehnro of t!io store. All prescriptions put up aeeuratoly. W. P, Mercilllott, Attorney nt L a tv , JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND .KlUff E STATE AGKA'T. TIOXLSTA, P.l. 27tf JOHN A. DALE, FBEJT. 'aJHHA. moPCP, VICEP. T. A. H.OTEELf, CASUB, SAVINGS HANK, Tiouevta, I'oi cnt Co., I'a. ""'is It'ink tr insit; i.. a Ceneral Hanking, Ceili'i iiTi.' and Kxclmniro llusiness. I'nilVs on the Principal Cities of the V 'r.itei! States and l''.uroie I'Oinrht and sold. (iohl nod Silver Ciiu and (iovernment Heeurities Ixiuulit and sold. 7-:i0 IliilldB i i'iiveited on liie mo:,t lavuntlile terms. Interest allowed on time deposits. ' Mar. 4, tf. INSURANCE CO. GF NORTH AMERICA, No. 2:tU Walnut St I'hila. Incorporated 179-1. Charter Perpetual MA?.ISE,lltLaX32F!F.EIHSURJlECE Assets Jan; 1, IifciO, 2,31.3 39 ?n,u n.(K-o lossiw paid nince its oranizs ti 'ii. W.M. Ill'HLi.H, CVntiul Afaeiit, liii ri.slmrtr, I'a. MILES V. TATE, Agent in Ti r.neAta, Forest Counttr, Pa ' ' '.r--- ' " " ---- - i i. " us avo Faitl1 VOL. III. NO. 3J. J. W. ttavrtyr, AtM'MenowBLL J. W. ROWLAITD CO. MERCHANT!! AILO RS AND DHAl.KIll IX Clents' Furnishing ComIm, And Agents for Uu Colebiated O rover A Maker Sowintr Maebina. LIBEUTY STREICT, NEAIl DOE. FRANKLIN, PENN'A. 2 2Rtr. - " '- I - ; i p - p K It O - IMPROVED .. O v . - V K . ,. , E d ..... ... ; u M MAGIC M A G I C A. G I G B Ji. Xj ! W. II. PERKINS it CO., Solo Propri etors, l ranklin, l'u. . 44 Jones house:,- CLARION", PENN'A. , S. S. JONES - Propriotor. STILL AHEAD. . OUR GREAT BOSTON DOLLAR STORE! Wo want irood reliahlo nirenta In every part of the country. Hy employing your timo to form clubs and scnilui'; us orders, voll entl ohtain t he most lilieml eonmilsH.. !on elthprtn f nsh'wf nvhandis, ami ull roods wnt liy us will he as represented and we guarantee atisfaetioii to every one dealing with our house.. . Ar nts should roiioet ten pentii from ev ery customer, and forward to tia in ad vance, lor DescriiKiVO Iimm oi tlio jods we sell. ! .' The hnlders of the Cheeks, liav the ehetks have the privilece of either pur-ehasin-' the article thot'oort flc?crll)ed, or ol cxelmnsinaf for any artiela mentioned on our catalogue, nuiiibcriin; over nOO dill'or ent artii les, not one of which ran bo pur chnsed in the usual manner for tlio mime money.' - - - -. . i lie auvnntJiBes of lirst Ronitinjr the Phfli'ks are those t Wo are constantly huy Imromall lot-sof very TalualileKools,wliie!i lira not on our ratnloi;ur, and for which we issue checks until all are sold ; besides in every eluh wo put checks for Watches. Quills ISiankei, Jtiess l'attevus, or fcome oilier article oi equal vulue. We do not oU'er a simile artielo of iner eliandiso that ran lo sold liy roijular deal or nt onr price. X'o do not ask von to liu v iroods of us unless wo ran sell them cheaper than you obtain them In any oth er way while tha greater parlol our goods are sold at about t OucIIalftJie Itcular Iato Our stork consists In nart. of tlio i'ollow- ini; i;K)ds : j Shawls, Blankets, Quilts Cottons, Oinn hams, )ress Hoods, Table Linen, Towels, Hosiery, iloves. Miirts. Corsets, flee., Ae. Silver-l'Jaled Waro, Spoons Fluted on Nickel Silver, Densert I-oiks, Kivo-Ilottlo I'lated Castors, Itrittannla Warp, ulass Wiuo, Table and J'ocket Cutlerj- in great variety. " '; '" ' ICleant ' French Ami Oenimn Fancy Ooods. Itcautil'ul I'liotouraph Albums, Iho itpwout and ehoiecst styles in Morocco and velvet Kindinir. (iold and I'lated Jewelry of the nowout styles. "We have also mado nrraiiTements. with one of the lend in it publishimr houses that will enable us to sell the latest and stand ard works of popular authors at about one, half the regular price ! aueh as llyron Mooro, llurns, Milton, and Tennyson's Works, in Full Oilt soil Cloth ltindinjs, and hundreds of others. These and every thing else lor i . . 0!tE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. - In every order amounting to over $.10, accompanied by the cash, the aeut may retain tt ; and in. overv order ovei f tOi, -.! may bo reUUnod to I'A Y EXl'UKSS C11AKUES , COMMISSION TO ACJIOXTS. For an order of $:;o tan a club of thirty wo will -pay tlio Aijcnt us commission 3:1 yards bluuehed ot brown sheeting, good dress pattern, all wool pants pattern, or $3 M) in cash, ,r . , For an order of $00, from a club of sixty wo will pay the Agent i5 yards, brown o'r bleached sheetinjr, hunting caso watch, all wool s.' all, or $7,00 in cash. For an order of !K), from a club of 100 we will pay the agent 110 vard 11 ward wldu, sheeting, splendid sowing mueliino orll cash. SKXD MOXF.Y I5Y REOISTERHO LET TISH. For further particulars send for catalogues. Address. Ceo. A. Plummcr & Co., (Suoccssor to Harris & I'lummer,) 80 and 40 Hanover SU. Boston, Mass' 2 33J.V. ' VrXF.U Alt made fr iu Cider. An., in 10 hous wi'hciut Daugs.- Send 10 rents for Circular to l SAiJii Cromwell, Conn. imt, i x " NEWKl'APKR AliVEUTiSIXti. A . Nw liook of lOi pages, l'rico HO ets. byuiail. American News Co;, N. Y.24-4t THE BOOT ''AND SHOE STORES.; IP YOU WANTHporfwtlit and a good art.cluof Boots and 6Uoes, of Iho liucst wuikmuiihhip, goto 13. -I ;i-t'.ti,'4'EM, 3U CENTRK HTREKT, OIL CITY, I'A. fr-Hatlsfaetlon guaranteed. 2-ti3 tf. SKSTSTOKYPAPKK a the L iii verse. A $5 -.'riao to every subacid. . Send bturup for 'rize Ciroulai- . .1 ii l.-iacn. j. rt. t'ntilli.her, Rotm M. f-1t wIn XUglit inakoa Might ; and TIONKSTA, PA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1870. How We Get the War News. Tlio prcBS dipatthc from Europe to New York during the last four week numbered 100,000 words. New York litis been better pouted on the is,uo of the wuroncli duy, than Lon don, Paris or Berlin. These dispatch es have utmost wholly been sent by a single . cable, full one-third ' of the whole to a singlo daily popcr, and with marvellous rapidity . and accuracy. Familiar as we are with the work of the telegraph, its has been a marvel to us. To hundreds of thou sands of minds, the-whole process is and has been a deep enigma. Hero is a man sitting in a dark room at Heart's Content. The ocean cable ter minutos here. A fine wire attached thereto is made to surround two small cores of soft iron. As the electric wave, produced by a few pieces of copper and zinc at Valentin, passed through the wire, these cores became magnetic enough to move the slightest object. A-looking-glass, lialf an inch in diam eter, is fixed on a bar of iron one-tenth of tin inch square and a half an inch long. On this tiny gluts a lamp is made to glare so that its light is re flected on a tablet on the wall. The language of the cable is denoted Jy the shifting of this reflected light from side to side. Letter by ietter is thus expressed in this flitting idoirn in ut ter silence on the wall. There is no rcccord made by the machine except as tho patient watcher calls out to a com rade the translated flashes as they come, and which he records. It seems like a miracle of patience. There is some thing of awe erecps over us we see the evidence of a human touch 3,000 miles away swaying that tide of light. By such a delicate process us this, and after being repeated from lino to line five times before its ultiraato copy is in New York, have te late great battles been recorded in daily papers with great particularity, and sent throughout tho Union. Nothing like it has ever before been accomplished. 'Iho enterprise of tho New York Press has eclipsed that of wealthiest and ablest presses in Europe. It is charac teristic of the nation to do iti work frankly and well. "Tho fiuling Pa3sion Strong in - Death." The New York Star,, in nn article on betting, relates the following: A distinguished physician was call ed to attend an inveterate better, who was attacked with a sudden and dan gerous illness. After a careful diag nosis, the doctor assured him thut his his condition was extremely critical, and his of recovery very doubtful. Thereat the patient rullied somewhat, and the following colloquy ensued : "I'll bet you tt hundred dollars, doc tor, that I don't die.", "My dear sir, you may not, but I think it proper to advise you thut, iu my opinion, you will." "Well, doctor, if I die will I, 2 t0 heaven ?" "I hope so, sir." "Will I be an angel?" "Yes, sir." "Will I have wings?" "I presume bo, sir." "Well, now, doctor, when you die will you go to heaven and be an an gel ?" "I trust so, sir." "And will you have wings?" "Yes, I suppose I will." "Well, then, doctor, I'll bet you a hundred dollars that I'll outfly you." The man died ; but the doctor, who has not taken the bet yet, is still liv ing. If, os some thcroisu hold, wo take with us into tho next world the eaiuo propensities wo have in this, wo have no doubt that all tho betting young Amerieans.and old ones,too,who read this, will, in duo time, be running round making bets on the flying match of our deceased sport, whoso ruling possiou was strong in death. A Juvenile Sharper. A few days ago a well-dressed lad, of pleasing address, and bearing sur face indications, at least, of honesty, went to the residences of many of our proiuiueut citizens, and inquiring in varibly for the lady of the houje, in a susccptable manner would Ull how a number of young men had earnestly resolved on reforming had forwkn J ' VLM JLUJL. in that Faitli let U3 to tlio end, drinking and smoking r.nd other evil practire making t;p their minds jointly to Jivo ft'id endeavor, if possi ble, to get to be somebody. To en courage end strengthen this purposo, the man suld they were trying to get a little money to rent and l:rnUh a room where they might meet nt tiijht and read good books and study, instead ot spending their timo idly and wickedly in saloon!", billiard rooms nnd on the street. Tlss story told in npppnreullv honest, struight-mrward manner, which appealed strongly to the heart and purse of the lailie3--acqmiintaiices or friends of the Indies approached as having been called upon and giving five or ten dollars in behalf of so good and commendable an object. Severn! ladies were thus interviewed by this "modem Saul," of Eitiiini, and con siderable money giveu him. All nt once he suddenly disappeared. It turns nut that intent on his pious work of reformation he visted tho residence of a citizeu in the Fourth Wnrd and the lady not being nt home he "reform ed" a gold watch from a table and both he and it ore now missing. We presume he. wanted that watch to get iiim is eakly at night to tho.e nice pleasant rooms which were being fitted up (in a horn) to which he nnd U dear compan'iuis, tired of other wick ed way?, might qtiiet4y retire far from the haunts of temptation to read and to pray ! Elmira Gazelle. Three Mokihs' Repentance. Tho steamer S , cou .inamkd by Captain S.j exploded several years ago with a terrible cllect, and burned to the Mater's edge. Captain S. Was blown into the air alighting near n flouting cotton bale on which ho floated uninjured, but was much blackened und mudilcd. Arriving at h village several miles be loVi to which' news tf the disaster had preceded him, lie was accosted by the editor of the village newspaper, with whom he was well . acquainted, and eager for an item of news. "I sav, is the Ss blown up?" ' . "Yes." , "Wus Cuptain S. killed?' . "Xo. I am Captain." "The thunder ,you are! How high were you blown ?" "High enoug:i to think"of every mean thing I ever did in my life before I came d -wii." Tho editor started on a run for his office. The paper was about going to press, aii'l, not wishing to omit the item of intelligence for the next issue, wrote as follows: "The steamer S has burst her boiler, in we learn from Captain H., who says ho . v.nfi up long enough to think of every mean thing he ever did in hid life before he lit. We suppose he was tip about throe months." There are many noble examples of what girls often perform, when pover ty holds its meagre mainle over them, of which the following is an instance : A Cincinnati press states that three years ago u po:ir orphan girl applied and was admitted to set typo for thut paper. She worked two yours, during which timo she eurued, besides her board, about $'J00; and availing her self of the facilities which tho print ing office affords, acquiring a good ed ucation. She is now an n-sociute ed itress of a popular paper, and is en gaged, to bo married to one of the smartest lawyers .in Ohio. Such a girl is bound to shine and celipso teus ot thousands who arc educated iu tho lap of luxury, aud taught all the 'ac compliarin)ciiU"of the hnardingschool. Such a wife will be a jewel to her husband, uu ornament to society and an honor to her sex aud her country. A Sihxkiso Dckl with Knive.4. About sundown on Friday evening two young men of Alexandria, in or der to sctilua diiliculty that had aris en between them, armed themselves with knives, and accompanied by some of their re.-speetive fiietnls, repaired to the grounds around Lockaber, across the canal locks, where having doffed their coat-", they fought according to the rules i:i force in Western Texa previuii.1 to the war. After a prolong ed conflict, during which both Were ! cut atid !-!:i-hcl to an extent that islicd their frii.:i(is, they were separate d and carried to surgeons to have their Vi' dressed. Neither of thnni was J mortal I j Siurt-. El kJ daro do our dutz as wo understand it."--LINCOLN. Circumstantial Evidence. Reviewing the history of its State1, a newspaper in Virginia recalls a case in which that insiduoitB kind of evidence which is slyled "circumstantial," 11 tiled to rob it man of his life only to leave the remaining years of that life a prey to something more cruel than death. In tho summer nf 1807, about four years after her marriage, tho wife of John Sigans, a young innn residing in Tay lor county, was missing from her home one morning; nor could nny trace of her bt found, or any reasonable expla nation of her absence devised. She had retired to slumber, as usual, with her husband nnd infant, on the preceding night; and her husband, according to his own steadfast HSsertion,awoke in the morning to find himself and the babe sole occupants of the couch. Being un able to oiler any kind of help towards the clearing up of the mystery, presently become an object of ominous snsp'c on, aud upon the testimony ofa neighbor named Current, was taken be fore a magistrate for examination. The "witness" testifieit that on the night of the alleged disappearance he had been aroused from bis sleep by the fir ing of a gun in or near Sigans' house, followed by A sound like a female cry. He also testified that ho "believed" a murder" had been committed, and a woman's body buried under a heap of stones near his neighbor's hoiue 1 This last piece of testimony went for noth ing, ns the minutest search failed to re veal nny hidden corpse ; but that about the gun firing, though insufficient to liuld the accused in any legal bond, deepened tho suspicion of the public agaiust him. . The unhappy man, despite bis pro test of innocence, was shunned from that day forth by nil hi former friends and neighliors; nnd even Lis relatives, taking his child 1o their owncare, trained tho little one to judge and des pise V', father as his mother's murder er. Tho boy, as ho grew up to man hood, actually persecuted his parent until the latter died ofa broken heart, and then seemed to share the relief avowed by hii other kindred at their riddance from one who had been 4 hor ror and to them. In fact, for no less than forty jenrs, Current's tes timony was accepted as establishing the moral certainty of John Sigans' guilt, really inconsequent as that testi mony had been ; but at tho end of nearly half a century from the night of the w ife's disappearance, .after Sigans tid Current had both passed away, Mrs. Siguns herself re-appeared in her old home! She confessed, says the Grai'loti fieiilind, that she had never bee a over, one hundred nii!esi away ; had fled by night from the side of her unsuspicious, sleeping husband, to the protection of another; had changed her name, andwi.ihed to be as one dead to' tiiose she had deserted. The "gun" .heard by Current must .have been the noise she made in falling upon tho stoop of her home as she fL'd; and the "femalo cry" her involuntary ex clamation of pain and terror. Thus, upon tho strength of purely circutn stiintlal ev'denee, and thut so trifling, an innocent and cru-lly wronged mnn had been placed umbra ban of excom munication from ail that is merciful in life, and executed into n dishonored grave by the hatred of his own child. Out on tho l'tiu'iflo Railroad, the other day, a Kickapwo Indian saw a locomotive coming down the truck to ward him at the rate of forty miles an hour. He thought it was an imported breed of but!alo, and he was anxious to secure it so as to tako the pri.o at the annual exhibition of tho Kick n poo Ag ricultural Society. So he fastened one end of of his lasso to his waist belt, aud w hen the engine got ucur enough, lie threw tho utilise uieely over the smoke stack. 1 'crimps it is not necessary, hut wj may as well relato that the lo comotive did not stop. Tho engineer und fireman witnessed tho most suc cessful attempt to do the flying tra peze mutli! by tiny Kickapoo Iiuliuu upon tho plains since the first of last January. There was uu ubc.riiual fu neral ul the next station, when the en gine arrived. The grav was not large, for they ( lily buried a finall piece of copper-colored meat tied to a string an J inclo.-t.'d in a sardine box. Lawyers' mouths are like turnpike gU nvr open except forpsyi CAN $2 PER '.ANNUM. How it FeeJj to bo Shot in Bottle Experiences of a Soldier. "There! a blow in iho breast, a tear ing in tho body, a fall with n loud cry aud terrible pain ; there I lay, one of the victims of tho bloody day. My first sensation was anger at tho blow, my second an expectation of seeing my self explode, forjudging by tho sound of the ball I believed I had a grenade io-my body ; then came the pain, and with it helplessness and falling. Oh, how frightful are those first moments! Where was I hit? how was I wounded? I could not stir, saw the bnttalliou dis appear front sight, and myself alone on the ground amid the fearful howling and whistling of balls, w hich were in cessantly strikir g the earth around me. With difficulty 1 could turn my head a little, and saw behind me two soldiers attending on a third, who was iying on the ground. "Of what happened I can give no account, except that I called for help several times as well as I could, for the pain and burning thirst had the upper hand. At last both of them ran up to me, and with joy I recognized the doc tor aud hospital attendant of my com pany, 'Where are you wounded ?' is the first question. I could only point. My dress was quickly opened, and in the middle of tho breast, a bloody wound was found, which the doctor hastily bound. The balls still con stantly whizzed round us; one struck the doctor's helmet, nnd immediately I felt a violent blow in the left arm. "Another wound 1 With difficulty I was turned round, to look for tho out let of the bullet, but it was still in the body, near tho spine. At last it was cutout. 'Is the wound-dangerous?' I asked. 'I hope not.' 'Pray tell me the truth.' 'Not'rery dangerous, it is to be hoped,' anil as be emphasized 'very my hopes melted. They were going away. 'The wound :n the nrm, doctor.' This, fortunately, was looked for in vain ; the ball had merely caused a blue spot and had sunk into the ground harmlessly. I extended my hand to the doctor nod thanked him, ns also the attendant, whom I commissioned to send word to my fimily. "Carelessly it whizzed hnd howled around me. The doctor had carefully laid mo on my cloak, with my helmet firmly on my on my head, in order, in some measure, to protect me from the leaden bail. Thus I lay alone with my own thoughts, amid'tho nios ter rible! fire, perhaps for an hour and a half. All my thoughts, as far ns pain and increasing" weakness allowed, were fixed on my family. Gradually I got accustomed to tho danger which sur, and only when too much sand Irom tho striking bullets was thrown on niy body did I remember my little enviable position, At last, after long, long waiting, the sanitary detatchment camo o me." Xorth German Gazelle'. A Polite Elephant. A young Burmati Lord had married a seeond.time. On tho morrow of the wedding day in tho morning, the new i bride surrounded by a swarm of fol lowers, wished to take the air under tho verandah, a kind of covered gal lery which reaches around the.dtvel lings of persons of rank. The favor ite elephant of the master that which tho young lord ussually rode was walking ut this instant, under the care of the kecjwr, in a palisaded en closure, in the centre of which the habitation was s:tuutcd. Having no ticed the prjscnee of women, what did the creature tie? He upproached the verandah, leant delicately against a barrier of bum boos which enclosed a pleasure garden, picked tho most deli eato notver with tno nii'-cr ot Ins trunk, then shook bis ears, gave an expressive cry, and showed significant attention in his gentle eyes, after which, ruising his head and trunk gracefully, ho lifted the flower to the level of the balustrade. One of the women stretched out her bund ; the elephant drew back bis trunk. Tho same movement being renewed sever al times, the master then wished to lake the 11 iuir the elephant did not draw back his trunk, but he did not let the flower go. Upon this ihe queen of the fete advanced her hand tremblingly, und the extempore cour tier theu gave her his offering gallaut ly. -Jsdgo if bo worn not rprPrwl Rates of Aclvortising. fneflinitro(I inch,) ons lnarl!on....t W OnaSiuaro " mm month 3 01 OneSpiaro " ' threo month.-.- S 0J One Square " on j year in 00 Two S'p ares, on year I"1 eO quarter Col. " 0 (4) Haif " ' M 01 One " " 100 K Business Cards, not exceeding one iucb In length, f 10 per year. I.epal notices at ostiiUliVd rate. These rates are low, and no dovlatlon tvill be made, or discrimination amoiiK patrons. Tho rates ottered ar mirh, i will make It to the advmtateof men dot. business in the limits of tlio circulation of too ra:er lo advertise liborallv. from that timo 1 "I can guarantee the fact," said tho narrator, "be'eauso I was there at the time." The person in question was a Portuguese, the old est sou of Camaratta, ex-cook, confi dential steward aud factotum of the Burman emperor, and dictator of tho custom house of tho empire. The son himself was chief of the custom house at Mtindalny. Great Men's Wives. In one of the towns of Michigan re sided a legal gentleman of fine abili ties, an eloquent tolker, a thorough lawyer, and a good fellow generally; but ho tippleth too frequently, and this habit has retarded his advancement. His party had frequently promised hitn position, but the poor man's failing lies as frequently ronuered it inexpedient just at that time. Finally the timo came when the Congressional nomina tion was within his grasp. He had a wife. She, too, wished to go to Wash ington. Other representatives took their spouses to the capital. She men tioned that fact to Robert. "You expect tojgo, dear, don't you?" "Yes." "And do as other Congressmen do?" "Yes," gruffly. "Well, as other Congressmen tako their wives, you'llitake me ?" "I don't care ; you may go." "But, dear, you know I've never been there, nor never been out much. How do you think I'll appear among pther great men's wives?' " 'Pear well enough ! 'pear well enough 1" replied Robert, beginning to get a little riled. "All great men have confounded fools for wives.". r Unfortunately for Robert, the people did not see in Robert the representa tive the exigencies of the time demand ed, and elected tho other mau. But what n:i atrocious sentiment Robert uttered ! - " . , None or Your Business. , Two young ladies, very gracefully drcesed, were lately riding in a 'bus. Ono of them, whoso features were mora remarkable for an excessive promi nence of nose then anything else, ex hibited lo the otho a likeness of her self, which she said had just been tak en, and they wefe engaged in discuss ing its merits when an elderly lady got iuto the 'bus. She was evidently one of those inquisitive yet good-natured souls who take a deal of innocent liberty iu the world without thinking any harm. A fie; riding a shorit distauccshe held out her hand and said to the lady with the picture. "Pleaso let me look at it." Her modest request wa3 met with an indignant frown, aud the reply, as the case was returned to the lady's pocket: "It's none of your business!" The oltl lay settled in her seat very complacently, when the companion of the one with tho picture, asked : "What do you wish to do with it?" "Oh, nothing," replied the old lady; "I only wanted to see how successfully tho artist has put such a nose on so sinull a plate !" The lady with likeness covered her face with her veil, and dropped the subject during tho remainder of the driycj, A peddler walked into a New York broker's office and offered pcus for sale. "You've come to steal a coat, and not to sell pens," said the broker, as he thrust him out. The following Saturday the peddler appered iu all the glories of his Sab bath clothes. "Now, sir," he asked with an air of triumph, "do I look us though I came to steal a coat .'" "No," replied the broker, "you look as though you'd stolen one." The peddler didn't wait. ' A genial rector of a village par ish in Minnesota found it difficult to get his salary promptly. Lately it was much behind, fining to one of his lie linquctit parishioners in tho hardwaro trade, he looked over his stock of cork si rews very fastidiously, seeking a largo one of peculiar strength ami size. To tl.u iuouiry, " What do yu want of such j i thing, uny how ?" the answer i-R-iie, "My dear sir, I want a cork-screw that can atatv my salary: The" payments are, now coming more promptly.