The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 23, 1900, Image 3

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C Somerset Herald.
jgEORoE B. 8CT1X, Editor.
jggII iUyim
1 :
" asks an exchange, ihat it
. i or a cigar that your friend.
tiVe? V m never hear a man
.lix1iiv a coat or (oaf of
; Kiaravs u iw war
.1 11
This is tie
- ji arc w-w
o"r t-me and destroy
aeJ1 otiJr oc,J 'Wtom.-
i r nr narta 4 a.i um. iT'ia"
jC u.iirjr r - "
j- SI- w
i -.-.p-"- , , :
i.iijJ.e'"- --
"" t fv,r the gwl, to lie delivered
..jucct ''.erioJ. but which ntr
,Si Tc r--l carries a very atlrac-
revive through mistake. A
, .:hi: rprtnur vent into
p.suu . -
i$a -ersco, ho, through cara-
or .iy other reason, take mail
-Tii that belongs to another.
f:. to return uio same, are
; B0
iif-oe of - or ore year's im-
I . .V Ad -v f n - - I. .
-.ic,? wita the boom limM in
is tcu oi me meal uiamei
r not only to the want of
tra-le, but who supply fresh
institutions aal turning
tP U fc
- r I . . .
IB i
r I: -'
;Lrir - r
j tuaiber of people m ho travsl
"ilia brre aaJ Pirtarg erery few
' a--ry market bikw fi;!sl wi;h
-ir pri-te tf U their city hoaia.
,r-e f.f-t; in a bvting touroa-!'-.(Tvmd(
e' dub crouuds a
-' j ii atf"1- H-irJ Hicks aon of
-T. hi E'' eJ"' 81,04 out entirely
is r:t- "
itt T; M that the rifiht 6!ght is
j. ?f'r- He was in the box at the
nt J a H:picg ibrocgha holeat the
t the score, when AJexaader
Ca ' acciaectaiiy ois
h :be ab-re resu'its.
r to ell liqaor granted to
kprrs, a fee oi jo.v is cuarg-a
l-.r ugt ana townsnips.
... . 4;.1a .a
'.'f the f." fee, f fx to the
xl.i to tie oxinsy, and Jiil to the
Kja. Of thetw-hip fee, 25 goes to
$. to the county, and f-xt to the
t3hi,. The sums thus going to tbe
-M.ii atid wwosbips are applied to the
cad r.-al The fees derived
a .reer and distillers' licenses,
-t are regulated ly the amount of
.-.Jrn-.a-fa-tare-i, all gi to the stale,
is;ici:er in Centre county recently
xCed h: segregation with the foilow
, irrT:k-e: "Before the stewards
up tie collection I would like to
m fe remarks. There are per
ia lie hoase, counting saints, sin
si crxk-d and straight, including
:.;Lg Ut If each person thicks my
J,-i n mi.rth a gla- of beer, or a nickel.
i py that amount- If each pays a
ii. it :11 make a totl of tiOthis
Ti--S repeated every Sunday
-eld i7 salary. A sermon that
n a r.ickel bu't worth coming
isir, l J a rsoo that will beat the
'0, lit printer or t he editor, is a gnat."
tbit-ves eare-J the home of M r.
he H nrer, three miles south of town,
. ci-r vecin;. where thf-y secured
-.;- re dollars in cash aad several
of jewelry. Mr. Hoover was
rking it a diunt part of his farm and
H.x'ver wus at the barn mi'.king the
m:thetime. The only member of
ui:.y :a t&e noase was Mrs. ji mh -
-terble imtber, who is eighty-five
a:: ig? and very deaf. She d:J not
-terber the rbbers. The furniture
. vtriaus !?epicg moms was turne-i
.ie d.-wa ty the roblrs in their
-.r.-t for money.
;ir.i-i Baref?t, of S.-alp Level, is re
risobe lying at the pjiatof death,
.t v icjjries re?eivei Monly afier
.'ix M.y H.h. while resisting arrest
jrefeot was in Windter, -,re it is al-i-i
hi was axing disorderly. Con-
ijj. A-SsU attempted to pit him
j jier irret. and when Birefoai rited,
A claioir-j tbat the oSoer beat him over
f . with a pir oj handcalTi, in
S:.ajsereral ug.y wound. Ever since
time Biref-j-ji hn oeen ia a very
Jeioas condition, his wouud being
c izt t e of the brain. Barefoot is a
j er:u.;y oaiil man, wane tAnsta;ie
W' is &d ler size.
WLa Pnfessor Mdade ascended, in
.i Lal'.m'n at the rrcus at Potlsville,
:aray citit a week ago, young Wal--r
Carta r-.gtt, w ho bad helped bold
n ;be balkion bet nnwittingly failed
Va tis hold on the guy rope, was
x.'J rapid:y up jcto the air. "Wrap
r. iron J you ! yelled theexcited
-rrjtiaj; in tbe danglicg fellow below,
ci Cn r.gbt, a muscular fellow of 20.
' it!e to obey. Then, when the bai-
bad reacled a height of about
. it ec-Ilap-ed, and both the professor
b:s KLm illicg passenger deecended
a.-renj cioo!y together to terra Cr-ca.
rvt'.',a-:r, loth escaped w:U slight
ir:. The weight of the two was :oo
' h i r the parachute.
iiire Cruan and Antonio Vulera-I-jii.a
supecw arretted twaeebs
' oc cij.rgirof having been fcnplicat
::cthe Wiuiber butchery, when five
- ere Irutally ujcrJered, Easter
Jii. AprU ljtt, were discbarg-.d (mm
-tuii-.T jail Friday aT.eroiwn. A. C
"xr Hs-j attorney for the prisoner,
'i'.'jii.iil of habeas ojrpas, which
hrJ before Aite Judges Black
I I'ioaty. A camber of witc-se,
"- re re'.ieJ np.jn by the Common
'alUi to msk out the cae agin-t the
-'telacu, were exatuioed and all Uti--i
U.t ne.:hffr rf the men accutcl were
'x ;-k e-y kept by Mrs. Frank
' n on tae ulgbt of the tragedy,
STfup, n't - Atiornf-y Meyers
'J ie Giurt tu make auorderdis
J. r ; Sb prisoters, which was d'tne.
Na-ie.iB is beiug held on cbargas
.'rrei a;aict her fur violating tbe
i-ior lava.
a ':. green colored boose-wagon, the
ai. and back of which are
' with quotations from the
;ture, painted in glaring letters, and
'-a Lied ty a aoore of banners,
tU;niiigqaotatiiosfroin the scrip-dr-n
by far horses drives by a
red dnver, attracted mor or lews ia
'" on the public square yesterday
v-The vehicle baited ia tbe
111 cf the street, when tbe iors
tiir.wn open and tmo or three
't ladies Igan throwing tracts
3 tbe Kys aud girls who crowded
tJ the q:ieer craft. Iodide of tbe
'S r. on a well anchored eacy chair,
lile-aeed man, who appeared to
uJ-rlng from a stroke of paralyia.
bundled up so rsfuUy tbat only
which was clean shaven ocd
a expression of pain, ewiid be
- A Sew Yorker, at the H-Hel Van
rial to rec-.gnite the oatnu He
'5 .te p.ara:ytic was bo other than one
j -vt sip. abieerT n a christianire tbe
of N York bave been frequently
t5"'iJ ia the newspapers, thinlap is
v- o bn e t r.ivw j t lare fortao. a-d
'a b M etr:ckea with an iccur-
' -4.vra-e be re .1 red to spend his fjr
3 iti rui-iionary work. After str-pping
6iea twenty minate the party
d-d to tbe railroad siatkin, where
T'7-.j of tracts snd books, previously
"rJd by express, was transferred to
aj-.n. the wbeeU of which are
f-itrH with rubber tire. The driver
W party is bound for Chicago.
Cock Yaxtei.
'U py fr, 60 per week f.r g-xJ cook.
E-to.n tu reor-mmendi. Addrem,
ilt. CaTBAEi5e EbaueT
Sotseraet, Pa.
J Mr. iaihl Mrs. H. I. Bar ret'iroed home
; from Pbilsle!phia Fri 1st evening.
State TreaMumr Jttxtes E. Brnetl speot
Sunday with tm father a 3d ;st?rattha
Markleton Sanatorium.
Mr. J.J. MUhler, of Jeaaer townalilp,
who reoentiy had one of his leg amp i -tated,
is slowly recovering
The members of II. P. Cannula Pt
ii. A. K. will aitend diiina avrvuiasat
the Kefunned Church next Sunday even
ing. WorKnaa are eoi ployed repairing the
column of the coart house portico,
which have been in an unsightly and
dangerous eon 1 iti n f r more than a year.
Mr. Solomon Rhoad and Mn Iv.ora
Zerfjs, both of r.ear Sbanksvil'e, were
nnited in marriage on May l.V.h at the
j Lutheran parsonage ia Friedens, by Her.
t J. J. Welch.
f Mr. P. P. McAliKler. of TJsUe, left
j evening for Phiiai.?lpbia, where he ex
pects to enter a hospital for tntnai fr
a.:ri-Hs biwel tivjV.a, wbic'a has c vis
ed him more or lvi trKible ft several
years pant.
Mr. Ge-rge Kim, of, Wmt Va.,
form-r'.T principal of tae S 'nr. pub
lic chlt, sen'.Sjndiy and M a I ly at
the H itel Vannear. Mr. Kehn U engag
ed in the inurn-!e aa i r-a.1 et4tbai
new, bat takos aa ecsa-ljoa! tarn in poli
tics. E-nanael J. Ratnm"l, A civil warvet
eraa. died at his home ia Paint town
ship, at I o'clock Tuesday morning. May
15ih. inflanucatory rh-u-jKtis-n.
Mr. Ruinmel jrasabout fifty-five yesrs of
age. Ue is survived by his wife and four
"Joe Brallier, known to ahnX every
body who vixits S imentet, was in a run
away ax-i dent few dys ag-i, sinM when
be has b-a .vnpl!l to n9 cratclies
t- travel to and from his q nvnsware
store Ii j-imping from tbe b igjy to tbe
grmnd be sastaiae.I a very severs strain
of his ieft fioU
Henry Cuter, 7 -I S years, 2 morub"
and i3 lay, die-l May H'h, at tbe hvne
of his s-wi near Moetoi'.er Station. He is
snrvive-1 by seren ( his twelve chil irea.
Mr. Cuter wat a consistent meinter of
the Lutheran church for a peri.kl of forty
rears. Iirerment was ina le at Friedeos,
his pastor. Rev. Welch, officiating.
Ryan H. Brroo, s--n of tbe late Mr.
and Mrs William U. Barroa, of Miid:e
creek totih':p. d.el Tue-iy. May l.V a.
at Dickey, North IiakrH. X particulars
have been learned, his guardiaa Mr.
C. B. Moore of New Lxington, having
been notified by wire of hi death. He
was Dioetaen years old.
A number of young men of this plate
recently orgnnUfd a Christian Guild and
they w ill hold a reception 'in Wednesday
night. May nh. betwea the hours of
7:30 and 10 o'clock in tbe Christian
Church, to which the public is cordially
invited. Rev. Henry N. Cameron will
deliver an address on "The Fourfold De
velopment of Manhood."
Under tbe new sched lie whbh weal
into effaet on the B. fc O. Sunday. Wt
tound,or Johnstown trains, will arrive
at Somerset at 11:12 a. ui , and p. m.
The East-bound, cr R.ickwood trains, will
arrive at fr.ii a. m , and 3:3) p. m. The
Sundav train Evst-b-iund -vill arrive at
9:52 a. m., and the est-Doana at o. -p.
Peter Sreicber. of Lincoln township,
Mondiy purchased tbe farm of the late
Henry Long, one mile north of Somer
set, from the beirs. Tbe farm contains
1) acres more or les snd has e od n-w
tmiidings. The pri-e was ?-.. Mr.
Speicher will occupy tbe property him
slf. He owns f -or or five of tbe ranst
valuable farms ia this section r tbe
Mrs. Barbara Ann Humbert died Sat
urday, May l!.h at the old bomsteai,
near Will's Church. S-mfret t.wn.hip.
nowoivapied by Mr. Jaob I.a:n, aged
75 years, 9 months and 22 d-iys. Inter
ment was iule Suuday aftercoon. Ia
early youth Mrs. Gumbert united with
tbe Latheran Church and remained faith
ful uotil death. Five of her six children
General A. U. Coffrotb, nr-ticeor whose
illness was made lat week, has gone to
the Marklelon Sanatorium f-r treatment.
Several gentle aiea who spent Sunday
with him report his condition as being
greatly improved. The General will re
turn home just as soon as he feels tbat
bis strength will permit hi-n to resume
his law practice, whi-'h he hopes will be
in a few days.
Superintendent W.T. Hoblitzell, of the
Keystone Fire Brick Cotcpany. whose
plant at Keystone, was destroyed by fire
j-estwdsy a week ago, was ia town Sun
day for the purpose of attending the
funeral of George S. Harrison. He says
that his Company will immediately re
sume operations and wiil be making
brick before the expiration of tbe coming
thirty days.
Ea-iga frlo Kneppr. who was with
Dewey at Manila, having had charge of
tbe signal flags on board the gunboat
Concord tbrouzhout tbe engage
ment, is homeward baund. Before sail
ing from Manila he was transferred to
the Baltimore, which is proceeding to
wards the Vnite-1 Slates via the Suet
Canal. The Biltimore was due yester
day at Hong Kong and is scheduled to
reach Nffw York October 1L En:g3
Kneppef w ill visit his mother and sWters
in Somerset this fall.
Dr. Appleton Bsh. p?or ofth Bs
ver. Pa. Meihod:-l ch :r.-h. and formerly
pator of the S-.m-r-et church. surjrje-,l
bis large and fasbio-iable ft-i;gregali-n.
bef re he began hi niorning sermon
Sunday, by suggesting tbat -onimencing
nextSjnday. tbe -oran of the rrgre
guion take off their b.s at airuin
peri-d of tbe srvi.-oso th in cmld
seethe prevher wiiil driiverd tis
sermon and thu oh-, ia-e ;h nv-i!y of
then twi-t;!ig their n-;t II argie-t
tb i: w.-vnea remivel lh;r headgear in
other meeting and be did u t se w hy it
evil 1 not bs d ne ia rburc'.;.
Itb rp-rt pibri-Ul la'- w-.-i; of
th 3 juri-h':ng c-n liti ) i of the oal in
d istry tf tbTcio:y wiststel tba: "the
BerwinI Wn'te dmnf i no-v h:,
ping)cars dtily." warren t'ji fact is
that this concern pis-;! tba: ij.'antile
iage a jral m nia a ail I n -v
abippiag 1 cars daily, and ex?eU wiih-
ia lbs cxt fe inintb t inirt-ass tbe
oatpat to cms i :r. Tbe brsnrb
roiiJ ruaniag frt:n W:ulb-?r to Su h
Fork is i ir pralyz ! ly the gre.t
tonnage delivered titby the B-rwin 1-
White pple and tb-i s:"p Is o! tb-t
TJid will bave to be re! io.vI ia order to
handle tbe &)nliau-as stream of cars tbst
will sbinly bs pai.ig aver it.
Tbe gralua'.iug exercises of the S ro-
erst High S.-'u-wl. hall iu the opora
Hjuv, Valaeday eve:iiQ?. atra-.el
tbe usual lsre aadiaaa pree il on si a-
tlar formsr otati ms Tin s;3d;r
tioasof pitied plaai an 1 spri ig 3
wereslrikiag'.y pretty, aa l f rml ao
propriato ba-rkgroan 1 for lbs ei'it haa I
aama young girls aad two youag tn-n
C?:npinj tba cla. Tae Ci cl r.
green and g ld. wore etaa:oj nsly dis
plays. All of tbs p rf )-;ajT'3i were ua-u-railly
well driver", sbxriag that the
biysan i g'ris 'il b-u riya!!f tra.a-a-i.
The absent f Miss Nrjiiia 4 trri a,
wh J rem a:aed at o vi-i to tht criir
ical Ulne of nsr br v.a t, ii g-:ina.:y
remark! jn aal ha I a iil:'n
effect oa tbe otjr-i- j ijoj v!a-i a.
The exercise were ip.i-J by il :r Hiry
N. Cameron, wb leli-i priyr, win
the program piV.ib'l I - w: w a
taken op. At tbs c ia ! isi-.n of tie ex
ercise tbe diplomn were oreer-lvl by
Director M. J. Prit'.s to tbs g-a 1 1 :-.
Misses Jeni'e Weaver, M -y B-writs,
Elizabetb Vijbt. L i-y Fik. Sali -sy-lor,"
Mas Say lor, Mary G)ba. Maige
Holderhaum. aal Mtwr. R -vrt II 1
decbanca and David Snyder. Ml N-tlie
Harrioa"s diploait w& pre:! at bee
b"Mne. After th-audieaca bad bjon dis
miwaed th ? mem rs of tbeCiasscf I'm
adjourned to to we. U jse.
they were enlertaiaei by tbe Alumni
Aasocla'doa with an elaborate baoq i'-t.
t. S12JUS01I I 13.
Pestlar Tsaxg Bisk Clerk Panel Away
ia Plalaaaiptia Efc-piul.
Surroucded by his father and mother,
tbe skilled physic'an wh'i had operated
op'-a him for appendicitis, and tho
sotober-claj nurses who bad tenderly
wu-hed beaide him daring the iat weeks
of his sk-koeNS, George S. Harrio, as
sisuut cashier of the Som&rsat C iuoty
National Bank, breathed his last Friday
afternoon, at a quarter before one o'iock,
iu S Joaepb'a Hoepiul. Philadelphia.
He was conschx's up to sri bit a tew
minutes before bis death, and then ap
parently fell into r, trHlSal sleep from
which be did nit wtfca. Ha knew boars
before that death, was swiftly approaching
; rwt.nM to nis late, vai tne
knowledge that bis parents wete on their
way and would be with him when the
angel of dna'b appeared buoyed op bis
strength aad kept the fliekencg candle
burning until he hid received their last
lov i n g earee-.
Dr. Hare, of tha Jeffj-son Medical Col
lego, wbo had charge of Mr. Harrison
nee his admUisioa to the hospital, was,
prior to Wednesday night, greatly en
eonragsd wih tbe conditioa of his pa
tient and had assured bis parent and
friends tbat he would recover from the
efl cts of the operation. Captain and
Mrs. Hartiu bad spent the preceding
Sunday with their son a, the hipital,
aal when they left him wre eocouragsd
to lx-lieve that be would be with them at
bo.ue in tbe course of a few days.
Wednesday morning tbe experienced
eye of tbe physician detected an unfore
seen complication, and it developed dur
ing tbe curse of tbs day that an abcess
bal f irmed ia tW j-atieau's left side.
Tbe woand was rfipend, when it was
f iuad that the wo'jni was healing prop
erly, but the digaois of the physician,
that pus from an unforeseen source had
eo:iHuuuiratfed with thi seat of the
trouble, was found to be correct. Tbe
itua:i.n at once assumed a very grave
phase and at a late boar that Dtgbt a dis
patch was sent to Captain Harrison in
firming him of tbs changed conditions.
This mesAMge was not received until aftel
business hours Thursday morning. Later
in tbe day other messages, stating that
George was sinking and could not re
cover, were received.
The alarming news ex-ited gre-t inter
est throughout town, and dozens of people
wailed at the telegraph and telephone
o:"5ces, anxious to learn any word tbat
might be received relating to the con
dition of the p-puiar young bank clerk.
Captain and Mrs. Harrison left for
Philadelphia on the evening train Thurs
day and reached tbs b"p'tlal at ail early
hour Friday. Geo-gsi was very weak
when they got there, but immediately
rallied and continued strong for some
time, or until after the excitement caused
by tbe arrival of bis parents had passed
The body reached here Saturday morn
ing. Several hundred people, wha had
collected at the railroad station, followed
tbe hearse to the Harrison residence and
stood with uncovered bead iu a drench
ing rain while the casket was being re
moved into tbi house.
Mi Mi rah Rtss, the betrothed bride
of Mr. Harrison, arrive.! h Friday
noon and went immediately to ibe Har
rison home, where she remained
until after tbe funeral- She is
a daughter of Mr. R obert E. Ross, of
Addison, and her engsgement to Mr.
Uarrisin was to bave beea nsummated
this fall.
A stream of people passed in and out
of the parlor in which the casket was
placed ail day Saturday and up until tbe
hour of the funeral 3:30 o'clock Sunday
afternoon aa d none of those who looked
for tbe last time on the familiar features
went away unmoved.
Tbefliral tributes sent by the friends
and admirers of the dead bauk clerk
were the handsomest and most profuse
ever seen in Somerset, completely filling
tbe parlor aad requiring a separate car
riage to convey them from the residence
to tbe grave
George S, Harrison was the eldettson
of Captain aad Mrs. Charles J. Harrison.
He was born March 27, l-T.t, aod was
therefore ia his twenty-eighth year. He
was educated in the locai public schools
and shortly after leaving school was giv
en a clerical position in his father's bank
ing house. When the beck was con
verted into a National Bank be was made
aMtatit cashier, a position which he
r.eid continuously up until, the time of
his death. The possessor of excellent
business qualificationsa genial dispo
sition and natural -japtability to tbe
bankicg business be was uniformly pop
ular with all the patrons cf that institu
tion. Ha was a member of the Christian
Church, several secret and beneficial
orders and the East End Fire Company.
In social circles he was one of tbe beet
known and m-t popular young men of
iho'viilag, and no funrlioa held by tbe
set in which he moved was complete
without his presence. I'uif.wmly p-lite
and courteous, and always considerate
for the comfort and pleasure of others, be
endeared himself to tboso wbtcamein
ancial otitic with him.
JJjt, after all that has beea said, per
haps tbe highest tribute that can be paid
to any man is the one cheerfully atti ib
uted to George S. Harrison by those wbo
best knew Lira he was a dutiful son.
The funeral Sunday afiernoou w a tbe
lirge-t sec-n in Somerset in reveut years,
if ever rK-f,.r. Personal friends of Mr.
Harrison from all p"inu in the county
you eg men aud men wbo aire fast ap
proaching the Micel of life, drove ten,
twenty, thirty miles in order to pay a
tribute cf respect to tis memory. Others
came from Pittsburg, Cumberlaad,
Wheeling and Johnstown. Tbe services
were eondu-ted by Rev. Wise, of the
Christian Church, who deliver J a bri f
address, in which he referred ic feel i.g
tt-riiis to the g:eat grief cause 1 in the
oiuimunity by the death of one w br m
1 11 bad bop-d would be spared to live a
long life cf promised usefulness and dia
liuctiou. The pallbearers were L-uis T. Krer.
G-rge W. It-iiford. Rob it C. Beerib,
Curtis O. K.k.s-t, K ifus E. Meyer. E. O.
ko-ocr, C. F. Tnl, Jr., and Frank Love.
Death cf Hr. Eixa Xaifslnaa.
Mrs. EliEa Muwel:nao. wid--w of Hon.
C. C Mus-elmsn, died Friday at three
o'clock a. ul, at th family residence on
East Main street. She bal been in deli
cate health for a long time, but her con
dition did Dot assume a critical phase
uotil a week prior to her death, when the
began to fail rapidly. Her four daughters
aud son Norman were constantly at ber
bedside daring the last few days. Mrs.
Mavvimii wva the youngest child of
Christian Saylor, who renidrrd for many
yeirson the farm at present occuoied ly
Mr. Jam'ts Biouga. in Somerset town
ship. Sne was seventy-two years of age
aad was tbs mother of nine cbildraa,
even of whom survive, via: Milton,
wh) resides at Newkirk, Oklahoma,
where he is engaged in tbe practice of tbe
law; Frank, of Kansas, City, Mo.; Nor
man, of Falls City, Neb; Mrs. Amanda
Green, at borne; Mrs. Ella Street, of
New York City; Miss Ida aal Misa
Grace. Taetwj last named bsve tor sev
eral years past spent tuoat of their time
ia New York, wbera th former has be
ooms con-tp'P-iojs la art circles aai the
latter ha bssa continuing her musical
Mrs. Maolmaa was a devoted mem
ber of tbe Brethren Church and ber life
throughout was an iusptraiioo to all wbo
learned to know ber.
The funeral took place at two o'clock
Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev.
Wise, of tbe Cbri-tian Church, assisted
by Rev. Witter, of th Progressive Bftth-
en Church. Interment was male in the
family plot ia the Lutheran cemetery.
A. Jftiiiaf la Vkiek 'Asrist Lmn'j It
Greatly Interested.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Huston, of
M organ tow a. West Ya.have issued cards
forth marriage of their daughter. Misa
Laitae, aad Mr. Louis T. Kreba. Tbe
icvitalions sent to Somerset were delayed
for several days, owing to the death of
Mr. Gsorgs S. HtTi-Fa, whs was an in
timate friend of tba prospective groom
and was to have been one of the ushers
at tbe weddir.g. The cer?tnoay will take
place at 8.30 o'clock Thursday evening,
Jane seventh, in the First Metbodiot
Episcopal Church, Morgantown. Tbe
bridesmaids are to be Miss Leah Krjl
tisler of tbe groom, of Somerset, Mbsa
Jessie M airhead and MJss Blanche
U'ood, of Morgantovo, aad M ita Sarah
Sloan, of Brownsville. Miis Das ie Wood,
of Morgantown, will be maid of honor,
and Mr. George J. Krebs, of Somerset,
will be bis brother's best man. The
ushers will l-e Mr. RbertC Beerita and
Mr. Charles F. Uhl, Jr of Somerset, Mr.
Frank Hoblitxll, of Meversdale, and
Mr. Rjsfeel Huston, brother of the bride.
The wedding will be followed by a re
ception at M organ tt wn's leading bote),
the Peabody. Tbe brida is well known
in Somerset social circles, having been a
frequent visitor at the home of relativea
during the past few seasons, and no
that she is coming here to reside per
manently her many friends will be pre
pared to make her welcome more cordial.
if possible, than ever before, Mr. Kreba
is tbe popular and capable assistant of
bis father Mr. Simon Krebs, President
and General Manager of the Listie Min
ing and Manufacturing Company.
Spreading Bepalatisa of Iditit CeaL
A syndicate of Westmoreland county
capitalists, beaded by Husband Bros., of
ML Pleasant, bave purchased a tract of
7,0u0 acres of coal land in Sprinefield
township. Fayette county, and it is an
nounced that they will develop it at
once. The concern wiil operate under tbe
name of the Indian Creek Coal A Rail'
road Company. Oae of the most import
ant projects of the oompany is the build
ing of a railroad from the mouth of In
dian Creek to Bolivar, Westmoreland
county, where cooi.ection will be made
with the main line of the Pennsylvania
Railroad. Tho road will be forty miles
long. The coal underlying their tract
his been thoroughly tasted. The Con
cellsville Courier aays, "the field is of
the same character a the field developed
witbia tbs last six years by tbe Listie
Mining Company, one of the greatest
bituminous producers in tbe State. For
many years the Somerset coal could
hardly be given away. It was bought up
at a modest Sgure and has made money
for its owners, being rated as one of the
best coals on tbe market. As bright a
future is predicted for the mountain field
of Fayette county. Tbe railroad np In
dian Creek will open up f torri lory rich
in much be-idjs coal .'
In this oc-nnection it is not amisa to re
mark tbat nearly all of the coal developed
and now in course of development ia
Southwestern Pennsylvania and West
Virginia seeks to enter the market as
"Listie Coal." As staled by onr Con
neilsville contemporary, the Listie Com
pany "i one of the greatest bitumiuous
producers in tbe State," but ail tbe :oal
marketed as "Listie" is not the genuine
Somerset county Listie product.
A Eici Xaa't Project.
A rich man's statement tbat be intends
to devote almost bis entire fortune to
charitable works has aroused much dis
cussion. Tats is because it wiil accom
plish much good. It is a praiseworthy
endeavor, Kt there are many other
agencies which accomplish as much good.
Take Uuvtetler'a Stomach Bitters f--r
instance the great American remedy.
For fifty years it has cured constipation,
dyspepsia and all the ills which crise
from weak digestion. This medicine wiil
keep the stomach in gxd shape and tbe
bowels regular. It is a wonderful restor
ative tonic aud health builder. It is also
a preventive for malaria, fever and ague.
Ask for it, and insist upon having it.
See that a Private Revenue Stamp covert
the neck of the bottle.
Having bought the shoe store hereto
fore known as the "Sbivlar place in
tbe Mammoth Blink, Somerset, Pa.. I
shall endeavor to carry everything of a
desirable nature usually f jund in a first
class shoe store.
The reputation of this store for carry
ing reliable goods mill be fully upheld.
Many new goods are already in and
others arriving daily.
Frank N. Kaxtcer.
Th Sew Xsreaatile Law.
Tbe new mercantile tax law Is still
misunderstood by many merchants
throughout tbe county, notwithstanding
'.be Mercantile Appraiser has made bis
rouudsand bis labors are advertised in tbe
cewspapers. I. cases where tbe Ap
praiser failed to appraise the business of
a merchant or vendor of goods Constables
are compelled to make return of the same
tithe County Treasurer. A number of
such instances bave occurred.
Where a dealer does both a retail and
wholesale business the Auditor General's
department will be satisfied to bave the
business separated, provided .lb dealer
h'mseif electa to do so Where dealer
elect to separate their business, the exact
volume of business done as a retailer.
and the exact volume of business done as
a wholesaler, raut be returned on the
b anks supplied for that purpose. In ail
cases where dealers, doing botu a whole
sale and retail business, fail to separate
tleir business they are regarded as re
tiilers enly, but must make return of the
ajgreate amoun, of business transacted.
Persons who are just starting in busi
ness will be rated f ;r a license on the es
timated al?s which thy are likely to
make, oa the other hand, ary person
commencing Imsiness, after the mercan
tile appraisement shall bave been made
and completed, is liable f r a licea for
tbe fractional part of a year froia the time
of commencing business until tbe close
of the n xt license year, at tbe rate
of iJO for tbe whole year or fl.SVj per
Hsat aad Let for SU.
A well-improved dwelling bouse, with
good-sized lot. West street, Somerset,
Pa. A bargain in this property. Terms
to suit.
E. A. GcisLEB,
Somerset, Pa.
for Sals.
Eggs for batching from my thorough
bred poultry Barred Plymouth Rock,
( Hawkins Strain.) Single Comb, Brown
Leghorn (Carter Strain) and Single
Comb BufT Leghorn. Toe for 13; 80c for
15 ; f LOO for ao. Incubator eggs H 00 per
1XX -J. F. Dietz,
Westmont, Johnstown, Pa.
Ta-t Girls Wasted
For general housework in a small fami
ly. Address, Mrs. E. E. Lyon, 53G North
Main street, Greensburg, Pa.
130 JtB Waited.
Fifty good miners and fifty outside men
can secure steady employment by apply
ing to the
Pise Hill Coal Comfaj-t.
Pine Hill, Pa.
Weel G ravin Alteatioa.
Farmers and wool grower. Do you
intend having your Wvol worked np tbia
season T If yon do, write or call on us.
We will card, spin, twist and work It np
for you much cheaper than yon can do it
at your home.
' H, EisntEsiCo,.
Somerset, Pa,
Ii f-4iy to antTjr from that horrible
plague of tbe night, itching piles. Doan's
Ointment cure quickly and permanent-
y. At any drug store, 50 cents.
Try Grail 0 ! Try Graia-0 !
Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a
package of GRAIN-O, tbe new food
drink that take tbe place of cotTee. The
children roav driak it without injury as
I well as tbe adalt. All who try it, like it.
! GRAIN O bas tbat rich seal brown of
Mocna or Java, but it ia made from pate
j grains, and tbe most delicate stomach
( receive it without distress. 1 the price
jnfeoffe. 15c and 25 eta. per package.
1 ttobi by all grocers.
-a r-Jfl
Ever have ibea?
Then we can't
Yr.T thing about
V'VJ'' then. Ynn
lir know r"ark
everything looks
d how you arc Ebout
y ready to pve up. Sorne
a, how, you can't throw off
tiie terrible depression-
Are things really so
blue? Isn't i your nerves,
after all? That's where
4 the trouble is. Your
nerves are beingpoisoned
from tne lrnpunues m
your blood.
purifies the blood and
gives power and stability
to the nerves. It makes
health and strength, activ
ity and cheerfulness.
This is what "Ayer's"
will do for you. It's the
oldest Sarsapsriila in the
land, the kind thnt was
old before other Sarsa
parillas were known.
This also accounts for
the saying, "One bottle
of Ayer's is worth three
bottles of the ordinary
tLM tweis. AS trcstxs.
If roa ItBvs an- omplaiot wbatarar
iiid dlr ui bet Ebd&l dr.-. To
1 r:-r. Yw win rer-Pt-t-e a proccpt
Ia. J. C AYLit, ua, Haas.
. V, A a. a a!
Probibitioa County Coaventioa.
Somerset county Prohibitionist to the
number of perhaps a taker's doreo met
last Tuesday afternoon in the court bouse
and went through tbe formality of nomi
nating a county and legislative ticket.
adopting a platform and performing
other duties.
The platform declares against the legal
ized sale of rum, the army canteen, tbe
suppression of trusts, ia favor of an edu
cational qualification before exercising
tbe right of suffrage, the election of
(.'cited States Senators by popular vote,
municipal ownership of railroads, tele
graph, and telephone systems the elec
tion of President and Vice President by
popular vote,' and concludes by indorsing
Ir. Swallow for President.
J. C. Speicher, of Meyers-iile, and S.
P. Bru baker, of Berlin, were nominated
for tbe legislature ; Chaa. F. Zimmerman,
of Stoyestown, for Jury Commissioner;
C. W. Landia. of Brotbersvaliey. for
Poor Director. Harry K. Stoner, of Ber
lin, was elected delegate to tbe National
Convention, Levi Lichliter, of Salisbury t
and Dr. L. B. Miller, of Lavansville,
were elected members of the State Com
mittee. Rev. M. L. Young, of Meyers-
dale, John O. Stoner and Fred Grof, of
Berlin, were chosen as delegate to the
State Convention. Fred Grof was re
elected as Chairman of the County Com
mitter, and R. B. Collins, of Berlin, See
ret ary.
The Probibs have started out better
than the Democrat, who left their legis
lative ticket open in order that they can
fuse with the insurgents.
Wool Wanted !
Cash paid or goods exchanged for w ool
at Somerset Clolhiag House.
J. M. HoLi'ERBAra,
Paderewiki ai aa Editor.
Paderewskl sailed for Europe oi tbe
sixteenth of May after a wonderfully suc
cessful season in America. During his
travels be has beeu working upon "The
Century Library cf Music' which Tbe
Century Co. will soon begin to publish
ithMr. Paderewski as editor-in-chief.
It will appear in twenty volume, con
taining richly illustrated artidns upon
the great composers of the world, written
by other composers, and with music
which will include the cream of piano
forte literature, including Paderewski's
entire repertoire, each piec pewly fin
gered, phrased and pedal marked, accord
ing to the latest and highest standards.
The work is being prepared under Mr.
Paderewski'a personal supervision. The
first volume will appear :u September.
State of Onto, Ci rv of Tolei-o,
FRANK J.CHENEY mikes oath tht
be is the senior partner of tbe Cno of F.
t II K.n l 4( .. coiner b:siae-. in the
City of Toledo, Coanty and Stato afre-
saitt. and that said rirm will par the sum
and every a-e of Catarrh that can not I
cui.l by the use of HALL'S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presen-, this bin day of December,
A. I), lvi.
s , A. W. GLEAS IN.
HaU's Catarrh Cure is taken internal! v
and acts directly oa the blood and mu
cus surfaces of tbe system. Send for
testimonial, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by Drufgiu, 75c.
Hall's Family Piiis are tbe best.
lUad Watt Same Great Ti:akr
Said Abeat Bcoka.
The greatest public benefactor is the
maa wbo sells gJ bxks. ol.vlstone.
Taere is co other calling or occupation
ao honorable, or so beueti-'ial to mankiut-,
as tbe bnsiness of selling good books.
My latest paxsion shall be for books.
Frederick the Great.
The foundations of knowledge must be
lai 1 by reading. Ben Johnson.
The home ought no more be without a
library than without a dir.iDg room aod
kitchen. John S. C Abbott.
An authcr may be considered as a mer
ciful substitute to the legislature. He
acta, not by punishing crimes, but by pre
renting tbein. Goldsmith.
No man has a right to bring np bis
children without surrounding them with
books. He cheat them. Children learn
to read by being in tbe presence of books.
Etad CarefiUy.
Only 5 or 10 cent a day invested with
John A. Noe, wbo is in our city, wiil
place in your homes the complete set of
the following authors, vie Sir Walter
Scott, Wilkie Collins, Dickens. Robert
Louis Stevenson, E. P. Roe, Ouida, J.
Ftnimore Cooper, Bulwer Lytton, Alex
ander Dumas, Charles Reade, Thackerry,
Shakespeare, Universal Dictionary,
Chambers' Encyclopedia, Victor Hngo,
Washington Irviug, Tboma Carlysle,
Charles Lever, Honore de Balzac
Oaly 5 cts. a day will do it
Estate of Matilita Bowman, late of Berlin
borougo, dxttKL
fytU-rs of iimini!rtioa on the above es
tate bavin brtrB rrsnusl to tbe undesigned
by tiw prorr authority, notice ia Iwretif
rtvea to all perio BUlr4 to sail eul
to -nake iraniediate pavmfnt anil
tKoe bavin; ctim aipiitnt the aamo to pre-
arat t.'mn dulr anthirnti'-aWsl lor settlement.
on rtaiarlav, June H. !. t I tie reatideoee of
the admluwmior in Benin bomorh.
Fivd. W. Bieaeeker, AtlmlnULrator.
In Season is tliis Special
s A
Of our selling CarpctJ, Oil Clotli?, Window Shades, Wall Taper, Mat
ting?, Lace Cuitain?, Rug?, Poitiers at tie lowest kind of lor prices ynt
when tie housewife most needs tLem.
Silks and Dress Goods.
And seasonable things cf all kind are heajed op mot temptingly, bo
matter what your merchandise need may be, come with confidence and be
prepared to be surprised by the littleness of the price. Dainty White
Goods, Laces and Embroideries, Ribbons, Ladies Waists, large assort
ment just received, Wash Goods in Percal3, Dimiiies, Organdies, Satins,
riques, Dotied Swisses, Marlboro Cloths, Gingham-, Calicoes, etc.
A special line of 23 inch all linen colored dress linea at c per yard.
36 inch Persian LIning3 at 7c per yard.
Xew Table Linens, XapVius, Towels, Bed Spreads, Ladies' and
Children's Underwear, Stocking-, ic. An exceptionally fine new line of
Gentlemen'9 Furnishing Goods ia Shirts, Collars, CufF-, Neckwear
Stockings, etc.
Don't Lag Along, Be in Time !
To get a fair share of the grand offerings ; they will not be lacking for
buyers, for hasn't Ce store been filled for the last four weeks with seek
ers and searchers after money-saving bargains ?
Sole agents for P.Centemeri Kid Gloves.
Spring ! !
Are ycu ready for it ? We are. You were in our minds, when we
made our selections for tbe s-a.n and your wants bave be-D antici
pated. Every department U ready for your insipvtion.' You will find
tbe choice of all tbat I new, novel and stylish in substantial materials
at the lowest possible prices.
Do you need a separate Dress Skirt ?
You will make a mistake if yon purchase before examining our line of
new things in Silks, Mohair and large variety of plain and fancy
Is it a SMrt Wa'st?
Then call and inspect the largest and choicest assortment of Silk,
Ruins, Taffetas and other good to be found in the county.
Did you say White Goods ?
We have a complete line of Organdies, Persian Lawns, India
Linen, Xaingook, Dimities and Piques. Yes, colored wsh goods of
all kinds.
Perhaps you prefer a Tailor-Made Suit, separate tkirt or a silk or
wi-h waist?
We bave given exceptional care to this department and claim the
moat exclusive styles combined with the tt of workmanship and ma
terial that can be found any place in the county, at prices you would
pay for an inferior article elsewhere.
As usual, material and finish are the distinctive fcatrres of tbe large
line of ladies' muslin underwear.
The stocking department for ladies and children contains the best
fast-colored goods at low prices.
Call and examinecur line of Lace Curtains some beauties in Irish point
and Notticg hato. Some very pretty patterns in sash curtain goods.
Ask to see the l:n of Tatle Linens. Towels and Bed-spreads, Calico
Wrappers, Handkerchiefs. Ties, new Belts, Ribbons and Notions.
We have a'wiyt 6r- leaden in Dress Trimmicgs and Linings. Our
offers for this season embrace a large variety in all-over silk nets, spangle
netd, guipure all-overs, laces and embroideries.
Watch for our Grand Opening of them. Yon will see
the most stylish and complete line yon ever saw. All the
newest styles and shapes from 25 cents cp.
Illastrsted and L oabridgrd EJitisns.
BmbJ and Printed ia First-class Shape.
It means by investing the above amount
each day for a short time yon can own a
fine library, comprising the fallowing
Standard Authors:
Nations of the World. CO VoL
Sir Walter Scott's Works, 3ii "
Wkikie Collins' Works, 3D
Dicken'a, M -
Kobert Louis Stevenson, 15
E. P. Roe, 19 "
Ouida, 12 "
J. Fenimore Cooper, b
Bulwer Lytton. 10
Alexander Lumis, 9
C harles Reade, 9
Thackeray, 8 "
Shakespeare. K "
Universal Dictionary. 4 "
Chambers' Encyclopedia, 9
Victor Hugo, 22
Waihingtoo Irving, 15
Thomas Carlyle, Iti "
Charles Lever, "
Family bibles, Proutautand Caihilis.
To Fatten a.i-I Matter:
Give your boys and girls a chance to
gain a Literary Education at borne. In
vert five cents a day for them in the above
line of Standard books.
JOHN A. NOE. tieoeral Agt,
Commercial Hotel,
Somerset, Pa.
Not if U hetby elv-n to a'l pi-annj cnr
c, rrvl t l-j!-rt-, cralitor or oUirrw -. tbat
tb? ftHU'Winic iWKjni-j hftve psur- rvritrr.
and Uit the mmf will b prviM-ntl for eotv
firtnation and liiownafy tun urptAHjft' Court
to be beid at Soaerft, Pa, oa
Wednesday, May 30, 1300.
First snd final acraant of C L. R-tker, ad
minilra:or of Ht-jijunnn R.-tr. lire J.
l-'irst and final ao-ount of H. t'. an ! John
WVrner, aJiuiiiiiraturs of ororge wVruer,
Kourth and partial account of Robert E.
Rj.oueof Ihr cxceulors of Moses A. Row,
aec vt.
Kiri snd flal acroont of John H. Cut-"r.
adniin:trRt.r '"f t'liar!- H-n'.lnt-k. dre'd.
First and ftiuil artont of Jhn H. Cusur,
admiDitntor of luvi.i fenrod dt'd.
Kirst aul final ae.-ouiit of Jtmm Blouzb
and t'afimrine Kioun, adruicu.trlorsof Vai
rntine btougn. de'd.
l- irt-x)unt of A. E. Gleaner. executor of
E-i uitn-r. dx-'i
Kmal amHint of Hnr- F. SVheil admlois
triUrof lHv:j Hii-itui i. li-c'd.
i-'irst and cnal account of Jacob Rom, exeo
utofin John Lata. d-'d.
trt an.i Bnnl a.-iint of A. T. GroJ, ad
ministrator of fmrim Hfp". d-e'd.
Kirstand tinai acvi.uni f J-jhn O. Raurh
and ituf Pijch, a jLu;ui:r:jn of Htnry
Ranch, der'd.
fin.t and 15-n! account of Mary A. Walker
and Herbert f. M.tia?r, eacutor of Neiaon
ii. aier. dJd.
Kiri and riiml rronnt of DsnieKScnrock, of Wvid pchroik, dre'd.
Scrn'rvtt. p... JOUX Si. BfaAFER.
Mjj 2. liu). Ke liter.
I hTv'ty cerrify that the following a--ocnt
ha h-n fllrd in the PnxhoooUiry'a orli-e ia
and 1r the county of Homrsct. and trutt the
wme wiil or pr-vnll to tn Court of Cotv
mon J: of aaid county, for coudrinaiioa
aud aiiuwnce, on
Wednesdsy, May 30, 130.
i i mm aiii nruii Tcmni of Jtwpn D. jiii-t,
; atirn of I'mirud Minvr, of Jt-rT.-rsou town-
w.iunnniuuilli, f A.
Proth-fio!rj' office, M. T. RF.EL.
May X, l'rolboootary.
Public notice Is heivhy flTen to all perwns
to nbftaio from huntir.n and fishing and
thru wine down feocs on my property in Mti
lord lowiwiip, Snret county. Pa. Viola
tors of Uiis Dotio will be dealt with aecord
tug to law.
Miiford eution. Pa.
By virtue of a certain writ of fieri farias U
sued out of the turt of t'ornmon Pla of
twTOeret county. Pa-, to ma d!pwt-d, there
will be expnawd tosaie, at the Court House, la
Somerset borough, oa
Friday, May 25. 1900,
At on o'clock P. M.,
the following described real estate, to-wit
All therlifht, tltlp. iDb-mt, claim and de
mand of CtiarU Chlnutwuod. of. In abd to
a certain piece or lot of around situate Id the
town of A ludDrr, PaiPl Vwnbln, tvmerm-l
cmitt;y. Pa and known and numbered on tbe
-Veil Plan" of iota as lot N.. . fronting t- feel
on 4'entrv attPret, and extending back of equal
width fe-l to 1Mb strwu having vi
Avenue on the one 'de and another lot. now
or bt of J. ii. Veil on tbe her aide, 1 lot
bavinc brew eonveved to Charles cbesinav
wood by dv-d of John H. Veil and wife lled
2vl Ijec 1. recordet In In-ed Record lor
Soinemct county, VoL p. 5J and having
thereon ereru-d a two-siory fram dwelling
bouiw ilx J feet, witb tbe appnrtraanon.
Taken in rxerutlon and to be sold a the
property of Cltartea Cbotuiatwuud at tbe suit
of A. M. bloom.
NOTICE -All perons purrhasir at the
ibove wiil pteaae take notice tuat l'i per
rrnU of tlie purrhaa money mu-4 be paid
wnea property Is knorkrd dim; ocber-vNe it
will arsln be rxpowd lo sale at the risk 4 tbe
Oml purr-haaer. Tb reaidne of tbe purrliaae
money niast be paid on or before tbe Ly of
courlrniati'M, via: Tharidv, May 11. ;
No deed will be acknowledged bduX the pur
t base money u paid la full.
Snerlfl's Off. re, ) J. B. 8ATIOR.
bomerset. Pa. j buenft
National Bank Notice.
TsrAst-KT PreaRTT XT,
Office of lompixoUer of tbe vnrrency.
WashicgU.n, D. April -JS, 10
"A hereaa. by atifHeory evljence crrsent
ed to the un l rvned. it ha been made toap
pear that "The Kirst National Har.K of Coo
fiiaeoce," In the town of Coofluetice, In tbe
coo!y of niep5el. and State of Pennsylva
nia, bsscrnap :ed wi:n all tbe provUinus of
tbe !SLa;nt of the I'nitetl SLale. re-iuiped to
be complied i;n before an avocation shall
beaathonzed to eomiuence tbe busi nesa of
iiankin( :
Now Ttaerefore. I, Thomas P. tfancIVputy
and Acting omptrrelerof tiie Currenrv. do
hereby certify That "The Klrt National Bank
of Confluence." in the town of Confluenrt. in
tbe county of .Homer"-!, and MVU of Pen o
Fylvania. is authorized to commence tbe baa
ln of liunktcg aa provided in aeeuon Kiftv
one handrvj and sixty-nine of tbe Revised
Statute of tbe Coiled la lew.
. A j I tcstinaany whereof, witness my
' seal ! hand and eti of orMee this twenty
1 . ' ' anLQ day of April, is.
fepury amd Attng CirmptroUrr of Ae Vmrmrf.
No. Oaf!.
National Bank Notice.
TKkasraT Pire4imE!rr.
trfficsof Compiniller of the l 'urrtnry,
Waahir gton, j. C Xi i, 1903.
Wbrrcas. By satiifa-tory evidence prraent
ed to tbeond- r-ivned, it baa be -a madetoap
pear that -Tbe r irst SsiK-nal Bank of Rnra
w."od," In the townof tbeeoan
ty of Horoerxl. and tale of Ptnasylvania,
ha complied with ail tne pmvt.oiona of the
sbilutes of the Culu-d Htate. required to be
complied wita before ua aasoriatKin shall be
authorized to couiaturt tbe busineaa of
Bankinc :
-Now Tkrrefor. I Tboma P. Cane. Deputy
and Acting t ornptnl er of the i n rrenev, do
hereby eeri.fv- thai "The Fian Wational Bank
of Rorkwood. In toe town of ftorkwood. In
tbe couuly of Homenet, and f tale of Peon
sylvana. ia aathoriMfi U" com merw-e the hu
inesaof Banking as provided In aecti on Fifty,
one hundred and alxty-nine of tbe Keviaed
Htatutea of the I'niied wia
haml and ml of ortlce this ihlil
. ' oay of Jd.iT, ijeU.
T.P.Kt VK,
Vrputg amd Attuig Osmptr-itirr tA CMT-nary.
No. -SM.
mm t o
Come one and all
To tbis Great Bargain
At creaky re.5ucej prices as llow;
This time of season we b;lie""e ia c'o?in oul all prini craraeat. Never
carry over to nest season. Yoa are the ooe to to bene5:teJ the mo-L
Now is joar cLance to save money and at the same time rret a Erst class
article at a low price.
Suits as follows :
One B'ack Cheviot, size .". was ,0 Oft, price to-iay f;i 0)
Black Cheviot, sixs :t. was 3- Ot', " U 00
Blue Cabin, six- -i was H j). li 50
Brown, sixe 3r. was i", " 2 SO
MoJe Venetian, site 51. was lj ikj, i ()
Tan Venetian, sizs was 1j (, n i)
M;x?I Brown, sin 32, was lj i, W
Brow a Venetian, size :, w as 1 r). 9 ro
Ujht BrownVettetian size ."H. was 12 il, 9 VJ
Black Cheviot, size .IU. was 12 " .-
Ury Venetian, size 31. was 12 ."!, " 9
Xrv Blue Venetian, size 31, was 12 .', 9 30
Don't pass this sale by. If you want a Tay!or-rua."e Suit, cotce and let us fit yu
perfectly. We guarantee to tit you at liiee prices just the same as at former prio.
This is o-jr Spring t'learao'-e Sale of Suits. Tae above are sfleaj-.a bargains.
Don't Forget
To notice oar beautiful line of French Madras at loe per yard for SLirt
WaUts. Larje a-ortment of made cp Shirt Wats. with two rows of
inserting, now on sale at 50 cts (Special) also finer ones.
Come before too late.
Jos. Home & Co.
The Girl who Graduates,
Oar news this wees is especially for ir'rls who graduate ia Jane.
It tells of becoming miterials for the making of the costume from the
pretty inexpensive Cotton to finest Silks.
Fir5t of Silks.
White Jap, 27 inch. 50c, 75c, JL00 a jai j. J White fvtt:u Croix. 21 im-h. 7o- a ysr-?
Inch Jap at fa' a yard. I Wbra Siik Popiin.; ijii, $1 - U .Vi f-J -0
White Crt vie Chine. 24 inch, ft im. Vi;,:8 TaifcUw, 7V-, air. M.tju, il.2. a
1 2-. 150 a yard. i inch, i , ! yar l.
V bite Toi'e Pekin, 24 inch, J'.OOayari j yard.
Of late years plain colors hare become fashionable for the rrrad
uaticg season and we give notice that, with the exception of the Whito
Jap, we hare the above in every color at same prices.
Beautiful Cottons.
Our assortment of Cotton Dress Fabrics, both White and Colors
is made np of the best of the world's weaves, all of them uoderpriced.
White Persian Lavns, plain Swiss Soli I colors in 30 inch Mouseilne d-
Mrlls. Rati-:-, India Liuons and India ! Soie, S7jc a yard. - -
-K.'i.'3.?"1- I T-.:-..,., ..... . ..... ,
W bile FindntSwiws. RaiUtM. Prr.i.n . iiimu an.j son.i ci.iors in i
Lawns ard 9-i r?sndies. 3oc a vsrd.
While 4 inch Frem-h. Lawn. Bati!es,
dit-d and figured Swisses and Organdies,
olo- a vard.
inob Mousseiine de L'lude, 2caad 3iV a
Siik s'ripe-i Mousiselino. solid color,
, I : i i iml,iFn. hrirlo.1 1 In..!....
U'k.l. f.W I . I r I .
- u uo v:iriuiw, i wide, i- a vrj.
F-itrri.iered Nainsooks. Swisses and J
RitLstee. plain Swisses and IadU SI uiis. Printed scd plain colored Iris,b Dia.ity,
..c a yard. j j) inches wide, a yard.
Fans for the Graduates.
We Lave an elegant collection of hand-painted and spangled
Fans on qaaintly carved bone sticks, choice things, at $1.00, 1.2-3, $1.50
to $5.00 each.
Now asj to Gloves, if they are to be worn when yoa read your
essay or poem, we Lave every kind from the 21 button down to the sin
gle button.
IPittsburc:, 3?a.
i we L p?NN i
glrattic Co.,o s
g LiniTED. g Ten br3 tJepart-
gJohnstown, Pa.g merits filled almost
o ci 0
g Finest Department o t3 overflowing with a
Store Between 8 ds nge(J
5 Philadelphia and S S
Q o o
g 9 Pitts&urj. O g
Pay tha Freiffht oa
ail Goods Ship
ped to
GUT-CF-TOWN -Patrons.
j Your
1 Summer
1 Needs, :
j Doesn't matter what they are, we can supply
g them, and you'll find our prices the lowest ia the city. We are
saving money every day for Johnstown buyers, and we will save
S dollars for yoa once yoa deal here. Out of town friends of the
g big store get every advantage given city buyers.
S "Wc have tea big stores under one roof, viz :
S When yoa visit Johnstown make the visit complete by
g seeing this mammoth department store. You'll be heartily wel-
g corned, whether yoa come to buy or come to look around. In
cither case yoall be ia touih with a great thopping centre
S famous for its Liga quality merchandise and rock bottom prices.
PcnuTraf flc Co., Ltd,
Johnstown, Pa.
lattsasaG&sxaa Washington street. GaoaGGCXX2a2zi