The Somerset Herald lOTlSB SCCLL, Editor aa FropHetsSr. .5wmtera MS. Goebex would not eonsivier eivil war ia Kentucky too larg a price to pay for the sQceess of fcia utterly selfish politi cal schemes. The Re-pub; icaa National Coasmit tee will nwet in Washington on Decem ber VMi to oanie the time an4 plaf? for the next Xttioual Onvention. Lkxtesast-Colosei. Barxetts plurality over Creaky was 110,X), ami State Cbairmaa Billing ia proud that he kept the figures under 2W,0OG. That alleged Popula revolt ia Xe bnsk was Lc visible In the returns. Tas Pops are a bump oa a log even in thX fctate, once their stronghold. IUide IsiJkSD opens the State elec ting of 1!M) ia April. It will be the neat Democratic ehance to put frail on tht tail of that evasive "reaction." Jjr THE United States Senate the naaber of Democrats who support the Project's Philippine policy ia grtater than the camber of Republicans who oppose it. Natiosal issues were fairly tested in Iowa, where there were no factional State sUfc. The increased Republi eaa majority ia the true index of the sentiment of the country. Nobody can excel Colonel Brjan in natching victory from the very jaws of defeat. Wherever and whenever an eieclioo is held he manages to get some sort of consolation out of it for the Chi cago platform. Socte.ek3T Democrats are by no means snited against expansion. Sen ators Daniel, Morgan and MeLauria are among those who have recently ex pressed their opposition to giving up the Philippines. The Charleston is the first vessel lost by our navy since list, with the ex ception of the Maine, whose destruc tion was a mystery. The record speaks well for the efficiency of officers and men. S'FSAToft Dasiel, of Virginia, like Senator Morgan, of Alabama, sees no encouragement for Democrats in the recent election. It is the opinion of Daniel that the Chicago platform re quires "additions and Qualifications." Symptoms of Democratic discourage ment are multiplying. The Insurgent leaders are holding weekly meetings in Philadelphia for the purpose of arranging to kind of war or something on the regular Re publican organization. It was gener ally thought that they had gotten their nil of that kind of thing about two weeks ago. But the Insurgent appears to resemble the Bourbon in that he never learns. The people who were charging th Administration with a terrible Ions of life daring the recent war are sayicg nothing more on that suhjert now that they have an opportunity to compare ir low- with th'e of Great Britain in her campaign in progress now South Africa, where the Kngtish Irsees in action in a month bave been greater than those of our entire army in all the war with Spain. Are not the members of the' McKin ley League'' a little slow about ratify ing? Surely they have cause for jubi lating. Their platform as proclaimed at their celebrated "Compare Notes' meeting has been enthusiastically in dorsed by the people. "A State Treas urer who owns himself" has been tri umphantly elected despite the efforts of the Insurgents to defeat him, nnd Republicans worthy of the name are for '-IDU): McKinley, Protection, Sound Money. It is announced through the Insur gent press of the State that half a mil lion dollars have already been raided to be used as an "educational fund' in the ' campaign they propose to make against the regular Republicans next year This ia sweet mosi to the ear of the heeler and the rounder. The man with the bag will be an Insurgent, and will have a half million dollars to pay out ia the interest of purer polit ica and re form, and the heeler and the rounder will eagerly look for his thare of the It is said that when the next I- p iwioan .National convention con- Tenet, Senator Hanna will retire from tie Chairmanship of the National Committee, and that his successor will probably be Senator Penrose. While trie members of the Committee are sup plied to elect th Chairman, it ia eua- to nary to allow thi prudential can- d date to cast the J-v!in vote, and by thia custom President McKinley w.ll have this to do. The President likes Penrose, who is admittedly one of the shrewdest and rooet capable politi e'ana in public life, I he ideal of tbe practical politician, and it is not be- believed that he will have any objec tion to his selection as Chairman of the Committee. The Republican members of the last Pennsylvania Legislature who bolted t ie caucus and refused to support Sen ator Quay are preparing a protest to present to the United States Senate a rainst seating him on the Governor's appointment, savs the Unicntown News -Standard. One of the "Itsur- gnU who refused to sign this protest when waited recently by Arch Makrel, of Pittsburg, is a A. KeLdUI, cf Som erset, who says that since the Lpgiala- tore adjourned his county has express ed itself at tb primaries as favorable to Quay, and that if there is an extra aessioQ called he will vote fr him. Ward R. Bliss, 'of Delaware, is another member who refused to aign the pro test. Geo. W. II. Koontz, cf Somer set, signed it. Maj. Johx A. Looax s death while leading his battaiiea in action ends the direct male line of a heroic family. General Logan went through a storm of shot and shell for years, but sar i ved to serve his country in civil life. His horse was shot under him at Fort Henry and he was severely wounded at Fort IXmeison. He always led his men, and no one who saw him in battle can for get the spectacle. Major Logan baa fallen in bis first fight in the Philip pines. The supreme sacrifice of the patriot has com to him, and tbe sym pathy of tbe country goes forth to his family and to his distinguished mother. Tbe nam of Logan, father and son, will have a prominent pLkce ia the tis t wy of the American volunteer, who has never yet failed to tttj tbe Cag where his country arked t im to plant iL 1 It rs now a certainty thai the sixty four national delegates from this State will be intruded to vote for the re-nom-inatioa of President McKinley, Sena tor Quay is likely to be seated by the United States Senate, and there to a stroog possibility that Senator Penrose may be made Chairman of the National Committee. In the event of these three things happening, what would Pennsylvania's majority be, anyhow, and where will the Insargnta be then ? Dxtbsso the recent campaign the or gan of the Insurgents ia this county, the "Jake" journal, while lacking the courage to openly attack the State and Coooty tickets, never found spat r a word ut commendation of either, hot, on the contrary, weekly publithed columns of matter calculated to do injury to both. It hostility to the Stat ticket and to a large portion of the Connty ticket was but ill-concealed. Iu hypocritical change of front sine the election, and its ostentatious tearing of its hair acd rending asusJer of it garments in de nunciation of the "Independent Com mittee" fba on the eve of the election ideued a circular calling on their Inde pendent brethren to knife the Stalwart Republican candidates oa th County ticket, will deeeiv no one. The circu lar of the "Independent Committee" sircp'y preached the same doctrine that the "fake" journal had been preaciiing throughout the campaign, only in a more open manner. If the sleuth on the "fake" journal, who is already so hot on the scent of the authors of the "Independent - Committee" circular that he has located the whereabouts of "on of the only two mimeographs in Somerset" will borniah the slide of his dark lantern acd earnestly follow np this remarkable clew, we doubt net but that his efforts will be speedily reward ed by the discovery that the author tf the now famous "Compare Notes Mees- icg" Circular and the "Independent Committee" circular is one and the same. But, after making this discov ery, let him not rest on his well-earned laurel, but let the investigation go fur ther, and it will disclose that this same individual furnished to a Democratic politician in this borough ILrts of carries of "Iudependent Republicans," to be sent to the Democratic Stat Committee in order that said Committee could fur nish such Republicans with an ti-Re publican campaign literature and other arguments and inducements to vote against at least a portion of the Repub lican ticket, and performed other acts of atrocious perfidy and treason to h is party that will warrant his expulsion from the party organization in due time, and when all the facts in connec tion with the matter are made known. And should it be further disclosed that the owners, editors acd proprietors of the "fake" journal were parties to, or at least had criminal knowledge of this latent piece of political rascality, which it has fallen to the lot of tbe Herald to expose, it need surprise no on. We will have occasion to comment on this nefarious piece of work in a future usue. Sans 7igaris for ti Iaiarf sat Xacaiae. From the Philadelphia lm;atrer. The Insurgent Machine, eoenpoeed of both decayed and aspiring politicians of Pennsylvania, is at it again. It announ ces, jast as it has aonooneed in several campaigns pant, that it propone to win "next time." There ia pleoty of cash on hand, and the Machine intends to grab the SUM if it can. The otBHal returns from the lit elev tion are in anal the Iaixirgents might study tliero with (noMi.lerahle profit. Crtatsy was ziven .'527,51:: ; Caldwell. Pmhititionixr, rrwived l,if72 vote ; Wat- kins, the People' Party candidal, gt IVKi, and Woods, the I'nioo Reform nom inee, ftea-ared the magniru-eiit total of -". Democrats, Prohibitionifcts, Popolisu, L'tioo Reformers and Insurgent all vot ing" trerether in a heap polled 348.0TH airtinnt an evea a.'Sh.QU) for Burnett. Bar naul's majority over Creasy was 110.494. His majority over the combined liat of opposing candidates was 87,922. Since the beginning of th Insurgent movement the Party Wrerkers have never received such a knock down blow. They mails a most desperate fight in W7 against Beacom tit Stats Tressnrer with Swallow ia tbe field to aid them. Beacom was elected by a handsooife plurality, but h was actually ia a minority of the whole vote cat by 10.0:9. Laat year the same bitter nght was mad apon Governor Stone. Be, too, had a splendid plurality, but he also was in the minority cf ths full vote, by 19,1m. Bat when it came to Bar oett, with ths Iosargecta doing their nt most and osing the vilest methods to pro mote their own canvass, tbe Repablinaa candidate not only has a plurality of 110, 0)10, but aa actual tnaj-irity of ths entire State of onwards of ST.OOO. These figures snow th rapid disinte gration of ths Insurgent movement. And why sboald it not disintegrate? It has left a slimy trail of corruption inc it bgan its firxt fight of debauchery aud bribery against Senator Pearosa. That campaign oa the part t-l the losargent Machine was probably th most eorrnpt on record. That machin ever sine has relied upon its cash to buy its way t'irougli Pennsylvania. We pre a me that it still reliea npoo cash aa its chief weap on in the fight of next year, aod its or gan boast of the amount on hand or promised. Tbe vote for Barnett shows pretty conclusively in hat respect the voters cf Pennsylvania bold ta machine mettkxis of th party of Rpcb!iuaa wreckers. Tim Kakas All Taiags Zvaa. Bon Joha P. Eikin was deputy attor ney general and Ccloael Jamsa C Bar nett waa deputy secretary of th enm moawealth ncder Governor Hasting. They refused to bow th kne to th er ratw: governor and war bounced. They bided their time and waited tor th vindi cation they knew wa- n-e to eoiue at the haDds f their party. Now Mt. Eikina is attorney general and Colooel Barnett is treasurer of th commonwealth. Hastings is over in Cotr eoanty chew ing the end of bitter disappointment, aod could not get th smallest position in th gift of th party. Tim makes ail things even. and. sometimes, a litu to one aid. Indiana Messenger. laiyasiitk tavae Frsai tas Brc. Los no. Xov. 19 More cheering news has not been received at th War Offic than that contained ia to-day's dispatch s from General Baiter. Th aasarasees which he gives that La- cnnith and Estooart ar cot likely to tli into the Boers' hands caused a dis tinrt feeling of relief to th erowd that t rorjred the pub-ic section of th offics in anticipation of bad news from th sec tion oa which th Boers were last report ed moving ia force. That th British position is stronger thaa was to be expected and tb fore there able to repnla any attack of tb present opposing army gives bop that there will b nothing more than good newt hereafter from th front. It was curious to not her th effect of th announcement that Winston Churchill was safe in Pretoria, though in on of tb Boer prisons. The popie have come to look npoo him as worthy of hero worship, and inquiries hare been numer ous sa to kia wetbus, all of which wer ended by to-day's good news. Th rtatmot, aiao. that relief waa to b given Kimberiey from tbe south waa a cheering bit of news. it indicated that Genera! Bailer's prwteno has at last started into activity all th British resources, w hich bars beea dormant so lung that hop ha almost been aban- duoed io aota quarters of any- chaco lur th besieged towns. 1 MR. H0BART IS DEAD. Tia Tia rTsaidaat Fsaaaa Awiy at 1.33 O'clock Yastarday Xsraing at Sis Ham ia Fatarso, 5. I. a TICOT Cf jaiGSTi CI5X1SZ. Strrrr a. HOBi.BT. Vice President Hobart died at &30 o'clock Tuesday morning at his residsoc in Pateon, ew Jersey. Ta news ws receivad her over the long distance 'phon about o'cioi-k and called forth expressions of sorrow from all oar citi zens. It was known that thVii Presi dent was suffering from an inenrabi malady, and th e Sorts on tb part of th daily press to keep th trua catur of his disease from the public, deceived few persons. Mr. Hobart was on of the most popular men in public life, and was on of President McKinley's most trust ed personal friends and advisers. Ha is said to hav been the first Vi- President in many years who succeeded in keeping on friendly politic J and social terms with the President, and he is credited with having used th "velvet hand of di plomacy" in such a gentle manner with Secretary Alger, that the lalter resigned from the cabinet without creating a rippl in party politics. M r. Hobart's death is a great loss to th country. Mr. Hobart's eond:tion bega to change for the worse txa yesterday afternoon. He became suddenly weaker, and his heretofore wonderful vitality seemed to be deserting him. Dr. William K. Xew ton. who has remained at his beilside almost constantly lince his condition be came serious two weeks ago, at one ad ministered strengthening medicines, but they seemed to hav no effect apoa tb patient, who becaui much or. At about 10 o'clock last night Mr. Hobart sank Into a deep sleep. Shortly before midnight he auddenly awoks and spoke In Mrs. Hobart, who was kneeling by his bedside. What his words to her were ia not disclosed, but after they were spoken the vice president became unconscious. He remained in a comatose condition daring the balance of th night. Dr. Newton ascribe the cause of death t heart failure. At his beiMe when he passed away wer Mrs. Hobart, Garett A. Hobart, Jr., Dr. Newton and his wife, and Misw Alice Wardeil, th nnrse. Mrs. Hobart is bearing up well under the shock of her ha- band's death. No ar rangements have yet been made for th funeraL but thia will likely be attended to later in the day. Aa soon as the vice preeiJert expired a memage announcing his dt a was sent to President McKinley at the White Honse. Another ir,r.i2 was dispatched to Gov. Vorhees, of New Jersey. A Hobart Tuitle, Mis. Hobart's brother, who has remained at tbe Hobart home here during the vioe president's illne, was not present when Mr. Hobart died. Washitvotos. Nov. 1. When th news of the deab of Vic President H bart was received ia Washington imme diate teps were taken toshow the repeet of the government to the memory of tbe diatingnifhed deaL Tbe White flous was clotted to visitors and tae flag that floats over it waa lowered to half mast. Tbe flags on the other public buildings followed the example. The secretary of state called at th White Houe as mod ss he heard tbe sad news. Senator Fairbanks and ex-Secre tary Foster also called and expressed to the president their sympathy trt th loss of bis colleague. Patersoji, N. J, Nov. 19. Vic Presi dent Hobart paued the greater parte' tbe day aitting at his bedroom window, at times reading tb newspapers, and hav in? Mrs. Hobart read to him. He took le f)od than usual. This seems to Indi cate that his stomach traabls has re turned. Mr. Hobart appeared to be a cheerful as ever and took a lively interest in the topics of the day as presented by th newspspem Childrta Tarrsrixed y Ogrta. Womelsdorp, Pa, Njv. 1& At th Bethany Orphans' Horn Rev. Thomas M. l, the auperinten-lent, has nn- der his care several orphaned children who are su fieri ng from mild dementia as the result of ogr stories told them by nurses and others, who thought to ter- r irizs them into early bedgoing. Pro tensor Yondt says: W hav under oir care on of th sweetest little boy, who recently cam to ns, whose life ia msde miserable by imaginary mon sters, which ha believes to be in closets or in the darkness of th night. H shrinks from looking out of th window st night. Somebody has taken a fiendish delight in filling the mind of this child with the fear of things which do not exist in heaven above or in the earth beneath or in th waters under the earth. Some people think that is th way to make children oriedient. I say it is criminal and should be slopped." fro ia 1ms ts aT4 Fa art to. Cbicaoo, ni, Nav. 19 Foorteen, women, every on of them betrothed to John A. Smith, met at tb Grand Trunk station yesterday and awaitrtd th com ing of Schmidt. They wer wholly un known to each other, bat as their wailing hours pa-wed they confided to each other that they wer waiting tut their lovers, who wer to hi them off to vineyards in California. Th similarity of their stories excited their suspicions, and a compari son of notes developed the fact that they were all there to meet th same Schmidt, aod that he had cruelly deceived them a!L After a good heart to-heart talk, and the inevitable cry all around, they went to a police station and unbosomed them selves of 14 tales of wo that wer pain filly alike. Schmidt claimed to b a fcirmer Philadelphia!!. II ecured th trunas belonging to some of th women and money from other. Tamsaa Old Eaatsr Oaad. Getttsbceo. Nov. 20. Jacob Stock, th oide-4 hunter in Adams county, died her to day, in his S31 year. lis wa a native of .ennany, having served in th army of th fatherland several years, aod arjnireila reputata for fin marksman ship. Since be earn to America, sixty years ago, be has been a very successful banter, killing many wild animals in tb o tli Mountains. In on year he re ceived JI.G) from th bounties and hides of the animals he killed. Cersasr laack ky Traia. Altoosa. Nov. 20. T. C McCartney, Coroner of Blair nounty, whil making sn iovestigatiou as to an onkoowa man found in a hollow sear tb PnnsylTania Railroad at Horswtho Curve this cvan- Ing, was hit by a locomotive and proba bly fatally injured. Th Coroner is &7 years old. Thedead man found in tho woods is suppod to hav bn murdered. B was probably ernp oyed a a railroad contractor on th ItcBnttin. . jS1 f v) KAJ3 LOttaX KXLIX3 H ACTIO 3. Ban f th Xat 6aral lagaa tlaia la Battle at tax Jaaiata. Maj. Joha A. Lt-gan, of th Thirty third (VolunWr; Infantry, was killed in aa action between Ameri.-ans ami Filipio-ro at San Jaznto. in North rn Uirm, on Ut Sunday. cablegram anaonmrirtir the sai news was received from Generel ua on th 14' h icst. The partimlars jiven in th cabiigam of th a.tiou at San Jaricto were brief. General Otis merely announced thai the Tiiirtv-thU-d Volunteer) Infantry had attacked tPO intrenched insurgent ; that j Major Logim and six enlisted ineu wer kiiieii, M..f.r l-sr.n Eillir.g while gtl- Lir.i!y lending his eo-nmand ; aii-l CapUiia Gr-en and eleven men hail wiMinie-L The eneiuj's loss was report ed at 31. The news of her son's death first cam t Mrs. Lsgan, wto lives ia Washington, in a telegram from her daughter in-law at Yonngstowo, O. Mrs. Login was jo.t entering aer earri-ige to go to th lor.g distancetilephose tiracoaversation -ith her aon's wifs egar-iicg th lAtter's in tended European trip, when she revived th sad news. Th family of Maj ir Lo gin, at Tonnytown, had been apprised of his nntirael f snd in a cablegram 7 John Morley, Major Logan' servant, w ho accompanied him to th Philippines. Secretary R.ot sent Johnson, of th Adjutant G-eneral's cfii . to Mrs. Lo gan's hoos to eoovsy to her the sad in telligence imraediately on it receipt at tb War Department. Bat when Major Johnson arrivd at th Lsgan houie Mrs. Igan already knew of her loss and had driven to thfr White H.icM to see the President and maks arrangements for th return of hr sod's body to the United Spates. Whec she arrive.! at th Whits Hons President McEinley was presid ing over a meeting of th Cabinet. Upon being notified of Mrs. Logan's presence h at once left th Cabinet meeting to see her. The mesting between th Presided and Mrs. Login was affecting, although she exercised remarkable command over herself. THE HERO'S WIDOW. Voc:o-fTow, O., November 14 A pri-va- cablegram received from Manila thi morning announced the death of Maj. John A. Logan, Jr.. of this city. Th remains will b brought home on th transport Sikh. Mrs. Logan, widow ot Major Logan, is completely prtrated over tb death of her husband, and her physicians will not allow her to be seen. She had expected to spend th winter with her children in the South of France, and was preparing to leave for Europ when th cablegram announcing Major Logan's death was re ceived. Mrs. Logan has received th following teleip-am from President McKinley: It is my painful duty to eonvey to you the sad inteliigencwof th death of ytxir husband, while gallantly leading his bat talion in the charge at San Jacinbk His splendid qualities as a soldier and high enurag on the fighting line have given him place among the heroic men of the war, and it will be soma consolation to you to know that ha died for his country on th field of honor. Yon hav in this trying hour for yourself and children tbe sincere sympathy of Mrs. MeSinley and myeif." Chas tf th Bebels pt 7p. Ma-vila, P. L Nov. 20. Gen. Mac Arthur's recoBQouwance entered Ddga pan this afternoon. The Americans found that no insurgents had been there for four days. The Thirty-third infantry was prolDiy tn tugupan yeaieruay leaving last nieht. No irsureents hav been seen anywhere near the railroad. Thirty insurgent?, a Oder a major, es caped from Bayambacg yesterday about It m:nuts betire the Americans eutereu. Others threw their euas into th river and now play the role of ainigox. Maoy Spanish prisoners, escaped from the F'li pirn -a, are at Bavambang, amorg them th firmer governors of the provinets of Turlae and Ztm bales. There is al qnit a larye colony of former insurgent r.tficxers mllected at that point, including Maj. Ortix, who atel as interpreter for tbe Filipino commisoion. headed by Gen Alejaoorino, which visited Manila in September. Ortix has donned theainigo clothing and announces that he has a ban cioned th insurrection. Th Spsniard- Kay that the new insurgent capital i 3enget, and that the A merican prisooer are at Camiiin. They report having seen Lieut. G il more and his party ia the north Gen. Wheeler has decided not to ret art for Congress. H is writing a letter tr President McKinley. with a reqaest that t be forwarded to the House of Rep (tentative. H said to-day : "Congress, if it occupies the first dj of the session in pass-ng a resolution de elArirg in unmistakable terms thatth sovereignty of the United States is to b maintained in tbe Philippine, thus dit peilicg Aguinaldo's delusion that the anti-imperialists can assist him, will be performing a sacred duty. Such a reso lution would save the lives of many American soldieta and of thousands ot deluded Filipinos, would avert famine, suffering and desoUti:n from these inlands and would render unnecessary the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars." rnsBaiiy-C3itdatad Tar via Ptaaiyl vaaia Sailrsai. SEASON OF 19-1900. Th Pennsylvania Railroad Company announces the following Personally-Conducted Tours for the season cf 11S3 and 13D0 : Mexico and California A forty five- day tour will leave New York. Phiiadel phi, Harrisburg, aud Pittsburg, Februa ry 1-1. Fourteen days will be spent in Mexico and eighteen in California Th party will travel over the entire roots by th "Mexico and California .Speciai," the finest train that crosses ths continent. Florida. Four tours to Jacksonville will !-vt New York and Philadelphia January ii, February 6 and 20. and Match Tbefirct three cf these admit of a aoj. tarn of two weeks in the "Flowery Stat." Ticket for tb fourth tour will be good to return by regular trains a ntil May 3L, lH Tickeu for th above tours will be sold fnxn-ail principal points on th Penn sylvania Railroad. For detail! itinera ries giving rates and fall information, address Thos. E Watt, Passenger .Vzent Western District. PUuburg; R. Cour- laender, Jr Passenger Agent Baltimore Di-tlriet, BAitimore; C. Htudds, Pamea- ger Ageut S.Mlheaitern District. Wash ington ; or Geo. W. Boyd. AwiUtant Gen eral Patstnger Agent, Philadelphia. Ko4y tarisoily lick. KaS4.vsCitt. Mo, Nov. 17. Dwia-Ut L Moitdy, the evangelnt, who has been preaching her to tUooands nightly is broken ia health and suturing from an iflcctiou of th heart. His engagement here was cut abort, and to night he in en rout for his home at NorthnXd, Mans., traveling in a sperial eartrovided by tbe committee of churchmen who brought Mr. Moody to Kan-tut City, and are going over the Wabatb, by way of Cbkag and Bun'al'K Il is admitted Isat Mr. Moo!y's condi tion is serVxis, tlxxig'i wbeo he was seen at his hiel shortly before being taken to tha railway t-itioa h expressed tha beiief that his condilioa wm not s rioa i. H stated that he was feeling very weak, and ad-Jefl: I have had trouble with my heart for a znid many years, but I never felt weak as I do now. There pi nothing alarming sboct my condition, I believe.' Dra k Gra'ia 0 I z"DPni xcelenc and aUrctivenews. after yon have concluded that yoo eoght ' Ir leme0t Building. cooUining a not io drink o (Tee. It is not a medinne niarvelis dwplay c.( f ir.n m,rhinery. is Wit dsr order it, rcane it is health- psrticulary interesting to agricHlturiMts ful tov.goratirx and sprtixing. It is Th band e.ceru sod divsnins-mid-msda fnn Dure irra na mH h.. ih.t .ll. lln mi.J- acwl bmwn color and taiUMt iike the 0n- st rrad- of eass and erim about 1 m mora. Children lik it and thriva on it bewns it is a rriuin vt drink ono- tstninp roth're hot wnori Boumt. Ask yoor frrr ffr Grains), tas cew Ibod, lianliic. war T3X laru wnr. Kultary Xxjart XakM a Cam yariiea later- I teas Kaadsrs Caa Isaaily Uadantaaa. j Waskivtov. D. C. Nv. l "la order to eriticia inte'ligently th miiita j ry situation in South Africa,' sai I a high mil.tary authority yesterday, "and to ap ! pwnat th rwwons r the eompsrativ- ly sai il Mxns of tb Briiinh arms up w thii d;it, it is nwvwary to aa-ieTsiAod th luimens dil3calus and peculiar naturs of th probieta involved. A larg sectuin cf th Amerieaa press gaeralUes tii war as aeootli-.t between a great miii- tary power aud two small rspn bites strug- ; for their in dependence rawung inh lo deuinMratd t'u-U th baJ-tnca f S4tvantag. io a military aens up to tha pr-imrtit. has been uu tbe idd of ths two ui.-til republi-!. To girs tbe ordinary AnierU-an rea.ler afiridt of th ujUiUu-J problem aud the i n rueosa distance and diiSouIlits iu voived. I make tns following eompari scn: LetU be supposed that the terii fcirie of New Mexico aod Oklahoma wer to revolt against the United Slaie gov ern mtct, and were to rjegin ovsrnn ing th SMMtern portion of TexAs. Lt as further suppos that th population of la- territories is constituted very much as at present ia numbers, and that it con sists, as U does, of hardy cowboy and rinchers, well mounted and pecuiiariy proiijient in the use of the rids and front ier warfare. Lot it be supposed th:ilth territories had been preparing for this revolt for at least ton years; had Ei rupean o! to InHtnict them in mili tary tactics and had procured an immense supply of all the latest munitions of war ia th shape ot magazine rid, heavy siege gun, q-iick firing field guns and Maxim machine guns ; and th peopl of tha surrounding statas wore to a great extent friendly to tha revolt and were secretly aiding and abetting it ; also that the colored population of the South was in an excited and dangerous fram of miad. Then, suppose, that th only regular federal troops available to sup press this revolt consisted of about 12,000 regulars stationed at Fort Worth, Tx., aud about 9,10 at New York. Also sup pea that the only available ports fir dis embarking reinforcements are at New Orleans and San Francisco. Then re mov th headquarters of th United States government and its executive ma chinery as far away as Berlin; and. ac cepting all the above suppositions, eon eeiv ths difficulty of speedily suppress ing th revolt. "This comparison is fair and moderate, and gives some id as of the diiSculties which have been confronting ths British government np to the present time in dealing with th Trausvaal and Orange Fre State repablics. Geo. White's small force of 10,000 or UOOO men was confronted with th task of preserving th colony of Natal from invasion from two sides by an enemy three or four times its superior in numbers. Under those circumstances he has done remarkably well in indicting severe punishment upon the invaders, in maintaining his position at Ladymitb ag-iinnt enormous od is, and from a strategic atandpoint In de taining th bulk of tb B-er army atone point, while preparations for attacking them in other directions are made. Many oftiirfbest military experts feared that aw force would b uneqial to his task, and thtt th Bers would be able to anni hilate iiiiu aod completely overrun Natal before reinforcements could arriv from E inland; but he has disproved these not unreasonable foreboding, and now the tide of success will probably turn sgAinst ti Boers. With 3).0rt reinforcements already arriving in Suth Africa, frjin n )w on the British will be in an increas ingly favonbl situation and their ulti mate triumph only a matter of time.' 5w llama. The announcement that Vice President Hobart will not retnrn to his official duties in Washington amires a vacancy in tbe presiding chait of the Senate for the third time in about 18 years. Senator Frye, of Maine, who has for someyesrs txwn president pro tempore will call tha Senat to order, and without further ie:tion will be entitled to retain the office for tha remainder of President Mr- Kinley's adminUcratioo, unless tbeScn a'e votes other ise. Miss Lola PurtaiD, wha marrug v Senator John M. Thurton. of Ne braska, is announced from Washington, is a daughter of Former-Representative I. W. Pnrman, who, as a young nan oracticed law at Lork Haven, Pa. Mr. Purman enlisted in tb Union Army in Pennsylvania. After th War he settled a'. Tallahassee. Fla., where, twenty seven vears ago, the prospective brid wai bom. Her father served in th Forty fifth and Forty sixth Congresses. He sHjiiired considerable notoriety ia liTii in connection with th Electoral vote of florid. The Republi-ans accused him of giving th votes to Tilden, while fc Toned as a Republican. He is now living a retired life in Washington. Judge Colt, in tb United States eir cuit court at B mtou, has decided that an employe of a railroad injured while riding on a pass given him by tbe corporation, even if it wss part of compensation for his services, could not recover damages. The cas waa that of C. A. v citny. a taggngemaster. against th New York. New Haven aod Hartford railroad. The plaintiff claimed he was seriously ir jur- s 1 in a wreck on May 7, l-Oi, and sought ti recover .,0M damages. Gen. Frlerick Fanston was tha guet t the Knife and Fork club st Kansas City. Friday night. Responding to I toast, he said h was not a hero, only for tun ate, and that he had received the major portion of the honor that belonged to his men. Th caruea of officers who have done braver deeds In th Philip pines, he said, never got into th papers. A deed of conveyance was Monday placed on file, transferring from Admiral eorge Dewey to Mrs. Mildred Dewey. his wife, the property, 1747 Bhods Island avenue, in ssbington. which wa pro moted to him by popular subacriptioa, A. nominal consideration was named m tbe instra ment. Lady Salisbury, wife of tha British Premier, who h4 been ill since last July, when ah suffered a second stroke of paralysis, died Monday a.1ernooiv She was a daughter of the lata H.n. Sir Edward Hall Aldersoo, a baron of the exchequer, and was married to tb Mar quis of Salisbury in 1.C7. IPZCI1L ZXH 31353 ja aiU.DEL- psii. accouit watioiai, n?oai rxpojiTioi. Lew Sates via Pcaaiylvaaia Sailrsaa. Th Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged for special excursion istes to Philadelphia on October and 2 Novembers and it, account National Ex port Exposition. Round trip tickets, good to ret om within ten days, including day of issu-v will be sold on above dates front ait points on th Pitlaharg Division, Moaongahel IH vision. West Pennsylva nia Division. Cambria aod Clearfield Di vision. Aitoora Division, Tyrone Di- visfoo (except Lx k Haven). Middle Di vision, Bedford Division, and Frederick Division (except York. Heliam. ami Wrightsville), and from all points on the Philadelphia, Wilmington an.1 Ealtimore Railroad, at rat of aingl for tb round trip, plua admission to th Exponi tioa (no rat less than one dollar). For specific rates appiv to Ticket Agents. Th National Export Exposition has I . cA.-Mutrm iu tn zteut i and variety of Its exhibits, and In !r "r"auui cuwruinmiml fcr alL Mr &l-ard Uoover, fiwat -r of th lata Frank Countryman, will w!l at pri vate or pohlie a! on Satardtv. r-m-tf 21,'eight town loU on Uravtl ljui. rraaklia's forsaigit. BenjAinio Franklin. whr died to I7i, bequeathe.1 fmt tmch to Boston and Philadelphia, wita directions that th money, in charjc of board r.f trustee", sbisild be pl.-l at interest for l' yesr, and th accumulation th.n dev4d to a public purpat, whi:h ha drir.ed in a general way.' The ft mum find now amounu to IVrD.Om', and th truU pr p. to ereit im a lesding tr-t a build ing to cimbu: th sdvanUg" of lh People s Palace il London ar.d Cooper Institute In New York. It planned to Include a hiM a-ating 2,W, to whu-li th great B t on orrva will b re-uoveo'; public lavaiorims a reading rorwn wber smoking will be allowed; realiog roo- for wooisn and ehilirsn; a rix. for U 1 nieetiig; cla.nia Sr in tm li-'O; permanent exhibit of s.-to.i aa I art, and a branch tf th public library. Franklin's intention will b thoroughly rc;dixi ia B-too- riarl Hart Tr. Pfc.oK.vix. Arii, Nov. Id Pearl Uart, th alijre.I woman ban.i.t, who was eharg-.! with holding op a stag near Florence, was acquitted list night. She a idressed th jiry in her own defen and pla.le-I passionately for fr? lom that she might return to ToIJ. Ohi, to se her fast failing mother. Immediately after her acquittal th wo.nn was re-arrested, eharg-nl with Interfering with United States mailj aa l will b tried agai o. A resident cf Atlanta ha presented to Admiral Dewey an autograph letter writ ten by Admiral Farragut, in hich oe eursh phrase: Tha young Dewey Is a very promising chap." What a Little Faith Did F02 5IS. ROCltWELL. imu to aa mii so. .&I I tvas a great sufferer from female weakness and had no strength. It waa impossible for me to attend to my household duties. I had tried every thing acd many doctors, but found no relief. " My sister advised me to try Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which I did; before using all of on bottle I felt better. I kept on with it and to my great surprise I am cured. All who suffer from female complaints should give it a trial. " Mas. Rock well, lion S. Prvrsios St., Goaj.d Rapids, Mich. froaa a Grateful 5cvark Wsaaaaw "When I wrote to yon I was very sick, had not been well for two years. The doctors did not seem to help me, and one said I could not live three months. I had womb trouble, falling, ulcers, kidney and bladder trouble. There seemed to be snch, a drawing and barn Leg pain in my bowels that I could not rest anywhere. After nsiag Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and Sanative Wash and follow ing your ad-rice, I feel well again and stronger than ever. Mj bowels feel aa if they had been made over new. With many thanks for your help, I remain, L. G., 71 Aas St., Niwabk, . J." . TTn : DUllitj-ulGlltlU UU. rrtr Af. J UK I 1 Camels Hair Plaids We have j-is't receive'! some beautiful iiew Camel Hair skirt.- and" children's Some neat email patterns) others the new bold effects. A large ran?: of colorings to choose from, 50o, loc and $1.2.5 a jard. We alio hare some very handiome Valour plaids, ea- peciallj suitable for children's dressea. Write for samples. 223 Fuii Atzzi 2, riT7wX7&3. i JEGISTER'3 NOTICE. Notlee Is htvby Iven to all prsons eon ermi as le-us. rnslirnrs oroiherwise.thaf tne Mtowing accounts have paiwel rristr. arxl tbe srnne wilt he pn-vnMst f-ir rnn rtmiHHin and aihwanee alan urphana'Coan to be held at Somerset. Pa., oa Wednesday, December 13, 1899: f rt mnd final aeetMint nt James Hetaet, ai-m'nisLnu-f f (ier3 Heie. rte''l f-lrvt aal final frnmnt f Fncwia Bran, iwlmiaisuutur aad TrusUeof MauiUa Kama, d-cM First and nsl mrnant nt Ellas J. fw-hmrk and Wiliinm K. Cook, admiauitratort of John te.-r;rori. d.-e-d First and BonI vmnat of Alfred Kapp, ad ministrator of .Ita a Knpp dr'tl. First and Orml acrounr nt Riram and Albert B"lt, administrator of Philip rWs-H. did. First and dual tmmnl of '. H. Konata. Ex). adminUtntor c t. a. of Etwio Waiwn. d-d. First and flnnl acroant of T M G'lir. aiiintstratrixof J H. Mis ;iirwWd, who w-tm th xssmirof Tlrm:M Pne-. itd. First and (inl arrtiunt nt ntMiw E. I-hd- eastar. administrator if SimiH P. lauvM, "'. who vs roardian of Ljstli. Atl-rt and SiMli i'onnwir and nt iwis Bnrn worth. minor etuiarrti of Emma Barnworth. Firstand B ml mwntii H'rarn H. WsMe. admictstrabir of Jam . Au-hissL is-'J. First arrtNinf -f Jinm W. stbvrt, ad mints trsrof J. I. w. s-ifi, ds--d. First snd ons.1 iwxint of Valentine H-y. Ej , admloutntnr bonis noo rum tesla- bwi uia of TnomM Price, dee'd FTmasd Stmt aramnt of E. M. and John W. Lamor-ft. admiaunalan of .-n.ow bun. hrrt, dnr d. Firstand Bna.1 arroont of IIK Flk-k and lyres MtsnmiT timton nt tbe hst wul and mfamotit of Tsavtd Phillint-l. r-A First and nasi ammnt of 3. i Harjrr. ri. Firs and nnal ars-'unr of William Winters, adntinlstrahw of Joan H. Zi-anM-rnua. dtsr'd rlrst and final vmunl of Fnrd kimiu. ad- namiatnuor of ilarj im c. Kiiso. dee'd. SoraerstPa. J A il E.S M. Xov. Li, sjs. EUter. Fdrm For Sale. A verr dsi rahU" firuin si.-wk m.nA t ram rnniaininc II mrr. aiuai i is m riar Baiaixv rio-imi iimtcr. ritaae on mil w-s of Sulphur Sprtmc rttatlnn on th P. R. K .a rssl trtni kmu hank nra inn ouioaiiuinrs nvr-atl in rnn. of vxevilvnt wslrr. Icrm-t Ra-suBabie. Fur artuer paruci)las at-irs. Maaa'a cliuteo, Bdforit Luwatv, Fa "OTICE TO dTOCKHOLDEPsS. .otirwiabmnsr riven rrt In nwnnba vnn uw rvnuirvnaeuunf Iu t'rmrtrr n-l B Laws. trwanniwl mmint nt th .stockhold ers of tUr PlusoaTh and 1'onnvllsvilic Rij mad Tonipanv will ts tn-!d at iUfmml otBc rnr--iiithllid and V'aMr strvru. In in euy of Pittahurxn, Pa .00 M.-m-lav. Inmlji-r 4. lc. at .1 o'rlork a. n . kr tniwtto of a Burd of to arv fcrr trxr cnsaina yar. and t th Iniwrtina of sa.-ti other ban: urss aa amy be bronh' tTvtri- mi. J. B. w'AUINciTi.X. Sscrvtary. txromrAWT to Asrrrnsn. Th ereara of tha eoojtrr papers U tmnd In Sonington's Coast Seat Iiata hre4 advettLwrs avail themselrea of theaa hsta, copw cf which caa ha baa of eminS) Braa, of Sew Tork k Rttabarg-. Cures Drunkenness. eeley Cures Users. ff KEELEY !lnA WSTITHTE, Ul a rti, r-s aw re , rir&Mis,ra "Thz'Bestis the Cheapest tf Experience thai cccd clothes vueaf longest, good f cod gives test nutrition, and a. good medicim that cures disease is naturally the best and cheapest. Hood s Sarsaparilla is the best medi cine money can birj, because it cares iv hen all ethers fail. Peer Health "Kid poor htth far ygirs, pains in sfuxaJers, bAck nd hips. koH'i constant htiJicht. ierjoasnts3 and no Mpptde. Used Hood's SdnjLpsrZt. gaintd strength nd can nr htrd J duy: tii hejriZy .td ilttp saZ. took 3 becsas H fulped my hushdnd io whem foe sirt$h." Xru . J. Gxfftls, iloost Lix. J&m. MCCcfo Sauapailfl Hwi'ff K i Is ran ttrmr Ulstfee nwSB-Wrltxtln n4 New Goods. 1533 PACK, Now arriving daily at oar "Head-ioarters Storr." Coo d tern and shelves loaded down with now Flg-v Evaporatetl Fruits, Prone. Raima. Meat. Cleanel Currants, and Seeded Raisin. Wa ars jot recetv infoor Fail Packed Canned (iooi. Our lin will be the best seiectad aud cocsista of ths ireatest assortment ever shown on thia market. Xothing but the very best bramii do w handle. OUR STtX"K w alway kept moving, bei-ause oar trade ia U.'tf", on aceoant of having the BEST of everything in our line and sailing it at PRICE- as low a yon are ake-l tr giwd not equal in quality. OLR FLOCR ROOM ia always stock ed wtth the highest gradea cf Fionr. PiiUbury'a Bwt and Porter's B are our leiiilen, and they are winners. Try them, you will bave no others. We want 500 tons straight timothy hay. Can load in any part of the county. Write or eall to tee na. Apples, Potatoes, Wheat and Oats are also waniL Y'9! We are Headquarters Yoor trade, correspondence and call solicited. FrtK Seasonable Cut Ffcwers, Foiled Planb also all kinds of Artistic Floral Design ran be furnished on short notice. Bel Telephone at oar store. Adof Sinhl. FlrUt jQhnstotnt, Pa. OF Vakath R31V Estats By virtue of an ordr issued oot nt th Or prutos' lonrt of .-s,rsvrsr4 eimntv. Pa . ss di rvrtrd. we will etpose ! puUoe or pnvali siliroo tb prvro-srs. hi .-sMiyrrs-k lousiiip. sKiimn ronnty. r Law me prop-rty uiuira h. Miliar, dve'd, oa SATlIRflAY. DFf!. 9. 'QQ --, t AT I OXLOCK P. M. the fuilowtng dsrritwd real estate : A certain tnwt of land air.uate In Stony crv township. ;oniersel coancy. P . ad Joining land of DaiuWs,i;nmcr. EphrsJir t.rrvnL. w ill bun ,isaor. Jacto lsnr i aJ via xsHt. hd tilM and Howard Vtienr i-onbtiaicr sevnly-svii avrra niore or Wtm Thisiaa drsirabt pronrty In food eul'.lva- !Ho. ttuiiuinics in (uul repair. Terms : Cash. Powsfcfaw glvea April U t'W. U p cent, oc purcuasc m-mcy to psii down. t'A TH RI K MILLEH. SijKM E. M I Li.tR. Adm'nof s uUm U. Mun-r, dee'd PULI2 SALS IrvMa ret,--! By virtue of an order of sale Usocd out 04 trie Orp ruins' Lou ruin and r .fcMncrset run ty. Pa, u tae and-ri(nc1 Jir. od mere wil ae exposca to sum by pubue outcry, on SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1899 At ens o'clock P. M on th pis-misrs in Rirx i-rsT-AlVv townshin simmrt riMintv, Pa toe oi'win dnrnistl rvml isiLste lute tno property of V uilaai I'nu, aw a, via: Alt that certain traet of hind aitaat In BroinersTaiiey townaoio. !Hwr coanty P adj.wmna- lands of Frarkin iker rmroa - naiad, w at tt. rnta, J r.. ana otni-rs eoocainin one hendred and Orusna ii-l acr nvics k mss. h v nx tar-joj erect eu a oa. ana a nail story fr-une Dwelling House, and other oathnildlna-a. TLis h a verv desir bie pWce of property, with a war ntssp ot luKiiiv im-u, anoutToacmetHared and it ftn-i cultivation, oaltuKv a su-r (nxv. CK-nd. also time aton two niust Piiv Hul. w ruoU au-miug cooiaianiiy. well w-atereu. etc Terms : OncHhlrd of pnrrhaaa ntoncw to isshIi as a uen apoa tne premises .is dower, ths- in teres thereof to 0 paid to alixa I n'i w mUiw snnoaily.itadat ar desca to the beira and legal n-po-sencatives of VI' .n. Krlu dee'd. one-third ta band oa of aaJeand omeMJi rd In one year (rem eiwilnmuoa ot sale wita intere-4. Ten percent, of tae entire hkhuj u be asud witea nropertv Knucaest dowa. . m rnrrz. n pturz. dBo"rs and Trustees of Wat Fnta. doa'd fori (i R. cssM.t. Atlurney. Safuerket. Pa. 4. At tne same ttioe and pi-tca tbe ad iuiimr-urwiiiviui vujpr aeeirs and sa-par water stands. g V f Dyvirtnovaaorier oriale issued oat of ine i -rpnsu i oan n soniMset euonty Pa to the andenicrM-d directed. tiM- wiU be a posed to sule by pun ic outcry, oa THURSDAY, NuY. 23, '99, At I 'clock P. M, at tbe I -sari Hoaae. In Hoi att bonran, f-n. rv. - iBiaut. cate tn property of UaUnew Henry, dee'd. via - Alt that certain kit of mnJ i,n.r . b.coih of otiiloenes.. Somerset eoanty. Pa, on Loan Place street on uvs uiiu . . . exteodm bac of euaaJ shltu LI M to a w T,!W,,d oa to east by hit of Mrs. thr,, er-ted a .w. JT,-. nrtirs; 4 w-liiur ifk! or nun Ti,i. i MraUe buaiaeaa locatltia. Terms : Cwh oa vHflr-rr tisai -f is. -r M c1"' -j at mkmi down John K Sct. . ";jlttr Attmer.Somcrvet.a. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. la the estate of Ellas llanac A- rhSir.'!5?-d3'T PtsI aodltor by , Orpnans' ourt-4 tsusucrset count v a a .strtboti.m of IhV? aa IT: Z admmtatrtoe of U s-se estatfc, Im aiM, UMise icrailv eotickd there. V" wl nereby etven f tast I will i ZZ Hay A lUy. la tne tmrrmxt, of rrZ-il COOK BEEBTS valnaDle Real Estate STJ3? PLUMBING If You Want the Best IN RASGES or UC -a Caa. 4 J-iVV aw V AUCl VuUij fc-- Q grxhid, thea call aal exaasmc onr compTcte stock, ia.hs(tj ia the foUo-wbg: Garlands. J LI aj est ics, Coumfaians, All guaranteed to give ar.d at pic (S tc .L , j ranging from $7.C0 to loOX'O. Call and eiamine. j?; P. A. 1 1847 i WHEN IN WANT g ICALS AND PHAEMACY. 408 sMain Srett, Somerset, Pa. Our stock is complete. All goals guaranteed. Our Specialties: - Fine Box Stationery, "Aloha" Brand. 5 Delicto s Confections in Ori jinal Packajji lE Sparkling Ice-Cold Sou a pure and refresh::: 3 g vfiih. a nurnero'75 variety of Savors. 3 Irnptortedand Domestic Brands of Cigars cozstartlj H on hand. G. W. BENFORD, Manager. et Public station fcr Locff Dintanc Telephone to all p-Mirj ; s U. S. Rates motlerata. Saaday pay station as Hotel Yau&eur. s vimiu-imiuimuimi ' miu&i&i tt WRITE US." Ws SsH ETthiaj Tea Us3 Send Postal El t top-soap, twiat-daiiii baireL rshocillii bas action Ux-ka, pistol ttuca. czanuleil nU, n-.tro Incit pins, parent ure-end. awes butx pusot. euciuw nammera. U (auat. Nutius dfenti equaia n air ia Boner. Ttua jacket maiie S tar ties kmjt. (mm 3iis heary ail wsit Boaeie eiL-ca or ail wish Meruit; rulurs. uav or buat-fc; e ffl dsep L-ina"of aamwcluth: liaeii UirouKnuut witn tner- sk K I j j I eenxeil jnict Remaraaaiy weli siaue auU warm. Ijiuy w W wn Sttr Muicu pa ea pressure, semi oa caeft wita order and ws will rerumi fix mj ti ywi are Dot ssiisdett with tama. 1( frM thina triers ia any ra at ttut, s-ni us i.i aa ciaraiibsf of rust faitii aiui we will naui tAJua aos aruiea C. U. &. s-.ta pc. l atrt oi eiammaiirm e tefw Is HaMieas Katiaw Bawk. PittaBare. PITTSBURG COMMERCIAL CO.. Dept.C. S3M-S33 weod Street. FUtMbar. Pw. THIS SPACE RESERVED FCR 1AHESB. holders; UM. & HEATING, COOKING ST0VF.5 :Ut u ! SCHELL, 1 J OF PURE DRUGS, CKv. V TOILET ARTICLES. " crWear at Wfcsiasis Pdca: far Our Catalogue. jtei.iit. out enoo ss vm. CLOTHINfi. 1LUaf. 'C We wU seil rnx tlu line 'taabia- ;"v-, barrc-e-i shot run SI2.00 & B, Speial lut of the Best black dres goods eser suM lor : 35: El inch aij wool sum chvin(e-M fiaiao, spl'.uaij weaves. SeuJ i r plea. YOUR CHRISTMAS MONEY Will work woo.Jers here-acil S tot a bit tern early fir you to tak 3 eonsiieratiim what extrauniiaary 099 tsaltj hers to chooee. Cboiow jilt irsvls rt every tr7" asefiji and unsil f.nxlsof ih beuf Such eztens e lines a aeverxk' is tbe histivy of the store. Avail yourself of these mail helps 6w yoor tilt selecting. page illustrated Dry o-i R.wi n . . .r .;... ta adr fviw e . J ' ' . - . - . - area and prices of holiday jsxia, ".a also and hare as send yu "Holiday G'ova Tips. A yard of XmasiHandkerchteV ' B3od$ far Man." and tpeviai Bwk Catalyse. You'll dad aJvanUf'S in ths wrre propared to please y-.ur prefcrrf BOGGS & BUHL DEPARTMENT X" Allegheny, Pa. THE AXD HEALING CURE FOR CATARBH CATARRH IJ&& wsi BT - aw. Ely sCrcam Bali EaT an J cleaaanl ic;irwua(irnw. It ta an irk 1 w h orbed. Uivea'isl:f "bed. .ad.f fc.,' lfl nTpsnaaaaCOLDH 1 ft :r at ' iwimi tow asai rari-- ri r. 1 i ts :a -t . . ... . ft v ..ftrf Smell. Larwejiiae. V.-enLsatDn.n Or hr math Trial !. t' r b ELY BROTH KRS. Warren rsew lora. A CDITOR-S NOTK'E. H-oharft' Cxwrt heitl st -SJIW4: 1" wn in ista l-t !. oa " Walker, taw aatiersixned w crsJlj amtitor to mat a durtr buuon ftvtratoes of Uwrre W. -'- '-, Z eesilale buruuvo. dee'.l. ! s-e w Cs,e Mis' lutioft ia uu uhm m w " , .-ii ami ato.rr- trxst- texs.IT eBti!jeJj berebji (sea osKiee llw Be tnuea.ftf Uwarsnre iibihis'OI- ". W1I, . eftiiie . Iwt. S.r a, I-sm. at his o" ';nrlnt 189011 - in - ir. a- A-L, O.H W, Adito. tenwtssi tsaa aUetU tf r-- '- I