The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 01, 1870, Image 4

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Purge T). S. Knox. ' . ' ' '
Councilman JaenbHIirlver, Jacob Wenk
t). W. t'lark.Ono. W. Sawyer, J. ILKtroup.
Juttiei of JVar-WV! P.iMorclllloiV,
. amifa6le-J.N.Teibworth, ,
OcAoot Dirertoii-J. Winona, W. r. Hun
ter, D. 8. KnOx, J. A. Proper, Jacob
Wbrl ver. . ' '',', ' , , , i :
iVMinVnt ((-JAMM CifPl.lH
Associate Judges It. Coon, J. A.
NheriffV l B'"'
District Attomry-Vf. W. MAdon.
rrtnirtri. P.HNVtiwa.
J'rvthonotary, llcgistcr t Recorder, Sc.
3'comrni' fon'r A. T j Root, Brsj. El
liott N. 1. Wit
Coiiaty .S'uprvmffnrfoifS. F. RonRP.R.
. Jury O)wimiiorier'-JA8. Oilfiluam,
A. COOK. ' " . ' ' '
Ouiify Surveyor 8.D. IRWIl.
f.,o'T JosIAll WlNAS ' 1
County Auditors '11. H. Stowe, I I-
Member of Congress lVth Dtrtrict-O. W.
Scoti ki.d.
,'ate .SWiflfe-W. A. Waixacb.
AssewMy Jou . llAI.U
Arrive. Depart.
Mail. l.'M p.m. 1.26 p. m.
Express 6.37p. in. " 8.40 p. in.
ootxo aounl. '
. Arrive. Depart.
Express ..HUM a. m. 10.07 a. m.
Mail Pi m. i.'J0 p. in.
The Oil City Remitter is to issue
a daily from that oflice in atliort time.
It i to bo called the Daily Register, j
On Wednesday evening,. 2d jnst.,
the Good Templar hold an election
. ,i . . ,
lor oniccrs ior me ensuing terra, a
full attendance is desired.
M:ij. M :C:iutoo'i, of the Tidioute
Journal, favored us with a call on Sat
urday last. He reports business in
Tidioute ns being lively, nnd he really
looks as though he was losing no niouey
on the Journal.
. '
A Juurterly Meeting of the M. E.
Church will be held .it Asbury Chapel,
fivo utiles west of this place, on batur
"day and Sunday, Nov. I2lh and 13th.
All iotcrcbicd arc invited to be pres
at. Tho Mutual li. B. a. of Jleud.
villa were scooped by the Senecus .of
Ou v-ity, at the lutter place, on Mon
day of last week, to tho tiiuo of 30 to
18. A return game will be pbyed iu
. Meadville some day thin week.
. The waters of tho Allegheny Riv
cr.up to present writing, have not been,
this fail up to rafting sta;ro.' Fears arc
folt that .whiter will set in before the
water ruiseg, thus destroying the rait
ing business for this season.
"As U'O flrM ' aoniAwlmt frinrrA in
this locality at present, we wou'd usk
our iriends to iu form us of auy items
of local interest,' which way take
place in the county. Just slate the
facts iu case, and wo will "polish them
otr," '
Ililbrnnncr & Co. have just re
received a complete assortment of La
die' and Gents' Furs, which they will
sell at living They advertise
in the Rkpublican, and it is morally
. certain that you can do belter there
. tlian at auy establishment that neglects
1 this very necessary agency
A. P. Wliitakcr, Esq., who for
Inmfl vearrt tin!, lulji hf-eii fieuitir iditr
Ittf the Venango Spectator, severed his
..connection with thut inner with last
week's issue. He retires because of ill
health. J. II.' Whitaker, heretofore
junii.r, will coutiuue the publication
of the Spectator.
W. F. Chalfiint, Esq., who has
been connected with Meadville papers
for about a year past, has purchase!
the Argus establishment, tit Greenville.
Mr. Chulfaut is an old journalist, and
- we have no doubt but thut he will give
the Republican of his vbinity, per
fect saasfaction. The retiring td.tor,
.Mr. J. Miller, bears with him the good
. wishes of all his former patrons.
ThoTititsvillo Courier has made
the discovery thut there is an honest
man iu Titusville. A hod-carrier
named Ed. Ilefi'man, had five hun
dred dollars iu a bank, and the cash
ier made a little mistake of $500, giv
ing Ilefliuau $1,000. The hod-carrior
.curried the extra $500 back to the
easheir us soon as ho discovered the
,inistake. All honor to the hod-carrier.
As Old Landmark Gonk. Mr.
"William C'ompton.lbrmeily of Vernon
.towuship, Ciuwford county, died at the
jvsidwice of his son, Capt. Compton,
u Lanark, I'll., ou Monday of last
.eek, of typhoid pneumonia, lie was
7d old, aud had epeut most ol'
jds days up to April, 'G3 in Crawford
unity. He was in tho war of 1612
pud urew a pension or ervictjj ren
dered at the lituu of l.; .hail.. His
ronnt'nv were brought to Miu5ville.
n..d v.oro lol!"ved to the grave by a
:irge concours2 of relative" und friends.
IL wai fur years an elder in th 1st
r.vsbj ler'iu Church of Meadville, at
which church the funcr. fcer vices
wa held.
-A decr-shootist of our place was
arraigned before Esq. Mercilliott, last
week on the charge of hounding doer
contrary to law. The evidence not be
ing sufficient to convict Lira he was
discharge J. " . , , .
' r,8portsmcn :: we "ha ve laws, and they
must be respected.
' Informers:' be sure you're right bo
fore you go ahead. ; ,
We have received Vol. I, No. 1,
of The Petroleum Monthly, published
by 8. R. Irvin and J. H. Bowman. It
is devoted exclusively to the interests
of the Oil Business, and should, bo in
tho hands of every producer and dealer
iu the pil'regions. The first number
contains a life like porirait of E. L.
Drake, and also his biogrcphy. Trice,
$3.00 per annum, in advance. Suc
cess to the new Monthly, :
The first day of January nest or
sooner will See a fearful slaughter
among the daily papers in this por
tion of the State Gaslight, t.
What! is tho Gaslight about to douse
her glim, to snuff out her illuminating
blaze, and after Jan. 1st, become , "the
light i'f other daysJ" We fear that
I'leasantville will have to use kerosene
hereafter to light up her intellectual
The Elk County Advocate says:
Ridgwny cast one "Black Abolitionist,
Radical Republican vote." And that
ono vote "Bayes Uidgwajr ' from the
stigma of Mat depravity. When Sodom
wns destroyed there w as found but one
righteous nan in 1 the t whole of that
great city. j;iYero Ridgway to be des
troyed, on. tho same principle that
Sodom was, that "Black Abolitionist
Radical Republican" would prove the
Lot of the Sodom of Ridgway.
Coming from Meadville one morn
ing last week, we saw an instance of
pure "cuBsednew" which raised our ire
somcwhatly, . Some ' brute had cut
about a dozen slits in the cushions of a
car seat, Vrtfylrig fromtwo - to five
inches in length. Any creature who
would, id cool ' blood, without the
slimiest cause, commit such an act,
should have his bump of destriictive-)ce--i
caved in about four inches. '
J, T. Dale, W. P. Keill, and John
Ilitlina, who have been fir a couple
of weeks deer hunting iu the moun
tains of Virginia, returned' hobie on
Monday of last week. We didn't have
uny venison sent around to us, eo we
conclude they didn't have their usual
luck. . Mr. Dale sprained his ankle
soon alter his arrival on the hunting
ground, aud was able to be out but one
day.- This, we suppose will account
for the present high price of venison.
The Bridge Question.
. Mr. Editor: Permit me to ask
through your coin mils, what has bo
come of the Bridge at Tioue'sta ? Last
winter the Legislature- granted two
charters for bridge purposes to parlies
here. We were assured by each side
that it was only necessary to have a
charter, that most of the stock was
pledged, and all available, and that
immediate action was to lie taken.
Some of us became somewhat agitated
for fear two bridges would be built.
No such extravagance has been in
dulged in, however it may have been
We never needed a bridge as we do
uow, and the interests of the county
ure every day making it more appa
rent, thut now is the time" for actiou.
We thick it hardly possible fur' each
party to build a bridge, but it is cer
tainly possible to build one, if both
unite. We would earnestly suggest a
co operation of forces and funds, leav
ing it to the majority in interest to say
where the bridge shall be located.
Whut say pur capitalists to this
plan? ; Citizen.
Bai.lou'b Magazine for Novem
ber. We have received the Novem
ber number of Ballou's magazine, aud
have read it with interest, as. we al
ways do every month Ballnu is issued.
It has the best variety of contents of
uny mugaziii3 in the country. Its ro
mances are al ways well written, its sea
stoiies such as only true-hearted sail
ors can write, and all the reading is
original and of the best quality. There
ar 100 .pugis, 1(J of theai with illus
trated subjects, aud all for the small
sum of 15 cents, or $1.50 per year.
Great improvements are. promised ibr
liie coming year. All periodical deal
ers sjII Ballou's. Tbomes & Talbot,
Ci Congress street, Boston, are the
Tit Tits rou Travelers. If you
are goiu traveling, be sure and pro
vide yourself with a copy of Tit Bits
for I'aihvay readers. It will while away
the tedium of tho journey, and prove
a plea a U companion of our leisure
moments. All new dea era I ave it
for fg'e.
The Littlo Corporal Magazine for
November is a most beautiful number
of a most beautiful juvenilo good
enough for the most exacting. Since
its enlargement and improvement, and
the addition of fine full page and other
engraving, the Little Corporal is wor
thy a circulation of at leajt a hundred
thousand. Iho. remaining numbers of
1870 are offered free to all who sub
scribe now for the next year. Don't
fail to give your children this sterling
juvenile magazine. It is published in
Chicago, Illinois, by Sewell ft Miller,
at one dollar arid a half a year, 15 ct ,
for a single copy. Beautiful and gen
erous premiums are given for clubs.
Tit Bits for Ttatki-erh. Under
tho above title, an exceedingly inter
esting little book far Railway Reading,
from the pen of Mr. Geo. L. Catliu,
has recently made its nppearrnce in
the hands of booksellers and news
dealers. It purports to consist of
"random pages from a rejiorter's scrap
book," und is in fact a miscellany of
verses, narratives and sketches with
which the traveler may enjoyably fill
up half hour here aud there during
his journey.
A eood head of hair is desired by
every one. The use of Hall's-Vegetable
Sicilian Hair Rcnewer will restore
the hair if tho hair cells are uot closed
UP- ,
D. S. Knox. & Co. have just re
ceived another largo invoice of agri
cultural implements, consisting in part
of forks, rakes, scythes, hoes, tc. which
they are selling at greatly reduced
figures. . ' . 13-tf
Pianos at Great Bargains. J.
C. Hull, of Meadville, Pa., is ottering
to sell the Steiuwoy, Checkering,
Bradbury and some' other makes, at
greatly reduced prices.! Also Organs
and Melodeons.. : v 21 tf
. C!ARrESTEUS,JBlacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Oil nieu, dvinl, other citizens 01
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing if the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews &-Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest; stock in this section
of the country ' They arc making and
repairing all kinds of ; Machinery and
Saw mill castlngsat short notice 4 tf.
Dentistry. A. J.. Stiles, Dentist,
Tidioute, IV, has ).he4reputation of
being one of the'most expert Dentists
in this section. -He uses all the mod
ern appliances 'for extracting teeth
without pain, such as Chloroform, Ether
Nitrous Gas,' or' tho new method of
Freezing the Gums with Spra Tho
most delicate and difficult operations
of filling the teeth with gold skillfully
performed. He also usee a uew prep
aration, "O3 Artificicl," which sup
plies' the bono lost by decay, and is
applied without pain. A long expe
rience in the business, and the large
patronage given Mr. Stiles, is suffic
ient evidence that his work gives sat
isfaction. Oflice over Acomb's Drug
Store, Tidioute. ; 1 ' 17 ly.
A. II. Steele, Cashier Tioncsta
Savings Bunk Iras 'been appointed
agent for the celebrated "Iniuan Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furnish them with all the information
required. .,..'
You can buy your Furniture, cheap
er and better at Ahrens' new Furni
ture Warcrooms, Tidioute, Pa., than
any where else in this section. Try it.
A splendid variety of Furniture
at Aherns' new Warcrooms, . Empire
Hotel Building, Tidioute, Pa. 4-tt
Reynolds, Broadhead & Co., Oil
City, Pa., are in receipt of their Stock
of Spring nnd Summer Dry Goods, of
all kinds. This firm is one-among the
oldest of that city,'and tho most exten
sive. Their present stock is complete
in all department and comprises Gen
eral Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions,
tc.,Carpet, Oil great variety
of style and price. The goods have
been selected froav the best stocks in
the eastern cities, and .for excellence
and elegance, have never been excell
ed by auy establishment iu this section
of country. The good taste ever ex
hibited by this fuvorit j firm, bus never
been more judiciously displayed thau
iu their present stock. Among the i
other numerous specialities, are the fa
mous " U. T. K." brand of Ladies' and
and Children's Shoes. These are the
best article manufactured. AH the
novelties of the season are supplied to
this firm siraulatneous with their ap
pearance iu the leading cities. 5-tf
D. S. Knox & Co., Tioncsta, Pa.,
are now selling the best tea in the
country for one dollar per pound, and
everything ehe in proportion' for the
cash. Also, fruit jars, Ac, in endless
Jiety. 15 tf
he de
livcred, freight paid, to any sU
sired on the O. C. A A. It. R..
station do-
Geo. II. An rena.
to, Pa
Aonew'A S.ooins ha vo just reccif
cd a large stock of boots and shoes, ol
every description, which they are sell
ing at prices that defy competition.
They have also on hand a fresh, sup
ply of coflce, teas, sugars, tohacco,
cigars, rice, dried fruits, canned fruits,
spices, mess pork, ham, fish, flour,
crackers, beans, peas, soap, candles,
nails, queenswarc, glassware, notions,
Ac., &c., which they are selling as low
as the lowest, here or elsewhere, and
are determined not to be under sold.
Tcavherft' Examination.
THE rejrular Fnll Examination in For
est County will be held as follows :
Tuesday, November 1, at Clnrlntrton.
Thursday " 8, at Nebranka
Friday ' 4, at Tionnxta.
Monday " 7, at Neillslmrjr.
Tuesday " 8, at K. Hickory,
Thurmlay M 10, at Newtown
Saturday ' 12, at Marten.
Exercises commence at 9 o'clock A. M.
Applicants will picaso come suppled with
ieneil and paper. Directors and friends of
education are respective invited to be pres
ent. S. V. KOHKEK, County Supt.
Oct. 5, 170. 2.3-tJ
Albert O. Iiurr, Lyman Howard and
Ttobprt C. Beach, vs. Samuel T, Keill. J.
W. Fleming, and all persons whom it may
In Common Pleas, of Forest County,
No. 1. Dee. Term, 1870. Hill in Equity to
perpetuate tctimonv.
Tho Plaintiffs in the above bill say. That
they are tho owners in fee of one hundred
ana fifty acres of LHnd,orthore.ibouts,stu
ate in Harmony said County,
riescrilKid as follows s ItcliiR part of the
Tract known as the Gitcliol Survey, bound
ed on the north by land of Ueorjjo Dun
lap, east by land now or forraorly of J.
Coinstoek, south by land now or formerly
owned by J. Johnston and J. D. Nelll, anil
West by the Aleorn form, which is part of
the name Survey.
That the iC!d tract of land wa settled
and improved by ono Ezra fJitchel, who
bocamo tho owner thereof by application
therefor, und warrant an.1 survey duly
innde and returned to the land C'Uco in
18.17, and the settlement dues fully com
pleted thereon. .-. , .
That the aaid GitchcL ou the lth dav of
December, 1815. by wrUinir duly execut
ed and delivered, sold and conveyed nil his
rigiit, title and intetest iu the land afore
said to one llenonie C. Scott, from whom
by sundry conveyances the title has be
come vested in tho 1'laintiils, and prays
tho Court That they may bo at liborty to
exuniiue their witnesses, and make proof
of several matters and things herein be
fore mentionod, and particularly with
reference to tiio matters alleged iu the 2d
and 8th praragraphs of this bill.
2d. That they may be at liborty at, and
upon all future occasions' to read and
make use of tho said testimony as they
may be adv'sed.
Vhereupon tho Court ordor and decroe,
That an appearance be entered by said J.
W. Fleming and all persons whom it may
concern 011 or liefore the 4th Monday of
December, A. D. 1870, and that a copy of
this order and astatementof thesulmlance
and objects of the Kill he published in the
Forest Kopublican for three weeks the last
of which publication shall bo at least ten
days before the said tburth Monday of
Attest: J. B. Aonkw, Pro. .
SEASON OP 1870-71.
. Important Improvements.
Patent June 21st and August 23d, 1670.
The Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., have
the pleasure of announcing important im
provements in their Cabinet Organs, for
which Patents were granted them in June
and August last. These are not merely
meretricious attachments, but enhance the
substantial excellence of the instruments.
They are also enabled by increased facil
ities a large new manufactory, they hope
herealter to supply all orders promptly.
The Cabinet Organs made by this Com
pany are of such universal reputation, not
only throughout America, but also in F.u
rope, thut lew will need assuraueo of their
They now offer Four Octave Cabinet Or
gans, in quite plain cases, but equal accord
ing to their capacity to anything they mke
for "(0 each.
Tue same. Double Reed, $15. Five Oc
tave Double Reed Organs, Five Stops, with
Knee swell and Tremulant, in elegant case
with several of the Mason and Hamlin
improvements, J 15. The same Kxtra
with new Vox Humana, Automatic Hwell
etc., $160. Five Octaves, three seta Reeds,
seven stops with Eupbone; a splendid in
struments, fl&a.
A new illustrated catalogue with full
Information, and repuced prices, is now
ready, 'and wil be sent free, with a testi
monial circular, presenting a great mass of
evidence as to the superiority of theso in
struments, to any one sending his address
Tremont Street, Boston, os oVii Broadway,
N. Y. iJO-H
WANTED Aornth To sell the HOME
8HUTTLE8KW1NH Machine Price
It makes the "Ixx-k Stitch," alike ou
both sidcs and is the onlv licensed under
feed Shuttle Machine aoid for less than $tK).
Licensed by Wheeler A Wilson, Urover
it linker und linger it Co All other under
feed .Shuttle Machines sold for leu than
iM are infringements, and tho seller and
us reliable to prosecution Address JOHN
SUN. Clark Co., Boston, Mass., Pitta
burgh, Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo.
30 3m
of Jexico. Adventure and Sight-soelng
"Our Sister Repuqlic,"
Is a work of raro merit' prftiselv illustra
ted. Send for circulars to Columbian Book
Company, Hartford, Ct. 28-3t
30 -it
FitOM 5Q C,-s.
Simethinir urorentlv needed bv evervtmHu
Ca'land examine, ortutiv. nles bent mwu... !
pai ltlor 00 cts that retail easily for 10. II.
It Woloott, IN! Chs'hrni Hq.,N, Y, 28 St
1 URNtTCRE boueht of me Wl
ppram? Ira
To the Ncrveotw
WHOSF.Runrlntrs!nw been prorrnct
d from, bidden tauses, and whose
coses require prompt treatment to render
existence desirable 1
If you aro suffering, or have suffered
from Involuntary discharges, What effect
docs It produce on your general health 7
Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired?
Does a little extra exertion produce pal
pitation of the heart? Does your liver, or
urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent
ly got out of order T Is your Urine some
times thick, milky or flocky, or Is it ropy
on settling? Or does a thick skum rise to
tho top ? Or is a sediment at tho bottom af
ter it has stood awhile? Do you have
spells of short breathing or dispcp.sia? Aro
your bowels constipated ? Do you have
spoils of fruintlng, or rushes of blood to
the head? Is your memory hnparotl? Is
your mind constantly dwelling on tlti
subject? Doyou foci dull, listless, moping,
tired of company, or lite? Do you wish left atone, away from everybody?
Does any little thing make you stnrt or
jump? Is your sleep bmVcn or restless?
Is the lustre of your eyo as .brlliiaut?
Tho bloom en your chock as bright? Do
you enjoy yourself in society as woll ? Do
you pursue your buainoas with the same'
energy? Do you feel as much confidence
in youself ? Are your splrita dull and Hag.
(ring, given to fits melancholy 1 If bo,
do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have yoa 'restless' nights? Yur back
weak, j our k;iccs weal:., nnd have but lit
tle appetite, and yon attribute this to dys
pepsia or Uver-complaini?
Now, reader, self-abuse, vonoreal dis
ease badly cured, and sexual excesses, arc
all capable of producing a weakness of the
generative organs. The organs of genera
tion, when iu perfoct health, niuko the man
Did you ever think that those bold, dell
ant, energetic, persevering, successful business-men
are always those whoso genera
tive organs are in perfect health? You
never hear such men complain of being
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of the heart. They aro never afraid they
cannot succeed in business j they don't be
come sad and discouraged ; they are always
polite and pleasant in the company of la
dies, andjook you and them right in tho
face none of your downcast looks or any
meanness about them. I do nat mean
those wha keep tho organs inflated by
running to excess. Tlioso will not only
ruin their constitutions, but also those
they do business with or for.
ITow many men," from badly eurod dis
eases, from the effects of self-abuse and
excess, iiavo brought about that stuto of
weakness in those organs that has reduced
the geneal system so much as to produce
almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al
most every ether form of disease which
humanity is heir to, and tho real cause of
the trouble scarcely ever suspected and
have doctorod for all but the right one.
Diseascs'of these organs require tho uie
of a Diuretic. HULMBOLD'S FLUID
EXTRACT BUCHU is tho great Diuretic,
aud Is a certain euro for diseases of the
Bladder, Kidneys, (iravel, Dropsy, Organ
ic Weakness, Feir.alo Complaints, Gener
al Dobity, and all diseases of tho Urinary
Organs, whether existing in Male or Fo
malo, fruiii whatever causu orig!r.aCing,
and no matter of how loug ohujcliii.
If no treatment Is submitted to, Con
sumption'or Insanity may ensue. Our
Cosh and blood are supported from tho-o
source.-!, and the lieaHii ami happiness, that of Posterity, depends upou
prompt uso of a reliable remedy.
Ilclmbold's Extract Buchu, est.V.I hed
upward of 19 cars, prepared by II. T.
HELM BOLD, Druggist, 5it Broadway.
New Y'ork, und 104 tS.-.uth 10th Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Pnicu 1.25 per botlio
or 6 bottles for t'i.50, delivered to any ad
dross. Sold by all Di-uygctts everywhere.
Wrapper, fuc-smild of my Chemical Ware
house, and signed II. T. II ELM BOLD.
lichool Tax Notice.
NOTICE Is hereby glren that the School
Duplicate of Tiornesta llorouph, of tax
of 187; liave tiern placed in my bands for
collection. In accordance with' tho Act of
Assembly, in such ruse made and provid
ed, 1 hereby glvw notice that I will attend
at my store, in Tlon'-ta Borough, Pa., for
tho purpose of receiving said tax, for two
months from date. It is under Act of 21st
April, that all persons who shall be
fore the expiration of two months from
the date of this nolico, pay their tax shall
bo entitled to. a deduction of tive per cent.
D. 8. KNOX,
- Troos'r Tioncsta Boro. 8. D.
. Dated Sept. 12, 1870. 24-3t.
ITS Votaries, by Dr. J no- 11. Ellis. The
most startling book of modern times. The
whole subject laid breand its hldeousness
exposed to universal execration. Written
in the interests' of ClvlllHitlon, Christiani
ty and Public Morality. Send for circulars
and terms. U. S. Publishing Co., N. Y.,
Cincinnati, Chicago and SU Louie. 2S-3t
Wonderful developments among tho
arlstoeracv. Married Women exposed,
de., ttc, I'rlee ? i.-2 5. The best Book to sell
published. The best terms to agents ever
given. Address N. Y. Book Co., 145
Nassau St., N. Y. 30-4t
("iron Fortnne Teller, f.O.'ts. Cour'ship
tnndo Easy. 25ft 4. Co-roct Ktiqnette, 25eta.
Bridal Kt'iqiio'tn, 25ft. How to win a
S weetheart or Lover. fOets. C03 Puzzles,
SOelM. 1200 Conntmdrums, Wets. Correct
Letter Writer, 23ct. A matctir Theatricals,
TOfts. Pook of Mvsierioua Disclosures,
SOcta. Boxing and Wrestling mado Easy,
2ots. True Marriage Guide mid BtHik Vf
Nature. C0 ts. Books ent poatago pai 1 by
reltirn mail, Address, W. C'ourtuev, S As
tor Place, N. Y. , , 30-4t
QrjA WFFK paid agents, m-ile or
!5V)vJ lcnui!-.', in a new manufacturing
l usinri.s -t li.m No enpital required.
Address Novelty Ci S.ico, Maine. 23-tt
Free o Kosli ilsents.
We will send a handsome Prospectus of
our New Illustrated Family Biblo to any
Book Ajront. free of charge. Address,
National Publishing Co., Phila., Pa. 3t
Shows how to double ttie profits of the
FARM, and how farmers and their sons
can each make
In Winter. 10,000 Copies will be mailed
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Ltontaining Fleetwood's "Lifo of Christ,"
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Christianity;" "History of tho Jews," by
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nominations," with treatise and tables re
lating to events connected with Bible Hii
tory, eoiiUiiidng many tine engravings.
The whole forming a'completo treasury of
Christian Knowledge. W, FLINT. 20 H.
Soventh St., Phila. 29-4t
Wutii for
Twelve Years azg Willi Indians Af. Plains,
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who lorm a .ovo of wild adven'i ro and a
tuirst tor knowieouc of the In i;tns tlie
i'ukIoiuh, Sports,. Traditions, Wn.s, fireat
Buli.ilo Hunts, if'C, Au., left a homo of
plenty in Ohio, joined tlie Indians, adopt
ed their motto of life, married tho beauti
ful Waahtclla, because a Great Warrior,
Hunter and Chief of 100 Ijodges, was ap
pointed Lieutenant in tho U. S. Rcgu ar
Army, for meritorious service with his
braves against hostilo Indians. A book of
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Superbly illustrated. 70 engravings, with
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tume. Price low. Should outsell auy book
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coming btaik,. "Prussia and the Fiapeo.
1 r iss iim War." A suns'l fora wiile
a' canvasser. Addrco-'i 1), B. RUS-SI-LL,
ilostou, Mass, 8u-4t
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EcUiiinev ,v M .11 tin, ljOS Clieatutit Street,
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ted 011 steel. For circulars and "terms ud
drcni National Publishing To.. Niw Yojk.
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Xi larger commission than H ottered bv
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8io t ) KuOper week canvassing for our new
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money. Secure your avrem v direct Uoiu
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Si' p.iBEfortae l"oit Hepubiiciu
The place to buy ft very variety of thff
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A large assortment of
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Best brands of
delivered at any depot on tho line of tho R.
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Store on Main St. near the Depot.
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M. CARPENTER, - . - Proprietor.
Pictures taken la all tho latest t--Tci o
tlie art. Ui'-tf
to sell eta i'ui'1'L.oj nuai.'
11 IMFOHMlTIOMfirlh.Pi..nla.
Peforethe FOOTLIUHTS, tc.
i'rt Our RULERS nnd our RICHT8.
7Cheareat A Boat Family Bibles.
I A twmrn nf.1. AAirttu tot Circulars.
tM PiSliXJUCO., '
The subscribers having re-rented tho
mvixi: snsT miAJi.
Would say to their old customers, and
tho community generally, that, they keep
constantly ou hand a large stock ot
of all grades, Chop Feed, Shorts, Bran,
Oats aud Cm. With our facilities for do
ing business, wo purpose not to lie under
sold by any establishment in this section
of tho country, and would say to the lum
bermen and dealers of Forest couuty, that
they can bo ,
and more promptly than from any ' other
point. Imniediato attention given to all
orders from a distance,
Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES,
79, Nassau St, New Y'ork City.
DR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tidionto, baa
rcturnsd to his practice after an ab
sence of four months, sjwnt iu the Hospi
tals of Now York, where b will attend
calls in his profession.
Ollico in Eureka Drug Store, 3d door
above the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4!tf
W. . IMlitAM,
C. 8. DUAOO.
ixc.ii.tji & niiACiO,
and Stationers,
all kinds of
School, Miscellaneous, Law, Medical
Depository of tho Bible Society, Sund ,y
School, mid ail Religious I'ubiislung Ho
eiuties, NO, 52 CHITNCT BT., MKA DVILI.F, T.K.,
mo. I'd aurr.Rioa ST., o.
Jim. 10. IS .
NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street,
Wholosalo and Retail Dealer Iu
First IXk abve Kiohonoe Ho(L