The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 13, 1900, Image 3

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t 3
Tie Somerset Herald.
GEOrui K. SCTXL, E&tor.
Jiw IS, MBS.
,1 Psve Mir sboe rers.:rrd by
' ' trey. a Kaiser's Saoe Sine.
; j rij T restorer e of bumm IabOS
f a 1'T crowd to lie ccn boose
-; tet-iny a nnoo.
re toe o-atiaawes okti uve
of .-cnuiitu. at lii sssi-; of
rl iiij r bes acted up-jn was
$ . !i W. PiMsaer. iwsunvarai Bd-
j(r. H C Whia. Ik well-known Jash-j-'r
cloiisier. will in Somerset
.c-i Tuesday, Jon IS-. swrcple
frv-ye aitis;. S.cctjoa always
; -arfci-teed-
j y 3 can ry ibe-CyiJ'-ce Adjustable
1 I, t the nr.o--k Slices. i B. Iloideriasrt ior rtn dul-
03 b n at stare be js is rear
4. fciri" store.
v , tee-Jrig of city ODcilof Jobo-
Weinesisy night tee borough OI
ru annexed to Johnstown.
;-Tcco: the prettiest Koarn
- t c,:r.
- Iceryhody' liable to licking piles.
1 i arid poor, old and yoong terriU
: U they cTer. Only one sore
; . . I n" Oinunect. Absolutely safe;
, ij ttr of property otoct living
. .-'j Via street bve already arranged
t j ';a tie contractor to bring the ewec
: l-inft.rt up to tb curb ia front of
I .. jeec aud business plaoe.
1 yi re lo io Pennsylvania latysr
f e.Sfn by tie reports of the insurance
4 .tf ties to Insurance Ommsioaer
1 -urtam was almost F.9-ttJ. exclusive
- f - of prcsrtT not covered by in-
S : -aicn C. Ritcbey, of Bedford, is toe
of a frt a three leceed
; r. Tbe lh:ri ie-g Mfmi to I more
-ruleclAl tha nstial, but perbap it
naroJier woea the biri Ukes
U;irE of tne taiiooai nmiun
irii".;! --t w ' '
jii.-ny has beta called for InJianap
, ju;t iiih. It naJetxtooJ that the
el -f the committee w to rgaaiie
r ii ictre carapa:fn and toaeetbat
ia 'indent ticks i placed ia tne
; ? a:u rceys for Cocffrewniao Thropp fcok
Jia; !11 from the jadrtnent rendered
i kT A'.Jra)an Stephen, at Alutona. ia
u -r of Dr. VT. 3. Miiir for W0 aid
- i will be tried ia the aorta. It
f r rememlered that Miller'a suit
1 1 3 to re-3ver moiwy alleged to hare
; i-c fr t on ne-paper by htm in the
s 5 u :- of Mr. Thropp'a renomination.
A maJ dc-e caused great excjlemeot on
t it Siie, CVmoel'-sviile. Toorsday
" I .4 mi it rt-i o mnit
12 L'.' -T lUUCg ilit c-miT.v
3 vjt Copeiand, m widow. The mad
J l-ui ran at the child and tore a Urge
5 V oct of the bry- chrek, dwngaricg
4 ti:n f- r life. Tbe d.g was caagbt and
I k::.ei and the other d-that were biua
.:; l fhot ty the p-rfiee.
Lie.t. d.L James E. Bamett. of Wash"
' i: , has be-n chosen colonel of Tenth
I rW u''nt' - G- p-' to ucced the laUi
I i Hawkiti. who died on the
I t-n-?rt Senator whiJe returning with
4 t- Tcrth re glmut frr.m the Philippine.
i T2 :etton was unanimous. Mj- Ever
I birt B:erer, of Unioctown, was chosen
l:rstsact clone! to fill the vacancy cie-
5 a:i t-y the prom-t;on of Birnett to the
o-x-uani of the regiment.
t Tte rule of the La:e Medical council
: r.-i:;veto the preliinitiiry edaeaiionof
a ''iicants for esaiuin aim b-efre the
I sxe board, tich was to go into effect
March 1 last, was ar.nal!ed until after
I k-n-Mfiberllatft uie;jr.z of the council
t.l ia Harri-burg. After that date
a.: pplicacts for examination before the
toaids wiU be reqaired to show
ev ;.!noe that tnt-y have parted the pre
Jiaiinary or poses tbe re
paired certinoates of exemption.
if you wih to cool a room wet a cloth,
the larger the better, and hang it op in
tacMoui. If the ventilation is pd the
-.xfr:ore will sink tea cr fifteen de
Crmi iu than an hour. The above is
t.ken fro ji an exchange whose editor
su:s that after President Garfield was
!,. heGffrd greatly with heat onUl
tti experiment was tritd of hanging
ci.nii in the room w hich had been wee
iu ice waxer. He was greatly relieved by
fie experiment.
William Uutomel was hanged ia the
jtiiyard at Wiiliamiport Wedneeday
ui irniug. He walked uojuwuted to the
gi'.i ws and calmly directed the deputy
her,ff while they shatkled hia limbs.
HeiuaJe a long speech, aayin that he
was at peace with his Maker aitd warning
tbe spetautrs against eomrui'-tikg sins.
lii neck was broken l tte fall and he
died instantly. The crime for which
iiiiu.mel was hacged was the murder of
fc-is wife and ber three children.
A dispatch from Waehingtoa says
"Villi Cocgress out of the way, Repre
ectative Thrcpp will devote some at
en:ion to the contest oer the Aitoona
Posiuflice aod endeavor to decide opou
the nominee. The candidal for this
place number ten, as lolluws: H.
P. Wilson, the Da.nocratic Incumbent;
Ci -ntl Theodore BurchSehl. George A.
PU-.u, tVleuiie MeMnllen, Captain
IiutT. a brother of ex Representative
UuJ; D. G. McCullough, S. D. H. Mey
trs, frank M. Morrow. Aldermaa S. S.
It Ritney.and KJiU W. H. Schwartx.
Tue tao last-named are entered in the
Ci.ox a dark bor."
The Went Penn Long Distance Tele
t 'a me ooinpany, recently orgauied with
tn rusburg 4 Allegheny Telephone
empjir as a nucleus, will oa June H'.h
i'piy for a charter of incorporation to
ftiukiruct and operate telephone tinea ia
tuecounlim of Erie, Crawford, Mercer,
luwrence. Beaver. Butler. Veuacg'S
Armstrong, Westmoreland, Fayette,
Washington, Green. So.ners'H, Clarkm.
Franklin, Adams, Carr bria, Bedford,
Ij liana, Fulton, York e'd Cumberlaod.
Tue company will completely network
etern Pennsylvania with long distance
lines. The capital stock of the new com
pny will be nominal and later will be
iui-reased to meet the demands of the
Somerset county farmers in the city
lM Saturday were telling rather good
iry on Vaivotine C Muller, arising
fung agriculturalist of
tivuship. There was a sale a few da a
asoat William Horner's place and Mr.
AlkHer hitched np and went over, adit
Uru-e of a coople of miles from his own
frui. lie was not long at the sale before
uie one made tbe discovery that a ben
siiiing oa something overs dozen
?gs in tho rear end of Mr. Moiier's
Tbe tatter's attention was called lo tbe
(ea-fangled incubator, which be viewed
with a goi3 deal of interest, it being his
tnA knowledge of the use to which bis
vehicle was being put by tbe old clack,
tie did not disturb tbe hen, and drove
h"uie with ber still covering the eggs.
is stilt on her improvised nest, and
will remain there until some chicks
(oiueout. Meantime Mr. Muller pas
Vt will excuse bim from attendance at
eturch until the "peepios appear. Mr.
Vuilerisagood farmer, and be ami bis
wiware popular young pple In tiue-
biahonitig township.. Johnstown Tri-
ror the benefit of all persons wishing
i he in Chgodunngtbe aUonai rro
tit.iuoo onvenuoo, the Pennsylvania
inroad I'onopany will sell round-trip
t' iteu to Chicago at rate of ons fare Utr
troutid trip. Tickets to be sold and
rd eoiuc June USand JO. and returning.
W iimm vaiidwiuo. by the Joint
fl'tHiA ilit terminal liti at Chicago.
vu,e Chicami Lo June'JU. inciusive. A
of iwenty-nve oect for each tickt
!i U eollected by the Joint Agent when
Me are validated tor return passage.
EJwrd R. ScaU, Esq, of P;tbrg.
spent Sseday with h Sctcerset relativea.
Mr. TXa B. Xewlin, of NcKsrt, ht
a raesc at the Patriot airoet r! ieooe of
RoU. S. Scull.
Mich set J. Borer has beeia appolcteid
potcmaseer ax Gladdens, acd J-hn F.
Bay jvwtmvAor at Glade.
Mrs. Cbarre P. Hancock, of Invu!.
Pa, is guest at the Mala Street rewi
deoee of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Si
mon Kr'js.
A tsamber of Somersetert bare a-a-BOiaDced
thtr intention, of atteo&ns: tbe
Repoblicaa National Convention at Phil
ad xphia Dxt week.
Flower M rwioa Day " will be observ
ed b il3V. C T. U. Friday a-tecnooa,
Joae liih, at J o'clock. The members of
tae Union will meet at the residence of
Mrs. Valentin Hay. oa Maia street.
Mr. Charles W. Beoler and Mis Bar
bara Miller, both of Meyersdal-e. were
BDited in marriage. Taday, Jane Ssh,
t tbe bm of the brides parents. Rev.
Knepper o3ciiticg.
Adam Barnaart, aged i years and 20
darw, died Thursday. June T.h, at bis
late residence in Fried ec. wberw be
pect hta entire life. Ue bad been a faith
fa! member of the Lutheran Church lor
C, ye s. His remains were laid to rest
Saturday moraing, Jane 9th, bis pastor.
Rev. J. J. Welch, officiating at lbs. boose
and at the grave. A large cojieoarve of
people attended tbe funeral.
The Highland Ion will be fccmally
opeoed for the oa of l.C Saturday
eveaing. Jane 21, by a bsiqaet, which
will be followed by dancing. The Messrs.
Reruhtsel, the lessees sod rnanatrers f
the Ian, are practical htel mea of large
experience, bavicg been formerly coo-ne-Sfjd
with the Mt. Hal'.y Springs Hotel,
a popular resort near Harrbbarg. The
opoaiag is likely to attract a large num
ber of people.
Dr. John Barnworta CritchSeld and
M:- Eeila, daaghter of Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick McCa.rey. will be united ia
marriage at 12 o'clock to-morrow at the
home of the bride's parents in Locit Ha
ven, Pa. Dr. H. L Mrsden will I best
man for tbe groom, he having left last
evening for Lock Haven. After a wed
dicg tour to the eastern watering places
the Dr. and bis bride will return to Da
vidsville, where be has a lucrative prac
tice. Mr. and Mrs. Abner McKinley arrived
here Saturday eveaitig and will spend the
snramer at their Main Street resideoce.
The McKinley summer home baa under
gone extensive repairs and remodeling
djripgthe p-4 six weeks sni the me
chanics sect here from New York to pot
on the inside finish have not yet com
pleted the work. V.'heo all of the con
tefnbiated changes have been made the
McKinley home will be by long odds the
handsomest one in tbe county.
J. H. .Mtmiller. of Meyeradale. has been
appointed to the position of assistant
train master on tbe Connellsvilie divis
ion of the Baltimore A Ohio railroad. He
will have charge of the traffic east of
Rock wood, and will work under the su
pervision of tiain master F. L. BrendeL
Mr. Altmiller's appointuxat was made
because of the large Increase in traffic
during the last few months. He has been
in the service of the road for a number of
years, and understands railroading in all
its phases.
Tbe State Bar Association will bold its
annual session at Cambridge Spring,
Crawford coonty, June iih, 2Tth, and
The most important meetings of
the session are those of tbe Executive
Committee, and Committee on Law Re
form, which wilt be held in one of tbe
hotel parlors. Questions of importance
to the Association will be discussed dar
ing each session by leading members.
and oa the evening of the vh there will
be a banquet, presided over by Superior-
Court-Judge George B. Orlady.
State Forestry Commissioner Rothrock
has derided to begin proceedings against
County Commissioners who refuse to
OKnply with his request to appoint de
tectives to ferret out and prosecute those
guilty of causing the burning of timber
lands. Deputy Attorney Elkin advises
Dr. Roth rock that the commissioners who
disregard bis request are guilty of onis
demea&or and that it is the duty of the
District Attorney to prosecute the of
fending officials upon information fur
nished by the forestry commissioner, or
bis agent.
Two yoang slaters bad a narrow escape
from violent death, Monday afler noon
when the scaffolding on which they were
working at the new Maia Cross street
residence of Jacob Lenhart, gave way
and precipitated tbem t3 the ground, a
distance of about twenty-five feet. One
of the men s son of William Stoddard
fell on a i iter's hammer, the sharp point
of which penetrated bis left knee to a
depth of several inches, and his compan
ion Daniel Keefer sustained a dan
gerous bruise oa bis spine.
During the prevalence of a storm about
o'clock Friday night a bolt of light
ning struck the bouse occupied by
Thomas Heller's family on Coal HilL
The buud;ng was more or less damaged
aud one c: tbe children who was sound
asleep in a bed on tbe first floor was ren
dered unconscious for possibly fifteen
minutes. Another of the children, a lad
about ten year of age, was standing just
outside tbe door iu his bare feet. A dog
lying a few feet away from him was
killed by the electric shock, and tbe
you ugx'r's left leg was burned from tbe
knee to the end of bis little toe. The
burn looked though it might have
been done by a hot poker.
Tbe new proprietors of tbe Somerset
Hoose, Messrs. Kantaer A Hetzet, are
making a number of improvements to
that popular hostelry, and when tbe work
now well under way has been finished
tbe Somerset House will be one of the
betequipped public houses ia this sec
tion of the Slate. The office has been en
tirelv rs-uiodll aud a comfortable
writing room has been provided for, both
of w hicb will have elaborate uietal ceil-
lug Bath rooms and inside closets have
also been added, while all of the room
have been supplied with call bells and
electric lights. The walls of the dining
roin are bung with oil paiatings, the
work of Mr. lUtzal's father.
The Sixteenth Annual Convention of
tbe Women' Christian Temperance
L'n'on will be held in the Methodist Epis
copal church, R ckwool, June 3.h and
21st. The names of those on the program
are as follows: Mrs. L. A. McKinley,
Rev. Balliet, Mrs. Jennie Cooper, Mrs. J
R. Jacobs, Mis: Kathryn Thompson,
Miss Sadie Hocking. Mrs. Eva I. Thomp
son. Mrs. & W. Piatt, Mis Helen Schaff,
Miss Pearl Sands, Mrs. Jennie Wil
liams, MUs BVanie Heinbaugh. Mrs. U
II. Forest, Mi Cor Falkner. Mi
Elizabeth Day, Mia Amanda Martin,
Mrs. Edith Floto, Rv. H. X. Cameron,
Miss E.U Biack, Kv. W. R. Moore,
Mrs. Hocking. Mies Hocking. Mrs. For
est is tbe State viae president of the
Tbe opportune borne coming of Nosh
Scbmarker, well-known Jenntr town
ship fanner, Sanday night, disturbed tbe
calculations of three robbers who were
engaged in looting bis bouse. Mr.
Schtnacker bad been present at a "love
feasC held in a Duakard church Id Con
emaugh township, and when be returned
borne between 12 and 1 o'clock be found
bis wife and daughter thoroughly ter
rorised. Two men bad entered tbe bouse
about twenty minute before Mr.
Hchinucker's return and bad made
complete soarcb of tbe first floor for
money. Their movement awakened t he
woman who were afraid lo raise an alarm.
' Wben the confederate of tbe thieves, who
remained outside of the boose to watch
for tbe return of Mr. Scbmunker, beard
tbe noise ni tde by bis buggy, be gave a
loud w blsiH wben tbe robbers hurriedly
decamped. Investigation showed that
tbe robber bad made a search of tbe
summer bsuse" and bad attempted to
force an entrance to tbe spring bouse.
Mr. Schmucker is a well-to do farmer,
ad i the f jture will keep loaded ihot
guo tor uoK-eloouie visitors.
xxiii-srrrujr -rrsunta.
TUls Xsrfaatevm Satiety Crtat kick
Tsak Pise a Tasriisy Xvsaiaf
. at Ue X. K. Ckarta.
Sew DosUotaa, 5Sissowt, W. V.
The marriage Thursday evening of
Miss Louise Uastoa and Louis T. K.reba,
of Somerset. Pn was Mortrastnwa's most
Botable society event of many years. Tbe
eerarxneny was performed at tJ3 o'clock
ia lb Meibodist Episcopal church, by
Rev. Dr. S- V. Leech, pastor of that
ehorrh. The wedding march was played
ty Prof. EUeaberger.
The bride was sueaded by Mia Dalate
Wood as maid-of honor, and fcxir brides
maids. Miss Leah Krebc, Somerset, Pa,
Miss Sarah Sloan, of Browns villa, F-,
Miss Jewsie Moorhesd and Miss Blanche
Wood, of Morgantowa, Pa.
The tour csbers. Mr. Frank Hoblitxall,
of Meysrsdaie, P-, Mr. Robert Beerits,
Mr. Charles I" hi, both of Somerset, Pa.,
and Ui. Russell H aston. of Morgantowa,
led th bridal party. They were followed
by tbe maids. Utea came the ring-bearer.
Master William Hancock, nephew of tbe
groom, cext the bride, leasing oa ber
father's arm ; the grooat and bis best
man, Mr. George Ereos, met the bridal
party at the altar.
The bride looked charming in a gown
of liberty aat!a, wit foil eocrt train and
the high cut bodice trimmed with duch
ee lace ; a long tulle veil fell to the hem
of ber giwn, aei ah carried a abowsr
booqnet of lilias-of-the-valley. She wore
a very haodsoraa damoaa brooca, lae
gift of lbs groom.
The maid-of bosor was gowned in
white orgsndie, trimmed in Valenciennes
lace, and carried a large bouquet of
The bridesmai Is wore gowns of pink
orgxndie over pink taffeta, with lace
yokes and shirted sleeves, roseUes of tulle
ith aigrette were worn in the hair.
Each maid carried a large bouquet of
pink carnations caught with long ends of
The church was beautifully decorated
with palms, festoons of smilax snd pink
and w bite carnations.
The auditorium was filled with the
msny friends of the young people, a large
number of whom attended the receptioa
at the Pesbody Hotel.
Tbe decoration at the note! Pea body
were very elaborate and well carried out
in tbe wedding colors, pink and white.
Tbe parlors were decorated with cut
flowers and colored electric lights. The
bridal party received immediately in
front of a large heart -shaped emblem
male of pink and white roses and electric
The dining room was a veritable fairy
and. A hufe floral bell was suspended
over the l'ib e at which th bridal party
was seated. The long table, at which
covers were laid tor fifty, reaching the
entire length of the room, was lavishly
decorated in white lilies, pink and white
roses snd carnations. Tba center pieces
were wreathed with trailing asparagus ;
pink shaded lights aud candles cast a
beautiful glow over 1L
Tbe young people were the recipient
of an univsuaUy large number of very
hand-some presents.
Late last evening Mr. and Mrs. Krebs
left lor an extended briJil trip, after
which they will reside in Somerset, Pa.
Tbe bride is the only dsughter of Mr.
aud Mrs. Samuel P. Huston, and has al
ways be-n considered one of Morgso-
town's most beautiful and accomplished
young ladies.
An.r. the out of town guests at the
wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Si moo
Krebs. of Somerset. P., father a w moth
er of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Hancock
and sou, of Danville, Pa., Messrs. Good,
Luther and Beaver, of Somerset, end Mr.
Willard Grif3n, of Brownsville, Pa. -
Vctiee U Coatractera.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the Somerset township School Board for
the building of a new school hoose in the
Bromm School District.aid township, np
to 10 o'clock a. m-, June 30, liUQ. Specifi
cations can be seen at C. H. Fisher's
Book Store, or with the Secretary. Tbe
board reset ves tbe right to reject sny or
all bids.
James Bloi ok.
Till laild a Largtr XilL
Mr. John Curry, the senior member of
the firm of James Curry A Son, of Arrow,
Somerset county, whose saw snd planing
mill was destroyed by fire on Thursday
night of Isst week, together with Mr.
John Britton and Mr. V.". J. Britton, rep
resentative of the same firm, of tbe same
place, was at tbe Merchants Hotel yester
day to conference with the adjastors of
tbe thirteen different Ore insurance com
panies which had policies on the mill and
machinery, with a view of adjusting the
loss thereon. Late last evening a settle
ment was reached, whereby Messrs.
James Curry t Boa were granted f 1S.500
in payment for their claim. The com
panies were represented by tbe agency of
Biown Brothers, of Punxsutawney, and,
e osidering the amount of the loss, it Is
cousidered an exceptionally prompt ad
justment. Immediately after effecting the aeule
ui en t, Mr. Curry had a conference with
Mr. G. F. Willis, representing the Clark
Brothers, of Belmont, N. Y-. contractor
for and builders of band sawmills, snd a
new contract was entered into with them
for an entire new mill of twenty per cent,
larger capacity than tbe one destroyed,
to be delivered within sixty daya. Work
will be coiutnenced Monday on the con
struction of the new mill, which, when
completed, will be one of tbe most mod
ern band mills ia this State, and with a
single saw will have a capacity of 90,000
feet per day of tea boars.
Messrs. Curry it Son bsve been located
at Arrow, their present place, for a little
more than a year, during which time
they bave built op quite a little town,
with stores, postom.e, school house and
other improvements, and bave a popula
tion now of about five hundred people.
During that time they have manufactured
and shipped about lbftJO.OW feet of lum
ber, ana it is estimated it will require
from five to eight years more to exhsust
the timber supply ou their present loca
tion. Their many friends will be glad to
learn of tbe early adjustment of this mat
ter. Johnstown Triban.
Veel Orsweri Attsatis.
Farmers and wool growers. Do you
Intend having your wool worked np this
season? If yna do, write or call on us.
We will card, spin, twist sod work it np
for you much cheaper than you can do it
at your home.
8. U. Kixrx4Co,
Somerset, Pa,
David Cttt, Nkb. April 1, 1MX
GeiwMfc Pjm Wi Oa., he Hog .V. Y. ;
Gtmtlemen : I must say iu regard to
GKAIN O that there ia nothing better or
healthier. We bave used It fortetr.
My brother was a great coffee drl k r.
He was takn sick and tbe doctor and
coffee wsi the cause of it, and told us 1 1
use GRAIX-O. We got a package bit
did not like it at first, but now would i t
be w ithotit it. My brother has been we. I
ever since we started to ose it.
Yours truly, Liluk Sochob
Esw'i This 1
W offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any rase of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hail's uuarrn cure.
V. J. C1I EXEY A CO., props. Toledo, O.
We. tbe undersimed. bave koown F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
Dim perfectly nonoraoie in ail ousinesa
transactions snd financially able lo carry
out sny obligations made by their firm.
Wsi-rr A Tkcax, Wholesale Drugtriata,
Toledo, O. Waldiso Kl5A"-A Mar
ti. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Calsrro Curs is taken internally,
acting directly npon the blood and mu
cous surface of the system. Price 75c.
per bottle. Hold by all Druggists. Texti-
monmls Tree.
Hall Family Pills are tbe best.
Hesse aa let for Sal.
A well-Improved dwelling bouse, with
good -sired lot. West street, Somerset,
Pa. A bargain ia this property. Term
. A. Gkislkr, -Somerset,
WAST $9,000 MORE.
Cesstil Asks fsr Atiitisasl Aysrcariati
far th Farpes f Exteafcsg
Swr Sysusx.
At a meeting of towi c jcil Thursday
eveeicg an ordiaatfw . -fcpsed fixir; ;
July ltth as th time for holding a special :
elertioo lor the purpose of seearicg sn j
expression from tbe qualified TcAers of
Somerset in regard to creating a bmnkd '
iBdebtedness cf -.C fVr the purpose of .
exteodine tbe sewer system do ia j
course of construction. Th meailrf of ,
maiwil were ananimoaslr la favor of the !
ordinance and earnestly bop that it will !
be endorsed by a large msjority of tbe
TOters, waea utey team ue cxitbi ci vow
pmposnd extessino.
Ia order that the people may bave
better onderscandicg of th situation it
is necessary to call attention to the fact
that a sum approximating three-fifths of
the original appropriation (fJX(W) ao
thorixd for sewer purposes will be ex
pended in ooastracting the oatlet, one
mile south of tbe borough line, snd in
eorstracticg the lines oa Pleasant street
and Fourth alley (Parson's Ron). This
expenditure i unavoidable in order to
secure outlet tor tbe lateral connection
running east and west, but oo"e tbey
have been completed tbe work remain
ing will be comparatively Inexpensive.
The contract now existing between OU
Bros, sad council calls fur the completion
of the entire syateta, or sucb sections of
it as council may determine. The con
tract was entered into last saaimer, since
whea there bss been marked advance
not omy in the price of sewer pipe but
in the price of labjr, and there are the
best of reasons for believing that the
borough's interests have been well taken
care of.
Tbe work now under way includes only
a small percentage of the improved prop
erties which wiU be placed in position to
take immediate advantage of the sewers
and cellar drainage, and as a result there
is more or less dissatisfaction among
those who will be obliged to pay their
proportionate share for the improvement
without deriving any advantage there
from, further than Improving the sanitary
condition of the town. This class of citi
zen are anxious that the additional ap
propriatioa shall be granted, and they
feel that their neighbors, those whose
properties are situate along tbe streets
traversed by the searers now contracted
for, should vote for the proposed appro
priation in order that all, or at least So
per cent, of the total number of property
owners, may stand on an equal tooting.
Another and equally strong argument
iu favor of authorizing the additional ex
penditure at this tirce is that council has
secured tbe services of a capable engi
neer, who has bad charge of the work
almost from its inception. Tbe eogiceer.
Mr. Haring, devised the system now
being constructed and it would be not
only an act of wisdom, but one of prd
dunce as well, to retain bis services until
the work has been completed. While it
is true that there are other capable en
gineers to be obtained, it is manifest that
the borough will not be in a position for
many years to come to secure the services
of an engineer of Mr. Haring' s admitted
ability and capacity to come here for tbe
purpose of superintending a piece of
work that will require only a few weeks'
time to perform.
Another reason why an appropriation
of $,0CO should be authorized at this time
ill manifest itself to every thoughtful
citizen who hopes to see permanent
streets constructed in the borocgh. It
wiU forever be impossible to make per
manent streets until sewers have first been
provided for and placed in position, but
once that has been accomplished, perma
nent streets w 111 f jIIo w.
Engineer flaring hasjsupplied council
with data from which it appears that by
the expenditure of $3,000, in addition to
tbe M,0u0 authorized for sewer purposes
at an election held two year ago, it will
be possible to include I'nion, Patriot,
South, Race, Rosins and Sanner street
their entire length ia the ex isting contract
and to provide the properties on tbre
street with sewer facilities and cellar
The matter of increased taxation in
order to meet the interest and create t
sinking fund for tbe proposed cew issue
of bonds is insignificant wben compared
with tbe immediate benefits the entire
population cf tbe borough will receive
should the sewer system be extended at
this time. It will be necessary, perhaps,
to lay a four-mill instead of a throe-mill
sewer tax, but thst rate will be gradually
reduced as tbe bonds are liquidated, as
has been tbe case with tbe water taillage,
which was reduced three-Jbunhs uf one
mill at a recent meeting of council, when
tbe taxes for the current year were laid.
But perhaps the best reason that can be
nrged in behalf of the proposed loan is
thst it will permit all of tbe work to be
done this summer, and next spring steps
looking towards constructing permanent
treats can be entered npon.
The question ia one deuianding the
thoughtful consideration of every resi
dent of Somerset.
Stricit ia a Chares.
Mrs. Aaron Miller, who lived near tbe
Blougb Menonite church, near Davids
viile, Conemaugh township, died Thurs
day afternoon at 4 o'clock at her borne, of
paralysis. She was stricken while at
tending communion service at tbe
church last Sunday and was rendered
unconscious. Sbe was taken to the home
of ber brother-in-law. Christian Baum
gardner, and there grew much stronger.
Thursday afternoon she wss removed to
ber borne and expired there a short time
afterward She was aged GO years.
Mrs. Miller's maiden name was Maria
Weaver. Besides ber husband, the fol
lowing children survive Mrs. Miller:
Christiana, wife of Stephen Yoder, of
Holsnpple; Mrs. Lydis McAcbren, of
llolsopple ; Mrs. Albert Ott, who lives
near Scalp Level ; Miss Savilla Miller, at
home; Mablon Miller, of Conemaugh
township, and Jeremiah, who lives nvar
failaialphia, Jans 19th, 1900.
B. 0. X. S.
Tbe Baltimore d: Ohio Railroad will sell
tickets at one Lowest First Class Fare for
the round trip from all points on its lines
east of tbe Ohio River. Tickets good go
ing June 15th to 19th. inclusive, with lim
it for return passage leaving Philadelphia
to and including June 2d, I'XXL
Side trip ticket will be sold from Phil
adelphia to Atlantic City, Cape May,
Ocean City, Sea Isle City and New York
City at reduced rates.
Through Pullman sleeping cars and
Dining car on all through trains to Phil
adelphia. For tickets and full Informa
tion, call on Agent B. A O. R. R.
Having bought the shoe store hereto
fore known as tbe'MShivUr place" in
tbe Mammoth Block, Somerset, Pa., I
shall endeavor to carry everything of a
desirable nature usually found ia a first
class shoe store.
Tbe reputation of this store for carry
ing reliable good will be fully upheld.
Many new goods are already Jn and
others arriving daily.
Fravk X. Easts eh.
S4aed SaU t Philadelphia via Psia
ylvaala Kailrssd.
For the Gymnastic Union and Festival
(Turn feet 1 North American, at Philadel
phia, June 17-24, the Pennsylvania Kail-
rou a uompany win wui excursion ucaeis
to Philadelphia from all station on it
line at tbe rate of single fare for the round
trio. Ticket to be sold and good going
June 15 and 21, and to return until June
2ti inclusive.
AUa of Somerset County. WU1 pay
14.00 for copy. Address this office.
Tiy let
all your
think ycu
must be
lUtAM y e a r's
older ikzn you are?
Yet it's impossible to
look young with the
color of 70 years in
the hair. It's sad to
see youcg persons
look prematurely old
in this way. Sad be
cause it's all unneces
sary; for gray hair
may alwavs be re
For over half a cen
tury this has been the
standard hair prepara
tion. It is an elegant
dressing; stops fall
ing of the hair; makes
the hair grow; and
cleanses the scalp
from dandruff.
I.MtU. ABsrsgflsta.
-1 bats sees sshi Ayer's Hxtr
Yinr for ir so tosts sGd I ca
WwrtTv ncnaaueoi iiwim puttie
as tba bt as:r waaw la rxtncBce."
Mrs. IS.L.AUDW!!,
April M, IsA. fcctor.TEX.
If . as stasia sS tbs toowCta
Via Pennsylvania Railroad.
For th National Democratic Conven
tion, lo be held at Kansas City. July 4.
the Pennsvlvama Ksiiroaa to. will se.l
excursion tickets to Kansas City from ail
stations on its line at rate of one lirst
class fare for the round trip. Tickets to
be sold and rood r!ne July l.itn.13.
and to return until July 8, inclusive.
These wickets will be e ood on all trains
except tbe Pennsylvania Ltiuited, and
must be used k-r continuous passage.
Remarkable Gift in Connect wo with the
Great Republican National Con
vention. While It is known by everbody t' it
McKinley will be renominated tf ttie
Republican National Convention lo be
held in Phiia ielphia dunng the week of
the lxh, interest ni less high on that
ace Mint. It is admitted that the conven
tion will be among tbe greatest in history
on account of tbe importance of its re
sults. Every one wili therefore besnx-
loiis Tor ssouvenirol tbe ga-r.erirg. Ap
preciating this tbe great Philadelphia
Sunday Press has arranged to rive free
wiiii every vpy uext Sunday (June IT)
s novel and attractive convention souv
enir. liQ i ground l'H by 2s inches! Is
printed a handsome picture of the con
vention hall, and in the panels appear
tbe force of tbe leading Republicans w ho
will t3 prominent in tue work ol tbe
convention, both a a work of art an.i
on account of iu historic value, this
picture is certain to be esrer'.r sou cot for
and highly prized. If yu want it you
had better order next Sunday s Press
to day.
Xad Sates is rsuxdelpaia via r. X. K
On account of the Republican National
Convection at Philadelphia, June 19, tbe
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets to Philadelphia from all
stations on its line at rate of one fare for
the round trip (minimum rate 00 cental.
Tickets will be sold and pwd going June
13 to 19, inclusive, and returning to June
2tl, inclusive.
The eitlren of eVomcrset and vicinity will be
welcomed at tbe opening of the
Saturday, June 23, 1900.
R. W. sad W. H. Brablcl.
Banquet at :jo. Dancing
Tickets 7s cents.
JVow is (lie time
to juit on a Soft
Shirt and Straw
Hat. We hare
them in all styles.
Come and see them
National Bank Notice.
Trescy IErARTsrsT,
Office of Comptroller of the Currencr.
Washington, 1). tL, Alay 8, 1900,
Whereas, By satisfactory evidence present
ed Iu tlieund, roixm-d. it tut been nuide In ap
pear thai The First Nxtiouai Bank or Kock
voud," Id the towoof Kockwoott, in the coun
ty of Somerset, sud Kute of Pennsylvania,
hasroniplH-,1 with all the provision of the
.-Uttuu-s of the Untied 8tates, required lobe
complied with before sn musx-tation shall be
authorised to couiiniDce vhm business of
liankine :
Now Therefore. I Thomas P. Kane. Deputy
and Actliif Comptroller of Ihe Currvncr, do
hen-hy crttirv tluil "The i'irst National Knuk
of iUs-kwoiHi -in the town of Kockwoist, In
tbe county of tvuneraet, and ftu of Penn
ylvauts. IsauUionzed to commence the bus
iness of Hanking as provided in section Klfty
oue hundred and sixty-nine of tbe Kevlsvd
Hlatutes of tbe I'nited Htntea.
la TcstioMHiy Wbcreaf, witness my
SEAL 'hand snd seal of oihee this eighth
1 v-'' day of May; 10.
Itrjmtp and Aetwa CkimptnUUrqf Utt Currency.
No. 9S40.
Estate of Oeonre Williams, late of Upper
Turkeyfoot township, decsvued.
Letters of adralnlstrstion cat thefcboveestats
having been granted to the undersigned
by the properaulhortty, nolle Is hereby giv
en to all persons tndebw-d to said estate lo
make Immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them duly
authenticated for payment, at the store of J.
H. Cierliard, Klnft-sH,. iB. aaUl kwoship,
on Saturday, J uoe au. tV
Fred. W. Blesecker, Aduuolslrator,
-D.V! mi
coVor 0
TO J I LH M.S IC9 VtffOV, nw a.
las Doctar thoat n. Aitrtm, P
J Cs. J. C. ATtS, '
4 iwa. y
Do you wish to keep cool?
Et Uair.j a jt-ataj-e of nj
add to roar comfort daring the warci days of summer.
Calico and PercsJ Shirt Waists from iV op.
White Uva !bi:t Waists bn nc'T frcci l.Pt try 'v.
Itrge variety of Satin and Silk Waivis ia lsx k and coKr lnm fvl " cp.
Ih k bkiru fpMu iic to f 1 00.
Lines Duck Skirts handsomely trimmed fieri fl.5 up.
Denim Skirts from fl 00 to $1 (.XX.
Whit Pique Skirts f I i5 worth V Ti.
Variety of beautifully trimmed Piqae Skirt at bargain prices.
A blessirg ia the shape of a Summer Corset at 35 sad 30c
40 inch Wbite I-swns, 12-. !5 and ac
White India Unoa. Persian Lsvwes, Organdi. S what. sad Nainsooks
st prices rargirg from 15e to iV per yard.
Plain and feuicy colored Lawns, Organdie and Dimities at prioes from ic up.
Whit snd colored Pique from Lite to
For th above pic goods w willl show yoa the choicest lice of all-over
fsces and Fanbroi.lery in th county, together with Laces and Dies
Trimmings of ail kiads.
And then belt ; we bav the newest thing io tbe clasp belt and pulley
belt, separate clasp belt buckle and pulley blt bockles.
Kid Glove. Silk Glove and Silk Mia in white nd odor at low prices.
Immense line of our well knew n fast colcred stocking at a great range of
Infants and Children's Mull and Suk Cays and Hats from 23e op. Also
Infants Wraps in a large v-ariv.
Sailor Ilais and ready-to-wear Hits from i to f-"V
Pattern Hats snd I'cirimmed II su trimm.! ta your txe ia great variety.
Lace Curtains from 40c per pair to fx) per pair.
Come in an J examine goods before
to show our gtxxls whether tou lay or nct,
In Season is this Special
Of onr gelling Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Taper, Mat
tings, Laee Curtains, Engs, Tortiers at the lowest kind of low priees ju?t
when the housewife most needs them.
Silks and Dress Goods.
And seasonable things of all hinds are heaped up mo?t temptingly, no
matter what your merchandise need may be. come with confidence and be
prepared to be surprised by the littleness of the prices. Dainty White
Goods, Laces and Embroideries, Ribbons, Ladies" Waists, large assort
ment just received, Wash Goods ia Fercals, Dimities. Organdies, Satins,
Piques, Dotted Swisses. Marlboro Cloths. Ginghams, Calicoes, etc.
A special line of 2S inch all linen colored dress linen at $c per yard.
36 inch Persian Linings at 7c per yard.
New Table Linens, Xaptins, Tcwels, Bed Spreads, Ladies' and
Children's- Underwear, Stockings Ac. An exceptionally fine new line of
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods in Sairts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear
Stocking?, etc
Don't Lag Along, Be in Time I
To get a fair share of the grand offerings ; they will not be laekr for
buTers. for hasn't the store been filled for the list four weeks with seek-
' -
era and searchers after money-saving bargains ?
Sole agents for P.Ccntemeri Kid Gloves.
Total es7ene for tnittou,
boaru sad room caa be kept
below t0 a week.
FI1 terra. S- is-Dec n: Wiater. Jaa.
-March r. : Sprrag. April s-Jose ax Suta
mrr Scbooi, June -Aajr 9- Catalog
Penn Trafic Co. L'td.
Near P. R. R. Depot,
Johnstown, - - Penn's
Dry Goods
anything, and
when you find
to you.
OreSSMa!(inj We'rethcUrgest and finest store between
o Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and our trade is cor- S
Floor and
I Near P. R.
g Johnstown,
csscisssrasKcrci Washington street. csacscssscKSsajcs:
Public notice la berehy tiren tn all persons
to abetala from hunting and flshlnic t1
thmrlic down fencra uu my properly In Mil
fird towualilp, Htiicrst county, Ha. VUila
tors of tbis notice wiU b dealt with accord
Uic to law.
Mllfurd Station, Pa.
Wool Wanted !
Cash paid or good exchanged for wool
at Somerset Clothing House.
of tie followicg birgiias roa w ill
bsjinc: cLewLere
It is
a pleasure
The Cectiirv chooI year, is V-h of fe
College. belas Septeoober lb. Cvllite. Acs-
demic. Normal. Oratorr, B-ostaess, Maacc sod Art
depuuaenia. Incnurl eqa.paitats sod atteodaacc
A1n:.ijres are r uiuerocs
snd r.pasficaat. The lecs
Uoa.iavcrsbleasi! bcaithfaL
Here when you start out to buy g
you'll want to come here often
what a monev-eaving it means
respondingly large. We're branching out be- S
cause we believe ia trade expansion the great- S
est good to the greatest number. We're making
a bid for YOUR trade because we know our
prices and qualities will suit yoa better than you a
can be suited any where else. o
When yoa visit Johnstown visit litis g
matchless store, if it's only to look around. If g
you buy anything well deliver it to your house
and pay the freight Or try us with a mail or- g
dor. Prompt service will be yours. g
R. Depot,
j. ii. ni-A-civ, ris-. A(t.
Mutual Life Insurance Company of N. Y.
Largest and beat Life Insnranr Compa
ny in tbe world. Most liberal cash t1g
and Loan Policies Issued. Writ for rate.
Somerset, Pa., or Meyersdale, Pa.
J. H. Sifford & Co.
Ajaia wa ca3 ycur particu-ar at'onuoa ta cur
Millinery and Carpet
ti rK tar been very bay in these departments aa.l insist upon y xtr vi:ing s
v if y.-sa wih to get a cboksv. loot be put:icg it oiT and think yc-a caa get 's
better seiwtioa of seaso. Com whil you cart see a variety, we gaaracste
prices to b sAiisftsctory. New bat and trimmings coming ia daily, also plenty of
carpeta Msg shows.
Tailor Made- Suits.
We have a few left. Will elose all
out at a sacrifice. Now is your chance tor
a splendid bargain. We only ask yot, :o
Ui at them, perhaps the very thing you
are wishing fur. best of all oist-ciass suit
at clearance sale price.
Ribbon Sale Continues.
No. Riblorts at 15, ail silk.
Taffeta Metall'ae ia white, blue, red,
black, cream and other colors.
Take notice of our Lawns, India
Linvr.s. Percales, Merceriie Silks. Piques
and Wah Goods of all kinds.
Try our $i Giove,
Bring In Wool or Produce ia exchaxg for tnerchac Le.
if y.-q ar tHnkicg of a dress, look at our Dress Goods c.x-.ater, P.ipiin. Black
and Color. V". r and many others at prices to suit all. Dr"j forget, p'.A;a and
&.i'y C,l . kinds.
Jos. Home and Co.
Summer Goods at less Prices
Whatever you hare in mind for
Summer wear the chances arc ice have
it, and the prices less than usual for
first-class goods.
know ice carry no other class of
goods but first-class.
Boys Summer Suits.
Kvery suit shown is new and up-to-dsfci
There are no old foods.
You caa bay cheaper light wifgbt
woolen suits than we selL You caa al
so buy cotton for wool.
In a price range, Jl to J5
DcyV Washable si!or Suits of Gain
tea. Vljck and Drill. Ju-t so.-d cil
r rsas hc.ysliks. Sixes far 3U 7yeis
From ta lt
Boys' Woolen Sailor Suits of gray,
brown acd blue c-erge. ixea lrotu
3 to 11 years.
From f7 30 to $10
Beys fancy Ciat Si its with doutue
b roasted Texts. Mite-' worsteds
arid cheviots. Six; 6r 3 to s years.
From Jo to :t
R-Ts"douhla-fcrestdKne-rnt Suits
in ail th new hides of raucy wors
tctts. Isncy cheviots and sergts.
N:zes for to 16 yeats.
At 'i conls
Stparatewash trousers of plain and
striped Gaiatca.
At 50 couts
Separate wash trouserscf white duck.
At $1 5
Separate white dack Middy or long
White Cottons.
Just a couple cf hints to show how
we do the business In goods of snowy
At7j rents a yard
Iii? Lace Striped Lawns, I V:
India Linons and Nainsooks.
At 25 cents a yard
XV Kmbroidered Mull. .Vc Stvttch
M s.lra", oV white tigured Pkjues, 5tc
embroidered Swisses.
Cloth Capes.
They're handy to have along at tea
shore or mountain.
These are rf tan broadcloth, short
and medium lengths, lined throughout
with self-colored UiTVuu
Borne have high flaring cotlars, some
with military collars, inlaid with vel
vet. Prices, $10, $li50, $15.
Pittsburg, Pa.
Fancy, RB&faeil
Now being oCered at prices beyond com
petilloo. Call and inspect our SKKKS
before making Tour purchases. Buying
in these quantises enable us to buy di
rect from the Largest Seed Dealers in tbe
country. We have SEEDS if ail kinds
Timothy aud Clover, Orchard and Blue
Grass, etc.
Mail order will receive prompt atten
tion and correspondence solicited from
parties desiring to mak purchase.
Always well storked with Feed and
Grain of all varieties. We are offerirg
great Inducements ou all our High Grade
Minnesota Floors. Call and inquire our
Don't forget "OIL MEAL" is tbe
most ntrtritious feed for stock. Try a sack
at one and see th results.
Baled Straw.
Can load at any point in th county
Parties having any to offer will please
write or call to see us.
W are the Largest Receiver of
Farm Products in the County. Farmer
having PoUtce. Hay, Wheat, etc., to
effer, call to see as whea ready to
market your produce.
Respectfully yours.
"The Headquarters."
Esfst of Oeors V. Rett, late of Sbsde
towiistiip, Mouieraet county, fa. dec' it. .
Letters of administration on the above eatat
havlt.jr been (ranted U tit undersJirned by
th proper authority, notice Is hereby (iveo
to ail persons tndeoted to said esial U make
ImmeJIste pay meut, ai.d tluiae havluf eialuis
air.tinst tn nkiia to present tbem duly au
thenticated for settlement, on Hslurday, the
duy of June next, at tbe stor of tbe ad
mintslislor, in Hhada township.
Bay A Hay, AU'y. Aduuutsuator.
Oar Shirt Waists
Seeca to lead, so many askieg to sr
f?e great many bav rengbt ad ax
vt ig. Some very pretty style out
ttponcsir nuiiiM. Ass to s e onr l:u of
W bv a large asr-rtmoi aad the
latest. Don't ta tbem by without tak
ieg n-i;.
Dog Collar Belts.
Th correct lliisg so bey ia Taa
aid UUck. Pally Ua.-kles in H.sck
Of course you
For the Tots.
Ftvny Hau and B.tineU ia all the
Utet id as.
Straw Crn lists, trimmed in wh:;e
acd colored Orgauii-j, i.
Wti,ndiv!ortdlAn lists, with
button-on rrvwn. ,V and sc.
Hats an i IVinnets of M i!?, Organdie
and l dll.f r, u ft ,yi.
tl-'f nonnets of L.iu r.j rimity
w hue and colored, l to ft
lDtan:s hand ins.ia Caps. trmnMl
with tucks and Ui-:rimiiieU m:U(K
i cents.
Cap. wi:h tucks, fther stiicbin
and ru:es, at
A very large assortment at &V, 75c,
up to fiv
French I joe Caf-s, & W to fii
TraNdin Listers.
Natarsl Linen, and blue, gray ami
black mohair, full aud three .jusrtcr
' " cts.
They are just riht (or Uurists.
Men's Soft Shirts.
6iV worth f I.OtJ.
C.hhI Ma.irii iu all oolors. Just the
shirt to wear without vest.
White Madras, and colored, 2eg!;gv
shirU at il (). $1.0 oa to J 1 50.
Strijvd Silk Shin -oiuk, blue and
lavender, f 5 to i-W.
Stripe.1 KUuuel Shirt to It 2T.
Women's Summer Gloves.
A targ;iu in a Sutd Kid (..lore,
light weight tine .polity Suede Kid
just the thirg f.r pulling off and on
quickly. Fiu pertotly owing to its
exceptional cut. As traveling glove
just rijfht, f l.f a pair, not f 1,,, which
might be ex pet-led of this quality.
2-cIs.p Sneda Lisle Thread (Jloves,
silk embmt.iere,! bacis ail color
ith ruite
rvserM.ti.oves with patentdoub;
up, ki colors an J blaik. aoe. 7.V- aud
51 a pair.
Hand-knit Twisted Silk Ulorcs. th
perfection cf W,mn"s Summer
tiloven, t..Vi and Jl.73 a pair.
Women's i-c'.ssp Chamois tiioves the
genuine French t'bainois. will
wash, all summer colors, jl pair.
K-ste nt ttcorve KenoeH. late nf the horoagh
of ilarretl. slleet ruiuiy, I'., di-e'd.
I-etterstf .trn:ultra!ioii ou the slxve es
tate h-sving Un-n srantt-d U the uu.t.-r-md
by the pnnersuti,r:ty noti4-e s herttiy kiv
entosi per,Ms ll:dol-,t to ssid estjtte to
nuike lmniMiaTe p:vment and thiwe havinic
rtaim sulo.t the same to pnsent Ihetu duiy
authenltc:l-d ftr 'llcm,ut on tsturlaVt
July 14, list', at the late n-sidence "f dt'd.
John R. fcof. Adniinistrnior,
AtUrny. Mcyersda.e.
E.statat of M.uil.U B.srms.i, !ut of Berlin
NilSHish, doi-esuked.
Letters of s.tminKtr.ition on the shove rs
tste lisv tnx t.- n rHiHr.t to itie un.le'sicneit
by tlie proper au.Uoritv. notice la hereby
firu t ail. penans Indi hted to said est
to ntake lniinetiAte rsij' ent and
lhMe tiavtnx claims aarsinst tiie K..-ie t pre
sent them duly authniiritc. tor se'.tletnrnt,
ou aturtsy, June Ju. t-ti. at tne reitOenc of
the adiuini.irator In ber!'.n Ntronvh.
B. I. K MAX.
Kred. W. Bies.s-ker. Adiuint8tn,ur.
National Bank Notice.
O.Tlce ot Comptrulierol toe Currency.
WashingtOD, D. C April JB, l'OO
W hereas, by sntUfUe'ory evidence prestrnl
ed to me undersiirned. tt has been madetoap
pear tbst "The iml National Hank of ton
nuence," In the town of t'outluence. In the
county of Somerset, snd State of PeonsTlva
tiL. has complied van ail tbe provisions ol
the statutes of th Tinted states, ivulred V
be complied with brhrv an association shail
be auilemsed to coiuiuetjos th bualass id
bankiug :
Now Therefor. I, Thomas P. Kane.Pepcty
snd Acting torn pi roller of the lurreiicy, do
hereby eerury tlmt "Ths Kirst National Kn
of Conrluence." in the town of t tmftuence, in
tl.eunty f sm-r-t. aud Mlte of Penn
sylvania, is sutiioriied to cxnmeiice the tus
I new of hanking t provub'd In section Kiftr
one hundee,! and si-tv-nine of th Kvvlsed
Statute of th Toiled dtale.
. . . Ir tcstlBMMiy hereof, witness my
I skal I hsnd and :vml of otlice this tweuty
l 'sum day of April, I sO.
DrjxHy and Acting 0"ptrJUT uf lt CWreiMS.
No. iiOT.
Estate of lr. J W. Osmtht .-s. late of Somerset
borough, Somerset coun y, r dee'd
Letters of sdinlnlstrstlon on the abov
estsL havtnie been granted to the undersigned
by the propi-r auUMiruy, attle is hereby giv
en to ail persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to naitl estate to niaks wiiiiilia payment
aod those having claims or demands against
th sain to present them duly authenticated
for settlement on Thursday, ths ilsl day ot
June, IMA!, st late reatderevof dee'd.
Admlslstraui of Lit. J W. Carethen. docd.
: T t IT,