Somerset Herald Et03 i t P rr Tut i i 1 t s ! i t I t PA- , of Publication. j .very Wednesday morning at 4 -"' am if paid 1 advance, otherwise ,nti)n will be discontinued BnUl - - .repaid op- Powtaiaters neg- " a wlieo. subscribers do not . Var p.per will, be. held respooalU. v f removln from one poatoffloej the present omoe. Aaarcas ' f TUS SOHUSKT IlKkALD, J HOKKauxT, Pa. I '.tf11 AuLnEY-AT LAW. , Bjiucrwi, Pa. 1 ) cfc-merset. Pa. ..vewaroUiAiUjppel. li. il.xr'vj Allvta.x-A'X-i-AW, .. , Ouwerset, Pwm'a. M ,Wlug,adoor. , ' rajuuiioiw tils care will b atr i 1 : 4 4l ff " . IP 1 - s I, ' "I B l vyal&er. .ilUrNfcSt-AT-LAW, ua OtAtti PUiOJC, bouiersel. Pa. Court Hons. tiL, r uurui eU Piuaborg, Pa. UaUKt-AXAW. r Bouiersol Pa. Qvtl M. BERKLEY, btuiMUiwla Pa. iiir aiwnaiian- Jl Ul M Villi) fc 4 i I-t ! i I - 1 A i 1 Ult- a.-A.i-iA W , Hunusrset, Pa. ot a ineriu Block, up aaurs. 1 ...... n i-4'HLJj bouierael. Pa. VV. BLESECKER, AllUf--1 A.l-1-eVW, bouierael. Pa. uppjuu Court m fruiig House Bow, ! & ITRNKY-AT-LAW. buiueMtet, Pa. ft ttn f 5 J. K.vAbiiKi t bouieiaet. Pa. J. U. WULS. a. kuom- bomerMl, Pa. ' ,. . . L.r ,lr in .uiceiiuu aojoinuit 5 1 A. U O. HAY, 1 J Al OAI, ... Si AiiOJJiYS-AT-lAW, y Aliul-KY-AT-LAW, boineriiet, i ij prvmpU, altoad to aU ""-f.T IjuiLN O. iLlMMKL, J AiiulOh.i-AT-lAW, zuiuiifl to ail biwliieat eaauiu to hU i-nu noove CuiiixMJi's Urocerv store. L. PUGH, AXluKN a. X -AI-Li w liouir t. Pa. 1 M.mmnui Ulock. up .n. Kn- on Mu do- .LrocU .oUecUou. i mt eLnm ctuea, UUH exiuninea, ami ail uiuuai auuajd to with proinptneam caeiiiy. I U C COLBOKN. AriUKN a i S-A1-1AW, Bomerwt, Pa. . . r will ba flwiuui' Kiid lAiuiiuny miienued to. ijoileo- iuae ill bouierMii. ntiiwi i counut. t5urveyui imd oonvej,ancui jut uti rnuuuible leriua. 1 r lui u. L. BAK, AlfOKSKY-AT-UA W , bomenet Pa. iii tarjM In Suinenet and atiolninii ut. AU btunew entrusted to turn will avt prompt atteuuon. l a. l-Or-KKOTH. W. H. BUPPJtU MJi FliO l U & RUPPJvL, U AivlJHMil-Ai-l-AWt 'jomeraet. Pa. An buaiDeu entrusted to tbeir care will be tcOkv mid uuiiciUMilv atteuded to. UiDoe a Malu Cruk streel, oppusiie Mammom K. F. BITTNER, tif-pboue No. (Ji botuersel, Penn'a. ce urer Fuber's Book Mtore. 11 111.' MAltsUKX, M. D., lul5iilA- ami fttttotOS, BuuelML Pa. Jit u rcr First National Biuik. -IW.U tucuuim a'veu u uie care of the ud tu Uic treauuieut oi cuiouic innmsMt uicaus al ollice. leiepuune. P. k tiUAFFKK. PHlBlCLAN Al UKaaXN, tiomenel. Pa leaden bit profeesi'nal services to uis JU- a ul bonierM;! miiiI vicimtv. Oflioai corner 2 Crua and fauiol street. DH. J. M. LOUTHER, I'HV&ICIAJ. AKUbURUECN, Acton kUin street, rear of Drug store. Jtndrs his professional serrioes to the elll- ul auuietM'. and vtcuiiiy. linlese pro Miouiuy uii4,i u cu be loUDd at ills oi- ue ALui bL. aisl oi Uiauiond. ,J X. KKEMEK, D. D. S. P-ial attention gieu to the flillng luMTtrd. crowu uu bnuf tut. rcuacuce of lr. n. a. kl.uiiiMil j)E.J tf.McMILLEX, -' Uraduate in lieulislrjr.) 6-sr's!atteuUon to the preserraUoa bcikiciBl twin. Aruflciai seu inserted. "li.siicMjaaranteed satisfactory. Office iwm over U H. Dans Cos store, "u Man jross and Patriot street. jTBAXK B. FLUCK, Land Surveyor 0 VUflNO KNGtNEKB. LUUs. Pa. (JCMJPERATIVE MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO., BERLLN, PA, Get insurance at actual coet by insur 8 t home. We insure Town and Far ffiprorjertj. Write for information. JAO. 3. ZOBK, i Secretary. IJOTEL GLOBE. Coulluence, Penn'a. Uow undr Ui nuiOifccrmeul of J oh a JU,. wA UUIfCI lAUkU. Uf DUa 4 wJ,.'"S.u' mk 'I headquarters wnea j """Um confluence. John Murray, A. LONG, ARCIIITEOT. Ovr. Park Build s. PITTsBUBXJ. PA. Mirnirmry skeU-hes prrparMl and submlt PPval. Correspuodence solicited. The (fl Tim A v s a i VOL. XLVni. NO. 50. ESTABLISHED 1827. SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY. MAT 30. 1900. OL r.4 .ills er aid WHOLE NO. 2548. Uttie Folks Love it. SUMMER COMPLAINT. Colic, Diarrhoea, Choiera-Iufantum Any of the ills of childhood promptly cured by DR. JAMES Soothing Syrup Cordial A safe, reliable rem edy. Contains no laudanum. Simply soothes the little nerves into a natural lest At Drug Stores, 25 cents a Bottle. Dont Accept Substitute. THE- First MoM Bant 0K- Somerset, Penn'a. Capital, '350.000. Surplus, S44.000. S5.000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS ocpoaiTa acccivc t taaar ss)dali .mounts, sayLC on ocmsnd ACCOUNT or MIRCHtNTt, SSftMfMS, T0CH DCALtftB. AND OTMCHS SOLICITtD -DISCOUNTS DAILY. BOARD OF DTRECTORr?. . CHAS. O. 8'ULL. OEX. K. Ht'ULt, JAMES U. PUGH, W. II. M1LI.KR, JOim R. SCOTT. ROBT. B. teCUii, FK1 HT. BIK!3C&& EDWARD 8CULL, t PRESIDENT VAXtNTIXK HAT, : VICE PKKrilDKNT. HAKVEY M. BHCLEY, CAfaHlER. Tb. funds and securities of this bank are eurelv protected in a c-jlebrated OoaLias Kua- euAK Piioor ISafs. Tne only safe made abso lutely buneiar-prooi. THE WIND AT THE DOOR. CMtra to my door Conws s twilight visitor. Wbea tbe mountain summer csy- From our vallry tnkrt ILs wsy. And the juurnryint; siisduws stride Orer tb gTca mouBUis side. Dove tas ciore anions tbc trees Korea the ghostly wanduring breesa With the fin atari on (m emt And tb pa light ia th west He coows up tu dark ravin. Where so traveler is sera. Yet his ronung nukes a ctir Is the house of Ash sad Kir. "Master, U't in eor sbode Yon will tarrjr on the rcsdT. "Ssy. I like your roof tree well, But with you I i; not dwell." Birches whisper st their sill As he pew. tip tlte sill. "Slranerr, underneath our boughs There ii ample room to h-""." "Krienda, I hare another quest Than your cool abiding rest." And the fluttering Apea knows Whose step by hr tfnorway aroea "Donor, lord, thy stlrer tree And tbe chaaibec laid for thee." "Nay, I must be taring on. For toaiKht I avk my on. Breath of the red dust is be And a wayfarer like me; Urre a moment sad then lost Oa s trail confused and creased. And I gently would surprise Recognitioa la his eyes; Touch his hand and talk with Lisa Worn the forest lirht is dim. Taking counsel with the lord Of the utteralile word." Hark, did you bear some one try Tbe west window furtively And the. more among- the leaves In the shadow of tbe caves? Th reed curtain st tbe door Rustled; there's my vUitor U h- comes srarc-hing for his kin. "Enter, brother. I'm within." Iilisi Carman ia Scribner'a A BELATED OPPORTUNITY. Jacob D Swank, Witchmaker and Jeweler, Next Door West of Lutheran Church, Somerset, Pa. I Am Now prepared to aupply the public with Clocks, Watch ea, and Jew elry of all descriptions, as Chap as the Cheapest. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. All work guaranteed. Look at mj stock before making your purchases. J. D. SWANK. KEFFER'S NEW SHOE ST03E! MEN'S BOYS'. WOMEN'S, 6 IRIS' as. CHILDREN'S SHOES, OXFORDS and SUfPERS, Black and Tan. Latest Styles and Shapes at lowest .....CASH PRICES Adjoining Mrs. A. E. Uhl, South-east corner of square. SOMERSET, PA IL HUSTON, Undertaker and Embalmer. A GOOD HEARSE, tad every tiling pertaining to funerals font la bed. saw, nw SOMERSET - - Pa. 60 YEARS' war" Traoc Marks Designs CowvmeKT Ac Aavum. eentllsg a skates, sad dsecrlpt ' i mar sratoklv sawartain ear oprnlfp. rr. w. w a. tcvantion ts wr.abiv paoamtahla Ciniu.nle. tlooa stnaAnritentlsi. Hsstdhoekon Paients aesufraa tSes areaiev forscmnag pueau. Parents taken throerh Msna A Co. raostr. SasrMlas4ina, wKheat ehanrs, ia ta. Scientific American. A hsndsonr lllwatrated weskty. larswat etv. eulauun of ny scwniiSe Joamal Tenua . yr : four months, II. Sold by all newsreaders. bliNIi Co--- Kew York fcrsbeh Otsosu CX V BU WasUagloa, D. C 11 Klond most softly and i'lft. I,lay most effective K ivt r l t.-suvc scene tuu'uv ' waxea cjuc'Ks. Tae liirht tLtt l cii liters beanty's charm, ihct : : il c uni6Ucd touch to tXciin tp. n u roo:u or dmiiicr roci:', i:, il e radio glow of .v I 55 ty SI a f: WAX C&NBL& iatc!i r 5 7 Soid in aU eclors ati to iiaimoaiz: wiih si v hangings or dccotLticiiS. jraytirej ly 5TANDAPO OI - CO ror sale ptr-r h r. Mam March was coming in like a bedrag gled liou, when Aionzo Jackson, the stage driver, drew up in rout of Mite Jane Parmalee's gate and sat patiently waiting until she should make her appearanoe. Tbe wind roar ed through tbe leafless trees, and Alonzo's rubber coat resounded with the beating of the heavy rain. "Shouldn't wonder if she backed out, 1 after all," he mused, stooping to let his hat brim discharge its pent-up flood. "Ain't ma ay women who would start out in a storm like this, just to go a-vuiti-i', if they bad made all their ar rangements and wrote they was comin'." But all doubts as Miss Jane Parma- lee's strength of will to carry out what she had determined to do were present ly disptlled by the appeal an ce of that spinster at the door of her cottage, with a large glazed traveling bag in one hand and an umbrella in the other She set the bag down on the stone doorsteep, spread the expansive folds of the umbrella over her head, took a key from her pocket, and carefully locked the doer. Tbe stage driver got down from bis wagon, opened the gate and came rustling up the gravel walk in bis rubber coat. "No need of your comin' for that satchel, 'Lonzo," cried Miss Parmalee through the roaring wind, as she turn ed and put the key In her pocket, after a final test of the locked door. "I've got a free hand, and I reckon I could carry it all right." "Mebbe you could," replied Aionzo cheerfully, "of course you could Jane; but 't ain't my way to let lady paasen gera tote their own baggage." Tbe quiet familiarity with which AIouco Jackson addressed Miss Parma lee as "Jane" and her quiet, unsurpris ed acceptance of it bespoke A closeness of friendship which was well under stood in the community, and which bad now lasted ror twenty years or more ever since they were "young folks" and Aionzo had been said to be "waiting on" pretty Jane Parmalee. Everybody supposed that they would get engaged and married in due time, like other young coupler! with marked preference for one anotlier. But years passed, and for some reason Aionzo failed to "get to the point" Home said it was because the awk ward, bashful boy could not summon up enough courage actually to pop the question. Others declared it was be cause be was Jealous of a young fellow from the city, who bad boarded with Jane's aunt during the summer, and used occasionally to see Jane borne from church or take ber to a Sunday school picnic At any rate, time pass ed without any formal declaration from Aionzo; and in the meanwhile Jane's parents died, and she went to live with her widowed aunt. Then ber aunt died also, and Jane was left alone in the world, for a broth er who was a miner in the far West. Jane converted the little properly that had been left ber into money, and bought a small cottage on tbe outskirts of tbe village, where she now lived in genuine old-maid fashion. Aionzo, who was 43 years old, still lived with bis aged parents, and cared for them. For ten years be bad driven the stage between Uilead and Uilead Station where a remote corner of the township was intersected by a railroad. He bad never been to see Jane Parma lee since she moved into her own cot tage, but they were still "Lonzo" an. "Jane" to each other whenever they met, aud the memory of a faded ro mance did not seem to embitter their present friendship. Jane indeed some times wondered, with a choking sensa tion in ber throat, why Aionzo Jack son had never asked ber to be bis wife, but she bad long binoe got over the keen aogulth of her girlhood disap pointment, and schooled berseif to be lieve that since God willed it so, it was "all for the best." On this stormy March day Jane Parmalee was going to Gilead station, to take the train for Lancaster, where lived ber life-Ioug friend, Susan Rich, in a pleasant home whose welcome Jane bad often gratefully tasted. The day and train having been set, Jane would as soon have thought of betray ing ber friend's confidence as failing to arrive at the precise hour named in ber letter. Fidelity was the bed rock of her character, it would seem as if Aionzo Jackson might have known this, as he sat in tbe rain before her pate. Jane was the only passenger that morning. She sat on the middle seat under her big umbrella, and Alonio chatted intermittently with her over his left shoulder, as they jogged along through the storm. One would never have suspected that these two sober, middle-aged persons bad been lovers in tbe sweet days gone by. When they reached the covered bridge over tbe river, it seemed as if all tbe clouds of heaven had opened their sluice-gates tether. A perfect torrent of rain was falling. " 'Lonzo' can't you stop for a few minutes in the bridge, till the worst of this shower is over?" asked Jane. "My new bannit Is gittin' awfully damp. Tbe rain drives right through this umbrel." "Lenime see," said Aionzo, consult ing, bis watch. "Yes, I guess so. We've got twenty minutes to spare, and it does rain middling hard. My! but the river is high, ain't it? A little more aud it would be over the floor boards of the bridge." Aionzo drove to the middle of the gloomy covered bridge and then stop ped his horses. Then be and Jane sat listening to tbe thunder of the storm over their beada. "The bridge kind of quivers, doesn't it?" said Jane. "Yes, it does seem to joggle some," replied Alouzo. "The water's up to tbe floor beams and pushes kind of hard against 'em. But I don't be lieve " Just then the steady vibration of the bridge increased to a sort of convulsive shudder. The structure suddenly lurched, gave a grinding slide, grated off its stone piers, aud went whirling down stream with the current J&ne uttered a cry of terror and caught hold of Alonzo's arm. lie could feel her whole body tremble. Tbe sensation sent a strange thrill through him. His lethargic nature at last was stirred. "There there!" he said, soothingly Don't you be afraid, Jane. There aiu real danger. Tbe bridge ain't a-going to sink. We'll ground against the shore somewhere, and then I can drive right out again." But the bridge tossed and spun and careened, and the muddy water raced along the floor. Jane began to sob like a frightened child. "Come, come," said Aionzo, drawing the reins hard as iron over the plung ing horses with his right hand. Don't be scared. I'll there!" His left arms reached over the back of the seat and slid around Jane Parma- lee's waist, her head dropped on his shoulder, her tiest bonnet heedless of the drippings of the old felt bat There now there now there now !' murmured the strong man tenderly. "Ob, Jane, if something of this sort bad only happened twenty years ago!' 'Yes," whispered Jane, all of i tremble still, but cot with terror. "But it has happened, 'Lonzo, and that's enough for me!" Chicago News. loneliest of Lighthouses. Useful Hints. A ten-cent tube of white lead will mend any quantity of broken china. Put a small quautity of white lead on tbe broken edges, bind firmly with a string, and set away for a few weeks to dry. If not thoroughly dry tbe pieces will not stay cemented when put in water. Any amount of washing can not dislodge tbe pieces when once thoroughly dried before using. Care must be taken to let nothing greasy touch the broken edges before. applying tbe lead. For cleaning cutlery use ashes made from pine wood and sift through a tine sieve; rub gently with soft woolen cloth and use castile soap; rinse in warm water aud dry with soft linen cloth. Fer fine cutlery that is not used often I have found this preparation to be good: Take a piece of leaf fat from tbe pork; render and strain through a flannel cloth; use no salt, as it will rust; will keep best in a glass jar. Put a small portion of this on a flannel cloth about six inches square; rub the blades and wrap carefully in tissue or waxed paper separately. In baking cake or rr'ni m in gem pans, it should be inhered that if there is not quite '.nough batter to fill all the set, a little water should be put in each one of the empty ones before they are put into tbe oven. A drop of kerosene or sweet oil, a little candle tallow, or a slight applies-, lion of soap, will stop tho squeak of door-hinges or chairs. Although it Is well to have a supply of sweet herbs kept separately, a bottle ready mixed should also be prepared, as tbey save much trouble aud can al ways be used when called for by tbe general term sweet herbs. These usual ly, consists of equal parts of lemon, thyme, marjoram and savory, and two parts parsley dried by beat Sun-dried parsley is tasteless. Great Salt Lake Lake Shrinking'. The level of Great Salt Lake, Utah, is reported to be steadily falling, on a couut of the large volume of water tributary to it, which is now absorbed by irrigation enterprises, says the "Geo graphical Record." The Jordan and Bear Rivers, City Creek and other tributaries rise in the mountains to the east and, before tbey were intercepted by irrigation ditches, poured into the lake tbe year roundabout 10,000 cubic feet a second. It is interesting to learn that a simi lar condition now exists in the Dead Sea, Palestine. That sea was formerly much larger than at present, as is shown by the old, stretching at various levels alonf; the basin. Since the middle of the.century its level has been very slowly rising- till quite re cently, but now it is . falling. This shrinkage of Great Salt Lake, cot to natural cause, but to the Increasing quantity of water taken from the Jor dan and smaller streams by farmers. who are diverting all tbey can get to their lands. Some of the salt deposits covering the bottom of tbe lake may now be seen above the water in the shallower places and near the shores. But even if this shrinkage should go on steadily it would take a long time to dry up the waters, for the lake is over 2300 feet deep in the northern part of the basin. Monarch over pain. Burns, cuts, sprains, .tings. Instant relief. Dr' Thomas' Eclectric Oil. At any drug tore. The hightest point used by the light house department of the United States government as a signal station is a pre cipitous rock in the northwestern part of Oregon called Tillamook Rock. Its great height and perilous situation tend to make this rock the most avoid ed one on the government lint, and !t is only after a long and careful search that men are found who are willing to go as keepers to the station. Tillamook Rock Light Station is in the Thirteenth lighthouse district. which Includes the coast and rivers of Oregon, Washington and Alaska. It is situated iu the midst of the surging Pacific, with 90 feet depth of water on all sides, at the great storm center off Tillamook Head. It is 18 miles south of the entrance to the Columbia river, and one mile southwest by half a mile west from Tillamook Head, on the Oregon coast The water near Tillamook had such a strong and unoertaiu current that ves sels unacquainted with tbe" coast are warned not to attejopt the passage. Tbe rock, which has a summit of SO feet above the sea level, is an irregular col umn of basalt, apparently separated from Tillamook Head, on the main 1 a . ..a.. . jana, oy untoia centuries or erosion prior to the days when the sea was re ceding on the Pacific and encroaching upon the land on tbe Atlantic The reason for the difficulty In secur ing keepers for Tillamook is said to be that a man not only risks his life in accepting the position, but bis reason. At present a keeper and four assistants are provided for the double purpose of di i ding the watcht s and mitigating tl e awful isolation that Und toward un seating the reason. The mere monoto ny of seeing the same face (of a man of course, ) day in and day out for month and years, amid the same wild scene and in the same narrow treadmill of labor, is irritating. It begets dislike by its very annoyance of mouotony It is so different wher. the face is that of a woman a wife. But the wife is not permitted to live there. The keeper and bis assistants are cut off from all social lit-s. This wild waste of water aud fierce storms of Tillamook forbid a woman's resid siding on the rock. . Upon tbe east aid. Tillamook's sum mit is 40 feet wide, narrowing to its west side for a distance of 60 feet, and from that point extending 40 feet furth er in a sharp and abrupt ledge, where it is only 40 feet in width. The rock is precipitous on all sides, except on the east, where it slopes up at an angle of 20 degrees. The Kummit, except the sharp ledge on the west side, is in closed all around w a stmnp- iron railing. The dwelling house is in the center of the summit It faces to tbe east It is a stone and cement structure, held down by great iron bolts. The stone tower rests on the rock and shoots up from the center of tbe dwelling. The iuclosure of this wild sea-girt house contains some 7,000 square feet, or less than two acres in area, the focal plate of tbe liizht is 130 feet above sea level. Yet this Pacific oceau, when in Its angriest mood, oft- times dashes its waves against the plMe glass inclosing the light and burls gigantic rocks high above and drops them upon the borne of those faithful but helpless guardians of the storm- tossed mariner. xne Keeper's dwelling is a square, one-story building of stone for outer walls, and brick, iron and wood for interior, with rectangular extension for the; duplicate airen apparatus. Tbe light was first shown on February 1, 1881, the building having been begun October 21. 187i). and completed under circumstances of tbe greatest peril. On the northwesterly side of tbe rock, upon a sloping ledge, a wide, level platform or landing place has been constructed for transferring freight and passengers. The cage is four and one- half feet square and two feet deep, made of wooden slats closely put together. Ropes strongly bind each corner, into which iron bolts with eyeballs are in serted for attachment to tbe derrick. The derrick raises the cage some 40 feet, and when the station boat is used the cage is omitted and tbe entire out fit is derricked up to the platform to crest the accent is at an angle of 23 de grees, and tbe distance is 48 feet A tramway with tramcar takes up the freight. Three tanks with 14,401 gallons capacity, and one cistern, 17, 057 gallons capacity, supply the station with water, that In the tanks being used for tbe fog siguals and that in the cisterns being for the dwelling house. Once a miniature garden six feet square enlivened the scene with mem ories of home aud furnished summer vegetables. Its soil, six inches in depth, was brought from Tongue Point, on Astoria peninsula. During tbe winter this soil was box ed up and stowed away In a safe place. For two summers this idyllic status lasted, but tbe great tornado of 131-4 washed the boxes into tbe sea. The redeeming feature of Tillamook Station'is its elysian zephyr, known as the cbinook wind, flowing with peren oial delight from the northwest in summer and imparting unequaled lon gevity and coming in at winter frooa the south west with healing on its wings. Irish Wit and the Qieea's Visit. An old woman selling oranges con trlved as tbe royal procession drew near to push a little nearer the barrier "Stand back, you wid the batketr shouted the policeman. "Arrah," replied the old body at once, 'mebbe her reverince 'd like an orange chape enough, too, an' by the token I'll give ber one all for nolhin', "Stand back, will ye, her majesty does not want yer oranges. Every body knows" the policeman fell back on his imagination "everybody knows she hates oranges.". "Then glory be to God, 'tis the olor of thiru she hate; she's a tidy sowl afiherall. I wi.-h I had some green oranges." Another tale runs: "Drive me to a good hotel, jarvey. "Weil, sir; which do ye want?" "Any will do so long as I can gtt a room." "Then axio' yer lave, sir, ys'd bet- tber go across and throw stones at a peeler." "Why?" le'd get locked up then, sir, an' 'tW the only wav to get a room in Dublin this night, sir. Heav'n be p raised T There is a newsman on Kingstown Pier well known to all travelers across the channel. It seems that when the queen was last in Ireland foity-nine years ago, he had the honor of supply ing her with morning papers. Accord Ingly Dave Ftevens presented himself again with a formidable amy of jour nals, for hia stock in trade has increas ed enormously in the meantime. Oue of the gvntlemeu in attendance remind ed her imsjesty of the circumstance. and she sent for a morning paper, in closing a soverign with a message to tbe effect that David might keep the rest for himself. 'And which newspaper did she buy? asked the newsman's interviewer. "I' like a lawyer, sur; all that takes place between my customers an' my self is sacret an' I wouldn't tell ye for a handful o' soverigns but that would surprise you if ye knew." The interviewer's curiosity is still unsatiated. Liverpool Post Spiaying Trees. Spray with Paris green, as generally recommended, about one week after the blossoms fall, or in time to get tbe calyx cups well filled with the poi son, so that they may close over and hold it there. Spray again with Paris green and Bordeaux mixture combined, or with kerosene emulsion, about June 1, or, better still, observe carefully and apply this when the eggs are being laid on the leaves. .... bcrape the bark and place paper bands around the tree about tbe last of June, when tbe larvae are beginning to leave the apple to pupate. Examine these two or three times a week apart and destroy tbe insects found beneath them. If these methods are not wholly ef fective', owing to the proximity of neg lected orchards or from an unusual abundance of moths, later epraying. with either Paris green and Bordeaux mixture or kerosene emulsilfn, may do some good, but apparently can not be expected to be wholly effective. If larvae are still found in the apples in any considerable numbers towards the end of the season, place paper bands around the tree about September 1 or a little earlier. Leave them there until the fruit is gathered from the orchard, then remove and destroy the larvae hibernating beneath them. Wanted His Sing Back. Under what circumstances, asks the Westminster Gazette, ought A rejected lover to insist upon the return of the engagement ring from a lady unwilling to yield it up? This is a very old problem and one that hardly permits of one inclusive solving formula. A gentleman at the North London Police Court recently wanted bis ring back it bad cost a pound. ".Don't you ibinK," said the magis trate, "that you have bad 1 worth of pleasure during tbe time you walked out with the girl?" Tbe lover hardly felt able to value bis pleasure in this commercial spirit, and would only plead that the engage ment ring was given conditionally on it being worn (indue course) with wedding ring provided by himself. But after some discussion he consented "not to trouble," He is going to try and find another girl "a better and a prettier one." The ancients believed that rheum a tism was tbe work of a demon within a man. Any one who has bad an attack of sciatic or indammatory rheu matism will agree that the infliction is demoniac enough to warrant the belief. It has never been claimed that Cham berlain s Pain Balm would cast out demons, but it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear testimony to the truth of this statement One applica tion relieves the pain, and this quick relief which it affords is alone worth many times its cost ror sale by all druggists. Census (.aeries- The blank schedules to be Ured in the next census? are now bt'ing distributed by the Census Oillce to tbe enumera tors, who -sill start to work on June 1. The schedules contain qutstious which some persons may think prying, pur poseless, or excessive in number. But their number and character have been determined by Congress, not by tht Census Oitlce, aud all of them have been asked in previous censuses. Tbe only important chauge since is JO is that some questions have been aban doned. People are often offended at the question, "How old are you '' and are apt to wonder what use the Govern ment can make of their replies. Taken as a whole the replies are as important as any class of information the Census Office collects. Age returns penetrate and elucidate every other branch of statistical knowledge. They show where child labor is prevalent, and where tbe proportion of persons able to support themselves is large or small. They reveal the great number of col ored children and the short life of tbe negroes under present conditions. Tbey make it possible to ascertain whether the average leugth of life is increasing or decreasing, how many men the na tion contains who are capable of voting or of bearing arms, and whether the relative number of children is increas ing or decreasing. In Mohammedan or semi-civilized countries like India, householders are often unwilling to answer the question regarding the sex of persons in the house, but in civilized countries where tFie sexes are regarded as on an equali ty, such unwillingness does not appear. The answers to tbe questions show that in nearly all cities the females outnum ber tbe males and that the same is true of most of the States along tbe Atlan tic coast. The belief is widespread that taking tbe world in general there are more females alive at any given time than males, and that if it were cot for immigration there would be more fe males in the United States than males. But census statistics show that we can not explain tbe great excess of males (over one and a half million) in the United States by immigration alone. for when the foreign-born are left out of account there are still about 600,000 more males than females. Few would dilute the necessity for asking questions regarding race. All arguments regarding the future of any particular race in this country, like tbe Indian, the negro, or the Chinese, must hing upon tbe returns of the census. W?itli the Indians, moreover, it is of the highest importance to learn what success the policy of the Government has met with in establishing them apart from their tribes and reserva tions, and whether such Indians are increasing or decreasing. Some mothers may shrink from stat ing tbe number of children they have bad and tbe number who are living. But from the answers to these questions the country will learn whether the native American population is holding its own, or whether, as some have claimed, it is being gradually sup planted and displaced by tbe children of recent immigrants. In the light of such explanations, and only a few of tbe mt important questions have beeu touched upon, it may perhaps be clear to tbe public that no question has beea ordered by Con gress, or has been asked by tbe Cecr-us Ofdee, which, if properly aud correctly answered, will cot lead to suggestive Inferences regarding the American people and their work. Condition of the Southern Xegros. Ojriog to tbe widespread ignorant'e of industrial conditions in the South it seems necessary to state, with great distinctness and emphasis, that the negro remains as be has always been the great industrial factor of the South He is ef peoia ly conspicuous, as he has always been, in agriculture. Nearly all Southern landowners derive tbeir iucoine from renting the laud to negro tenants, who cultivate the crop under the owner's direction often under tha: or an overseer. ot Icsh than Ni per cent, of the negro race are living under these con lit ions. Therefore, whatever beneflU there were formerly to be de rived from such occupation and such groups of lalorers on a plantation must exist for the negroes of to-day. The conditions of life are very much the same on these plantations as they were during slavery, except that thd owner of the land is not privileged to buy or sell bis laborers, but must buy their labor. This be does on his own terhrs. There m not the slightest danger of the Southern uegro becoming over ed ucated. In tbe first place, many of tbe so-called "colleges" are little more than high schools, and the amount of learn ing they impart is not likely to make the negro "top heavy," or otherwise injure his capacity for waiting on table. In the secoud place, the negro masse", except iu the towns and cities, have little opportunity to obtain even the rudiments of an education. A public school system of three months' school ing, without textbooks or school house, and which opens its schools in deserted log cabin or colored meetinghouses, five, ten or fifteen miles apart, is not likely to prepare many pupils for the "negro colleges" that Mr. Warner so much dreads. The public schools in the Philippine Islands would prbab!y compare favorably1 with those provided for degro children in many of our Southern States that is, for r.egro children on the plantations, where il literacy of tea" claims 70 per cent of the population. And now a brief word on the in crease! criminality of the negro. Un doubtedly, prison statistics both North and South tell heavily against the race since it has attained its freedom. But prison statistics tell heavily against any class of people who can be grouped toother as pitiful wtge-earners aid day laborers. They tell heavily against the foreign-elemeut element in our Northern cities, as well as against the negroes. The records of our jails and almshouses in Pennsylvania will sub stantiate this statement The reform atories of the State tell a similar tale against the young children cf the foreign-born. Are these children and tbeir parents inherently depraved? Or is it merely that the conditions of life in our large cities bear most cruelly on those who are least fitted to overcome their euvironment? The reformatories f.r children tell another strange tale which may illus trate my point The records of those that I have studied show that 50 per ceut. of the youthful Inmates are either orphans or half-orphans. Dow this mean that orphans and half-orphans have a natural beut toward moral de pravity ? Caroline H. I'embetton, in Springfield Republican. He Made 'Em Shet Up. The people of Mooeehead jay the most troublesome crowds are the driv ers when they come up the railroads to tbe lake in the spring. All the bilu in'tbem wenis seething. They kuow they ar& bidding good-bye to comfort for a while, and the stimulants seem only to add a raw edge to tbeir general bitter tone of mind, says the Lewistoi Journal. Out of retpect for the conductor they usually poufpone the inevitable rough-and-tumble until they disembark from the train at West Cove. Then tbe thumb-cbewlog promptly commences. On the contrary, lb men who are now coming out of the woods and are filling the beds and streets of Green ville, are in a mellow aud jovial mood and the artificial and liquid elation only adds to the general hilarity. One night 600 meu were about tho village, and liquor was more or less plenty, coining from some secret but unquenchable source. But there was not even a brawl to disturb the perfect bliss of tbe evening. Yes, thertwas a disturbance, and it was of so picturestjue a uature that I'll descritie it A wee little girl came into tbe big "men's room" of a boarding house a forlorn mite iu that seethe of tobacco smoke. She stood munching lozenge s that she took from a carefully guarded roll of red paper. She stood for a few moments at the ellsw of a rough paired young man who was playirg cards and swearing intermittently with great vigor. When he turned to eject a stream of tohaceojuice over the child's head, he espied tte roll of lozenges. "Hello, little gal," said he; "divvy." The little one held tbe candy behind ber back. "You want to get over stinginess while you're young, little gal," said tbe youth, and, seizing the child by the arm, he wrested away the lozenges aiid gulped at a mouthful the little treasure that she was bearding. With a child's grief she watched the grinning fellow munch down the caudy, and she burst into a Wail. Withoiit a word a leng bearded man leaped oft the deacon-scat and grabted the tall youth by the collar. When the fellow went down unm the tloor tbe card table crashed over aud the money was scattered to every corner of the room. The locg bearded man us d his human nr p to clean up a consider able area of filth, and theu wound up the chaotisement by whacking bis vic tim's head on the 1! or and kicking him vloleully. 'Aiu't no need of killin' a man, is there, fer plaguein a young 'un a lit tle?" aked one of the card player.', crisply. The long-bearded man removed his pipe from his mouth aud said, with a firmness that left no room for arcu-meut: "A dirty who will rob a little girl, even in fun, ought to be broken in two. A litth' gir.'s heart should not be made to sorrow this early, even over ttle things. The pojr creatures have enough trouble before them. I let tha polecat off easy. 'F any oue says I didu't I'll lick the crowd. Now shet up." And they were forthwith "shet" A Bosch of Incidents. Sued the Wrong Has. Will Forecast Floods. An Epidemic of Whooping Cough. Last winter during an epidemic of i whooping cough my children contract ed the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very successfully for croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough aud effected a complete cure. Johjt E. Clifford, Proprietor Nor wood Pouse, Norwood, N. Y. This remedy is tor sale by all drugg'sts. The Chief of the United States Weather Bureau contemplates the es tablishment of a bydrographic division. A system of water forecasts is to be ac complished by means of many stations in different localities, tbe object being the study of all rivers in the country, and observations relating to precipa- tion and tbe height of river waters. The stage of water in all rivers is to be reported daily and from data so ob tained forcasts for the following twenty-four hours are deduced and tele graphed to the central office at Wash ington. Tbe largest hcjpital in Europe is at Moscow, and has 7,000 beds. Its staff I consists of 96 physicians and 900 nurses, and about 15,U00 patients are cared for every year. "It was almost a miracle. Burdcck Blood Bitters cured me of a terrible breaking out all over the body. I am very grateful." Miss Julia Fllbridge, West Corn well, Conn. I consider it cot only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected in my case by tbe timely use of Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle of this remedy. A few doses of il effected a permanent cure. I take pleasure in recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful disease. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va This remedy is sold by all druggists. Hetty Green's Great Biches. Hetty Green's wealth consists large ly of government bonds, railroad stocks nd mortgages," writes Leigh Mitchell Hodges of "The Richest Woman in America," in the June Ladies' Home Journal. "She says she is not so fond of government bonds since tbe finances of tbe nation have become polluted with politics. Good mortgages of any kind are now her favorite form of in vestment If all the mortgages she holds were foreclosed to-morrow, 23 churches of various denominations, in almost as, many States, would become hers, and four cemeteries .would be added to her real estate. Besides these there would be blocks of great business buildings and splendid city houses, theaters, livery stables and hotels, country residences, farms and ranches, factory buildings, and thousands of acres of valuable land in all parts of the country. Several years ago she made a tour of inspection of all the property on which she held mortgages. She spent two yeara traveling and stayed at forty hotels in as many cities. Since then she has added largely to her holdings of this kind. The most con servative estimates place Mrs. Green's wealth at $60,000,0)0, but it is probably more. She, herself, won't discuss the matter, except to -say that it is over stated." Insurance Wanted in a Harry. During the progress of a recent fire in Utica, N. Y., when the embers and sparks were flying far and wide, tbe telephone in one of the uptown cilices buzzed frantically. Tbe clerk took it down leisurely, after the nianner-of clerks, and much to his surprise heard the following confession of faith: Say, this is Mr. So-snd-so. There is a fire up tbe railroad tracks and the wind is blowing this way. I would like to get some insurance right away. Cag you fix it np so that I can get some from now on ?" What tbe insurauce man said is something different, but it may be said by way of information that the nerv ous man who bad ttuth in Insurance companies was neither burned out nor scorched. There was a funny cane tried in the Washington courts recently. A butcher of tbe came of Nealon had an electric fan in bis stall at the market to cool the atmosphere and drive away flies. It was manipulated by a email thumb screw beneath the counter, and when Nealon discovered that he could charge his body with electricity by placiug his band or foot against the thumbscrew, he indulged in practical jokes upon such of bis customers as he thought were amiable enough to endure them. When some handsome young girl or jolly housewife would pick up a leg of Iamb or a of beef to examine it, Nealon would place his hands upon it, close the circuit, and she would receive an electric shock. Nobody was hurt or badly frightened and Nealon had a good deal of fun for hL customers. One day, however, a man by the name of William Schultz, who had no sense or humor and hates practical jokes, picked up a piece of corrftd beef from the counter of Nicholas Auth. who had the adjoining stall. Mr. Auth had left his place in charge of neighbor Nealon for a few moments while he went on an errand. On returning Mr. Schultz, who was a regular customer. wai dancing about like a wild man ud crying fi.r vengeance. It seems that Nealon, with his hunger for fun, had taken hold cf the chunk of corned beef which Schultz had picked off Mr. Auth s counter and had given the nervous man a shock from which he claims to have muttered both in body and mind. The butchers tried to soothe him, but be wo-ild not be coo soled, and went straightway to a lawyer and brought suit for 110,003 damages against Mr. Auth. Tbe casa was tried and tbe jury found for the defendant, on the ground that Mr. Auth bad nothing whatever to do with the case. While it was his corned beef. it was Nealou's electricity. Schultz had sued tbe wrong man. A policeman stopping an Irish ca terer who bad not got bis name on his cart, examines the crt anu says: see your came s enumerated." rai instantly replies: "You're a liar! Me name's O'Flaherty." English cyclist to a pretty Irish "col leen," in iugratia'.iug toues. "Which i the way to Siigo, my dear?" Kitty replies in demure accuuts: "By the road, yer honor.'" Irate landlady, pounding on tbe door of her slutlifiil lodger's room; "l- it dead or alive ye are, Mist her Mo loney ?" Malouey, from within: "Na tber; I'm slaping." "Pat, can you tell me what is an Irish 'bull'?'' asked an inquiring to'ir it "Well, if your honor seen four cows lyin' down iu a field and oue o' them was standlu' up, that 'ud be a bull," retorts Pat triumphantly. A small boy standing beside a donk ey and holding i'.s head with both hands, while a p irty of militiamen are passing. Oae of them ca'.U out: "Sy, sonny, what are you holding him to tight for? ' Small boy, promptly: "I was aft-art when he seen his brother he'd go and 'list" In its advanced and chronic form a cold in the . bead is known as Nasal Catarrh and is the recognized source of other diseases. Having stood the test of continued successful use, Ely's Cream Balm ia recognized as a specific for membranal diseases in the nasal pas sages, and you should resort to Las treatment in your own case. It is cot drying, does cot produce sneezing. Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren Street New York. Give np prejudice and try it Cheap Horses. 'Horses were cheap in the West; in fact, you could hardly give them away," writes Kev. Cyrus Townsend Brady, in the June Ladies' Home Journal. "I remember a stockman came to a friend of mine, speaking in this wise: "I've got six young and middling horses well broke and, con sidering the hard times, in pretty fair condition. What'll you give me for them?" "I'll give you ten just Iik them, said my friend, "and think myself lucky to save the feed and care of four of them." The offer ws not accepted. At the Sioux Falls Convention "Jerry" Simpson asseited his belief that "Bryan stands head and shoulders above all his compeer." In other words, paradoxical as it may seem, the Boy Orator is much greater than all tboie who are as great as he Is. Simplicity of Japanssa Divorcs. Tbe following are the texts of won drous letters, bearing a recent date, ex changed between an aggrived husband and his delighted successor, both of Azuma-Mura, Ashikago district, To chigi prefecture; Mr Stikii hi Yantmnoto : Sir: You have been guilty of im proper flirtatious with my ife, Tsune, and tbe affair has greatly grieved me. For this r ason I have made various complaints against you for your ottt-u-sive conduct, through the members of ourccmmunal body, and you have sent meeudless apolo..;i"s, but as I field tbeiu unsatisfactory, I have, like a man, de cided to get rid of my wife and I do herewith give and trant-fer her to you. Henceforth I will not eutertain any lingering affection for tbe woman, acd ia proof thereof, witness my signature. Kamekichi Fujikawa. Sir. Kanflcichi Fniikuwii : Sir: It is indisputably true that I have been guilty of intimacy with ycur beloved wife, and on that account I have sent you apologies through the members of our coummunal body. You have, however, steadfastly retUsed to forgive, and have instead forwarded your wife to me. As it is your will, I herewith beg to acknowledge receipt and transference of said wife, etc Sokicbi Yamamoto. Current Topics. Nearly all the rope used by the United States navy is manufactured in the Government ropewalk at tbe Charlestown Navy Y"ard. The plant has just been thoroughly overhauled, and electrical motive power has been installed there. The assesf, "aluation of the Newport estate of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt - is greater than that of any other prop erty at tbe Rhode Island watering place. The tax receiver has it down for pKJ.OOO. Next comes the estate of Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont, which is assessed at sijo.O1). The proper of Mrs. Herman Oelrich?, which is now being improved by the addition of a new villa, will rank among the most valuable when completed. "Rb Peter to pay Pail." That is what they do who take stimulants for weak nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives true nerve strength.