The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 06, 1900, Image 4

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    the history of "prip." or influents.
i only i travd lack, wiui any ctr
jir. for St0 Perhaps lu home
tin Russia. It tftatna certain broad
,-iti -hh-h make it recoe-
-able erV-n o'.'T sih tU name a
V "pom! corns-lion" anl th new
l i-bt-' A curious description of It
3. i,. f "rOfllH'lUCDe IS
.ui in the diary of Tierre de L'Es
U in the time of Henry III of
niee. as follows:
j'lie coiuelu-!ie at raris, year 15S0.
.r,. M rtav to tbe fella day of
ie there Ml sick at rarla 10.000
,.i.s of an Maes having the form
,i rheum or catarrh, which they call
1' tVIUflU-lie. lura " "
ii v iih a iin n th head, stomach
, i loins au.I a Uss.tude throughout
f- l-vly, and it persecuted the whole
J i .. f i r-inco while tbe rearlast-
that once bavins come hardly
rll.T in a. town or village or nouse
J i'he best remedy tbe doctors found
. 1 . ..., a m f rnrrl
i to make me sict
ie. To some lliej ordered bleeding
i for others cassia, and
l-uiv thev found It best to keep the
I - ... . n Msnt
k in U-u ana mow iurit ms.
1 drink. TUey say at Tsris hat of
i,..1him' tbepe were eal at
ii.e. In than three months, more
U 10, WO N-rsons."
f oa? is t- really do pixxl by gar
uj -that is, if one U to Insure that
fluid shall reach the interior wall
tlie phnrynx-the uoi must be held
.1 the M'ad must be well thrown
,-k wLile performing the gargling
, :.-. In nennl mT
1 icfss. I j -i i ' " -- "
i v the anterior surface of tbe uvula
J st ft iialate and the base or the
:.Mie are reached. Rut by holding
uosc and throwing the head well
(-k when pnrfrling the niedicament
k In s every surface of the pharynx
'v effw-tively.
I'be comparative value of the two
ihoda -na lx t.-sttnl by painting the
i.Tior surface of the pharynx care
V.y with a strong solution of liiethy
,e Mue and then letting the patient
r-k- with water la the way.
icu it will be found that the water
vied will be th-ar and unstained;
n let Iiitu paigle again, holding the
m- an.? throwing his head well. back,
in n tlie ej.-i tctl fluid will be found
tilled, oud an Inspection of the
:n-yus will show that the blue has
. n washed away.
Has is a thing worth remembering,
r many observers have maintained
at rart'ling Is not only useless as a
i-thod of medication, but is uite in-!-ctual
even as a means of cleansing
e pharynx. Charlotte Medical Jour-
A richly dressed woman entered the
ii'-e of a trust company in Philadol
:a the other day to rent B lox.
!Iave you aa.r one to identify you?"
-:;(! the alleluia lit.
i 'cr'ainly tint." said the woman ln-.-nanily.
"EverylMKly knows who I
"That may le," was the reply, ""but
i!.'ii"t know that you are the woman
.' ihat luiiiie."
.lust theu another woman, who had
u transacting some business, raised
r bead, and a frigid nod passed le
v ru them.
"io you know this woman?" asked
.c bank otliciaL
1 don't want to know her," snapped
e woman. -Slie lives next door to
.. aud instructed her footman to
k my dog, just !cHUse It ciianced
lx' ou her step. You needn't ask me
i identify her, for 1 won't."
1 wouldn't let you Identify me," re-i;.-d
tlie apilicaut for a box. "I think
ii have acted horridly almut your
i dog. and you left the lkreas so-
.ty. telling cvcrylKsly ou wouldn't
iong s long as I was a member. A
e Cliristiau spirit V
lu the meantime the bank otTitial, en-
"ely satisfied that the i.lenlij cation
. :;s complete, handed oer the key to
i;e 1hx, to the ill concealed chagrin
I she other woman, who had Identified
ir cgaiust her will. New 5"ork Trib
ne. 1 Tkositbt Tfcey Wrre Doct.
f jiumer in Iavsou City Is delishtfuL even the winters, say those who
l.ave staid there In that season, are
! rious. Mauy are the stories told
!oiit the wondrous Iteauties of the
rs'l over the ice aud the White pass.
a Iiere even women have gone, ban
ning their do!:s from day to day a
ilie men handled theirs. Every man
:.i:d womau theiv lies a slory, all low-resting
aud some thrilling.
"1 used to like to start out first in the
moruiug."said a 1 K-tioit woman. "Once,
us I hurried my dogs down the trail In
ii.e gray dawn I saw thn-e stray aul
i.ials romping on the way. Now, If
jou catch up with a stray dog on the
I t.ail, he Is yours; so, my heart fiutter
I lag wirti joy, 1 began whistling to the
l...if v. ild creatures.
.i urst tney paid no attention to
.ie, but kept romping and leap frog
c.v.z t'.p aud dowu the train. 1 slowed
ii; my team aud put myself In front,
: .. In-tler to make my peace with the
i arcades.
" lien we had come within 100 yards
f .hem, they sto;ied playiug, sat
...iuu aud starwd at us. 1 whistled
:ia;u. and they all ran. How foolish
1 tcit when It sudd uly dawued on me 1 had been trying to harness three
vilJ wolves!" New York Independent
Tkf llada'l Met.
A ccrresH:ideut of the Hartford Cou-i-nut
telLs of a news clipping bureau
x . hich scut a letter to John Runyan.
I :. L'.bur of a work ei:Ii:!eil "The lAff of
.r. liadmau." in u:e of a publisher,
i.riug Mr. Uuuyau lo subtcrile to tbe
"After the decesse t-f the late P. T.
I'.arnum," coutinces the correspond
ent, "the "Greatest Show on Earth
continued for awhile to use the magic
ef his name. U was coining to Hart
ford, aud it sent free tickets to clergy
men, here. Among the K-ttera coutaiu
ag sa.d tickets wts one addressed to
tLe llev. Ir. Jwl Hawes. who had
':ied stune years lnfore. The letter
was scut to Ltr. George L. Walker, then
:he active jistor of the 1'irst church.
"(in reading aud pouderiug it Dr.
Walkor ia credibly reported to hare
a;d: A letter from I. T. Minium lo
lr. llawes! Mr. liarnum Is dead and
Dr. llawes is dead. It is evident that
they have not met yonder.'"
Paper r-t la Korea.
CarjeU in Uorea are uot of as little
moment as are carpets here. They are
Lauded down in families as heirlooms
from generation to generation to be
come darkeued and subdued with age.
They are rugs always and are made of
piper by a eculiar process. In ap
jiearauce they arc much like the lac
quered boxes which come f.vij Japan
and which are so much used as hand
kerchief boxes," said the old time
American consul la Korea. The na
tives always take otT their saud.ils
v. Leu they euter the house, and that
fact accounts largely for the long l;fr
of the rugs. When I was tber, how
ever, I shocked the feelings of every
cue by wearing my shoes, carpets or
no carpets, and during my stay I com
pletely wore out some of those beauti
ful dark colored carpets. They are
about a quarter cf aa inch in thickness
aad very elective."
Earth Fortiacatloaa.
Military engineers are practically
agreed that no material for fortifica
tions Is superior to en till. When clay
Is cot obtainable, as on tile ceasbore,
tand Is collected Into bags, ami these
are iaUl In regular heaps along the line
cr tie proposed fortiCcatlcs. In 6uca
a fortification the balls fro a the ene
rgy's gtaus Tink trittont dolaj damage,
cud hells crp'.sde txmilessly.
I dldnt see Lira until the remain of
his office furniture had been sent away.
Then he raug for me to take him down.
He had not resumed his 6lde whiskers.
There were scratches ell over his face
and week, a lamp on bis jaw, and the
wildness yet lingered In his eyes. I ex
pected he would threaten or rejroach
we, but be didn't feel at all that way.
On the contrary, there was sadness in
his voice and pentleness in his hand aa
he reached out for a farewell shake
and said:
"Sanimi. I cannot blame you. I be
gan right but 1 did not carry oat the
programme. I started in to be a father
to you and to help lift that gigantic
mortgage, but later on I decided that
bluff would be the gauieio work. Yon
saw my bluff and went one better. It
was you who lnought her up?"
"Yes. sir." '
"And you gave my side whiskers
"Yes. sir."
"Well, it was my own fault Office
gone, whiskers gone, typewriter gone
and tlie redheaded woman camped on
my trail. I am financially ruined, Sam
mis, and can't say that I have even
saved my honor. However, hfi's my
hand, and I bear yon no ill wi2 If I
die, I shall forgive you; if I live on, it
will le a great moral Uson to me."
That afternoon Mr. Kasher. the agent,
called me Into his oflicv and said:
"Sam mis. lias your wounded dignity
been healed?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then don't take any more redhead
ed women up in the elevator. Such lit
tle afiairs as that in room CS cause gos
t,ip aud hurt our business."
Just at present our building Is as
quiet as a graveyard, and I hope It may
long remain so. Something may bob
np at any moment however, but if it
does it will not be the fault of
SAMM1S, the Iterator Boy.
M. Quad.
liter Kali or of a Costly Eipfrlmut
ta Slake Spiders Weave Silk.
As long ago as the beginning of the
eighteenth century the idea of using
the thread that the spider spins from
its body as a substitute for the thread
uuwiaped from tLe cocoon of the silk
worm was bror-ched, but with little
practical result. An Englishman. Mr.
r.oll. act-tire d 20.000 feet of silk thread
from 22 spiders in two hours.
Of late some exnertfiienta have been
conducted by ouriousTwrsons to ascer
tain which spider produced ' the best
and largest tjonu'.ity of silk, for it has
been demonstrated that it Is cn excel
lent substitute for that of the silk
worm. Spiders from Paraguay and
Argentina, from iadia. China and Aus
tralia, were tried, but the best results
were secured from the spiders of Mad
agascar. It was found that after laying her
eggs the female spider spins most free
ly. Six of these were selected and con
fined for the test. From one 2.000
yards of thread were scured in ten
days; from the second, I.3.") yards in
stveu days; from the third and fourth.
4.V) yards in four days; fro:n the fifth,
1.4(10 yards in II days, an from the
sixth, 4.200 yards In 27 days.
A German manufacturer was so de
lighted with this test that be made
elalioratc arrangements for having a
spider silk mill. Importing a large num
ber of the spiders from Madagascar
to Germany. AH went wdl until the
females had laid their eggs and be
gun to spin, when atl at ome the males
were found to have disappeared. Their
larger feminine companions had grown
so fond of them that each female spi
der had eaten her mate. This catas
trophe ended the costly experiment.
Washington Tost.
A Trtafol Xotnearlatare.
In a eertaiu household the true aud
only Vermont maple sirup has never
lost its sweetness, and several times a
week front the head of the table pater
familias pours out judiciously meas
ured quantities of It on the plates of
his children. To give piquancy to the
ceremony he always exphiius that this
time he is going to give Dob an ostrich,
and Mazle on antelope, with something
else from the nursery books for Teddy.
One day the latter small philosopher
was seen to regard the various plates
for a considerable sce of time in si
lence. "What Is it Edward?" his
mother asked.
"Nufilu," replied the hopeful "I was
just finkiu that me an Itob an Mazie
alius seems to get birds an snakes an
Cngs wiv skinny legs, but pop. general
ly gets a el'phant or a hipperp-jtamus."
New York Commercial Advertiser.
Waatra a Stoae.
"Have I not always been generous
with you in the matter of household
exienses':" he demauded.
"Yes," she replied bitterly. "I ask
ed for a stone aud ye gave me bread."
Then he realized that he would have
to get her the diamond she desired be
fore there would be peace in the fami
ly. Chicago Post.
Stratearr la the PalpIC
"How did you gather such a large
congregation of old and middle aged
people?" asked the young minister of
the old one.
"I advertised a sermon to the young."
was the hitter's reply. Chicago News.
Pleaaarea of Opaleace.
Iorothy Ia. I do wish we were rich.
iHirothy's Pa How rich would you
like to be?
Ihirothy Oh, awfully rich; rich
enough to snub people and still be call
ed agreeable! Chicago Uecord.
A German tailor who died at Bres
lau In 1S37 had such keen sight that
he was able to see two of Jupiter'i
four moons with the naked eye.
Hailstones in India are all to be
from 5 to 2 ) times larger than those lu
England or America.
net mm VVaarer.
"What's the difference between a bet
and a wager?" asked the man who
laUiks tLcre are too V--I.J words lu the
Eu :!lsl language.
"A let." said the friend who always
wears a dress coat after C o'clock, "is
something yon make with a man,
wtieb has to be paid, no matter who
leses. A wager Is something more re
Cued. It's made with a woman and Is
not considered collectable unless she
tries." Washington Star.
Professor Simon J. Rrowc. the astro
nomical director of the naval observa
tory at Wellington, occasionally in
dulges In a bit of humor. On cne oc
casion a colleague came Into his ffloe
and. finding tbe professor standing,
aid: "I it possible you work that
way? I cannot stand standing."
"That's peculiar." replied Professor
Hi-own quickly. "Now. do you know.
1 cannot stand sitting."
rware of using the personal pro
nouu "I" too freely In your talk when
you are talking in a room full of peo
ple. Egotists are of'on amusing uinl
r-ntertaiuing, but as often they are very
much out of order. Indies Home
Tbe Volee of F.bvt.
Upson They say Miss Mucbcasb Las
rented a flat.
ITKiwnes lone of the rejected Only
rented? I heard she'd married him.
Kansas City Independent
last Hale.
Ilewltt 1K yoa love your seeonJ
wife as much as yoa did yocr fn-s'. ?
Jewett Just the same. I married
sisters same mother-iu-lar. Town
Tlie contented man Is never .poor, tbe
iiscoBtentcd never rich-
A Goratac Fea-t mm the VTar It
Waa Ma aaved.
I once enjoyed the privilege of seeing
an army of mackerel successfully cor
ner a shoel of snail fry In a rocky
shallow poo! which was a cul de sac.
The mackerel swaai behind their vic
tims in serried ranks, a coudany of
hungry, determined creatures. Intent
upon a gorging feast to which there
need be no limit They had followed
the fry for miles maybe, merely swal
lowing one here and one there to keep
their apietites whetted. Now they had
mnioml them where there was no es
cape for their victims. No alert fisher-
n an on the lookout for Just such an
opportunity was at hand to convert
their triumph and feasting into captivi
ty and lamentation. They might feast
at w ilL
Ami. ve coils, feast they did! No
one who has not seen it would believe
that the cubic capacity of a mackerel
onulil nrasililv deal successfully with
the number of small fish be actually
swallows. The way he conducts tnc
operation cf feasting is unique. Open
ing his mouth wide, the mackerel darts
in mnnf tlio small frv. some of which
are perhaps one-third of hU own
length. In an Instant oue or these is
tn ix t.n tt i. -Lin 2 lmlf in and half out
of his mouth. Then the mackerel gives
one gulp, and the victim has disappear
ed. Without a moments ieiay uie
process is relocated and repeated so
rnnnr" timi Hint the snoctator cannot
fail to be concerned for the immediate
future f the particular mackerel be
has watched. Yet nothing hapjiens.
As for the fry. their helpless anguish
lc tu.mea-lmt lieartrendinz. The whole
shoal of them boils and churns the wa
ter In An aonv of fear. Hitrh Into the
air they leap in order to avoid their
voracious enemies, landing themselves
often enough ujkiu the weed covered
rocks which skirt the pool md panting
their lives out mere ratuer man leap into the sf i thin? mass of their
harassed companions beneath. Long
man a aiagazine.
Black Halm.
The first cse of black rain which
conies under review occurred at Gra
hamstowD and the surrounding dis
trict in Ar.gust. 1SSS, and it extended
over an area of no less than 300 square
miles, says Cliam1ers Journal. Since
then there have hapjiened several
showers of a similar description, but
less pronounced In their sable charac
ter. Other showers of black rain have
ln-en recorded in Ireland, one of which
was felt over an area of 4W square
No one seems to have microscopically
examined the water which fell at Gra
hamstown. but it was noted that the
liquid gradually cleared when placed
bi a suiti.Me vessel, aud a black pre
cipitate fell from it. In the latter cases
referred to the deiost has leou care
fully examined and was found to con
sist of microscopic organisms, which
averaged aliout the twelve thousand
fve hundredth part of a:i Inch lu
I -ngth. and which were Identilled with
the same fungoid organisms that are
iesKinsible for blight in the plants
'vhich they Infest and subsequently
.or smut mildew and rust in wheat
iind barley.
The writer sums up his remarks
thus: "Humidity Is known to out rib
ate largely to the copious production
jf fungi, and during protracted drought
the regions affected thereby will re
main comparatively mire of fungi, but
luring the seasons of fr-queut ra n
falls the production of a fuugoid vege
tation is largely Increased."
St. Ilelraa.
St. Helena is a great place for caes
aud hiils. Hotb a! h;i ml, particularly
the latter. Geologically shaking, the
island is largely, if nut wholly, vol
canic, and a lot of-fextinct craters are
apparent. Some of the pinnacles have
queer names, such as Ixt's Wife, the
Man aud the Horse, the Asses' Ears,
Holdfast Tom. Old Joan Point, Stone
Top, etc.
The only inhabited place Is James
town, which has a population of about
2.5IMI. It lies in a deep valley sur
rounded by very high hills. It is uot
a particu'.ar'.y healthy place. ladder
hill is where the government bouse Is
situated. I' is so called because of tbe
almost precipitous ladderlike wooden
stairs, by which its acclivity of 000
feet lias to be sealed.
Nearly four miles inland from James
town is an isolated farmhouse, ou an
elevated plateau about 2,MH) feet alove
the sea. This is Longwood, where Na
poleon lived from- until he died
there, in 1821. The bouse is a long,
low, whitewashed, fairly trim building,
with extensive outhouses, some rather
fine old trees and a good bit of decent
farm land.
C.aek Coata.
An English clergyman, rather 'pom
pous of manner, according to Spare
Moments, was tc-nd of chatting with a
witty chimney sveep.
Ouce, when the minister returned
from his summer holidays, he happen
ed to meet his youthful acquaintance,
who seemed to have been at work.
"Where have you been?" asked the
"Sweeping the chlmueys at the vic
arage." was the boy's auswer.
"How many chimneys are there, aud
how much do you get for each?" was
the next question.
The sweep said there were 20 chim
neys and that he was paid a shilling
The clergyman, after thinking a mo
ment, looked at the sweep in apparent
astonishmeut. "You have earned a
great deal of money In a lit.le time,"
he remarked solemnly, wouderiug.
probably, what the sooty fellow would
"Yes," said tlie sweep, throwing his
bag over his shoulder s he started
away. "We who wear black coats
get our money very easily!"
Poor Consolalloa.
The following story is told In "The
nceollectious of Sir Algernon West:"
One pom lug wet night I.owe missed
his umbrella fr-jiu the cloakroom in the
house of commons, where be had care
fully put It away uuder the letter
"L." He iuterroKted the custod'an.
Mr. Coe, who told him Sir E. I.ytton
had taken it "I told b'-a it was
yours." he said, "and Sir. Edward said
that if he found that it was wheu he
got home be would send It back in the
Polaoa Ivy.
Bathing with alcohol will prevent In
jurious effects from o:son ivy. r. if
he poison has taken effect wetting
the affected part with alcohol, to which
sugar of lead has been added, until a
milky appearance Is obtained will give
relief. The wash is poison and for ex
ternal use only.
A Torturing; Sa-etlea.
The doomed man shuddered. "There
will be no music when I march to the
caffold?" be asked anxiously.
They reassured him.
"There was a march played wberj I
was married." be mattered. "I I could
not bear to be reminded of that T' New
York Press.
The DISTereBe.
Willie Fa. what's tlie difference be
tween "insurance" and "assurance?"
Pa Well, the latter Is what the
ageut Las. and the former Is what be
tries to Sell you. Philadelphia Press.
For Iafanti and Children.
Ui Kind You Han Always Bcugh
Eigaaturt of &x&ffi&k
He ('lia'l It.
As a train was approaching a town
en the Great Northern railway in Ire
land an intelligent ltwking young Irish
man observed a lady standing up
searching her pocket She commenced
to weep. "Have you been robbed?"
he a.-'K;il.
"Uli. no," she replied; "I've lost my
ticket, -and they will accuse me f
Seeing her distressed state of mind,
he said:
"Oh. don't mind. nere. take my tlck
tt. and I will give. the guard a prol
Icm." while their fellow passengers
awaited the scene at tbe Elation with
When tlie train stopjied. the gu::nl
collected nil the tickets but oue.
"Where is your ticket?" he asked the
young man.
"Y'ou have got my ticket," lie replied.
"No, I have not got it. I'll call the
station, master and see tilwut It."
"Where Is your ticket?" asked the
station master when he appeared.
"He has my ticket See if he has n
ticket in his hand with a smidl piece
ou the corner."
"Yes. you have. Pave. There It is."
"Well, see will that fit It?" tad Tat
handing him the small pj.-ce, ind it
did. A look of surprise crept over the
guard's face as he left the carriage,
while Pit caused much amusement by
exclaiming. "Ilegorra. I knew he could
not solve it!" London Tit-Pits.
Trro of Xaxt'a Fa era.
William M. Tweed was a portly man
of medium size, with a long, pendu'ous
nose, little porcine eyes. fat. drooping
cheeks and a straight firm mouth that
was decidedly his best feature. The
outlines of his face were those of a
Ilartlett ieaf. little end upward, and I
never saw craft so palpably written
upon a human counteunuce. Nasi
used to be fond f drawing Tweed's
face, by the way, as a sack of money.
The general contour of his bead lent
Itself to the outlines of the sack. anJ
he used $ marks for Ihe nose and eyes.
Stiange to say, it was a capital por
trait Another of Nast'a trick plctnres was
ne of Roscoe Conkling. He would
draw a large letter V. with a smaller v
inside it and surmount the pair with
an interrogation mark upside down.
The big V represented Conkling's point
ed beard, the smaller one his sharp
nose and the Interrogation point the
Hyix-riou curl which he always allowed
to fall negligently uiion his forehead.
That caricature made the haughty sen
ator wild and esasiH-rated him more
than any bit of fun that was ever poked
in his direction. New Orleans Times
Ixmocrat A Storr of Amoa Cinalifi.
One summer a utimU r of years ago
Amos Cummlngs passed two week:
on a pilot boat and took Ernest Jar
rold. the author of "Mickey Finn
Idylls." with him for company. Oue
day a great storm arose, and tbe pilot
loat was tossed about on the waves
like a chip. Every minute a wave
would dash over the deck and threaten
to carry everything away and swamp
the boat Cumniings aud Jarrold were
in the little cabin, tbe former lying
in a bunk intently reading a book oa
the French revolution. Jarrold Kited
his bead out to look at t'-.e storm,
when a mountain of sea water fell
with a boom on the deck and filled his
eyes with spray. The boat gave a
fearful lurch and careened until it
seemed that she must turn completely
"This Is awful, Amos," said Jarrold.
"I'm going to put on a life preserver,
for I dou't thiuk tbe boat can stand
It many minutes longer."
"Oil. keep quiet and let me read.
Mickey." said Cummlngs, never lifting
his eyes from the page. "The men
on this boat draw a regular salary to
keep her afloat" Saturday Evening
At Chalfout. St Giles, Ep gland,
stands a remarkable monument, erect
ed by Kir Hugh Paliiser to bis
friend. Captain Cook, the celebrated
navigator. One of the most singular
visits to this monument occurred
in lSiio when Queen Emma of the
Sndwich Islands went in company
with Bishop Wilberforce. People in
the district still recall, with amuse
ment bow the village baud, wishing to
greet her majesty with an appropriate
tune and not knowing the Sandwich
Islands national anthem, tootled forth
"Tbe King of the Cannibal Islands."
The Flrat faibrella.
To prove at what date the first um
brella was made Is a seemingly hope
less task, but we Cm': records of their
nse among the Greegs and Romans
Dot aloue as a protection from sun or
rain, but as a distinguishiug mark of
royalty. Ily the time f Queen Anne's
reign they bad become quite common
simply as a protection, but they were
air imported until about 1.S02. when
the manufacture f them was begun in
Kaew Rla Top.
A little fellow," says tbe Kennebec
Journal, "tbe oldest In a family of little
ones, whoso father worked away from
Lome winters, had occasion to visit bis
grandparents for a few days. On his
return be found another little member.
His remarks will show that be was
both surprised and ludigi-ant: 'Well. If
yon haven't gone aud got tnother gosb
darued kid! Won't my faUier be mad
when he boars of it T "
Com prekea aire.
On a tombstone lu an Id Nev Eng
land churchyard there is an ep'taph
which t:vcT f;:!ls to bring a smil to
the f.:c;. of the reader:
'To tlie i.tcmory cf Ana 'Sophia anl
Ju!:: IT .it lie. hi two wives, this stou.
i-s en ;tid by t'l .ir grateful widower.
Ja:.. - : I'. I'ollim. They mat e boui.1
rleut;t." Woman's Journal.
A "onuri Keniaeky Ilotel.
The I'Ui iilx Loit I is in ote sens? the
oldest hotel ill tbe whole western coun
try, for It has. with varying changes,
continued to exist ever ft I nee the y r.r
.xa. It was here that Aaron Uurr
lodged !a lStHi while engaged iu his
daring conspiracy to make himself the
hea 1 of a uew empire and w:;s
met and welcomed by Herman IMia-ncrl:asM-:t.
i he cultured bat uufortu
m.te Irislimnu he had so completely
fascinated. Here, as far back as Jef
fe: son's nt'r.iinistrntiou. Iieuiocrats and
Federalist, iu knee buckled breeches.
ri!u!'.-d shirts and dangling cues, talked
rei!!.t politics, it was the seine cf a
si:ii:;.ti:o:is dinner to Iifayette, and
later was the stopping place of the
wily Mexican chieftain Oenercl Santa
i Anua. During the civil war. v.L'.lo
Lexington was held by tlie Confeder
ate;:, it was tbe 'headquarters of Gcuer
ci F.ragg and Kirby Smith and before
the rtrtigg'e em'.ed sheltered Ocueral
Ciaut. President Arthur Las also been
Us guest U-xington (Ky.i Obsrver.
J or It V."aa Glad Too.
A S-Vilt Ijike City paper reports that
a tall, gaunt woman, with ginger hair
and a somewhat tierce expression of
c-ur.-.itciiaui-e. lately came to tLeounty
clcifc i f Iloxelder county. Utah.
"You're the man that keeps the mar
ria.;e I oo!;s. aiu't you?" she asked.
"Yes. ma'am." he answered. "What
book do you wish to see?"
"Kin you Cu 1 out if Jack Peters was
marrh d:"
Search develojied the name of John
Peters. f-r marriage a license
Lad Urn issued two years before.
"I tfionI.t Kit" suld the woman.
"Carried l.iie Waters, dida't he?"
"TLe license is Issued for a marriage
Trill: Illij-l Wat. rx."
"Yep. Will. I'm Liie, I thourLt
I'd ov.l.t tj come In find tell you Ut
Ji!i lvt.-r L;w cs.r.;i; J."
Street Reveaae!
She sat iu a car with a little smile of
ratisfactiou on her face, for she was
well aud tastefully dresed, aril Ibat
means a grat deal to a womau. As
she moved up to make room for a uew
ctimer a man eutcred, and r.s he sat
down lie said to the comfortable oue:
"Why. Jaue, this Isii't your alteriioou
off! How did they come to let you out
today ?"
Tbe young woman grew very red in
the face, for all the occupants of the
car were looking and listening. And
stammered out as she half rose and
then fell back in her seat:
"Now look here"
"How well you're dressed, tool" con
tinued her tormentor. "They must
give yon ?20 a mouth. Eh? Is your
mistress about your size?"
"Now, do lie quiet!" cried the uncom
fortable one. ."if you think"
"Diamonds, loo." went on the miser
able man as he caught a flash from her
waving fingers. "Or are they artifi
cial 7'
The torme-itcd one sprang up, stop
ped (he car and made a rapid exit
fallowed by the cause of the trouble,
whose farewell remark to the Inmates
of the car was:
"Well well, but some people f re too
Thoy Wi-re husband ami wife, and
this was his weirM Idea of taking hi
revenge for a curtain lecture. Phila
delphia Times.
A Wonderfal (ieolotflcal Freak.
Among the many wonderful freaks
In nature there can be none iu the goo
logical line that can jKissilily exce.
that known as "The Giant's Head."
It stands, or. rather, reclines. ajJicst
the face of the cliff at Point Pinos, In
Monterey county. CcL. and all who
have viewed the wonder declare it to
be the most colossal us well as the
most marvelous freak in natural sculp
ture in existence.
:' All portions of the "bead" except the
back, which apjn'ars to U "blocked"
intj the metainorphic rocks against
which it seems to be so naturally re
clining, are as perfect as though fresh
from the hands of some giant sculptor.
The thin, mouth, nose, eyes and brow
are ell perfect, as Is also the hair,
which apiH'ars lo be gracefully drawn
back from the f-jreherd.
The ears arc not so "true to life" r.s
the other features ate. but even in this
respect o stretch of the imagination
Is required iu order to see tolerably
perfect auricular apih-udagcs. The
bold features, backward wave of the
hair, massive forehead, mustache, fine
ly chiseled nostrils and deep set eyes
are all reproduced on a natural yet gi
gantic scale and with wonderful exact
ness. The Typewriter and tlie Eye.
There is tlie general opiniou among
oculists that the eye is much relieved
by the general Introduction of tyie
written matter. A recent medical work
nton diseases of the eye gives a great
many proofs In substantiation of this
opinion. .
The characters are so large ou the
keys that there is no appreciable strain
ou the vision, and when dexterity Is at
tained the eyes can scarcely lie said to
be used at nil. A vast strain is taken
off li:e eye by writing with the type
writer instead f the pen. but the ad
vantages of reading the typewritten
matur ere even more important from
a medical ixiii,t of view, and the strain
cpju the hands is also slight
It is said that a person can work for
eigLt consecutive hours, with slight in
terruptions, without the hands being
conscious of fatigue. In using the
tj-jx-writer the additional labor of fo
cusing the eyes caiL the muscles into
undue use. aud the result is that many
defects of vision which would not
probably lie discovered under no.i.ial
conditions are brought to the front
Scientific Americau.
I'arla la France.
Paris lias nlnays Ixvu France. All
tbe great niovoiiit'nts of tlie country
have been ccuterod lwrc. whether io
litiinl, religious, social, literary or ar
tistic. So that any attempt to trace the
history of the city launches one luime
t'iutely Into tlie study of the nation,
while an effort t master the history of
the Trench iojIe sends one to Taris.
One realizes this particularly when he
comes to study the lives of her jrreat
men and women. T.'iey may have been
horn in the south or east or north or
west, hnt to rise to tlie first rank they
were Misled to seek the capital. It
was there they sought Instruction,
formed relations, becnii their careers,
played their pans. Seritiner's.
Not Tartfal.
Lord John Uussell was not tactful.
On one occasion he took the iMiehess
of Inverness down to diuner. and after
he had sat down for a minute he jump
ed up aud went to the opiosite side of
the taMe and sat by the Duchess of St.
Ills wife asked him afterward why
he had done it. He said. "I should
have lieen ill if I had sat with my hack
to that preat fire."
I hope." said Ijidy John, "you save
yonr reason to the Duchess of Inver
ness. 'No, he said. "I didn't, but I told
the Duchess of St AUiaus!"
Domralle lafrllolt jr.
Husband What's worrying you now?
Wife Oil. I was thiuking alxitit tlie
la-?e curtains you said I might buy for
the parkir. If I don't get them, the
neighlKirs will think I can't afford
them, and if I do. they'll hide the view
of our handsome new furniture which
the neighbors might have through the
windows. Philadelphia Press.
?o:nc rien nre never satisfied. After'iig their hinlis broken, heads
f-uiaslu d. e'c. tlicy go to law and try
to get further d.imnges. ChicngoNcws.
?.!ake life a ministry of love, and It
will always be worth living.
In linking cake or muffins in pern
pans, it should be remeuilred that if
there is not quite enough batter to fill
all Ihe st, ft little water should be put
in each one of the empty onea before
they are put into the oven.
jfkjC ifc jfic Xil dL
Are your checks
hollow and your
lips white?
Is ycur pp:ttie
poor and your di
gestion wcik.1 Is
your flesh soft
ani have you loct
in weicrht?
Thest are symptoms cf
anemia or poor blood.
Th:y are just as frequent
: in the summer as in the
5 A 1
wraicr. - Ana you can cs
cured at one time just as
well as another.
jt y n 1
of ccd liver oil Kuilh hypo-BSo'of-.iUs
will crtiirJv
C: hcJpvou. Almost cvcryor.e
can tike it, and it will not
disturb the weakest stom
ach. It ckint'ci Ihf lirht color of
poor Hood to a htalihy ani rkfc
t.-i It the brain ; fivo
rover t Ihs itrves. It brings
tick yoar oid vcijhi tud Jtrtajth.
A?l Ihi T fl rAr. m t 1.
: VlV J' 1 -W V "W
The Kind Ton Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
and has been maue nnucr m i:r-'Srf-f-f-
sonal supervision plnee Its Infancy.
7ZCUl'i Allow no one to deceive you in thin.
All Counterfeits Imitations and " Just-as-rood" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothuifr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys AVorm
and aL..j s Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and A ind .
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and FLUuleucy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach aud Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Smith Premier Typewriter z
. . 5
Ruv Touch. .....
Durability. pGOQ
artl -i 3,
Leader in
Our Descriptive Art
The Smith Premier Typewriter Company,
Slotlca Thnt AatUora t-clt end CTcd
It liupuKKible lu li lh.
The Inability i f an u.ithor to lir.isU a
piece of work that l:v has engaged to
do and has already actually bi-trua h
not si very nneoiiimou a thing. It Is
s:iM that Dickens begaa "The Mystery
of IMuin Drood" wit!i-;!t any clear
conception la las mi::d cf how th:1 sto'-y
was fT'iini; to tiun out that had Ll
not died, leaving it uuliuishcd. he
would have found u' any cnili:i
ditiicult to reconcile with certain hiuts
contained in the earlier chapters. We
remember a rather citrkus instance of
the isauie sort as havii:g happened a
good many years ag, when the ehh r
Bonner was editing tiii New York
A very literary man s; :it
to Bonner the lirst chapters cf n most
exciting story which j-ave of
being Just the sort of thiug which
readers of The Ledger used to l'X-
The story was accepted ami ran en un
interruptedly and very successfully for
about ft.ur weeks, when all of a sudden
the author's invention gave out. For
the life of hlui he could uot go Ci with
the tale, and he had to go ;o XI:. Po;i
ner and say so frankly.
The next number of The Ledger ap
peared without the collected Install
meat of the story, but with a brief
note to the effect that, owing to the
sudden Illness of its author, its further
publication was temporarily suspcn-l-c-d.
This was to give that cm'ianasi
ed person a chance to recover his in
spiration. XIr. Homier asked him to
(tinner, took him driving and in vari
ous ways tried to brace him tip f ir
further work, but it was cf no use.
He simply could. cot go on. and so the
rest of the story never saw the light.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
A Storr of Amoa rnnimtn:i nnj Sec
retmry of State rnsrd.
If was while Amos C'unmiings was
the Washington correspondent of the
New York Sun that he had a memora
ble interview with Lincoln's secretary
of state, Seward. Cummin;; received
orders one day to get certain informa
tion from Secretary Seward withoe.t
fail, and accordingly he went to the
secretary's ollice t. see hl.n. Xir.
Seward did not receive the newspaper
man very cordially.
"I won't talk t ) a rrprexcntstlve of
The Sun on that subject," said ihe sec
retary. "I am very busy. Yo.i are
taking up my time, youn;; r.!, uud I
can't le bothered with you."
In an iustaut Cummings was l::ilij ;
with anger and hurt pride. lie drew
himself up. I-inked tlie secretary
Straight iu the eyes and said:
"You forget, sir. that there ore three
parties to this interview."
"Three?" queried Seward in surprise.
"How do you out?"
Tlrst. sir, there Is you. secretary ,f
state and one of the foremost figure
In the world of niea of the day; Sei-ou 1,
there Is the i-orresixuident of the New
York Sun, who Las come to you on a
perfectly priier errand in the service
of his newspajM r, and, tliir l,sir. there
Is on Anier'.ean citizen who considers
himself the cn:::I cf any man cu earth
and who will not lie insulted by you or
any man alive!"
The great Seward looked at Cjm
mings aud smiled.
"Sit down," he said, "and tell cie
exactly what you want. ym:n, man."
The Sun not only got the news It
wanted, but alio one cf the best inter
views with Feward ever published.
Saturday Evening Post.
Slmrtlolf j- of Frn.
"The fuunici-t thins 1 ever saw or
heard." m.vs Chaum-ey M. rieivv,- In
Success. "wns the lecture of Aitemin
Ward, then ijuite uuhoown. on Mor
mons, delivered at Allany. The audi
ence was fashionahle. coLervTtire
and proer to a tleirree. Ward, discour
aged. CuuIIy sto.'iiKtl and sai.l. aftir
one of IiU lest things, whhh had met
with no response. There's a joke.'
Suddenly, the fun cf the whole enter
tainment came lite an avahu-che. Tlie
audience bejran to titter, then to Iaujrh,
then to rear and at the end of lo min
utes was positively in a hysterical con
dition. It was an illustratii v of the
psychology of association aud senti
ment, precisely the same as tliat which
prodaces panics, when ther are na
commercial troubles and no finascial
Bought, and which i
has borne the plsrnatiiro cf
Signature of
Uniform Work.
Mechanically Superior.
Catalogue Free.
t l 1 1 UTED Wtl KL HY
Cook & Beerits,
WcJnida Fib. 2Sth.
fri mi... i. . 40-jv
Apple urn-l. ; - 4o
(vHporcttd & . le
Apple Bui!-r. ft-r 40 to Vs-
I roll k '- i -In-
Batter. -ffrtli kii, r- r 9 .'-Ik-
ier,.int ry, p:r
Keeswax pr th
.country harn. pr tt....
Enron J",--riiir. d liu, p.-r
choular, per ft
.. Li
10 lo t :
1-.--1 1
to T
id m v
-.- f white niivy. jer but lo SJ i"
in- lUira,pr th." !
CotTee. friJV-- ilH
r.m. f Cumberland, per bbt.. i." lo I.-.H
... i"ort!and, per blu... to 4.
Cornnieal, ir ..... .. iv..
V-ki:, pel iloz l 'i
FUh. Uae herrinc- tkrJZ S
Money, a-Iiite clovtr.jx-r S"r
I.Hrfl, pT a 7 lo
Lime, per bill . N. O., pr fti-
Onlon.i, per n ; 1 1 km o a
lotlM-. per bun in to."..-
I I'cueiiMi, evaponiUr!. per ft ..... s lo 1 1 k
1 nine, per m x to i
. i.. per bi.l
fittburK. i bt I 1 2
I Halt, I Imiry, bin nx kn .. 2
I S "
" 4 bt: mrk iH.H
rmuiel aln:n. ly) sork.
niaple. p r ft 7 to 10 e
I txi porU-d yellw. ir b e
favar. ( wtnte, A. per l! h'.-'-,!
cntnuiated. txr B .V.-i'.
Cnm:. or puiverixed, per ft... m-
p-r kii .&
nwrif, P-r kI )toivV-
st.newa-e, kIIod jir
Tallow, jer b to-V
Vim-bar, porir-i. 'jo to v
( llmothy.tKT bus ... . $; i
oiover. per tus . ... o to (i ik.
Seeds. " tr;in.ii. jer bu
nlf;ifa, p-r bus. .....
Klsvke. r'r bum
Millet, tJ'-rniiin, p-T ban .
Diinr, nne iwardiusn, pr nui. l.:e
burltwheal, per ban t
Grain i corn shell-t. per bua l-i t I.
OATH, lr bUB........M....... . t' H
n-e. it bu . . 4
A Feed vl.iait. n, r nu.. . tlV
biaii, per 1' , s.v
em arel f.nt i-liop. per bO ftnw..
flour, roller procew.per bbl. isi
near. h(.,h
I flour, lotrerxrd pet 140 rs...tlJtK 1.10
M'ddfr.FS 1 w":'e, Pr !!' 3,
Baltimore and Ga!o Railroar'.
Somerset n j Cambria Brarch.
JohDiTtown Mall Kx7rt. Riynwors ll:j.i .
rn., .viim-wi't l.'.i.T. imtriiirn 1 ; :i, Loot
nr.-lile I2.4:i, Jobestiwn l-rs p. m.
JoliRKtown Acconimodatioo. Knrk wood I 40
p. rn., Somerset n.iu MojntnwD o il, UooT-
emviijef -A2, Johnt r, li.-fi.
M.itl. Johnstown 8 3! .Di.,HoovervllleP f9
Htoveslown :JI, bomervt iriil Kockwood
10:1 .
Expre.-Johrloim i .V) p. Foo-enTlll
i .... stvn,toarn 2 17, Somerset llj, Kock
wood S ).
r. d. i'M-ER'or.
I). B M .KTIN. ii.-nejal Manager.
I'aweiiKer Trndle Manager.
cxsTtan tanohd time
1 O'lDIKKCD ftCKKoriB.
Trains arrive and depart from thettaUonat
JobiiU)wn aa follown :
Wentern Kpre
Houlhwenu-rn K.xpn-wi ....
Johnbiwn Aepiininlllon..
.lohnttown AeoommodUon
Pari t' c Ksprru
Whj- huonfiT
llltubniv Kx prej...........
fnBl Line . ..
Johnstown Avociniodntion
, 4:.M
. H.l
. :!0
, J)
, li
. 5:41
. -Jo
a. tn.
p. in.
Ea'-y and pleasant
to nn, I'oiitxins no
irju rion rlrntf.
Ii is quit kly ab
aorltfd. Oivm rtlii I
at once.
It opens anc
I leatmes the ail 1'h,h. Allma 1q.
flan niHtion. Heals and 1'mtrela the'inem
hrane. i:.lwM the Sernw-a ot Tunr and
Smell. LarpA S:w. "j) e it at Dtupei st
or It nmil; Trial . lo i-ei u l-y n ad
ELY BU'JTH KR'. Warret.itrit,'
Xew York.
Wanted An Idea
"tn ni thlrk
i .... la iatntr
frrtrt imr Ma: tbT pit bHna Ta wlo.
I' . WMoiatKMi. Ii. C, taetr il.-, i.riu !
aiul I'M w two auBunal LrtBLoat vatco. j
km rjsy to
aT" Learn.
. TViirfv
ff It rcaaires a good selected stock and a neatlj arranged store
room to do a britk buainesa..
PnrD TlrnfrQ 1 make u a p!nt ep KJ
I lilt UIUO lsrgo line of Drugs in a ru:e
frcali and pjoodcondition. Ia the iraj of
Procrrintinn ComPoundin wc are wexcciicd
r I UoLI J jJ LlUli AnylLing not advertised, aek for it,
we are sure to have it. Yoa are always sure of getting tne best
.a. Tru-sea Fitted. All of the
kept in stock. Sati-f-ction
m -m
m .
Thid Model Pru; ?to;c h raj.I.IIy
Teople in ?earcli o f
Spectacles, E3"e-Gla?ses,
Aid a Full Line of Optical Goods always on hand. From stu
large assortment all can to suited.
Always on band It i? always a pleasure to di-play our goods to i
tending purcbasers, ubclLer they buy from us or clcliere.
EHas Cunningham,
Lumber and Building Materials.
Oak, . Poplar, Sidings,
Walunt, Yellow Pine, Flooring,
Cherry, Kblnjrle, User,
Lath, Vhlte Pine Blind,
A general Unrof all gradt of LamNsr an1 Building alert! and V'a' kept
tock. Alao, cu furnish anything in the tine of oar business toorler w:tn riwf'
Me promr.ti.esa, iuch.M Bracket, odd-lel.work4Ur.
Elias Cunningham,
Office and Trd Opposite S. k C. .
Tn-wcckli A DAILY
Anrvtr.d icir.arkaMy nttrai-1'Vf puh
linttuin, prnfiily i)hiMrst-il aiih por
traits and lnlt'-t rirp ; nuitMina bH the
Ktrikinp new fo:i;ur 'f th D.ii'r Tri
hiirie. .riwiiil War if.p;iti-tii!. I)iii
tie and IVrtign t,"rre.p.irHenf. Short
Storip. Humorou" Illiitra'rrisi, Indus
trial Information, KHt-hion NotMt. A sr t i -cultural
niaf.rrs rarrfnilr Irmt-1. an.I
t'oinprehpnwive aril Rflil l ti'.aii-ial
anil Market Ip-.rt. Il Ih miiol at-s 'trie
hour a the d.i!y el;tion, r-i hs a largti
prrpoiiion of 101 liter.' l-fr on of isii,
ami each eilitviri is a liion-neM v np-U-rtata
dai!y fumily newspaper fr busy
Ilrgulur mrweription prire
51.50 jior year.
We furnish it with the IIF.UALI) for
$2 50 per year.
Send all Orders to the
Ilemorinl Work
kfanuractarer of and Dealer la
Eastern Work Kcrr.Ulil on Short Sot!o
A'ao, Agent for the WKITK BKONZE !
Persona n reej of Mcnnm-nt Work wm
And It to their intret to esil at mv show
whera pmr rhoiti wtll be given th. in
halUfartion guin.i.tetnl !ti rvny no. a
rricea very low. I luvita upectal atteniioi. to
WhJIe Br29, Cp Pur ZIno MoruTnits.
j . . -. ... ...j.iiig. Ft m iiti-a
iiiprrvfirint In tbe pi iuJ nf Msl'i i t;ril
:ottit.ructl.ii. and wliirh la dwt'nrd to nti ti e
ci "1" "hjpwi for our changeable 11
nate. Gi a, a u 11.
Wm, F. Shaffer.
- '1
Pharmacy. I
Call and have your eyes tested
l, jvi ijis icjieu, 1 r
approved Trusses "
best and most a
becoming a great favorite rl'
LionsSFsmily Receipts
Plci3t, . MnlliJ
bah. friat Rail
Balnstrr. Clieatnol.
Aewel Pot, tie.
R. Station,
Years Old!!
For over ti
. .-. t' ... ;'w Pa
a in r i"' '-J -
r. r' . , r drill Vlllii
I I lUUiiu ' i
wLose rea.iers have r 'b Tf
best e einent or our i" r-
Ii C'v
es all import t""" s lue I
tion an J Worlil, tbe
,lrr lai'l'5''?
rt,.rt-' Sliort Stnrie.
. , - -
onxiV.lel Agrifiiltural I'ftartn:.
SWentidc rni.l Mei-hanioal rtui
Fashion Articles f.r the Women, :
roorous Illustrations for -M '
It is "The People PJP"" f"r e':
l'i)it(l States.
Kecularaubscripticn prii.
?1.00 per year.
We furnish ititb the HEKAl.f '
$2 00 per year.
HERALD, Somerset. Fi
Over BOO
7 i? ?r i Clreu
tlgna. r ' l -
.-.:... imWt
aainGEPCJl. 00