The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 31, 1900, Image 2

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The Somerset Herali
COTABD8Cl'U Kdltor and Proprietor.
January SI. 1KJ0
It was & great thing fL-r St-uatr
J lav bea lie c ntractetl tbe liabit of
l'H)kinz iilra-siint, whether the i!t:ni-
r. blooms or not.
tENATK I'tTTKiKEW sajs be has no
for ffenator VoIooif Not many
di.vt ng Senator Votco-t otaile -ery
good une -f twna'or IYttiprew.
Deb vtin'U sK-ietins thai tackle the
relative merits of expectation aud real.
:'zlio:i h.iv; au interesting olject Wson
i.i the Hritih experience with htiioa
K .
As ax orator Bryan s'rikes an wv
xiotiul fro-t in the eiietii.v'i country.
Wben be preeuts liiiuiseif as a eainli
dite next November be will run agai:;it
another glacial epoch.
A IiECIsioV by Judge Ktewtr, of the
luited State-Supreme Court, incident
a!ly hold that the new century lejius
January 1 next. Ttiis exhausts the le
gal a.stfts of the case.
Soithkkn expuiou etitiment ha.
grown to such au extent tbat Mr. Iiryan
thiuki il advisable to begin trirmuiog.
JJ'Jt a S uiherner who lo .k for a real
expansive -)iicy in that ttuarler is not
familiar with the Iiryan re rd on the
niciC-iIAM II. Jtti.'iKuls. itie fiolyga
mid, who a ele-:ei tot'oiigros from
Utah, was refused hi neat by the House
of Iljprepx-utati"es on Thursday. Tlie
matter was argued hr several fiajs,
bome twenty having Iweu
inaile, and Mr. Rotier: was allowed to
plead in his own behalf in a talk of an
hour and a half in Itngth. The final
vote on the question of allowing him
ti take his seat resulted GSagains't.and
.jO in favor, and Mr. Roberts is aga n
back in private life.
Komeksi.t (or.vrv can be depended
upon to send two republicans to the
Legislature this year who will vote for
the caucus nominee :"or United Stales
Senator, whoever be may be. They are
firm believtrs in the principl of ma
jority rule, and are determined to wipe
ut the blot placed upon their reputa
tion in this respect b.f the individuals
who no wilfully u:iMt"prcrit'd them
iu the last Legislature. The Insurgent
cause was never tiopu!ar in Somerset
county, and it is cert inly less so to day
than ever before.
"I li ave not foun.I a man yet who
was for silver in Is:m; who is not for it
now," says Byan. What about Sib
ley, of IVnnsj lvauia ? Sibley was so
strong for silver in l-SH'-i that many prr
soiis at the time thought that he ought
!o have leen oa the ticket with Bryan.
Ixits of other old time Bryatiites are
against him now. I'or a man who is,
iu the interest of his candidacy, con
tinually on the wing, Bryan se s very
little that ingoing on in polities That
"(i.ofK'.OUi'' of 1&; will lie a good deal
xm.iller than this when the votes are
counted in 1!KH).
Now Coiigtcssman Sibl-?y launch
es forth as a o)itical prophet and prr
licts that Seuator Q'Jay wiil tie sea ted
and will have votes to spare. He sys
he has jiersonal knowledge of a nuin
tier of Democratic Senators who will
vote in favor oi seating Q'lay, and that
for every Republican who vo es in the
negative there will tie a Democrat who
will vote in the affirmative, lie also
as-uns that a number of Democrats
will speuk in favor of seating Q isy
when the question is debated. Sena
tor (Juay and his friends express the ut
most confident in the outcome of the
ce, and are anxious that the question
hi submitted to a vote of the Senate.
That two to one vote by which the
Pettigrew Philippine proposition was
baten in the Sena'e the other day has
demoralized and disheartened the Agui
u ildists in that chamber. An occa
sional speech is still made in Congress
in favor of the Tugals, but it is clear
that the friends of the rebels now see
that their defeat will be overwhelming
on any division in which the suppres
sion of thi insurrection aud the reten
tion of the islatd-s by the United Slates
are involved. AU this ought to have
Is-eu foreseen by the enemies of the
(Hovernmcut from the lieginning. C
perhcadism is just as contemptible now
a it was a third of a century ago. The
flig-furlers w ill get as little quarter in
1 KJO aa they did ; u I vii
A few mischievous persons in Con
g vsa aud in tbe Legislatures of several
of the States are .rying to get the Uuit
e i (States to violate its neutrality and
take sides in favor of the Boers. Iowa
a id New York have just sat on some
of these nieddleis by adverse votes in
their Legislature, an 1 they have met
w'.tli reverses In other places. It is all
Tight for persons Vt have sympathy the lJocrs.. Tlr are thousands
of jiersons in the United States who
a wishing the two Dutch Republics
s iccess. It ii wrong, however, forth m
t try to make either ti e JViers Eng
1 ind or any other !eple teiieve that
fie Uuited States is going to use its in
fl lence in favor of eiiher comlmtanL
This country w ill keep its bauds off in
this conflict.
Ix a lengthy editorial uuder the cap
tion of "Congressional Candidates,"
the Johnstown IViuocrat of a recent
date predicts the renomiiiatiou of Coq
griuan Thropp and says, amot g
other things, that "he (Mr. Thropp)
has made some kind of an arrangement
by which the opposition to him iu Som
erset county will lie perfunctory, des
P'le the efforts of the tuayites."
It would be very intererting at this
stage to know the source of our neigh
bor's information as well as lo have an
insight int tbe "arrange mi nt that has
Jeen made by w hich the opposition in
8 'uerset county w ill lie pefunctory."
It is true that an "tirangeineut" was
made four years ago by which th votes
of the Sooitrset coir.ty conferrees were
delivered to Mr. Thropp, and that the
ra'iie sort of an "arrangement'' wis
made two years ago. The Republicans
of the county have been duped twice
by this peculiar kind of au "arrange
meet" and they propose to see to it this
year that the parties to the former "ar
r iiigements" will uot have it iu their
jhi et to do it again. Somerset county
will have a candidate for Congress this
year who will not run in the iuttrests
of Mr. Thropp, and will not make any
".iTraQgerUeut" with him after he has
carried the county. In figuring out
Mr. Tbropp's renooitnaiion our neigh
bor ill have to revise i's figures mo far
a Soaierset cj iu?y is e-.mcerued. j
Captvr 159 Bilvlia Botdiarc on Sploa Kop.
Boer H ead Laaoer, Ladystnith Jan.
21. 6 p. iu. The British dead l"U on the
battlefield jenerday numbered i,5o0.
Lo.vdos, Jan. lis If the Boer report
are to be aoee ted, '"the abaudouoienl ol
spion Kop was duo to tbe inability of
the British to resist the Boer attack, tbe
bojt carrying the first trenches and
taking 150 prisoners."
Tbe fotlowing despatch has been receiv-
in Loudon from Pretoria, dated Jan. 1
via Loureuzo Marques, Jau.S:
Tbe government i-4 dvisd ibxi, alter
heavy hirl.liut near Spion Kop, noma
BriUsb on the kop tine sUtrujed hoisted
a white flag. One hundred and tiny pris
oners. ;d be thanked, although we also
had to give brave and valuable lives."
Boer Headquarter., M odder Spruit, Vp-
per Tugela, Jan. 24, luidtngbt, via Lor-
euEi Marjues, Jan. io Stmie Yrybeid
burghers troin tbe outposiaoc the higb-
et hiilt of the Spion Kop group rushed
into tbe laag'xr, saying tbat tbe knp was
hwl and tbX tbe Kuglisb had taken it.
Keiurnrcfnients were ordered up, but
cinhing HiId lie done for some time, lbs
bill being emeloptsl in thick uiiL
AldiwQ tbe Heidelberg and Carol in
conliiigents, supplemented froTi other
commandoes, began tbe ascent of tbe hill.
1'bre spurs, precipitous projacliont
f.tced tbe lier puoitions. Up these tbe
vance w as made, Tbe borsea were left
uniier tne nrst terra-e oi rock.
Scaling tbe steep bill, tbe Bonis found
tbat tbe Kaglisb bad improved ihe op
poituuiiy and entrenched heavily. Be
ta een tbe hues of trenches was an open
veidt, wbich had to he rusbed under a
benvy fire, not only from rifles, but of
lyddite and shrapnel from field guns.
Three forces ascended the three spars
en ordinately, under cover of fire from
the Free State Krupps, a Creusot and a
big Maxim. The Kuglisb tried to rush
the Boer with the bayonet, b'lt their in
fantry went down lefire tne liner ritle
tire as before a scythe
Tbe Boer investing party advanced
step by step until 2 in the afternoon, when
a while flg went up and 150 men in tbe
Irout trenches surren lare 1, biug sent as
prisoners t-i tbe bead laager.
Th B'er advance onlinued on the
two kopjes east of Spion Kop. Many
Buers were shot, but so numerous weie
tbe burgbers tbat tbe gaps filled auto
matically. Toward twilight they reach
ed the summit of the second kopje but
lid not get further.
Tbe British Maxims belched flame, but
a wall of (ire from tbe Mausers held the
Lnglisb back. Their centre, under this
pressure, gradually gave way and broke,
abandoning the position.
Tbe prisoners speak highly of the
burgher who, despising cover, stood
sgainst the skyline edges of the sum mil
to shoot the Dubiin Kusileers, sheltered
in tbe trenches.
Firing continued for some time, and
then the Fusileers and the light horse
serving as iufaulry threw up their arms
and rushed out of the treucbes.
The etTect of the abandonment of Spion
Kop by the Knglish can hardly be gaug
ed as yet, but it must prove to be im
mense. The Times says : "The most carefully
planned and executed movement of tbe
whole campaign has entirely failed, and
it can bsrdly be necessary to dwell upon
the extreme probability that we shall
learn, a litlle sooner or a little later, of
catastrophe almost without precedent iu
our mili ary history a catastrophe, in
deed, without a parallel except iu tbe
surrender at Yorktown.
"We are cheeked at every point of the
campaign. Iu fact, tbe campaign is still
t.. begiu. We wish we had clearer proofs
that even now the government has any
adequate comprehension of tbe situation
The utterances of responsible miuisters
havfc 'one nothing to reassure thecouu
try on thi puiut."
Talked ia Eil Sleep.
Chkster, Pa., Jan. 2j James and
Amos, or "Pinuey," Pierce were com
nutted to jail without bail this evening
afier a btariug tbat lasted all afternoon
and tbe brothers will have to answer at
tie March term of court for the murder
oftieorge. B. ICyre.on December 21. w bote
body was found Sunday last ou au islatd
in tbe Delaware river at the mouth of
Raccoon creek. I'p to tbe last witness it
looked as if tbe case would fall, as not
one witness of tbe '20 connected tbe
Pierces ir tbe most remo.e way with the
murder, but tbe last witness created tbe
greatest sensatiou tbat bas yet been iu
jcled into this sensational case. This
witness was Miss Miry Coben.of VVil
mington, Del. She said that Jim Pieice
cone to her house on Friday, December
22i, and called her to tbe parlor, and that
after supper they went out together,
when Pierce bought her a watci and
some other articles. Continuing ber tes
timony, tbe girl said Pierce returned to
tbe bouse and during tbe night beer if d
out In his.sleop; "Oh, I did it! I did it!
"W hat did vou do?" tbe t'ohen girl
aked, and Pierce, awakening, said :
murdered him ! I murdered him!" and
continuing he said that he and his broth
er Piuuey bad shot and killed Eyre, then
bad sunk his body in tbe Delaware river
at tbe mouth of Raccoon creek. In bis
recital of the story she testified that
Pierce told her he and Pinuey weie gun
Ding with l.yre and, being short of
Christinas money, he shot Kyre in tbe
back of tbe bead, killing him instantly.
He and Piuuey then took Eyre's money
aud valuables, and, tying tbe legs, sunk
tbe body. Eyre's boat wasalso sunk.
Mla-sCobeu said tbat she did not tell
any cue of tbe confession of Jim Pierce
until the weight on her mind grew so
burdensome tbat one of tbe inmate of
tbe house, noticing her worried appear
ance, asked ber what tbe trouble was and
she told her. Tbe story was then given
to District Attorney Sini'.h and Chief of
Police Berry.
A Standard Among He w tpaperi.
Rf fleeting in its widening circulation
and increased advertising patronage the
prosperity that marks the opening of I he
new year. The Pi'biirs 'limts more
Ibsn ever impresses uikmi its readers the
excellence of its high standard and the
success of its efforts to make a model
paper for the iudividt al and for tbe
family. Tbe Times is a newspaper
sparing no pains nor expense to cover
the world thoroughly every day, tbat its
current page of history may tie complete,
and in its longer range of overlooking
nothing tbat occurs at home. It is clean,
diguified and reliable, certain that no
la-k of thexe features can lie made op in
otTeusive sensationalism. It can be taken
into tbe family circle with confidence
tbat it columns are filled with whole
some instruction and enteitsinment.
Wherever known, the Times is recog
tized as the best type of a concise, crisp
aud complete newspaper, and anion?
newspsper men it is tbe publication with
m-hich comparisons of excellence are While Tbe Times is Republican realizes that others have a
r.tftit to t-e on earth, and tbat politics are
not everything. Wben one cent a c"ay
will buy a morning psper it is foolish to
be witbout oneu Tbe Times ia three dol
lars a year or six cent a week, and is
wotth tbe money.
Trains Collide la a Saow-Uoroi.
(Yxbkruxd, January 3a Three mn
we rs injured, one fatally, in a collision on
the Went Virginia Central and Pittsburg
railroad, three miles south of this city, to
day. Frank Winterxtein, fireman, Cum
berland, was severely scalded, and rosy
die. John Nee. conductor, Cumberland,
aud R ibert Allan, engineer, Siuclairs
ville, W. Va., were badly injured. Their
train had become stalled on a curve, and
owing to a blinding snow storm it was
not ptroived by th crew of another
freigi.t train in time to avert a collision.
E02EBTS S-Djtcr.3.
Th Home Adapted th Majority Hcpcrt.
WaSHisoToy. January 23. The cas of
Eric barn H. Koberta, tbe Mormon itrpr
aentative elect from Utah, which h oc
cupied no much of tbe attention of the
House since tbe assembling of Congress,
was decided to day by the adoption of a
resolution to exclude biiu by a vote of 270
to SO.
Tbe exact language of tbe resolution
is as follows:
"That under tbe facts and circumstance
of the case, Brtgbam II. Roberta, Rspre-
sentative-elect from tbe State of Utah
ouehtnit t l ave or bold neat in tbe
House of Representatives, and that tbe
seat to wbich he was elected is hereby de
clared vacant.
The amendment to expel Mr. Roberta
without seating him, offered by Mr. La
cey, was ruled out on a point of order.
and the House only voted upon the reso
lutions of tbe majority and minority of
ths committee. Tbe latter to seat and
then expel Mr. Roberts weie defeated
M to 2U.
An analysis of this vote shows that 170
Republicans, 72 Bemocrata and 2 Popu
late voted against it, and 71 Democrat, 0
republicans, 2 Populists aud 2 Silver Re
publicans for it.
Tbe majority . resolutions, to exclude
Mr. Roberts and declare tbe seat vacant.
were adopted by 27ti to 50. The afBrma
tive vote was divided as follows: Repub
licans, U',1, Democrats. 9S, Popo!it. 4;
and tbe negative vote. Democrats, 47, Sil
ver Republicans 2, Populists 1.
There were over a score of speakers to
day, and the closing speeches on each side
were particularly able. Mr. Lanbam. of
Texas, closed for the majority, and Mr.
DeArmond, of M issouri, for the minority,
Mr. Roberta was present throng bout tbe
day and only left tbe hall after the result
of tbe last vote had been announced. As
be did so he gve out a statement justify
ing .ds retention of his piural wives on
tbe ground tbat his moral obligation was
more binding upon bis conscience than
technical obedience to statutory law, and
s tying tbat there was no excuse for the
extraordinary efforts to crush a system
already abandoned and practically dead
He said he was a "martyr to a spasm of
prejudice." He would not, he said, at
tempt to run for Congress again, although
be would go back home with a light heart.
confident of tbe future.
Failed to Kane the Dead.
Pottsvillk, Pa., Jan. 25. A Seventh
Day Advenlist caused a sensational scene
at a funeral here yesterday by a deter
mined attempt to raise tbe dead. A citi
zen of Potterville, Augustus Chubbuclr,
bad died, and just at the close of the fu
nerl services Advenlist Leander Lane
drove up to tbe place, entered the house
and without ceremony stalked toward
ths opeu colli n. Stretching forth bis
bands amid impressive silence, in a loud
voice he commanded :
'Young man, I say unto thee, arise and
walk r
Tbe undertaker remonstrated with
Lane, but he continued to exhort tbe
dead. It was necessary to call help to
eject him from tbe building.
Lane said afterward tbat he hitched up
his horse and drove to tbe scene, not
knowing where he was going. He did
n t know the man was dead or that there
was going to be a fuueral, aud was lei
there by au invisible power.
AU FUipinot Look Alike.
Washington, D. C. Jan. 2i Acting
Commissary General Wuhtou haa re
ceived a personal Wter from Mej ir
George R. Davis, Commissary of Sub
sistence, attai-bud lo General MacAr
thur'x divi-iou iu the Philippines, dated
B.sutisu, December H, 1SHH, In which
he says: "We captured Mabini day be
fore yesterday, and to-day he was sent
into Manila as a prisoner. He was
Auguiualdo's brains. lie was the man
tbat caused all tbis trouble It is a great
blow to the iusurgeuts. It looks as
though we might have Aguinaldo in a
few days, but all tbe natives look alike.
and if be were to dress as a laborer, we
could not tell bun If be were to come to
us, and tbat causes tho dilSculty in cap
taring him.
"Tbe officer in command of his escort
was killed the other night and another
was wounded, so you can see how close
ly h is being pressed."
Olleit Ttrini ia the 8tte S3 Tears.
Bei.i.ekoxtf, Pa , January 2i Among
the most noted and prominent women in
Centre county are Mrs. Sarah Rhone,
widow of Jacob Rhone, and mother of
Leonard Rhone, es-Master of the State
Grange, and her sister, Mrs. Young, wid
ow of Jobn Young. They are tbe oldest
twin-sisters now living in Pennsylvania.
B th are as active as most women are at
m. To-morrow they will celebrate the
S:tb anniversary of their birth.
Mn. Rhone and Mrs Young were born
at tooirD, mis county, January 2X, IMi,
They are Cie daughters of Leonard Ker-
B tetter, a German, who was one of the p'
oueeri of this section of tbe Slate, and
one of tbe tallest and in t powerful men
oi loose aays. haran and l.vdia were
members of a famMy of eleven children.
Judge Mitchell Stricken.
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 2)1 Justice John
I. Mitchell, of tbe Superior Court, suf
fered an attack of paralysis at his home
here to-day. Uis entire right side Is
affected and bis condition is regarded as
quite serious.
irs no use
A wan simply can't make any sort
of success in business if he's tortured
with backache.
Tbat means if his kidneys are out
of order.
Backache is rea'ly kidnrv ache.
It is one of tbe first indications of
kidney disease. Ifs bad enough of
itself, but it leads to a great deal
Unless it is stopped.
jDoan's Kidney Pills
B There's not a form of kidney trouble
that Ibis wonderful littl rm. n
not cure, and tbe people stay cured.
ir. J. .. Jing, Justice of tbe
Peace, of No. 31 1 Union street, Beth
lehem, Ta.. says:
,',' -"lerablT ovrr three ware rince I
told tlx- re-ms 01 Beihlthcm throoKh our
ncwMisprr that DoatT. Kidney PUU had
Zttl .1 'r The pain and l.m.-nri
----- - K--Ti to re-cnaonr Iloan'i
to the representations made lor it."
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale br all
dealers. Price sccenU a box. Mailed
on receipt of price bv Fnat-.r.-ii
Remember the nam
'lake no other.
Try Grata 0! Try 0rin-0!
Ask yoor Grocer to-day to show you a
pa -ksge of GRAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes the plac of ooffe. The
children tnav drink it without irjnry as
well s. th. adult. All who try it. l:ke if.
tSRAlN-O has that rich senl bro n of
Mocha or Java, but it ia made from pute
grains, snd the most delicate stomach
rM-eivesit withoot disfis. J tbe price
r'r" ,5e- 2i ct- Par package
Si-ild by all grccara.
Followers; ol Flinn and Atarlia
Disheartened by the Work
of Democratic Allies.
The Drilllaaf Yon; Seaator Scored
m irrat Ytrtorr la Secorlna the
ptropriat loa Far the Icania
Staae Dock For Lragu laland.
(Special Correspondence.)
Philadelphia, Jan. 30. The action of
tbe Democratic state committee oa
TbnrsdaT last in adopting resolution
declaring Villiam Jennings Bryan to
be the choice of the Democracy of
Pennsylvania for president was receiv
ed like a bomb in the camp of the Re
publican lnmrrcnts of this state.
Thin element In the Republican party
that follow the leadership of David
Martin In this city and William Flinn
in tbe western counties in opposition to
tho leaders of the re,iular Republican
organization have been hopeful of con-
tinning their alliance with tr Guffcy
Democrats in the canvass -v mem
bers of the legislature this year. Be
fore Guffey went to Harrisburg the in
surgents warned him against allowing
the Democratic state committee taking
up the Bryan movement. They de
clared thHt if it became known that
Guffey's friends were committed to
Bryan a large element of the Demo
cratic party would refuse to support
his candidates for the legislature. This
would defeat their schemes for fusion.
While the insurgents could control a
certain number of Republicans, this
number would be small as compared
with the Democratic vote in any local
ity where the full Democratic vote
must be polled in order to defeat the
regular Republican nominees.
H is known that Guffey fully appre
ciated the force of this argument from
the Martin-Klinn combine, but he also
realized that his personal following
among tho Democrats is composed
largely of the radical free silverites.
who fairly worship Bryan. When he
landed In the state capital he soon dis
covered that the boys were determined
to declare for Bryan for president re
gardless of the wishes of their Republi
can allies, and the Bryan resolution
was presented at the state committee
meting, and it was adopted without
a dissenting voice
The Bryan standard has thus been
raised over the IVmocratlc ramp, and
If Flinn and Martin pr p is to continue
to array themselves against the Repub
lican party and its regularly nominated
candidates they must fight with Guf
fey under the flag of Bryan, stand ac
cused of supporting the Chicago plat
form and everything else that Bryan
Ism Implies. Many of the former fol
lowers of Martin and Flinn will not
go with them into the Bryan camp,
and Guffey ennnot under any circum
stances ret the sttpport of the sound
money Democrats. Mr.r.7 of them,
rather than accept the Bryan platform
of the Guffey contineent. will rote the
regular Republican ticket, as most of
them did in the McKinley enmpaign
four years 8?o.
If the rold Democratic leaders of
Harrisburg had been allowed to tell
Bryan their private opinion of the sit
uation it would doubtless have been
that the committee was simply taking
ono more step to reduce the already
sadly diminished strength of the Dem
ocratic party In Pennsylvania, and
that there is not the slightest likeli
hood that he will be able to carry a
dozen out cf the counties of the state.
During his stay in Harrisburg Mr.
Bryan delUcred himself of the usuh!
npoech about the Chicago piriform, re-
iterattug his intention to stick to It an l
d?elanng that unqualified devotlcn to
it was the true and only test of Demo
cratic raitfc. At no time did he hold
forth theslightcst encouragement to the
tens of thousands of Democrats who
hsve no svmpathy with the Chicago
platform to return to the party; he
harped ajrain on the silver oucstlor
with his customary emphasis, and cave
1113 followers distinctly to understand
that the battle of 1D00 was to be waned
along the same lines as that of 1896,
ith the exception of his new depart
nre on tne fesue of anti-imperialism.
Put it w.-s a pomewhat unpleasant
circumstance that ia the midst of Mr.
biyan s appeal to the Democrats of
Pennsylvania for renewed fidelity to
the silver issue an announcement was
made at Harrlsbur? on behalf of the
rnt Pennsylvania steel works in
Meelton that on the first of March
there would be an advance of waees of
about 10 per cent, and that more th.n
5.0OO men would obtain the benefits of
Phe Increase.
Senator Penrose finds that the labors
end trials of two United States senator-
chips which have been upon his shoul
tiers since the expiration of Senator
Qucy's term are wearing heavily. He
nas scarcely bad an opportunity to
vlEft his home In this city since Christ
mas. He Is kept at work nieht and
day at Warhington attending to the
many oiuciai responsibilities which
come to him from his constituents in
every county In the state. He has sys
tematized his correspondence, and he
always carries an immense batch of
papers on h's daily rounds of the de
partments. He made a determined fight
to no; c- League island equipped with
a stone dock such as would place it
upon a piane wun me great narr
yards of the world. There were many
onjectioiis irom members of congress
from stais far from the seaboard, who
at nm tailed to appreciate the im
portance of this proposed improve
ment. Hp Pr.lly succeeded in remov
ing all oppni!-it,n with the aid of sev
eral members of the Pennsylvania del
egation tn tbe house, and last wectr
Senator Penrose had the satisfaction of
seeing President McKinley attach his
signature to the bill making the appro
priation lor me worn. This sions
dock will mean much to the industries
of Pennsylvania, especially the iron
interests, it will meau tbat supplies
for the bnlldlng and the repairing of
great vessels will come from the Iron
ana steel mills of the Keystone state,
mat tbe lumber Interests of the com
monwealtb will be drawn upon heavily
and that every manufacturing inter
est that furnishes supplies for vessels
win tind an outlet for its products in
the rapid development of League Island
as a shipbuilding and repair station of
me united States nary. Senatcr Pen
rose had all these things In mind when
he be?an his fight, and he never lost
track of the main lsiuc throughout the
lone drawn out coyest which has re
sulted se successfully.
Tried Fit Dociort.
Mr. France U Sains, of Missonri Val
ler, writes she had severe kidney
tmiihle for years, had tried five doctors
rt'hont benefit, hut three bottle of FO
LEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a i er
red cure. All Druggists.
Siarifi for 1333.
Hgrstown and Iancsster Alinanara.
German and English, for llMO a:
Fisher's Book Stork,
.ii .iciu aisn gm tout rinmuiu fens
repaired, and Farmers, Merchants, Coal
Oneraiors, Business Men. Laborers, and
all others can buy any kind of blank
book tbat they may require.
Chis. II. Fjsher.
i r. or tnree good parties to join me in
the purchase of 1,400 acre of semi-anthra
cite coal land in Arkansas. Coal and land
have been thoroughly examined by me,
and tbis is one of the chances of a life.
time. I will meet any persona interested
and give theui full, particulars. This coal
la smokeless and almost Bootless.
Address Geo rob W. Kemp,
UarnedsvUle, Pa,
It'a folly to suffer from that horrible
piagueor tbe night, lu-hiDg pilea. Doan's
Ointment cures, quickly and permanent
ly. At any drug store, 50 cetua.
Tlie Kind Yon Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-srood" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health cif
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and AViud
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Twr eeirrauii commnt. tt murhiv fmrtr. n vom cm.
RAAfffTftltftfArtfrAI MA A
The Smith Premier Typewriter zl
Lilier ia
5 nZ
Out Descriptive Art Catalogue Free.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Company,
A Dfctionii7 of ENGLISH,
Biography, Get graphy, Fiction, etc
bo"cr investment col
International 1 V:.1j ! r:: I
vuluhle infon'i;.i i'.r: :.:t f.'J iz
nn.l mind. lli.i no: j v. lui ly us.
other lietio;ii7 i.uho voriiL I
. . AUo Vebster'i Coll
Glotatry . etc First Uji
M""- waa.HM miJi ci
'os. Home &Co.
Jackets and Capes.
aope will h MnlUl to eomfort. TojrriCiciy, reb. 23,
our mind Ihe (Jolf Cw in thit must orr- ! I o Vine It p M
niler irMriiient
natty, stylish, heeominir to the youni;
woman a.t to the elderly woman.
Our Jacket and Cpp are fr bplov
former prie,; sto-k takini in just' ver
and these have bwn marked in a mannf r
to make them find nnw ow ners quiekly.
Send your measure to our Mail rd r
Department if the idea of saviuj a uea.
sum' pleases you.
Golf Capes at $7 50. Former price of thi
stylish Cape was 512 50. The eolom ar.
uMued. plain fare eloth with plaiil
hood and plaid bick, just tbe k ind thtit
matrons like to wear.
Golf Capes in bright and sulvdued color
atflOOO each, which formerly sold for
f 15 00.
Blue arid Mack kersey and ' heviot Jack
et, double-breasted liox front, are now
reduced to $5 00 each, former pries
$10 00 and J15.00.
LiKbt weight black and tan Jacket, of
cheviot, Venetian and covert cloths, tl
front and tight fittiuir, lineil tbrouKhour,
with plain and fancy taffeta; heavy
weight black cheviot and kersey Jack
ets, fly and double-breasted box fionts.
The former prices of this linn wer
1 15 00 and f IS 00 you choose now from
tbe assortment at $10 00 each.
A"e r sell ire fip fnrs rfr ehesn.
Tbis applies to tbe finest sot of fur-
Sealskin, Persian Lain h and Mahln W..
have, of course, all tbe iM.i'iilsr sorts, ami
anyone thinking of investing in furs will
do well to pet our nrii-es before thev di
anything. It is a gon,fi tim to bnv, as
all good furs will uudoubiedly be much
niguer next season.
How'i Thii I
We offer One Ilnn.lrm) lv.ilur ruu .i
for any case or Catarrh that cannot lnt
curel by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
J. CU E.N V. A CO , props. Toledo. O.
We. the undersiifned hst e k hhu-k P I
Cheuey for the last 15 ver. and beiievo
him perfectly honor. in sll bume
transactions and tinancisHv abl to rs rrv
out any obligations nnde.'by their firm.
Wkst A Tbi-ax. Wholmala Droctris'K.
Tolexio. O. WAi.niMi Kinan .t Mar-
vis. Wholesale I riifzist. Toido.
Hall's CaUrru Cure is taken internals.
acting directly rpon the t.l.sM) and
oons surface of tbe svstem Pri r..
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall'a Family Pills are the best.
Two Weeks' Tour via Pennsylvania
The first Pennsylvania Rail road Inn . if
inesfsson to Jacksonville, allowing two
weeks in Florida, will leave Nbsj V..rlr
ano rniiaonipnia l-ebrusry a.
Excursion tickets, including railwav
traiispor'stioo, Pullman accommodations
(one tiertD). and meals en route in liotn
directions while traveling on the special
train, will hoid at. the following rates:
ewnrk,f.i0lj Philadelphia, j prris
Nirg, Ksliimors and Waxbington. JH8 Oil
Pitlslsirg. JVtOO. and al proooi lionatH
rats Inmi inner points.
For tickets, itineraries, and other infor
mation spplv to ticket agents, T(llirjar.
Agent at. ll!3 Broadwav. New Vfirk- X
'"orrt Mrf.t, Rnsiklvn; ,) Itrosd .Street
ewaik. N.J; It I ',r,...iT. Jr. Pt-
enifer a gent Rltimne Drstil'-t. flsln.
Mils C!in mikI.i- l'sn
Ag-tit Sotitn eastern Ii-t"i-t. WwIimi
U.u D C : Ttios k l'..u..
Agent Western Iitt)ct. I'ntsi.ii' r. p.
'lM W. Boyd.,nf ii.nw.1
Passenrer Agent, liroud sstretl fcttt- -.
Bought, and which has been
has borne the flsmatnr f
has been made under Ills per-
ftf-f-1- fconal supervision 6lnco Its infsncy.
J-eUcAt&l AHnur nn one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
infll4afal Alfft I M f.
Uniform Work.
Mechanically Superior.
-. ,aj -M-a.-.,.j'.j; , i AILUf j
il I j v.z.lz V.:cti i:i a copy of the
j v..!u:::3 ij i.:t storehouse of
a('. fjrta far hand, eye,
us tta:u'.:-.l i--'.'.:or.:r tLan any
. chuuM i.i every household.
giate Dictionary tri'.j a Ccottish
i iu quality, sucouu .a -jite."
v mjx-a?mr&mijn-TKhKx-
By virtue of mndry wrilK or Fieri Kacian,
ifn racwtmin t-iniiiiuiil h.X(iia iwanl
out m iiit.ourt in t4inni4in t lw o! SiMiifr-
M-t L'oumy. fit , ami tj me rtmvirtl, iht-rc will
br i-xmm1 t Hle at tue Cuun liuuse in
fHilllt'lnel Kiruugh, ta
tlie follotrtiig dWribiHl ri-al eU', to-wtt
All the rluht, title, interest, claim and dt
niand of Alinil bi l.tnrie of. In and t- a
-ruiin tract of land situaf in aiI Iivmi town
Klilp, r-oinrisi-i CiMinly. I'a., containiuc w
Hen., more or !-. aix.ut :tacris cn-ar.
aiice iiinucr. U'lj.iluui lands i.i John
jieiamicy, rnincis jivi. hranx Nicklow-
aiiu in lit-rs. nil vi Hi increini erecitsl : ihii- ml
a half atory Iok u-llui)f liniiv, Maine and
omrr iuiiuimiiii;, wun tneaiiiiU'U naiic.-s.
l:iken in exis-iition and an me
property of Allrvt W'lietKtoue, al the null of
u. i. iiwu x uru.
All th rluht, titl-. Interest claim snd de-
iiiaiiii oi ii.iuiei t,. i,i.-ssi;rr of. in ami lo a
c -riain larni or tract ol Unci situate In Stony
vi-r. u nunuii, rsiniersci t-ouiily. t',i cou
tiliiMii; IT.) acres more or 1- ss. atiout 1-Marr.s
clear, lial.nue ilmtx.-r. adjoining lands of l-Is-it
CiieMiier, AI-. Waiacr. J. 1!. iiill K.l-
waru i.isiis, w. H. ilmmut, Mrs. tptiraim
Mrant, u y. f t ineuicyei- snd others, navlug
Itirrrun ertvieil a two sto'y dwelluuc lious-.
umiik bam -juxliM ft . wasti housf. wad..ird',
spring liou-c and other outbuilding with
tlir a ppuru-nunc. a.
T..k, n in execuuon snd to be sold ss the
properly of sui. l K. Ulc-sm r. at the suit of
Albert K liltwner, executor of fcdwurd
tiloui'.er, deed al.
All the rljrht, title. Interest, claim nnd de
mand rf J. .'. ,-h fix of. In and lo lue loilow
tiiK ;li-scritef r-l estate, to-wu :
No. I. A certain lot of round situate in
B-rnn borout'i. Somerset lount v. ., hound
ed on I lie north by an alley, east bv lot of
li.orge itbiel. south by lot or Win. Mender,
west by me pub!ie ro-id. having tb. ?reol
er-ted a Iwotory trains dweilinjr house,
stable and other uulbunulns, wttu the ap-pui-teuaiices.
No. i A certain lot or parcel of around
ns M.'mold. ak'xisu f.-et. adioiiiunc
lol.i , i.iuin. -v L.iik, J. M. Ik-rkey. Jacob
lu-m r ai d .i Krtrsnnrer.
laken in exeevoon and to be sold as Ihe
property of J. v;. fibeets, at Uie suit of Love,
tiuuidiuie A (. o.
All the richt, title. Interest, cl:lm and de
mand of Win J. Jieltaven of. in aud to a
re rutin farm or tract of land situate iu Addi
son Uiwnsiiip, somerset L'uuniv. Pa , contain.
liuf Imi acres, ab. nt ;VO acres elr, bulaut-e
liiub-r, lauds of Jasper Aueusunr
Lr. W. K Mitchell, fsaiah SUU r. Asa Jar
estate, Joseph lieHaveu and tne National
I'iKe, Im vim; thereon erected a tw.rsiory
fnmie ilweilinjf house and stabie.
Taken ill i-Wllllull and lo be sold ns the
J properly of Win. O. DeHaven, at the suit of
li. L lriiu t Uru.
All thelsht. title. Intei st, cinim an 1 dr.
ins ml of .Martlia Jane -rtoss and .la.-.i ..-r-loss.
ol. in .and lo sll of a certain dwelling
house una the eastern half of two rohnUoii
bus nf -round nituste in tne boring . f
KiM'kwo-xl. s.iTiierset roun'y, l'.4snd known
Slid iHiliiltered ol tlie ifeneral plan of -aid
huriii(!i as bus Nos. ); 8P1 iM- Uirg 7o
siUare r. et of sld two lot Osmund. Il .und
eu on thr north by the I!. . rail nnd. eat
tiy n sllev. siuiiii hv Catsclman river, wesi
by !i of James D fitrhtieid. havlin; thereon
nvru-d a two-Mory framr d veiling bouse and
outbuildings, beine thesmie pivuitses winch
fin nea. J, Weimersud .Hary K , his wife, hy
deed dated M-tolier -t. issa, conveyed lo u-iiu-tus
ts,r ii, mi Aurtisiu.t.oHi sml Nor.i his
wile, by deed dausi ti-tota-r f.. Is;.!, e.n-v. vel
the sanie to John Kyn. and t.v John van lo
Hota-n K. Kieni iu. by need ij.-itri Oct lu-r IH,
1st!, end by le.l.n K. kieinan To Msrth
J me Z-rtoss snd Jacob ZrrfoM, by deed da Ud
Man-h :il. l4i .
Tken in execution snd to he sold the '
prop-rtyof Maritit fnir Zerluss and Jacob
jCenoss, at tbe kuli of U.iDerv K
N"Ticr Ml persons pqrrlmslnr at t-e
Blovenlr will plr.lw uk' iioii-e tout 10 rr-r
ernt. of u,,. purrtiMs,, monrv must he jld
wh.-ii emperty Is kms-knl down: oihrrwisr it
willHit-iin u-j,rat thr ns of the
ftrst purrhaser. The residue of the purrliase
iiioii.'T mut be rld on or lfure the day of
e..nflrnmti..n. tir.: Thunuiar, Man-h 1
l!iu. odeel will bearanowledised uutu the
purchitne money U pnld In full.
SheriO offlee, therliT.
Jan. ol. I! 00.
Otr.ce 1 IJn-JT Park Bulld g. PITrsni Rti. P .
t'r limSntiry a'fi.f.'Kr. nrv-i nn.f!.
ted fo.- amiiorat. liirrt.natinv .:. itrd
qocrt pRot-LAMATios. PLUMBING & HEATING. :5
U-H,..,, The Hon. jAcon H. Los:.i- , "" V I
,n-"iVrldrtitJud)feof .he severs It ourta t.J . ft!
o Common Plea, of the several couiitlescni- I T V Al 1 I
rIin",r.ct, snd Ju-na II I ij Ll f
1,1 theVotirt.of 'jersnd Trrui. Her and fell- J s" M 5
en. I J: I s ilver: f..r the tri .l of all rapiu.
,d .M.Voaeil.-r.lit.e -.Id l.istricl. and 91
i..i,n. of rhe four's of . iver and Tenniner
and .ieneral J Is llvrry lor the trial " an
eupital and ..(her ...lend.-". Iu 'he t oumv d
somerset, have issued their precepts, so l lo
me directed, for holding a Court of I omniou
'es and tiencral yuirter session, of the
piTiieaiiiUienersi Jail lMlvrrv, and Court
if O-erand Terminer a l tSomerset, on
KOKDAY. FEB. 26, 1300,
NoTiruls hereby ffiven to all the Ju.Mce
of the Pce. thr I'oroner and t:o"-u.' ies
within Ihe said ciainlv ol smieiv I, Hi mey
la' tlieii and there III their proper pcrso.. wl;b
their rolls, reconls.intui.sinMii',eaiiiiiistioia
and other reiiieiiibrau.t-s. to do thin l!im
s-hich lo their omce and in that behalf ap
pertain to be done, and also luey who will
prrei-ute acalust th prisoners that are or
hall be In the Jail of Somerset fountr. be
then and there tt prosecute ajalnst lUem aa
shall he lust. .
siici-i ir.
jTix ; iVteivx6tr:ji
Not'cr is hereby Iven to s'i p ism con
eernrsl i s lexlees. cisiitors nr o' iierwise.tliat
the lolloa iinf accuun's h n. p.ssel r-irisUT,
snd ih'tt tlie same will h pr.M-nled for con
flruiation and si ow nice alan Krphaus" Court
to ue held at Somerset, Pa , oil
Wednesday, February 28, I9C0.
First and film' account of Amy Henry. ad
ml'dslrator of Mat! hew Henry, ueed.
K-rsi and filial six-ounl of I lura H. shstr. r
slid Mnhloii r. K-'iisn, aduunlsirators of
Samuel f. lU-inia . deed.
Kind and final ccount of Josiah M. l('oiii;h,
aduiiiiistnitor of .u.ieiiau i hloiiKti. deed.
First and li'al ae nun! of iiireu Murray.
adiiiluistrHlor anu trustee oi L'rias Murray,
U.r .
First and fins' account of Philip It. Walk
sr, sxe -uir ol the .a.twiitund testament of
1,-inaiihe Phil ippi. deed.
rirst and fin- 1 mtimitt of Allwrt C. Klcher.
auniinistrator of 1). M. Ijsip. deed.
First aud final account of Jaine Lambert,
exeeuierof liairiel Custer, deed.
Se.snd account of W. 1. Vounkin, admin
ls!rnur of Jaisib t", Youkin, a-cd
Ttie acrounl if praiik ItilUier, executor of
Jeremiatl J. hitlner, deed.
Account of l-lnanuel M. Berkley, guardian
of Vinnie V lierkley, mluor child of txra
Berkle; , deed.
First . uu final ne-orin! of Harvey Miller
and latiiarihe Miller. trust-es itir the :.le of
V- ns'i stair of Jacob P. Miller, deed.
Fl -st nnd final account of t. P. nhaiier. ad
mnsiraioroi 1'jvia ilarnnarr, tis:-d
first and ni al winunt of W H. Krllzand
S. W. l-iiu. idiuiuislratois aud trustees of
W in. f r tz. i ecd
t-'itsi slid unal acount of Joseph Aurran
Ir istee for thr sale of ibe real estate of tlunl
Aumnii. dr d
r irst and Unal account of Wm. P. Hay, ad
ml'ilstrafor aud trustee of Samuel Neider
heiser, cecd.
somerset. Pa.. JOHN S. SH AFEIt,
Jan. 41, l:o. Ketjisier
Ainir.istratrr'fi Sala
Real Estate !
Pusuanttonn order cf the Orjihans' Court
ut souiersi'i Lounty, 1 will oner at uh:ic sal.
on tin premises, late the home of diaries
HeDdricks, lu dloyestowu. Pa., oa
Saturday, February 24, 1900,
At one o'clock P. M
the following described real estate:
A certain tract or pucei of land situate
the eastern end of lie isri.uu ol Stoyeaiowu,
county ol somerset aud stale or Pennsyl
vania, adjoinlt-g lands of Jerome Stutl'i and
Pitishutv sill Metllord Turnpike, bavins
tbertsin ereeieil a very' ftussl two story trame
awrlucir House, suiuiner Douse, siahle auu
otbet builainiis, two good pmiK, fruit trets.
Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be
paid as msiu as lue properly is knocked
down; balance on continuation of sale and
delivery of tbe deed. Possession given April
1, 1!.
Administrator of Chanes tleudricks, deed.
The undersigned having been appointed
auditor bv the Orphans' Court of eomerse:
County, Pa- to made a distribution of tin
fund due presently, as well as tne deferre,!
payments uol yet due. In the hands of Yalrn
line Hay, aduilnlstralor, d. b. n. c. t a., .
Tnoiuas Price, deed., realised in the State ol
Pennsylvania, to aud amonir the hetia and
leual n presentatlves of said Thomas Pr e.
deeeasisl. entitled thereto, hereby Kives notic
Hint lie will attend to Ihe duties of said ap
pollltllienl on Wednesday. Ihe 2tst dav o.
February, I '.. st hisoflice in tlie IsimiiKh oi
soinersei. Soo.e-.. ounly. Pa., at Uloeiis-k
a. in., when an w -- all parties iiiler-steO
run attend if ln - proper, or lie foreve
ta.rred from punicipntinx tu the distribution
lu any part oi said estate.
J. I. Pt'fJH.
A uJitor
To Phenice Walter, of flavrnport. Nebraska.
Annie White, rei.idenie unkuowu; Joni
Waller, residcme unkuowu.
Y'ou are hereby notified tosppearat an Or
phans' Court lo ta liebi al snuefHet, Pa., on
Monday, the -jilt h day of February next. t
as-ept or refuse lo lake the real esiate
William Hauifer dis-'d. al theapiraissi vu
iiu! ion. or show cause why Ihe same should
not lie sold.
SheritTs Office, )
January 10, !'.. ,'
Thr undersigned having Issn a.iontei1 nn
diuir by Ihe O.-phifs' Court ol .-smerse
county. Fa. lo distribut lie funds in tin
hi nils (1f Kranris Hrsnt. sdiuiiiisimtorof Ma
inda K ireon, d s-d, to and among those leiril
ly entitled ther-'to, bcreiiv utve notice thai
he will attend o i h d m iis. fsaid appoini
inent st the otlice of Coiisirn A l 'nib ,rn. in
"omers-t. on Tuesday. Feb. i:t, . li. Itniu.
I n'ehs-k in the afternoon of sai l day w hir
and where all persons interested can attend
If they think proper.
Jonuarj-1". IWO. Auditor.
Estate of Istnlel I). Johnson, late of Snnimit
township, s nnerset county. Pa. dts-'d.
Letters testamentary on Ihs aisive estati
having las-n granleii to the undersigned b
tiie proiier autbortt v. notice Is hes-tiv i?iv..i-
to sll rs-rsons lndehte in said est.iie to iiihr.
iminediate piyineni. an.! those li . mir.::iii...
against the same to present thm duiv au
thenticated for settlement, on or ls.fore Sat
urdny, theiMth day of Februarj-, iMuu, t lut
residence of d-ae'd.
IRi n .iiitrvsinv
John R. Si-ott. KiM'uii'ir.
In re 'state fin Ihe Orphans Court
of J of Somerset County
rinaSchrock, dee'd (. Pennsylvania,
stli Janusrv. IVOl. on neiiilon r ici.
Miller, adoiinislrator. eir , of l'rl.ih Si-li k.
late of letlerson township. dee'J, (Mt Chilln
Ihts) the Omrt appoint Jonn o. Kiuiuiel
Ksii . auditor to m.s- a ilisiritiiuinn ..r
funds in his liands lo and anion those enti
tled thereto.
F.ntrsct rrom the Ket-ord certUltd Jan
uarys, 14X1.
SKJ Cleik.
In pursn.ince of thr forrKnlne mmili!,.nn
be auditor abovr nsmeil will attend at his
olti.- in snwrwl boning-, on Thursda- thr
h dav of February, iw.i, to perlorm the du
es named in the above nmi .ii..i,.n
which all persons Interested will please take
Jiillvn i."iutr
January 12, 1900. ' Auditor.
In re estate of JunvesO. Atchison, dfe'd.
Ttte nn(lrmitrnr'1 niiilltnr rini. in.n.i
. - . i i '
nv Tnr nniDr Htltlmrirv I.. ri iu .1 1... ... .1.- I
ftin.1 I n n.u i,... ui . !
: - ".iifii name, aumin-
Isinil-.rto ml aioonv tlnwe lcnllv rut 'tint
tlu-rrto. hrrebr elves noii-r lht he will it
al bis .tt!re on WnlnrsilHv..lanuHry :ll, l's)
at I o'elix k I. M . when aud where all uurtiea
interested can atunil.
VbrlsU-ni Hmlth
I. a Id
J. I it
II, r
In the Court of Com
br her nri frleu
mon r Ira a of hui-
LonrjJ I. nileriua
erH eouniv. Pa..
o K. Srnl. f .H
MiiUin J. Siiiltb
Al'asub. tn lilv m
, 'O I T. K Si.
Tt ilt'tiin J. Smith, Ihr iUral i,J atxicr Hanvl -
V01 ore herrhy notified to and apneiir
at tin- nexi C ion of C.mimon 1'lms tur Hom
ervi roomy, to hr h-id at vimi-rst-t. p. a
thr th Monday of Kebnmry 11 jq 0 2iit l!
dxvt to riiwr a roinplitint j,f -hru.t,H
Sm-h. yo'ir wlfr he pli.ln-i;r klsiv- immil
n 1 hnw chush. If any vou Kktc, why y ur
"ltd wife sh"U.d not e divnn-od frotn the
houdsof ma riinonv rn'rrwi into with viu
re-enl.'y to ti,r pmyer of h-r petition an i
lliH-l exhihitrd aif.iu-l you lirfote Mid Conrt.
Sh. riff OrtlT, J. n. SAVtiR
Jan. 1J0. J u,i,ir
Es!ray Haifer. .
trsniisslre on th nrnmlm rr v. --
nnd--rlnrd. rrsidlny In Sotnrrss-n township
on o- shout the 1st dy of Jniiry. iu,
redrnd white spoitnl he'f. r. upB t u he
1 yea- old nrxt spriti. of oi.ii,rv , rot
dehororl. Thr ownrr Is herw.y iioiirti fo
"'"i-1 an t talcn hrrnwnv nnd pry thr rliuivea
anlxpeiis or .he will tie di-poard of ac
Conll'K to la .
Jiiuy-jr X, itM. JACOB O. K1MMKL.
FOK RKXT Dwelling houe. corner
Union and Plenwant atreeta. r--ntlT -cupitd
by WillUtu Winter. Andrew,
Parker Trk.t,
227 Indiana avpno.
Waabintto i, D C.
' V V 1 1 L. U1U LJC I
Tho rirrnlucrrl at ft rirlrn nn lii rlm- t . .
" "-r inferio,
goods, iLcd call and examine oar cc-mplete stock, tailracf(j
ia the following:
All guaranteed to give fati faction nd at pitc t0 fL:t 4 j
ranging from $7.00 to $50.00. Call and examine.
1 1847
408 Main Sreet, Somerset, Pa.
Our stock is complete. All goods guaranteed.
g Our Specialties:
mp m-ns
Deficio s Confections in Original Package
Sparkling Ice-Cold Soda pure and refresbrsg 3 1
with a numerous variety of flavors. 3
Imported and Domestic Brands of Cigars constant
tr on liunJ.
W. BENFORD, Manager!
T-Publle station for Long Distance Telephone to all poinu in th 3
U.S. Rates moderato. Sunday pay station at Hotel Vanuear. 3
KlUiUlUlULlllUUlUllUiU iUUiUiliiU'dLiiUm
ft ',
E. L. Simpson.
The Great Sale and Exchange Place for
and Wagons.
Immense 5tock of
Robes, Blankets, Harness, Bells,
Whips, Etc.
7 Car-loads
Of the very latest Portland" and "Swell" Bodied Cutters
and tioh Sledd. Call at my wareroomd on Patriot
street and be convinced.
I Somerset, Penn'a.
I Home Comfort
Poyen watit to beautify jour Ir-me I y addii'c a riiee C haruber Suit. Par!.r o
Suit. Side Bard. Tatlor 8tard. 1'fekeror Toilet Set, if . low prices pro-
vail attbe New Furniture and House Furnis-liii g i;,-d Store of $
0,-posite B & O. Depot.
5toyctown Station.
QO&C. CrC0C82OC8XS: OD-C C6C8TX C83C8CHKOCKfiffiXffl
v mamc am m
Horne-Stewart Co.
I Goods.
Dainty bits of whiteness
j (or your spring sewing.
A rare selection to choose
Ii::a Lr. ns
Y'.Clcrli L.Vii".
S Beautiful fabrics for un-
derwear children dresses,
etc.-ioc to 50c a yard.
J Ve WH send samples of
any particular line if you
say i ust what you want.
23S Fifth Ave., PitUbjrj, Pju
! MHMMtii.
Cut Flora, Foiled Plant?.
I all kind of Arti-tic Floral Dei-r.a
furnished on .hort bIl iell
lelepbone it our or.
Tthnatotcn, Ji?
v a. j 4 a V II l Ul ailu.
- MaMaMMaAa,AM
Just Received 1
Cuts the Price, js
Home Beauty.
::::A. L. Martin.
The neatest, cleanest and be! r
in Somerset for meaK Kverythinj
aeaiwin, carefully prepareil and t tB'I-"-te
prieesi. When you rouu to ti'B lr-f
the "Whit Palace" and 1 bitf-py-
Shinmnt of Vrash fvstert rrcri'
daily and for sale in ijiiatititie to
auit the pun-ba.srrs, t
Cook .t Beerita 1 ChoeT,.
L. Shaffer's.
liListie Coal
The Best and Finest Fuel
ever sold in Somerset.
I have secured the exclusive rgfriv
nell the celebrated Linlieeoal In th
onjh of Somerset duriuu the couiinf
on, and am prepared to deliter 'h
at an) time from thin date, Sept. 19. '
Order, can be left at Baker' Art Sw
where they will receive prompt K,?0"",1'