t WOHAyS WORLD. A RICH AND BEAUTIFUL CUBAN WID OW WHO UKES AMERICANS. Brrolun ( A Bikers tedbr KiHiX HabH Hr"CTKIl ! ni-MU'i Defct ta tee Bicycle A FIal FaHtasr. Behold tlie richest woman ta Unck Sam's new doix-ndeiicl and detimalm If yon can whether be is rloher In gok or beauty! The former may ie expressed in ar lthroetical terms thus: Two million dol la; 8. The latter can be adequately express nl only in terms of poetry, but Tin Sunday World s portrait of the lady in dicates, so far as photography can so-ae "of the channa that mere pros would fall far short of dicriWrjg. And now for an Important fact eon reruing the Seaora, Kosa Abren, fol that U her name. She Is a widow! Tbervfore to be won," as Shake pea re My 8. Almost equally important she to ill) in a few hours' sail of Key West. Most important of all. rs- like Americans, ami tdie is oming to New York on a visit. Quite as Important as anything else, she in not in lore with widowhood. Neither la she in lore with any indi vidual Mil. Tor the don, by the way, the senora has small regard, for In 6p!te cf bet fcENOIla KOi-A AI'.RKC. riches and culture and a laring that would compel homage at any European court the is Cuban Cuban from the topmost cud of her raven" wing hair to tiie tip of oer (tear! incrusted No. 2 t-liplx-r. "Cuba Libre" was her motto long be fore the guns of Alorro thundered harmlessly at Yankee war craft. She saw I'ucle Sam in the character of the Cid. her favorite personage in Spanish legi-nd. the faidtless knight who res-c-ut-d datnwls from dragons and Moors. "Auicriianos, 6he said in conten tion of the remark quoted aliove, "have brains. I adore brains. They have foire. I adore force. They are always doing t'rntrs uw things, bold things. Th"y will own the world some d.iy. "Hat our men. what can they do? Oh. they are gxd waltzers, and they can sigh and look languishing and play the guitar; v'la tout" (For sometimes the senora drops Into Freud. Senora Abreu lives in I'ulatino. on the outskirts of Cerro. a fashionable suburb of Havana. Her Sunday after noons are famous throughout the West Indies. There- Is something European about this salon of hers. The elite of Cuba furm the backbone of her visiting list. and foreign visitors of distinction would feel sadly neglected If they did not receive cards. Americans of the oinclal world are foremost iu ay!ng homage to the beau tiful widow, oibcers of the army and navy vie with one another In the con stancy of their attendance, and the splendor of their uniforms helps tc give h'T sa'.ou something of the atuioa- phere of a court. I'eibaps one of these debonair young cflicem nan In her mind when she ut tered her eulogy cf American men. Who Imowa? 6ver this Interesting aggregation of bnmatilty. which always Includes ev erything "worth while" in art and lit erature that Havana holds at the time, prr sid-'s the Senora Rosa Abreo. gown ed by the most famous dressmaker of I'aris, ablaze with rubles, the rich blood mantling ender her akin, which has the tone and the peculiar velvety quality of a damask rose petal. New York World. Hcrolnra of Avtaora. In a receut lecture Mr. William Dean Ilowells made the following references to the heroines immortalized by va rious popular authors: There are heroines of many kinds. Greek ladies In ancient times wire car ried off by pirates. English ladies were carried on and forced to marry their captors. Heroines in the early days tilways moralized and were Intended to t:oralize the reader. But. aside from l'ie tendency toward being abducted, the beroiues of the early days were more like those of today than are those of the later romantic era. The heroes and beroiues of Bronte, with the cus tomary bullyiug of the latter by the former. Lave enjoyed a large vogue, and there have been many writers to copy this kind, but it is no longer cus tomary for the hero to win the hero ine's heart by breaking her back. One of the most iopular heroines was the self sacrificing heroine. If the young man whom she loved was be loved by another, she would move heaven and earth to bring atiout bla marriage t with the other, though be might 1 In love with her herself. Sometimes she married to please her porent. and sometimes, after being married. s3e would obligingly die so that ber husband could marry a gala Heroines are not won by special acta I had my first heroine rescued by th hero from a ferocious bulldog, the mar riage of the two following. Then 1 looked around and saw that things dc not occur t- in real life. The heroic that must be won thus is a extinct at the self sacrificing one." While "Yauity Fair" is cot Thacker ay's greatest book. Becky Sharp is un questionably his greatest berolue. Th heroines of Bret Harte, Dickens, Charles Heade. Bui wer, -George Eliot Anthouy Trollope, Black, Thomas Har dy. Mrs. Humpijry Ward, George Mer edith and many others were consider ed, but none is more sublime than Hawthorne's Hester Prjnne. Dais; Miller Is the grva'et.t of Henry J ami's fine charact'T". Mr. HowePs told In a modest way ol some of his own heroines. A dear old Quaker lady Lad once told him. "I don't always like thy women." An other lady had asked him v. by he nev er made a grand, noble type of woman, to which be had felt forced to reply, "I am waiting for the Almighty to begin. Goods-jr t KlHllf Habit.. One of the most significant pioofa of the increase of dignity a ad oromon sense among women ta the fact that they are rapidly abolishing the kissing habit, aays the New Orleans Ticayune. Time was, and not so long ago, either, when two women on meeting were ex pected to fall on each other's neck aa a matter of course and exchange a kiss without regard to time or place or any condition of sentiment, and when a baby was banded around for visitors, male and female alike, to kisa ar If It "were a bundle of sweetmeata of which everybody was expected to partake. Not to have done so was to caD down the severest censure on your bead, and his ability to kisa innumerable babies was reckoned aa one of the most Im portant electioneering qualities of a politician. ft Jii 2s TtianKa to the war the doctors have so vigorously and so wisely made on nromiscuons kissing, the little Jr.no- centa at least Itave been partially rea med from the contamination of tuber culous and catarrhal and beer and to bacco laden kisses, national people take other ways now of showing their fraction and admiration for a child than running the rick of Inoculating It with disease. The rushing female who Insists on smothering the little dar ling's rosebud mouth" with kisses gets a freezing and suspicious glare from the sensible and up to date mother who baa the whole germ theory- at her Cnirer ends and Uvea with the fear of the deadly microbe before ber eyes. Ac far as women themselves are concerned, there probably Isn't one in a million who hasn't always ahrunk in disgust from the familiarity of a kiss from any one but her very nearest and dearest. The trouble has been that she didn't w?tt to give offense or wound any one's feelings, and w there has seemed nothlnz for it but to follow the Bible doctrine of submission and when smit ten on one cheek by the kls of custom to turn the other, however disagreeable It might be. Hrpererttleal Klltu. "It always amuses me." said a lively lcheIof girl, "to hear the little 'snips' of debutantes criticising this man and that as If they had only t pick and choose. My youngest sister bad a lot of these hypercritical maldeas to lunch eon the other day. and to bear their conversation one would have thought that the New York men were all at their beck and calL "My dear children,' I said to them finally. 'I will tell you a little story. I ouce heard society girls compared by a clever, albeit somewhat Impertinent, man of the world to frogs in a pond. The very young ones, be said, staid near the shore and piped in shrill stac cato: "No man good euough! No man good enough !" The next lot. repre senting girls of several seasons, sat on logs farther out In the water and croaked In deeper tones: "Oh, for a man! Oh, for a man!" while the still older ones, like the regular old bull frogs, drowned la chorus: "Any man good enough! Any man good enough!"' "My allegory seemed to amuse the company 'greatly, but when their laughter bad aubsldeu one impudent little thing called out, "Where do you come in, Misa SmithT I was rather taken aback at this, for. to tell the truth. I Lad never thought of any pos sible application to myself. Of course the little wretches began to titter. I certainly cannot put myself in the cat egory of those whe ejaculate "Any man good enough!" I said amid the general merriment. 1 think the fourth lot. 10 which I belon.?. are those who are thoroughly emancipated, and their croak should be, "We want no man at aUr . cew York Tribune. Waaaaa'a Debt to the Bicycle. Probably proiwrtlonately women have benefited more by the bicycle than men. The physical development of the girl of today Is one of the common places of conversation. The maiden "divinely trll" Is much oftener met with than ever before. Something lyis lonie over the native Impulses to frowrb of American women which has given them a greater stature and finer figui-e In the last 20 year. Tbla la not confiued to any particular class of so ciety or any particular locality. There is undoubtedly a wide extended cause for this larger growth, greater height and armer tread of the American girl today. It is uot all due to the expan sion of wealth and education. Mort due to the cultivation of out of door sports. It is generally conceded that for the even and moderate exercise cf all the muscles nothing superior to the bicycle has yet been devised. There is no great demand upon any one's strength In the ordinary use of the bicycle. It is easier than walkiu; where at every step the weight of the body must lie lifted. It Is :iy to avoid rllmblng hills, a ad It Is not necessary to ride greater distances than are easl ly within one's capacity. Even those whose employments are exacting can generally find time after the day' work to take this exercise In the open air with advantage. It is especially valuable where such daily employment is confining and where the work I w'th the bead rather than the bands. - Ledger Monthly. A Feminize Faillaar. "I saw by a paper last week that a colored woman was excluded from tes tifying in court because she didn't know her right hand from ber left and was therefore esteemed too ignorant for ber evidence to be of any value," said an observant man yesterday. "Now, do you know, I don't believe one woman out of six knows ber right band from ber left without stopping to con aider the matter. "I was standing In the foyer of a theater the other day at a matinee watching the audience, mostly femi nine, as it passed in. Well, each maid handed ber check to the usher, end be called out 'First row to the right or 'Second door to the left,' as the case might be. With hardly an exception those giris turned in the wrong direc tion; then they'd pause to consider, ex claim. 'We're going the wrong way! and skurry back again. "This happened so often that I spoke to the usher about it. " They always do it.' be replied la conically. 'I usually point ao they'll know the way. but I've neglected to do that today. They're all right if they stop to think, but tbey never do think.' "I myself know aa Intelligent young woman who baa to make a little mo tion as If she were wrtlng with both bahds before she can determine the right one. and she declares that all ber acquaintances are affected in like man ner, so crhap8 tbla la a general femi nine failing, and the colored witness was unjustly excluded." Baltimore News. Writtac Like Wukli. Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett eayt: "I write stories as another woman docs washing, because I need the money to supiHirt me. But 1 cannot wr'.te atories as the other woman does a washing, though editors, many of them, seem to think I should. They r nd me a topic as they might send their linen to a laundry. They want me to soap It with the success 1 have had. rinse it well w ith ink and send It to them, so many words, on such a day. as they would order their collars and cuffs returned by the laundress. I may need the money they would pay for this sort of work, but I simply cannot do it. Story writing la a woman's labor with me. not a man's; a work of reproduction, not of production merely. It's a crea tion cf life engendered in me, a thought begotten In my heart that must be born and must have lta own time of delivery and a proper form to Itself, not a man ufactured article turned out by ma chinery to meet the demands cf the book -market." The Bazar adds: "Mrs. Burnett's theory and practice of liter cry production a rare one In these bargain bunting, fortune seeking daya are profitable enough to inspire even American writers to Imitate her." Harper's Bazar. The Prop Wor4. The up to date girl is considerably toned down that is. la thejnatter of language. . She la now a creature of moderation. She has worked ber ad jectives threadbare, and so she has very wisely concluded It la not good form any longer to use such extrava gant forms of speech, and she baa tak en to herself one well behaved word. Things are no longer "gorgeous" or "lovely" or "too exquisite for any thing." They are simply "good look ing." A bat is good looking, no matter bow well, exquisite it really U. A vindow display is good looking. So U lingerie or candy or even a nisa. uy n.r tic term is regarded with se vere "disapproval and frowned upon as showing a deplorable lacs, oi goou form. Do not imagine that this term de notes faint praise. It really expresses the superlative, the ne plus ultra, of approbation, according to the modern maid' ideas. CaOdrca'a Brealelaaj. Children's breathing especially is greatly neglected. So many are afflict ed with catarrh and throat diseases in consequence! If I bad my way. It should be a punishable offense for any mother to allow ber child to breathe through the mouth, for that balHi is the source of many diseases, to say nothing of snoring, which la an offense against one's neighbor. Nejv York Sun. Xewest VtsltinaT Cards. Have you seen these? Script is no longer as fashionable as of yore. though it la aiways In good taste, and Instead of the square Uoiuan letter the old English letter la now being used exelus'vtly by particular people, and very elegant cards they are. It was Cecil Rhodes who made it the fishlon In South Africa to usj Dutch fjrniture. and he bought cp ail the good specimens which were to be found In old Boer houses. Every piece of furniture in b:a bonae is pure Dutch and antique. Apropos of foulards, the newest bine for these fabrics as well as .for India silks Is the royal marine. Having In It a shade more of green than the royal blue, which was so popular last sea- roc It is said to be less trying to the complexion. A wbite season Is predicted. This means that the wlilte materials will le used In the accessories of dress to n great extent. White decorations for the cotton goods and white laces for the heavier materials will be as popu lar as ever. Bridge Bvlldera' Fright. " Bridge building is a perilous busi ness, and no Insurance company will take any risk on the lives of super structure workers. There la one horri ble sensation known to superstructure workers. It Is something like stage fright. "1 know once," said one of them, "when I wasn't tip more than 140 feet, a sudden feeling came over me that I couldn't get down. I looked down, and there was a swift tide swirling I round the edges of the piers. It seem ed to me I should surely lie killed. I clasped both arms around the beam on which I was working and lay there. Just clinging to it, for 20 minutes. Luck ily for me, the foreman, who was near me, saw what was '.lie matter and bad sense enough not to speaJv to me. If he bail, I know I should certainly have fallen off. lie kept on working, and I clung helplessly to the lieam. Finally, In a gruff voice, he growled at me: 'Say, git out o there! I want to put a rivet there. And I, obedient to an Instinct of duty, found nif-seU moving along. The feeling passed away as I did move and didn't come back." "When I was In Tern building bridges," said an engineer, "I did not lose my bead at work, but I mot e thar once woke up during the night bang ing to the sides of the bed In despera tion of fear to keep from fulling In a nightmare." Boston Herald. All Fooli Day. The custom of playing pranks on April fools' day probably bad Its origin In France, the first nation to begin the new year Jan. 1 Instead of March 2X Before the change April 1 was the day when the merrymaking of the New Year's celebration culminated in the paying of gifts and visits In return for those already bestowed. When the re formed calendar in 1004 made the 1st of January the beginning of the new year. April 1 was the time for pre tended gifts and visits of mock cere mony to make fools of those who bad forgotten the change in dates. The Romans had a holiday similar In character to this, although not coming at the same time of year, the satur nalia, and in Hindustan the feast of the Hull, on March 31. has for Its chief diversion the sending of people on fruitless errands. In 'Scotland they have a trick for April fools' day which never grows stale. If a fellow can be found simple enough to undertake It, be is given a note to carry to a certain person. He reads it and says it is not for him. but that he Is to go to naming another man and from there he is sent to an other and so on until the bearer grows tired or sees a light The note con tains the lines: This is the list ol Aprilej Uunt tbe'gcvx another mil. Ekk BBperatltlaaa. There are many suiierstitlons about the egg. la Scotland and Ireland chil dren are taught by their nurses to crush the shell after eating an egg or to push the siioon through the bottom In the form of a cross, showing a lin gering relic of the once general supcr st! tic-us belief that witches b'vl In eggshells and made boats ot tbeco, casting spells upon the household. In Italy It was belir.id that an egg laid by a white bed in a new nest on Easter day wcuid cure pains in the head or stcniacb; that broken in a riueysrd It would prevent Its suffering from bail or similarly would save a field from frost, and Its possession gave one the power to see witches. It was also believed that an egg laid on Good Friday, tbrown on the fire, would extinguish It, while the devil wouhlbe killed If shot with an egg laid on Christmas Self Culture Magazine. Mall Skirt at a Dervish Warrior. The shirt Is nif.dt: of rings, every ring from a piece of steel wire IV4 Inches long and about one-sixteenth of an Inch thick. The end of the piece of wire are flattened out, boles are punch ed through them, one end Is turned on to the other, and tbey are fastened to gether by a siiii. U rivet. Every ring connects four others. The Wire differs somewhat In thickness, not by design seemingly so as to toake one part of the shirt stronger than another, but from material of uniform thickness running short. In parts where the rings are free to Jingle together they are worn very thin. Bound the neck Is a band cf three thicknesses of red leather, stiff like the stock worn for merly In our army. It Is 2"ii Inches high and on the outside Is decorated with ornamental lines like toolings made by a bookbinder. Notes and Queries. Flowery Paraaea. Professor Walter Raleigh, wbo has published a rather clever book on "Style." likes making phrases. "The poetry of Catullus," be said lo a col lege address, the other day, "has sur vived the pi ssing of a religion and an empire; the I'lary of Mr. SauTuel Pepys wlU be aa fresh as at the day of Its birth, when the Forth bridge is oxld of iron and London is a geological pas cake of brick dust." --. . When one woman has a secret to tell another. It always makes her mad to discover that the other kaer It first. Chicago News. CASTOR I A Tot InfmU uid Children. Tt8 Ihi Yea Hart Alwsji Scugh Blgaatur- of &&ff&& A WOMAN MINER. A Oaklaad Society Leader TTa Will G t Cape Some. Ptomlnent srdally and well known In the cities about th bay. Mrs. L. M. Anstln of East Oaklacd has made up her mind to cut a,ll sorlal affairs, swell teas and evening parties for the time and join the army of treasure seekers UBS. L. U. ACf-TCt. going to Cape Nome. Mrs. Austin is not a "tenderfoot." She was In Cripple Creek during the' mining excitement In that region and was successful in lo cating claims and in stock speculation. One of the mines located at Cripple Creek by Mrs. Austin, now known as the Louisiana, was sold for $9,000 be fore any work was done on the claim. It has since developed Into an exceed ingly rich property. "I expect to start for Cape Nome on the tteamcr Valencia. My main object In olng Is to prospect, though I like fining life and want to visit Cape Nome for the pleasure of the trip. A good deal of hardship must be encoun tered undoubtedly, but hardship Is a part of the miner's life. If for any reason I should not care to stay. I shall return Immediately. I will not remain there unless 1 like It. "My mining experience has been va ried, and I am well acquainted with the practical work. At Cape Nome I shall endeavor both to locate new mines and to deal In stocks, as I did at Cripple Creek." Mrs. Austin has been a widow for several years and, though taking an active part in social affairs, has always looked after her own business Inter ests. She owns valuable property In East Oakland. San Francisco Evatn lner. A Carlona Weddlaa. The London correspondent of the Bradford Observer givs an Interesting account of a curious wedding which took place In the West End a few dsu'a ago and at which be was present. The bride and bridegroom belonged to rich German families. During the first part of the ceremony the bride stod In a ring made by the eight brld.-smaids. holding In their hands a lovely rope of flowers. When the time came for put ting on the ring, she gently broke the flower rope and joined the bridegroom. This, the correspondent was told, was an old custom In the country parts of Germany and typifies the leaving of ber girlhood and Its Interests behind. "The bridesmaids left the church be fore the bride, strewing the Bowers from the broken rope upon the ground. "On the return to the bouse we each received a copy of an 'extra special newspaper printed for this occasion only. It was an exact reproduction of one of the well known evening papers in appearance, but contained leaders on 'Love, 'How to Be Happy Though Married,' besides advertisements for supplies of 'good temper and 'give and take. A notice appeared to the effect that the bride would dispose of old love letters by auction, and various amus ing points were made." Table teeoratloaa For TCeddlasr Feast. The usual decorations for ail wed ding feasts are white and green. Bride roses are always preferable. Where they are not obtainable any white flowers may be used. In these days the many varieties of trailing aspara gus lend themselves to table and room decorations. White violets with stul lax are exceedingly beautiful and It must uot be forgotten that just now baskets are much used open baskets with high handles and small square and round baskets with flowers peep ing out of the half open lids. On the center of the lid is usually plaeed a bunch of wbite ribbon. Maidenhair fern Is always daiuty and appropriate. Where a chnudelier is Immediately aver the table white ribbons may lie festooned from the chandelier to the corners of the table. The ribbons may be plain or laden with flowers. Cande lattt . either of silver or glass, with dainty silk or paper shades, are also utrnctive. When possible, the color cf the flowers should be repeated la the china. Ladies' Home JournaL t'p to Date laderliaea. Now that our dresses are made to fit so tightly around tbe hips well fitting undprchithing is a necessity. The lat rst rails-'an idea Is to have chemise ind petticoat made In one. The upper .art is cut to Et the figure without the least vestige of fullness, and tbcu be low tbe hips It widens out into an ordi nary skirt. These garments have sim ply a strip of lace or ribbon to support them on the shoulders and fasten down the center of the front to just below the waist. Rose Wrddlaita. Rose -weddings, where both tbe bridesmaids costumes and tbe ch'ircb decorations carry a pink color tone, will be much favored ' this spring. Marguerite weddings are conspicuous by tlielr absence of color, for the gold of the Marguerite centers Is the only thins that breaks the monotony of the white. nia Roaadaboat Way. A man was going home to his wife ind family. It was growing dark. His road from the station was a lonely one. and be was getting along as fast as be could when he suddenly suspect ed that a man behind him was follow ing him purposely. The faster he wvnt the faster the man went nntil they came to a graveyard. "Now." he said to himself, "I'll find !f he's after uie." And be entered the churchyard. The man followed him. Vague visions of revolvers and garroters grew upon him. lie made a detour of a splendid mausoleun. i till the man was after him. round and round. At last he turned and faced the fel low and asked: "What the dickens do you want? What are you following me for?" "Well, sir, do yoa always go borne like tiiis? I am going np t Mr. Brown's bouse with a parcel, and the porter at the station told me that if I'd follow you I should find the place, as yon live next door. Are yoo going borne at all touight?' Colombian. Heartless. "Did that man ever writ anvthlnj that attracted attention?" "Oli, yes." answered Miss Cayenne. "I Icxiow some pec pie who bare cfUceti nar hi in. He composes oa s type writer, and It Is one cf tbe noisiest ma chines ever constructed. Anything bt writes attracts the attention of the en tire building." Washington Star. Tbe first skates were made ont of the bones of animals. Sometimes chil dren Wjuhl sit on the jawbone of a Lots or cow and propel themselves along tbe Ice by means of Iron staves. Thire Is no fun In playing cards for fun. r.nd it U dangerous to bet Atchi son Globe. . . . . . - . j. . FPU LITTLE FOLKS. A BABY GIRLLONG TRIP. Roaaaioad Parnooa' Ride of BOO Mllea Over Saow aad Ire. Rosamond Farsona, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Far niDi, lias arrived In Chicago from the Kloudlke and is said to l the youn gest child that ever made the trtpacross the lee from Dawson to Skaguay. Lit tle Miss rarsons had her own sled. Just like the other members of the party, and seemed to enjoy the ride of 500 miles with quite the same spirit that Chicago children enjoy sledding on a smaller scale during the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Farsous are visiting at tbe home of Mrs. Parsons' brother, E. L. Webster, 019 Garfield boulevard, and the much traveled Miss Rosamond Is envied by all the children of the neighborhood. The Parsonses Intend to return to the Klondike soon and will take their !:tle .laughter back with them to their home In Dawson City. Mrs. Parsons took ber daughter to the Klondike a little over a year ago. Dur ing their rrtidence there the Uttle girl never had n day's sickness, tid the mother never bad occasion to t.se the medicines she bad taken with her un til they had get back to this country. Rosamond la n.tired In the picture In the clothes she ..ore during the trip mm BOSAMOXD AND HKR "PARKS STHT." from Dawson to Skaguay. It Is a one piece garment called a "parke suit" and Is made from the skin of a young reindeer. The hood Is made so that It can be drawu tightly over the face and Is the most perfect protection from Klondike weather that can be made. Throughout the entire trip the little lady Insisted on keeping the hood open, although the thermometer was from 40 to CO degrees below xero, so that she might see what was going on around her. Chicago Tiiues-Herald. Tbe Cat That Weal to Cbarcb. One morning when Uttle Elsie woke np she fairly screamed with delight, for there. Just by ber bed. was the dearest little kitten sitting In a basket, smiling at ber. I wish I could tell you all the good times Elsie and Beauty, as she named ber kitty, bad together, but I shall only try to tell oue sad adventure. He fol lowed Elsie's mother "o church one evening, and after amusing himself In cat fashion by turning somersaults and chasing after bis tail be thought he'd try;to make some friends, so be walked over to a little girl and pulled nt ber dress, and she. Instead of speaking kindly to him, scowled at him, so poor Beauty, having bis feelings hurt, quick ly ran over behind a pew and cried seftly. He thought the pjopIe In that church were so cross he would not speak to any one else, and he curled up and took a cat nap. When he woke up. the church was dark and cold and every one gone. And there poor Beauty bad to stay for nearly two whole days, with nothing to cat but an occasional church mouse, nntil poor Elsie, who bad hunted everywhere else, finally looked through tbe Sunday school win dow, and there she saw Beauty sitting on the top of a pew sweetly smiling. 1 am afraid Beauty won't want to go to church soon again. Sarprlaed tbe Coajrrecatloa. Two little folks went to church alone. It was only around the corner from their home, and their mamma knew they would be safe. During the loug sermon tbey got tired, and the older oue, supposing that school rules held good in church, led bis sister np In front of the pulpit and said, "Please may we go home?" Much surprised, the clergyman gated at them over his spectacles. Then be understood and said: "Certainly, my children." And the two toddled out. while the congrega tion smiled. Tbe Oldest Table. A wealthy man was once -exhibiting proudly to a younger acquaintance a table which be had bought. He said it was 500 years olL "That is nothing." remarked bis young visitor. "I have In my possession a table which is more than 3,000 years old." "Three thousand years old!" said the host "That Is impossible. Where was It made?" "Probably In India." "In India! What kind or a table Is itr "The multiplication table." TAhea Yoa Hear tbe Rob I a Call. Vou ma; rrd it "Ma;" oa the calendar. You ma.r ri tout heart oa pnnc. But ontil you hrar tl rubin't son Von will tnd it'i sx twh thinr. For hr'i aiire just when the snow flita. And be antral spring's acrrrts alL Ton mar be quite sure tia Maytime When yon hear the robin call! Tbejr'll tell too the winter's ended; Too will bear it everywhere Just fur a little suiuhi.w And a breath of April sir. But you may be sure of one thinr As sure as that rain will tall H is really, truly springtime When you hear tlte robin rail! Ague U-wia Uin hell in St. Kicholas. At the Allegheny observatory rt cently Prof. Wads worth made a phtS tograph on a curved plate, including tbe whole constellation of Orion and adjacent regions of the sky, covering in all more than 1,000 square degrees. It is estimated that tbe p'ate con tains the images of more than 50,000 stars whose position can be measured. OME persons say it is natural tor them to lose flesh durinr? summer. But losing flesh L losing ground. Can you afford to approach another win ter in this weakened con dition ? Coughs and colds.weak throats and lungs, come quickest to those who are thin in flesh, to those eas ily chilled, to those who have poor circulation and feeble digestion. Emulsion of cod liver oil wiib hypo- phosphEes does just as much good in summer as in winter. It makes flesh in August as well as April. You certainly need as strong nerves in July as in January. And your weak throat end lungs should be healed and strength ened without delay. XI! t)ra;rtela. (Oe, and ft. SCOTT a DuWkC, Cbeiuiai. Sw Tare. zrz r i I iipiiwiw I "t l I W Ff f nS P J fJ I' 'J Mil I'M tl rv1 I l I i a i -i u u u 'Uar u aa aa a i I I f ! W . . i 1 ' I 1 ib mm - Afrgetakle Preparalionfor As similating toFoodamiRegiaia ting the Stoiaadrs andJ3ovivls of ospsaaass''aBn?aB?Ta JBTa?aaaBBBBBaaa Promotes Di$cstion.Chcerfiil ness and RestContains nelllT Opium,Morptiine norXincraL OT NARCOTIC. fiKyt mfOUJt-SifflUftTXXSR jttx.Smtut ' H, c7W.sse Aperfecl Remedy forCcnslipa non. Sour Sloinach.Diarrltoca Worms Axmvulswrts.Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. The Smith Premier Typewriter g "aa , BEST VALUE WRITING MACHINE. Haav Touch. ..... f. ayiafc "faaarTJIrl 91 CT af Perfect Type Goner. Simplicity. Double Cam Keyboard. Leaier in Improvements. Our Descriptive Art - r rtlJIaaU lll '"Mm The Smith. Premier Typewriter Company, ROBERT'S. SCULL, AGENT, SOMERSET. PA. SHORT LIVED COMPLIMENT. Archibald Forbea Experienrv With a Colored Cabrnaa. There is a delightfully human story which Archibald Forties, the fatuous war correspondent, told, rather ct his own exiieuse, of tils pratiuVat' r nt the apparent desire of the "man and brother" for higher Intellectual cul ture. On arriving at the station nt West Chester, Fa., where he was to lecture, a colored cabman. It is said, offered his services to convey him to bis hotel. When be got there, Mr. Forties asked the extent of remunera tion expected for the Journey. The darky replied: "Well, sab, if you'd jes' Rive me a ticket to de lectur. sab, I should be right gLid." This unusual request from a cabman struck blm not only as singular and laudable, but as quite complimentary to him, so be said: "Certainly. And haven't you got n missis V ''Oh, yes, sab; Fse got a missis' "Well, yon shall have one for ber. And be requested bis agent to band to the knowledge seker t'ae requisite passes for the entertainment. On reaching tbe lecture room be cast a glance over tbe audience to see bis col ored friend, but be had not arrived, nor did be put in an appearance. Next morning, on getting Into the same man's vehicle to go to tbe station. Sir. Forbes said: "I didn't see yon at the lecture last night." "So, sah; I we not dar." "But you know, I gave yon tickets for yourself and wife." "Tea, sah: I know that sah, but -you see, sah, I jes' sold dem tickets for $1, sah, 'cause Fd rather bab de cash, sab," Philadelphia CalL SETTING TIRES. Tbe Old Way of hrlnklaa; Them oa aad the Mo-era W ay. Tbe old way of putting a tire on a wheel was to shrink it on. The tire was made just a trille smaller than the wheel and tbeu heated, with the result of expanding it slightly. When thus heated It was crowded down over the rid of tbe wheel and then cooled with wtlter to keep It from burning the whetl and also to coutract it. Cool ing. It was shrunk on to bind the wheel tightly. The 'modern way of patting a tire on -a wheel is with a hydraulic tire setting press. By this method the tire is made just a trifle larger than the wheel, so that it will go over the rim freely. The bed of this press, upon which the wheel lk-s horizontally, with an open ing at tbe center for the bub, is com posed of 18 sections, radiating from the center and In shape like the spaces between tbe spokes of a wheel. The outer end of each section is turued up ward, the turned np ends making a continuous flange, or collar, all around tbe bed of the press. Each one of the sections has under It a hydraulic cylin der, and tbe sections are all arranged to work to a common center.- In use the wheel Is laid on the press with the cold tlr around It within that turned np collar, or flange, around the edge. When the press is set in operation, the collar, or flange. Is irresistibly contract ed. Whim It comes In contact with the tire around the wheel, it does not bring np against it. but keeps on contracting just the same, now contracting the tire as well and setting It tipou tbe wbeei the pressure being continued until liie wheel lisclf has been brought to the requisite degree of dishing. New York Sun. rboloejrapked fer Earth Llirht. ' Everybody who love to watch the heavenly lmdlcs has frequently no ticed, when the crescent of the new moor, appears In the west, the phe nomenon called "the old moon iu t ie young one's arms." Tartly embraced by the boras of the crescent Is seen the whole round orb of the moon, glimmering with a pale, ashy light. Tbe cause cf the ap'tcarance is that tbe earth light upon that part of the moon not reached by tbe sunshine is sufficiently brilliant to rend.T it faint ly r'slble to our eyes. Successful at tempts have been made, particularly In France, to photograph this phe nomenon, ncd tbe pictures thus pro duced ere very Interesting. Youth's Companion. -it n fen :,a fix r. Fcr Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature AT 1$ ' 1 Use r EiTir fluoric Druggist. Thirtv Years 1 tmi evptrTatu co ". mrm wm cfTV. Uniform Vork. Scientific Construction. Rapidity. a Mechanically Superior. 2 Catalogue Free. SOMERSET MARKET REPORT (tllimD VKEKLT BY Cook & Beerits. Wednesday Fb. 2Sth. (per bo. f-60c Apples ilrleii. B; 4c ' vi porated !.... .l:fc Apple Bulirr. per ml 10to5ir (roll v"' .ap Batter. fnh ks, pr lb a: (cifninery, per ft . . aue Beeawax per t .country-hum. per Bt 10 to tar gjiutdircurrti oaui, per ar 14-14 "-alioi'i dU-r, pt-r i T id m He t ij f while navy, per bua t00 to Si. i ..V- -- firrwu, par 3 . 1 niMHted, per h , .. 10 to lie ,m.ri( I C'umberlMnd. per bbl f I .(11 to l.tf Je,M,l 'Portland, per bbl Si0 to .fl Com meal, per t .JVvo Pr do .. Jt Tab. Uke hem.,. 3 Honey, white cloTer.per .. aor Lrd, per B . 7 to lOr Lime, per hhl 1.0 MoiiiKKeK, N.O., per ol Onions, per bun jm to 7tc Potatoes, per bua . .9 to 50r Pe&ches, evaporated, per ft) to Itlr Prunea. per ft 9 to 10c Ji. Y per bbl Jlr Pittabure. per btl 1 i I "airy, ; bua sa:k.s . 2Sr " baa aar k . . JH. rroarxl alum, loo t a cka sor Salt, maple, per 7 toiOe imported yellow, per .. Sc while, A. per t 5-(P4r rrftnulated. p-r b... , -O1.' Cube- or pulverised, per ta per ral S.V maple, per 10 lo SV Sugar. Syrup. stoneware, jalloo.. tsc Tfcllow, per lb ..A to V Vinegar, per ml 20 lo fOr uiu'iuy,per uua. ai.;o Clover, per bua JG.0O to 8 01) " crimuon, per boa " alfalfa, per bua 44 ainvkft. tier hm !eeda. Millet, irf-rrrmn, per bua f barley, white brardleav, per bua. IX I buckwheat, per bua 4 Grain j com shelled, per bus.-. is lo 4- i oris, per bus '3 to i rve, per bua . . ...Vc A Feed I wheal, per hn ... V bran, per liro v e.rn and oata chop, per 100 ta 8V flour, roller proresd.per hbl ..3.K " sprit), patent and fancy Flour. hlrh rrade t4.fr l flour, lower (Trans per 110&e..41.3&l,0 Middl'r. J "hlte, per luo t v MlaaI-z?t-1 red, per 100 fcs.. gic CONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Bailroac. Somerset tnd Cambria Branch. woarrHwa.D. Johnstown Mail Eirrr . Roe wood ji:15 a. m., Homer -t 12V, Suvetnwn Hoot erwv.lle 12:!. Johnstown !:: p. m. Johnatowa Accommodation. Rnckwood 1 40 p. in., riomerset o.-"2 SloyeRtown j:.;l, Hoo-ewvllloS:!-, Johntown 30. SOUTH WA KB. Mall Johnstown 8 J a.nv.Hoove .vllle r Btoyeatown Homrret !K2 Kockwood 10:13. Eiprena Johnatown 1 53 p. m HooversvHl i X xtoTeatown 2.17. Somerset fcli, Kock wood :0. raily. F. D. CXDERWtOI. D. B. MARTIN. (ienejal Manager. r-enKer l rainc jaan&rer. 'EXXSYLVANIA RAJLKOAD IN EFFECT NOV. 19, I8S9. OOWDcilaKD acHlDrri.a. Trains arrive and depart from the station at juuiuHjwu aa iuhuwi : WaaSTW AaUX Western Ex pre.. Southwestern Ex preaa. ... Johnttown Accommodation.. Johnxtown AcconimodaUon Pacific fc'Tpi a Way Pfcfc vuger Pittsburg Epnigi. Mall Fast IJne Johnatown Accommodation. . 4:51 -il . :i2 :10 . 9:20 rtsi 4S3 . 04 a. m. p. m. 5:41 J5 THK CLEANSING CATARRH AND HEALING f CURE FOR CATARRH is Ely'sCreamRalm Easy and plea.aot lo utH. Contains no ItM'irfona drnr. old. rji-.rn f" u joi-Kiy ao a orbed. Uives relii f ItTpen. .ndCOLD'N HEAD Cleanse the Noal Pa-magea. A 1 lata lo ll an. mat) on. Ilea is and Protects the mem brane. It e tores the Serine ot Taste and Smell. lre Sixe, 50 eenta al Diugeist or riy mail; Trial aiz, 10 rents ti mail ELY BROTHERS. 5tJ WarrerStreet. New Yoilt. i mm MW, -M at "a r . V r m m m - (K E Euyto Lean. 'Jfe" Beauty mm Sr I" T.J Wanled-An Idea Sr3s r eet Trar Ma: b mar srlni T I mZ? Write J(ShM W-.nr.KBtRS C07r4tea ?Tt ad list U log usrsl reuoos w-tL 3333333333333333333333i5j;' HI r i i ri inyaers fir ffl It resuires a good selected stock and a ncatlj arran 'ed a . ..... TfT room to do WE HAVE BOTH OF THEM. Pure Drugs Vz fresh and good VonditionV" In the ay of PrPQrr.ntinn ComPQndia?' e tnerceUed 1 lCOUlipilUll Anything not advertised, ask for we are sure to have it. You are always Bure of getting te best Optical Goods ..a Trusses Fitted. All of the Iff kept in stock. Satisfaction JOHN N. LOUTHER'S n i-i t w mm mm rm Tiiis Model Drop- Store is rapidly becoming a great Tasonte I a-. r-a a I 1 cople FRESH AND MEDICINES. DYE SPONGES, TRUSSES TOILET ARTI CLEr. PERFUMES. ETC. TBi poeroaeivtsri-HoSAi. ATrauiTio to TB-ooHrocPDissor LflnMs PrescriptionsiFainily RbcbW Sax AT CASK BIiG TAIB3 TO P8 0"T FaVCBH ASD rC AKTICLIS. Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, And a Full line of Optical Goods always on hand. From ; large assortment all can be suited. TBE FIEEST BBAHDS OF CIGARS A lwaj9 on Land-It is always a pleasure to display our goois t tending purchasers, whether they buy from us or ekewliere. J. LI. LOUTH ER M. D. MAIN STREET - - . - - SOMERSET. P SOMERSET Elias Cunningham, K-VCVACTTraXB 15D DllUl AJTD WHOL7tSI. AWJ RTTaI-M OF Lumber and Building Materials. HARD AND Oak, Poplar. fclillnst. Plc-et. nal.: Walnnl YIIw Pinfi. Vloorinr. SaUth. MtAl Ball Cheri-T. Rhlnsles. Doors, Balnter. ChealMS I-ftth, TVb.lt Pine Blinds, Newel Poata, Elc. A,enerninof all g-rad of Lumber and Building alerial nd Roof.nir b u ten stock. Alio, can tarn's- anything in the Un ol our basinraa toordrr with mjc LI prompts usa, sacbjui Bracket, odd-slxedworkttc. Elias Cunningham, Offlra and Yard OnrwwR. S. A C R- Fiftv-eight MOiOY. ieW WEDNESDAY. V fwr FRlDsY 1 OT PR'CTXAILY Tri-weckly A DAILY Tribune AID THE CHEAPEST K10W1. A new and reinnrkaMy attrxrtive pub-li-atiop, profusely illuftratf.l ih por trai'a anJ balf-tnnpa ; roptain all tha striklnir nwa feature of th DMily Tri bune. Special War DwpairhM, iJkimea tic ami Foreign Correspondence, Short Storiea, Humorrtua IlliiKtralinna, Iixlill trial Information, Fashion Niu . Alfri cultural matters car-fiillv rrxteil, and ("omprehensive tnd Ke!itll financial and Market Report. It ii mai'el at a me boar as the dxiiv edition, rerhej a larg-e proportion of auhperiber on dale of imue. and each edition is a thoroughly up-to-date daily family newspaper for busy people. - Regular sutneriptioo pried $1.50 per year. ' WerurnUhitwitbtheHF.RALD for $2 so Tfr voar Send all Orders to the IT WILL PAT TO BUT TOTJB HXentorlal Work WM." F. SHAFFER, somerset; jpenjta. MannbctDrerof and Dealer in Eastern Work rnroishnd on Short Notle mi in siauti mi Aiso, Afent tor the WHITE BRONZE ! Person In Deed of Monument Work wto flnt It to their Interest to call at my ahow ri'JT."" fP' h"win will be (Wen them ,on f urHiiieed !n every cane, a trices very low. I Invite special attention to na While Brze, Or Pure Z!no Monument. prodoeed by Rer. W. A. Flrif. as a deeld.d Improvement In the point of MMerlal and Construction, and which la deatlnrd to be the po,!n'".Mo,"1"D'n' ' on' cbarifeabie c li naie. Given a call. Vm, F. ShafTer. rnarmacy. store a brisk business. cMdt! best and most approved Trcsiej guaranteed. SNYDER, SOMERSET. PA. i , MAIN STREET SOMERSET, PA. in rearcn o i PURE DRUGS STUFFS, SUPPORTER! SOFT WOOD: R. StatUa. iOlEBMlJ NEARLY Years Old! New PUBLISHED om THUS0' 1 UrR . For over lifty-ei-f WeeKIV .Nat alFamiiyr Tribune forf. whose readers have r best element of our I i gives all impfr tioo and World, the Renortf. Fasti nt; frs and rili. (s-iittd tb ntrr pf'fo1' nfvs of t- 1 reliable Va short SwrH unexcelled Agricultural r" Scientific and Mevbm--1 Iaf. v-.i,r.n Articles for tbe 'V"""0 n.orous Illustration, ft.r oM nJ V It is "The People's Tap"" fr M United State!". Regular ubcription pri'-e. $1.00 per year, i We furnish it with 'te 11 ' '' $2 00 per year. HERALD, Somerset, Fj SCHNTISTS IS FSACnCALLI teMtf sis: lf.Ta Over too Beautiful ''a !! f;i rircUl Deslcns ESI02SGJ BT W SEtT3i