C. BULLOCK, KQ. 4 WATER ST. A 4 CHESTNUT ST., UEADVILLU, PjEH2TA, Offer fothc, M liolfHale and Retail Tmd tho Lonest, Kiel o.t -iind Most U plete Stork of Kail Clones Id Western Penn'o. Imported Press Good In nil tho latest Bfylesat C. BULLOCKS. Illock Silks, Stripe Silks, rialn and Fan cy Silks, of his own Importation, for sale nt Popular Prices at C. BULLOCK S. Cloth, Flannels, Sacking, Water Proofs a mil lino at c. JJullucka. In Rlenchcd and Brown Sheetings. Ta ble Linens, Napkins, and Towels, I have the Largest Stock In tho city. C." BULLOCK. Do Yon Want It ? Tho best Black Alpaca.it Is Double Warp Royal Standard. "Vou will find a full liip at tue t-upiro store, only . C. BULLOCK.. The Last Sensation ! Is the Arab Long Shawl. One Hun dred just opened at C. BULLOCK'S FIFTY- ROLLS Brussels and Inprain CARPETS, just received, all new stvls ot C, Bullook'8.2 Oil Cloths, Mattings, Stair and Hemp Carpets, Rug3 Ac C. Bullock's. Taratan Tlalda, Plain and Twilled for Children, at C. Bullock'. Plain and Striped Satin, Duclicno, now and elegant for suits, at C. Bullock's. In preventing this lint I would offerspoc lul Inducements to tho wholesale trade, and only ask all to an examination nf my Mauliuoth Stock to satisfy llicm that I caii cell goods for Joss money' than any other House iu Western Pa. C. BULLOCK. ftjftabta Sicilian HairRenewer IT an stood the test of ttcven yeara before the public; and no prepar ation for the hair has vet been dis covered that will produce the same beneficial results. Jt isaneittircli liew scientific discover), combin ing mam of the most powerful and restorative aaents in the VEGET ABLE KINCDOM. Jt restores CREY HAIR TO ITS ORICINAL YOUTH FUL COLOR. It makes the scalp white and clean; cures dandruff and humors, and tUUin? oat of the ltnir: and will make it grow upon bald heads, erccpt in very iifed persons, as it furnishes the nutritive principlo bit which the hair is itonrlslietl ami supported. Jt makes the hair moist, soft, and alossu. and is unsurpassed as a JIAiJt JJJIJUSSJXO. It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the public, ms one bottle will ac complish more and last longer than three bottles of any other preparation. Jt is recommended and used by the l irst Medical Authority. The Wonderful results produced by our Sicilian Hair Jienewer have induced many to manufacture preparations for tlte Hair, under various names ; and, in order to induce the trade and the public to pure Ita He their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiming tliey were former part tiers, or hail some connection with, our Mr. Hall, find their prepara tion was similar to ours. Io not be deceived by them. J'urchase the orlffinalt it lias never yet been equalled. Our Treatise on the J lair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that each bottle has - our private Ilevenue Stamp over the lop of the bottle. All others are imitations. R. P. Hall & Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. 1 Sold ly all Drwfjitlt oar? DtaUn in Mtdicint. . s. c. c-iaIs" it7 TIIDIOTJ-TIE, IP.A.. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, Aid Dealer in WATCHES. JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing douo in a workmanlike manner and warranted to give Bat's faction. ( 4 ly w J AN'l'KD. Ijind ill Peiiiisvivauitt I a.h and nnl HKJckn, iownsiliu Bros., I6i Soutii Third St., i'hlia. M-n 'I3BSCR1L1: it will pay. for the Porcfct Jtepubljcru GROVER & BAKER'S NUWIXU JIACIIIJ'RN. Tjo following ore se'eeted from thous ands of testimonials of similar chnractor, n expressing tho rc.iaonn for tho prefer ence of tho Grover A Pakcr Machines over nil others. "I like the drover A Raker Ma chine, In the first plnco, because if I had any other, I should still want a C. rover A Baker j and having a drover A Baker it answers the purpose of all tho rest. H docs a jrrcator varietv of work and iseasier to icarn than any other," Mrs, J. C. Cro ly (Jenny June) "T hare hail several years' expe rience with a CirovorA Baker Machine, which has piveu mo (treat satisfaction. I think the (irover A Baker Machine is more easily managed, and loss liahln to get out of order. I prefer the U rover A Baker de cidedly." Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York. "I have had one In my family for some two years : and fiom what I know of its workings, and from the testimony of many of mv Irietids who use the samo, I can hardly see how auythingcoiild be more eonipleto or give better (satisfaction." Mrs. Oen. Grunt, "I Wlievo It to bo the best, all things rmisldcred, of any that I linvoknown It Is very simple and easily learned; the sewing from the ordinary spools is a great auvantaire: mesmcnis rntirciv rename; it does ornamental work brautilullv : it is not liable to get out of order. Mrs. A. M SHMner, 36 Bond St. Brooklyn. "I am acquainted with tho work of tiie principal machines, anil I prefer the Orover. Baker to them all, because I con sider the stitch more elastic. I have work in thehouso which was dono nine years ago which is still good." Mrs, Pr. Mo- Crcady, No. -13 East ifilrt street, N. Y. "Moro than two-thirds of all the sewingdone in my family for the last two years has been done by Urover A Baker's Machine, and I neer'had a garment rip or need mending, except those rents which trolicsomobovs will make m whole cloth It is, in my opinion, by far the most valu able ol any l have tried. Mrs. Henry vt aru iieeciier. . , . "Tho Grover A Baker Sewing Ma. chine has rendered In every respect, tho most perfect satisfaction. It oomliinos so many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy in price that It Is a ne- ecsity m every household." Mrs. Cover nor Cieary, ll'arrisburg, Pa. I have had the Grover A Baker Ma chine for ten or twelve years in constant use in my house. I have seen and known every kind of ramilv sowinir. both ner soiml and household, accomplished noon the Grover A Baker Machine, to the entire satisfaction of all concerned, Rev.Stephen 11. Tvnir. "I "find the Grover A Baker Stitch will wearaslongastho garments do outwear the garment in fact. Tho stitch will not break on bias seams, when stretched, as others do ; and neither does it draw tho work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East tweu- ty-lourth street, N. Y. The Grover and Baker Sowing Machine Company manufacture both tho Elastic and Lock Stitch Machines, and offer the public a choice of the best machines of both kinds, at their establishments in all thojarge cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout tho country. Price lists and samples of sowing in both stitches furnished on application to Grover A Tinker S. M, Co., 127 Wood Streot, Pitts burgh, Ta. J. C. HULL, (Successor to HULL fc WHITNEY,) Xo, 167 Water Htrcvi, f1E ADVILLE, PA. ' Has on hand The I.AItCJUST STOCK of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Iu Western Pennsylvania, ami havingbeen appointed by the Manufacturers, General Aent for tho salo of the Instruments in Craw ford, Venango and Mercer counties. parties wishing to purchase a iood instru ment si 1110 iovsi missiiio price, win una it to their advuntave to purchase directly from me, and K' ta guarantee for live years with each instrument. . PIANO FORTES, SteinH-aif ris, L'hickerin'j & tlons, ll rt. II. llnuibttry, li'm. P. Emerson, C. KurtzmnH's, and other. This is also the U'liolesaiu and Retail iioud quarters, fortius section, of theccle- nruieu O. C. WHITNEY ORGANS AND MELODEONS ! A Good Assortment always on Hand Stools, Spreads, and everything in tho music 11110, instruction Hook ot all kinds. All of the lute Suudav School and oilier SinirinK Books, Sheet Music sent hy Mail or Exi rcss on receipt of orders. Guitars, lolinir, Jlanjos, 1'lnU's, Files and Drums. Brass and Herman Silver Instruments fni nisi. ed to Bands at the lowest prices. Aiwavs on nnnn a larjje stock or the best ITALIAN 8T1UNUH, which will U scut bv 111a 1 or otherwise as ordered. Soci nd-haiid Pianos, Meloileons and Of- qun.-i, taken 111 CM hune lor 1 ewnncs. All comiiiiiiiiclions, (wluci. will leccivf nroiui.t attention) should bo addressed tc tliepropriator, ly J. C. HULL. CHAS. H. SIIEPARD, t-ENUBAl. DEALDR IH DRY GOODS, KOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CArS, AKD SHOES, niKKXSWASSJ. NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. A OICNTS Wantko ?223 por month by It. the American Knitting Machine Co., Huston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 20.3m desJt Mrs. JI C. Legijett, Hoboken, N. J 23-4t T wrj.J WjgJ'iA I will send tho - iSCA-lfi rei-eiptbv wliich i r'hrTO-itv-i 1 ,:"r"l "' 11 AVE LEU S UKK ANT ACCIDEN 1' INSUR ANCE COMI'.a.NY, of ! I art ford, Ot"i. Cash Aofets, l,.(Ki,(ieo. OranN LIFE and l.NHOW MKNT l'olicies of all approved funis. Ample ncur.ty, low rates. Also ins'U'e" against ACCI DENTS causing death or total di-aiulitv. Policies written by the year or mon.h. lias paid S.O'l per day for Mr Years in benefits policy-hoMcrs. 17-41 O.l X A DAY 10 new articles foniwnts Samples free. 11. B. SHAW, Al fred Me. -7-4t ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prir.es cashed and information furnished by UEORUE Ul'llAM, Providence. H. I. 50 Cents to 83 per Evening, at Homo. We aro prepared to furnish profitable employment to Men and Women at their homes. Ono person in each locality throughout tho United States, can ungate in this business at great wages. Wc send. frkk, full particulars and a valuable sam ple, which will do to commeiico work on. Any person seeing this notice, who wants profitable, pernianet work, should (-end us their address, without delay. IS. C AL LEN A Co., Augusta, Maine, 27 -H $10 A DAY FOB, ALL. Stencil Tool samples mailed freo. A. J. Fnllain, 0-15 Broadway, N. Y. li"-4t I") RIDE AND BRIDEGROOM. Essays if lor Young Men, free, In sealed envel opes. HOWARD Associ.Uion, lkix P 17 4t Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Agents To sell tho Octa gon nt Sewing Machine. It is Licensed makes the "Elastio Lock Stitoli" and 1.- warranted for 5 years, price $13. All oMier machines with an under-feed sold lor tl5 or less are Infringements. Address Octairon Sowing Machino Co., St. Ituls, Mo., i. Chicago. 111., Pittiiburgh, Por Bos ton, Mass. . , .13SIU (MA A Bar Business entireJvnew ai d 0 1 V7 honorable. Liberal inducoiuenls Inscriptive circulars free Address J C Hand A Co., Biddol'ord, Me l&'Mn AGENTS WANTED fM.VLR OR.FE MALE) FOR T.IK ...... Phisical Life of Woman. BY GEO. H. NEPIIEYS, M. D. This brave, pure hook is the gi eat suc cess ot tno year. 4,IKX) have already tM'cn sold. It still sciis with a rap'ihty quile unprecedented. Agents all a;;ree that they mako mnnev faster selling it thaiv any other. Much tirstr-chiss territory is stiil open. Scud at once fr pamphli i Ac' Ad dress, GEO. McLEAN, Publisher, Phila., New York and Boston. 2J-4t. GETTNG UP CLUBS. GREAT SAVING TO CHSUfflERS. Parties enquire how to get up clubs. Our answer is, send for Price List, and a Club form will accompany it with full di rections, making a large saving to con sumers and remunerative to club organia crs. Tl:c trcai American Tea Company, 81 & 33 V1"SEY STREET, P. O. Box 5C4S. kbw YOltK. 'Zi-it I70RTUNES offered to live X Choiici.. Send Stamp. Co., Washington, Del. 1 men. Rare Dimond K. 21-3111. fTMin highest Cah Price paid for the old A Stule Bank Currency ; Bank of Craw ford Coanly, Yi'iiango lknk, Oil Citv Bank Petroleum Bauk, or any of tho old Stnto Bank issues ; also, for mutilated Scrip of :!l issues. A. J I. STEELE, Cashlor. IS 2 Tionvstu Savings Bank. A, WATCH, pair of Blankets. Ouiitor Shawl, for One Dollar, appears almost impossible, but such may bo hud, and hun dreds of other useful articles, bv patronhs IngUI'O. A. FLUMMER & CO.'S ''ONE DOLLAR SALE.' Their sy stem of doing business 1ms been examined by the authorities, and a Decis ion rendered from tho Internal Ilevenue Dcpaitmcnt, at Washington, dulod Nov. 4th, lNi8, Hcclarin their business perfect ly fair and logitiinuto, and entirely differ ent fi'oni tho different gift enterprises. Of course all donotget watches, blankets, Ac., for Ono Dollar, but in every largeclub, one of these, articles arc sold for Ono Dollar, as an extra inducement, arid some member of the club has tho chance of obtaining it. A new feature introduced by this enter prising tii ni, is to pay their agents in eith er ca.sh or merchandise, and to prepay the express charges. No lietter opportunity ran be offered to either ladies or wntlonich having leisure time, to form clubs for this tirni. Bead their advertisement in another col umn, and send for catalogue. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CHAMBERLAINS Law Book for Business Hen. Tho best Subscription book out. Ad dress. O. D. CASE Ji CO., Hartford, Conn. TIIK.MAUIC COItm. Will chanpre any colored hair or beard to a permanent black or brown. It con tains no poison. Any one cm use it. One sent by mail for tl. Address, MAlilt COMB CO., SpriiiKllu'.J, Miu-s, 8- 8m PRICE REDUCED. THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY NEW YORK OBSERVER, $3 PER ANNUM. Oie Mortl Free or Trial. SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR., ,t CO, 37 Park Ro v. New Youk. 24-lt C'.VXON ORE EN O Is Brighter, will not fade, costs Less than any other uecauselt will pam I twice as'iniich surface. 6iTSOLD 15Y ALL DEALERS! .V PAINTS. J. II. WEEKS & CO., Manufacturers, 24 4t 122 North 4th Street, l'hilada. ijjllOO,000 in six moiitlis can bo made by a shrewd and reliable man in a sure, safe businehs. An investment of 25 will return a clear prolit of JH7 3. Eor par ticulars call or address tho North Ameri can Picture Co., No. 86 Nassau Street, ,ev oi k. 21 QQf fir Ior year and expellees guar- Vvvw anu-ed toaJl 1 ambitious men and women selling our world renowned patent Sil Eor full latent Silver Mould Wire Clothes Linos. particulars address tho Oirard Is, Phila. Pa. Zi4t Wire Mills, Phila. pSVCHOM ANCY, l'asciiiation or Soui 1 charniing. i(K) pa.'cs; cloth. This wonderful book has full instructions toeiw ablii the reader to litsi inate eitlicr sex, or any aniii,:' , at will. Mesmerism, Spirit ualism, and huiun ii c ' other cu4auh ex pi riint uls. It can bo ootuiued by semi log addii-ss, W illi ll) cents postage, to T, Ur .r- i'.. Jn 41 la.. l ;. .i.ii. ! Phil;KllpUia, Pa. H it m ERIE RULWAY ! l,4f0 Miles under ono management. K00 M iles without rhango of Coaches, -J IUE BEOAD GUAGE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTEi ' BKTWEKN TH ' ATLANTICCITIES AND T1IH ' WEST AND SUTHWEST! Tnl BA1LW .T KXTBNDS TROM Cincinnati to New Yortc !..PrtOMIlM Cleveland to New York.....j..82ft Milos Dunkirk t New York. 4 v..4"0Mile HnlV'ilo to New York .... J......42Jt Miles Rochester to New York ..-KKS Miles r And is from 22 to 27 niiha tho short est route. ; New and hnroved eoachef are run from Cincinnati, Davton, I'rbana, Marian, Gallon, Alansllcld, Ashland, Akron, Cleveland, Warron, Mcadylllo,Dunkirk, Bullalo and ltochcsler. to Now York, without change, Only one change to Bos ton. , , . ; On and after Monday, Juue 18th, 1870, Trains will leave CORKY at the following hours, via : GOING WEST 12.30 A. M. Day Express, dally, Mondavi excepted, for Cleveland Cincinnati. nnd the west and south ; connects at Mcadvillo for Franklin and Oil City; at Clarksville for Sharon, New 'ast'e and Pittsburg; at Lev ittshurg, Nundavs excepted, for Youngs town; Cleveland with Lake Shore 41.11. for west and northwest; at Ravena withClevo land A Pittsburgh for Alliance and Pitta, burgh ; nt Akron for Orrvillo and Millers- burg; at Urban with Pitt-sbnrgli, Cincin nati and St. Louis Railway for Indianapo lis, and nt Cincinnati with the Ohio A Mis sissippi Itailwav lor tno sou in ana south west, A sleeping ear Is attached to this train at lloiiicll ille, running tlyougli to Cleveland. - . . '. :12."l p. m. Night Express, Taily 'tor Cleveland, Cincinnati and th west and southwest ; connects at Meadvillo.Sundays excepted, lbr Frankliu and Oil Cityl at IjCavittsburg.Sunday excepted for Youngsi town ; ct Cleveland with lakc Shore Itiul way for the west and northwest, and at Cin cinnati with tho Ohio A Mississippi Rail way for the south and southwest. A sleci ingcar is attached to this train atN. York running through to Cincinnati!. 7.05 A.M. Express Mall,Monday8 ex'cept1" etl, for Cleveland and tho West: connects nt Mcadvillo, for Franklin and Oil Cttv ; nt Clarksvlllo with Erie A Pittsburgh Rs"il road.tor Sharoiii New Castle and Pitts burgh, and at Cleveland with Lake Shore Railroad for tho West and north-west. A sleeping en is attached to this train at New York running through to Mcadvillo. - .M P. M. daily. Freight and Accommodation, 6 . ". , 0.37 r.M. Freight ond daily Sundays excepted. Accomniadltiort 1.50 P. M.WayFrcighljSundayB exeept- ed GOLNG EAST : 1 4.17 A. M. New York Day Express, dal ly Sundays excepted; connects at Orcat Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna A Wes tern I.ailway, tor Scranton, anil at N. York with midnight express train i.f New Jor- tcv Railrosul tor l'hiladelnhla. ' A sleeping car it attached to this train at Ulcvulamt runnln.!; throurh to Iiornclls- vuio connecting wiin train liavimr new and Improved Drawing Room Coaches at tached, running through to New iork. 1.03 P. M. Lichtninar Express, connect ing daily at Elmira with Nortliern Central Railway, for V.'illiamsport, llarrisburg, Phi)adel-hia and Baltimore, and at Now York for Boston and New England cities. A sleeping coach is attached to this train at Cincinnati running through toN. York. G .. 0. .17, P. M. Cincinnati, Express dally, Sundaysexcepted, conuoctiuuat liinulian'i- ton for Albany mid the celebrated sum mer resort Sharon Springs, and at New lorn tor jJOKton and all New lCngland cit ies. A Kieeumir car is attached to this train at Mcadvillo running tiiroiiuli to Nw ions. . , 4.17 a. m. Stock freiuht and Acconimo- autiou Sundays excepted. 6.4op..m. Friuht and Accommodation. isuiiuitys exccpieu. 10.25 a. m. Way Freleht. Sundays ex cepted. ' " Boston ond A'cw England nassencors. with their Basirsire are transferred freo of I chargo in iew xork, Tho best ventilated and most' luxurious bleeping coaches ailrln the World-- ac company all night trains on this railway. "fcSuThe Erie Railway Omipany has o ened a new Ferry from their Jersey Cily Kcivot to tlio foot of 23d Street, thus cna liliiisr l'assentrers to reach thounucr nortion to file city without the expense and auuov- The scenery alonsc the entire rouUi of the Erio Railway is of the most pictur esque and beautiful character. Admirers ot nature s beauties, in a daylight journey over this Line, will ttnd in its ever chang ing landscapes subject of continual ad miration and interest. BAUUAUE VHEVKEp THROUGH, and Fare as Low as by any other route. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA ERIE R Y. Which can bo obtained at all the princi pal Ticket OfliccM in tho SVest or South west. WM. B. BARR, I D. Ritkkb, Gdi'l Puss'r Ag't. Ucu'l Supt, ANDREWS & CO., Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS 1 -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 1: UEAULHSIN til. HA ID "W J E J Ac., Ac, . Ac, - . . TIDIOUTE. PA.," JOHN ANDREWS. S-tf H. V IB U Elli AVOID tn'ACKS. A victim of eailv Iniliscreiion, causing nervous debility premature dceay, Ac, iiuving tried in villi i every advertised remedy, 1ms a simple nieansof Mll'-cure which he will send free to his foilow-suffcrors. Address J. II. TUT I'LK, 78 Nassau t,, New York. 27-41 ' - - 1 "- DF.Ai.r.n 1 PianOS . ORGANS, ff.LCCEC AND Xui t& lnstrmnetits of all Descriptions, PIANO & ORGAN STOOLS, . SriiEADS, Ac Old and seeond hand Instrument taken in exchaugo for now onos and full value allowed - EVKRY IUSTUUMENT WAItilANTED. Center Street ... . . Oil City, Ta. Nov. U. tf. J A COIJ KHIIII Ell. . Having fitted up a first clam PLANING MILL, Are prepared to furnish to order all kinds 01 uianuiaeturcu luniucr sucu as FLOORTKO, ' SIDIXO, SURFACE- , dressed lumber; SASH, ' DOORS, RLIXDS, A KD EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLA IX A ND FA X- . CY MOULDIXOS. Dealers will find it to their advantago to , . .. CONSULT OUR TRICES, Before Dorehaslng eWwliere, (is u loen. tion In tli heart oi tho lumber region gives us superior advantages 111 tho purchase o lumber that will enable us to Undorsoll tiiose less lUvorably situated, Address Mar. 4, tf. JACOB SIIRIVF.R, Tionobta, Pa. I Is it trrnt Dr. Roback'a Stom. 5 ach Bitters increase in salo every year? 1 Because v They aro tho best combiua tion ever made. Why . Do tho Druggists reconv mend Dr. Roback's Bitters to their customers'? Because After vcitra of experience . of nud trial they have been proven to be a sure euro for Dyspepsia and Indiges tion. Why Is it that rhysicians uso and recommend Div llo back's Sugar-coated Blood Tills? Because They know tho ingredients ' of which they aro made. Why Arc Dr. Roback's"' Blood rurificr and; Blood Tills the best remedies taken to- ' gethcr for tho euro of all diseases of tho blood? ' , Because Tim Blood' Purifier Is tho l only articlo in tho market which contains the celebrated costly Drugs ' imported ex pressly from Sweden for its manufacture, and tho Tills contain tho active principle of Todophyllum (Mandrako Hoot,) and is a substitute for Mercury.' ' Why . ,,Aro Dr. C. W Roback's' Stomach Bitters, Blood Tu ; r ificr and Blood Tills tho lliroo greatest remeilics tho' world has ever known? 'ViS ... . - "r Because After eleven years' experi ence and trial tho sales havo increased each and every year, and thousands of let ters (unsolicited) of tho ro markablo cures, they have performed bear witness, llead the letters in Local Column, of cures by. these medicines. , ; VENTURE HOTEL. ADJOISlNO THE DKrOT,, WHITE OAK, Forest County, Pa ' . IIU1LMAS0N, BEO'S, Propr's. THIS house is new and fitted up in first 'class n vie, and is headquarter for- all persons visiting tho great oil tiold of Hick ory. '1 he bur is lurnislisU with the best of liquors. The proprieuns will spare no pains to make it the most desirable stop- pui pincw in Mie on regions. lJy PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND Arrrn ll P. r. Rtundav May 1, 1H70, Trains arrive nt and leave, the Union Depot, corner ef Woshlnton and liberty street, a Riiiowst - Aiutrm ' Mail Train, l.no a m t Vsft Lino. 12.11 ft m ( Well's accommodation So. 1, (1.20 a m lirlnton anoomnindiuiotl fin 1, 7.50 a mi Wall's accommodation So 'I, B.5fla nt;Clr clnnatl express 0.20 a ni i rfoiitwn ae- conituociatlon W.Mi a m JirsuuocK s an. commodation No I, 7.00 pint J'ltislnirpi'li express I.IIO n m: l'acllle exnrevs l.M p m ; aus wcommoiaiion io :i, y i HotiHTVTKKl monmmodatlon No 1. i".6o P"! Wall' iKnniodaUon No 4. 6.00 P m Brinton aouomuiodation No 12. 1.10 rf J ' ay rassenuer lO.ai p ni. DEPART. Southern 'exnrem 5.20n m i Pantfln ix- Iircss 2.ts a In Wall's necoinniodiitlon No , fl.HOa in t Mail Train 8.10 a in ! Itrlnton's accoinmodslion 1 (.20 mi Braddock'a an eoiumixlation No 1, fi.10 p ni s Cincinnati express li.3."Cp in j Wall's accommodation N 2, 11. 51 a m ) Johnstown accommodation 4.05 p in ! Homewood aiwinmiKlntloo No 1, S.W p in; riiiladelphla express 3.A0 p m; Wall acoomniodatiou No 3,3.0.) p nit Vt all's acconiiiHMlalion No 4, O.O.'i p m ; fast Lino 7.40 p ni Wall's No 5, 11.C0 p in. The Church Trains leavo Wall's Station every Sunday at 9.0A a. in., reachinn I'itta burph at 10.00 a. in. Returnlniteave IMtts- IHiritn at l'-'.ro p. in., ana amvot wan Station at 2.10 p. m. Cincinnati cxnresa leaves dally. Soulh- orn express daily excopt Monday. All oth er Trains daily, except Sunday. J For further lnformatlon;aply to W. II. BKCKWITH, Agent. Tllo Pennsvlvanla Railroad Company will not assume any Risk for Ba)rpigo ex cept for Weariujr Apparel, and limit their rsponsihiiity to ono llumiroa Doliat val ue. All ba:i)rao exceeding that a ount in vahidiwill bo at tho risk of tho ner, unless taken by.spocialjconlraet. . A. J. CAMSAl General Superintendent, Altoons p. BOOKS.tSJATIONERY WALLOP "L-PIIII DAVIS & ECfHOLS, (Near;the C6 '.-t House,) FRANKLIN, TENN-a! llavo a ceneral assortment of School RiMiks, Law Hooka, IIistrii""HlblcM and TcstaiiicnlM, Hymn Hooka, Music Hooks, Blank Rooks, Knvelopes, Note, Letter and cap writiim lHMerM, Pons, Ink, Suites and evcryimng in ino , . ROOK A STA TlOXER Y R USIXICSS. All of which thev offer to sell tVirOT.P SALE OR RKTA L, at lowest cash prices. DAVIS A KCIIOLS, l-'ranklin. Pa. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take out letters Patent are advised to counsel with Munn and Compttur, odiUira of tho Sclentilio AmericAii, wlio havo prosecuted claims beforo the Patent Otilce for over Twenty Years Their American and Kuropeait Patent affoncy is the most extensive in the world Charges less than anv other relia ble airency A pamphlet conuunhiif full ii.n.i r iiirrMiiH I!. Mini prnillN MUNN & CO., 7 Park Row, 13tf - Now York COAL! COAL! r . IS Prepared to deliver tho best quality o CWil al the old Kvcrhart Hank,' two miles from Nowmanvillu for 7 cents ner ui u. iiuuL'niA.iiu tiuiiiiijr lor ?5 CENTS PER BUSHEL. Ho always has a largo supply on hand, Now Is the time to lay in a largo supply Orders promptly attended to 29 Uoiioiigahcla Valley INSURANCE ACE'NCY. ,. . ESTABLISHED MAY 1853.. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK rOUCILS, ISSUED IN FIRSTCLASSCOMPANIFS. . . , m LOSSES PUOHPHI ADJISTKD AMI fAIO. A. C. SAMPSON, Ccd. Agent. V. D. HENRY, Oil City,r . ... , Ag't for Venango Co., Pa. Application raceivod mid Information furuisheii by A. IL StKtLl at Tionesta Saviuu-s Hank. .. ' apllf. TIDIOUTE EMPORI'J.MJ M. P. GETCHELL, , ,. Dealer in . DRY GOODS , Motions Roots & ESiOo.t, HATS &c CAPS, . i' . ' .. &C, : Ac, &c.f CORXER MAIX A DEPOT ATS., TIDIOUTE, PA. Has theTjircstand most Complete Stock now on baud, of any store in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Having purchased my stock since the preat decline in Gold, I can sell poods cheaper than- any Drv Goods House ia the Oil Regions. 'Persons purchasing goods of me will gave 25 por cent. . , M. P.'GETC'IIEI Tidioute, April 11, 1870. 4 Gm J OH WORK neatly exoouted at this olnce at rcasouablo rutoa. A CHANCE seldom ofTerei I! I own in torest in one of the best Kdver Mimis of tho day, developing, etc., rear (ieoi t'e town, t!ol. Can sillily you of it unduubU ed value as a good investment uud a paving one. , lt of references given. I wish tq sell one-half of it very cleap'for cash. Address my att'ys, Townsond Hros, 131 South Third streot, Phllo. Pa. U u Oil Creek & Allegheny Rivcrtt y WARREN A FRANKLIN, FARMKRS A OIL CREEK RAILROADS WMSul IDATEU New and Most Direct Iout to tl OH' .Regions. W1NTEH ARRANGEMENT. On and After MONDAY MAY SOTII.'TO trains will run as follows: i.mncoimi fl.00 A. M. KXPHKMS SpartanarmrR 0.5W; Tryonville ; Hydetown 7.1lt Tl tiiSTllle nrrlve 7.20, depart 7.117 1 Miller Fann7,M)l Pioneer 8.07 Petroleum tn tre arr. 8.1", Iva. 8.17, (!olumbia 8.23, Tarr Fann 8.2T, Hv"d Farm , Ro'isevillo 8,:tHj Oil (71ty8."iSlvs 11.00. Rockwood Wainnl bond OleoKilis .B1, eoiineet- 'liB with train for Pitliolet) llenry a ne:iu n f rin,..,..... in OA llllr 1IK1C lM-n, j i.mm-i .... u'l.li. . to UJ ... !' illnllla -rfl-ea 10 M, lv. )0.5, Thompson's orrivl. '8 at trvlncrton at ll.Hoa. m'. , 'v, M. MAIL,-Spartaiisbiir H.45, r.-..t...m. 1U. 7 p. 111. iryonvine 401 c Henrv'a Hend ,M1 . Oak. 8 4.1, 1- . X'l,,.. ... n ,,i t l : . . I . arr. TicUoule 4.1- Ivs. 4.07, '1. arrives at irvhieton 4.f.0 1. W." 0.08 PM ACCO.MMOUA'N.Siiiiil.n. ' '"HbuiK .!. tVntrevlllo 7.i;u. Trvonvlllo nt llyneuiwn 7.i, arr Titusvillc 7.!l Ivs .v Miller Farm Mtt, Pioneer 8.2(1. arr at PcW Centre K.-H, Ivs ruts Columbia H.4I. Tarr" Farm N.44, Itvnd Ji'itrm i ,ltocscvllle.f3 arrives nton'city U.l p. in. i.kavim ihvini:ton. 11. 4S A. M. MAIL Thompson' arr. Tldiouto 12.M Ivs l'J.3S, W hite Oaks I J..'3 Hickory, , J loncstu Kavlc hock .Ilenrv a Jteiut flections (con nects with train lor Pltholc) Walnut Hend ltockwood , arr tlil Citv L'.'J!! lva 2.4'J, Housevilie 2,.r.s, llvnd l iirin Tarr Karnv .10arr t I'et. 'cnlro 3.?') Ivs. It.iM, Pioneer .1.80, Miller Karuv 8.4.i. rr. Titusvillo 4 01, Ivs 4 11 )l'(lei',w 4.24 p. in., TryonvlHo Coiilrevilin Spartausburij S.14, arr at Corrv 6.43 '': ' . 7 o.oii r. ni . r..riu:ss Thompson's nt ' nrr nt Tldiouto fi.ltUov .While. oaks (1.07. Hickory . Tioncsla t'.:.7. Kufile Reek .Henry's lleml Ole opolis 7.I.1, Walnut Item! Rockwood nrr Oil City 7.40 H e 7.47, Rousrvllle 8.0.1, ltynd l'ariu Tarr Karm 8,1.1, CoU rliliblas.ls, arr Pet. Centre 8.21 lvS.'is, p. oncer 8..1.1, Miller Farm 8.45, nrr. 'i'lttisvllle, U.10. Ivs i. I.i, Hydetown ti.2.t, Trvonvillo. . Spa.rUiisVri, 10.7, arr, at .Coiry Ju.8. p.m. . i , , ' I.TfXvrf nii.YiTY. - ' 7.00 A.M. ACCOMMODATION House vllle 7.M, Rvnd Farm , Tarr Farm 7M Columia 7.ii!i. arr Pel. Centre 7.1ft Ire 7.311, Pioneer 7.4.1; Miller Farm 8.00. arr. Titus VIH08.I8, lvs.H.'j:!, Hydetown 8.111, Trvon villo Ceulervillu 8.W, Spai tanshurg IMO, arr, Corry H.'li 111, All trains connect at Corrv with train on Phila. A F.ric Railroad aiid A. A t. W. Fast ond West for New York, Philadel phia, llarrisburi;, Krio it Cloveland, and with Hnftalo, Corry it Pltlsbuiyh Railway kr JlullaloaBil all poliilson tlioN, Y.. Cen tral Railway. At Oil City with trains on Allegheny Valley Railroad, and Franklin Hranch A. A t. W. At Irvltieion with trains on Phila. A K. Railroal cast and west. C. J. HF.PHt'RN JNO. P1TCA IRN. Siipcrliiteiident. (Jcn'l Malinger. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RftlT RGiD "f GREAT TUROCUH ROUU'E The Oil Regions lo rillsburgh THE CAST AND THE WEST! flLEEPIXO CARS On nlV-tiiirlit trains. Passcnein and bap pairo transferred at Oil City, Fkhk ok ClIAIKiKl Trains make direct connection with all Roads centering at Oil Cily, and ieavo as follows: Pay Express leave Oil City ut 1010a m Anivesat Piitsburch f:!0 pin Ninht Express Leave Oil City t30pm Arrives at Pittsburgh 7 tKI a la Kittiip-..iii( Aeo. leave Kinleiitoii ll.lil p 111 ' " arr. Kittuiiuiug C.oopm Mixed way Leaves Oil City , 7 00 a 111 Arr at Wentl'cnn Junction.' 7upiu Iay Express leaves Piltsburgh at 7 15a in Arrrives at Oil Citv at 1 65 1 111 Niisht Express Lcuvos Pittsburgh 8 00 pm Arrives ni tin iiy...- otla III Parker Acc, leaves Kittanninir at 7.20 am "- " Arrives at Parker at t. o5 a m Mixed way Ivs WcstPenn Juuu. VlOam Arrives at Oil City at BOOji in Passeri:eis travcllln(r by this Rnuto will find botUr accnmmodatioiis and make bet ter tinio tnau bv an v ullier road from tht Oil ltcgliiim to Pitts'burirh. . ' . j . J. J. LA'VHKNCK, (ion. Supt. ERIE & PITTSBTJ RGH R. R On and after' Monday, Nov. IS, 16!) train wiil rim on tins road ns follows: ' ' LEAVE E R I K SOUTH WARD. 11:55 A. Hi. AcrojiMonATiov Leaves Niwcostle ut 7:05 and arrives at Pittsburgh 10:J)0 iu 111. 10:25 a. m.. riTTsm uoir rx., slojis at all stations, and arrives at A. & O. W. 11. It. Transit r at l;-.(l p. m., nt NewciVstle at 3:15 p. 111., and ut Pittsburgh at (1:00 p. m. 5:05 A. M., ACOOM.MoHATtos, from James town, arrives at A. A' (1. V. R. 71. Transfer r.t :o 11. 111., at NewciWilo l 7;j5 a. in., mid Pittsburgh ut 10:00 a. in. 5:05 r. M Mixed Train loaves Kile for Sharon, stopping ut all iiitoiiiitdiulo points and urrivliiji at 10:15 a. 111. LEAVE PITTSitURfiJI-NOimVARD. 7;I5 A. M khik i:xrni'.ss, lcavi" New ciistlual 10;0;la. in., A.itO. W. U. It. Trans li r nt 11;2H a. 111., and arrives al Ft le ai :;Mk p. 111., inakiii-'cl'-so connection for LttliU- io and N iapira I-ullr, 3:S5 lr. jr. accommodation, leav J Nuw castle at U:P. p. m , A. A, fl. V. R. R. Trunsfer at 7:r.5 p. 111., and Jamestown at ::!( a. m., connects witli mixed trains that arrives in Erio at 1:55 a. 111. fi:oO p. m.. Mixed Tralii leave Sharon for r.rie, anil arriving at Uirura ut l.:'M 1 1 a. in.. una j'.rie ut ii::s a. ui. v X ? Mfli.-r Farm 1.04, Pioneer 1.17,' Si SSn WyifT Rookwomi: , Watnii.'1l, l.1,,ft. iVT, Pi-v' lis iMIXconncA with ti. V f?r 11 ."'e). Yamsconnoctut Rochester with train for heohiiR and all points iu West Vlr-liiia and at Pittsburifh coi'i").tions for I'liiliiduli phni, lIai risbtiiKh, Hiiltiinoro and Wash, mjrloii via I'eniyivania Central Ruilimml. J'.rie Express North, connects at Oirard wltht Icveland ond Krio trains Westward for I leveland, Cliiuatio. and all points in the est; ut Erie with Philadelphia A Erio Railroad for Corry, Warren, Irvinu'ton. I iiboute. :&e., mid with HutliUo t Erio R111 road tor Hutlulo, Dunkirk, Niagara tulip apd New York City. . , , , K. N. FINNEY, Gi ncrul Sup't VAMTI';I AOKS IS 'I'O Sell tho 11' mTT tV HllUmnsKWlMl Machine Price ?i It makes the "Wk StiUh," fulikoii both sidcsl mid is the onlv licensed under, end Shuttle Machino sold for less than S0 LikdiHcd by S heeler t Wilson, Urover jl- Laker and NiiiKcr & Co Ali other under It-id Shuttle Machines sold for less than fri'O ureintrinK.int.ts. and the seller nnd ps relia ,le tiiprusecutitui Address JOHN. Jo. Clark & Co., Huston, M.'sa., ritts-l-H' t-h, Pu,, Cfciosgo, 111., orSU Louis, Mo. W8m