TUESDAY MOANING, OCT. li BOROUGH OCriCERS. Turffrm D. R. Knox. 0H-i7me Jacob Shrlver, Jacob Wenk D. W. Clark.Geo. W. Sawyer, J. K. Stroup. Jnttir f the Vnre W. P. Mercilllott, f t'oo J. N.Teltsworth. rVcol Vireeiort 3. Wlnsns, W.F. Hun lor, 1). 8. Knox, J. A. Proper, Jacob Sh river. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Preiritlmt Judge J Mm CamfbKI.U oritR. K. I Dorr. JhstriH AUornnfYT. W. MiWB, JTrerMwrer J. P. Blooms. Froihonotm-y, Begielvrit Recorder, e. J. n. AoMitw. Cbtmitioier A. B. Root, Bait J. EL- XIOTT, N. P. WHIttW. CbKit'y ipermorile R. F. Howaitn. Jry bmmtori J AS. iili.ril.UAH, -A. Cook. fbony Sitrvrvon R.i. Inw-lK. (brOH1- J (Mil ah Wis ass. County .rfwrtttor II. H. 8TOWK, U I JIackktt, Km Holkmaw. Member of iXmgrt I'Mk DitrM O. W. t8criKi.i. AtnM WiMtfe W. A. WALLACB. AewMyJon O. Halu n. C A A. R R. TIME TABLE. oivo yomm. Arrive. Depart. MM ......1.30 p.m. 1.25 p.m. Express .7p. m, 6.40 p. hi. ootwo bocth. Arrive. Depart. Express 10.04 a. m. 10.07 a. m. Mall a.14 p, m. . p. m. LOCAL AND BISCELLANKOUS. If t i All persona Indebted to thii office up to April lit, 1870, are especially re quetted to make Immediate payment, ai we desire to close all accounts to that date. J.T. Dale, Treas'r, Jacob Btraum, of Tilu.Tille, bas forty relaiires ia King William's array A Bi-.o: t ilalue of Bnalapeare is to deco -ate the pedestal on the cornice of PamhaH't Opera Hotxae, Titiuville. TuE bui'ding improvements of li- tusviHe s'ice the Erst of March how . - v- nAi:nrA f at noa . flOO. Ar occurred at Oil dtyone day last week, at the Union House, oueofxthe parties getting Lis sknll broken with a poker. Ths Erie Republican boasts of a female lagerist who put twenty-seven g'asfces of beer under her apion and walked off sober. Roof Iloa City claims the cham pion sick man of the oil regions. They Lave a man there that has been sick for foily-l wo years. The total population cf Crawford County, is 62,886. The increase since 18G0,U'13,845 over 11,000 of the in crease is in Titusville and Meadville. Weather prophets say that nature always preserves her equilibrium, and at the last stun me r has been the hot test known for eighty years, a winter of unusual severity has been predicted. Tue Spectator snys another big well was struck on the Reno Company's property on Tuesday evening last. On . i i jt : 4 1 1. . ui it euoesuay ii wo uuwiug tun raw of two hundred and fifty barrels per ' ?J v- . ' v t . m r . . tt.u V The little brown cottage at Cambridge, ' Pa., ia the place to call to have the knot nromptly and strongly tied. Iu- . quire ior Ilev. 6. J. Whitcomb." I. O. O. F. Mingo Lodge, No. 505, I. O. O. F. will dedicate a new hall at Stratonville, Clarion County, on 20th inst : a central attendance of the JBrctl. e i is deaired. llULOFF lU'LOFSOK, D. D. O. M. We have deferred publication until this (Wednesday) "morning, for the purpose of giving our readers the elec tion returns. The county has gone Republican over one hundred an in crease of seventy over last year's vote. In our next we will give the official re turns. A millionaire named Dean, from Boston, who is anxious to invest a por tion of his surplus means in valuable real estate, has, after prospecting thro' .the. western btates, concluded to in--vest half a million dollars in real es tate and improvements ii Titusville. J5o says the Herald. A KEW well has been struck in El d"ed township, Warren county, on the joad between Garland and Enterprise .midway between the two places, which Is now producing from tore to five barrels of oil per day and promises to increase. This is on entirely sew ter ritory and will produce a sensation in oil circles. Quite a number of our citizens are getting all things in readiness for their accustomed annual deer hunt The deer are very plenty in the northeast ern portion of this county. Quite number have been killed in this imme diate vicinity. Old hunters say that game of all kinds will be abundant this winter nuts of all kinds being so plenty. The deer that have been kill ed this season are unusually fat Accident to a Freight TaAiw. A freight train composed principally of oil cars, while coming from Tidioute to Oil City Saturday afternoon, met with an accident near the mouth of Stewart's Run, by which eight cars loaded with oil, owned principally by parties in Oil City, were thrown from the track and destroyed. The accident is supposed to have been caused by an axle breaking, as at the first intima tion the engineer bad of the same, was upon looking back and seeing the oil tank and cars going into the river. The cars that were thrown from the (rack were near the centre of the train the three next to the locomotive and the two rear cars remaining upon the track. Luckily the brakemen were on another part of t!e train, otherwise loss of life must have resulted. Pas senger trains during the a iter noon were compelled to make a transfer at the point of accident, and the wreck was not entirely cleared up until Bun- day morning. Ilemld.; On Thursday of last week 8 wild cat entered the house of Mr. Elliott Wal ters, who resides at Wilson's Mill, on Toby Creek, in Knox township, about seven miles north of this place, and took a young child from the cradle, and was about to commence devouring it when it was frightened away. The parents had gone out to gather in po tatoes from a lot and left the babe wrapped up,' sleeping iiv itj cradle. A little girl was sent in after they had been abesnt a short lime, to see about the child, and . when she opened the door, was horrified to see a large wild cat, with the infant behind the store. The little thing was crying pitiously, and iu a short time would doubtless have beeu killed a;id devoured by the savage bcat On the alarm being given, the wild, cat escaped through the window, and hai since been seen in thatncighWkood. Clarion Detn- ot'-at At Corry, a few nighU since, a mer chant on Senaca street: gave an im promptu exhibition of the uses of gas. Of course everybody was proud of having the illuminater started, and of course some of the gas pipes leaked. The merchant's store smelted, especi ally strong, and it appeared to be densest in the box shaped show win dow. Some one advised him to light a match, so aito ascertain where the leak was, and, holding his nose while he performed the operation, he went to the inside of the window, struck a match, and landed on his back on the Ivement, with broken glass all around him. He now considers tho expedu encv of hunting for gas leaks with lightod matches as more than question able. A noBRiBLE accident occurred at a flouring mill at Emporium," the other day. The miller noticing something wrong with the machinery, immedi ately shut off the water and stopped tho mill. On going to the basement he found the crushed remains of a child. It seems that a little son of Amos Klock, aged rbout 8 years, by some means got into the basement, and probably while playing near the ma chinery, got caught between the spur wheel and pinion, the cogs di-awing him in and almost grinding him to atoms. Tionesta & Clabiox Rail Road, We understand that the meeting ad' vertised to take pace on the 4th inst, of stockholders of the Tionesta & Clarion Railroad stands adjourned un til further notice, from the unavoida ble absence of interested parties. We are informed that the interest in this great enterprise is in no way abating, that capitalists begin fully to appreci ate its merits and that arrangements will duly be made for the procurement of means to prosecute this work to an early completion. ... A Fourteen miles of the Union and Titusville Railroad, on the Union end, will be graded' within three weeks. Five hundred and fifty men are at work on the line. The iron is con tracted for, and the road will proba bly be completed before December. Dentistry. A J. Stiles, Dentist, Tidioute, Pa., baa the reputation of being one of the most expert Dentists in this section. He uses all the mod ern appliances for extracting teeth without pain, such as Chloroform, Ether Nitrous Gas, or the new method of Freezing the Gums with Spray. The most delicate and difficult operations of filling the teeth with gold skillfully performed. He also uses a new prep aration, MOs Artificiel," which sup plies the bone lost by decay, and is applied without pain. A long expe rience in the business, and . the large patronage given Mr. Stiles, is suffic ient evidence that his work gives sat isfaction. Office over Acouh's Drug Store, Tidioute. 17 ly. News Items. " The Princess of Prussia makes her own dresses and bonnets. A SAUK in Philadelphia was de frauded on Saturday, of $69,000. A movement is on toot in Virginia and Maryland to keep alive the mem ory of Stonewall Jackson by a monu mental institute. It is stated that Bouchet, the young colored man in the Yale freshman class, passed the best examination of all the 190. The powder works at Poltsville, Pa. exploded on Monday last destroying several buildings and killing two men, Between six and seven hundred kegs of powder exploded and the shock was felt sixteen miles. A young Sandusky cloth mangier, suffering from blighted affections, took poison twice to end his days, but was pumped out The last seen of him he was headed for the eighty forest with a new clothes line. One of Brighara Young's sons pass ed through Corry last week en route from Philadelphia to Salt Lake. He spent the Sabbath at Gen. Kane's resi dence, at Kane. He had been east af ter another wife. A San Francisco reporter is in luck. Passing a house he saw a young lady ghting a fire with kerosene, when he rushed ia and threw his eoat over her in time to save her life, and she would not let him off without marrying hr. As she is worth a million, and is un healthy, lie accepted the situation. Yeager, who shot Col. Crane, in Mississippi, is free, because the Grand Jury would find no indictment against him, probably because it is no crime there to kill a Yankee. FfxrrxxTTBT Bicds at Large. Tin Pittsburgh papers state that James Dnun and Thomas Irvin, lately committed to the Allegheny Peniten tiary from Venango county, effected their escape on Tuesday last The Gasettesays: It seems the men were engaged in the yard about the gas house. They wei-e only occupied three or four hours a day, and had been assigned to .that duly and allowed to be outside be cause of exemplary conduct They bad been working up to quarter past six last Tuesday evening. About sev en o'clock the guard about the peniteu tiary was changed. Wbile litis was being done the" two convicU made their escapes. They had constructed a a ladder ot twine and sucks, wnicn they had evidently been at work upon for some time. 1 ben managed some how to obtain hold for it on the east ern wall, fronting on Sherman avenue (late Webster street). It was then but a small job to scale the walls and away. It was not long before their absence was noticed, but they had made good their escape, and no trace of them could be had. The officers of the penitentiary , as will be seen in an other column, offer a large reward for their capture, and the fellows may yet Co back to their stone home to servo out their liine. D. S. Knox A Co., have just re ceived another large invoice of agri cultural implements, consisting L part of forks, rakes, scythes, hoes, c. which they are selling at greatly reduced figures. 13-tf PiANoa at Great Bargains. J, C. Hull, of Meadville, Pa., is offering to sell the Steinway, Chicketin Bradbury and some other makes, at greatly reduced prices. Also Organs and Melodeons. 21 tf Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest county, who are in want of any thing in the Hardware line, should go to Andrews A Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. A 13. Syfele, Cashier Tioneata Saving Bunk, has been appointed agent for the celebrated M Ininan Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any person desirous of going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with all the information required. Aonew & Siogins have just receiv ed a large stock of boots and shoes, ot every description, which they are sell ing at prices that defy competition iney have also on band a uesn sup ply of eo floe, teas, sugars, . tobacco, igara, rice, dried fruits, canned fruits, spices, mens pork, ham, fink, flour. crackers, beans, peas, soap, candles, nails, queensware, glauware, notions, &c, etc., which they are sell lag as low as the lowest here or elsewhere, and are determined not to be under sqLJL Reynolds, Broadhead A Co., Oil City, Ta., are in receipt of their Stock of rJpring and Summer Dry Goods, of all kinds. This firm is one among the oldestof that city, and the most exten sive. Their present stock is complete in all department, and comprises Gen eral Dry Goods, Drees Goods, Notions, Ac.Carpet, Oil Cloths.in great variety of style and price. The goods have been selected from the best stocks in the eastern cities, and for excellence and elegance, have never been excell ed by any establishment in this section of country. The good taste ever ex hibited by this favorite firm, has never been more judiciously displayed than in their present stock. Among thei other numerous specialities, are the fa mous - U. T. K." brand of Ladies' and and Children's Shoes. These are the best article manufactured. Lll the novelties of the season are supplied to this firm simulatueous with their ap pearance in the leading cities. 6-tf D. S. Knox & Co., Tionesta, Pa., are now selling the best tea in the country for one dollar per pound, and everything else in proportion 'for the cash. Also, fruit jars Ac., in endless variety. 15 tf Furniture bought of me will He de livered, freight paid, to any station de sired on the OX4A.Il. It, ' Geo. IL Abrkvs. Jr.. 4- If .Tidioute. Pa A splendid variety of Furniture at Aherns' new Warerooms, Empire Hotel Building, Tidioute, Pa. 4-ti You can buy your Furniture, cheap er and better at Ahrens' new Furni ture Warerooms, Tidioute, Pa, than any where else in this section. Try it Teachers' ExamlnatieMa. THK repulnr Full Kxnmttiation In For est 4 "ouii.; y will be held as folio ws : Tuesday, November 1,. st C1a'nK'on. Thunly ; , at Xebi-aHka Friday 4. t Tiontrta. MomluY 7, at Kelibi-f, Tumrtny - , atCHickorv, Thurly 10. st Newtowa' Saturday 12, t Msiiea. Exerclme commence at 9 o'clock A. M. Applicant will piettxe come aupplsd with pencil and paper. 1 1 rector and frienda of education a-crmpectlve Invited to be pres ent. M. F. ROUKKB, County 8upL Oct S, 170. 28-ld Albert i, Burr, Lyman Howard and W. Fleming, and all persons whom It may , Knmuel T. Mclll. J. In Common Plow, of Forest Conntr, No. 1, Dec Tonn, 1870. hill id Equity to pe.-iielrfnte tontintonr. -rue l'lainuns in Wie above Mil nay. That hey sre the owners in lee of one hundred and fifiy arrooflA.iid,ortherwloutH,.Ui ale in Harmony Towiikh p,in Mid Corn.r, -i : i 1 j..li . V i . . . mwitimu w jtfiKiwe i jw:nr. pure oi ine Tract known an the Uitchcl Bur vxv. bound ed ou the north by land of Ueo.'je Dun- lap, east by Innrt now or formerly of J. Comstock, south by land now or fomerlv owned by J. John- ton and J. D. Neil!, anil Wont by the Alcorn funu, which is pai-t of ui9 same Diirvev. That thesad" tact of land wiw set; led and improved by one Ex- Ciiicjiel, w ho iccame ineowm r tneroor ly applies! on therefor, and warrant nnd snrvcv duly mado and retiirnod to the Innd olUce in 1K.I7, and tiie settlement di'os fully com pleted the eon. That tho --'d Gliciiel. on tho Wh day of jecemoe-, in, iy wrl-tug dm execut ed aiid deli vereo. hold nnd conveyed all hla rlfrht, t.tleknd IiiiD.CHt In tim hi.id aforo. said to one Uer.onio C. 8cott. f.-om whom by sundry con veyaiv ei tiio li.'e ha le eomo veiled in the I'lalttifft and pivys tho Court That tlv innv bo at libe.-tv to examine theli- wIhioshos," and make proof oi .-several mniiors una iii-iik nceiu De fore nientionod, mid pa -licitlat'ly with rofe-enco to tlio iii:itiv r'lcjred iu iho 2d and 8!h lirnrnnmnh of ih'a bill. 2d. ") n:il they may be at liberty a'., and iion all l'utiii-L occ.-voui' lo read and make uno of tho suid testimony as they HIRT IM. BUV'tieit. VhereitKiu the Conrt ordc and dot roe, mat an hrmi:'miu e i enured by aaid J v . r lomitiu n.iu ait ici-oii wnoui U may comcrn on or before, the 4;h Monday of le.e!lll)Cl, A. 1. 1870, and that a copy of mum orncr rim abatement or iliesuusuuice and objects of the Bill be published in Ice Forest Repuiilioun for Hut weeks the last or vt-nicii imtiiicution shall be at least ten d .ys before tue aaid fonr.h Monday of lec., 1S,U. lix J HJS tvUnii AtteHtt J. B. Aokkw, Pro. Q?fA WKKK paid agents, male or 3Uw female, in a new manufacturing business at hnuie. No capital required. Auuress novelty m., Haco, Maine. XS-4t VINEGAR made from Cider, Ac., in 10 hous without Djiiffu. bend 10 cents for Circular to . aAUE, Cromwell, Conn. Free tm 11 it. Areata. We will send a handsome Prospeotua of our w iitusirauMi ramuy xuuie to any Book Agent, free of charge. Address, National Publishing Cow FhUa., Fa. 2M-3t $10 MAMDJB FROM Homething urgently needed by everybody paid for 50 ct ttiat retail eatujy for I0. K. it v 010011, ibi uuaturm tKj., N. x. XS-st AGENTS WANTED FOB Hon. Wm. SEWARD'S GRAND TOTB of Afexico. Adventure and SJght-seeing "Our (liter Repuolio." Is a work of rare merit' profuaaly illustra ted. Send forciritulars to Columbian Hook Comiauy, Hartiord, Ct. . 2&-3t THEA-NEOTAR. 28-tt AGENTS WANTED FOB FREE LOVE. AMD ITS Votaries, by Dr. J no- B. Ellis. Tha most startiina book of modern limes. The whole subject laid bareand its bidoousness exrsnx'd to universal execration. Written in the interests of Civilisation, Christiani ty and Public Morality. Send for circulars ana terms, u. tf. rubltsltlng Co., 14. X., Unoinuati, Chiiigo and rit. IxnUh. 2j-St ADDRESS . To the Nerveous AKD ID TTTBTT iTT.A.1? US ID . WnOSRiufTcrlnff have bean protract ed from hidden eaunes, aud whose eases require prontvt treatment to render existence desirable ; If you aro suflbrln, or hare stt.Teicd from Involuntary discharges, what effect does it p -od ice on your crevl litnllhf Do you feol woak, doW'.iaiotl, r.v ''y tl.-ed? Dcei a lltt!eetraecril.in p-o"uc pal pitation of the heart f Does y. ,'t . or urinary organs, or jour kid. ey:l cyc.it !y got out of on'crT I ycur ii :ia 1.0.110 tlmes thick, m'lky c : flosky, c i is H ropy on set:' log T O doc a tb'.ck eVnm r:e 'o the top 7 Or is a kodinient st the b' ' .oin ar te it ha? stood w" T T!-j -,.,.i ; ve spoils of short b'-eatliingor d!pf i..af Are yonr bowels- const :oaiedT Do you have r.pells of fralnlin;, oi-i.'bcs of fo'.ood 10 Uie head f Isyoi'r i,Kmn 7 ; oaf Is yonr mind co . j 'y rlwe '3; : -. tb's subjectf Doyoii.-W d:' !'"devif mon'uj. tied of cumpz .iy, o lllc T Do you vi h.h to.bo left nlo.'e, avay . oti ove yboilyT !.oe sy litJe talJ3 mLo yoa ..- or JnmpT Is your k'cej h xUe-.i or ies..e T Is the lu;-.e oTjoi?.-eye ai V Ilia.. if The b'ovu on youreheeVr" bJ&'itT JV you enjoy yourself In society as well t Do you pursue your business with tho same energy ? Do yon feol as much confidence In youself f Are youi' spi :U dull and flag, glng, given to fits of mola tchoiy T If so, do not lay It to your liver or dytpeosia. Have you restless c:ghisf Yonr back weak, you.- knots week, and have but lit tle appetile, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or livor-oomxloiutT Now, reade. solf-abuso, venereal dtS' mnt badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all .o?.ble or p.-oducinqc aweakijewor the generative organs. The organs of geaei-a- Uon.whcn in perfect health, make the man Did yon ever think that ihose bo'd, dell- ant, energetic, persevering, sucoewful bus iness-men are always those v. hoso gone.' tive organs are in perfect health f You never hear etich men complal.i of hoi .13 mclaneholy, of nen'ouBness,of n.ilpllalion of the heart. They are never afraid they oaanot succeed In business ; they don't be oomo and and 0 Iseouvosod ; tbey arealways polito and pleasant iu the company of la dies, and look you and them right in the lace nono of your downcast looks or any moannesa about llie.n. I do nat moan those who keop the organs Inflated by running to excess. Tiioso wilt not on'y ruin their coiistiluilonn, but also tu.)se t'aey do buiuess with or lor. How many men, from badly cured dis eases, from the effects of selT-abuse and excess, have brought aliottt that slate of T. cVne s in thos? organs that has rru-iced tlieconeal aystem co mneU ai lopio-iuce al most o ve.-y oilier dlscaso id -ocy, 1 tinai-y, paralysis, sk ikiI ulfcct ons, siiicit'o, un 'i a mcas-ery oUiar foim o'disea which humanity Is ho'? 1 , and the real t.uho of the trouble scaveoly ever snecietl aud have doctored forall but the light one. Diseases cf these organti require t.'io use of a DIuretle. HEt.MBOt.DS FLUID EXTRACT IWCiiV is tle g -eat Diu etlc, and Is a cor .u!n cure for diseases of the Bladde-, Ktc'.ieys, lliavJ, D.-opsy.O-san la Wer.knes, Tciutile C'jmo'n'rtii, (lener al Debily, and all illo es of the V'v'na -y Organs, whe.lier exl'ihifi la Milo or FC' male, from whainvur uuuro o.-laWiat'ng, and no lualir ot hotv long staiulin. If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these soure, aud the health and happiness, ad that of Posterity, depends upon prompt uoe of a rel iablc remedy. Helmbold's Extract Buuhu, establishud upward of 19 Aears, prepare-! by II. T. HELM BOLD, Drugg'xt, 61,1 Broadway. New York, and 104 (South lOtlt Street,. Philadelphia, Pa. PRtt :k-$1.24 )r b jttle or t bottles for W.ftO, "delivered lo any ad dress. Sold by all Druggesis everywhere. ONE ARE GF.Xl'INB UNLESS DoN E TP IN KI'KU ENGRAVED Wrapper, fao-ainr.e oi'myflieinlcal Ware house, and signed H. T. HELM BOLD. 28-1 T Keltool Tax Kotlee. NOTTCR Is hereby (riven that the R hool Ihipllcste of Tionesta Borough, of tnx of 1870, iiavo been pinned in my hnnds for collection. In accordance with tho Act of Assembly. In such raise made and provid ed, I hereby glvo notice that I will attend at my store, lit Tionesta Borough, Fa., for the purpose of receiving said tax, for two mouths from date. It is under Act of 21st April, lt10, that all person who shall be fore the expiration of two months from the daie of this nolli-n, pay (heir tax shall DO entitled to a deduction 01 nve per cent. Treas'r Tionesta lloro. 8. D. Dated Sept. Ill, 1870. 24-3t. IVOTICIX. Bsmuel IIar.lett. Executor of Kamnel Haslett, deed. Harah IIar.lett, widow, A ltohcrtw. Ilazlott, et al, heirs and legal representatives of Hainucl llaxlett, dec ci. vs. Oeorgo B. Hweeny and Mary Jane I.udlngton, heirs and leral representatives of Alexander Sweeny, deed, with notice to tore tcnents. In the Common Hens of Forest Connly. No. 9, Kept. Term, ISTft. Delit ZW.XI In terext from Sept, i!h lt83; costs 10.00 Bel la to revive Judgment and continue lien. 10 tieorge 11. Kn-ecny and Mary Jane Iittdington, the defendant above named : Take notice. Unit you arc required to ap pear at our next Con it of Common 1'leas, to le held In Tionesta, on the 4th Monday of Sept. 1879, and show cause if any you have, why judgments should nof be taken agalittyou. - DAVIS, Buertn. Sample Sweeny. In part for use of Sam uel Hac'.ett executor, Harah Hanlett, wid ow, and It. W. iinxlett, et al liolrs and le gal representatives of Snniuel llazlett, uee'd vs. same. In the Common Pleas of Forest County, No 10, HepU Term, 1H70. Debt $7, 500.06. Interest from Aug. 29th wi. vosts Nci fa to tevive Judgment and continue Uen. To Oeortre B. Sweeny and Mary Jane Lndlngton the defendant above named : Take notice, that you are required to ap pear at our next Coui-t of Common Pleas, to lie hold in Tionesta. on the 4th monday of Soptemlier A. D. 1S70, and show cause 11 any you nave, wny juugeinent snouiu noi ue ianen ainunsi you. 23-4t. E. I DAVIS, Sh'ff. GLORIOUS NEWS. CHEAT REDUCTION IN PUICES, F. 6l A. DUNN'S "Wholeaale & Retail GROCERY HOUSE TTDIOUTE, PA. We take pleasure in inviting the people of TIONESTA AND VICINITY, To call and examine our ex tonal ve stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. With our great facilities for doing busi ness, buying our goods from first bands. nd at Jobbers Kates, we are able to sell goodsat mucn l-mer f igures man smaller a eaters. We have just received a large Importa tion oi TEAS! Bought cwpaclally for our trade by Broker IU I fJW lUla ti uicu v avia ui DEFY COMPETITION. We keep constantly on hand the largest assortmentof goods that can lie found in the Oif Regions. We ofl'er great Induce ments to LUMBERMEN & JOBBERS. Butter, Teas, Flour, Cheese, Coffees, Pork, -tlsnis. Suirars. Salt. Shoulders. Spices. Mackeiul Raisin. Svruns. White Fish. Molasses, Cod Fish, Herring. Trout, - bmokea Meats, o., c DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Of every description, sold at Lowest Mar- net luues. 7,000 Gallons Stone Ware. BEST QUALITY OP LIQUORS, At Wholesale." Tidioute, April 18, 1870, F. A A. DUNN. TIIDIOTJTE1 TEA ST ORE! The place to buy every variety of tho VERY BEST TEAS AT THM L O WEST PRICES, la at the extensive Tea Store of II. T. CHAITEY, where you can always Cud a large assort ment oi Hie Deal leas ai now i u ynoes. A large asaoruugui, ot . Groceries and Provisions, nnoquuled lit quality and cheapness by any olher stora in Warren county, always on hand. The Iieoiile of Forest oountv will aave money by puruluwiug their supplies ai iiim ptaoe, lie it brands of FA MIL Y FLOUR, delivered at any depot on the Hue of the R. K. ire. Store on Main St, near the Depot. Cubsorile fur the ItKrt'Ui.lcAM, the bust i- nevier ujius coumy, AGENTS WANTED FOR Til KJjf OUT OF THE WORLD. Bontaining FIcctwoiMl's "Ll."e of Christ." snd 'Lives of the Aposilcs. I'.iivaiibolistM and Martyrs," IicddridTri 'Evidences of Christ ia:iy." "Hislory of the Jew by Joseplms; ' If'ioiy of rll leMit.ons De noiuinntioi'B,' wlih tref'ise ami irb'es re lating to events coiinecleii wlt'.t Bioie II is try, coniaining inn.iy fine eauravlngs. The whole forming a romplets Ireastiry of Christian Knowledge. W, FLINT, 2 H. Soventh St., Phila. 29-4t aOZKTS ISMSg Willi Tnilinss Mm BliU UUIUuiisth THE LIFE OF GEORGE P. BELDEN. who form a love of wild adven'nre and a thirst for knowledge of the Iivlians the Customs, Sports, Tnulitions, Wars, Grest Buffalo II nuts, tCc, o., lcil a home of Plenty in U!no. Iniiiml tho I'n!nns. nilorit- ed their modo of life, married tho l'iitf- nu vasiiieiin, i.'cctmso a (.rent War-ior, Hunter and ;':.ief of H'J L;i?u;r", was rn-poinlcd- Lle'.itnns'it i'i tho U. S. Regular Ar y, fir n;e :-o i-.tis service v'Hi his braves against lies i!c Indians. A book of he most thri'litiK interest, a rei'Uv v.ell anthenlleated. Truth stranger ih.-in lie!"on SniKM-l.lv illuslii.ted. 70 engmvi ifs, villi pori:-:.it of the eittlior, iu full fro:..icr f os tu le. Pi-i-e lov-. Slwt'lil Oi.' - r t ybo ik e tant. Sendnt once fo.-1! Ins ruled ' l eu lar, table of content", sample :i i :es-a.id terms. A. H. :'ARI, Pul) ishe-, 400 Chestnut St., Pbiludclrvhia, Pa. 28-4U FOUND ! tl n n fn 1 1 1 n rr nn' -r ell ,. rin'!i inl TV f licuilion. Wore iaJioat 4 i d IhU1r" CABOLIC TABLETS also purify ,ii3 b ond, a-nirt e't-wUU'nn . aud aiest ncjr.y, a'. ; C'-.-ii.lly cu me Mi'cous Mo.nlvr.no ihny sopid 1m " --o.nni-ly and freely tat- en n til or i . s.'.-a or v lent change vc.Je::, s ,1-ey vriU keop up tho ci.culit'.:cu 01 ;iio I'l. oJ end tiius ward off all teiidcney to i.;d r:'ti Lung dilllculiie. v FOR WORMS IN CHILDR7-V . WELL'S CARIiOLlC T BLKTS 1 a never tni'ln;; rci.cdv. 'J'.y Them. Bold by all 1 )-ug;esis. 28-4t FARMEET HELPUR. Shows how to dui'l.1' j r -o.ks o llie FARM, and how Huiiie.s ai-i1 ice r sons can each make t iIO PER ". i". TT nWlnier. 10.001 Co i j I ! !.o m:.'ml free to Farmers. Te si i-nii;e"ii m-'u.-Pai lo ZlEULER&McCUn.'Y, fiii'y ielpii.a, Pa. 141' PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Water btreo:, ADJOINING! THE HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, - - . Proprietor. Pictures taken In all tho latest, styles o the art. . tti-tf OHIMS UHITCD ITiTtf. M L m MH'UI OaKN INFORMATION for the PMDI3. ' , forstne poqiuqhth, o. ' I Ckt lUUM mnrt our RIOMTB. if A ChHMM A Bast Samll Blblaa. iAkNtaHMM. AiMrapfctOlrmian. fi AAIUUXaOO.,mu.ipki. 23-4t READ! READ V The subscribers having re-rented the IllVIXIi GRIST MIIJLS. Would say to their old enstomors, and the community eenerallv. that they keep constantly on baud a large stock of FAMILY FLOUR of all grades. Chop Feed, Shorts, Sranr Oats and Curu. With our facilities lor do ing biiHinerts, we purpose not, to be under sold by any establishment i .t this nor .ion of the count ry, and would say to Uie lum bermen and dealers of Forest county, that tkey can bo SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. Immediate aiteutiou given to all orders from a distance, E. JONES & CO. LOTS FOR SALE! IX THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., Nev York City. H. . CLABK, TIDIOUTE, IF.AJ WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, Ard Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing done iu a manner and warranted faction. workmanlike, to give satis 4-ly 1)SYCllOMANC'Y, Fascination or Soul charming. 100 piijjea; chilli. This woudcrlul book has full instruction to en-, able the rentier to faw-inulo either sex, or auy animal, at will. McnicriKm, Spirit ualixm, and litiniu!'! of other curious ex periments. It can lie oi.tainxd by send ing sddreHN, with 10 cent pohtao, to T. W. Kvnt, ii Co., No. -11 So. Eighth Pbilsdelphta, Pa. 2-t AUENTS"Wa..ntki .Sii'ner month' by tho American Knitting MiU'liino 4'o., ltoston, Mas.,orNt. I-outs, Mo. l.3ni SAXOX tlHEK.V U IlrighU-r, will iotfiide, cohU l.es than any other lHxaiune.it will paint twice B.-iiiiucli surface, HarfiOLD;HY ALL'DEALERSI IN J'JIXTH. 3. H. WEEKS C (!0.,'Manufa. tiirers, il tl l'ii horth 4th SI root,? I'll iiU. NOTION DR. J. N. DOLAltO, of Tidionta, has retmuiMl to h's pia:tl.e r e ru ab sence oi' lour nion u -, imtu. m ne liaopi ua in' Nnw Yo.k, whuie l w. I attend valU iu tils pro.es Jan. Oltt,.- I.. IV Sl..rA -1.1 Anir abo'e tho Uiuk, Ti'.U'Ji'iv, fa. t'Jtf 7