4 low Call. Once I es:!ed ihese seas, ben: are .tie cannibals, with a corj'uh-ut csp taiu. Whenever a chief cauie on lioard t!ie first tUiuff lie was sure to admire was the proiKirtions of our paltint tar, autl the chief would feel fclui and tiuack his own lips and turn op hi own (.-tv at the prospect of so much fataoss gilas to waste, as one may My. These attentions our skipper very nn:ch disliked. Will, one day both boats were ab . at trading, and It fell suddenly calm. 'The old waa" (the forecastle name for ekipporl and self were the only whites osi l2rL The strong- current caupht the esse! and carried her cn to the rocks, a ad we could pet no bot u. :i a hundred yard from the shore. The underflow from the wares kept her from striking. The natives fath ered on the cliffs, as ravens to a car cass, waitiu? for the catastrophe I took off an my clothe; and we waited and waited for some two hours, the natives recognizing the captain and tcllir.s Lim plainly they would eat bin) at last. The strain on our nerves hit he Imagined. At last the captaln'i: pave way. "Goodliy. G . old fellow." he said. "Those lieasts w'li hive tne ia the ovens at once. Too mav escape you are thin. If you see ray old pirl iafn. tel! her I was tUInkln? of ber at the hist." This was said with a pulp and a quiver In the voice. But Jii8t then the two boats came round the point, bavin? at last beard our Ftern puns, and we were saved. -Anions the Man Eaters," by John Gargin. Where It Ralaa Troa-a. Every once la awhile stories are trough! out about extraordinary show ers of Csh, of bloody snow, etc, the litest thins iK-ins of a ship captain far tut oa the Atlantic who ran Into a dust fUowor so heavy be bad to set bis crew shoveling the dust from the decks when the weight lie-pan to pet danger ous. To this le there added a tale: It rains frops la Arizona. The old timers bclli-ve there Is no doubt of it. though they cannot esplaiu whence the f rogs were orlpi na lly -1 1 f ted." But t h is much Is straight let there be a sum mer rain along the line of the southern raeiGc In southwestern Arizona, and Vehol-J the next tnornlnp every little jkjoI has a myriad of little lean preen frogs with marvelous croaking powers. They don't wait for nightfall like their more civilized brothers elsewhere, but keep up the music by day as by night. They live where water comes only i about on-e a year. They can't live over the interim under the sun baked black rocks. They assuredly haven't bopped from the Colorado river, and they are all of a size to boot. If they didn't come from the ground or from tb? river, they must have come from the skies. And that's what the Hassayampera firmly believe. Arizona Graphic. X (bain Far HI at. Three negro lads met on a street cor ner one afternoon, and by some queer freak of Providence each bad Just 13 cents. This was considerable for them, and, being no unfortunate as to have no "craps," it required much serious deliberation to arrive at just the best plan for sending It. Finally one suggested that they place their little capital la a pool and then, each In turn, guess what was pood to eat., the best guesser to take nil of the money. This plan met with hearty approval, as each one bad Ideas on that subject, and the 45 cents was toon In a pile. Then the first one guessed. "Possum, sweet taters an water melon." be said. At this the second one reached down and began picking up bis nickels, but the third stopped him with: "Hoi on Iarc! Letdat money 'loner To which the second roplied: "You think I'ze poin to guess agains' that fool nigger when he's done said all der is good ter eat?" Types. Ha Had Two Maujr Xaaaea. - Alxiut two years before Mr. Sawyer retired from the senate bis mail one morning contained a touching letter from a man in Maryland whose borne bad just been brightened by the ar rival of a bouncing boy. The fond parent went on to tell thtt the boy would be named Philetus Sawyer Jones and expressed the hope that the child would prow up an honor to the name and the possessor of the fine traits of character that distinguished l-ie generous hearted man whose name Would 1-e lorne by himself. Senator Sawyer went to the senate chauilKT with a warm glow In bis heart and the determination to send that fond parent a nice b'g check. He felt so pood that be showed the letter to Senator Allison. The Iowa man chuckled as be read It and produced a letter almost Identical, except that the young iodigy was to be named Wil liam Alusou Jones. It was too pood to keep, and they told the story to Senator Edmunds of Vermont. That stately old gentleman melted sufficiently to smilingly produce a b'tter of similar purport. Thei there ensued a comparison of secitorial eotes. showing Lhat the youthful Mary-L-indcr had been fairly loaded with dis tinguished name from Justin Morrill Jones to Don Cameron Jones. That Maryland Infant received no- birthday present. Milwaukee Wisconsin. roafaalaa;. When the ma'ron called upon the bride of tbree months, she discovered ber ia tears. "Why. my dear, what la the mat ter?" she cried. "I want to die! I want to dier sob-tw-d the bride. "There, dear, there! What la the matter.?" "It's it's Harry!" wbbed the girl wildly. "Has he been abusing yon?" "No--, but oh, dear, what shall 1 dor "What on earth Is the matter, dear?" "lie be ob, I can't tell you!" "Ton must lias be been staying out late nights?" "Nokm!" "Has be been drinking?" -Xo-o-!" "Then what Is the matter?" "He he doesn't love me any more" The matron drew the gobbing girl to ber side. "Now tell me all, dear." she whis pered. "When when he c-came home Lift night, be didn't k-k-kisa tae!" she sob bed. "My dear." said the matron, "you'll yet over that. When my husband came borne last night, be did kiss me, and I have been wondering ever since what be faas been tip to." Detroit Free Press. Haw Tarr Eat. The editor of Life and Bcanty, a British organ on hygiene and diet, suc ceeded In eliciting from a tVw popular writers replies on the subject of diet which they find most conducive to good work. Hail Caice wrote: "1 am afraid I bave no theories oa the subject of diet. If I knew anything that would be worth telling. I would avail myself f lt advantages, being a constant mar tyr to all the trouble that attend d'et." Mr. Zangwill's answer was brief and epigrammatic. "Unfortunately I bave never eaten to work, but always work ed to eat" "John Oliver Hobbes" confessed that ehe "tr'ed vegetarHjism for two years, but now finds that on the whole, the ordinary diet cf the country U the best" Mme. Sarah Grand said she never drank milk. "I never forget the hor rible cow," she added In explanation. Marie Corelli answered characteris tically with a quotation from "Ham let." "I eat the air. promise crammed. Yob cannot feed capons so." Bow Teary Welrleve. KiU Dacka. Lieutenant It E- Peary, the arctic explorer, wss bom In Maine. He pre- pared himself for entering Bowdoia . . - i a. - j v- CtHie? ai riiruing m..wjrui.f iu ' J burg, in the western part of the state. The fallowing story of Peary's early days -hows bis method of overcoming obst?les: One of b!s fellow townsmen wh.'le ntit hmitir.- n!u 1ht in Jkovemoe" Qis- ..i covered a Cock of ducks In a pond about two miles from the village. The taen wanted the birds, but knew no way of getting them, even If bis Bitot were effective, for be bad do dg, and there was no boat In the pond. On bis way home he met Peary and told b-n ubout the ducks and why be bad not fired at them. "Now." said Peary, "let's go back to the pond, and if the ducks are still there I promise to retrieve all yon kiU." They returned to the pond; tie ducka were undisturbed. The weather had been cold for several days, ice had formed around, the shore of the pond. and the ducks were bunched out in pen water, but within ran ere. Merrill fired and killed two. Withoit- more ado than if he were about to take a dip In the old swimming hole on a hot July day Teary removed hH clothing. broke the Ice wiU a heavy sMck and swam out picked up the aeia Dirus and brought tbem to land. Saturday Evening Post The Sla-a Palatera. The question has been asked of sign painters hundreds of times, "Which letter of the alphabet do yon consider the hardest or most difficult to make?" It Is but natural to make the in quiry, for to the novice some particu lar letters are more perplexing than others. It Is most generally conceded by some experts that the Boman capi tal letter "It" Is the roost difficult Others will cay tha.. an "S" Is very bard to make, anI many strongly con tend that the character "Si" Is the hardest and most difficult of any In the entire alphabet Practically speak ing, all of these letters are somewhat difficult, and to the young beginner they are not easily mastered. It has frequently been supposed that an artist of ability on account of his great talent In drawing would of course naturally make a pood sign painter, but the experiment has been tried and given up with unsatisfactory results. An artist may draw and pplat a mobt beautiful picture, but when It conies to forming a perfect letter be Is entirely out of the race. About 4 years ago there were five well known artists of this city, who were also ex ports at lettering, they having learned and worked at this branch" previously, New York Times. Vealee Wltfaoat Water. Venice without water would hardly be Venice at all, but we are assured there Is a possibility that the pictur esque Venice of today may become a city of the past and eventually Venice may be water'ess. According to Professor Marine!!!, the regular Increase In the delta of the river Po Is such that In process of time the northern Adriatic will be dry. and Venice will no more be upon t'ue sea. The annual surreys show that the mean annual Increase of the delta during 70 years has been three-tenths of a square mile. An encroachment upon the sea of three-tenths of a mile in a year means a large increase li a century. It ap- piir8 that the total Increase in six centuries has been about IDS square miles. The increase is continuing, aud the gulf of Venice Is doomed to dls appear. No immediate alarm need be felt, and It will not be necessary to hurry to enioe to take a farewell look at the city In its present pieturesqneness. Professor Marinelli calculates that be tween 100 and 120 centuries will elapse before the entire northern Adriatic will bave become dry land. Youth's Com panion. DIa Toast Brown was very much in love with pretty Miss Simpson aud bad told ber so repeatedly, but In vain. She did not reciprocate. Brown's friends knew of the affair, and whenever Brown pave a toast Miss Simpson was made the subje-ct of It One night when Brown and his companions were en joying a little supper among them' selves, one of the men said: "Come. Brown, your usual toast" "No." came the reply. "Since I can't make ber Brown I'll toast ber no lon ger." London Answers. I-adr Betty. In prerevolutionary days there was a woman public executioner In Vir ginia. At that time death sentences were respited on condition that a criui Inal should perform this office. "Lady Betty." as she was afterward called, was sentenced to death for mur der. She offered Instead to become public executioner and held this office for many years. It is said that on tbe scaffold she officiated without a mask. Chicago Tinies-Herald. Uardrard. "Flow came a nan of your ability and position in society ever to engage In counterfeiting?" the Judge asked him. "I wanted a light easy way to make raoaey at my own home, your honor," answered the prisoner. Tbe judge looked at him sharply and gave bim the full limit of the law. Cbicrgo Tribune. - Fishermen In Holland kill all fish as soon as they are landed, while French fishermen, on the contrary, al low them to die of asphyxiation. There are no gutte-s In the streets of Ca'.ro. A heavy rain consequently gives the city the aspect of Tcnlee. Tae stapl Talaar. "Do you think tLe shortest route to a man's heart is through bia stomach?" asked Miss Gabby as she prepared to exhibit her still with tbe chaliLg dish to young Dr. Power. "Oh, Uar. nor exclaimed the yuaug physician, swelling up with the cn eciousne8 of his superior knowledge. "The shortest way to the heart Is by way of an Incision through the left subclavial section of the thc--.cic psrie ties." Tbua la cold science wresting Cupid's weapons on by one from the bands of tbe fair sex. Baltimore American. A PrUe Thaasht. A teacher of music In one of the pub lic schools of the south desired to im press the pupils with the meining of the 6lgns "f" and "ff" In a mg they were about to sing. After explaining tLri f ' meant Torte be said, "Now, children. If T means forte, what does "fT mean?" Silence relgneJ for a moment and then be was ast -nlsbed to bear a bright little fellow about: "Eighty." New LIppIncott The Day Artr. Mrs. Mixer Tell me the worst, floe tor. Is my husband's condition seri ous? Doctor There Is no cause for alarm, madam. He is now out of danger, al though Buffering acutely from enlarge ment of tbe cerebral glands. Mrs. Mixer But doctor, bow do yon suppose It was brought on? Doctor On a tray probably. Chica go News. The Irlee f Tea Ceata' Wart. Customer Give me 10 cents' worth f paregoric, please. Druggist Yes. sir. Customer (abscntailndedly) How much is it? Druggist A quarter. Boston Chrff Han Register. 1 !" L.urU Vp t - xtu?. ; Uncola Led to t.e grtut ue Ife" In telling how he gained a knife j 1T W Tbct bafi bot,n Pub" ' liihed. bi;t I bave not seen another in I ' . , . print telling bow Le gained bis wile. Mrs. Lincoln was a beautiful lady, at tractive, sharp, witty and relished a Juke even at her own expense. She was staving with her sister. Mrs. Ed- She bad not been there long uu. i before everybody new MUa Mary ! Todd. She often said: "When a girl I thoucht I would not marry until I rould get ore of the tandsomet men In the country, but since I became a woman I learned I can't get such a man, which has cause 1 me to change my mind. I bave concluded now to marry the ugliest looking ma"n I can find." Later on Lincoln came to town. She Led never seen biin-hefore she met him on the street Ste was told who he was and went home and told ber Bb-ter she had seen her man, "the ugli est man I ever saw., Abraham Lin coln, and I am going to set my cap for him." 'ih&t lecame a common srylng In street gossip. Whn they wort mar ried, instead of taking a bridal trip, they went to the Globe hotrl, owned by the writer and occupied by a tenant They took board at $1 a week. When be got able, he bought a lot fo. $200 and built a four room housa costing less than $1,000. When be received $5,000 from his great railroad case, be spent $1,500 of It in putting a second story on his bouse, and there be lived until be went to Washington. Thomas Lewis In Leslie's Weekly. Be Telesrrapaed Vp Oae rilskt. That New York Is a big city which the stranger seldom learns very well was quite forcibly Impressed upon a certain well known Califomlan a few days ago. He visits New York twice a year and has long Elnce learned to find bia way about" He was charg'ng about In the busi ness district and suddenly remembered that he wanted to telegraph to a friend whose offices are at 105 Broadway. The Californian dashed Into the near est telegraph office, wrote out bis dis patch and. covering It with tbe coin, passed It through the wicket -to the receiver. Tbe receiver amiled. "What Is the matter?" demanded tbe Californian. "Why, this Is 133 Broadway." said the receiver, "and your man Is up Just one flight of stairs." There was a confused period that lasted about a seconj. and when the Californian got his nerve back h calm ly said: "I know that Let It go any way. I guess I can telegraph across tbe rooaj or this counter If I want to and bave the money. We do that thing out In California every day for a Joke." Tbe receiver mry bave been bluffed, bnt as receivers fo they are hard to Impress.- San Francisco Chronicle. Easily- Maaaaed. House Hunter But are you tura that the cellar Is perfectly dry ? Ileal Estate Dealer Oh. yon may be snre of that! Never was a drop of wa ter ever seen In It even In the wettest kind of weather. Hotife Hunter Sorry about that. Do you know I have a theory that a da nip cellar Is the healthiest thing In the world. In my oniniou the water In a cellar absorbs noxious gases, and, be sides, it so moistens the whole atmos phere of the bouse as to make It more grateful to the lungs. Real Estate Dealer Come to think of it It was that other house on the other side of the street that has the dry cellar. The cellar in this house Is never free from water. Really, sir, I think it will suit you immensely. Bos ton Transcript Cot Over tbe Limit. The late Senator Sawyer of Wiscon sin was a very generous giver of char ity and of presents, which neither be nor the beneficiary would bave cared to denominate as charity, though the rifts amounted to inueh the same. He told a friend one day that he was going to turn over a new leaf and try to keep his donations down to a limit that would nut exceed $1,000 a month Three months after be bad, announced this resolution bis friend asked bow he bad made out "I started out pretty well, be re plied, "and ii I hadn't given an old friend of mine In Wisconsin who had struck hard luck $10,000 last month I think I shot 'd have kept -within the limit" Philadelphia iiulU-tin. Trr a Chaise, . You have probably tried the plan cf making others miserable and found Vttle comfort in It. Try making oth is happier. Possibly It will suit yon better. Too many people bave the hab it f saying disagreeable things to and about others. There is no pleasure In it but there Is so much uuhappiness in the world that you can pain genuine satisfaction by saying kind things of people, by doing kind things. Don't cut and slash. It otily makes niisera ble people more miserable. The fact that others cut and slash you Is no ex ense for adopting their mistaken poli oy. With a little modesty and a little kindness you can do missionary work every rtay and accomplish a great deal of good. Atchison Globe. The K-nly Elected AMermaa. When a politician has Just been elect ed a meml-cr of the council and the di rectory man comes around next day and asks bim what his occupation Is, be has to struggle with himself some times net to answer, "Statesman." Somerville Journal. Wraaallntc la the Choir. "Why can't yon be obliging?" cried tbe facetious music rack. "The bells play when they're tolled Come, give us a tuner "No." grumbled the organ In deep diapason: "I'll 1 Mowed If I dor Philadelphia Press. Kut Pty Tax t Hold 0oe. Judge Johnson, ef Dataware county. ha decided aeainst the cliiin of a man to hold public office when he has not paid tax. At tbe last election in I).rby town ship LeRoy Haller, just ast 21 yoars of aga, was elected Supervisor. lu town ship auditors refused to accept his bond wbeo it wa presented, and the matter was brought into court The question waa then raised that be had not paid his tax, and for this reason it w ait argued that he was not eligible for the office. The office was declared vacant Haller then became an applicant for appointment to the vacancy by the court. and was opposed by David E. Lewis Judge Johnson Thursday handed down ao opinion refusing to appoint Haller aud appointing Lewis. The Constitu tion says that a man must pay a tax one month before election to become a quali fied elnctor. The Court eaid : "The fact that Mr. Haller at the date of bia applica tion for appointment had never paid a cent of sc&jol, road. State or county tax w uot calculated to favorably Iiuprens the Court with the propriety of his appoint ment" A Smooth Citizen. "What kind cf man is he?" "O'a, he's tbe kind that arouse9 your sympathy." "Sympathy?" "Yes; you have to feel sorry f.r oilier men who go into business with him." Indianapolis Journal. CASTOR I A For Iafaat and Children. Tba Kind Yea Kan Always Bough Bignatnx. of Cut&ffi&g t;-.fi J.i.1 to llrJp Ee-Ua. Flie uv.-ivie.i t.,i" Wiiy to run a house economically wa to keep a set f books, so she trade ril neces sary purchases. iDeludinz a bottle of red ink, end started in. It was a month late'r when her bus band asked ber bow she was getting along. "Splendidly," she replied. "The system is a success, then?" "Yes, indeed- Why. I'm $00 ahead already V "Sixty dollars'" he exrlalmed. "neat ens! You'll be rich before long. Have you started a bank account? "XiHr, not yet" "What bave you done with the moa eyr "Oil. I haveu t got the money, you know! That's only what the books stow. But jest think of Lclr.g $00 ahead ! "Fin, yes! But I don't exactly aee" "And all In one month to." "Of conrse. But the money? What has become of that?" "I don't exactly know," she said doubtfully. "I've been thinking f that, and I think we must have been lobbea. What do yon think we had better do about Itr He puffed his pipe In solemn silence for a moment and then suggested: "We might stop keeping books. That's easier than complaining to the police." Atlanta Constitution. Tbe Leetarera Blaader. One of the Institutions of New Yjrk that are praised by all the public with out reserve Is the course of free lec tures In the public schools. These lec tures are given before splendid audi ences and, as a rule, by persons of veracity and intelligence. Occasion ally, however. In order to get a lecture n a rare 6ubject great risks are run. Recently a lecture was given by a person who had been n an excursion to the North cape. Among other won derful things te saw there waa the eclipse of the sun. ne gasped for breath as be told of the weirdly grand sight He told of tbe streamers of fire that blazed from the obscured orb to all quarters f tbe heavens. But bis frenry carried him too far for a public pebool audience, for he declared that among the stars made visible In tha midst oi oay he saw the planets cir cling In their courses. He even called the planets that he saw by name, but be made a fatal mistake. He said be saw Neptune. This statement called for a round of sarcastic applause that he mistook for commendation, for he smiled In a hap py way as it echoed through the halls. Evidently he did not know that Nep tune Is Invisible except with the most powerful telescope. New York Mail and Express. Saved nta Honor. "Vat ees eet Jean?" "Monsieur. e doctaire cornea today to vaccinate monsieur." "Nevaire! I vill die first ! Eet ees degrading! Eet ees an Insult!" "But, monsieur, eet ees also xe law." "Shameful! How can I suffalre a beast ot a doctaire wl bees brutal weapoue to stab me me, xe Count de Mooscalonge? Nevaire!" "But eet ees no law. monsieur." "Perfidious law! Ah, I have eet! I have eet now! Beautiful! Listen! Yoa will prepaire se swords!" "Ze swords, tnousieur?" "Prepaire zo swords. On tp point of ne sword, monsieur, re doctaire will rub bis vaccinate niattaire. See? Zen be will diffaire from me on a ques tione. I will feel insulted. I will chal lenge ze doctaire. He will aevept nam ing swords as se weapons. We will fight at once, and here ze doctaire take's ze prepaired swords. See? One. two. three! Ze eltctnire pricks me slightly In se arm. Ha. ha! Honor is satisfied! I am vaccinate!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Took It Away Front th Jury. There are any number of s.'ories to be prlnte-d about Judge Caldwell, but here hi one that Is said to be typical: He was hearing an argument whereby an attorney for an insurance company was attempting to evade payment of Insurance on a purely technical ground Judge Caldwell Interrupted him. "Let me understand you. Brother Todd," he said to the attorney. "The policy was issued r "Y'es." was the reply. "And the premiums were paid?" "Ye;" "And It was not set en fire?" "No." "Si-other Todd," said Judge Cald well, "yon can sit elown. The Jury will tc'nrn a verdict for the plaintiff." Indianapolis Sun. Diplomacy la the Palplt. "Jes one word," said Uncle Renin from the pulpit as the collection wag .bout to be taken: "dar's been a mighty sight oh chicken stealin "bout here late ly. Now, don' any yon niggars dat help steal dem chickens put nuUin In de 'lection Itox. I'ze not poin tab any you 'sgracin de good Lawd dat way, no how.'" Harper's Bazar. A Father ta Re Appreciated. Teacher I called to see you, sir. about your son's schooling and ain-sor- ry to say that he Is behind In his studies. rarcnt That's all right If he wasn't be'hind. how could he pursue them? Boston Courier. Hot, It started. A restaurant keeier In Galena bun? ont the sl.in. "Our meals are hard to beat A rival rubbed ont the "b In "beat." And then the" fight commenc ed. Kansas City Journal. A German physician explains why red raired persons seldom seem to get so ii2M ns others, lied Lairs are so thick that 20.000 cover a head as well as 1G0.0O0 M9nd or TOS.OOO black hairs. The Boy FrIead." A boy Laving been taken to task for rlol.it len of school rules, the principal. a woman, told him to ask his father t vail at the school. Xxt day the bo appeared with a rather seedy loukin man whom he iutreduerd as bis f- thtr. The he-ad of the school and vlf Itor had a talk, anJ the latter prom Ised to do all in bis power to make the boy 6ee the error of bis ways. Some days biter the boy waa over heard saying to some of his compan ions: "I played a good joke on Miss Black. I introduced a bum as me fa- tbe-, and she never caught on." "VTasn't that man yonr father?" ask ed one of the listeners. Nope." was the answer. "lie was me friend." Brooklyn Eagle. Famllr Reaemblane. A young gentleman took bis little sister witb bim while calling tbe other evening at a bouse where he Is a regu lar visitor. Tbe little girl made her self eiuite at home and showed great fondness for one of the young ladles, bugging ber heartily. 'How very affectionate she Is." said the lady of tbe bouse. 'Yes: so like her brother." responded tte young ladr unthinkingly. Buffalo Courier. Welcome Chaage. 'My dear." began the extravagant young wife. "I've got several things I want to talk to yon about" Ah. that's a relief." exclalmad the Lusband. -What lsT To le assured that you're got the things you want to talk about Yon generally discourse npon- things yon need." I'hlladelpbla Press. A yocng man seems to be willing to make almost any sacrifice for the girl he loves except to go bome early and tave her f.-cin a scolding next morn Ini?. Atchison Clot. r:?;pt!aa f hlrtca Taetorlea, In hi voiutnc on "Present Da) Egypt" Frederick PenBeid thus de sciiles one of the laterettlug sighta in the EeUhlrhood cf the pyramids, the lucubatorj in the native vlllnges. "It will be found." be says, "that the ncvlsitor Is constructed e.f sun dried briekn aud so arranged Internally that the ej'gs, placed In mud constructed ovens on tisys cushioned with cut straw, are couFtantly under the at tendant's view. No scientific rpparatus Is employed by this man. not even a thermometer. He knows from experl-eni-e and bis iv,n feeling bow much btat Is nee-ded. aud be systeiflaticully turns the egjrs several times each d:iy until they are developed Into peepin; chicks. "These batching establishments exist throughout middle and upper Egypt and In a season bring fully 2(,000.uMJ chickens Into the world that grow up to be scrawny, unattractive fowls. The Industry is thousauds of years old and seems conclusively to settle the ques tion of a c'jicUen's maternity by allo cating that parentage to the hen laying the egg. . "The incubator la a foster -nothcr only and is responsible for stifling the 'seitiug' Instiuct with Egyptian bens. The keepers of the incubators bave a system of trafiic with peasant farmers by which erg? are purchased outright or six live chicKs given in exchange for a dozen fresh eggs." Death te tha Workaaea. It wes la an art store in Fifth ave nue, and the dealer was showing gild ed clocks and candelabra to a cus tomer. Pointing to one particularly handsome set, he said. "That Is worth $3."0." Pointing to another cf similar pattern, but not so hsmUouie, be said. "That is worth $fi00." "But the ether one Is lK'tter," 6aid the customer. "Well." said the dealer, the chief vr.lue of this one (pointing to the $4)0 affair! Is in the gilding. It was gildcil by the mercury process which Is uow forbidden by law almost everywhere. The other one was treated with the electroplating process." "Well, It's handsomer," said the cus tomer. "Is It as durable? If It Is, why should I pay $2o0 more?" "It is practically as durable, end It la handsomer," said the dealer. "But you can duplicate it end you can't dupli cate the other. The mercury process of gilding waa death to the workmen who engaged In it The-y inhaled the fumes of the mercury, and in the end It killed them, and it wasn't long do ing It. either." "I'll tike the mercury one," said the customer, "but the other Is handsom er." New Y'ork Sun. Tie Couacka of tbr Dob. The Don Ccssaeks are the finest look ing race of men ever seen. Kingly la tboir carriage, tall and slender, lithe and graceful, thrir untamed spirit visi ble In every motion, their liearlnjr Is that of an unconqnered people. Used as a livinj: harrier against the Tartar Invasions of lliissia, they were never conquered. Livlnp In what they call camps, each with his horse and gun. they are always ready to move In re sponse to the emperor's calL Their costume Is a long, tight fitting cor.t reaching to the knee, having loose sle'pvcs aud a small, standing collar and with a row of ammunition poekots across the breast. The colored be-lt which encircles the Cossack's slender waist bristles vith ornamented knives. elajrjcrs and pistols. Soft, high boots without hce-ls and a great lamb's wool cap, with a I'ttie touch of color for the soft crown, and then the burka or long cape of hairy felt which they seem to we-ar In all sorts of weather com plete the costume. These burkas ap pear to be worn on the theory that what keeps out the cold keeps out the heat Anyway, these long black or white garments protect horse and rider equally ironi the rain and cold. Self Culture. Ilia Oae SnRgrettlon. "Furthermore. John Henry Meeker, said Mrs. Meeker, who was standing In front of the mirror and putting the finishing touches to her toilet "I want you to take notice that I am perfee-tly capable of getting ready for church without any prompting from you. and you can cough and look at your watch as much a3 you please It won't hurry me a single second. Do you clearly un derstand that?" "Yes. my dear." mildly replied Mr. Meeker, "though I think 1 crmM un derstand It a little better if you didn't bave your mouth quite so full of hair pins." Chicago Tribune. A FrobaMe IteiBlt. "If people were only compelled to practice what they preach!" sighed the theorist "What pood would that do?" de manded the practical man. "It wor.Id make the world better. wouldn't It?" "Oh. I don't know. I'm Inclined to think that whatever changes we no ticed would le In the preaching rather than In the practice." Chicago Post Hl Sbota. "Charley, dear." said young Mrs. Tor- kins. "I want yon to le more careful about the use of firearms." "Why. I harcn't"- "Charley, dear." she proceed;!, with sweet severity, "you mnstu t try to deceive me. I lnard you telling yes terday alK.ct how yon fell down on a long shot If you must go In for such things, please get a gun that won't kIck."-Washington Star. Doe to Ixraoranrc. "lie thinks lie's famous." "AVcll. lie never was much of a mnn for acuirin; tnowK-dire." "What has that to do with iV "Why. he prt!iably never has con sulted the dictionary and learned the difference between fame a:id n'otorl- ty." Chief go Tost. eft- aaaaaaaaiaaaaBa. It(aSwjs mnkea a man mad to fcrLf oia name misspelled in a BewtDarMr. because he believes everybody ought to Enow bis name. Atchison Globe. Xo man Is absolutely perfect, but one who n-knowIiil;vs his faulis in more il.ati h:ilf way up the ladder. Chft-ago Oid You Tsko Scott's mulsioii ihrough the inter? If so, we are sure it quieted your cough, healed the rawness in your throat, increased your weight, gave you more color, and made you feci better in every way. But perhaps your cough has come back acain, or you are cut ting a little thin and pale. Then, why not continue the same helpful remedy right through the summer? It will do you as much good as when the westheris cold. Irs persistent use will certainly give you a better appetite and a stronger digestion. It will cure your weak throat and heal your inflamed lungs. It will cujecvery case cf consumption, when 8 cure is possible. Don't be persuaded 1 to take something they say is just cs good. All rrnj;irT. J . and $1. 6COTT a lvWSE,Cbi;iB.l, N.r. .ANcfctahle PreDaralionforAs- I! similalingtticFooJandScula- tir.2 flic 5 toinaclis anuliowt is a Tromolcs DigeslioivChccrfur ness and nesl.Contains neithcr OpiumJIorpIune norJIiiicraL 'OT?iAHCOTIC. tit CtMtLMJtJa C lotted .-40T Apcrfecl Remedy for ConsLpa Tion . Sour Stomach. Dianuca Worms,ConYulswris.Fevrrish- ness mid Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile SiCnalure of NEW "YORK. ? 1 F WRAPPER. I J JJ EXACT COPY o Tfiirisrifirii.ii.iiiuriiiiiifiifiucjii.iisr. The Smith Premier Typewriter BEST VALUE Easv Touch. . Durability. vAWgq! Perfect Type Cleaner. Simplicity. Double Cue Keyboard. ,V fc . Leaier in i Improvements. Ot Descriptive The Smith Premier Typewriter Company, EOBEET S. SCULL, AGENT, SOMESSET. PA. THE CLEANMXG AND HEAUXei CLUE FOIt CATARRH it EIv'sCreaiiiRaltn E-y and pleasant to (imp. Contains no injiirimis druc. It is qnn-klT ab orb!. Gives relief st once. It open sand Cleanses the Nasal Kntim. Allay In nam mntion. Heals and I'r. lects Ihet mem brane. ICtcttorea ttip Senses ot Taut and Smell. I.srjre Sie, .Vj ceni at Drugiri st or by mail; 'I rial sizn, lo-r,ts bv ii.mi1. KLY BROTH KKS. 5i arrenSireet, New Yo'-k. - Jacob D Swank, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Next Door West of Lutheran Church Somerset, - Pa. I Am Now prepared to supply the pub!i with Clocks, Walchf and Jew elry of all ele-scriptlons, a Ch-.i; as the CLeaport. UEPAIUIXG A SPECIALTY. All work guaranteed. Look at my stock before making your purchases. J. D. SWANK. lEFFEH'S KEW SHOE STORE! EN'S BOYS . WGKEVS. GIRLS' and CHILDREN'S SHOES. OXFORCS and SLIPPERS. Black and Tan. Latent Styles an J Shapes at lowot .....CASH FCICES..... Adjoining Mrs. A. E. I' hi, South-e.wt comer of square. SOMERSET, PA. i H. HUSTON, a Undertaker and Embalmer. A GOOD HEARSE, ind everything pertaining; to fQDr.itU furn ished. SOMERSET - Ps. V Blend most softly and jk play most effectively ever cr ii A icsuvc scene vucuitin by waxea candles. ine ngat mux iitiWci-s 5 beauty's charm, that pic. tlie B fioiihed touch to tie draw ii .g J room or dining rocu;, is tLe ? mcllo glow ot J, 1 n Sold in all relets auiT" il-n-. ! to harmonic wilh cry in:cr:i.r ' hangings or decoritiot.. Slanufartured hr ' STANDARD CIV CO. I'or rtrr-1: ic. 818 COLD 'N HEAD MM im i HII Tor Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Hsvs Always Bough! Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirtv Years WRITING MACHINE, . . . . Uniform Work. ! Scientific Construction. Rapidity. vjf-VX if Beauty Mechanically Superior. Art Catalogue Free. COMERSET MARKET REPORT k7 (UDl'ill I)!T LI Cook & Beerits, We lnemloy ft ft. th. fppi tq. Appl liriiM. Ir; ( vaMr.!!'il ft.. Apple ! r, pt-r ga' roll vr tt ButU-T. frv.h r r (crt-:i u. . . r E... ..kV3ft to Oil a-- ... Beeawaz per fc 2. oountrv hn., p-r r 10 to lJi Bacoo. miriri'uivo uaui, por lb l-j-l-t .full-, p-r a. H,- vi4hon nUlrrf per ft . ..In u-t Bean. Coffee. t white Davy, per ban . FJ.H) to 5-' 2 1 I.Iihm, per !fc . ii . jsrw ri, per fft l.v- 1 nu.tea. per 9. o to 1-V I I'll in lerin iid, per bbl II.Kt U) l.a- 1 Hertland, perbol $2.50 to 4.iV e ommoHi, per iD , IK e-fK. pei lox i, fish, ke herring. Pr Honey, wii'K elover.pef JV- LAnl, per . 7tliV 1 inr. pr htl enln, pej 'm u U) 7V I'otaUM. per bu.. itn."nn lfe.r.es,evHporatet, per S) . t to Mr Fruue. p. r t k u liy . 1 ., per uti. riiwi'Ur. per tjbi . 1 f Salt, iii.iry, w dim ftrk.. 4 but n-irk it irronna Alain. IK) BMkcks maple, per m ;un;e inixriea ye ilnw, per F6... ftc Sugar. wi.irp. a. p r P ...V'4-Ki4( (raiiuiHW., per R ;-4 -O 'ub.. or oulveriied, per IS , Pyrup. p r nl IllHple. per el 40 to h wonewsn", vauou s lhiiovr, per E t vincw. rverin.1 to:ir urmrtriy.per bu. . c.over. p-r out ;.,..) .ou Seed ii. rriniHon, pT bus... alfnlfn, per bun " alsvkft. rr hna jiiuei, etermn. ier bu I barley, white o.-arrllesii, per baa. l.TV I buekwheat. per bus . 4 Urain i corn eheilert, per bu. tnta 4-r otii, per bu,'j to I rve, per bn. 4 Feod I wbeMt, per hu Kv- bnn, per 1) t't .S.tc eorn and oata chop, prr i'O i g.v flonr, roller prooes.per bbl .3.) Floor. . apnng pate ill and fitDcr ( Boar, lower arrad Mr laO'ba 'tl Aural Mlddlinet i wn.,u!- Vtiw M I rea, ier IU0 .per 100 -5c CONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Haxlroad. Somerset and Cambria Branch. KOKTRarmn Johnstown Mail Exprwa. Rorkvond Hr45 a. ertvlile 14:l Jobnitnwn l tl m Johnstown Aeoommodailon. Kockwrvd 4 40 p. m.. sm-rit' h:ir stoypotown 5:31, Uoov- ' . , " w. tt. Mall. Johntown a.ni..Hfovf rTti!p 9 ( lu-l V oomt rei v. Hoc i wood Elr,T",- Johnstown VSO p. HxwerTlll ,. . ..l..il,l0ullrenitl Mock- Btf J -ail Daiiy. F. D. CTiTiFRWoori D. r . M A RT1 V. tim ,. i Ma - FUKPnir 'TroW. ....... pENNSYLVANLV RAILROAD. raTini stahcamo timc IN EFFECT NCV. f9, I8S9. OOWPCXhKD SCKkntrr a j.Th?I?-rlrfcn JLe.prt from JesUUon at WCJiTWAKD. Wpofom ETprs Hou'hw lrrn Kxnmu, lohnv ,wn ArcommndaliooT Jobnstovn ArninimodaUonl mi-inr txprrsa.. Pttisburi Expnjsa... nil.... ...... Kim l ine -V.?1 ""I and OnKrlpttmi ar W . wtthoai cnr, la tba Scientific Jltsjrican. U.ufn ,r any rh,miao , r?TZ litaaca oa C T gt, WaAlilro" lit Wanted An Idea M i - h A ! ap' fi En 4:51 a. m ft-lrt M r. 20 " . . t p m . , 4 :tt . Johnatown Accommodation 9 a CD YEARS X,, "V EXPERIENCE pMiyder s rharmacy, inf m irvr liXiu anu giuu tuiiu.uua. ia uic war oi IR Optical Goods 1,1 m i rushes b uted. &u oi me vesi ana mosi approved TW JJ Kepi in ST.OCK. caUMttClluu guinaiiiccu. m m Dr-narsist, PEEEEEEEEEEccEEcEEE Tliis Model Drur Store is rapidly lecomicg a gt.-at !lu.-;;e X XXJ-Z'W X JL X". J. w iaj-i WHIJlj MEDICINES. DYE STUFFS, SUPPORTER liUUUIQlD 1 1 G D bl ip UU11D 3 r Q1UU j ncbcJ And a Full Line of Optical Gooda alwajg on Land. Frca A Iwajs on Land. It id always a pleasure to di.play ti;rgofi!; MAIN STREET .... SOMERSET., LUMBER ITJEi HARD AND. SOFT WOOD Oak, Poplar, Bid Ins. Walnnt, Yellow Pine. Flooring. Cherry, Kbinglem Doora, Lath. M hite Plae Blind, genera! llnof all trades of Lumber and Buildinc aterlal at I K :".:; 8 ' W aiork. Also, can furntmh anything lu tbe line of oar busiinens uiorirr withreW ble promptma, aneh.aa Braeiieta, odd-lied,srorl!i tf. Office and Tri yppositft S.RR. B. Station, Fiftv-eiolit Years Old! j o MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, new York FRIDAY K PRACT.rMLY , . Korovrrtfty-W"' Tri-wcckly A DAILY Weekly. jr.j Triiin axothe Tribune ;ri' tTtliv' A rie-a-rrrt M.n'-irWKMT sttictiva pub. , .ff ffi in "uvii, j-r.-ii.-.t-i v iiiuNirmi-fi u ii n nnr- t: 1, m-.-. - riits and I.hIi-i. mc ; yM.ftin alt thn -iriKir.jr iipws r-wtnr the y.:v Tri huiio. Srcial War IiepHt.-l.. Iionif-s- tnriM. HiutirmwM IIlut.tri.ti.mts KpPort4 ' ' p.Bjr trial Iif,.rniation, Kiwhion N'nt.-. Axri- nnextf Hetl Agnriilturai ' uiiui.ii uimtfrv mr nil 1 v iruii tin t'ompri-l pn'ie ni Kciil. tinanria and .Market Rcpirt. It in niil at s -inn hour a the daily ediinui, rowliM a )ar Drtortion f Mtilknr.r:iAn r.n i4..,... . and each d;ti.i ia a thoroughly op-io- jt The Pel'1'' 'aI'r j ....,il(j .-n,i,T ir uufty l-wpi?. RfEuUrsubscripti-in prii-e l.oO per year. We furtiixh it with tho II KKALD for 50 per yvar. w J j Send all Orders to the HERALD, Somerset -j $2 50 per yvar IT WIIL JiY TO BUT YOUR 7remor.nl IVork or VM. F. SHAFFER, Mannfactarer of and Iler In "atern Work rursUhM on Short Nolle tlJStlXtijl! vm m mm m AJso, Ai-ntfor the WHfTK BEONZE ! Persona In .. r . . fii,. it . ; , " -'"''oWL't Wo' arm wn..o , in"--' ll at mv to - rice. ,ery low. 1 OT., , ,pCT.i(li ,Ut,i to Whit, Pr, Cr Fur. 2Iro yonumfnts. terrS:A:K.': c:'"1 ,',,.,, .." . B 'l!f! Ml "! c'Lr m"- V- ch " : u tl e " - i.ve a3,i; 1 ' It requires a good selected stock and a neatly arrn j i rocra to do a brisk business. ! WE HAVE BOTH OF THEM. Pure Dnip-s L , to w O "" U1 in . p i e i J 1 T 4V.. r I 1 COOi ly LlUil Anything not advertised, a,k S we are buro to bavo it. You are always sure of getting Uie be-1 JOHN N. SNYDER, SOMEIl.SKT.p, LOUTHER'S RUG ' 3T0R MAIN STREET, SOMERSET, PA. People ia Search of SF0.TGES. TRUSSES TOILET ARTI CLES. PERFUMES. ETC. TH VMXK JIVH rBKMOMAl. ATTBSTIOM TOTBI COaporXMsoor OKKAT CARS SKIS TAIIS TO C8 05tt Ttsn Ut rest AMICUS. Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, ltrg9 tS30rtment all can be suite 1. THE FffiEST BESHDS OF CISlEs teiidiDp; urcliaser9, wLcthcr they buy from us or dciLtre. J. f1. LOUTHER Til. D. SOAIET?SET Elias Cunningham, ViHTUlTVUI AJTD DKaXXm A2TD WHOLEUU A!(D RiTilLHOr Lumber and Building Materials. Ai I rflAE ' 4 -Uail Picit, Kail. .!ai ii Italnster. Ihrwai wel Pests, tic. MUZ 0' Ai a Elias Cunningham, i D NEARLY 11 'Alio New 01 T HU S53 York ii 1 ma huu p Ii gives a'.l i:W""'- tionsnJ V..r!il, tii !rwU" b let ana Sh..rt Scientific r,.l M-li:i'ii'l fr the ffjsel Fashion Article ruorou8lllutrati.nf"ro!J J. 13d , United SUt. Regular suiwril'ti Pr" ' 1.00 per year. We ftirofa.h it i:h th liEEA $2 CO per yr. Si, u. Ailu aica, A5rj .i .a. I if-I i FalCTlCiLLI,1 Over SOO Beautiful Designs. 'mis iturr i ! i I J in . 1 j c 1 Pre Vm, F. Shaffer.