CSomerser Herald. r" K,rABIA5KSt 1S27. I tjuns of JPablication. i J every WednaHlay iuoruiuf at ,toUUuJ if paid In advance, otWwine i J i; m charged. ' - puuoa will Ix discontinued until I -r' P14 UP- Postmasters I wiuCy u when subscribers do not i' . joeir ppr will. be. held reaponaiule 1 brrs reuiovinf from one poRtoffiee.to f iso11 'T U)e naIU f the - f . i ( AfflriL A fill n HI. ' Uie present office. Address Duiuut, Fa. I -pH LEW, j Botuertu-k, Pa. I Vilv-JiA. AOTABT PUBLIC. (Jwuersel, Pa. mo Coflrulh A Ruppel, 1 rL'tf MEYERS, ? KUU'I oursel, f ana'.. ?" , toiuidwi, Oour- lua- euu iukil to rus care will be aA 5 iu yrumyuiMHi tuil uueuiy. I VA-L.KER. iXOitSfcY-AT-LAW, MdviAiii PbBUC. t .jite Court Houfc i I , k. scLLL, Iaiioi-"--1' f o.i;oour;i.esu.mutuxt.Pa. 1 i, iJUi w rbouienet Pa. ,e r i-uer's BookoWre. mi uoui ! v ttoun.rwJi, Pa. xA u.c Cook Beriu Blue, up auura. bouwmel, Pa. I-jO). W. BIESECKEK, I bouientel, fa. j,u. SiJilt lions. Row, oipjMW Court K AfA010ll.Y-AT-LAW. i"' Bouietaet, Pa. Boiuerael, Pa. J. U. OQLJL i uu. il OGLE, Al A Ulv a. 1 IJ-AI-LA W , , buiueraet. Pa. I , ve prompt alienuoo u buuiee en- xioue Wow, opvu.il laMiXK I1AV. A. U U. HAY. i juiu Cro irl, twuiireel, Pa. -iIS ii. Al A OliA fc. -AI-I-A W , boiueret, Fa. Lui piumplly atiena to ail U n- .1 Somerset, Pa. U.ileua to ail busUKM euu-uiM u. bU iiu .,mrrei urn animus cuU;-Lf,W rfc. iKve CuliroUi orowsnf Cstoro. J Aliuiilil-AT-LAW I Duuir t. Pa. Lu Maui cro auu tu U, wiUi prouiptaea. jioaeiny. 1 j. 00LBOKN. Lu C UULB&KN. i OiiiUiiN COLliOKN, ! i 1 1 iiiiiMtlo-Al-LAni . mr will be 1 Jilfc Uiatue all Ma., av- 44 OU mbOULie VcTUiaW ii, AAiOKNBy-AT-LAW. 1 m prciioe In Somerae: merset. and adJolnlnL- 'isuf. Ail cusiB(t eiiiru-Uxl UJ mm . H. LOKKKOTli. W. H. KL-PPE1 r rTKOTH A RUPPKL, Al lvlv a. o-a i-i-A t , I Soiuenet, Pa. a id buin enlxutd lo their care will be ud uuucvuniiy atleuUed to. Dfllot it lUui Cra iirai, oni atamiuoUi U. E. F. BITTXKIi, U 1-UTslClAS Af VIKOKOS, lpUoue Xo. Ci HouieraeL, Pena'a. licsoter Fisher's Book Store. i JT I. MAIWDEN, M. D., ootcrel, l a. iictorer Piint National Bank. i tt:Lu aiuruuou KiVeu we care of the i. ua u llie ir3iiiiii oi cuivmiic diwfWTt. 5 -ut caii al uuioe. A eleyuoue. R. P. F. HHAFFER, JJ PUlbi.ClA Akue oUKOKON, Bomeraet, Pa. eadcni hit profeeslonal services to the citl- sii iruaa alia fairioi itkreeu i 'UR. J. M. LOUTHER, U PUVoliJlAN AJae PUVoliJlAN AJaoCROEC5, on Alain street, rear of Drug store. 3. H. S. KUSiMKLuL, t tjiders his professional services to the eit!- oi huuieivet aud vicinity. Luless pro-!-.'juM,:y riiHHd be c.u be lound at his of- - us Jtain nl tM, ol Ltiauiuuo. X. KKEMEll, V. D. S. I Sit ial aneulUo f iveu to the Ailing f prt-rivauou ol Uie itiuial UH-VU. Am f iutri. Livwu ana onatf woia. f toiiueuce of Ar. AL a. Kituu.ciL i JS. J, tf.McMiLLEN, Oraduute in lJiusiry.) '"fnifc'nltciiUon to the preservation W tali in leeui. Artibcial M-LS insertrd. ut'iK r (uaranumd aaUkiitclory. Offlce : io i u.1 over 1 Al. latvia k Uj I svor; ,T-"ae Xsil Cross and .'"atnot su-eeta. "piUXK B. FLUCK, ! Land Surveyor 'an HiMjjQ E(,1ETJU UsUe, Pa. s !JO-01'ERATIVE MUTUAL FIRE J LNS. CO., BERLLX, PA. j Ott insurance at actual coet by insur j at Lome. We insure Town and -lrm property. Wrius for information. I JAC. J. ZOBJT, Secretary. IJIOTEL GLOBE, i Coniluence, 1'eim'a. Tis well-known lua has bee. refernthl ! NuHiped with ali modem improvements fVauow under the niausceineut of John J irrky, an x-rieiKyi holei man. Thepub- ' 'siLvitrd ui uiaka it headquarters when J "m Counueuce. j Joriu Murray. 3 .J A LONG, I ' ARCHITECT. , i lii-7 Park. Build'-, PITTSBCRU, TA. i :uu,"iry sketches preparea ana suonmr 1 VOL. XLVIH. NO. 52. Utile Folks Love it. Is Baby 5ick? Suffering frox. llie ilb of c hild hood Colic, Cholera-Infan-tum, Diarrhoea, or tho pain3 that come from teething? . DR. JAMES' Seething Syrup Cordial is a safe, never-failing no laudanum nothing that could . harm a dducate child " - , I1c;iEant to the taste. At Inig Stores. 5 cents a Bottle. Dont Aoccpt a Substitute. THE- Firsl national Bank: Somerset, Penn'a. Capital, 850.000. Surplus, .S44.000. S5.000. PROFITS OCao.1T BlCCIVf" IN LaC S"DSJLL AMOUNT.. PAT. LI OS OtMAWO ACCOUNTS or MCMCMANT., rilSIKi, STOCK OCALCRS. AND OTHER. SOLICITED -DISCOUNTS DAILY. - BOARD OF DIRECTORS. CHAH. O. SCULL, GKO. R. JAMtS 1. Pl'HH, W. H. Mll.I.KK, JOHN R. WXtTT. KOHT. S. tiCUUts EDWARD ftCCLIj, : : PRESIDENT VALENTIN" E HAY. : VICE PKEHII'ENT HAHVKY M. bKKKLEY, CAtsHlEB Ths funds and nerurltles of thl bank are as-. enrely protect In a celebrated t klism Kdb- olak Paoov Hafk. Tne only safe made abao IntelT burslar-prooL Jacob D Swank, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Next Ooor Wet of Lutheran Church, Somerset, - Pa. I Am Now prepared to supply tbe public with Clocks, Watches, and Jew elry of all descriptions, a Cheap as the Cheapest. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. All work guaranteed. Look at my stock before making your purchases. J. D. SWANK. KEfFER'S NEW SHOE STORE! MEN'S BGYS;. WOMEN'S, GIRLS' to CHILDREN'S SHOES, OXFORDS ao SLIPPERS, Black and Tan. Latest Style, and Shapes at lowest .....CASH PRICES Adjoining Mra. A. E. Uhl, South-east corner of qu. re. SOMERSET. PA. .H. HUSTON, Undertaker anrj Embalmer. A GOOD HEARSE, tnd eTeiTthinc pertain (dx to facermlj farn SOMEESET - - Pa. 60 YEARS' ssalMBk V tArtnitnvt nr.ir.uk Cosvrikts Ac entrAlr Mwrt.in our ochdio. fro. wbw ma nvwiUoii pecfc.hiv puetiukle. (VMBviuifm. tlona rtotloiiant4. Hmllx" oa fweats I'urnu t.xrn tnreerh Mass A Co. rMelve sseriel tutiu. witaoat cb 1ra, m ue Sdentinc iimencan. . 1 -iw trw r f..fclv. Irrw rtr. eolsuon t any tnrv.ic )"i- a'.Si yer : Toer momas. u j "w r Branca OttX- F 8U Waiai. U. C V V mnat sofJv and olavinost effectivtly over a lesuvc n.xuc wuv bv waxen candles. Tbe light Uiat htiphlcrs beauty's charm, tbal jnit ll:c finished touch to thctirawirg room or diumg room, & tLe mcuow glow 01 mem WAX CANDLEQh Sold in all cor and ut..es to harrnooixe with stir interior i hanpin or decorations, 1 Manufactured by b eviiuniDn fllL CO. -1! a J CeeflMSBBBaBBBalsBBaBM GOOD BTE --GOD BLE88 TOT." I like the ADglo-Saxon speech. With its direct revealing ; fl lakec a held and seems to reach Way down into your feelings. That aoruB filks dttm it rude I know, A nd thercfure they abnae it j But I have never found it so Eefore all eU I choose It. I don't otject that men should air The Gallic they have paid for. With "Ao revoir," "Adiea, tua ehere," For that's what French was made for. Put when a crony takes your band - At panicK to address you, . He drops all foreign lingo and He says, "Good-bye God bless yon." This seems to me a sacred phraae. With reverence impassioned A thing oouie down from righteous days, Quaintly but nobly fashioned. It well Incomes ao bonwt face, A voice that's round and cheerful ; It fctays the sturdy In his place, And cx llits the weak and fearful. Into tbe porcuos of the ear. It steals with subtile unction. And in your heart of hearts appear To work its gracious function And all day long with pleasing song It lingers to carets you, I'm sure no buiuan heart goes wrong That's told, "Good-bye (iod blena you." Kugene Fiold. FROM THE - EXEMYS LINE. Sergt. "Teddy" VVilkins was lying on bis breast behind a heap of earth list euing to tbe zip of Mauser bullets over Lis head. The Spanish picket line was sheltered by a group of trees not far away, and occanionally a guerrilla sharpshooter sent a message of defnoee from the high branches. The sergeant belonged to a New York regiment which had hurried to the front almost before Congress had officially declared that the United States was at war with the proud old laud which has taken the trouble to discover her. Three or four of the guerrillas had droped from the trees and the Span ish stragglers had been driven back toward Santiago by a rattliug fi-e from the BpringSeld rifles of the voluuur. The weather was entirely too hot to follow up an advantage gained over a ew rice-fed conscripts, and Company K was resting a bit and wondering if the commissary department would call upon them that day. "Teddy" Wilkins was smoking the artistically colored meerschaum which he had brought from home. There had been no tobacco in tbe rich brown boal for days, and the sergeant was contentedly pulling at some of the dried grass of the country. "Hello!" exclaimed De Jones. "Here they come to our pink tea! I wonder how they fojnd out we were receiving this afternoon. Get out the Bostou wafers, Sarg., and I'll hunt up the Bouvenir spoons." "They" proved to be a slender young woman, who walked with a springy step, and an elderly woman who was anything but sylphlike, who seemed to j roll along the brown earth. There was a look of terror in the eyes of both of them. They advanced toward the American soldiers and held their hands above their heads. "Mercy, mercy, senor!" cried the girl in broken English. "Tell them to sit down on tbe sofa i and make themselves at home," sug gested De Jones. The young one Is rather good looking, at that." Sergt. Theodore Wilkins, of Com pany K, bent his stiffened limbs, ad justed his cartridge belt, aud went to meet the new comers. "We beg protection," said the youngs er woman. "We nave come rrom ine the city, and we beg to be spared by the chivalry of los Americanos." Wilkins, who remembered somewhat of his Ollendorf, attempted to say some thing in Spauish which he meant to be reassuring. The girl shock her head and a puzzled expression came into her eyes. "Do Dot peak Spanish more, senor," she said. "I know the English very well. I weut to school in Connecti cut." Whereupon the men who had been engaged in the gentle occupation of ex changing compliments with Spanish foemen burst into an uproarious guffaw, to the great annoyance of Sergt. Theo dore Wilkins. "That Spanish of yours is great," suggested the corporal. A lieutenant came up just then. The two women said that they bad just come from beleaguered Santiago in order thai they might escape death in the bonilardment which was sure to come. Tbe lieutenant told them that they need fear no danger, "los Ameri canos" did not make war upon women aDd children. He ordered Sergt. Wilk ins and a guard of two men to escort the visitors out of barm's way. Teddy Wilkins was young. He was so youthful that he had had bard work in getting into the regiment when be enlisted about a year before. He had been educated in a mi.itary school, and the mechanism of drill seemed a second nature to him. He reniemlered as he escorted tbe refugees through the chaparral thnt there was a situation in a grand opera which was not so very different from the one in which he found himself. He wondered if Carmen were as beau tiful as the Cuban girl who picked her way among tbe fallen branches and the stones which lay in their pathway. Tben he tried to convince himself that he knew a girl in Harlem who was far more so. The more he advanced this oronuoition. to himself, the more he was convinced that it was uttcriy on tenable. "Snor," said the girl "you are kind. You are our valiant knight." Teddy WUkins'a youth often caused him to speak hastily. He glanced at the young woman's mother and, being convinced by her look of entire stolid! ty that the dueuna did not understand English, be replied, in a low and sup. posedlv teisder voice, "I wish that you would say 'my' Instead of 'our,' seuorita. I should be happy if jru did." The you rig woman laughed and tben checked herself. "Ab, senor," 6he said, "I have lea those behind who are dear to me, I think only of being reunited to them." omer SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY, "Let me go ir. search of them," ex claimed the young sergeant. "I will go everywhere to fiod them, in order to win even one smile from you." "Senor," responded the young wo man, ''there Ls nothing in our Spanish tongue to describe) otie so noble. . You are indeed a Sir Galahad. They came with us and were frightened from us. I have no doubt that they have suc ceeded in also placing themselves in the protection of los Amercaaos. Such is my earnest hope." Tbe girl stepped back la a coquettish way so that the young sergeant might walk beside her. The more he talked with her, the mrre he was convinced that she was hiding a great sorrow. There were lines in ths classical fore head which showed that the young woman was. more worried about the safety of those whom she left behind than she would tell even the sympa thetic sergeant."' Sergt. Wilkins, as he walked along, felt a violent attack of jealousy. "Your sweetheart, perhaps?" he suggested. The .l shook her bead. "Alas, senor," i be said, "not so. If it were a few years ago I could truth fully answer yes." Tbe sergeant was sorry, but at last they reached the rear. The young wo man and her mother were taken under the protection of a branch of the Red Cross. The sergeant remained near them as long as he could, and then re luctantly started back to the front. "Perhaps we will meet again," said the girl, just before be went away. "You give me great hope," replied Teddy Wilkins. Tf I can ever be of service to you, no matter where you may be, you must let me know." The girl smiled and said that she would never forget hlui. The young sergeant touched his cap and with one last, lingering glance he went his way. He wis so preoccupied on the way back that the soldiers with him ex changed sly wiuks and assumed ex pressions Intended to be exceedingly lovelorn. Sergt. Theodore Wilkins found little time that night to think of the fair seuorita. The Spaniards advanced and It took all the vigor of the exhaust ed volunteers to bold them in check. Yet, even when the Mausers filled the air with weird songs there came to Ted dy Wilkins tbe vision of a face framed in dark hair and the sound of a voice which was musical and low. Days of hard fighting followed, and when it was all over Sergt. Theodore Wilkins went In search of her who had called him a Sir Galahad. He found her, too, within the protection of the American lines, sheltered by the lied Cross, and happy because she bad been reunited with her own her husband and her four children. 2ew iork Herald. Useful Hints. In buying white linen for "drawn work" the round-thread linen is prefer able to that having flat threads, as the round threads are more easily dra wn. One of the best uses to which one can put the crochet laces of linen and cot ton thread that many women are so fond of making is to edge a linen bed spread. The linen imported for these spreads is two yards wide and very close aud firm. The spreads are either embroidered in au all over pattern, powdered with some design, or deco rated with a wide border done in color ed linen threads. To warm over gems and rolls dip them in cold water for an instant. Drop them into a paper bag, twist the top together to exclude the air, and put them into a hot oven for five or ten minutes. Do not put a carpet on a dining-room floor. It holds dust and grease, aDd is impossible to keep clean and sweet. A bare floor with a rug under the table is tbe most sensible and fashionable custom. Tbe juice from a can of fruit if not needed when the fruit is served, may be used later as a foundation for a jelly. If the syrup is as rich as it should be it wili aland au equal amount of water. When thus diluted it is sweetened to taste, and used with dissolved gelatine in the proportion of litll over a half a box to every quart. Pear syrup Is im proved by heating with it a bit of ginger root, and peach syrup has a better flavor if a few blanched almonds mi . . U are tnrown in. Anese neeu not ue taken out when the jelly is strained. Often the fruit from a can is used for pudding, fritters, or with whipped cream, and tbe juice is left unutilized. Even a very little of it left over should never be thrown away. If sandwiches are to be prepared for schoolchildren, fruit Juice will be found very useful In moistening auy sort of sweet filling. A good appetite Is essential to good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla- creates an Appetite, tones and Strengthens the stomach, And quilds up the whole system. It relieves that tired feeling, and by purifying and enriching the blood, it nrooiDtlv and permanently cures all scrofula eruptions, boils, humors, pim ples aud sores ; strengthens the nerves, and trives sweet, rtfreshlne sleep. No other medicine has taken sucn bold upon the confidence of the people as Hood's Sarsaparilla, and its record of great cures is unequalled by any other preparation. You may take Hood's Sarsaparilla with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. It is believed that no part of Captain Oberlin M. Carter's punishment will be harder to bear than the wearing of prison garb at Leavenworth. A more fastidious dresser never lived. Duriug bis stay at Savannah he had all his civilian clothes made in London, and a leading New York haberdasher used to send him at times a trunk full of cravats, gloves, collars, etc., from which to make selections. If you have catarrh, rheumatism, or dyspepsia, take Hood's Sarsaparilla aud bd cured as thousands of others have been. Lemon juice, oranges, strawberries grapes, pears and apples are reconi mended by good authorities In the ! medical profession for rheumatism Lemon juice is one of the best cures.. ESTA.BT.TSHE1D 1827. Victims of Lightning. The facts collected by the Weather Bureau show that the loss of life by lightuiog in this country last year was greater than in any year since statistics began to be collected. Five hundred and sixty-two persons were killed in stantly or suffered Injuries from which death soon resulted, and 820 persons were injured, maoy of them suffering from physical shock, others from pain ful burns, and others from temporary paralysis of some part of tbe body. The rcost common form of injury resulting f.om lightning seems to be the paraly sis of the arhus or iegs. In Professor Henry's report on the casualties of the year, he says there were some remaikable eecapes from death. In some cases tbe clothing of the person struck was set on fire and the body was ecarred or burned; how ever.Jcomplete recovery followed. It is not easy to explain how these per sons escaped death, and there is still much uncertainty as to the maximum voltage that can be applied to the hu man body without fatal results. In some cases of death the body of the person struck showed no external marks of the discharge, aud death seems to have resulted from complete collapse of the cellular tissues. In many cases, however, the cause of death was made apparent by the dis coloration and burning of various parts of the body. Oue singular ca.e was that of two brothers who were killed while driving together in a dog-c&rt. They were found lying side by side on the road, just as they had fallen out of the Jack of the vehicle. Tbe elder brother had no external sign of injury. The skin of tbe younger brother was burned in a number of small circular holes over the chest and abdomen, aud the back was burned from the neck to the hips. The metallic collar stud was fused and the skin beneath it was deeply burned. The waistcoat and shirt were charred, but the coat was uninjured. No sign of disturbance of tbe ground could be seen. It is usually supposed that the dam age is doue by a single bolt, but it is often difficult to explain the casualties on this theory. Thus, in one case latt year a span of horses attached to a wagon and a mail in the rear of the wagon were killed, while tbe driver, who was sitting between the horses and the man, was not seriously hurt. This case, and others of a similur nature, seem to confirm the belief that not one but a number of discharges may reach the earth within a comparatively small radius, inside which there may be small areas of safety. Photographs cf the so-called ribbon flashes show that at times the discharge is from thirty to forty feet wide air the surface of the earth. There a jpear to be narrow Iaiiea iihlu thesu uruad paths that are free from violent disturbance. A per son standing in one oi inese lanes might escape serious injury, while oth ers near by might be killed. The greatest number of fatalities 15 per cent. occurreu in me open; uie next greafest number 34 per cent. occurred in houses; 11 per cent, occur red under trees, and the least of all 9 per cent in barns. A dozen persons, mostly women, were killed either while taking clothes from wire Hues or while near the lines during a thunderstorm. It is well known that in the cities many wire clothes lines are extended between the dwellings ar. l trees or the back fence. Professor Henry says this is a source of danger and that wires should never connect a house with a neighboring tree. If wire is used at all, it should not be stretched within fifty feet of a dwelling house. Here are some pre cautions that are recommended duriug thunderstorms. Persons in a house should avoid chimneys and open win dows. The safest place is probably the middle of the room. I a the open, per sons should never seek the shelter of trees. Wire fences and livestock should be avoided. If on horseback, it is wise to dismount and wait until the storm passes away. In one case last year five persons were killed by a single stroke of light ning. There was also one case of four deaths from a single stroke, two cases of three deaths and several cases of two deaths. The greatest number of fatalities oc curred in Pennsylvania, where there were fifty-six deaths; and there were forty-oue in Illinois. In both those States there was an exceptionally large number of fatali ties in the month of May. In the whole country, however, the largest number of casualties occurred in June, July and August. December was tbe only month without a casualty, though only two persons were killed in Octo ber, four in Novomber, three in Janu ary and one in February. The statis tics of 181AS and ltfJO show that the number of fatalities by lightning in any region is by no means in propor tion to the number of thunderstorm days. In Pennsylvania, for example, where the increase in deaths in ISO!) over 1S9S was about 140 per cent, there were fewer thunderstorm days in 1S09 than in 1S93. New York Sun. Would Not Safer So Again for Fifty Times its Price. I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomach. I never felt so badly iu all my life. Wheu I came dowu to work this ruoruing I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller k McCurdy's drug store and they rec ommended Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right It certainly is the finest thing 1 ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home here after, for I should not care to endure the sufferings of last night for fifty Umea its price, G. H. WTiinon, Livery man, Burgettstown, Washington Co., Pa. This Remedy is for sale by all druggists. President McKinley has accepted an Invitation to attend the reunion aud banqcet of the "Iron Brigade of the Army of the Potomac," to be held in Chicago August 27. General Edward 8. Bragg, the last living commander of the brigade, will be present ID JUNE 18. 11)00. Speakin j of People. A memorial to the late Archibald Forbes, the war correspondent and au thor, has been presented by his widow to the University of Aberdeen. It is a large bronze crona with an inscription and will Btand in the chapel. Oue of tbe first alienists to sit in the Hou of Commons Is Sir J. B. Duke, who has just been elected to represent Ediuburgand S' Andrew's Universi ties. He is of th Opposition and one of the greatest living authorities on meutal diseases. Capt. James Monteith Middlemist, who commanded tbe first portion of the British relieving force to reach Coomassie, has had more experience of continuous African service than almost any other officer in the English army, and knows the country like a book. After the Rennes court-martial Gen. Roget, who was Gen. Merckr's bandy man in the trickery of false documents, was said to be ecgag?d to tbe latter's daughter. The match, if it ever ex isted, was probably broken off, for the official announcement is now made that the military governor of Belfort will now marry Mme. Henri Schwartz, the rich widow of a local manufacturer, who was murdered some years ago. Admiral Sir Erasmus Ommaney, who has just received a Greenwich hos pital pension, is 8U years of age and en tered the navy In 1S26. He fought as a midshipman at the battle of Nava rino, and served in Sir James Ross' expedition to the Arctic in 1S3-J. He was the fiist to discover traces of Sir John Franklin's expedition in 1S-"A). He was in command in the White Sea squadron in the Crimean war, and has been active in scientific and geograph ical work. Among the many fads of Emperor William is his passion for collecting boots and shoes of famous people, his collection of these particular articles of attire constituting a fitting peudaut to his huge museum of uniforms. The collection is kept in the Marble Palace at Potsdam, aud there are some 2,0)0 pairs, from Creek sandals, and a pair of slippers reputed to have belonged to Mahomet, to the boots of Wallenstein, of Gustavus Adolphus, of Peter the Great, of Frederick the Great, and cf the first Napoleon. The Jigger in Uganda. Several sepoys were suffering from that African pest, the "jigger," whose scientific name of Pulex penetrans de scribes him and his habits concisely and wel.. He Is an exact reproduction iu miniature of the common flea (Pu lex irritans), Lut Instead of inflicting a comparatively Innocuous bite, he bur rows uuder tbe skin, close to the toe nails for preference, and then proceeds to propogate the species. - Unless he Is very carefully removed, the sores cause the most Intense irrita tion and may lay a man up completely. The usual method of removing him is to widen the hole in which he has en tered and then extract him, intact if possible, with a needle, care being taken that no eggs or young are left behind. The place should then be dressed to prevent festering. It is not advisable to march much after remov ing jiggers, but unfortunately it is fre quently unavoidable. I may meution that Lieut CoL Mc Donald once told me that during hL first visit to Uganda some natives cap tured a leopard iu oue of the banana plantations whose feet were so thor oughly diseased from jiggers that he was quite unable to move or to defend hi nisei f. Black wood . Points of a Good Dairy Cow. At the last national creamerymen's convention Prof. T. L. Haecker, of Minnesota, explained the principles in volved in the selection of the dairy cow by the use of living models. He did not care whether the udder went well back or not, or whether it was large or small. He looks first at the bly or barrel, to see if that is large and deep, as this is the measure of the cow's abil ity to digist and assimilate her food. Next he looks at the thigh, to see what disposition she makes of the food, be yond tbe amount necessary for sup port. Tho more th rear line of the thigh curves in, the cheaper will the cow produce each pound of batter. If she has a large barrel, he knows there is a communication from the throat to the barrel, that the food will go there aud that something will be done w ith the food nutrients. If tbe cow is fleshy aud blocky. she' puts these nutrients away as tallow in her tissues. If she h spare, angular, ewe-necked and cat hammed, he knows she turns the nu trients into milk solids and puts them into the udder. If the udder is large, she puts large quantities of water in it with the fat and other solids. If the udder is small, she puts the fats and other solids in the udder, because there is no other pltxee to put them, and puts less water in the milk. . This is a startling assertion, tut Prof. Haecker asserted that for six years every pound of food given to each cow has been weighed and every pound of milk antl butter fat produced from the food has been weighed and record ed and the facts, without a single ex ception, are as stated. Orange Judd Fa rmer. A Card of Thanks. I wish to eay that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our fami ly. We have used It in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whoop ing cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel great ly indebted to the man fact urers of this remedy and wish them to please ac cept our hearty thanks. Rjspectfully, Mrs. 8. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by all druggists. Trees dying from iDjury by fire or weakened in vitality offer favorable conditions for the multiplication of vnst numbers of destructive insects. Moreover, the trees which have been kilied by insects furnish in their fall en branches and partially decayed trunks and dry bark a most favorable .c.tincr .rnnn,) fvr th Martin r .5 0 B spread and perpteuation of forest fires. era! JUa. The Cowboy's Proof. "Jack" Vance, a cowboy from the ranch of the Butte Cr-ek Cattle Com pany, was on trial at Alliance, Neb., on a charge of shooting at a brakeman on the Burlington Railroad with intent to kill him. He had received his pay a few days before and was engaged at the time of the shooting In the pictur esque pastime of painting the county red. Vance vehemently denied any intent to perforate the brakeman. He told the court that while It was true that he did take out his revolver and shoot af ter the brakeman had pushed him off the train, he was merely giving a pre arranged signal. He and a friend had been down the road a few miles and wanted to ride back to the nearest sta tion to the ranch. Realizing that if they were found by any of the train crew they would be put ctl, they had arranged that if one was put off the train he should notify his partner by firing his revolver once. The trainman, with visions of what he firmly believed to be a narrow es cape from death, shook his head, and the jude looked unbelieving. Vance's cowboy friend corroborate! the story, but seeing that his tale failed to receive credence, the defendant asked the court to step outside. The Judge asked what for. "I'll prove my innoceuce, Your Honor," Vance sasd. The court was curious and went out side. So did the sheriff, lawyers and spectators. Vance pulled out his re volver .and, holding a postage stamp between the fingers of his left hand, clipped off each corner in succession. Next he asked a spectator to suspend a hickory nut from a thread. Walking oft thirty feet he wheeled aud at the first shot cut the thread. Takiug six tacks he placed them l.xwely in a piece of wood. This he placed against a post twenty-five yards away. Borrowing a watch from a bystander, he opened the case for a mirror, shot with his back to the mark, and drove each tack into the wood without a miss. The brakeman had been looking on in open-mouthed wonder. As Vance concluded the brakeman stepped up to the Judge and said: "Yer Honor, I guess I was mbtaken. That man wasn't shooting at me." Denver Times. Have You a Temper 1 An exchange has lately published an article on "The Girl With a Temper," which contains some excellent advice and will bear repetition. "When a daughter not only begins to show decided signs of temper, but is inclined to boast that 'I am not one of your namby-pamby girls, who can not stand up for her rights,' it is time to convince her of her folly, or she will reap lasting discomfort later. "If the woman with an unrestrained temper is young and beautiful, much may be forgiven her. Iu her aimable moments she is so charming that the words uttered in her unreasonable an ger are almost forgotten, and the chances are that she will plunge some man into lifelong misery, because the habit of tempestuous fits, If not firmly checked in time, will strengtheu with the years. 'If the woman with a temper be plain in person, she will render life very dreadful for herself, but not neces sarily so for many other people. .Her relations and friends will learn in time to shut her out from their intimate councils to form a life for themselves, towards whose outer circle she will recede by degrees, and in the end will stand alone. "The woman with a temper is sel dom well educated. She has not the concentration and calm of mind which lead to the acquisition of knowledge. She may possess a share of accomplish' ments, may be a little musical, a little artistic, may pass muster among the superficial, but the chances are against her possessing the restful knowledge that comes of thoroughness. "Then beware of the girl who boasts of her 'spirit' if ycu would later avoid the companionship of that very unde sirable personage the woman with temper." New Light on History. Nero, fiddle in hand, sat upon his throne when a little band of captives was led before hlnu "Now," he roared in royal tones, "you have your choice between bearing me play a study in cadenzas with the middle finger on the E string, or being burned alive at the matinee at the Coli seum." "Bring on your torches!" shouted the desperate captives. Later on Nero fiddled and burned things, aud conducted timself in an outrageous manner. "I hate to do this," he exp!aTned "out they depend on me ror some warm scenes in Huo V.idis.' " Columbus, having promised to stand an egg on end, failed at the first trial, but be reversed the egg and it balanced perfectly. "Tell me, Chris," said King Ferdi nand, "why did you turn the egg over?" "Because, Your Majesty, the chicken, could not stand on its head." It is said that Columbus got the idea, of discovering America from this Inci dent But, of course, theories are not always what they are cracked up to be. Baltimore American. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on raid at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It con tinued to grow worse and I could hard ly net around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recom mended me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a 50 cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my frvnds. F A. Baboock, Erie, Pa. It ia for sale by all druggists. Farm yard manure or feeding h'gh- aiinnlv the mt arjoroDriat fertilizing; elements lor permuneni pasture. i 01 o WHOLE NO. 2550. Stories Folks Tell About Snakes. Walter Grubb tells the story of a tame snake th:tt was so Intelligent that one night, while it was roaming about the house of IU owner, it caught a burglar in the dining-room. The snake coiled Itself around the legs of the burglar and with its tail reached a bell on the dining room, table and, ringing it vigorously, alarmed the household, resulting in the capture of the burglar. Can the Oil City Blizzard beat this? Bradford Star. John Barlett and Wesley Rising, of Lake George, hold the record as the champion rattlesnake hunters of this region. They went into the mouutains back of the lake and killed 132 full grown rattlers. The smallest was four feet Ioug. The hunter's harvest was profitable, as the couuty pays a bounty of 25 cento for the killing of each rat tlesnake having a rattle or button. Saratoga Dispatch. Neal MeFarland, agent of the United States Express Co., here, thought he had snakes this morning. Everywhere he looked he saw big rattlers and he had 'em so bad he could even hear them rattle. He rushed to the telephone and called for assistance, when it was found that a box of snakes for a street fair snake charmer had been broken open and his office was full of the rep tiles. The charmer captured her pets and Neal swore off. Parkersburg Dis patch to Wheeling Register. Thursday of this week, while Guy and Arthur Davis, sons of R. E. Davis, were digging a water well on Mr. Davis's farm at Sunderlinville, a large stone was encountered at. a depth of nine feet In removing the stone it was broken in two and near the center there was a large cavity, tbe sizs or a large bowl, which contained a snake 0 inche-s long, the color of the rock. It started Co crawl rapidly away, but was killed by its discoverers, aud upon examination It was learned that the reptile was without eyes. It was in deed a stmage find and puzzles the best of them to know how it carue there and how it survived in its air-tight home. But when once considered that frogs are often found 20 feet deep iu the earth, In apparently air-tight quarters, and that fish will live many weeks iu frozen ice, the possibility for a snake to live ia a rock is not so great Mr. Davis and his sons are willing to take oath as to the genuineness of their Had. Galeton Dispatch. Miss Caroline Morse Is looked upon with awe by her fellow freshmen of Wellealey college because she loves snakes and makes pets of them. She is tbe daughter of Prof. Morse, of Am. hct-est College, and is 1!) years old. Miss Morse dates her remarkable fad back to the age of ten, wheu sbe caught and tamed her first blacksnake. A foarless lover of nature, she felt no repulsion for it because she knew that the species was not poisonous. It de lighted her to see it drink the milk that she would place for it In a saucer. Her love of snakes overmastered her one day wheu she was out bicycling soon after her admission to Wellesley Last fall. Espying a large garter snake, she dismounted and caught It by the tail. Remounting and steering the wheel with one hand, she rode for her boarding place. This was the begin ning of her college menagerie. Soon afterward she caught a fine garter snake, which so perfectly matched the first that she called them the Big Twins. , The next addition to the family was a little green snake, which she captur ed one day while roaming the woods with a pack of children at her heels. The youngsters fled in panic and Miss Morse has not since been harrassed by small admirers while hunting snakes New York World. . His Comprehensive Prayer. Just ahead of me in the train the other morning sat two men who were telling the stories that are never old about the bright sayings of their chil dren, says the Boston Transcript. Oue of them, however, had a brand new otw ahout his 4-vear-oid Georgie. This youngster had been safely tucked in bed after a day of the most fatiguing nlar. He vawned while being un- I af dressed, aud was all but asleep by the time that he found himself between sheets His mother, none the less, in sistod upon him repeating his prayer of childhood. He started, sleepily, re quiring prompting at the beginning of every liue. Drowsiness baa nearly won tbe mastery by the time that he had obediently got as far as "take lay soul." "God bless" prompted his mother. Gaorgie has a iong list of relatives. There was a flutter of his sleep-laden lids as he lumped them all together: "God bless the whole shooting match." And he was asleep at last Laundry Hints. A expert laundress says that if Bheets ami tablecloths are folded so that the selvage- edges will pass through the wriager first they will be smoother and less likely to curL She also sounds a note of caution against the habit of pouring boiling water on soiled clothes. "You kaow," she says, "if you submit anything that is soft to the action of the heat it will bake it hard. Pour boiling water in the cake dish and it will cook the dough in It So if you pour very Let water on tbe clothes it cooks the dirt in, Jf you are going to soak clothes you wlllsak them in luke warm water. I wah all the clothes in lukewarm water. Jn summer oi'ly a little warmer than it comes from the faucet Some people pat all the clothes to soak the clean and dirty together. This should never be .done. It does not seem quite nice to put table linen with soiled clothes from the bed or body, and, moreover, the dirt from the aoilnd clothes gets into the clean ones aud makes them grimy." Dyspepsia bane of human existence Burdock Blood Bitters cupes it prompt ly, permanently. Regulates and tones the stomach. For hard working horse all grain should be ground and fed upon moist- I ued chafed hay. hood tuus preparea j s iw.ij FARM SEWS AND VIEWS. Pmlml-lphi Record. In midsummer the sheep grub causes much suffering to sheep. The animals huddle together, with their noses In the ground for protection gainst the gad ily, the parent of the grx.b. The fly ai'us to deposit her etfg in the nostrils of the sheep. If she succeeds iu so d iug the eix wmu hatch, the woru; attaching theuisflves to the siuu.tm of the nose by lueaus of hk, and live Uou mucus secretions of the irritated surfaces to which they cling. When full grown they work their way down through the narrow openings by which they entered and cause pain to the ani mals. The grubs fall to the ground, where they burrow, become chrysalides and develop into gndt'.iis ia about two months. The difficulty of handling sheep Is an obstacle, but the usual pre ventative is to daub wood tar ou the noses of the sheep. Plow a furrow in the pasture, and repeat by loosening it after every rain, as the sheep will keep their no$es ia the soft earth as a pro tection. A tablespoonful of coal tar and 20 drops of carbolic acid, well mixed with a pint of wood tar (to give the odor) will be an improvement on the remedy. Horseradish is a profitable crop, and can be grown on almost any soil. Plant the little roots, and they will be large enough for market in oue season. Plant tho root small end down, so that the t'.p will be two Inches under the soil. Horseradish when matured may re main iu the ground until sprit g, or may be stored in pits In the falL It constantly increases in the ground, but when grown for niaket never becomes troublesome by spreading. It requires liberal manuring, and a large supply can be grown on a small plot Whether cultivation should be deep - AL.. V 1 or snaliow IS a mailer tuai ua oeeii discussed for many years. It Is claimed that deep cultivation destroys the sur face roots of plauU, and if the top soil is loosened and the weeds destroyed it is sufficient The advocates of deep cultivation believe that if the ground is loosened to a depth of four inches it increases the porosity of the soil and allows the air aud w ater to penetrate more freely. It is probably well, how ever, to stir the ground to a greater depth before a raiu and shallow after a rain. When the garden is cleaned of weeds with the hoe it is only necessary to rake the ground with an Iron-tooth rake after every rain to keep the weeds down. This cants doue quickly, tho rake doing four times as much work as the hoe. The racing of the top soil also forms a fine mulch, which Is the best preventitive of Injury from pro longed drouth. Do not omit late cucumbers f r pick ling. The seed may be planted tnis month or in July. The White Spine is an excellent variety, as it is uuuurm, round, and of good length. It is also tender aud very crisp, baring a long stem, and they keep well as pickles. They must be picked off daily or thty will grow too large This is the season when accidents occur witn tne raacmnery or imple ments, but the drawbacks are not al ways due to accidents. The farmer who carefully oiled and stored his im plements under shelter last fall, aud who inspected them so as to make all repairs before spring, will not be troub led in that respect. It is no misstate ment when it is mentioned that farm implements receive less care than any thing else on the farm. Oue of the best poultry foods for in ducing egg production is cow peas. They may be fed whole to adult stock or cracked for chicks. They are highly nutrogeous and are superior to corn or wheat Another excelleut poultry foo I is rape, which may be grown ou all kinds of soil. Gleanings. Burrowing animals are driven out of their holes or suffocated by a Callfor- nian's compound, which is formed of sulphur, tar and petroleum applied by fibrous, imtlammable material, being ignited aud inserted Iu the burrow by a pair of slender ton gs. The agricultural experiment station at Stillwater, Okla., has issued a bulle tin reporting the results or neiu ex periments in 13!)!). Tests of different methods of growing corn, Kaffir corn, cotton, and castor beans are reported. Potatoes are rapidly dug, cleaned and sacked by a new apparatus which has a plow to unearth the tubers, the dirt and potatoes falling into an eudless- chain elevator, which delivers them into a hopper with slat sides, which re moves the dirt and- drops the potatoes into a bag. Continued effjrt should be made to t mi. ; increase tne acreage oi aiiaua. auis should be regarded as a crop for hay rather than for pasture. Spring sow ing on clean, well prepared soil, has i" many cases given good results. II sowing at this time fails, it may be re peated in August or early September, which is the most favorable Ume for fall sowing. wounded man went to the Red Cross Hospital ia New York and said he was a soldier and had been shot in. the Philippines. It turned out that he was a burglar and had been shot iu the hip. "One of the hardest thiugs I have to do," says a Boston school teacher, "is to get into my children's head the no tion that the streams rise in the moun tains aud flow towards the sea. It is next to impossible to make them com prehend anything aboit it They see no reason why the river should not rise in the sea and flow towards the moun tains. Mont of them have seen the Charles River, and if they have n. ticed anything about it they have ob served that it is just as apt to flow from, the ocean as toward it A babbling brook running down over the little slopes and rapid or tumbling from the hill to the plain in cataracts Is un known to them." A farmer named Van Ryn, In St. Croiz couuty. Wis., recently unearthed a coin which lay beneath a ledge of rock 20 feet In thicknoss, on Sand Creek," says the New York Tribune. "It is of bronze, about the size of a sil ver dollar. One side bears an image and superscription. The other side is much worn, so that little remains but the letters 'd. P. Q. R-' The thecry is broached that the early French mis sionaries and explorers would have been unlikely to bring with thtru Id Roman coins, and that the discovery indicates that Roman sailors of the time when the coins were Lu circula tion as money found their way to this continent, wandered far inland and perished. There have been stories of similar finis in Indiana and othtr places iu tbs Uulted States." Is it a burn ? Ue Dr. Thomas' Eo lee trie OiL A -nit ? Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OiL At your druggists. i suproval. (Jurrwtponaenoe aoiiavm. i t