Eorron. TUESDAY MOANING, NOV. X. AND AGAIN: At announced in last week's Rcttjb licah, wo again take cliargo of this Taper. We promise nothing new. Our prin ciples are established, and, we believe, aro pretty well known to the people of this county. We are glad to say that our old patrons whom we have met, welcome us bock as though they were rather rejoiced than otherwise at our return. We are grateful for this, and will cudeavor so to conduct this paper in the future that it may give satisfac tion to its patrons. We aro glad to b anions' the rrand old hills of Forest once more, and we have come to etoy. We only ask that our life may be as pleasant hero as ii was when we were formerly of you. Forest County has improved greatly in our absence. Tetroleuni.thegreapy greenback getter, is being produced in psyinjr quantities, in several localities in tlm county, and new towns are .ringing up rapidly within its bound aries. Wo do not speak from actual knowledge, but think the population of the county must have increased at the least calculation, one-fourth in the last eighteen months. Tionesta is improved considerably. The Court House, which was unfinish ed when we were here, is completed, and is a source of pride to every citi ten in the county. The Methodist so ciety has erected a neat brick church which does it great credit. Mri Tate's and Mr. Maaon's law offices have been built, and Mr. Tate has erected a hand some residence Mr. Dimond has built a largo wagon and blacksmith shop, and a comfortable dwelling bouse. One more improvement we must speak of, and that is, 'sidewalk. We formerly had to wade through mud, ankle dcop, from the corner of Elm. and Church streets to the Court House, and ditto over about two thirds of the town. Tionctta now boasts of more good side walk thau any town of its eize in the country. Several new stores have lo cated here, and the wisddm and good taste of their proprietors cannot be doubted, when it is noticed that they advertise in the Republican. Cul. Iieisinger, the pioneer Republi can editor of this county, in his vale dictory in this paper, said: "It will be but a few years when Forest County will rauk with the best in the State." This predictiooJs being steadily and urcly verified. Let us all try to im prove me county morally ana socially, as it improves in population and wealth, and it roust eventually be a lo cution desirable to all who seek for pleasant and happy homes. Destructive Fire-Loss About Nine Thousand Dollars, About 21 o'clock yesterday after noon the alarm of fire was given and our citizens were soou on the streets auxiously enquiring fur the scene of disaster. The fire broke out in the roof of Abial Drake's house, lm Cot tage Hill, and as the wind was blow ing strong iu a northeasterly direction, it was feared at one lime that several dwellings and the school house roust be destroyed. . But owing to the her culean efforts of some of our citizeus, and the effective work of Vigilant Stearaor No. 1, the fire was extin guished after completely destroying the house, of Mr. Drake and nearly destroying that of Fred. Geigle. Ow ing to the muddy condition of the streets and the heavy grade, it was with great difficulty that the steamers could be got on the ground, it requir ing six horses to draw No. 4 up the hill. While this steamer was passing up Spring street the fire box came in coutact with a crossing which complete ly destroyed that part of the engine. After getting on tho ground it took so long to get the fire arranged and steam up, that No. 1 and the haud engine had nearly extinguished the fire before No. 4 began to woik. Vigilant No. 1 played from a tank near U. P. Church, and the other twi from a tank in the rear of the School house. No. 4 did good execution after it was got in ordr, but that was too late to ren der much assistance.' No cause of com plaint exists against No. 4, as the ac cident above mentioned demolished their fire and reuoVtcil them poweilert fr a time. telow we give a list of the looses and amount of inurapro on each : Abial Drake, loss $7,000 ; insurance, jEtna, ?2.50() Fred. GJi'lc, loss nc.-.ily total : in sured, Cumberland Vallty, $2,0CJ. Dr. Harding, loss on furniture hhout 500 ; no insurance. Dr.Hardinw's furniture was damaged by It i;i curriod out. The fire did cot reach his I:oiim Mr. Drake's lot is tslhnawd br hirnc!f.-r0tv ?W w. n. DUNN U LL 1 1 !' V "L ",J. L 11 1 1 ' "IL'f Neighborhood ?few. From lha Petroleum Centre Record. We learn that the Oil City Daily Tim. s suspended publication as a daily newspaper this tnorning. It is said a weekly paper will bo issued hereafter from that office. Mr. William Doyd, of the month of tho Clarion, who . was so fearfully burned a few weeks ago, ir dead. It was thought at one time that he would recover, but his injuries were of such a nature as to preclude all hope. , He suffered much before he died. Anoth er victim to the misuse of petroleum. The O. C. A A. R. R, Co. are about to make several needed improvements in tho vicinity of the depot at this place. A new switch is to 1ms laid run ning in the direction of Wild Cat Hol low for the convenience of the Central Petroleum Co. in shipping oil. This will necessitate the removal of the ex press office and the adjoining building, to make room for the track. They al so intend building a large and commo dious freight depot. Theso' improve ments are made neccessary on account of their constantly increasing business. From TltuSville Corn-tor. SEKIOVB ACC1DEST AT FRANKLIN. ' Yesterday afternoon as our reporter reached the depot at Franklin, he was an eye-witness of a serious if not fatal accident. As Ed. Mackey, son of Maj. Mackey, of Franklin, was driving his team across the "Jimtown" R. R. track in front of a coal train, his team shied, throwing him from his seat, and the wheels of the .wagon passed over his body, inflicting injuries of such a na ture that when our reporter left he was still in an unconscious condition. Dr, St. Clair was summoned to the assist ance of the injured man, who reports his case hopeless. The family aud friends of the young man have our sympathies. , i As Outrage. Some scoundrel or scoundrels near Trunkeyville deserve having a little "cowhide" taken vigor ously ' taken away' from them.' Last Friday night the down train, which passes here about nine o'clock, was as sailed by some miscreants, with stone?, near Trunkeyville,1 and ' considerable. damage done, although no one was in jufed. But for the shutter being down on one window, a gentleman occupying the seat would probably have been in jured, as a large stone struck the win dow sash, breaking that and the win uow into fragments. Once or twice before the same train has been assault ed and the windows have been broken out and stones picked op inho carsi What the objefet of this can be is a mystery, aud the officials are using ery possible means for the ' capture of the perpetrators. ' ' We learn that Detective McKenzie has arrested two boys at Truukeyville, as perpetrators of the above. Ed. Re-1 PUBLICAN. '-' i From Raftsman's Journal. " Seriously 'Injured. We are in formed that, on Friday last, Oct. 21st, Mr. Ed. Lee, of Huston township, met with a very serious accident, while he and -several other persons were engaged in pulling stumps with a lever tnacnine. Having attached the chain to a stump, the power was applied while young Lee was holding up titer crotch through which the chain passes. Unexpected ly one foot of the crotch sunk into the ground and upset it, striking Lee on the side of the head and face with such force ds to knock liim speechless for some hours. At last accounts he was getting along as comfortably as cir cumstances would warrant, yet little hope of his recovery was entertained. Fatal Accident. We are inform ed that on Saturday, Oct. 22d, David Welty, Jr., of Ui.ion Tp.,' met with a fatal accident while engaged in raising a shed at his father's barn. The top plate had just been pushed up on skids by a number of men, and when in the act of dropping it into its place, the pike poles being released, the one end of the plate unexpectedly slid back wards and descended to the ground, knocked down young Welty and fell on- him across, the bowels, crushing him so badly that he died the next day. He was an exemplary young man, and his death is lamented by his many rel atives, and the community generally. THANKSGIVING. . By the President of tht United State A Proclamation, ! :' .' Whereas, It behooves a people sen sible of their dependence on Alr.iighly God publiciy aiid collectively t ac knowledge their gratitude forkismvnr and mercies, and hujibly to beseech for their continuance; and Whereas, The people of the United States, during tho year dow abrut to end have special cuusj to be thankful for general prosperity, aluiuiaia harv ests, exemption from putileuco, for eign war and civil strife. Now, therefore, be U known that I, tLTsrra 9. Grant, President of tho United States, concurring in any simi lar recommendations from Chief Mag istrates of StateSi 'do hereby recom mend to all citizens to meet in their repctie places of worship on Thurs day, the 24th day of Nojmbcr next, there to give-thanks for the bounty of God during tho year about to close, and to supplicate for its continuance. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be nfliixed. Done at the city of Washington this 21st day of October, in the year of our Lord 1870, and of the iudepen- lence of the United States the ninety- fifth. U.S. Grant. By tho Prcsideut. Hamilton Ftsit, Secretary of State. 3 HULL'S MUSIC SUORE. ariw (Successor to HULL &, WHITNEY,) Wo, 107 Wafer Sfreef, MEADVILLE, PA. Is Uk place to bay all of tlx First Class PIANO FORTES, T GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ; ' ' ALSO Organs & Melodeons h Tlavlns tho exclusive Agency for Craw forp, Ycnanjro ind Meroer Comities for the following ciuDnieo mattes oi Y,l ANO FOICTES: , Wm. Bradbury, Steinway A Sons, Chiokerintr A Sons. V. Kurtzman's W. V. Emerson, Uroveatceu, Fuller A Co ANL Whitney and Slnyton's United States ORGANS AND MELODKONS I k And having constantly in my store from . Twelve to Eighteen Pianos. Forties wiBhlnjito purchase, will And it greatly to tho.r interest to purvhivio direct UwMi JI'O niiujh uiumiks A.u vnvi w. .-iiruint'iit for live roar - These Orpina and Mrtotteona are. eonaM -ered ty frood itnlgea i be the lst Kefld Instrument iiiaile.- Hhjuld tuher .make I prefered. I will furaMi them a J J a can be bougnt irom any one. ' ' ATfD ALL KIKDS OF ' Siugirg and Iutruction Boolcs. OriTAilS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, FLPTrH, riFKM , , ASO BBl'M.S. CRASS BAUD IBSTRUBEHTS.' l URNISUEDTO DANDS VERY LOW. A good stock of GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS Alwava on hand. lealer funiis'.iod at New York prices. iJr-All orders or com--municaUoua promptly attended to. 4-tf . . : J. C. IIULI SHERIFF'S SALES. ' ' . ; . . . BY VIRTUE of anndry writs of Vendl. Kx., isaiied out of tho Court of Com mon Pleas of Korost Coun'y, and to me di rected, there will bo exposed to sale by public vendue ' or outcry, at the Court House in the Borough t of Tionesta, on MONDAY NOV., 7TII, 1870,. at 2 o'lock, P. M., the following describ ed real estate, to-wit : James V. "William, rs, J. C. Miller, Ven. Ex. No. 3, Deo. Term, 1S70, Keeves All delendnnts, ryht, title, interest and claim, of, in and to, a certain piece or parcel ol laud situate iu the Township of Harmony. County of Forest, (formerly Venango) and Sate of Pennsylvania: Bounded and described as follows, to-wlti Jk-Kinitinx at a post, thence south eighty nine degrees east one hundred and severity-lour perclies to a post ; thence south one-lialf decree, west one hundred and twenty-two ami three tenths perches to a post ; thence by land of Jame.i HuUiiixh, n vrth eigthty-nine degrees, west one hundred and sevonty lour percliusi to a while oak ; thence north one degree east, one hundred and twenty two and three-tciith perches to a post, t.ie place of beginning ; containing one hun dred and ninety-three acres of land more or less, being tfietsaino piece of land con veyed to the Cherry and Trout Kun Oil and Mining Company, recorded In Charter Book No. a, page 111 in Venango County. Taken in execution and to bo sold ns the Sropoi tv of J. C. Miller, at tho suit of aiues D. Withain. ALSO, Charles Hays. vs. t he Iron 8ides Tetole um Company, Veil. Kx. No. 5. Dec. Term. Ib70, lthey All thst certain piece or parcel of lurid situate in Harmony Tow n ship, Forest County, I'a. liouiided and decsei-ibeii as follows, to-wit : Beginning in the centre of the road leading Irom Tionesta to Pleasantvillc, at the line of land of Jacob Kango. running thence bv said land K perches to a post, at lino of Daniel Alit uno, uoceasexl: t Hence south 2rt ierches to a post, at line of lsnd late of William Mi-Kinley ; thence south -4 de grees west 3iiv prchcs tolundof F. W. Al len; thence ulong s.iid land west perches to the -entre of road heretofore mentioned; thence along said centre line to road north 38 degrees wet -10 erches ; thence alnutr saul centre line north -10 degroes west iM) nerches to tlu) place Jf beginning ; con iaiuing twenty m res more or less. Taken iu execution and tn be sold as the properly of The Jron Sides Petroleum Com pan v, at the suit of Charles Huys. TKKMS CAKH. " Sheriff's Oltleo, Oct. 17, lfCO. Ifli-U - K. L. DAVIS, Sh ff. liELAPIERHE'S ELECTRIC SOAP Warranted better ai chrsyer thnn nny ather. i or Sale in Fbiladclphia, J'itts li'irtrh Ac., bv J-inny it .ridrews, T. I'onrcw Co. Hoetli't h .V X!oIkh, Bhi ion tt Burns c Sinticker Jteiir it Hurry, Wa ertnan t'- Youug, W. I ii raver, The', ison C Moins, J. II, Kra.ve, Wainwr.ght Co. Bote.-ts A Co. Wat Tntr-.ii. Hon Co, S. J. llninnl i v, H'..isuii, Hoar Ok Co. H.J. Iloffiirr Vvers Jt ("o. J. S. Morgan' Ii. ilbv Co. . llouh A Co. T. BRrr.es, , W. J. Kirt, rioyd t C'"'. Ogden A t o. Arbuckloa A Co, of rittnburg'i, and inspv Sioem. ' M-4W i-v OCTOBER, 1SCO. J. & p. "coats' DEST SIX-COBD ' M Now Tnn 'ONL Y Thread put p for the Aroorlcan marker which Is SIX-CORD IX AI,IiNU MUCINS, From Ko. 8 to No. 100 Inclusive. . For Hand and Maohlno. PTTH KAV E .LER S ali JKKANH.UTinnxTisstm. B i BaNCM COMPANY, of Hartford. Conn. CikIi Amtet., $l,:iO0,0U. iri.t L1KH and KNHOW MKNT jlhtiea of all approved forms. Ample fwnrity. ' low rtttjv. A 1mi iiiMiiroa ntrntiiftt A4'f'T f-. cauoiiig death or total diwMlitv. Policies written by the vear or month. Hiw paid fTiHl r day for Six Viirn in beiicllta to policy-holders. 30-it ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Ivirva nauhml Aiirl fnfnrrnfttlon furnished ly UKOHUK Ul'HAM. rrovidenoo, H. I. THIS IS NO HUMHUO ! Q K ' Jtvuemlintt OtlOF.NTS, with aire height, color of eyes and hair you will receive, by return until, a correct pic ture of your future husband or wile with mime and ilntoof nturriiuto. AV. KOX, P. O. Drawer No. 218 Fnltonville N. Y. S0-4t THE PRACTICAL FARMER. The leading Agricultural. Monthly of the United States : contiiiiiiugl uiiurlo p:iges: is roconi mended to Farmers everywhere as a thoroughly reliable ami well illustrat ed Agricultural and Horticultural Journal. It is largely made up of original matter, and devoted to Stock liaising, Urnin Urow Ing, the Dairy, Orchard, Vegetable and Market lianlcuing, (irnzlng, Bearing and l'attciiing Anomals. a Veterinary Dcpnrt- Yiiont, c. l'rlce l.fiO icr annum. Sample copies suppici on application, liberal tonus to Agenis and Canvassers, with show-hills furnished on application to Pas chal:, Mounts, I'M i tor and Proprietor, IS North l.llh ilreet, Philadelphia. 80--U T40MES, HFALTH, HAPPINESS. A A HOW to be Obtained Tor Five Dol lars! Plantations, Farms, Villa Sites and Town Lots, at The Ore.it Premium Land Sale, Aiken, S. C, Tho "Saratoga of the South." 48 hours from N. Y. Tho most delightful climate in the world. Freo from the rigors of Northern winters, exempt from Throat diseases. Vineyards and or chards iu full bearing. For descriptive pamphlet, address, with stamp, J. V. DKKUY, Augusta, (in. 80--U .5 A Week Salary ! Young men ivanted as hx-ai and travel Jingsatesineii. Adress (with stamp) It. II. At AT.KFR, .i4 1 ai'K IvOW, .N. 1 . .K)-4C UUUItaitU: X 1 sullerrcd witli Catarrh thirty years, mid was cured In six woeUs by asimplo reme'dr. and will send t ho relieipt , postage freo, to all nltlct rd. T, J. Mead. Drawer 170, Syracuse. N. Y. ' i 30-4t A JTiysitery .Ntlvel. Fiftoen . Minutes' Privato Oonvcratloo with Married Ladies by one of their, numbe.-, Sen' yee for two slumps, bv Mis. II, M KT7U1CK, Ilanever, I'a. " RU-!t A tJ A It I A CleiiJ.jia.i. while resii'inc fn South America as a nithsloiiiiry, l:se rved n ul'e and simple remedy for the Cure ofCor vous At'eaklieos, "Early Decay, I)o.e-iw ff the L'rinarv urj .1 Seminal Orgiuis, and tne wnoie train or 'i!Minirs brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Cruat num bers hue been cured by this noble reiuo di. 'Prompted by a desire to benefit tho anlicted and unfortunate, I will send tho recipe for preparing end using this medi oins, in asealcd envalopc, to anir one who needs it, free of charge. Joskcii T. Ismav, Station D, Bible House, N. Y. City. SiMt Jmghtrer Cent. Cioltl . ITRST MORTGAGE BONDS . ' OFTHESSUK OF $1,500,00 0 ' BY THE , ST. JOSEPH A DENVER CITY RAILROAD COMPANY, In denominations of ? 1,030 and t-'.OO. ' con pon or registered, with interest at Right per cent, per annum, payable 16th Febru ary and Augurt, in OLD free of Vnitoil States taxes, in New YorkorKuropc. The noiHis navo tmrty years to run, pavaulo in New York in OLl). Trustees, farmers' Ioan and Trust ('onipauv of New York. The mortgage which secures theso bonds is at the rate of f l:t,5;0 per mile ; eovera a completed road for every bond issued, and is a first and ONLY mortgage. This lino, connecting St. Joseph with Fort Kearney, will piuke a short and through route to i ouioi-nia. flio Company hay a Capital OlAJVJk Ul - - And a grant of l and from Cougreas, of l,600,0o Acres vaiuod, at the lowest esti mate, at - - - - - First Mortgage Bonds, . - tlO.OOO.OOO 4,000,000 1,500,000 Total, ... $15,500,000 Totol length of road, 271 miles' distance included iu this Mortgage, ill miles ; price Bii ana accrued interosi, ti ttltltl'j.Nt i Can be obtained from tho undersigned Also, pamphlets, maps and information relating thereto. These bonds, being so well secured aud yielding a large income, aro dosirable to parties seeking sui'o una i iterative investments. We recommend them with entire confidence. W. P. CONVERSE & CO., Commercial Aoknts, No. 54 Pine Street, N. Y. TANK Kit ( O., Fiscal Aoknts, N, 49 Wall Street, New York. 10-Cm. REYN3LDS.BR0ADHEAD& CO 1 Centre St., opposite Tost Office, OIL CITY, FENN'A. DEALERH in FOrJEICN AND DOMESTIC DRY COODQ. imrjss goods, carpeting, OIL CLOTHS. BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS& CAPS, TRIilMISGS NOTION, 15TC, ETC. THE 3Q.OT AiV'D SHOE STOES. rFYOTJWANTanerf"etfil and a g.xd ai tic'e of Boots and Shoes, of the Quest worLmunship, goto , Iff. Jm 314-CAXCE'f, 80 CENTRa 8TREICT, OIL CITY, PA. JMrPatitfaotion uuaranteed. tS. ' THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVEHY. D14. WALKER.9 CALIFORNIA VINEOAR BITTEIIS i , cgS More than 800,000 Trnona sag lwrtUmoiiy to ihMr won-?' ? 3" .? dorfnl curative powers. 8 g 5 -1 W H AT A R E TH P Yt 5 3 ' ' V 3 ' ' - BADS e 5 h b 3 rf8 t. -fyvsj els 1 1 lis 2 t --iZ. J . . - I a e - W J ! w'3 M t. r.l ja E-. THEY ARE NOT A VILE a '? o . rrwi w hi ii i m U 9 Mle of Poor Rum. Whiskey. Proof Spirits, and ltefuso Liquors, doctored Spi and sweetened Ui pleaxe the taste, cal!e) tonics," Vappellr.ers," Restoratives iVo., Hint lead the tipler on to druirkenss and ruin, tint are a true medicine, made iroiiithe iintive Itoots and llerlm of Cali fornia, free fropi all Alcoholic stimulants. Thev are the (JURAT BLOOD VCRIIY- E It and 1,1 KK OIVINH DHIXCIPI.E. a perfect Rcuovnler mid Invigorntor of the system, carrying otl all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condi tion. Nonerson can take these bitters ae- cording to directions aud reuiaiu long tin- wen. 1100 will ke given for an Incurable case. provide I the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means a'nd the vital organs wasted beyond the point re pair. For Inflarmnstorv and Phronle lttinnn,. ntism, and Oout, l)yspeHiii, or lndijjw tion, Bilious, Remittent, mid Intermittent rovers. Diseases of the blood. I.lver. Kid neys, and Bladder, these Hitters have been most successful. Such Diseases aro rails od by Vitiated Hlood, which is generally produced by derangement of tho Digestive Organs. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever vou find its impurities bursting throuuh'the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or "sorosj cleanse it when yon tlttd it olistrncted and sluggish in the veins; cleanse It when it is row, and your feelings will tell Vou when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. tin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking In tho system of so many thousands, are ef fectual!" destroyed and removed. In billions, Remittent, and intermittent Fevers these Bitters have no omutl,- For full directions read caitl'ullv the e.rcnlur around ouch bottle,, printed In four lmi guaes English, tJeriimn, l'retich nnd Spanish. J. W A .k Kit, Proprietor, I 3'J Commerce St.. N. V. R. II. McDONAI.D A t o.. Druggists pit-Oeiieral Agents, San Francisco ami SiK'i ami-nto, Cul., and W A Umiiumi Creet, N. Y ' i. Sold by nil Druggists nnd Dealers. . U-lt ', . .. .i , . oil ;. y..; , GREAT EXCITFIhENT i "' ' fiVtlio Etoro of D. S. KNOX, li CO., Elm St., ioncsta Ta. Wo are in daity receipt o, the largest and MOST COMPLETE stock "ei V '. tfSKOO'KIIIS ' ' nnl ntovisioA.s, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET EOOTS & SHOES ! FOR THE MILLIONS! which wo are determined to sell regardless of prices. AND llouso Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac., ic Ac, which we offer at greatly re duced prices. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! of all kinds, PARLORJSUITS, CIIAMBEIt SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, 8PRINU BEDS, MATKESoKS, ' LOOIUXQ GLASS ES, .lc.,. ., Ac., Iu TIN bLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tf D. S. KNOX, A CO. iiEST ST RY PAPER n the Universe. A $5 I'riie to every subscih- r. Send stamp for Prlte Clreular and Specimen. J. R. UIJLlQiT, Pub ishor, uoston Mam, wtt Ei5 a E.3S. 3 9 !-.. IS si A 8A1T, COtTAII Asa tfaT Cars ru3 AMD AU, RERV003 cisMses. IU t.Tsctj are It in an Unlailinir Remedy In all easosof Neuralgia Facialis, often effecting a per. feet enre In less thnn t Ihonrs, from the use of no More than Two or Three Pills. No othor form of Neuralgia or Nervous Disease has failed to yield to this Wonder ful Remedial Agent. Kven in tho severest ease of Chronic Neuralgia and general norvoim derange ments, of many years standiug affecting tUociittro-srslem, 1ta Un ( a low days, or tew weeks at the-nhnost, always af fords the most astonishing relief, and very rarely falls to produce a complete and per manent euro. It contains no drug or othnf materials In the slightest degree Injurious, even to the most delicate system, and can always be iied with perfect safety. It has long been in constant use bv many of our most eminent physicians, who give it their unanimous and unqualified appro val. The following, among manvofour liest citizens testify to its Wonderl'ul Effi cacy ! "Having used Dr. Turner's Tic-fioul-eurcux or Universal ifeuratpia J"i(f, nd in numerous instances recommend)! it to plftients suffering with' neuralgia I have found it, Without an Exception, toaccoin plish ail the proprietors him claimed. J. t. JUI.l.l.MJII AM, Dentist. 12 Wlntor St., Boston, Feb. 18, HW7. " Mr. J. M. R. Story, for many 'year an apothecary in this city, and lor three years during the war. In the Hospital Depart ment under the' U. S. Government, thus speaks of it i " I have known Dr. Turner's Tle-Doul-ourenx or Universal Neuralgia Pill for 20 years. I have sold It and used it personal ly, and I have never known of cass where it did not give relief. Customers havo told me they would not bo without it if each pill cost ten dollars. I think It the most reliable and valuable remedy for neuralgia and nervous diseases iu the world. " Messrs. Turner Cft 'j For a longtime a memberof my family has su tiered sovorely with Neuralgia. Tho pain was almost unenourutiie. we tried various medicines without success. A few months since, we began tho use of your Pill. It has proved Perfectly Successful, and no traoos of the disease remain. I Can gladly recommend your remedy to all sufferers from Neuralgia. , lte8pectrulry vonrs, F. W. PEVroN Boston, Mar. 25, '67 Connora( Lav. Sent by mail on receipt of price and pos- toge. One packago, el Postage B cents. Six jiackages, - - 5 "27 " xi in soiu y nu ucfticrs in aruga aim medicines and by TU RN K R A CO., Solo t'roorlelors, vai Tremont St., ; .:lK)S'fW, MA!t4, 3 17 4W. Robacl'a Slot' ack Bitten, vlitil4 "till other Ttilleri in the market, ;ponesi intrituio mtrit. MoL it(er to called, are merely tciMwashy ahtff, told at a beverag. vDf. Iloback't BUlert are not a beverage in any tense of the word,' but contain the moei expensive drugs liwcn.to teiend for- the- radical cure of Indigetlion and Dytpeptia, and for all catet where a ionia and tttmulant art required, i 17ity restore tht vital foroet in a w- marhable degree, and give tone to the eyslem. It it now eleven yeart tince Dr. Roback, the cel ebrated Sttedith physician, from Stockholm, Stre den, came to tht country awl introduced the Scan dinavian . Blood ISirifier; tince which time thoueandt have been cured, by itt we, of Scrofula and otlter blood diseases. It contains, betidet the Iodide of Potmsa and Syrup of Slillingia, drugs import ed from Sweden for itt express manufacture, unknown and not kepi by apothe caries in this unry. A ( & gle trial will convince the most tkeptUvl of itt wondei ful value. Dr. lloback't Blood Pills are unsurpassed by any I'M manu factured for a similar purixise. One trial inva riably cstablitthet them as favorites with all who um them. The reasons why Dr, ItobacVs Blood Pills should be kept in ev try family are: Because they can be employed in all cases where a "family physio " is required, and are perfectly safe in their admin istration at all times; Because they are made both with and without sugar coating, thus adapting them to the use of every body; Because they can be pur chased at any drug store at the extremely low price of twenty five ttntt per box, Ihr Sale by DruggUtt , and Dealers its JPatcnt Medicine evrilwJicr. , The Republican Ofllca TTEEPS oonstantlv on hand a Is'ge as- IX tortinant of Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Hubpojoas, Warrants, fjkwMuoius to be WHO rnfttp Ifr M 10. . It IY-rS -lfM HoiiAcn mm BITTERS BLOOD POWER nrnnn I puts GLORIOUS NEWS ! ' '- ' - TUX iPEOPLE REJOIOINO! :o: :o:- "LIVE AND LET LIVE t" Is the motto of HILBRONNERcVCO. Lo have opened a MAMMOTH STOCK. OF v DRY GOOIM, MILLINARY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, CARPETS,. BOOTS & SHOES, NOTIONS CUTLERY fcC.f In the old Court House building, edJol:iing the Holmes House, where" they will be happy; to 'supply the. wsnts of this community, with aU Entire Trvuli Assortment of all the novelties in the ....... t.. DRY GOODS LINE. w hich have been sclecfed with great' care. . As to prices, wo chellengo all eomp"titors. It has long Isfn tho dos:ro of tho people of. this oominuiiiiy, t havo a store intholr- midst where can be found evervt!:tnjr prn- criUly kept In a Hrst-chiss store.nnd whoro It could Le purchased n! living prices. To satisfy this want, wo havo come. In your uiidst, aud hope by proper Attention to business and to the wants of tho people, to- socuro their pat.-cnago. . Our stock of DRESS GOODS Is second to none in Western Pennsylvania, . and wo ore cVterrnined not to be under. sold. These goods embrace all the LATEST STY I.E." and we feel assured thattlieeiUiesjtof this county will not have to go to adjoining towns to purchase DRESS GOODS lu th; future. Our stock of cLOTHiira-. is superior, both in quality nnd stylo to any over bofore offered in this suction, and wo trust that all will call and examiuo our stock beforo purchasing elsewhere We also, MASK CLOTlilNS TQ CRCER, having an experienced cutter, wo etui Kt- isfy the most fpstU'lous ; and as we havo our own manufactory lu Pl.iui '.olphla, we thereby have t':o advantage over all other dealers In this section. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, &C in endless variety, at prices to suit tl.o times. to;- B & Sh 00T3 OES of every style and quality, which we r.ro prepared to sell at New York pricos. o: Call end Examine'ourJStock. ep3 It.. . HILBHOVtES Or