The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 30, 1900, Image 3

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    The Somerset Herald
COWARD BCXI U Editor and Proprietor.
..May W. 19U0,
Republican National Ticket.
William McKinley, of Ohio.
Republican State Ticket.
Edmund B. Hardeoberg, of Wayne.
Galusba A. Grow, of Susquehanna.
Robert H. Foerd-rer, of Philadelphia.
Republican County Ticket.
Harvey M. Berkley, of Somerset Bt.
Habjrct lo the drntU-n of the Itutrui Omrrem.
W. H. Sanner, of Somerset Borough.
Fred. 11 e, of Meyersdale Borough.
Samuel J. Bowser, of Somerset Twp.
Theodore E. Rhoada, of Somerset Twp.
The people of Kentucky choee Tay
lor for Governor, but the Legislature
threw bimoutaod put in Beckham.
It la the people's next move and they
will be beard from in due time.
Stern j.ntice should be meted out to
any poatoffice official connected with
the cheating in Cuba or who was neg
ligent in regard to inspection. Gov
ernor Wood will screen no offender, no
matter what his rank in the' service.
In February, March and April tbe
exports of cotton were Jsx.OOO.OOO,
against f 44,000,000 in tbe taue month
lust year. Much as it loves Bryan, tl.e
South ought to be resigned over pay
ment in gold instead of silver at 45c. on
the dollar.
From one small township in Kansas
five farmert) have gone to tbe Paris Ex
poHilion aud taken their families along.
Their absence in Europe seems to be
the only thing that will reduce the
farmer vote for McKinley in Kansas
this falL
Admiral Dewey is getting no dele
gates to' tbe Kansas City or any other
national convention, but be sizes up
the situation for that other Democrat
very accurately. "The South was
never in a more prosperous condition
than it is to-day," says the Admiral,
w ho has just been through that section,
"and I know that the people of the
South do not want Bryan for Presi
dent" Neither do the people of the
East nor of tbe West.
The B-.ier delegates have learned
from the tcreiary of State that tbe
President will maintain the policy of
impartial neutrality between Great
Britain and the South African repub
lics. If the Boer representatives are
familiar with the history of tbe United
States they know that this country has
never interfered iu the wars of Africa
or any other foreign continent, and
that to do it now would be a complete
departure from the traditional line
of action. President Fillmore lost
no time in conveying this information
to Kossuth, tbe Hungatiau patriot and
agitator, and it was done, as was prop
er, in direct and unmistakable terms.
In refusing to admit the Boer deputa
tion to the floor the Senate eimply
ailirmedthe time-honored potation of
neutrality in conflicts between foreign
countries. There will be no change
under a Republican administration in
this historical attitude.
Is its last issue the "fakir" has a
little cock-and-bull story about "orders"
bfing received here by local politicians
from outsiders. It neglects to explain
tht a local Insurgent leader, some few
weeks before th recent primaries, re
ceived a special order from a Phila
delphia sub-b s, reading something as
fo'lows: "We have decided not to
make a fight for Btate delegah in
Somerset county." In consequence of
tbe rtipt of this, no Insurgent caftdi
d ties for delegates to tbe State Con
Vintion were put up. On the day of
tie recent Republican Convention a
wagantoad of Bddford county poli
ticians epecial representatives of the
late Joseph E. Tbropp landed in
S merset, for tbe special purpose of
K'virg U,e local Insurg nt leaders
rtders" and "pointers" as to bow to
run a convention and count out regu
larly nominated candidates for election.
Aud their orders were carried out to
tbe letter. Bar Th.atret, Cards and Da
Chicauo. May uaMetn Iters of tbe
M"lbodit Church are still under tbe rule
of tbe discipline prohibiting dancing.
lbat re-going and otber amusements and
any communicant ofth'' Church violating
tbi rule is liable lo fxpulaiin, ace irding
tot'ie action of llio t nral Conference
Tbe minority report of the Committee
on the Stale of the. Church, rwiinraeod
tng that no action be Ukn at the prevent
time on tbe question, m as adopted on a
roll-call vote by a tn ij irity of 3. At
ii no racial record of the v ; give- Z20
aeaiuxt amusement aud 2v for.
Tbe result of tbe vote -on this quealion
wax a source of disappointment to ira
majority of tbe committee, who hd
brought in a report favoring greatT
leniency in the discipline by remoriug
t'lia section from tbe penal code and
placing Ii under "advice to pastors."
Tais would leave the question to th con
a ;ienee of each member of tbe Church.
Ecdueed Kate, to Camden, lad., via P.aa
ylvaaia Kail road.
For meeting or ! J Order of German
Baptist Brethren at Camden, Iod., June
3 to 5. 1H00, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell from May 31 to June
3, inclusive, excursion tickets to Cam
den, Ind., from stations on iu lina .t
of Baltimore, Md (not inclusive), west
of and including Lancaster and Heading,
and from station south of and including
Sunbury, at rata of one first ciaaa limited
fare for tbe round trip. .Tickets will be
good returning until July 5, inclusive.
Sedaoad Kates to Philadelphia via P. X. X.
On account of the Republican National
Convention at Philadelphia, June 19, tbe
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets to Philadelphia from alt
stations on its line at rate of one fare for
the round t-lp (minimum rata 50 cents).
Ticket will be sold and good going June
15 to Id, inclusive, and retarcing to June
2ti, inclusive,
Boot Caffao Agreo With Toal
If not, drink Grain O made from pur
grains. A lady wrilag : -The first time I
made Grain-O I did not like it but after
using it for one week nothing would in
duce mo to go back to coffee." It nonr
ibes and feeds the system. Tbe chil
dren can drink it freely with great bene
liL It is the strengthening wubstauee of
pure grains. Get a package to day from
jour grocer, follow thedirertions in mak
ing it and yon mill bave a delicious and
healthful table leverage for old and
young. 15c and 20c
Joseph E. Tbropp Fer&istently Mis
states Facts in Regard to the
Time of Their Ap
pointment. Upoa ths Priselplo that a Ut Oft Repeated
Will do Takoa for the Trata, oar une
Torai CsBgreiimaa Coatiaaoi Hit
Fault Effort to Coeeivt
tat People
As long back aa tbe latter part of last
March the following item appeared in
Joseph K.Thropp'8 Bedford paper and
in a nam ber of Democratic and loan rgent
papers in this Congressional d'strict:
Aa it is understood that certain persons
opposed to Mr. Tbropp have been prom
ising many people ,Kmuu, . i
Knumerators throughout Bedford and
Somerset counties, and in many cases
promising tbe position to different par
ties in the same district, it is only proper
to let tbe public know that tbe rules of
the Censua Bureau require that the
duii- of ail the Enumerators suau oe
in Washington on file on tbe itotn of
March, and those who naven'i receivea
tbe notification of their appointment can
make up tbeir mind tbai they are being
deceived- Furtbe if any have been ap
pointed after having exacted from them
promises t oppose the present Congress
man, it micbt be well lor them to "go
alow' in eudeavoring to carry out the
demands of any one who has dared to
exact such promises from them.
Some two weeks after the above item
appeared the Johnstown Democrat and
Mr. Thropp's Bedford organ published
what purported to be a list of Census Enu
merators appointed for Somerset County,
under tie caption, "Official List ofSomer-
set's Census Enumerators. Hon. Joe.
Thropp's Endorsement," aud said among
other things:
The above list will bave an especial
significance in the present fight between
ineiScull and anu ocuil factions in som
erset county. For some reason the ad
herents of Mr. Heull bave persisted in
saying that tbe Knumerators had not
heenv.appotnte-1. In addition, promises
for appointments as Enumerators bave
been made by tbe Scull men, so it is said.
lo aid in tbe work of. defeating tbe anti-
Scuil men. It is understood that the list
above was that furnished tbe Census
Bureau by Mr. Tbropp, who alone can
recommend men for appointment in tbe
At the time the above several items ap
peared tbe Herald pointed oui. their
otter falseness and absurdity.
Last week the following letter appeared
in several of our local coteinporaries and
a somewhat similar effusion in several of
our Bedford Couuly exchanges :
Open Letter From Tbropp.
House of Representatives, 1
Washisotos, V
May 21st, 19U0. J
e o
Dear Sir In sending you the accom
paniug list of Census Kuumerators, aud
know l UK that your paper never wishes
to deceive the people, but desires to pub
lish tbe truth, I write toconti.-tn the in
formation given you before lbs primaries
in Somerset couuty, that the people may
know tbe facts, namely : tbat tbe enu
merators for the county bad been ap
pointed. Before tbe primaries, April 21st, it was
staled in several newspapers tbat the list
of enumerators bad been made out and
that tbe Kules of tbe Census Bureau re
quired them to be in Washington, from
the 2mh, to the litth of March. The cor
rectness of this statenieut was stoutly
deuied by some persons among whom
are said to be included those who bad tbe
mak.ngof tbe selections and who cer
tainly knew tbst the lists bad long before
been sent to Washington.
in some single enumerating districts
in Somerset county many persons were
promised tbe same position, and tbe total
number of tboee thus misled in tbe coun
ty, is said to bave reached into the hun
dreds. I do uot believe in deceiving people,
and to show that tbe statements made by
tne and my Iriends were correct, I now
five a copy of the letter sent me by the
ion. V. It. Merriaru, Director of tbe
I'nited States Census under date of April
4th, in which you will note tbat be writes
me to call at bis office to so the lists ; and
in addition to this letter I give you the
names and dates of appointments of all
the KnumeraUrs for tbe Thirteenth Cen
sus District. The dates jiveu were wheu
tbe Enumerator's appointments were re
ceived here in Washington. In four
places in Somerset county you will no
tice that substitutions bave beeu made.
Now it will be understood tbat the ap
pointments had to be made beforehand
and reported to the Supervisor, who mas
in Somerset, and then re mailed from
Somerset here, so you can see bow far
back, beyond April 2ud, when most of
tbem wete received bere, tbe appoint
ments must bave been made. Tbe lists
for the four counties are in my posses
sion, and with but few exceptions all tbe
selections were made and in Washington
here, as stated, tbe last of March.
it is unfortunate and humiliating tbat
in order to accomplish thMr purposes cer
tain parties make it a rule to deceive tbe
people. Lincoln truthfully said: "You
can iool all tbe people some of the time,
aud some of tbe people all tbe time, but
you can't fool all the people all the time."
It is to be hoped tbat tbe time for fooling
tbe people is nearly at an end.
Very truly yours,
Joseph Thropp."
Copy of Director If erriam's Letter.
Depart ks-t of the I.vthrior)
Ckxscs Office,
WasHisoToo;. April 4, 1900. J
Mr Dear Sir: I bave the honor to
inform vou that tbe list of enumerators
submitted by the Supervisor of On mis
or tne Tbtrteenth District of Pen n viva
nia. has been received and I should be
plea-ted to show you the same if you will
can at tne otnee. I am,
Ver respectfully,
(Signed) V. R. Merriax,
Hon. J. E. Thropp.
House of Representative,
Washington, D. C.
The attention of Census Supervisor
Scull was called to the above letter Satur
day and be was asked to give tbe Heralo
a statement of the facts concerning tbe
appointment of Enumerators. His reply
"Life is too short and my official duties
too pressing tojallow me to entei into a
controversy with an individual who has
recently undergone tbe severe cast: cation
at lbs bauds of bis Republican constitu
ents as has our one-term Congressman.
Cut as M r. Thropp has seen fit to give to
the pu'olic several untruthful statements
couoeruing the appointment of Enumera
tors iu my ceusus district, I will give you
a -correct statement of how and when the
various appointments were made in or
der that your read6.s may discern
whether or not our bumptious Congress
man has teen speaking by tbe book.
First off, all appointment are required
under the law to be made in the following
manner: The applicant must submit a
formal application to the Supervisor on a
blank furnished him for tbat purpose.
Upon receipt of the formal application,
tbe Supervisor sends the applicant what
is called a 'tent schedule,' which the ap
plicant must Gil up and return to tbe
Supervisor The Supervisor in turu cor
rects tho test schedule, marking the
errors made (if any), and, if be sacs fit,
submits it and the application to the Di
rector of Censua If the Director ap
proves tbe papers, be so notifies the
Supervisor and authorizes him to com
mission tbe applicant. While all appli
cations and test schedules must be sub
mitted to tbe Director, he can not appoint
an Enumerator, but it must be done by
the Supervisor, with the approval of the
Tbe first test capers sent from this
office to tie Director were registered at
tb Somerset poetoffice on ths afternoon
of March 31sL
"It was some ten days or two weeks later
when notice of tbe approval or some of
these papers and tbe rejection of others
was reosived at' this office, so It will be
readily eeeu tbat I could not possibly
have made an apppointme&t prior to this
date April 11th or 12ti.
"The first appointment actually made
in my district was made on tbe 30th day
of April and the first Enumerator to re
ceive bis commission was William P.
Hurst, who received it on the afternoon
of tbat day.
"All told there were just ninriy two ap
plications from Somerset county filed in'
this office. Of this number several vol
untarily withdrew and the papers of at
least 20 per cent, of the baUnce were so
carelessly and defectively made out that
they could not be considered.
"In a number of tbe most important
die riflta in this county, and the same is
true of all tbe other counties of my dis
trict, I experienced great difficulty in
procuring applicants and bad to send
parties into these districts to get some
one to apply. This was no doubt owing
to Mr. Thropp's premature aononnce
mont tbat all appointments bad been
"So applicant received notice of bis ap
pointment before April 30th for tbe good
and sufficient reason taat no appoint
ments were made before that date.
I have named 30) Enumerators, fnr ;
special agents and two clerks, all of
whom, I am confident, will villiugly
testify tbat they did not receive notice of
tbeir appointment nntil after it was made
and no K numerator will say he received
notice of his appointment prior to April
"No man living can truthfully say tbat
I promised biin an appointment or tbat I
authorized anyone to do bo in my name.
I bad tbe most emphatic instructions
from the Director of the Census not to
make public my list of numerators nntil
the list watt finally completed. Tbe list
was only couipleied to day.
"In respoaje to a letter from me Direc
tor Merriam wrote me, under date of
May 7. 1900:
"This office has not intended to give out
the list of proposed Enumerators foi snV
of tLe enumeration districts. If there has
been published such a list purporting to
be authentic it has been without the sanc
tion of tbe Census Oi'ice. The embar
rassments which are likely to arise from
a premature publication are so paieut
tht it is incomprehensible how anyone
could fail to rocognize it.
In view of the above, the Herald sub
mits to iu readers whether be truthful
ness cf every iice it baa ever printed rel
ative to tbe appointment of Census Enu
merators in tbis district is not borne out
by tbe facta.
We can understaud why several of our
county eo temporaries bave persisted in
publishing lying and absurd statements,
and in abusing and blackguarding tbe
Herald for staling the truth. It was
done with a view of making political
capital to pet bread in their mouths
for for such services their masters and
owno'S are willing to pay. But why a
Congressman, even a single termer,
would persist in such bnseness is beyond
our ken, unles it be that having first
lied about these appointments the latter
part of March, when be caused the first
article quoted to be published, and sgain
when be caused the second oae, be
thought be could bluff it out and have it
pass for the truth if be kept at it, and so
made the third attempt.
"In some single enumerating districts in
Somer et county uisny persons were
promised tbe same position, and tbat the
number of those iniled in tbe county, is
said to have reached into the hundreds,"
says Mr. Thropp.
"The lie here is so wilful, so apparent
that one wondets that even a candidate
for Congress who had j-jst been repudiat
ed by tbe people of his own county would
be guilty of it. In all there were W ap
plicants in Somerset county, yet Mr.
Thropp, who baa not been in the county
since be m-acra candidate two years ago,
unblusbingly asserts tbat the number
promised "reached into the hundreds."
Now it will be understood that ap
pointments had to made beforehand and
reported to the Supervisor, who was in
Somerset, and then rs-mailed from Som
erset here, so you ?an see bow far bark,
beyond April 2nd, when most of them
were received here, the appointments
must bave been made," says the veracious
M r. Thropp.
Such utter mendacity. "Who, pray,
made tbe appointments and reported
them to tbe Supervisor? Were not the
appointments made by biin after they
tcere ujiprot cd fc.y the Director!
Is it to be wondered at when you take
the above false and mendacious state
ments into consideration that tbe Repub
lican voters of Bedford county utterly
repudiated this political Ananias and
placed him in theuuique and humiliating
position of being tbe only candidate for
Congress in tbe history of the district
who was refused an endorsement for a
second term by the voters of his own
county. Tbe people of bis county took
bis right measure from the start and he
couldn't even fooialarge partoftbe peo
ple of Bedford county any part of the
time. It is indeed humiliating that the
2kh Pennsylvania district should be rep
sented in Congress by n individual of
tbe capacity of Joseph E. Thropp.
Prize Woa After Many Tears.
Cleveland, ., May 2 The remark
able devotion of August Croft, a Morrow
county farmer, 89 years old, for Miss
Kate Putnam, 88 years old is at last to be
After a courtship of 71 years. Miss Put
nam has consented to become his wife,
and tbe wedding is t-i take place Mon
day, at the bride's borne, in South Bloom
field. The couple were born and reared
on adjoining farms, and at fifteen and
seventeen were"ardent lovers.
They drifted apart, but kept up a cor
respondence. On January 9, 11)00, they
were formally engaged. They have de
dared tbat no person nnder 60 years of
afecan attend the ceremony.
When a man Is tortured with back
ache or lame back be doesn't want to
txperirjent with new and untried
He idealizes that the backache la
kidney ache.
The lame back virtually meant lame
kidneys, and be knows tbat there's
very serious trouble ia store if he
doesn't get his kidneys to do their
duty. In his trouble he naturally
tarns to
Doan's Kidney Pills
Others all around him have been
cured of kidney complaint by this
wonderful little remedy. He has tbe
testimony of others to guide him. He
KNOWS that Doan's Kidney Pills
WILL matter what form of
kidney complaint he may have.
He learns this by readihg emphatic
evidence liks tbe following:
Sir. John G. Benford, 01423 Horner
street, engineer at the "Plane."
I Jonestown, says:
t l told tbe residrntt of Johnstown through
cmr lucml Bauers in 1S6 that the sain ac-rms
my kidneyaand right ovrr the kips mn al
ways aouest ia the moraine when getting
nnt'cf bed and for some t:n afterwards
Trouble with the kidney secretions followed
nd it trot ao serious that I became alarmed
Physicians pronounced it tbe result of ty
phoid ferer which 1 had Mntrartnt anm..
Kiime previous and I was treated for it br
'.hem. but received little if anv benefit. As a
lant resort I decided to try Ttaan's Kidnev
HHa. Tber e-a-e me relief right awav.
SDoaiiy ttirei roe ana a nave nau Bo return of
my old complaint np to date."
S ioan i .ianey ruts tor sale bv
Saitucaicia. i 1 1 we jo cents. Aiaiieul
1. T- . rltl , . - M
r .11 j i - TI . . - .. . 1
guy a wxr-aii.uurc V.O., cunaJO, r.Y.,
Fsole agents for the United States. Re-
k member the name Doan's and take
ao substitute. Jj
l nmut riwi.'r mn -a. IM'I I" a-;l.t UL' ft
Most Delightful Summer Resort of tbe
Slrnl hv l..ui. f - - .
- - r - -j " iiiccin, mi
above sea level. Absolutely free from
iiiaiaria, uay lever sua monquitrw. Un
Main Liueof Baltimore 4 Ohio Railroad.
Hotel and Cottages. Every modern con
venience. Rooms en suite with bath.
Klnctrif f.1(rhi t'lAc.. 'r(i,ifti.k r..,K.
...... , au.Mic-u ""mn,
tw-O Lurra Hvir,iitirt Pwli. t lf I . .. 1.
Tennis Courts, Bowling Alleys, Magmti-
un w, VOinpiei Livery service,
Annarwtiia Vai-al imuIam, r,..
liebtftil Cottages (fuminbej for house-
June IsL Hotel cmn from Jui-a il t
Sopiein ber 30th.
- - .-n-- sihm IO.UI 1 1 1 al 1' ' L! sUUlT
E. Burweil. Manager. B. A O. Buildine I
Li-la as j - . .
that time, Deer Park, Garrett Cvuu'.y,
Her Rational Delegates Will So
Vote on tlie Vice Presidency.
Colonel Qamr, Who Will Head the
Delegation. Prosa ths) Keyatoa
State, Confers With t.-trreaat-tf-Arnas
Wlavrell Aboat Details of tk)
Great Coavratloa.
(Special Correspondence.)
Philadelphia, May 29. United States
Senator Boies Penrose, commenting
upon the probable attitude of the Penn
sylvania delegation to the Republican
convention on the rice presidential Is
sue, said today: .''There his been no
attempt to get the delegates from
Pennsylvania to the national conven
tion pledged or committed to any can
didate for vice president. It may be
accepted as a fact that the Influential
Republican leaders of this state are
anxious and eager to do what is
thoLgbt best for tbe success of the Re
publican ticket this fall. The opinion
Is general that the delegation to the
national convention from Pennsylvania
ehould defer action upon the matter
of the vice presidency until they shall
have an opportunity of conferring in
Philadelphia with the party leaders
from all over the country, and especial
ly the close friends of the national ad
ministration. We in Pennsylvania
have no concern about the result of the
presidential election in our own state,
but we are desirous of doing that which
will strengthen the Republican organi
zation In the so-called doubtful states.
We want to strengthen the national
ticket, and it is believed that the
wishes of President McKinley and
those whose opinions he values should
?e cenenrred in by the delegates from
jut state. I am free to say that it will
be a pleasure for me to vote for any
candidate for vice president whose
nomination shall be regarded as most
desirable by the president. I am con
fident that shold there be such a pref
erence so indicated the delegation from
Pennsylvania will be a unit in support
ing such a candidacy." -
Senator Penrose is a delegate from
his congressional district, and he will
co-operate with Colonel Quay In all
matters. The Beaver statesman, who
will be chairman of the delegation, Is
the leader of Pennsylvania's "big
eight," the delegates-at-large.
During his visit to this city last
week, Colonel Quay, as the member
of the national committee from this
state, had a long conference with CoL
George N. Wiswell. sergeant-at-arms
of the Republican national convention.
As a member of the executive commit
tee of tbe national committee Colonel
Quay is in touch with the influential
men in the national committee, and he
will participate In all the conferences
regarding the detail work of the con
vention and the framing of the plat
All the arrangements for the conven
tion have been completed by the local
committee of arrangements, and the
hall was yesterday formslly transfer
red to Chairman Manley's sub-committee
of the national committee.
Since Contractor Dietrich, on April
9, essayed the task of making the nec
essary alterations to the auditorium
Saturday was the first weekday that
found all hammers still In the great
hall. So far as Contractor Dietrich was
concerned the work of the convention
hall was finished, and the great struct
ure now awaits only its gala day attire
of flags, bunting, pictures and flora and
piant deoorations to put it in shape for
the memorable scenes which next
month are to be enacted within its
To one who entered the great struct
ure yesterday afternoon it had a sin
gularly impressive appearance. Its 15,
0S0 chairs were all in place, but, save
three or four policemen and a couple
of firemen guarding it, the great build
ing was deserted. As the visitor en
ters the doorway in the rear of the
hall the appearance of the magnificent
hall is deceptive, for the thousands of
seats to the left and right of him can
not be viewed at a simple glance. But
if he stand in one of the comers f the
hall Its immensity will become at once
The convention hall is 310 feet long
and 2SS f"et wide. The alterations
which have Just been completed have
required 400.000 feet of lumber. The
chairs, which aro to be occupied by the
S26 delegates, and a like number of al
ternates, allow a seating capacity of 20
inches in width. The visitors' chairs
are so placed as to afford the occupants
a seating space of 18 inches In width.
In the section reserved for representa
tives of Jie press are 500 chairs. The
press tables are six feet in length, and
tach will be occupied- by three men.
On the stage are two sections of seats,
each section containing 43 chairs.
The section on the right of the speak
er's platform will be occupied by mem
bers of the Republican national com
mittee, and that on the left by the
speakers and distinguished visitors.
The side aisles are four feet in width
and the main aisles vary from six to
eight feet.
All visitors to the convention hall
will enter by the main entrance in the
rear cf the ball. A large number of
exits, however, have been provided. Of
these there are eight on each side of
tlie building and four In the rear. It is
ee'Jmated that the entire building can
M cleared la five minutc3.
Seven Get Off With Their Liver..
Pottsvillb, Pa., May 2fi. The j try in
the rwnrder ca-e herein seven Li.bmin
ians were charged with conspiracy iu the
murder of Joseph Uutowski, came in to
diy after deliberating nearly nineteen
h iiirt, finding Andrew Coras, tbe alleged
king of the Pmpriotiokas faction, guilty
of murder In tbe second degree and the
six other defendants, Anthony Machulas,
Peer Steuhiwics, John Stenkiewicz,
Anthony Stenkiewicz, Mike Braznski
and Joe Suchinhki, guilty of voluntary
Rulowski, who was a member of tbe
"Ziikas'' secret society, was supposed to
have come nnder the ban of the Proprien
akas, a rival secret organization, which it
was slated, determined on bis death. The
conspiracy was not clearly proved at Ibis
trial, which was thei' seoond one, they
having all been convicted of murder in
tbe first degree at the trial held in No
vember las'. Judge Mar, who presided in
tbe case just ended, wbich lasted two
weks, alio tried Roll as ' Rubnesa and
Matt Rubness for the murder of Joseph
Rutiwski. A verdict was rendered find
ing Rubness guilty of murde: in the first
decree and acquitting his brother. A
third trial will be asked in behalf of the
seven Lithuanians convicted to day.
All the healing, bulsamic virtues t.f the
Norway pine are concentrated in Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, nature'sown
remedy for cocghs and colds.
Seduced Sates te Ksrth Xanehsttsr, ltd ,
via Feiasylvaaia Kaliroad.
For meeting of German Btplist Breth
ren, at North Manchester, Ind , May 29
to June a, 1WW, the Pennylvau!a Rail
road Company will place special excur
sion tickrts oo sale May 20 to June 3, lftXt,
from stations west of Baltimore (not in
clusive ), and south of and including. San
bury, at rate of one firntcla-ia limited
fart for the round trip. Tickets" will te
kOod rtftu.-Liuj untU July I, inclusive.
A Judicial Decision Which Will
Have Far Beaching Effect.
Ida-e Hemphill's Derision tn a Ches
ter C'oantr Case Asalaat a Soealled
ncpabllraa Who Voted a Fasio
Leatlalatlve Ticket sad Afterward
Wasted to Participate la Keaabll
eaa Primaries.
fSpeclal Correspondence.)
Harrisburg, May 29. A decision
which will have far reaching influence
upon the politics of thl3 state was
given last week by Judge Hemphill, of
the Chester county court, in a case In
which there was an issue as to the in
terpretation of the rules of the Repub
lican party in that county. Action was
brought against a judge of a Republi
can primary election who refused to ac
cept the vote cf a man who had not
supported the full Republican ticket
at the election last November for mem
bers of the legislature. While for years
this man had been looked upon as a
Republican and he had probably al
ways voted the Republican ticket-before
that time, he turned in with the
insurgents and voted for the fusion
candidates for the legislature, who In
cluded Democrats and former Repub
licans. When the next Republican pri
mary election was held this individual
went to the polls and sought to partici
pate in the election of Republican del
egates. His vote was challenged and
the Judgeof the election refused to ac
cept his ballot. There were, of course,
expressions of great indignation from
the men who had worked with him to
defeat the regular Republican candi
date at the preceding election. They
made all sorts of threats as to what
they would do with this Republican
election Judge, who had exercise! his
best judgment as to what he should do
under the circumstances.
First there was a criminal prosecu
tion instituted, but when the matter
came before the grand Jury and all the
circumstances in the case were recited,
the bill of indic tment was promptly ig
nored, and again the insurgents were
much chagiined. They did not give up
the fight, howeer. They had power
ful polltlcrU lnfuence back of them,
with the Martin-Flinn organization of
the state deeply interested in the out
come of this important issue as to the
status of the men who follow the lead
ership of Fllnn and Martin and vote
for Democrats, Prohibitionists or any
other candidates against the regular
nominees of the Republican organiza
tion. A civil suit for damages was next
brought an.1, the strongest legal talent
available was retained to make the best
possible presentation of the case in fa
vor of the representative of tho in
surgent cause. After the matter was
fully srgud and all the opinions and
other precedents were presented to the
court. Judge Hemphill took ample time
to carefully consider and weigh all the
facts In the case. His conclusions in
the matter spread demoralization
among the advocates of fusion in every
quarter of the commonwealth..
Judge Hemphill, In his opinion citing
the facts of the case, wrote:
"Edwin W. Thomas vs. C.
Smith. In the court of common pleas
of Chester county. No. 17, to October
term, 1SS9. Trial by court without a
"This is an action of trespass to recov
er damages for the rejection of p'aiu
tiffs vote at a Republican primary
election held in the eastern precinct
ofTredyffrin -township in June, 1809,
and Tile following are our
"The defendant was the dulay elect
ed and qualified Judge of a primary
election held by the Republicans cf the
eastern district of Tredyffrin township,
at Stratford, on June 3, 1S99. The
plaintiff offered to vote at said election,
and was challenged by William P.
Htite, on the ground tbat 'he had not
supported the Republican ticket at the
laFt general election, whereupon the
defendant declined to receive his vote
unles he would be sworn or affirmed
to and sign a printed affidavit, of which
the following Is a copy:
" 'State of Pennsylvania, county of
Chester, ss.
'Personallv appeared before me, a
Judge of the Republican primary elec
tion of the township or ward of ,
who, being duly affirmed, or sworn, ac
cording to law, doth depose and say
that te voted the Republican ticket at
the last general election as required by
the rules of the Republican party.
" 'Affirmed, or sworn, before me this
3d day of June, A. D. 1899.
" , Judge of Election.'
"which had been furnished him with
the other election papers and blank,
and which he understood to be in com
pliance with the requirements of that
portion of rule 3 of the rules of the
Repub'ican party of Chester county,
that reads as follows: 'On Saturday
next before the time of holding the
nominating convention, the Republi
cans of the different boroughs, wards,
precincts. townships or election "dis
tricts, vi ho, if challenged, will make a
declaration to support the party and
an afCdavit that they voted the Repub
lic! n t!cl:ct at the last general election,
sht.ll assemble at the usual places of
holding L'elt ;o'e election and
'.ct by ballet tie tleleate or delegates
io rorre-cr.t theru ia said nominating
"Tie i.blii'i.T rc'-jsing .o make tta
Rest and hslp fcr weary
women aro found in Lydia
Em PInkham'a Vegetable
Compound ft makes wo
men strong and healthy to
bear their burdens, and
overcomes those Ills to
which women aro subject
because they aro women.
LydU E. Ptikham'i VtytaMc Compound
13 known from coast to
coast. It has cured more
sick women than any
other, medicine. Its
fricr.ds aro everywhere
and they are constantly
writing thankful letters
which appear In this
If you are puzzled wrlto
for Mrs. Plnkham's ad"
vlco. Her address i
Lynn, Mass. She will
charge you nothing and
she has restored a million
women to health.
Herald Job Work is best.
r.davlt Ma vote was rejected as It was
also when offered a second time, and
for the same reason.
"The plaintiff had generally co-operated
wiin and supported the Repubi1
ctyi party and had been considered and
treated as a Republican, having been
elected by that party inspector of elec
tions, assistant assessor, and from 1SS7
to the present lime township auditor,
but i'j. 1)S3 had uppoaod the election of
Governor Stone and actively supported
the fusion. legislative ticket, composed
cf equal numbers of Democrats and Re
publicans, in opposition to the regular
Republican nominees.
"As judge of the election, the de
fendant, when plaintiff's voie was chal
lenged, had a sworn and judicial duty
to rerform. via.: to determine whether
unde- the rules of the Republican party
he hud or bad net a right to vote, ana
this he did, and as far as the evidence
discloses conscientiously and without
malice or any animus whatever.
"The following points were present
ed by the defendant:
" 'The court is respectfully requested
to End . . .v.
"'1. That under the rules or the
Republican party of Chester count,
plaintiff was not entitled to vote at the
Republican primary election held June
3 1399, after being challenged until
he had made (1) a declaration to sup
port the party; (2) an affidivit that t
voted the Republican ticket at the last
general election.
" '2. That in refusing plaintiff s
vote defendant performed a judicial
act, in whu h he would not b answer
able for a mistake of Judgment or a
mistake of conclusion.
"'3. Tbe plaintiff had failed to show
that the action of the defendant in re
fusing plaintiffs vote was willfvl or
malicious or that such a refusal was
unlawful or Illegal.
"'4. That plaintiff had failed to
prove a clear and intentional derelic
tion of duty by defendant.
, "'5r That defendant in refusing
plaintiff's vote was tctlng within the
limits of his Jurisdiction as Judge of
election of the Republican primary
meeting, and incurred no legal liability
for a mistake of judgment.
"'6. Tbat plaintiff's action can not
be sustained and Judgment must be
entered for defendant. ,
" '7. That Judgment of non-suit
must be entered against plaintiff.'
"We do not deem Its necessary to
pass upon these points seriatim, as all
that are material to the issue will be
found answered in either our find
ings of fact or conclusions of law.
"The important legal question pre
sented i3, Can this action, under the
evidence, be sustained?
"Under the provisions of the act of
June 23, 1881. to regulate the holding,
etc., of primary elections, tha defend
ant was required to take and subscribe
to an oath or affirmation that he would
Impartially and faithfully perform his
duties in accordance with the
rules and regulations adopted by the
Republican party of Chester county,
for the government of primary elec
tions, meetings or caucuses," and the
same act subjects him to n heavy tine
'if be shall willfully disregard or vio
late the provisions of ary rubs duly
made by the Republican party of Ches
ter county for the government of the
primary elections of the party, or if
he 'shall knowingly reject the vote of
any person entitled to vote under the
rules of said party, or if he 'shall
knowingly receive the vote of any per
son or persons not qualified as afore
said.' "When, therefore, the plaintiff vote
was challenged It became thedutyof tho
defendant, under his oath or affirma
tion, as judge, to determine whether
it should be received or rejected, and
this In accordance with the rules of the
Republican party of Chester couuty.
"He was consequently compelled to
construe those rules, which he did (and
it i3 not questioned) by holding that
plaintiff was not entitled to Tote unless
he would make affidavit that he 'voted
the Republican ticket at the last gen
eral election.'
"That affidavit the plaintiff declined
to make and his vote was rejected."
After citing a number of precedents
in both this country and In England,
to sustain bis position. Judge Hemp
hill directed that judgment be entered
by the prothonotary in favor of the
This decision has spread consterna
tion In the ranks of the Insurgents.
Men who take an Interest in politics
usually like to le identified with oneof
the great political organizations. They
believe in certain fixed principles and
they wish to be regarded as supporters
of the party representing such prin
ciples. Even seme of the most ardent advo
cates of fusion at this time, when put
to a test, admit that they would not be
identified with the Democratic party
under any circumstances. They are
however. In opposing regular Republi
can candidates for the legislature giv
ing the most valuable assistance pos
sible to the Democratic machine In this
state. It is hardly possible that Penn
sylvania can become one of the doubt
ful states in the approaching presi
dential campaign, but if there shall be
a question of the Republicans contin
uing in contr of congress, Pennsyl
vania and her delegation in the na
tional senate and house may be an
important factor In deciding whether
the next Republican administration
shall be backed by a Republican con
gress. It Is therefore Important that every
legislative district thrt can be carried
by the Republicans this fall shall be
won, so that there shall be no que3
ticn of the election of a Republican to
the United States senate to succeed
Colonel Quay. The running of fusion
tickets may Imperil the election of
many of the candidates of the Repub
lican party for the state senate and the
house, and it is therefore essential that
the lines of the Republican organiza
tion shall be held intact and that ev
ery effort shall be made to defeat the
plans of .the fusionists who seek to
draw Republicans from voting the full
Republican ticket. There will be a full
delegation to the national bouse of
representatives to elect and the fusion
campaign will undoubtedly place in
J-opardy several of the congressional
districts which should be carried by
Splendid Flowir Picture to ba Given Free
lo Iveryboy Sxt Sunday.
The appreciation fhown for tbe two
splendid flower pictures given free to
readers of the great Philadelphia S inday
"Press" this year ha led tin p ihlishr
to provide a third groat picture which
will be eiven free with evi ry copy of nrx
Sun'day's "Press" ( lune 3). ThH picture,
which is quite as attractive as tin famu
"Yard of R es" and "Etster Lilies"
pictures, is callei "A Binltet of Blon-bo-iis.
It is by the famous Paul Dj
L'Miepre, and is one of his best works
It is 20 by it ches in sizs and is also
noteworthy as being the first example of
a new method of color printing, which is
quite as wonderful as the picture iUelf.
The publishers guarantee that every ph-t
are will be perfect. There is certain to
be a great demand f ir next Sin l iy's
"Press," hen :eit will be well fr all who
want this picture t order their copy in
Career of William A. Ciark.
In his speech in which be announced
bis resignation as a tnembar of the United
States Senate, Hon. William A. Clark,
who was born In Dunbar township, Fay
ette county. Pa., said :
"I was born amid tbe bumble sur
roundings cf farm life in Pennsylvania.
I went to tho West when a lad, educated
myself as well as I could by my own ex
ertions while working on a firm and
teaching r-chool for a few years, when a
spirit of adventum led me to IbeRx-ky
Mountains wiiere I have lived, mostly
iu Montana, for thirty-eight years. For
three years I worked In the mines and
then engaged in other pursuits, aad my
enterprises now ext:nd from on9 ocean
to tbe other. I employ thousand of men
and pay them genonu-dy for tht ir ib r.
I have rcupied many p'W:lion of honor
and trust. I was nuver in all my life
cnarged with a dishonorable art, and I
propoe to leave my children a legy
worth mors than gold an unbienib-bed
cam a."
Estate or Gennfe Wll'lims. tat of I'PfA'r
T'ir-yfoit township, dwa-wl.
1 tters of attrnlnltrill.3 on tbeaboveeatate
bavins; Ihh-.i cniil, ii to tlie ami. n.litnr'l
l.y the prwper authority. mti: Is h-rchy lv
eo to ail persons inJ.-ht.tu to sal'l talale to
ti ia I n .owliiiie pay men t, a nd I liie li v 1 na;
cl'-.'m- ii(ruln.-.t tliesam to piwtil tln iii d'i!v
auUieniK'ulril for pay merit, al Hie store or J.
H. ti.-rhnrd, Kiim's-. I'., 1 tw"-!1.
ou --.VIL1.I 4 Mr.
Kr.ii. W. lUcwk'.T. .Viuiiiiisir.ttt.r.
fcsUle cf Elisabeth fUjrmnn, laU-of Brotliera
valliy ton iihtiip, dec' J.
KettiTS of administration on tb sbove .
faulisvnz vn amnU'.t lo tlif uiiii.-r-jiimI
Iiy the projM-rautlioriiv, nolic.- Is li-n-n iv
ou Uan (nmous inlfhll lo wild c to
inukt'lhiiiie-liuU' payment, and those I .vlng
claims aituiust Ihf-same to pnent them duij
BuliK-ntk-xU-U for (M-lilriniDl on Saturday
the a.ib day of May, l:u, in thejKirougbo
BorutnK-t, county aud tat- a fort s;. I
J.iMr.5 I- 1TO H.
Estate of George F. RolU. lateofh-de
lowus.'iip, roirtfK-i couuly, i a. o u.
Letters ofadrnlnlstnition on tbeubove estate
having btva snmied to tha un.iersined by
the pmperaulhorlty, uotioe N lu-rviiy (tiyen
to all persons Imli-hU d to said rsliite to males
liiimtslinte payment, and those liavliiKclulina
tosaliisl the same to preii. them duly au
thenticated for aeuicuieril, ou Saturday, lli
Z'A uay of June next, al the store of the ad
ministrator, in Shade lownhip.
Kay a Hay, Att'ys. Administrator.
Estate of Dr. J W. farotners, late of Somerset
borough, fkjmerscl t-ouuty, J a., o u
Letters of administration on the above
estitte having been ((ranted 'o the undersigned
by the proper authority, uo'i-e is hereby giv
en toall persona knowing themselves indebt
ed to Kiid estate to nmke iiumedutie payment
tind thoe havine clntiiis or demands against
the same to present them duly authenticated
for aeli lenient on Tniirsdiiy. the 'Jlst day of
June. 1!J0, at Ih'p ri-shlerce of dee'd.
Administratrix of Dr. J W. Crchera, dee'd.
J ii the tnntt.-rof theestat- of William Frits,
biteof Krothersvalley losrui-bip, homeisd
eouuty, I-a., d-c'd.
In the Urjitiana Court of Somerset Co., Penn'a.
May 2. on motion of Jolm It. rcott,
Ei., attorney for W. It. Krilz and H W.
I-.' it, niiminislrutoia, the undersigned was
appointed uudiNr in said eslata to make a
distribution of the fund In the hands of the
uliiil.iistn.tor to and among those legiilly
enlithd thereto; also, to tlx I lie amount due
tlie wnlow. and ae-rta:n advancements to
tlie heirs, hereby gives notice that lie will
sit to discharge the dutii-s of his appointment
at lila oflice Iu Moineraet, la , on Thursday,
June Tin, al one o'clock P. M.. when and
where all parties In Interest limy attend If
they see proper.
Estate of Adam Poorbaugli In" Larimer
township, Uec .!.
letter testamentary -n the bIkv es
tate having been jnini j t the undersigned
by the proper authority, notice Is hereby giv
en to all tersons imlcbu-d U sid estate to
make Immediate payment, and those having
claims ng:.iusl rhe same lo present them duly
authenticated for seitti-mcnt ou rsaturday.
J une at, lti, at the late residence of dee'd.
H. ti. I(KM
Executor of Adam Poorbaugu, dcc'tl.
J. L. Pugh, Attorney.
The undersigned h"rcny gives notice that
he has made application to the Secretary of
Internal Attaint for JU acres of nnirie
pmved land attunt-d In r-loiiycreek town
ship, Somerset county, V.. adjulniDg lands
of Joseph E. atnglcr on Hie euat, Edward
I j ud is on lh- south, William anil .'lartin
Shank on tbe vest and George Moslolleron
the north.
May Its, HOC Pugu, Pa.
Orphans' Ccrt Sola
Valuable Real Estate
Ry virtue of a certain order Issned out of th
Orphans' Court of Somerset county. Pa., i
wiil offer at public sale in the borough of
Somerset, Somerset couuty, t a.,al Itie louil
House, on
FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1900,
At 2 o'clock p. m.
tli follovrinir dcsrribel renl estate, late tht'
pn)bxrty of KiiuttR'Vh Kiymati, Uc'd. vit :
All the foil'min (IcM-h b.-i rval estate, itu
aTe Hi U pothers valley township, Somerwl
county, Pa , 'j i '-. 1;n1(t of V. W. Kue
per. K. 1'. it--. i:. - .!oibfliJr and othern,
cottlainitif for-y-;a. - ( 4'ii arren more or lens,
with a kim! vtory ami oii-ha!f plank Imu,
Kood lank barn ami ottiTouUuililifiir:K lhepe
on erei-tetl. A Kirnl ore hard of line, fruit.
wil watered and iu every uv.y a desirable
TEBMS Cash on i-oiiflrmation oi Nile.
Adm'i of Kiu.ihtth It iymuu, decd.
WHRKK4S, The Hon. Jacob II. Losroi!
Nf.ckkk. Presidcnt'J'.ide of tin-several Courts
of Common Ple;sof the scvent! counties com
posing the irirh Judi-'iul I'istrict, and Justice
of the Courts of t Iyer and Terminer and Gen
eral Jail Delivery, for the trial of ail cnpluil
and other offender tu tne snld Istrtct. and
OKobiiS J. Black ana A. K Dvkxy, Esq's.,
ludgesof the Courts of Comr,on Ph-sa and
lusiiccs of the Courts of oyer and Terminer
and tietien'! J.-.'i Delivery lor the trial of all
c.tpiUil a:id other oif'-nders in the Couuty of
Somerset, nave issuea mcir precepi. ana lo
me dinned, for holding a Court of Common
Phtts and teneral (quarter Sessions of the
Penceand Uenenil Juil Delivery, and Court
if Over and Terminer al Somerset, on .
MONDAY, MAY 28, 1900,
NoTICKls hereby given to all the Justices
of the Peace, the Coroner and Constable
wuhin thesnid county of Somerset, tlint tli-v
be then and there In their proper person" with
their rolls, records, liiiiuisiiions,ex:iminstioi9
and other remembrances, U do those things
which lo their olllce and in that behulf ap
pertain to be done, and also they who will
prosecute against the prisoners tint are or
siitll be In the Jail of Somerset Couity. to be
then and thereto prosecute agalast them as
shall be lust.
Hambletonian Stallion,
Will stand for mar- s at High.and Earni dur
ing the season. This horse needs no b-ststing.
aa Ma ret hnve sold for more monev. and
p-o tucd more s;vs? t and lister ".hail any In
the county, some having gone u.emile iii 2:13
liny. 1lirr.5erir-o!d. bred deep In old N"Iev-sT
bi-siH). who. In his day. produced more high
prled ilrvft horses tnan any stiiliiHi ever
own. 1 In liils county. This colt will I si el
lowed t- so to a limited number ormnrs at
ill to insur- a mare wi'h fsl. You want to
see this horse bef ire brwdirij; else w bere.
; Horntir Stewart Co. I
! Lawns.
New patterns in thin
cool fabrics. White and cf l-
orcd effects. Thine and rift
s frijie and neat flora! designs,
io, 15, 20, and 25c, f
a yard. j
The very choicest of tho gca- f
son's productions. t
Samples by mail if yon
them. S
oos r.r.w a..s D'n. l.
a wj 1 inn avj riub-uurg.
j Furniture and Carpets!
in the latest fiiii?h Golden Oak The line is ably tlesi., '
11 1 i" "'b'"-1 ivancr. aij,j s.
t -ksC. H. COFFROTH,
If You
Want the Best
m 4
Our Specialties:
5 Sparkling Ice-Cold Soda pure and refreshing
with a numerous variety of flavors.
g -Imported and Domestic Brands of Cigars constantly
It: on hand.
EG. W. BENFORD: Manager.
Pfrrublic station for IofiK Distano Telephone to all point in t
a U.S. Rates moderate. Sunday pay station at Hotel i
nmiumuiiiimitiiuiii . iiiiiiiiuiu,ui
Ilome Comfort. is
: Home Beautu. ... 1
: ' i
Do you want to beautify your home by adding a nice ChHn.Ler Suit. Parlor t
Suit, Side Board, Parlor Stacd, Kocker or Toilet Set, if w, low prices pn- i
vail at the New Furuitura and House Furnishing GixmN Store of
Opposite B. & O. Depot 4 J irn.f,)
5toe,town Station. ..Is ALLUI tin
uanea ina uceupHM ticiusneli B; Ut. . Mirklxaa At. MUo -. '
Do not fuil to sec onr 1900 line of Furniture. Y .. .
it s wen maiic. iiifiiifaj'ti, tnu iiiui moroiistiiy ati-f-
. iV l,;lme xnt pnil Willi fiM-hlin Hn nf ,! . T
In an up-to-date line McCLIXTOCKS The displays were r.c-(-more
complete. So many new ideas ia design, fmy,, cojor
mechanical construction.
plumbing & heating.
be produced at a price no higher than inferior
goods, then call and examine our complete stock, in.lrsced
in the following:
Gar ands,
All guaranteed to give satislnction and at prices to nil 1
ranging from $7.00 to $50.00. Call and examine.
408 Main Srect, Somerset, Pa.
Our stock is complete. All goods guaranteed.
Fine Dox Stationery, "Aloha" Brand.
D.-licioi Confections in Original Packages
Wholesale Prices
to Users.
Our General Catalogue qaot
them. Send 15c to partly pa
postage or expressage and
send you one. It has 1 100 pages.
17,000 illustrations an.l qM:es
prices on nearly 70-000
that you eat and use and ear.
We constantly carry ia stock a..
articles quoted.
TbaTallnl MereanHI. Building in th World, MONTGOMERY WARD A C"
B HottoDauD!