The Somerset Herald. gnWiADWU, Edlvor and Proprietor .June U.MW. Republican National Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT, William McKinley, of Ohio. Republican State Ticket. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, Edmund a Hardenlrg, a Wayne. CONG RESS-AT-LA P.G E, Galusha A. Grow, of Susquehanna. Robert H. Foerderer. of Philadelphia. Republican County Ticket. FOR (X)XGRE8S, II irrey 51. Berkley, of Somerset Boi. &a',ct i the dcunun Ote IMrid Oiorrrnrt. ASSEMBLY, V. H. Sanner, of tSomeret Borough. Fred, IvJe, of Mejersdale Borough. POOR DIRECTOR, Kan.uel J. Bowser, of Somen Twp. J TRY COMMISSIONER, Theodore E. Rlixads, of Somerset Twp. Jin. -ik and Oregon have held their tUte elections and the re turn indicate a rej-tition of ISiKi, only mure of it. Oxi.Y fcurtetn dthgaua to the Re publican National Convention, of ISoG Hurvive, and of this number fix are OUioatis. The preservative qualities of politics tteem to tie etalIiihed. The monthly statement of the re ceipt and exr.diiures of the United HUtes shows that in May the receipts weref ,1G;,0."3, aud the expenditures fW,:jl,523, leaving a surplus for the mouth of H,Ml..'.2s. In the last eleven months th receipts exceeded the ex penditures by $fi3li$.'l'1,mK). New Jerj-ey DtmocraU refused to instruct their delegates for Bryan or to reaihrm the Chicago platform. Thut is iu accordance w ith the views of con servative Democrat all over the coun try, but there are not a dozen States of the 4-1 that will wnd uninstructed dtle gatioiisSTLe Populists tnd radicals are in the saddle. Some of Hie Democratic papers are 8-iying the United Slates has entered into an alliance with Germany, be cause the Uuited States is protecting its citizens in China. The average Bryanite is about as quier a person as the German Agrarian, and he Las about the same sort of a f deling for the Uuited S'ates. Tji e Colorado sheep that was worth only in Cleveland's last term now sells for 1 b, aud the numbtr of sheep in the State has increased 50 per cent. in the sne time. During the present administration the value of sheep in Colorado has advanced fc3.710.000. The gold standard and Republican tariff are good things for industry among the Rockies. "Have you heard the news from Oregon?" This was the query which the Democrats were ready to put to their fellow countrymen on the day ix-fore the election iu that State. But they w ill not put it. Their organs aP over the country were saying that Ore lmii was a doubtful State, and that it would be carried by the Democrats in theelection which has just taken place. All the doubt that is now felt by any- txidy regarding the majority which Oregon will give McKinley in Novem ler is as to w hether that lead will be 1-1,000 or only 10,000 or 12,000. The army in the Philippines now numbers uver 00,000 men, and is dis tributed so as to garrison 2TG cities and towns, and has been successful in dis. tersing the rebels except as to small bauds of robbers aud marauders, and these have been punished severely dur ing the past month, many skirmishes being reported in which the enemy has suffered severely. The only hope of the Tagals lies in their expected assist ance from Mr. Bryan and his associ ates, whose election they are made to U-Ueve is certain, and that following that event the American flag will be hauled down aud the soldiers ordered home. The Democratic minority in Con gress has been more anxious during the past session to serve their party than to do their duty under their oaths of office, and all manner of vexatious in quiries have been made of the execu tive departments, with the hope of linding some crookedness to base b jectioni upon. In nearly every in stance these inquiries have been re sponded to, sometimes at a great ex penditure of labor and the blocking of regular business. Congress having adjourned, the Administration will now have a rest from this anuoyawce, and the )ar.ui o'i!ic;ans will traut-fer the scene of their usefulness to other fields. Down in Philadelphia the Martiu-Fl:nn-Yanamaker politicians have been holding town meetirgs for the purpose of denouncing the Miyor aud his Director of Public Safety, while in Pittsburg the outraged citizens are holding town meetings for the purpose vf denouncing "Bose" Flinn for re moving, through councils, Director Bigelow. Bigelow's offense consisted in exposing one Paisley, who robbed Pitt-burg taxpayers of $10,0u0, and of making it impossible for Contractor Fiinn to secure all of the city work. A more brutal and outrageous proceeding was never witnessed in any American municipality than the removal of Big elow. Is lSt the Democrats elected three Congressmen from Pennsylvania. In IfvJS certain bolting Republican State politicians entered into a fusion ar rangement with the Bryan-Guffey Imocra.-- for the control cf the Legis- J lature. In the cocfusiou resulting from this alliance the Democrats got ten members from Pennsylvania in the present Congress, says the Uciontown News-Standard. These fusion poli ticians and hypocritical self-styled re formers are now engaged in the same scheme to form an alliance for the election nf members of the Legislature. The Bryan leaders throughout the country w ill make a det-pt rate effort to capture control of the next Congress. The result might hiuge on the delega tion from Pennsylvania. TheGuflev- Fiinn fusion scheme will kelp tbe Democrats to gain Congressmen from I Pennsylvania. Republicans aud all ! others who wish to sustain the McKin- ly administration and make it imnos- i.... .. ... . . , , , , c-wvtry to be menaced by legation ; .u ih- nes f Bryanism will repudiate GuT-y-Fiitn combine. I ELECTION COSTEST IN COURT Cbjeetioai f Eiral ClaimaaU fsr-Irfgi-la-tiv KomiaatioM Heard by DaapUia Cooaty Court. IZCISIQ J EXPECTED IK JT1T. lainrgesta Xada Soma Eemarkabla StaU- utiu Under Oata. The objections filed by W. H. Koontz and 8. A. Kendall to tbe certincataoi nomination of W. II. S inner and r ioa Rowcwoo claim that they are tbe can didates of the Republican parly for Rep resentatives io tbe General Assembly by virtue ot the primary election held April 21st, were beard before Judges Simon ion and W eiss in the Iauphin county court on lat Thursday, Friday and Saturday, as were also tbe objections filed by Ban ner and Rows to tbs certificate purport ing to nominate Koontx ana ivenoau. Almost if not a toul of one hundred wit nesses were present, but lews than one half of that number were placed upon the stand to testily. The reports sent oat mostly emanated from correspondents of the insurgent newspapers. Judge Simonton is report ed to bars said that tbe merits of the controversy did not depend upon the in troduction of irrelevant matter, but would be decided upon the legal princi ples involved. Such being the ease the Ukealo has no reason to change the opinion beretolore expressed in iuw rolumns that the will of tbe majority will g.ivern, tbst the certiiioOs of Manuer and Kowe will be ausUiued, aud their names prints! on the otli' ballot. All ol the UktUmuny in the case was in when court adjourned at II oVIuek .Sat urday nifchL, The a Kiiiiifw t will not be board before the middle of July, owing to the fact of Judge Simonton being oc cupied with a regular three weeks' term of oourt beginning; last Monday, and it is therefore unlikely that an opiniou will be banded down before the 15th of July. Fo mer Chairman J. A. Berkey was the first and principal witness for K'.onti and Kendall and he was kept in hot water for six or seven hours answering the questions put to him by ex-Attorney General Lyman Gilbert, chief counsel tor Sanoer and Rowe. Berkey was a very shifty witness and evaded answer ing questions put to him nntil Mr. Gil bert was obliged, iu iesponse to an inter rogatory from the Court as to why he wixhed to continue further examination of lie: key, to remark "simply as a study in pt-ychology in order that the court might be informed whether it was possi ble to secure a yes or no answer from an attorney to a question propounded by another attorney." At another stage M r. Gilbert referred to Berkey's evidence as 'a mosaic." Iu referring to the evidence offeree' in behalf of the certificate cf Kooutz end Kendall the correspondent ot the Phila delphia Inquirer says : "Jttnust be said ' r the witnesses io the case that they are a remarkably shif ty lot. They have tbe LO'Mt rein, sable memories for figures an i dates w h ich su it their purposes, and bsolutely no re membrance of those facts which will serve to ciear up the doubts of the court on other poinb. "Many of the witnesses testify liaetuose who repeat a memorized lesson, snd with all his skill as a cross examiner Mr. Gilbert has found it difficult to break -down their recitals. Each confirms the other as to what transpired ia tbe county convention held at Somerset on April 2-t, but not one from the county chairman down knows anything about the alleged purchase of resignations of members of the County Committee prior to tbe pri maries, so that their places might be filled by tbo insurgent primary election of Goers." Berkey told the court how hn bad made up tbe roll of the memliers of the county committee, which be claimed he bad a right to do under the rules. In regard to tbe removal of John Schla ., of Jefferson towush'p, he declared that Scblag had not only been guilty of voting at tbe Democratic primary held shortly prior to scblag s election as committee man, but that be had attended the big Republican rally held under the auspices of the Liuooln Club last September. This unpardonable piece of disloyalty in the eyes of Berkey appeared to amuse every person iu the courtroom including Judge Simonton. William P. Hay, who con ducted tbe Democratic primary referred to, afterwards testi tied that not only had Scblag voted at tbe primary, but that the Committeeman appointed by Berkey, one Bruner, had also voted, as bad tbe gentleman now claiming to be committee man of that district by virtue of the elec tion held by Bruner on April, Ac cording to Mr. Hay there were about a many Republicans as Democrats voted at his priftisry. Berkey was asked if he knew of one Spaugler being paid floO to resign from tbe committee and denied that he did. He was more' or less confused when asked if tbe resignation had not been written on tbe type-writer in his olhoe. "We will not wash tbs dirty linen of these Somerset county politicians," remarked Judge Simonton at this point, whUch re mark prevented the submission of some very interesting testimony, Berkey denied that be -had refused to recognize members of tne soinmittse when in convention, and aaid that he did not consider Geo. R. Scull and John R. Sco members of the convention, and tha be declined to admit a paper sub mitted by them. He denied that George K. Witt, committeeman from tSumiui had attempted to submit the same paper. immediately after he had refused to re ceive it from Ncnll. lie said that mem- oer-i of tne executive committee were son s times appointed and some times elected, but was nnable to give a single instance where appointments had been ma te, whereas three or four witnesses, former Chairmen of tbe Committee, te.ii fi6C that appointments had never been made before Berkey undertook to do so. Witness said that the return from Ogle township bad not been received nntil the day following the convention. lie also testified that J. G. Ogle, Eq , prosy of GeorgeS. Harrison, committeeman fro-n Somerset last year, bad been refused ad mission to the convention, whereas wit nesses for tbe other side'wiified that Mr. Ogle had been admitted to the convention as the proxy of Harrison, and all who remember tbe proceedings of that memor able gathering cannot fail to recall the hysterical address delivered by Ogle, when he declared Harvey M. Berkley to be tbe "arch-traitor of the Republican party.' Mr. oerkey said that sixteen men had bolted tbs convention, excluding Scull and Scott, who held tbe proxies of the committeemen from Confluence and New Centreville, and Schlag, the rvgularl elected com mitteemaa of Jefferson, so J tbe c mmiueemen from Elk Lick No. 2, and Lariinrr, as well an the stalwart cora ruiaeemea from the districts of Benson, Csssetman, Gar.-slt, New Baltimore, Ogle, after tbe announcement of the vote for Chairman. This statement was contro verted by a large number of witnesses, who declared that the stalwar. had de posed Berkey as Chairman Immediately after he had refused to entertain the pro test offered by Scull, Witt and Scott. R E. Meyers, one of the Secretaries cf the Berkey convention, who prepared the minutes, admitted on cross-examination that he had prepared the minutes after adjournment, and that bs asked Chair man Bfcikey what to insert and what to omit. Judge Simonton did not taink this a good way to prepare minutes, aud so excluded them. Tbe following from "the Harrisburg Kur Independent covers the testimony in chif, f Mea8r- Kooser, Koonti and Kfdr"l F.J. Kooser, Etq-who was a spectator at tbe convention, described the occur- 1 reooe. t4 the uoa substantially corroborating what had been tesUasd to by Chairman Berkey. At the time the sixteen deletes left the convpnllon Mr. Sottsaid, "Come on, wb'H hare a con vention of our own." He said that Ihs unrecognized de:egat?s from tbe contest ed districts did not attempt to file their returns, but coold not remember the verms in which rich refusal was made. "On cross-examination Mr. Gilbert ak ed the witness whether there had not been a great deal of confusion in the con vention, ihe reply to which was that there had been snareeiy any disordar prior to tbe bolt of the sixteen delegates. When asked whether there bad net been much confusion when Mr. Scull and Mr. Scott had arisen on the floor of the con vention, the witness sid there was n th ing of this kind. Mr. Kooser said that Mr. Scull claimed a seat in the conven tion on the strength of a proxy which ha did not produce, or hand to tbe chair. On this point Mr. Gilbert asked whether there had not been cries of "Proxies don't go in this convention." Witners thought there may have been ; could not say positively. 'Huite a little stir was made when Mr. Bergner called General W. II. Kooutz, one of the contestants, to the stand. He described his location in the house, which was packed. The body of tbe convention was orderly until Mr. Soott attempted to read a paper. General Koontz detailed tbe proceedings of the convention, aud practically corroborated what Mr. Berkey and Mr. Kooser had testified. Tbe only question nsked in cross examination was bs to w he. her Elk Lick No. 2, one of the contested districts, bad been a separate district for primary elections, to which he assented. "Samuel A. Kendall, General Koontz's colleague in the context for legislative nomination, corrolxiralod tbe testimony of General Koontx." Dr. R. T. Pollard testiGed that he bad been appointed committeeman of Garrett by Berkey and that he and Frank Phin-ic-ie hid held rival voting places in the same room. II is credentials were ap proved by J. H. Shaffer and F. M. For ney, as members of the executive com mittee. On cross-examination witness admitted that he had altsented himself from the polls for several hours. Charles Barnes testified that he had been one of the inspectni at the primary beld in Casselman in but wbn. on cross-examination, lie was shown the official return sheet of that election, was forced to admit that he bad not served as inspector. G. W. Tressder, who held the Berkey election in Larimer township, admitted on cross-examination that be had not rs cived his credentials nutil alter the elec tion, and J. F.Smith, the regular com mitteeman, swore that h had not re' ceived Berkey's notice of removal nntil after the election. A. O. Beal testified that former Chair man Berkley bad removed a committee man a year or two previous, but when the official rocord was produced Beal was forced to admit Ihcl be was mistaken. J. L Baumgardner, who tad been ap pointed committeeman of Ogle towoihip by Berkey, testified that when he went to the polls be was served with a paper notifying him that he was not the July elected committeeman, whereupon ho turned over his election papers to D. L. Manges, who was elected committeman by the voters assembled at tbe polling place. Btu:ngtrdner admitted that be had taken part in the election of Manges and had voted at the primary. A number of other witnese were ex amined ou immaterial nutters, when by agreement of counsel the court took tb names of witneises who would c jrrobor ale previous testimony. A. C. Holbert, E-q , testified in regard to the convention of roturn judges aid give a detailed account of all that took place in thtt rioUxi meeting. He said thai tbs con reutioii bad been very noisy snd that lberj bad been continual inter n.ptions. He told bow Geo. K. Scull bad appealed from the decision of tbo chair when Berkey ruled that provies would not be recoguized. and bow Berkey had failed, V; put the appeal, even when askel by Committeeman Witt to do so. Wit r.esswenton to tell how W. H. Koontz bad called out in a loud tone, "Proxies don't go," and bow the same gentleman had called to the Chairman to "go o with tbe roll call and announce tbe re sult ;" how Koontz bad denounced the protest offered by Witt a "being out of all character," aud bow witness had told Koontz that "the Chair must entertain tbe protest, as it alleged fraud, and under tbe party rules the convention could not proceed." Continuing, Holbert described the scenes following the removal of Ber key as Chairman and what took place in the regularly organized convention. L. C. Colborn, E-q., corroborated the testimony of Holbert, as did John R Scott, Fred W. Biesoeker, Harvey M. Berkley. CapL W. H. Sauner, Elmer Moore and a score of others. Evidence was submitted showiug that proxies had always been recognized in regular conventions, and the written cre dentials of F. J. Kooser, E I). Leonard. J. G. 0,;le and others were offered. One proxy in the handwriting of J. A. Ber key, which Attorney Gilbert character ized as "a bill of sale," was alio submit ted in evidence. Oar Grip on Fhilippiset. Chicago, 111., June 8. After two years' separation. Major General LI well S. Otis and his wife and danghter met here to-day. The two ladies had come from New York to meet the General, and they spent several hours with him. He tben left for Washington, while they returned to New York, where they will be joined by the General in a few days. "The real war in tbe Philippinss is over," said General Otis "and the guerrilla warfare can't last lorfg. There is no organized Filipino force, though robbers and drones still commit deprada tions. "We have 53,008 effective troops under arms in the Philippines. The number of inhabitants in the islands is between six and seven millions. The great ma jority of the people desire peace and wiah to again take up their business pur suits. "I do not know where Aguiualdo is. I never saw him. It is possible, but not probable, that Aguinaldo is in the Caga yau section of northern Luzon. lie is losing prestige. "Stories have been circulated about depredations committed by men of our army, but they have been false. Our men have been held nuder close restrsiut and hsve conducted themselves like soldiers. "Official reports of tbe warfare have not been exaggerated, especially of late. Tbe censorship has not been rigid, and we assisted the newspaper correspond ents all we could." Carried Away Gold. PnEToniA. June 5. President Kruger moved $10,500,000 gold from here efore tbe town was evaccated. It Is stated that Commandant General Botha himself as sented to the surrender of the towr Seven gnns were taken from the town last evening. Girdoo's mounted men captured a Maxim in a wagon, while the New South Wales men and tbe West Anatrailians took cn the rails three miles to ths north of here. The Drocn- sion of British trocps marched stesdily into the town from 2 o'clock until balf psst 4 in the afternoon. Before leaving here State's Attornev Smuts forri tha National bank to eive np all its available gold, which was carried away. A staff officer of tbe Guards', brigade visited tbe presidency to-day. A Dutch clergyman who met him informed th officer that Mrs. Krutrer atill resi,l.1 there and asked the officer to step up on ! ids porcn. Mrs. Kragei, attired in a. black silk dress and wearine a hitMr i came out of tbe house to mut ths ntnr She was perfectly collected and exchang- ' ed courtesies with the officer, who ex plained that a soldier giard would re place the burzber guard around the presidency. A CON; CONVENTION Colonel Quay Makes a Sweeping Declaration Tot Ballot Refers. HOW TO ACCOMPLISH IT. The xVewvrr ftalramaa Wishes the Repmblleaa Part? Take a P alttoa Whleh Will Iiior aa Iaa anrdlate Opport aaltr A Tare ad Sreret Ballot. fSpecIal Correspondence.) Harrisburg. June 12. Col. M. S. Quay lias once more done exactly what his political opponents preferred that he would not do. He has placed his ene mies again on the defensive. The Beaver statesman has come out in a sweeping public declaration In favor of ballot reform, for personal registra tion in the cities, and for a constitu tional convention to be held at the earliest possible date, to make such changes In the fundamental law of the commonwealtn as shall be deemed nec essary to accomplish the proposed re forms. Since the publication of CoL Quay's utterance upon this subject the Insurgents have attempted tc question the sincerity of his position, but the Immediate and conclusive answer to their partisan talk lies in the fact that Col. Quay proposes that the people themselves shall determine the issce, and that the solution of the problem of ballot reform shall not be left to the whim3 of a state legislature, but that the people shall have an opportu nity to vote upon the question and se lect representatl ? who shall be chosen for the special purpose of car rying out the reforms contemplated. COL. QUAY'S STATEMENT. This Is what Senator Quay has to say over bis own signature In a state ment which he prepared at Mountville, Lancaster county, on the farm of his son. Major A. G. C. Quay: "The existing ballot law and its amendments were favored by the Ballot Reform association, were supported by all political parties, were passed by a Republican legis lature and signed by a Democratic governor. If they are bad the re cponslbility for them appears to be pretty evenly divided. The sim ple truth Is that, so far as secrecy of the ballot Is concerned, they are as near- an approach to the Ideal Australian ballot as can be made by the legislature under our con stitution. "Taking a very low view of it, ' the Republican party stands for a pure ballot everywhere. In Penn sylvania there could be no motive on the part of the dominant party to encourage or permit any perver sion or suppression of the popular will, for the reason that the popu lar will is overwhelmingly Repub lican, SJid Us fair and full expres sion, according tc law, is all that can be desired. Immediately after the enactment of the baker law and its approval by Governor Pat tison the Republican state conven tion declared that it the law should be found insufficient to Insure fair elections the Republican party stood pledged to amend the consti tution so as to provide for a more complete and satisfactory reform. RADICAL CHANGE DEMANDED. "The law has now been tested by experience, and it has been shown - that great abuses are possible un der it. The disability clause can not be enforced against a constitu tional provision authorizing a voter to take another into the booth to attest his ticket, and this facilitation of vote buying and In timidating, together with our loose registration, constitute an election system which does not commend Itself to the people of the state and which has become the subject of general complaint. The system should be radically changed. The constitution should be so amend ed as to allow compulsory personal registration in cities, and a secret ballot which cannot be influenced against the will of tbe voter. To this change, as already said, the Republican party stands pledged by its p'atform of 1S93. "Tbf amendments passed by the . last legislature, vetoed by the gov ernor, and which If again passed by the legislature will be submitted to tbe people, are subject to many chances in the long process requir ed to put them in the constitution, and especially when they are not mandatory, but only permissive, and must depend upon the disposi tion of future legislatures for prop er laws to effect the reforms which they allow, but do not command. They involve considerable expense, with no certainty whatever of def inite results, even after their adop tion, and the passage of many years. It was probably with soma such views that the governor sought to arrest them, and give the people of the commonwealth time to consider some more practical and effective method of reaching the desired result. "If this change in the election lews of tbe state be really desired by the people the sooxtsr it is ef fected the better. "If it can be accomplished quick ly, surely and radically by a consti tutional convention and by a con- n ILm (Btf This Is a critical period In tho II fo cf every woman and no mistakes should he made, Tho ono recognized and rell&hlo help for women who are approaching and passing through this wonderful change Is LysCa E. Pbikham's Vejetabk Compound That the utmost reliance can ho placed upon this great medicine Is testi fied to by an army of grate ful women who have been helped by It. Mrs. Ptnkham, who has the Greatest and most successful experience In the world to qualify her, will advise you tree of charge. Her address Is Lynn, Mass. Write to her. Herald Does Fine Job Work. ttlriitlonal convention only which shall le called and the members chosen for the express purpose. I take It that when a reform and certainly a reform touching the state in so vital a point Is de manded by a respectable number of citizens, it Is the plain duty of the legislature to ascertain wheth er or not a majority of the whole people demand It, and. If so, to put It in the simplest and speediest wiy of accomplishment. We can ascertain the will of the people only by submitting the question to them at the polls, f. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. "If the legislature to be elected fn November will frame a fair, non partisan constitutional convention bill, like that of 1S72, early In the session and then submit the ques tion of convention or no conven tion under that act, to be voted vpon at the spring elections, the whole matter would be put la course of immediate and proper de termination according to the public will. The delegates would be elect ed at the spring election or at a special, election. This appears to be not only right, but eminently Just and conservative. There would be no danger of revolutionary In novations. The people would do cide whether or not there should be a convention; they would elect the members and they wo'tld ac cept or reject the amended instru ment at the polls. The delegates being elected should the people resolve upon a convention, prima rily to consider election reforms would proceed to put the -eforms required Into the constitution it self, and, if any part of tie new machinery . should be left to the legislature, the language would be, unlike that of pending ,aL.,etd ments, mandatory, and leuvc uo room for evasion. "The difficulty of sscurlng re forms in the legislature, where any discretion Is allowed that body, is well known. The variety of Inter ests represented In that body, and the existence of two houses, to con cur, witn the executive in the back ground, make the passage of any given measure, in acceptable shape, exceedingly problematical. "The Republican party has suf fered more than once from Its Ina bility to promptly eiecute promis ed reforms by legislative action. A convention being a single body elected for specific purposes, and, naturally embodying the highest learning and Integrity of the com monwealth, would doubtless per form promptly and well the duty devolved upon 1L (Signed) "M. S. QUAY." REEDER AND COOPER SPEAK. Not only has Col. "Quay taken this stand, but Influent'al leaders of the Republican organization throughout the state have come out for the most advanced method of accomplishing the desired reforms In connection with the ballot. Gen. Frank Reeder, chairman of the Republican state committee, has asserted that the Republican organ ization will lead In the movement for such changes in existing laws as shall be deemed desirable, and that through out the commonwealth the active Re publicans will work shoulder to shoul der to fulfill any pledges that may be made by the state organization Intend ed to stop abuses at elections. The 6tate chairman holds that the Republi can party has always been the cham pion of a pure ballot and a secret one, and that In a great majority of the election precincts throughout the state the intent of the framers of tne pres ent law is faithfully carried out. He admits that there has been objections found to the operation of the law in some of the cities, and says the Repub lican party can be counted cpon to meet the demands of the people in remedying existing evils. Former State Chairman Thomas V. Cooper, who is a nominee for the leg islature in Delaware county, ana who was nominated without opposition, al though he is an avowed supporter of Col. Quay, has gone on record as one of the leaders of the ballot reform movement. Among other things he saiu. In a recent statement: "It is a public duty to make It more and constantly more difficult to violate the election law. In the evolution of law seeking something better, both will come if our vote can determine the matter. It can be truthfully said that we believe In and act with the party organization. We do; we shall. It is only through organization that any thing worth doing for the people can be done. It is not always enough, nowadays, and where masses are con cerned, to be right; we must be in the best possible position to aid the rignL The best position is within an organ ization, within the largest and best or ganization. There we can battle for the right to some purpose; outside, we are useless as a rule. There are revo lutionary exceptions, but they are too rare for onr brief lives. As part of the great Republican organization we will Btrlve far better election laws, for the amendments proposed, for laws to enforce them, and If possible to im prove them. If these can be reached we will be thankful for the opportunity to favor their application to all our elections general, spring, special and the primaries of all parties. "The Municipal League is Justly proud of its triumph in securing the opportu nity to vote upon two amendments looking to better things. We are not of that organization, but we must share its pride and will try to help it in this work. Our only regret is that the state must wait five years for other amendments. We have no fear but that the Republican organization will also join In the work. It has no inter est otherwise, and only foolish faction Ists will try to change what is a gen eral purpose for the public good. Of course false counters will oppose, but these are after all only a few hirelings of varied interests. The Municipal League is preparing to question candi dates for the legislature. It has our answer in advance. We are for better things, for constant advancement to higher and better forms of government, and these can best be secured through good primary and general election law,- and they can best be secured by the eo-operation of all who have good purposes In view, without regard to faction or party." SEES PASS HOTEL, DEER PARK, MD. Most belightiul Summer Resort of the Allegbenies. Swept by mountain breezes - X) feet above sea level. AbMolutely free from malaria, hay fever and mofqtiitrw.- On Main Line of Halliinore & Ohio Railroad. Hotel and Cottages. Every modem con venience. Room en suite with bath. Electric Debts. Elevator, Turkish Bath, .wo large Swimming Pools, Uolf Liukn, Tennis Courts, Bowling Alley, Magnifi cent Driven, Complete Liverv Service, Annapolis Naval Academy Band. De lightful Cottagf (fiiruixhi-d fur house keeping if denired) ready for occupancy June if-L lintel open from June Jd to September 3utb. For rates and Information address W. E. IturwelL Manager, B. A O. Buildinp. Baltimore, Md., until Jnue 10. b. After 'hat time. Deer Park, Garrett County, Md. - Fntnra Army Officer. Wakiiinotos, June 8 Adjt. Gen. Cor bin to day completed preliminary ar rangements for the execution of that arc ion ofthe military a a If my appnt ri aion bill which provides fr the appciutment of 100 additional cadeU. A letter was addressed to member of tbe Senate, inviting him to nominate a candidate for appointment as cadet and an alternate. These appointees are to report at West Point for examination on July 23. All successful candidates will go into sum mer camp after that date. In cae a Sen ator fails to nominate a cadet and au al ternate before July 1. the appointment will be made by tbe President. Tbe bill is construed as vesting tbo two cadet ap pointments from oach State iu tbe sena tors from that S'ife and lucrtai:ng by 10 theuumber of cadets at large to be ap pointed directly by tbe President. The President baa determined to reserp these wee fr ths sons of ..eiders wbo have distinguished themelvta in the Civil wir, tbe SpaiiUb war and the Philip A BoscaU View of Onr Xistral Wealth. A. A. Stufrman, who is aso-iiited ith Ju'Tge Keim in Som rn t county val land Iraut-aelioiis, a as In town Thursday. He is buy with paying off the faruieia whr ural rights bave bten bought, and Mr. Stptzman says he settles with from two to four people dally. Farmers receive generally from J2.C00 to f(XXl, and as tbe syndicate represented by Mr. Stitlz-nan has optioned lietwcen f0,"n0 and SO.ttO acres at 10 to J2) per acre, it can I een that -u immense amount of money has bien distributed among the Fnty Srs of Thunder. And yet the w--rk has ap parently only fairly begun. It wiil Uka a year or more f- r M r. Stutzuian to tiiii-th paying off the options be has taken. "Somerset ia destined to be one of I he very richest counti iu the Slate," be said to a representative cf the Democrat "Its owl and timber and stone are but items in its natural resources. It un doubtedly bas oil as well, and this will some day be developed. There are mauy airps and 1-jw plvna whf-re the oil stands upon the water thick ecough lo beset fire to with a match, an J this is certiinly an indication of wLat is beneath tbe surface. A fow yt-are ago a woll was sunk near Spruretown and progress enough was ni.ido to put some folks on the anxious seat. It was understood that oil was struck, but just at the critical moment agents of the Standard Oil Co. came upon tbe scene, tbe drill was broken in the shaft and the whole thing was dropped like a hot potato. Since then procpeding bas not been undertaken in Somerset county, but I am convinced that oil abouuds there and that ultimately it will be developed, to become, perbspa, even a mre important fur-tor in tbe in dustrial llfu of tho oimmunity than its coal, timber and stone bave been aud are." Mr. Slu!zman said that farmers were loaning money at j and 3 per cent, and that it was a drug eveu at that. Johns town Democrat. Kilts sad Corbia Promoted. Washiscto, June 8. Tho President to-day i-iued commissions to Lieut. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, commanding the array, and Mj. Gen. II. C. Corbin, ad jutant general of the army. These are recesa appointments and will le nomi nated to the Senate at iu next session in December. Gen. Miles said be would make no change in his ttatT in conse quence of the now legislation, the prin cipal effect of which will be to give Mj. Micbler, Fifth csv.tlry ; Maj. Bailey a-id M:ij. Whitner, Gon. Miles's aid-s, tbe rank, psy and allowance cf evl'.n U of cavalry. Washington. D. C. GcnenM-e Pure FimhI (V., l.r Uirj S. Y. ; Gentlemen : Our .'ami It realize so much from the use of GRAIN O that I feel I must say a word to induce others to use it. If people are interested In their bnalth and the welware of their chi!(!reu tbej will use no othor bevems, I have used them all, but GHAIN-U I have found superior to any, for the reason that it is sol ill grain. Yours for health, C. F. Mvkt.s. Three spectres that threaten baby's life. Cholera infantum, dyser.tnry, diarrhoea. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw ber ry, uerer fails to conquer them. An Ordinance Authorizing (he inxuing of tuliiitivmtl fxml f ir Kcrerttgc tiy the borough cf iitr.n crxft. Wiikkeas. The amount of Bond of Borough of Soiiu alrpsriv vot.-J for snd neotiut-d for tho putting in of a sw-nife yolcni for the said LomtiKti, has ln found IiiNUtrtcicnt for the putting in of a complete iivKteni ot s-wemitc. Therefore, Is- it ordained liy theT'Wn Coun cil of the boronuii of 'omei.ft. and it is here by ordained l y Ihe authority of tn suite, thut in sci-ord:inr with I lie provision of the several Arts of Assembly ri-Utlrn to the ln-cn-ae of di-hl ly mum.ii:il rnrjrution, ad dilionnl tNttids of lhfcnid boi-ouch of ?iomt.-r-w-l to the amount of KiL'ht Thousand ISihurs (the said amount with the existing indebted ness of the boniinh ru iint within the seven per cent, limitation fixed liy law) hIiuII be issued and 111 k'o!l.;l. t at not less tlmn their par value, and In such niunixr as shall be deein iiioki sdvuritaitMis to the siid bor onhand iu accordance Hith the pro l.-io:is of tiie law relstln to the increase of nimiictpril ludctUKlni-! fur the pursme of Mwmnit cer tain streets that could uot bo iucluded In the existing contract. The said Douds when f. sued shall be known as Municipal Mnprovenienl Uonds, m-cond w-rics, arid sliall bear liiteret at the mte of live per on Hi m jar annum Kut the Town Council may tin-1 otter them at a lower rale of Interest than rtve per centum, if in their Judgment it would be to the interest i f the horoUKli to do so. And If 11 shall be loiiud that the said tx.nds ran not be negotiated with interest at five per centum or lower, then said bonds may be isiurd at a rate of Interest not exceeding six far centum per annum. 1 he fraid bonus idiall be issued in denomi nations vf uot exceeding live hundred dol lars, and the interest thereon shall be paya ble on tho llrst day of April and October of each year, si the oillee of ihe Treasurer of the said borough of Homersit. The Mild bonds shall have tht proper seal of the borough attixed tiiereto, and, tstetlier with the Interest croupous tiiereto attached, s'uill bo signed by the Hurvessand be du'y ai. tested by t he Secretary of the Town Council. The said bond shall he duly numbered and shall be registered on the minute boo of the Town Council in the name of the erson or persons to whom tsstitd. The ownership of Ihe said bonds shall only be aae by a protscr assignment on the backs there..! duly attested by two witness., notice of sue h transnr is lo be given forth with lo the T.e-.if urer of said Is rvuth. The said bonds shall be made redeemable ;.nd payable within twenty-one years fn:m the dale tin n-of. and shall contain a cl use riving the right to the said borough of Som erset lo reJeeiu them at any time afters givin period. iue fow n Council shall each year le-y a tax in amount to pay the interest on the bun ts and to provide a sinking fund llirouti which Ihe said may be n deemed and paid r'iihln the period sei for their r.sleinis llon. And, provided further, that no bonds sha'l be isMied under the provisions of this ordinance until after the aeut of the iUali- uej eiis-iitiH in i ne oomugii l- Mils pt-opoM-d Increase of indebtedness hall have been giv en in ine manlier pmviucu oy law. Passed the sixth day of June A. D. HW. Atbstr t. W. KRF.ASK. IU Mey, r. I res. Town Council. Kce'y Town Council. Approved ihe seventh day of June, A. D. l'.M-J. VM. II. WELK! EV. Burgess. Election Notice ! -o- NOT1CE is hereby given to the nimlitied electors or the oo'ouKh of Somerset, in the county of Hoiiierset and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that an election will be held at iue touri House, in said borough, ou SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1300, between the hours of 7 o'cKs-k A. M. nn l 7 o'clock V. M , for Ihe purposeof obtaining the axsent of the electors of said bomu-'h alditional Increase of t'ie liidehle-tness of sum noniugn lor additional seweraga uot in cluded in the existing contract, r'or the information of said elector n,t In accordance with the provisions of Ihe Act of Assembly relating lo Increase of Indebted ness, approved April Ji, 1-71, 1 L. and iu several supplements, the following suitcmtut is submitted : Amount of last assessed valuation of the taxable property of the bor ough taxable for county purposes. . T7,8J).00 .sefc aiiiouiii u me existing neni computed according lo the provis ions of the 5th sec; i j ofthe above stated Act, namely: Hy deducting from the gross amount thereof the monies In the treasury, outstanding solvent debts, and "eources appli cable within one year to tbe pay ment of the same, a at i v-. ,m 1 he amount of the proposed Increase of In- aeuieuuessas nxed by ordinance of said bor ough, passi-d the Mil dav of June, im J, is J.sii(X), which wilh the existing debt will be li S per centum ofthe present county valua tion of the property of the borough taxable forcoun.y purposes. isaid ehction will he hld under Ihe same regulations provided hy law for Ihe holding of Munl-ipal Kiections. Those Uliried voters dei ring to vote In favor of aaid in e'easeof debt shall vote with tickets, lit er written or printed, labeled on the outside -Increase the la-bt" and containing on ti e Inside I he words "IVbt Way tie increased," and also the woid ' fo - purpose of putting iu additional sewerage, ,so , c t" Those el-cors opposed to such liarreore shall vote with Uri els labeled on tbe octal le I crease the liebt" and containing on the Inside the words -o Increase of lfbt" for purpose of putting in additional Be wenge, fjs. . i . Hy otder of lowu Council. AtUt : WM. H. WELFLEY. It. E. Meyers. Burgeta. secretary. Somerset, Pa, June 11, 1:X). JgXlX'UTOU'rf NOTICE. Estate of Adam Poorbangh. late -f Ljt rimer township, deceased. firfton Iwl.m.nluw ah 4 K.. V. i.i-Miiii-iiHij on mi: aixitr e - tale having I wen granted to the undersigned by tbe proper authority, notice is hereby giv en lo all persons indebted lo said estate to make immediate payment, and those having chows against the same to present them duly autnerr.icMied for settlement on Saturday Juue i3, JtWu, al the late residence of dec' d. Executor of Adam Poorbaugh, dt e'd. L. I'ugb, Attorney. Cures Drunkenness. eeley i Cures Drug 'Users. THE REELEY hJL. sV Writ fcr Booklet, ?f ff INSTITUTE, V C a Vs km res . l FT TTt A little liht work should not make woman's bi'lc ache And it wouldn't if tha kidneys were rbht. kidueyi are to blame forthree fourths ofthe pain and misery in this world. If all the kidneys in the world conld be made strong aud healthful, back ache would difpear like magic Donn's Kidney Pills are matin;; well kidneys just as fast people Ut them. They never fail. Have cured thousands of men and women. Read this testimony of their merit. Mrs. W. K. Heath, of Washington street, Corry, Pa., says: "I allowed mv esperienee with and ocitiioiis f.f man's Kidney Pills lo be pub lished in the Corey papers in the month of la s At that lime Doan's Kidney WKs cured so atta k of backache and rheu matism. 1 have had attacks since and also hare bee a annoyed with my liver, but lam able lo go about and do inr housework. Three ars ago before nsiug LSjan's Kidney Pills, I rwH n do this. Sometimes for long periods I wss often so bad I could not go out in the yard. 1 reisrat now as empha tically as I stated three years ago, that Doan s KiJncv fills are a reliable prepara tion for the kl'Jarvs, snd I endnrac them s heart ily bxlay as I did when they were firt introduced to my notice." j Doan's Kidney Tills for sale by all dealers. Trice 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no subs titute. Following is wbat you can c-ov al the new T27 Urchin Ettildirg, Somerset, Pa. Men's 50c Shirts Xu " T')C Overalls, oOcT " 10c Socks, ft". " 'vc Ties, 3kf. " 00c Ties, ate. Best Clothes Wringer, : : J 1.19 2.5 shetts good Tapir and IT Knvelopes, fc 2.J beet Kuvelopes, ; ; ; O0C Good Agate His b Tan, : : 2c Btit Table Oil Cloth per yard 20c Tjc Corsets M ecu ts Isle " To cents . ?1 00 " -SD cents Full assortment Tinware, Agate ware. Knives and Forks, Glass ware, Flagt aLd Fire Works iu season. THE NEW IDEA PATTERNS F03 JUNE KCW READY. C:i - LADIES' ET0 JACLET. fell. St, H, 3, Si, c, U, rSI-lsmES,A!D MISSES BATH. NO SLIT. Uses i, at. Si it 11 1 yra J.W.Phillips Hambletonian Stallion, Or--- st v- -et( Tt r-r e-A- ;i -i KM I. ALHAMBRA! Will stand for nisr s st Hlsh and Turin dur ing the season. This horse needs nob iistjne. as his a:et have sold for more money, and prodiicd more sved and faster thin any In the county, some having eoue tie mile iri 13 DRAFT STALLION, FRED! Bty, three-year old, bred deep In old Nitreer blood, who. in his day, produced more liii(h priccd draft horse than any st.-illion ever owmd in tills county. This colt will be al lowed toa-o to a limited number of mar s st S uiuto Insure a neire wih fsl." You want to see this horse before breedlUK elsewhere. P. HEFFLEY. OMIMMHMMWMWi 2 Home-Stewart Co.' : i DRY GOODS j The New Summer Dress Material.... Mrst popular thing we have had Mercerized Pnau de soie. Soft, silk like fabric that la being ned here aud in the east for atim mtr dresses. A new shipment jnst received. Beautiful oolorings, polka dots and figures 2Sc and 1j a yard. Most stores w ant i5c and 00c a for samples. 233 Fifth Ave Pittsburg. ti(3 Racks lore MHA) 'i' " -js - - ONLYefrp- 10 wk- E JjAt T S. 3 1 urmiuiu aim lVcupm Do not fail to sec our 1900 line of Formic. in the latest finish it's well made. Tie cheaper, end in a way tliorcnnhiy ?a,. ry; the higher cost end with certain kind of clc-'atice Ti Carpets, In an up to-date line McCLTNTOCKS The tli.s-i.hv? os more complete, bo many new ideas m design, finish, cc!o mecuaiiicoi cuusvruiuuu. MAIN CROSS STREET. 1J If You Want the Best w ST! ' I I tS M M "' t5 ; s I I WHEN IN WANT OF PURE DRUGS, CHEM- ICALS AND TOILET ARTICLES, PHARMACY. 408 Main Sreet, Somerset, Pa. Our stock is complete. All goods guaranteed. Our Specialties: tz. Fine Box Stationery, "Aloha" Brand. D.-!idiJ Confections in Original Packag at: with a numerous variety of flavors. fc on liaud. I G. W. BENFORD, Manage ftr-Pohe station for Long Distance Telophons to alt points ia IT. S. Rates moderate. Sunday pay station at Hotel TlUUimillLUiUllUUiiUll j Some Comfort is Home Beauty. . . Do you wjmt to beautify your home by adding a niee Chamber Suit, Par!' Suit, Side Hoard, Parlor Stand, l'ocker or Toilet Set, if so, low prices pr Tail at tbe New Furniture and House Furnishing Goods Store of I i OnnOAite R. & O. Tienat. 4 T t f. J . 5toyestown Station. JrL. .1. llLllI I TlMTallMt Mcairbl Buildir la lh World, MONTCOMERY WARD C Osaad aad Oecuaistf Exchuneit B Us. Mkkirulr.i Xviimm1 James B 1 KOFFROTH'S. re. Vp .., uoiacn ine line is al.' f II 1 T-1 1 - . . - - ' 7 desiL.rf(i C. H. COFFROTH,. SOMERSET, pA, PLUMBING & HEATING. fcW IN RANGES or COOKING STOVES that can be produced at a price no higher than inferior goods, then call and examine our complete stock, tn.lraccd in the following : Car ands, Majesties, Coumbians, All guaranteed to give satisfaction and at prices to tuit i ranging from $7.00 to $50.00. Call and examine. P. A-SCHELL, 1 1 1 1 1 i , 1 1 j Sparkling Ice-Cold Soda pure and refreshing-S Imported and Domestic Brands of Cigars censtan: t Wholesale Price to Users. Otir General Catalogue (p them. Send 15c to partly postasre or exrresa''e anJ ' send you one. I: has 1 ioo 17,000 illustrations anJ qs rrices on nearly ;o,ooo tn that you eat and ue anJ 4 We constantly carry ia siocst 1&1 uvaca iuttu. - THIS SPACE RESERVLD FOR aoldcrtai SOMERSET, PA. pines. rrrcis.r.