-r 7 3 i ' i .1 i n t - . .1 KT TIONESTA, FOHEST COUNTY, PA., ' By In Rr-puflllcan. Printing Co. J. T. IAIK, - Treasurer. DfTice In Knox'! Building. Kim. Street TEBMS, 2.00 A YKATt. J No Subscription! received, for ! shorter period than tnroe months. Correspondence solicited from !ll pnrti of the country. No notice will bo taken of annonymom, communication!. ' " Marriage! and Death nolle! Inserted gratis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGKi NO. 47 7i X. O. Gk T. , fTcels every Wednosdny evening, at 8 IU o'clock. ,.ljXTUY.w,C.T. M.W. TATE, W. S. . JtBWroU PKITIS. MILES W. TAT . PETTIS 4.TATK, . ATTORNEYS ATjLAW, vi hi Street, . , . TIOXESTA , PA. Isaac Ash, '. J I ' V''iAh'tt v "" TiAW,- Oil City, Pa. Alni nrrtMlmln .'be varloua Courts of Will pnir ice In ,n0S8 pmr,,,od to Forest County. All lias. ...touti-ii. iitj csre will receive Iroil. 1 """-" , JO ly . , 7 . . W. E. Lath,y, t a rrnrvpv aCAW A N'T) BOLJCi- -"111 INT IllVL-IITi. ' 'I '" " . 1 .. 'Hanon - -'-- 1 -win practice in t I SaUd' Lawrence'. i.oinuics. umce ... ropery i ery st"re. - ' - ' , W. W. Mason, ', A TTOKNEV At LAW. . Ofliao b Elm .Street, nlovo Walnut, Tionosta, I a. W. GilflUan, AT LAW, Fraukllni Vo- A TTORNF.Y nanK" Co., Pa. .Holmes House, . L'-L1 "riiTONKST; PA., opposite the Tlepot. 1 C. 1. Mnli, Proprietor. Oood Sla liling eoiinectud with the h'juso. : tf. Jos. Y. Saul, -t fW'iriT.liiiriin! Mnker and Rad- ' I iller. Three doors north of Holmes House. Tiomta, Pu. All -work is war- ' ranted. tf. Syracuse House, ntntn1"M' T.. .T. A 1) Maof.k. Tropic- " X tors. The house tins been thoroughly refitted and is now in the first-class order, iti, the Imst of accommodations. Any nforiiiadon coiu'ernlng Oil Territory at this point will bo cheerfully nirnlsiira. .1 v- J. x D. MAUI'.Ej, Exchango Hote, -r ftwun TtmniTTK. Pa.. 1V8. ItAMS- XJ iirklA Son I'rou'K. This house having been rellted Is now the most desirable sUp Tint? place in Tidiouto. A good Uilliard Kooiu attached. "y National Hotel, rnvivrmv PA. W. A. Hallcnback. This hotel Is Nkw. and is '.ow open as a first class house, situate at ne him tlon nr the Oil Crock fe Allegheny iii.,..,wi iM.lliuleliihla A Krie ltailroails, nnosite Ul Depot. Parties having to lay vrr trnlns ill And this the most coin wi nd hoti'l In town, witti nrsi-eim. s- uiod-.aoiiiv nud reasonable liargna. TilTt Sons & Co. "8 tf. 1VTFW KNtJINKS. The undersigned have l lotsale and will receive ordi-rs f(ir uio ..1 KliMrH. '1 1111 noil V -" r I., .rS" ; n l.t market their 1 llore Power Engine with U-Horso Power I... i ....n.,,i.. nHiiMted to dtMl wells. OKKI. KS at liincan . Cliallunfs. dealers In V11 Fixtures, Hardware, Ac., Main wt. next door to Chase Hoiiso, Pleasantvlllo, ami at Mansion lloiw, iwm""";' -tf. . K. BKKTT A SON, Agents. . John K. Hallock, . A TTOrtNKY AT LAW and Solicitor of jf Pateut,Xo. 5.- French street(opiosuo sod House) Erie, Pa. Will pracu i" o several State Courts auu iiio.iii . to .fclntes Courts. Special altent Ion given o noliciti" t palonta lor Inventor! ; iium"k- inoiits, re-lssue and extension of patents r0fuilv attended to. iieteroncesi . James Campbell, Clarion i Hon. John H. ,.. l.'......L lin ! H. L. t A. 11. 2tUhmond,keadville W. E. Ijithy. Ti wnesta. ' - ' il Dr. J. L. Acombi mTOniviKii RTTRGEON. who has - . - , jnd 8ueccrul practice, will attend an ix ....... ...... -"1- Vr,1W.lnnnl l 'n Is. 1 1 I1C0 ill II IS uruir aim lro.:orv Store, located in Tidiouto, near CTuli'ititc House. 1 N HIS STORE WILL BE FOUD A full nwunrhrtATit, nf Medicines. Iiiuor! "m',,i,w, I'iimru stHtionerv. tilass. Paints, Oils', Cutlerv, and tine ti roceries, all of the . - ti. st quality, and will bo sold at reasonable rates. , ii t nnnows?!. an exnerienced Drug- i Ist'lVoin New York, has charge of the store. All prescriptions put up accurately tf. W, P. Morcilliott, Alio r ii c y nt low. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, , . AKD tS5I. ESTATE ACJEXT. TIONESTA, rA. 27-tf , . - JOHN A. DALI, PREl'T. V'.'ilNA. PROPER, VICE PRT. A. H. tTEELI, CAiHR, .SAVINGS BANK, Tionosta, Forest C, Pa. . ' Tli( V.imk transact" a rjeneral Banliini ', . . Vvi'liiLiiie lluuiiiess. li.niii. on ihn l'l-iucinul Cities of the Vnited States and Etiropo bought and sold. tiold and Silver Coin and Government Securities Ixjught and sold. 7-30 Bonds converled on the most favorable terms. Interest allowed on time deposits. Mar. 4, tf. ' . ' ' INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. .Incorporated 1794. Charter Ferpetual MARINE, INLAND & FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, 1869, $2,318.32339 $20 Ooo.OOO losses paid since Its organiza tion.' WM. l'LULlilt, Central Agent, J lurrisburg, l'u. MILES W. TATE, Ageot in Ti- ,ineta, Forest Couoty, Pa. , yon "Let ua have Faith VOL, IV. NO 29 j, w. Rowland, ai.rx. mcdowell J. W. ROWLAND & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS AKD DEALER! Ilf QcnU' Furnishing Good, And Agent! for the Celebrated Orover A Baker Sowing Maeldno. LIBERTY STREET, NEAR DOE FRANKLIN, PENN'A. "'2 28tf. WHOLESALE GROCERS AKD DEALERS IN FLOUR, Fuh, Suit, Jfaili, Tobaecog, tkgar, Caudle, ' Canned and Dried Fruilt A f jrge Stock constantly on hand. PROMPT ATTENTION g'n to filling AVilera. ' i'rlces as low as any Market wesi pfNcw Opposite -n.PESN'A. JJtl -rrr I I r R o v E D 'M A O I C P R o IMPROVED V E D ilAGIO A O I C "B A L lyC ! W. IL PERKINS & CO., Sole Propri etors, Franklin, Pa. ,44 JOHES HOUSE, CLARION, PENN'A. S. S. JONES -Proprietor. STILL AHEAD. OUR GREAT BOSTON DO LAR STORE ! v want irood rcliablo acents In every part of the countrv. By employing your time to form rltiba and sending us orders, vou can obtain the most liberal commiss ions either in Cash or Merchandise, and h1 I tmoris sent bv us will be as represented ami we guarantee satisfaction to every one dealing with our house. Agents should collect uni cenis mmi -..uinmpr and forward to us in ad vance, for Descriptive Usta of the goods Wit ul 1. I The holders of the Cheeks, have the checks have the privilege of either pur cliaaing the article thereon described, or of exchanging for any arti:lo mentioned on : .".r.... r,m iiirr.r. our cniuioiui, inuii'" ...v.. i. artli-les. not one of which can lie pur chiwod in the usual manner lor mo same Tho' advantages or nrsi acnning mo Chetks are these: We are constantly buy IngsmaUlotsof very valnablogoods.which are not on our catalogue, and for which we a,.,, not on our catalogue, an issuo checks until all are sold ; besides in ov,.rv i-lnh wo nut tdiecks for Watches, Quilts, Blankets, Dress Patterns, or some it imp nrtif.ln nf enual value. Ve do not oner a single anicio oi nier tshandUe that can be sold by regular deal ers at our price. We do not ask you to imw inwlx of us unless we can sell them than vou obtain them In any oth or way-wliilotho greater pari oi ourgoous M..1.I at itlmilt One Half the Itognlnr Itatcn Our stortreonslsts In part, of the follow- lnggoMls: . Shawls, Blankets, Quilts Cottons, oing hnnia. Uruss UoMls..Tuble Linen. Towels, Hosiery, Gloves, Skirts. Corsets, Ac., ice. Nickel Silver, Dessert Forks, Five-llottlo Vl:,i.,.l 1'HMtoi-H. Krittannia Ware, Glass s iiiiLei vare. jmmjous j imru on Ware, Table and Povkot Cutlery, in great variety. .. . " -. ' Elegant French and German Fancy Oruulx. Beautiful Photograph Albums, the newest and choicest styles in Morocco and velvet Bindings. - Gold and Plated Jewelry or me newest stvles. ... 'h have also mado arrangements with one of the leading publishing houses that will enai.He us u sen me niu- amt ard works of nonular authors at about one, half the regular price : Buch as Byron Moore, Burns, Milton, and Tennyson's Works, in Full Gilt and Cloth Bindings, and hundreds of others, Thoso and every thing fcise for i . " . . ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE In everv order amounting to over aceompiiuiod bv the cash, tho agent may retain W; end In every order ovei flOO, H.oo mav be retained to PAY EXPRESS CHARGES COMMISSION TO AGENTS. For an order of MO from a club of thirty we will pav the Agent as commission 3 vards bleached or brown sheeting, good dross putuun, all wool pauU pattern, or J3.S0 in casn. we will pav the Agent 05 yards, brown or bltai'hed sheeting, hunting caso watch, all u.w.l ul.ull. or 7 (Hlill cukIi. Kor an order OI voo. lrom a ciuu oi biait For an order of 100, froni a club of 100 we will pav the agent 110 vard . 1 ward wide,, sheeting, splendid Bowing machine or Jl I cam. : SEND MONEY BY RNGISTERED LET- TEH. For further particulars send for catalogues. "Address. Geo. A. Plummer & Co., (Successor to Harris' ft Plummer, J 80 and 40 Hanover St.. Boston, Mass 2 33 ly. The Republican Office TTEEPS constantly, on hand a large as- IV sortment of Blank Deeds, Mortgages, KiihiMenas. Warrants. Summons, die, to lesold cheap for cash. tf. TVTK.WSPAPF.lt ADVERTISING. 28 nanus. Price Si IN New Book of 128 pan. Pri SO eta. ly mail. American News Co., N. Y.,24-t EST that llight makes Might; and TIONESTA, PA., Education of Business Men. Business men, says the Philadelphia Ledger, constitute the vast majority of mankind. All who have to work for their living, whether as laborers, crafts men, clerks, managers of factories or stores, professionals, soldiers, sailors, statesmen, are in reality business men, although in the more limited sense of tho world it include! Anly merchants and persons cngnged in buying and selling, or in conducting largo estab lishments. Tho number of men who are placed bcyoud the necessity of earning their daily bread by the uhc of their brains forms a very small mi nority of the human race, and this is a consideration of primary importance when tho subject of the education of boys those boys who nro to be the 1 world's future men comes up. Could a parent at the outset of his son's ca reer reseo with certainty what it would lead i- there would ba com' paratively little cli.cu,7 iu providing Km with that kind of ed.Uv.ation ftfi.,0 J or his success. But as " foresight is deiilVd to"TiUman beings, tho next Lct thing vw sucn 4.11 .... A 1 . .... system of training Pb-"- u" eravge, bo best for tlnf liirgcn numo of boys. Injjjanufacturing benches of industry, a better educated work man is required now to do the intelli gent work demanded of bim than was Iho case years ago, and in commerce, generally, there is a gfeater demand for educated men and tho directions which it now takes, call forth more and more a man's abilities. What, then, ought to be the preliminary training which will enable the busi ness man to grasp with readiness the merits and demerits of the theories, ideas and experiments, which are con stantly" being 'suggested tdliini ifftke course of his business? Ought lio to have been previously thoroughly drill ed in the classics to be a master of the intricacies:. of JGreek. grammar, . and able to compose faultless Latin verses? to be able to calculate an eclipse, or to investigate the properties of a curve? or should he be content with a moder ate knowledge of Greek, Latin and mathematics, and devote a proportion of his time to the "onomies and eu logies?" or should be abstain from classics altogether, and be content with mastering his iwn language and such a moderate amount of mathematics as will suffice for book-keeping land-sur vevintr. encineerinit or navigation? Each of these plans has its advocates, In the old world, particularly in Eng. land and Germany, a classical educa tion is deemed of prime importancc.and those youths who are not versed in au- cient literature, geography and my thology, are apt to be looked down up on. It is not so here, however, and it is well known that many of our most successful business men and influential citizens have begun life with little knowledge beyond what their native sagacity enabled them to acquire for themselves. This fact is sumcieut to prove that a classical education is not necessary o .-. business, It I... .,ls, .nil advantages which r - ... enure to the benefi iiof themenof leis- urc, or of those who devote their abil ities to literature, theology, medicino and law, but these are not properly business men. It cannot well be said that a classical education is useless, or an obstruction to a business mau. It Will cuuum 111111 iu iiiiuiuvo 11.0 iLiou.w hours, and it will unauestiouably assist Ml 1.1. l.t... . t ... ... l.io lmatiri. him in understanding and appreciating much of tho world's art and literature which would otherwise be but imper fectly understood by him, and this is a means of refining his tuto and his pleasures. 60 the study of the sciences in youth may not lead to any practical results, but it renders easy the subsequent ap plication to them, Bhould'it ba needed. A eourse of chemistry, for instance, undergone by a young man of twenty, may prove utterly useless to him in a business sense, because he may enter on pursuits which require no knowledge of that science, and after thirty years the science itself may have, undergone considerable transformation ; yet should he then have to turn his atten tion to it, his previous knowledge will make his path smooth to tha future, And so with the other sciences. The elementary principles, once acquired, will always ba useful in aiding the future nianto understand much thai Republican.- ' 1 . . - 11 , i in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our dut7 as we understand MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1870 he will meet with in literature, news, papers and conversation. For these reasons the mastery of the elements of the physical sciences ought to form a portion of every boy's education. But there is another consideration which ought not to be overlooked, and that is, that tho boy of to day w ill be tho citizen of to-morrow, perhaps the leg islator of tho next day ; therefore it is important that he should be taught the rudiments of law nnd political econo my, together with a clear and sufficient explanation of the principles of the history of this country, and 01 so much of that of England as will en able him to better comprehend our own. Add to this a moderate train ing in elocution, nud tho youth starts in his business life with reasonable prospects of success, always providing, however, that he keeps clear of vice and frivolty and is strictly, honorable, otherwise all knowledge in the world will be but of limited benefit 10 him. On the other hand a purely learned education will bo of comparatively small benefit to the youth who, brought i in affluence, is, through his own or hfs pa"yn'8 misfortune, compelled to 0i, r 1 ;..,, in business.' It will be T.l, Kim o;,W to K'hool a second , ...... fa-"" lime, p11" "" - , ... nnrliolnn mill lt.l! BUOUt j .nsl 1 VI , IC. . m; HUSH IIJOB lc BUOUt jr.;' 1; - practical aflairs. Singular death. of an Indian, hi Squzw and his Dog. A Sioux City, Iowa paper, says: We learn the following interesting par ticulars of the death of the noted In- diau farmer. Yellow Hawk, and his wife and dog, near Fort Sully, from Colouel Bannister, who has just' re- turned from the upper country. Yellow Hawk was a shrewd old In- dian, who had abanoned his native mode of life to a great extent, and cono to farming, on the Tcora bottom, a fertile piece ot land in the up river country. Bv his industry and econo- my he had accumulated wealth enough to purchaso a horse and ca:t, with which he lias been in the habit for the past few years, of traversing, the country, and disposing of the products drawn that rain can be produced dur of his farm to the different posts with- jng ft period of drought by missing a in his reach. He always carried with him a canvas tent, which he would pitch whenever he saw au approaching storm. .la siifrrrestion was made to the French . 1 . About three weeks ago thero passed over Fort Sully a terrible thunder storm, and in it old Yellow Hawk vielded un the chost. On the day following the storm, a party of men curastanccs ; but only under nctain at happencd to run upon a little canvas mosphcre conditions. These condi tent Ditched unon the river bank, tions are tlmt a southwest wind shall There were no siirns of life about it, and one of the men out of curiosity, went to it nnd lifted the canvas door and stepped in. There in one end of the tent, sat Yellow Hawk, erect and rigid as a statue, with his eyes wide onen and one hnud firmly crasped on a dog's neck,tud the dog standing on his foro legs, and partly sittinc; on his haunches, starini? wildlv in the same -wi- .1.. U'recuuu ua unmw, ...... ... ! 4i, j ii,- ,:( '..b .. . Yellow Hawk.rcsting upon ncr eioow, upon the ground, and staring iu the same direction that the other occupants of the teut were gazing. The man was inexpressibly terrified bv tho spec- tacle. and his first impulse was to run but there was something . so wildly - .... 1 .7. I Grange iu their eyes and in the goner- al expression of their features, that he was bound to tho spot. Not a mus- cle of their facc3 moved and they held their positions like statues they were dead I Th VmUncA of tho nartv were nt traded to the tent by tho prolonged ab ,i:. 1 ,1 ,!. ...w , j ... Mflll'H (11 LHI!ir ULIIU ilUU. U1IU Lilly Dan the sceue abov ,-e described. They left give to this knowledge a practical ap ut disturbing the atti- plication, the interest of agriculture, the tent without disturbing tudes of the dead, and went on to Sul ly and reported their discovery. A party of soldiers immediately repaired to the spot aud found them iu the same positions, It is presumed they wero killed by lightning during the storm of the pre vious night, still tlicro was no evi dence that their death was caused in this manner.- Their features bore an expression of intense fear, but there were no signs of the lightning's work about them, or about the teut. They were buried on the spot where they were found by the Indians. Rain Can duced ? it be Pro- The Baltimore Gazetto says: "Is it possible to produce rain at will during a season which promises to bo one of protracted drought ? The question is one that has execrcisod tho minds of scientific men for a number of years, and all, or nearly all of them agree that no n.atter how dry tho weather may have previously been, heavy rain storms almost invariably occur after a great battle has been fought, or a town has been subject to bombard ment. ' .. ! German writers record similar from the battles which havo recently been fought on the French frontier. The drought, which had parched the: crops and shriveled up the rivers, has been succeeded during the past six weeks by vast and violent rains, which hare done great damage to tho stauding corn in many districts, and have se riously impeded the march of troopsi Since tho opening battle of tho cam paign, at Woerth, until tho close of the siege nt Strasbourg, there has been a series of violent raiustorms accom panied by much thunder nnd lightning These' storms have swept, in., thoir course, across southern Germany to the fur pltiina of Hungary, and it is stated that tho clouds did not du. perse, and fair weather sat iu until the cessa tion of heavy fijliJJBS. Various facts are cited, in regard to previous wars, to confirm the theory thai violent con-f cussions of tho atmosphere are produc tive 01 rain, uuring 1110 inviwmu of ' rcoublican France by tho ', Ger niau arniics in 1790, tho latter, on their retreat, were obliged to abandon Uie;r beavier -artillery because the ra;n8 l,aj saturated the soil to such a uepth as to prevent them moving the guns with the necessary rapidity. Iho Franco-Prussian war of 180b was marked by heavy and continuous rains, anj during nearly all the campaigns 0f Napoleon, the Crimean war, tho war ; Italy, which ended a the ex jn,ision of tho Austrians, and also our civil war, similar metcrological disturbances were noted , ,Yrom these facts tho deduction is number , of batteries 01 artillery ana firiUK them off simultaneously, at in tcrvals of a quarter of an hour. Such I DO government during the severe drought of June last; out it was not then acted on. It is not, however, claimed "that success would be sure under all cir be blowing at timo and carrying with it heavy masses of clouds ; that the barometer shall mark less than Eeven ty-six centimetres, and that the place of firing shall be at some point on the coast where tho atmosphere is charged with aqueous vapor. But if the theory thus elaborated bo I correct, some of these conditions are certainly not required. Tho northern Wifr.n. vl,er tha trrcat ...,..,. . o - Knttlea ucrn fnii.rht. is remote lrom the . .. , .... . .. ..... coast, ami up 10 me uum mim h.d heaviest firing ccmmcnco the crops and herbage were almost burnt up by tho long prevaleuc of dry weather and the sky was nearly cloudless. No ; sooner, however, were one or two great 1 . . . . . , - battle fought than tho long period 01 I.. i.i drought was broken up by the series of rain storms to winch we have reier- red. There cau be but little doubt, we think, from ihe facts already cited, that heavv artillery firing, by coucus- sit-n of the atmosphere, aud, perhaps, - by tho changes which thus wrought . .... Ml 1 - oiocincai concm.01., i.ruuu rain. But whether it is possible to I - - a question which is yet to be uuter- mined." A citizen heard a little boy cry ing lustily. Approaching the urchin he kindly asked: "Why, little boy, what do you want" Looking up Into the interrogator's face the precious juvenile replied in whining accents, "I've got a bellur ache, that s what 1 want." An Irishman was challenged to fight a duoKbut decliued ou the plea that he did not wish to leave his mother an orphan. , Artificial it"--LINCOLN. $2 PER ANNUM. Shocking Affair in Somerville, Mass, At tho lard refinery of Lincoln, Chamberlin & Co., (of Boston,) in Somerville, a shocking accident occur red on Monday afternoon about live o'clock. The vats for rendering the lard are tanks that rise about three feet above the floor and are about nine in depth. While engaged in some work about one of them, lIr. George Lincoln accidentally slipped, and in attempting to recover his balance fell over the side of the vat into the boil ing lard, the scalding mass enveloping his entire body.' A young man named Morrison was the first to wituess the accident, and in an unsuccessful at tcmp to get Mr Lincoln out of the vat was himself badly burned. Assistance, however, was speedily obtained, and the unfortunate man was taken out in a condition almost too horrible fordes criptiou. Life remained,however,and Drs. Hooker and Barrett , were iniruo diately summoned. They did all that laid in their power to alleviate the sufferings of, Mr. Lincoln, but pro nounced hia recovery, hopeless. He died about two hours after .tho acci dent, in great aouy. , His brother-in. law, Mr.. Morrison, suffered excessive ly from tho scalding received in . at tempting to get tho victim out of . the vat, Tho terrible accident accurred while Mr. Lincoln was brushing out the vat, when he slipped from the plat form. ,IIc resides in Boston, was abou twenty-four years of age and Married . A Touching Scene. A singular incident occurred in tli office of a Louisville' jutomey-at-law last' week.1 A couple wd had. been married for sixteen or seventeen years had wearied of the matrimouial bar ness, and the w ife had brought suit for divorce, upon the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. The affidavits had all been made out in due form and filed in tho courts, and she had called at the office of tho attorney that day for the purpose of urging him to push the suit. While seated in the office her husband came in. Ho sat and looked at his wife for some, time, and then said, "Old women we lived together for a long time." The wife repled. "Yes, we did." The husband said, "Don't you think we had better try it again ?" The wife replied, "les if you will act right." The old man rose up, lifted his hands to Heaven, and, with a voice tremulous with emo tion, repeated his vows to nourish, cherish, love, honor and protect until death the bride of his youth, and then folded her to his bosom, and they wept together for joy. Even the fliuty-heart- ed attorney, who saw a good caso with big fees fading forever from the sight, was moved to tears. The gentleman then paid his fees and costs, and the attorney was authorized to withdraw the pending suit, and the -old people left tho office hand-in-hand and as hap py as June bugs.' The Money-Order System. Tho money-order system is intended to promote public couveuicnco and 111 sure safety iu the transfer through the mails of small sums of money. Tho mode by which safety is secured con sists in leaving out of the order the name of the payee or party for whom the money is intended. Iu this respect a money-order differs from al. ordinary hank draft or check. Au advico or notification containing full particulars of the order is transmitted by tho issuing postmaster to tho postmaster at tho oflico of payment.. Tho latter is thus furnished, before tho order itself cau be presented, with tho necessary information to detect fraud, if auy should bo attempted. In view of frequent mail robberies, citizens U Cud it to their advantage to patrouizo the postal order system, as then there is no possibility oi their be ing the losers should their letter con taining the order bo lost or stolen, as it will be duplicated by the postmaster from whom tho order was bought. The rates of commission charged for mouey-orders arc as follows : On or ders not exceeding f 20, 10 cents; over $20, and not exceeding $30, la ceuts; over $30, aud not exceeding $40, 20 cents; over $40 aud not exceeding $50, 25 cents. , Advice to fisb-oateca Deal gently with the herring. ' , Rates of Advertising. One Hquarefl Inch,) one Insertion tl-Wt kOne Hmiare " one month 00 r 1 .... 1 rtn tmo square mroe monma... " One Square " one year. 10 00 Two Squares, one year 15 0. t uarter col. lalf t . " One " " ' 00 Business Cards, not exceeding one inch In length, tlO per year. . Legal notice at established rates. . ,' These rates are low. and no deviation vill bo mado, or discrimination' among patrons. The rates ofl'ered are such, s will make It to the advantage of men dot, business in the limits of the circulation ox tne paper to advertise liboralli'. Somnolence Extraordinary. A very good joke that on an attache- of ft prominent publishing house, who. on last Thursday evening, escorted a . young lady to the opera. The gentle man had been compelled by bis busi ness to work hard of late and, feeling quite tired, is it any wonder that the easy jolting of the carriage over the wooden pavements of West Washing ton street should put him to sloep? The lady having no one to criticise tho play with her, or discuss the mor its and demerits of their acquaintances, also wooed the drowsey god, and pret ty soon both occupants of theelegantly unholstcred clarence were fust asleep. Nor was this all. The driver, some how, managed to fall asleep also, and as the horses were kiud and gentle, they jogged along faithfully ttntil No. Washington street had been reached. Here they stopped in front of tho house, and there they remained until morning. Whether the gentle hian and lady, or the driver woke first is not known; but is was nearly two o'clock when they did discover their absurd situation. Chicago Times. Spanish Barbarities to Cubans. An account of tho shocking trcat meut of Cuban leaders by Spaniards, in Havaua, appears in a correspon dence from that ' city on tho 23d. Twenty prisoners, all women and chil dren, reached Havana by railway, and were led from the depot to the prison under guard, and all of . them, eveu children only five and six years old Lad been tightly pinioned by the arniB. At tho head of the sad procession marched twohandsomo young ladiea of eighteen . years, both hand-cuffed. One was the daughter-in-law of Presi dent Cespedes . the other a daughter 6f General Uiguerdo, recently garrot- ed iu Santiago; The ladies were all members of the best of families on the island. As these unfortunate crea tures passed through the street the Spanish mob threatened them, and io some instances attempted voilenco. A Juvenile Mother. A census- taker, going hiB round, Btoppcd at an elegant brick dwelling-house, the ex act locality of which is no business of anybody. He was received by a stiff, well-dressed lady, who could wen oe recognized as a widow of some years standing. On learning the mission 01 her visitor the lady invited him to take a seat in the hall. Having arranged himself in a working position he in quired for the number of persons in the family of the lady. "Eight, sir," replied the lady, "including myself." "Very well your age, madam?" "My age, sir!"rcplied tho lady, with a piercing, dignified look. "I con ceive it's none of your business what my age might be ; you are inquisitive, sir." "The law compels me, madam, to take the age of every person in tho ward ; it's my duty to make the in quiry." "Well, if tho law compels you to ask, I presume it compels me to answer. I am between thirty and for ty." I presume that means thirty fivo?" "No, sir, it means no such thing I am only thirty-three years of age." "Very well, madam,", putting down the figuers, "just as you say. Now for tho ages of the children, com mencing with tho youngest, if you please." "Josephine, my youngest, is teu years of ago. "Josephine pret ty name ton." "Minerva was twclvo last week." "Minerva captivating twclvo." "Cleopatra Elvira has just turned fifteen." "Cleopatra Elvira charming fifteen." "Angelina is eighteen, sir; just eighteen." "Angeli na favorite name eighteen." "My eldest and ouly married daughter, Anne Sophia, is a little over twenty live." "Twenty-five did you say?" "Yes, sir. Is thero auything remarka ble in her being of that age?" "Well, uo, 1 can't say that there is; but is it not remarkable that you should be her mother when you were only eight years of age?" About that time the ceusus-taker was observed runuiugoutof the house. It was the last time he prewed a lady to give her exact age. yr' 'I have a grea'ove for old hymns' aid a prett girl to her masculine frieud. am mucn fondur,' he re plied, yoUB hors.'