? i s i The Somerset Herald. EDWARD SCUIL. Kdilor and Proprietor. Mar 14. ISO). Republican National Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT, William McKinlej, of Ohio. Republican State Ticket. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, Edmund Bl Hardenberg, of Wayne. CONG RESS-AT LARGE, Galusba A. Grow, ol r$ujuehaDU. Robert H. Foerdeitr, of l'hiladeJphia. Republican County Ticket. FOR CONGRESS, JIarvry M. Berkley, of Somerset 1W. Kuijrct to thr decision of the Vilrict Cnriw. ASSEMBLY, V. II. KaDner, of Somerset Borough Fred. Howe, of Meyeredale Borough. POOS DIRECTOR, Samutl J. Bowser, of Somerset Twp. JURY COMMISSIONER, Theodore E. HUoada, of Somerset Twp. The Mayor of Atlanta has concluded to resign rather than to change from hard to b ft drinks in the spring of the year. When the Cnicago platform Is taken out of eld storage on the 4th of July the delegates will be surprised to ob serve the number of blowhole ju it. A New England paper ohjecta to pies made by machinery. In the day of the civil war the boya drew a decided di.-tiuctioo between piea that were " pegged " or ' sewed." Therk is one consensus that Bryan w ill be nominated at Kana9 City, and auoUitr, equally perceptible through out the country, that he will be beaten again. The people have evidently ad justed themselves to at least four years more of Republican prosperity. Havimj been nominated for Vice President by the Middle-Road Pop, Ignatius Donnelly will not have any more time to devote to the argument that Bacon wrote Shakespeare. His efforts now will be towards proving that Ignatius Donnelly is the best can didate for Vice President that eer came down the pike. J 1ST how an employee of ex-Asaem-blyinan Koonfz's " print shop," one F. Forney, became a member of the Re publican Executive Committee of the county will require explanation. Hie name appears on some of Mr. Berkey's "official papers." His appointment probably came in the same manner ami from the same source as did a number of the "fake" committet- At the recent "fake" Convention, personally conducted by Messrs. Koontz and Kooser, it was not deemed worth while to open and read the rr turns as has always been done beret fire, and as was done in the regular '(Vinveution. The "fakirs" just d. cUred- tbeir candidates nominated, using a table prepared prior to the meeting and without the official re turns. The American system of education, which is soon to be established in the Philippines, will have a gret influence in giving ihe islands balance and in pre paring them for the measure of self poverument which the United States is anxious to five them when they are prt pa.cd for it. The ' American Khool is going to revolutionize matters in Porto Rico, too. as will quickly be fwn. Here will be some triumphs of peace which will be as notable as aDy which the United States has won in war. If the author of the "probe resolu tions" introduced in the House at Harrisbnrg two winters ago, about which the insurgent organs have had mi very much to say, wishes to be con sistent he will low no more time in bringing the individuals who by no toriously corrupt means secured the rvsigoation of the Committeeman of New Baltimore into court. Bribery arid corrupt solicitation must be stamped out in Somerset county as well as in other sections of Penney! vaaia. Noi:-k has been served ou W. H. Hanuer and Fred Rowe, Republican iioniinrfs for the Legislature, that the objections filed to their certificate of nomination will be argued in the Dauphin county court on Tuesday, June 5th. Judging from the notice tiled in behalf of Messrs. Koontz and Kendall, we take it for granted that they concede the fact that their oppo iienU received a majority of the votes cast at the recent primsry election, and base their claim to the right of having their names printed in the Republican column on the offi.sxl ballots ou for mer Chairman Bcrkey's revolutionary conduct in the Republican convention. The season is a little backward, and the Bryanites are praying that crops this year niuy be a failure. Short crops would be a calamity to the country, but it is only on calamity that the iryanites have any chance for victory. An epidemic of Asiatic cholera or yel low fever would please the Democrats at this time. The prosperity and the peneral good fortune which the United States has had ever since the Republi can party came into power has been very demoralizing to the men who w ill asKemble in Kansas City r few weeks hence to put up a National ticket The chances, however, are that the season's backwardness will not materially re duce Jbe crops, and that the prosperity which the Republican wider markets acd higher prices have brought to the farmers will not be interrupted. Thixos have come to eucli a pass in eome sections of Pennsylvania that the reputation of no man, eppecially those who occupy public positions, is eafe from the cowardly and brutal attacks of yellow journalism. The latest in sane to corns under our observation occurred in Philadelphia, where cer tain newspapers whose editorial opin ions are measured with a bargain counter yardstick have for months past, by innuendo and insinuation, at tacked the character of Mayor Ash bridge and Director of Public Safety English, even to the extent of invading the sanctity of their homes. Last week ! English visited John Wanaraaker for the purpose of atking him to call off the dogs who haw been hounding him through a journal alleged to be con tmlled by the millionaire merchant. and threatenentng in cj-si he did not ! d so to retaliate by making public ' 43aav!t alleged to have leen eolkct- d reflecting upon the private charac ter of the former Postmaster General. Later Mr. Waaamaker gave to the public a carefully prepared version of what had tram-pined, to which Mr. English has replied that Mr. Wana maker "is not truthful la his state ment." It is a uasty affair through out The Philadelphia yellow journals have their imitators io Somerset county. jOn April 21st the Republican voters of Larimer township met at the "usual place of holding general elections," as provided by the party rule, and the duly elected Committeeman, Mr. J. F. Suiith, with the assistance of two com petent clerks, opened the poll at the usual hour and conducted the primary in strict accordance with the party rules. There were 31 vote ct, of which H. M. Berk'ey, for Congress, received 30; W. H. Banner and Fred. Rowe, for Assembly. 2S and SO respec tively; F. J. Kooeer, for Congress, re ceived no vctes, and V. H. KoonU and 8. A. Kendall, for Assembly, one each. Afler be had completed his labors connected with the primary, Committeeman Smith returned home and found awaiting him a letter from one J. A- Berkey, notifying him (Smith) that be had been removed as Committeeman of Larimer township. While Smith was conducting the regu lar primary at the "usual place for holdicg general elections," one Tress Ier set up a poll la an outbuilding and proceeded to bold a little "fake" elec tion of his own. At the Convention of Return Judges Chairman Berkey, backed by Kooutz. Kendall and Koo- ser, refused to recognize Mr. Smith as the Committeeman from Larimer township or to compute the vote cast at the primary held by him, but com puted the vote cast at the " fake " pri mary held by Tressler and gave Tress ler a voice and vote in his Convention. It is ou pretexts such as this that Messrs. Koontz, Kendall and Kooser would seek to disfranchise a large num ber of their fellow-citizens and to pre vent regularly nominated candidates from being accorded their rights and to have their names placed on the offi cial ballot this fall. What do tho Re publicans of Somerset county think of this sort of conduct on the part of men whom they have heretofore honored with positions of trust and profit? Legacy Tax Affi m d. Washington, May 14 In the Supreme Court to-day Justice Whits handed down an opinion affirming t'je constitutionality of the taxes on inheritances. The validity of the general Federal law was affirmed by Justice White, but it was held to be pure'y applicable to legacies and not to the entire extatea of deceased persons, the court holding that "The tax is on the paning of legacies or distributive shares of personality, witb a progressive rate on each, separately determined by the sura of such legacies or distributive shares." In his decision Justice White said : "All legacies below f 10,000 are not taxed and those above that amount are taxed primarily by the degree of relationship or absence thereof, specified in the five classifications contained in the statute and the rate of tax is progressively in creased by the amount of each separate lagacy or distributivu shares." Shot Bead During a Spree. Johnstown, May 13 Ttolert Wood was shot dead and Alexander Kelly a wounded Saturday night by Michael Brown, who keeps a boarding house at Puritan, Pa., an l with whom the other men boarded. The latter were miners and had been on a spree several days. Saturday night Brown came home late and was attacked by Kelly and Wood hen be entered his home. They knock ed hiin down and were beating him un mercifully, when Brown pulled a revol ver and shot Wood through the heart, killing him instantly. He then shot Kelly in the neck, wounding him seri ously. Brown then went to a constable and gave himself op and he was hurried to jail at Ebensburg for fear of violence at the bauds of friends of Wood and Kelly. He claims he did the shooting in self defense and that the men intended to kill him. No man can cure consumption. You can prevent it though. Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma. Never fails. Joaaioa GeUFour Tears. Cl.EARFlEi-n, Pa., May 13. Jury Com missioner Millard F. Johnson, who plead ed guilty here Tuesday to stuffing the jury wheel for last December term of court, and m ho made an open confession in court of everything, was yesterday sentenced by Judge Gordon to four years' solitary confinement at hard labor in the Western penitentiary. Judge Gordon, in imposing sentence, said that Johnson's crime was the gravest ever coin m i tie i in the history of Clear field oonnty and bad done more to bring disgrace upon the courts than all other crimes together. Ecery effort will now be made to find the man who, Johnson asserted, gave him the list of fraudulent names with which to stuff the jury wheel and induced hiin to do the work. Kobinioa Acquitted. HrsTixoDoN, Pa, May 11. Charles liobinn, the telegraph operator, who killed John O'Noil, of MeKees Rocks, by shooting at Spruce Creek, last Janua ry, was acquitted here this evening of the charge of winder. The jury took only two ballots. Robinson had sur prised bis wife and O'Xeil in their prep arations for an elopement, which they were making at bis home, and shot O'Neil. sending seven bullets into his body. The defense, st p the plea of emotional insanity, which was sustained by expert testin:sy aud on this alone the jury found their -ertict. Notwith standing his counsel's motion for his im mediate discbarge, Robinson wai sent back to jail by Judge Bailey. 17 Tear Loensta. John G. Leasure of Greensbnrg says this is the year for the 17-year locurta. He volunteer the follrmins infnrmtttnn on the subject. "The 17 year locusts were Here in 119, in ISM, In ISSSand will appear again this year, unless all previous experiences ro for nsncrht They will. In all probability. become plen tiful in all ground that is now cleared tht was overcrown with wood or under.. buh 17 years ago. The locusts will ap pear by coming op out of the ground, climbinff UD tha first tree or nlant th j eouie to- After ascending soroe distance they will ktop long enough io cast off tbeir shell which aoon bunts open. When the shell has been doffed they will sit until they have become drranrf the color has been changed from a white to a mahogany or dark brown. They then fly away and aJipht on i na grown twig of a tree, the looust tree. eemingsy being" preferred. They begin to deposit their eggs in the bark, advanc ing step by step, singing all the while otitil they die. "It is not known that they eat anything : during their brief period j)I existence, The branches thus stoug soon die and j aVr a time will deeav and dmntntha ! ground. In this way tha eggs reach the ' soil and eveutnally become deposited lu I i', where they remain for 17 years. I ' have seen furrows plowed op where the j bottom was perforated with many holes made by them in coming through the ground. The locusts are said to be a re minder of at least on of the terrible plague In Pharaoh's time." BOOM COXTIXUhS. TJa ?rcdenU)d Activity ia the Lwl Csl Field Heal Estate Being Excftiog ti far Saeckels. 8PLEXDID 0PP0ETT5ITIES FCS IHTLST XE5T. When General Prosperity established a headquarter iottlf couny-wo years ago even the most opiioaiittic were un prepared to believe tt)t be would create such a stir as has since been witnessed, and which promises to continue until Somerset county takes rank among the leading mineral and coal producing coun ties of Pennsylvania. While Somerset is some what removed from the localities where developments are being made, nevertheless this town is perhaps the best point in tha county from w hich to view the marvelous strides that have and are being made to develop our natu ral resources and place them on the market. Every deal that has or will be con summated must naturally come to light here where the final transactions become matters of court and public record. Many impending larga deals, as a matter of course, are kept in the background and as far as possible under cover until all of the details have been thoroughly worked out, but sufficient light has already been shed to show that some of the biggest transactions ia coal aud mineral lauds are yet to be made public. Dozens of strangers visit tha court bouse every day f-r the purpose of mak ing abstracts of the public records, run ning onto titles of pieces of real estate or leaving deeds to be reoarded. In fact the Recorder of Deeds is kept so busy receiving and entering deeds alone that he has little time for anything else. - As an ! lustration of the work doing In Reg ister and Recorder Sbafer'a office it ia only necessary to state that during the months of January, February, March and April of this year 908 deeds were entered of leoord. This is a larger num ber than were entered in an entire year in the Register and Recorder's office ten years ago. But the Recorder's office is not the only busy place about town, nor is it the only place where an idea can be formed of the transfers being mads daily in real estate and mineral rights. The offices of a number of well known attorneys are crowded throughout office hours and often until late In the night by parties who are interested ii ths deals being made, and who are anxious to have the titles of their landk and minerals perfect ed in order that they can exchange them for money. v The ruh has been so great at the offices of a number of attorneys that stenographers and copyists have been called into requisition. Other busy places are the banking in stitutions, where farmers who have dis posed of tbeir lands are opening ac counts. It U reported that 75,000 was paid out during the pant two weeks by one syndicate, who have purchased a large tract of coal land north ot this place. This sum is only a small fraction of the amount of money the same syndicate will pay over to the owners of the tract during the comiugfew weeks. Meanwhile dozens of engineer corps are surveying in all sections of the coun ty, drillers with diamond drills are busi ly engaged boring boles hundreds offset nnder the surface in order that their em ployers may have correct knowledge of the depth and quality of the coal they hare or contemplate purchasing, and to gin such information as will indicate how tha coal can be most advantageously mined and slipped to market. Wherever mines have bem opened michan; s are employed erecting dwell ing houses, and judging from those we have seen, all are being built with a view not only for the comfort of prospective tenants, but to stand the wear and tear o many years. Many agents are .still busily at work taking options on coal lands that have not tlready been leased or purchased, while coal operators without exception are adding to their acreage and increas ing thtir output as rapidly as new ma chinery and additional men can be em ployed. The Berwind-White Coal Company is now shipping 3X car loads of coal daily and it is confidently expected that the output from their numerous openings in this county will Teach Cm cars daily be fore the close of another year. All of the operations in the Meyersdtle and Berlin fields are working to their full capacity while these along the Somerset A Cain bria branch were never before as busy as at present. New mints are being opened along the S. A C. every few days. The stranger who has not passed over tbit line during the past year will not recog nize the landscape when he next sees it. Somerset is and will continue to be the natural commercial centre for a wide area, the population of which has been largely increased during the past two years and which in all probability will be doubled if not trebled during the coming year. Somerset business men have let no opportunity escape thsr . -jn supply the demands of the augmented population, but they now find that they are unable to meet the demand for tens raent houses, store rooms and business office. There is not a vacant store room or otHcs in ths town aa I the Herald has been able to learn of oalyons v it dwelling bouse pretentious family residence that is unoccupied to-day, Inquiries for store rooms and offices are matters of daily occurrenco, notwith standing the big advance in rents. Here is an oppnrtuuity for safe investment that should appeal to soma of our monied men, especially to those who wish to secure all the trade possible for Somerset. Only 5 cts. a day will do it Harder Seialtea From a Quarrel. Mt. Pleasaxt, Pa.. May II. Frank Sohrotte, a member of Company E, Tenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, w ho served in the Philippines, was shot by William E. Shivler, at Bridgeport, one mile south of this place, last night. Three bullets pierced Sehrotte's right lung and he died au hour later. Schrolte and Shivler had beeu friends since their boyhood days. Sobrotte accused Shivler of telling false hoods to some of his girl friends. Only 5 cts. a day will do it Fatal Keedle la Her Fie. EI.RTOX, Md., May 10. Mrs. Martha Pry, residing near the village of Sharps- burg, Is the victim of a peculiar accident which will cause her death. .She ate a piece of pie in which a fine camt ric needle was concealed. The oeedie lodged in her throat, producing paralysis. Jl efforts to remove the needle have failed, and the physicians say her recovery Is impossible. Mrs. Pry dropped the ne- d.e from the bosom of her dress while she was making the pies yesterday. Only 5 cts. a day will do it. BEES PASS HOTEL, DEER PARK, MI). Most Delightful Summer Resort of the Alleghenieal Swept by mountain breezes, 2.SW feet above sea level. Absolutely free from malaria, bar fever and monqnitno. On Main Line of Baltimore A Ohio Hailroad. Hotel and Cottages. Kverv modern con venience. Kooins en suite with hatb Eleelric LIshta, Elevator, Turkish Baths, two large tsm-imming Pools Golf Links. Tennis Courts, Bowling Alleys, Msgnili ceut Drives. Complete Llverv Service, Annapolis Naval Academy Band. De lightful Cottages (furnished for home kecpir.g if desired 1 ready for occupancy Juue 1st. Hotel open from June 23d to September auth. for rate and information address W. E. Btirwell. Manager. B St. O. Building, Baltimore, Md., until June 10th. After that time, Dser Park, Garrett County, Md, Oaly 5 eta. a day will do it. HE222IAX CAT. Program of Exercises as Arras ged ky the Committee. The Committee of Arrangements for the observance cf Memorial Day has pre pared the following program: The procession will form at 9.30 a. m., in front of the Post rooms on CiJ"o street, on Wednesday, May 30, 19J0, In the folio iog ordefy Marshal, Capt- E. O. Kooeer. Drum Corps. Junior Cornet Baud. Sunday schools, marshaled by Dr. S. McMillen, assisted by the Superintend ents of the .Sunday-schools of the town. Firs Department. Color-bearer, A. J. Saylor. Flag Guards. . K. P. Cummins Post, 210, G. A. R. Members Company I, Fifth Pa. VoL The line as formed will move by way of Main and West street to Lutheran cemete'y. Prayer by Chaplain H. King. Quartette, led by ProC Hetzel, after which an address will be delivered by A. J. Colborn, Esq. After the close ot the address the ceremonies will be con ducted as follows : Cornet Band. Reading of President Lincoln's Ad drees, defiverod at Gettysburg on Mon day, November 19, lrl, by Jonas M. Cook. Martial music. Floral tribute Part L Capt. W. H. Banner. " 2, II. F. Knepper. " 3, John Pugh. Strewing of flowers by comrades Salute, members of Company I. Quartette, led by Prof. Hetzel. Cornet Band Assembly by C. C. Shafer. Benediction by Rev. Gardner. Drum Corps. The piocessiom will then reform and march to the lower cemetery by way of West, Main and Rosina streets. After strewing the graves the procession will return to ihe Poet rooms and disband. In case of inclement weather ths ad dress will be delivered in the Court House, immediately after the ceremo nies. All old soldiers are expected and cor dially invited to participate in doing honor to the dead heroes. Meet with ns at the Post rooms at the stated time. The following committee of young ladies has bees appointed and will take cbare and make the necessary arrange ments for the collection of flowers aud preparing bouquets: Misses Jessie Davis, Nellie Harrison, Myra Love, Marian Uhl, Bertha Rhoads, Ella Huston, Madje Holderbauui, Mary Beer its. Bertha Pile, Darlie Kifer, Nellie Wool ley. May Hoover, Bertha Scott, Emily Miller, Edna Loutber, Amelia Sufall, Alice Cook. Let os have an abundance of flowers, so that all veterans and children may bo supplied. Theie are many graves to be strewn and many flowers will be needed. It is fitting that we should gather around the sacred mounds raised above the de parted heroes of past wars aud strew them with an abundance of spring's choicest flowers. Committee. Lutheran Cemetery. Anman, Peter, private, Co. n, 211th P.V. Baer, Harry G., lieut, Co. B, 54th P. V. Baird, Daniel, private, .Varof 1812. Bealman, F. A private, Co. E, tth P.V. Boucher, Samuel, private, Mexican War. Boyts, John H., capt, Co. C, Hi 1 P. V. Bricker, Samuel, private, Co. B, 91st P.V. Burkbart, Wm., private, 6th Pa. Cavalry. Cromwell, H K., private, Co. E, 138th Pa. Vol. Cummins, R. P., colonel, H2d P. V. Davis W. W., private, Co. A, 10th P. R. Edie, John R , colonel, 15th U. 8. Inf. Enders, Angustus, private, Co. D, 79th Pa. Vol. Faith, Abraham, private. Rev. and 1812. Fleegle, Martin, private, Co. I. 5."th P.V. Ferner, Rudolph, private, Co. E, 17lst Pa. Vol. Gaither, O. H., adjutant, Co. A, 10ih P. R. Glenn, Thomas, private. War of 181Z Grey, Samuel, private, Cavulry, Special. Gephart, John W., private, Co. G, 135lh Pa. Vol. Herr, Frank F., sergt., Co. B. 15o:h P. V. Hicks, Larue M., sergt., Co. B, Mth P. V. Hinchman, James S , capt., Co. A, 10 h Pa. Res. Hoffman, Charles, private, Co. E, 133d N. Y. Vol. Hol ierbaum, Martin, War of 1812. Houpt, John, private, Co. M,2'st Pa.Cav. Job, Hill, corporal, Co. H. 85th P. V. Kifer, John, private, Co. G, l!th U. S. I. Kiminel, John O., private, Co. A, 10th Pa. Res. Kitkpatrick, Wm., private, War of 1812. Knee, George S., lieut., Co. A, lO'.h P. R Knepper, Oliver, sergt., Co. II, 211th P.V Koontz, Isaac, private. Bat. K, 5th Pa. Heavy Art. Koontz, Jeremiah, private, Bat. K, 5th Pa. Heavy Art. Mclntire, John, private. Ox F, 2S'h P. V. NetT, Frederick, private, Co. D, 13Sth P.V. OjrleCharles, corporal, Co. A, 10th P. R Ogle, Alexander, lieut, 17th U. S. lot Orton Charles, sergt. Regular Army. Parson, Robert, private, Mexican War. Penrod, Harrison, private, Co. A, 10th Pa. Res. Picking, Jacob, Mexican War. Picking, Henry, Rtar Admiral LT. S. N. Postlethwaite, Jmes C, private, Co. E, md p. v. Pjgh, Jjiues E., private, Co. H, 10th Ohio V. C. Pawling, Georga M , private, Co. M, 21st Pa. Cav. Rapp. Valentine, private, Co. D, 1st' Maryland P. II. B. Ri'se, Cornelius, private. Co. B, 9lst P. V. Sbsffar, Samuel, private, Co. U, 20th Pa. Cav. Shatter, Tobias, private, Co. C, 51th P. V. Shatilis, Francis M., private, Co. E, 1st Pa. Buektails. Slpe, Alexander, private, Co. G, 93J P.V. Steart, Thomas, privaie, Cj. A, 10:h Pa. Res. Sa-eiss, Augustus, private, Co. G, 19th U. S. L Trent, Daniel, Co. C, 54th P. V. Trent, Moses, private, Co. C, 51th P. V. Walker, C. F., private, Co. B. 91st P. V. Woy, Theodore, cspL, Co. B, 54th P. V.. Zimmerman, Fred, private, Co. B, 54th ra. Vol. Hrformed Crtncfcry. Aiken, James, private. War t f 1812. Brenard, George, private. War of 1812. Cook, Jacob, private. War of 1812 Canada, John, private. War of 1S12. Finniey, Jacob, private. War of 1812. Huston, Peter, lieutenant. War of 1M2 Quig, William, private, WaroflMi WelBter, John II., captain. Rev. War. Hntl-and Cemetery. Arnold. Jtepb, private, Co. G, 88th P.V. Beuchy, J. F., private, Co. U. SAh I1L Boy or, George D private, Co. G. 5;h Pa. v:. Fox, Samuel, private, Co. n, 211th P. V. Hay. Joaa, private, Co. E. I7Lst P. V. Hummel, Benjamin, private, Co. E, 54:b Pa. Vol. Miller, Joseph, private, Co. A, 10th P. R. Smith, John, private, Co. C, -4th Pa. Cav. Saylor, Josiah, private, Co. A. I0;h P. R. Yodr, Tobias, private, Co. A, 10th P. R. Zt igler, Jacob, private, Co. G, 88th P. V. Only 5 cts. a day will do it. Tie Cuban FvitttFriadi. - Havaxa. May li Postaja stamps to hava!ue)f $5,000 have been recovered by the secret service ageuU as the result of Information furnished by a mu wb i has confessed to guilty knowledge of tb postal frauds, now estimated at much more than 1100,000. The military author ity are not giving out information, aud will cot do so until full reports have been obtained. Nevertheless, it is impossible to suppress details entirely. Many per- oils are tnterestod in the investigation. ( from all stations on its line, to Wasbin; I it deed, every American InUavanais ton aud return, at rats id one fre for the rr.(ivroring to obtain daU, and as a re- round trio. Tickets io be sr.l.l an.l vul Minlt many UolaUsl fut-U are ocmics to "Fops" ojniaate Bryan. 8iorx Falls, S. D., May 11 Ths Na- I lional Populist convention concluded !s session at 1 o twli tliss mormi'g r.nn i- j jouroed sine di ater nominating W. J. j Br van for President and Cbarlos A, Towne for Vice President. The nouilna- tionof Mr. Towne wascn'y accmipliM-ed after a struggle r,f sever! beurs, in which an etfort was inide to bsve the q-i'V.ion of the nomination of a Vice Presidential amdidate referred to a conuuitusj to con fer with the Democratic arid Silver Re publican parties In tbeir National con- veutiona. A motion to this effect wva defeated by a vote of 2;J to 4 i Both candidate were nominated by a'X'laiuativMi, but beu.re the result wm reached various- candidates were plac d ti nuMiiuatiou for 'i-0 President and tLeir names withdrawn. Both nomina tions were accomplish)! amid aceueaof enthusiasm. Tha vlatforrn " denounces the act of March 14, 1900, as the culmination of a long aeries of conspiracies to relegate to a gigantic money trust the control of tbs purse of the people. It-denounces this act tor making all money obligations, domestic and foreign, payahla in gold coin or its equivalent, thus enormously increasing the burdens of the debtors and enriching creditors. W hile barring out the money of the constitution, this law, it is asserted, opens the printing mints of the tre asury to the free coinage of bank paper money, to nrich tha few nd im poverish the many. The plattorm oon tiuuos : "We pledga the People's party never to cease the agitation nntil this great financial conspiracy is blotted from the statute books, the Lincoln greenback re stored, the bonds all paid, and all cor poration money forever retired. Ve reaffirm the demand for the re openingif the mints to the free and un limited coiuage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to L" The resolutions deplore the conduct ot the administration in the Spanish-American war and denounce its conduct in connection with the Philippines. De mand is made for cessation of this war, by the assurance to the Philippines of Independence and pro ection under a stable government of tbeir own creation. With reference to Porto Rico, it is de clared that the Declaration of Indepen dence, the Constitution and the American flag are one "and inserar ble, and that Porto Rico is a part of the territory of the United States, made so by our promises and the consent of tbs f orto Ricans. There is a strong resolution of sym pathy for the lloers. Hewe Items. People near Vesuvius are panic stricken over the volcano's rumblings. The station of the Funicular Railway has been destroyed and four guides burn ed by lava. By a vote of 313 to 33 the town of Cla riou has decided to increase taxation $1,000 annually to maintain a library for which Andrew Carnegie has agreed to donate f 1(5,000. The statement is authorized that the Danish Government is willing to sell the little island of St. John to the United States, but the Government will go no further toward disposing of its West In dun possessions. It is anxious to retain SL Thomas and St. Croix. President Kruger has received a tele, gram from a burgheress asking if the ti'iie has not arrived for the formation of a corps of women, adding that she is pre pared, with a body of women volunteers, to lake up arms in defense of the inde pendence of the Transvaal. Governor Stone has reappointed Israel W. Durham, of Philadelphia, State In surance Commissioner for a full term of three years. Mr. Durham's former ap pointment was to fill the unexpired term of Colonel James II. Lambert, of Gov ernor Hastings' Cabinet, who resigned Jim Jeffries is still the heavyweight champion pugilist of the world. He da fested Jim Corbet at Coney Island, Frl day night, in the twenty-third round of their fight with a decisive knockout. Tl. finishing blow came as a sudden and startling surprise. Corbet had been mac ing.a wonderful battle. When s woman doesn't take any Interest in bti housework When the least tzcrtion tires her When her back aches constantly ber bead troubles her limbs pain, and she feels generally miserable, it's a pretty sure indication that her kid neys are not doing their duty. That backache ia simply kidney acne The poison the kidneys should take out of the blood is left in, and ia breed ing all sorts of dire diseases But you can stop it Doan's Kidney Pills Act directly on the kidneys strengthen them, help them to do their duty. Read what one grateful woman has to say about it. Mrs. Ambrose O'Donnell, wife of the engineer at the Columbia mills, Columbia, Pa., says: My back ached nearly all the time and when not aching I had that tired out feeling about wheie the kidneys are located! When 1 caught a slight cold, across bit loins mi the first to le afTe--d by it. till inn anvthine or bendtnc while doibff mv work Rubotit home caused sharp pains to dart inroiign me. In the morning 1 was so sore nd sti.T tint I could hardly walk, but gradu. ally it wore wt leaving only the dull ach-1 ing pain in my loins. Uoan'a Kidney Pill cuied me. I know of between ten and hf- leen people who have been using them on j Ih. u,.nvtknrMW . . . : .1 . I ---.. " , ,j inuwiuvuuaiHIlll. a ld ' Knot hesitate to tell anvone thai I certainly! think they are a grand medicine." Doan's Kidney Pills are sold for 50 Cents nff tvT 7 wtw.Millmrn f I i Buffalo. N. Y.. sole aeenta for the United States. Sent by mail on re ceipt of price. For sale by all dealers. Remember the name, Doan's, aud; take no other. I Wanted. III.. o . . . . A"" vi iwmersei county. t m pay fl 00 for a copy. Address this office. Bedacea Bates ts Sorth MincheiUr, led , via Pennsylvania Eailroad. For ineotinzof German Baptist Breth ren, at Jiorth Manchester, Ind , May 29 to June 8. 1:), thu Pennsylvania Rail road Company wiil place spr; Utl excur sion tickets on sale May 21 to June 3, 1090, from stations wt of Baltimore (not in clusive), and south of aud iiicladinj Sun bury, at rats of one first-clas limited Mr for fie round trip. Tickets will be ifood returning until July 1, inclusive. Sees Ccb&j Agree With Ton? If not, drink Grain O made from pure prains. A lad v writes : "The first time I made Grain O I did not like it but after niuir it for one week nothinir would in duce tut to eo back to cotf'eo.,, It nour ishes and feds th sy.tetn. The ebil dren canTlriiik it freely with prest bene fit. It Is the strenijtLeninf substauoe of pure 'rains. Got a paokagft to dav from youryrroeer, follow? the directions in mak ing It and yon will hare a delieiorj an1 healthful tahl Inverses for old and young. 15e and 25c 2daed Extes to Washington via P. B. B. For the Imperial Council, Order of the Mystic Shrin, at Washington. D. C, May 22 24, the Pennsylvania rUi!rai will se.ll tickets to ihe e-ener-t! ri'il.lir cmiue Mav 19 21. ratumimr to Vr i... THE HEALTH CF YQUNS WOKEN Two of Them Kttpl by Mrs. Knihau. Kead tbetr letters. Dxar Mas. Pixsiiam : I am sixteen vears old and am troubled with my man thlv sickness. It is very irrcpc'.ar, ; occurring only oneo in two or three j months, end also very painfuL I ai.o -bile snffer with cratnns and once in a pain strikes me ia the heart and 1 have drowsy headaches. If there is anything you can do for me, I will gladly foiiow t your advtce. MiR8 Mabt ; Go.'iEs, Aptos, j Cab, July 31, lS'Js. " Deab Mrs. Pixeiiam: After receiv ing your letter S c yyj i I besran the " sit rjse OJ vour reme- j rj dies, taking both , Lvdia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Com- Tsiund and Blood Purifier. I am cow regular every month and suffer no pain. Your medicine is the best that any suf fering ffirl can take." Miss ilAUT Gomes, Aptos, Cal., July 6. 1899. Nervous and Dizzy i "Deab Mrs. Piskham: I wish to express my thanks to yon for the great benefit I have received from the use of Lydia E. Pinkhcm's Vegetable Com pound. I suffered constantly from ter rible sideache, had chills, was nervous and dizzy. I had tried different kinds of medicine but they all failed entirely. A iter taking three bottles of Vegetable Compound and three of Plood Purifier I em all right. I cannot thok you enough for what your remedies have done for me." Miss Matilda Jessex, Box 18, OgdeJJburg, Wis., June 10, 1893 Cures Drunkenness. eeley Cures Drug Users. THE KEELEY 1 1 tp INSTITUTE, rmsBi.K6.ri. National Bank Notice. Trescry Dipaktmest, Ofiiceol Couijitn. lero!" the Currency, Washington, 1. C May 8, 1000 Whereas, By satisfactory evidence present ed to I lie undri-stirneil, it lias been made toap. pear that 'Tti First National Bank of Rock wood." in the townof ItorKwmxl. in liiecoiin-' ty of Someret. and ftste of Fenn Ivanla, has eonillel with a!! Hie provisions of t lie .-Uitutes of Ihe United States, required lobe complied Willi Is-forean asss-ialioii slwiU be Htithoiized U comiuenc tha business of issnkint?: Now Therefore. I Thoina I '. Kane. Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Kirst v:ii.inI ltunk of Kockwood. in the town of Itorkwnod, In the county of Somerset, and state of Penn sylvania, Is authorized tocommence the bus iness of Kinking as provided in section Klfly one hundred and sixtv-nine of the Kevised Statutes or the United senc. ' . . . In Testimony hereof, witness my heal h:ind snil ik-.iI of otlice this eighth 1 day of May, 1:0. T. P. KK, Ihpttl; ami Acting (jmiUroller of the Currency, No. S3W. rpnSpASS NOTICE. Public notice U hereby given to all persons to abstain from hunting and flhin? snd throwini; down feuces on my prow-rty in Mil ford townthip, Somerset county. Pa. V lout tors of this nutlcn will tw dealt with accord ing to law. MARY P. PII.F. Mil ford rttution. Pa. Borough Ordinance Providing for ths Arret and Con viction of Vagrants and Tramps. Be It ordained n n1 enaetol bv the Kurgess and Town Council of Kiskwood tMiroutfh, In thecountyof soitierset. .suiU? of Pennsylva nia, and it ts hereby ortbtined and enacted by the authority of the iwme: 1. That from aud after the passnee of this ordinance, all persons suspected of ts-ipg va gntnts or trumps shall be arrested by the Hii;li Constable or Po'ice otlicer, and be de tained iu the borough lockup until such time us they 111 ly lie examined by the Hurgess, and on convietlou thereof shall he lined not less ttutu one dollar (51.W) togctner with all costs. 2 When any person slmll hnve been ar rested by virtue of the above p:tr;ientph. or by direct authority and dirtctiun ot the Kur gess, charged Willi being a vagmnt or tnimp, Uruiiaenness or the violation of any oilier p-ice ordinance and convictsi of the otlense charired. and shall refuse or le unable to piiy the tine imposed for such ollense, the Iturgns may compel such person or persons to work upon the public works or streets of the bor ough fora period of lime n t exceeding one dty forencli dollurof the line Imposed. Massed finally at a regular meeting of the Council May 7, lAiO. j. d. Mn.i.rp.. Attest : Pres. Council. W. H. H. BAKER. Clerk. Approved the Oth day of Slav, 1W. V. K. BAKER. Burgess. SHERIFF'S SALE! By virtue of n certain writ of fn-ri furlns Is sued out tf the Court of Common Plcus of Somerset county. Pa., to me dlrecbil, there wit; be exposed tose.le, ul Ihe Court House, In Somerset borougli, 011 Friday, May 25. 1900, At one o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, to-it All therieht, title, Inteivst, clslm and de mand of CliHrbsi 'hesitiutw-.MI. of, in a:-d to a certain piece or b: of cuiurut situate in the town of Wluuher, P.tint lowiisii.p, Ko':r:e:set c inly. Pa., and known and numis-re,! nn ilie 'Veil Plan" of lots as lot No. t, ironiinj Isleet on Centre street, and extending hetckof tmr'l width 1:17kJ Ufl to IMh Mku having Vtil A venue on the one s'de rind snolher 1:1, now or late of J. H. Veil on the ot her side. si,id lot having been conveyed to Cileries I bestnut wood by deed of John H. Veil and wife dated iid Dec, 111. recorded lu lJced Record lor Somerset canity. Vol. V 1. p. nn-1 luvin thereon er.-et.-d a Iwo-siory frame dwelling house iix-is f,i:i, wi.u liieappuiunairces. Taken In ex.vutlon ai d to be sold ns the property of Charles IJIi.jluut woou at the suit of A. M. Bloom. Terms : NOTICR All persons parelifisin at the above sale w ill p!eris-take notice llmt 10 per cent, of the purchase money must be paid when property is knocked down: otherw! e It will a'.'atn Is.- exposed to sale at the risk of I he first purchaser. The r. -si, hie of ih - purchase money must be paid on or Ix fcre the day o: confirmation, viz: Thurstiy. May :I,"!;U1 No deed will Ik acknoTtcd-g-jd until tne pur chase money Is paid In full. SherifTs Office, ) J. B. SAYF.O'.t. Somerset. I'a. ( bberir. Carload r Fancy, Recleenetl Seeds Now being offered at prices beyond com petition. Call and inspect our SEEDS before making your purchases, Huying in these quantities enables tis to boy di rect from the Largest Seed Dealers in the country. We have SEEDS i f all kinds Timothy and Clover, Orchard and Elue Grass, etc. Mail orders will receive prompt atten tion and correspondenx-e solicited from parties desiring to make purchases. rLOUR and FEED DEPARTMENTS Always well stocked with FpeJ and Grain of ail varieties. We are offering great iudiicsicents on all cur High Grade Minnesota Flours, Call and iuquire uur prices. Don't forgrt "OIL MEAL" is the most nutritious ft f d for stock. Try a sack at once arid see the results. WANTED -JQQ TONS Baled Straw. Can lost! at any point In the cowIt Partic having any to offer will please write or call to see us. I We are ths argest Ueceivers of. tu Products in the Connty. Farmers ' having ToUtoes, Hay, Wheat, etc., to I ffer, call to see ns wben ready to marhet your produce. Rcfpectlully you is. J LL LsV Write tor tree Booklet Grass IK I BEERITS, The Ueadquarter." DM IN ISTUATOB'd NOTM'E. Estate Cf EHiabr-'li Rymn. l.tenf Brothers, vaiify lowr.sbip. dee'd I-tte-s of sdmlnlstntion on lh nl-rve e Ule having leu itrallej to the drei-rs'ned by th proper auiieruy, nuriw i l!"n b inv Ollloai' p i.ons in lei. e.1 lo a-hi e U.'e U inakri ) i. ill it" jwyni'iil. I Hi"e to'!-! cl i si-- uu.t trie ssine-. pcf .-,.t lb lo iii' aineeiT.'.l f..r t ui. merit on slui Hie iOiti tl-y ( M.iv, I "1. in til-l-."'iii; i " Niiair.st.r-untyai.ils ..".:t--i J V.M; I . 1 i :l- Ailinii;ls' t. 'oi aDMIMrtTKATOliri SCTK K Kstfi of fJeerts F. I'eitr. iilao'sn iii' iowusbip. Soi.irr-t ciui ty, rt. tiee'd. Ia .-ttersof administration on tUtwv-t trie having been i;iiaie.l Io iln. i:ii':erii;:a iy ttie pr.if sii'norilv. rufe Is iier.tj" n toall ersjius iud tiled to said ests-tr t.' - iuiint;u:at.- p iii.-i.t, and thse bjvias'- S against tne s.,r.:e to tresetii th-n uu!y a -tuentlcaia-d .r ii.-nlerii.Tit. on "atiirday, the tul clay of Jirne :(, at the siorv t' ttie ad ministrator, In sti.de ues-nsi.tp. John v. ltF.nz, Hay, Att ys. Adiumijitniw.r. A UMIMSTi'vmiX d NOTICE. Fotate of Dr. J W. r-nrothers, lateof Hororrset Doroui'U, Soncnu.-t county, Pa,, die d letters of administration on trie above est; le hirViiiK rs-eii gniuusj lo the uu;lers!ned by ttie n.rs r authortly, notice Is hereby t-iv-cn toili pcr.m.s kiiowitur the: ;se;ves Indebt ed tos;:lj estab- to innke 1:11-1 -liate payment and lhoe bsviu cle.imaor diinands airainst tile iiiinc U pnis'iit them drily autnenucated for 1 1 lenient on Thursd&y, the 21st day ol June, 1X), ut la'? residerceof d,c'd. KLUAMiR K ' ItorHKW3. Adtaitiistratrix of ir. J W. Crothe.-, dee'd. UDITUR S NOTICE. lu the iriaitersif t ho estate of William Fritz, Lite i f KrotUersvaUey township, Souierse conuty. Pa., dn- d. In the Orphans Court of Somerrset Co., Penn'a. ?!ay 2, l!KO. on nioilon of . I oho R. Scott, Em., atlorney for W. H. 1' itx and S. W. Kiiir, uiiiuinistrnToia, the imlirsrgned was sptsnuted auditor ill Siibl -:iie to make a (li-tribulion of the fund in tli- hands of the iidiiilnisiratorH to and amom; ihme leirrtlly eiiuiletl thi reto; also, to fix ihe. amount due the widow, and ascertain advancements to the heirs, hereby jrives notice that hd will sit to discharge the duties of hisarP,lntment at his ottn-e in Somerset, Pa, on Thursday, June Tib, at one o'clock P. M-, when and where nil parties in i ale rest niuy attend If tiny see pro tier. JOSF.PII LEVY. . va) Auditor. E XECUTOIVS NOTICE. E.tate of Ad.im Poorban-th late of Larimer township, uxtacd. Letters testarnrntaiy on the above es tite hrivlr. been tntnl 'd U the undersiitneil by the pnier aiuiiority. notlcis litreby i;iv en to all persons Indebted to said esbtte to mrike Immediate ay tueiit, and those huvlnir ciitirns axainsl ihe ime to present them duiy autheiuu-ikted ftr settlement on siHtiiniay, Juue Si, IJW, at the late rcsideni-e of dee'd. II. B. HEAL. Executor of Adam Poorbuugh, dee'd. J. L. Puijh, Albirney. JXECUTOU S NOTICE. Estate of ieinre T. Lonr, late of Somerset towusliip, decctsed. l.etters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersijtued by the propirauthonly, notice is hersby giv en V) ail Krsons indi-btnl to said estate to mnke immediate payment, and those havinfi claims HKHiust the same to present them duly authenticated for istynient, at late residence of dee d In sun: .vwnshtp. DE W AKUEN H. RFYNOLDS Cumberland, Md., Eyecutor. N TOTICE. The underslnncd hen tv ti-"s notice thnt he has made application to the Secretary of Internal Allans for 3 ncn s of unim proved land situated lu Htonycreek town ship, Someisct county. Pa., adjoininjr lands of Joseph E. spunitler on the east. Edwnrd Liindis on the south, William and .Martin shank ou the west aud U-nrgd MosioTVr ou the north. ALIiERT E. RATH X. May K 1X0. Puli.ra. OF Valuable Real Estate By virtue of a certain onler Issued out of th Orpliansi Court of fromcrset county. Pa., I will oiler at public sale In the borough of S.unerset, Somerset county, Pa., at the Court House, on FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1900, It 2 o'clock p. m. the following described real estate, late the property of Elizabeth Kayiuan, dee'd, vn : All the following di-sorlbed real estate, situ ate in Hruth-i-v !'y township, Somerset county. Pa , r , lands of ;. W. Kuep- per, p. P. Keam. Mosholder and others, communis; forty-three (4.1, acres more or less, with a itimmI story and one-half plank house, kikhI bank barn and otheroutbulldiiiKS tbce on erei-.i-d. A sid orchard of tine fruit, well watered and In every wny a desirable home. TERMS Cash on coarlrnmtlon ol sale. JANES L. Pl ilH. A din'i of ElixaoitU it ivruari. dee'd. c OURT PK(X:LAMATION. Whereas, The lion. Jacob H. x-ic,. Nr.cklK, President Juditr of the Severn I Courts of Common P!i-as of the several ciun ties com posing the lsth Judicial liistrict. and Justice of th t ,u i-ts of 1 yer and Terminer mid tfen enil Jail Delivery, for tiie trial of ail capital and other ojr- nders in tiie suid liistrict. ami (Ikomok J. Ulack and A. K lui Krr, Ks.'s. Jiidites of the Courts of Common I'hws nil Justice of tiie 1'ourts of t.iyer and T.-rminei and lit neral L livery for the triHl of all capital and oine- n.i. r in the County ol Somerset, have issued their prti-epts, and to me dlrecte-J, for hoidiiiK a Court of Commoi, Pleas and (J.neral Quarter Sest-ions of tin Penceai-d ! nerai Jiui Deiivery. and CouiV 'if Over aud Terminer at .Somerset, on MONDAY, MAY 23, ISOO, JiOTICKls hereby p'ven to all the Jcstic-s of the Peace, tiie Cinner and Constables within the saij ceunty of Somerset, that tn y be then and tbre In their prop rjersons with their lolls, reiv.pls. inijutsirjons, examinations and otiier reniemhraiices, to tlt taosc th;nts which tc tln ir odi.u and In thai, behalf pertain to be dune, an.l also thev who will prosecute aicninst the prioners that are or shall be In tiie Jail of Soar, rsct County, to be then and thereto prosecute against them aa shall be lust. JAME3 B. S.VYl.OR. i-bcrifr. Hamb'etonian Stallion, ALHA1V3BRA! DRAFT STALLION, FRED ! IV" v lhrf.vMr.n!ii hfwi ,1-n. n m v-i fn-ri untu iir'. man any "in' I ton tvr nwn.ft lo Hit rountv. ThU tli will !, lf.r( i,k lk f a 14 ,..,t..,i K.i...K ...... ....nit' -r ni1 l4 111 ..(0 1 iiiHiir'H marp vi'h fnl. You want U P. HEFFLEY. S Hornc-Stewart Co. I DRY GOODS I For Summer 1 Shirt 2 Waists. S o : w aa J New Oxford it Madras g Cloths Rich effects in white such as you will want for a joar new sliirt waistj. f riiiin and strip3 cficcts a ia Cheviots and Osfoid o Clothe, 50 cents a rard White Madras, wiuirais- O od Mercerized stripe a rerv prottj .'lirg, 45c I a and C0c a yard. g 0 Imported Swisses, with S embroidered stripes and dots t dainty sprinj like colorings S 50c and GOo a yard. I Sjnuiipii S if you i want them. ----vt r -r-- y f (4 .. .uiiii ' i ii r.ri.an.1 rsrtn tinr lug Ihesison. Ttiis hoes.r n. ejs nolsnslinir. as his ret hio-o Mild for more money, and" p-o liiei nio--so e I and fist.r thai anv In the county, aotue having gjne t'emile.ii Will ...... .1 r . . ... . .. 233 Fifih Ava Pittsburg. S t rv P with the TT-V.M. mui Kn f the biifest stock rnd nf matin!?, 1 i si jour jiutvusr--ana saY3tho tm. mm nr. V ua lirirr un ss Onr eompleU l'lutrtd cfttalorao, ihowlnar many rtvleaof hl h rrada vahiclea, harneaa, robes, blanketa, and doth quipmenta, with datalled deacriptiooa of each, mailed free. Write Itir It ami learn bowebeaplr jou cawa bay whea Ut Jobber and deader a proJU aie cut oit. THE COLUMBUS CARSIABE & RASHES. CO, Furniture' KOFFROTH'S. Do not fail to see our 1900 line of Furniture. eT stvt in the latest finish Golden Oak The line is ably doined a-, it's well made. The cheaper, end in a way thoroughly jiu;.,.. ry; the higher cost end with certain kind of elegance ajji Carpets, In an up-to-date line McCLIXTOCKS The displays were ncv. more complete. So many new ideas ia design, finish, color mechanical construction. L arv C. H. MAIN CROSS STREET. StSSXt PLUMBING tr If You Want the Best M IN RANGES or COOKING STOVES that can le produced at a price no higher than inferior goods, then call &ud iiun.ir.e in the lollowuiir: ; : m e I ? 'a Car ands, Majesties, Coumbians, All guaranteed to give satisfaction and at price lo nit til jJJ ranging from $7.00 to $50.00. P. A, 7 &&?;SH3omerset, Pa.?S.( WHEN IN WANT OF PURE DRUGS, CHEM ICALS AND TOILET ARTICLES, PHAEMACY. 408 Main Sreet, Somerset, Pa. Our stock is complete. All goods guaranteed. 8 Our Specialties: Sparkling Ice-Cold Soda pure and refreshing fj with a numerous variety of flavors. J Impcrttd and Domestic Brands of Cigars constantly on hand. 3 G. W. BENFORD, Manager! .rf Public sUtion for Long Distance Telephone to all rwMnts in the3 U. S. Rat nioiloratw. Sunday pay ZiUilllUUliUlU&lliMU xllome Comfort is : I Home Beauty. . . . I rk j-on wiir.t to beautify your home by adding a nie rbn:ber Suit. ParW S. lit. Side IV r l, Tarlor Stai d, ltockror Toilnt Sut, if so, low priori pr- at the New Furniture an House Furnisbirg Goudt Store of Oppo lie B & O. Dspot 4 J "1 :.,.., Sloyc'town 5talio.i. -aA ..Lj, llLllI ltll Z I jl '" a:';5-; 's-.-n'a ThLa"'rt """"Ele Boildiaj ia the World. Owned and Occupied Eiclusirtlr By lit. National Bank Notice. Tc r t T-1. , r . . tlLce ot tompuoiU-rof the Currtnry. V'1 ;i fitoD, D. C, April ivs here. I.v tLr. . 1 P-ril.ii -ihe First Xim..niil lult Lit,,; lht-.-u.tn;., of t;;e Li.lte.1 HiaN-.. n-.iuni to i l.nt,. tvl 10 c"-uce toe buMiuaa of j v, . . h.-n-bT 7.. n 1 V- r .V! ' "'SV""?' a .o.nneooe." in u sv";nU"!T rf'--'t. a Bt..e of IVu ?ues- oi'V- i r"' "1 U" r' ",u-"' t'- b" "1 Ifr Vr 1'"" ',rUVld '" '.' UtiV- Strict of the Unit, d Stitei. irl, li tjstimmy vbrreof. ritn my -,.sf.i. i u:,;n ,-K of ,.rn,., ,h. t em nn n I1 p TiTO T1rrrT. 1. and fullest assortment with but one mnrlernti, Tsr,.c. . ,'. 05'TtI s.vj v. . iuiii aiMtd r- 1 plan of selling diret:t from Uie factory inmrti sau ; 01 j vour monev back if vou're dissatisfied with loi-. , - I ,K1. . . ,'s cmimn ws iu dsater's crcfil P.O. Bex 772, Calumbat, 0. - j and Karpetsl -AT- i C0FFR0TH,. SOMERSET, PA. & HEATING. our ctrrplcte Etock, tnilraccd S Call and examine, SCHELL, i899j 3 3 I . i Fine Box Stationery, "Aloha" Brand. 5 D.'lic'ui Csnfections ij Original Packages. station at Hotel Vanne r. Wholesale Prices to Users. Our General Catalogue qao.es them. Send 15c to partly postage or expressage and w-'j1 send you one. It has moo p3j- 17,000 illustrations and qiiJ'S "prices on nearly 70,000 th-sp that you eat and ne and We constantly carry in stoci a articles ciuoted. unuTinutDV WiSlO A CO n. w uvi.i - VTOTICE OF AFPLH-ATIOS t't-3 IN Cvj:t roisATioN. In Ibo Court nf Coinm-n I'lw f-'r th lVH"' Jfirtiw i herel.y Kiven that an ai i will Ih- m:u! u, 'hn Ju.ttf f 1 ,.,. theSMh aay of i!ay. A 1. 1 ..a .. in tii f..reu.Hm. un.l. r the t -rp; ' .,.-ty-.. or lh.ii.n,l eiLiit huiMr"! a ( r , , j ftir,-an.l ihe "PI'-r"'' "u;.,,,ti3 ' i.u.t, ' K f..r .Ii. w-1 1 1 1 rm . twi- nu t nV nn itltrU.te.1 rorpor.it i"n j tl.e !L .Msry s 1 etweyn -""''J- ,,.r pr-t. hut tor the purr; ,,f "T, " j .... n...!. i.-:il ront rtt.u .::a tits mnibrni and Irvttin .)14lw its meaiwrs aim . p..j lr,K oul .f the si.ie t.n:ep.ii e.i i-tise of J. .- ' ' . .a all trM riehu..tK.ieB-.anJ Pr by the aala at and I,- 'r K K,-E " .SMlll" rn the bwitiiifu" to SirforJA Co "f"- ' Hava joo en wax figures at if lla-tt. clusiva. I iHMMtKUMtiF9mtj Deputy a.,, Cr,yt;trr W il.c f.v tha relehrated U. A rrracy. i ii. v worth seeing.